L’Shanah Tovah From all of us at CBI A Joyful 5780 to All
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VOL. 68, NO. 5
HEADER HERE - 5780/2019 High Holidays at CBI
Selichot Saturday, September 21 7:00 PM
Entrance Experience to the High Holidays
Main Sanctuary
Rosh Hashanah Sunday, September 29 - Erev Rosh Hashanah 5:00 PM Mini Mensch Tot Service 7:30 PM Traditional Service
Main Sanctuary Goodman Hall Blumauer Auditorium Waterfront location TBD
Sunday, October 6 - Kever Avot 1:00 PM
Kever Avot Service
Landau Chapel, Beth Israel Cemetery (426 SW Taylors Ferry Road)
Yom Kippur Sunday, October 6 - Yom Kippur Mini Mensch Tot Service 5:00 PM
Mini Mensch Tot Service
Pollin Chapel
Tuesday, October 8 - Kol Nidre 5:00 PM Traditional Service (early) 7:30 PM Traditional Service (late)
Main Sanctuary Main Sanctuary
Wednesday, October 9 - Yom Kippur 10:00 AM Traditional Service 10:00 AM Family Service 1:00 PM Conversation with Clergy 1:00 PM Music and Meditation 1:00 PM Teen and Youth Study Experience 2:00 PM Mini Mensch Yom Kippur Experience 2:00 PM Yom Kippur Study Session 3:00 PM Afternoon/Yizkor/Ne’ilah Service
Main Sanctuary Goodman Hall Pollin Chapel Main Sanctuary Amy R. Goldsmith/Spear Research Library Main Sanctuary, on the Bimah Pollin Chapel Main Sanctuary
Sukkot Sunday, October 6 - Sukkah Raising 9:00 AM
Sukkah Raising with CBI Brotherhood
Sunday, October 13 - Erev Sukkot 4:00 PM Open House for New CBI Members 5:00 PM Open House for All CBI Members Monday, October 14 - Sukkot 10:30 AM
Study in the Sukkah
Temple Lawn Home of Rabbi and Cantor Cahana Home of Rabbi and Cantor Cahana RSVP to Main Office at (503) 222-1069 for address
Temple Lawn
Simchat Torah Sunday, October 20 - Erev Simchat Torah 11:30 AM Consecration Service 5:00 PM Simchah Ba’Torah: A Celebration of Torah Connects
Main Sanctuary Goodman Hall
Monday, October 21 - Simchat Torah 10:30 AM
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Yizkor Service
Pollin Chapel
daeh dpyl L’Shanah Tovah
Monday, September 30 - Rosh Hashanah 10:00 AM Traditional Service 11:00 AM Family Service Families join in Main Sanctuary for the Shofar Service Following Service Rosh Hashanah Reception 6:30 PM Tashlich
Pollin Chapel Main Sanctuary
New Member Sukkot Open House
Entrance Experience to the High Holidays
Yom Kippur Mini Mensch Tot Service
Saturday, September 21, 7:00 PM Main Sanctuary
Sunday, October 6, 5:00 PM Pollin Chapel
Sunday, October 13, 4:00 PM Cahana Home-RSVP for address
This atmospheric service marks the entry to the Gates of Awe as we change the Torah covers to white. A sweets reception will follow.
A lively educational service for little ones before the big day itself–and before bedtimes! Note that this is the Sunday before Yom Kippur itself.
Members who have joined CBI since last Rosh Hashanah are invited to join the CBI Clergy for an Open House and opportunity to connect. RSVP to the CBI Office for address by calling (503) 222-1069.
Erev Rosh Hashanah Sunday, September 29 CBI Campus Erev Rosh Hashanah starts with a 5:00 PM Mini Mensch Tot Service in Goodman Hall for the youngest members of our community (and their grownups). Expect songs, stories, celebration and a seasonal craft, all led by our CBI Clergy and the musical talent of Kim Schneiderman. The 7:30 PM Traditional Service, with a sermon from Associate Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph, will take place in our Main Sanctuary.
Rosh Hashanah Monday, September 30 CBI Campus CBI’s Traditional Rosh Hashanah Service, with sermon from Senior Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana, begins in the Main Sanctuary at 10:00 AM; families with children aged thirteen or younger generally attend our Family Service, which begins at 11:00 AM in Goodman Hall. In a beautiful CBI tradition, the two groups join together for the Shofar Service in the Main Sanctuary. A reception follows in Blumauer Auditorum. At 6:30 PM we gather together for Tashlich at a waterfront location to be determined– stay tuned for updates! A special thank you to Harold and Jane Pollin and the Sheraton Hotel for sponsoring our Rosh Hashanah reception. Thank you as well to our WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood for baking and providing sweets throughout the High Holidays.
Kever Avot Service Sunday, October 6, 1:00 PM Landau Chapel 426 SW Taylor’s Ferry Road Gather for a contemplative service at which we read the names of those lost in the past year who are buried in our cemetery. This service will take place at Landau Chapel at the Beth Israel Cemetery, which is located at 426 SW Taylors Ferry Road.
Kol Nidre Tuesday, October 8 Main Sanctuary CBI Offers two inspiring Kol Nidre Services, both held in the Main Sanctuary. Our Early Traditional Service starts at 5:00 PM and our Late Traditional Service starts at 7:30 PM. Senior Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana will deliver the sermon at each service.
Yom Kippur Wednesday, October 9 CBI Campus On the day of Yom Kippur, our Traditional Service, with sermon from Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph. begins at 10:00 AM in our historic Main Sanctuary; our Family Service, designed for families with children younger than thirteen years of age, begins at the same time across the street in Goodman Hall. Conversation With Clergy begins in Pollin Chapel at 1:00 PM, where you may join the CBI community for a discussion with our clergy as we reflect together on the themes of the High Holidays sermons. Those who wish for private contemplation may linger in the Main Sanctuary where Music and Meditation, also at 1:00 PM, provides space to pause and reflect with inspiring instrumental music. In the Amy R. Goldsmith/ Spear Research Library, teens (grades 6-12) may come together at 1:00 PM for a peerled Teen and Youth Study Experience—no parents allowed! At 2:00 PM, tots take the Bimah for Tots in the Temple: a Mini Mensch Yom Kippur Experience in the Main Sanctuary, at which little ones aged four and under, along with parents and siblings, will meet on the Bimah for stories and song. Also at 2:00 PM, our Yom Kippur Study Session will be held in Pollin Chapel. Our afternoon continues at 3:00 PM in the Main Sanctuary with a Torah Encounter, during which attendees may take a private moment before the Ark, accompanied by music from Michael Allen Harrison, then transitions into our Afternoon/Yizkor/ Ne’ilah Service.
Sukkot Open House Sunday, October 13, 5:00 PM Cahana Home-RSVP for address CBI Members are invited to gather at the home of Rabbi and Cantor Cahana to connect with clergy and community. RSVP to the CBI Office for address by calling (503) 222-1069.
Study in the Sukkah Monday, October 14, 10:30 AM Sukkah/Temple Lawn Join the Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph for an engaging and educational discussion of Sukkot.
Simchat Torah Sunday, October 20 CBI Campus Please join our first graders and their families at Consecration at 11:30 AM in the Main Sanctuary as they officially begin their Jewish educations. At 5:00 PM, join us for Simchah Ba’Torah: A Celebration of Torah Connects, honoring our year-long initiative to restore CBI’s Sifrei Torah.
Simchat Torah Yizkor Service Monday, October 21, 10:30 AM Pollin Chapel A service of remembrance for those who have passed away in the last year.
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Enter with Humility: A Clergy High Holiday Message Hineih mah tov, umah-naim Shevet achim gam yachad How good and how pleasant it is That brothers (and sisters) are gathered together (Ps. 133:1) These words from the Psalms greet us when we come together as community in our sacred spaces. And although we gather on Shabbats, on Jewish holidays, on joyful and sorrowful moments in our lives – there is something particularly wonderful when we gather for the High Holidays, literally the “Days of Awe.” The sanctuary is full, the lights are shining, the words and music are uplifting. Although our Hebrew calendar just begins on the day of Rosh Hashanah, this opening season is the highlight of the year. It is fitting to call these holy days Yamim Nora’im, “Days of Awe” because the beauty and dignity of this space and this time should call us to stand in awe, to humble ourselves in the face of eternity, to be quiet in the presence of The Holy. But humility is not our normal way of moving through the world. We are a naturally arrogant species. We strive and struggle and proclaim our self-worth all year long. We have to practice being humble. The
Simchah Ba’Torah : A Celebration of Torah Connects
Sunday, October 20, 5:00 PM Goodman Hall
Celebrate our year-long effort to restore our community’s Sifrei Torah, with friends, cocktails, and heavy hors d’oeuvres. Then, together, we will return the scrolls to the Main Sanctuary and unroll them for Simchat Torah.
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High Holidays give us that opportunity to experience humility. How we enter, matters. Do we look down and see nothing but our own feet? Do we look up at the enormity of our sacred space, the dome of our sanctuary capping us 100 feet in the air? Do we look straight into the eyes of our fellow worshipers, seeing the divine spark within another? Do we enter with our typical human arrogance, declaring ourselves present, so that now everything can start? Or do we enter with acceptance and quiet rectitude, opening ourselves up to the possibility of inspiration? What do we see, hear, and feel as we gather? Much depends on what we choose to see, hear, and feel. Much depends on what we enter with. What we find in our worship, depends in part on what we bring into our worship space. Hineih mah tov is a simple observation. It is good to be together, it is good to be with community during times of sorrow and of joy. But another psalm just a few before it, Psalm 131, offers a way of thinking as we enter our space and gather with our loving community:
O Lord, my heart is not proud Nor my look haughty; I do not aspire to great things Or to what is beyond me; But I have taught myself to be contented Like a weaned child with its mother Like a weaned child am I in my mind. May we enter this sacred time, these “Days of Awe” with humility. May we find in these days meaning and hopefulness. May we be inspired to holy thoughts and holy deeds. May the coming new year of 5780 bring health, peace and meaning to you and your family. Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana Cantor Ida Rae Cahana Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph Rabbi Emanuel Rose, emeritus Cantor Judith B. Schiff, emerita
Brit Olam This summer, our congregation signed on as a Brit Olam congregation with the Union for Reform Judaism. The Brit Olam is our enduring covenant with our world because we see the world we want, not the world as it is.
The Social Action Committee educates and activates the congregation and community about social justice issues. We strive to choose projects that reflect the Reform Jewish perspective and that represent our congregation in Portland, Salem, and Washington DC.
Today, the Reform Jewish Movement fulfills our covenant by confronting injustice at its root. We act through our communities and congregations, with partners from across lines of difference, to bring about a world in which all people experience wholeness, justice, and compassion.
As part of the Brit Olam, we are joining three issues-based cohorts – a network of communities working to make change on an issue of shared significance.
This commitment makes Congregation Beth Israel part of a network of more than 200 congregations from all over the country working in concert in meeting an “urgency of now” through moral leadership and congregational and community-based action.
-Immigration Justice -Gun Violence Prevention -Reproductive Justice We will be rolling out each initiative over the next several months. If you are interested in getting involved, please email BritOlam@bethisrael-pdx.org Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana Cantor Ida Rae Cahana Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph
Welcome Back! by Ben Sandler, RJE Education Director During Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur we reflect on the past, increase our awareness of our present, and set new goals for the future. For our students and families, the timing of the holidays weaves into the transition of a new school year, reminding us to be more aware of important transitions for ourselves and for our friends, neighbors, and classmates. As the school year begins, let’s strive to understand—and support—the excitement and apprehension inherent to the transition process. Will I make new friends? What will my teacher be like? Will I understand the lessons? How will I find my
new classroom? What should I wear the first day of school? As our students dive into new and more complex material, they are called to understand themselves and the world in new ways. Each generation faces both timeless and unique challenges and opportunities, joys, and disappointments. As the new school year begins, let our students be guided and inspired by Jewish thought and practice. Let them know that each of them can make a positive contribution confronting tough issues like climate change, xenophobia, economic justice, and school safety. May they experience the joys of friendship and celebrations, engage in learning opportunities inside and outside the classrooms, with peer
groups and with their families, in familiar settings and in new places, and through multimodal and experiential learning. May our students always know how much joy and light they bring to their families and community, and how much we are here to support them on their own journey of self-discovery. I’m exceedingly grateful to our CBI Clergy, teachers, madrichim, and staff for all their good work towards creating our learning community. Thank you to all our parents, guardians, and caring adults for partnering with us on our students’ Jewish journeys. I look forward to celebrating with you and learning together all year long! Shanah Tovah, Ben
Teen Travel Trips
Youth Groups
Civil Rights Trip to Mississippi for Eleventh and Twelfth Graders
Dor Chadash
Thursday, November 7 - Monday, November 11, 2019
Sunday, September 15 during Religious School
On alternate years, our teens head to the south with our congregant Ron Silver to learn about the Civil Rights Movement and the role Jews played in it. This year, Cantor Cahana will be joining them as they head to Mississippi where they’ll learn about the Freedom Riders, attend services at a local synagogue and a local Baptist Church, and attend many renowned museums and sites.
Los Angeles Trip for Eighth and Ninth Graders Friday, November 15 - Sunday, November 17, 2019 Teens will head down to sunny Los Angeles for a weekend of touring, bonding, and experiencing Jewish LA! Students will enjoy a food tour, have services at a local synagogue, and much more around the vibrant city of LA.
L’taken Trip to DC for Tenth Grade Thursday, February 27 - Sunday, March 1, 2020 Join Rabbi Joseph in Washington, DC to lobby our congressional leaders on topics that are meaningful to you! L’taken is a weekend long trip organized by the Religious Action Center that has been running for over twenty years. Students will attend programs on a range of topics, including Israel, the environment, reproductive rights, LGBTQ civil rights, church/state separation, international relations, and more. This is an integral part of the Confirmation class experience for all tenth graders. Contact Chelsea at chelsea@bethisrael-pdx.org with any questions about teen travel opportunities.
Opening Program Dor Chadash is going big this year by kicking things off with a program during Religious School for everyone to attend for free! Students will love this pop up surprise program and get excited for all the fun Dor Chadash programs throughout the rest of the year!
Yom Kippur Teen and Youth Study Experience Wednesday, October 9, 1:00 PM Middle School students will have a learning program just for them in the Amy R. Goldsmith/Spear Research Library during the Yom Kippur breakout sessions. This program will have unique learning opportunities and offer a great space to learn and ask big questions about the High Holidays.
PARTY PARTY Yom Kippur Experience Wednesday, October 9, 1:00 PM This peer-led High School High Holiday experience in the Amy R. Goldsmith/Spear Research Library is the perfect time for teens to experience the holiday together and learn from their peers. They’ll discuss, do a hands on project and have plenty of time to socialize and catch up.
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UPCOMING EVENTS BROTHERHOOD First Tuesday Walk Tuesday, August 6 and September 3 6:00 PM RSVP for Location Join Brotherhood for a walk followed by a convivial meal. Contact Brotherhood President Eric Flamm for details at flammeric@outlook.com
Brotherhood Cookout Friday, August 23, 6:00 PM Temple Lawn Shabbat on the Plaza–now with brats and burgers, thanks to your CBI Brotherhood. Come for the inspiring service, stay for a classic summer dinner with your friends.
Brotherhood Raft Trip Sunday, September 1 Join Brotherhood on the Deschutes River for our annual rafting tradition. Bob Winthrop is organizing; please reach out to him at bobwinthrop@yahoo.com to participate. RSVP for Details.
Brotherhood Sukkah Raising Sunday, October 6, 9:00 AM Temple Lawn Brotherhood is raising our CBI Sukkah– and you can help! Contact Eric Flamm at flammeric@outlook.com to help our community celebrate in style.
Sisterhood Monthly Social Hour Tuesday, September 10, 5:00 PM Tanner Creek Tavern, 875 NW Everett Enjoy a sociable evening out with the WRJ/ Beth Israel Sisterhood!
Kol Echad -With One Voice (Adult Choir open to all over age 13) Join Cantor Ida Rae Cahana and your CBI family for holiday celebrations and concerts throughout the school year. Email Tracy at tracy@bethisrael-pdx.org for details.
SOCIAL ACTION Social Action Committee Meetings Wednesday, Aug 7, Sept 4, Oct 2, Nov 6 5:30 PM Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room All are welcome at the meetings of CBI’s Social Action Committee to plan for ongoing activities. See page 9 for details.
Immigration/Refugee Subcommittee Wednesday, Aug 7, Sept 4, Oct 2, Nov 6 4:30 PM Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room Please join us for our ongoing work on behalf of immigrants and refugees.
Interfaith Alliance on Poverty SISTERHOOD Laila Lavan Saturday, August 17, 6:00 PM Temple Lawn Join us for dinner under the stars on the CBI lawn. Dress in white, enjoy dinner and wine, no-host bar, Havdalah, dancing and live music. $54 per person; purchase tickets online at brownpapertickets.com (Search for Laila Lavan at Congregation Beth Israel) or call the CBI Main Office at (503) 222-1069.
Sisterhood Membership Brunch Sunday, September 15, 10:00 AM Goodman Hall Join Sisterhood as Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum speaks on “The Challenges of Protecting Oregon’s Kids, Students, Immigrants, and Seniors in Today’s World.” $25; RSVP to the CBI Main Office at (503) 222-1069. Questions? Email Ellen Bick at ellenRbick@gmail.com.
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Thursday, September 5, October 3, and first Thursdays through June, 12:00 PM Locations TBD The Alliance brings cutting edge speakers, education and ideas to address poverty in our community; meetings are open to all. To get involved in any of CBI’s Social Action programming, email SAC@bethisrael-pdx.org.
MINI MENSCHES Tot Shabbat August 3, Sept 7 and 21; October 5 9:00 AM Pollin Chapel Dance and sing, listen to a story from the clergy and enjoy a lovely morning together. After the service, we will share an Oneg and work on a craft project. This is a wonderful time to meet new families with young childen and connect with friends.
Traveling Tot Shabbat Saturday, August 17, 10:00 AM Westmoreland Park Nature Playground 7530 SE 22nd Avenue Celebrate a sunny Shabbat with us at the Westmoreland Park—meet us by the play structure.
Mini Mensch Meetup Sunday, August 25, 11:00 AM Jamison Square Fountain 810 NW 11th Ave Join us for a story and some ice cream with our CBI clergy! Let’s meet at Jamison Square Fountain with Rabbi Cahana to play in the water and cool off! Make sure to dress in something that can get wet!
Brunch and LearnHigh Holidays Edition Saturday, September 7, 10:00 AM Goodman Hall Directly following Tot Shabbat, we invite parents to join our clergy for some bagels, schmear, and good conversation! Bring your questions and thoughts on the High Holidays, parenting, and Judaism and get some adult time. While parents are together, all kids are invited in the room next door to hang out and do some gymnastics! We’ll keep them busy, fed, and happy while you have your time together. This event is free and open to all. Email Chelsea@bethisrael-pdx.org for more information.
How to Havdalah Saturday, October 26, 4:00 PM Goodman Hall Learn all about the sweetest weekly tradition (hint: it’s Havdalah!) with our clergy and your other Mini Mensch friends! Dinner will be provided for everyone as we learn, celebrate and welcome the new week together. Free and open to all. Please reach out to Chelsea@bethisrael-pdx.org with any questions.
EDUCATION Eighth Grade Pool Party! Saturday September 7, 6:00 PM Cahana Home-RSVP for address Pool party for eighth grade students at the Cahana’s house. We’ll celebrate Havdalah and enjoy dinner together.
UPCOMING EVENTS Religious School-Opening Day Sunday, September 8, 9:15 AM CBI Campus School is back in session! Meet your new teachers, catch up with friends after a summer away, and start learning! Pre-k through fifth graders begin their day with Mishpacha Minyan in the Main Sanctuary, sixth and seventh graders start in their classrooms.
Date Night Saturday, Sept 7 & Nov 2, 5:00 PM Blumauer Auditorium Go check out that restaurant you’ve been dying to try and leave the kids with us! Each month kids in grades K-5 will join us for Jewish learning, to play games, eat dinner (and dessert!) together while you get a night off. We end the fun with a family Havdalah. This event costs $15 per child and online registration will open one month in advance on the CBI calendar page; email Chelsea@bethisrael-pdx.org for more information.
First Grade Wimple ProgramParents Only Sunday, September 22, 10:00 AM Goodman Hall An introduction to CBI’s beautiful Wimpel tradition–and the start of our first graders’ official Jewish education!
First Grade Wimple ProgramParents and Kids Wednesday, September 25, 6:00 PM Goodman Hall Kids and parents come together to complete their Wimpels in anticipation of the first graders’ upcoming Consecration.
Second Grade Havdalah Family Program Saturday, October 12, 4:00 PM Goodman Hall CBI’s second graders and their families gather for a potluck and Havdalah.
Pre-K Family Program Sunday, October 13, 10:00 AM Goodman Hall Pre-K students and their families gather in Goodman Hall for an educational program.
Consecration Sunday, October 20, 11:30AM Main Sanctuary Our first graders officially begin their Jewish educations with this moving ceremony.
50 +
RSVP and let us know if you’ll attend any of our 50+ events below at rsvp@bethisrael-pdx.org.
Lower Macleay Park Hike Thursday, August 8, 10:30 AM Macleay Park We’ll meet at the park entrance (NW Upshur St, three blocks west of NW 28th Street) for a two mile relaxed, beautiful hike along Balch Creek.
OTHER EVENTS Reflections of a Jewish Couch Potato Wednesday, August 7 and September 11, 12:00 PM Goodman Hall Join us as we watch an episode of a popular TV program through a Jewish lens. Bring your lunch and nosh on homemade cookies, coffee or tea, and enjoy a lively discussion. Led once a month by Wendy Bocarsky, professional Jewish Couch Potato.
Songs of a Summer’s Evening
Jazz Night Sunday, August 25, 8:00 PM Clyde’s Prime Rib 5474 NE Sandy Blvd Enjoy the music of “Godfather of Portland Jazz Jams” Ron Steen and his orchestra.
Pack and Pints Thursday, September 5, 5:00 pm Lift Urban Portland Warehouse 2860 NW 29th Ave Pack food boxes to be delivered to the clients of Lift Urban Portland then enjoy complimentary beer and snacks at nearby brewery. Space limited to 10 participants. RSVP required, email RSVP@bethisrael-pdx.org.
Lan Su Chinese Garden Tour Thursday, September 19, 1:00 PM Lan Su Chinese Garden 239 NW Everett Entrance fee for non-members. Meet inside entrance to garden.
Portland Japanese Garden Tour Tuesday, October 15, 12:00 PM Portland Japanese Harden 611 SW Kingston Ave Plan to meet near Umami Café; entrance fee for non-members.
“Bernstein at 100” Docent Tour Wednesday, October 30, 1:00 PM Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education 724 NW Davis St Join us for a docent-led tour of OJMCHE’s Bernstein exhibit. There will be options for coffee and snacks after. Entrance fee for non-members.
Monday, August 19, 7:00 PM Main Sanctuary Rarely heard art songs by Jewish composers presented by an extraordinary rising talent, soprano Maeve Stier of Portland State University. Composers include Maurice Ravel, Leonard Bernstein, Dmitri Shostokovich, and David Schiff. Free and open to the public.
CBI Book Club Sunday, September 1 and October 6 9:00 AM Amy R. Goldsmith/Spear Research Library Calling all CBI bibliophiles to gather for coffee and discussion! September’s read is Sons and Soldiers by Bruce Henderson; October’s is Memento Park by Mark Sarvas.
Red Cross Blood Drive Sunday, October 13, 10:00 AM Goodman Hall Every two seconds, someone in this country is in need of donated blood. Sign ups will be available at Religious School and online; please contact Tracy@bethisrael-pdx.org with any questions.
Simchah Ba’Torah Sunday, October 20, 5:00 PM Goodman Hall Celebrate our year-long effort to restore our community’s Sifrei Torah, with friends, cocktails, and heavy hors d’oeuvres. Then, together, we will return the scrolls to the Main Sanctuary and unroll them for the holiday.
2019 Oseran Family Lecture Sunday, October 27, 4:00 PM Main Sanctuary Bret Stephens, Op-Ed writer for the New York Times, delivers this year’s Oseran Family Lecture. Mr. Stephens’ full bio may be found on the back cover.
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Shabbat Evening Services
Sunday Hebrew Program (Pre-K - 7th Grade)
Adult Education Committee Meeting
Friday Evenings 6:00 PM, Pollin Chapel*
JND Shabbat August 2, September 6, October 4 7:30 PM, Pollin Chapel
Sundays, 9:15 AM- 12:15 PM Sherman Education Building
Aug 22, Sep 12, Oct 10, 8:30 AM Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
Sunday Hebrew Program (8th-12th Grades)
Board of Trustees Meeting
Traveling Tot Shabbat
Sundays, 12:15 PM- 2:15 PM Sherman Education Building
Saturday, August 17, 10:00 AM Westmoreland Park Nature Playground 7530 SE 22nd Avenue
Integrated Hebrew Program (IHP)
Tot Shabbat August 3, Sept 7 & 21, October 5 9:00 AM, Pollin Chapel
Shabbat on the Plaza August 9 & 23, September 6 6:00 PM, Temple Lawn
Torah Study Saturday Mornings 9:00 AM, Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
Shabbat Morning Services Saturday Mornings 10:30 AM, Pollin Chapel* *When our community celebrates B’nei Mitzvah, and on other occasions throughout the year, these services may take place in our Main Sanctuary. Our weekly e-news or website (www.bethisrael-pdx.org) is your best source for up to the minute location details.
First Day of Religious School and Sunday Hebrew Program: Sunday, September 8 First Day of IHP: Thursday, October 3 No Religious School: Sunday, October 6
Thursdays, 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Sherman Education Building
Aug 29, Sep 26, Oct 24, 6:30 PM Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
Docents Meeting Wednesday, August 14, 10:30 AM Main Sanctuary
Executive Committee Meeting Aug 14, Sep 11, Oct 16, 12:00 PM Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
Celebrated at Shabbat Morning Services (10:30 AM, Main Sanctuary) or Havdalah Services (5:00 PM, Main Sanctuary)
Immigration/Refugee Subcommittee Meeting
Bat Mitzvah of Rachel McFeeters-Krone Saturday, August 10, 10:30 AM
Sisterhood Board Meeting
Bat Mitzvah of Grace Hofmann Saturday, August 17, 10:30 AM
Aug 7, Sep 4, Oct 2, Nov 6, 4:30 PM Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
Aug 1, Sep 5, Oct 3, 6:00 PM Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
Social Action Committee Meeting
Bar Mitzvah of Nelson Feidelson Saturday, August 24, 10:30 AM
Aug 7, Sep 4, Oct 2, Nov 6, 5:30 PM Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
Bat Mitzvah of Jemma Katcher Saturday, August 31, 10:30 AM
Bat Mitzvah of Georgia Van Ness Saturday, September 14, 10:00 AM B’nai B’rith (BB) Camp
Mah Jongg
Bar Mitzvah of Jack Goldstein Saturday, September 21, 10:30 AM
Havdalah Bar Mitzvah of Joshua Braden Saturday, September 21, 5:00 PM
Every Friday, 10:00 AM Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
Third Wednesday of the month Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
Book Club
Bar Mitzvah of Anderson Skarstad Saturday, October 12, 10:30 AM
First Sunday of the month Amy R. Goldsmith/Spear Research Library
Bar Mitzvah of Joseph Seres Saturday, October 19, 10:30 AM, Pollin Chapel
Havdalah Bat Mitzvah of Eloise Kalmanson Saturday, October 19, 5:00 PM Bar Mitzvah of Drew Sykes Saturday, October 26, 10:30 AM
Monday, September 2, Labor Day Monday, September 30, Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, October 9, Yom Kippur Monday, October 14, Sukkot Monday, October 21, Simchat Torah
For our full calendar of events, visit www.bethisrael-pdx.org 8 |
Social Action at CBI Summer has been a busy season for Social Action activity at CBI: In July, we committed to participation in Brit Olam, URJ’s program of supported social justice work. We are eager to join over two hundred Reform congregations already engaged in this program. We are excited about the potential to strengthen our Kehilah Kedoshah, our sacred community. See p. 4 for further details and watch for opportunities to participate.
From the Food Fund: • Lift Urban Portland - $4000
Volunteers led by our Subcommittee on Immigration and Refugees are tutoring and acting as cultural navigators for a refugee family from Eritrea. Please see the subcommittee’s chairperson report from Randie Peterson below.
At our June Social Action meeting the committee made recommendations for fiscal year end allocations. These were subsequently approved by the Board. These allocations totaled $8700 from the general fund and $13,000 from the Food Fund.
The Social Action Committee is responsible for making recommendations to the CBI Board for allocations from the Social Action General Tribute Fund and the Social Action Food Fund. Going forward, the newly formed Allocations Subcommittee, chaired by Leslie Peltz, will create a structure to guide distribution of the funds. The subcommittee had its first meeting in July.
Receiving fiscal year end allocations from the General Fund: • Basic Rights Oregon Education Fund - $1200
Allocations made earlier this fiscal year (2018/2019) from the General Fund:
• NW Towers School Supplies - $204 • NW Towers Kids Winter Clothing - $260 • Christmas Dinner Dental Hygiene Gifts - $292 • NW Tower Kids Holiday Gifts - $376 • Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) - $500 • Interfaith Advocacy Day - $27
We have continued to support our neighbors at NW Towers and Annex by transporting food donated by Trader Joe’s and helping to set up their weekly food pantry. CBI “regulars” on the team include Steve Roitstein and family, and Shirley and Richard Plotzker. For the kids, the school year Homework Club is replaced by Summer Reading and Math Club, supplemented with recreational activities. Our relationship with NW Towers was fostered by Lift Urban Portland’s Adopt a Building Program.
(from High Holiday Funds for Food) • Sunshine Pantry - $4000 (from High Holiday Funds for Food) • CODA - $1000 • Cascadia Clusters - $5000 • NW Tower Thanksgiving Dinner - $1074 • NW Towers Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve Parties - $691 • Stone Soup PDX - $2500
This Fall we will again support the Sunshine Food Pantry and the food programs of Lift Urban Portland with our High Holidays Funds for Food Drive under the leadership of Robert Peltz.
• Children’s Book Bank - $500 • Community Warehouse - $1000 • Interfaith Alliance on Poverty - $500 • Israel Religious Action Center - $1000 • Jewish Family and Child Service -$1000 • North by Northeast Healthcare Clinic - $1000 • Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette $1000 • Project Lemonade - $500
It is my sincere hope that you will consider this an invitation as well as an update. Participation in the Social Action Committee, subcommittees, and activities is open to all members of our CBI community. Best wishes for summer, for a sweet New Year, and for many opportunities to connect for Tikun Olam.
Receiving allocations from the Food Fund:
Sally Rosenfeld Social Action Chair
• Cascadia Clusters - $5000 • Meals on Wheels People - $2000 • Oregon Food Bank - $2000 • Partners for Hunger Free Oregon - $2000 • Urban Gleaners - $2000
Immigration/Refugee Subcommittee Update During the first year of CBI’s Social Action Immigration/Refugee Subcommittee, we partnered with Catholic Charities in welcoming and assisting a recently arrived refugee family: Debesay and his ten-year-old daughter, Samarawit. Samarawit, who spoke no English upon her arrival in Portland three months ago, now understands much of what we say and translates to her father, thanks in part to our group’s tutoring. It is exciting to sit with Sam while she reads a book aloud. Debesay now has a checking account, manages his bills, and has begun to navigate public transit. We have helped him get groceries to his house, go to doctor’s appointments, learn about our currency, as well to maneuver through various agencies. Before the
summer ends, we plan to take the family on another picnic, to the museums, and other fun places. Sadly, our concern for immigrants and refugees necessarily turns our focus to the horrible conditions on the border of Mexico. We hear first-hand accounts of children living in cramped cages, with virtually no access to toilets and water for cleansing and sleeping on concrete floors in facilities where our government is housing the kids. It is so difficult to accept that our we (our government) are treating people so inhumanely. So far, we are voicing our strong objection through rallies and marches. Some of us went to the “Close the Camps” Rally in July, and some of our
members have been attending The Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice vigils. We are monitoring for other opportunities to register our complaint. As we move into the new year, we will be seeking other effective means for countering the intolerable treatment of refugees and immigrants. We invite you to join our committee. Our next meeting is Wednesday, August 7 at 4:30 PM in the Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room. If you are interested in participating—even if you can’t attend this meeting—please contact Tracy Manaster Alifanz in the CBI Office at (503) 222-1069. Randie Peterson Immigration/Refugee Subcommittee Chair
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B’NEI MITZVAH Olivia Mae Levy Olivia Mae Levy became a Bat Mitzvah on June 22, 2019. Olivia is the daughter of Lisa and Glen Levy and the older sister of Emilia. Her grandparents are Paul and Nancy Levy (New York City, NY), Karen Rayer (Beaverton, OR) and Kent Mueller (Eugene, OR). Olivia will be in eighth grade in the fall at Catlin Gabel School. She loves to read, play soccer, practice Taekwondo, play piano, spend time with friends, and hang out with her two cats. Olivia has volunteered weekly at the Albina Early Head Start Program for the past two years. Her Mitzvah Project was a food drive to create a food basket for each of the 24 families in that amazing program at the end of their school year.
Oliver Sean Spain Oliver Sean Spain became a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, July 13, 2019. Oliver is the son of John and Becca Spain and has a younger brother, Duncan, and a younger sister, Bridget. Jacob’s grandparents are David and Betsy Kolasky of Portland, Oregon, and John and Mona Spain of Oxford, England. A rising eighth grader at Hosford Middle School, Oliver likes to play electric bass in a School of Rock band. In his spare time, he enjoys art museums, soccer, and food carts. For his Mitzvah Project, Oliver has been volunteering with his family at The Children’s Book Bank, an organization committed to filling homes and lives with engaging, culturally diverse books— because all children deserve to have books of their own.
Grace Linh Hoffman Grace Linh Hoffman will become a Bat Mitzvah on August 17, 2019. The daughter of Susan and Jonathan Hoffman, Grace was born in Vietnam, adopted and brought to the United States. She attended the Portland Jewish Academy for two years, then the Chinese immersion track at the International
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School through the fifth grade, where she was active in gymnastics and ballet. Since then, she has attended Lake Oswego Junior High, where she has been active in sports, including the track team that won the state championship. Grace has four older siblings, aged forty to fifty-one: brothers Zach and Gavin, and sisters Quinn and Sirota. Quinn was adopted when she was 14, and Zach, Gavin and Sirota had their Bar and Bat Mitzvahs at CBI. None of Grace’s grandparents are alive, but she got to know one of her grandmothers, Betty, and one of her grandfathers, Paul. Grace’s Mitzvah Project is to raise money for HIAS (formerly the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) because of how it fits with her Torah portion that includes the part in which Moses, despite having led our people from slavery to freedom in the Promised Land, is denied entry. She has learned a lot about immigration, including about her great-grandparents who immigrated to the United States, the Boat People who fled Vietnam, and more.
Nelson Louis Feidelson Nelson Louis Feidelson will become a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, August 24, 2019. He is the son of Lee and Robin Feidelson and has an older brother, Arthur. Nelson’s grandparents are Nancy and David Cutler of Portland, Oregon and Linda (z”l) and Marc (z”l) Feidelson. Nelson will be entering eighth grade this fall at Mount Tabor Middle School. He is a versatile young man who likes sports, especially soccer and basketball. He is also a talented young artist like his father and great grandfather and follows the Cutler tradition of being musically inclined by playing the piano, like his brother, playing the clarinet in the Mount Tabor Band, and singing in the Portland Boychoir. In his spare time, Nelson enjoys reading, playing video games, and watching superhero movies. Nelson will be putting together a Mitzvah Project centered around helping migrant families and young children, many of whom have been separated during their immigration to the United States. His goal is to help these families throughout the process of this difficult ordeal. Look for more information this fall about his Mitzvah Project, and he looks forward to your support.
Jemma Clare Katcher Jemma Clare Katcher will become a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, August 31, 2019. Jemma is the daughter of Barry and Jordana Katcher and has a younger brother, Brody. Jemma’s grandparents are Ron and Sharon Brown of Walnut Creek, CA, and Martin and Rita Katcher of Jacksonville, FL. Jemma is entering eighth grade at Portland Jewish Academy and loves playing soccer, drawing, spending summers at B’nai B’rith Camp, hanging with friends, and walking her dog, Ziggy. For her Mitzvah Project, Jemma has decided to raise money to donate to Outside In, an organization focused on providing a safe and supportive place for healthcare and mental health services to people experiencing homelessness in Portland.
Georgia Simone Van Ness Georgia Simone Van Ness will become a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, September 14, 2019 at her happy place: B’Nai Brith Camp. Georgia, an eighth Grader at St. Clare School, is the daughter of Nathan and Edie Van Ness. Georgia’s grandparents are Bert and Laurie Rogoway of Portland, and Gerrit and Melissa Van Ness of Mount Vernon, Washington. She has ten first cousins who reside in Portland, Bellingham, Washington and Chicago, Illinois. Georgia is a passionate soccer player and B’nai B‘rith camper who’s looking forward to her first four week session at camp. In her spare time, she enjoys sleepovers with friends, producing Tik Tok videos, shopping and swimming. For her Mitzvah Project, Georgia will be planning and leading several daylong litter-collection events at some of her favorite outdoor locations, the Oregon coast, and Sauvie Island.
Jack Andrew Goldstein Jack Andrew Goldstein will become a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, September 21, 2019. Jack is the son of Lauren and Mark Goldstein and older brother of Evan. Jack’s grandparents are Susan and Stuart Shleifer and Bobbie Goldstein, all of whom live in Portland. Jack is proud to be a fourth generation member of Congregation Beth Israel, where both his parents and grandparents were married. He is a seventh grader at Northwest Academy and in the winter, can be found racing down Mt. Hood as a member of the MAC Alpine Ski Team; in other months he enjoys playing competitive Lacrosse. Jack got connected to the Children’s Cancer Association in the first grade and has been devoting extra time to the organization over the years and has decided to do extra fundraising, including a toy drive, as part of his Mitzvah Project.
Anderson Beck Skarstad Anderson Beck Skarstad will become a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, October 12, 2019. Anderson is the son of Erik and Robin Skarstad and the grandson of Marna Skarstad of Plymouth, MN and Robert and Elaine Beck of Palm City, FL. He has two younger brothers, nine-
year-old Samuel and five-year-old Holden. Anderson will be a seventh grader at Catlin Gabel School this fall. He loves soccer and the violin, and in his spare time he enjoys reading, shooting baskets, and having adventures with his family. For his Mitzvah Project, Anderson had decided to share his love of music and his talent for the violin by playing at local farmers markets to raise money for toys and games for children at Randall Children’s Hospital, where he also hopes to perform for the children.
Joseph Walker Seres Joseph Walker Seres will become a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, October 19, 2019. Joseph is the son of Steven and Georgeanne Seres and has an older sister, Lucille. Joseph’s grandparents are Joel and Sandra Seres of Portland, OR, and Betty and Dell (z”l) Hughes of Nokomis, FL. Joseph is a seventh grader at Laurelhurst School who enjoys playing soccer, video games, and piano. For his Mitzvah Project, Joseph, in keeping with his love of soccer, has decided to work with Active Children Portland, an organization dedicated to empowering Portland students to lead healthy lives, succeed academically, and inspire positive community engagement.
Eloise Laine Kalmanson Eloise Laine Kalmanson will become a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, October 19, 2019. The daughter of Alison and Matt Kalmanson, Eloise has a younger sister, Margot. Eloise’s grandparents are Beverly and Neil Meinster of Las Vegas, NV and Judith and Kenneth
Kalmanson of Montclair, NJ. A seventh grader at Beaumont Middle School, Eloise plays softball, guitar, and reading, hanging out with friends, and making art. For her Mitzvah Project, Eloise has decided to help Candlelighters for Children with Cancer. Candelighters provides support for families of children with cancer from diagnosis through treatment and beyond, providing programs such as emergency financial assistance, an annual family camp, family activities, bereavement support, and a hospital meal program that offers comfort and support for families during a difficult journey. As a cancer survivor herself, Eloise and her family benefited from Candlelighters services during her years of treatment. To honor the achievement of her Bat Mitzvah, Eloise has decided to volunteer at Candlelighters activities, such as their annual “Superhero 5K” and will be collecting “bedside buddies,” new stuffed animals, for children undergoing inpatient care.
Drew Sol Sykes Drew Sol Sykes will become a Bar Mitzvah on October 26, 2019. Drew is the son of Diane and Nathan Sykes and the brother of Maya. His grandparents are Joan Lubar, Gilda Oster, and Murray Sykes. He will be a seventh grader at Sellwood Middle School. Drew enjoys sports, especially soccer. He is an avid musician, playing guitar, bass and, to his sister’s chagrin, drums. Drew is also very passionate about civil rights and wants to be a lawyer.
Calling for Consecration Photos! CBI’s Consecration Class of 1949 were an adorable bunch of scholars—and we know that your class was as well. If you have photographs from your Consecration at CBI, we’d love to include them as part of our Simchat Torah Celebration, Simchah Ba’Torah: a Celebration of Torah Connects. Please email them to Tracy Manaster Alifanz at tracy@bethisrael-pdx.org, or stop by the Main Office in person and we can scan them for you.
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IN REMEMBRANCE ~ MAY THEIR MEMORY BE FOR A BLESSING August 2 and 3 Paul Bernays Dolores Black Jack J. Bodie Mortimer Wilkes Brenner Dorothy Budin Ruth Citterman Leonard W. Cohen Scott Colton Mary Ann Davis Richard Elconin Russell Ellwood Jack Epstein Melvyn Farberman Ralph Feibelman Jacob Feingold Elliott Flaxman Lena Freedman Robert Friedenwald Herman J. Friedman Sam Friedman Emma C. Friendly Celia Geller Mildred Gold Zelotta Gross Elizabeth Hirsh Sarah Leah Horenstein Barney Liebreich Ray Machacek N. Calmin “Cal” Margulies Milton R. Marks Louis N. Mesher Harry Mittleman Stephen Passamaneck Cynthia Peterman Ada Post Jeanne Rauch Victor Robinson George Saxe Lillian Schiff Dennis Seinfeld Molly Shuster Lettie Sonnes Esther Soren Kenneth Harry Stoloff Reubin Tennenbaum Sophie Weiss Nadine Wolfe Frederick Wolff August 9 and 10 Rachael Rae Arnsberg Harry H. Baron Samuel Dov Berman Samuel Burgin Jacqueline Davis Maurice Dunn Gerald Edelman Jack William Friedlander Ben F. Goldman Florence R. Goldstein Gary Greenberg Violet Greenberg David E. Gross Manuel Holtzman Raymond Jackson Helen Katzky George Kelly Amelia Senders Kleinberg Shirley Lane
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Sam Leopold Leah Heilig Levine Bobbi London Mayer Ludwig Edith O. Miller Sally Mink Harry Nemer Martin Neuwelt Pat New Irving Puziss David A. Rosen Leopold M. Rosenbaum Lloyd B. Rosenfeld Hillard Rozen Ruth Rubenstein Bernard Schnitzer Alan Selling Jack Shimshak Philip Shulman John Turteltaub Max Utay Patricia Anne Watkins Mary Jane Winter August 16 and 17 Connie Anker Parry Ankersen Rose Berliner Davene Cohen Frances B. Creamer Shirley Deitch Simone Dessayer Nathan Director David Gold Hedwig Goldsmith Michael W. Goldstein Hardy Haltenorth Estelle Hasson Harry Hayden Judith Stusser Jedeikin Paul David Josephson Andrea Karlin Edna Kean Sanford Kowitt Stefan Charles Levy Nathaniel Lewis Flora Marcus Ida Margulis Sara A. Nudelman Donald Paige Claire Puziss David Raskin Jill Elizabeth Rosenberg Rose Rotenberg Bertha Rubin Sarah Rubin Harry Rubin Eleanor Golby Saffron Abe I. Samuels Adele Fridner Schwartz Jacquiline Sharlin Harry Silver Max Solomon David Spiegel David I. Stillman Sandra Weerts Nancy M. Weinstein William A. Whalen Harry L. Woolach Don Zavin
August 23 and 24 Sarah Albert Josephine Rubens Beeke Werner Berg Norman Berkley Nathan Black Mary K. Braunsten George Caro Sol J. Cohn Jacob A. Cohn Harold Cohn Carolyn Heinberg Cole Marian H. Davidson Harriet Moskowitz Epstein Daniel A. Fromer Felix Gelbras Claire Gross Abner Grover Celia Kaplan Sarah Bobrow Kaplan Kenneth Kimmel Oscar Kirchner Daniel Kirk Howard L. Kirz Lianne Marks Klein Daryl Ruth Brown Klonoff Susan Poplack Leavitt Morris Leb Leland H. Lowenson Sol D. Maizels Helen Maniloff Beverly Miller Ruth Press Maurie Ritchie William M. Rosenbaum Gladys M. Rosenberg Martin S. Rothschild Richard Ruffine Kurt Schiff Dorothy C. Schubach Ida Rosalie Sherman Maxwell I. Silverstein Sybil Solomon Pete Steffens Phyllis Swett Fred Young August 30 and 31 Molly Boyarsky Sheila Geller Bromberg Bernard Caplan David Avner Cohen Adam Wilson Davis Juliet Dayan Thelma Layton Eberhart Harry Louis Gerber Jerome Golby Vera Goldsmith Rose Herman Charles Hyman Anatoly Ioffe Fred Kornfeld Bernard Levine Tessie Lewis Clarence Henry Loeb Harry Mesher Lynn Newman Herbert L. Newmark Frank Perlman David Poplack
A. Victor Rosenfeld Betsy Rotberg Julian Roth Sol Ruben Jeaneatta “Rusty” Sautter Belle Saxe Paul Howard Schoen Fannie Schwartz Mary Stoloff Albert Strauss Joseph Swerdlik Dena Tarlow Joseph Tenenbaum Harry Zell September 6 and 7 Linda Aronowitz Robert Autrey Gordon Bazelon Nachman Berkowitz Nathan Bick Ruth Binder Blanche Cohen Arnold Cohen Estelle Director Melvin Mel Dunn Richard C. East King Feldman Seymour Haber Gerald Hammel Sam Hammel Phillip Iliffe Hardy George Harkless Sigmund A. Heilner Maynard Hurwitz Evelyn M. Jacobs Barbara Jacobson Belle Kahn Marlene Kuenzi Judith Lauterstein Sam Lennis Robert A. Levy Mathilde Lewinsohn June Lichty Larry Lieberman Louis Lubliner June Martel Daniel Meekcoms Faye Menashe Roger L. Meyer Sonija Milshtein Anna Muscovitz Mary Baker Nelson Gert Neuberger Jack Pollin Edward Press Sarah Reiter Samuel J. Robinson Gary Rosenblum Dorthea Roth Muriel Feinberg Rozen Paul Rubinstein Judith I. Schneider Sidney S. Schubach Jane Daum Schwartz Lucy Shapiro Joan Shipley Bernice Shulevitz Helen Silen Meyer Steinweis
Ethel Tonkin David R. Trachtenberg Irve Tunick Sheldon Weisberg Emily Wilson Audrey Rosalyn Yugler Abram (Al) Yugler September 13 and 14 Ethel Barr Sharlene Bender Ahldor Kermit Berg Juliette Bernays Harry Binder Harold J. Blank Morris Bloomenthol Esther Bloomenthol Bessie Loeb Bondy Joseph Byer Robert M. Coffey Rita Durkheimer Philip Eder William Israel Feinstein Harry Fink Irene Frisch Louis Gelwasser Helen Georges Melvin Gerard Freidel Glaser Susan Gail Rose Goldsmith Barbara Goldsmith Carol Haber Helene Haltenorth Ida D. Holtzman Fred Joseph Beatrice Kirchner David Klein Shirley Koch Eugene Hirsch Krantz Esther Mazer Kranz Pearl Liman Sonya S. Loebner Cecelia London Walter Mischel Marvin Morris Oziel Anne Peltz Ruthella Popick Edythe Raffel Kurt Schlesinger Marvin Schnitzer Daniel L. Shafton Brennen Smith Herbert Raymond Sokolsky Max Sosnick Katie Steinweis Arthur G. Weisfield Jerome Wolf Wurmser Rebecca Betty Zacks September 20 and 21 Sheldon Balick Frances Basinski Florence Berenson Daisy Biskind Max Bloom Edgar Blumenthal Sybil Bonime Mary Canton Adolph Canton Gloria B. Coodley
IN REMEMBRANCE ~ MAY THEIR MEMORY BE FOR A BLESSING C. Girard Davidson Cathy Epsteen Max Fischback Adelyne Raban Freiberg Boris Frumkin Edith Gerson Hannah Gerson Samuel Gerson Mary Goldman Marvin Greenbaum Arthur Kaplan Aaron Lertzman Belle Lewis Allan Edward Lichtgarn Etta Maizels Karen McAllister Joseph Mendelsohn Harriet Mischel Edward Mayer Morgenstern Roscoe C. Nelson, Jr. Esther Overback Frank Planer Louis Press Jack Reed Barbara Riulin David Rosen Davida Rosenbaum Jacob W. Savinar Sue Ellen Lorge Schwartz Walter P. Sherlin Albert I. Simon Daniel Slovic Helen Stamm Stephen Charles Stone Leonard Subotnick Janet Swire Mitzi Tobias I. Jack Vidgoff Benjamin Weiss Everett Wyner September 27 and 28 Leo Baruh Ari Kenneth Berman Theodore S. Bloom Fred Bonyhadi Jared Michael Branfman Ian O. Brown Howard Byer Neale E. Creamer Isaac Davis Clara R. Davis Betty Druck Cathy Cathy Dunton Louis Farkas Morris Feller Mary Schlesinger Fisher Ruth Gassner Joseph Geller Daisy Georges Theodore S. Gerson Pearl Gevurtz Miriam Goldberg Hans Grunbaum Grace Harkless
Elizabeth Hirsch Lynn Holmes Charles Jacobs Suzanne F.M. Klein Norman B. Kobin Lewis Joseph Krakauer Danny Leb Martha Lewin Marcy Macoubray Arthur Merican Gene Miller Jeanne Moment Norman B. Nemer Rose Nudelman M. Don Nudelman Louis Rubenstein May “Mazie” Sakai William Y. Sakai Bessie R. Schatz Lee Glasgow Schiff Alyne Schlesinger Oliver Gordon Seymour Sandi Cee Shore Bess Sommerfield Louis Tanne Hershal Tanzer Loius Waldman Irving J. Wurtzel Lillian F. Zell Harry Zugman Edith Zusman October 4 and 5 Asa I. Arnsberg Louis Baer Robert Bartenstein Richard H. Berman Maurice B. Blanc Lou Blank Mortimer Bonime Charlotte Brooks Fred Buell Rose Byer Morris Chusid Anna Chusid Renee Cohen Isabelle Daniels William Victor Dluger Karensue Dobrow Lillian Feingold Leah Finger Bob Finger Leonard Fink Robert Fischback Abe G. Gilbert Bessie Kaplan Glickman Elana Bess Gold Pauline Gold Lester Goldschmidt Walter Goodman Lenora Gordon Sarah Hahn Louis Halpern Marvin Helf Sylvia Javors Samuel Joseph
Rabbi Joshua Kohen Hannah Kohen Peggy Lehman Mollie Leopold Gina Levi Elias “Al” Lichtgarn Betty Lou Margulis Daniel H. Miller Moses Muscovitz Sandra Lynn Neborsky Jette Neuberger Charlotte Ostomel Fred Polsky Katrina Pongracz Irving Popick Alvin Popick Ben Popkin Kelly Puziss George Rickles Jane Ritchie Frances Rollins Rose Rubenstein Ralph Rubenstein Gussie Rubin Bob Schwartz Tom S. Shulevitz S. Elizabeth Silverstein Honora Singer Irving Stein Faye Steres Louis Strauss Jack Urman Ray Veltman Sande Weintraub Virginia Belle Whittington Wilkinson George Woodcock Leslie Burnett Wright Jay Leon Wright October 11 and 12 Stanton L. Abrams Julia Barde Olga W. Baruh Shirley Bergman Leslie Bernstein Seth Abraham Bombet Moisey Bronshteyn Alice Carr Daniel Cassell Richard Daniels Katie Davis Nolan DeWoskin George Dubin Zelda Dubin Madeline Feldman Nancy Green Trudy Hendrix Orrin Howard Charlotte Jackson Susan P. Kendall Fred Kirk Herman G. Korey Rosalie Krone Harry L. Lansberg Mark Larsen
Rachel Leveton Jon Levin Ruth Liebreich Herta Litowitz Arnold Maizels Robert Mills Pearl Mizrahi Gordon V. Nagel Berthold Neuberger Miriam Newman Connie Passamaneck Ida Raskin Manfred Rosenthal James M. Rothschild Paula Ulla Schlesinger Joe Schnitzer Mary Schoenfeld Robert Schulberg Harry Schwartz Pearl F. Shifman Ida Shleifer Lula Lou Smertenko Dorothy Wheatley Mary Ann Yerigan Rose Zavin October 18 and 19 Irene Berner Samuel Bocarsky Kate Braunstein David Bronheim Ralph Orville Cullers Saul Dayan Rachel De Leeuw Becky Director David H. Fertig Rose Fertig David H. Fertig Daniel Gassner Dora Gelwasser Irene Gilbert Julius A. Graber Alvin B. Hess Dave G. Holtzman Hanita Jacobi Charles Joseph Rabbi Isidore Kahan Gene Kirshner Mae S. Klein Theodore Kleinrock Neil Kohn Diana Kwartler Rosalie Leb Marvin Lippoff Dora E. Markus Maxine Maxine McComas Ellen Seller Meier Harvey Miller Marie Moe Megan Morris William Philip Michael Roffe Nicole E. Ruffine Norman D. Savinar Jean Kerr Schwartz Henriette R. Senders
Bertram Solomon Andor Soltesz Sherma Stenger Dean R. Stoloff Miriam Swerdlin Herman Swerdlin Herbert N. Tobias Miriam Unkeles October 25 and 26 Frances Albert Ben Arnoff Laura Avakyan Bernadine Barde Brenner Francis Cappel Frederick Cezer Edwin Cohen Harrel Crabb Nettie Director David Elconin Lillie Feuerstein Florence Frisch Cecile Gibstein Bernard Goldhammer David Goldstein Betty Hunt Anese Klein Bessie L. Krane Ben M. Leshgold Hugo Lewinsohn Solomon Lieppman Constance Lipman Harriet Lomsky Lois G. Maizels Golda Manes Jerome Margulis Marshall Mazer Fay Menashe Fannie Mesher Carol Spero Newman Jonathan Uhry Newman Goldie Stern Oster Jennie Pollin Alex Pomerantz Mary Sarah Rose Miriam Rosen Herman R. Rosenblum Hannah Rubenstein Susanne Schall Howard P. Schatz Gerald H. Solomon Judith Stillman Anne R. Stricker Raissa Tarlow Freida Tennenbaum David Turtledove Hilda S. Weinstein Fannie Wexler Frances Wolfe Carolyn S. Wolfe Ruth Kauffman Wolff Eileen Zugman
(*) next to a name indicates a memorial plaque has been purchased to ensure the beloved departed is remembered in perpetuity. For information about memorial plaques in the Temple, please contact Emily at (503) 222-1069 or emily@bethisrael-pdx.org. AUGUS T/SEPTEMBER /OC TOBER 2019 | CONGREG ATION BE TH ISR AEL
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L’DOR V’DOR ~ FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION Mazel Tov to Senior Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana, who was awarded the Doctor of Divinity at Graduation Ceremonies in New York on Wednesday, May 1, 2019 at Congregation Emanu-El of the City of New York, recognizing his twenty-five years of distinguished professional service as an alumnus of HUC-JIR. Sophie Ward, who was announced as a player for the Maccabi USA Junior Girl’s Soccer Team for the 14th Pan American Maccabi Games.
Solomon Olshin, who was awarded the prestigious national Diller Teen Award in recognition of his inspiring volunteer work.
the extended Kryszek family on the loss of Jakob Kryszek, who passed away on May 15 at 100 years old.
Beth Israel Sisterhood honored Susan Milstein, who has been honored by the WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood as our outstanding volunteer at the twenty-seventh annual Song of Miriam Awards.
Susan Orlikoff Simon on the loss of her husband, Susanne Aronowitz (Robert Schulhof), and Pamela Aronowitz (Daniel O’Neil) on the loss of their father, Leo Schulhof and Benjamin Schulhof on the loss of their grandfather, and the extended Aronowitz family on the loss of Joel Aronowitz, who passed away on Saturday, June 29 in Monterey, California, at 79 years old.
Condolences to
Layton Rosenfeld, one of only three Oregon winners of the elite National Merit Scholarship.
Mark (Christi), Gregory (Susan) on the loss of their mother, Bernice Gevurtz on the loss of her sister, Matthew, Whitney (Tommy), Stephen, Taylor, and Morgan Goodman on the loss of their grandmother, Inez Lila Alberini on the loss of her great-grandmother, Lila Goodman, who passed away on June 24 at 83 years old.
Renee Holzman, who has received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Board of the Oregon Symphony, the fourth person, and only woman, to have achieved this distinction.
Jerry (Joanne) Kryszek and Albert (Sophia) Kryszek on the loss of their father, Raphael (Nikkie) Kryszek and Samuel Kryszek on the loss of their grandfather, Ava Kryszek on the loss of her great-grandfather, and
Joyce Loman on the loss of her partner, Marisa (Ron) Brown and William (Jessica Corr) Paley on the loss of their father, Abigail Brown, Sylvan Paley, Eleanor Brown, and Gray Paley on the loss of their grandfather, and the extended Paley family on the loss of Howard S. Paley, who passed away on Sunday, July 7 in New York City.
TRIBUTE FUND DONATIONS FROM THE ABRAMS FAMILY In memory of Herbert Newmark In memory of Leonard and Babette Schnitzer In memory of Charlotte Haimsohn In memory of Herbert Haimsohn In memory of Stanton Abrams In memory of Cecile Gibstein In memory of Harry Mittleman In memory of Helen Mittleman In memory of Marian A. Abrams Altar Flowers and Oneg Fund FROM TEDDY AKIEN In memory of Rhoda Aiken Cemetery Beautification Fund FROM STEVE ALBERT AND JANIE GOLDENBERG In memory of Philip Shulman General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM SUE ALBERT In memory of Lore Labby Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM DANIEL AND ELEANORE ALBERT In memory of Leo Kagle General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM SUSAN DIAMOND AND LARRY ARNSBERG In memory of Asa I. Arnsberg Miller Room Refurbishment Fund FROM DAVID AND ANITA AUGUST In memory of George Dubin and Zelda Dubin Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM NOAH AND AMIRA AXE In honor of Augustin Bernard Axe Social Action General Tribute Fund
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FROM JEFF AND ROZ BABENER In memory of Lore Labby Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM DAVID AND CAROL BAKER In memory of Elise Rosenfeld Social Action General Tribute Fund
FROM GREG JONES AND MELINDA BECKER In honor of Kathleen Doctor’s Birthday Rabbi Joseph Discretionary Fund
FROM LYNDA BAKER In memory of Edna Fenton Social Action Food Fund
FROM VICTORIA PULLMAN AND JERRY BERCOVITZ In memory of Pauline Bercovitz Wright General Administrative Tribute Fund
FROM EDDIE AND GLORIA BAKER FEINSTEIN General Contribution Social Action Food Fund
FROM JEFFREY BODIE AND CAROL BERKLEY In memory of Jack J. Bodie General Administrative Tribute Fund
FROM WILMA BALICK In memory of Sheldon Balick General Administrative Tribute Fund
FROM JULIE BERKSON In memory of Daniel Berkson Cemetery Beautification Fund
FROM MARLENE BALMFORTH In memory of Ted Balmforth Cemetery Beautification Fund In memory of Sam Blank Social Action General Tribute Fund
FROM LESLIE BERMAN In memory of Ruth Semler and Larry Semler Ruth and Larry Semler Youth Activity Tribute Fund
FROM THE BARBASH FAMILY In honor of Eve Rosenfeld Social Action General Tribute Fund
FROM BRAD AND JANICE BERMAN In memory of Florence Berman Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund
FROM DAN HEIMS AND LYNNE BARTENSTEIN In memory of Sylvia Bartenstein Wrj Lubliner Leadership Fund In memory of Robert Bartenstein Prayer Book Fund
FROM LEE BERNE In memory of Frank Berne General Administrative Tribute Fund In memory of Jacob Feingold and Edna Fenton Social Action Food Fund
FROM MR. AND MRS. BARZMAN BARZMAN In memory of Lila Goodman Early Childhood Education Tribute Fund
FROM LAWRENCE AND SUSAN BLACK In memory of Harold F. Wendel In memory of Alec Black General Administrative Tribute Fund
FROM FLOYD BLACK In memory of Morris Bloomenthol In memory of Esther Bloomenthol In memory of Jane Ritchie In memory of Nathan Black In memory of Dolores Black Cemetery Beautification Fund FROM DAVID BLACK, ALLEN COOK, LAUREN BLACK, STAFFORD MAYS, AND NEAL BLACK In memory of Dolores Black Cemetery Beautification Fund FROM OWEN AND LYNN BLANK In memory of Gertrude Mills and Phillip Blank In memory of Alyne and Sidney Schlesinger I Have A Dream Fund Through Social Action FROM GEREL BLAUER In memory of Albert Green In memory of Henry Blauer General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM LORETTA, LINDA, AND LESLIE BLOOM In memory of Theodore S. Bloom General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM DANIEL HURWITZ AND DEBRA BROOKS In memory of Barbara Hurwitz General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM MEGAN BROWN In memory of Rabbi J. Kohen Adult Education Fund In memory of Hannah Kohen Altar Flowers and Oneg Fund In memory of Don R. Williams Amy R. Goldsmith Library Fund
VERY THOUGHTFUL PEOPLE In memory of Ian Brown Early Childhood Education Tribute Fund In memory of Rachael and Sophie Kohen Prayer Book Fund FROM MARINA AND BILL BROWN In memory of Esta Brown Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM KIM AND DEBRA BURCHIEL In memory of Evelyn Hirsch In memory of Jack Hirsch General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM LANCE AND DEBBIE CALDWELL In memory of Jacob Lauterstein Cantor Cahana Discretionary Fund In memory of Felice Lauterstein Driesen In memory of Harry Driesen General Administrative Tribute Fund In memory of Paula Lauterstein In memory of Judith Lauterstein Cantor Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM BARRY AND BARBARA CAPLAN In honor of Harriet Maizels’ Birthday Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM THOMAS AND LEONARD CARR In memory of Alice Carr Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM CBI BOARD OF TRUSTEES In honor of the Board service of Ted Nelson In honor of the Board service of Mark Peterman In honor of the Board service of Joanne Menashe Jenat Feldman Leadership Development Fund FROM KENNY AND RHONDA COHEN In memory of Elliott Cohen Allison B. Cohen Religious Education Fund FROM ILAINE COHEN In memory of Hy Samuels Social Action General Tribute Fund In memory of Edwin Cohen Temple Improvement Fund In memory of Lila Goodman Cemetery Beautification Fund FROM HOWARD AND BARBARA COHN In memory of Dorothy Packouz In memory of Alan Director In memory of Bernard Schnitzer and Sal Cohn Social Action Food Fund In memory of Helen Schnitzer Nettie Director Library Fund FROM MARVIN RICHMOND AND MARGE COHN In memory of Antoinette and Silas Himmelreich Oseran Family Endowment Fund
FROM MARCIA COLTON, RISA COLTON-FELDMAN, LOUIS, NOAH AND JACOB FELDMAN In memory of Hyman Veltman In memory of Sharon H. Goldman May Georges Studies In Israel Scholarship Fund In memory of Jerry M. Colton Prayer Book Fund In memory of Scott Colton Social Action Food Fund FROM MARIAN CREAMER In memory of Louis Romoff In memory of Neale Creamer In memory of Frances Creamer Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM JIM AND ILENE DAVIDSON In honor of Susan Graber Adult Education Fund FROM DICK AND CAMERON DAVIS In memory of Harold Schnitzer In memory of Harold Heldford In memory of Dorothy Packouz In memory of Helen Director In memory of Simon Director In memory of Ruth Heldfond In memory of William Layton In memory of Isaac Davis Simon & Helen Director Endowment Fund FROM BARRY AND BONNIE DAVIS In memory of Adam Davis Cantor Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM KENNETH DAVIS In memory of Isaac Davis Heims Family Youth Fund FROM STUART AND NIKKI DIRECTOR In honor of Gerald Leshgold’s 100th Birthday In memory of Herman Margolis In memory of Florence Korey Clement In memory of Dinah Rosen In memory of Selma Feldman In honor of Susan Milstein In memory of Jake Kryszek In honor of Barbara Caplan’s Recovery In memory of Dr. Herman Korey In memory of Nettie Director In honor of Rob and Susan Schick Becoming Grandparents In memory of Ken Kimmel In memory of Fannie Director In memory of Nathan Rosen In honor of Eve Rosenfeld’s Recovery Nettie Director Library Fund FROM BRUCE DIRECTOR AND MINNIE JOHNSON In memory of Ken Kimmel In memory of Nettie Director Nettie Director Library Fund FROM RICHARD DOBROW In memory of Henry Sholkoff Estelle Director Sholkoff Fund for Jewish Educator
FROM HELEN DUEWEL In memory of Amy Rose Frank Cantor Cahana Discretionary Fund In memory of Amy Rose Frank Rabbi Joseph Discretionary Fund In memory of Amy Rose Frank Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM MARK DOHRMANN AND JULIE DURKHEIMER In memory of Sylvan and Dorothy Durkheimer Altar Flowers and Oneg Fund FROM MICHAEL AND LORI EDELMAN In memory of Bernice Canter In memory of Hy Canter In memory of Gerald Edelman In memory of Ron Edelman Social Action Food Fund In memory of Betty Edelman Social Action Food Fund FROM BUNNY EDELSON In memory of Zanly Edelson General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM RICHARD AND JILL EDELSON In memory of Leonard Schnitzer Cemetery Beautification Fund In memory of Zanly Edelson Social Action Food Fund FROM JOHN AND SARAH EPSTEIN General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM PIERCE ETHIER In loving memory of Joy Alkalay Cemetery Beautification Fund In memory of Richard Berman Temple Improvement Fund FROM GARY AND SANDRA ETLINGER In memory of Jack Rogel Caring Community Fund In memory of Dorothy Rogel General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM KIM EVERETT-HIRSCH In memory of Frederic Hirsch Cantor Cahana Discretionary Fund In memory of Frederic Hirsch Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM JUDITH FEINSTEIN In memory of Deborah Arron In memory of Leah Z. Feinstein General Administrative Tribute Fund In memory of Mel Feinstein Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund In memory of William Feinstein In memory of Harvey Kelinson Cemetery Beautification Fund FROM NOAH FELDMAN In honor of Jackson Friedman’s Bar Mitzvah In honor of Ethan Jake Geller’s Bar Mitzvah In honor of Avery Brooke Dorfman’s Bat Mitzvah In honor of Leo Jude Geller’s Bar Mitzvah
In honor of Peri Jessica Rosenfield’s Bat Mitzvah In honor of Max Ivan Netter’s Bar Mitzvah In honor of Joel Muir’s Bar Mitzvah In honor of Naomi Hemstreet’s Bat Mitzvah May Georges Studies In Israel Scholarship Fund FROM RISA COLTON-FELDMAN, LOUIS, JACOB, AND NOAH FELDMAN In honor of Zoe Carver’s Confirmation In honor of Ella Menashe’s High School Graduation In honor of Sydney Von Arx’s High School Graduation May Georges Studies In Israel Scholarship Fund FROM HOWARD AND TAMRA FEUERSTEIN In honor of The Polliack Family Ruth and Larry Semler Youth Activity Tribute Fund FROM ROBIN, ERIC, OLIVIA, AND JONAH FLAMM In memory of Bev Miller Social Action Food Fund FROM DAVID AND MARILYN FLEMMING In memory of Margaret Flemming In memory of Joseph Flemming General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM JAMES CRANE AND KARLA FORSYTHE In memory of Rose Rudman Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM ERWIN HORENSTEIN AND LORI FREEDMAN In memory of Morris Wolf WRJ Service To The Blind Fund FROM ELIZABETH FRIEDENWALD In memory of William Kaa In memory of Peggy Bird General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM ERIC AND REBECCA FRIEDENWALD-FISHMAN In memory of Margaret Bird General Administrative Tribute Fund In memory of Robert Friedenwald Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM SUE FRIEDMAN In memory of Nettie Margulis In memory of Milton Margulis In memory of Les Soltesz In memory of Nancy Green In memory of Leonard Friedman Social Action Food Fund FROM JACKSON FRIEDMAN In honor of Avery Dorfman’s Bat Mitzvah Caring Community Fund
continued on p. 16
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VERY THOUGHTFUL PEOPLE In honor of Max Netter’s Bar Mitzvah Allison B. Cohen Religious Education Fund In memory of Sue and Edward Hupert Rabbi Joseph Discretionary Fund FROM LOUANN FRISCH In memory of Conny Frisch Social Action Food Fund FROM KATHY FUTRAL In honor of Passover Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM MORRIE GALEN In memory of Edith Kamin General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM ZANELY AND CLAIRE GALTON In memory of Zanley F. Galton Sr. In memory of Jay Wright Amy R. Goldsmith Library Fund FROM NAOMI GARBEL In honor of Glen, Lisa, Olivia, and Emi Levy Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM STANLEY AND ADRIENNE GEFFEN In memory of David and Claire Gross General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM RANDY AND DEBBIE GELLER In memory of Benjamin Geller General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM LINDA GEORGES In memory of Thomas T. Georges Jr. In memory of May Georges In memory of Ben Bean In memory of Helen Georges In memory of Daisy Georges Tom Georges Iii Memorial Fund FROM SUSAN GERSON In memory of Bernhard Pinsky In memory of Sasha Drutter Social Action Food Fund FROM SUSAN AND LARRY GERSON In memory of Felix Gelbras Social Action Food Fund FROM RICK AND MARYLIN GILBERT In memory of Dr. Robert Gilbert In memory of Grace Gilbert Early Childhood Education Tribute Fund FROM BOB AND LESLEY GLASGOW In memory of Annette Veltman Nettie Director Library Fund In memory of Lee Schiff In memory of Kurt Schiff Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM HARRY AND JOANNE GLICKMAN In memory of Essie Matin General Administrative Tribute Fund
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FROM IVAN GOLD In memory of Elana Bess Gold General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM ILENE GOLDBERG In memory of Stanley Steinberg In memory of Ben Steinberg Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM SUSAN GOLDEN In memory of Jerry Canton In memory of Sylvia Edelman In memory of Mary and Adolf Canton Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM DOUG AND LILA GOODMAN In memory of Rose Goodman In memory of Walter Goodman General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM DAN AND SARAH GOODWIN Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM STEVE AND MICHELLE GRADOW In memory of Fay Gradow General Administrative Tribute Fund Allison B. Cohen Religious Education Fund FROM GINGER GREENBERG In memory of Violet Greenberg In memory of Gary Greenberg General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM GORDON AND MERYL HABER In memory of Lloyd B. Rosenfeld Rosenfeld Youth Leadership FROM SUSAN HAMMEL In memory of Sadie Kaufman In memory of Nate Shapiro Social Action Food Fund FROM DODIE HARRISON In memory of Mary Collins In memory of Harry B. Harrison In memory of Joseph Harrison Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM STUART AND NANCY HASMNA In memory of Ruth Gassner In memory of Daniel Gassner General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM BRUCE AND ALBERTA HATTEM In honor of Tatiana Lifshitz For Her Geneology Work General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM NORMAN AND NANCY HIGBY In memory of Louis Lubliner WRJ Lubliner Leadership Fund FROM JOHN PARKS AND REBECCA HILL In memory of William Hill-Parks In memory of William Klein Cantor Schiff Discretionary Fund FROM KEREN HOOVER In memory of Dr. William L. Unger In memory of Sarita H. Unger Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund
FROM MARK AND HELENE HUTCHINSON In memory of Anne Lavine Kilbourne General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM JOSEPH AND EILEEN KANE In memory of Arthur H. Cohen Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM RAYE KAPLAN In honor of Sarah Kaplan Epstein’s Birthday Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM SARA KARLIN In memory of Andrea Karlin General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM JOSH AND MICHELLE KASHINSKY In honor of Rabbi Sam and Dori Joseph’s birthdays General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM ROSE AND FIONA KASHINSKY Social Action Food Fund FROM SIVIA KAYE In loving memory of Bernard Kaye General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM JAMIE KEAN In memory of Edward Kean In memory of Edna Kean WRJ Service To The Blind Fund FROM LESLIE KELINSON In memory of Robert Weinstein General Administrative Tribute Fund In memory of Harvey Kelinson Cantor Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM PAUL AND ARLENE KOENIGSBERG In memory of Irwin Koenigsberg In memory of Albert “Happy” Morgenstern General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM ARDIS KOWITT In memory of Sandy Kowitt Cemetery Beautification Fund FROM KAY KOWITT In memory of Sanford Kowitt Cemetery Beautification Fund FROM TAMMY KRAMER In memory of Judith Dreier In memory of Amy Frank In memory of William Hill-Parks In memory of William Klein Rosenfeld Family Associate Rabbi Fund In memory of Bernard & Nancy Caplan In memory of Bernie & Anese Klein Prayer Book Fund In memory of Rabbi Richard Shachet In memory of Bernard Caplan In memory of Anese Klein Rosenfeld Family Associate Rabbi Fund FROM JOEL AND SUE KRANE In memory of Jacob Krane Altar Flowers and Oneg Fund
FROM JEAN KROSNER In memory of Irving Krosner Altar Flowers and Oneg Fund FROM SALLY AND ROBERT LANDAUER In memory of Justin Landauer Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM BARBARA AND STUART LANG In memory of Frederick S. Wolff Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM BARBARA DURKHEIMER AND GARY LARSEN In honor of Sue Friedman’s 80th Birthday In honor of Eve Rosenfeld’s 80th Birthday Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM JEANNIE LAYTON In memory of Irvin Layton General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM LYNN LERTZMAN In memory of Mollie Lertzman Cantor Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM EVELYN AND JERRY LESHGOLD In memory of Mildred Leshgold Sidell Social Action General Tribute Fund In honor of Henry Oseran’s Birthday and Speedy and Complete Recovery Oseran Family Endowment Fund FROM AL AND ROSANNE LEVI In memory of Selma Emerman Feldman Jenat Feldman Leadership Development Fund FROM NIRA LEVINE In appreciation of Sue and Stan Marcus Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM HOWARD AND JAN LEVINE In memory of Sydelle Levine In memory of Bernard Levine Cantor Schiff Discretionary Fund FROM PETE AND CYNTHIA LEWINSOHN In memory of Hugo Lewinsohn In memory of Mathilde Lewinsohn Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM CAROL LEWIS In memory of Alan Director Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM CAROL LEWIS In memory of Manuel & Edith Schnitzer Early Childhood Education Tribute Fund FROM JAMES ROSENBAUM AND SANDRA LEWIS In memory of Susanne Lewis General Administrative Tribute Fund
VERY THOUGHTFUL PEOPLE FROM DAVID AND LIZ LIPOFF In memory of Marion Rabiner Cantor Cahana Discretionary Fund In memory of Marvin Lippoff Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM BRUCE LITOW In memory of George Litow and June Litow General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM MARLENE LOMAS In memory of Fred Joseph and Gertrude Joseph General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM MARLA LONDON In memory of Lore Labby Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM RALPH LONDON In memory of Lore Labby Social Action General Tribute Fund In memory of Bobbi London Social Action Food Fund FROM DAVID LOONEY In memory of Genevieve Himelstein Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM LEONARD AND SHARLENE LUDWIG In memory of Jessie Ludwig Cemetery Beautification Fund FROM STEPHEN MAIZELS AND NATALIE PITKIN-MAIZELS In memory of Madaline Pitkin In memory of Ludmilla Pitkin General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM STEVE MAIZELS, NATALIE PITKIN-MAIZELS, AND HARRY MAIZELS In memory of Roslyn Maizels Social Action Food Fund FROM DICK AND HARRIET MAIZELS In memory of Robert Maizels General Administrative Tribute Fund In memory of Albert G. Maizels Temple Endowment Fund
In memory of Milton R. Marks In memory of Leland H. Lowenson Temple Improvement Fund FROM PETER AND GAIL MARRACCI In memory of Olga Baruh In memory of Sarah Horenstein Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM GARY AND SHERYL MARTEL In memory of June Martel General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM JERROLD AND GERI MATIN In memory of Harriet Lomsky Social Action Food Fund FROM BOB MCALLISTER In memory of Karen Mcallister Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM LIZ AND RUBEN MENASHE In memory of Fortuna Menashe Cemetery Beautification Fund In memory of Lore Labby Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund In honor of Irwin Holzman-Note From Donor Holzman Family Religious School Fund FROM PAUL AND ALICE MEYER In memory of Lore Labby Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund In memory of Abraham Paul Meyer Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM ALAN AND LANA MILLER In honor of David Schiff’s Retirement From Reed College Cantor Schiff Discretionary Fund In honor of Eve Rosenfeld’s 90th Birthday Social Action General Tribute Fund In memory of Jake Kryszeck In memory of Alex Miller In memory of Edith O. Miller In memory of Gladys Rosenberg In honor of Barbara Caplan’s Speedy Recovery Miller Room Refurbishment Fund
FROM GREG AND JEMI MANSFIELD In honor of Kate Royston WRJ Hope In Life Fund
FROM BARNEY AND SUSAN MILSTEIN In appreciation of Receiving The Song Of Miriam Award WRJ Hope In Life Fund
FROM PHIL AND DOROTHY MARGOLIN In memory of Helen Stamm General Administrative Tribute Fund
FROM ROGER MOMENT In memory of Samuel Moment In memory of Jeanne Moment General Administrative Tribute Fund
FROM DAVID AND DOLOROSA MARGULIS In memory of Betty Lou Margulis In memory of Jerome Margulis General Administrative Tribute Fund
FROM HEINZ HOLZAPFEL AND SYLVIA NESSAN In memory of Rywka Mendelsohn Cantor Cahana Discretionary Fund In memory of Joseph Mendelsohn General Administrative Tribute Fund
FROM SHIRLEY MARK In memory of Daniel Fromer General Administrative Tribute Fund In memory of Florence Berensen General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM LYNN MARKS In memory of Lianne Marks Klein
FROM ROSALYN NEUBERGER In memory of Stuart Neuberger Social Action General Tribute Fund In memory of Jette Neuberger General Administrative Tribute Fund In memory of Gert Neuberger Temple Improvement Fund
FROM PATRICIA NEUBERGER In memory of Gert Neuberger In memory of Jette Neuberger Social Action Food Fund In memory of Berthold Neuberger Cemetery Beautification Fund FROM JEANNE NEWMARK In memory of Dorothy Packouz In memory of Helen Mittleman In memory of Leonard Schnitzer In memory of Babbette Schnitzer Social Action Food Fund In memory of Harry Mittleman In memory of Herbert Newmark Temple Improvement Fund FROM MARK SCHLESINGER AND PATTI NORRIS In memory of Bernice Schlesinger General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM AVREL NUDELMAN In memory of Mrs. Harry (Gertrude) Semler In memory of Victor Nudelman In memory of Alysmae Semler Nudelman In memory of Rose Nudelman and Dr. Harry Semler Ruth and Larry Semler Youth Activity Tribute Fund FROM GILBERT OLMAN In memory of Molly Streit Sanny Snell Early Childhood Education Fund FROM LEN AND FAY OPPENHEIMER In memory of Cerdel Lennis In memory of Danny Moss In memory of William Oppenheimer In memory of Sam Lennis In memory of Shirley Deitch Sally Vidgoff Camp Kalsman Scholarship Fund FROM ROBERT AND LESLIE PELTZ In memory of Mel Farberman Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM MARK AND JUDITH PETERMAN In honor of Olivia Levy’s Bat Mitzvah Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM MARK AND RANDIE PETERSON In honor of Olivia Levy’s Bat Mitzvah In honor of Eve Rosenfeld’s Recovery Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM BOB AND RITA PHILIP In memory of Babette Schnitzer In memory of Leonard Schnitzer In memory of Helen Mittleman In memory of Selma Feldman In memory of William H. Philip Cemetery Beautification Fund FROM MARDI PITZER In memory of Babette Schnitzer Cemetery Beautification Fund
FROM HAROLD AND JANE POLLIN In memory of Jennie Pollin In memory of Jack Pollin Ruth and Larry Semler Youth Activity Tribute Fund FROM MICHAEL AND ALICE POWELL In memory of Jack J. Karlin Cantor Schiff Discretionary Fund FROM VICTORIA PULLMAN In memory of Abe Pullman In memory of Lena Freedman In memory of Abe Bercovitz General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM BRIAN PUZISS In memory of Irv Puziss Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM AMY RAINE In memory of Gale Grossman Rabbi Joseph Discretionary Fund FROM PATRICIA AND MICHAEL READER In memory of Morton Rosenblum Urman Family College Communication Fund FROM PHIL AND DOROTHY REITER In memory of Maurice Roth In memory of Clara Roth In memory of Hyman Reiter In memory of Julian Roth In memory of Sarah Reiter In memory of Dorthea Roth Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM MIMI RICHMAN In memory of Anna Richman Cantor Cahana Discretionary Fund In memory of Anna Richman I Have A Dream Fund Through Social Action FROM JIM AND MICHAEL RICHMAN In memory of Anna Richman Cantor Cahana Discretionary Fund In memory of Gordon Bazelon Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM PAUL AND GAYLE ROMAIN In memory of Babette Schnitzer In memory of Leonard Schnitzer In memory of Helen Mittleman In memory of Harry Mittleman General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM RABBI ROSE AND LORRAINE ROSE In memory of Emily Wilson, and Irving Wilson General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM BEATRICE ROSE In memory of Susan Rose Goldsmith Rabbi Rose Discretionary Fund FROM SARAH ROSEN In memory of Lillian B. Goodman General Administrative Tribute Fund continued on p. 18
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HEADER HEREPEOPLE VERY THOUGHTFUL FROM DAVID ROSENBLUM In appreciation of Rabbi Cahana Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM EVE AND ALAN ROSENFELD In memory of Dorothy Packouz Social Action Food Fund FROM ERIC AND TIFFANY ROSENFELD In memory of Karl Frey In memory of Lloyd Rosenfeld In memory of Clara Frey In memory of Harry Nemer Rosenfeld Youth Support FROM ROSEMARIE ROSENFELD In memory of Karl S. Frey Rosenfeld Youth Leadership In memory of Clara S. Frey In memory of Lloyd B. Rosenfeld Social Action Food Fund FROM JUDITH ROTH In appreciation of Sandee Blank Cantor Schiff Discretionary Fund
FROM STUART AND SUSAN SCHLEIFER In memory of Lois Berlin In memory of Adolph Schneider v Eva Schneider General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM BENITA SCHLESINGER In memory of Hanery H. Kavitt Cemetery Beautification Fund FROM ROB SCHNEIDER AND JUDITH HOCHHAUSER SCHNEIDER In memory of Susan Hochhauser General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM GREG GOODMAN, SUSAN SCHNITZER, DORI SCHNITZER, MARK BROWN, JEANNE MARKS AND LENNY MARKS In memory of Mildred and Morris Schnitzer Cemetery Beautification Fund
FROM BILL AND KATE ROYSTON In memory of Robert Canter WRJ Hope In Life Fund
FROM ARLENE SCHNITZER In memory of Harold Schnitzer In memory of Helen Director In memory of Simon Director In memory of Leonard Schnitzer Simon & Helen Director Endowment Fund
FROM DANIEL AND LISA RUBEN In memory of Alan Ruben In memory of Louise Ruben General Administrative Tribute Fund
FROM DINA SCHNITZER In memory of Leonard Schnitzer Harold & Arlene Schnitzer Facilities Fund
FROM TED AND DAVIA RUBENSTEIN In memory of Anne Rubenstein Social Action General Tribute Fund In memory of Goldie Moises Rabbi Joseph Discretionary Fund In memory of Alan Director Rabbi Joseph Discretionary Fund
FROM LOIS SCHNITZER In memory of Leonard Schnitzer Social Action Food Fund
FROM DICK AND DEANNE RUBINSTEIN In memory of Dorothy Packouz In memory of Sylvia & Les Seinfeld Rabbi Joseph Discretionary Fund In honor of Henry Oseran’s Recovery Oseran Family Endowment Fund
FROM MATTHEW AND CALLIE SCHULMAN In memory of Lila Goodman Holzman Family Religious School Fund
FROM MICHAEL AND GERI RUBOLZ In memory of Sandy Kowitt Cemetery Beautification Fund FROM JERRY AND BUNNY SADIS In memory of Lore Labby Miller Room Refurbishment Fund In honor of Sue Kaplon’s Birthday Social Action Food Fund In memory of Leo Mitchell Jenat Feldman Leadership Development Fund In memory of Stacy Sadis Holzman Family Religious School Fund FROM ELAINE SAVINAR In memory of Bonita Weinstein General Administrative Tribute Fund In memory of Norm Savinar Nettie Director Library Fund
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FROM LOIS SCHNITZER In memory of Harry Shafer In memory of Rose Shafer Social Action Food Fund
FROM MARGO SERCU In memory of Jerry M. Colton In memory of Sharon Goldman Prayer Book Fund FROM JOEL AND SANDRA SERES In memory of Nathan Brodat In memory of Gussie Seres General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM JACK SHAPIRO In memory of Lucy Shapiro General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM CURT AND KATHY SHEININ In memory of Jack, Ruth, & Bruce Sheinin General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM LOIS AND ARDEN SHENKER In memory of Lillian and Gilbert Sussman Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund
FROM RACHEL SHIMSHAK In memory of Jack Shimshak General Administrative Tribute Fund
FROM SPIVAK FAMILY In memory of Randy Goodman Prayer Book Fund
FROM JILL SLANSKY In memory of Harold Newman In memory of Miriam Newman Jill Slansky Early Childhood Leader Fund
FROM KAREN SPIVAK In memory of Henry Spivak Prayer Book Fund
FROM MARTHA SOLTESZ In memory of Dorothy Morgenstern Cantor Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM ROBERT SONNES In memory of Ronald Yankowitz General Administrative Tribute Fund In memory of Paul Sonnes Miller Room Refurbishment Fund In memory of Lettie Sonnes General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM JOAN AND LOUIS SORIANO In memory of Lena Swerdlik Ruth and Larry Semler Youth Activity Endowment FROM DON SPIEGEL AND DEBORAH DAVIS-SPIEGEL In memory of Dorothy Durkheimer and Sidney Spiegel Social Action Food Fund In memory of Dorothy Durkheimer Rabbi Joseph Discretionary Fund FROM BRUCE SPIEGEL In memory of Sidney Spiegel Social Action Food Fund FROM MARDI SPITZER In memory of Harold Schnitzer In memory of Harold Schnitzer Cemetery Beautification Fund In memory of Selma Emerman Feldman Jenat Feldman Leadership Development Fund FROM JIM SPIVAK In memory of Abe Wexler In memory of Henry & Helen Spivak In memory of Jacqueline R. Spivak In memory of Ruth & Larry Semler In memory of Dr. Harry & Gertrude Semler In memory of Harry & Helen Spivak In memory of Jacqueline R. Spivak In memory of Abe & Gilda Wexler In memory of Abe & Minnie Spivak In memory of Vicotr Nudelman In memory of Leon Semler In memory of Henry Spivak In memory of Jackie R. Spivak In memory of Alysmae Semler Nudelman In memory of Dr. Harry Semler In memory of Sadee Muzikant In memory of Blanche Cohn In memory of Celia Levitt Sondheim Cemetery Beautification Fund
FROM WENDY STEINBERG In memory of Guss Steinberg Rabbi Joseph Discretionary Fund FROM LANCE AND MARY STEINBERG In memory of Bernice Bloom In memory of Michael Goldstein General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM KATHY STEINBOCK In memory of Edythe Steinbock In memory of Ida Steinbock General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM RICK AND KAY STERN In memory of Charlotte Stern Altar Flowers and Oneg Fund FROM RONALD AND JULIE STOUT In memory of Robert A. Backus Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM NAOMI STRAUSS In memory of Nate Ross Social Action General Tribute Fund In memory of Gene Marie Strauss Altar Flowers and Oneg Fund In memory of Alan Director In memory of Dorothy Packouz In memory of Albert Strauss In memory of Louis Strauss Social Action Food Fund In memory of Maro Rubens Cemetery Beautification Fund In memory of Lore Labby Oseran Family Endowment Fund In memory of Toni Kahan In memory of Rabbi Isidore Kahan Prayer Book Fund In honor of Susan Milstein Receiving The Song Of Miriam Award In memory of Lila Goodman Adult Education Fund FROM RON AND BOBBI SWERDLIN In memory of Dorothy Budin In memory of Herman Swerdlin In memory of Miriam Swerdlin May Georges Studies In Israel Scholarship Fund FROM MIKE SWETT In memory of Phyllis Swett In memory of Golda Manes Early Childhood Education Tribute Fund FROM MICHAEL TANNENBAUM In memory of Alan Lundberg In memory of Fred Buell Cemetery Beautification Fund FROM MICHAEL, TIM, BECKY, AND ADAM TANNENBAUM In memory of Carol Tannenbaum In memory of Pat Tannenbaum WRJ Hope In Life Fund
VERY THOUGHTFUL PEOPLE FROM LOUIS AND JAE TAUBER Rabbi Joseph Discretionary Fund FROM ANDREW KAPLAN AND VALERIE THOM In memory of Arthur Kaplan Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM JON AND LINDA TWICHELL In memory of Hillard Rozen In memory of Muriel Rozen General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM ROBERT TOBIAS In memory of Anna Tobias In memory of Herbert Tobias In memory of Mitzi Tobias General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM HOWARD AND LOIS TOBIN Rabbi Joseph Discretionary Fund FROM CHERYL AND RENA TONKIN In memory of Alan Baron Tonkin In memory of Fannie Baron In memory of Ethel Tonkin In memory of Edward Tonkin Cemetery Beautification Fund FROM RENA TONKIN In memory of Marvin Tonkin In memory of Suzanne Miller In memory of Harry Baron Cemetery Beautification Fund FROM MARCY TONKIN In memory of Marvin Tonkin In memory of Ethel Tonkin In memory of Edward Tonkin Cemetery Beautification Fund FROM PEARL TRACHTENBERG In memory of William Katz In memory of Tillie Wachs Social Action Food Fund FROM JOHN TRACHTENBERG In memory of David R. Trachtenberg Roscoe and Debra Nelson Youth Fund FROM MARVIN AND LOIS URMAN In memory of Edis Cohen Urman Family College Communication Fund In memory of Jack Urman Urman Family College Communication Fund In memory of Maxwell & Elizabeth Silverstein Urman Family College Communication Fund FROM JIM AND ANN WALDMAN General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM MARK AND ROBERTA WAX In memory of Lillian Lisa Wax Nettie Director Library Fund
FROM SANDY AND ELAINE WEINSTEIN In memory of Lore Labby Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund In memory of Joseph Lewis Social Action Food Fund In memory of Tessie Lewis Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM JEFF AND SHERRI WEINSTEIN In memory of Charlene Weinstein In memory of Bessie Krane General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM ALAN AND KAREN WEINTRAUB General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM JOELLA WERLIN In memory of Rosella Werlin May Georges Studies In Israel Scholarship Fund In memory of Robert L. Autrey General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM ELDON AND CAROLYN WEXLER In memory of Abe Wexler Tzedakah Fund in memory of Eugene Krantz in memory of Fannie Wexler Social Action Committee FROM BOB WINTHROP AND ANNA ROBATON-WINTHROP Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM LEWIS AND ANN YOUNG In memory of Ethel Young In memory of Josef Young In memory of Fred Young In memory of Freida Tennenbaum In memory of Reubin Tennenbaum Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM RUTHIE ZEIDMAN In honor of CBI Hosting Her Capstone Event General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM MARTY AND BEV ZELL In memory of Alan Director In memory of Dorothy Packouz In memory of Maurie Jacobs In memory of Julius Zell Social Action Food Fund FROM JANET ZELL In memory of Julius Zell In memory of Milton Zell In honor of Leonard Zell’s Birthday In memory of Lillian F. Zell Temple Improvement Fund FROM CHARLENE ZIDELL In memory of Min Zidell General Administrative Tribute Fund
Shabbat on the Plaza August 9 & 23 • September 6 6:00 pm
Congregation Beth Israel 1972 NW Flanders Street, Portland, OR 97209 Office: (503) 222-1069 • Fax: (503) 274-1400 Beth Israel Cemetery, 426 SW Taylors Ferry Road
CBI Team
Receptionist and Tributes Coordinator Amber Rollins amber@bethisrael-pdx.org
CLERGY Senior Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana
Finance Director Melissa Bordine melissa@bethisrael-pdx.org
Senior Cantor Ida Rae Cahana Associate Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph Rabbi Emeritus Emanuel Rose, D.H.L., D.D. Cantor Emerita Judith Blanc Schiff Contact any of the Clergy at clergy@bethisrael-pdx.org EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Education Director Ben Sandler, M. Ed., R.J.E. ben@bethisrael-pdx.org Senior Program Manager Youth and Family Chelsea Ferguson chelsea@bethisrael-pdx.org Education Coordinator McKenna Means mckenna@bethisrael-pdx.org Senior Program Manager Life Cycle Events Emily Silverman emily@bethisrael-pdx.org CBI ADMINISTRATION Executive Director Josh Kashinsky josh@bethisrael-pdx.org Senior Program Manager Membership Shoshanna Pro-Richards shoshanna@bethisrael-pdx.org Communications and Program Coordinator Tracy Manaster Alifanz tracy@bethisrael-pdx.org
Accounts Payable Linda Bridges linda@bethisrael-pdx.org Accounting Coordinator and Payroll Specialist Bitsie Appleton bitsie@bethisrael-pdx.org Facilities Managers Dallas Van Winkle Susie Young facilities@bethisrael-pdx.org Facilities Staff Bea Anderson Kevin Larkin Fatima Osborne Daniel Whalen CATERING PANEL Alfresco Catering by Sheraton 503-335-2853, Julia Deuchler Art of Catering 503-231-8185, Eric Sandstrom Aviv Israeli Vegan Cuisine 906-236-2834, Biz Lyons Century Catering 503-849-2605, Allen Levin Devil’s Food Catering 503-233-9288, Dan Sullivan Kenny & Zuke’s 503-222-3354 Lisa Glickman, Private Chef 541-728-6678 Vibrant Table Group/ Food In Bloom 503-297-9635, 503-944-6820 Karen Rich
Administrative Assistant/Clergy Support Beeta Neshati beeta@bethisrael-pdx.org
Board of Trustees, FY 2018/2019 Officers
Glen Levy President
Naomi Derner At Large
Tony Urdes Vice President/ President-Elect
Robin McCoy At Large
Sally Rosenfeld Secretary
Ted Nelson Past President
Stacy Friedman Treasurer Auxiliaries Kathleen Doctor WRJ/BI Sisterhood President
Eric Flamm Brotherhood President
Jeff Capen Bonnie Davis David Goldwyn Dan Hurwitz Janet Hoffman Bill June Christie Moore David Sarasohn Libby Schwartz
Anna Epstein JND President
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Congregation Beth Israel
1972 NW Flanders Street Portland, OR 97209-2097
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 4:00 PM MAIN SANCTUARY Pulitzer Prize winner for distinguished commentary Bret Stephens has been an op-ed columnist and associate editor for The New York Times since 2017. He is a regular policy analyst for MSNBS, has twice served as chairman of Pulitzer Prize juries, and is a national judge of the prestigious Livingston Awards and has received the Professional Achievement Prize from the University of Chicago. Former Secretary of State George Shultz hailed his 2014 book, America in Retreat: The New Isolationism and the Coming Global Disorder as “wise counsel for a constructive, tough-minded, and sensible foreign policy.”
Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism since 1879