NM Daily Lobo 120511

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Daily Lobo new mexico

You voted, here it is

Lo Mejor! See Page 7

December 5, 2011

monday The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

Senate ruling soon to come

victory howl

Make Your Mark slate members appeal punishment by Luke Holmen and Charlie Shipley

candidate and ruled their votes wouldn’t count in the first two fullsenate meetings. The commission news@dailylobo.com also ruled sen.-elect Brandyn Jordan could not take office. The candidates are appealing all three sentences. Montoya said Make Your Mark intentionally misreported a split invoice from a local print shop, and that Jordan then lied about it during elections commission proceedings. Jordan and Fidelmar Rivera, who was not elected, assumed responsibility for the slate. Sen.-elect Joe Stevens spoke to the student court on behalf of the candidates. He said the fliers that went unreported were extras that the candidates didn’t use during the campaign. Stevens said the candiBrandyn Jordan dates shouldn’t be punished. “Brandyn Jordan received 598 The 10 former ASUNM senate candidates accused last month of votes, the highest of any candidate,” misreporting campaign expens- he said. “Is it right to silence 598 ines appealed their initial punish- dividuals’ voices? We did not intenments, and said while they did tionally misreport these fliers, and spend more money on campaign we did not use them to campaign, to materials than reported, the mate- affect the minds of students. Our actions as individuals prove our charrials were never used. Regardless, ASUNM Attorney acter; our actions to help the comGeneral Greg Montoya said the can- munity … Every action we took was for the students.” didates deserve punishment. The court will “The students decide whethof the University of er to uphold the New Mexico were elections commisled,” he said. mission’s original “The elections ruling by Wednescommission and day. If faced with I do not believe fines, Make Your these individuMark candidates als have the inhave 10 days to tegrity to hold ofpay the fines. fice, and I ask the Claire Mize, court to uphold ASUNM elections our decision.” director, said the The ASUNM elections comElectionsCommismission originally sion determined ~Joe Stevens determined canthe Make Your didates didn’t resen.-elect Mark slate candiport $64.84 and dates committed financial misconduct for failing to agreed to fine the candidates $97.26, report $54.28 spent on campaign fli- but the amounts were revised down ers, which put the candidates over to due clerical errors. The canditheir $200 allowed campaign spend- dates are each being fined $81.24, which is one and a half times the ing limit. The elections commission amount the candidates went over imposed an $81.24 fine on each their spending limit.

“Our actions as individuals prove our character; our actions to help the community … Every action we took was for the students.”

Dylan Smith / Daily Lobo Hugh Greenwood celebrates after making a shot against Missouri State on Saturday at The Pit. The Lobos won the game 76-60, and Greenwood finished with 11 points. See page 24 for story.

Retirement age, compensation in Legislature’s sights by Charlie Shipley

charlieshipley84@gmail.com The New Mexico State Legislature is to vote in January on a measure that would reduce benefits for retirees and establish a minimum retirement age after the measure passed in legislative committee on Friday. The plan, which reduces retirees’ Cost of Living Adjustment from 2 percent to 1.75 percent and establishes a minimum retirement age of 55, narrowly passed 4-3 during the New Mexico Legislature’s Investment and Pensions Oversight Committee meeting Friday.

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 116

issue 72

The plan now awaits approval by the New Mexico Legislature during the legislative session, which begins Jan. 17. Mary Clark, the UNM Staff Council president, said the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) is a percentage of a retiree’s total retirement compensation that increases yearly to combat inflation, and if the proposed decrease is approved, retirees’ yearly cost of living allowance won’t keep up with rising prices. “I’m very disappointed they changed the COLA,” she said. “That’s not fair.” The proposed decrease means retirees receiving the ERB average allowance of

about $20,000 per year would get an average annual increase of $350 instead of $400, said Jan Goodwin, ERB executive director, to the Albuquerque Journal. ERB members don’t receive their COLA until age 65. The proposal establishes a minimum retirement age of 55. Currently, there is no set age; employees can retire after working for 25 years. The proposal includes a “grandfather period” that would allow current workers already eligible for retirement and those that will be eligible within 10 years of when plan takes effect to be exempt from the minimum age requirement.

Where are you?

Banlow’s farewell

See Page 2

See Page 19

ERB Chairwoman Mary Lou Cameron said the proposed changes are intended to improve the ERB’s funding ratio, which measures assets against liabilities. The current ratio is 61 percent. “The proposal is consistent with the board’s goal of improving the retirement plan’s funding ratio to 80 percent by 2030 and 95 percent by 2040, and ensuring its long-term sustainability,” she said in a Nov. 21 statement. To read the full text of the proposal visit dailylobo.com


31 | 9


New Mexico Daily Lobo

M onday, D ecember 5, 2011

where are


Every Monday the Daily Lobo challenges you to identify where we took our secret picture of the week. Submit your answers to photoeditor@dailylobo.com. The winner will be announced next week. Demeng Zhangchai correctly guessed last week’s Where Are We. It was located in the Art Building’s men’s bathroom on the second floor.

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 116

issue 72

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Editor-in-Chief Chris Quintana Managing Editor Elizabeth Cleary News Editor Chelsea Erven Assistant News Editor Luke Holmen Staff Reporter Charlie Shipley Photo Editor Dylan Smith

Juan Labreche / Daily Lobo Culture Editor Alexandra Swanberg Assistant Culture Editor Nicole Perez Sports Editor Nathan Farmer Assistant Sports Editor Cesar Davila Copy Chief Craig Dubyk Multimedia Editor Junfu Han

Design Director Jackson Morsey Design Assistants Connor Coleman Jason Gabel Elyse Jalbert Stephanie Kean Sarah Lynas Advertising Manager Shawn Jimenez Sales Manager Nick Parsons Classified Manager Renee Tolson


The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.


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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, December 5, 2011 / Page 3

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LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895



Monday December 5, 2011


LAST WEEK’S POLL RESULTS: Do you think accusations made by the NAACP that UNM are discriminatory against African Americans is warranted? No. African Americans are proportionally represented on campus and I don’t 59% think they were discriminated against. Yes. African Americans are historically underrepresented at UNM and some- 25% thing needs to change.


I’m indifferent Out of 85 responses

THIS WEEK’S POLL: Last week, The 10 former ASUNM senate candidates accused of financial misconduct appealed the punishments issued to them by ASUNM Elections Commission. (See story on page 1) Do you think the group should be exonerated? Yes, their mistake was an honest one, and there’s no reason to keep them out of the senate. No, they lied about their breach of spending. They can’t be trusted. Maybe, the rest of the senators should be allowed to vote but Jordan should be barred. I am indifferent to ASUNM.



EDITORIAL BOARD Chris Quintana Editor-in-chief

Elizabeth Cleary Managing editor

Chelsea Erven News editor


Copy editing: because you’re a pedant by Chris Quintana Editor-in-chief

Hey there, grammatically inclined-readers. I just did something wrong in that last sentence. Do you know what it is? If so, you need to be a copy editor. Remember all those former friends who grew to hate you because you always corrected their grammar? Well, you can earn that same scorn from the editors and reporters at the Lobo, but this time you’ll get paid for it. For every night you catch comma splices, dangling modifiers, or misspelled words, you get paid $40. That’s enough to buy some real online friends who won’t hate you because you’re better than them. In fact, that’s the whole perk of the job. You get to be better than everyone else in the whole, wide world. You know how unnecessary gerunds and adverbs are, and you know how useless the people are who use them. And no one, and I mean no one, can take away that sense of self-worth that comes with being right all the time.

The requirements are simple: You just have to be crazy smart, which you probably are because you caught that earlier mistake, you clever grammar freak, you, and take a copy-editing test at our open house tonight. Sure, other people will be there, but I am sure you, dear reader and grammatically aware individual, are better than the rest. And tonight is your chance to prove it to me and the rest of the staff. Bring your Associated Press style guide (available at most major bookstores) and your mad skills, and get ready to settle into your new future of friendlessness. But you don’t need friends when you’re always grammatically correct, do you, dear reader? I have one challenge more for the bravest, looniest, and best of you editors out there. My current copy chief, Craig Dubyk, is leaving for England to study the etymology of the ewok language in his continuing quest to become one of the furry creatures — don’t ask me, copy-editors are weird — which means the paper needs a new copy chief.

The highest scorers will be subjected to another test, and the overall winner will have the option to become copy chief. The position includes a $7 pay raise, a newspaper hat, eternal bragging rights and proof to any doubting friends or family that an English degree does pay. The rest of your life awaits you in a dimly lit back room. Claim what’s yours.

Copy-editing Open House Marron Hall Tonight 7 p.m.

LETTERS Israel Alliance ad full of lies about Palestine, speaker Editor, In Dec. 2 issue of the Daily Lobo, there was an advertisement published by the UNM Israel Alliance on page six. The advertisement depicted the visiting speaker, Dr. Norman Finkelstein, a scholar and author, as a liar. In the advertisement, it says “Think Finkelstein lies about Israel? You can’t believe everything you hear. But you can research the truth for yourself.” The UNM Israel Alliance’s website is printed at the bottom of the advertisement. The site is full of links to one-sided websites that defame Palestinians as savages who are unworthy, which is very racist and insulting. Dr. Finkelstein is a respected scholar and author who continues to dedicate his life to human rights. Both of his parents are survivors of the Holocaust, which he says is precisely why he will not be silent when Israel commits its crimes against the Palestinians. I do agree with one sentiment that appeared in the Israel Alliance advertisement: you can’t believe everything you hear. The media coverage on Israel/Palestinian relations is always biased. They continue to portray Palestinians as terrorists who want to destroy Israel.

What you don’t see in the media is the fact that Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank are under military occupation and are being harassed, beaten or even murdered by the Israeli military and government. In Gaza during 2008, the Israeli military made a full assault on the people in Gaza, who are literally trapped because of the apartheid wall built all along the borders. The Israel military completely massacred the people of Gaza, with 1,400 innocent civilians killed, and more than 300 of those civilians were children under the age of 16. I recommend that everyone research this issue and really look beyond biased resources that the Israel Alliance presents. In your research, you will see that there is no balance in this issue. There is the oppressor who is occupying the oppressed, indigenous population. I also recommend everybody come see Dr. Norman Finkelstein speak. There will be plenty of people and resources to help answer your questions. He is speaking this evening in the SUB Ballroom B. The Israel/Palestine issue is not one of religion or politics, it’s about human rights. If you believe in human rights, that freedom and peace should be guaranteed to all, then you will side with the oppressed. Danya Mustafa UNM student

OWS protesters forget history, American values Editor, Those instituting radical change must have outsiders to demonize: called “enemies of the people” by Robespierre during the French Revolution, “kulaks” by the Soviets, and “sufan“ by the Communist Chinese. Today they are called the “1 percent” by Occupy Wall Street. We’re told the 1 percent hold too large a portion of national income. In reality, a number are from the Trial Lawyers Bar and Hollywood, notable supporters of the ‘little people.” Many are business owners; others have inherited wealth; some are nefarious bankers, financiers and Wall Street denizens. The 1 percent is quite a diverse group of people with widely disparate incomes. As I see it, the 1 percent is made up of fellow Americans, only richer. Many contribute greatly to society. Haven’t the Rockefellers, the Mellons, the Gettys, the Norton Simons been sufficiently philanthropic? The U.S. tax system is highly progressive: The top 1 percent make 21 percent of all income earned in the U.S., but pay 38 percent of all federal personal taxes. Seems like a very respectable amount in a country where 45 percent pay no federal personal taxes.

And what Solomonic figure will establish the 1 percent’s “fair share” of taxes and determine when equality is achieved? It seems like it’s been tried in the Soviet Union, Communist China, Zimbabwe, Burma, Cuba and Cambodia. It ends in repression and terror — gulags, laogias, killing fields. Say you, it takes a while to get Communism right — results have been much better in Socialist Europe. Is that why Greece and Italy are de facto bankrupt? They and other European countries are near catastrophic failure — a failure not just monetary, but, as accompanied by rioting, increasingly destructive and deadly. This income equality thing is not for sissies. But what of those who loudly proclaim “We are the 99 percent?” Resentments have so blinded them they cannot see their birthright. They are “We the People of the United States,” individuals “created equal” and “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights … Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” This equality is glorious, unencumbered and inviolable, providing the freedom and opportunity to realize one’s potential. It is all the equality there need be, and all, in a real world, that there can be. Donald Gluck President of the UNM Conservative Republicans


New Mexico Daily Lobo

n.m. crime briefs

Toilet paper thieves don’t get off clean An Albuquerque restaurant employee says he’s now seen it all: three men leaving his diner with rolls of toilet paper were nabbed in the parking lot by police. Burgers, Dogs and Wings employee Josh Flannery-Stewart told KOAT-TV that he was immediately suspicious of the men when they came in Saturday because they weren’t talking and appeared “messed up.� The three went into the bathroom and emerged carrying about a dozen rolls of toilet paper. They got in a car in the parking lot, but didn’t get far. Albuquerque police apparently already had the trio under surveillance and quickly surrounded the car and arrested them. The toilet paper was returned to its rightful owner.

Couple arrested for prostitution, drugs ALAMOGORDO — Police in Alamogordo say they arrested a husband and wife on prostitution charges during an undercover operation at an Alamogordo area hotel. Sheriff Benny House told the Alamogordo Daily News that Stephen Pzszkowski, 54, and Julie Darnold, 41, were taken into custody on Friday. The couple was arrested after members of the county’s narcotics enforcement task force followed up on a website advertisement offering sex in exchange for money. Pzszkowski was charged with promoting prostitution and possession of drug paraphernalia. Darnold was charged with prostitution, possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Believers said miracle kept old carving safe An ancient cottonwood tree behind an Albuquerque church snapped in half and toppled in high winds, but a carving of Our Lady of Guadalupe inside the tree survived. The tree behind San Felipe de Neri Catholic Church in Albuquerque’s Old Town fell Thursday night. The carving on it was created in 1959 by a soldier who had returned unharmed from the Korean War. The story is that Toby Avila made the carving inside a dying cottonwood to thank Our Lady of Guadal-

upe. Folklore says the tree suddenly came back to life. Some parishioners believe the icon had a hand in that, and in the survival of the carving. Father Dennis Garcia told KRQETV he believes the miracle is that no one was hurt and the church was only mildly damaged.

N.M. pre-teen lured to Idaho by online friend BOISE, Idaho — A 19-year-old Idaho man who met a 12-year-old New Mexico girl while playing an online game and then helped her travel to Idaho for sex has been sentenced to nearly five years in prison. KTVB-TV reported that U.S. District Judge B. Lynn Winmill sentenced Alexander Trowell to four years and nine months in federal prison. Trowell must also pay $25,000 in restitution and attend sex offender treatment. The girl flew to Boise in April, where she met with Trowell. The girl’s mother notified police, who arrested Trowell at his home before the girl was returned to New Mexico. Trowell pleaded guilty in September to the charge of interstate travel with intent to engage in illicit sexual contact with a minor.

NASA’s One Stop Shopping Initiative NASA Awareness Day Monday, December 5th, 2011 11:30 am – 4:00 pm Location: Centennial Engineering Center, 1st Floor Event open to all UNM Engineering and Science Students To view agenda and RSVP go to: www.surveymonkey.com/s/UNM_NASA Meet NASA Interns and NASA Representatives & Learn some tips on applying to internships and fellowships

Domestic dispute leaves meddler dead POJOAQUE — Authorities in Santa Fe County say two men who tried to intervene in a domestic dispute were stabbed by a man who was later captured. County sheriff ’s officials say 21year-old Victoriano Gonzales of Santa Fe was stabbed in the neck and died after trying to stop the dispute on Friday night. Another man also was stabbed but is expected to survive. Sheriff Robert Garcia says the two men were at a trailer park in Pojoaque when they witnessed the domestic dispute. A woman told deputies she was being assaulted by 31-year-old Adrian Gonzales. Gonzales fled in a car that was spotted on Interstate 25 between Bernalillo and Albuquerque early Saturday. He was arrested on murder and aggravated battery charges. He is not related to the man who was killed.

Copy Edit Open House Monday 7 p.m. Marron Hall

(Off) Campus Bookstore THE Place to sell your books!

Monday, December 5, 2011 / Page 5

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Daily Lobo: Size: 3 col x 8� Run dates: Nov 28, 29, 30 and Dec 5, 6, 7

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Page 6 / Monday, December 5, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Super-chile catches flak


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Daily Lobo: 2 col x 4 inches November 14, 15, 16 December 5, 6, 7 Ad questions: Kim Jarigese, 277-6433, kjar@unm.edu Charged to UNM Extended University account

by Susan Montoya Bryan The Associated Press

Mention New Mexican cuisine and mouths start watering. Giant breakfast burritos, plates of enchiladas, tacos and even cheeseburgers — all laced with green chile or drenched in red. New Mexico’s chile peppers have woven their way into the state’s cultural identity, and their distinct flavor has been adopted by palates as far away as Korea. But some are worried about the future of New Mexico’s signature crop. Labor costs, relentless plant diseases and competition from cheap imports have combined to put the chile industry in a steep decline. Scientists at New Mexico State University are helping through a series of efforts aimed at unlocking the genetic mysteries of red and green chile, but that has some pepper purists fired up. The thought of genetically engineering chile has galvanized a group of seed conservationists and others who are sympathetic to the national protests targeting corporate greed and economic inequality. Unlike the Occupy Wall Street movement, however, Occupy Green/Red Chile is on a simple, focused mission: to protect New Mexico’s chile seeds. “Students, teachers, farmers, consumers, mothers and fathers, everyone cares about this because in New Mexico chile isn’t just a food, it’s your culture,� said Jessica Farrell, a UNM student who is participating in the movement. The group is concerned that if scientists develop a genetically engineered pepper to boost the industry, small growers could face patent lawsuits if their crops become cross-contaminated by the new

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Labor costs, relentless plant diseases and competition from cheap imports have combined to put the chile industry in a steep decline.

seeds. They’re also worried about a lack of labeling of genetically modified foods and the potential for New Mexico’s traditional varieties to be forever altered. “To secure the long-term protection of the farmers and the protection of consumers in terms of culture, there is no room for a genetically engineered seed,� Farrell said. This is where some farmers, chile processors and researchers disagree. Over the last 20 years New Mexico has seen a 75 percent decline in the number of acres of chile grown. Production per acre has increased by more than 2 tons over the last five years due to breeding and improved growing practices, but the industry is a long way from returning to the glory days when tens of thousands of acres were grown. Jaye Hawkins, executive director of the New Mexico Chile Association, said the state will be in danger of losing its chile, not because of genetic engineering, but because farmers will simply not be able to grow the crop due to the mounting labor challenges and foreign competition. “We’re chipping away at the problems, and this is just one alternative,� she said of the genetic research.

Building the perfect pepper plant — one capable of withstanding rootrotting and leaf-wilting diseases, one with more flavor compounds, one that is taller with easily harvested fruit — has been the focus of researchers at New Mexico State University for decades. Most of the work has been done using traditional plant breeding techniques, but some of the problems have been unsolvable through classic methods, said Paul Bosland, head of the university’s Chile Pepper Institute. While critics argue that genetically modified foods are unnatural, experts say the world would not have the varieties of chile, wheat, potatoes, corn, rice and other vegetables that it has today if it weren’t for the genetic modification that comes naturally from breeding plants with one another. “It’s been 10,000 years for some crops; they don’t even remotely resemble their wild species anymore,� said Pam Ronald, a plant pathologist from the University of California, Davis, who is known for her work with rice. Ronald and others say the difference with genetic engineering is that it’s modern and more precise, and genes from unrelated species can be added to a plant’s genome. “It’s a fine line philosophically, what people will accept, and there are reasons, of course, for not wanting a particular type of crop,� she said. “But if you think about the great issues of our time — sustainability, can we grow more food using less land and less water as resources diminish, can we reduce insecticides — if genetic engineering can enhance the sustainability, then why not use it?�

Think Finkelstein lies about Israel? You can’t believe everything you hear. But you can research the truth for yourself.

Think Finkelstein lies about Isr You can’t believe

everything you hea But you can rese Housing Guide theComing truth for you 12/12

Israel Alliance: unmia.com

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

lo mejor

Monday, December 5, 2011 / Page 7

lo mejor

Page 8 / Monday, December 5, 2011

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

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Best New Mexican Restaurant

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Thank you UNM students for voting us

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Come in for lunch or dinner and remember how great Sadie’s is! #1 Best Mexican Restaurant #1 Best New Mexican Restaurant #1 Best Salsa #2 Best Margarita #2 Best Good, Hot Green Chile

Best Vietnamese Restaurant

1 2000 Vietnamese Restaurant 2 Viet Taste 3 May Cafe

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Sadie's of New Mexico Frontier El Pinto Los Cuates

Best Mexican Restaurant

1 Sadie's of New Mexico 2 Los Cuates 2 Rita's New Mexican Restaurant 3 Taqueria Mexico

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Best Italian Restaurant

Olive Garden Bravo! Cucina Italiana Buca Di Beppo Saggio's Trombino's Bistro Italiano

Best Margarita

El Pinto Garduno’s of Mexico Sadie’s of New Mexico Ojos Locos

Best Salsa

1 Sadie’s of New Mexico 2 Los Cuates 3 El Pinto


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Best New Mexican Food 2003 Expires 08/31/07 by UNM Students


09 Daily Lobo New Div: Mexico Due Date: 12.1

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lo mejor

12.5 A-SR M , D Monday 5, 2011 / P WK2 onday



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Page 10 / Monday, December 5, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Thanks for voting in the Lo Mejor survey! Here are your favorites......



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1 2 2 3

Azuma Sushi & Teppan Sushi King Sushi & Sake Crazy Fish

1 2 3 3

Best Dessert

1 Flying Star 2 Gyros Mediterranean 3 Olo Yogurt Studio

Best Indian Restaurant

1 Taj Mahal Cuisine of India 2 India Palace 3 Rasoi

Best Coffee Shop

Best Frozen Yogurt

Olo Yogurt Studio Chillz Frozen Custard Menchies YoYo Bliss

Best Seafood Restaurant

1 Red Lobster 2 Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen 3 Landry’s Seafood House

1 2 3 3

Best Bar Food

Kelly's Brew Pub Two Fools Tavern Applebee's O'Niell's

Best UNM Department

1 Anderson School of Management 2 Student Health & Counseling 3 Sociology

1 2 2 3

1 2 3 3

1 Starbucks 2 Satellite Coffee 3 Winning Coffee Co.

Winner of... Best Frozen Yogurt Best Dessert Best Under 21 Hangout

Best Fast Food Restaurant

Taco Bell McDonald’s Wendy’s Pita Pit

Best Sporting Goods Store

Big 5 Sporting Goods REI Sports Authority Sports Systems

Thank You For Your Vote!

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Best Sushi

E ve N A l b H ill o N

lo mejor

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, December 5, 2011 / Page 11

Stop by and see why these are UNM favorites Best UNM Area Restaurant

Best Place to Get Wings

1 Frontier 2 Saggio’s 3 Kai’s Chinese Restaurant

1 Buffalo Wild Wings 2 Hooters 3 Wingstop

Best Good, Hot Green Chile

Best Grocery Store

1 Smith's 2 Trader Joe's 3 Whole Foods

1 Frontier 2 Sadie’s of New Mexico 3 Twisters

Best Late Night Snack

1 Frontier 2 Taco Bell 3 McDonald’s

1 2 3 3

Best Huevos Rancheros

Frontier Weck’s IHOP Village Inn

Best French Fries

1 Frontier 2 Flying Star 3 Weck’s

1 McDonald’s 2 Frontier 3 Blake’s Lotaburger

Best Burrito

#1 Best UNM Area Restaurant


Golden Pride Dos Hermanos Frontier Twisters

frappés buy one


get one FREE

Redeemable only at McDonalds located at Hanover, University, Bosque Farms, Quail, Los Lunas, Bridge, Belen, Rio Bravo, Rio Grande, Wal-Mart (Los Lunas), Moriarity, Edgewood. Expires 12/31/11



1 2 3 3

Best Place to Have Breakfast

Thanks to students, faculty, staff, friends and the UNM community for voting us the BEST!

Redeemable only at McDonalds located at Hanover, University, Bosque Farms, Quail, Los Lunas, Bridge, Belen, Rio Bravo, Rio Grande, Wal-Mart (Los Lunas), Moriarity, Edgewood. Expires 12/31/11


Best Huevos Rancheros Best Late Night Snack Best Green Chile Best Breakfast Best Lunch Best French Fries Best Green Chile Cheeseburger Best New Mexican Restaurant Best Burrito

Don’t worry... it kinda looks like you’re taking notes.

daily crossword in the lobo features

DAILY LOBO new mexico

#1 Best Burrito

lo mejor

Page 12 / Monday, December 5, 2011

Minutes M from UN We are certain you will love our luxurious gated community and the convenience of the upscale amenities (fitness center, theatre room, billiards room, computer lounge and much more) located at your door step! FOR MORE INFO CALL:


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Thanks for voting in the Lo Mejor survey! Here are your favorites...... Best Place of Worship


1 Aquinas Newman Center 2 Sagebrush Community Church 3 First Unitarian Church 3 Legacy Church

Best Apartment Complex

1 Lobo Village 2 Broadstone Towne Center 3 The Cedars

Best Student Discount

Best Pet Shop

1 PetSmart 2 Clark's Pet Emporium 3 PETCO

Best New Clothing Store

1 Forever 21 2 Dillard's 3 JC Penney

Best Cellular Service

1 Verizon Wireless 2 T- Mobile 3 Sprint

1 Free Bus Passes--ABQ Ride 2 Free Tickets to Best Lobo Athletic Events Place to 3 DeďŹ ned Fitness Do Laundry 3 Dennys 1 Home 3 Game day Fridays 2 Harold's Laundry in the Bookstore 3 Campus Laundry

Best Place to Work Out

1 DeďŹ ned Fitness 2 Johnson Center 3 Planet Fitness

Best Spa

1 Betty's Bath & Day Spa 2 La Bella Spa & Salon 3 Sandia Resort

Best Student Organization

1 Chi Omega Sorority 2 Sigma Chi Fraternity 3 Kappa Sigma Fraternity

Bar or Nightclub

1 Monte Vista Fire Station 2 Dirty Bourbon 3 Anodyne Pool Hall & Cocktails

lo mejor

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Stop by and see why these are UNM favorites Best Pizza Place

Best Place to Eat on Campus

1 Saggio’s 2 Dion’s 3 Pizza 9

Best Coupon Companion Coupon

1 Saggio's 2 Coldstone 3 SUB Theatre Coupon

Best Bike Shop

1 The Outdoor Shop (UNM Recreational Services) 2 Sports Systems 3 The Bike Coop 3 Two Wheel Drive

1 Saggio’s Big Slice 2 Chick-fil-A 3 Sahara

Best Ski/Snowboard Shop

1 Sport Systems 2 REI 3 UNM Recreational Services

Best Wi Fi

1 Lobo Wi-Fi 2 Gyros Mediterranean 3 Starbucks

UNM RECREATIONAL SERVICES wants to Thank You for voting the UNM Bike Shop as #1 Bike Shop and Johnson Center as #2 place to work out!


beef up your tenant list Call 277-5656 to advertise in the upcoming Housing Guide. It’s hitting stands

December 12. Get students Moooving into your complex!

Deadlines to Advertise Display: Dec. 8 @ 5pm Classifieds: Dec. 9 @ 1pm

Monday, December 5, 2011 / Page 13

THANK YOU! thanks the Daily Lobo readers for voting LOBO WiFi thebest bestWiFi—three WiFi–four years the yearsininaarow! row! Lo Mejor Best WiFi 2010 2011 IT proudly offers students, faculty and staff IT offers many other services to you. Check out LoboMobile—for Lobos on the Go. LoboMobile is computing.unm.edu to find out whereand all computers and printers UNM’s smart phone application lets you check out are located on campus. Update current contact infolook at library materials, check UNMyour shuttle schedules, loboalerts.unm.edu and stay connectedtowith what's goingVisit on. up names in the campus directory, name a few. Download print drivers to fordownload wireless printing and download free http://it.unm.edu LoboMobile to your antivirus software at it.unm.edu/download. smart phone!

Connect Innovate Serve

lo mejor

Page 14 / Monday, December 5, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Thanks for voting in the Lo Mejor survey! Here are your favorites...... Best Banking Service

Voted #1 Again. Thank You! It’s no wonder UNM students keep rating their Credit Union as “Lo Mejorâ€? of financial institutions. Cash rewards with your VisaÂŽ Check Card, free Internet, mobile and text banking, nationwide ATMs, plus two convenient nearby offices – in the SUB and one block north of campus. Become SDUW RI ´7KH 3RZHU RI :( Âľ -RLQ \RXU QRW IRU SURILW financial cooperative today.

1 New Mexico Educators Federal Credit Union 2 Wells Fargo 3 Bank of America

Best Vegetarian Restaurant

1 Annapurna’s World Vegetarian CafÊ 2 Sweet Tomatoes 3 Thai Cuisine II 3 Tomato CafÊ

Best Steakhouse

1 Texas Roadhouse 2 Outback Steakhouse 3 Marcello’s Chop House

Best Used Clothing Store

1 Buffalo Exchange 2 Family Thrift 3 Thrift Town

1 2 2 3

1 2 2 3 3

Best BBQ Restaurant Rudy’s Bar-B-Q Quarters BBQ The Cube Whole Hog CafÊ

Best Romanic Restaurant The Melting Pot Artichoke Cafe Gyros Mediterranean Bravo! Cucina Italiana Scalo Northern Italian Grill



The Fall 2011 issue is here!

Get your copy of this semester’s Best Student Essays at the opening reception! When: Friday, December 9th from 4:00 to 6:00pm Where: The Honors Department Forum, located on the ground floor of the Student Health Center Why: To get your copy of the magazine, meet the staff, and hear the authors and artists published talk about their works! Come early for FREE FOOD!

It’s alright... your math homework can wait.

sudoku in the lobo features

DAILY LOBO new mexico


lo mejor

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, December 5, 2011 / Page 15

Stop by and see why these are UNM favorites

n o n p o i u Compan M N o U r e h t o C An BO O L DAILY


Available Jan. 6

Advertising Deadline Dec. 15

Best Burger

1 Fuddruckers 2 Blake’s Lotaburger 3 Five Guys

1 2 3 3

Call 277-5656

Which Wich? Gyros Mediterranean Subway Cheba Hut

Best Buffet

1 Furr’s Family Dining 2 Golden Corral 3 Sandia Casino

Increase UNM student traffic in your business! Get listed as a Daily Lobo Coupon Companion Distributor!

...IT’S FREE!!!

Best Sandwich Shop

1 2 3 3

Best Under 21 Hangout

The Orchid Chamber Lotus Nightclub Olo Yogurt Studio Hinkle Family Fun Center

Best Happy Hour

1 Sonic 2 Elephant Bar 3 Geckos

Best Place to Dance

1 Dirty Bourbon 2 Lotus Nightclub 3 One Up Elevated Lounge

Best Live Music Venue

1 Hard Rock Pavilion 2 Sunshine Theater 3 Launchpad

Best Place to Play Pool

1 Anodyne Pool Hall & Cocktails 2 cUeNM 3 Downtown Distillery

lo mejor

Page 16 / Monday, December 5, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Thanks for voting in the Lo Mejor survey! Here are your favorites...... Best Greek Restaurant

1 Gyros Mediterranean 2 Olympia CafÊ 3 Yanni’s Mediterranean Grill

UNM's Source for Greek Food

106 Cornell SE Just south of Frontier

Best Place to Have Lunch

1 Gyros Mediterranean 2 Frontier 3 Saggio’s

FOR KEEPING US AS ONE OF YOUR fAVORITES ~look for our coupon in this issue! ~


1 Gyros Mediterranean 2 The Tram 3 The Orchid Chamber

1 Zimmerman Library 2 Parish Library 3 Chi Omega Sorority House

Zimmerman Library will stay open 24/7 from 7am on Tuesday, Dec. 6th until 2am on Tuesday, Dec. 13th.

University Libraries FINALS HOURS December 6 – 17, 2011

1 Pita Pit 2 Gyros Mediterranean 3 Frontier

Best Place to Study

mON-fRI 11-10 Sat 11:30-10 sun 12-9

"TL B -JCSBSJBO r elibrary.unm.edu

Best Daily Lobo Coupon

Best Appetizer

1 Gyros Meditteranean 2 Applebee’s 3 Elephant Bar


thank YOU

Best Place to Take a Date




T CHAT IS ONLY M-F, 8am-5pm

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Open 24 hrs





Open 24 hrs

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Open 24 hrs





Open 24 hrs

Thurs, Dec 8

Open 24 hrs





Open 24 hrs

Fri, Dec 9

Open 24 hrs





Open 24 hrs

Sat, Dec 10

Open 24 hrs





Open 24 hrs

Sun, Dec 11

Open 24 hrs





Open 24 hrs

Mon, Dec 12

Open 24 hrs





Open 24 hrs

Tue, Dec 13







Wed, Dec 14







Thurs, Dec 15







Fri, Dec 16







Sat, Dec 17











SGI Buddhist Club Starts at: 2:30pm Location: SUB Cherry Silver room Come join us to our weekly buddhist meeting. Chanting, discussion and refreshments will be provided

Future events may be previewed at www.dailylobo.com

Placing an event in the Lobo Life calendar:

1. Go to www.dailylobo.com 2. Click on “Events� link near the top of the page. 3. Click on “Submit an Event Listing� on the right side of the page. 4. Type in the event information and submit!




Tue, Dec 6

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Event Calendar

for December 5, 2011 Planning your day has never been easier! Please limit your description to 25 words (although you may type in more, your description will be edited to 25 words. To have your event published in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, submit at least 3 school days prior to the event . Events in the Daily Lobo will appear with the title, time, location and 25 word description! Although events will only publish in the Daily Lobo on the day of the event, events will be on the web once submitted and approved. Events may be edited, and may not publish on the Web or in the Daily Lobo at the discretion of the Daily Lobo.

lo mejor

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, December 5, 2011 / Page 17

Stop by and see why these are UNM favorites Best Green Chile Cheeseburger

1 Blake’s Lotaburger 2 Frontier 3 Bob’s Burgers

Best Salon

1 Inspire 2 Aveda 3 La Bella Spa & Salon

Best Tattoo Parlor

1 Star Tattoo 2 Route 66 Fine Line Tattoo 3 Tinta Cantina

Best Piercing Studio

1 Evolution Body Piercing 2 Star Tattoo 3 The Zone

Best Microbrewery

1 Marble Brewery 2 Kelly’s 3 Il Vicino

Best Bowling Alley

Best Health Service

1 Student Health & Counseling 2 Presbyterian 3 UNM Hospital

Best Bookstore

1 Barnes & Noble 2 UNM Bookstore 3 Borders

Best Adult Store

1 Castle Megastore 2 Self Serve 3 Flirty Lingerie

Best Class at UNM

1 Classics 107 (Greek Mythology) 2 Big Screen Rome 3 Psych 101

1 2 2 3

Best Teacher at UNM

Monica Cyrino Marty Martinez Ryan Goodman Steven Alley

thanks for making me #1 thanks for making with UNM me #1 UNM! students!

1 Holiday Bowl 2 Lucky 66 Bowl 3 Leisure Bowl

Tired of being cramped in a small ad?

Advertise with us; we’ve got room. DAILY LOBO 277-5656

lo mejor

Page 18 / Monday, December 5, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Thanks for voting in the Lo Mejor survey! Here are your favorites...... Best Snow Resort

1 Ski Santa Fe 2 Durango Mountain Resort 3 Taos Ski Valley Resort

! t r o p

p u s ed

u n i t n r co

u o y r fo

Best Alternative Mode of Transportation

1 Bicycle 2 ABQ Ride 3 Golf Cart (HAM 1)

Best Theater

1 Century Rio 24 2 Century 14 Downtown 3 The Guild

Best Used Car Dealership

1 Carmax 2 Cross Country 3 Garcia Honda

Best Strip Club

Best Gas Station

1 Smiths 2 Valero 3 7 Eleven

Best UNM Athletic Team

1 Men’s Basketball 2 Men’s Soccer 3 Ski Team

Best Smoke Shop

1 M&M Smoke Shop 2 The Orchid Chamber 3 Hookah Kings

Best Way to Volunteer

1 ASUMN Community Experience 2 Lobo Spirit 3 Give Blood-United Blood Services 3 Road Runner Food Bank

1 TD’s 2 Fantasy World 3 The Palms

ONLINE Spring 2012 Online classes are available in the following subject areas: Afro-American Studies American Studies Anthropology Architecture Community & Regional Planning Communication Dental Hygiene Education Emergency Medical Services Engineering English Foreign Languages Geography History Management Medical Laboratory Sciences Music Political Science Religious Studies Sociology


Here at the

DAILY LOBO new mexico

We would like to encourage you to excersise your right to

save money,

Mini-Coups have fun,

SNOW REPORT and be fashionable.

Questions? call: 277-8128 email: online@unm.edu

Go Lobos!


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, December 5, 2011 / Page 19


Barlow leaves with loss, respect

Laurisa Galvan / Daily Lobo Former interim head football coach George Barlow celebrated with his team after the Lobos beat UNLV 21-14 on Nov. 12. Barlow coached his final game for UNM last Saturday against Boise State.

by Nathan Farmer

sports@dailylobo.com George Barlow’s tenure as interim head football coach, and the football team’s season, ended Saturday with a 45-0 blowout loss to No. 7 Boise State. Barlow, who was the assistant coach at UNM for the past three years, took over Sept. 25 after then-head coach Mike Locksley was fired. Barlow finished with a 1-7 record, his only win against UNLV on Nov. 12. “It’s been difficult, but at the same time it’s been fun,� he said. “When you are in my position and want to be a head coach someday, not too many coaches have that opportunity to have a trial run as a head coach.� One bright spot was the performance of senior linebacker Carmen

Messina, who on Saturday played his last game for UNM. Messina moved up to third on the all-time tackles list, passing former Lobo legend Brian Urlacher. Messina ends his Lobo career with a total of 454 tackles. Sophomore defensive lineman Jacori Greer said Barlow assumed the head coaching position during a tumultuous time for the Lobo football program. “He was dealt a hard hand,� Greer said. “He’s a great guy and a great coach. If he’s not coaching here next year, he’ll definitely be coaching somewhere else and be very successful.� Barlow said his time as interim head coach was a learning experience, and he gained skills and

knowledge that will help him in his coaching career. “I have enjoyed the process, even though we have not won as many games as I would have liked to, but the whole process has been fun for me,� he said. Barlow said the most difficult part of the job was raising the morale of the team after tough defeats. As the defensive coordinator earlier in the year, he only had to worry about getting the defense ready, he said. “You have to find the way to push the buttons of an entire team,� he said. “I didn’t know if I had the ability to do that, but I have found out that I do.� Former Notre Dame head football coach Bob Davie takes the reins of the Lobo football program, which has finished 1-11 three seasons in a row.

Congratulate Last Week’s

Lobo Winners! Men’s Basketball

defeated Idaho State 65-41 Missouri State 76-60

Women’s Basketball defeated NMSU 54-53


Page 20 / Monday, December 5, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

men’s basketball

Guard chemistry vital to win by Mundo Carrillo ecarr50@unm.edu

The guards of the men’s basketball team defended the Lobos’ four game winning streak. Four guards, freshman Hugh Greenwood and sophomores Kendall Williams, Tony Snell and Demetrius Walker, snagged double-digit points. They scored a combined 58 of the Lobos’ 76 total points. Williams reached a career-high 19 points to help the Lobos pull off a 16-point victory over the Bears. While the other guards busied themselves making shots, Williams drove through the lane and picked up fouls on his way to the basket. He added 10 points from the free-throw line. “I thought our activity in the guard position was really good,” head coach Steve Alford said. “Hugh made some shots, Tony made some shots. Kendall was very active and

was very hard to guard.” The Lobos got off to a 10-0 start, thanks to shooting from Snell and Greenwood. The first six points of the game came courtesy of two straight 3-pointers from Snell. Snell and Greenwood ended the game with three 3-pointers each. Greenwood ended with 11 points and added his first blocked shot of the season. Greenwood said he is starting to get more comfortable with his shooting skills. “I’ve been more aggressive these last few games,” he said. “Shooting is a strength of mine.” Walker added two more 3-pointers for the Lobos and scored 16 points coming off the bench. “I thought D-Walk (Walker) came in and really provided a spark for us,” Alford said. “He did a lot of good things for us coming off the bench.” Williams said the guards are starting to build chemistry together.

M. basketball

from pagE 24

Lobos, however, was from the freethrow line as they outshot the Bears 35-5. UNM made 24 while Missouri State only made 3. Limiting the opponent’s freethrow attempts has been a key improvement from the beginning of the season, Alford said. “We’ve had two games in a row that our opponents have shot a total of 10 free throws,” Alford said. “Our defense has come a long way in a month because four weeks ago teams were

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“I like playing with Hugh; I like playing with Jamal (Fenton),” Williams said. “Hugh is starting to come into his own and it makes for a good environment.” Greenwood, Snell, Walker and Williams also combined for 19 rebounds. Greenwood and Williams had six each. The scoring from the guards made up for the lack of production from the post, as senior forwards A.J. Hardeman and Drew Gordon and sophomore forward Cameron Bairstow combined for 13 points. The Lobos were also without senior guard Phillip McDonald for most of the game. McDonald injured his ankle after only four minutes. Even though four guards reached double-digit points, Alford said he couldn’t care less how many players pull off that feat. “It doesn’t matter if we have four or zero,” Alford said. “If we win, I’m always going to be pretty happy.”

shooting 30 free-throws against us.” Williams said the defense has been exceptional in the past couple of games and that the experience the Lobos have been picking up has also helped. “Our defense looks real good; that’s how we’ve gotten off to good starts these past games,” Williams said. “We’re just learning. We’re still a young team and I think the experience is picking up a lot and it’s showing in our performances.”

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Monday, December 5, 2011 / Page 21

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Page 22 / Monday, December 5, 2011

I’mnewhereandIlovekerning Capricorn — You might feel an overwhelming sense of guilt as you become incapable of dealing with stress properly. You feel you deserve a break, and perhaps that’s true, but what’s more beneficial is a break from your steady stream of inner criticism. The only way to shut up your critic is to prove your worth to it. You have what it takes, you just need to act without letting the exhaustion sap your motivation. Aquarius — A sense of dread seizes you when you consider the pattern developing in your life. Important changes are coming, calling you make adjustments as necessary. It’s easy to defend your stability by rationalizing the merit of your situation, and thereby making change wrong. This concept is rooted in fear of failure. Understand that this change is all for the better, so it is best to take it in stride. Pisces — Rising from deep in your heart is the need to connect to society as a whole. Individual interactions test your patience with the endless inanities of small talk and absorbing people’s seething criticism and negativity. Why can’t everyone else see the rosy world you find yourself lost in? I don’t expect this question will be answered soon, but it is worth considering it as the basis for a new life direction. Aries — There’s something that plagued you subconsciously for a while now, and it may be time to deal with it. While Mercury is in retrograde motion, you should avoid confronting an individual about past disputes, especially if you are trying to make amends. Spend time considering scenarios in which you play out different plans of action. Your interest should gravitate toward the long-term. This is a good time to think about the big picture.

Taurus — You can no longer ignore the disconnect between your mind and body, as it is crucial for the two to work together. Lately, you switch between consciousness in both arenas and leave loose ends that are now coming back to haunt you. Your problem is thinking too much without acting. Address your obligations and your mind will be ready to deal with the larger problems you’re experiencing. Gemini — A flurry of activity in the past weeks sent your mind spinning. Now that your mind has abandoned the physical realm in favor of intellectual pursuits and socializing, you may behave in a way that falsely reflects your true thoughts. Remember this change if you’re not too baffled by the affronted looks of those you typically have a friendly rapport with. On the upside, this could be a foray into new relationships you may not have considered in your “right mind.” Cancer — Your daily routine, which affords you a degree of comfort in its predictability, feels increasingly restrictive. With Sagittarian influences this month, you feel compelled to make radical changes for a richer experience, something like a vacation. Allow yourself respites throughout the day to collect your thoughts so you can experience grand and ordinary phenomena of the world. You’d be amazed at the wondrous things that are often right in front of us, if only we paused to look. Leo — You can make great leaps under present cosmic conditions, as long as you don’t let the opinions of others influence your actions. You should consider what you want, not at the moment, but in general. With Mars in Virgo, your body is aching

lobo features to be tested with hard labor, so set yourself to a task and let your mind wander the possibilities that could lead to a new future. Virgo — The snowy environment reflects your present situation, except Albuquerque is your mind. Your conscious roams blindly and explores the familiar in strange conditions. You notice more and more instances of what you considered impossible actually happening in reality. This is concept is scary because such instances challenge your beliefs. Use this surreal nature to your benefit. Limits are lifted, and allow you to move toward goals you previously thought impossible. Libra — Just like extracting the interesting bits of movies and condensing them into a preview, you are rejecting the banal in search of something more fulfilling. This quest is worthy, though it feels as though you are losing yourself in the process. If your head rises too far into the clouds, it’s easy to lose touch with the familiar world, though maintaining contact is important for a warm welcome upon your return. Find a travel companion for your physical or intellectual ventures, to preserve your connections with others. Scorpio — You can’t help but share everything on your mind these days, which can get you in trouble just as easily as it let new people into your life. You have much to offer, and you feel that giving yourself away is the best way to reach a world you feel alienated by. Keep this idea in mind when you make plans in the next couple of weeks to avoid losing energy. It is possible to be selective about your associations without being critical. Sagittarius — An attitude change is necessary, but once achieved you will find doors opening left and right. This concept is probably new to you, as your disposition tends to be sunny and receptive, qualities that you and many others consider ideal. Right now, it is easy for others to take advantage of these characteristics. Rather than sheer optimism, the coming weeks call for an honest assessment of yourself and for you to present yourself as such. Don’t let the fear of rejection keep you from revealing your true feelings.

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LoboBasketball Sports Editor / Nathan Farmer

The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895


24 Monday December 5, 2011



Firing line allows 16-point victory over Bears by Thomas Romero-Salas tromeros@unm.edu

Like true wolves, the Lobos surrounded Missouri State early in the game on Saturday, and kept their prey down for a 76-60 victory. UNM came out firing, hitting four early 3-pointers en route to a 20-4 lead, with 11:52 remaining in the first half. The Lobos never trailed in the game. “I thought we really came out with a lot of urgency and intensity,” head coach Steve Alford said. “Our defense is getting better. I thought we did a really good job taking them out of their stuff.” Missouri State hit only two shots in the first 10 minutes as UNM’s defense swarmed and caused seven turnovers during that time span. UNM’s biggest lead was 33-9, which came at 6:35 left in the first half, and the Lobos led at halftime 39-23. MSU tried to mount a comeback in the second half, cutting the deficit down to 12 points multiple times, but UNM stayed strong and didn’t let the lead dip to single digits. “We were really hot in the first half; we were making shots and getting stops defensively,” said freshman guard Hugh Greenwood. “The second half, they were scoring and it kind-of took our rhythm away. Defense is a priority and we kind of let that slip in the second half.” The best chance for the Bears to make it a game came with 2:16 left, as Missouri State’s Corey Copeland had a layup on a fast break opportunity to cut the lead to 10 points, but missed it. After the miss, sophomore guard Demetrius Walker delivered the final blow with an old-school 3-point play as he was fouled on a layup with 1:48 left in the game. The Bears never reared again,

Demetrius Walker dribbles through the Missouri State defense Saturday at The Pit. UNM beat the Bears 76-60 and hit a season-high of 10 3-pointers. and the Lobos went on to win by 16 points to boost their record to 6-2, while MSU fell to 4-2. The win was the fourth-straight for UNM. Four Lobos had double-digit points, with sophomore guard Kendall Williams leading all

scorers with 19 (a career high), Walker with 16, sophomore guard Tony Snell with 12, and Greenwood with 11. Alford said Williams played well, not only by scoring points, but by doing a little bit of everything else.

“I thought Kendall was really good,” Alford said. “Kendall is very active and very hard to guard. His stat line is all over the place as far as numbers; he rebounded and got assists he did a lot of good things.” Three-pointers helped UNM

Adria Malcolm / Daily Lobo

early as team members made seven of their first nine attempts, to make 10-22 for the game, while MSU only made 5-25. The major advantage for the

see M.

basketball PAGE 20


1-point win recoups record by Nathan Farmer


Adria Malcolm / Daily Lobo NMSU’s Kelsie Rozendaal (22) shot is blocked by UNM’s Porche Torrance on Sunday at The Pit. The Lobos won 54-53 for a 3-5 record.

First-year head women’s basketball coach Yvonne Sanchez snagged her first rival win against New Mexico State in the Rio Grande Rivalry on Sunday. With scores tied at 53, senior guard Lauren Taylor hit a free throw with 30 seconds left to take the lead, and the Lobo defense held on as UNM won 54-53 in front of 7,551 fans for Pack The Pit. “It’s a huge win,” Sanchez said. “To get a one-point win in the tough situation we were in just speaks volumes. Hopefully they feel everything is turning around a bit.” UNM went 20-45 shooting in the game, but started with only eight healthy players. The leading scorer, junior guard Caroline Durbin, started on the bench for the first time this season because of the flu. Regardless, the Lobos started the game with a 10-0 run and held NMSU scoreless until 12:40 left in the first half. Taylor led the team with 13 points and said the Lobos’ offense was perfect at the beginning of the game. “We were playing motion really well,” she said. “They were getting lost in a lot of the screens and we played it really well.” A late run by the Aggies closed the gap to a three-point difference, and the Lobos led 27-24 into half.

“We have dropped three games by three or less points. It kind of gets with your psyches sometimes when you do that.” ~Yvonne Sanchez head coach

Much as they did in the first half, the Lobos dominated with a 14-4 run in the first six minutes of the second half for a 15-point lead. With 10 minutes left, NMSU put UNM in a full-court press that led to four quick turnovers. Sanchez said the team needs to figure out a way to limit its turnovers when the opposing team plays fullcourt press defense on them. “That’s just our Achilles’ heel,” she said. “We still have to work on it. It’s one of those things like your shot: you’ve got to keep working on it. People are going to press us, so we have to make sure we solve it with something.”

NMSU had 25 points off of UNM’s 18 turnovers, and with 6:13 left the Aggies took their first lead, 48-47. The Aggies led by four points with five minutes remaining, but the Lobos dwindled it down to a 53-53 tie with 30 seconds left. Taylor got fouled bringing the ball up the court and hit one of two free throws, giving the Aggies the ball with 25 seconds left and a chance to win. But the Lobo defense didn’t allow NMSU a shot, as senior forward Porche Torrance blocked NMSU’s Kaitlyn Soto’s layup as time ran out on the shot clock. The block was one of Torrance’s five in the game to go along with her seven steals and 10 points. “They could have dropped their shoulders when they went up four,” Sanchez said. “We have dropped three games by three or less points. It kind of gets with your psyches sometimes when you do that.” The Lobos are now 4-5. Taylor said it felt good to finally be on the winning side of a close game. “We lost some of those other games by two or three, but we said ‘not this game, were getting this game,’ ” she said. “The last timeout we said ‘we are winning this thing. Whatever you have to do to get it done, we’re getting it done.’ ”

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