Red Silk Carpet #81 Sept 2022

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™ On the cover Larry Thomas Confessions of a Soup Nazi

Photographer Bradford Rogne Photojournalist Sepehr Nikpouri


64TH ANNUAL GRAMMY AWARDS® Leslie Odom Jr. Rachel Zegler

Noham Edje

Alex Lutz Riley Keough Xavier Dolan PIERRE NINEY VINCENT LINDON Andie Macdowell

Else Hardjopawiro

Natalie Portman Reacted to Her 'Thor: Love and Thunder' Transformation


Iris Law Ladj Ly Kaley Cuoco DANNY RAMIREZ

Julia Roberts Ricky Martin BENOÎT MAGIMEL Baptiste Giabiconi ANNABELLE LENGRONNE

Photographer Larry Thomas


© Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

Larry Thomas Bio b y Sepehr Nikpouri

Larry Thomas is an actor most recognized for his Emmy nominated performance as "The Soup Nazi" from Seinfeld. Larry has been an actor for twenty-five years and is a veteran of dozens of Films, TV shows and hundreds of theatre performances. Recently Larry finished shooting the film, Postal and was seen on Arrested Development, Hot Properties, Threshold, Scrubs, and a Lexus commercial as a crazed pre-Bugsy visionary selling the idea of Vegas. As far as theatre goes, last year Larry completed a thirty-five city, one hundred and forty show production of Neil Simon's The Odd CoupleFemale Version starring Barbara Eden, and rumor has it that it's not over yet. Born in Brooklyn, NY Larry has been many things including bail bondsman, bartender, and brain surgeon (well not really brain surgeon

but it rounded out the three b’s. Actually, you can add janitor to that list, just as important in some circles, let's face it). A father and mortgage payer, Larry is grateful for his family and career. Larry grew up dreaming of being on the big or small screen. As an Olympic gold medalist in the insomnia-Athlon Larry watched a lot of allnight TV. Major comedy influences were W.C. Fields, The Three Stooges and Laurel and Hardy. Also getting lost in those great golden era of Hollywood films wishing he could be Clark Gable, Cary Grant, Spencer Tracy, Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire, Bing Crosby, and Frank Sinatra all rolled in to one. Let's also not forget the constant daydreaming of being up there on stage with The Beatles and other favorite rock bands (it had to be daydreaming because of the insomnia). Not having any entertainment types © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

in the family Larry kept these fantasies to himself until at the age of twenty-one, while majoring in journalism in jr. college, Larry met a girl (a tower of jello when it came to women). Finding himself striking out he asked her what classes she was taking. The answer was theatre classes. Enrolling in a bunch of theatre classes in a pitiful attempt to get a date Larry fell in love with acting and the rest as they say is.... well for the first year the teachers told him he had no talent, and he should go back to the journalism department. But being incredibly stubborn and somewhat inspired by a nineteen-year-old kid in his acting class named Kevin Spacey Larry stuck with it. Within another year they admitted there was some talent there and now they have his picture hanging in the theatre lobby.

1. What gave you the courage to become an actor and what were your challenges? I would say my mother gave me the courage to become an actor. I decided to try it at 21 and was told by the college teachers I had no talent, but my mom thought (her words) I was a cross between Cary Grant, Clark Gable, and Tyrone Power. How can you ignore support like that? Also, in the late 70's living was easy and I had the time to waste trying to become proficient at acting, singing, and dancing. Also, I'm incredibly stubborn and just didn't want to quit trying during the 18 years it took to land the role on Seinfeld. I guess the biggest challenge was that I had never done performing so I wasn't talented at acting, singing, or dancing and had to study for at least a decade before showing some promise.

2. Who inspires you? I am inspired by excellence in the arts. Whether it's the musical greatness of The Beatles, Elvis, Sinatra, or Crosby. The acting greatness of Spencer Tracy or Dustin

Hoffman and so many others. The dancing of Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire. 3. You have been known for your incredible roles and performances on Seinfeld as the Soup Nazi, tell us some of your most memorable on set experiences with all- star cast? There are many memories from my four days on the Seinfeld set doing my episode. First the of all Jerry, telling me to ignore the direction he gave me in the audition and to do just what I did when I came in (his words) "For some reason, the meaner, the funnier" Then of course the amazing friendliness of Jason Alexander, Julia Louis Dreyfus and director, Andy Ackerman. The three days I spent sitting in the bleachers with actor Thom Barry watching them rehearse the Jerry living room scenes. They were a well-oiled machine and created moments that might not have been on paper that exist in the finished episode. Also, after filming for the audience, Larry David changed two things I did. He had me add "Very good, very good, you know

© Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

something?" before yelling No Soup for You to Elaine after her Al Pacino impression and changing "Unacceptable" to "Adios Muchacho" to the gentleman that said he was part Spanish. Since the actor was gone by that time, I got to re-play that moment with Larry David. So many wonderful memories that week. I really didn't want to leave at the end of shoot night. 4. What helps you fall into character? Usually there is something that speaks the character to me. It could be something the character says or does. It could be something another character says about my character, or it could be something that I've actually experienced that happens in the scene. I try to keep my mind open to notice one of these things but when I do I know it. In the case of the Soup Nazi, it came from that nickname. I heard it and knew exactly how he would be and that never changed throughout the whole process.

Photographer Robert Kazandjian

Larry Thomas © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

5. Tell us your most memorable exsperiances on Austin Powers (International Man of Mystery where have you been). Filming the scene from Austin Powers was just a BLAST but between listening to the wonderful stories of Robert Wagner and hilarious moments of everyone in the scene the most memorable part was Mike Myers making faces at me if I accidentally looked at him after my close up was shot. I actually had to bite down on my inner cheek to not laugh during someone else's close up when he would do that to me. He was a hoot. 6. What is your most memorable red-carpet event? My best red-carpet event was at the Emmy night I attended for my nomination for Seinfeld (the technical award night) I was interviewed by Florence Henderson, and she kept pinching my cheek and saying, "Such a boyisha punim." I just couldn't believe that Mrs. Brady was doing that to me.

7. Where did you study/ develop skills for your

profession? I started acting in the theatre department at Los Angeles Valley College (where I was majoring in Journalism and took a theatre class to get a date with a certain girl) then spent a great summer studying at the old American Conservatory Theatre in San Francisco, took voice lessons from the best voice teacher in Los Angeles, Suzanne Kiechle, honed my dancing a bit with a job as a dance instructor at the Fred Astaire dance studio in Pasadena and finally grew the most as an actor studying for 10 years with Milton Katselas at his Beverly Hills playhouse and his best substitute teacher, Jeffrey Tambor. 8. What is your favorite international exsperiance? My favorite international experience must be the Pepsi Max commercial I did in Israel. When they were offering that to me, I told them it was the only item on my mom's bucket list, to see Israel before she died. I told them she was turning eighty-six, and they made sure to shoot the spot that week and provide her with VIP

© Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

service from LAX and back. They provided her with an assistant for while I was shooting, a tour of Jerusalem, Caecaria and Jaffa and an on-set birthday celebration on her birthday. It definitely put me in the son hall of fame.

9. Who would you give a special thanks to for your success? Special thanks for any success I've had goes to so many it wouldn't fit in any acceptance speech. Starting with my mom and her support to just try acting, My friend, Teacher, and director from LAVC, Pete Parkin for his support and guidance. All my actor friends in the trenches with me during the beg, borrow, and steal theatre days. My gastroenterologist, Dr. David Schulman for saving my life when I almost died from a malignant colon tumor at 35 (read the chapter in my book "Confessions of a Soup Nazi, An Adventure in Acting and Cooking" entitled "Colon Cancer and the IV drip". Milton Katselas for his amazing teaching.

Jeffrey Tambor for his amazing teaching and doing me the favor of setting up a meeting with the casting director of The Larry Sanders Show and Seinfeld which led to my audition for The Soup Nazi. Jerry Seinfeld, Larry David, and everyone involved with Seinfeld for making it so easy to be at my best in that episode. The inspiration my son has given me to strive to succeed for him and to be a good example to him. And all the friends through the years that have stuck by me in the hopeless and frustrating moments of my career as well as the glorious moments. 10. You are best known for comedy, have you shifted towards any other genre? I'm only known for comedy because of my success on Seinfeld. I really studied for 30 years to be a dramatic actor. I've always leaned that way and when I play comedy, I always play it seriously as if it's a drama and conversely, I try to lighten up drama and add irony. Spencer Tracy was best at that. You can see my drama reel on YouTube or my

website, www.realsoupna to see the drama work you may not have seen. Also, some of the musical stuff (I've written and recorded five songs to date) and performed musical numbers that were videotaped and posted there.

11. What award is most meaningful to you? The Emmy nomination was pretty cool even though I lost it to Tim Conway (the only time I've heard his name mentioned and not smiled). But I won the Laurence Olivier award for best supporting actor in "Mind Over Mindy" at the Chicago Blow Up film festival and my mom spelled my name Laurence with a "U" because of Sir Olivier. So that was significant. 12.How do you see yourself in five years? Beside being five years older I hope to see myself with either an excellent film role in a really good film or a series regular role in a really good TV show. I want to go out working. 13. How can others learn more about you and your

© Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

work? I think people can learn more about me from my book (Confessions of a Soup Nazi, An Adventure in Acting and Cooking) or my website www.realsoupnaz which has clip is from all my work including old theatre stuff from the 80's that we may have videotaped at the time. 14. How can a film maker get you cast in their production? Anyone who wants to cast me can contact me through my website or my agents LB. Talent in Burbank, CA 15. Do you have any hidden talents? ( Such as music production) I wouldn't say any of my talents are hidden. I have always tried to do everything that interests me. So, I have written and recorded my songs, I've sang and even tap danced in them. I have fifthy-two pretty good and easy recipes in my book and although I can't post the video of the play I wrote and produced (music copyrights) there is a scene from it on my YouTube channel.

16. Who are your favorite actors?

I have many favorite actors for many reasons but if I had to boil it down as much as possible, I would name Spencer Tracy and Dustin Hoffman as the two who have inspired me the most. 17. Tell us about your family. My family is pretty simple. All that's left now is my son, my sister and my Godfather Seymour and a couple of cousins spread around that I don't really stay connected with. My father took off when I was around seven so that kind of cut us off from his side of the family. So, my mother courageously raised my sister and me by herself in a time when a woman couldn't even get credit without a husband to cosign during the 60's. By the time single women could get credit (1972) I was already sixteen and working. Her courageousness is paid tribute in my song "Ma! (Ode To Dorine) attached, or for the official music video https://www.youtu mtVA&t=3s. For many years it was just the three of us until I got married

the first time and had my son when I was thirtyseven. I was married one more time to a Chicago native, Angela Friis multitalented makeup artist, business owner of The Mending Muse and The Mending Muse Goats home of Chicago's most inspirational goat, Wally. (See him on www.themendingmuse .com) Photo attached. I had some very good support as a child from my mom’s best friend and her husband who I referred to as Aunt Lee and Uncle Jack. Without them I'm not sure if I would be as sane as I am.

many varied jobs. I've been a Bail Bondsman, a janitor, a bartender, a dishwasher, a dance instructor, a grocery clerk, an assistant teacher, and playground coach and many more. I would say each, and every one of these jobs is essential to my work as an actor for the life experience they gave me. For in the end acting is just experiencing life for the audience or the camera just as you have in your life.

18. Why do you want to be in Red Silk Carpet magazine?

I have written a few things through the years that I've produced in one way or another. My play, "I Gave at The Office" was produced in Los Angeles. My book is available on the internet on all book selling sites. My songs are also available on all platforms. My friend, David Castro and I wrote and produced a 44 minute version of a Sit-com pilot called Dads! which we are still working on as we may shoot more and turn it into a feature but there is a trailer available to view on my website and one of my songs is the theme for it "Nico's Song (With Out You).

I'm excited to be in The Red Silk Carpet Magazine as Chicago has become a second home for me. I've done at least eight films there between local film makers, Robert Alaniz and John Wesley Norton and of course spending a lot of time there with Angela Friis. 19. Prior to acting you have worn many hats in the workplace, did any of your prvieous work experiances shapr you to become a better actor? Prior to acting I've had © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

20. Are you writing or planning on producing any of your own productions?

Photographer Freestyle

Bruce Davison, left, and Larry Thomas in “108 Stitches,” about a misfit college baseball team.

© Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

How Natalie Portman Reacted to Her 'Thor: Love and Thunder' Transformation (Exclusive) Jul 5, 2022 "Taika Waititi is a turmoil of ideas and you're figuring it out as he goes — and just grabbing everything you can," exclaims costume designer Mayes C. Rubeo. "His orders are super tall and if you can't keep it up, don't even try to work with Taika. Because he knows about costumes, and he knows what he's doing. And even though you might think he might be asking for something impossible; he knows it's not impossible if you do it.“ Rubeo first worked with Waititi on Team Thor, a short film released by Marvel in 2016, and would go on to serve as the costume designer on Thor: Ragnarok.

The two collaborated once again on 2019's World War II–set Jojo Rabbit, for which he won the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay, and she earned a nomination for Best Costume Design. Rubeo became the first Latin woman to ever be nominated in the category. (She's also an Emmy winner for her costume work on the Marvel streaming series, WandaVision.)

Their latest project together is Thor: Love and Thunder, which sees Chris Hemsworth's wayward God of Thunder on a journey of self-discovery. That quest inward is interrupted by a godbutchering supervillain named Gorr (Christian Bale), and so, Thor must team up with King Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

Korg (Waititi) and his estranged ex-girlfriend, Dr. Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), for an intergalactic, adrenalinefueled romantic comedy space adventure. "They're all fun costumes. Come on! I mean, a new Valkyrie, insecure Thor, Mighty Thor, and Gorr, and all of Omnipotence City" — the MCU's version of Olympus — "there were so many costumes to figure out. I needed an incredible, talented, and huge crew. And we had to divide and conquer, but always under my supervision. I'm a little bit of a control freak when it comes to my costumes," Rubeo explains. "I can tell you every day was a wonderful day to go to work."

In conversation with A.frame, Rubeo breaks down her costume design process on Love and Thunder. Behind the Seams of Mighty Thor Natalie Portman's last appearance in the MCU was in 2013's 'Thor: The Dark World.' She returns as Jane Foster and — much to Thor's surprise — inexplicably wields his magical hammer as the Mighty Thor. With her electrifying new powers comes an Asgardian transformation, complete with flowing blonde locks and a space Viking suit of armor, a look adapted straight from the comic book source material. A.frame: This is your first time costuming Natalie Portman as Jane Foster.

What does the collaborative process look like with Natalie? Did she come with ideas of how she wanted to reintroduce Jane? Rubeo: Yes, absolutely. We had conversations way before she started the movie and we had it throughout all the different drafts. She's an actor that knows exactly how the character is going to work. She's not an actor that needs to be bedazzled — she doesn't need that. She's not demanding of brands. The only thing is that she's completely vegan. So, all the materials had to be from responsible sources and plant-based. They couldn't come from animals. But that was a © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

wonderful challenge. We even worked with recycled bottles! But she liked very much what we pulled for her and what we made for her. She is also so agile, because she's a dancer, and she can do any kind of wirework. So, she came through as an action actor. Do you remember the fitting where she got dressed in the Mighty Thor outfit for the first time? Rubeo: She was really, really excited. Her children were there and they were in such awe. Like, suddenly their mom is a super cool superhero. She loved it. And she really kicks ass in that Mighty Thor costume. She really owned it.

DIOR VIP - EVENTS 2022 UNDEFINED 64th Grammies

© Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

LESLIE ODOM JR. Leslie Odom Jr. wore a Dior Men Fall-Winter 2022 black wool mohair and silk chiné natté peak lapel jacket with long drapé knot, striped silk shirt, grey wool pants and black leather derbies. He also wore a Dior necklace. COPYRIGHT: Getty Images © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

RACHEL ZEGLER Rachel Zegler wore a Dior Haute Couture grey tulle off-theshoulder dress, tied at the back. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022


© Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

REBECCA HALL For the Closing Ceremony Rebecca Hall was dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. She wore a Dior Haute Couture Evening dress embroidered with dégradé black beads with mesh overlay; black mesh tshirt. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

LAURA WANDELL For the Closing Ceremony Laura Wandell was dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. She wore a Dior dark blue velvet and embroidered dress. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

MONIA CHOKRI For the Closing Ceremony Monia Chokri was dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. She wore a Dior gold plissé lurex dress. Make up by Dior. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

ISABELLE FUHRMAN For the Closing Ceremony Isabelle Fuhrman was dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. She wore a Dior Haute Couture evening blue dress in tulle. Make up by Dior. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

ALBA ROHRWACHER For the Closing Ceremony Alba Rohrwacher was dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

LADJ LY For the Closing Ceremony Ladj Ly was dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

PIERRE DELADONCHAMPS For the Closing Ceremony Pierre Deladonchamps was dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. Groomed by Dior. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

FÉLIX MOATI For the Closing Ceremony Félix Moati was dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. Groomed by Dior. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

EMMANUELLE DEVOS For the Premiere of Mascarade By Nicolas Bedos Emmanuelle Devos was dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. Make up by Dior. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

LAURA MORANTE For the Premiere of Mascarade By Nicolas Bedos Laura Morante was dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. She wore a Dior smoking. Make up by Dior. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

PIERRE NINEY For the Premiere of Mascarade By Nicolas Bedos Pierre Niney was dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. Groomed by Dior. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

NICOLAS BEDOS For the Premiere of Mascarade By Nicolas Bedos Nicolas Bedos was dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. Groomed by Dior. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

FRANÇOIS CLUZET For the Premiere of Mascarade By Nicolas Bedos François Cluzet was dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. Groomed by Dior. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

BENOÎT MAGIMEL For the Premiere of Mascarade By Nicolas Bedos Benoît Magimel was dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

ANDIE MACDOWELL For the Premiere of Un Petit Frere De Leonor Serraille Andie Macdowell was dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. She wore a Dior Haute Couture chestnut and sand striped organza evening dress. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

JOANA KULIG For the Premiere of Un Petit Frere De Leonor Serraille Joana Kulig was dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. She wore a Dior Bar jacket with a Black tulle skirt. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

ANNABELLE LENGRONNE For the Premiere of Un Petit Frere De Leonor SerrailleFor the Premiere of Un Petit Frere De Leonor Serraille Annabelle Lengronne was dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. She wore a Dior yellow silk dress. Make up by Dior. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

KENZO SAMBIN For the Premiere of Un Petit Frere De Leonor Serraille Kenzo Sambin was dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

ÉMILIE DEQUENNE Émilie Dequenne Dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. Make up by Dior. She wore a bleu navy crepe silk dress COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

LAURA WANDEL Dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

BENJAMIN BIOLAY For the Premiere of Un Petit Frere De Leonor Serraille Benjamin Biolay was dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. Groomed by Dior. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

DANNY RAMIREZ Dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. Make up by Dior. He wore a black wool oblique suit, a pink silk shirt and a black silk tie. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

MAYE MUSK For the Premiere of Elvis by Baz Luhrmann Maye Musk was dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

MAYE MUSK FOR THE 75th FESTIVAL ANNIVERSARY PARTY Maye Musk is dressed up in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. Made up by Dior. She wore a Dior Haute Couture grey plissé dress. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

AMIRA CASAR FOR THE 75th FESTIVAL ANNIVERSARY PARTY Amira Casar is dressed up in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. She wore a Dior Haute Couture Evening dress in mesh embroidered with waves of fringe and shards. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

LUCIE ZHANG For the Premiere of Elvis by Baz Luhrmann Lucie Zhang was dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. She wore a black point d’esprit and nude tulle bustier dress sprinkled with black lily-of-the-valley sprigs. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

ANOUK GRINBERG Dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. Make up by Dior. She wore wearing a Dior off whit smoking in silk crepe and satin. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

ANOUK GRINBERG FOR THE 75th FESTIVAL ANNIVERSARY PARTY Anouk Grinberg is dressed up in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. She wore wearing a Dior off whit smoking in silk crepe and satin. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

SANDRINE KIBERLAIN 39 SANDRINE KIBERLAIN FOR THE 75th FESTIVAL ANNIVERSARY PARTY Sandrine Kiberlain is dressed up in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. She wore a Dior Haute Couture evening coat trapeze skirt in light ecru wool. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

VALERIA GOLINO president of the jury of "Un Certain Regard” Dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

MICHEL HAZANAVICIUS FOR THE 75th FESTIVAL ANNIVERSARY PARTY Dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

VIGGO MORTENSEN FOR THE 75th FESTIVAL ANNIVERSARY PARTY Viggo Mortensen is dressed up in Dior by Kim Jones.

COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

LADJ LY FOR THE 75th FESTIVAL ANNIVERSARY PARTY Ladj Ly is dressed up in Dior by Kim Jones. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

NADAV LAPID FOR THE 75th FESTIVAL ANNIVERSARY PARTY Nadav Lapid is dressed up in Dior by Kim Jones. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

JOACHIM TRIER FOR THE 75th FESTIVAL ANNIVERSARY PARTY Dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

FELIX MOATI FOR THE 75th FESTIVAL ANNIVERSARY PARTY Felix Moati is dressed up in Dior by Kim Jones. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

JACQUES AUDIARD FOR THE 75th FESTIVAL ANNIVERSARY PARTY Dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

RACHID BOUCHAREB FOR THE 75th FESTIVAL ANNIVERSARY PARTY Rachid Bouchareb is dressed up in Dior by Kim Jones. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

BERTRAND BONELLO FOR THE 75th FESTIVAL ANNIVERSARY PARTY Bertrand Bonello is dressed up in Dior by Kim Jones. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

OLIVER SIM & YANN GONZALEZ Dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. Make up by Dior. Oliver Sim wore a grey wool peak lapel jacket with drapé knot, an off-white silk shirt, brown oversize wool pants and black leather derbies with jewelry. Yann Gonzalez wore a black wool shawl collar tuxedo, a white cotton wing-tip collar shirt with plastron pique, a black silk bow-tie and a pair of black leather derbies. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

VIGGO MORTENSEN For the Premiere of “Crimes Of The Future” by David Cronenberg Viggo Mortensen was dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. Groomed by Dior. He wore a black wool peak lapel tuxedo, a classic white cotton shirt, a black silk tie, a black wool vest and a pair of black leather derbies. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

LIHI KORNOWSKI For the Premiere of “Crimes Of The Future” by David Cronenberg Lihi Kornowski was dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. She wore a Dior Haute Couture embroidery sprinkled tulle bustier dress. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

VINCENT CASSEL For the Premiere of “Crimes Of The Future” by David Cronenberg Vincent Cassel was dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. He wore a black wool notch lapel suit.

COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

MAGGIE GYLLENHAAL FOR THE 75th FESTIVAL ANNIVERSARY PARTY Maggie Gyllenhaal is dressed up in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. She wore a black ensemble, embroidered tulle shirt with tie and draped skirt, inspired by the design Drags from Spring-Summer 1948.

COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

RACHID BOUCHAREB For the Premiere of “Decision To Leave” by Park ChanWook Rachid Bouchareb was dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. He wore a black wool double-breasted peak lapel suit, a classic white cotton shirt, a black silk bow-tie and a pair of black leather derbies. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

ISABELLE CARRÉ For the premiere of LES AMANDIERS by Valeria Bruni Tedeschi Isabelle Carré is dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. She wore a Dior Haute Couture evening dress in cloud colored tulle embroidered with wheat seedlings in cannetille purl thread and faded gold threads. Make up by Dior. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

NADIA TERESZKIEWICZ For the premiere of LES AMANDIERS by Valeria Bruni Tedeschi Nadia Tereszkiewicz is dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. She wore a Dior Haute Couture long basket weave bustier dress in gradient gray silk chiffon. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

JULIETTE ARMANET For the premiere of LES AMANDIERS by Valeria Bruni Tedeschi Juliette Armanet is dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. She wore a Dior black crepe silk dress COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

IRIS LAW For the premiere of LES AMANDIERS by Valeria Bruni Tedeschi Iris Law is dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. Make up by Dior. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

NOHAM EDJE For the premiere of LES AMANDIERS by Valeria Bruni Tedeschi Noham Edje was dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. Groomed by Dior COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

ANTOINE REINARTZ Antoine Reinartz was dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. Groomed by Dior. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

ALBA ROHRWACHER Alba Rohrwacher dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

RILEY KEOUGH Riley Keough dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. She wore a Dior Haute Couture coat in band painted and embroidered satin leather over a draped ans pleated chiffon dress. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

JEAN-PASCAL ZADI Jean-Pascal Zadi dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. He wore a grey wool oblique tuxedo, a classic black cotton shirt and a pair of black patent leather derbies. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

CHARLBI DEAN Première of Triangle Of Sadness by Ruben Östlund Charlbi Dean is dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. Make up by Dior. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

FLORIAN ZELLER Première of Triangle Of Sadness by Ruben Östlund Florian Zeller is dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

HARRIS DICKINSON Première of Triangle Of Sadness by Ruben Östlund Harris Dickinson is dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

JALIL LESPERT Première of Triangle Of Sadness by Ruben Östlund Jalil Lespert is dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

LADJ LY Dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. He wore a navy wool shawl collar tuxedo, a white cotton wing-tip collar shirt and a navy silk bow-tie. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

JOACHIM TRIER For the Premiere of Armageddon Time by James Gray Joachim Trier Dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. He wore a navy wool peak lapel tuxedo, a classic white cotton shirt, a navy silk bow-tie and a pair of black patent leather derbies. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

ISABELLE FUHRMAN For the Premiere of Top Gun: Maverick by Joseph Kosinski Isabelle Fuhrman wore a Dior red crepe silk dress. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

KATERINA GRAHAM For the Premiere of Top Gun: Maverick by Joseph Kosinski Katerina Graham wore red tulle dress Dior Haute Couture. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

BENJAMIN BIOLAY For the Premiere of Top Gun: Maverick by Joseph Kosinski Benjamin Biolay wore a black wool shawl collar tuxedo, a classic white cotton shirt, a black silk bow-tie with “bee” embroidery and a pair of black leather chelsea boots. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

BAPTISTE GIABICONI For the Premiere of Top Gun: Maverick by Joseph Kosinski Baptiste Giabiconi wore a grey wool peak lapel oblique tuxedo, a grey silk shirt, a black CD brooch and a pair of black leather Carlo derbies. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

GUILLAUME GALLIENNE For the Opening Ceremony of the 75th Cannes Film Festival Guillaume Gallienne Dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. He wore a black wool peak lapel oblique tuxedo, a classic white cotton shirt, a black silk tie and a pair of black leather derbies. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

VINCENT LINDON For the Opening Ceremony of the 75th Cannes Film Festival Vincent Lindon is wearing a black wool peak lapel tuxedo. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

JOANNA KULIG For the Premiere of Top Gun: Maverick by Joseph Kosinski Joanna Kulig wore a Dior white cotton shirt and white silk suit. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

NOOMI RAPACE For the Opening Ceremony of the 75th Cannes Film Festival Noomi Rapace is wearing a Dior white crepe silk dress. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

BEBE VIO For the Opening Ceremony of the 75th Cannes Film Festival Bebe Vio is wearing a Dior embroidered tulle dress. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

LADJ LY For the Opening Ceremony of the 75th Cannes Film Festival Ladj Ly is wearing an off-white shawl collar tuxedo, a classic black wool cotton shirt, a black silk bow-tie and black wool pants with satin stripe. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

VALERIA GOLINO For the Opening Ceremony of the 75th Cannes Film Festival Valeria Golino is wearing a Dior blue silk dress.

COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

MICHEL HAZANAVICIUS For the Opening Ceremony of the 75th Cannes Film Festival Michel Hazanavicius is wearing a navy wool peak lapel oblique tuxedo, a classic white cotton shirt, a black silk bowtie. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

ALEX LUTZ Alex Lutz Dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. He wears a black wool shawl collar tuxedo, a classic black cotton shirt and black silk bow tie. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

BAPTISTE GIABICONI Baptiste Giabiconi Dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. He wears an off-white wool peak lapel tuxedo, a white cotton wing-tip collar shirt with plastron piqué, a white cotton bow-tie, and a pair of off-white leather chelsea boots. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

JESSE EISENBERG Jesse Eisenberg Dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. He wore a navy wool notch lapel suit, classic white cotton shirt and black patent leather derbies. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

KYLIAN MBAPPÉ Kylian Mbappé Dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. Make up by Dior. He wore a black wool peak lapel tuxedo, a classic white cotton shirt, a black silk bow tie and a pair of black leather derbies. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

PIERRE NINEY Pierre Niney dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. Make up by Dior. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

NOHAM EDJE Noham Edje dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. Make up by Dior. COPYRIGHT: Dior

© Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

YOANN ZIMMER Yoann Zimmer dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

FRANÇOIS OZON François Ozon dressed in Dior by Kim Jones.


© Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

JULIA ROBERTS For the Chopard Trophy Ceremony Julia Roberts was wearing a Dior Haute Couture black Bar jacket with a black Tulle skirt by Maria Grazia Chiuri. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

XAVIER DOLAN For the Chopard Trophy Ceremony Dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. He wore a might blue wool notch lapel suit, a classic white cotton shirt, a navy silk tie, a white silk pocket square and a pair of black parent leather derbies. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

RILEY KEOUGH FOR THE MORNING PHOTOCALLS Riley Keough wore a DIOR RIVIERA silk dress. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

RICKY MARTIN Ricky Martin Dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. He wore a black wool peak lapel oblique tuxedo, a classic black cotton shirt, a black silk bow tie and a pair of black leather derbies. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

KYLIAN MBAPPÉ Kylian Mbappé dressed in Dior by Kim Jones during the 75th Annual Cannes Film Festival Kylian Mbappé wore a Dior and Parley Ocean Plastic silk shirt, black cotton shorts and a silver brass necklace. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

MILES TELLER FOR THE MORNING PHOTOCALLS Miles Teller wore an off-white silk short-sleeves shirt, grey wool oversize pants and a pair of black leather Carlo derbies. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

HARRIS DICKINSON Harris Dickinson was dressed in Dior by Kim Jones COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

MICHEL HAZANAVICIUS FOR THE MORNING PHOTOCALLS Michel Hazanavicius wore a navy wool peak lapel suit, a light blue classic cotton shirt and black leather Dior oblique derbies. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

LAURA MORANTE For the Morning Photocalls Dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

ANNABELLE LENGRONNE For the Morning Photocalls Dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. Make up by Dior. She wore a Dior pants and jacket off white. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

PIERRE NINEY For the Morning Photocalls Dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. Make up by Dior. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

EMILIE DEQUENNE Emilie Dequenne was dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. She wore a Dior white cotton shirt, silk leopard print pants and sandals.

COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

VALERIA GOLINO FOR THE MORNING PHOTOCALLS Valeria Golino wore a Dior white cotton top with a blue navy skirt Dior. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

BENJAMIN BIOLAY FOR THE MORNING PHOTOCALLS Benjamin Biolay wore a brown CD Diamond overshirt, a pair of CD LINK R1U sunglasses and black B27 sneakers. COPYRIGHT: Dior

© Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

NOOMI RAPACE FOR THE PHOTOCALL OF THE JURY’S MEMBERS Noomi Rapace is wearing a Dior Haute Couture Bar suit with ivory organza jacket and shirt, pleated skirt embroidered with black scrolls. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

VIGGO MORTENSEN FOR THE MORNING PHOTOCALLS Viggo Mortensen was dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. Groomed by Dior He wore a navy wool notch lapel suit and navy cotton polo. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

ANTOINE REINARTZ Dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. Make up by Dior. He wore a brown wool blouson with "bee" jewelry, a black cotton t-shirt, a pair of brown jogpants and a pair of black leather B27 sneakers. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

JEREMY STRONG FOR THE MORNING PHOTOCALLS Jeremy Strong wore a brown wool double-breasted peak lapel suit, a brown cotton t-shirt and a pair of brown B29 sneakers. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

YOANN ZIMMER FOR THE MORNING PHOTOCALLS Dressed in Dior by Kim Jones. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

NADIA TERESZKIEWICZ FOR THE MORNING PHOTOCALLS Dressed in Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri. COPYRIGHT: Dior © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022


© Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022




COVER STORY Larry Thomas CONFESSIONS OF A SOUP NAZI JOURNALIST Saif Rahman Sozib PHOTOJOURNALIST Louis Capizzi Sepehr Nikpouri Bruce Davison

Natalie Portman Didier Deschamps

64TH GRAMMY AWARDS Leslie Odom Jr. Rachel Zegler DESIGNERS Vanelse By Else Hardjopawiro STARS IN DIOR Julia Roberts Maye Musk Rebecca Hall Laura Wandell Monia Chokri Isabelle Fuhrman Alba Rohrwacher Ladj Ly






Pierre Deladonchamps Félix Moati Kylian Mbappé Laura Morante Pierre Niney Emmanuelle Devos Laura Morante François Cluzet Benoît Magimel Andie Macdowell Annabelle Lengronne Kenzo Sambin Benjamin Biolay Kylian Mbappé Ricky Martin Émilie Dequenne Vincent Lindon Danny Ramirez Lucie Zhang Valeria Golino Anouk Grinberg Maggie Gyllenhaal Amira Casar Sandrine Kiberlain Michel Hazanavicius Viggo Mortensen Nadav Lapid Joachim Trier Jacques Audiard Rachid Bouchareb Bertrand Bonello Oliver Sim Yann Gonzalez Viggo Mortensen Lihi Kornowski Vincent Cassel Isabelle Carré

© Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022


Iris Law Noham Edje Antoine Reinartz Alba Rohrwacher Riley Keough Jean-pascal Zadi Charlbi Dean Florian Zeller Harris Dickinson Jalil Lespert Isabelle Fuhrman Katerina Graham Benjamin Biolay Joanna Kulig Baptiste Giabiconi Guillaume Gallienne Noomi Rapace Bebe Vio Valeria Golino Michel Hazanavicius Alex Lutz Baptiste Giabiconi Xavier Dolan Jesse Eisenberg Kylian Mbappé Noham Edje Yoann Zimmer François Ozon Riley Keough Miles Teller Michel Hazanavicius Laura Morante Annabelle Lengronne Emilie Dequenne Valeria Golino Jeremy Strong Nadia Tereszkiewicz Juliette Armanet

Vanelse by Else Hardjopawiro Dutch Designer by Saif Rahman Sozib

Name: Else Hardjopawiro Residence: Rotterdam, Netherlands Brand: VanElse The person behind the two brands “Vanelse” In 2012, I said goodbye to my successful career as CEO in spatial planning and culture change to pursue my dream of becoming a designer.

In 2014 I designed my first official collection which was presented at Africa Fashion week Lon- don in 2015. The Vanelse brand was seen as an upcoming new brand in 2015 and received attention in various international magazines in 2016 as well as in the Netherlands. Well-known TV stars, sports people and singers in the Netherlands have appeared on the cover of magazines with my clothes. My garments are statements. My clients are mainly successful businesswomen from everywhere, including the Netherlands, but also from abroad. In my work as a designer, I am inspired by architecture, colors, lines, shapes, and everything that lives.

My cultural background also plays a role; born of Indonesian parents, raised in Suriname / South America, and now living in the Netherlands results in a rich cultural past. I inherited my spatial and technical insight from my father and uncle, both architects when they were still alive, and my experiences as CEO in spatial planning. My collections are diverse and varied. Sometimes they are very tight, but sometimes also playful. However, they are always super feminine. I use geometric lines and shapes. Each design tells its own story. A story based on the inspiration at the time. © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

© Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

© Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

My Collections 2015 London Africa fashion week and Barcelona Spain 2016 London, Geneva, Phoenix, Liverpool, Amsterdam 2017 Phoenix, Tucson United States, London, Amsterdam, Istanbul 2018 London, Liverpool, Tucson United States, Phoenix, Moscow, Sochi 2019 Geneva, London, Cape town South Africa 2020 No shows 2021 No shows 2022 Phoenix Arizona 2022 Volkswagen fashion week Milan 2022 Top model Europe Brussels Features Vogue, ELLE, Knocknews magazine, New African Women, Juice magazines Mango airli- nes, various newspapers, online magazines, Viva Giving back to society.

I also coach young girls who have the ambition to become active in the fashion world. If possible, I take them to fashion events so that they can gain experience, feel the excitement behind the scenes and experience the satisfaction of the show being a success. My advice to young girls is always: be yourself, don't try to imitate someone else, and stay true to yourself in your own authentic way. Never let anyone take your dream away.

An example is my own experience when I started in the fashion world. Without fashion training, without fashion experience, and at an older age, yet with a passion for designing and creating beautiful things, I became successful, and I am living my dream. All those who advised against following my dream can enjoy my success now. Update The Vanelse ready to wear is available in the UK. Last year September I opened a boutique at the Central Station of Rotterdam in the Netherlands. @vanelse_official @vanelse @elsehardjopawiro (The website is only for resellers) email Whatsapp +31(0) 612745915 © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

© Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

© Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

Didier Deschamps Coach the House of Adrien Didier Deschamps, The coach of the French team, World Champion 2018 and qualified for the final phase which will take place in Qatar at the end of the year, responded favorable to the request of the Adrien association, to come and visit the house for sick children in the finishing yard.

Nothing is more beautiful than the smile of children Children, very proud to meet the man who was also a very talented player, he was world champion in 1998 and won the world champions league in 1993 with OM. A guard of honor to greet the champion and selector of the French team Adrien's house will soon be operational, the furniture remains to be finished.

Its 1160m2 will allow visitors to come from all over France, the decoration will be in the colors of Super- and Princesses Hero.

© Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

© Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

September 22, 2022 MILAN Italy © Red Silk Carpet™ Sept 2022

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