Daily Lobo 12/06/18

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DAILY LOBO new mexico

The Independent Student Voice of UNM since 1895


Thursday, D ecember 6, 2018 | Vo l u m e 1 2 3 | I s s u e 3 2

In Sight: Fall 2018 Photo Issue



La gente between B y A p r i l To r re s | | @ i _ a p re e l

Since March 2018, a caravan of migrants from Central America began their journey to ask for asylum in the U.S.. The caravan grew, and more people desperately ran from the violence and hunger experienced in their home countries. Crossing the Mexican border, migrants of the caravan had finally arrived in Tijuana, Mexico by November. By Nov. 22, there was an estimated 4,300 people in one of the holding centers the Mexican government had set for them in Tijuana. What used to be a baseball field, has now become where many people from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala stay to wait to for asylum. By Nov. 23, 400 more migrants had arrived to this “albergue,” many began to camp outside as the space filled up. On Nov. 22 many set to do a peaceful march, but were stopped by the Mexican police — marchers were blocked from one of the boarders where many people cross. By Friday and Saturday, they began to paint flags and messages for a march set on Sunday, Nov. 25, with the goal to ask the U.S. government for entrance to the country.



New Mexico Daily Lobo

Crane Calls

Thursday, December 6, 2018 / Page 3

B y D a n i e l l e P ro ko p | | @ P ro ko p D a n i

New Mexico fall means achingly blue skies, contrasted behind golden-crowned trees and high above is the cacophony of flight. In the stands of cottonwoods south of Socorro, thousands of sandhill cranes come to rest, picking their way through shallow water and waving grasses for seeds and tubers. Coyotes prowl around the edges looking for tired snow geese to catch. The things that move my heart also break it — it can be hard to

accept how I might lose it. The myriad of bird voices clamoring over one another are interrupted by the soft whines of mosquitos. The thirsty ground has its own call as well, curled up and crunching under my feet. Tiger moths drunkenly fly in loops and grasshoppers erupt in a flash of bright yellow. It’s here — in the midst of so much noise — my head finally quiets.

School’s Out(side) By Megan Holmen || @megan_holmen

University of New Mexico students took to the San Pedro Mountains earlier this month for a three day backpacking trip. Students enrolled in the UNM Honors College Anthropology

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and Archaeology of Trails spent the semester taking day hikes in Albuquerque and elsewhere in New Mexico. This backpacking trip was a part of the course’s final project. Students hiked for an hour and

a half into the mountains before setting up camp in the snowy wilderness. Students cooked food over a fire, stargazed, hiked and engaged in other outdoor activities for the duration of the trip.




Wish you were there

By Anthony Jackson || @ To n y A n J a c k s o n

I wish I could share some of my childhood memories with you. I wish you could inhale the same heavy, humid lake air that I did. I wish you could feel the sand between your toes. I wish you could see the water, as smooth as glass, in the morning and see the reflection of millions of stars sway during a cool summer night. When summer vacation would begin, I remember my parents packing the cooler and life jackets before heading to Elephant Butte Reservoir. Even my dog at the time would get excited — she would bark and whine at the sight of the cooler. I remember the anticipation my brother and I shared as we watched the road disappear under us and scanning the horizon for familiar landmarks, letting us know when we close. Those days are gone. What once was New Mexico’s largest reservoir is now at three percent capacity. Thanks to below average snowfall and a drought that’s crippled the Southwest, Elephant Butte is on its last leg. If you walk the receded shoreline now, you’ll find trash from decades ago strewn about. The same road that brought me immense joy and memories as a child now brings a pang to my heart.

The real thing B y S a r a h G ro t h || @ S a r a h _ g ro t h

Rock climbing has developed into a popular sport over the past decade, more than doubling the amount of climbing gyms in the U.S. Drastically increasing the amount of gyms provide vaster communities of people to be exposed to this once elitist sport. However, with the upturn of indoor climbing there has been a threat to obscure the elusive pleasures of the outdoor adventure. There is a special tonic the natural mountain ranges provide the human spirit, and despite the positive aspects climbing gyms produce hopefully the original form of the sport prevails.

Volume 123 Issue 32 Editor-in-Chief Kyle Land

Sports Editor Robert Maler

News Editor Madison Spratto

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Telephone: (505) 277-7527 Fax: (505) 277-7530 news@dailylobo.com www.dailylobo.com

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The New Mexico Daily Lobo is an independent student newspaper published on Monday and Thursday except school holidays during the fall and spring semesters and weekly during the summer session. Subscription rate is $75 per academic year. E-mail accounting@dailylobo.com for more information on subscriptions. The New Mexico Daily Lobo is published by the Board of UNM Student Publications. The editorial opinions expressed in the New Mexico Daily Lobo are those of the respective writers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the students, faculty, staff and regents of the University of New Mexico. Inquiries concerning editorial content should be made to the editor-in-chief. All content appearing in the New Mexico Daily Lobo and the Web site dailylobo.com may not be reproduced without the consent of the editor-in-chief. A single copy of the New Mexico Daily Lobo is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of multiple copies is considered theft and may be prosecuted. Letter submission policy: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone. Letters and guest columns must be concisely written, signed by the author and include address and telephone. No names will be withheld.

New Mexico Daily Lobo


Thursday, December 6, 2018 / Page 5

Roaming with Rosales B y M o rg a n Le d d e n || @ledden.photo

An audience can always enjoy, critique or copy the wonderful work of a photographer. However, they can never truly understand what it is like to be in that photographer’s shoes, unless they learn how to do the job themselves. In this photo story the audience can have a quick glimpse of what it is like to be on a University of New Mexico football assignment with Roberto Rosales. Rosales is a professional photographer that works for the Albuquerque Journal. His assignments vary from a car crashing into a local grocery store to a minor sporting event. Throughout this photo story followers of the newspaper can see behind the scenes of the daily routine a professional photographer.


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Laid bare

B y Co l t o n N e w m a n || @ Co l t o n p e r s o n

Steven Davenport poses for a portrait on the corner of Lomas Boulevard and 1st Street NW, where he and other people who are suffering from food insecurity receive weekly Sunday Lunch from Raquel Aguilera, “La Burrito Lady.”

Homelessness in Albuquerque is an unavoidable beast that, when last tallied in 2015, stood at 1,287 Albuquerque citizens — and that’s not the whole story. Sharpie scrawled across stained cardboard, shopping carts overflowing with people’s lives and humanity laid bare. Take it from Steven Davenport who has been homeless for a year. He says he’s an Army veteran who’s been in and out of jail and was once addicted to multiple drugs. “Sometimes it’s rough because you get robbed a lot,” but staying safe is only one of many hurdles people who live on the streets face on a daily basis — there’s cold weather, insecurity about the next meal, the next shower and even the next day. When living in the public sphere, privacy is a luxury. During our conversation with Steven he spoke with one of his friends and told us matter-of-factly, “There’s bad guys out there, but there’s a lot of good guys too.”

Shoes hang from telephone wires near Downtown Albuquerque. In many inner cities, shoes hanging from telephone wires indicates that a nearby house sells drugs, a problem that plagues the homeless community. People who are homelessness often also experience domestic violence, mental illness, or a combination of these factors.

Lobo Life Thursday-Sunday, campus December calendar of events 6-9, 2018 Current Exhibits Toh-mez & Tohmz = Tomes 8:00am-6:00pm, Monday-Friday Zimmerman Library Frank Waters Room 105 This exhibition brings together – and offers up for consumption – facsimiles of ancient Mesoamerican codices and Mexican arts books with student work and community-sourced descriptions. Flight 9:00am-4:00pm, Tuesday-Saturday University Art Museum Flight is a multi-media installation by Albuquerque artist Sheri Crider that examines connections between empathy, personal transformation, mass incarceration, and migration. This exhibition is centered on understanding the personal experiences and social implications of mass incarceration. Cultivated Under Systems of Oppression 9:00am-5:00pm, Monday-Friday John Sommers Gallery Solo Exhibition by Hazel BatrezChavez. An exhibit detailing the life of the artist and the hurdles they’ve had to go through so far in life. Random Search: Mining the Archives of Tamarind Institute 9:00am-4:00pm, Tuesday-Friday Tamarind Institute Curated by Lowery Stokes

Sims, Tamarind’s first Curator in Residence. The exhibition consists of Tamarind lithographs, organized into five groupings: Corpus Delicti, PERSONIFICATIONS, Saints and Sinners, Intimacies, and Indian/ Not Indian. New Releases 9:00am-4:00pm, ThursdaySaturday Tamarind Institute This exhibition includes most recent projects completed by artists who have been invited to collaborate with Tamarind master printers. Thank You, I Love You, I’m Sorry 9:00am-4:45pm, John Sommers Gallery, MondayFriday Artists in the Land Arts of the American West program at the University of New Mexico invite you to the exhibit, “Thank You, I Love You, I’m Sorry”. The title of this exhibit was adapted from a conversation with Beata TsosiePeña, Environmental Health and Justice Program Coordinator for Tewa Women United. Gun Violence: a Brief Cultural History 10:00am-4:00pm, Tuesday-Friday Maxwell Museum of Anthropology American museums, particularly those that portrayed Western expansion, created exhibitions that glamorized firearms, Such exhibitions celebrated a gunslinging American frontier, based

in part on historical events, in part on popular legends, and, in part on outright fiction. People of the Southwest 10:00am-4:00pm, Tuesday-Friday Maxwell Museum of Anthropology The exhibition celebrates the cultural history of the Southwest, especially the close relationship southwestern people have had with the land around them. Ancestors 10:00am-4:00pm, Tuesday-Friday Maxwell Museum of Anthropology This exhibit introduces our ancestors and close relatives. These ancient relatives will take you through the story in which all of our ancestors had a role. UNM Young Artists Exhibition 11:00am-6:00pm, Thursday-Friday Masley Art Gallery Juried exhibition featuring the work of New Mexico students in grades 7-12th.

Thursday Campus Events

24th Annual Print Sale 10:00am-6:00pm Printmaking Studio Art Building, Room 142 Affordable prices on a wide variety of undergraduate, graduate, faculty and alumni prints from

To submit a calendar listing, email calendar@dailylobo.com

both UNM and the esteemed Tamarind Institute. This is a great opportunity to pick up holiday gifts or to expand your own collection, while directly supporting students and the arts. Study Marathon 4:00-9:00pm El Centro De La Raza Come to El Centro to prepare for finals week with food, coffee, and more!

Lectures & Readings Workshop: Learn to Use Proctorio in Your Course 9:00-10:30am CTLB 110 Dissertation Presentation 9:00-10:00am English Department Amy Gore, English, presents “Material Matters: Paratextual Bodies in Nineteenth-Century Indigenous Book History.” Dissertation Presentation 12:00-1:00pm Fitz Hall, Room 303 Crina Floruta, Neurosciences, presents “Molecular Characterization of a Unique Population of Human Cortical Interneurons; Implications for Primate-Specific Development.” Interprofessional Information Series 12:00-1:00pm


Domenici NW, Room 2720 Free pizza and learn something new about the Speech - Language Pathology, Population Health, Community Health Workers, MDs, Physician Assistants, and Nutrition programs. UNM Biology Fall Seminar 3:30-4:45pm Castetter Hall 100 Keith A. Hobson, PhD, Western University, presents, “Tracking Animal Origins and Migration Using Stable Isotopes.” CQuIC Seminars 3:30-4:30pm Physics & Astronomy, Room 190 Jay Gambetta, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, TBA People and Places Lecture Series 5:30-7:00pm Zimmerman Library, Frank Waters Room James McGrath, former president of Biographers International Organization, presents “An Archival Detective’s Tales: Pulitzer, Hemingway, Hillerman and Others.” Morris has written extensively for newspapers and magazines. Prior to becoming a full-time writer, Morris worked as a journalist and as a high school teacher.

Campus Calendar continued on pg 7

Preview events on the Daily Lobo Mobile app or www.dailylobo.com


New Mexico Daily Lobo

Thursday, December 6, 2018 / Page 7

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By Eddie Wyckoff

White to move and win. From Gioachino Greco Italian Delight (Level 3) vs. NN, Europe, 1620. Today’s puzzle is from one By Eddie Wyckoff of Greco’s classic miniatures. The game score: 1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 Bc5 3.Qe2 Qe7 4.f4 Bxg1 5.Rxg1 White to move and 8.Rxg3 win. From exf4 6.d4 Qh4+ 7.g3 fxg3 Nf6 Gioachino 9.Nc3 Nh5 Greco vs. NN, Europe, 1620. Today’s puzzle (Diagram).

is from one of Greco’s classic miniatures.

Solution last puzzle: 1.Qxh8+ Kxh8 2.Bf6+ (any) Thetogame score: 1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 Bc5 3.Qe2 3.Re8#. Want to learn how to read notation? Visit Qe7 4.f4 Bxg1 5.Rxg1 exf4 6.d4 Qh4+ 7.g3 www.learnchess.info/n

fxg3 8.Rxg3 Nf6 9.Nc3 Nh5 (Diagram).

Suggestions? Comments? lobochesspuzzle@gmail.com

Solution to last puzzle: 1.Qxh8+ Kxh8 2.Bf6+ (any) 3.Re8#.

> > Want to learn how to read notation? Visit www.learnchess.info/n


Level 1 2 3 4

Suggestions? Comments? lobochesspuzzle@gmail.com

December 3rd issue puzzle solved

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Italian Delight (Level 3)

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ACROSS 1 Insurance submission 6 Spars on the briny 11 Spanish I verb 14 Vital body vessel 15 Choristers who are usually women 16 Young bloke 17 Get increasingly steamed 19 “Diary of a Wimpy __”: Jeff Kinney book series 20 Home of the NHL’s Blues 21 Scrape off 22 Radio hobbyists 23 Rickie Fowler’s org. 24 One way to travel 26 Provocative social media tactic 32 Old Italian bread? 34 Jai __ 35 Forearm-related 36 Wee hr. 38 Approves 39 Disciple’s query 40 “Am not!” retort 41 Spa treatment 43 Bullet __: list highlight 44 Battlefield order 47 __ Mode, designer voiced by Brad Bird in “Incredibles 2” 48 Strive 49 Skinny 51 Sleeping bag closer 55 Getting stuff done, initially 58 “Who, me?” 59 Striking white stripe between a horse’s eyes 61 From A to Z 62 Venue with skyboxes 63 Expected 64 Animation frame 65 Venomous snake 66 Hindu spiritual writing DOWN 1 Despicable dudes 2 Ransack


Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

12/6/18 12/5/18

By Mark McClain

3 Depleted sea 4 “__ Quiet Uptown”: “Hamilton” song 5 Spanish dessert wine 6 Bryn __ College 7 Goya’s “Duchess of __” 8 It may be earpiercing 9 Bullfight figure 10 ID gradually being omitted from Medicare cards 11 Water’s capability to neutralize acid 12 Injure badly 13 Track ratios 18 President who appointed two women to the Supreme Court 22 Sledding spot 23 “Yes, fine by me” 25 Pierre’s “his” 26 Second cup at a diner, e.g. 27 Unite on the sly 28 Spoken for 29 Stairway element

December 3rd issue puzzle solved Tuesday’s Puzzle Solved

©2018 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

30 Statistician Silver 31 Dire 32 Bakery unit 33 Cross inscription 37 Like harvested hay 42 Video game stage 45 Black ice, e.g. 46 Boeing rival 49 All-in-one Apple 50 Florida State player, familiarly

12/6/18 12/5/18

52 Secured, as a win 53 Source of cones 54 Early late-night TV host 55 Lacking slack 56 Business magnate 57 Olympics coach Karolyi 59 Tower authority: Abbr. 60 The SEC’s Tigers

Lobo LiFe Thursday-Sunday, campus December calendar of events 6-9, 2018 Campus Calendar continued from pg 6

Art & Music Clarinet Marathon 3:30-5:00pm Keller Hall Free to Attend. UNM Young Artists Awards Ceremony and Reception 6:00-8:00pm Masley Art Gallery

Student Groups & Gov. WAC Alliance Write on Workshop 10:00am-2:00pm SUB Luminaria Student Action Network 12:00-1:30pm SUB Acoma B Kiva Club Speaker Series 2:00-4:00pm SUB Lobo A & B 350.org UNM Chapter Meeting 3:30-4:30pm SUB Acoma A UNM Dream Team Meeting 4:30-5:45pm SUB Mirage/Thunderbird Students for Life 5:30-9:00pm SUB Luminaria Generation United Nations Meeting 5:30-6:30pm SUB Alumni Campus Crusade 6:00-9:00pm SUB Santa Ana A & B Healing Harmonies 6:00-7:00pm SUB Scholars

LoboTHON Meeting 6:30-9:00pm SUB Isleta Music Production Club Meetings 6:30-8:00pm SUB Thunderbird Something Major A Cappella 7:00-9:00pm SUB Sandia Sprechtisch 7:30-10:00pm Joe’s, 108 Vassar Dr SE We meet in a friendly atmosphere to practice speaking German. Jitterbugs Anonymous! 8:30-10:30pm Johnson Gym, Aerobics Room B553 Learn how to swing dance.

Meetings Board of Regents Notice of Audit and Compliance Committee Special Meeting 9:00-10:00am Scholes Hall, Roberts Room In addition to the Regents who are members of the Committee, other Regents may attend this meeting in a nonvoting capacity. HSCS Committee 11:00am-12:00pm Domenici West 3010 CL Neuroradiology Conference 2:00-3:00pm Family Medicine Center, Room 420 2018 Gerald W. May Outstanding Staff Award Reception 2:30-5:00pm SUB Ballroom C Caregivers Journaling Support Group 4:00-5:30pm UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center, Room 1604 A journaling support group for family and friends of cancer

patients. Discover the healing power of writing to express thoughts and feelings. No prior writing experience needed; spelling and grammar do not matter.


Campus Events 24th Annual Print Sale 10:00am-6:00pm Printmaking Studio Art Building, Room 142 Affordable prices on a wide variety of undergraduate, graduate, faculty and alumni prints from both UNM and the esteemed Tamarind Institute. This is a great opportunity to pick up holiday gifts or to expand your own collection, while directly supporting students and the arts.

Lectures & Readings Dissertation Presentation 10:30-11:30am Logan Library Christopher McLouth, Psychology, presents “Analysis of Covariance, with Heterogeneity of Regression and a Random Covariate.” Workshop: What’s Imposter Syndrome and Do I Have It? 12:00-1:00pm CTLB, Room 110 Sponsored by the Graduate Resource Center. SBDC Open Hours at the Lobo Rainforest 1:00-5:00pm Lobo Rainforest Building If you have an idea for a new business, come see an SBDC representative for one-on-one, confidential discussions and mentoring at the Lobo Rainforest Building. SBDC can help you

To submit a calendar listing, email calendar@dailylobo.com

explore the potential for success of your idea. Earth & Planetary Sciences Weekly Colloquium 3:00-4:00pm Northrop Hall, Room 122 Maya Elrick , EPS UNM, presents, “Tracking Paleozoic Global Seawater Redox Changes Using Uranium Isotopes of Marine Limestones.” Physics and Astronomy Colloquium 3:30-4:30pm Dane Smith Hall, Room 125 Jay Gambetta, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, TBA.

Theater & Film A Christmas Carol 7:30-10:00pm Rodey Theatre A Christmas Carol, the Musical is a spectacular adaptation of Charles Dickens’ best known story. Ebenezer Scrooge is a nasty old man who believes that personal wealth is far more valuable than the happiness and comforts of others. Tickets starting at $22.

Student Groups & Gov.

Department of Chemistry & Chemical Biology Seminar 4:00-5:00pm Science & Mathematics Learning Center Dr. Gary A. Molander, HirschmannMakineni Professor of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, presents, “Single Electron Processes Enabling Organic Synthesis.”

Student Action Network Meeting 11:00am-2:00pm SUB Santa Ana A & B

Academic Writing Workshop 4:30-6:00pm Technology and Education Center, Room 130 Secondary citations, verb tense in literature reviews, formatting in-text citations in APA. All UNM graduate and undergraduate students are welcome. Each workshop is stand alone.

Japanese Language and Culture Club 3:00-5:00pm SUB Acoma A & B

NM Fantasy Artists & Writers Series: Speaker Eric Velhagen 5:30-8:00pm Honors Forum

Soka Gakkai International Buddhist Club 3:00-4:00pm SUB Alumni

Art & Music Jazz Bands Off-Campus Event 6:30-8:30pm Eldorado High School UNM Jazz Bands directed by Glenn Kostur and Chris Buckholz perform at Eldorado High School. Free to attend.

End of Semester Celebration 12:00-1:30pm SUB Santa Ana A & B Sponsored by the Project for New Mexico Graduates of Color (PNMGC).

ASUNM Executive Meeting 3:00-4:00pm SUB Cherry/Silver


Environment UNM 4:00-5:00pm SUB Mirage/Thunderbird

Campus Calendar continued on pg 8

Preview events on the Daily Lobo Mobile app or www.dailylobo.com





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or snowboard privileges? Work over your winter break. We’re hiring for ski & snowboard rental and sales. Apply in person at 6915 Montgomery at Louisiana.

Blended Learning Dec 17-19 Mon-Wed, 8am-4pm

You will receive an American Red Cross Universal Certificate for Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED valid for 2 years


Highland | 256-2069 Dec 17-19 Mon-Wed, 8am-4pm

Be punctual and attend ALL class dates Pass all in-water lifeguard skills and activities. Demonstrate competency in First Aid, CPR, Lifeguard skills. Pass both written tests with an 80% or higher.


Dec 16-19 Sun-Wed, 9am-4pm

3BDRMS, and 4BDRMS. William H. Cornelius III, Real Estate Consultant: www.corneliusmgmt.com, 243‑2229. No

2018 LIFEGUARD CLASS SCHEDULE West Mesa | 836-8718


quiet 2BDRM. $750/mo. 1505 Girard NE. 980‑5812.

Register for the course prior to first day of class. Class is $50.00. Download American Red Cross Lifeguard Manual. Purchase rescue mask for $15.00. Go to www.redcross.org for class materials.


See more of “The Ghost of Donald J. Trump” at Barnes and Noble.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO our news editor

Audio & Video Bikes & Cycles Computer Stuff Pets For Sale Furniture Textbooks Vehicles for Sale


7 days of online advertising, and 2 days of print, for $1 per word per week. Graphics can be added to print and online publications for $24.99 per week. Special effects are charged additionally per line: bold, italics, centering, blank lines, larger font, etc. Color is available for $1 per line per day. Logos can be included with text: Black & white is $5 per day. Color is $10 per day.

Please sign up at the pool where the class will be held or sign up online at play.cabq.gov. If we don’t have enough participants before the first day of class, the class may be cancelled. So sign up early!


Some of these are blended learning courses, which means you must sign up early and complete an online training before the first day of class. The online portion takes approximately 7 hours to complete and includes 1 test that must be passed! You will receive the link to the course when you sign up with the cashier.

vETERINARY AssIsTANT/ RECEPTION‑ IsT/ Kennel help. Pre‑veterinary stu‑

dent preferred. Interviews by appoint‑ ment only. Ponderosa Animal Clinic: 881‑8990/ 881‑8551.

ARE YOu LOOkINg for a fun part‑time job for the upcoming semester? Do you like working with kids between the ages of 5‑11 yrs old? Apply at camp fireabq.org, M‑F, NO weekend work. Staff needed to facilitate planned activi‑ ties and games. Must be 18 yrs.+ with HS diploma or GED. $11‑$13/hr after PAID training.

50% “DEAN’s LIsT” rent reduction: $100-$300/month. 1400’s+ Columbia Dr. NE. Meals??? 505‑275‑9713, rogersaul007@gmail.com

Hey Lobos! Did you know you can receive free advertisements (25 words or less) in this category? Email classifieds@dailylobo.com from your UNM email account or call 505‑277‑5656 for more details!


We can create or modify software for you! C++, Python, Java, or web soft‑ ware running on Php, Drupal or Word‑ press. 505‑750‑1169.

TALIN MARkET Is hiring PT and FT cashiers, stockers, meat and seafood clerks, and receptionists. Flexible hours. Apply online at www.talin market.com

Looking to hire? Tap into UNM’s hardworking student population and adver‑ tise with the Daily Lobo! Call 277‑5656 or email classifieds@dailylobo.com for more information.

LOBO LIFE Campus Calendar of Events Thursday-Sunday, December 6-9, 2018 Campus Calendar continued from pg 7 Chinese Christian Fellowship 5:00-9:00pm SUB Santa Ana A & B


HOSA Meeting 5:00-7:00pm SUB Lobo A International Business Global Assembly 5:00-6:30pm SUB Cherry/Silver


Rugby Officer’s meeting 5:15-6:45pm SUB Lobo B Kiva Club Weekly Meeting 6:00-8:00pm SUB Acoma B

SATURDAY Lectures & Readings

24th Annual Print Sale 10:00-3:00pm Printmaking Studio Art Building, Room 142 Affordable prices on a wide variety of undergraduate, graduate, faculty and alumni prints from both UNM and the esteemed Tamarind Institute. This is a great opportunity

to pick up holiday gifts or to expand your own collection, while directly supporting students and the arts.

Art & Music Concert: Liberty, Love, and The Firebird! 6:00-8:00pm Popejoy Hall Beginning with Desteapta-te, romane! Variations, followed by Serenade, then Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, then Suite from The Firebird closes the concert. Tickets starting at $22.

Theater & Film A Christmas Carol 7:30-9:30pm Rodey Theater A Christmas Carol, the Musical is a spectacular adaptation of Charles Dickens’ best known story. Ebenezer Scrooge is a nasty old man who believes that personal wealth is far more valuable than the happiness and comforts of others. Tickets starting at $22.

Student Groups & Gov. The National Society of Leadership and Success 1:00-4:30pm SUB Ballroom B

Chinese Christian Fellowship Outreach 4:00-9:00pm SUB Ballroom C


Anime Club Meeting 4:00-7:00pm SUB Acoma A & B

Student Groups & Gov. GPSA Council Meetings 10:00am-2:00pm SUB Lobo A & B

SUNDAY Campus Events

Late Night Breakfast 8:00-10:00pm SUB Ballroom A, B & C Stop by for some breakfast burritos, giveaways, dancing and fun. There will be a photobooth, ping pong tables, chocolate fountain, and the ever-famous pancake eating contest! CAPS will be available at 6:30pm for any last minute questions.

Lectures & Readings Dissertation Presentation 12:00-1:00pm Philosophy Department Library Daniel Briggs, Philosophy, presents “Heidegger on the Temporality of Embodiment.”

To submit a calendar listing, email calendar@dailylobo.com

Art & Music Mariachi Christmas 3:00-5:00pm Popejoy Hall Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of a radiant New Mexico tradition. Tickets starting at $5. Guitar Chamber/Youth Ensemble 3:00-4:00pm Keller Hall Classical Guitar Players perform in concert. Tickets starting at $5.

Theater & Film A Christmas Carol 7:30-9:30pm Rodey Theater A Christmas Carol, the Musical is a spectacular adaptation of Charles Dickens’ best known story. Ebenezer Scrooge is a nasty old man who believes that personal wealth is far more valuable than the happiness and comforts of others. Tickets starting at $22.

Want an Event in Lobo Life? 1. Go to www.dailylobo.com 2. Click on the “Events” link near the top of the page. 3. Click on “Submit an Event Listing” on the right side of the page 4. Type in the event information and submit! * Events must be sponsored by a UNM group, organization or department * Classes, class schedules, personal events or solicitations are not eligible. * Events must be of interest to the campus community. * Events must not require pre-registration.

Student Groups & Gov. World Affairs Delegation Meeting 3:00-5:30pm SUB Mirage-Thunderbird

Preview events on the Daily Lobo Mobile app or www.dailylobo.com

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