Daily Lobo 05/06/19

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Daily Lobo new mexico

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895


Monday, May 6, 2019 | Vo l u m e 1 2 3 | I s s u e 6 5

UNM student found dead after shooting By Cameron Goeldner @goeldfinger Jackson Weller, a 23-year-old University of New Mexico Baseball player, is dead after a shooting outside Imbibe Nightclub in Nob Hill early Saturday morning. Weller was a transfer from Gateway Community College in Arizona. He had not yet appeared for the Lobos after joining the program in the fall of 2018 and was sitting out this season due to injury. He had plans to rejoin the program next fall, according to an Albuquerque Journal story. Weller was a junior studying Liberal Arts. UNM spokeswoman Cinnamon Blair identified Weller as the person killed on Saturday. “He was a very special young man whose absence will be deeply felt. On behalf of Lobo Athletics and The University of New Mexico, I would like to extend our sincerest condolences to his family, friends, teammates and all who knew him — please keep them in your thoughts and

prayers,” Athletic Director Eddie Nuñez said in a release. “Our immediate focus will be on continuing to support all who are affected as they cope with this senseless tragedy.” Officers responded at 2:15 a.m. to the incident and found a man dead, Albuquerque Police Department spokesman Tanner Tixier told the Journal. There are no suspects at this time. The Lobos lost the first of a three-game series to Air Force on Friday night. Game two was scheduled for Saturday. The remainder of the series has been postponed according to the Athletics Department. An announcement as to when the series will resume has not been made. The sudden loss of Weller prompted an outpouring of support and anger online. The Albuquerque Isotopes and San Diego State University baseball teams offered their condolences to Weller’s family and friends. Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller tweeted that he was “saddened and angered” by the news.

Back at UNM, Lobo Spirit, UNM Greeks and the University's Main Campus Twitter sent out their condolences toward Weller’s family. Weller’s death comes in a year that has seen over 100 shootings in Bernalillo County within the first four months of 2019. On April 29, the Albuquerque Journal reported that 114 people had been shot in 112 days, according to data provided by the District Attorney’s Office. The DA’s office said that 95 of those shootings were in Albuquerque and, as of April 23, 17 people had died. Compared to the same period last year, 2019 has seen 27 more shootings. Justin Garcia contributed to this article. Cameron Goeldner is a senior reporter and photographer for the Daily Lobo. He primarily covers men’s soccer, women’s basketball, softball and the Albuquerque Isotopes, but also contributes content for all other sports. He can be reached at sports@dailylobo. com or on Twitter @goeldfinger.

Courtesy photo

Jackson Weller photo courtesy of Rafael Grullon’s Twitter account.

Three protests, two days, one union UNM students Editorial Board

Last week there were three unrelated demonstrations at the University of New Mexico — each one larger than the last. On Tuesday, the UNM faculty marched to Scholes Hall chanting and using a bullhorn calling for unionization and higher wages. The march followed a meeting discussing the agreement between United Academics of UNM (UA-UNM) and the University to allow a vote on the existence of a faculty union. UNM President Garnett Stokes has promised to honor the outcome of the vote. The group of about 30 faculty dispersed after an hour. On Wednesday, graduate workers walked out in order to advocate for “living wages.” That protest swelled to around 200 people and lasted over two hours. On Friday, hundreds of Albuquerque students walked out of class to bring attention to human-caused climate change. This in conjunction with the worldwide movement, School Strike for Climate. All three stories can be viewed in their entirety at www.dailylobo.com. UNM, Union reach agreement (updated) The University of New Mexico and United Academics of UNM (UA-UNM), the proposed faculty union for the state’s flagship university, reached an agreement late Monday night, according to multiple sources close to the matter. That night, associate professor Matías Fontenla, a member of the union’s organizing committee, told the Daily Lobo there would be two bargaining units — one for full-time faculty and the

other representing part-time. He also said faculty from branch campuses will be included in the full-time bargaining team, a major sticking-point for UNM in their initial rejection of the union’s petition. President Garnett Stokes and UNM Chief Legal Counsel Loretta Martinez expanded on the outline of the union during a general faculty meeting on Tuesday morning: Emeritus professors, department chairs and directors, and visiting faculty are not included in the bargaining units. Martinez said an election to approve a collective-bargaining unit for the faculty is planned for an unspecified date during the fall 2019 semester. Stokes has spoken previously about starting an education campaign, although it is unclear what the campaign would look like. UA-UNM has yet to speak publicly about any education campaign. However, the union has held various social and informational events during the semester. Graduates protest for higher wages “Who are we?’ “Graduate Workers!” What do we want? “A living wage!’,” That was one of several chants shouted by around 200 (mostly) graduate workers during a march and protest for higher wages on Wednesday. The event was nine days after the Board of Regents, who govern UNM, approved a hike to graduate students’ cost of attendance. “I just want to live somewhere safe, I just want to afford rent and I want to be able to pay my car insurance to drive to school,” Monica Wolfe, an organizer of the march, said. With a 3% tuition increase and additional fees, graduate students

On the Daily Lobo website Gunn: New Mexico United blanks San Antonio

will pay an additional $302 a year to attend after July. Wolfe is a teaching assistant in the English department. She said that Wednesday’s march around UNM Main Campus was the first step of a process to secure higher wages. “This is to gain awareness, to gain recognition and to reach out to other graduate workers who might be afraid to speak out,” Wolfe said. Wolfe said Wednesday's march and the graduate workers who organized it were not affiliated with any union, including United Academics of UNM (UA-UNM), the proposed faculty union. But that’s the direction Axel Gonzalez, another organizer, said he would like to go. Gonzalez, a teaching and graduate assistant in the American Studies Department, said he did not have comment regarding if the group had been contacted by a large labor union (such as the American Federation of Teachers or UA-UNM). ABQ students walk out for climate action, participate in global movement The youth have spoken on climate change, and their message is clear: inaction will no longer be tolerated. Over 200 students from the Albuquerque area walked out of class on Friday afternoon. They converged on Johnson Field in protest of governmental failures to address climate change. The student-led demonstration demanded elected officials and businesses face the reality of human-caused climate change and take steps to mitigate it. It was organized by Fight For Our Lives, a student-activist group


Protests page 3

celebrate graduation

Editor’s Note: Every semester the Daily Lobo publishes senior profiles in honor of graduating students. In light of recent events, the editorial board elected to shift some of that content online, in order to provide our readers with news on important events. Longer versions of these senior profiles and profiles not featured in this issue can be accessed at dailylobo. com. Additional profiles will be available until graduation.

see inside for grad profiles Grijalva and Cunico: Video — Milkweed and Monarchs Nunez: UNM students compete in creating an advertizement with Acura

PAGE 2 / MONDAY, MAY 6, 2019




D’Andra DeFlora works through changes to graduate By Robert Maler @Robert_Maler People who compete in athletics are often creatures of habit — prisoners of preparation and routine — often by design. Maybe they take the same amount of practice swings, bounce the basketball a certain number of times before attempting a free throw or any number of other things to feel like things are in the proper place. "I'm not one for change," said University of New Mexico softball player D’Andra DeFlora. This is not something a lot of people might readily admit, but like most student-athletes, she started her collegiate career by making one of the biggest changes of her life — leaving home. DeFlora, an engineering major pursuing a degree in construction management, is a Texas native and had a couple of options available to her before she made the decision to attend UNM. She made the decision about four years ago, but still sounded pretty confident about the choice when recounting why she made it. "The environment around campus and the people that were willing to help so quickly," DeFlora said. "I was just appreciative of that and that (experience) made me want to come here." Four years later, there has been a lot of change. Enduring losing seasons, switching positions in her sport and getting accustomed to new coaches are just some of the additional things that got thrown onto the heap for DeFlora. Some inspirations for DeFlora that kept the spark to get things

done include her favorite athlete and movie. She said her favorite player has always been Derek Rose, a current NBA player. Rose was a budding superstar when he won the league's Most Valuable Player award in 2011 as a Chicago Bull, but never really seemed to recover from multiple injuries and regain his form. He played in just 50 games combined over the previous three seasons. Rose overcame adversity and scored a career-high 50 points for the Minnesota Timberwolves earlier this season.This was an improbable feat that likely inspired many people and drove the 11-year NBA veteran to choke back tears in the post-game interview. DeFlora's favorite movie "Hidden Figures" is a film based on true events that exhibited the perseverance of the people to overcome barriers constantly. She said, for the most part, they didn't react to things and just did what they needed to do. "I related (Hidden Figures) to life in general," DeFlora said. "There are going to be so many obstacles in life that you have to go over — so why stop? You'll eventually have to learn how to get over them." So perhaps it shouldn't come as a surprise that no obstacle DeFlora faced has knocked her off the path. Andrea Pierson, a student success manager at UNM, said the softball player's commitment and dedication are a testament to how far having a positive attitude can take you. Peirson said DeFlora experienced a death in the family in sophomore year and said it could have been easy for someone in that position to give up or move on. However, change and adversity don't appear to derail DeFlora.

DeFlora said she has probably had eight or nine coaches. Even though many of them have left to pursue another opportunity, they have stayed in contact with her and continue to provide support from a distance DeFlora said. She started each of the past two seasons in left field, but was asked to switch over to play center field. DeFlora, a two-sport athlete in high school, showed the versatility needed to cover a large amount of ground in the outfield. She has a 97% fielding percentage and is registering a career-high this season. The center fielder said she didn't know the reasons why she was asked to move — she just welcomed the challenge and did what was needed to help the team. That kind of attitude is what second-year head coach Paula Congleton took note of right away. She referred to DeFlora as "Little D" and described her as the "spirit stick" for the team — an emotional leader that brings the energy no matter what the situation is. "She's little, but she packs a powerful punch," Congleton said. "She's like our little dynamite." Congleton said DeFlora has a unique ability to face adversity and exemplifies the type of culture she and her staff are trying to build. The head coach said she knows what it means to embrace the pack mentality. Congleton said DeFlora, a Scholar Athlete recipient, has done that both on the field and in the classroom, applying her fast, aggressive, all-out play to both. Pierson credited DeFlora not only for her dedication toward being a good teammate and student, but for bringing the fun along with her. "She's one of those people that provides non-stop laughter despite the pressures she is under with

Courtesy photo

Portrait of D’Andra DeFlora courtesy of Lobo Club.

softball, school and personal life," Pierson said. "She's the funniest person in the room." DeFlora played basketball in high school and is still an avid hacky sack enthusiast. She has other talents outside of sports as well. She said one thing that most people probably don't know about her is that she can play seven musical instruments. She said her favorites to play are the piano or the drums — depending on her mood. One thing that seems to be a consensus is DeFlora's commitment to school. Pierson said a Scholar Athlete at UNM is required to achieve a 3.2 cumulative GPA at the end of the fall semester. The softball standout has hit that benchmark every year since she started attending. Pierson said that isn't easy to do, especially considering she is an engineering student. She said her degree program is intense and a lot of work goes into the program. It requires students to be extremely dedicated. "They were here for eight class

days in February, so that she is able to balance all of that, still be a Scholar Athlete and still be on track to graduate, it's all incredible," she said. DeFlora is on track to earn her bachelor's degree in the fall and Pierson said she is planning to stick around and start her master's program. DeFlora said if she had one piece of advice to those pursuing a degree, it would be to "keep pushing." She said things might seem hard in the beginning, but that is only because people want it to be easy. And all the hard work students put in the classroom now is what makes it easier on later on when they begin to apply those skills in life. Robert Maler is the sports editor for the Daily Lobo. He primarily covers basketball and baseball and contributes content for various other sports as well. He can be contacted at sports@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @Robert_Maler



MONDAY, MAY 6, 2019 / PAGE 3


Adrian Abeyta’s ‘unpredictable’ college experience By Makayla Grijalva @MakaylaEliboria “Unpredictable,” is how graduating senior Adrian Abeyta describes his overall college experience at the University of New Mexico. “In my brain I always have steps of things I want to get done,” Abeyta said. “I am probably a totally different person than I was when I started, and I really could never have predicted that I’d be a mechanical engineer.” Although he is graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering this month, it wasn’t always Abeyta’s chosen degree path. He first started out as an Interdisciplinary Film and Digital Media (IFDM) major and even did a semester-long stint in pre-pharmacy before settling on engineering. Abeyta’s younger brother, Esteban, 22, was not as surprised when Abeyta decided to pursue mechanical engineering. “In all my memories growing up with my brother, I can remember him asking questions about how


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everything around us worked,” Esteban said. “I never cared about some of these things, but he always seemed to want to know more.” Esteban recalled Abeyta showed interest in knowing what happens when someone uses a key to start a car when they were kids. To Esteban, the process seemed simple, but Abeyta still pressed to find out exactly how it worked. “His insistence to know exactly how the simple turning of a key results in the ignition of an engine highlights exactly the type of thinking Adrian possesses,” Esteban said. Abeyta grew up in Española, New Mexico with two brothers — one older and one younger — who motivated him to finish school. However, his older brother, Joe, had an especially strong impact on Abeyta. Joe, 24, owns his own business, a barbershop. “(Joe’s) the one that has always been like ‘if you’re happy doing what you want to do — then do it. But if you’re not then what’s the point?’ ” Abeyta said. “He’s a big motivation for showing me that this is what I

wanted to do and that you need to put in hard work to do it.” Abeyta lived up to his brothers’ advice. Joe said he put in a lot of hard work to get to where he is today. “Hard work really does pays off,” Joe said. “I have seen Adrian grind every step of the way for the last few years of undergrad and it is such an amazing thing to see him achieve what he has so far and continue to pursue his dreams.” In the fall, Abeyta plans to attend the University of Texas at Austin to pursue a graduate degree in Mechanical Engineering. The school’s focus on robotics, in addition to the distance was part of the decision. “A part of myself wanted to go to UNM because I had family here and the same other half wants to leave because I have family here,” Abeyta said. “Not necessarily in a bad way, but like to go out and be like on your own, totally by yourself, full adulting.” As for after the program, Abeyta isn’t sure where life will take him.

He is considering either working for himself in engineering or pursuing a PhD. “I’m not sure if I want to go more so on the research side, or on the management side,” Abeyta said. “I’ll decide that in two years when I get there.” Although seeing Abeyta leave Albuquerque to attend UT Austin in the fall may be “bittersweet” for his brothers, they both agree that the school has a lot to offer him. “Not only will he get to challenge himself academically, but I think his time there will bring great self-growth as well,” Joe said. “Together with cutting-edge research and new mentors, I know he’ll be able to continue developing what he’s already learned at UNM to become an exceptional engineer,” Esteban said. The final advice Abeyta wanted to give students at UNM is to plan ahead, but not be upset when the plan doesn’t work out. “Say yes to more opportunities,” Abeyta said. “You’ll be okay if you don’t do well on a test.

it was up to the students. "They know that this is a challenge and it's happening right now, but they're greedy and don't want to lose money in order to save our planet," Griego said. "Us, being the youth, needed to go out there and make a splash in the community, because it's our future that we're fighting for." As chants of "climate change is not a lie, do not let our planet die" faded away, a group of speakers

from various schools around the city began the official proceedings at 1 p.m. They lamented the lack of engagement from government and civic leaders and spoke at length about the dangers of a changing climate, drawing cheers by excoriating the fossil fuel industry and plastic pollution. Several motorists passing by on Redondo Drive honked their appreciation, and curious onlookers filtered in and out over the course of the goings-on.

Kyle Land wrote “UNM, Union reach agreement (updated).” Land is a senior reporter for the Daily Lobo. He can be contacted at news@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @kyleoftheland.

Courtesy photo

Portrait of Andre Abeyta.

You’ll survive. Life goes on.” Makayla Grijalva is the multimedia editor for the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted by email at multimedia@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @MakaylaEliboria.


formed in response to the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Fla., in February of last year. The protest ended in a march from Johnson Field to the intersection of Central and Carlisle, where the junction was blocked for the better part of an hour. Izzy Griego, a 14-year-old student from Media Arts Collaborative Charter School and an organizer for the protest, said that since adults aren't taking charge of the situation,

Justin Garcia wrote “Graduates protest for higher wages.” Garcia is the editor in chief of the Daily Lobo. He can be contacted at editorinchief@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @Just516garc

Andrew Gunn wrote “ABQ students walk out for climate action, participate in global movement.” Gunn is a freelance reporter for the Daily Lobo. He can be contacted by email at news@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @agunnwrites.



The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895

Monday, May 6, 2019



Second chances — an important part of community strength By Pete Campos

Data from the New Mexico Sentencing Commission shows that returning to the community is a difficult task that poses serious challenges for those who have been released from incarceration. More than 40% of inmates released between July 2007 and June 2015 were arrested again by June 30, 2017. The formerly incarcerated are likely to become stressed and anxious as they evaluate the barriers to overcome to establish a life "outside." These individuals must juggle housing, employment and re-learning how to communicate, all while rebuilding their lives. To overcome policies and social norms that have stacked the cards against former wrongdoers, the character traits of strength, confidence and resiliency are

required. The days and years that follow imprisonment are filled with many disappointments, struggles, and physical and mental readjustments. Step-by-step, these individuals must try to piece together today's societal prerequisites, such as identification cards, bank accounts and health insurance. To make the ascent to the public world even more steep and difficult, stigma exists for those who have served time in a correctional facility. The pressure of numerous eyes observing the formerly incarcerated to detect any misstep creates a slope that may cause an avalanche that only apply to individuals on probation or parole. The Council of State Governments estimates that 53% of state prisoners and 68% of jail inmates enter correctional facilities with substance abuse issues. Additionally, the Legislative Finance Committee reports that drug use

violations that remain unaddressed are frequently the cause of revocation of parole or supervised release. I have found in my time as a trained counselor and legislator performing constituent services that most who have served time in a jail or prison want to be productive and law-abiding citizens. Unfortunately, that attitude can waver as the reality of prison stigma and collateral consequences assault the newfound freedom of former prisoners. However, if encouraged to do well and regain momentum, former prisoners can make significant positive contributions to the community. Encouraging signs do exist within our correctional facilities regarding community reentry preparation. Programs that teach a trade are promising and can allow for a much easier and more prosperous postprison life. If the personal strength to overcome the remaining barriers

endures, social contributions from former prisoners can include volunteering to educate youth on correcting a corrupted path or writing a book about their life experiences. Some may say that prison is not an educational or full-time care center, but, a place to serve hard time and pay penance for crimes. Those people are right; however, the criminal justice system we have cultivated has overwhelmed the state's finances. The costs of care for elderly or otherwise health-challenged inmates who are no longer a threat to public safety are quickly increasing. Our precious resources will be squandered on fruitless prison systems while we could be planting seeds to mark the path for a prosperous future. Investments in education, economic and outdoor-development and promoting our state as a worldwide tourist destination are more proactive investments to

both reduce crime and raise revenue. If we do not act to help reentry attempts succeed, every spare dollar we may receive in coming years could be consumed before our governor's education moonshot rocket can reach maximum velocity. Undoubtedly, bad people exist in our society, in and out of prison, and we must remain vigilant. It is equally important though, that we support second-chance programs and efforts to reintegrate those who have served their time and are ready to move on and rediscover their lives. Senator Pete Campos is a member of the New Mexico Legislature, a democrat representing Las Vegas, NM since 1991.


Volume 123 Issue 65 Editor-in-Chief Justin Garcia

Sports Editor Robert Maler

Interim News Editor Danielle Prokop

Culture Editor Shayla Cunico

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Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

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The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published on Monday and Thursday except school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the editor-in-chief. All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo.com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.



MONDAY, MAY 6, 2019 / PAGE 5


Becka Myers says her farewell to UNM By Justin Garcia @Just516garc Few students will ever have the ability to impact the University of New Mexico like Becka Myers has. Myers has served as a coordinator, senator, chairwomen and, most recently, the president of the Associated Students of UNM undergraduate student government. While many students disregard ASUNM, which has been expressed multiple times by senators during meetings, all students are affected by their decisions. When administrators need student input on a decision, like raising tuition, they go to ASUNM. If they can, they go to Myers. Myers was born in Texas but sees Anchorage, Alaska as one of her homes. She went to South Anchorage High School, one of eight high schools in a city with a population less than 300,000 people. “We got super excited when the Target opened,” Myers said. “We couldn’t get into Olive Garden for months.” Alaska was the home of Myers’ mother. She said her mother had always talked about moving the family back, but Myers thought she would never do it. They moved to Alaska when she was 13. When Myers was 16, her mother

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passed away. At the time, Myers was participating in a frenchlanguage camp and learned the news over a phone call. In previous interviews, Myers said she had just read “Le Petit Prince” aka “The Little Prince” in its original french. The theme of the children’s book is about coping with death. “At this camp… literature that was in English was considered contraband,” she said. “I flew home and the only book I had was this book. I read it again, I felt differently toward it after that.” After her high school graduation, Myers said her father moved back to his hometown Seattle, Wash. Without her mother, Anchorage wasn’t the same. She said she didn’t want to go to college with people from high school. “Part of the appeal of UNM was that it was a big campus with a research institution,” Myers said, adding that UNM and Albuquerque still had a small-town feel that she appreciated. It was new. It would be an adventure. Going from Alaska to New Mexico wasn’t a seamless transition for the native-born Texan. The food in particular was a tough sell. She said that she recognized that green chile was good, but questioned the hype around the New Mexico favorite. When Myers made it to UNM, she

met Alice Vernon, her “sister”. “We initially met because they had this online program where they would match you with a roommate. I liked to think of it as like EHarmony for roommates,” Veron said. “(Myers) sent out this email and she made it sound like it was a mass email.” Later, Veron realized that Myers had only sent out the email to her. They said their connection was nearly instant. When Myer’s became ASUNM President, she appointed Vernon for her chief of staff. Myers and Veron applied to Emerging Lobo Leaders together. Neither got into the highly selective ASUNM mentorship program— and neither was deterred for long about the rejection. “That following spring, I ended up getting really busy with life and work and school and didn’t apply (for ELL) but she did and started getting really involved with ASUNM at that point. I remember her coming home one day and being like ‘I really want to be ASUNM President’” Vernon said. In 2018, Myers ran unopposed for ASUNM president. Her term began with one of the most controversial events in recent UNM history. In the summer, the Board of Regents, who govern UNM, axed four sports citing savings and Title IX compliance. Shorty after the July meeting,

Myers said, “I think, and I will say this loudly, the Regents are in a position of power and we are just there to advise them,” adding, “for them to try and spin it in a public forum to where it’s on someone else — and not (on) them — is exactly the issue that we’ve had with them in the past.” That feeling of powerlessness was echoed by other members of ASUNM at it’s first meeting in the fall 2018 semester. At least for Myers, that feeling would not last. At the start of 2019, Myers said that her experience with the administration had been empowering. When the regents voted to raise tuition and student fees this year, they first asked Myers if the students would understand their justification for doing so. UNM raised tuition, with Myers’ blessing. When Myers left the podium at her last Board of regents meeting, UNM President Garnett Stokes and Regent Kimberly Sanchez Real whispered their praises about her, picked up by the microphones. Myers’ legacy, like most ASUNM Presidents, is indiscernible. The seeds she planted in her four years at UNM have yet to germinate and when they grow, her name will have long been washed away. Myers said that’s okay with her. She said she

Courtesy photo

Becka Myers portrait courtesy of Myers’ Facebook.

hopes people remember her administration as empathetic and competent, but that being remembered is not what’s important to her. “A lot of the work that you do in this position… people don’t fully get,” Myers said, adding that a lot of the external work, i.e. negotiating with the administration, goes unnoticed even within ASUNM. If anything she said the momentum from her predecessor, Noah Brooks, was continued through her and hopes it carries over into President-elect Adam Biederwolf ’s administration. “I would never do it again,” Myers said about being president, “but I wouldn’t trade this experience for the world.” Justin Garcia is the editor-in-chief of the Daily Lobo. He can be contacted at editorinchef@dailylobo.com or on Twitter @Just516garc.


PAGE 6 / MONDAY, MAY 6, 2019



Shayla Cunico discovers love for journalism at UNM By Danielle Prokop @ProkopDani Shayla Cunico isn’t fragmented, she’s kaleidoscopic. Cunico, the culture editor for the Daily Lobo has said her time at the University has helped transform how she sees the world and carve out space for her authentic self. She’s learning now that despite how she has pulled in different directions, she could be a whole person and create something new. Graduation is looming but afterward she’s headed to Arizona State University, where orientation starts for her Masters in Visual Communication Design on May 28. Cunico said she feels she has one foot in two places as she finishes here but looks ahead to the program. “I’ve been trying to go through my head and see how I feel,” Cunico said. “But it’s difficult.” Cunico said college wasn’t a straightforward path, and that it took time to recognize what she wanted to do didn’t align with the ideas she had when she first started college — something she said no one should be ashamed of. She was influenced by her family’s career paths to choose something in STEM, as her mother and aunt are nurses and her father is an engineer. “I thought STEM was what I was supposed to do, I came in as a nursing major and did that for a year,” Cunico said. She transferred to biology to explore careers in research — but later realized it wasn’t the research she was interested in, but writing about the research. “I’m really lucky because my

parents always supported me when I said I wanted to go into journalism,” Cunico said. Coming to that realization was difficult and put her in a rough patch with all the stress. She considered dropping out, she said. In order to cope, she turned to journaling, which provided her an outlet, and led her to study journalism — which she had done since the sixth grade. She attended Sierra Middle school — a school specializing in media — and learned to produce videos, photos and audio. In high school, she also ran track, did cheer, and often felt like an outsider looking in. Cunico struggled with what she was supposed to do, because she never felt called to one particular aspect. She felt she was competent in writing, design, videos and photos but was looking for something more. “I know I have all these things, and it really didn’t make sense that I wasn’t good at just one of them, because everyone else was really good at one thing,” Cunico said. “Everyone had their pocket, like niche that they fit in, and I didn’t.” Frank Ocean’s Boys Don’t Cry magazine changed all of that. The reclusive singer displayed his prowess beyond writing, for photos, design, the complete package. Cunico said that inspired her to apply for something different in graduate school, to push beyond the boundaries. “He created that. It made me think that it’s possible for me to be successful by using everything I can do, together to complement myself,” Cunico said. She found her way to the student newspaper but never expected to write for it. She started as a culture reporter in January 2018, and was hired as culture editor in May. She

also worked for the student-publishing lab New Mexico News Port. For now, continuing in journalism isn’t in her path. “It’s scary. It’s terrifying that you can’t get a job in journalism, and I didn’t want to feel that way forever,” Cunico said. Her work at the Lobo includes the expansion of arts and culture coverage and bringing back the “Five and Whys,” a popular medium to discuss people’s favorite, albums, books and other art. Cunico talks about the influence of art and how it shaped her as a person. The Daily Lobo did a quick Five and Why with Cunico on what her personal soundtrack is: “Peach” - Kevin Abstract: “My favorite song, I play it as soon as I get in the shower — it get’s my day started.” “Sellout” - Rico Nasty: “When she talks about being herself, ‘I’m the best of being me, and the lot of y’all can’t relate,’ I just love that.” “Boy” - Yung Baby Tate: “It’s super 90s but it’s not carbon copy, this song is super cool, it’s just missing the water drop sound effect.” “She’s Better” - Cássio: A friend of a friend who lives in Los Angeles and produces for big names. “It’s a good song, and not just because he’s a friend.” “2009” - Mac Miller: “I like to remember how I felt at a certain time, make myself playlists, I write things down and tweet stuff as an ‘emotional scrapbook’ for me to come back to when I want to evoke an emotion. Swimming came out right when one of my friends passed away, and I met my other friends from Cruces and started hanging out.” One of her close friends, Tara Briones, is a sophomore at UNM studying architecture and design.

Courtesy photo

Portrait of Shayla Cunico.

While they grew up in the same hometown of Las Cruces, their friendship blossomed after seeing a Cuco concert together and finding they shared much more than a home zip code. She said they are “dreamer creatives” and as Earth signs, they find comfort in many of the same things. She said of the memories created with Cunico such as traveling to Los Angeles, the best memories are the simple ones. “My favorite memories with Shayla were when we would just kick it,” Briones said. “We’d open a bottle

of wine and go on walks in the summer, or skate in my front driveway.” Briones said she will miss many aspects of their friendship, the dayto-day of walking to school or plans on the weekends — but especially the easy, genuine nature. “She’s loyal to her friends and herself, and she always knew how to be there,” Briones said. Danielle Prokop is the interim news editor for the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at news@dailylobo. com or on Twitter @ProkopDani.


The art of student-photography By Luisa Pennington @_lpennington_ Last Friday, seniors in associate professor of photography Patrick Manning’s advanced photography class, presented their final projects in their art show: “If you don’t know the population of rats in an area, you don’t know anything…” The show displayed artwork exploring themes of technology, identity and familial ties. The Daily Lobo had the opportunity to interview five of the ten seniors that presented their work at the show. Manning said that the students in his class made him feel like a passenger for the semester. "I guess for this particular group of students, I was very impressed by was that they were all very self-

driven," Manning said. "It felt like I was a passenger. They were all very good about working together to produce the show." Leila Murrieta “I’ve been making art probably my whole life. I got in to photography at a really young age, nothing really serious, just pointing my camera at flowers and stuff. I got really serious in high school when I started taking photo classes and my photography teachers started pushing me more. It turned into more of a serious thing when I came to college. I didn’t want to do it as a degree, but then I switched because biology was making me sad. I draw a lot of inspiration from my experiences growing up, my community back in Tucson, Ariz., and being a dual citizen from Mexico and the United States.”

Nicholas Aragon “I started creating in middle school and going into high school. That’s where my love for photography started. I joined the school yearbook club and I started photography classes then. I think, as far as inspiration, I draw from my community as a whole, and as a queer person... I draw a lot from that. Identity-based work is huge for me.” Maryssa Rose Chavez “From a pretty young age I was in to art and being creative. But it wasn’t until high school that I picked up a camera — it was my mom’s old digital camera — and I started taking pictures of my friends. It was honestly more of an ‘oh, I’m making commercial work’ so I came to UNM not thinking I needed an art degree. But, then I took one photo class, and it

changed my life. It was impactful for me to grow and to have a community of people who support you in your artistic practice — that’s where I stem my work from. Oh, and also, from my community back in Española, New Mexico.” Crystal Montanez “I’ve been creating for as long as I can remember. I know that I got really into photography in high school. I draw inspiration a lot from my family and my experiences from them. I also draw inspiration from outside places. It’s the experiences I have in life in general that inspire my work. What I’m mostly interested in, is family-based memories and the personal aspect.” Samuel Katz “I’ve been creating since I was about sixteen, so four years now, but it’s finally coming to fruition. I’m glad to be done, and I’m re-

ally excited to have the time to work on my stuff post-grad. As for inspiration, I draw a lot from my grandmother. She passed away two years ago, and the way genes skip generations is a really big interest of mine. I am who I am, because of her. More so, I’d say, than my parents. So, she’s a big inspiration for what I like to do.” Other seniors that presented work include Sarah Ausherman, Lisa Ealy, Cynthia Lee, Katherine Overton and Stephanie Vargas. The exhibit will be open until May 26 at Gallery 606 (606 Broadway Boulevard Southeast). Luisa Pennington is a freelance reporter with the Daily Lobo. She can be contacted at culture@ dailylobo.com or on Twitter @_lpennington_.

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MONDAY, MAY 6, 2019 / PAGE 7

Good Luck on Finals

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PAGE 8 / MONDAY, MAY 6, 2019


Congratulations, 2019 Graduates!

CANDIDATES FOR Matthew Charles Higgins Abigail Janet Rudolph Shamiso Olive Chirenda Haussohou Daniel Edi DEGREE, SPRING 2019 Natahlia R Enoah Daven Hobbs Aoife Mary Runyan MASTER OF Angelina Barber Caprice Cherie Mary Natalie Saing Leland Brooks Evans ENGINEERING Heather Ryan Benavidez Zachariah N Falgout Hoeveler Aaron David Salas CANDIDATES FOR Mariessa Serna Carrasco Wendi Suzanne Hogstedt Rachel B Sanchez Mina Aziz Faltas The following list is Sara Elizabeth Hoskins Ana Francesca Scaringella DEGREE, SPRING 2019 Aaron Theodore Cowan Aleksandr Fedorov based on information Eric Scott Lujan Rose Estelle Davenport Nicholas Andrew Elisabeth Ana Maria Serna Cristina M Flores-Cadengo gathered from the Banner Bethany Joy March Nikole Lee Dixon Humphries Dene Shelton Huck Kootenai Green database prior to our Josef Andreas Jansen publication deadline. Barbara Jo Sauls Anna Olegovna Shkireva Assad A Rizvi Mya A Habermann Robert Gregory Salazar Nichole A Johnson It has been carefully Humphries Jordan Michael SkeenEvan M Hagin reviewed, but given the Yoren Kaleka Lukusa MASTER OF Sylvia Lavone Hunt Bilger John Michael Hamilton CANDIDATES FOR number of names and Juanito Orlando Marquez Mingfu He Alina A Ibarra Ryan D Smith FINE ARTS DEGREE, SPRING 2019 evolving status of many Rita Yvonne Martinez Andrea Lee Jaquish Kristina Goulett Smith Adrienne H Hubbard CANDIDATES FOR Kaella D Alvarez prospective graduate’s Heather Blair Jones Judith Nicelle Spears Troy A Hutchins-Delgado DEGREE, SPRING 2019 Ragina Pena Vanessa Eloisa Armijo degree status, mistakes Kellsie Lin Prince Seth Michael Jones Tanya M Strong Brian A Jennings Sean Burke and omissions may have Pedro Marcos Armijo Patricia Marie Serna Rachel Marie Kain Kevin Royce Susco Taylor Bryan S Jewell Micklos Noel Burson occurred. Please accept Jennifer Jean Arnason Angela M Sosa Charles H Kalm Darah Louise Tabrum Jessica M Johnson Rujeko S Dumbutshena our assurance that being Dana E Ashcraft Brian M Vineyard Nicolas A Kennedy Marcos A Tafoya Ishan Kafle Tatiana Duvanova listed or not listed here has Suzanne Estelle Bahr Geriant B Yazzie Matthew Zachary Kieltyka Vanessa Anne Tan no bearing on a student’s Elisabeth M Keller Erin Galvez Sharifa Ali M Bahri official graduation status. Gulnara Kussainova Liliana Tarango Nolan S Kephart Alivia Solana Magana MASTER OF Elizabeth Jane Barnett Kathy Kutulas Ashleigh Rebecca Topping Panayioti Constantine James Anthony Martin Renee Bernadette Bean Graduate PUBLIC HEALTH Joshua A Laclair Natalia Maria Toscano Kitsos Justice Moriah Miles Jordyn Raye Belanto CANDIDATES FOR Studies Nora Louise Lamm Dustin Deon Truitt James Oscar Klein Jay Bowman Muskett Marie Bellec DEGREE, SPRING 2019 Julie Coonrod, Dean Amanda N Lara Monica Elaine Trujillo Joshua Robert Koepke Zachary Travis Rebecca Lynne Benson Shoshana Adler Jaffe Sarah I Leiter Maria C Valdez Aurora L Kraus Brian Keith Willett DOCTOR OF Marlene Betancourt Ellen Marie Burgess Tamara S Valdez Lauren J Lewis Gabriella Thelma Bloise Donald George Leslie PHILOSOPHY MASTER Travis J Garoutte David Dean Linville Jennifer Susana Vasquez Andrez M Leyva Alana Jane Bock CANDIDATES FOR Chandra Y Gerrard OF HEALTH Bridget Louise Love Saul Villa Mario Vincent LoPrinzi Kalila Bohsali DEGREE, SPRING 2019 ADMINISTRATION Emily A Harmon Kendall Renee Lovely Amanda Christine Wagener Steven Curtis Lockyer Barbara Louise Brech Behnam Abaie James Edward Kaminski CANDIDATES FOR Daniela J Lozano Christian White Patrick M Lopez Oneka Jillian Brown Majed Abdullah S Alharbi Nicholas Demetrios DEGREE, SPRING 2019 Sarah N Lucero Julianna Christine Wiggins Xijie Luo Zahra Bundrage Assem Mueed M Alqarni Karnezis Richard Lynel Bell Terese R Lukey Keith D Wilkins Tracy L Mallette Warrick Moore Campbell Alain Maurice Antoine Rajani Rai Zachary Adam Fierro Kelli Reanna Lycke Martin Elena Alexandra Williamson Mitchell Conner Malone Ester Eugenia Campos Sarun Atiganyanun Shannen Jeanne Ramey Kathryn Suzanne Good Hannah J MacDonald Monica C Wolfe James Roger Markham Araya Yaseen Ali Azi James Edward Kaminski Ashley Racheal Wegele Matthew James Bernice A Madrid Daniel Aidan Woods Kelly Cardoso da Silva Walter O Baker Paula Annette Mortensen Sonnie Marie Williams Andressa Macena Maia Lindsay M Worth McChesney Santiago Carrasco Garcia Nicholas Barron Destiny LeAnne Pacheco Felicia Annette Martinez Kevin Jack McConnell MASTER OF MASTER OF Brittany M Caruso Denise Suzanne Bartley Brittany P Sharratt Michael K Martinez PUBLIC POLICY John Kinghorn McIver Nathaniel Charley Vincent Michael Basso CONSTRUCTION Renee Sudborough Tamara Nicole Martinez Anthony James Meluso CANDIDATES FOR Marian Kay Chavez Mahmoud Behzadirad MANAGEMENT Ashley Lynn Tapia Kelsea Nicole MartinezDEGREE, SPRING 2019 Heather L Mercer Celia M Chavez James Walter Bodington CANDIDATES FOR Claudia Cherrix Tchiloyans Eggleston Anupam Mitra Paige Eileen Knight Samantha Rose Cooney Darin Russel Brown DEGREE, SPRING 2019 Karen Sue Mazur Derek Matthew Montoya MASTER OF Mathew D Coonsis Jose Rafael Bucheli MASTER OF Billy Copeland Aaron James McCanna Kent Douglas Morgan LANDSCAPE Brandon P Corcoran Penafiel Ryan D Reynolds SCIENCE Tamara L McCool Brianna S Mulligan ARCHITECTURE James Michael Creighton Janie Rae Byrum Jeffrey S Slopek CANDIDATES FOR Ashley Jordan McFarlane Mario R Naranjo CANDIDATES FOR Ashley Teresa Cruz Lilian K Casias Jacqueline Erica Zamora DEGREE, SPRING 2019 Brendan Isaiah Nixon CANDIDATES FOR DEGREE, SPRING 2019 Zahra Abedi Joy Elizabeth Cushman Alejandra Merino Villegas Madelaine Seow Chavez Maria Guadalupe MerinoKelly Rebecca Oakley MASTER OF DEGREE, SPRING 2019 Andre De Oliveira Alina Camacho Rodriguez Sarah M Ackerman Andrew Cochrane Gomez Carlos R Olguin COMMUNITY Haniyeh Niroomandi Juan Diego Colmenares Hasan F S Kh A Aljumaah Nascimento Zeinab Akhavan Marissa Elena Meyer Sterling Stewart Olson Evan Charles Berger & REGIONAL Natalie Marie Schneider Abee Fouad Alazzwi Shantel Yvette Dixon Fernandez Hannah J Mickens Yoselin Ordonez Suarez Emily Paige Compton Sunanda Sharmin Ethan Dixon PLANNING Matthew Jon Curry Tyler Jonathan Albright Sonya H Moneim Ethan O Ortega Ramon Eduardo Dorado Juan A Dominguez-Torres Yu Zhou CANDIDATES FOR Evan B Dewey Elizabeth Kayla Armistead Anabel Muniz Timothy Ross Ortiz Mendoza Marina M Donez DEGREE, SPRING2019 2019 MASTER OF MUSIC John Michael Baca Linda C Eleshuk Roybal Final Exam Schedule for Spring David A Parkinson Alexandra Lee Eckhardt Maria Guadalupe Nemelka Nathan Rey Begay Antonio Miguel Espinoza Leroy Daniel Duarte Bradley T Baker CANDIDATES FOR Nieto Katherine Marisa Peck Anne Sophie Claudette Debra Liane Hiram L Crook Ursula Anna Freire Castro Joseph P Fleming DEGREE, SPRING 2019 Chuan Pai Banh May 6-11, 2019 Janine Lee O’Neill Elliott A Pelfrey Fankam Amye Cutlip Suzanne Marie Gagnon Alodie Girmann Lauren M Bansbach Tristan Frank Jordan L Orlovsky Alexis Leah Perea Ke Vaughn Renaldo Paul John Fekete Omega Delgado Eli A Garduno Briana Becerra Kathryn Lauren Overton Milinda Thompson Gruber Lucas Gullickson Nestor Gabriel Pereira Harding Evelyn Rocio FernandezStephanieUse Gerlach the listing below to determine the final exam schedule for your class. Exams will take place in the rooms in which the Daniel Raley Beene Ashley Danielle Hedlund Haley Faith Patterson Ferrero Alix Christine Herrera Lizarraga Josef Andreas Jansen Amy Gore Sarah Belchak Katharine Grace Henderson Hayley Pedrick Brad M Philipbar Keith Hilton Blakebeen Kato meeting, individual have unless otherwise announced by the A change in the final exam day/time may Renee Flores Nora Louiseinstructor. Lamm Maria Teresa Guevara classes David J Benney Jose David Hernandez Lydia R Peralta Reza Julian D Maltby Adesbah Foguth Andres Diego Lucero Beltran Kelsey B Bicknell Romero Marybeth Perdomo with the approval of the Instructor's College Dean. Notification of approval must be received by the Office of Pirayeshshirazinezhad the Carlos M Martinez Christina Marie Frank Angelique Desiree Jimin Guoonly be made Karah Shirlene Ingraham Anima Bista Mary Frances Perea Alexander C Pumerantz Justin D Milburn Gustavo Garcia Maldonado Bernadette Marie Hall Samuel Elliott Browne Victor Gabriel Lanzoni Alves Registrar‐Scheduling Office before April 12, 2019. Exams for lab times of a section may be given during the week preceding finals Madison Isabella Perea Denver Stephen Quane Robert Lee Montgomery Aastha Gautam Rita Yvonne Martinez Cuaron Isaac W Burns Mitchell P Nelson Angela Michelle Platzbecker Kelly Morris Moe Casey John Rodgers Alexandra Nicole Nelloslisted Thomas A Goebel-Mahrle Seok Junweek Han or at the Collin James Burt time period below during finals week. Students having conflicts with this exam schedule must notify the Brandon T Padilla Rebecca G Prinster Thatcher Andrew Rogers Joel Erik Olson Alice Ruth Gomez Curtis R Sanders Sharmin Haq Dongjune Chang Asia S Passmore Omkulthoom Musa Qassem Benjamin W Savoca Jared L Romero Gweneth Gay Gordon Patricia Aappropriate instructor before Friday, March 29, 2019. Harnois-Church Amanda Reis Brana Joshua M Clifford Taylor Shea Perry Marcelo Queiroz de Souza Marley Russell Siavash Rezaei Andres G Grajeda Ellen Walford Hatch David Isaac Collins Kathryn Janette Schwaar MASTER OF James Jay Reese Elnaz Sadeghi Miguel A Rivera Emily K Guerra Md Mottaleb Hossain Joshua Robert Donckels Bo Kyoung Seo MANUFACTURING Emily A Reiff Kevin M Sammon Michael Rospopo Kelly Anne Gunn Sarah Grace Hudspeth Brendan Drake Donohoe Rel listed below for Nclasses times otherAlexis thanJane those will be scheduledMASTER during the week of finals at a Domonic time T Sena ENGINEERING Marissa Sanchez meeting Jenna at Anne Hagengruber Dalton NOTE: Exams Ryan Elijah Dow Michael Bryan Riley Matheen Basha Shaik CANDIDATES FOR Scott Santti Joshua I Heckman Jacquelineagreed RosemaryuponEric OF PUBLIC Nathan D Drumm by the faculty member and students. Notification must be sent to the Office of the Registrar‐Scheduling Office Desiree Marie Romero Najeeb Ijlal Shamoon DEGREE, SPRING 2019 Garret Sterling Schultz Billie A Helean Janowich ADMINISTRATION Kuaikuai Duan Clafton Tyler James Shelton Jeffrey Alonzo Ballard

Graduate Degree Recipients

Jillian Michelle Jordan Janak Raj Joshi Marie Quiahuitl Julienne Jana M Koehler Daniel Steven Krywaruczenko Samrat Bikram Kunwar Joshua Scott Lynn Uahikea Maile Lillian Makeda Stephen David Mandrgoc Leisha Marie Martin Kyle William Martin Haneen Martinez Emillia Masaka Guy McClellan Sebastian Medina Kirsten Elizabeth Mundt Francisco German Perez Venegas Veeshan Rayamajhee Brock Franklin Roberts Aaron Jon Robinson Natalia Vladimirovna Rud Joshua J Sanchez Sarah Ann Schulman Jonathan H Schultz Krista Lynn Scorsone Kholod Khalid Sendi Annmarie L Sheahan Joshua Sheak Sara Siyavoshi Cortny Marie Stark Monique C Stone Darren Glenn Talley Nicholas P Tarasenko Frank R Tellez Denisse Helena Vasquez Guevara Brad W Watson Meng Zhang Almut Klara Zieher MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE

Leigh Ann Seibert York Daniel Seiler Aastha Singh Taylor R Small Ivan P Spratte Matthew C Tran Rachel L Trapp Alec Michael Vittitow Ahmed Zaki MASTER OF ARTS

before April 12, 2019. If postponed due to inclement weather, exams will be rescheduled at the end of finals week in an arrangement that seeks to best address University classroom scheduling, weather projections and student's needs.




BIOL 201L, 202L, ME 306 F Lang & Lit, Span & Port <300* F Lang & Lit, Span & Port <300* MATH 162, 180, 264 STAT 145 MATH 121, 150, 153, and 163

Thursday, May 9 Monday, May 6 Monday, May 6 Monday, May 6 Monday, May 6

12:30‐2:30 p.m. 12:30‐2:30 p.m. 3:00‐5:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m.‐9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m.‐12:00 p.m.




MWF 8:00‐8:50 a.m. MWF 9:00‐9:50 a.m. MWF 10:00‐10:50 a.m. MWF 11:00‐11:50 a.m. MWF 12:00‐12:50 p.m. MWF 1:00‐1:50 p.m. MW 12:30‐1:45 p.m. MWF 2:00‐2:50 p.m. MW 2:00‐3:15 p.m. MWF 3:00‐3:50 p.m. MW 4:30‐5:45 p.m. MW 5:30‐6:45 p.m. MW 6:00‐7:15 p.m. MW 7:00‐8:15 p.m. TR 8:00‐9:15 a.m. TR 9:30‐10:45 a.m. TR 11:00 a.m.‐12:15 p.m. TR 12:30‐1:45 p.m. TR 2:00‐3:15 p.m. TR 3:30‐4:45 p.m. TR 4:30‐5:45 p.m. TR 5:30‐6:45 p.m. TR 6:00‐7:15 p.m. TR 7:00‐8:15 p.m. M 4:00‐6:30 or 4:15‐6:45 or 4:30‐7:00 p.m. T 4:00‐6:30 or 4:15‐6:45 or 4:30‐7:00 p.m. W 4:00‐6:30 or 4:15‐6:45 or 4:30‐7:00 p.m. R 4:00‐6:30 or 4:15‐6:45 or 4:30‐7:00 p.m. M 5:30 or later T 5:30 or later W 5:30 or later R 5:30 or later SAT 8:00‐10:45 a.m.** SAT 11:00 a.m.‐1:45 p.m.**

Wednesday, May 8 Wednesday, May 8 Friday, May 10 Wednesday, May 8 Friday, May 10 Friday, May 10 Friday, May 10 Wednesday, May 8 Wednesday, May 8 Tuesday, May 7 Monday, May 6 Monday, May 6 Wednesday, May 8 Monday, May 6 Thursday, May 9 Tuesday, May 7 Tuesday, May 7 Thursday, May 9 Tuesday, May 7 Thursday, May 9 Tuesday, May 7 Thursday, May 9 Thursday, May * Tuesday, May 7 Monday, May 6 Tuesday, May 7 Wednesday, May 8 Thursday, May 9 Monday, May 7 Tuesday, May 7 Wednesday, May 8 Thursday, May 9 Saturday, May 11 Saturday, May 11

12:30‐2:30 p.m. 7:30‐9:30 a.m. 7:30‐9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m.‐12:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m.‐12:00 p.m. 12:30‐2:30 p.m. 12:30‐2:30 p.m. 3:00‐5:00 p.m. 3:00‐5:00 p.m. 3:00‐5:00 p.m. 5:30‐7:30 p.m. 5:30‐7:30 p.m. 5:30‐7:30 p.m. 7:45‐9:45 p.m. 7:30‐9:30 a.m. 7:30‐9:30 a.m. 12:30‐2:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m.‐12:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m.‐12:00 p.m. 3:00‐5:00 p.m. 5:30‐7:30 p.m. 5:30‐7:30 p.m. 5:30‐7:30 p.m. 7:45‐9:45 p.m. 5:30‐7:30 p.m. 5:30‐7:30 p.m. 5:30‐7:30 p.m. 5:30‐7:30 p.m. 7:45‐9:45 p.m. 7:45‐9:45 p.m. 7:45‐9:45 p.m. 7:45‐9:45 p.m. 7:30‐9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m.‐12:00 p.m.

Garrett P Shields Solji Shin Ryan Michael Sims Michael David Smith Samuel Jack Smith Keith Reagan Soules Joshua L Stanford Kelly A Steinberg Moriah E Stern Michaela Supple Gregory James Svarczkopf Khaled Aly Talaat Mohamed Zakaria Aly Talaat Daniel Herbert Timmons Nathan France Toleman Benjamin D Tolsma Jose A Trejo Rodriguez Courtnee Anne Urrea David Anthony Valdes Elizabeth Ann Wagner Zihao Wang David B Weitzel Jacob Anthony Wikle Allyson B Worrell Xuan Xie Justine J Yazzie MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NURSING

Nichole A Ranieri Jessica M Rojas Kristina Corinne Sainz Stephen K Samoei Aria Rae Sanders Pema Lhamu Tamang Mari A Upshaw Yvonne Marie Waters Theresa A Weidemann Lynn Harris Wheeler MASTER OF WATER RESOURCES


Trevor Anton Lewis Birt Angelique Desiree Maldonado EDUCATION SPECIALIST CERTIFICATE


Janice Armijo Latricia Ramone Charley Amy Chase Sarah Curley Nichole Dominguez-Chavez Carlos L Garcia Johanna Jennings Idzerda CANDIDATES FOR Anna Rae Lucero-Sanchez DEGREE, SPRING 2019 Kyle Devlin Macdonald Janet Stern Abernathy Keegan R MackenzieErica Marie Apodaca Chavez Brandy R Arellano Hannah Jean Mainolfa Rachel M Bankhead Ana Isabel Perea Shradha Bisht Veronica Denise Perez Lauren Hubbard Bowen Ina Elaine Ramon Caitlyn Marie Brown Casey A Reid Michelle A Buffington Amanda Nicole St John Tabitha Burns Emily R Steinbach Krystle S Cano Mary L Whitehair-Frazier Erica Maria Chavez Kitty Michelle Wise Margit K Christenson Louise Yakey Kelli Marie Christopher GRADUATE Megan Mary Eickman CERTIFICATE Lisa Anne Ethridge CANDIDATES FOR Christopher Raymond DEGREE, SPRING 2019 Fredericks Mc Dowell Pumaras Ashley Marie Garcia Agwayaway Shantal A Giron Sara Beth Anderson Melissa A Gladden Luanne Marie Greene Mercedes Victoria Avila Barbara Sue Gross Andrea Krisztina Czaban Diana L Gutierrez Jana M Koehler Richard Roman Herrera Jens Oldrich Langsjoen Cindy Kimly Hoang Kayla Rose Lopez Morgana L Jokiel Uahikea Maile Anne Marie Jones Madiha Javed Sadiq Phillip Yuen Nun Ma Moniqua Salome Adrienne A Martinez Rachel B Sanchez Chelsea N Martinez Dene Shelton Angela Marie Minium POST Rachel Lauren Montoya MASTER’S Elizabeth Anne Moran Carly P Nowicki PROFESSIONAL Nicole C Pacheco NURSING Maria L Pasillas CERTIFICATE Laura Diane Pennington CANDIDATES FOR Allison Phillips DEGREE, SPRING 2019 Kiarah Ali Rahman Lisa Marie Meyer


*All sections numbered below 300 for Foreign Languages and Literatures, Spanish and Portuguese. **Saturday only courses meet on the last Saturday of the semester for their exams, not the Saturday beginning Finals Week.

Use the listing below to determine the final exam schedule for your class. Exams will take place in the rooms in which the individual classes have been meeting, unless otherwise announced Exams for lab times of a section may be given during the week preceding finals week or at the time period listed below during finals week.

University of New Mexico, Office of the Registrar



MONDAY, MAY 6, 2019 / PAGE 9

Congratulations, 2019 Graduates!



Ramon Eduardo Dorado Mendoza Ke Vaughn Renaldo Harding Cynthia Denise Jacobs Samuel Eugene Sisneros Theodore R Weber

Graduate Professional Degree Recipients

The following list is based on information gathered from the Banner database prior to our publication deadline. It has been carefully reviewed, but given the number of names and evolving status of many prospective graduate’s degree status, mistakes and omissions may have occurred. Please accept our assurance that being listed or not listed here has no bearing on a student’s official graduation status.

Anderson School of Management Shawn Berman, Dean MASTER OF ACCOUNTING


Matthias Xylon Alonzo Lauren Justine Casias Karyn L Chavez Luis Isidro Cruz-Martinez Fan Feng Joshua Mark Gomez Joseline Hernandez Cody Jansen Anaya Colleen Alanna Lino Shannon Wahl Lucero Adriana MendiazCoronado Cassandra J Mikolajczak Shelby R Miller Sakiko Oga Andrew Stuart Pascoe Vanessa M Rivera Victoria L Spragg Daniel M Steward Xiaofang Sun MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DEGREE CANDIDATES SPRING 2019

Dawn Song Anderson Alexandra Mallory Arellano David Bradley Arnold Seneca Taylor Atwood Robert Elmer Audis Sean R Baklini Victoria L Black Baylee E Brown Jamie Marie Brown James L Burton Alexa R Cabrales Adrienne Emmot Candelaria Anthony Andres Cao Mary C Carpenter Brittany E Castillo Eva Chavez Katharine Elizabeth Clark Jacob Richard Collins Leslie Collishaw Joseph P Corazzi Diane Michelle De La Cruz Joy Lynne Esparsen Nathanael G FaustShucker Fan Feng Dylan Douglas French Devin F Galligan Travis M Gonzales Colleen Donna Gray Amanda Renee Guth Alyssa P Gutierrez Kaleigh N Hubbard Amanda C Jaramillo Cody L Jeff Rahni S Johnson David W Jones Tiffany M Justice Keith Hilton Blake Kato Brenna Lynn Kelley Jan William Koch Michael David Laflin Isaac Leon Connor Covalt Lites Colin Alejandro Lopez Lomesh Majithia Hira Hasan Malik Ashley N Martinez Jay M Miller Robert W Moore Elizabeth J Muller Casey M Mulligan

Casey M Murphy Miguel Antonio Navrot Jacob Charles Nelson Roy Padilla Colleen A Pastuovic David Mike Patel Justin Charles Pettit Jeffrey Alexander Piersol Christina Lynn Powers Alejandro Quezada Courtney Elizabeth Razon Joshua A Reeves Andrea Shyanne Rigoni Vanessa M Rivera Chelsea Nicole Rodriguez Luna Victoria Rodriguez Garcia Adan Abel Salas Stephanie J Schneider Priyank Shukla Rachel Patrice Silva Xiaofang Sun Fabianna Rosa Maria Tabeling Emma C Talbert Jessica A Tarin Patrick Raymond Tarin Justin O Toledo Khanh My Tran Juancarlos M Trujillo Rebekah Leigh Vallejos Phillip Nicholas Walck Denise Marielle Wernly Shay L Williams Keith Blake Windham Thomas H Wobbe POST-MASTER’S CERTIFICATE IN MANAGEMENT

Michelle M Halt William Bradford Harrigan Robert Michael Hart Joshua Peter Hasyniec Lucas Jackson Helper Kaythee Hlaing Mingjie Hoemmen Brandon M Ilgen Samantha Kao Sunderjeet Kaur Magdalena Marie Kephart Kaldia Nader Khalaf Sara Rose Klemundt Amanda Nicole Krasulick Thomas Kricka Vladimir L’Ouverture Isaac Leon Maya Lindgren Cruz Antonio Lopez Angelica M Lopez David Paul Lopez Benjamin Glenn Maggard Katie Marion Torry Clayton McFall Kasey Marie McGough Sarah Rose Meeker Bryan W Nickerson Dominique Oliver Benjamin D Osborn Ranime R Oueis Lyman Samson Paul Cameron B Payette Verenice Peregrino Pompa Erin Amanda Phillips Lydia Ann Pizzonia Zackary Quintero Dominique Rose Rodriguez Michael Rodriguez Christine Marie Romero DEGREE CANDIDATES Paul Michael Roybal SPRING 2019 Nicole A Sanchez Cassandra Nicole Sunnie R Sartin Reckaway Stephanie J Schneider Asjha Uriah Stus Emily Segura Rebecca Eve Shore MASTER OF Olga Starcher SCIENCE IN Simon David Suzuki INFORMATION Caitlin Meghan Sweeney SYSTEMS & Miguel Agustin ASSURANCE Talamantes Guzman DEGREE CANDIDATES Lindsey Marie Teel SPRING 2019 Derek Michael Thompson Gabriel A Baduqui Roshanna Toya Edgar Castillo Diego P Trujillo Leo M Dudziak Serena Corrine Valley Linyuan Feng Jared Robert Vander Jason Flack Dussen Cherish A Franco Cristina Linda Vasquez Ryan Scott Gonzales Dawn Marie Vernooy Anthony J Guidarelli Jennifyr Aiyanna Vickery Anoj Karki Carl J Waldhart Cody L Kasten Nicholas Glen Wehrli Kim A Luu Serena R Wheaton James P McIlroy Jennifer Junhyun Mitchell A Monk Winquist Namrata Nepal Madalyn C Witz Van Bich Nguyen Nedia Isabella Zayani Samantha Nicole MASTER OF Oesterling STUDIES IN LAW Niraj Paudel DEGREE CANDIDATES XingJi Pei SPRING 2019 Angelica Ruiz-Olivas Lincoln Mark Christian San Roman Elias G Scavron School of Edward Merenciano Sisneros Medicine Kenneth Lee Lloyd Street Paul B. Roth, Dean Jamerson K Tenorio Angelo J Valencia DOCTOR OF Cheri G Zejda MEDICINE Jiaqing Zhao DEGREE CANDIDATES

Constantine C Logothetis Lauren Elizabeth McGuire Christine A Meadows Jessie P Medina Thanh Nancy Meunphalangchai Alyssa B Mirabal Megan L Moorhead Parisa Mortaji Nathaniel Carlisle Murray Leslie Rene Neher Tilly T Ngo Daniel Padilla Varayini Pankayatselvan Heesung Park Vishal A Patel Sumit J Patel Andres Plaza Hadley Rose Pope Jennifer E Prosser Justin D Provo Amber J Quinones Elizabeth R Richardson Lucinda Mary Rios Joshua M Romero Fatumata Saho Kara D Shain Melissa C Shoemaker Fernando Lee Sinaloa Casey R Smith Juan S Soche Alexandra Thompson Kory A Tillery Cana Michelle Tompkins Joshua Ryan Trujeque Alexander John Waggener Nathaniel Edward Wiest Judea P Wiggins Shane L Wilder Beverly A Williams Chloe Williams Lucia Y Xiong Amanda Roach Yaney DOCTOR OF PHYSICAL THERAPY

Karissa L Aldrete Sergio Pareja, Dean Aurora E Auwen JURIS DOCTOR Natasha Shanelle Beachum DEGREE CANDIDATES Larry M Benjey SPRING 2019 Madeline A Bierle Chad Owen Abeyta Christopher J Bouchard Ryan F Adragna Michael A Brule Noe Astorga Robert Courtney Debra Lynn Au Peter S Dailey Erika E Avila Stephanz Brennan Lee Day Mary Catherine Louise Julia Marie Dexter Baca Ella Lee Dolan Meaghan Teresa Baca Ashley Marie Dorneden Anna Maria Baecker Shana Drake-Lavelle Jennifer E Brannen Markus Aaron Eckstein Ann Laura Brethour Isaac Troy Edwards Anne Marie Bruno Savannah Paige Taylor Van Bui Ellenwood Heather Burke Candice Sherie Espinoza Crystal Cabrido Lainey M Flatow-Trujillo Levi M Chavez Bryant Giovanni Flores Israel Chavez Cody M Fritts Ashley J Cook Julia Gabrielle Coulloudon Nicolas Joseph Gamble Christopher Paul Gamez James H Dawdy Concetto Kirk DiGiacomo Elena N Gandara Joseph William Lilia A Diaz Gorvetzian Bianca M Duran Angel Guerrero Savanna S Duran Lauren Victoria Hatcher Alexander Guy Elborn Lisa Marie Herrera Daniel N Fogg Justin Marshall Hessinger Luis C Garcia Peter Michael Holguin Olivia K Garcia Elijah Miguel Kamermans Derek T Garcia Jaron James Kee Kaleigh Garduno Parisa Lucia Kermani Sabina M Gaynor Samira S Khalil Christian P Goldsmith Tyler Elijah Laurence Javier L Gonzales Nicole A Lee Nathan W Graff Michael A Leslie James Emil Grieco

Kathryn Marie Burnett Anna Cornelia Wilder

School of Law


Daryl James Cortez Carlos David De Sanctis Joseph Michael Dinallo Cuong Phu Dinh Linh Chi Hoang Do Savannah Rae Doak Daniel Vinh Duong Wendell Fournier Dylan Douglas French Gabriel Medellin Garcia Linda Gilbert David Michael Glaser Cynthia Gonzalez Briana R Green Angelica Christa Holmes Vishal B Kholwadwala Jessica Hernandez Larson Stefanie J Logothetis Aaron Milton Lovato Bryanna Dean Lutz Kimberly Madrid Phoenix L McClanahan Stacey Louise McLendon Danielle Jo Medina Natalia Carmen Mendez Elliott K Miller Stephanie Nicole Montano Victoria D Moya Caitlin Elizabeth Murtagh Fidelis Onome Onoh Yoselin Ordonez Suarez Andrew John Ortiz Nathan Joseph Otero Nicole Masako Paiva David Mike Patel Carolina Pedraza Fabiola D Perez Angelica Enez Portillo Ruquaya A Quraishi Chelsea Nicole Rodriguez Steven Romero Leeanza Kay Roybal Ariel A Ruiz Mariam A Saba Jakkapong Saeaung Ashley N Sanchez DEGREE CANDIDATES Ashley Rae Sanchez SPRING 2019 April J Sartin Dudley Babb Dale Christopher Justin Daniel Baca Schuchardt Johnathan Taylor Samantha Marie Schulman Candelaria Sadie Seavey Tatenda Terence Chibanga Taylor Lauren Segovia Shawn Davidson Allison Nichole Segovia Christina E Decker Jacquelyn Rochelle Silver Joshua Deifel Catherine Susanne Smith Michaela T Giles Tuong Cat Ton-That Rachel Colleen Harrison Nicole Maria Vallejos Alyssa Jorene Hemsworth Jordan Andrew Vermillion Sean Bradley Horner Thien-An Nguyen Vu Troy G Jaramillo Deeana Erica Weiss Deidra Marie Jay Kelly Michelle Wesselman Christina Marie Kline Jared W Womack Jonathan P Lewis Jarrid Allen Young Joshua Ian Lucero Bachelor’s Chance Timothy Nicol Lisa Peterkin Degree Erika L Ray Recipients Andrew C Roy The following list is Alex W Russell based on information Michelle Nichole Salas gathered from the Banner Abigail Leah Stanislaw database prior to our Cecille J Thomas publication deadline. Vanessa Trujillo It has been carefully Donna Edith Trzcienski reviewed, but given the Selena Marie Watchman number of names and evolving status of many MASTER OF prospective graduate’s OCCUPATIONAL degree status, mistakes THERAPY and omissions may DEGREE CANDIDATES SPRING 2019

College of Nursing



Molly Nicole Dayzie Rachael Frija Deborah J Garcia Sophia Chu Rodgers

have occurred. Please accept our assurance that being listed or not listed here has no bearing on a student’s official graduation status.

Anderson School of Management

Shawn Berman, Dean BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Degree Candidates Spring 2019

Ian Lawrence Aarons Jonathan O AbarcaCollege of Martinez Devan Juan Aguilar Pharmacy Shaikh Ahmad Donald Godwin, Nora W Akram Dean Jose A Alaniz Katrina Rose Albrecht DOCTOR OF John Edwin Algermissen PHARMACY DEGREE CANDIDATES Hassan A Ali Christopher R Alvarez SPRING 2019 Abdullah Ahmed Alzakari Dawn Song Anderson Cody D Aminian Kassy Nicole Aragon Erik Christian Andersen David Bradley Arnold Jonathan A Anicito Robert Elmer Audis Eddie Elias Aranda Maryam Behnia Gonzalez Molly Elizabeth Benning Alfonso Armeria Cantu Melissa Dawn Bierner Albert N Baca Jamie Marie Brown Alexander Richard Nicholas Jay Carter Barounos David Cereceres Rath Jimmy Chaleunphonh Rachael Lynne Beck Erik Michaael Beilman Crystal Su Choi Joseph R Bencomo Leslie Collishaw

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Sabrina Bhakta Joshua McLayne Bilbrey Elijah John Binasiewicz Aaron Nicholas Blackwell Silas Blodgett Stephanie Bourgeois Brianna R Bousek Glenn M Bowers Bryce Terrence Jermaine Brooks Amber L Brown Katherine Renee Brunner Samantha A Buckner Hector Manuel Caldera Bowen R Campos Josh Carabajal Nyuana Anika Tenay Cargill Jerry D Carter Diana Leticia Castillo Miranda Vanderlie Castillo Kirsten Dawn Chavez Jesus M Chavez Marguerite Miya Chavez Steven N Chavez Toni T Chino Sean R Christopher Clara Marie Chung Kaitlyn Maria Clark Derrick L Cleavall Carree Gene Connelly Nicholas Cook Allison E Cooke Ruth Copas Ryan Patrick Corcoran Dylan D Cordova Elijah Nickolas Costales John J Couffer Robert Crooks Luis Cueto Towfiq Nasser Dajani Brianna E Danfelser Rachel Emily May Darnell Amanda Marie Dean Eric J Deblassie Desire Isabela Diaz Kelby A Dickey Thomas L Dixon Jennifer M Doherty Mingchuan Dong Dyna Jane Durland Devin Grant Edwards Sebastian Everett Eisenbraun Tyrik J Enrico Melissa Clarisse Eyenga Ebode Alisa Facer Kayla M Fiedor Jordan Kenneth Flack Eryn N Forrest Leanne Clarissa FrancisValdez Brian Anthony Frazee Luis A Galarza Alisha C Gallegos Angel Francisco Gallegos Jorge Armando Garcia Elena M Garcia Katy K Garcia Ruiz Shay Gardner Rachel Nicole Garrett Abner O Gaucin-Soto Anthony Jerome Goff Sara Rose Gold Adrian N Gomez Serjio Gonzales Mark A Gonzalez Bertha Alejandra Gonzalez Isaiah Gonzalez Joseph K Good Collin H Goodwin Samuel Moran Goodwin Jesse W Gordon Connor Michael Gorman Manuel Alejandro Grado Vincent Guerrero Victoria Ann Gurule Joshua Joel Gurule Ricky J Gutierrez Tory M Hajny Wesley Addison Hall Matthew Alexander Hamel Loren Danielle Hanson Alexander Nathan Harden Aspen C Harding Megan R Harrison Anthony Bryant Harry Stephen S Haskie Cedric Deondre Hawkins Heather Morgan Hay Jacob P Heckman Preston Tyler Hensley Melanie A Herrmann Emily A High Jacob W High Spencer Brady Hill Augustin Pierre Paul Hole Julie Irene Holt Jason R Irwin Grant T Jensen Kristin Hope Joe Lorena Eileen Johnson Ian Johnson Joshua A D Jones Ryan D Jones Javohn R Jones Heckmet Tsim Kameyab Jacob A Kelly Abraham Keyvan David M Ko Lacy Kay Kowalkowski Kartik M Kumar Alyssa Erika LaBella

Devlin B Lasiter Anh Dam Tuan Le Patricia L Lente Kyle M Lesperance Shane R Lewis Alan Leyba Luis Fernando LeyvaCastillo Zachary John Lichtie Ashlee D Linton Corina R Linville Shijie Liu Joseline Andrea Loera Mitchell R Lopez Elseley Lozoya Crystal Angelica Lujan Jennifer L Lujan Colter M Lutz Colin P MacCosbe Mark MacGrath Katrina Gabrielle Macias Jenee M Madrid Blythe Heather Mann Delana M Mannion Tyller K Marquez Anthony Marquez-Ornelas Jonathan Charles Martin Troy A Martinez Brandon Jacob Martinez Bobby Lee Martinez Mireya N Martinez Justin Noah Martinez Joel Martinez Maria Martinez Kimberly Grace Martinick Sarah Mariah Marzulli Benjamin E Maurer Ashton Nicole McCormick Taryn Monique McCue Emily E McGowan Fernando A Medina Marla F Medina Esteban G Medina Brice A Melugin Erin E Mensay Joselyn Carolina Meza Matthew Harrison Miller Victoria Mae MinthornGarnat Christopher T Mirabal Vanessa I Miranda Matthew James Miszkiel Jaime Rose Mitsos Landan X Mofley Michael J Money Marisa Ann Montes Brittney Angelique Montoya Antonio Rey Mora Corey Dustin Morrow Steven Gregory Mullen Brandon Lee Mutz Erik Lawrence Nelsen Jessica Anne Nelson Nam Duy Nguyen Brian Lam Nguyen Kelsie Michelle Nicholson Brianna P Norwood Celeste Nunez Lane Mh Oka Erica Ryann Omlor Elizabeth Dorthea Ongstad Christopher Levi Ortiz Michelle Jean Owens Casey R Pabst Gabriel Michael Pacheco Monique E Padilla Mathias Padilla Adriana Alexa Palomino Ford Donovan Parker Skylar Allen Pearson Vanessa Pena Jacob A Perez Olivia T Phan Nicholas Van Phillips Crestencia Isabel Pihlaja Pietro Pincelli Izzo William A Powell Spencer Powell Gabriel Psetizki Monique Quintana An T Rael Theodore Richard Raff Alyssa M Ramirez Angelica Ramirez Andriana Rebezniuc Desiree Melody Reeser Shanya J Reinacher Nathaniel A Rios Wyatt A Robledo Alexandrea Ellen Romero David Joseph Romero Joshua L Romero Nathan Buchannan Rose Jessica Ann Roseman Alma Ruiz Lacey Marie Ruminski Ryan M Russell Christian A Salazar Alexis Frances Salazar Devin Marie Salazar Barrira Saleem Ryan James Samp Sara J Sams Alexander B Sanchez John M Sanchez Selena Victoria Sanchez Victoria Nichole Savois Anthony A Sedillo Danielle L Sena Waleed Abdulsatar Sendy Dawne R Settecerri Shaila S Sharrock Ericka D Silesky

Cordelia Amber Sisneros Leandra Wyndee Slim Madyson Paige Smyer Nikolai Sobioch Karen A Solis Cynthia A Solivan Christopher M Soto Jeromy A Spratte Nicholas C Steckler Anna V Strach Joshua A Struck Audrey P Sweeney Zachary Garrett Swift Brandon Eli Tafoya Nathaniel R Taglialegami Gabrielle Mahealani Takeuchi Courtney A Tapaha Savannah Adeline Tapia Quaid Alexandre Tatlow Luke Daggitt Tebo Tyler N Theis Alison Nicole Thiel Mario Gennaro Thompson Andre C Towle Sydney Kate Townes Vincent A Toya Jenn Ngoc Tran Andy Tran Bryan Francisco TrevinoRivas Daniel James Trout Jeffrey Jay Trujillo Randy Michael Trujillo Allen R Trujillo Tiffany T Trujillo Jia Ling Tsao Sophie Ann Turner KyAnna Shyann Turrietta Gisely Varela Brandon J Vasquez Roland Sebastian Vasquez Rachel M Vedamanikam Nicolas Alain Veth Brandon J Vicenti Kahl J Vigil Isaiah Joshua Vigil Gabrielle Ramos Villorente Dimitri Louis Viramontes Derek Nicholas Virgin Hanyu Wang Trevor Davidson Waring Markus Santo Watson Kaeley R Weimerskirch Karin N Weingardt Aaron Lee Werner Elisabeth Michaela Rose Werner Frankie Ray White Kyle Bradley Wilson Marisa Elizabeth Wityak Patrick J Wood Garrett E Wright Corey Royce Yawakie Joshua Hendrick Yazzie Fnu Yilan Ashley Elizabeth Zamora Angela Jade Zielinski

School of Architecture and Planning Geraldine Forbes Isais, Dean BACHELOR OF ARTS IN ARCHITECTURE Degree Candidates Spring 2019

Shreya Bhaskare Sebastian J Bustos Samuel D Eberle Wesley Eccles Ryan Franchak Krysta L Griego Isabella Giovana Grier Geena M Gutierrez Lina Thi Ho Alexander G Hooyman Matthew Alexander Howard Yannick Leander Hutchinson William Martin Joyce Annissa Rebecca Lowe Martin E Luna Blythe Heather Mann Alejandro Marquez Jacob Alexander Martinez Tangelia Azhane McNair Nathan Ray McNeilly Trevor M Mcginn Fernando Meseguer Zapata Blake A Meyer Marisol Consuelo Meyer Quentin Taichi Miller Jade Sheridan Moore Rodrigo S Natera Theo James Pinceloup Gabriel C Raab-Faber Antonio A Rael Donald Ali Roberts Nicholas Jonathan Romero Brandon M Rompf Galeb H Sandoval Anita L Sandoval Kathrine Marie Schanwald Faul Garrett J Schappell Owen Louis Schwab

Need a new roommate? Advertise in the new mexico


Alexander L Shirey Jacqueline Smith Keenan Davis Sotelo Sumanth Reddy Thummala Michael E White Justin Kendall White Elizabeth Ann Wilson Jonathan Yazzie Faithe Antonette Zambrano BACHELOR OF ARTS IN ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING & DESIGN


Don Lous Anderson Trevor O Bos Jaycee Sunni Camarillo Josiah M Concho Teara Feliz Herrera Genevieve Elyse Huff Mary Elizabeth Mays Eladio Menchaca David M Montoya Benjamin H Pfeifer Donna S Shockley Madison Steiger

Ryan M Burkhard Charles A Main

Degree Candidates Spring 2019

College of Arts and Sciences

Mark Peceny, Dean BACHELOR OF ARTS Degree Candidates Spring 2019


Reginald Eugene Johnson Arlen D Nelson Michelle Sol Trujillo Karena R Washington


Helen Guadalupe Comellas Emmalie May Francis Lena A Guidi Lyric E Lawson-Parks Cameron Lee Marlin ANTHROPOLOGY

Sarah L Balogh Leia Barnett Allison Nicole Bingham Angela M Carrico Addey S Dominguez Alexander Greenia Miranda Lorraine LaZar Yvonne C Leiby LyAndra Lujan Tania Marines Erinea O Martinez Tylor Stuart Nelson Graeme Emerson Nicholl Marnina Leilani Patrick Abigail R Sailer Christy Eve Shepherd Jamie Alicia Stevens Emma Alissa Stevens Austin Thompson BIOCHEMISTRY

Isaiah J Dominguez Aaron Joseph Romero Marissa Rae Westenskow BIOLOGY

Erika Ann Baca Kayla Alicia Begay Amaris C Benavidez Promise Walker Bood Adam Zachariah Brodie Matthew N Bryant Donovan Talawepi Chase Arial Dianne Deherrera Hannah Brook Evans Kathryne A Foos Evan H Fuchs Bryan N Jackson Hernan Lebensohn Matthew David Lucero Shawnia Leigh Montano Sophia Isabel MontoyaAndrews Sean David Nolan Korazon Sabielle Romero Alyene Salcido Kaleb Foster Stevens Cory A Taylor Jesse David Trujillo Julie Vo McKenzie Reid Walsh

Lucy Honorato


Emily Louise Alvarez Verenice Bolivar Luis H Castaneda Amanda Chrystal Lefthand Sophia E Nuanez Gio Hoep Reed Sophia L Sambrano Elias E Vasquez CLASSICAL STUDIES


Destiny Sabrina Archibeque-Lovato Jason D Archuleta Gabrielle D Baca Ashley Marie Baca Samantha J’nai Barrett Carly Ann Beddingfield Tommy Ray Belone Sean A Carlon Ryan Joseph Castaneda Ivy Nicole Castro Valerie J Chavez Skylar M Chavez James Robbert Church Lily V Cordova Shayna M Davidson Hailey M Dutchman Ashley M Encinias Madison M Ertle Morgan Gangwere Denise L Garcia Taylor Lynne Haguewood Richard Hernandez Tong Garrett R Inman Bianca Amber Johnston Josh Alexander Kerr Karyn D Kinsel Kyra H Kinzie Dean E Kline Dane F Kuiper Courtney A Leighton Jeremy R Lucero Timothy J Mac Murray Mark A Macaron Jay T Magnant Ericka Julissa MartinezCastro Johnnie Ann McBain Zoe Elizabeth McFarlin Tyler Davis McKee Hailey Ann McKenna Lindsay Elise Mercado Devin Jacob Mitchell August Xavior Moon Jaisa Nicole Nunn Alexandria D Oberbeck Aaron Rafael Ochoa Denise Nicole Parras Jamie Danielle Protzman Chandler A Randall Merin R Rodgers Jonathan Rodriguez Kendrick J Salazar Ryan James Santos Monique Laeone Schmitz-Martinez Brandon R Smith Jacob A Stearns Nathan Michael Strong Margaret Thym Richard Torres Allicyn Belle Trammell Emily Yanava Wilks Jake B Wright Carlos Calixto Zavala CRIMINOLOGY

Lawrence S Abes Michael Adam Aldape Zabdiel Aldaz Breann R Baca Jonathon M Bartleson Vanessa Marie Benavidez Shaniah Renee BorregoLopez Brittany B Capraro Lisandra Yareli Castaneda Stephanie C Castro Sarah Teresa Castro Frank J Chavez Aviliana M Cordoni Francisco Estevan Cortez Alexandria N Dabney Logan Leonard Dale Elizabeth Marie Davila CHEMISTRY Giselle Espinosa Deena Naser Aggad Sirocco Nicole Floe Ashleigh K Begay Jordon Nathaniel Fulton Lhadze S Bosiljevac Dominic A Galaz Derek Tyler Davis Chrystina Galietti Jessica Dieuthanh Duong Placido D Gonzales Denise Garcia Nieajua Dashae Gonzalez Jazmine Garcia Alison Therese Gritchen Tanner Alexandra Geisler Christine Ann Gustafson Eric Rodolfo Gutierrez Destiny L Gutierrez Samer S Hawash Krista Lynn Harris Connie Hu Nicole Elaine Hauck Eunju Lim Skylar Addison Herman Michael A Miller Richard Erik Hoopman Raul Jose Orona Mikayla Rochelle Jester Janis Chevelle Ramirez Martin J Kennedy Jameel Karim Remtullah Shayne Marshall Joseph David Vargas Kovachich Sara Marie Yardley Calvin L Lucero

Classifieds 277.5656

PAGE 10 / MONDAY, MAY 6, 2019

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MONDAY, MAY 6, 2019 / PAGE 11



PAGE 12 / MONDAY, MAY 6, 2019


Congratulations, 2019 Graduates!

Melanie M Martinez Alexandra Martinez Owen Daniel Marx Tanya Jyl Dela Cruz Mejia Erik Nicholas Migliore David Michael Moya Reed A Muehlmeyer Seve A Naranjo Natalya M Nieto Joseph L Pacheco Savina Rose Padilla Julian Padilla Yarithza Pena Rosalyn D Pohl Abigail R Pratt Katherine R Rickers Holly Eva Rodriguez Aliah R Rodriguez Diana A Roman Jhovany R Saenz Kristen N Sanchez Shohsanam Sattorova Brian D Schiffman Stephanie D Sedillo Carolyn Anne Sneed Colby Michael Tyson Kassandra P Vasquez Susano Carlos Vigil Jacob M Villanueva Hunter Scott Joseph Werner Daniel Zhang

Aaron Thomas Romero Joella Jade Sanchez Nick L Slade Tristin Orion Sullivan Joseph A Varela DeShawn Vaughan Jesus E Vazquez Jeffrey D Vescovi Dakota M Vigil Tsz Hong Yu ENGLISH

Sheri Leah Draper Lily M Intong Brittmarie Lacerda


Alfredo J Abeyta Arianna Marie Abrams Erika Almanzar Lauren E Baca Stephanie J Banh Max Anthony Bloom Elizabeth L Bowen Elizabeth Mae Brader Lauren Winslow Brown Catriona Rose Byrne Christina Y Chavez Breana Star ChristensenWilcox Carissa Ellen Clark Renee R Davis Jade Dylan De Baca Sabrina Fannin EARTH & Larson Christian Fritz PLANETARY Roger L Gamble Gabriella Ilene Gloria SCIENCES Ruben A Gonzales Joseph Isaac Fuller Rachel L Gutierrez Kelsey D McConnell Winona Stephanie Haury Halie Alysa Owings Stephanie Inez Wirkkala Samantha Ann Heine Aysia Skye Jay EAST ASIAN Adrian Jimenez STUDIES Dylan Jones Logan A Ekman Nicole A Klein Mitchell Shedivy Hokin Erica T Linn Anna Antonia Lopez Gregory I Lopez Gabriel M Maxson Carrie A Lujan ECONOMICS Tess Olivia Lujan Jose A Alaniz Beatrice Hills Mackay Timothy M Billstrand Aspyn H Maes Miles Olander Brooks Gabrielle A Marquez Troy Wilson Choman Mercy A Marrujo Bryant James Collman Mercedes C Martinez Humberto Colunga Ted C McDaniel Luis Felipe Conejo Jasmine C McSparren Krystofer S Cox Kristen Candace Merritt Matthew William Evans Savanna Amber Middaugh Hunter Clayton Ewing Nathan Bradley Odegard Alyssa Nicole Gallegos Elizabeth Amalia Pflieger Joseph Paul Goldsmith Maxine R Porter Nicholas Ferguson Rebekah L Rendon Guttenberg Logan Nicholas Robinett Garrett D Kelly Alyssa D Romero Desiree Lapahie Millissa Lynn Rourke Ryan Allen Leake Justin M Schatz Mikel Anthony McKinley Victoria F Sieber Calvin M McKinley Pamela Atzhiri Simmons Alexander P Miers Sara Anne Skinner Tiana Minter Heather Sorensen Rosa M Moreno Mackenzie Mae Thomas Matthew Paul Perez Kendel Lee Thrush Michael Anthony Prossnitz Cheyenne Brooke Andres Manuel Quijada Treadwell Flores

Bianca Maria Warfield Clair Haley Willden Alice Yalea Yang ENGLISHPHILOSOPHY

Jonathan Thomas Benavides


Samantha M Archuleta Perla Garcia Manjarrez Consuelo L Lovato FAMILY STUDIES

Graciela Lilliana Herrera FRENCH

Hadley G Furlano Katryn Najib GEOGRAPHY

Raymond Andrew Priest GERMAN

Benjamin Ramon Chee Judith Elin Fischer Tyler Q Mason David Andrew McGaw Joseph Jackson Medley HEALTH, MEDICINE & HUMAN VALUES

Erika Ann Baca Promise Walker Bood Kelli Danielle Duran Abudushalamu Feiluola Jonathan P Hulse Karen Luo Colton D Miller Julianne Marie Olguin Heaven Destiny Valles Joshua A Vasquez Megan Aspen Vigil Victor K Wu HISTORY

Donald M Amble Bethany Claire Castleberry Maryssa R Cessac Jason M Conner Roberta L Cooke Alejandra Cortes Rosa A Covington Ryan Michael Day David H Dukes Audrey Rosella Evaskovich Elena G Farmin Khaymon Andrew Hurst Kyle Brian Land Daniel J Marshall Oscar D Martinez Macielle M Martinez Jacob P Martinez Brandon K Muns Ruby Marie Packer Seth Robert Packer Derek V Prada Stephanie R Rodriguez Francisco Rodriguez Chris R Russell Louisa H Schoeller Thomas R Sporl Scott Harrison Strouse Sean Adam Summer Kimberly Jo-Anne Swords Benedict Michael Talley Marco J White

Chris R Zamora


Serene Akkad Lauren Kayle Auer Sila B Avcil Summer Robin Begay Verenice Bolivar Miles Olander Brooks Maryssa R Chavez Lance J Coggeshell Laima Ana Diaz Vepstas Christian Skye Finke Mackenzie Thomas Follingstad Tomas E Gallegos Michelle Ashley Gullett Sonny Christopher Haquani Angela Hart Lucas Gabriel Horner Bayan Jaber Naseem S Jafari Anastasia R Kerkmans Raneen Ibrahim Khweis Casey Williem Koutstaal Caitlin Grace Leishman Benjamin P Louth Kayla Storm Cheyenne Maack Adelynn J Nee Maricella B Pajan Danielle Nicole Prokop Mychael Rose Raymer Gabriella T Rivera Julisa Rodriguez Nicholas P Sgambellone Sarah R Smithson Jayden Lyn Weist Grace Zihuan Wood Pierre Soupart Zeman

Marco E Torrez Sara E Velasquez Jennifer Lan Anh West Daniel I Zuniga

Gaelan M Montoya Gabriela M Moreno Ilsa K Mroz Rebekah Linnea Myers Colin A O’Hara LANGUAGES Anna Evelina Donaldson Kaylyn R Obrien Tristian J Ortiz Nathan C Hewitt Pluma Lucia Pecarich Emmalee M Johnston Simone A Perella-Savarese Vannia Alejandra Christian A Portilla Quezada Valdez Charlene Castano Reames Anna E Raykovics Mekaiela Rey Kimber L Sharp Kara Kathryn Thompson Malik Rifi Saidi Isez J Roybal Jairo Jobanie Ulloa Dominic R Salas John William Vestman Micaela Josefina Salazar LATIN AMERICAN William K Sanchez STUDIES Kevin N Sanchez Arial Dianne Deherrera Adan J Serna Natalie Catherine Rae Rosanna Suarez Gulan Jack M Tome Amber Nicole Martinez Colette Rayann Village Faith Elysia Myers Center Raquel D Sanchez Jeremiah A Villasenor Javier Venzor Venegas Juliette P Wheelock LINGUISTICS Mackensee Emerald White Anna Evelina Donaldson Madeline A Woodall Jayme L Phelps Darian R Zachek PHILOSOPHY

Shelby Lynn Bishop Tyler Lee Carian Evan H Fuchs Vincent Guerrero Rose Gilland Handley Natasha Catherine Phelps Brandan Ruiz Justin M Schatz Vincent J Valdez Everett A West


Zabdiel Aldaz Quinn Z Anderson Juan D Avila Campuzano Mario Roman Ayllon Lazo Camereon R Baldonado Allison K Balder Tyler Wilson Brandt Alicia Marie Ball Rachel Sue Brenner Nathan Barnes Kenneth Cody Brown Imani Campbell-Williams James Adam Campbell David S Chacon Wilfred Matthew Chavez Isaac F Cruz Jasper Tsuchiya Cook Shayla A Cunico Amy Sue DeGroat Jeanette Dominguez Paloma Guadalupe Garcia Alexandria Lynn Gonzales Gabriella Patricia Garcia Joshua R Grajeda Rachel E Gerlander Nina Antoinette Greene William T Golding Sierra H Greenlee Shylah Marie Gonzales Cade Michael Guerrero Austin N Gore Delaney A Ham Thomas E Graves Thomas Edward Hanlon Hayden James Hargrove Emily Lyn Huffer Wesley Albert Hill Anthony David Jackson Dominique S Hill Elaina K Jameson Jacqueline Lorraine Bethany M Johnson Hoswell Justine M Lopez Ryan F Hughes River Emil Marquez Chloe Jeanette Ikard Vanessa R Martinez Weston Lee Kemmerer Lilian Andrea Medrano Timoteo Julian L’Esperance Anna L Padilla Phillip M Leyba Hannah M Perry Stefani Madera Taylor Brooke Rains Estrella Alexandria Mikhaela E Smith Madrigal Jaden L Torres Nicholas W Montano JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATION



Katherine Claire Burnett PSYCHOLOGY

Erika L Allen Monet Angeline Ambrogi Christopher M Andresen Sana Zohra Anwar Heather M Aragon Christina Middle Arce Livier Arevalo Diaz Nancy L Arnaudville Serena K Asfan Donna K Bacon DaQuan Amire Baker Brian R Baldonado Amber Faith Beal Erika A Begay Simran Bhakta Emily A Bird Taylor Josephine Blanco Miranda R Bliss Adriana J Borjes Marisol Selena Brionez Samuel Scott Brown Gerad J Cardoza Jared D Carney Gabriel John Carrion Gonzales Nicole Deanna Carroll Jarod Todd Charles Regina Ann Chavez Jude G Chavez Julia Marie Chavez Allyson Camille Concepcion Joseph Allen Crank Taylor Cubas Leann P Denman Robert Dwayne Doyle Carolena Nicole Dubriel Melissa Lorena Duran Angela M Duran Kelsey Duval Silas P Eggleton

Lauren N Ehl Sara Amr El Gaby Kaitlin V Enriquez Carisse Guadalupe Enriquez-Ramirez Mikaela S Epaloose Chloe Justine Espinosa Hannah Brook Evans Tatiana M Fafrak Brian Alexis Farfan Ashley C Flores Katrina Marie Flores Diona R Flores Sean Calvin Fowler Marcus Scott Frazier Derrek Michael Garcia Daniel Garcia Robert A Garnand Ben K Genka Jennifer Esmeralda Grajeda Charlie Osburn Grammel Connor James Grant Averie Jane Green Kristen T Griego Angel Guanajuato Rachael M Guitard Nikalah R Gutierrez Raulin Renee Harder Gareth B Harrold Allison Lyn Hartley Elliott B Heater-Brown Aaron M Heckler Carson Calhoun Heilborn Schayelynn R Henderson Sarah Defonia Hendricks Joel Edward Hernandez Justine V Hernandez Kayla Herzenberg Jessica Michelle Hickman Leah Rebekah Hobson Emma Elizabeth Hodge Alyia Alise Jeantet Zachary Shawn Jessee Andrea Lynn Jones Melissa J Jordan Chelsea Ann Kaban Towela Vicky King Jordan Allen Kohn Maggie Elizabeth La Casse Serena Kacey Leon Jessica Taylor Lewis Luis Fernando LeyvaCastillo Linda Marie Lovato Bertha L Lozoya Christopher James Lucero Christopher J Luzzi Stephanie Marie MacNeil Danielle K Mainardi Matthew J Maldonado Laura A Mares Danika Mae Mares Destiny A Martinez Amanda Nicole Martinez Arielle Mattes Audrianna Beatrice McDonald-Perez Morgan McGowan Kiera J McNary Victoria Y Medina Amanda N Menchaca Sarah A Mocho

Brittney Angelique Montoya Casey B Moseley Monica Munoz Jessecca Michaela Nevers Kylie Nicole Newman Anh H Nguyen Andi R Ochoa Aaron Rafael Ochoa Mariah B Oeser Gabriel J Ortega Nicholas Ruben Ortega Alexis E Ortiz Kayla Rose Ortiz Lucille Geneva Osterhaus Mercedes Selena Pacheco Marc Garvey Pierre-Louis Alessandra S Pohl Zachary Alfonso Quezada Magdalena Andrea Quintana Martha Quintana Kayla Autumn Rael Erika Diana Rascon Taylor Renegar Maisie A Reynolds Rhea M Riley Lyndsey Marie Riordan David N Rodrigues Sara Elizabeth Rodriguez Kaylyn Nicole Rogers Briana B Roldan Marcus Anthony Romero Damicka I Romo Lindsey Justine Ross Sarah Rose Ruden Eduardo Ruiz-Navarro Elizabeth Rusenza Gabrielle M Ruth Joshua Solomon Rysanek Andrew J Saiz Victoria D Salazar Leslie Melissa Salinas Jade J Sanchez Arianda Saucedo Jesus G Schink Molly Claire Schmeltzer Jordan C Scott Kimberlie A Shofner James Shorty Sean J Smock Jennifer Michelle Smolky Rebecca L Sorbin Luis I Soto Brooke L Speck Judith A Spring Nicholas C Steckler Angelique Josephine Tabaldo Tobias A Tafoya Mariah Lynn Tapia Kiarash Karimi Tari Susie G Tenorio Tamara Mae Thomas Alexandra M Tibble Karen M Toman Michael Andrew Tran Marisa Valois Nathalia Velazquez Sierra Renata Vigil-Trujillo Chau Vu Jake D Weber Virginia A Whitfield Madison Elizabeth Whitsell

Naketta J Wiley Samantha R Woodman Jacqueline Adele Yellowhorse Wei-Shuen Yu Sarah Brianne Zachry Sandra C Zapien-Villalobos Shelby A Zubia

Alejandria Bertha Gallegos Alayna R Gamboa Shelby M Giles D’Andrea Sabrina Gonzales Savannah Marie Howard Yo Jane Hsieh Elaine Katherine Kee Holly Ann Knox RELIGIOUS Courtney Diane Krueger STUDIES Sarah Peach Kate Anne M Laun Ledesma Joslin Raquel Poper Alivia Ivy Long Tiara Analisa Vigil Alexandra Jean Lowery RUSSIAN Savannah Adelina Lujan Maria T Hudspeth Jessica Kelsey Meese James Joshua Nesmith Emily Taylor Morrison SOCIOLOGY Marissa Olivas Bree K Barnett Maria E Ortiz Kayleigh M Bolin Sara A Reyes Nicholas P Bolton Jordyn E Rue Raychelle J Brown Allison M Salazar Carmen Castillo Noehmi Yeraldin SalazarMercedes Aurora Chavez Lopez Kennedy E Conkle Demorie Jayde Stark Kevin E Garcia Cassandra R Tapia Elizabeth Garcia Kayla A Taylor Jessica R Hitzman Danielle S Thompson Khallen Mattos Korte Brigit A Valeri Geoffrey Scott Lawrence Megan M Walsh Keona M Manuelito WOMEN STUDIES Jamie Monske Reina Gabrielle Davis Megan Rheanna Nyce Allison Morgan Merrell Maria Joy Oliver-Chavez Carrie A Wildenstein Renee Osuna Whitney Jean Paulsen BACHELOR OF Randal J Pritchard SCIENCE Maxwell P Reidys Degree Candidates Kelli Leigh Reynaga Spring 2019 Alexis Elizabeth Scott ANTHROPOLOGY Nicholas Gene Towers Aimelda Mariel Angel Tamara M Yrene Gaelyn Rose Dubois SPANISH Archer Yurina Douglas Alvarez Conrad Darrah Nicole Eaves Eugine Tyrelle Ocampo Gabriela Marie EstalaDimalanta Lopez Kyra Lynn Hausam Viviana Romanita Guerrero Heather Megan Gabriela Mayorga Del Valle Hendrickson Mariel V Meza Joshua C Humiston Adrian Armando Morillon Towela Vicky King Jenny N Nim Quetzalli Amanda Lugo Ramon C Oropesa Desiree C Martinez Marco A Orozco Sonia Melero Victor Pacheco Mayra E Salguero Valeria Rodriguez Leslie F VillagomezJennifer G Romo Escobar Maldonado Jorge Salcido Morales Stephen B West Miriam E Sargent Carol M Woodland Rebekah Sheppard ASTROPHYSICS Janelle A Torrez Sarka Evalynne Marks Selena Tran-Jurado Blahnik SPEECH & HEARING Patrick M Brown SCIENCES Kylar Lachlan Greene Jasmine E Alvarado Patrick R Latimer Samantha Jane Alverson Jessica Lorena Luna Brianna I Bayardo Daniel Feliciano Puentes Dominique Nicole Braniff Hayleigh Athena Carabajal BIOCHEMISTRY Esteban Luis Abeyta Victoria L Cordova Jacob Anderson Leandra Rae Espeseth Rosemarie Armijo Noelle C Fowler Sara Khalil Asfan

The Entertainment Guide






Outpost Performance Space Arlen Asher 90th Birthday Celebration 7:30pm. Long-standing New Mexico Jazz Luminary & Friends www.outpostspace.org.

Hookah Star Mon-Thurs 2-12am, Fri-Sat 2-2am Sun 4-12am, 1800 Central Ave SE (505)508-2485

Hookah Star Mon-Thurs 2-12am, Fri-Sat 2-2am Sun 4-12am, 1800 Central Ave SE (505)508-2485

Hookah Star Mon-Thurs 2-12am, Fri-Sat 2-2am Sun 4-12am, 1800 Central Ave SE (505)508-2485

Hookah Star Mon-Thurs 2-12am, Fri-Sat 2-2am Sun 4-12am, 1800 Central Ave SE (505)508-2485

Hookah Star Mon-Thurs 2-12am, Fri-Sat 2-2am Sun 4-12am, 1800 Central Ave SE (505)508-2485

M&M Smoke Shop Sun-Thur 9am-12am Fri-Sat 9am-2am 1800 Central Ave SE (505)508-2035

M&M Smoke Shop Sun-Thur 9am-12am Fri-Sat 9am-2am 1800 Central Ave SE (505)508-2035

M&M Smoke Shop Sun-Thur 9am-12am Fri-Sat 9am-2am 1800 Central Ave SE (505)508-2035

M&M Smoke Shop Sun-Thur 9am-12am Fri-Sat 9am-2am 1800 Central Ave SE (505)508-2035

M&M Smoke Shop Sun-Thur 9am-12am Fri-Sat 9am-2am 1800 Central Ave SE (505)508-2035

Like our Facebook page Hookah Star ABQ to receive a FREE drink

M&M Smoke Shop Sun-Thur 9am-12am Fri-Sat 9am-2am, 1800 Central Ave (505)508-2035

Saturday Outpost Performance Space Sourena Sefati’s Nuaeen Ensemble 7:30pm. Traditional and Contemporary Persian Music, outpostspace.org. Hookah Star Mon-Thurs 2-12am, Fri-Sat 2-2am Sun 4-12am, 1800 Central Ave SE (505)508-2485 M&M Smoke Shop Sun-Thur 9am-12am Fri-Sat 9am-2am 1800 Central Ave SE (505)508-2035



Long-standing New Mexico jazz luminary & Friends




Traditional and contemporary Persian music




Friday Hookah Star Mon-Thurs 2-12am, Fri-Sat 2-2am Sun 4-12am, 1800 Central Ave SE (505)508-2485


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MONDAY, MAY 6, 2019 / PAGE 13

Congratulations, 2019 Graduates!

Dominik J Astorga Matthew Phy Beatty Pooja Arun Bhakta Amelia E Bierle Dylan Christopher Brown Thien Bui Ihtzel Yalitza Castaneda Humberto Colunga Brynn E Cullander Hannah Nicole Cunningham Caroline De Groote Tavares Rachel E Dillavou Dan Kha Dinh Cullen Doyle Elder Grant Eliason Ashley Anne Fitzgerald Simone M Foy Melissa M Frank Jonathan M Gamez Vanessa Aide Garcia Tristin J Garcia Pamela Aguilar Gonzales Kelsi A Griego Breanne E Haskins Carson A Hilton Tyler J Hipple Fahad Hussain Brett M Jones Casey Robert Karler Rabia Khan Grace Kathryn Kienzle Grace Misako Kimura Natalia Listwan Justin T Ludwig Mosharaf Mahmud Syed Kaeli Erin Manzanares Dorian F Martinez-Salazar Kathryn Colleen McNeil Chloe Rebecca Mullins Jet R Murphy Robert Anthony Macalinao Narvaez Carolyn Ashlie Nighbert Marco A Orozco Savannah L OrtizLarranaga Joseph L Pacheco Gabriela Maria Padial Andrew L Pierce David Platero Gabriel Cristianos Ruja George Joseph Ryan Joaquin J Sais Gabriel M Sandoval Ashton Lane Sigler Kirsten Ruth Sochinski Daniel I Soria Craig A Still Nellie Lillye Toliver Judy Tucker Dakota M Vigil Luke B Villareal Alexandria Viszolay Kelsey Nicole Waruszewski Hannah Nicole Williams Cassandra M Wilson Sanjay Yangalasetty

Dillon M Dugan Michelle M Duran Jonathan Patrick Duran Christapher Thomas Dutchover Alex J Espinosa Devyn J Esquibel Kaitlin Marie Eversole Mikayla A Fahey Sophie Cheyenne Farr Devon Anthony FisherChavez Charlotte M Flory Kevin Mark Forte Melissa M Frank Thomas M Galfano Andrea R Garcia Daniel A Gassner Maria Katherine Gigliotti Huckleberry Dawn Ginesta-Goldberg Ashley T Glazener Eileen Gonski Jacob Caleb Gonzales Robbie Gonzales Natalie Catherine Rae Gulan Tomas J Gutierrez Katharine Marie Irwin Estania Jean Charles Logan Skye Jeffers Jinyoung Jeon Madeline Jeshurin Felicia I Jimson James Matthew Bruce Johnson Kendall N Kelly Reiley N Kelly Tyler Scott Kelly Daria C Koehlert Josephine Isabel Kozlowski Devon Elaine Lagueux Kaitlyn Marie Lambie Matthew C Lassey Minh Adam Le Cassidy H Le Tram Anh Ngoc Le Kelly Ann Lizewski Courtney T Love Brandy Maokhamphiou Aitana E Marquez Alyssa Monique Martin Clarissa April Martinez Elijah Gautama Martinez Amber Nicole Martinez Marlo Gunnar McCarter David Arran McChesney Samuel A McKitrick Joseph Jackson Medley Andrew Kent Miller Bailey S Miller Allison Haley Montgomery Arik E Montoya Madison Nicole Mosher Faith Elysia Myers Cynthia Eloisa Nava Marcela Judith Nava Cat K Nguyen Quynh Anh Truong Nguyen Mariah B Oeser BIOLOGY Zinah Ramzi Al Shamari Gabriela Maria Padial Jin Park Isaac Samuel Alderete Praveen Paudel Salomon L Alires Hannah Suzanne Paul Katherine R Anderson Marisa K Perez Sidney G Andrews Hoa Hue Lilie T Pham Tobias Archuleta Loryn M Phillips Jawaher Assed Derek V Prada Carmen J Avitia Jared Lee Price Anne K Bassman Vernon R Rockett Charisa E Bell Ashlynn Elizabeth Bennett Martin Enrique Rodriguez Alanna Giorgio Rodriguez Kami Ellen Bratzel Phillip Joseph Romero Courtney Marie Buck Mehdi S Saeidi Thien Bui Jordan Marie Sampson Alan Buser Vicente R Sanchez Alyssa Jae Candelaria Peter A Sedillo Irene N Cantu Ashton Lane Sigler Brittany B Capraro Mariyah Alyssa Simental Victoria Carlson Taylor Ashton Smith Nicole Deanna Carroll Mikhaela E Smith Jazmine D Casias Dante G Chavez Trujillo Garrett Lee Snyder Zane Ellistir Speck Mei-En M Cheng Madeline Victoria Madison Rae Cogburn Starkweather Juan Carlos Contreras Katelyn N Steen Fabiola Contreras Courtney Morgan Joshua Matthew Cortez Stratton Brynn E Cullander Kiara Thalia Takacs Victoria T Currey An The Thai Darnell L Cuylear Juan D Torres Renee R Davis Alejandra E De La Cruz Michael Andrew Tran Xitlally D Ulibarri Diana Demusaj

Travis A Valdez Joseph David Vargas Rebekkah Suren Varjabedian Karine Kareli Veruete Zachary Viamontes Nghia T Vo Kathrine Faith Woodard Sara Marie Yardley Xavier Ryan Zamora Natasa Zera Katerina Zlatkin

Hannah Claire Rapaport Beacham Irene N Cantu Victoria Carlson Juan A Ceniceros Korinna Lauren Christian Geer Joseph Diraddo Abudushalamu Feiluola Charlotte M Flory Kusha Giahi Alexandra C Grumblatt Gael A Hernandez Jonathan P Hulse CHEMISTRY Kymberly J Jackson Justine Melonie Keth Reba D Joe Amy E Overstreet Suzanne H Kemp Brandan Ruiz Erin J Kerwin Jackie Tafoya Yesol Kim Jenine M Thomas Kyle Brendon Laktasic EARTH & James Rydtaro Lambert PLANETARY Cassidy H Le SCIENCES Anthony Thomas LohrWiley E Abt Valdez Adrian F Landstedt Sonya M Lopez Calvin Hamilton Martin Matthew David Lucero Stephen Daniel Newman Alyssa Monique Martin Christopher Lee Tickner Lyanette Josephine Zoe Wiesel Martinez ENVIRONMENTAL Jacqueline N Medici SCIENCE Sherii Monique Miera Brenna L Egan Allison Haley Montgomery Savannah Stephanie Arik E Montoya LaRosa LoPresti Samantha Nagel Beth Lyn Morley Cynthia Eloisa Nava Brianna Kylie Pinzel Hannah Louise Nez Tayte K Trujillo Paola Ochoa Dhvani M Patel GEOGRAPHY Hailey D Patterson Dylan P Brown-Silva Almadelia Flores-Garcia Theodore Arya PriceWaldman Ashley Marie Miglionico Samantha R Rael Mason Monroe Christopher Allen Moses Felipe de Jesus Rodriguez Romero Robert A Muniz Alexandra M Roesch Jillian Joan Rutherford Roxana Sanchez Stephen B West HEALTH, MEDICINE Andres V Schaefer Sarah Louise Simons & HUMAN VALUES Jaylah D Smalls Kenneth Ray Hafer Ysidra Deanna Tellez MATHEMATICS Raevin A Teran-Richardson Calvin Kekua Bannister Juan D Torres Ariel Zachary Candelaria Alexus Amor Trujillo Marissa Dorianna Travis A Valdez Eun-Joo Capshaw Megan Aspen Vigil Anna E Dauk Shreya Wigh Patrick Henry DeBonis Skye Dawn Yazzie Emily Jean Dieterichs SIGNED LANGUAGE Alejandro D Franco Samuel Moran Goodwin INTERPRETING Elizabeth Anna Anderson Viktor Francis Danby Kayla M Bouch Gough Kelly Cano Paul Kenzo Palacio Jaden Nicole Chavez Henderson Roland Clarence Hentz Madison M Ertle Cassandra Flores Nicholas Jeremiah Kayla A Goodchild Huntoon Rebecca Noel Jarnutowski Kaylee Michelle Lind Jayme L Phelps Edith Alice Johnston Luke Anthony Kachelmeier Jessica Elena SietersMartinez Phat V Le Isaac Cassidy Lindland Alaska Scott Williams Liana Danielle Wingerd Kristy Renae Michalk John Wesley Yoder Phihoang Nelson STATISTICS Hong T Nguyen Eugine Tyrelle Ocampo Soufiane Nour Dimalanta Elijah Frank Perez Lauren Kelsey Goldfarb Robert John Ray Renata Madalene Carol Ezrah Reed Aaron Christopher Segura Hartman Nathan A Olona Bibiana E Seng Tabytha Ariel Perez Jackie Tafoya Bibiana E Seng Jeanette Judith Varela Charles G Stump DeShawn Vaughan Jonathan Laurence Wager Christian Joseph VallesRobert Christian Woehrle Armijo Jesus E Vazquez PHYSICS Hannah B Wissing Ryan Edward Dunagin Gavin P Gonzales College of Ryan Lyle Hamblin Education Nicholas Jeremiah Huntoon Hector Ochoa, Dean John Henry O’Brien BACHELOR OF Desirae Faith Orr ARTS IN Ronald Edmund Pagano EDUCATION Benjamin Lee Reichelt Degree Candidates Aryeh Joseph Sapon Spring 2019 Lauren Marion Zundel PSYCHOLOGY

Kiana Rae Alvarez Cade Logan Arnink Sara Khalil Asfan Margaret A Austin Gabrielle D Baca


Jorje A Aguirre Madeline T Alford Eric M Boles Damon Ray Carbajal

Christine Lynn Casarez Adrianna G Deuel Sarah Grace Doolittle Savannah A Harden Shanice M Janson McKenzie Aria Johnson Livia M Jones Michael Aubrey Kidwell Rachel RoseMarie Kilman Autumn Christine McMurry Mario A Quintana Brittany R Raymond Maria Rios Alicia Louise Sandoval Gregory S Santos Athena I Serrano-Maestas Guadalupe Solis Rosales Lena Mae Stanley Rachel Lindsay Thompson Keyshawn Tindal Alma A Valenzuela BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Degree Candidates Spring 2019


Jaden Amaro Kaitlyn Therese Archibeque Taylor M Cherwinski Ariel Dannielle Ives Victoria G Marquez Leroy C Martinez Andrew Joseph Osborne Eryka J Paredes Joseangel Rivas


Leah W Adent Lizbeth Yadira Bustos Kiana Rebecca Caalim Angelica Calderon Erin May Operario Cruz Samantha N Enos Ednah Chepkorir Kurgat Renee Montoya Patrick L Sarson Sadia Mustafa Seyal Mariah T Tarr Edwina R Valdo John P Weisgerber


Nancy Ann Nary


Torrey C Alexander Francesca B Baca Dominic William Barnes Taylor Marie Blanchard Joshua David Bradford Aaron Christopher Browning Brian A Cate Nicolas Vaughn Ceccacci Israel Chavarria Mariah R Chee Merissa R Cooper Amy D Gonzalez Michael Daniel Humphrey Mary L Jansen Tatiana D Lucero Victoria Maria Lujan Skyler Mendoza Tyrell Ryan Natewa Jeffrey G Palmer Terri Anne Petitt Richard Joshua R Ramoso Anna N Reviere Celia Rachel Robinson Deidre L Roybal Casey Skipper Brandon C Thelen Cordell J Williams FAMILY & CHILD STUDIES

Desiree Ashley Aguilar Amelia R Andreoni Clara J Baeza Gonzalez Stephanie Meschael Breezee Sabriana Jimena Casillas Wendy Chairez Calderon Emma K Citizen Sarah N Criscuolo Marisa A Cruz Holly Nicole Davis Savannah R Esquibel Jordan Alexandra Gelfand Hannah M Gerstenberger Shelbi N Gonzales Melia Grant

Madison L Houghtaling Haya M Ismail Audrianna Beatrice McDonald-Perez Kinsey Marie Moores Nicholas Morgan Keri Anna Peralta Bridget M Reinhard Tess Marjorie Salazar Jessica Sanchez Kendra Chantel Smith Hannah V Turpin Clarissa Desirea Vasquez

Sacha Marie Thompson Hannah C Trujillo Jessi-Leigh Trujillo Audra L Vigil Mikaela A Vigil-Scott Kaleesa White Lorin Renee Ybarra PHYSICAL EDUCATION

Shannon J Begay Timothy J Butler Daniel I Conkle Alejandro Ramos


Arianne Migdelys Aguilar Christina Anaya Ana Laura Araiza Stephanie L Barnes Melanie Bencomo Jennifer Lynne Branch Bianca A Chavez Liang Yin Chen Hannah Contrucci Maria Emma Edwards Destiny Nicole Fellers Bobby Flores Amber M Gonzales Leanna N Gutierrez Rachel L James Sabrina Hildegard Krauskopf Dylan L Langlois Hannah K Liew Sarah Martinez Victoria Martinez Victoria Beth Mihok Jessika M Morfin Ngocmy T Nguyen Britt P Parrish Ana V Pereyra Lindsey R Porter Jessica Lynn Robertson Amy Ruhrkraut Jody Ray Savant Jessica J Scovel Gabrielle Louise Spinello Jennifer M Suan Li Chin Tai Sahlea N Tubbeh Leia June Zagone BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION Degree Candidates Spring 2019


Marissa A Berlanga Melissa M Bork Lisa Renee Brklacich Sofia Yvonne Candelaria Jessica Casas Chelsea Magdelena Chavez Victoria R Chavez Deliah Faith Cottle Dominic Dunlap Limei Feng Candace Marie Gallegos Roberta A Garcia Shelbee M Geyer Mercedes Taylor Goodart Victoria Felice Griego Stephanie Kayla Hilbun Sophia Holloway Sandra Hubbard Torie R Iverson Sherry M Kelley Nicole A Klein Marin Marie Macedo Christine Eleanor Martinez Stephanie Eliza Martinez Lacey Carlene McCarty Emily R McGinty Sarahelizabeth Rose McIntosh Sophia E Minetos Lauren May Owens Ashley Kaylene Parker Jazzmin Redway Jessica Renee Richardson Andrea Rivera Sioux Rivera Jonathan S Rogers Mariah Beth Sisneros Sabrina Stevens Michael Lawrence Thanatos

AD D Jim Gabriela Marchan Luke A Morrison Lindsey Divett Robledo Raymond V Sanchez Lillian Ly Tenneson SPECIAL EDUCATION

Sydni L Ashworth Kerrie L Cantwell Ema Francesca Carman Emily N Castillo Earl H English Jessica Alain Escalante MaKayla Ann Howard Anthony J Martinez Kaitlin E Orphal Deandra Pierre-Louis Bailey R Reimholz Joey Tyler Robledo Miriam Sanchez-Pena Katelin N Schultz Paloma Brielle Springer Erica D Tiger

School of Engineering

Jacob D Flack Taylor Adam Gabaldon Samuel Tse-Ming Garcia Ryan C Hill Jason J James Aaron Kupper Michael J Lanctot Serafina G Lopez Jacob Uziel Lopez Ruvalcaba Aidira Dora Yajaira Macias Gonzalez Esmeralda Arreguin Martinez Daniella Victoria Martinez Spencer A McDonald Alexander J Mings Adnan A A S Mohammad Jose L Monclova Charles Chris Montoya Jennifer L Mussell Derek W Nelson Nuria Itsel Ortiz Marissa R Perez Minh Hieu Pham Brandon J Pompeo Anyssa Jenee Romero Sterling E Saltz Jessica M Satterfield Megan B Senn Michael Angelo Stager Edward William Strach Ruben J Trujillo Joshua P Trujillo Angel Anthony Villa Kyle Douglas Wrasman BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Degree Candidates Spring 2019

Jared James Brown Montague Jesus-Maria Chacon Christos Efrain Cuna Christodoulou, Dean Omeed Ebrahimi Gabriel Garibay BACHELOR OF Theresa Ann Lujan SCIENCE Bryan Marquez IN CIVIL Duncan J Padilla ENGINEERING Raj R Patel Degree Candidates Cody J Powell Spring 2019 Daniel Rodriguez Daniel Chandler Acosta Michael L Salas Bryan M Gilbertson BACHELOR OF Kaylyn R Gomez SCIENCE Kasey M Gooden IN COMPUTER Hannah Kristen Greig ENGINEERING Claudia Jimenez Arellano Degree Candidates Cristobal Joaquin Marquez Spring 2019 Laurena C McGarrigle Riley C Banez Sabrina V Moore Lea S Casper Maribel Pinero Jeffrey Kenyan Eaton Fatima H Quraishi Carlos Daniel Escobedo Biraj Rawal Rachel Marianne Fulcher Eric Robbins Vincent Isele Idiake Maria Del Pilar Lee Alexander Jordan Rodriguez Miguel Esteban Lujan Chloe Gabrielle Simion Jorge Morales Trent G Spencer Kashif H Nadeem Nathan Joseph Stein Kushal P Patel Alexandria J Watt Nathan R Patrizi Tyler Samuel Zack Kelly J Rael BACHELOR OF Sara P Walton SCIENCE BACHELOR OF IN CHEMICAL SCIENCE ENGINEERING IN COMPUTER Degree Candidates Spring 2019 SCIENCE Leyla E Akhadov Degree Candidates Fayidh Abdullah Spring 2019 Mohamed Al Rashdi Adrian Julius Aleixandre Ryan Nicholas Alcala Camber A Arnhart John Scott Alison Nicholas Alexander Barrett Joshua P Allers Steele Ray Desmond Abdullah Mohammed G Zachary Lawrence Fleharty Alshehri Anthony Galczak Sultan Naeim K Alsuwaidi Luke Matthes Gehman Faris Fahad R Alzahrani Tristin Kenneth Glunt Eric James Amdahl Jacob D Hurst Israel S Angel Thoa Kim Huynh Zane E Armijo William A Jennings Roxanne J Awais Haisen Li David Balderas Xiao Liang Joe Bou Eid Sarun Prabhat Luitel Christopher James Brock Jazmine Elizabeth Madrigal Annie Jane Burns Demitri D Maestas Forrest Cheek Fernando Miguel Parra Colleen M Chlastawa Mauricio H Monsivais Stoney E Denetclaw Andrew Morin Chelsea Autumn Draper Brandon John Radosevich

Cory Jeff Reid Anastasia L Salizzoni Christopher M Skinner Abigail Soward Adam J Spanswick Jacob Anthony Traunero Brandon Donnell Wade Rongbing Xu Mengna Zhang BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Degree Candidates Spring 2019

Owen Stephen Bryk Kleid Eleazar Bukas Irma Leticia Cavazos DeLaRocha Joshua R Cooper Zennon Demeter Al Kassim Mohamed Nassor Issa El Mazrui Alejandro Estrada Joseph Gilbert Felix Raul Galvan-Delacruz Jacob C Giese Carolina Andrea Gomez Clayton Donald Habing Kevin Wang Huang Jessica Ellen Ladd Timothy Emanual Martin Braulio MartinezHernandez Benjamin F Matins George R Nail Benjamin Lee Reichelt Kevin L Teele Diego Toquinto Roberto Antontio Velazquez Anthony Ellis Williams Wai Lam Wong BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Degree Candidates Spring 2019

Adrian A Abeyta Trey A Alexanderson Zachery T Angell Alejandro Avila Eric A Ballard Nicolas Ian Beck Joshua S Cheromiah Yongsuk Cho Matthew Allen Cleal Breanna Marie Cunningham Daniel Rio Davis Judith Elin Fischer Robert Matthew Flores Jacob Paul Fulton Alexander Garcia Teal S Harbour James Drew Hirdman Tate Riley Janssen Austin E Jordan Camille Elise Kaiser Jawad Khalaf Cassidy August Kuehl Amrit Lamsal Juan F Levario-Viesca Collin A Lockemer Fabian Lopez Christian H Lovelace Luis Enrique Loya Josh S Ludwigsen Brandon John Montano Nicholas R Montano Nicolas Matthew Montoya Jerry Phillip Montoya Evan M New Trung Anh Nguyen Victoria I Ramirez Blanca Flor Ruiz Garcia Kevin Alberto Ruiz Torres Anthony Raymond Sanchez Estevan A Sandoval Carter Scott Sanford Timothy Luke Santos Scott Andrew Schneider Michael E Schuh Isaac James Seslar Samuel V Silver Tyler Blake Siska Arnold Skeets Michael John Spach Chris W Stahoviak Jarett D Tigges

Nicholas A Torres Jacob Michael Valdez Mark A Vasquez Irma Rocio Vazquez Gregory A Vigil Caleb D White Andy B Xayavong James Stuart Youchison BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NUCLEAR ENGINEERING Degree Candidates Spring 2019

Karissa Lyn Currie Juan Angel Dominguez Quoc Thien Duong Ramda Gabriela Galo Kaelin W Glover Alvaro Gonzalez Andrew Stuart Hahn Deiter Thomas Hanbicki Joseph King Matthew Juan Lazaric Mauricio Mendoza Melissa Andrea Moreno David Mostowy Benjamin Roy Murphy Aaron A Overacker Deep Patel Jared M Thurgood Jesus J Valencia

College of Fine Arts

Regina Carlow, Dean BACHELOR OF ARTS Degree Candidates Spring 2019


Lori K Cole Corey Derrill Smith ART HISTORY

Kyler Michael Brahmer Janet M Freeman Hye Jin Park Mary Anne Wisnewski ART STUDIO

Sarah Astrid Farley Carol Lee Holt Jarvis Amanda Keely Magel Noni Celeste Miller Leila Sonora Murrieta Alfredo Quiroz Michelle Seifert Katiana Guadalupe Torres Stephanie A Vargas Kodi L Wilhelm Alejandra Lee Wright DANCE

Meghan Anne Davis Cristobal Jose Encinias Mari S Lara Joselyn Marie Nelson Shannon A Parrales Marena N Tarin DESIGN FOR PERFORMANCE

Jonathan Alfred Sigala


Rebecca Newell Bauman Letisha A Bustamante Vanessa A Martinez JeNee Larissa Naranjo Adrian Rivas Marissa J Steinman MEDIA ARTS

Destyni K Baca Steven M Blacksmith Niko Thomas Doezema Kelsey Quinn Fitzgerald Darren Lincoln George Zoah S Gordon Andy C Guardado Sabrina D GutierrezPowers Jennifer Marie Jenkins Isis Summer Lopez Kylee Shea Matthews Lauren A McFather Ian Naranjo Rafael A Sarmiento Michael S Shaffer Kayla G Vandever Zachary James Weston

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PAGE 14 / MONDAY, MAY 6, 2019

Congratulations, 2019 Graduates!

Emilio Jacob Cherino Alexander William Dineen Justin Perry Doubt Dominique Kianna Duran Winter Earnest Micaela Maria Galindo Daniel Andres Gallegos THEATRE Yvonne E Garza Christopher A Acosta Ian M Gerrard Christa Joy Bell Cheyenne Elizabeth Bilbrey Kevin Giang Lyle Niamey Frauenglass Katerina Yelena Gianopoulos Elinor Burgett Lyman Zachary A Graves Jared D Martinez Maximino Enrique Rosas Dalia R Hernandez Jordan R Herron Monica M Villalba Nicole Laura Hultquist Shelby Ray Yabeny Aaron A Johnson BACHELOR OF Morgan Taylor Ledden FINE ARTS Noah A Licona Degree Candidates Evalina Adel Lopez Spring 2019 Olivia Rosa Lujan ART STUDIO Luke Michael Maxwell Alix Paloma Ami Matthew P McDonald Nicholas Jordan Aragon Logan James Nowicki Sarah B Ausherman Rene Alejandro Olivas Eryn Violet Bathke Marina Ysaye Oya Khirah Dawn Burger Steven L Padilla Ephraim Manuel Camu Tyson Penrose James B Carrasco Maria Elena Prentice Jesse Davila Christopher A Rees Valentine Mae Duttle Alicia N Remenar Lisa Ealy Eduardo Manuel Resendez Kathleen Falk Michael Joseph Roybal Brionna Leigh Garcia Jonathan Solis Shay Gardner Joshua Stepp Christopher Dennis Jonathan Markus Tibbetts Hackard Alexandra A Valdez Hannah Michelle Harper Kittipat Vareenil Jeremiah Heller Aaron G Varshay Cynthia Juarez Kristan Elizabeth Williams Samuel David Katz Ryan T Williamson Sara Kelso BACHELOR OF Alexander M Kinney MUSIC Shiloh R Langwell Degree Candidates Jaiden A Mazon Spring 2019 Crystal J Montanez Katherine Michelle Overton Donna K Bacon Michaela Patrice Bateman Lisa Silbanna Samudio Jc Montana Santistevan Nina D Bursch Monica Goncalves Garcia Kym Diane Thurman Karen Hannah Kelley Emma R Tietgens Joy K Lanctot Alaina Elizabeth Wiwi Nathan J Lesiak DESIGN & Diego Fernando TECH FOR Manrique Suarez PERFORMANCE Alexandra K Robnett Sophia E Bernal Sophie Marie Rymarowicz Louise Alexa Browne Nathan A Secrest Brandon R Cullinan Edmund A Strominger Katie Gallegos Justice Rebecca Wise Joseph A Gurule BACHELOR OF Danielle Samar McPhaul MUSIC Christopher Santiago EDUCATION Rodriguez

Honors College

Samantha N Cabral Megan Faith Carabajal Victoria L Cereceres Benjamin Warren Chavez Bilin Chen Jessica Marie Cheshier Beau Webster Clafton Cody Albert Cole Crystal Lynn Crook John Samuel Cudek Kelsey A Currier Nadzeya Anashka Das Charlotte M Davis Brian L Del Curto David Dillon Lauren Renee Docherty Cassandra J Donohoe Kaitlyn Ashley Dunlap Yaneidy Isabel Escobar Garcia Sarah R Essenmacher Andrea Flanagan Deanna Flores Rena E Florez Degree Candidates MEDICAL SERVICES Ashley Darshana Fried Spring 2019 Shaheen Ahghar Lisa Faye Funaro Miriam R Banet Philip Han Baker Cristiana Alicia Gabaldon Aida Katherine Chavez Rachel Elizabeth Brenner Alycia D Gallegos Celia Marina Giallanella Breeana Castellano Hayali Alejandra Gomez Anissa P Gallegos Jakob Mark Chavez Marcos Josiah Galvan Lucia R Meraz Mechelle D Cody Miriam G Garcia Zachery R Morrow David Covaci Angelica Irene Garcia Adriana Venegas Diaz Alton Brian Culp Gabriella Monique Garcia Ian George DeBlanc College of Aaliyah Garcia Frank A Delgatto Clarissa Marie Gilbert Nursing Desiree A Desvigne Dominique Desiree Gomez Kelly Thornton Gabriele Christine Kasper, Paola Gomez- Reyes Jeremy J Gonzales Juan A Gonzalez Dean Christopher R Gutierrez Chrystalyn Griego Wesley A Harrison BACHELOR OF Christina Griffin James M Higdon SCIENCE Shane O Hamby Brandon Kaupa John D Hannah IN NURSING Phuc V Mai Shadi Hayati Degree Candidates Amanda Renee Martinez Jessica Leigh Heironimus Spring 2019 Andres Martinez Christina Marie Abrams Samantha Susann Henry Allie Rae McMillan Clayton Grant Hensley Hilda Aghen Ada Jacob A Mortensen Melissa M Hernandez Lyric Selestina Aikman Antonio Nambo Olivia Rebecca Herrera Debra Lea Alvarado Veronica J Ontiveros Skylar R Hubbard Mimoun Amghar Amanda K Sandoval Anahi Armendariz-Salcido Lostah Anne Johnson Matthew R Smallwood Jennifer Linda Johnson Lauren R Armenta Yasha R Werner Jessie Marie Johnson Kinsey A Arnold RADIOLOGIC Lindsey Nicole Johnson Charity Lyn Ashley SCIENCES Danielle Monica Atencio Anthony D Jones Tristan Leigh Holmes Taranjeet Kaur Alfonso Avitia Richard D Hunt Roxanne Maria Keliiaa Devina Baca Aaron L Sanchez Kasandra Flores Keller Collin Bryce Baker Jenevieve Jane Tomlinson Kiana Noel Barela Nicholas David Kelly Amber L Beck-Martinez Jessie K Kempkes BACHELOR OF Kalei M Kimura Carly J Becker SCIENCE Gianni Andrea Bellini Rota Amber Rose Kruis IN DENTAL Erin Suzan Langmaid Amanda M Belotti HYGIENE Jessica Jayne Bertman Rebecca J Lee Degree Candidates Brianna Renay Lee Degree Candidates Annie Leigh Bilbrey INTERDISCIPLINARY Spring 2019 Brianna Lynette Leibee Spring 2019 Hayley Amanda Billett FILM & DIGITAL DENTAL HYGIENE Victoria N Limon Michaela Patrice Bateman Chrissy D Black MEDIA Kelsey Raquel Aguirre Tara E Linnehan Kimberly Nicole Elliott Haley W Blackwell Jiancarlos O Benavente Rebecca V Kendall Kelly B Angstadt Carrie A Little Salvador Blanco Alexander W Booher Henrietta V Baca Rita Loya Jenay Roxanne Lyons Sita Boldt Rachel M Bossert Leah K Busich Melanie R Lynne Alexa Mai Nguyen Michelle F Bookout Cindy H Botello Emily Madison Ramsey Jose E Corona Shawna Marie Broderick Marisol Maldonado Estevan A Carrion Shannon C DuCharme Christopher Maluski Emily Margaret Ward Karina Rose Brunsma Adrian C Chavez Anahi Fuentes Heather D Marquez Laura E Burton MUSIC

Sung Ha Kim Sierra Lynn McDowellNardine John Travis Rourk Emily J Santa Maria


Roji Giri Rachel M Hibray Brenda E Hubbart Victoria N Jaramillo Gregory Lanier, Gwen E Miller Dean Miquela Jackleen Padilla BACHELOR OF Jackie R Padilla ARTS Karissa Anne Romero Degree Candidates Robyn E Sanchez Spring 2019 Mycah Leigh Silverfox Amanda Crystal Slevin HON INTERDISC Jennifer Soto LIBERAL ARTS Amy Diane Tedford Gabriella T Rivera Jerry R Trujillo School of Erica Lynn Vargas Melina A Visarraga Medicine Kerri Holen Willert Paul B. Roth, Dean BACHELOR OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE SCIENCE IN MEDICAL Degree Candidates LABORATORY Spring 2019 SCIENCES EMERGENCY

Miquaela C Martinez Daxton Edward Martinez Nydia Gabriela Martinez Miranda N Martinez Veronica Martinez Jessica Elizabeth Mascarenas Emily K Maxon Christi Catherine Mazzei Kara Marie Medina Remedios Refugio Medina Manessa Medina Victor Medina Theophilus Kwesi Mends Maegan E Meyer Amy E Millward Jessica Michelle Mitchell Jesse Mogler Kathleen Monson Brian Gabriel Montano Stephanie Nichole Montoya Heather Victoria Montoya Samuel A Morales Esther Gabriela Morales Martin D Morgan Hannah Joy Moss Ivy Edith Mueller Samantha Joleah Navarro James D Ngo Gabrielle D Olguin Caesar Masawa Ondula Max X Ortega Rayleen Ortiz Estrella Nicole Padilla Elaine K Patten Amanda M Patten Jonette Lynn Patterson Paul M Patterson Cecelia C Payette Mary M Peifer Kayla Marie Phillips Cristian Alejandro Pichardo Jeannie Sue Pillars Morgan E Plakio Brianna A Plant Dominic Charles Pomo Erin Pope Alma Y Porras-Monje Denise Portell Alecia M Pulu Heather L Ramponi Mirna Rascon Toni R Reed Timothy S Richey Andrea Rodriguez Carmen Irene Rodriguez Rosas Joslynn B Romero Dominique K Romero Amber Elizabeth Rudd Kristin Deanna SalazarReyes Jacqueline Marie Sample David Clayton Samples Bridget Sanful Rroyd Dwine Solomon Saromines Kristen Leigh Schreifels Jinelle M Scully Marie Lauren Sedillo Refel R Seleem Lisa Nicole Sena Tisha Marie Shaw

Justin K Sinlao Nataliya Sirko Barbara L Snare Lillyanne Hi’ilani Soriano Gwendolyn Spencer Mona Talebreza Abigail J Tarr Cooke Gena Rae Tellez Han Tranbich Thai Kasey Thibodeau Marian Paulina Thomas Danae M Thompson Alexandra Pearl Thurgood Melanie Tracy Jayme Michelle Trujillo Natalie Shanise Trujillo Phillip Anthony Tsoodle Mercedes R Vega Abigail Rose Velasquez Erica A Vigil Cynthia J Vigil Casey Lin Vivian Jessalyn D Vogele Shelby Karrigan Vukosovich Christine Waldrop Shauna Howland Weisburst Alison Teresa White Colin Willis Hanna M Wolski Ivona Y Yaneva Venita Lynette YawakieLucero Angelena Yazzie Kimberley Yazzie-Ford Olivia Juanita Yeaman Miranda Yellowhorse Veronica Yukl Monica Zelkowski Lisa Ann Zimmerman

College of Pharmacy

Donald Godwin, Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Degree Candidates Spring 2019


Cuong Phu Dinh Vishal B Kholwadwala Jarrid Allen Young

College of Population Health

Karen Armitage, Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Degree Candidates Spring 2019


Katonya Begay Brandon Nyle Bennett

Mazzy Justine Cleary Cheyenne A Delorme Terra S Gelinas William Gregg Aikiko Herrera Victoria L Huston Margaret A Johnson Magdalena M McWethy Felicia M Otto Kyra S M Raezer Abdullah A Shah Jamie C Stevens Gina Sung Jason Tompkins Virginia A Whitfield Kailey Paige Wulfert

University College

Robert Del Campo, Dean BACHELOR OF ARTS Degree Candidates Spring 2019


Mirna Leticia Cacho LIBERAL ARTS

Morgan Nicole Abrums Kali A Antram Virginia G Asbury Gabriela C Barros Tara D Begay Natasha Nichole Bernal Marissa L Bethke Heather L Gardenhire Angelique Rae-Danielle Gonzales Saunder Harrison Johnson Nicolette Skye Kurtz Logan Laflamme Colin J Leslie Melicia Danielle Lucero Ashley Anne Marez Taylor Martinez Jewell Amanda Mortis Abbi E Sevigny Chelsea R Smith Joshua Cory Storms Jacqueline C Tapia MATHEMATICS

Benjamin C Ratzlaff


Hope Angelique Alvarado Gerilyn Antonio Hevyn Lynn Crawford Elizabeth Grace Herrera Naomi Angel Livingston Jennifer M Marley Roemillo Nez Hermayne Kanyon Smith Elisha Sneddy Cheryl Jean Yazzie BACHELOR OF LIBERAL ARTS Degree Candidates Spring 2019

Lauren Elizabeth Adkins

Evan Kenter Anderson Allison Marie Askew Alexander James Baca Christina Marie Baca Mariah R Barela Brenden Michael Barker V Maureen Barre Timothy Beaton Benjamin Berend Dylan J Berryman Shalay R Bowannie Charlsea Auroura Boyd James G Bradley Douglas J Brandt Cameron Butcher Cindy Yadira Campos Andrea Francine Chavez Cassie Philana Collister Gabriela A Colon Jermane Kane Conyers Mark Cody Davis Jeffrey Andrew Deimling Maxine Yvonne Del Bosque Brent Lee Dionisio Curtis R Dixon Andrew Sebastian Dumas Alan- Nghia Tuan Duong Ryan Christopher Ebersole Brianna Renee Ehlers Vicente O Fernandez Reed Harrison Franco Avery Morgan Frank Shane D Freysinger Myranda V Gonzales Robert Charles David Greig Delaney Nicole Grimes Kyle W Guin Elizabeth Joy Hale Lon C Hampton Mark J Haywood Marissa Sage Heller Sarah Defonia Hendricks Charlene Herrera Rafael J Hidalgo Hayley ElisabethCatherine Hixon Willie T Hobdy Justin Shane Huffmon Nicholas J Iacovangelo Darryl Lloyd Johnson Dylan C Kelly Romero Juheina Khweis Tayli Jade Larreategui Mary Carmen Lindner Teressa J Llanes Matthew J Lucero Meagan Ashley Maestas Jared T Mang Rebecca Jean Martinez Josiah M Martinez Anthony T Mathis Zelma C Medina Antoinette L Mike Paula C Mondragon Paula C Mondragon Bryson K Montera Amy M Montoya Mary E Moon Erica V Moore Melissa Kaye Morgan Mireya C Najera Addryll Lavon Nance

Stephanie M Nessle Rami Nicole Newman Chelsee Ann Nunez Emma Katlyn O’Brien Nadine L Oglesby Sydney Alexis Pacitti Israel X Padilla Seth B Platt Stephanie Susuan Pope Stephanie Dechant Porter Melinda Lynnea Quintana Crystal Ramon Rohan R Reddy Patrick Lavon Reed Elizabeth E Reichert Michael Edward Romero Josh Vidal Roybal Ricqual Roybal Joshua Solomon Rysanek Olivia I Saiz Monica Salas Tylene S Samuel Lina Shahin Konoha Shinada Sarah Dewey Sloan Natalie S Solis Kazia M Steiner Dianne Hazel Stone Sitiveni L Tamaivena Leona J Thompson Anthony Brandon Trujillo Jourdan C Vanculin Charlotte Christina Vigil Blake Acosta Walden Jessica J White Aleyah S Wilbon Charlee R Williams Michael Francis Wood Diquon Tura’ee Woodhouse

College of University Libraries & Learning Sciences

Richard Clement, Dean BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Degree Candidates Spring 2019


Joseph Oliver Cameron Wanda J Cooke Deborrah Diana Hatt Paul Anthony Larribas Lariane I J Martinez Anastasia Rankin Rucker TECHNOLOGY & TRAINING

Michael Lynn Ball Kayla R Bryant Victoria R Chavez

Congratulations, Graduates!

LOBO LIFE Campus Calendar of Events Monday-Sunday, May 6-12, 2019

Current Exhibits Toh-mez & Tohmz = Tomes 8:00am-6:00pm, Monday-Friday Zimmerman Library Frank Waters Room 105 This exhibition brings together – and offers up for consumption – facsimiles of ancient Mesoamerican codices and Mexican arts books with student work and community-sourced descriptions. Nicola López: Parasites, Prosthetics, Parallels and Partner 9:00am-4:00pm, Tuesday-Friday Tamarind Institute Nicola López: Parasites, Prosthetics, Parallels and Partners is an exhibition of eight, large scale, monoprint collages Nicola López created in the spring of 2017 when she returned to Tamarind for her fourth artist residency with the workshop. Intertwined: The Mexican Wolf, and the People and the Land 10:00am-4:00pm, TuesdaySaturday Maxwell Museum of Anthropology Wolves have been of interest to humans as long as the two have kept company together on this planet, with the importance of this relationship being woven into the cultural fabric of many peoples around the world. People of the Southwest 10:00am-4:00pm, TuesdaySaturday Maxwell Museum of Anthropology The exhibition celebrates the cultural history of the Southwest, especially the close relationship southwestern people have had with the land around them. HINDSIGHT / INSIGHT: Reflecting on the Collection 10:00am-4:00pm UNM Art Museum The exhibition focuses primarily on international art movements of the 1960s and 70s including Pop,

Minimalism,and California Funk. Visitors will discover the museum’s rich holdings from this era by artists such as Robert Arneson, Joan Brown, Judy Chicago, Bruce Conner, Luis Jiménez, Andy Warhol, and more! Drowned River: The Death and Rebirth of Glen Canyon on the Colorado 10:00am-4:00pm, TuesdaySaturday Maxwell Museum of Anthropology Drowned River documents both the devastation of the dam project, as well as the unanticipated resilience of the Colorado River. The exhibition is free and open to all. Ancestors 10:00am-4:00pm, TuesdaySaturday Maxwell Museum of Anthropology This exhibit introduces our ancestors and close relatives. These ancient relatives will take you through the story in which all of our ancestors had a role. Please Enjoy and Return: Bruce Conner Films from the Sixties 10:00am-4:00pm UNM Art Museum It is difficult to categorize the boundary-breaking, multi-media trajectory of American artist Bruce Conner (1933 – 2008). Constant change and a wide-roving, obsessive curiosity are perhaps two constants in Conner’s work, which ranges from assemblage to drawing, painting and sculpture to conceptual art and experimental film.

MONDAY Campus Events

Reception for Interim Provost Wood and Deans Forbers Isais and Ochoa 4:00-5:00pm SUB Ballroom C

Lectures & Readings Dissertation Presentation 2:00-3:00pm UNM Catalina Tome, Biology, presents “Ecological and morphological response of rodents to environmental change over the late Quaternary.” Thesis Presentation 2:00-3:00pm Humanities, Room 520 Michael Drinkwater, Linguistics, presents “He spoke, I spoke: a Usage-based examination of homophony in the Navajo verb complex.” Self-Care For Final Exams 2:30-4:00pm CS Conference Room All workshops are open to UNM students, alumni, staff, faculty, and community members.

TUESDAY Campus Events

Rapid HIV Testing 10:00am-2:00pm LGBTQ Resource Center Free and anonymous HIV testing through the New Mexico Department of Health. Results are available twenty minutes after the test.

Lectures & Readings Dissertation Presentation 10:00-11:00am English Department Library Mariya Tseptsura, English, presents “Multilingual Writers and Online Writing Instruction: Expanding Theoretical and Instructional Frameworks.”

To submit a calendar listing, email calendar@dailylobo.com

Learn @ Lunch: How Do I Overcome Student Resistance to Active Learning and Small-Group Work 12:00-1:00pm North Campus This interactive session emphasizes classroom-tested strategies that employ a learner-centered approach to obtaining student acceptance of their activelearning responsibilities.

Student Groups & Gov. Christians on UNM Meeting 12:30-2:00pm SUB Scholars Games for Change Presentations 3:00-5:00pm Honors Forum

Meetings Meditation and Relaxation Group 10:30-11:30am UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center, Meditation Room A guided meditation, relaxation and guided imagery group to help ease stress and improve coping. Open to patients, loved ones and staff.

WEDNESDAY Campus Events

American Indian Student Services Graduation 3:00-10:00pm SUB Ballrooms A, B & C, Plaza Atrium Peace Circle 5:30-6:00pm Front of UNM Bookstore Silent prayer circle for peace.

El Centro de la Raza Convocation 6:00-8:00pm Dreamstyle Arena

Lectures & Readings Thesis Presentation 8:15-9:15am Novisski Hall Justine Stambaugh, Surgery Dental Services, presents “Poor Ergonomics and Neck Flexion: Evaluating the Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Neck Pain in Dental Hygiene Students.” Dissertation Presentation 11:00am-12:00pm Hokona Hall, Room 200 Ahmed Khawaji, Language Literacy Sociocultural, presents “Communicative and Collective Formative Program Evaluation: A Descriptive Case Study of an ELT Program in Saudi Arabia.” Dissertation Presentation 12:00-1:00pm Communication & Journalism, Room 121 Ivana Cvetkovic, Communication Journalism, presents “Framing of European Union borders in online news: Multimodal discourses of inclusion and exclusion.” Diversity Mavens Presents: Lunch and Learn Series Kickoff 12:00-1:00pm Domenici North, Room 3710 Dissertation Presentation 1:00-2:00pm Humanities, Room 519 David Liakos, Philosophy, presents “From Deconstruction to Rehabilitation: Heidegger, Gadamer, and Modernity.”

Campus Calendar continued on pg 11

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MONDAY, MAY 6, 2019 / PAGE 15

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By Eddie Wyckoff

XABCDEFGHY 8-+-+-+k+( 7+-+-+p+-' 6-zp-+-+-zp& 5zp-+-+Nzp-% 4-+-+-wq-+$ 3wQ-+-+-+P# 2PzPr+-+-+" 1+-+R+-+K! xabcdefghy sudoku

White to End! move(Level and mate The 2) in 2. From Milan Vidmar vs. Max Euwe, Carlsbad, 1929.

By Eddie Wyckoff

Solution to last puzzle: movebeen and level mate 4! in 2. From This White shouldtohave Black needs to Milan vs. Max Euwe, Carlsbad, defend e8 Vidmar twice, which is crucial to the solution: 1929. 1.Qg4! If Black attempts keeping material, then this beautiful dance occurs: 1. ... Qb5 2.Qc4! Qd7 3.Qc7! Qb5 4.a4! Qxa4 5.Re4! Qb5 6.Qxb7! where Solution to last puzzle: Want to learn Black must finally give material. This should have been level 4! Black how to read notation? Visit www.learnchess.info/n

needs to defend e8 twice, which is crucial to the solution: 1.Qg4! If Black attempts Suggestions? Comments? keeping material,lobochesspuzzle@gmail.com then this beautiful dance occurs: 1. ... Qb5 2.Qc4! Qd7 3.Qc7! Qb5 4.a4! Qxa4 5.Re4! Qb5 6.Qxb7! where Black must finally give material.

Level 1 2 3 4

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ACROSS 1 Org. monitoring wetlands 4 Reachable 10 Wall support 14 Like the dawn’s early light 15 “Old MacDonald” sound 16 One might be commanding 17 Year, in Seville 18 Caviar fish 19 Capital of Samoa 20 Debussy’s “La __” 21 Purposes 22 July 4th or December 25th, for many 24 With 64-Across, “Henry and June” author 26 Request at the bar, with “up” 28 Old-style “Tsk!” 29 Gardener’s supply 30 Many a southwestern Asian 31 The “1” in 15, really 32 Lucy’s TV pal 33 Move using eBay 34 Shop sign nos. 35 Cause to boil 36 ’60s campus org. 37 Chem. class suffix 39 Small shot 41 When “Fair is foul, and foul is fair” is spoken in “Macbeth” 43 Identifies 46 PC key 47 __ gum: thickening agent 48 Tile space-filler 49 Friend of Tigger 50 More than asks 52 “I didn’t really say everything I said” speaker 53 Pupil covering 55 “Sweet!” 57 “Platoon” setting, briefly 58 Ronny Howard role 59 Teahouse mat


Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

By Jeffrey Wechsler

61 British suffix 62 Divided trio? 63 Type of band 64 See 24-Across 65 Once, quaintly 66 Equestrian’s forte 67 Empty talk DOWN 1 Sushi bar side dish 2 Pesto morsel 3 Chronicles of Sodom and Gomorrah? 4 Group of stealthy attackers? 5 Ring holders 6 Tiger’s targets 7 Act like a court jester? 8 Seasonal quaff 9 Negotiate successfully 10 Obedience school word 11 Supposedly Irish greeting ... or a hint to four long answers 12 One promoting togetherness

5/6/19 5/3/19 May 2nd issue puzzle solved Thursday’s Puzzle Solved

©2019 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

13 Overwhelms with sound 23 Flashy jewelry for a stroll in the park? 25 Writer of sweet words? 27 Chic modifier 36 Buck 38 Take the risk 39 Checkout facilitator


40 Outtake, often 42 Museum manager 44 It borders four oceans 45 Pollen producers 51 “Ditto!” 54 Aerie, for one 56 Arabian Sea nation 60 Darth, when he was young

LOBO LIFE Campus Calendar of Events Monday-Sunday, May 6-12, 2019 Campus Calendar continued from pg 10 Thesis Presentation 2:00-3:00pm The University of New Mexico Hannah Garver, Foreign Languages Literatures, presents “Ostalgie in Film: Sonnenallee, Good Bye Lenin! and PostReunification Narrative.” Thesis Presentation 3:00-4:00pm Mechanical Engineering Building 122, Room 427 Lucas Montoya, Mechanical Engineering, presents “Lansce Diagnostic Robot Localization.”

Art & Music Children’s Chorus 6:30-8:30pm Keller Hall UNM Children’s Chorus. Directed by Regina Carlow, Julia Hoffman and Penny Voss. Free to attend.

Student Groups & Gov. Christians on UNM 12:00-1:30pm SUB Scholars Navigators 6:00-10:00pm SUB Acoma A & B, Amigo

THURSDAY Campus Events

Women Studies Convocation 1:00-2:00pm Hodgin Hall International Convocation



3:00-5:00pm Hokona Hall, Ballroom

Lectures & Readings

biogeography during the Puercan North American Land Mammal Age: Problems and potential solutions.”

Dissertation Presentation 10:00-11:00am Zimmerman Library, Frank Waters Room 105 Trisha Martinez, American Studies, presents “Living the Manito Trail: Maintaining Self, Community, and Culture.”

Dissertation Presentation 3:00-4:00pm Johnson Center Elizabeth Harding, Health Exercise & Sports Science, presents “Are steps per day enough? Quality vs. quantity of ambulatory behavior after light-intensity physical activity intervention for older cancer survivors.”

Director’s Lectureship Seminar 12:00-1:00pm UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center, Education Wing Lisa C. Richardson, MD, MPH from the Division of Cancer Prevention and Control at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, presents on her research, which focuses on access to cancer care, systems of care, health-related quality of life during cancer treatment, health disparities and breast cancer treatment patterns of care. Dissertation Presentation 12:00-1:00pm Fitz Hall, Room 203 Katelyn Reinhart, Biomedical Science Graduate Program, presents “Influence of metabolic capacity on the consequences of spreading depolarization.” NOW WHAT?! Transitioning Out of College, aka a Career Skills Crash Course 1:00-4:00pm Career Services Conference Room, UAEC 220 All workshops are open to UNM students, alumni, staff, faculty, and community members. Thesis Presentation 2:00-3:00pm Northrop Hall, Room 105 Jason Silviria, Earth & Planetary Sciences, presents “Eutherian

CQuIC Seminars 3:30-4:30pm Room 190, Physics & Astronomy Andrew Doherty, University of Sydney, presents, “Performance of quantum error correction with coherent errors.” Spring 2019 People and Places 5:30-7:30pm Zimmerman Library, Frank Waters Room 105 Ramón A. Gutiérrez, Ph.D., University of Chicago, presents “Reies Lopez Tijerina: New Mexico’s Moses.”

Art & Music Emergent 2019: New Student Videos from UNM 4:00-6:30pm UNM Art Museum UNM Art Museum’s pop-up exhibition, Emergent 2019: New Student Videos from UNM. Emergent 2019 is the UNMAM’s first exhibition of experimental student videos, and features work by eleven students representing UNM programs in Art and Ecology, Experimental Art and Technology, Photography, and Sculpture. Karen Kelley, Violin Senior Recital 4:00-5:30pm Keller Hall Free to attend.

To submit a calendar listing, email calendar@dailylobo.com

1:30-3:30pm Hibben Center

Student Groups & Gov. Games for Change Presentations 3:00-5:00pm Honors Forum

Meetings CL Neuroradiology Conference 2:00-3:00pm Family Medicine Center, Room 420


Campus Events MD, PhD & MD/PhD School of Medicine Convocation 8:00-10:00am Kiva Auditorium, Albuquerque Convention Center College of Nursing Convocation 9:00-11:00am Dreamstyle Arena Health Professions School Medicine Convocation 10:00am-2:00pm Kiva Auditorium


College of Population Health Convocation 10:00-11:00am UNM Continuing Education Political Science Graduation 11:00am-5:00pm SUB Ballrooms B & C Golden Grads 11:00am-1:00pm Centennial Engineering Center HSC Staff Recognition Event 11:30am-1:00pm Fitz Hall Latin American Convocation


Biochemistry Convocation 2:00-4:00pm HSC North Campus, Domenici Auditorium English Convocation 2:00-4:00pm UNM Rodey Theatre Speech and Hearing Sciences Convocation 2:00-4:00pm National Hispanic Cultural Center Communication and Journalism Convocation 3:00-5:00pm Woodward Hall, Room 101 Earth and Planetary Sciences Convocation 3:00-5:00pm Northrop Hall, Room 122 Political Science Convocation 3:00-5:00pm SUB Ballroom B & C Chemistry and Chemical Biology Convocation 3:00-4:00pm Anthropology, Room 163 Mathematics and Convocation 3:30-5:30pm SMLC, 102 Auditorium


Psychology Convocation 3:30-5:30pm Albuquerque Convention Center: Kiva Auditorium Africana Studies Ceremony 4:00-6:00pm SUB Santa Ana A & B


Campus Calendar continued on pg 12

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PAGE 16 / MONDAY, MAY 6, 2019



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Register for the course prior to first day of class. Class is $50.00. Download American Red Cross Lifeguard Manual. Purchase rescue mask for $15.00. Go to www.redcross.org for class materials.


Bring swimsuit & towel. Swim 300 yards continuously. Free & Breast stoke only. Perform 10lb brick retrieval in under 1:40 secs. 2 minute water tread. Legs only.

Page 10 & 11


Computer Stuff


Jobs Off Campus

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Rooms For Rent LARGE FURNISHED ROOM near UNM campus. $425/mo. Includes utilities/ wifi. Quiet mature student. 505‑243‑ 0553.

Audio/Video FIELD & FRAME, 505‑265‑5678. Film

Deals - Gaffer’s Tape/Grey: $19.00, LED Lights: $35.00‑$300.00, Camera Expendables: 25% cheaper, Slates: $25.00-$50.00, Sennheiser G3 Wireless: $300.00‑$375.00, New Wireless Lavalier G4: $650.00.


We can create or modify software for you! C++, Python, Java, or web soft‑ ware running on Php, Drupal or Word‑ press. 505‑750‑1169.




for the following positions FT/ PT:Assistant Manager, Supervisor, Cashier, Stocker, Produce Clerk, Meat and Seafood Clerk. Flex‑ ible schedules. Apply online at employment.talinmarket.com

MUSIC TEACHER, MAKE music lessons fun for kids! 3‑10/hrs a week $16‑$22/hr. Apply at www.musicon thewestside.com/teacher‑application

Hey Lobos! Did you know you can receive free advertisements (25 words or less) in this category? Email classifieds@dailylobo.com from your UNM email account or call 505‑277‑5656 for more details!

PT SUMMER EMPLOYMENT as a life‑ guard at Kirtland Family Housing, on Kirtland Air Force Base. Up to 30 hours per week. 18+, Lifeguard certification course provided. Email resume/ letter of interest to kirtland.leasing@ huntcompanies.com

Vehicles For Sale

EARLY BIRD LAWN service now accept‑

2006 SCION TC for sale. Gray, auto-

matic, in good condition. 124,000 miles. $3800 OBO. Text 903‑2871

Hey Lobos! Did you know you can receive free advertisements (25 words or less) in this category? Email classifieds@dailylobo.com from your UNM email account or call 505‑277‑5656 for more details!

ing applications for PT mowing jobs. Able to work with some student sched‑ ules. Call Bob at 294‑2945 for informa‑ tion. Looking to hire? Tap into UNM’s hardworking student population and adver‑ tise with the Daily Lobo! Call 277‑5656 or email classifieds@dailylobo.com for more information.




LAST COURSE BEFORE SUMMER! Valley | 761-5349 Blended Learning May 6-10 Mon-Fri, 4pm-8pm

Be punctual and attend ALL class dates Pass all in-water lifeguard skills and activities. Demonstrate competency in First Aid, CPR, Lifeguard skills. Pass both written tests with an 80% or higher. You will receive an American Red Cross Universal Certificate for Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED valid for 2 years


Please sign up at the pool where the class will be held or sign up online at play.cabq.gov. If we don’t have enough participants before the first day of class, the class may be cancelled. So sign up early!


Some of these are blended learning courses, which means you must sign up early and complete an online training before the first day of class. The online portion takes approximately 7 hours to complete and includes 1 test that must be passed! You will receive the link to the course when you sign up with the cashier.

The Daily Lobo is digital first! The The Daily Daily Lobo Lobo will will publish publish new new content content every every day day on on our our website, dailylobo.com, on our mobile app, and publish website, dailylobo.com, on our mobile app, and publish aa print print issue issue every every Monday Monday and and Thursday! Thursday!

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LOBO LIFE Campus Calendar of Events Monday-Sunday, May 6-12, 2019 Campus Calendar continued from pg 11 Geography and Environmental Studies Convocation 4:00-6:00pm KIVA Classroom Public Administration Convocation 4:00-6:00pm Keller Hall Economics Convocation 5:00-7:00pm Economics, Southern Courtyard Philosophy Convocation 5:00-7:00pm SUB Theatre Native American Studies Convocation 6:00-9:00pm Zimmerman Library, West Wing Honors College Convocation 6:00-8:00pm Rodey Theatre

Lectures & Readings Dermatology Grand Rounds-Case Session 8:00-9:00am UNM Dermatology Library Grand rounds are gatherings of doctors, residents and medical students who meet to discuss a medical case. The meetings are held periodically by various

departments within UNM Health Sciences. Nuestra Juventud Lecture Series 1:00-2:00pm Honors Forum NSF Engineering End of the Year Colloquium 6:00-10:00pm SUB Ballroom A

Sports & Recreation UNM Baseball vs. UNLV 12:00-2:00pm Santa Ana Star Center

Student Groups & Gov.

Foreign Languages Convocation 12:00-4:00pm SUB Ballroom C Anthropology Convocation 1:00-3:00pm Anthropology, Room 163 College of Education Convocation 1:00-3:00pm Dreamstyle Arena Linguistics Convocation 1:00-3:00pm Keller Hall Physics and Astronomy Convocation 1:00-3:00pm Regener Hall, Room 103

ASUNM Installation 10:00am-2:00pm SUB Ballroom A

School of Law Convocation 1:00-3:00pm UNM School of Law

GPSA Swearing in Ceremony 11:00am-12:00pm SUB Lobo A

Spanish and Convocation 1:00-3:00pm SUB Ballroom A & B

SATURDAY Campus Events

UNM Commencement Ceremony 9:00am-12:00pm The Dreamstyle Arena Spanish & Portuguese Graudation 11:00am-3:30pm SUB Ballroom A & B


Biology Convocation 1:00-2:00pm Yale Mall History Convocation 1:00-2:00pm KIVA Classroom American Studies Convocation 2:00-4:00pm Hodgin Hall

To submit a calendar listing, email calendar@dailylobo.com

Foreign Languages and Literatures Convocation 2:00-4:00pm UNM SUB Ballroom C Liberal Arts Convocation 2:00-4:00pm UNM Continuing Education

Sports & Recreation

Religious Studies Convocation 2:00-4:00pm SUB Santa Ana A & B Organization, Information and Learning Sciences Convocation 3:00-5:00pm Zimmerman Library, West Wing Combined BA/MD Degree Program Convocation 3:30-5:30pm UNM Rodey Theatre Anderson School of Management Convocation 4:00-6:00pm Dreamstyle Arena School of Architecture Planning Convocation 6:00-9:00pm Popejoy Hall

Kimo Theatre Through heartfelt personal stories, individuals from Albuquerque, UNM and surrounding communities share the pain, confusion, resilience, and humor of living with mental illness. Tickets $15.


School of Engineering Convocation 7:00-9:00pm Dreamstyle Arena

Lectures & Readings

UNM Baseball vs. UNLV 6:00-8:00pm Santa Ana Star Center

SUNDAY Campus Events

Conversation and Champagne Reception with Artist Linn Meyers at Tamarind Institute 2:00-5:00pm Tamarind Institute In celebration of the release of new Tamarind editions and a new Radius publication by artist linn meyers, Tamarind will host a free, public conversation with Linn Meyers.

Sports & Recreation UNM Baseball vs. UNLV 12:00-2:00pm Santa Ana Star Center

Minds Interrupted: Stories of Lives Affected by Mental Illness 5:30-9:00pm

Preview events on the Daily Lobo Mobile app or www.dailylobo.com

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