NM Daily Lobo 113010

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

Wikileaks’ drama see page 4

November 30, 2010

tuesday The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Witness: Drunk fan groped Lobo Lucy

by Shaun Griswold and Laurel Brishel Prichard news@dailylobo.com

A drunk fan allegedly groped mascot Lobo Lucy at a home football game against TCU on Saturday, according to a UNMPD report. Daniel Candelaria witnessed the incident and said he and a friend called police 15 minutes after Anthony Chavez walked up to the mascot for a photo, posed with his right arm around Lucy and allegedly groped her breast, according to the police report. He said the woman in the Lobo Lucy costume will pursue charges against Chavez. “I was more in shock that the whole thing happened. I stood there stunned,” Candelaria said. “The general consensus was, ‘Did that just really happen?’ He basically thought it was a kick for him, and when Lucy pushed him he stumbled when he was pushed away.” Witnesses said the man was intoxicated when he approached the 18-year-old female student who was dressed as Lucy during the game. They said she was posing for photos with children and giving high fives before Chavez came down to the north end zone and allegedly groped the mascot.

Lobo Lucy entertains fans during a basketball game last season. The woman inside the Lobo Lucy costume was allegedly groped by an intoxicated fan during the last football home game against TCU on Saturday, according to UNMPD. Vanessa Sanchez Daily Lobo

see Lobo Lucy page 3

Provost puts degree programs on chopping block DE

S P E R ATE ti m e s

by Ruben Hamming-Green rhamminggreen@gmail.com

Eight UNM degree programs are in danger of being cut after the Provost’s Office flagged them for possible removal in an effort to reduce costs. Deputy Provost Richard Holder said the programs were selected based on a set of characteristics.

“Academic degree programs were evaluated for up to 15 characteristics, such as number of majors, has the number declined by 10 percent or more, number of degrees granted, total number of credit hours produced, etc ...,” he said. “Programs that had negative values for five or more of these characteristics were flagged for further review.” Russian, Russian studies, an education degree in chemistry, Portuguese, a joint economics and philosophy degree and a master’s in Portuguese are on the chopping block, as well as a Ph.D. in French

studies and Latin American studies. Departments have until January to appeal, and Holder said the Faculty Senate will vote on the cuts during the spring semester. Before any cuts will be made, Holder said, benefits and downsides will be weighed, and departments have an opportunity to protest degree program cuts. He said the amount that could be saved by cutting the programs hasn’t been determined, as well as whether professors and classes would be cut. “These data would be identified in the more complete study now underway for each flagged program,”

Holder said. “We are a long way from deciding if any one of these will be cut. If that were to happen, currently enrolled students would be allowed to finish.” Natasha Kolchevska, chair of the foreign languages department, said four years ago that the Russian and Russian Studies faculty had five teaching professors but it now has two, and students pursuing the two degrees dropped from about 20 students to about 12. “We’re already down to bare bones because the college has not given us the resources to have an

adequate staff,” she said. “The reason this major has been falling is not because of the lack of interest, but because of lack of resources. If you have any pretensions to any international depth you have to cover Russia and Eastern Europe.” Anthony Cardenas, a Portuguese professor, said the Portuguese degree program isn’t expendable. “We have probably one of the better Portuguese programs in the country,” he said. “I think that by the time we’re done with our investigation ... it would be insane to get rid of the Portuguese program.”

UNM officials, students come together for the DREAM by Sofia Sanchez sanchez@unm.edu

More than 20 students gathered in support of the DREAM Act on Monday afternoon in hopes of convincing the government to allow students whose parents came to the U.S. illegally into higher education and the military. Project for New Mexico Graduates of Color (PNMGC), along with other student groups, organized the rally, and a phone blitz will take place throughout the week. Rep. Martin Heinrich and Sen. Jeff Bingaman each support the bill and sent representatives to Monday’s rally, said Christopher Ramirez, project assistant for the

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 115

issue 68

Office for Equity and Inclusion. “We are lucky in this state because we are celebratory about this act while people in other states are still demanding their rights,” Ramirez said. “We are able to have our delegation recognize not only the work that students have done but acknowledging education.” Students will call New Mexico Delegation members who promised to vote on the bill. The national legislation would allow undocumented students to remain in the country if they earned a high school diploma or the equivalent, don’t have criminal records and spent two years in a university or the military, according to OpenCongress.org.

UNM President David Schmidly and acting president Paul Roth sent a joint statement to the rally supporting the bill. Breda Bova, the President’s Office chief of staff, said the president supports the bill because it would give a better life to students struggling for education in America. “We gladly proclaim the University of New Mexico’s support of the Development Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act. New Mexico has taken the lead in giving all students the opportunity to aspire to a better life and now it is time for the country to take action on behalf of its students. We urge congress to take swift and decisive

American prisoners in Iran

Are you a sudoku dork?

See page 2

See page 7

action in passing the DREAM act,“ she said. According to PNMGC, about 65,000 immigrant students graduate each year from U.S. high schools and are uncertain about their future. The DREAM Act would help students who were brought to the U.S. illegally as young children. To qualify, aspiring students must have been in the U.S. before age 16 and be of “good moral standing.” The bill would allow individuals to enlist in the military, attend college and gain eventual citizenship. Twelve universities around the country have supported passing the DREAM Act, according to

PNMGC’s Lead Project. “Now we have administrative leadership saying we support the DREAM Act, we support students, and other universities should see this as model of how other presidents should act,” said Eric Castillo, lead project assistant for PNMGC. Student Natalia Gurule said the bill will allow immigrant students to contribute to the country’s growth. “I wholeheartedly support the DREAM Act,” she said. “If you have a student with potential who has been in the country for an extended period of time, why not give them a chance to become something?”


42 | 21

PageTwo Tuesday, November 30, 2010

UNMPD responds to

domestic violence incident On Nov. 24, UNMPD responded to a call about a possible battery and disturbance near Yale Boulevard and Central Avenue. The victim told police that her boyfriend hit her in the face while they were driving to an

appointment. When the couple arrived for the appointment, the suspect said if the victim did not make herself look presentable he would, “Beat the (expletive) out of her or kill her.” Police tried to gather information on the suspect in order to produce a criminal summons but were unsuccessful since the victim refused to give his first name. The victim told police that she had only just started dating

New Mexico Daily Lobo

crime briefs

the suspect but knew he drove a white Cadillac. Police told the victim how to get an Order of Protection, and the case is closed pending further leads.

Report: Women’s purse stolen, suspect arrested On Nov. 19, UNMPD responded

to a call about a possible theft at the UNM Hospital Subway restaurant. The victim told police that her purse was stolen while she waited to order her food. The purse contained prescriptions that the victim had just filled at the hospital pharmacy, the report said. The victim described the suspect as a Hispanic male in his 30s wearing a West Coast Chopper jacket, dark

shorts and white high-top sneakers. The Subway manager told police security tapes would be turned over to police to assist in arresting the suspect. Officers located the suspect in front of the emergency room. He admitted to stealing the prescriptions and was arrested.

Imprisoned Americans in Iran out of the loop by Patrick Condon Associated Press

MINNEAPOLIS — Two Americans held in Iran on espionage charges told their families during brief phone calls over the weekend that they haven’t had access to their lawyer and do not know what is happening in their cases, their families said Monday. Both calls came early Saturday and lasted about five minutes each. Shane Bauer called the cell phone of his mother, Cindy Hickey of Pine City, Minn., at about 6 a.m. Central time. Josh Fattal called his parents’ suburban Philadelphia home about an hour later. Hickey said her son sounded “strong but frustrated.” Fattal’s mother, Laura Fattal, said it was “joyous” to hear her son’s voice but that it also underlined her family’s heartbreak at his continued imprisonment. Both mothers said the men have few details of Iran’s case against them and haven’t been allowed to speak to their Tehran-based attorney for several months. “He said, ‘I have no idea what’s going on with my case, what’s happening with it,’” Hickey said. “I just told him that we’re working on this, to have faith that we’re going to do everything we can to get him home.” Iran has accused Bauer, Fattal and Bauer’s fiancé Sarah Shourd of espionage after they were arrested near the country’s border with Iraq in July 2009 during what their families say was an innocent hiking trip. Iran released Shourd on medical grounds this past September, and a trial in Iran is scheduled for Feb. 6. Shourd, who lives in the San Francisco area, had arrived at the Fattal home on Friday for a short visit, and was able to speak briefly to Fattal during his call. Hickey and Laura Fattal said they believe, based on the calls, that their

Courtesy of US Iran Hikers Press TV American hikers Shane Bauer, left, Sarah Shourd, center, and Josh Fattal, sit at the Esteghlal Hotel in Tehran, Iran. The mother of one of three Americans jailed in Iran since last July said Thursday that the U.S. decision to allow an Iranian nuclear scientist to return home has given family members hope for the release of their loved ones. sons have become even more isolated since Shourd was released. They reported getting less time in the prison’s exercise yard, and that they had been getting few of the daily letters from family members after previously receiving most of them. Bauer and Fattal also stopped getting books mailed by their families, the mothers said.

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 115

issue 68

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

DAILY LOBO new mexico


Editor-in-Chief Pat Lohmann Managing Editor Isaac Avilucea News Editor Leah Valencia Assistant News Editor Shaun Griswold Staff Reporters Ruben Hamming-Green Chelsea Erven Alexandra Swanberg Online and Photo Editor Junfu Han

“The books and letters are important,” Laura Fattal said. “This is their lifeline — they exercise and they read.” The families had no direct prior warning about the phone calls, but were on what Laura Fattal called “high alert” after officials with the Iranian mission to the United Nations indicated earlier this month Assistant Photo Editor Robert Maes Culture Editor Chris Quintana Assistant Culture Editor Andrew Beale Sports Editor Ryan Tomari Assistant Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Copy Chief Elizabeth Cleary Opinion Editor Jenny Gignac

Multimedia Editor Kyle Morgan Design Director Nathan New Production Manager Kevin Kelsey Advertising Manager Antoinette Cuaderes Sales Manager Nick Parsons


So, What Can I Eat? Starts at: 12:30pm Location: LGBTQ Resource Center This presentation covers the basics of nutrition to introduce you to our essential nutrients and what we need them for and to help you out with what to eat throughout the day.

Al-Anon Peer Support Group Starts at: 4:00pm Location: Women’s Resource Center Friends and family members of those struggling with someone else’s drinking can find support in a safe and confidential environment.

that phone calls might be pending. Hickey said she kept her cell phone with her at all times as well as a notebook of things she wanted to talk about. Laura Fattal said her family made sure there was always someone around to answer the home phone when it rang. It was only the second time Bauer and Fattal called home, the first

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World Starts at: 5:30pm Location: SUB Theater Tickets are $2.00 for UNM Students, $2.50 for UNM Faculty/Staff, and $3.00 for the Public. For group rates call 277-4706.

Future events may be previewed at www.dailylobo.com

being last March. The last direct contact family members had with Bauer and Fattal was in May, when Hickey, Laura Fattal and Shourd’s mother were allowed to visit their children in Iran. Both mothers said they continue to hope that Iran will release both men on humanitarian grounds prior to the scheduled trial.

The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

Event Calendar

for November 30, 2010 Planning your day has never been easier! Placing an event in the Lobo Life calendar: 1. Go to www.dailylobo.com 2. Click on “Events” link near the top of the page. 3. Click on “Submit an Event Listing” on the right side of the page. 4. Type in the event information and submit!


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Tuesday, November 30, 2010 / Page 3

Northern NM hate crime charged under harsher law by Tim Korte

Associated Press FARMINGTON, N.M.— Three friends had just finished their shifts at a McDonald’s when prosecutors say they carried out a gruesome attack on a customer: They allegedly shaped a coat hanger into a swastika, placed it on a heated stove and branded the symbol on the arm of the mentally disabled Navajo man. Authorities say they then shaved a swastika on the back of the 22year-old victim’s head and used markers to scrawl messages and images on his body, including “KKK,” ‘’White Power,” a pentagram and a

graphic image of a penis. The men have become the first in the nation to be charged under a new law that makes it easier for the federal government to prosecute people for hate crimes. The case also marked the latest troubling race-related attack in this New Mexico community, prompting a renewed focus among local leaders on improving relations between Navajos and whites. The defendants are accused of violating the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act and could face 10 years in prison if convicted. The sentences could be extended to life if the

government proves kidnapping occurred. Federal prosecutors say they were able to bring the case because the 2009 law eliminated a requirement that a victim must be engaged in a federally protected activity, such as voting or attending school, for hate crime charges to be leveled. The law also expanded civil rights protections to include violence that is based on gender, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity. The swastika branding has also put the spotlight back on Farmington, a predominantly white

Border town bloodshed persists by Olivia Torres Associated Press

CIUDAD JUAREZ, Mexico — The Mexican army discovered several clandestine graves holding at least 18 bodies near a ranch in the northern border state of Chihuahua, authorities said Monday. Soldiers found the bodies over the weekend in the town of Puerto Palomas, across from Columbus, New Mexico, and informed police so they could oversee excavation of the graves, said Arturo Sandoval, a spokesman for the Chihuahua state attorney general’s office. The ages and genders of the victims had not been determined and the bodies were being sent to the coroner’s office in Ciudad Juarez. Police were searching for more bodies at the burial sites found along a dirt road, Sandoval said. Sandoval said federal police were trying to determine whether the victims were all killed at once or over time.

Lobo Lucy












chairman of the Navajo Nation Human Rights Commission and a participant in the signing ceremony. The signing was significant because it put into writing what both sides have long expressed. Negotiations took almost a year as the parties discussed wording and language. Navajo and city leaders agree race relations have improved dramatically since May 1974, when the beaten and burned bodies of three Navajo men were found north of town. Three white high school students were linked to the crime and sent to reform school, outraging the Navajo community.

Don’t Forget ...about the first ever Daily Lobo design contest. Go to our website and click on the “Daily Lobo Design Contest” link to download our flag.

Then redesign it. The deadline is Jan. 9. E-mail EditorInChief@DailyLobo.com for more information.

correction Contrary to what was printed in Monday’s “Players suspended following downtown brawl,” the name of Lotus Nighclub’s head of security is Chris Roybal, not Adam Roybal.

The Giving Tree

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Police detained Chavez and escorted him from the stadium. The Athletics Department did not comment on the incident. The Daily Lobo does not name victims of criminal sexual contact without their consent.

Ray Tarentino Sam Irons and the Blank Stares


4 ON


Officers found Chavez in the north concourse, and he said he had no contact with any cheerleader. After a witness identified Chavez, he admitted to taking a picture but denied inappropriate contact, according to the report.

Two Wheel Mondays



border from New Mexico and Texas, is one of the states most affected by drug violence and has recently seen an increase in the number of women leading police departments after men rejected the jobs out of fear. In Praxedis G. Guerrero, east of Ciudad Juarez, 20-year-old university student Marisol Valles Garcia was named police chief in October. Valles Garcia’s predecessor was shot to death in July 2009 and the town had no police chief until the young woman accepted the job. Two other municipalities near Ciudad Juarez, which is sits across the border from El Paso, Texas, have also sworn in women as police chiefs. In the Pacific coast state of Michoacan, gunmen killed the deputy police chief of the port city of Lazaro Cardenas, authorities said. Joaquin Garcia Gomez was at a gas station when assailants attacked him Sunday night, state prosecutors said in a statement Monday.

from page 1

Lamberto Armijo, another witness, said Chavez came back moments later, this time with two other friends and did the same thing. “I was in shock, but it pissed me off because she is my friend,” Armijo said. “She was pretty upset.”


Earlier this month, the bodies of 18 men who were kidnapped in Acapulco where they had gone on vacation were found in a mass grave outside the resort city. An alleged drug trafficker arrested last week in Mexico City told police he ordered the killings after mistaking the men for members of a rival cartel. Also in Chihuahua state, gunmen in two trucks chased and killed the newly appointed female police chief of the town of Meoqui on Monday. Hermila Garcia Quinones was driving to work when the attackers opened fire on her car, said Carlos Gonzalez, a spokesman for the state attorney general’s office. No one was arrested and no suspects were named. Garcia became police chief Oct. 9 after a new mayor took office. Garcia, a former prosecutor, had never been a police chief before and authorities said she was the first woman to hold that post in Meoqui. Chihuahua state, across the

community of about 45,000 residents near the Navajo Nation. Farmington leaders signed a historic agreement earlier this month with the Navajo Nation in which both sides pledged to work toward improving race relations. The signing ceremony was held at City Hall and included a blessing by a Navajo medicine man who prayed for a strong, stable and longrunning agreement. City officials sat cross-legged on the floor alongside Navajos during the service. “Mistreatment of fellow humans is a learned behavior. The only thing that will address that directly is education,” said Duane “Chili” Yazzie,


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SUB atrium November 29th through December 10th

Come to the SUB atrium and make a difference this holiday season. Pick an ornament and give a gift!

LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Opinion editor / Jenny Gignac



Tuesday November 30, 2010

opinion@dailylobo.com / Ext. 133

LETTERS Webmail time lapse could cause problems for students Editor, I’m sending you a letter in regards to the timestamp on UNM Webmail. Apparently the timestamp to every e-mail sent after Nov. 7 reports one hour over the time it was sent. One may verify by simply e-mailing themselves or by having a friend email them. Conversely, the timestamp seems correct when Gmail receives e-mails from Webmail. Of course, this issue is small, and essentially everyone knows about it by now. However, it would benefit the students to make this issue explicit to their professors in order to remedy any possible “past due” mistakes, especially for those who are submitting a final paper or report via Webmail. I reiterate this is a small problem. However, there’s no need to give a professor an excuse to give students a failing grade based solely on what Webmail says. However, I doubt professors are that evil or that reliant on Webmail. Fortunately, the good people at IT are on the case and will hopefully remedy this problem shortly. For your amusement, you may verify by emailing yourself, if you haven’t already. If nothing seems to be problematic, then I congratulate the IT people for a job well done. Timothy A. Bourke UNM student

Feeling appreciated makes it a joy to keep campus sparkling Editor, I would like to thank Tyler Kelly for his letter of appreciation, “Campus sparkles because of groundskeepers’ hard work,” that ran in the Daily Lobo on Nov. 23. For most of the Grounds and Landscaping staff, their day begins at 4:30 a.m., MondayFriday. This includes the G&L refuse crew. Other G&L departments like the Arborist, IPM and Heavy Equipment, begin their day at 6 a.m. With the daily hustle and bustle, one is preoccupied with completing the day’s business — attending class, completing assignments, grading exams and the like. At times, one fails to notice our campus’ beauty and cleanliness. It requires dedicated staff to create a campus environment that is aesthetically pleasing and well-maintained. Again, I would like to thank Tyler for appreciating the hard work of all the G&L staff. David Trujillo G&L Supervisor





LETTERS FBI tricked terrorist suspect into following orders to kill Editor, The dictionary defines the word “entrapment” as, “a defense that claims the defendant would not have broken the law if not tricked into doing it by law enforcement officials.” I now direct your attention to the recent arrest of the so-called terror suspect Mohamed Osman Mohamud in Oregon by the FBI. It appears that for over a year undercover

Student housing outreach sessions weren’t thorough Editor, Starting in February, Lobo Development Corporation held a series of sessions in both spring and fall that were advertised as outreach to elicit input regarding new student housing from both the campus and surrounding communities. As an attendee at the majority of those sessions, my opinion is that the outreach, follow-up, and basic planning fell short. I have repeatedly observed that issues raised by many different constituents have been glossed over and not specifically answered. Attendance of students, faculty and neighbors has been sparse. As an individual with extensive background in communication including PR, marketing, and facilitation, I fault the initial planning of LDC. And although problems were observed, they were not

FBI agents contacted, recruited and assisted Mr. Mohamud in planning a fake terrorist attack at a Christmas tree-lighting ceremony in Portland, Ore. After convincing Mr. Mohamud through e-mail and undercover agents claiming to be Muslims that Islam called for killing all non-Muslims, the FBI gave Mr. Mohamud his orders. If all of this sounds strange, then that is because the FBI now claims that it was acting to protect the public. If I wanted to protect a group of people why would I go around trying to convince others that killing them is honorable and praiseworthy? The truth is that like many people today,

there are Muslims who are ignorant when it comes to even some of the basic teachings of their religion. This in turn makes them susceptible to a distorted version of their religion. Would any informed Christian believe that Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount justified the Crusades or the Spanish Inquisition? Mr. Mohamud’s only crime is that he fell prey to wolves in sheep’s clothing.

remedied. Is it that in reality, LDC and UNM Campus Housing do not care to receive real input or to incorporate community concerns into the final plan? And where is the final plan? To date, no concrete plan has ever been presented although numerous groups have called for one. After all these months, will a final plan be presented at the suddenly called meeting of Nov. 30 at 4p.m.? Note the inconvenient time for community folks: the end of the semester for campus folks. How convenient to announce numerous meetings to be held at the end of or after the semester and into the busy holiday season. Although many campus and outside community people voiced concerns at the November regents meeting, will they be left out at the December regents’ meeting due to the selection of the date and time? If the LDC and American Campus Communities, the corporate developer for the UNM student housing project, is allowing only a single opportunity for public review and discussion of its

strategic plan for student housing, that leads to pushing the plan through during the holiday season and final semester rush.

Muhajir Romero UNM student

I call on the regents and administration to put the project on hold until the start of the new semester and then make sure that all stakeholders can review the plan and give feedback that will be acknowledged. Otherwise, the Regents are scheduled to approve the plan in approximately two weeks. I urge the Regents and administration to restart the process and make it truly collaborative and inclusive of students, faculty and neighbors in order to produce an outcome that satisfies the concerns off all communities. I call for a review of the reasons for more beds on campus. I also call for transparency regarding the contractual relationship with ACC, what benefits UNM will be receiving, the impact on students and the public. Holly Siebert Kawakami, UNM alumna and Nob Hill resident

Pat Lohmann Editor-in-chief

Isaac Avilucea Managing editor

Jenny Gignac Opinion editor

Leah Valencia News editor

LETTER SUBMISSION POLICY  Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo.com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Tuesday, November 30, 2010 / Page 5

Local play a rough gem gbgentz@unm.edu

Susan Erickson’s play “Raised by Humans” was raised at UNM’s Theatre X 12 years ago, and now it’s all grown up and back at the Vortex Theatre this week. A local playwright and CNM teacher, Erickson had six of her plays produced at the Vortex before seeing marvelous support from Albuquerque’s theater community. It’s difficult to go into details of what “Raised by Humans” is about without ruining many of the main gags, but it’s about white trash and animals, humanity and redemption, love and family. It’s a funny play, combining old ideas and devices, while still remaining witty and interesting. Fueled by the extra-credit slave labor of CNM theater students, the set looks grand. Lots of work was put into the cave centerpiece, and it shows. The script is clearly a work in progress — the first act is fresh and exciting, with most of the mystery and dramatic action coming to a head by the intermission cliffhanger. The second act, by contrast, is a rather predictable humdrum of scenes that never quite reclaims the cleverness or momentum of the first half. It breaks down into what is essentially a lengthy sequence of falling action, despite the fact that there are more shootings and people yelling and quick entrances and exits. It mostly ends up as a bit of a mess, with characters describing what they’re doing aloud or

slowly announcing their revelations that became clear to the audience half an hour before. Transitions between scenes are awkward, and there are unnecessary splotches of darkness and terrible music for a few jarring seconds at a time.

“Raised by Humans” by Susan Erickson

Directed by David Richard Jones The Vortex Theatre 2004 1/2 Central S.E. Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. Sunday at 6 p.m. $15 General Admission $10 Student rush, 10 minutes t prior to Curtain with valid ID VortexAbq.org or call 247-8600 The set is stagnant, so there doesn’t seem to be any purpose for these moments, other than an excuse to inject you with some cold, hard country music and remind you that you’re dealing with white trash. Still, there is much to like about “Raised by Humans.” Pete Alden and Ninette S. Mordaunt duel as an old bumbling rightwinger and his skanky grandma of a wife. They are supported by Jen Stephenson playing two characters, a contemptible sheriff and an

angry mannish ranch hand, though she is always a massive hick and brings a lot of laughs. The initial emotional hook comes from the single mother (Diane Villegas) and confused, rebellious son (Grey Blanco). Villegas is strong and diverse as an actor, bringing the flawed and relatable, but hopeful deadbeat mom to life. Blanco, by far the youngest in the cast, is by no means left behind. His own story is abandoned a bit by the dramatic action toward the middle of the play, though he eventually comes back into focus to offer his natural ease front and center. It would be impossible, however, not to bear in mind Charles Fisher’s (as Lionel) considerable talent. Fisher bares the cross as axis of all dynamic elements for the characters. That, and he’s hilarious. There’s barely a Fisher line that won’t get a rise out of someone in the audience. Much of the inspiration of Erickson’s script seems centered on Lionel, which is OK, with Fisher’s effortless line delivery crafting humor and humanity with his bare hands. “Raised by Humans” needs work, but the already noticeable work that has been put toward it gives it a special, magnetic quality. There are elements used that work best as a play, and if even taken to cinematic medium, as it often seems eager to do, it would lose much of that magic. Erickson’s love for creation is clear, and the result is something definitely worth watching.

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by Graham Gentz

Words you Never Learned in Spanish Class Darketa – a goth girl. A goth guy is a darketo. Probably this is a perversion of the English, since the word “dark” doesn’t mean anything in Spanish. Other variations include metalero (“metalhead”) and punkero (“punker.”) ALL SERVICES PROVIDED BY SUPERVISED STUDENTS


“Ella nunca sale en los días y mira su maquillaje – ¡está darketa, en serio!” The Daily Lobo is always looking to improve its Spanish. Send corrections and suggestions to Culture@DailyLobo.com TONIGUY.COM • FACEBOOK.COM/TONIANDGUY • TWITTER.COM/OFFICIALTONIGUY

MID WEEK MOVIE SERIES This Week’s Feature:

SUB Theater - Rm 1003 Tues, 11/30 - 5:30 pm Wed, 12/1 - 7:00 pm Thurs, 12/2 - 3:30 pm

UNM Students $2.00 UNM FAC/Staff $2.50, Public $3.00 For complete schedule:http://movies.unm.edu

Good luck on finals! Spring ‘11 schedule coming soon!


Page 6 / Tuesday, November 30, 2010

New Mexico Daily Lobo


Black Friday is no big deal by Chris Quintana


Hanging of the Greens THIS Friday, December 3rd Join us for UNM!s oldest student run campus tradition! Come see over 13,000 luminarias! Meet in front of the UNM Bookstore at 5:45pm for hot chocolate and cookies! Public is welcome! Questions? Call 277-4706 - People are encouraged to come to campus and pick up luminarias on Saturday entirely free-of-cost! Please do not drive on sidewalks.

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There’s a myth about Black Friday that the avid shopper might snag a 50-inch TV for $100, but in order to get there he or she would have to ward off hordes of shoppers willing to punch a baby in the face with brass knuckles for the same deal. Naturally, a lot of people avoid or flock to these Black Friday sales for these reasons, but like always, the truth is disappointing. I went out on Black Friday looking for these bloodthirsty customers and wicked-good deals, but found both in short supply. Yes, waking up at 3 a.m. yielded small results, but the excursion was at least useful to dispel the Black Friday myth. One myth I did find true was the issue of parking. I went to the Wal-Mart on Carlisle and Menaul Boulevards and parked about a quarter-mile back from the store entrance. Black Friday shoppers did face bitterly cold temperatures, but those dedicated enough to go out didn’t seem to mind much at all. They walked with a pep in their step that suggested the inside of the store would be as crazy as I had hoped. Imagine my dismay when I got in the store and everyone was walking around and not ramming each other with their shopping carts. People picked items off the shelves leisurely, and they were only occasional instances where people bumped into each other, and most were followed by a quick and courteous apology. It seems Wal-Mart was well prepared for the chaos, as its sweetest deals — $2 movies, $69 Blu Ray players — were spaced throughout the store instead of clustered in the electronics section where people might have gotten into punching matches.

Devastated, but not broken in spirit, I jetted off to the mall with hopes of finding some bloodlust and shopping. Again, the mall parking lot was overflowing and required another quarter of a mile walk to get in, but disappointment was my friend once again. The mall was crowded, yes, but no more crowded than any other weekend. The only usual aspect of the whole excursion was that all this activity was happening at 4:30 a.m.

I left the mall with the hopes of finding some murderous shoppers, but by this point my hope was wearing thin. The deals were a bit better. Everything at the Gap was 50 percent off, and some shoppers bought up to $400 worth of merchandise. Think about that; that’s normally $800 of merchandise. On clothes. I was reluctant to spend more than $15 on a shirt, much less $400. My rationale? People are nuts. Yes, the deal is good, but the person still spent more than $400 on clothing — probably the equivalent to what a lot of college students spend on clothing in a year. A side note: Most employees had a fatigue about them that comes from setting up at 2 a.m. and regarded most shoppers with a sort of restrained resentment natural to those who work retail. Thus, it was bizarre to see one with pep in American Eagle. She asked kindly if I needed help, showed me where everything was, and then went skipping off to help the next

customers. Her co-workers looked at her as though she was insane, which she might be because she was skipping about at 5 a.m. Let me express my heartfelt apology for those stuck working Black Friday. It didn’t seem so busy to me, but it must have sucked for all of you stuck there all damn day. Thanks for making the rest of America happy if only for a day. I do digress. The deals were minimal, and only for those who didn’t mind spending money in the first place. I mean, 40 percent off storewide is good, but not if the most affordable item in the store is a $60 shirt. Forty percent doesn’t mean much. I am looking at you, Express. I left the mall with the hopes of finding some murderous shoppers, but by this point my hope was wearing thin. I pulled into Target, another full parking lot, but again tranquil stores, and so on. Once again, the media lied to me. It blew up the Black Friday phenomenon because nothing ever happens after Thanksgiving, so desperate reporters go out and about on Black Friday, find something miniscule, engorge it so it looks like a big deal, and then go home and eat more leftovers. I considered doing the same, but I was out of Thanksgiving leftovers and incapable of making something up. And, oh yeah, I thought maybe it might be important to report the truth, at least as far as I can see, even if it is rather boring and destroying a cherished Thanksgiving myth. Wait, where are you going? No come back, not everything needs to be a scandal! Fine, fine, fine. I saw a child punched in the face five times, an old woman trampled to death, and got 17 kitchen appliances for $50 at 2:30 a.m. Are you happy now, you vicious freaks? Go see for yourself next year.



The Daily Lobo is now accepting applications for culture reporters. Email Culture@DailyLobo.com for more information.

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uesday ovember FOR RELEASE NOVEMBER 30, 2010

30, 2010 / Page 7

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle dailycrossword Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

Mal and Chad

dailysudoku Level: 1 2 3 4

Solutions to Yesterday’s Puzzle

Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit www.sudoku.org.uk

Get your name out there with the Daily Sudoku

505.277.5656 The Latin American & Iberian Institute announces the availability of:

Title VI Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships FOR SUMMER 2011 AND ACADEMIC YEAR 2011-2012 Application and Information at: http://laii.unm.edu/node/16 An APPLICATION HELP SESSION will be held at the LAII on Monday, Dec. 6, 2010 at 12:00 p.m. (sponsored by SOLAS)

ACROSS 1 Roe source 5 Scrape, cat-style 9 100 kopeks 14 Geographical extremity 15 Little suckers 16 Matriculate 17 Turow memoir subtitled “The Turbulent True Story of a First Year at Harvard Law School” 18 The “Habanera” from “Carmen,” e.g. 19 Blunt, as reality 20 One debating the unpopular side 23 Washing aid for pupils 24 Blood bank fluid 25 “Hold on __!” 27 Stew 31 Healer using magic 36 “Man oh man!” 37 Out of kilter 38 Dove murmur 39 About 1,609 meters 40 Game system played with gestures 41 Uncredited author 45 Long-haired cat 47 Part of a family business title 48 Pitching miscues 51 Where AMZN stock is traded 55 Wee-hours work period for 20-, 31- and 41Across? 58 Japanese cartoon genre 59 Oklahoma tribe 60 Naysayer 61 Deadly 62 Zip (along) 63 Chick’s sound 64 Head lock 65 At __: arguing 66 Messes up



By Mark Feldman

DOWN 1 Fine porcelain 2 Sweetheart 3 Naproxen, commercially 4 Epicurean delight 5 Held firmly 6 Turkish bread? 7 Fatty __ 8 Make, as baskets 9 Fireman, sometimes 10 Wild 11 Sassy kid 12 Folk tales and such 13 “Benevolent” fraternal member 21 Having abundant vegetation 22 Thereabouts 26 Chanel of fashion 28 Nincompoop 29 Burrow indicator 30 Pretty pitcher 31 Guitar effect 32 Triumphant cry


Yesterday’s Solutions Monday’s Puzzle Solved

(c)2010 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

33 Math course 34 Business orgs. 35 Little ones 39 Form incorrectly 41 Covers, as a driveway 42 Robust 43 Worldly seven 44 Messenger molecules 46 White House family


49 Onetime capital of Japan 50 Filled up 52 Restaurant patron 53 Following 54 Wax removers 55 Growl 56 Ceremony 57 Country way 58 Toward the rudder


Conce tions


Application Deadline: Monday, February 14, 2011 by 5 p.m. Questions? Please contact Alexandra Blodget at laiicomm@unm.edu or 277-7049


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Page 8 / Tuesday, November 30, 2010


DAILY LOBO new mexico

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Employment Child Care Jobs Jobs off Campus Jobs on Campus Jobs Wanted Volunteers

Services PIANO LESSONS! AN experienced piano teacher at NM School of Music, 294-4604. Please request Anna Marie Baca. Voice, violin, guitar, and other lessons available. ABORTION AND COUNSELING services. Caring and conďŹ dential. FREE PREGNANCY TESTING. Curtis Boyd, MD, PC: 522 Lomas Blvd NE, 242-7512. PAPER DUE? FORMER UNM instructor, Ph.D., English, published, can help. 254-9615. MasterCard/ VISA. TUTORING - ALL AGES, most subjects. Experienced Ph.D. 265-7799. MATHEMATICS, STATISTICS TUTOR. Billy Brown PhD. College and HS. welbert53@aol.com, 401-8139. SCIENTOMETRIC TESTING IQ Tested. The Church of Scientology of NM offers for a limited time, free intelligence and personality tests. Your IQ, personality, and aptitude determine your future. Know them. No obligations. 1319 San Pedro Albuquerque, NM 87110. 505275-8210.

COMPUTER SYSTEMS ADMIN. Home and Business. 505-225-0002. im@yourfriendarmando.com BIRTHRIGHT CARES. FREE pregnancy tests, help. 262-2235. A+ MATH TUTORING. Finals prep. 296-MATH(6284) neabq@mathnasium.com

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CASEY! Do not fret over your age for we will be One forever. I love you.


FREE UNM PARKING/ Nob Hill Living. $100 move in discount, 1BDRM, $490/mo. 256-9500. 4125 Lead SE.

CHRISTMAS CASH BLUES? Be the ďŹ rst in your class to OWN an Internet Business! Affordable! Exciting! For an appointment call 505-907-5501.

MOVE IN SPECIAL- walk to UNM. 1BDRMS starting at $575/mo includes utilities. No pets. 255-2685, 268-0525.

VENTLINE, HELPLINE, REFERRAL LINE, Just Talkline, Yourline. Agora 277-3013. www.agoracares.com

UNM NORTH CAMPUS- 1BDRM $490 2BDRM $675 +utilities. Clean, quiet, remodeled. No pets allowed. Move in special! 573-7839.

STRESSED? LOG ON to www.Spirituality.com STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BOARD meeting Friday, December 3, 2010 at 3:00pm in Marron Hall Rm 131.

Fun Food Music

APARTMENT HUNTING? www.keithproperties.com 1BDRMS, 3 BLOCKS to UNM, no pets. Clean, quiet, and affordable. 301 Harvard SE. 262-0433. UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229.

Too busy to call us during the day?

LIVE SALSA PARTY! Son Como Son Sat. Dec.4 Cooperage 9:30 -1. $7.00 cover (21 and up).

Rooms For Rent 3 PEOPLE FOR: New 2-Story, 3BDRM house between UNM/Downtown. 2 minutes from UNM. WiFi, Cable, great neighborhood, available Jan. 1st. $1185/month. 505-429-1100 or Down townABQHome@gmail.com GRADUATE STUDENTS WANTED to share 3BDRM/ 2BA house in UNM area. $375/mo.+1/3 utilities. Internet, cable, laundry. (505)615-5115. LOOKING FOR CLEAN & quiet roomate to share 3bd/ 2ba new condo. Less than 3mi to UNM. N/S. Call 303-9098740. QUIET RESPONSIBLE STUDENT wanted to share nice 3BDRM, 2.5BA home. 10 mins from campus, GREAT LOCATION!. $400/mo, w/utilities included. (505) 490-1998. FEMALE N/S GRAD Student (or Mature Undergrad) w/liberal values preferred, for spacious room/bath in my warm, bright home. House 10 mins UNM. I’m a busy female healthcare professional. $425/mo including utilities/cable. $250dd. No pets (I do have a cat). Possibility to trade some rent for cooking/gardening. 505-450-6024.

Audio/Video DJ TURNTABLES FOR sale- The B-52 ProdigyFX all in one DJ Workstation in brand new condition. Asking $800 OBO. Contact Charles at (505-4400985) or cnuanes@unm.edu

Bikes/Cycles 2009 LANCE 49CCS $700 1,700mi. call for information 440-8401. GREAT MOTORCYCLE! 2009 Kawasaki Ninja 250- Excellent condition, all maintenance records included. Bought another bike, but can’t keep both. 4947miles. $2900. Call Jason 505-3501605.


WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood oors, FPs, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efďŹ ciencies, studios, 1 and 2 and 3BDRMs. Garages. Month to month option. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week.


Pets CHIHUAHUA. PUREBRED. HE has a great personality and weighs 1.5 lbs. He is 3 months old, is very healthy, has tan fur, and has beautiful GREEN EYES. This sweet dog is looking for a home for Christmas! $250 OBO. (505)259-2136.

Furniture FUTON/ BUNK BED, new mattress, black frame, 3 years old. 363-9407.

Vehicles For Sale 1993 TOYOTA MR-2 Basic Body Mods. Air intake system. T-Top style. Power everything. New paint job. Negotiable pricing but asking $3,000. Call Sammy (505)331-6734.

Jobs Off Campus COMPANIONS/ CAREGIVERS NEEDED to work with seniors in their homes. Assist with the activities of daily living. Rewarding employment and good experience, particularly for nursing students. Training provided. Flexible schedules. Must have reliable transportation and be able to pass rigorous background check and drug screen. Apply on-line at www.rightathome.net/albuquerque !!!BARTENDING!!!: UP TO $300/day. No experience necessary, training provided. 1-800-965-6520ext.100. WANTED: EGG DONORS, Would you be interested in giving the Gift of Life to an Infertile couple? We are a local Infertility Clinic looking for healthy women between the ages of 21-33 who are nonsmoking and have a normal BMI, and are interested in anonymous egg donation. The experience is emotionally rewarding and you will be ďŹ nancially compensated for your time. All donations are strictly conďŹ dential. Interested candidates please contact Myra at The Center for Reproductive Medicine of NM at 505-224-7429. MANAGEMENT- NO NIGHTS NO SUNDAYS. 20+ Paid Days Off/ Yr! $25K. Full beneďŹ ts. Fax HoneyBaked Ham 781-631-1183. COMPUTER GRAPHIC DESIGNER needed for advertising company. Must be professional, creative, and self-motivated. For more info contact 480-4461.

WE ARE LOOKING for an exceptional, dedicated Donor Relations Coordinator to join our Donor Relations team. Duties will include: gift acknowledgement and stewardship, writing and preparing donor correspondence, reports and fundraising materials; assisting with gift agreements; maintaining collegial relationships with unit- based fundraising staff and UNM Departments to secure timely information regarding the use of gift funds; exercising professional discretion in the research, selection, organization, and preparation of data; updating systems for efďŹ cient acquisition, application, and maintenance of data related to the stewardship of gifts; performing regular data quality control to assure accuracy and completeness; support for donor relations events and UNM Foundation daily business functions. Some evening and/or weekend work is required.

Minimum QualiďŹ cations: High School Diploma or GED; Three (3) or more years experience directly related to the duties and responsibilities. Preferred QualiďŹ cations: Baccalaureate degree. For those interested in applying, please submit a cover letter, resume, and salary requirements to Tobie Webb at tweb b@unmfund.org or mailing address Two Woodward Center 700 Lomas Blvd. NE, Ste. 108, Albuquerque, NM 87102. Review of credentials will begin immediately. Visit our website at www. unmfund.org for a full job description. The UNM Foundation is an EEO Employer. COMPUTER TECHNICAL ASSISTANTS. Apply in person. Bullseye Golf. 8212 Menaul NE. NEW COMPANY LOOKING for teachers, interns, and future teachers. Great pay, exible hours, perfect for college students. Must be professional and driven. For interview contact 480-4461. EARN $1000-$3200 A month to drive our brand new cars with ads. www.Ad CarDriver.com

FOUND NECKLACE, 3RD oor of the SUB. 11/22. Call to identify, Kathy at 277-4706.

Now you can!

FOUND: PAIR OF sunglasses on the tables outside Centennial Library Thursday afternoon (11/18). Call or text 505515-5299. Detailed description needed for return to rightful owner.

Houses For Rent

NEW 2BDRM 5 min from UNM. 4535397. 281-8949.

Day, night, late night, weekends. Cashiers/busing positions. Will work around your schedule.

Apply in person.

2400 Central SE DG’S DELI IS hiring cashier (experience necessary) and sandwich artists. Enthusiastic, motivated people, clean appearance a must, Apply within. 1418 Dr MLK or call 247-DELI(3354).

Jobs On Campus THE DAILY LOBO IS LOOKING FOR A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE! Rep especially needed for the 2011 Spring Semester Mon-Fri from 9am11am; other hours are exible. 1015hrs/wk. Work in a fun environment right on campus! Enthusiasm, good phone etiquette, computer and organizational skills required. You must be a student registered for 6 hours or more. Work-study is not required. For information, E-mail classiďŹ eds@dailylobo.com, call Dulce at 277-5656, or apply online at unmjobs.unm.edu search under Department: Student Publications.

Jobs Wanted CREATIVE, RELIABLE, WOMAN looking for some extra holiday cash.

Will organize your closets, wrap gifts, babysit, decorate & clean the house! $15 - $20 per/hr Contact: kovphoto@yahoo.com

ARCA offers excellent benefits!

MASTERS (BLACK) CAP & Gown for sale, $30. Size 5’4-5’6. rolisa@unm.edu


LG DARE FULL touchscreen cellphone for sale. Comes with charger, case, and is in great condition with no scratches. Call Patrick @ 505-301-2979. COUCHES, DINING TABLE and chairs, desk, king size bed, coffee table, dishes, microwave, dresser. Text or call 505-315-3400 for prices. Everything must go!

BRADLEY’S BOOKS ROCKS inside Winnings Coffee. WOMEN’S 152 ROSSIGNOL Snowboard, Vans Boots 7/8, and Burton Bindings, Hardly used for sale. $250 OBO, as a package. Please call. 720-216-3410.


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3BDRM 2.5 BA 2-Story. Close to UNM Med/ Law School, gated community, private enclosed backyard, dishwasher, W/D, refridgerator, 2CG. $1,050/mo +utilites, lease required. 301-0791.

Your Space DEFUNKED LOCAL BAND looking for a new bass player. Band played punk formerly, but is looking to experiment with new sounds. Reliable transportation preferred. 975-1806.


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