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4. 4 Biodiesel Benefits

4 Biodiesel Benefits

Biodiesel is a clean burning fuel produced from domestic, renewable resources. Biodiesel burns cleaner than petroleum diesel – and reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 57 to 86 percent, emissions of Carbon Monoxide by approximately 50% and Carbon Dioxide by 78%8 .


The use of biodiesel has significant positive impacts on the environment, human health, local economic growth, and the national economy. It provides consumers with meaningful fuel choice – and helps diminish the threats associated with petroleum dependence. Biodiesel is the most diverse fuel on the planet. It is made from regionally available, renewable resources that are abundant in the U.S., including soybean oil, other plant oils, recycled restaurant grease (“yellow grease”), and tallow and other fats. Biodiesel is a totally green product and is better for the environment because it is biodegradable and made from renewable resources. The EPA reports that biodiesel reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 57 to 86 percent, depending on the type of oil or fat used in production. That makes it one of the most practical, cost-effective ways to immediately benefit the environment. Biodiesel differs significantly from conventional fuels, rising above the myths about first generation products. Biodiesel is made from renewable oil by-products and waste from fat, so portions meant for the dinner table still make their way to the local grocery store. Additional cropland is not needed to grow materials for biodiesel; instead it uses readily available, diverse resources. There are surplus stocks of fats and oils sufficient to meet near and medium term biodiesel target volumes. Over its lifecycle biodiesel reduces greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 86 percent compared to petroleum, is easily produced from 18 sources and reduces engine maintenance by up to 50%. Biodiesel offers: ▪ Has the highest energy-in, energy-out ratio of any domestic transportation or heating fuel ▪ 50% carbon emission reduction ▪ Exceptionally clean ▪ Energy security ▪ Energy independence ▪ Safe to produce, store and transport ▪ Easy to store in large amounts ▪ Carcinogen Reduction ▪

100% Green & Renewable

▪ Easily produced from different sources ▪ Non-toxicity ▪ Respiratory disease risk reduction ▪ Cost savings ▪ Commodity flexibility ▪ Agricultural profitability ▪ Recycling Income ▪ Job creation ▪ Tax revenue

8 Biodiesel.org, Sep 28, 2015,America's Advanced Biofuel as much as 81 percent better than petroleum http://biodiesel.org/news/news-display/2015/09/28/nation'sstrictest-regulatory-board-affirms-biodiesel-as-lowest-carbon-fuel . http://biodiesel.org/home

4.1.1 Environmental benefits

▪ 100% Green & Renewable ▪ Reduces lifecycle greenhouse gases by 86% ▪ Lowers particulate matter by 47%, reduces smog and makes air healthier to breathe ▪ Reduces hydrocarbon emissions by 67 percent ▪ For every unit of fossil energy that it takes to produce biodiesel, 5.5 units of renewable energy are returned, the best of any U.S. fuel ▪ Biodiesel is the only commercially available fuel to meet the EPA’s definition of an advanced biofuel.

These requirements protect forests and native grasslands and ensure renewable fuels have multiple environmental benefits over fossil fuels.

Made from abundant, diverse resources, biodiesel is America’s only commercially advanced biofuel. 4.2 Eco Oils Intellectual Property - Research & Development Project for Biodiesel

The focus of Eco Oils’ R & D is aimed at developing innovations for both the supply and demand sides of biodiesel to help improve and further accelerate the growth of clean sustainable energy solutions. Eco Oils’ R&D division consists of a stellar team of scientists, engineers, researchers and energy experts with a combined experience of 100+ years.

R&D is the continual improvement of all processes related to biodiesel production. This includes, but is not limited to, developing new catalysts for esterification and transesterification, working with low quality and alternative feedstocks, improving and simplifying quality control testing, developing methods and systems for sidestream management, reducing waste and improving the efficiency of the production process.

Eco Oils requires testing and R&D on-site and the Company plans to install the equipment to not only test and further develop its own processes, but also to work with others interested in testing their products and ideas. Successful ideas will be implemented in the plant in order to go from idea to implementation faster than anybody else.

5 Market Research

The race for renewable energy has passed a turning point. The world is now adding more capacity for renewable power each year than coal, natural gas, and oil combined. And there's no going back.

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