ISSUE 1 - MAY 2022
HEALTH & SAFETY BULLETIN Health and Safety Manager Monthly Update A massive hello from me. I thought it would be a brilliant opportunity to launch this bulletin to a) introduce myself and b) establish comms across the many sites that we operate. My name is Rob Ellis and I am the new Health and Safety Manager who has recently joined the business. I only joined at the end of April 2022 so at the time of writing this, I am still in my second week so very much a newbie to the role. It is brilliant to be onboard and I am looking forward to working with you all and working to make a real contribution to improving H/S across the business portfolio. Firstly a little bit about me. I have worked in Health and Safety since 1996 when I undertook my first safety qualification the IOSH course. Since then, I have worked up doing different safety courses etc and I have operated across a wider range of roles in different organisations working in education for many years to working in manufacturing sites and then construction sites for large new builds and other project related works. More recently I have managed safety both in the UK and across Europe usually operating as the Principal Contractor on sites. I have worked with clients such as Microsoft, Facebook, Coca Cola and M&S to name but a few.
What are my main focuses? well there are lots really but one of my objectives is to work with everyone across the business so communication is key to me, hence why I wanted to introduce this bulletin to reach out to you all. I intend to run with these monthly and use the content to update you all on various H/S themes taking place, both good/bad or indifferent across the business. So if anyone has anything that they want to share with me to raise as a ‘shout out’ please send it on. Once I get a bit more settled, I want to be out on sites meeting you all, helping to coach and drive change and improvements where it is needed. All I would say is, if you hear that I am coming onto your site, don’t worry. I am not that type of person to crack the whip, I believe it is more advantageous to work with people to achieve the desired results so please keep an open mind.