What Kinds of Techniques Applied by the Chiropractors for Treating Herniated Discs

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WhatKindsof Techniques Appliedbythe


Treating HerniatedDisc

People are suffering from several spine problems and the most common among them are herniated discs.

hen the disc, cushioning the spine vertebrae is

damaged, it will cause spine problems.

As a result, the damaged spine puts pressure on the nearby nerves and spinal cord which can cause pain.


occur anywhere along the spine, but mostly affect the lower back or neck areas.

disc problems

The below points define the treatments provided by chiropractors for treating a herniated disc.

Manipulation under anesthesia

Among the several treatments for herniated discs, spinal manipulation under anesthesia is the most appropriate one.

In this treatment, the anesthesia during the therapy only last about 6 minutes and you will feel sedation for a short span.

Once the patient is sedated, the professional chiropractors are stretching and manipulate the affected spine.

For effective results, the treatment can be provided by the chiropractor during 1 to 3 sessions for 2 to 3 weeks.

Pelvic blocking techniques

The pelvic blocking technique for treating herniated disc problems is different from other treatments.
In this technique, cushioned edges are put by the chiropractors under both sides of the pelvis of the patients.

In this way, they will alleviate the pain from the affected nerve of the herniated disc.

These techniques also treat other problems in the body such as headaches and other pains.

Flexion-distraction technique

Besides all, flexion-distraction techniques are also used for treating a herniated disc.
Thus, the spinal adjustments are performed for reducing the pressure on the discs by using a specialized table.
During the treatment, th patients need to sleep o the table and the chiropractors are stretching their spine eas
Moreover, it is a gentle and pain-free procedure and beneficial for patients having severe spine pain.

For treating all types of herniated disc problems, chiropractors are preparing different treatment plans.

All the kinds of techniques applied by chiropractors are improving your spine pain easily and smoothly.

So, always consult with a reputed chiropractor to get effective results for herniated disc problems.

https://bestthousandoakschiropractor.com/ 268 E Lombard St Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 Contact Us (805) 222-7620 drdelfo@gmail.com

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