NM Daily Lobo 121211

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. And finals. Good luck.

December 12-16, 2011

finals week The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895

UNM presidential candidate visits begin Elizabeth Hoffman left her former university because of a free speech conflict. She also addressed the athletics scandal during her term. by Jessica Hitch jehitch@unm.edu

UNM presidential finalist Elizabeth Hoffman said during her campus visit Friday that she learned a lot from her controversy-ridden tenure as University of Colorado president, which ended in 2005. Hoffman said she Elizabeth Hoffman resigned from the presidency because she refused to fire a professor who likened some Sept. 11 victims to Nazis. She said then-Colorado Gov. Bill Owens called her and told her to fire the professor, but she refused because she supports freedom of speech. “I have never bent to the political wills,” she said. “It was my refusal to do what I was ordered to do by the governor.” But the scandal over the professor wasn’t the only controversy that coincided with her resignation. Hoffman’s resignation also followed a football scandal that included allegations of rapes, strip club visits and alcohol-fueled sex parties for recruits, Fox News reported in March 2005.

At least nine women said they were assaulted by Colorado football players or recruits since 1997, and an independent commission reported that Colorado players used sex, alcohol and marijuana as recruiting tools. Hoffman said she learned from the experience. “Having been through a very difficult athletic experience, I have no tolerance, absolutely zero tolerance, for misbehavior,” she said. Hoffman said if she’s elected UNM president, she plans to live on campus in the presidential house and be highly visible to UNM community. “You’ll see me walking my dog on campus,” she said. “I’ll be visible on campus and visit with student, faculty and staff leadership, and be visible at football and basketball games and not just sit there, but go and talk to students.” She said her five-year plan for the University includes increasing graduation rates. “I’d like to see a 50-55% graduation rate with a much-reduced difference between majority students and minority students,” Hoffman said.

Elsa Murano hopes to bolster dismal graduation rates. She has a history of appointing diverse staff, but regrets her previous presidency by Jessica Hitch

news@dailylobo.com Elsa Murano, the first of the five UNM presidential finalists to visit the University, defended her resignation as president of Texas A&M University during her campus visit Thursday by saying the regents wanted to use Elsa Murano university funding for political favors. Murano stepped down from the presidency after just 18 months on the job, but she said she wishes she had never been president. “If I had to do it over again, I would not take that job,” she said. About 40 students and faculty members attended the forum where Murano said she faced challenges with regard to the university during her time as the first female and first Hispanic president of Texas A&M University. “When I was first president, all the deans were white guys,” she said. “I have nothing

Student forums will be held from 11:45 - 1 p.m. in SUB Ballroom B through next week. Candidate Robert Frank speaks on Monday, Meredith Hay on Tuesday and Douglas Baker on Wednesday.


Full audio recordings of the forums are available online

Election slate found guilty by Luke Holmen holmen@unm.edu

The ASUNM Student Court found the 10 former ASUNM Senate candidates accused last month of misreporting campaign expenses guilty of all charges. The court ruled on Thursday that each of the candidates, who made up the Make Your Mark campaign slate in last month’s Senate race, must pay a fine of $82.17. The Student Court did not uphold the election commission’s recommendation to bar Sen.-Elect Brandyn Jordan from assuming office. Jordan was the student who took responsibility for Make Your Mark’s actions “While the election commis-

The missing Pikachu


against white guys — my husband’s a white guy. I love white guys.” She said that she made a concerted effort to hire diverse administrators, including a female dean, a Hispanic vice-president and two African-American vice-presidents during her tenure. “At A&M, I knew it had to start from top, as in the people I hired as vice-presidents and deans needed to reflect the population of Texas,” Murano said. Murano said she hopes to tackle the UNM’s retention rate. “Frankly, the retention of 46 percent of overall students is awful and not just a problem with minorities,” she said. “We have 79 percent at A&M and don’t think it’s that good. We want it to be 90 percent or more.” She suggested “creating learning communities,” where groups of students with similar interests live together, as well as an increased focus on freshman advising and orientation. Murano said she hopes to manage problems with tuition and fees hikes at UNM by proving the University’s value to the state Legislature. “Without an educated population, we can’t attract or create jobs, the tax base is going to plummet, and you’ll have a thirdworld country, basically, and that’s not what we want,” she said.

sion was authorized to disqualify Brandyn Jordan from assuming office … the Student Court finds the punishment to be excessive,” the court’s decision said. “Although he is guilty of gross misconduct, based on the proceedings, the evidence did not merit the disqualification of a senator elected by 596 of his peers.” The five elected candidates from Make Your Mark will not be allowed to vote during the first two ASUNM full Senate meetings and first committee meeting. If they fail to pay their fines by Dec. 18, they will not be allowed to take office or participate in future elections. Sen.-Elect Anthony Santistevan, who ran on the Make Your

Mark slate, said the court’s decision to remove his and fellow Make Your Mark candidates’ rights to vote will limit the Senate’s ability to function. “It’s unfortunate that these sanctions have been put in place, but it was decided by the student court that these sanctions would be upheld, and we have no choice but to follow their ruling,” he said. “We are just glad Brandyn Jordan is allowed into office. The students of UNM wanted him there for a reason.” The court’s decision passed unanimously after five days of deliberation. ASUNM President Jaymie Roybal


IDEA forms remain secret by Luke Holmen holmen@unm.edu

Juan Labreche / Daily Lobo William “Ted” Brady looks dejectedly at the trailer attached to his touring bicycle. Until yesterday, the trailer housed his kitten named Pikachu. The pair of travelers has covered 700 miles of road and 5,217 feet of elevation difference since departing from Bartlesville, OK on October 19. The trip is aimed at raising awareness of local, low-cost (or free) spay/ neuter programs available throughout the country and encouraging people to adopt pets. The two planned on celebrating Brady’s 21st birthday in Albuquerque before continuing to Las Vegas, Nevada until yesterday afternoon, when Pikachu went missing on the Bosque cycling/pedestrian trail between Mountain St. and Bridge St. Brady says he will stay in Albuquerque until he finds Pikachu, a 4-month-old lynx point Siamese with tiger stripes and snow mittens.

Inside the

Daily Lobo volume 116

issue 77

Where are we? See page 2

Ever wonder about the results of the end-of-semester professor evaluations students fill out? University officials said students will never know. Associate Provost Greg Heileman said the Individual Development and Educational Assessment, or IDEA evaluations, are private and for internal use only. “(The evaluations are designed) to improve teacher effectiveness at UNM, not to inform students about what other students reported on

these surveys,” he said. “The privacy of the survey information is guaranteed to faculty, and a faculty in fact has the choice of whether or not to release the survey information to his or her chair.” Student Aaron Wright said the fact that results are kept private diminishes their effectiveness. “I never bother to fill them out,” he said. “You can’t get a straight answer from the administration about how much they actually matter, and we never see the results anyway … It’s absolutely ridiculous.” According to the Office of Institutional Research, UNM doesn’t

track evaluation data for the University as a whole; it is up to individual departments whether they choose to retain records from year to year. GPSA President Katie Richardson said UNM needs to make the evaluation results available to the public and hold teachers accountable for poor scores. “I absolutely believe that the teaching evaluations at a school with a 13 percent (four-year) graduation rate should be public,” she said. “How else can we look at the areas we need to improve? They

see Evaluations PAGE 5

Gift-Giving Guide See page 18


New Mexico Daily Lobo

D e c e m b e r 12-16, 2011

where are


Every week the Daily Lobo challenges you to identify where we took our secret picture of the week. Submit your answers to photoeditor@ dailylobo.com. The winner will be announced at the beginning of next semester. Julie Jennings correctly guessed last week’s Where Are We. It was located in Yale Park.

DAILY LOBO new mexico

volume 116

issue 77

Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com advertising@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

Gabriela Ventola / Daily Lobo Editor-in-Chief Chris Quintana Managing Editor Elizabeth Cleary News Editor Chelsea Erven Assistant News Editor Luke Holmen Staff Reporter Charlie Shipley Photo Editor Dylan Smith

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The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published daily except Saturday, Sunday and school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and Printed by regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content Signature should be made to the editor-in-chief. Offset All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo. com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.


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December 12-16, 2011 / Page 3

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LoboOpinion The Independent Voice of UNM since 1895



Finals Week December 12-16, 2011


LAST WEEK’S POLL RESULTS: Last week, the 10 former ASUNM senate candidates accused of financial misconduct appealed the punishments issued to them by ASUNM Elections Commission. Do you think the group should be exonerated? No. They lied about their breach of 52% spending. They can’t be trusted. I am indifferent to ASUNM.


Yes. Their mistake was an honest one, and there’s no reason to keep them out 16% of the Senate. Maybe. The rest of the senators should be allowed to vote, but Jordan should be barred.


Out of 82 responses

LETTERS Column on oral is immoral, needs more Biblical values Editor, In the interest of academic freedom, there are alternate views to the Dec. 7 column, “Does your sex life suck? Then learn how to blow!” on how to have sex. Some of us are Neanderthals who believe sex belongs in marriage alone. Yes, some of us folks of faith actually still hold the view that what was advised is (gasp!) immoral. (I didn’t call the writer immoral; I merely referred to the view that her writings are immoral, thus abiding by academic freedom.) Some of us “people of faith” don’t live by our glands. Nor do we get our values from our gal pals, guy pals or society. We get them from the Bible. We still believe that God exists. We still believe that through faith in Him (not in our own power) we can control our glands. After all, He made them. Sex is not like ping-pong. Casual sex is not safe because it violates the way God made us: “Male and female created He them … so they are no longer two but one flesh,” said Jesus Christ in Matthew 19:4–5, quoting Genesis 1:27 and 2:24. When we violate the commandment “you shall not commit adultery,” we commit evil because extramarital sex harms your soul and the souls of your descendants. Thank you for allowing me to share this view in the interest of academic freedom. Kathy Burbery UNM student

Letter accusing ad for Israel Alliance of lies is full of lies Editor, In Danya Mustafa’s letter on Dec. 5, she was very upset about a three-line ad that urged people to research facts, even though she says she agrees with the only point of the ad, which is to do research. Mustafa claims the Israel Alliance web site links to sites that call Palestinians savages, and because of this, that the Israel Alliance is racist. That’s not true on either count. There is no claim that Palestinians are savages either on the Israel Alliance web site or its links. I haven’t heard anyone but Mustafa say that Palestinians are savages. Frankly, I found it sad that Danya Mustafa said that about Palestinians. The Palestinian leadership declares itself to be the enemy of Israel and Jews for racist


Dr. Peg’s Prescription Be kind to the UNM community. Don’t share your cold by forgetting not to take the proper precautions. by Dr. Peggy Spencer Daily Lobo Columnist

Cold season is here in more ways than one: cold weather and cold germs. One leads to the other. When it gets cold, we huddle behind closed doors and windows, staying warm and breathing each other’s air. When breathing turns to coughing, illness spreads. Colds are caused by viruses, which are teeny tiny particles that get into your body through your mouth or nose. They settle in your sinuses and lungs where they multiply, divide and conquer, causing all the familiar symptoms and making you look and feel like that guy on the commercial. Nobody dies from a cold, but nobody wants one either. Especially during finals time, you can do without all that dripping, hacking, and sneezing, am I right? There are some things you can do to increase your chances of staying healthy. First things first: basic body maintenance. Really try to get enough sleep. Eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water. Exercise regularly. Your body’s immune system needs the basics in order to function at max capacity. Next, do what you can to avoid germs. Stay out of crowded, close spaces if you can.

reasons. But even at that, it would be unfair to call Palestinians racists. It would also be disrespectful not to believe what the Palestinian leadership says. It was silly for Mustafa to say that “the Israel military completely massacred the people of Gaza.” If that were the case, there would be no Gazans now, and we all know that Gaza is a gigantic, overcrowded open-air prison, right? They are starving and deprived. You can tell by the full markets, shopping malls, big hotels and healthy people. Saying that 1,400 “innocent civilians” were killed in operation Cast Lead is also an awesome untruth. The great majority of Arab causalities during operation Cast Lead were armed fighters, soldiers and Hamas police, as Hamas itself pointed out. Hamas brags that it launches attacks from schools, hospitals and residential areas because it knows Israel tries hard not to kill civilians. This civilian shield tactic would be pointless if Israel aimed to kill civilians. As the old jihadi saying goes, “we will win

Planes, trains and automobiles are all wonderful incubators. If you know someone who is sick, don’t touch them or anything they have touched. Wash your hands a lot, especially before eating. Carry hand sanitizer with you and use it often. The most common way to get sick is by unconsciously picking up germs by touching something, then dragging the germs from your hands to your nose or mouth, so keep your hands away from your face as a rule. If your nasal tract is dry, it is a little damaged, which makes it easier for viruses to penetrate. You can use saline nasal spray and/or a humidifier in your bedroom to help keep your mucous membranes moist. If, in spite of your best efforts, a cold does catch you, there are some things you can do that might nip it in the bud. Zinc lozenges and Echinacea both have good track records for shortening a cold, and nothing beats a day on the couch with chicken soup. If the cold takes hold, get some rest, drink lots of liquids and dose yourself with plenty of patience. Colds often last from a week to 10 days, so give your body a chance to do its thing. Take over-the-counter medication for your symptoms if you want. We have plenty of those in SHAC pharmacy. If you have a bad sore

because we love death, and they love life.” The “apartheid” claim is wrongly applied. In Israel, Arabs buy property, go to university, shop, start businesses, vote and are elected to public office alongside Jews. That is the opposite of apartheid. However, Palestinians do know about apartheid. The Palestinian leadership declares that no Jews would be able to live or even stay temporarily in their territory if they had a separate state. Even without a state, the leadership gives the death sentence to Arabs who sell land or buildings to Jews, unless the sellers are the leaders themselves. This is not surprising, considering the Palestinian leadership in Judea and Samaria is comprised of hijackers, bombers and murderers who were imported from Tunisia in 1994 (after being driven out of Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon). It’s not an “indigenous” thing. But if a person still prefers to back a murderous, ruthless, racist regime of terrorists, it’s their choice. Lynn Provencio UNM community member

throat, or if you think you have more than “just a cold,” come see a provider at SHAC. Finally, do your friends a favor and try not to spread your germs when you’re sick. I know, you’re making a lot of mucous, and it is hard not to cough. But think about what you have and what you’re doing. Your mucous is full of virus particles. If you wipe your hand across your nose and then go open a door or handle money, you are spreading germs to anyone who touches what you touched. If you cough near someone or onto a shared surface, same thing. So blow your nose into a tissue, throw it away, and then wash or sanitize your hands. If you cough, cough like Dracula into your crooked elbow, to minimize the spray and spread of viruses. Colds are like other opportunists: They’ll get you when your defenses are down. Stress lowers all defenses, so treat yourself well, now more than ever. Dr. Peggy Spencer is a student health physician. She is also the co-author of “50 ways to leave your 40s.” Email your questions directly to her at pspencer@unm.edu. All questions will be considered anonymous, and all questioners will remain anonymous. This column has general health information and cannot replace a trip to a health provider.

LETTER SUBMISSION POLICY  Letters can be submitted to the Daily Lobo office in Marron Hall or online at DailyLobo. com. The Lobo reserves the right to edit letters for content and length. A name and phone number must accompany all letters. Anonymous letters or those with pseudonyms will not be published. Opinions expressed solely reflect the views of the author and do not reflect the opinions of Lobo employees.



Craig Dubyk

Managing editor

Craig Dubyk News editor


New Mexico Daily Lobo from page 1

said she trusts that the student court made the right decision. The slate members appealed their initial punishments Dec. 1, saying that while they did spend more money on campaign materials than reported, the materials were never used. Sen.-Elect Joe Stevens spoke to the student court on behalf of the accused candidates during the Dec. 1 appeal. He said the fliers that went unreported were extras


that the candidates didn’t use during the campaign. “Brandyn Jordan received 596 votes, the highest of any candidate,” Stevens said. “Is it right to silence 596 individuals’ voices? We did not intentionally misreport these fliers, and we did not use them to campaign, to affect the minds of students. Our actions as individuals prove our character; our actions to help the community … Every action we took

was for the students.” During the appeal, ASUNM Attorney General Greg Montoya said the candidates knowingly overspent and lied about it to the elections commission. “The students of the University of New Mexico were misled,” he said. “The elections commission and I do not believe these individuals have the integrity to hold office, and I ask the court to uphold our decision.”

and tenure committees often review several years of IDEA surveys as part of their decision. “All tenure and promotion decisions at UNM take into account a faculty’s record of teaching, research and service,” he said. “I can tell you that from my personal experiences in serving on tenure and promotion committees during my

21 years at UNM, this is not taken lightly. Teaching is a very important part of a faculty’s overall evaluation during tenure and promotion.” Heileman said IDEA surveys are not the only way UNM assesses faculty. “It is common for faculty to observe other faculty in the classroom, and to provide peer evaluations as a result,” he said.

from page 1

should be tracked across the whole University, not just individual departments.” After they are filled out by students, the evaluations are sent to the IDEA center in Manhattan, Kansas, for processing and then returned to individual departments, who give them to professors. UNM Music Professor Carla Barlow said she doesn’t think the results need to be made public. “I feel like that is a personal decision on the teacher’s part, and I would like to believe that all teachers want to do better than they did last semester,” she said. “I incorporate the things students have told me in evaluations, but it’s not my place to say whether another professor should make their results public or not.” Barlow said that for her, the most value comes from students’ written comments at the end of the evaluation. Heileman said teachers are not required to give out the survey, but said many departments strongly encourage their faculty to use it to improve their teaching. He said student evaluations do have significant weight when determining whether a faculty member will receive promotion or tenure. He said departmental promotion

Write for us!

The IDEA Diagnostic Form Report is designed to respond to five questions: •Overall, how effectively was this class taught? •How does this compare with the ratings of other teachers? •Were you more successful in facilitating progress on some class objectives than on others? •How can instruction be made more effective? •Do some salient characteristics of this class and its students have implications for instruction?


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December 12-16, 2011 / Page 5

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Page 6 / December 12-16, 2011

New Mexico Daily Lobo

ncaa football

University stadium hosts first bowl of the season by Nathan Farmer

sports@dailylobo.com The battle for the strangest trophy in sports kicks off on Saturday. Wyoming faces Temple at 12 p.m. in the sixth annual Gildan New Mexico Bowl, the first bowl game of the season, for a chance to raise the 20-inch Native American clay pot. Both teams are 8-4, and Wyoming head coach Dave Christensen said a lot of people will be watching the game because it’s the first bowl game of the season and nationally televised on ESPN. “Everyone that is a college football junkie has taken two weeks off and can’t wait for it to come back on, so by 12 o’clock on ESPN, we will be that

game,” he said. “The exposure is tremendous. It’s from coast to coast and goes to every household and every sports bar.” Wyoming finished 5-2 in the MWC, with its only losses coming against TCU and Boise State. Wyoming beat Fresno State in the 2009 New Mexico Bowl, but Christensen said his team won’t have an advantage even though they have played in the bowl game before. “I don’t think it’s a huge advantage,” he said. “We’ve played down here, but it wasn’t an advantage to come down here and play last year. I don’t think it will play a big role in the outcome of the football game.” Wyoming is led by freshman quarterback Brett Smith, who was named

the 2011 MWC freshman of the year and was placed on the freshman AllAmerican second team this year. Smith has 2,495 passing yards on the season and a 60.5 percent completion rate. “Our guys rally around him,” Christensen said. “They follow him and he will be a captain for this bowl game. As a true freshman, he’s a great competitor who is never satisfied with his performance.” Temple finished 5-3 in the MidAmerican Conference (MAC), and three of its four losses were by four points or fewer this season. “Our kids are so excited to come out and enjoy this bowl experience,” Temple head coach Steve Addazio said. “I promise you that we’ll come out

as a well-prepared football team full of energy, full of passion, and really bring a flavor of MAC and Philadelphia-style football to New Mexico.” Temple comes into the game with a potent running game that is ranked No. 9 in the nation for rush yards, averaging 256.7 yards per game. Running back Bernard Pierce is currently No. 13 in the country with 1,381 rush yards this year. “On offense, everyone knows Bernard Pierce,” Addazio said. “He’s a heck of a RB, and he’s had a great year. He’s an exciting player to watch.” Addazio said he expects a tough game, with each team looking for its ninth win of the season. “On both sides of the football, we feel we have a good, quality football

team,” he said. “So this will be two great teams going at each other. This will be a great day in college football, and one that we’re really looking forward to.”

New Mexico Bowl



Temple Saturday, 2 p.m.

University Stadium

women’s basketball

Miners freeze out women’s basketball 53-43 by Thomas Romero-Salas tromeros@unm.edu

The women’s basketball team came out cold against the University of Texas El-Paso on Saturday and never warmed up, falling to the Miners 53-43 at The Pit. Head coach Yvonne Sanchez said the team let itself down; she said the Lobos lacked offensive rhythm on Saturday. “Shooting 25 percent and having 22 turnovers — it’s just disappointing because I know they’re better than that,” Sanchez said “I know they’re disappointed because they know they’re better

than that. It just seemed like when shots weren’t falling we got a little bit more into a rut.” Senior forward Porche Torrance scored the first basket of the game with 18:26 left in the first half, but UNM would not score again until the 12:49 mark. UTEP didn’t sink a shot until 13:40 left to play in the first half, as it cut the lead to 3-2. At 12:49 in the first half, the Lobos took a 7-2 lead after a free throw from senior guard Lauren Taylor. The fivepoint lead would be the Lobos’ biggest lead of the game. With the score tied at 30 with 16 minutes left, it looked as if UNM would be able to take control of the

game, but then the team fell was blown away by another cold front. Senior guard Nikki Nelson said it might have been a bad shooting night, but the team still tried to make plays. “We didn’t shoot well, and it’s hard when everybody’s not shooting well, but I felt like we still tried to attack and get to the rim,” Nelson said. “We tried, but we didn’t get the calls we would have liked to, but that’s with any game. It was just an off night.” The Lobos would not make another shot until 11:37, to make the score 38-32 for UTEP. After that, the Miners took control of the

game for good. With four minutes left in the game, UTEP was up by 12, its biggest lead of the game. UNM looked hapless on offense as it squandered every opportunity. For the 6:27 to 1:25 stretch, the Lobos didn’t score a point, and helped the Miners improve to 8-0 while UNM dropped to 3-6 for the year. Torrance had a career high in rebounds with 18 (five offensive, 13 defensive), and the Lobos outrebounded UTEP 47-40. The Miners had three doubledigit scorers: Kelli Willingham and Briana Green both with 10,


and Gloria Brown with 12. Junior guard Caroline Durbin was the only Lobo who made double figures, with 13 points. Sanchez said she was pleased with the Lobos’ defensive effort as it held UTEP to 30 percent shooting the entire game, but said she wished some of the regular shots would have fallen. “I was proud of effort on defense because they’re a team that averages 75 points a game. We just needed to hit some shots,” Sanchez said, “I have confidence in them and we’ll get back. It’s the same shots we shoot every day in practice, but they just didn’t fall.”

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New Mexico Daily Lobo

Christmas play cures cynicism by Justino Brokaw jbrokaw@unm.edu

In the flurry of obligatory holiday productions, Duke City Repertory Theatre’s production of “Wooden Snowflakes” stands out. Catherine Bush’s play is distinct in the depth of its two characters, both fully realized by the actors. Eve Lawson, a dogged pharmaceutical rep played by Kate Costello, wants nothing to do with Christmas. But she’s not just an emotionless Grinch, or a bitter cynic: She has endured the death of her entire family and has every right not to get swept up in any holiday fervor. She crashes her car into a tree on Christmas Eve and is forced to remain with the tree’s owner, Simon Whitaker, until a tow truck can reach her. The first of a series of odd coincidences, Lawson discovers Whitaker has also lost his family. But unlike Lawson, he hasn’t let his

dark history darken his world view. He’s a humble, open person who believes wholly in both Santa Claus and in the spirit of Christmas. A miscast Whitaker would have come off as crazy or woefully deluded, but Peter Diseth portrays a genuine human being with a valid and admirable viewpoint. Diseth and Costello have an effortless chemistry that is reminiscent of their performance of Benedict and Beatrice in the Vortex’s 2010 production of “Much Ado About Nothing.” Although the play never completely abandons its penchant for humor, it probes into riskier territory. Whitaker’s innocent, affable nature disarms Lawson, who lets her guard down and opens up to him. Lawson and Whitaker end up debating Christmas as well as heavier topics like love, fate, and God. Although this could easily have come off as some kind of after-school special veiled by a play format, the performers

save the play from that fate. Some story elements can be dismissed as pure coincidence or too hard to believe. Both Lawson and Whitaker pick up on what seems to be a miraculous connection between them. The challenge is whether or not Whitaker can convince Lawson to abandon her pessimism to take this chance at personal happiness.

“Wooden Snowflakes” By Catherine Bush Presented by Duke City Repertory Theatre The Kosmos 1517 Fifth St. N.W. Through Dec. 18 Thursday - Saturday, 8 p.m. Sunday, 2 p.m. General Admission $20 Students, Seniors, Military $12

The Weekly Free

The Daily Lobo knows you are so close to being done you can taste it. We came up with a few celebratory events and thingamabobs to help you celebrate your newfound freedom. If you know of a free event you can send the info to hriley@unm.edu


Vent your anger over that horrible chemistry grade during this open mic night at The Projects (3416 High St. N.E.). Although your poor grades are probably not the most poetic subject, anyone can sign up to speak. According to the website localpoetsguild. wordpress.com, you are allowed two poems with a four minute maximum, though it doesn’t specify whether or not the maximum applies to each poem or your total stage time. The event starts at 7 p.m.


Jim Sagel’s poems and stories about Espanola, New Mexico, are brought to life through four actors who speak in Spanish, English and Spanglish. Images will be projected behind them, depicting stories of mayordomos and the culture behind the low rider cars that are so prevalent in this area. The event is at the Albuquerque Museum of Art and Art History at 2000 Mountain Road N.W. and starts at 6:30 p.m.

Dec. 19: The Albuquerque Philharmonic Orchestra

What could be more relaxing than going to an orchestra performance, closing your eyes and giving thanks to sweet baby Jesus that you are done with finals? The sounds of Franz Schubert, Lee Actor and Niccolò Paganini will soothe your tired mind. The concert is on December 19 at Immanuel

Presbyterian Church on 114 Carlisle Blvd. S.E. and starts at 7:30 p.m.


Now you can get holiday songs stuck in your head … for free! This is Amazon’s gift to those of you who despise the overplayed pop holiday classics. The downloads range from the classics to records such as The New Sounds of Latin Music, Native American Flute Lullabies and The Irish Tenors singing “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing.” The deal is set up like an advent calendar — every day you get a new MP3 download. Take advantage of this deal by searching for “Amazon, 25 days of free holiday music” in an online search engine.


This deal happens every day, and you may already have taken advantage of it, but Whole Foods puts out free samples of food from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Samples include cheese, chips, wine, soup, soap, lotion, fruit and other products. The nearest Whole Foods to UNM is at 2103 Carlisle Blvd. N.E.


Ask and thou shall receive, said the Starbucks barista. Mid-morning is the best time to ask ,because they start throwing the grounds away in the afternoon. Between grounds and all the leaves that have fallen off the trees, you have all the makings for rich soil. Compost piles, if done right, should produce a sweet-smelling

soil. It requires work to maintain, so you might want to research how to best make compost in your area with whatever ingredients you have. Good compost makes a great gift for greenthumbed friends.


If you’re a PC gamer, you should know that between now and Christmas, Steam is giving away 10 free games of any cost to 10 people a day. The requirement is that you visit the site once a day to check out their daily specials. Some of those games are $50 apiece, so you can potentially score up to $500 worth of games by checking their site once daily. Registration on the Steam site is free. More information can be found at store.steampowered.com/


If any art students out there are frantically looking for interesting materials, someone in the Nob Hill area might be your savior. This post advertises two and a half 6-foot-tall broken mirror pieces. According to the ad, “That’s a lot of broken mirror.” Looking for a Christmas tree? There’s a 9-foot specimen for the taking. The only catch is that you have to cut it down. The tree is near Paseo del Norte and Eubank boulevards. The ad listed a phone number and requests that you call before you cut. For more info on these freebies, visit albuquerque. craigslist.org/zip/ -Hunter Riley

housing guide

New Mexico Daily Lobo

December 12-16, 2011 / Page 9

Renew your housing contract with UNM Residence Life and Student Housing



With priority status:

The $50 application fee and the $200 prepayment will be waived Total Savings= $250






DIRECTIONS: Head North on Girard, we’re just past Constitution.

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To explore all housing options, visit: housing.unm.edu

HOUSING GUIDE INDEX 1. Aspen Plaza 2. Broadstone Towne Center 3. The Cedars 4. Citadel Apartments 5. Coe & Peterson 6. Girard Apartments 7. Housing Services 8. Kachina Properties 9. Lobo Village 10. Netherwood Village 11. Rental Information 12. Sandia Properties 13. Casas del Rio 14. Tulane Townhomes

housing guide

Page 10 / December 12-16, 2011


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BLOCK TO UNM. Large. Clean. Gated. 1BDRM. $600/mo. Includes utilities. No pets. Move in special. 255-2685. A LOVELY LARGE efďŹ ciency with hardwood oors, parking. 1812 1/2 Gold SE. $425/mo. 505-299-2499. 1700 COAL SE. 2BDRM, remodeled, wood oors, W/D, $750/mo + utilities, $300dd. No pets please. 453-9745.

Condos TANDCMANAGEMENT.COM STUDIOS 1 BLOCK to west UNM campus. Free utilities. End of semester discount. 246-2038. 1515 Copper NE. www.kachina-properties.com FREE UNM PARKING. 1BDRM, clean, quiet. Nob Hill. Starting at $490/mo. No pets. Move-in special. 366-8391. BRIGHT LARGE 1BDRM w/ ofďŹ ce. Liv-

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New Mexico Daily Lobo




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ing room, FP, large kitchen. No pets, NS. Shared laundry. $525/mo. Near CNM/UNM. 255-7874. 1BDRM. LARGE KITCHEN. Walking dis-

tance to UNM. Private courtyard gate entrance. Background/ credit check required. Across from Roosevelt Park. $625/mo. $400dd. Available January 1. Clean, quiet area. 281-0303 480-2552. UNM NORTH CAMPUS1BDRM $515/mo. Clean, quiet, remodeled. No pets allowed. Move in special! 5737839. STUDIO

APARTMENT. EXCELLENT neighborhood. Female grad/mature student. NS, utilities paid. $420/mo. +dd. 256-1345 leave message. WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood oors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efďŹ ciencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week. CLEAN,

QUIET, AFFORDABLE, 2BDRM $750/mo utilities included. 3 blocks to UNM, no pets. Move in special. 262-0433.

DOWNTOWN ABQ CONDO! Modern 2BDRM/ 1BA, fully furnished, W/D, WiFi, dishwasher, next to ying star, bus stop, restaurants, park, etc. 505429-0479 or downtownabqcondo@gmail.com

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TOWNHOUSE MILLION dollar views, gated, swimming pool, new ooring, new paint, 2BDRM, 2.5BA. All appliances, garage, FP, two story. Coors and I-40. Easy access to shopping and freeway. $1100/mo.First, last $500 deposit. 379-9137. NEW 2 STORY, 3BDRM house between

UNM/ Downtown. 2 minutes from UNM. WiFi, cable, great neighborhood, available January 1st. $1185/mo. 505429-1100 or DowntownABQHome@gmail.com CUTE 3BR/1.5BA home. Huge den with

FP, 1 garage, large yard, 2 sheds, nice NE neighborhood convenient to everything, 12 minutes to campus, but can easily bike or public transit. Only $975/mo! Call David, 7503360. 11613 La Cueva NE 87123, pics: http://goo gl/0vxUI WHY RENT? FIRST time home buyers can purchase up to $250,000 on this program. $500 down through MFA. Call John 450-2878 or Greg 688-0682. Thomson Real Estate. 3BDRM, W/D, BASEMENT, lots of parking. $1000/mo + $400 deposit. Does not include gas or electric. 2 blocks from UNM. 881-3540.


housing guide

New Mexico Daily Lobo

December 12-16, 2011 / Page 11

Minutes M from UN i


3 Bedrooms

2 1/2 BathTULAN EoTm Os WNHOMES ro i

Houses For Rent BEAUTIFUL REMODEL, HUGE 3BDRM’s, den & living room, dining room with indoor pool. Large sunroom perfect for weight room or studio. Perfect for grad students to share. All appliances included. W/D, 2 car garage. 1.5 miles to campus. $2600/mo + security deposit 228-8115. 2BDRM 1BA NOB Hill area. W/D, garage, backyard. $850/mo +deposit +utilities. 804-5093.



PRIVATE BDRM, BA, kitchen, living room with separate entry. 1 person. NP, NS, ND. Prefer female grad student/ working woman. NE off I-25, utilities paid including cable. $475. 889-0511.

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3 Bedrooms


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Minutes to UNM Hospital & Campus i

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$179,900 4,900 to $186,9 00 T ULA N E TOWNH O ME S 0 0 9 , o $186 Rooms For Rent

will love our




2 3 Bedrooms We are certain you

CHESH ENTERPRISES Financing $ 1 8 4 , 9 0 0 Owner to $1 8 6 , 9 0Available 0

Carlisle & Comanche, West on Comanche to Tulane

For Sale, RealCooling, Esta18�teTileCo Refrigerated in Wet Areas, Walk-In Closets, ntract or Rent



Double Sink in Master Bath, Garage & Main Entrance in the Rear


Adjoining Walls


3 Bedrooms


, 3 ,

2 1/2 Bathrooms

—Blown-in Boarda in n c h e t o T u l a n e C a r l i s l e & C o m Extremely a n c hQuiet e with , W e s tInsulation o n w/Sound Com ! "#$% &&

Tulane ROOMMATE WANTED. 2BDRM, 1006 C o m a n c h e tAos h l eSya lZeasm o r a n o t s e W , e h MLK NE, $295/mo, shared utilities. omanc C le & l i sideally a rfree, 505-414-4344 $150 DD,C drug 21 or older.

N2ETHERWOOD V ILLAGE —247.3811 Car Garage ! "#$% && &' & ( ) $

Credit check at $15. 903-2863. Refrigerated Cooling, 18� Tile in Wet Areas, Walk-In Closets, Refrigerated Cooling, 18� Tile in Wet Areas, Walk-In Closets, LOBO VILLAGE- LOOKING for female Double Sink in Master$Bath, 1 8 Garage 4 , 9 0&0Main t oEntrance $ 1 8 6in ,the 9 0Rear 0 to assume lease. Great, quiet roommates. $500/mo +elec. Email rboardExtremely Quiet with –Blown-in insulation in Adjoining Walls , ! "%$ "*" sets Entrance in the Rear alk-In C Double Sink in Master Bath, Garage &lo Main @unm.edu or call 505-620-9913. C&' ITADEL —243.2494 as, W ! "%$ "*" re A + ,

! "#$% && ( ) t e W in e il T 4 � &' & (

) $ SCHOOL i 3 Bedrooms 1520 U NIVERSITY NE AT I NDIAN &' + ,


) ooling, 18 $ * Refrigerated Cooling, 18� Tile i in Wet Areas, Walk-In Closets, 3 Bedrooms r a

e $ * Very

Affordable, Near UNM/Hospitals & the R Double Sink in Master Bath, Garage & Main Entrance in the Rear + % $ Extremely Quiet with Insulation w/Sound Board inBathEntrance in i 2 1/2 ain—Blown-in M

& e

+ %

$ i 2 1/2 Bathg Downtown, Pool, Clubhouse. Free Video % & ' ( ) ra a G , th Extremely Quiet with —Blown-in Insulation w/Sound Board in a rooms Master B

! % & ' ( ) " # #

Rentals. Pets Welcome! Free Utilities! , rooms Adjoining Walls ! $ % & ' ( ) d Board in i 2 Car Garage Adjoining /SounWalls w n o ti la su In n -i n w lo B — HOUSEMATE WANTED TO share spaFt S a i l ei 1705 s 2 CarSq et with cious 3BDRM house w/ UNM student Garage ! "%$ "*" ! "#$% && AND Ashley Zamora &' + , ( ) just 7 blocks from campus. $475/mo in&' & (

) $ s all+ 505-414-4344 cludes utilities, wi-ďŹ ,in dishwasher, g WW/D $ *

Adjoin i 1705 Sq Ft Kohl Kaiser 505-379-1791 Rol Kovaleski 505-235-5399 Remax Elite 505-798-1000

1501 INDIAN SCHOOL RD 1705 (

Sq Ft &' & ) $. NE

Affordable, Near UNM/Hospitals Downtown,


Year Round Pool & ! Hot Covered Parking/

Tub, " # # Garages Available, Free Video Rentals.

! " # # , ! $ % & ' ( ) !


Welcome! $


& ' ( )


Carlisle & Comanche, West on Comanche to Tulane

Kohl Kaiser 505-379-1791 SSales, a Chesh l e Homes, s Tom Schoneman 505-263-2973 505-908-0899 $s1h 8 4l,e 90 0Z t oa$m 186 ,r 9 0aGreater 0 ABQ Homes, LLC A y o Sales 5m 05 -r4a1 4 - 4 3 4 4 o a Z y e l Ash $184,900 to $186,900 K o4 h l3K4 a i4 ser 505-379-1791 4 1 4 505 R o l K o v a l e s k i 5 0 5 - 2 3 5 - 5Carlisle 3 9 9& Comanche, West on Comanche to Tulane great yard & quiet neighborhood. Available in January. Call Richard 505-4699417.*

ROOMMATE WANTED MED student or art student to share 3BDRM house furnished W/D 2mi from campus near Coronado/ Uptown. Students only. $425/mo includes utilities. 463-4536. FURNISHED 1BDRM WITH house privelages. Near UNM/ Old Town. Available now. $650obo. 505-934-6453.

Kohl Kaiser 505-379-1791 Rol Kovaleski 505-235-5399 Remax Elite 505-798-1000

Carlisle & Comanche, West on Comanche to Tulane


Refrigerated Cooling, 18� Tile in Wet Areas, Walk-In Closets,

Double Sink in Master Bath, Garage & Main Entrance in the Rear Extremely Quiet with —Blown-in Insulation w/Sound Board in

$ $

&#&# - ) &&& &#&# - ) &&& $ $ & ( * + + # ' %

& ( * + + # ' %


+ % $ %

! " # # & ' ( )

! $ % & ' ( )

A SPEN P LAZA - 256.7445 3700 ASPEN PLAZA NE ! "%$ "*"

&#&# - ) &&&

& ( * + + # ' %


&' + , ( ) Affordable apartment spacious $ *

homes, floor plans, close to UNM and pets are $ welcome!

+ % % & ' ( )

&#&# - ) &&&

$ $ & ( * + + # ' %

Adjoining Walls 7l9i t1e 5 0 5 - 7 9 8 - 1 0 0 0 1 9 R e m a x E 7 3 5 0 5 Kohl Kaiser 99 Sales i 505-235-53 Rol Kovalesk A s h l e y Z 18� am r aAreas, Walk-In Closets, Refrigerated Cooling, Tile inoWet 05-798-1000 Remax Elite 5 505-414-4344 Garage & Main Entrance in the Rear Double Sink in Master Bath, Kohl Kaiser 505-379-1791 Rol Kovaleski


R e m a xQuiet E l i t with e 5 0—Blown-in 5 - 7 9 8 - 1 0Insulation 00 Extremely w/Sound Board in

Adjoining Walls

$ 1 8 Sales Ashley Zamora 505-414-4344

Kohl Kaiser 505-379-1791 Rol Kovaleski 505-235-5399 Remax Elite 505-798-1000



Page 12 / December 12-16, 2011 The following list is based on information supplied and confirmed by the Office of raduate Studies or respective school/college prior to publication deadline. It has been carefully reviewed, but given the number of names and the evolving status of many prospective graduates, mistakes and omissions may have occurred. Being or not being listed here has no bearing on a student’s official graduation status.

Pamela A. Devoe Christina A. Dinkins

David S. Dixon Justin P. Dodd Haibin Dong Jennifer K. Dumont Jalil Fallad Lois E. Frank Shasta C. Gaughen Melissa A. Gerstle Loren M. Gianini Angelica Gonzalez-Leal Paul M. Guinther Raid Haddad Eudaline P. Hell Carmen J. HolguinChaparro Andrew G. Hope Cara L. Hrusch Linnea K. Ista Pramod Arvind Jamkhedkar GRADUATE Barbara J. Jennings STUDIES Michele L. Leiby Karen J. Lottis Doctor of Robyn A. Lubisco Education Cesar Mendez Ruiz Requirements Completed, Ryan A. Molecke Summer 2011 German Muchnik Izon James W. Andrews Nader A. Naderi Doctor of Shadi A. Naderi Philosophy Joshua C. Neil Requirements Margarita R. Ochoa Completed, Jordan G. Okie Summer 2011 Donna E. Ray Sara A. Abercrombie Mohammed I. Al-Saleh Craig A. Robin Karen R. Roybal Prakash Adhikari Iliana P. Rucker Jose H. Alanis Carmen R. Samora Mahmoud A. Alayesh Andreas Schmitt-Sody Claudia A. Anguiano Charles D. Sizemore Mary E. Bancroft Deborah A. Baness King Elisabeth A. Stone Soumia Bardhan Bobban G. Subhadra Robert M. Breece Erin K. Sully Patrick D. Burton Tengiz Svimonishvili Veronica Calvillo Chie Torigoe Nichlaus J. Carroll F M. Touson Eric Castillo Steven E. Tremblay Melanie A. Cattrell Amanda J. Veile Antonio Causarano Wilson N. William Connie I. Constan Alisha M. Wray Shamsi Daneshvari

Marla E. Wyche-Hall Shisheng Xiong Yaxin Yu Paula Zamudio Ye Zhou William Zortman Candidates for Degree, Fall 2011

Jacob O. Agola Michael J. Anderson Melanie Armstrong Brandon J. Arritt Zonia Balasch Rodriguez Gloria Ann Browning Jo E. Carter Swaroop R. Chary Paulette J. Christopher Jeffrey L. Engbers Christopher G. Eppig Akinbayowa O. Falase Kurt B. Ferreira Dennis P. Gonzales Amanda L. Gross Nancy Halbgewachs Jason C. Harper Paul L. Hooper Fang Huang Hua Huang Linda L. Hurley Carolyn J. Hushman Debbie A. Keiley Roy W. Keyes Kimmerly M. Kloeppel Carolyn M. Kuchera Nina L. Lanza Jeanette J. Leavitt Kathryn L. Lenberg Joseph U. Lenti Cheryl A. Mattison Jean C. Moraes Masato Nakazawa Alan J. Nelson Kristine K. Noel Olumuyiwa O. Oluwasanmi Jami L. Petner-Arrey Benjamin N. Pulford Jolene B. Reed Melissa A. Riddle Carlos A. Riofrio Almeida

congratulations graduates Julie A. Sanchez Angelica M. SanchezClark Lavina L. Sanders Jiayi Shao Michael P. Sheyka Kristin R. Snopkowski Eslam M. Soliman Susan Stevens-Adams Clare K. Stott Alexey N. Sukhinin Rebecca E. Thigpen Leola R. Tsinnajinnie Natasa Vretenar Mary E. Walcher Min Wang Master of Architecture Requirements Completed, Summer 2011

Leandro Flores Kristin E. Flurry Santiago Gonzales Jun B. Maeda Jaimal J. Proctor Frank A. Romero Candidates for Degree, Fall 2011

Grant P. Alexander Ramiro A. Guardiola Chad A. Harris Jonathan C. Mann Edgar A. Mata Kihei K. Mayer Benjamin T. Pardue John F. Van Loh Master of Arts Requirements Completed, Summer 2011

Alex Acerra Chad E. Adcox Stephanie J. Alm Alvin Alvarez Maria D. Ambriz Darla M. Antoine Alexandra Banks William R. Barbour Jan C. Beck Shauna A. Benally Tara J. Bishop

Kathryn E. Bowen Varda S. Brahms Theresa Brandenburg John M. Brooks Kevin J. Brown Victoria L. Bushnell Anna M. Cabrera William R. Carleton Jessica Carlisle Joanna A. Casados Joanne L. Castillo Lucie F. Ceylan Tiffany M. Chiuminatto Amanda C. Cicola Cameron R. Clarke Kathleen B. Cole Michelle R. Corbett Nakia D. Crespin Marleah L. Dean Patti S. Devereaux Teona N. Ducre Russell J. Duvernoy Taeseer Essayd Kandice D. Favorite David R. Ferguson Kimberly K. Fields Rachel E. Fitzwater Susan Fuller Mary M. Gatterman Amanda N. Glenn Joan M. Goessl Paula C. Gonzales Camille F. Gonzales Rebecca E. Grothe Juliana M. Hagel Tiffany A. Hampe JD N. Harding Julia M. Hellwege Laura Hirrel Rex D. Hjelm Christina L. Holman Brittany R. Howell Paola Huffmon Jeffrey P. Huggins Ashley M. Iacobelli Mary F. Jimerson Kristopher D. Johnson Jessica L. Jones Christina Juhasz-Wood Orazmuhammet A. Kichiyev


FOR DISTRICT COURT JUDGE Earn extra money for the holidays Obtain signatures of registered voters on a Nominating Petition to place Sanford Siegel on the election ballot Competitive pay. Outdoor work. No campaign experience necessary. Start the day after your last final exam.

Dow K. Inouye Sai S. Jasthi Namitha Joginapally Emil A. Kadlec Jeffrey A. Knockel Katina V. Krasnec Kathryn E. Lenzer Sizhu Liu Pedro Madrid Ramirez Requirements Completed, Stephanie Mason Summer 2011 Jacob McDermott Regina S. Stella-Watkins Seth D. Melgaard Master of Robert A. Mesler Erika A. Montanaro Occupational Kartik Nandina Therapy Douglas J. Nelson Candidates for Degree, Fall 2011 Sierra L. Netz Alexa F. Allen Xavier C. Ortiz Laura C. Carlisle Hoyoul Park Christina M. Czemske Christopher E. Pauls Katie Elson-Romero Laura J. Pawlikowski Jessica R. Greaves Yajaira Pena-Esparza Raquel Guerrero Jana F. Rael Autumn L. Latham Andrea N. Rainer Robin Leinwand Bridget Ramirez Bethany J. Luke Christopher A. Reiten Marianna F. McFadden Michael H. Robson Suzanne C. Perea Kayla V. Salazar Rosemary S. Reyes Anthony L. Salvagno Erin M. Schellinger Amelia W. Scharrer Alexandra L. Schema Ryan T. Schnalzer Angela Shackford Kyle J. Shour Joan D. Turietta-Alarcon Denis A. Silantyev Kimberly S. Warner Haytham M. Soliman Master of Alissa P. Tatro Aaron D. Taylor Physical Therapy Requirements Completed, Michael J. Thomas Summer 2011 Shannon C. Troutman Shannon M. Briske Adam M. Tsosie Anna J. Keyser Natasha M. Tworoski Mario O. Valdez Master of Public Breck A. Vernon Master of Administration Requirements Completed, Zachary A. Wallace Community and Shuxin Wang Summer 2011 Regional Planning Ting Wang Requirements Completed, Michelle L. Fordice Kelly J. Williams James Funaro Summer 2011 Kirsten S. Winkel David V. Martinez Tammie S. Allen Candidates for Degree, Yasushi Morimoto Gepetta S. Billie Fall 2011 Shane M. Urioste Koby J. Hagen Gloria K. Ababio Candidates for Degree, Yasmin A. Khan Sri Ramachandra Fall 2011 Megan C. McKenna Abbina Eric R. Chenier Brendan S. Picker Jonathan R. Allen Kathryn M. Henz Candidates for Degree, Godwin Amo-Kwao Adam J. Livermore Fall 2011 Michelle C. Melendez Titus J. Appel Jason G. Coffey Alicia T. Solano Candidates for Degree, Sudeepti S. Balepur Nathania T. Tsosie Fall 2011 Ahene Kwaku Sraha Glenn W. Ballard Master of Alexis N. Adams Angela M. Valdez Mekensey D. Buley Construction Chase K. Allard Christina H. Woodlee Courtney Y. Cameron Management Tirzah K. Alva Daniel C. Cannon Master of Public Requirements Completed, Carmen M. Alvarez Tyler D. Carson Summer 2011 Health Jesus R. Armijo Scott S. Chapman Scott C. McCormick Requirements Completed, William H. Barnes Yan Cheng Summer 2011 Requirements Completed, Anzia M. Bennett Fletcher G. Christensen Summer 2011 Nancy L. Eisenberg Theodore R. Bolstad Brian A. Coffman Christina L. Dvorak Julianna Ferreira Daniel H. Briggs Brandi R. Cron Elizabeth K. Rivers Tiffany M. Brown-Wright Master of Fine Arts Kevin M. Davis Huiping Sheng Berenika A. Byszewski Requirements Completed, Mirza M. Elahi Candidates for Degree, Summer 2011 Danelle C. Callan Juan Antonio Elices Fall 2011 Karsten C. Creightney Peter F. Catron Crespo Lisa M. Astuto Roxana Maria Chacon- Carrie E. Cutler Brenton A. Elisberg Kimberly M. Espinoza Lucy G. Dupertuis Noel Bryan D. Estvankog Luanne Redeye Master of Science Alex J. Fleshman Deborah A. Chavez Linda I. Rickert Requirements Completed, Berkeley D. Collins Anil Reddy Geeda Samantha E. Tetangco Summer 2011 Esther L. Cross Joshua D. Goehner Candidates for Degree, Khalid F. Al Moaikel Hugh A. Curtas Andrea Gonzales Fall 2011 Daniel E. Ballou Katherine Dahl Mikhail M M. Grigoriev Julia L. Blitch Linda S. Bayliss Juniper M. Decker Allison B. Grogan Xuan Chen Chi M. Bui Elizabeth A. Dorado Ghadeh M. Hadi Lauren E. Greenwald Eric J. Cheng Helen F. Duran Sarah N. Hile Christopher I. Colson Jeffrey S. Willis Jody A. Engelhardt Amy M. Jurgensen Aaron W. Conn Tamara L. Zibners Alicia M. Fagan Christopher M. Conway Robin M. Kalinich Master of Annette M. Fiedler John P. Kavanaugh Shirley M. Crotwell Landscape Melissa A. Garcia Tyler E. Keating Noel M. Dawson Dina M. Gilio Architecture April D. Kendrick John T. Dunwoody Requirements Completed, Megan N. Goodman Ara S. Kooser Paul N. Durfee Summer 2011 Jacob N. Healy Andrew L. Duvall Antonette M. Koteen Chadette L. Pfaff Bart R. Hill Steven A. Dykstra Emily E. Kowalchuk Candidates for Degree, Lorajean Humelsine Sagar A. Engineer Jamison A. Labelle Fall 2011 Jescia M. Hyland Mostafa Esmaeili Karen R. Lawson Lei Hua Jamie L. Joe Paul E. Essenmacher Thomas P. Leboeuf Muyu Xiong Mark Flynn Jabez B. John Alexander T. Leonard Emilia M. Foley Tristan M. Katz Master of Yuan Liu Matthew C. Gagnon Kristin E. Kennedy Xuan Luo Manufacturing Andrew P. Garner Camilla L. Kimball Frank J. Maldonado Engineering Ming Gong Rachel M. Kitley Chenchen Mao Candidate for Degree, Rick R. Grahn Dagmar Krupinski Fall 2011 Stephen A. McCracken Brian M. Griffin Catherine D. Leon Mark L. Thompson Steven D. Menicucci Arthur G. Hassall Brianna L. Logan Tiffany M. Mlodzik Master of Music Jacob S. Hays Celina A. Lopez Joanna M. Mounce Requirements Completed, Jarrett N. Hines-Kay Misty J. Lovgren Jessica Mumphrey Summer 2011 Ebadollah Honarvar Yvette C. Lujan-Flores Candace Oluwasanmi Nicholas S. Adragna Gheitanbaf David W. Mackey Cheryl H. Parker Luis Gustavo M. Alberto

Candace D. King Nancy J. Lacy Julian I. Landavazo David A. Lawrence Janet A. London Kenneth P. Lythgoe Laura M. Marrero Daniela Cristin Meireles Kristi L. Milburn Ashlene P. Miller Kathleen M. Miller Cecilia Montano Mark A. Murphy Adrian D. Olivas Julie J. Ornelas Amanda M. Padilla Sarah K. Penn Dominic G. Pettine Angela M. Porter Mark A. Pustay Mona K. Qassim Lewis J. Ramey Diana C. Ramos Mitchell F. Rekow Virginia L. Rinaldi Penelope D. Rios Sarah J. Robinson Teresa C. Rodriguez Constance A. Rush Elyse S. Russo Monica I. Salas Lauren N. Salm Emily M. Sanchez Letitia A. Sanchez Lisa M. Sanchez Alyssa A. Sanchez Miranda Gabriel R. Schrager Megan Schultz Sandra L. Serafin Daniel G. Shattuck Sharon A. Shepard Pareesa ShiraziApodaca Elizabeth C. Silva Brandy J. Stratton Jeromy D. Swanson Malinda K. Tecumseh Danielle Thal Santana R. Torrez Marie L. Townsend Melissa C. Velasquez Sumner J. Walz Terrie E. Winson Hui Min Wong

Georgia A. Manning Rebecca A. Marchena Jeremy A. Martin Deborah A. Matison Tara J. McCune Holly J. McRoberts Martin S. Meier Elizabeth W. Miles-Grimm Liza D. Minno Lily M. Montoya Theresa M. Moya Bridget L. Mullins Carrie D. O’Hara Olivia U. Oyinatumba Eduardo E. Pena Whitney L. Quirk Carla D. Ritz Gail A. Robertson Lynzie R. Rowland Maria H. Russell Jocelyn L. Salaz Veronica Salinas Nonabah Sam Cristina Sanchez Andrea D. Serda Sam M. Smith Jeffrey M. Smolensky Jerald A. Sprouse Jaime D. Taylor Moss E. Templeton Rebecca A. Tenorio Schoener William S. Toledo Tony F. Trujillo Rosalinda M. Trujillo Saundra D. Trujillo Tammy A. Turner Vanessa Vander Galien Sharon F. Whetten Salina Wilson Sylvia R. Wittels Rae E. Zuniga

Nicholas A. Baker Nilam S. Brown David L. Burney Anthony K. Chau Brian P. Garrison Ambar M. Jaime Jesse N. McAdooc Jonathan M. Vieker Ashley R. Wilson

New Mexico Daily Lobo

John M. Patchett Laurie A. Price Carl E. Raffa Corey S. Ragsdale Manuel J. Rivera Anthony D. Rocha Jose I. Rodriguez Ruiz Orlando S. Romero Kelly C. Rowe Pamela E. Seamster Barbara C. Shirtcliff Munik K. Shrestha Rogers F. Silva Isidro Solano Laurie E. Steffen Chase A. Tagart Isaac S. Trujillo Rui Wang Sheng-Yang Wang Zhuoyao Wang Paula D. Weber David B. Williams Theresa L. Williams Maria E. Zamudio Zhan Zhang Yuebin Zhao Master of Science in Nursing Requirements Completed, Summer 2011

Nicole M. Adams Rebecca L. Brown Michael J. Chicarelli Julianna Ferreira Annetta F. Good Carolyn M. Hastings Marina J. Kasen Shawna J. Kemper. Siri G. Khalsa Jennifer L. Manganello Mindy D. Mason Cynthia P. Moreno Delsie I. Morrison Shelly L. Ogle Carolyn S. Phillips James D. Rayl Alicia V. Small Cynthia A. Tagg Linda M. Villegas Jennifer N. Whitson

Candidates for Degree, Fall 2011

Helen A. Alarid Alysia A. Christensen Marion T. Deming Lucas S. Gonzales Geraldine Y. GuerraSandoval Marcia K. Hall Ann Hardy Joseph T. Heidrick Margaret R. Hurst Keyna L. Kester Sandra L. Minter Angela G. Ortiz James C. Vigil

Master of Water Resources Requirements Completed, Summer 2011

Yasmin A. Khan

Candidates for Degree, Fall 2011

Eric J. Scherff Marwin P. Shendo

Education Specialist Certificate Requirements Completed, Summer 2011

Jason P. Morgan Angel L. Roman

Candidate for Degree, Fall 2011

Michelle R. Montoya

Amalia C. Kenward Numair Latif Holly A. Strachan Sarah A. Wentzel-Fisher

Stuart Lamb Phoenix Le Nguyen Alejandra Leon Jeremiah B. Leonard Yorgos Marinakis Post Master’s Daniel Martinez Professional Joshua Michael Martinez Nursing Certificate Kirsten LaVonne Martinez Requirements Completed, Matthew Martinez Summer 2011 Angela Maxwell Jessie J. Fluhman Ryan Melloy ANDERSON Jonathan Milligan Lorie Montoya SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Matthew Moody Tara E. Nolan Master of Meer Noor Accounting William Eric Norskog Requirements Completed, Benjamin Ortiz Summer 2011 Jarrod Ben Padilla Stella Louise Armijo Alaina Paradise Elliot Barela Jeremy Parker Karen De La Torre Amy Patterson Adam Gonzales Hilda N. Paucar Ronald Lovato Shelby Peters Sheyenne Martinez Jason Plake Kevin Jay Taylor Melissa Prieto Candidates for Degree, Christopher Quintana Fall 2011 Jesus Ramirez Crystal Bassett Laura Lavender Tuan Chi Bui Reinhold Jason Caldwell Daniela Reinoso William Carpenter Michael Rosales Amy Jacobs Donafrio Beverly Sue Eschberger Alycia Sadler Katrina Savage Scott Farrow Billy Gene Sherrod Susan Harness Jonathan Bradford Stacy Howze Sibray Yingzi Jiang Kara Smith Shoaib Khan Kayla Smith Gabriel Kraus Alicja Spaulding Ian Murray Yi Sun Eva Marina Rambo Raquel Tenille Hannah Safcik Amanda Thomas Jennifer K. Urioste Richard Thompson Rebecca L. Wright Jacqueline Trent Master of Michael Trujillo Business Veronica Erikah Vigil Administration Stephanie Vigil Requirements Completed, Shantelle Williams Summer 2011 Trent Yocom Kathryn Asplund SCHOOL OF Jennifer Kathryn Bayley Ximena Correa LAW Devin J. DeMenno Juris Doctor Shaun Patrick Gallegos Requirements Completed, Wesley Alan Gaultney Summer 2011 Melarie Gonzales Nicole Lewis Banks Laura Harrington Andrew Bartkus Jamie Hoagland Jenny Lynn Beare Michelle Lorraine Jordan Mick DeHaan Kessinger Jeffrey William Hannah Jeff A. Martinez Jennifer L. Hochstein Sean Martinez Aaron Douglas Jeska Melissa Ann Sawyer Nicholas R. Keyes, Danielle Sedillo-Cafferty Sophia Eugenia Lane Jessica Speck Bridget Lynn Mullins Sarah Suazo Kenneth Casares Owens Christie Varela Shellie Ann Patscheck Lucie Wang Forrest D. Prull James Michael Justin Lynn Robbs Wolongevicz Danielle B. Rodgers Candidates for Degree, Jade Plagata Delfin Fall 2011 Rotonda Debbie Karen Acosta Lindsay Elizabeth Ruska Andrea Archuleta Matthew Thomas Mahmut Arikan Schottmiller Deanna Veronica Armijo Maria Weddige-Gurney Debra Lynn Au Lauren L. Zabicki Tony J Baca SCHOOL OF Darrell Banward MEDICINE Mercy Berman Eduardo Beroncal Doctor of Casey Caldwell Physical Therapy Lewis Cano Requirements Completed, George Leonard Carter Summer 2011 Teresa Chaleunphonh Michael J. Bishop Benjamin P. Chinisci Shannon M. Briske Lanz Wayne Cook Susan B. Buron Ashley Cruz Zoe K. Cooper Lorine Duran Justin D. Galvan Jessica Michelle Edlinger Melissa M. Garcia Christopher D. Elliott Rusty Hearting Eric Garay Sarah H. Higdon Stefanie Georgieff Sonya M. Lopez Heidi Gomez Roylee Luna John Anthony Griego Charlsey McDonald Adrienne Gutierrez Tiffany O. Medford Tor-Hakon Hellebostad Christina A. Munoz Tammy J. James-Pino Lisa S. Onor Esteban Jiron Vaca Sophia Seim Gabriel Kraus Johanna Sturdy Jonathan Kris Kahn Jessica Torres-Warden Darren Kuehne Jennifer A. Wagenbach

go s Andrew G. Gingerich bo loShadi A.o Naderi lA. Nodulmango os oJessica Allison B. Owens g os lob s KeriHagerman b o L. Stevenson o ob o lo s go s g l o lo g Heather L. oAiles o Paid for by Citizens to Elect Sanford H. Siegel District Judge, s b g Marissa C. Barrett ob o o s l Dr. John Cope Treasurer Berenika A. Byszewski go bos Estes o bo lob go lJohn s g Mary Jamieson o o o o l s go bos obos lob go l go g os lobo o lo go l s go bos bos loThe list of upcoming b Lobo athletic events is published lo go os g os obo lo o lo go os o o b every Friday in the Daily Lobo. s g bos lob o lo go l os g os g obos lob o o ob o lo s go s g bos lob lob o l s go os g Upcoming Women’s Basketball l Thurs 12/15 o Athletic Events go os g obo lob o lo go os g obo lobo o lo g vs. Northern Colorado 6pms s g bos o lob o l go g bos bo lob o l go The Pit b s s g g o Men’s Basketball o o o o Sun 12/18 l s s o os l o os lo o l b b o o g g Sat 12/17 o o o o @ Sam Houston State o o b s g @ Oklahoma State ob lob go l s g os g bos lob lo go l os g os g Weds12/21 bo l o Tues 12/20 lo go s go bos lobo lob o lo s go s go bos lob lob o lo ob@FriArizona vs. Montana State 7pm o l 12/30 s g bo Thurs 12/22 o o bo lo @ go os g ob s NMSU go os g obo lobo o lo go oMon g g o o vs. UMKC 7pm s s o l 01/02 l b o g bos bo lob o l g bos bo lob o l go o ovs. The Pit s Houston 7pmg s l g g o o o o o s Wed 12/28 lo go os g os o os l l s The Pit os l b b o g o o o o o o @ NMSU s b lob g b lob o l go s g bos lob lob o l s g o o s Sat 12/31 l s g g bo Skiing g o o o o bo lob go vs. Saint Louis 4pm s s g s g bo lobo o lo g g o Fri 01/06 o o o o o s Tues 01/03 l g bos bos lob o l go l s go bos bo lob Alpine @ RMISA o ob Qualifier o vs. Houston Baptist 7pm s g l g in Boulder, CO o o o lo go os g s lo go os g os obo l s Sat 01/07 l b o o o o Sat 01/07-08 o vs. North Dakota 1:30pm b lob o l go s g bos lob lob o l s go s g bos lob l Alpine @ Colorado s The Pit o lo o lo g bo g bo o o Invitational o o b b s go s g g g g o o o o o o s in Boulder, CO s o l o l s s b ol g bo o bo lob go l go os g obo obo lo s g lo g o o o b ol To advertise in this special section, o l s go b os bos lob go l go l s go bos obos Good o g l luck to b g s call 277-5656! o os lo go os bo o lo o l os lobo o lo o g o o b Men’s Basketball, b s s b g l b g o lo go os g os l bo o lo o lo go os g bos oboWomen’s o Basketball o g l g os lob lo go l s go os g bos lob lob g s s b o o o o band Skiing s lo b g bo lob o lo go s go bos g o o o s o l s s l b o go os g obo lobo o lo go os g obo lobo o lo g g s s s l l b b o g g o o o o o lo go s g bos lob lob o l s go s g bos lob s o lo g bo o o b s g bo lobo o lo go g o o o s o l s s l b o g g o b s s bo go lo bo go Call immediately to reserve a place: (505) 822-1071 / (505) 884-0022 (weekdays) Or e-mail to sandy@sanfordsiegel.com

Graduate Certificate

Requirements Completed, Summer 2011

Candidates for Degree, Fall 2011

Fan Page



congratulations graduates

New Mexico Daily Lobo Jamie L. Wilheim Seth Wilkie Robert Yang

Kathryn A. Lowe Manuel A. Lozano Dung T. Luu Candidate for Degree, Michael A. Marthe Fall 2011 Crystal F. Martinez Anna J. Keyser Mallory P. Martinez COLLEGE OF Meghan R. Martinez Monica L. Martinez PHARMACY Andrea L. Mascarenas Doctor of Samera A. Merriman Pharmacy Palmi W. Moller Candidate for Degree, Callahan P. Moots Fall 2011 Matthew R. Morrell Anna Padilla Kayla L. Mortensen ANDERSON Audrey I. Musgrave Majdi F. Nassar SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Hong N. Nguyen Vivian Nguyen Bachelor of Patricia J. Nobile Business Jessica Nussbaumer Administration Caroline P. Olguin Requirements Melissa A. Ortega Completed, Helena L. Ortegel Summer 2011 Charlotte E. Ortiz Jeanette Almeida John P. Ortiz Jesse R. Armstrong Paul M. Ortiz Tara A. Barghash Aline R. Papazian Pietro G. Berardinelli Yong K. Park Jamie A. Boehs Joseph N. Parsons Barbara A. Chavez John N. Phan Mario J. Chavez Maria T. Polaco Alton T. Chen Alicia M. Pulley Jacob D. Dequack Sara L. Quesada Antonio GandaraSasha D. Quintana Martinez Andres R. Rael Christopher T. Garcia Leonardo A. Ramos Rodrigo Gechem Steven G. Rappuhn Guevara Hilary A. Ratzer Luis A. Gutierrez Liliana Reyes Sherrie A. Herrera Jason R. Roach Aaron D. Jim Gustavo R. Rodriguez Edwin J. Kainz Hayley N. Roe Abdullah J. Konte Rosa N. Rosas Sofia Ledesma Solis Ivet S. Rosev William V. Lee Simona S. Rosev Dianna S. Martinez John R. Ross Christopher C. Otero Aubree C. Roybal Ashley A. Pandazis Morganne L. Saitta Elena N. Perovich Sydney P. Saitta Scott P. Puetz Denise R. Salazar Reyna M. Quinonez Marques Sampson Linda L. Sainz Christopher L. Sanchez Arthur J. Segovia Felicia N. Sanchez Anthony P. Short Levi J. Sanchez David Tarin Mija A. Sanchez Charlie S. Thomas Kristin K. Santistevan Derek Kwok Chun Tsui Christine Savath Scottie J. Turcotte Gavin J. Scanlan Nicole A. Valenzuela Taylor L. Schlosser Derek R. Vanloo Veronica L. Schornack Laura A. Wade Christopher L. Scott Gilbert R. Wickens Shane W. Sears Candidates for Degree, Brian M. Seeber Fall 2011 Bryce J. Shambarger Alix A. Acevedo Aaron I. SilverblattHolly R. Allman Buser Rasha F. Alrumayh Adam C. Squire Kathryn L. Anderson Audriana M. Stark Samantha L. Aragon Diane Strain Kristina E. Archuleta Angelique N. Arellano Devin J. Sydenstricker Joseph X. Tarango Sharon K. Atencio Thomas M. Taylor John T. Babineaux Zachary T. Telford Maria C. Baca Marybell M. Tena Jason W. Barnes Bradley S. Thompson Thomas L. Barr Albertina V. Tom Chantel S. Barton James L. Tovar Dominique L. Batten Martha Eva Tovar Timothy E. Beach Son H. Trinh Marvin A. Becker Nazdira Urbina Marie L. Benavidez Melissa L. Berghmans Alicia R. Valdez Christopher M. Biren Merwin L. Valdez Richard E. Valerio Matthew S. Boady Devin J. Vandergeest Matthew T. Bonifer Ben A. Vigil Heidi H. Byrd Melissa M. Vigil Antonia Cabriales Tina M. Villa Christine Calderon Cassondra B. Castillo Darlene Vivier Judy Vuong Erika M. Castillo Phillip N. Walck Shane M. Caudill Krista M. Walker Art L. Chacon Leo Charles Galarza Matthew R. Was Timothy D. Waterbury Diana B. Chaves Matthew A. Waters Joseph D. Chavez Timothy J. Wesselman Justin R. Chavez Walter L. White Melanie Y. Chavez Tracy E. Whitmore Celesta R. Chelf Chris S. Christensen Chevaun O. Williams Rebekka R. Willis Jessica N. Clauson Brett D. Wolff Brian M. Codding Ingrid Zaiden Meredith A. Coles SCHOOL OF Julion C. Conley ARCHITECTURE Leonard C. Cordova Betty R. Core AND PLANNING Davita H. Cornfield Bachelor of Arts in Jazmin P. Corona Architecture Charles M. Corrie Requirements Mary E. Couch Completed, Dylan F. Crouch Summer 2011 Britt A. Cunningham Juan R. Dorado Taryn A. Dahlinger Eric R. Meyer Marcus J. Davalos Candidates for Degree, Jeremy M. Doyle Fall 2011 Michael E. Duruaku Aaron P. Bridgers Maximilian F. Ebnother Bobi Jo Brown Matthew R. Ederer Fernando Garcia Richard W. Eisen Victoria J. Miller Hunter Esmiol Bachelor of Arts John O. Etchart in Environmental Vanessa L. Farmer Planning and Dennis L. Flannigan Design Dorian M. Folie Candidates for Degree, Bubba J. Forrest Fall 2011 Alisha E. Gallegos Deborah H. Anyaibe Joshua A. Garcia Rachel S. Busch Lee M. Garcia Rachel H. Erickson Camilla J. Garnand Demetrius E. Gloster Malerie R. Gamboa Carlos Gonzalez Lindsay M. Goddard Stuart C. KnightPatrick Golden Williamson Bryant Gomez Jackson C. Morsey Addam R. Gonzales Leroy P. Gonzales COLLEGE OF Louis A. Gonzales ARTS AND Victoria L. Gonzales SCIENCES Brandon S. Gooden Bachelor of Arts Kaila J. Grafeman Requirements Jaroslaw T. Grasela Completed, Thomas R. Gutierrez Summer 2011 Selina A. Haczynski American Studies Lauren D. Hall Ephraim I. Colbert David Wayne Christyna M. Valdez Hammitt, Jr. Anthropology Maria G. Hanners Crystiana M. BacaMatthew D. Height Bosiljevac Megan N. Heiser Takeo Ichihara Melissa A. Hogue Julia Jurado Templer S. Horry Justin P. Hyde Art Christopher M. Johnson Jeffrey A. Husher Gaylyn D. Johnson Biology Stacy Y. Johnson Meghan M. Aho Danielle J. Jolley Antoinette M. Cordova Martin W. Kaas Chemistry Ruth M. Karkiewicz Elizabeth Cuna Theodore W. Jon R. Rabinowitz Kemgang Nzali Craig T. Rogers Robert W. Kitchens Communication Whitney R. Krieg Olivia D. Chavez Robert T. Laprise Vincent G. Coscarelli Andre M. LeBlanc Jacquelyn D. Chieh-Lun Lee Gonzales Evgenia V. Lishneva Jeremy T. Ports Stephanie M. Lopez


Andrea Alderete Amanda K. Ashbacher Theodore J. Branch Caitlan C. Crewe Jasmine G. Henio Sami M. Jasser Jonathan Lambert Logan A. Sims Priscilla Torres Jessica M. Trujillo Earth & Planetary Sciences

Roberta A. Beal


Nicholas W. Brady Gary J. Garcia Stephen R. Griego Roger R. Martines Angel Mendez Ashley A. Pandazis Jeanho M. Rodriguez Sarah L. Stryhanyn Myra E. Villalobos


Nickolas Brown Asian Studies

Dylan P. Glenn Christopher D. Hart Quanah K. King David S. Kuhr Nicole E. Ouellette Sean P. Wynne Biochemistry

Paul R. Hunt Diem N. Nguyen Anju Shah Karen R. Timm Karl A. Upplegger Biology

James R. Almand Amanda C. Baca Alan J. Barney Nathan T. Blacker Danielle F. Burke Keary T. Buttrill Laura A. Domrzalski Derek H. Driggers Kathleen N. Esquibel Adam M. Garcia Celina A. Gomez Natividad HernandezCruz Jeffrey S. Lucero Allison A. Martinez Ashley E. Martinez Esperanza B. Martinez Christopher L. Meech Angela P. Naranjo Theresa A. Schmitz

Colin G. Dowell Todd R. Fitch Jarrod A. Greth Bobak E. Khodaie John W. King Garrett R. Klade Christopher K. Lee Ashley R. Mallory Francesca T. Martinez Juan R. Orr Jonathan C. Payne Paul A. Ram Cynthia Y. Rivera Justin D. Shirey Ryan G. Skinner Shelby J. Solomon Helen K. Tindel James W. Wells Brittany A. Whiting Economics -Philosophy

Tyler P. Booth


Christina M. Baca Jonathan A. Baca Victoria Y. Baca English Christopher P. Baker Lawrence C. Allen Lisa M. Barrow Noah A. Armstrong Leonardo H. Basquez Tiffany E. Montoya Shanni G. Bottone Megan J. O Brien Cynthia G. Boutelle Jervon L. Perkins Alicia J. Broadhurst Jimel R. Sandoval Johanna G. ByrnVanessa Sigstad Orand Alanna D. Swift Regina L. Caller Christine M. Wickham Jaclyn Candelaria English -Philosophy Shawn D. Capehart Kathryn J. Nichols Antonia J. Cardella Chemistry Family Studies Edward C. Carroll Ricky L. Camplain Joelle M. Harley Lorna J. Castell Ericka L. Charley Jennifer M. Mahkee Genia E. CervantesLaura M. Conklin Weaver Geography Danae J. Davis Theodore W. Conway Christopher R. Davis D’Eldra R. Malone Sara R. Cordova Kevin L. Kelsey Brett J. Powers Amber R. Dale Melissa A. Tarantino Paul Schjetnan Margaret E. Davis Joseph B. VigilThais M. Schwartz Bibi T. Deitz Salazar Andrew J. Vega Taylor R. Dugger German Shihomi Yazzie Kathryn J. Dunlap Gavin O. Ebnother Classical Studies Laura L. Eberhardt Perry Samuel R. Lopez Ryan N. Ellis History Lauren N. Radtke Paul A. Fernandez Erika N. Casebier Amanda Flynn Communication Joshua B. Cleveland Matthew H. Aaron Hillary M. Froemel Rachel D. Fields Sarah L. Gonzales Annalisa K. Babb Maximilian J. Gale Richelle M. Grant Shellie R. Bailie Kathryn M. Josefson Lenore E. Gusch Victoria A. Beserra Eric L. Schreiber David Harris Blair A. Bolz Mallory M. Hillstrom Journalism & Mass Mayra A. Cabrera John C. Hogan Sagan D. Casburn Communication J’Andrea M. Hood Ionia E. Collaros Isaac J. Avilucea Christy M. Johnson Emily A. Crafton Danielle Brower Jeremy D. Keith Sharidynn A. Jessica J. Crawford Sarah C. Kelly Denetchiley Jacqueline A. Finley Alec D. King Reyna L. Evans Alison D. Gaik Richard A. Lenz Genesis Hernandez Joseph R. Gonzales Jessica H. Lopez Thomas R. Hohner Sergio Leanos Steven F. Luthy Abbey L. Karpawicz Kayla M. Martinez Robert A. Maes Tara E. Linton Megan R. Trevino Emily C. Mahn Tera M. Little Languages Antal G. Maurer Tomas R. Lopez Megan E. Jackson Terrance N. McCabe Sara B. Love Mass Communication Thomas M. Luna Michael P. Meaders Alison K. Murphy Wendy L. Meek Deanna S. Martinez Juri G. Mixon Philosophy Natalie M. Martinez Joshua S. Montoya Alisa K. GibsonSamantha H. Palacio Martinez- Montoya John A. Moya Jennifer M. Munoz LaTonya D. McQueen Political Science Chelsea F. Meadows Sergio Munoz, Jr. Ashley N. Bonner Samantha A. Merrick Taryn L. Myers Moriah J. Enjady Jennifer D. Nieto Carmen A. Messina Stephanie L. Garcia Amanda M. Nunez Elly K. Miksch Matthew R. GlouThomas H. O’Brien Sarah G. Miller demans Rachel L. Overmier Carlene M. Mills Armand D. Huertaz Timothy O. Mousseau Samantha A. Roma Stoycho S. Ivanoff Jordan W. Sawyer Michelle Naranjo Susanna Marquez Ryan P. Schaefer Haylee E. Nelson Ned M. Martinez Connor T. Schneider Kristy D. Nunley Eric T. Sanchez Deanna M. Spulak Kristin L. Nunnery Justin A. Wagner Nicholas A. Starr Raquel L. Rivera Portuguese Chanel C. Rodriguez Lorinda Swenson Miiky J. Cola Jeremiah S. Tecca Laurel A. Romero Psychology Benjamin F. Ticknor Jared I. Roybal Alex A. Agenbroad Kristina D. Tortorelli Nicole D. Sawyer Shine A. Anthony Vittoria R. Totaro Jasmine Simon Ian W. Bearden Nathanael D. Tremba Andrew J. Tongate Alissa L. Davis Anna Tummelson Lecole S. Trujillo Jeffery S. Doubleday Oona J. Van Swol Calvin E. Waquie Jacqueline N. Duran Maria C. White Yasmin Y. Wattar Trevor D. Espinosa Jean Louise Zancanella Joshua N. Weber Alexandra Fairbanks Faye J. Willis English -Philosophy Wesley L. Gage Kari A. Zimmerly Benjamin C. Bruce Angelina B. Garduno Adesbah K. Foguth Criminology Robert L. Jackson Jacob A. Reinhardt Mary V. Apodaca Elizabeth A. Lambert Albert A. Arocha Sara A. Saba Melissa E. Landess Lindsey T. Barbeau Family Studies Kaitlin E. McGuill Wesley T. Barnes Celia I. Chavez Fraire Krystle R. Montoya Jessica M. Carreon Lenora J. Woody Stephanie E. Moss Bernadette S. Carrillo French Brittany N. Nash Savannah N. Case Leon C. Gallegos Vanessa I. Peake Adam G. Chavez Brian A. Gibson Janet K. Romero Sandra Y. Chavez Elizabeth Elaine Shaw Ashley M. Rowe Inez M. Chavira Theresa M. Saiz Geography Sergio J. Cordova Gregory Scott Steven J. Fenner Diana L. Corral Jason A. Silva Angelica M. Gerhart Michelle Cuellar Suzanne D. Torrez John D. Lucero Linda R. Diaz David L. Whatley Kate L. McMath Jonathan M. Eddy Religious Studies Manuel R. Escarcega Randall M. Robles Jenna C. Ragsdale Christine B. Fernandez German Rocio C. Garcia Katerina A. Gordon Russian Studies Dominic J. Gonzales Ashley L. Gottula Caleb F. Lines Ellen M. Gonzales Whitney D. Powell Sociology Health , Medicine & Matthew J. Abousleman Katherine E. Haflett Jay J. Haycock Jovonna M. Baca Human Values Bryan A. Heaton Mary L. Burch Miguel A. Pena Zachary C. Herbst Samuel F. Chavez History Sydney B. Howard Rainer J. Nava Amber L. Baldus Anna Lam Lisa A. Palmer Hannah J. Barnes Christina M. Reynoso Samuel L. Lujan Shaun E. Brown Valeene G. Lynch Ashley D. Spacagna Manuel Nicolás Ashley T. Maestas Spanish Cabrera-Montiel Danielle T. Martinez Leia E. Hays Lillian Cano Jennifer E. Martinez Ruben A. Salido Michael D. Montanez Francesca E. Chavez Speech & Hearing Samantha C. Morales Amanda M. Cook Douglas G. Cowan Methuen Nagatani Sciences Aaron J. Cuffee Kayla S. Parish Dena C. Fahlquist Letesha R. Driskell Candidates for Degree, Freddy A. Pellman Tyler O. Dunnahoo Fall 2011 Andrea J. Platero Roman C. Escandon Eric A. Ponce Africana Studies Stacie R. Ferguson Monica L. Porter Janay R. Goodman Christopher L. Jessica Prieto Dwayne M. Wilkins Fernandez David M. Quintana American Studies Candace N. Rodriguez Gary H. Ferrell Crystal V. Abeyta Rosendo C. Gallegos Ashley D. Sanchez Lonnie K. Hendren John C. Goldberger Walter W. Shelley Alexis H. Ovitt Amanda N. Shephard Samantha J. Goodrich Anthropology Lisa R. Hawkins Robert W. Smith Garrett W. Briggs Carl W. Hott Ashley L. Stanley Kamden S. Cornell Christopher A. Tansey David Irwin Yagazie F. Emezi Paul A. Judd Karina L. Villalobos Robin R. Gibbs Jesse L. Ketcham Andrew K. Young Monica S. Gutierrez Victoria S. Kubica Earth & Planetary Manuel E. Lopez Rene D. Luna Sciences Chinara J. Lucero Sean M. Mallory Noel D. Nix Amanda C. Macewen Charlotte M. Davrie N. Martin McClanahan Economics Alyssa L. Martinez Emily M. Mendez Richard E. Bailey Mary-Nicole Stoddard Sebastian De los Michael S. Minturn Katherine L. Torres Sarah E. Myers Reyes Aaron J. Vega Jeremy M. Ortega Sahil M. Dhawan Stephanie M. Welch Carlos A. Quintana Jonathon W. Tiffany N. Robinson Dougherty Raphael B. Schaaf Kenneth F. Dowd

Maryann Seiger Isiah M. Shay Christopher S. Stackonis Frank R. Tellez Bianca A. Trujillo Chelsea L. Van Klaveren Christina M. Waid Jordan L. Worthington Clarissa B. Yatsattie Amanda J. Youngblood International Studies

Lena M. Kassicieh Journalism

Erica D. Bennett Alex J. Cory Donald L. Duran Alissa Ferguson Mayne Britny A. Fudge Matthew D. Kappus Journalism & Mass Communication

Marian E. Anderson Amanda M. Blackmon Brandon J. Call Adam W. Camp Arianna R. Carisella Jessica Collins Brett D. Cotter Jonathan A. Davis Trinity G. Deloney Katherine K. DeLouise Amanda J. Duran Levi J. Duran Casey S. Echternacht Emilio R. Esparza Christine C. Fell Jamie E. Garcia Jeffery M. Gordon Bryan E. Gyger Davida A. Hollis Joshua P. Huggins Jennifer M. Hunt Ashlee V. Jones Lindsey A. Little Nicholas J. Losito Christen N. Maese Suzanna L. McElwain Mackenzie C. Mobley Allison E. Perkins Priscilla M. Ramirez John Riley Leslie T. Romero Joe Edward Sanchez Ryan A. Schachtner Kathryn D. Sturtevant Rebecca E. Suttmiller Ryan M. Tomari Anya Villanueva Forte Dustin R. Werlitsch Stephen R. Williams Brandon R. Wiltgen Sarah M. Wintermute

Jose V. Zamora Erin E. Zimmerer Languages

Ryan J. Bobbe Miles C. Bullock Alejandra Jose Chan Katherine L. Fulghum Jesse A. Garley Amber Glasrud Emilia D. Goldfarb Melissa E. Gonzalez Anjuli Hanks Stormy N. Monday Erin R. Thienel Jeremy P. Trujillo Christine A. Wade Latin American Studies

Mary Catherine L. Baca Doris Fernandez de Gerard David J. Kistin Jose A. Perez Kathryn M. Rios Linguistics

Shannon M. Conover Joanna L. Cooper Kyle T. Johnson Julio M. Montiel Katrina S. Poorman Samantha C. Rarrick Brent A. Sanders Hannah M. Seyer Mass Communication

Alexandra J. Artrip Amber P. Coy Christopher M. Flowers Joseph Lahoff Roberta L. Leyba Michael P. Mares Megan Miller Kelly E. Noel Philosophy

Thalia Catano Gary D. Dassatt John P. Gonzales Evan W. Heaney Mollie D. Lewis Antonio McClelland Patrick K. Mills Ronald Pack Silas Perry Danielle R. Sanchez Benjamin D. Schmitz Reeve Tinnell Kameron P. Wright Political Science

Jessica R. Best Evelyn Caro William H. Carver Marian K. Chavez

Sean Christopher Leland M. Churan Dorcas M. Cisse Jennie H. Duong Frances I. Esquibel Kyle D. Farris Maryssa N. Gerardo Sierra L. Gutgsell Omar N. Hamid Michael L. Henry Diana Hernandez Calista S. John Phillip R. Kay Lindsay A. Lopez Daniel A. Marzec Mikel Matic Corey S. Merritt Zachary P. Mikelson Ali M. Morales Mathew D. Munoz Jolee P. Nowicki Pamela M. Pedraza Bryceson B. Pinnecoose Ethan K. Prueitt JulieAnna L. Rivera Gene L. Romero Toni Shirley Andrea Roxanne Silva Cinthia G. Tena Samantha Torres Aaron J. Trujillo Analise Trujillo Shawn A. Watts

Lorraine T. Chavez Robert D. Chavez Chantel C. Chee Abdullah M. Chudnoff Tracey M. Cordero Brittney J. Cornwell Hannah R. Covert Ashley T. Cruz Joseph M. Cruz Angelica P. Defelice Trista M. Dolock Blair L. Doner Monica V. Duran Morgan C. Duran Christopher S. Edwards Laurie A. English Elizabeth M. Escogne Arlene D. Espinoza Ryan B. Farquharson Kenny J. Feria Katrina M. Ferrales Jessica C. Fisher Angelica J. Fortney Ehron M. Franklin Ramon Gambino Gregory J. Garcia Kathryn A. Garcia Robert J. Generosa Patricia B. Gonzalez Emily N. Grimes Alberto E. Guerra Riana L. Halstead Bradley S. Harjes Michelle L. Hartman Psychology Jubilee S. Hawley Jessica I. Ahiyite Alison Heath Adam J. Alarid Cody R. Hedrick Samantha R. Alcorn Nancy J. Henderson Desiree N. Alink Maria J. Hicks Gladys K. Andazola Samuel L. Hufnagel Alicia M. Aragon Danae K. Hurst Angela C. Archibeque Kateri L. Jojola Sarah J. Ashling Courtney V. JonesBon P. Baca Laweka Lauren E. Ball Shelby K. King Chanelle G. Barry Breanna C. Lane Heather L. Barton Chelsea S. Lane Adrienne G. Benavides Andrew M. Lara Callie K. Black Melina L. Laroza Nicholas C. Bowmaster Angela D. Larsen Christopher M. Brewer Jaymar N. Latchison Pamela L. Bryan Christopher Leighninger Gabriela G. Leon Michele K. Bulling Angela M. Levesque Colleen R. Canfield David G. Lizon Sara C. Carlson Bernadette L. Casamento Hadassah F. Lombera Jazmin R. Lowery Daniel J. Castillo Vanessa A. Lucero Aaron G. Cde Baca Zan T. Luna Emma C. Celmins Diana J. Macias Steven G. Chaves Teresa J. Marquez Jade N. Chavez Angela M. Martinez Jessica M. Chavez

Aurora F. Martinez Heather M. Martinez Michelle A. Martinez Nyla Joy Odilia Martinez Nancy B. McKenzie Amanda R. Morales Claudia Y. Morales Claire C. Morrison Meagan R. Munoz Gloria R. Nethers Molly N. Norton Nara C. Olivas Misti L. Oracion Christina S. Orcutt Carolina B. Ortega Felicia N. Ortega Chrissy Pacheco Sara M. Pacheco Jill M. Paneral Jun B. Park Christina A. Parks Michelle L. Parks Rachel A. Parks Yvette Y. Pavia Kristophor S. Phillips Emily L. Plante Darlene Poblano Macrina N. Pohl Mario H. Quezada Jenny Quinonez Melissa D. Raimondi Christyn M. Reddan James S. Richards Michelle A. Rivera Miguel A. Rivera-Avila Dustin S. Robicheau Margaret Roju Paul M. Roop Kris L. Rose Bronson D. Roybal Andrea M. Salas Ryan C. Sams Samantha M. Samuel Danielle B. Sanchez Lucas B. Sanchez Orcino J. Sarracino Lauran H. Shaner Alanna M. Shea Yvonne M. Shepherd Bonnie Shirley Joseph L. Shirm Desirae M. Silva Lloree D. Silva Jennifer A. Sisneros Quinn D. Slade Amber M. Smith Richard S. Smith Christi D. Spear Angela A. Spillers Alzander Z. Staley Raudy L. Steele Alyssa K. Still

December 12-16, 2011 / Page 13 Rachel L. Stormont Heather M. Stout Cassandrea E. Straus Derek Strommen Paula J. Stubbs Shaynna M. Tapia Alexandra T. Tonigan Stacia L. Tow Lizeth V. Trevizo Chantel M. Trujillo Meredith L. Tyler Joy A. Van Meter Lola L. Velasquez Samantha Y. Via Alyssa K. Vigil Amber D. Walker Benjamin C. Wasserott Brooke L. Webb Alicia C. Webster Brittany M. Whelchel Whitney E. Whittaker Kevin G. Wieland Douglas Williams Jonathan L. Williams Kiakahioheolama Wong Yvette D. Woodard Dana M. Wright Sarah M. Wynne Jennifer R. Young Benjamin J. Zalewski Religious Studies William J. Anderson Linda L. McCormick Marisa K. Olvera Sociology

Dustin T. Allen Zara C. Armijo Kirstin M. Bowman Carolyn A. Camplain Lazaro A. Cardenas Joshua T. Chappell Richard C. Chissoe Joseph B. Colbert Marietta Denetclaw Christi M. Fields Misty L. Fitzwater Raul J. Gonzales Taylor T. Hadfield Rachel A. Hawthorne Gillian M. Henke Seth R. Holt Elesha L. Jim Jessica D. Johnson Kelly E. Kallin David Z. Kimbell Donna S. Licano Jacqueline M. Martin Kylie K. Montoya Nikkol J. Olinger A-Jay M. Sanchez Renee M. Santillanes

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Sona L. Sarracino Penimah C. Silva Vikki L. Spradlin Molly C. Stearns Tera J. Tarbet Sarah G. Williams Spanish

Yesica A. Aguilar Karina Balcazar Gabriela Baltazar Adrian N. Carver Aurora Cruz Andres G. Diaz Mayra M. Estrada Judy A. Garcia Ulysses P. Garcia Fabiola P. Hernandez Kristin D. Hernandez Esteban R. Martinez Natasha R. Mondragon Hugo M. Ochoa Amanda A. Ortiz Fabiola Parra Jessica I. Perez Victoria A. Romero Brian J. Shonerd Ashleigh R. Steele Samantha C. Stephens Lindsay M. Stewart Alison A. Trimmer Shirlene Vasquez Jonathan M. Yu Speech & Hearing Sciences

Erin L. Austin Amanda C. Espinosa Leigh C. Evans Shawnna L. Gaffney Stephanie P. Grauke Robyn N. Loewen Katie A. Marotta Destinee E. Muller Melissa J. Penfold Abby L. Winscott Bachelor of Science Requirements Completed, Summer 2011


John D. Arnold Ariana D. Goertz


Jason R. Boberg Biology

Carolyn D. Benally Xavier A. De Leon Melvin D. Foster Jessica K. Friedman Luis H. Garcia Stephanie Hernandez

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congratulations graduates

New Mexico Daily Lobo

Environmental Science

Frances D. Dedios Robert R. Defelice Mathematics

James C. Syme Arie B. Van Willigen Physics

Alexander T. Barron Psychology

Megan R. Brown Jesica C. Doyle Devon B. Humphreys Stephanie J. Jackson Anna M. Lee Raelene C. Maestas Amanda J. Mione Candidates for Degree, Fall, 2011


Rebecca S. Burke Paul L. Fritsch Celia M. Kessler Gillian S. Leonard Shahana S. Rajan Amanda J. Schluter Jennifer M. Verranault Joseph R. Vigil Astrophysics

Melissa R. Freeland Aaron M. Gibson Biochemistry

Aurora E. Auwen Terisse A. Brocato Alyssa R. Cruz Biology

Lilliam E. Aguilar Castillo Christopher V. Anstine Devaraj Aran Ian A. Avery Hiyatsi N. Bassett Patrick L. Beagen Phillana Y. Belone Amanda J. Best Lyric L. Bowles Nicole A. Caimi Yolanda M. Chavez Jamie M. Cone Sheri L. Dixon Michael J. Dunn Hadass Fuerst Tammy L. Gallegos Iliana S. Garcia Margaret J. Garcia Eli M. Gendron Krista E. Gibboney Faye E. Gibson Samantha L. Goggin Nathan E. Huff Sarah M. Johnston Christo M. Jose Kisa S. King Leon M. Krabbe Natalya R. Krispinsky Jonathan D. Ladd Juliann N. Lucero Michelle N. Mann Dimple Mathew Amber D McKinstry Christopher T. McLean Jennifer M. Mecklenburg Michael R. Miller Matthew R. Morales Jolene R. Mortensen Jason G. Mullenix Samantha Nava Yoalyn F. Nez Timothy T. Ngo Joy D. Nuno Lindsay M. Ortiz Chris L. Pohl Lisa R. Power Nathan J. Romero Stephen M. Sanchez Sarah J. Sasek Eric G. Schaller Lee M. Silva Nunez David M. Silver Ashley A. Sorenson

Kayleigh B. Stogsdill Mona Talebreza Christopher S. Tanner Brandon W. Terhune Natalya M. Trujillo Nina Vakhlamova Mario G Valencia Andrew R. Vanetsky Elizabeth Walterscheid Tracy M. Watchman Jack R. Wells Ann T. Wittman Marissa D. Zamora Nicholas L. Zamora Chemistry

Vanessa A. Rice

Earth & Planetary Sciences

Tyson B. Wood Statistics

Elizabeth A. Jones

COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts in Education Requirements Completed, Summer 2011

Secondary Education

Laura M. Aitken Robert A. Feuer Timothy J. Leyba

Candidates for Degree, Fall 2011

Art Education

Tracy A. Bland Nutrition & Dietetics

Kristi R. Acuff Alyssa E. Gold Camilla A. Jones

Technology & Training

Lorenzo Munoz Trevor J. Williams Isabelle J. Zamora

Bachelor of Science in Education Requirements Completed, Summer 2011

Elementary Education

Mayra A. Acevedo Jose F. Flores-Villalobos Megan C. Britten Veronica A. Gallegos Brandon S. Dixon Adan D. Gonzales Marcelino J. Vialpando Sara L. Graf Secondary Education Environmental Science Jessica D. Heflick Crystal A. Barringer Cherie L. DevoreCharles F. Heimerl Layla M. Dehaiman Bitahey Katieann S. Juanico Gwendolyn N. Diem Graham C. Gadzia Alicia M. Kisner Damonique M. Guevara Grace Giannini Carly J. Montgomery Melinda G. Williams Kaitlin M. Hulsbos Chaytea K. Nielsen Bachelor of Science Ashley A. Pena Clarice R. Madalena Requirements Della R. Purgerson Geography Completed, Jessica Camacho Special Education Summer 2011 Diana L. Case Denielle L. Gallegos Family Studies Deborah L. Hill Felix Hernandez Dorette V. Baca Jared R. Massegee Jonathan D. Juerling Evelyn J. Killsback Rebecca B. McCain Margaret A. Keen Ginel J. Wheaton Eric J. Parr Jessica J. Lucero Human Christopher E. Sylvan Hayley M. Moran Development & Laura J. Vennard Antoinette M. Osborne Mindy N. Urias Family Relations Mathematics Charity R. Wilson Gregory W. Campbell Amy R. Murray Candidates for Degree, Carollan B. Ehn Technology & Training Fall 2011 Christopher J. Gabriele Michele T. Renna Elementary Education Carlos Gonzalez Arroyo Cindy E. Sisneros Fred R. Kaul Candidates for Degree, Ashley V. Abrams Fall 2011 Nicholas J. Akins Shem C. Nguyen Nathaniel T. Anaya Eric Ortiz Athletic Training Hannah R. Apodaca Vlado V. Ovtcharov Philip G. Piech Tamara E. Aragon Samantha M. Quesada Early Childhood Lynda R. Archuleta Sean A. Sacoman Multicultural Education Allison V. Arellano Gary P. Salazar Kami A. Abraham Samantha J. Auddino Madison M. Selleck Tammie M. Angeli Fawzyah M. Ayesh Jeffrey T. Shepherd Dana F. Bustos Victoria L. Baca Asjha U. Stus Katherine M. Chavez Roxanne M. Blackwell John P. Tennison Kathleen A. DeSotoElizabeth R. Boyle Physics Strickland Raquel A. Brick Francois E. Laroche Rita K. Gray Meghan D. Brodbeck Psychology Heather R. Janecka Kristin F. Brown Mirtha D. Acosta Amanda N. Jury Caitlin E. Campbell Dustin T. Allen Mesina A. Kee Melissa N. Chavez Victor Alvarez Jamie A. LoweVanessa A. Chavez Patricia R. Amos McCracken Elena R. Clark David B. Brown Delilah F. Padilla Marisela Coronel Carolyn A. Camplain Carmelita M. Pallares Celeste M. Estes Andrea M. Chavez Exercise Science Tara M. Freier Sierra V. Fernandez Austin C. Baucom Alissa R. Galik Stephanie A. Fincke Lindsey F. Borders Alyssa M. Gallagher Danielle J. Garcia Rebecca L. Borrowman Alex J. Garcia Tricia L. Gunther Kaylie L. Brooks Lauren L. Garcia Ashlee S. Hicks Patrick A. Chee Vanessa M. Garcia Adrian K. Kemper Parker B. Eiffert Julie A. Gnerich Alexandra T. Kirby Jordan P. GarnerJasmin Gonzales Susan R. Kurzeka Roberts Kendra M. Gonzales Amber L. Luna LeAnne M. Hands Kitrean M. Gonzales Niki M. Manole Ashley M. Hiben Tricia E. Guinle Neal D. Miller Brian R. Hunter Bernadette Herrera Elizabeth I. Mysza Jake C. Martinez Samantha J. Hill Kyle M. Nees Maria-Victoria Montes Andrea E. Infantino Megan M. Robinson Thomas J. Parker Kristina C. Jackson Felicia L. Sam Sean C. Plake Russell D. Jamison Kristin E. Silva Felicia T. Prada Briana Y. Jaramillo David M. Snell Amenda C. Ramirez Amber L. Jones Jenna S. Tonelli Tianna A. Redstrom Crystal N. Kayser Erika L. Vacek Tracy M. Rodarte Zachary R. Lang Hans H. Weeks Jason M. Toledo Jan M. Larranaga Shannon L. Wisler Jessica A. Law Family Studies Kayla D. Worley Elizabeth A. Lawrence Giovianna M. Burrell Monica R. Zamora Alexander G. Lawrie Sarah A. Cook Signed Language Brittany A. Litke Minh N. Doan Interpreting Julianne Maestas Nancy Leticia Gomez Crystal V. Abeyta Kristina M. Mares-Angst Alexis J. Hassley Brianne D. Amador Joshua P. Martinez Amanda M. Marquez Errol E. Bennett, Jr. Katie M. McConaghy Ashton L. Metteba Rebekah L. Board Jacob M. McKenney Felicia G. Sanchez Brittany D. Dell Mary L. Miles Melissa M. Thompson Landon K. Finch Theresa E. Miller Deanna N. Tompkins Maria I. Haverkamp Lisa N. Moss Ernestine M. Vigil Erica D. Hudson Nikki A. Moyer Human Madeleine A. Ingram Mayra I. Munoz Development & Rebecca L. Martin Long C. Nguyen Family Relations Kristina K. Quintana Christen L. Orchowski Rubette R. Baldonado Elena R. Ortega Casey L. Wilson Julie A. Benzaquen Kimberly A. Del Margo Ramon P. Gomez Shari R. Griffin

Lyndsy E. Ortiz Daisy M. Padilla Maria I. Perez-Cocon Aide E. Phillips Megan R. Precord Emily A. Riordan Lizette B. Rivas Anahi A. Rojas Dolly A. Romero Jodene E. Romero Nicole V. Romero Sarah L. Ruhn Andrea M. Salazar Damian J. Sanchez Lisa M. Sanchez Sabrina E. Smith Emily K. Strongin Stacey A. Swinehart Meagan E. Tracy Maria T. Viers LaVern Ann Wagner Jennifer L. White Mindy L. Worden Donavan P. Yazzie Jennifer N. Zamora April M. Zollinger Health Education

Vanessa M. Apodaca Sonya N. Karrer Megan A. Robert Larry W. Tarvin Physical Education

Brittany P. Allan Benjamin E. Novak Rebecca N. Rasbeck Secondary Education Joseph R. Duran Special Education

Charles L. Ellis Aaron C. Martinez

Bachelor of Science in Construction Engineering Candidate for Degree, Fall 2011

Daiquiri D. Zozaya

Bachelor of Science in Construction Management Candidates for Degree, Fall 2011

Dominic J. Baca Roger L. Couick Joshuah A. Crooker Flint Phillip A. Johnson Mark A. Rasor Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Requirements Completed, Summer 2011

Eric A. Perea Santiago B. Sena Rahul G. Vora

Candidates for Degree, Fall 2011

Rommy Joyce Brian D. Marquez John I. Martinez Daniel R. Medina Simon J. Reissmann Aaron J. Rushing Andrew W. Sanchez James H. Taylor Jonathan F. Torres


Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering Requirements Completed, Summer 2011

Cameron M. Harrison Aaron J. Roy Emily C. Wisdom Candidates for Degree, Fall 2011

Robert E. Castillo Ruben E. Cordova Jared M. Gilbert David M. Saint Hilaire Quinton B. Smith Briana C. Vernon Candace R. Walker

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Candidates for Degree, Fall 2011

Ghazanfar Barlas Bobby J. Garcia Michael A. Gonzalez Adrienne A. Martinez Rebecca J. Miller Logan W. Patz Meghan C. Preut Paul J. Sanchez Andrew M. Swartswalter Jonathon N. Vigil Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering

Requirements Completed, Summer 2011

John C. Byrne Jeffrey R. Maness

Candidates for Degree, Fall 2011

Eric A. Baalman Dodge F. Baird Daniel Z. Blea Michael E. Bolduc Daniel W. Bowen Ashley K. Brill Ryan J. Burrus Brandon I. Carrasco Victoriano Ceballos Scott A. Currie Rachel K. Delaney Alfred C. Flores Andrew M. Follstaedt Laura P. Francisco Benjamin J. Graves Wesley J. Greenwood Christopher Gustafson Maryellen C. Hunt Philip A. Jones Kyle K. Kramme Gabriel A. Lucero Miriam Y. Maestas Oren Raz Adam C. Roukema Christopher M. Sanchez Jeremy D. Shirey Henry G. Talachy Rachel A. Wasson Caitlin A. Zimmerman Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering

Requirements Completed, Summer 2011

Phillip A. Smith

Requirements Completed, Summer 2011

Candidate for Degree, Fall 2011

Matthew S. Foiles

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Candidates for Degree, Fall 2011

Margaret A. Root

Candidates for Degree, Fall 2011

Amanda C. Barela Chinhui S. Dang Kevin M. O Grady

Geoffrey I. Alexander Erich S. Doll Leif A. Guillermo Seth T. Morris

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Joseph S. Wilson Sally E. Wolford

Daniel R. Gonzalez Richard C. Green Keith A. Greer Bachelor of Bachelor of Arts Heidi M. Griffin Requirements Fine Arts Hollee H. Hamamoto Completed, Requirements Christopher G. Summer 2011 Completed, Hernandez Summer 2011 Dance Christine L. Rebekah J. Mees Art Studio Hinrichs-Porter Victoria N. Gonzales Media Arts Danielle E. Horcasitas Lyric N. Hammonds Manuel R. Arrellin Jacinta Hughes Matthew D. Nelson Gabriel A. Chavez Amanda R. Jacquez Michael R. Sanchez Gina M. Gonzales Priscilla A. Jake Candidates for Degree, Taylor A. Lane Elizabeth A. Juarez Fall 2011 Thierry F. Milleret Ashleen A. Kennedy Art Studio Raymond W. Smith Daniel E. King Kimberly A. Cubitt Eli S. Wentzel-Fisher Clint G. Lard Andrea M. DeLeon Deborah S. Lewitt Music Keila Dominguez Michelle F. Livingston Elizabeth D. Peck Brandon N. Eagan Stacey M. Long Philip J. Taccetta Valency E. Genis William K. Long Theatre Amber S. HarperKimberly A. Longhair Julie A. Harris Slaboszewicz Nickol D. Madrid Candidates for Degree, Christina L. Hunt Kyle A. Malone Fall 2011 Judith Jenkins-Coleman Joshlyn M. Marino Art History Skyler H. Juillard Bruce A. Middleton Seth W. Kaplan Brianna M. Kerwin Richelle Montoya Sera N. Lucero Julia L. Lambright Melissa M. Mora Art Studio Solomon A. Lockhart Michael R. Muniz Matthew G. Driver Karen M. Lucero Candidates for Degree, Eric M. Natzke UNIVERSITY Fall 2011 Inka Markowski Dance Rodney L. Nez STUDIES Brianna M. Bodo Joe M. Masica Julia A. Cabarrus Sarah M. Northrop Alicia C. Espinosa Gabriel F. Melcher Carolyn R. Herrera Bachelor of Arts Richard J. Olson Vincent Huynh Christopher I. Murphy Katrina M. Romero Requirements Jeremy J. Perea Leah M. Martinez Gabriel Perez Completed, Jennifer L. Smiley Antoine P. Pirard Samantha T. McIntyre Summer 2011 Scott L. Preston Tima D. Plainfeather Design for Stella K. Parker Sheng-Ya Pu Native American Studies Sina-Aurelia S. Performance Erika Sizemore Eiman Rezaei Tara M. Abeita Pleasant Soul Krystal S. Bradley Vicky M. Tsui Niall A. Riley Kansas K. Begaye Suzette M. Presti Madelon M. Lusk Deanna R. Uranga Davlena C. Scales Wyndsor Yazzie Sylvia M. Quintana Media Arts Marla A. Walker Scott T. Shuker Candidate for Degree, Adam Z. Richards Alanna M. Carlson John Wilmsen Geoffrey G. Smith Fall 2011 Shelby E. Rist Daniel J. Cisneros Daniel C. Stromberg COLLEGE OF Native American Studies Alma G. Rivera Adam A. Clark Brent J. Thomas Barbara J. RodarteDawn Garri Begay NURSING Jerah H. Collaros Lindsey Turnbow Romero Bachelor of Stephanie M. Delgado Zachary R. Webb Bachelor of Brandy N. Rodke Stephen N. Forrest Science in Nursing University Studies Arlene J. Rodriquez Interdisciplinary Film Sara M. Gurule Requirements Requirements Christina S. Romero & Digital Media Michael M. Harle Completed, Completed, Brittney A. Roybal Evan S. Bobrick Summer 2011 Summer 2011 Oisin M. Hughes Robyn M. Ruff-Wagner Bachelor of Music Nancy A. Bennett Wala T. Abdulla Erica A. Lizon Brittny A. Saavedra Geneva A. Carter Requirements Leyna V. Aragon Richard L. Martinez Ashley N. Salazar Completed, Grace S. Franco Rachel C. Baker Michael E. Mellas Stacy M. Saldana Summer 2011 Regina M. Jobes Ryan J. Barba Joseph E. Montoya Cheryl K. Schultz Samuel J. Isabel Linda K. Lee Dennis E. Barela Michael R. Ordemann Matthew H. Schwetz Adam R. Sterling Loraann M. Lovato Monica C. Beardsley John L. Padilla Coby E. Shields Candidates for Degree, Petra S. Nellessen Josephine Brown Stella M. Perry Charlene M. Shorty Fall 2011 Teresa E. Torres Stephen W. Brown Grant T. Roberts Toni G. Slimp Nicholas E. Diamond Consuelo V. Worden Christopher M. Adam F. Rottler Marlena J. Smaragdas Yakima Fernandez Candidates for Degree, Gutierrez Christopher L. Santiago Morgann R. Smith Barbora Gregusova Fall 2011 Elicia M. Lucero Jesse M. Vigil Terrie G. Smith Duncan M. MacIvor Maria L. Anderson Andrew G. Lutz Alexander B. Williams Sean D. Solowiej Miguel R. Ortega Amanda K. Arellano Betty Morrison Music William W. Thurow Bachelor of Music Elizabeth R. Aronson Nkemdelim A. Nweke Claire E. Jacobsen David M. Torres Carlota N. Baca Education Adrian O. Olvera Monica M. Pena Morla Larriette R. Tyler Candidates for Degree, Erin M. Baragiola Vanessa D. Ortiz Brian M. Vallie Theatre Fall 2011 Cynthia Bency Brandon D. Payne Alicia M. Vigil Michael R. Carter Paul D. Arroyo Petra M. Bergenthal Asha E. Richardson Scarlet A. Vinson Michelle M. Dewalt Laura L. Eberhardt Janaska M. Bigley Elena D. Saavedra Robyn E. Wagoner Jessica L. Fisher Phillip G. Perez Shawn P. Bowman Jesse A. Sievers Kathy L. Weaver Julianne J. Flores Carlos Bueno Marveline D. Vallo SCHOOL OF Joseph V. Webb Daniel A. Garcia Carey J. Carter Gabbard MEDICINE Molly C. Wells Erik V. Hollenbeck Rebecca A. Casalino Candidates for Degree, Paul T. Whiteley Brynna M. Mathews Bachelor of Briana L. Castillo Fall 2011 Greyson J. Wieczorek Joseph E. Montoya Jonica A. Castillo Science James C. Aho Bryant T. Williams Caitlin E. Reardon Kristin N. Chambers Requirements Virginia A. Arellano Layla Yaghoobi Cierra L. Sweet Completed, Cheryl L. Christopherson Paul A. Bates Carvella L. Yatsatie Summer 2011 Renee A. Tolson Maryam M. Chudnoff Thelissa L. Becenti Jennifer A. Walkowiak Clay T. Church Emergency Medical COMMISSIONS Stacey A. Blish Kasey B. Esparza Kami G. Boyd Bachelor of Arts in Services United States Army Amanda E. Estes Travis V. Brown Jacquelyn A. Botto Fine Arts Seth R. Holt Jocelyn L. Gilsdorf Emily E. Burt Julia A. Mercer-Smith Requirements Templer S. Horry IV Ashley R. Gonzales James B. Butts Completed, Adam D. Middleditch Daniel E. King Shelly L. Gonzales Andrea N. Carabajal Summer 2011 Angelina D. Secatero United States Navy Becky L. Gonzalez Roxanna F. Carreras David W. Young Art Studio Elizabeth A. Hawthorn Rebekah C. Carty Lazaro A. Cardenas Rebecca L. Gustaf Physician Assistant Margaret A. Hendrix Jarvette Chopito James C. Hamer James Studies Brittney K. Irons Lawrence J. Coca K. Urbany Mohammad Al-Raie Jessica R. James Catherine M. Conner Congrats Candidates for Degree, Sarah A. Anderson Ann M. Jones Barbara L. Costello Fall 2011 Daily Lobo Julie E. Fitzgerald Jolly Joseph Benjamin W. Cressy Art History Morgan P. Foucar Keely Justice Jesus Cuellar-Fuentes Grads! Kendall S. Marrone Jessica R. Gonzalez Manijeh Khavari Eva N. Dameron Melissa R. Velasquez Jennifer L. Janke Sandra R. Kirchner Estelle V. Diaz Isaac Avilucea Carmen R. MoseleyArt Studio Paul M. Koury Kirsten M. Eaton Eva Dameron Suazo Michael J. Gutierrez Ashley A. Labree Mary J. Edaakie Mily T. Nguyen Stefan C. Hardy Tofer Flowers Valerie P. Mackey Jeanette E. Fernando Kimberley B. Oldewage Alison N. Marshall Stewart C. Linthicum Claire A. Gallagher Jackson Morsey Jessica M. Otoski Therese F. Martin Sara E. Martin Fermin F. Gallegos Nick Parsons Christina Quack Colleen P. Massari Pamela J. Medina Ronnie J. Garner David V. Robbins Renee Tolson Ashley R. Prokopiak Lucas W. Miltenberger Dorothy L. Glasier Hai M. Trinh Jennifer A. Sandoval Allison R. Montano Melissa L. Gonzales Ryan Tomari Marvin C. White Terrance J. Siemon Desiree M. Montoya Omega R. Gonzales


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David R. Muniz Jennifer L. Newcomer Cecilia Ojeda Chelsea A. Palmer Lesleigh C. Perez Candidates for Degree, Jessamy J. Phillips Fall 2011 Monica R. Phillips Pamela L. Phillips Emergency Medical Julie A. Pickering Services Alexandria L. Berridge Karen K. Piel Leticia R. Rivas Erin K. Frasier Andrea N. Robles Amy A. Moore Thomas R. Roha Physician Assistant Jeanne Ruff Studies Cecelia J. Samora Gretchen H. Bailey Emily A. Schroeder Shirlee C. JamesNicole F. Smith Johnson Rebecca A. Smith-Sealy Jolene L. Vigil Jesse T. Stubbs Radiologic Sciences Amber N. Sweetser Virginia R. Herrera Caitlin A. Toledo Judy Paiz Suzanne M. Tolliver Kathlynn K. Roberts Julie J. Torres Deanna M. Sauer Mari A. Upshaw Jesse L. White Bachelor of Callie J. Whittington Science in Medical Eleonora V. Yarotski Laboratory Chung H. Yi Sciences Lori A. Yonas Radiologic Sciences

Tamara L. Johnson Phu T. Nguyen Suzanna M. Price Karen C. Villareal

Gyros or Souvlaki

Vegetarian combo

REG $7.00

REG $9.35

(Pastichio, Dolmathes, Tiropita, Spanakopita, Greek Potatoes, or Rice and Salad & Pita) No substitutions.

(Chicken Only) w/Drink


Expires 12/18/11 One coupon per person


Daily Lobo

Expires 12/18/11 One coupon per person

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Coupon good at Annapurna’s World Vegetarian Cafe. Limit one coupon per person, per visit. Expires 12/18/11.

curbs e ser vic

7520 4th Street NW (Los Ranchos de ABQ) Mon-Sat 9am-8pm Coupon good at Annapurna’s World Vegetarian254-2424 Cafe. Limit one coupon per person, per visit. Not valid Wednesday nights. Expires 9• Sun Closed

3-5pm daily

See our Green Plate Specials Online


..........Congratulations Graduates!........

Emily P. Hodson Ryan A. Kelly Jennifer Z. Kubica Shelley M. MacNeil Jamie L. Novak Abigail Ramirez Ortiz Jacqueline K. Salazar Katlin M. Schroeder Kari Schultz Amber M. Schwettmann Nicole D. Telles

December 12-16, 2011 / Page 15

1/4 Chicken Dinner (1/4 Chicken) w/ greek salad, potatoes or rice, & pita

REG $7.75

Daily Lobo


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Daily Lobo

the haps

Page 16 / December 12-16, 2011

e k a S & i Sush Ko 6

42 338-2


rean BBQ


Free all you can eat sushi!!!

Buy 15 all-you-can-eat sushi dinners and get one free! n atioon c o w L en Ne ow op my & n ade ing Ac yom W

HAPS Listings



ALL YOU CAN EAT LUNCH $18.95 DINNER $21.95 Monday 11:30-2:30 5-9:30 Tuesday 11:30-2:30 5-9: 30 Wednesday 11:30-2:30 5-9: 30 Thursday 11:30-2:30 5-9: 30 Friday 11:30-2:30 5-10 Saturday 11:30-2:30 5-10 Sundays 4-9

TadEnjo am y ou iR r oom !


3200 Central Ave. • Albuquerque, NM


New Mexico Daily Lobo


Imbibe FOOTBALL Night w/FREE Subs Happy Hour ALL DAY: $2 Draft, $3

Dirty Bourbon, Dance Hall & Saloon

Well, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island & $5

Two-Step Dance Lessons starts at 6:30pm


Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake

Nathan Dean and the Damn Band

Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30

performing at 8pm Maloney’s

$2 Tuesdays

Conceptions Southwest

Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks

$2 Cover, $2 well drinks, $2 wines, $2

Submission deadline today!

(exept bottled beer and features)

domestic bottles, and $3.50 domestic

Bring your submissions to Marron Hall


room 107

Downtown Distillery

$2 Cover after 7pm

Free Pool

Burt’s Tiki Lounge *The Breaklites* *Xibalbalola*

$2.75 Jager

*Server’s Appreciation Specials* *$3

$4.75 Jager Bombs

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30

All New Mexico Brewery Drafts*

Burt’s Tiki Lounge Sunshine Theater

*Tiki Tuesdays!* *$4 Tiki Drinks All

Not Silent Night


The Library Bar & Grill HAPPY HOUR 4pm-7pm $3.50 U-Call-Its Half Priced Appetizers

The Airborne Toxic Event The Library Bar & Grill

The Drowning Men

Happy HOUR!!! Drink Specials

$2 Tacos Monday Night Football!!


DJ Official spinning 10pm-2am

COLLEGE NIGHT with DJ Automatic & Drummer Camilio Quinones 9pm $1 Select Draft, $3 Well & $3 Long Island Tea Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks (exept bottled beer and features) Sunshine Theater As I Lay Dying Of Mice & Men The Ghost Inside iwrestledabearonce

$10 for 2 hours of bowling or... The Best Deal In Town! $20 Gets You...

Sylosis Doors at 6:30pm - All ages

Ever y T

hursda y

Un er Konstrd uctio


1. Two Hours of Bowling 2. One Pitcher of Beer 3. Food

7515 Lomas NE

WEdnesday Dirty Bourbon West Coast Swing Dance Lessons begins at 6:30pm Korean BBBQ/ Sushi Sake Open 11:30-2:30, 5-9:30 Burt’s Tiki Lounge

406 Central Ave

*Vinyl and Verses* *Underground Hip Hop* *UHF B-Boy Crew* *$2.50

The Dirty Bourbon Dance Hall & Saloon Presents...

Select Pints* The Library Bar & Grill Salsa Night with DJ Quico - 9pm The BEST Salsa Night in Town! Free Salsa Lessons Imbibe WORLD OF POKER SERIES Games at 6 & 9pm

Melville wrote his story. Now it’s your turn.

+ WINE DOWN w/Tastings & Appetizers 6pm Happy Hour ALL DAY: $2 Draft, $3 Well, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island Tea & $5 Martinis

Show us what you can do. Get published.

Maloney’s Happy Hour 3-1pm: $1 off drinks (exceptt bottled beer and features) DJ Kamo on the Patio 9:30pm-Close Kareokee: 9:30pm-1:30am with $1 off


Absolut & Aboslut Flavors Downtown Distillery Free Pool $2.75 Jager $4.75 Jager Bombs

the haps

New Mexico Daily Lobo



Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake

Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks

Open 11:30-2:30; 5-10

Dirty Bourbon Dance Hall & Saloon

(exept bottled beer and features)

Line Dancing Lessons start at 6pm

Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker

Downtown Distillery

Ladies Night

Vodka Shots $6 Bombers.

$2.75 Jager

Rollin’ Thunder performing at 8pm

Spotlight Specials: $4 off Smirnoff

Cover starts at 7pm

Flavors 10pm-Close.


Downtown Distillery $2.75 Jager

Open 11:30-2:30; 5-9:30

$4.75 Jager Bombs

Dirty Bourbon, Dance Hall & Saloon SIN Night $4 Jager Bombs

Burt’s Tiki Lounge

Sunshine Theater

*THE UNIVERSAL* *The Original

Slaughterhouse Roadshow

$4 Vodka and Redbulls

Weekly Dance Party* *CLCK CLCK


$4 Bud and Bud Light Aluminums

BNG & Guests* *Dance/ Electro &

One-eyed Doll

No Cover

Indie* *75 Cent PBR Until Its Gone*

Tenafly Viper

The Library Bar & Grill

Until Chaos

The Library Bar & Grill

Doors at 7pm - All ages

NFL Sunday Ticket at The Library!

Booty Shaking Thursday 8pm-2am

Now open at 11am for the 2011-2012


3rd Place wins $50!

Football Season!

2nd Place wins $100!

DJ Official spinning 9pm-close!

1st Place wins $200!

Dirty Bourbon, Dance Hall & Saloon

$2.50 Corona and Landshark

Rollin’ Thunder performing at 8:30pm

$3 Jose Cuervo

$3 Cover starts at 7pm

Imbibe COLLEGE NIGHT with DJ 9pm $1 Select Draft, $3 Skyy

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 4-9

Burt’s Tiki Lounge


*Shoulder Voices* *Tectonic

Watch FOOTBALL on our Big Screens

Open 12n-12mid



Best Damn Happy Hour in Town

Happy Hour till 7pm: $2 Draft, $3 Well,

Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks

$4 Wine, $4 Long Island & $5 Martinis

(exept bottled beer and features)

Downtown Distillery Maloney’s

$2.75 Jager $4.75 Jager Bombs

Free Pool

Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks

$2.75 Jager

(exept bottled beer and features)

$4.75 Jager Bombs

Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker Vodka Shots $6 Bombers. DJ Kamo on the Patio 9:30pm-Close with Smirnoff Spotlight Specials

Holiday Bowl

Spotlight Specials: $4 off Smirnoff

College Night Karaoke

Flavors 10pm-Close.

9:30pm to 2:00am $20 gets 2 hours of bowling, Pitcher of

Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake Open 11:30-2:30; 5-10 Burt’s Tiki Lounge *Leaches of Lore* *Fast Heart Mart* *Pancakes* The Library Bar & Grill EXTENDED HAPPY HOUR 3pm-8pm

WED 14 THU 15 FRI 16

Half Priced Appetizers

Imbibe $5 Jose Cuervo Margs + Happy Hour till 7pm: $2 Draft, $3 Well, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island & $5 Martinis DJ 10pm

SAT 17






14 HU



Underground Hip Hop UHF B-Boy Crew

$2.50 Select Pints


The Original Weekly Dance Party! CLKCLKBNG and Guests Electro/Indie & Dance 75 Cent PBR Until It’s Gone


Shoulder Voices Tectonic Movement Molat The Tank


DJ 10P



Happy Hour Everyday Til 7pm

+ All Day Sunday, Monday & Wednesday


Vinyl And Verses



3101 Central Ave NE • 255-4200


$4 Tiki Drinks All Night

Leaches of Lore Fast Heart Mart Pancakes




Tiki Tuesdays!



$3.50 U-Call-Its DJ Justincredible spinning 10pm-2am!



TUE 13



$3 Cover starts at 7pm


Servers’ Appreciation Specials $3 All New Mexico Brewery Drafts


Rollin’ Thunder performing at 8:30pm

MON 12


The Breaklites Xibalbalola


Dirty Bourbon, Dance Hall & Saloon






Beer, and Food

4:30pm-7:00pm 1/2 Priced Drafts & Appetizers *wings not included


DJ 10pm

Vodka Shots $6 Bombers.

Free Pool

Geeks Who Drink $3 Jager Shots 8:30-10:30

DJ Justincredible spinning 10pm-2am!

Patio Party 9pm to close: $5 Pucker

Under Konstruction



and more with $3 Coors Light Bottles,

Dance, Lounge and Groove Servers’ Appreciation Specials $3 All New Mexico Brewery Drafts



College Sports Day

Featuring $3.00 Corona and Corona Lights $4.00 Negro Modelo Drafts


All Ages Welcome!


Bar Olympics: Beer Pong, Quarters,

Downtown Distillery

eck e ch Com r new u out o prices! r bee ff all $1 O uring ts d draf y Hour! p Hap

Open 11am for lunch!

The Library Bar & Grill

Happy Hour 3-7pm: $1 off drinks

a trip for 2 to Vegas!

ends o Celebrate the rary Bar & Grill! The Lib long! d n e k e e w ll a Drink specials

Well, $4 Wine, $4 Long Island & $5


$3 Pints & $5 Liters. A chance to Win

! ! T U O W O L B f exams at End of Finals

Featuring $11.00 Pitchers of Fat Tire, 1554, and Ranger IPA! *Happy Hour from 4:30-7:00

Movement* *Molat the Tank*

Happy Hour ALL DAY: $2 Draft, $3

(exept bottled beer and features)

312 Central Ave. 505-242-2992 Mon-Sat 11am-2am Sun 12pm-12am

$4.75 Jager Bombs

$5 for guys, $2 for girls Korean BBQ/Sushi and Sake

December 12-16, 2011 / Page 17



Featuring $3.00 Coors Light & Miller Lite Draft ‘til 5:00pm $1.00 PBR and Session Lager & Black 5:00pm-close

Monday Monday Night Football

Featuring $3.00 BudLight Drafts & $3.00 Bud Bottles

Tuesday Cheap Beer All Night

1/2 Priced Drafts & Appetizers ALL NIGHT *wings not included Beer Pong Tournaments with SW Beer Pong

Wednesday Karaoke

Featuring $11.00 Pitchers of Sam Adams & Sam Adams Seasonal *Happy Hour from 4:30-7:00

Coaches is now wireless!

PAGE 18 / DECEMBER 12-16, 2011



Gift-Giving Guide

Editor’s Note: The holidays are coming, but that doesn’t mean you’re any less broke than usual. The Daily Lobo compiled an idea guide for low-cost gifts that require minimal effort but guarantee maximum appreciation from the recipient.

Calendar A personalized calendar could include sentimental photos, or you could make it more humorous with pictures of famous people doing awkward things (i.e. Rick Perry eating a corndog — Google it). “Campus Cuties” anyone? Just don’t get caught taking pictures of babes without their permission. Materials: paper, scissors, pen, hole-puncher, string. Instructions: Choose 12 photos and print them out. Arrange them face-down with your December picture on the bottom of the stack. Punch two holes in the top and connect the pages with string. Punch one hole in the bottom. Flip your January picture over, and outline the days of the first calendar month on the back of the February picture (don’t use a pen that bleeds). Do this for each month. It’s a little tedious, but worth it in the long run. As you are writing in the days and dates, add in birthdays and important holidays, such as National Pi Day on March 14. Hang it with a nail through the punched hole.

Hand Warmers

Congratulate Last Week’s

Lobo Winners!

Men’s Basketball defeated USC 44-41

Good luck on finals and Happy Holidays!

Warm hands and hearts with personalized, handmade hand warmers. Materials: pie weights, cloth, thread. Instructions: Cut two squares of fabric, each 4 1/4 inches wide, and pin them together with the bright sides facing each other. Sew 1/4 of an inch around until you are 2 inches from where you started. Turn the pocket inside out, fill with pie weights, and sew closed. Put the hand warmer in the microwave for a few minutes to heat.

Ugly Sweater A lot of horrible things come out of the holiday season, one of which is the ugly sweater. These are really easy to find at thrift stores for a few dollars, and the recipient is guaranteed a good laugh. Give them a chance to use the sweater by including an invitation to your sweater party where the person with the ugliest specimen wins a prize. There are lots of other corny, seasonal treasures to be found at thrift stores, like mugs decorated with cheesy sayings about friendship. Who knows what hidden treasures you’ll find?

Irish Cream Liqueur Better than Bailey’s, this homemade liqueur is bound to be popular among friends. But don’t get too carried away — this drink has a lot of dairy, and is therefore more likely to make you puke, which would certainly put a damper on the evening. Materials: 750 milliliter bottle of Irish Whiskey, 8 3/4 ounces of milk chocolate, two 14-ounce cans of sweetened condensed milk, two 12-fluid-ounce cans of evaporated milk, 2 1/2 cups of heavy cream, 1/4 teaspoon of instant coffee granules. Instructions: Pour a little bit of the whiskey into a mixing bowl. Melt the chocolate, stirring until it is smooth, and then pour it into the bowl and mix with the whiskey. Gradually add the sweetened condensed milk and evaporated milk, and then stir in the rest of the ingredients, including the remaining whiskey. Pour the mixture into glass mason jars and refrigerate. The drink is better if you let it sit in the fridge for a few weeks, so you should make it as soon as possible if you want your recipient to enjoy it for the holidays. Compiled with help from allrecipes.com

Duct Tape Cell Phone Case This is perfect for people who lose their phones all the time because it has a carabineer you can clip to your keys or belt. If you’re a superficial freak and are embarrassed to be seen with a friend who has an old flip phone, then a cell phone case hides the phone, and your friend thinks you made him or her a thoughtful gift. Everyone wins. Materials: colored duct tape, carabineer, paper, ruler, pen, scissors. Instructions: Make a duct tape sheet by laying strips of duct tape over both sides of a piece of paper. Cut out the exact dimensions of your cell phone from the sheet, and then add a strip of duct tape to the short ends. Make a strap for the carabineer and attach it. Fold the duct tape sheet in half, and tape the edges, finishing the cell phone case. For more detailed instructions with pictures, follow the QR code.

December 12-16, 2011 / Page 19

Leo — It is time to take an honest

Jackson Morsey wuzzzzz here. Nevaaaar 4get. Capricorn — Look for the

happiness they once experienced, but with renewed clarity delivered by the full moon, you’re well-prepared to make the change. When you’re stung with sadness whilst starting over, cheer yourself up by imagining the good things to come.

unexpected this week and pay even closer attention to the details of your daily routine and work obligations. The waning moon symbolizes a growing unconsciousness, an effect amplified by Mercury’s position in Sagittarius. On the upside, your creativity is elevated, so when you get carried away in fantasy, keep some writing implements around to capture the brilliance.

Taurus — The full moon effectively

Aquarius — The full moon this Saturday delivered significant revelations to you, though it’s possible the messages were obscured by circumstance. Optimistic as you are, these past few weeks have done all they can to deflate your spirit and it seems you are beginning to acquiesce. Spend this week mulling over what’s transpired and strive to gain insight into the ways you’ve been surprised by your own negativity.

fired up your motivation, though it’s up to you to channel it in the appropriate directions. It may be tempting to direct this burst of energy and vitality towards endeavors less banal than studying. Deep down, you know you can’t enjoy vacation without a sense of accomplishment; remember this when scrolling mindlessly through Facebook updates.

Gemini — You have reached your

second wind, perhaps intensified by a recent reprieve from obligations, inanity and the repetitive nature of your daily routine. You see your world in a fresh light this Pisces — Setting your mind to work week, instilling in you a sense of optimism and desire to explore. Your will be as easy as mixing oil and water; it can be done, but they remain circumstances haven’t changed, but you can now see past the pettiness to together only temporarily. With this find the hidden value in everyone and in mind, you’ll want to get all you can out of the brief periods in which everything. you feel motivated. It will be a more fruitful exercise of mind-over-matter Cancer — You have been toying around with different personas to if you think of your obligations project, characteristics to develop and as less of a chore and more of an improvements to make. You’ve come experience with the possibility to a long way, though you may question learn or discover something new. why you bother with these things in the first place. The answer will come Aries — The time has come for this week, most likely in the form you to cut ties with memories, of recognition from a person you relationships, anything that has respect. Regardless, you will come become a psychic vampire. This out of the week finally satisfied with action is difficult for most people yourself enough to be able to relax. because they are distracted by the

look at what your actions and physical presence say about you as a person. Everyone has the potential to be the kind of person worthy of respect, so do yourself a favor by swallowing your pride and owning up to all you’ve done. Repair what bridges you can and act in a way that does you justice.

Virgo — Starting Tuesday, when

Mercury resumes it normal motion, you’ll be amazed at the number of doors that open without much provocation. The opportunity is ripe for you to have your way with the world. Interpersonal communications will be especially lucrative to any endeavors you’re considering for the future or are already pursuing. Enjoy the effortlessness, but don’t let yourself stagnate.

Libra — The full moon this past Saturday shed light on many problems in your life. As hasty as you may have been, your timing couldn’t be better. You feel you have left yourself with nothing, but beneath this fear is the possibility to reconstruct yourself to you liking. Consider this concept to avoid major reconstructions like this in the future.

Scorpio — You may feel as if you

crawled from a deep cave to find an improved world. Now that you’ve re-joined society, don’t forget all that you learned about yourself whilst locked in your mental chamber, or expect to return shortly.

Sagittarius — The material world has ceased to satisfy you, a realization that came this weekend. If this is accompanied by a feeling of emptiness, perhaps you’re struggling to find ways to quell a growing restlessness that preludes your compulsive consumption. By taking your mind off your own situation, helping others is a sure way to ease your inner tension. Soon, your problems will shrink from mountains to molehills.

dailysudoku Level 1 2 3 4

Solutions to last week’s sudoku and crossword available at

dailycrossword ACROSS 1 Brewpub choices 5 Bottle tops 9 Newly hatched pigeon 14 Lower California, familiarly 15 Mother Goose baddie 16 Hearing-related 17 Downside of reading in poor light 19 Magic wand wielder 20 PC go-to type 21 Use the ballot 23 Mlles., in Spain 24 Drive-thru cleanings 29 Checkpoint “Hold it!” 31 Little-known information 32 Prefix meaning “billion” 36 Harbor landing 38 Bridge positions 39 Range for indoor comfort 42 “Tomorrow” title singer 43 High spirits 44 1974 Sutherland/Gould spoof 45 “Burnt” crayon color 47 Egyptian cross 49 Staunch political group member 51 Montezuma subject 56 Admin. aide 57 Hawkish 58 Not so many 62 Solid baseball hit 64 African antelope

65 Muscular woe 66 Born and __ 67 Prepares, as cocktails 68 “Little” Dickens girl 69 “Besides that ...” DOWN 1 Helps illegally 2 Hen, vis-ˆ-vis eggs 3 Kick out 4 Olympic skater Cohen 5 Apple heart 6 Turkish title 7 Doctor’s self-employment, and a hint to the starts of the five longest across answers 8 Hombre’s title 9 Low-crime section of town 10 Sine __ non: essential 11 Ocean State sch. 12 River to the Rhine 13 Activist Nellie 18 Addams Family nickname 22 Howard Hughes’s airline 24 Scale, as Everest 25 Improvises like Armstrong 26 Welcomes to the penthouse 27 Blog piece 28 Freelance writers’ encls. 30 Zoo swinger 32 Hold tightly 33 Ancient Greek region that was home to Heraclitus 34 One with no hope

35 Make ___: rake it in 37 Sign anew, as a contract 40 Thirty feet 41 Soldier of Seoul 46 Sighs of relief 48 Difficult 50 “The Chronicles of Narnia” lion 52 “___ the Greek” 53 Handle, as a baton

54 Rain gutters run under them 55 System of belief 57 Banana covering 58 Like “la” in Fr. or Sp. 59 Quarterback Manning 60 Like many lifelike museum displays 61 Opposite of WSW 63 Buffalo Sabres’ org.

SPONSOR THE DAILY LOBO YOUR BUSINESS CROSSWORD Final Examination Schedule, December 12-17, 2011 SUDOKU 505.277.5656 COULD BE HERE! DailyLobo.com 505.277.5656 Get your name out there with the Daily Sudoku


Final Examination Schedule, December 12-17, 2011

Students having conflicts with this examination schedule must notify the appropriate instructor before Friday, November 11, 2011. Any student having more than three examinations scheduled in any one day may notify the instructor of the last examination listed. If notified Please use the11, listing to determine the final examination time for your class. In a combined lecture-laboratory course, class time listed before November 2011,below the instructor shall make arrangements to give a special examination. Conflicts arising as a result of scheduling is the first lecture section. Examination in the laboratory portion of the course may be given during the last week of class preceding the outside of approved standard meeting times must be resolved by the instructor of the non-standard section. Changes in this examination examination week or during week of atthe theinstructor’s time period listedDean. on this schedule for your class. schedule are not permitted exceptexamination by formal approval College NOTES · Special Exams conflicts are shown with scheduled all sections ofschedule the course must at the time andthe dateappropriate listed below. · instructor Exams are scheduled in the regular meeting11, 2011. Any Students having this for examination notify before Friday, November

Monday, December 12 Monday, December 12 Monday, December 12

3:00–5:00 p.m. 7:30–9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

YOUR FINAL WILL BE ON: YOUR FINAL WILL BE ON: Wednesday, December 14 Thursday, December 15 Wednesday, December 14 Monday, December 12 Friday, December 16 Wednesday, December 14 Monday, December 12 Friday, December 16 Monday, December 12 Friday, December 16 Monday, December 12 Wednesday, December 14 YOUR FINAL Friday, December 16 WILL BE ON: Monday,Wednesday, December 12 December 14 Monday, December 12 Wednesday, December 14 Monday, December 12 Friday, December 16 Wednesday, December 14 Wednesday, December 14 Wednesday, December 14 Friday, December 16 Monday, December 12 Friday, December 16 Thursday, December 15 Tuesday,Wednesday, December 13 December 14 Tuesday,Friday, December 13 December 16 Thursday, December 15 Monday, December 12 Tuesday, December 13 Monday, December 12 Thursday, December 15 Monday, December 12 Tuesday, December 13 Wednesday, December 14 Tuesday, December 13 Wednesday, 14 Thursday, December December 15 Thursday, December 15 Monday, December 12 Tuesday, December 13 Thursday, December 15 Monday, December 12 Tuesday, December 13 Tuesday, December 13 Tuesday, December Wednesday, December 14 13 Thursday, December 15 Thursday, December 15 Tuesday, December 13 Monday, December 12 Tuesday, December 13 Thursday, December 15 Wednesday, December 14 Tuesday, December 13 Thursday, December 15 Tuesday, December 13 Saturday, December 17 Thursday, December 15 Saturday, December 17

AT THIS TIME: AT THIS TIME: 12:30–2:30 p.m. 12:30–2:30 p.m. 7:30–9:30 a.m. 12:30–2:30 p.m. 7:30–9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. 3:00–5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. 7:30–9:30 a.m. 12:30–2:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. 3:00–5:00 p.m. AT THIS TIME: 3:00–5:00 p.m. 5:30–7:30 p.m. 12:30–2:30 p.m. 5:30–7:30 p.m. 7:30–9:30 a.m. 5:30–7:30 p.m. 7:30–9:30 a.m. 5:30–7:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. 7:45–9:45 p.m. 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. 7:45–9:45 p.m. 12:30–2:30 p.m. 7:30–9:30 a.m. 7:30–9:30 a.m. 3:00–5:00 p.m. 12:30–2:30 p.m. 3:00–5:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. 5:30–7:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. 5:30–7:30 p.m. 3:00–5:00 p.m. 5:30–7:30 p.m. 5:30–7:30 p.m. 5:30–7:30 p.m. 5:30–7:30 p.m. 7:45–9:45 p.m. 5:30–7:30 p.m. 7:45–9:45 p.m. 7:45–9:45 p.m. 7:45–9:45 p.m. 7:30–9:30 a.m. 5:30–7:30 p.m. 7:30–9:30 a.m. 5:30–7:30 p.m. 12:30–2:30 p.m. 5:30–7:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. 5:30–7:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. 7:45–9:45 p.m. 7:45–9:45 p.m. 3:00–5:00 p.m. 7:45–9:45 p.m. 5:30–7:30 p.m. 7:45–9:45 p.m. 5:30–7:30 p.m. 7:30–9:30 a.m. 5:30–7:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

TR 6:30–7:45 p.m. Thursday, December 15 TR 7:00–8:15 p.m. Tuesday, December 13 M 4:00–6:30 p.m. Monday, December 12 T 4:00–6:30 p.m. Tuesday, December 13 *Foreign Languages and Literatures; Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Literatures—all sections of courses numbered below 300. W 4:00–6:30 p.m. Wednesday, December 14 **Saturday only courses meet on the last Saturday of the semester for their exam, not the Saturday beginning Finals Week. R 4:00–6:30 p.m. Thursday, December 15

7:45–9:45 p.m. 7:45–9:45 p.m. 5:30–7:30 p.m. 5:30–7:30 p.m. 5:30–7:30 p.m. 5:30–7:30 p.m.

Thursday, December 15 Monday, December 12 Monday, December 12 Monday, December 12

Monday, December 12:30–2:30 p.m. · Short/non-traditional courses12 must meet in one of the exam time periods below that are not in use (see Friday

BIOL 201, 202, ME 306 F Lang & Lit, Span & Port <300* F Lang & Lit, Span & Port<300* MATH 120, 162, 180, STAT 145

IF YOUR CLASS MEETS: IF YOUR CLASS IS: MWF 8:00–8:50 a.m. BIOL 201, 202, MWF 9:00–9:50 a.m.ME 306 F Lang & Lit, Span MWF 10:00–10:50 a.m. & Port <300* MWF 11:00–11:50 a.m. & Port<300* F Lang & Lit, Span MWF 12:00–12:50 p.m. MATH 120, 162, 180, STAT 145 MWF 1:00–1:50 p.m. MATH 121, 150, 163, IS–M 100 MWF 2:00–2:50 p.m. IF 3:00–3:50 YOUR CLASS MWF p.m. MEETS: MWF 4:00–4:50 p.m. a.m. MWF 8:00–8:50 MW/WF MWF4:00–5:15 9:00–9:50p.m. a.m. MW 5:00–6:15 p.m. MWF 10:00–10:50 a.m. MW 5:30–6:45 p.m. MWF 11:00–11:50 a.m. MW 6:30–7:45 p.m. 12:00–12:50 MWMWF 7:00–8:15 p.m. p.m. MWF 1:00–1:50 p.m. TR 8:00–9:15 a.m. TR 9:30–10:45 a.m. p.m. MWF 2:00–2:50 TR 11:00 MWFa.m.–12:15 3:00–3:50 p.m. p.m. TR 12:30–1:45 p.m. p.m. MWF 4:00–4:50 TR 2:00–3:15 p.m. MW/WF 4:00–5:15 p.m. TR 3:30–4:45 p.m. MW 5:00–6:15 TR 4:00–5:15 p.m. p.m. MW 5:30–6:45 TR 5:00–6:15 p.m. p.m. MW 6:30–7:45 TR 5:30–6:45 p.m. p.m. TR 6:30–7:45 p.m. p.m. MW 7:00–8:15 TR 7:00–8:15 p.m. TR 8:00–9:15 a.m. M 4:00–6:30 p.m. TR 9:30–10:45 a.m. T 4:00–6:30 p.m. TR 11:00 a.m.–12:15 p.m. W 4:00–6:30 p.m. TR 12:30–1:45 R 4:00–6:30 p.m. p.m. TR 2:00–3:15 p.m. M 5:30 or 7:00 p.m. or later T 5:30 or 7:00 p.m.p.m. or later TR 3:30–4:45 W 5:30 or 7:00 p.m. or later TR 4:00–5:15 p.m. R 5:30 or 7:00 p.m.p.m. or later TR 5:00–6:15 SAT 8:00–10:45 a.m.** TR 5:30–6:45 p.m. SAT 11:00 a.m.–1:45 p.m.**

*Foreign Languages and Literatures; Spanish and Portuguese Languages and Literatures—all sections of courses numbered below 300. **Saturday only courses meet on the last Saturday of theYOUR semester for WILL their exam, not the Saturday beginning Finals Week. IF YOUR CLASS IS: FINAL BE ON: AT THIS TIME:

F Lang & unless Lit, Span & Port <300* room specified by the instructor. F Lang & Lit,5:30 Span Port<300* evening or&7:45 p.m.). MATH 120, 162, 180, STAT 145 MATH 121, 150, 163, IS–M 100

room unless specified by the instructor. · Short/non-traditional courses must meet in one of the exam time periods below that are not in use (see Friday evening 5:30 or 7:45 p.m.).

If notified before November 11, 2011, the instructor shall make arrangements to give a special examination. Conflicts arising as a result of scheduling outside of approved standard meeting times must be resolved by the instructor of the non-standard section. Changes in this examination IF YOUR CLASSare IS:not permitted except by formal approval YOUR FINAL WILL BE ON: College Dean. AT THIS TIME: schedule of the instructor’s BIOL 201, 202, ME 306 December 15at the time and date listed below. · Exams are 12:30–2:30 NOTES · Special Exams are shown scheduled for allThursday, sections of the course scheduledp.m. in the regular meeting

12:30–2:30 p.m. 12:30–2:30 p.m. 3:00–5:00 p.m. 7:30–9:30 a.m.

room unless specified by the instructor. · Short/non-traditional courses must meet in one of the exam time periods below that are not in use (see Friday student having more than three examinations scheduled in any one day may notify the instructor of the last examination listed. evening 5:30 or 7:45 p.m.).

before November 11, 2011, the instructor shall make arrangements to give a special examination. Conflicts arising as a result of scheduling outside of approved standard meeting times must be resolved by the instructor of the non-standard section. Changes in this examination schedule are not permitted except by formal approval of the instructor’s College Dean. NOTES · Special Exams are shown scheduled for all sections of the course at the time and date listed below. · Exams are scheduled in the regular meeting

Good Luck on Finals!

Please use the listing below to determine the final examination time for your class. In a combined lecture-laboratory course, class time listed is the first lecture section. Examination in the laboratory portion of the course may be given during the last week of class preceding the examination week or during examination week at the time period listed on this schedule for your class.

LASS MEETS: YOUR FINAL WILL BE ON: AT THIS TIME: 8:50 a.m. Wednesday, December 14 12:30–2:30 p.m. 9:50 a.m. Wednesday, December 14 7:30–9:30 a.m. –10:50 a.m. Friday, December 16 7:30–9:30 a.m. –11:50 a.m. Wednesday, December 14 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. –12:50 p.m. Friday, December 16 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. 1:50 p.m. Friday, December 16 12:30–2:30 p.m. 2:50 p.m. Wednesday, December 14 3:00–5:00 p.m. 3:50 p.m. Friday, December 16 3:00–5:00 p.m. 4:50 p.m. Monday, December 12 5:30–7:30 p.m. :00–5:15 p.m. Monday, December 12 5:30–7:30 p.m. 6:15 p.m. Monday, December 12 5:30–7:30 p.m. 6:45 p.m. Wednesday, December 14 5:30–7:30 p.m. 7:45 p.m. Wednesday, December 14 7:45–9:45 p.m. 8:15 p.m. Monday, December 12 7:45–9:45 p.m. 15 a.m. Thursday, December 15 7:30–9:30 a.m. :45 a.m. Tuesday, December 13 7:30–9:30 a.m. .m.–12:15 p.m. Tuesday, December 13 12:30–2:30 p.m. :45 p.m. Thursday, December 15 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. 15 p.m. Tuesday, December 13 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. :45 p.m. Thursday, December 15 3:00–5:00 p.m. :15 p.m. Tuesday, December 13 5:30–7:30 p.m. :15 p.m. Tuesday, December 13 5:30–7:30 p.m. :45 p.m. Thursday, December 15 5:30–7:30 p.m. :45 p.m. Thursday, December 15 7:45–9:45 p.m. :15 p.m. Tuesday, December 13 7:45–9:45 p.m. 30 p.m. Monday, December 12 5:30–7:30 p.m. 0 p.m. Tuesday, December 13 5:30–7:30 p.m. 30 p.m. Wednesday, December 14 5:30–7:30 p.m. 0 p.m. Thursday, December 15 5:30–7:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. or later Monday, December 12 7:45–9:45 p.m. :00 p.m. or later Tuesday, December 13 7:45–9:45 p.m. Final Examination December 12-17, 2011 7:00 p.m. or later Wednesday,Schedule, December 14 7:45–9:45 p.m. the final examination time for15 your class. In a combined lecture-laboratory course, class time listed :00 p.m. or Please lateruse the listing below to determineThursday, December 7:45–9:45 p.m. is the first lecture section. Examination in the laboratory portion of the course may be given during the last week of class preceding the 0:45 a.m.** examination week or during examinationSaturday, 17 on this schedule for your class. 7:30–9:30 a.m. week at theDecember time period listed Students having conflicts with this examination schedule must notify the appropriate instructor before Friday, November 11, 2011. Any a.m.–1:45 p.m.** Saturday, December 17 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. student having more than three examinations scheduled in any one day may notify the instructor of the last examination listed. If notified

10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

Monday, December 12

, 150, 163, IS–M 100

lobo features

New Mexico Daily Lobo


LASSIFIEDs CCLASSIFIEDS Page 20 / December 12-16, 2011

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DAILY LOBO new mexico


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Your Space LOOKING FOR HARD working, dedicated bassist to add keyboard/ effects, for local rock band currently doing paid gigs, ages 18-25. Must be willing to travel. Call 575-302-1142.

Apartments APARTMENT HUNTING? www.keithproperties.com BLOCK TO UNM. Large. Clean. Gated. 1BDRM. $600/mo. Includes utilities. No pets. Move in special. 255-2685. UNM NORTH CAMPUS1BDRM $515/mo. Clean, quiet, remodeled. No pets allowed. Move in special! 5737839. FREE UNM PARKING. 1BDRM, clean, quiet. Nob Hill. Starting at $490/mo. No pets. Move-in special. 366-8391. CLEAN, QUIET, AFFORDABLE, 2BDRM $750/mo utilities included. 3 blocks to UNM, no pets. Move in special. 262-0433. HALF-BLOCK TO UNM. Big 1BDRM. Walk-in closet. Off-street parking. $525/mo +utilities. No dogs. 256-0580. UNM/CNM STUDIOS, 1BDRM, 2BDRMS, 3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius, Real Estate Consultant: 243-2229.

1BDRM. LARGE KITCHEN. Walking distance to UNM. Private courtyard gate entrance. Background/ credit check required. Across from Roosevelt Park. $625/mo. $400dd. Available January 1. Clean, quiet area. 281-0303. 480-2552. SPACIOUS, TILE FLOORING, 2BDRM 1BA, $500/mo, $500dd, 5 min drive to UNM. No pets, NS. 3425 Ross Avenue SE. 401-5347 or 712-4364. WWW.UNMRENTALS.COM Awesome university apartments. Unique, hardwood floors, FP’s, courtyards, fenced yards. Houses, cottages, efficiencies, studios, 1, 2 and 3BDRM’s. Garages. 843-9642. Open 7 days/week.

STUDIO APARTMENT. EXCELLENT neighborhood. Female grad/mature student. NS, utilities paid. $420/mo. +dd. 256-1345 leave message. A LOVELY LARGE efficiency with hardwood floors, parking. 1812 1/2 Gold SE. $425/mo. 505-299-2499. 1700 COAL SE. 2BDRM, remodeled, wood floors, W/D, $750/mo + utilities, $300dd. No pets please. 453-9745.

Condos DOWNTOWN ABQ CONDO! Modern 2BDRM/ 1BA, fully furnished, W/D, WiFi, dishwasher, next to Flying Star, bus stop, restaurants, park, etc. 505429-0479 or downtownabqcondo@g mail.com

Houses For Rent UNM MED LAW School House. Columbia and Constitution. Year lease, $1100/mo. 2BDRM 1BA for up to 2 renters. Big back yard. Completely remodeled. 505-266-5874.

INTERESTED IN INTERSPIRITUALITY? PT PROGRAMMER – DRC Solutions, UNM ID CLASSIFIED PAYMENT Getting paid, plus lots of perqes, to orInc. is hiring a part-time programmer ADVANTAGE INFORMATION ganize men’s groups, support circles, with a background in computer science Phone: Pre-payment Discover, • 30¢and per internet word perare day for five or more 303-•• Come Come to Marron room 107, show and to the bookHall, trade. Male student included. Contact Pre-payment by Visa orcommodity Master Marron Hall, room 131, showpref-•• Phone: or related field by toVisa, develop MasterCard or American is required. fered, flexible schedule. saintbo 519-2698.days without changing or consecutive your IDID and receive FREE classifieds Card is required. CallExpress 277-5656. yourUNM UNM and receive a special rate and stock market price analysis and Call 277-5656 brakoczy@aol.com cancelling. inofYour Rooms for Rent, orRooms any For 10¢Space, per word in Personals, or E-mail: Pre-payment by Visa or • Faxmodeling software. Must solid AVOID THE WAITLIST, Room for rent in • Fax or Email: Pre-payment by Visa,have Discover, • 40¢Lobo per word per day for fournow. days$500/mo or Sale Category. for Rent, or any For Sale category. Master Card is required. Fax ad text,coding Village. Availible foundation in object oriented MasterCard or American Express is required. TALIN IS NOW hiring for seafood deless+utilities. or non-consecutive days.to share with dates and dates category to 277-7531, or Send Female needed text, and C++, catergory preferably with C#,toor277-7530 Java. partment, cashier, tea bar, and produceFax ad CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • Special are charged addtionally: e-mail to classads@unm.edu. greateffects roomates. Please contact if interto classifi resume to eds@dailylobo.com drcsolutions@gmail.com or department. Apply online at talinmarket.or email DEADLINE logos, italics, centering, blank lines, estdbold, 719-332-0481. person: Pre-pay bybycash, In person: Pre-payment cash, check, money com or pick up application at 88•• In call 505-237-1600. larger font, etc. check, Visa, Discover, MasterCard or • 1 p.Louisiana m. business day before publication. order, money order, Visa or MasterCard. Blvd SE. AVAILABLE ROOM, IN a 2BDRM apt. American Come room 107 Come byExpress. room 131 in by Marron Hallinpotential. from !!!BARTENDING!!!: $300/DAY Furnished, at 408 Maple WEB St SE. CLASSIFIEDS ON THE Marron Hall from 8:00am to 5:00pm. 5 p.m. necessary, training availTALIN Student IS LOOKING for store supervi- 8 a.m. No to experience Publications $350/mo. utilities and internet included. UNM www.dailylobo.com Mail:: Pre-pay byby money order, in-state check, sor. RetailMSC03 experience Pre-pay money order, in-state 2230 and leadership•• Mail Used mountain bike comes with apartable. 1-800-965-6520ext.100. Discover, MasterCard or American skills required. Please at talinmarVisa, check, Visa, MasterCard. Mail payment, Contactboth 303-519-2698. 1 University of Newapply Mexico • All ment. rates include print and online Express. Mail payment, ad text, dates and ket.com or pick up at 88 ad text, M&Mdates SMOKESHOP IS hiring for an enand category. Albuquerque, NMapplication 87131 editions of the Daily Lobo. catergory. FURNISHED 1BDRM WITH house priveLouisiana Blvd SE. ergetic sales representative. Hourly lages. Near UNM/ Old Town. Available plus commission w/ benefits. Flexible now. $650obo. 505-934-6453. MANUFACTURING TECHNICIAN. 3BDRM, W/D, BASEMENT, lots of parkwith student schedules. Bring resumes Medical device manufacturer looking ing. $1000/mo + $400 deposit. Does FULLY FURNISHED, NEAR north camto: 1800 Central Ave SE Albuquerque for recent science or engineering grad. not include gas or electric. 2 blocks pus. $410/mo +1/4utilities. High speed NM, 87106. This full time position requires the candifrom UNM. 881-3540. Internet. Pictures available. Gated comdate to assemble, test and troubleshoot munity. Access I-40 & I-25. STATE OF THE art retail facility in AlbuBEAUTIFUL REMODEL, HUGE 3BDRa complex opto-mechanical and electrotkuni@unm.edu querque is seeking a motivated, people Ms, den & living room, dining room, with mechanical medical device. Please person willing to learn and able to multiLOBO VILLAGE ROOM for rent (male) indoor pool. Large sunroom perfect for send resume and cover letter to near pool and clubhouse. Starting 1/1. task. Must have computer and phone weight room or studio. Perfect for grad hr@veralight.com Chill roommates. $499/mo. Call/ text skills. Send resume to customercarenstudents to share. All appliances inJesse at 505-402-9656 or email m@gmail.com or FAX it to 505-503cluded. W/D, 2 car garage. 1.5 miles to TRUSTWORTHY, INDEPENDENT PERjwood911@unm.edu campus. $2600/mo + security deposit 8932. SON with great office, organization, 228-8115. phone, people skills wanted 2-5 hrs/wk I AM MOVING out December 22 and I !BARTENDER TRAINING! Bartending home based office NW RR. Serious inneed someone to take over my lease at 2BDRM 1BA NOB Hill area. W/D, Academy, 3724 Eubank NE. quiries 315-1600. Lobo Village. Please contact Amanda at garage, backyard. $850/mo +deposit www.newmexicobartending.com 292695-6350. +utilities. 804-5093. TALIN MARKET IS looking for morning 4180. stocker. Hours from 6am- 10am Monday-Friday. Starting pay at $9/hr. GET PAID TO Save - 100% FREE Please apply online at talinmarket.com Get 5 Text Messages Daily. BRADLEY’S BOOKS INSIDE Winning PRIVATE BDRM, BA, kitchen, living or pick up application at 88 Louisiana Coffee. MWF, occasionally Saturdays. Find 5 To Do The Same. room with separate entry. 1 person. NP, Blvd SE. Invest 5 Minutes A Day. NS, ND. Prefer female grad student/ www.Get5Texts4Cash.com working woman. NE off I-25, utilities PIANO MUSICIAN FOR Lutheran paid including cable. $475/mo. 889-0511. Church. Substitute, could lead to PIANO, WALNUT KAWAI 43” Upright, weekly work. Evening auditions 899SMALL FURNISHED BASEMENT room. wood action, with bench. Perfect condi3016. QUIET MALE STUDENT ONLY. Share tion, never stored, 1 owner. $3000 obo,

NEW 2 STORY, 3BDRM house between UNM/ Downtown. 2 minutes from UNM. WiFi, cable, great neighborhood, available January 1st. $1185/mo. 505429-1100 or DowntownABQHome@ gmail.com CUTE 3BR/1.5BA home. Huge den with FP, 1 garage, large yard, 2 sheds, nice NE neighborhood convenient to everything, 12 minutes to campus, but can easily bike or public transit. Only $975/mo! Call David, 7503360. 11613 La Cueva NE 87123, pics: http://goo gl/0vxUI WHY RENT? FIRST time home buyers can purchase up to $250,000 on this program. $500 down through MFA. Call John 450-2878 or Greg 688-0682. Thomson Real Estate.

ROOMMATE WANTED TO share a (half)CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING room, like a dorm, at Lucaya apt. 408 RATES Maple St SE. Rent is $240/mo. utilities

For Sale

Rooms For Rent



kitchen, BA. $260/mo, includes utilities, wifi. 1/1/12. 243-0553. AZTEC STORAGE ABSOLUTELY the BEST PRICE on storages. All size units. 24 Hour video surveillance. On site manager. 10 minutes from University. 3rd month free. 884-1909. 3201 Aztec Road NE.

HOUSEMATE WANTED TO share spacious 3BDRM house w/ UNM student just 7 blocks from campus. $475/mo includes utilities, wi-fi, dishwasher, W/D + great yard & quiet neighborhood. Available in January. Call Richard 505-4699417. ROOMMATE NEEDED 4 blocks south of UNM, $350/mo, utilities included, WD, for viewing call 261-6102. 2BDRM AVAILABLE IN 4BDRM house females preferred, $425/mo. including utilities, wifi, 1 block from UNM campus. 505-206-6466. ROOMMATE WANTED. MED student or art student to share 3BDRM house. Furnished, W/D, 2mi from campus near Coronado/ Uptown. Students only. $425/mo includes utilities. 463-4536. FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED 2BDRM 2BA apartment in Netherwood Village. Move in late December/early January. Close to UNM shuttle lines. $425/mo. +utilities. Call/text 575-7792360.

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HONDA CIVIC LX sedan. New rims and tires, runs great, 120K miles. $5,400. Call/ text 505-730-1752.

PERFECT JOB FOR college student! Caregiver needed for disabled working man living near Cibola HS. Dressing, cleaning, and laundry. No experience needed, no lifting. PT, M-F, 6-9:15am, $130/wk. Call 319-6474.

In these categories...

•Apartments •Duplexes •Houses for Rent NY021972B 1 12/12/2011 •Houses for Sale •Rooms for Rent SLOERA


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Vehicles For Sale

2005 CHEVROLET MALIBU, 136kmi, CD player, front wheel drive, automatic, cruise control, runs and looks great. $3200. Call or text 505-463-3996.

LOBO VILLAGE- LOOKING for female to assume lease. Great, quiet roomOF mates. $500/mo +elec. EmailUNIV rboard @unm.edu or call 505-620-9913.

5 x 8” (4c

appraised $4,000. 220-7155.

1968 FORD MUSTANG white, runs well, 4 barrel carburetor, v8 engine, new starter, battery and tires. Asking $10,000obo. Call Sam at 505-916-7064.

ROOMMATE WANTED. 2BDRM, 1006 MLK NE, $295/mo, shared utilities. $150 DD, drug free, ideally 21 or older. Credit check at $15. 903-2863.

EXECUTIVE TOWNHOUSE MILLION dollar views, gated, swimming pool, new flooring, new paint, 2BDRM, 2.5BA. All appliances, garage, FP, two story. Coors and I-40. Easy access to shopping and freeway. $1100/mo.First, last $500 deposit. 379-9137. 3BDRM 2BA HOUSE with wood floors, covered back porch, fenced back yard and W/D. $995/mo +utilities. 505-690-5893.

New Mexico Daily Lobo

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