MAY/JUNE/JULY 2019 • 5779
VOL. 68, NO. 4
t s i l k c e h C
hes ini Mensc M e h t h k wit in the Par t a b b a h S a Celebrate n the Plaz o t a b b a h at S e Shabbat m o lc e w d g, an Picnic, sin cial Hours o S d o o h r Siste women at I B C g in z with ama Connect at h learning is w e J d n fun a a week of r o f p u Sign mpus he CBI ca t ip n o p m afting Tr R BB Ca r e t a W hite annual W ’s d o o h r e h ot lash at Br Make a sp er to BI’s answ C t a e t ner a nd celebr alah & Din a d v e a in H d n , a e v danc ila La Dress up, t-ever La s ir f r u o lanc— Diner en B nsches e Mini Me h t h it w h Trek on a Tora e r u t a n Explore s in the ngregant o c w o ll e and f ur clergy o y h it w March he arade oughout t P r h e t id s r il P a m d Dome e re! Portlan ts and mo neath our even Check Be on these s il a t e d r o summer f
Welcome, Summer! by Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph Associate Rabbi For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. (Song of Songs 2:11) It’s almost summer. Can you feel it? The sun is shining more often and the temperature is rising. Living in Oregon we relish every moment of this season. When I moved to Portland, seven years ago, having grown-up in the Midwest and living most of my life on the East Coast, I had no idea what it meant to have a summer without humidity, without bugs, and without
thunder storms. Growing up meant spending summers at Jewish sleep away camp covered in DEET because there was nothing enjoyable about staying home since it was inevitably too hot to play outside, anyway. Recently, I was speaking with a colleague in New Jersey who explained how her synagogue doesn’t have B’nei Mitzvah in the summer – and they are a large congregation – because no one stays in New Jersey during the summer. I was shocked. Her congregants would rather risk the winter snow instead of staying home for the summer.
Our story is so different. We love to celebrate B’nei Mitzvah, baby namings, weddings, and other simchas in the summer. CBI doesn’t close down after religious school ends. On the contrary, we can’t wait to welcome Shabbat with you on the plaza! To dance and sing with your tots in park meet-ups, and to learn and grow with our partners at BB Day Camp. Now that I’m a Portlander, I too, relish every moment of summer – I’ve even been camping! Looking forward to seeing you around temple and maybe on a hike in the gorge.
Kate Royston who was honored as Eishet Chayil, “A Woman of Honor” at the Sisterhood Shabbat on February 22. See the plaque in the foyer outside Pollin Chapel with the list of the amazing women who have been awarded this honor.
Would you like to ensure that CBI lives on for generations to come? You can become a member of our Legacy Circle by creating an endowment in your lifetime or by including CBI in your will or estate plan. To learn more or to discuss becoming a member, please contact Executive Director Josh Kashinsky at josh@bethisrael-pdx.org or (503) 222-1069.
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Sisterhood member and second grade CBI teacher Susan Berniker, the Sisterhood Social Action Chair, has been selected to attend the Women of Reform Judaism inaugural Social Justice Conference, which will be held in Washington, DC in May. The conference is for Jewish women to become better-educated and trained on social justice issues, learn advocacy skills to utilize at home and on a larger scale, and address timely topics.
The Sisterhood gift shop, open on Sundays from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM while Religious School is in session, is an excellent choice for B’nei Mitzvah gifts. Remember the gift shop for your simchas, holidays, and Judaica. For special orders or appointments outside of regular hours, contact Bonnie Barg at bonniebarg@gmail.com.
School’s Out for Summer! by Ben Sandler Education Director The beautiful Oregon summer is around the corner, and with the change in season comes big changes for kids and families. Our rhythm of school and activities during the week, Religious School on the weekends and Thursdays, youth group outings, and CBI holiday celebrations shifts to Frisbees in the park, travel, and camp adventures. The change in routine offers different ways to stay engaged with CBI and to continue to learn and explore Judaism. This summer will be full of B’nei Mitzvah celebrations, and our CBI campus will be buzzing with activity every weekend. While our Reform tradition focuses much energy on attending services on
Friday evenings, Saturday mornings offer a Torah service and a chance to experience one of our young people lead the community and connect ancient words of Torah to their lives today. For students on their way to becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, attending Saturday services and becoming more and more familiar with the Torah service is especially important. Recognizing that each person brings a unique spark to our community, and seeing how they can look and feel very different in terms of leading the service is important for our students and families to experience.
of the URJ camps or BB Day Camp on the CBI campus or BB Overnight Camp will have any opportunities to connect being Jewish to the natural world and meet other Jewish kids from around the Northwest. If your family wishes to practice “the Hebrew word of the week” and find other learning resources, be sure to check out the Parent Nus e-blast summer editions. You are also welcome to contact the CBI Education team for study ideas and teaching assistance. Often CBI tutors and teachers are available to tutor over the summer months and we can help connect you to keep the learning going! Thanks to our families, teachers and staff for a fun school year and wishing everyone a joyful summer!
Our kids and families who look forward to our Sunday morning Mishpacha Minyon services can bring the ruach outside for the Friday night Shabbat on the Plaza services with special musical guests, new and familiar melodies, and stories from our tradition that bring surprise and wonder. Students attending URJ Camp Kalsman or another
L’Shalom, Ben
HEBREW WORD OF THE DAY CHALLENGE The religious school students learn a new Hebrew word each week during Mishpacha Minyon. See if you know as much as our students! Can you match the Hebrew word to its English translation? *
Playing Field
* Answers available at www.bethisrael-pdx.org. MAY/JUNE /JULY 2019 | CONGREG ATION BE TH ISR AEL
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Food for the Soul with Rabbi Shelton Donnell and Wendy Bocarsky Sunday, June 2, 10:00 AM- 4:00 PM Sokol Blosser Vineyard/John Storrs Tasting Room Food plays a starring role in Jewish tradition from Friday night dinner to the Passover Seder, but its significance goes beyond the fact that Jews like to eat! Through our “Food for the Soul” program, you can explore some insights of our tradition on the “Torah of the kitchen” from the Talmud to the Hasidic masters. To add to the experience, you will sample wine, enjoy cheese tasting and indulge yourselves with rich chocolate. Your day at Sokol Blosser includes a discussion of The Shulchan Arukh, our sacred table, and how food plays a ritual role in Judaism with Wendy Bocarsky, a conversation on The Kabbalah of Food, how we taste and what we taste with Rabbi Shelton Donnell... and of course food. Coffee, snacks, a farm-to-table lunch served family style, wine selections from Sokol Blosser Vineyard, cheese chosen by cheese monger Chris Remy of Elephants Delicatessen, and chocolate created by chocolatier Christina Yen, Yen for Chocolate. $95; RSVP to Tracy at (503) 222-1069 or tracy@bethisrael-pdx.org Thanks to Tony and Bianca Urdes for their generous support of Adult Education at CBI. About the Presenters Rabbi Shelton Donnell comes from a long line of eaters. In fact, every one of his ancestors throughout history ate. Wendy Bocarsky descends from a long line of mediocre cooks but is a gourmet cook in her own right. Together, they have learned that eating is more than nutritional, it can also be a religious experience. Shelton was ordained at HUC-JIR, NY and subsequently served congregations in Los Angeles. He moved to Temple Beth Sholom in Orange County, where he was made Rabbi Emeritus in 2005. Wendy is also a graduate of HUC-JIR and has been a Jewish educator for over fifty years. She is also a retired oncology nurse. The pair made aliyah to Israel in 2005, where Shelton served on the faculty and staff of HUC-JIR, retiring in 2015 as the Rabbi of the Yearin-Israel program, and Wendy volunteered at Congregation Kol Haneshamah, and at Milabev, a daycare center for seniors with dementia. They have lived in Beaverton since 2015 along with their three dogs, Louie, Barney, and Angel. They still eat almost daily.
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BROTHERHOOD Keep an eye out for brotherhood summer fun, including an August raft trip, Shabbat on the Plaza sponsorship, and ongoing poker nights and social hours. To make sure you’re getting brotherhood emails, contact tracy@bethisrael-pdx.org.
Find Your Inner Rabbi Friday, May 10 and Friday, June 14 Robison Home Sisterhood leads services at the Robison Home and is responsible for providing a service leader(s) May 10 and June 14. We can teach you everything you need to know. If you are interested and can help out, please contact Kate Royston at kroyston@gmail.com.
Song of Miriam Brunch Sunday, June 2, 10:00 AM Mittelman Jewish Community Center The brunch celebrates Jewish women in the community who volunteer their time and energies to a Jewish organization. Beth Israel Sisterhood has selected Susan Milstein as the 2019 honoree. For more information and tickets: https://jwrt.org/ song_of_miriam_2.html.
Sisterhood Board Meeting June 6, 6:00 PM Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
Interfaith Alliance on Poverty with Ted Wheeler, Mayor of Portland Monday, May 13, 6:30 PM The Madeleine Parish (3123 NE 24th Avenue) Congregation Beth Israel is a member of the Interfaith Alliance on Poverty. Believing there is strength in numbers, the Alliance is a growing community of Portland interfaith groups and civic partners working together to alleviate poverty in our city. On May 13, Ted Wheeler, Mayor of Portland will address the Alliance on successes and learnings about tackling poverty and what are the relevant roles of faith communities. Doors open at 6:30 PM, pizza available. The mayor’s remarks and a Q&A will follow.
Social Action Committee Meeting June 3, 5:30 PM Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room Join in the Social Action Committee’s ongoing programming and advocacy work.
Tot Shabbat
Sisterhood Social Hours
May 4 & 18, June 1, July 6, August 3 9:00 AM Pollin Chapel
May 14 and June 11, 5:00 PM Tanner Creek Tavern
Dance and sing, listen to a story from the clergy followed by an oneg and craft project.
Join us for our Summer Social Hours!
Sisterhood Pacific Northwest Area Day Saturday, July 20, Sunday, July 21 Congregation Kol Ami (Vancouver, WA) Celebrate all that Sisterhood does throughout the region at Sisterhood PNW Area Day! Registration will open in May.
SAVE THE DATE: Laila Lavan Havdalah and Dinner Saturday, August 17, 6:00 PM Temple Lawn Dress up (in white), dine (on farm-to-table summer fare) celebrate Havdalah and dance under the stars! Look for more information in our weekly e-blasts.
Shabbat on the Plaza July 12 & 26, August 9 & 23, September 6 6:00 PM Temple Lawn Join your Mini Mensch friends and sit together for Shabbat on the Plaza! We’ll have games and activities to keep everyone entertained.
Park Meet Ups June 9, June 22, July 14, July 21, August 18 Enjoy the sunshine and wonderful Portland summer with Mini Mensches! We’ll be meeting at various parks throughout the summer to hang out, go for walks and have some summer fun! Contact chelsea@bethisrael-pdx.org to be sure you don’t miss out.
SHAVUOT Shavuot Sunday, June 9
Shavuot Lunch and Learn Sunday, June 9, 12:00 PM Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
Torah Trek - Sixth Grade Saturday, May 4, 10:30 AM
Holocaust Memorial (Fifth Grade Family Program) Sunday, May 5, 10:00 AM
Seventh Grade Shabbatini and Intro to High School Sunday, May 5, 9:15 AM
Intro to IHP (Second grade)
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Tour of Current Exhibit at Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education) May 15, 1:00 PM OJMCHE Curator Bruce Guenther will guide us on a tour of the museum’s current exhibition: Mel Bochner, “Enough Said.” Free with museum admission.
Tour of Bob’s Red Mill Manufacturing Facility May 17, 10:00 AM 13521 SE Pheasant Court, Milwaukie The tour is free and lasts roughly 75 minutes; linger for optional lunch and shopping at the neighboring Whole Grain Store. Every Bob’s product is available at the store, many sold from bins (so choose as much or little as you like). Please RSVP to the CBI Main Office at (503) 222-1069 or email RSVP@bethisrael-pdx.org, and be sure to let us know if you are interested in carpooling!
Sunday, May 5, 10:00 AM
Bald Eagle Nest Viewing
All High School Program
June 5, 9:300 AM Forest Park
Sunday, May 12, 1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
High School Graduation Friday, May 17, 6:00 PM
Last Day of Religious School Sunday, May 19
Confirmation Sunday, June 2, 6:00 PM
DOR CHADASH Bowling with Dor Chadash
Meet at upper end of Pittock Mansion Parking Lot, near Wildwood Trailhead. Bald eagles have nested in the same location near Pittock Mansion for several years. Take a short (15 min) but steep walk down to viewing site from parking lot for possible viewing of adult eagles and their hatchlings. Bring binoculars if possible.
CBI 50+ Planning Meeting We will hold a coffee get together in June to plan more activities. Date to be determined. For questions about above or to get involved please contact Sally Rosenfeld, srosenfeldfrank@gmail.com CBI AT THE PRIDE PARADE
Annual Meeting Friday, May 10, 5:00 PM Main Sanctuary Welcome new board members, thank outgoing ones for their service, get an update on all things CBI, and adjourn for Friday Night Services—complete with a special choral performance.
Chichester Psalms Friday, May 10, 6:00 PM (Shabbat Evening Service) Main Sanctuary Sunday, May 12, 10:00 AM (Sunday Morning Service) Trinity Episcopal Cathedral (147 NW 19th) Chichester Psalms, one of Leonard Bernstein’s most frequently sung choral works, is adored by singers and audiences alike. Performing the beloved work will be the Choir of Girls, Boys and Adults from Trinity Episcopal Cathedral with organist and Director of Music Bruce Neswick and CBI’s own Kol Echad choir with soloist Olivia Cull. The performances will be conducted by Ethan Sperry, acclaimed head of the PSU choral program.
Torah Connects Sunday, May 12, 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM Sunday, June 2, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM Goodman Hall An array of cultural, artistic, educational, and interactive activities surround the restoration of our Torah scrolls by a visiting sofer (scribe). Contact emily@ bethisrael-pdx.org with any questions.
The Three Clergy Present The Spring Holidays: Resurrection, Rebirth and Remembrance Thursday, May 23, 7:00 PM Pollin Chapel Rabbi Cahana and colleagues from other faith traditions discuss and educate at this always-popular event.
Saturday, May 11, 5:00 PM Grand Central Bowl
Pride Parade
Will you bowl a strike? A spare? A gutter ball? Only one way to find out… contact Chelsea at chelsea@bethisrael-pdx.org for details on this and other Youth Group events!
Join CBI (and wear your Mitzvah Day shirt!) to march in the 2019 Pride Parade. Watch our Facebook and weekly emails for details.
Sunday, June 16
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Shabbat Evening Services
Sunday Hebrew Program (Pre-K through 7th Grade)
Adult Education Committee Meeting
Sundays, 9:15 AM- 12:15 PM Sherman Education Building
May 23, June 20, 8:30 AM Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
May 3, June 7, July 5 7:30 PM, Pollin Chapel
Sunday Hebrew Program (8th-12th Grades)
Board of Trustees Meeting
Tot Shabbat
Sundays, 12:15 PM- 2:15 PM Sherman Education Building
Friday Evenings 6:00 PM, Pollin Chapel*
JND Shabbat
May 4 & 18, June 1, July 6, August 3 9:00 AM, Pollin Chapel
Annual Meeting followed by Chichester Psalms
Integrated Hebrew Program (IHP) Thursdays, 4:30 PM Sherman Education Building
May 16, June 20, 6:00 PM Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
Executive Committee Meeting May 8, June 18, 12:00 PM Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
Sisterhood Board Meeting
June 6, 6:00 PM Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
Friday, May 17 6:00 PM, Main Sanctuary
Celebrated at Shabbat Morning Services (10:30 AM, Main Sanctuary) or Havdalah Services (5:00 PM, Main Sanctuary)
Social Action Committee Meeting
Healing Havdalah
Saturday, May 4, 5:00 PM Havdalah Bat Mitzvah of Avery Dorfman
Friday, May 10 5:00 PM, Main Sanctuary
High School Graduation
Saturday, June 1 5:00 PM, Pollin Chapel
Confirmation Sunday, June 2 6:00 PM, Main Sanctuary
Torah Study Saturday Mornings 9:00 AM, Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
Shabbat on the Plaza July 12 & 26, August 9 & 23, September 6 6:00 PM, Temple Lawn
Saturday, May 18, 10:30 AM Bar Mitzvah of Max Netter
Saturday, May 25, 10:30 AM B’nei Mitzvah of Ethan Geller & Leo Geller
Every Friday, 10:00 AM Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
Saturday, June 1, 10:30 AM Bar Mitzvah of Taylor Levow
Saturday, June 8, 10:30 AM Bar Mitzvah of Hewett Polliack Saturday, June 16, 10:30 AM Bat Mitzvah of Ilana Rosenberg Saturday, June 22, 5:00 PM Havdalah Bat Mitzvah of Olivia Levy
Shabbat Morning Services
Saturday, June 29, 10:30 AM Bar Mitzvah of Joel Muir
Saturday Mornings 10:30 AM, Pollin Chapel*
Saturday, July 7, 10:30 AM Bat Mitzvah of Naomi Hemstreet
*When our community celebrates B’nei Mitzvah, and on other occasions throughout the year, these services may take place in our Main Sanctuary. Our weekly e-news or website (www.bethisrael-pdx.org) is your best source for up to the minute location details.
Saturday, July 13, 10:30 AM Bar Mitzvah of Oliver Spain Saturday, July 7, 5:00 PM Havdalah Bat Mitzvah of Kira Posner Saturday, July 27, 10:30 AM Bar Mitzvah of Miles Heath
For our full calendar of events, visit www.bethisrael-pdx.org 6 |
June 5, 5:30 PM Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
Third Wednesday of the month Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
Book Club The CBI Book Club will resume monthly meetings in September.
OFFICE CLOSURES Monday, May 27, Memorial Day Thursday, July 4, Independence Day
Last day of IHP is May 16. Last Day of Religious School is May 19.
You’re Invited
Friday, May 17, 6:00 PM Main Sanctuary
Sunday, June 2, 6:00 PM
Share our joy at the ceremony for our 5779 graduates.
Please join our tenth graders and their families for this moving ritual.
Main Sanctuary
High Holidays at CBI - 5780/2019 Our beautiful Portland summers tend to go by quickly, meaning the High Holidays will be here almost as fast. You can expect to receive your family’s Household Pass, a full schedule of services, and Book of Remembrance forms in the mail this August. In the mean time, mark your calenders for:
Erev Rosh Hashanah - Sunday, September 29, 2019 Rosh Hashanah - Monday, September 30, 2019 Kol Nidre - Tuesday, October 8, 2019 Yom Kippur - Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Mazel Tov to
Condolences to
Harry Glickman, who has been awarded the 2019 John W. Bunn Lifetime Achievement Award by the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. He will be honored during the 2019 Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame ceremonies this September.
Uri (Jessica) Kushner on the loss of his father, Abraham and Hannah Kushner on the loss of their grandfather, Shoshana Kushner on the loss of her husband, and to machatumin Jack and Esther Dickstein and the extended Kushner family on the loss of Rabbi Paul Kushner.
David Schiff on his retirement from Reed College where he was honored with the presentation of two concerts marking his gifts of composition and 40 year collaboration with Chamber Music Northwest.
Ray Packouz on the loss of his wife, Carol (Wes (z”l)), Nancy (Jeff), Kalman (Shoshanna), and Ron (Susan) on the loss of their mother, and to the extended Packouz family, including thirty grandchildren and great-grandchildren on the loss of Dorothy Packouz, who passed away on April 3 at the age of ninety-eight. Howard (Jen) Feldman, and three other children on the loss of their mother, Leigh (Sara) and Jessica Feldman, and eight other grandchildren on the loss of their grandmother, Sebastian, Sasha, and Yaro,
and seventeen other great-grandchildren on the loss of their great-grandmother, and the extended Feldman family on the loss of Selma Emerman Feldman, who passed away on Wednesday, February 27, a few days before her 97th birthday. Lois (Howard) Tobin and Stanley Edelstein (Gail Granoff) on the loss of their mother, Jonathan Edelstein and Jessica EdelsteinLevy on the loss of their grandmother, and the extended Edelstein family on the loss Adeline H. Edelstein, who passed away on Wednesday, March 6th at 93 years old. David (Susan) Rosenblum and Bruce Rosenblum on the loss of their father,Eric (Allie) Rosenblum and Lauren Rosenblum on the loss of their grandfather, and the extended Rosenblum family on the loss of Mort Rosenblum , who passed away on Wednesday, April 10 at 94 years old.
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B’NEI MITZVAH Avery Brooke Dorfman Avery Brooke Dorfman will become a Bat Mitzvah during the Havdalah service on May 4, 2019. Avery is the daughter of Nikki and Lee Dorfman; younger sister of Rij; granddaughter of Sharon and Larry Dorfman of Chicago, IL, Lynn and Bill Denham of Portland, and Howard Markowitz of Las Vegas, NV. A seventh grader at Winterhaven School, Avery has been an avid dancer since the age of two. She has competed in tap, jazz, and acrobatics; she is also skilled in ballet and hip hop. For the last two years Avery has performed in Westside Dance Academy’s classic version of the Nutcracker. Avery also enjoys playing volleyball and basketball. Every summer since fourth grade, Avery has attended URJ Camp Kalsman. She enjoys staying in touch with her camp and school friends through social media. In her spare time, Avery likes to shop, watch movies, read, babysit, and spend time with friends. Avery has chosen to support the Soul Box Project for her Mitzvah Project. The Soul Box Project began in 2017 as a national community art project calling for the making of one hand- folded paper box for every person killed or injured by gunfire in the U.S. between 2014-2017. That astronomical number is 168,558.
Max Ivan Netter Max Ivan Netter will become a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, May 18, 2019. Max is the son of Amanda and Steve Netter and the older brother of Ari Netter. Max’s grandparents are Carin and Drew Netter of Highland Park, IL and Ann and Charles Weiler (z’l) of Connersville, IN. Max is a seventh grader at the Health and Science School (HS2) in Beaverton, where he’s getting a jump start on his desire to become an aerospace engineer. Max loves technology, philanthropy, gaming, and figuring out how things work. In his spare time, he enjoys playing video games, listening to Electronic Dance Music (EDM – especially Marshmello),
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watching engineering/tech YouTube videos, and going to Blazers and Timbers games. For his Mitzvah Project, Max is going to continue philanthropic efforts he began when he turned eight years old and started an annual tradition of forgoing birthday presents in order to support causes close to his heart. This year, he’s taking on a new project to help his fellow students at HS2. Around 50% of the student body at HS2 is on a free or reduced lunch program. “The Box” was started to collect donations to help kids in need get basic items they otherwise don’t always have at home. This includes food items, toiletries, clothing and school supplies. Anyone can donate by dropping off items at the designated area and then any student who has a need can stop by and pick up items without having to ask someone.
Ethan Jake Geller Ethan Jake Geller will become a Bar Mitzvah with his twin brother, Leo Jude Geller, on Saturday, May 25, 2019. Ethan is the son of Leslie and Richard Geller and the older brother of Sela. Ethan’s grandparents are Laura Jean Spear of Portland, OR; and of blessed memory: Stanley Samuelis of Portland, OR, and Leonard and Sheila Geller of Short Hills, NJ. Ethan is a seventh grader at Whitford Middle School and a fourth generation member of Congregation Beth Israel. Ethan enjoys sports and has played soccer, basketball, tackle football, and baseball including playing in the championship game last year on his Majors Red Sox team. Ethan also enjoys reading, spending time with friends, listening to rap music, and is a fabulous speller having competed in school, district and county spelling bees. For his Mitzvah Project, Ethan will be collecting new and gently used children’s books for the Children’s Book Bank, an organization dedicated to bringing books to children in low income neighborhoods. Please help Ethan in his effort to assist Children’s Book Bank by donating children’s books in the container labeled “Children’s Book Bank” outside of the CBI Education Office starting the first week in May.
Leo Jude Geller Leo Jude Geller will become a Bar Mitzvah with his twin brother, Ethan Jake Geller, on Saturday, May 25, 2019. Leo is the son of Leslie and Richard Geller and the older brother of Sela. Leo’s grandparents are Laura Jean Spear, of Portland, OR; and of blessed memory: Stanley Samuelis of Portland, OR, and Leonard and Sheila Geller of Short Hills, NJ. Leo is a seventh grader at Whitford Middle School and a fourth generation member of Congregation Beth Israel. Leo enjoys sports and has played soccer, baseball, and basketball. Leo’s favorite sport is tackle football. He has played since the third grade for Beaverton Youth Football and is a force to be reckoned with as a defensive and offensive lineman. Leo also enjoys spending time with friends, listening to rap music, and is a fabulous cook who makes a perfect omelet. For his Mitzvah Project, Leo will be collecting used eyeglasses and hearing aids for Oregon Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation (OLSHF). These items are reconditioned and donated to people in need. Please help Leo in his effort to assist OLSHF by donating eyeglasses and hearing aids in the container labeled “OLSHF” outside the CBI Education Office starting the first week in May.
Hewett Bell Polliack Hewett Bell Polliack will become a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, June 8, 2019. Hewett is the son of Kristin and Adrian Polliack. He has an older brother, Sammy. Hewett’s grandparents are Joe and Dinah Polliack of Cape Town, South Africa and Samuel and Susan Bell of Vero Beach, FL. Hewett is a seventh grader at Lakeridge Junior High School. Hewett is a competitive tennis player and enjoys skiing and
hiking. He is a foodie who enjoys baking, cooking and trying cuisine from many regions of the world. Other hobbies include playing guitar and painting. For his Mitzvah Project, Hewett will raise funds to donate to a micro-lending agency to assist minority women entrepreneurs with micro loans to start businesses. This project aligns with Hewett’s interests in invention, product design and entrepreneurial endeavors.
Ilana Rosenberg Ilana Rosenberg will become a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, June 15, 2019. Ilana lives in Happy Valley with her parents, Jake and Heather Rosenberg, and her younger brother Chase. The Rosenberg family joined Congregation Beth Israel in 2017 after relocating to Oregon from
Sacramento, California. Ilana is a seventh grader at Happy Valley Middle School where she is a member of the choir as well as the Builders Club, the middle school program for Kiwanis International. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, crafting, and playing with her two cats, Carson and Henri. Ilana loves animals and so plans to fundraise for an animal rescue organization in the Portland area for her Mitzvah Project.
and likes turtles, marine biology, Marvel, roller coasters, and video gaming. His favorite way to relax is hanging out with his friends on the Xbox. For his Mitzvah Project, Joel will be collecting funds to donate to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation). The JDRF funds research to cure, prevent and treat Type 1 Diabetes and its complications and supports children and adults all over the world who have Type 1 Diabetes.
Joel Muir
Naomi Hemstreet
Joel Muir will become a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, June 29, 2019. Joel is the son of Doug and Shelley Muir and the younger brother of Josh and Eva. Joel’s great grandmother is Josephine Shevach of Portland and his grandparents are Nancy Solomon of Portland, Stan and Sheryl Adams of Happy Valley, and Bob and Judy Muir of Portland. Joel is a fourthgeneration member of Congregation Beth Israel and will be an eighth Grader at Cedar Park Middle School in the fall. Joel plays the trombone in the school band
Naomi Hemstreet will become a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, July 6, 2019. Naomi is the daughter of Joanna Ogintz and Tim Hemstreet. She is a younger sister to Renata. Naomi’s grandparents are Marianne and Jack Hemstreet of Beaverton, OR and Susan and Steven Ogintz of Newark, DE. A seventh grader at Beaumont Middle School, Naomi likes swimming, lacrosse, baking, reading, trumpet and piano. For her Mitzvah Project, Naomi has been regularly volunteering doing food repack for the Oregon Food Bank.
Expert sofers, with your support are restoring all of CBI’s sifrei torah in honor of our 160th anniversay...
....including the Holocaust scroll from which all our B’nei Mitzvah students read.
Thanks to everyone in our community who has participated in Torah Connects!
While our two remaining Torah Letter Fill-In Events are at capacity this summer will see additional opportunities to connect with our Torah restoration project through education, art, lectures, and community encounters. Make sure you are subscribed to our email list to get all the details.
Questions? Email emily@bethisrael-pdx.org
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IN REMEMBRANCE ~ MAY THEIR MEMORY BE FOR A BLESSING May 3 and 4 Lenore Abrams Melvin Alifanz Samuel Bissinger* Jay Delman Anne Ellwood Abe Freedman* Charlotte Frey Thomas T. Georges, Jr. Harry I. Gevurtz Robert Gilbert Nate Hasman Donald Hersh Kevin Andrew Horenstein Roberta Hunt Maurie Jacobs* Berenice Kaplan William Katz Samuel Labow Jacob Lauterstein* Harris Lavine Mitzi Layton Charles Levine Beverly Lipman Herman Margolis Alexandria Meekcoms Myerna Michaels Arden New Harold Newman* Sidney H. Newman Howard Overback Lucy Sue Overback Ira Peterman Max Planer Rabbi David Hillel Rose* Alan Ruben Anna M. Rubenstein David Schenbaum Fay Sosnick Jim Spitzer Louise Straumfjord Marvin Tonkin* Pua Vilner Milton Waldinger Ruth Weiner Julius Zell May 10 and 11 Flora Albert Harry Arnsberg Ruth Besser Philip Blank Jerome Blattner Henry Braunsten* Sidney Chucker Andrew Abe Crystal Helen H. Director* Betty Miriam Edelman Clarice Eder E. Ike Eshaghian Leah Estrin Harold Gaffen Zanley F. Galton, Sr. Albert H. Ganz Maurice O. Georges Paul Georges Evelyn Georges Rose M. Golby* Alfred Goldfaden
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Joseph Haas Joseph Hasson Isador Hoffman Millie Holzman Albert George Kantor* Hyman Kaplan Sophie Kohen Rachael Kohen Jack Lazarus Ken Lefkowitz Rose Mirviss Lenske Phyllis Lieppman Bessie Little Jessie Ludwig Rywka Mendelsohn Thomas John Nelson Edward P. Nudelman Jennie Nudelman Sophie Marie Olshin Ludmilla Julia Pitkin Solomon Plushnick Regina Ginsberg Riggs Meier Rosencrantz Diana Harrison Rosenfield Jerome Rubenstein Helen Schnitzer Rudy Spring Stanley I. Steinberg Martin Tragarz Sol Treuhaft Martha Whiteley May 17 and 18 Bernard Albert Ralph Albert Benaroya* Lois Berlin* Seymour Berns Roland Bonamici Anselm Boskowitz Elliott Cohen Ruth Dickstein Solomon Fishman Frances Freedman Evelyn Freeman Nellie Friedman Sam Gordon David H. Greenberg* Milton Horenstein Julia Karmazin Sidney Kaufman Angela Kellner Sally Sophia Kirshner Ruth Kraminsky Julius Levenson* Sheina Esther Levin Bernice Lubetkin Robert Maizels Michael Thomas Makler* Margaret Matje Gertrude Mills Ruth Radtke Selma Robinson Louis Romoff Louis M. Rosencrantz Jean W. Rothenberg Marvin Rubens Moussa Sabi Eva Schneider* Adolph J. Schneider*
Sandy Spitzer Israel Wald Phyllis Green Weidenbaum Abe “Al” Wexler* Hiram Whiteley Morris Wolf* Alfred S. Wolfe Bertha Woolach Min Zidell May 24 and 25 Max Arnsberg Pauline Barkley Sylvia Bartenstein Bert Berliner Oscar Berman* George Hayden Bodner Gertrude Chucker Joseph M. Constantine* Leonard L. Dotson Marianne Feldman Sylvia Feller Anna Friedman Philip Gelber Sheldon Geller May Berenson Georges Albert L. Green* Charlotte Haimsohn* Susan Hauchhauser Edward Hupert Sue Hupert Minnie Joseph Opal G. Katzky Eddie Koslowski Maurice Kramer Ceil Levy Susanne Lewis Elise Rosenblum Light Miriam S. Lipman* Fortuna Menashe Martin Miller Samuel R. Planer Jacob Platt* Sylvia Press Edward A. Rosenfeld David Rubin* Samuel Saltzman* Stanley Steinbach Adrienne F. Stenger Colin F. Stoloff Harry Tobias Annette Veltman Geraldine Warenback Sidney J. Weiner Charlene Weinstein Rose Weintraub Jacob Weiss May 31 and June 1 Fannie Baron Margaret ‘Peggy’ Duering Bird Leah Blank Aaron Blauer Rabbi Moshe Cahana Sally De Leon Pauline Eisenman Phillip Epstein
Bernice Feibleman Leah Feinstein Morris Fleisher Margaret Flemming Cecile Ecker Frank Arthur W. Frisch Herman Gadye Bernard Goldberg Joseph Goldsmith Florence Golub Charles L. Greenblatt Gloria DeDuke Hess* Shirley Kaufman Edward Kean Mary Rebecca Kinspel Janice Kohler Anna Krys Martin Krys Rachella Meekcoms Kryszek Paul Lamfrom Justin Landauer Cerdell Lennis Joseph Lewis Pearl Lipkin Robert Dean Lipman* Stuart Little Robert MacDougall Gus Mueller Harold Orr Irving Pentelnik Dorothy Rogel Edward E. Rosenbaum Rose L. Rosencrantz* Melvin Rubin Marjorie Saltzman Jack Saltzman Ida Saperstein Miriam Kaplan Schwartz Sylvia Seinfeld Lester Seinfeld Gertrude Semler* Phyllis Shapiro Sylvia Shlim* Alan Sigelman Robert C. Stenger Anna R. Tobias Alan Baron Tonkin* Edward Weiss Joseph Werlin Lawrence Wilk Ronald Yankowitz Louis Zacks Samuel Zeidman June 7 and 8 Laila Aarnas Isaac Adler Muriel Anton Adrienne Levin Arnsberg* Frank Berne Henry S. Blauer* Christopher Glen Brooks Esta Brown Jerry Canton Simon Director Judith Dreier Mike (Milton) Drucker Hedy Farkas
Dov Feuer Albert G. Gilbert* Isadore L. Golby* Charles Greenblatt Marlene Jacoby William Andersen Kaa Jack J. Karlin Arthur Katzky Sadie Shapiro Kaufman* Su Kawamoto Delphine Levenson* Elizabeth Lipman Edith Lok-Schwartz Roslyn G. Maizels Martha Beatrice Martin Patsy Mattila Roger Seller Meier Benjamin Oseran Sylvia Paley Sara Papka Dolores Passamaneck Mark Platman Susan Platt Rose Popick Robert Radding Clifford Radston Marvin Rosenberg Max Rubenstein Roger Ruby Leonard E. Schnitzer* Jack B. Schwartz Nathan Shapiro Robert M. Steinberg Arthur Tarlow William L. Unger Bonita Weinstein Irving David Wilson* Heddy Winterman Becky Zeldin Richard Zimmerman June 14 and 15 Irving I. Ail Ted Balmforth Benjamin Becker Alec L. Black* Arthur Cohen Robert Cohen Sheldon Cohen Edis Cohen Morris Dennison Dorothy Durkheimer Rod Fadem Karl S. Frey Gertrude N. Genecov Leslie G. Gilbert* Shirley Gittelsohn Elizabeth Goldfaden Samuel Goldman Morris A. Goldstein* Leona Hoffman Barbara Hurwitz Florence M. Kane Maurice Kaplan Leo Katzky Henry Kavitt* Irwin Koenigsberg Maurice Krass Sydelle Levine
IN REMEMBRANCE ~ MAY THEIR MEMORY BE FOR A BLESSING David Light James M. Marks Helen Mittleman* Belle Morrison Susan Overbeck Shirley Robinowitz David Rubin Hy Samuels* Roseanne Saunders Joachim J. Jack Schneider Babette Schnitzer* Bertha Senders* Ruth Sheinin Jack Sheinin* Joseph Shemanski* Edward T. Sigell Rose Sobelman Regina “Jean” Tarpey Abraham Tobin Hyman Veltman Lillian Lisa Wax Joshua Weiner Pauline Bercovitz Wright* Hannah Zell June 21 and 22 Elinor Adler Kathleen Andrianoff Richard Berman* Sam Blank Ida Brenner Richard Carlin Tillie Driesen Joseph Edelstein Melvin Feinstein Vera Hoffman Fine* Marjorie Frank Leo Gold Charlotte Greenberg Claire Grossman Robert Hartzman William Hill-Parks Jack Hirsch Marcus Horenstein Leo Kagle Flora Velt Kirk Jacob Leo Krane Larry Labby Helen Lauterstein Irvin Layton Henrietta Margulis* Victor A. Nudelman* Lois Poplack Abe Puziss Betty Raskin Florence Robinson Clara Roth Leon Semler Gussie Seres Bruce Lyle Sheinin* Henry Sholkoff Rubin B. Shulman Mildred Leshgold Sidell* Rose L. Sigell
Jamie Stadig Lillian Sussman Audrey Tannenbaum Joseph Tobias Doris Hahn Treuhaft Stanley H. Wald Robert Weintein June 28 and 29 Jean Adler Rhoda Aiken Sara Arnsberg Edward K. Berg* Esther Berman* Gordon Brandies Thea Cohen Mary Collins Sasha Drutter Sylvia Canton Edelman Linda Feidelson Joseph Flemming William Gittelsohn Bertha Graber Jeffrey Gradow Harry B. Harrison Gloria John Carol Jones Krakauer Harold Kaplan Jason Kirshner Phyllis Klein Fanny E. Kowitt* Irving Krosner Charles Irving Kwartler Celia Lazarus Alex E. Miller* Dorothy Morgenstern Bonnie Naftalin Marian Ovitz Malcolm Pike Anna Richman Jerome Salomon Rose Silberman Paul Sonnes Babette Strauss* Helen Svidlow Eleanor Wishengrad Simon Wolfe July 5 and 6 Rose Backer* Robert Backus Daniel Jeremy Berkson Laura Bolliger Sarah Boskowitz Morris Cohen Arthur H. Cohen Eugene E. Cohn* Jerry M. Colton* Rose Goodman Davis Jeanette Feldman Lily Feuerstein Gerald Fine Irwin Frank Wilmer Freeman
Paul Friedberg Julius C. Friendly* Gladys Galkin Benjamin Geller Louis Gilula Bella Goldwasser Richard Mark Grayson Ethel Greenblatt Gale Grossman Joseph Harrison Harold Hirsch Toni Kahan Bernard La Rossa Anne Lavine-Kilbourne Celia Lesman Richard Lubliner Abraham Paul Meyer Albert Morgenstern William Oppenheimer John Oster Charlotte Pearlman Ann Romain Louise Ruben Rose Rudman Rebecca Samuels Herbert Savage Carolyn See* Philip E. Seltzer Edward Singer Henry Spivak* Ida Steinbock Lena Cohen Swerdlik* Izetta Tonkon* Sarah Utay Lena Von Flue Tillie Wachs Helen Weintraub July 12 and 13 Therese Abeles Joe Blank Helen Blumenthal Goldie Chestler Emma Diamond* Florence Dobrow Zanly C. Edelson Gus L. Feldman Dorothy Feldman Hy Freedman Leonard Friedman Howard Jay Goldberg Sharon Goldman Jay Grenley Betty Haas Antoinette S. Himmelreich Silas K. Himmelreich Max Janow Clinton E. John Evelyn Wright Kantor Tillie Kaufman Harvey Kelinson Letty Lefkowitz Donald Loftus Zelotta (Lottie) Mendelson
Julius Newmark Jesse Oroshnik Sylvia Ostrofsky Maurice Pike* Beverly Rosenberg David Scheffer Bernice W. Schlesinger* Julian J. Shipley* Jeanie Sobel Sidney Spiegel Faye Zasloff July 19 and 20 Irwin Barg Bernice Canter Donald Cartwright Marla Carver Klaus G. Citterman Florence Korey Clement Avery Cline Charles Crane Ethel Danto Helen Draper Harry Driesen Sylvan F. Durkheimer Melvyn C. Friendly Carmen Golby Lew W Goodwin Ethel Osborne Green* Michael “Mickey” Greenberg Yvonne Grimes William S. Gross Michael Harland Grace Hochfeld Gilbert George Kelly Max Lamfrom Irving J. Levin Celia Lidovitch Albert G. Maizels Edward Moe Maxine Newman Alysmae Semler Nudelman* Darrell M. Overbeck Esther Platt Sarah Pomerantz Frank Rogers Jack Rollins Elise Rosenfeld Adele Savage Milton Singer Frances Spivack Don Stilwell Patricia Strauss Gilbert Sussman Anna G. Tobin Jessie R. Webb Susan Weiner George Weiner Stanley Wilker
July 26 and 27 Lipman B. Barde Henry R. Bauer, Sr. Ben Bean Leo M. Bergman Daniel Berlin Hy Canter Vita Gertrude Cezer Rose Judith Cezer Philip Chucker Jennifer Cohen Eugene L. Coodley Barbara Cypriano Arnold Davis Daniel Davis Frank Dessayer* Felice Lauterstein Driesen Minnie Einstein Rachel Jennifer Eskenazi Edna Fenton* Clara S. Frey Henrietta S. Garfinkle Joseph Gross Claire Grossman Ruth Heldfond Lester Herrup Gertrude Joseph Dolev Keidar Ruth Kravitz William B. Layton Max Lesman Beatrice Barde Lubliner Henrietta Mendoza Leo Mitchell William A. Morrison Jean Kent Nudelman Francis X Peters Bernard Pomerantz Peter Pongracz Gerald Poplack Suzanne C. Powell Beatrice Radston Hyman Reiter Dinah Rosen Mollie Rosenblum Anna Rosenfield Edythe Rubin Stacy Sadis Roxanne Schloss Albert G. Senders Rose Lubliner Shank* Carol Sigelman Daniel Simon Marilyn Singer Celia Levitt Sondheim Irving Spivack Ben Steinberg Carol Tannenbaum* Pat Tannenbaum* Ben D. Tarlow* William Zacks Hiroto Zakoji Flora Jean Zurow
(*) next to a name indicates a memorial plaque has been purchased to ensure the beloved departed is remembered in perpetuity. For information about memorial plaques in the Temple, please contact Emily at (503) 222-1069 or emily@bethisrael-pdx.org. MAY/JUNE /JULY 2019 | CONGREG ATION BE TH ISR AEL
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CBI TRIBUTE FUND SPOTLIGHT: Sally Vidgoff Camp Kalsman Scholarship Fund Summer means many things to CBI campers who join their peers from around the Pacific NW at URJ Camp Kalsman in Arlington, WA: sunshine… adventures… arts and crafts… sports… friends… community… and, perhaps best of all, NO PARENTS ALLOWED. Jewish overnight camp is a wonderful way for kids to enjoy fun, friendships of a lifetime, and an unparalleled Jewish experience and your generous donations the Sally Vidgoff Camp Kalsman Scholarship Fund can help CBI families with the program’s expense.
TRIBUTE FUND DONATIONS FROM THE ABRAMS FAMILY In memory of Marian Abrams Altar Flowers and Oneg Fund FROM EDWARD AIKEN In memory of Edward I. Aiken Temple Improvement Fund FROM SUZANNE ALBERT In honor of Eve Rosenfeld’s Birthday Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM MICHAEL AND MARGIE ANTON In memory of Selma Emerman Feldman Jenat Feldman Leadership Development Fund FROM DAVID AND CAROL BAKER In honor of Eve Rosenfeld’s Birthday Social Action Food Fund FROM WILMA BALICK In memory of Samuel Mayer General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM LEN AND BETSY BERGSTEIN In memory of Abraham Bergstein Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund In memory of Paul Weston General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM MARC AND DEB BELLEMORE In honor of Eve Rosenfeld’s 90th Birthday General Administrative Tribute Fund
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FROM LEE BERNE In memory of Pauline Berne In memory of Gussie Maisel Social Action Food Fund
FROM EVAN AND JULIA DAIGNEAULT In memory of Lois Waldinger Rabbi Joseph Discretionary Fund
FROM LESLIE AND ELLEN BICK In honor of Kathleen Doctor’s Special Birthday WRJ Lubliner Leadership Fund
FROM JIM AND ILENE DAVIDSON In memory of Selma Emerman Feldman Jenat Feldman Leadership Development Fund
FROM OWEN AND LYNN BLANK I Have a Dream Fund through Social Action FROM LANCE AND DEBBIE CALDWELL In memory of Ralph Driesen Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM KENNY AND RHONDA COHEN In memory of Francine Fejes Allison B. Cohen Religious Education Fund FROM HOWARD AND BARBARA COHN In memory of Sona Cohn Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM JORDAN LAUB, ALEX LAUB, AND PAT COLEGROVE In memory of Myra Laub and Lois Colegrove General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM MARIAN CREAMER In memory of Maurice Creamer Social Action General Tribute Fund
FROM ABBY DIRECTOR, RAY, BELLA, AND JORDANA BACHMAN In honor of Nikki and Stuart Director’s Anniversary Nettie Director Library Fund FROM MARCIA DIRECTOR In memory of Alan Director Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM JENNIFER DIRECTOR KNUDSEN In honor of Stuart Director’s Birthday Nettie Director Library Fund FROM STUART AND NIKKI DIRECTOR In honor of Steve and Sharon Brenner’s 50th Anniversary In appreciation of Josh Kashinsky In honor of Paul Fishman’s recovery from surgery Nettie Director Library Fund In memory of Sam Shia Director In memory of Jack Rosen In honor of Lisa Rosen’s Birthday Nettie Director Library Fund
FROM RICHARD DOBROW AND RACHEL DOBROW STONE In memory of Estelle Director Sholkoff In memory of H. Benjamin Dobrow Estelle Director Sholkoff Fund for Jewish Educator FROM BARBARA DURKHEIMER AND GARY LARSEN In honor of Jerry Leshgold’s 100th Birthday! Prayer Book Fund FROM MARK DOHRMANN AND JULIE DURKHEIMER In memory of Stuart Durkheimer Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM STANLEY AND BEVERLY EASTERN In honor of Jim Davidson’s recovery In memory of Selma Emerman Feldman Jenat Feldman Leadership Development Fund FROM BUNNY EDELSON In memory of Jerry Stolzoff Social Action Food Fund In memory of Louise Edelson General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM AUDRE ESTRIN In memory of Lester Estrin In memory of Frank Irgler In memory of Marge Kravitz Social Action Food Fund
VERY THOUGHTFUL PEOPLE FROM BETTY FEINBERG In honor of Jerry Leshgold’s 100th Birthday Rabbi Rose Discretionary Fund FROM ANDREW AND SALLY FRANK Cantor Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM TRACY AND MARC FRANKEL In honor of Eve Rosenfeld’s Birthday Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM GARY AND DEBORAH FRIEDMAN In memory of Diane FriedmanMcCullough Cantor Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM SUE FRIEDMAN In memory of Sylvia Margulils General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM MORRIS J. GALEN In memory of Ruth Galen General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM ZANLEY AND CLAIRE GALTON In memory of Charlotte Galton Amy R. Goldsmith Library Fund FROM LINDA GEORGES In memory of Selma Feldman Tom Georges III Memorial Fund FROM SUSAN GERSON In memory of Leonora Pinsky In memory of Johan, Isidor, and Rebecca Segalowicz Social Action Food Fund FROM JOHN AND MYRA GEVURTZ In memory of Anita Gevurtz Altar Flowers and Oneg Fund FROM RICK AND MARILYN GILBERT In memory of Samuel and Pearl Russell Early Childhood Education Tribute Fund
FROM SUSY HAMMEL, MARIE HAMMEL, AND KATRINA GAYNOR HAMMEL In memory of Sam Kaufman In memory of Runi Hyman In memory of Win Shapiro Social Action Food Fund FROM RACHEL HALUPOWSKI In memory of Selma Emerman Feldman In memory of Sue Halupowski In memory of Miriam Labovitz Jenat Feldman Leadership Development Fund In memory of Mildred Fagin In memory of Lynne Rose Fagin Temple Improvement Fund
FROM THE KLONOFF FAMILY In memory of Bernard Klonoff Temple Endowment Fund
FROM STAN AND JOYCE LOEB In memory of Selma Emerman Feldman Caring Community Fund
FROM PAUL AND ARLENE KOENIGSBERG In memory of Stella Koenigsberg Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund In memory of Sylvia “Sissy” Koenigsberg General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM TAMMY KRAMER In memory of Bernie and Anese Klein Prayer Book Fund In memory of Louis Tobin In memory of Judith Johnson Kramer Rosenfeld Family Associate Rabbi Fund
FROM NORMAN AND NANCY HIGBY In memory of Rita Lubliner WRJ Lubliner Leadership Fund
FROM JOEL AND SUE KRANE In memory of Hans Grunbaum In memory of Allan Weinstein Altar Flowers and Oneg Fund
FROM ARDEE IMERMAN In memory of Selma Feldman Jenat Feldman Leadership Development Fund
FROM HENRY KUNOWSKI AND KERSTIN SCHULZ In memory of Morris Kunowski In appreciation of Rabbi Cahana’s good work Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund In appreciation of Cantor Cahana’s good work Cantor Cahana Discretionary Fund
FROM JANICE ISENBERG, CRAIG, AND CLIFF In memory of Benjamin Isenberg Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM GREG JONES AND MELINDA BECKER In memory of Selma Emerman Feldman Rabbi Joseph Discretionary Fund FROM JUDITH JOSEPH In honor of the naming of Miriam Grossman Rabbi Joseph Discretionary Fund FROM JOSEPH AND EILEEN KANE In memory of Syril Garfinkle Social Action General Tribute Fund
FROM HARRY AND JOANNE GLICKMAN In memory of Ron Matin General Administrative Tribute Fund
FROM SARA KARLIN In memory of Harvey Karlin Early Childhood Education Tribute Fund
FROM STEVE AND MICHELLE GRADOW In honor of Jen Feldman receiving the Milt Carl Award Jenat Feldman Leadership Development Fund
FROM BEN KATZ In honor of Jackson Friedman’s Bar Mitzvah Social Action General Tribute Fund In honor of Noah Elkanich’s Bar Mitzvah Social Action General Tribute Fund
FROM MARILYN GRUNNBAUM In memory of Dr. Israel Klein I Have a Dream Fund through Social Action
FROM THE LINDER FAMILY In memory of John Warner Social Action General Tribute Fund In memory of Marshall Linder Adult Education Fund
FROM DAN HEIMS AND LYNNE BARTENSTEIN In memory of Earl Heims In memory of Celia Heims Heims Family Youth Fund In memory of Eugene Bartenstein Adult Education Fund
FROM BARBARA GLAZER In memory of Diane Friedman Social Action General Tribute Fund
FROM CRAIG AND LYNNE GREENBERG In memory of Tarelyn Weisberg Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund
FROM LESLIE KELINSON In memory of Lillian Zidell In memory of Max Kelinson In memory of Ethel Kelinson General Administrative Tribute Fund
FROM SIVIA KAYE In memory of Lily Karansky General Administrative Tribute Fund
FROM JANET LA ROSSA In memory of Dr. David Ellner Social Action Food Fund FROM ARNOLD AND AVA LABBY In memory of Marie and Paul Lamfrom In memory of Sonia and Harry Labby Social Action Food Fund FROM DON AND KAREN LACHMAN In memory of Arthur S. Rosenfeld In memory of Helen R. Lachman In memory of David Rosenfeld In memory of Theodore Lachman Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM ELYAKIM AND MARIAN LAHAV General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM JAY AND TINA LAMB In memory of Harry Rubenstein Temple Endowment Fund FROM LYNN AND MARSHALL LANGFELD In memory of David Rosenfeld Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM LYNN LERTZMAN In memory of Alan Lertzman In memory of Melvin Lertzman Cantor Cahana Discretionary Fund
FROM RALPH LONDON In honor of Eve Rosenfeld Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM RICHARD AND DIANE LOWENSOHN In memory of Judy Lowensohn Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM LEN AND SHAR LUDWIG In memory of Fern Luers Cemetery Beautification Fund FROM PETER AND GAIL MARRACCI In memory of Dorothy Baruh Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM RUBEN AND LIZ MENASHE In memory of Selma Feldman Jenat Feldman Leadership Development Fund In honor of Linda Georges Recovery Tom Georges III Memorial Fund In honor of Sharon Weil’s recovery Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM JOARDAN MENASHE In honor of Ed Tonkin and Michelle Polli’s Wedding General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM ROBERT AND ROBIN MESHER In memory of Harry Fischback In memory of Rose Fischback In memory of Minnie Stern In memory of Abe Vidgoff Sally Vidgoff Camp Kalsman Scholarship Fund FROM PAUL AND ALICE MEYER In honor of Eve Rosenfeld’s Birthday Social Action Food Fund FROM ALAN AND LANA MILLER In memory of Harold Miller In memory of Clarence Blumgren In memory of Constance Blumgren Miller Room Refurbishment Fund FROM BARNEY AND SUSAN MILSTEIN In honor of Eve Rosenfeld’s Birthday Social Action Food Fund FROM MITTELMAN FAMILY In memory of Selma Feldman Jenat Feldman Leadership Development Fund
continued on p. 14
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FROM ROSALYN NEUBERGER In memory of Bert Neuberger General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM PATRICIA NEUBERGER In memory of Bert Neuberger In memory of Bobbie Godfrey In memory of Stuart Neuberger Social Action Food Fund In memory of Gerson Neuberger Cemetery Beautification Fund FROM JEANNE NEWMARK In memory of Marian Abrams Cemetery Beautification Fund FROM MICHAEL ORENSTEIN AND CHELSEA BAUCH In memory of Margoux Untracht Sally Vidgoff Camp Kalsman Scholarship Fund
FROM MIMI RICHMAN In memory of Roland I. Richman I Have a Dream Fund through Social Action In memory of Donna Miller Social Action General Tribute Fund FROM JIM AND MICHAEL RICHMAN In memory of Roland Richman Cantor Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM JEANNE RITTMASTER AND BARBARA GARDNER In memory of Theodore Blank General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM HARVEY AND JANET ROER In honor of Jerry Leshgold’s 100th Birthday General Administrative Tribute Fund
FROM BOB AND RITA PHILIP In memory of Ruth Philip Cemetery Beautification Fund FROM MICHAEL PIERCE In memory of Jean Pierce General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM MICHAEL PIERCE AND FAITH MORNINGSTAR In memory of Jean Pierce Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM RICHARD AND SHIRLEY PLOTZKER In memory of Jack Bulwa Social Action Food Fund FROM MICHAEL AND ALICE POWELL In memory of Stuart Karlin Cantor Schiff Discretionary Fund
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FROM ROBERT SCHULHOF AND SUSANNE ARONOWITZ In appreciation of the clergy for Ben Schulhof’s Bar Mitzvah General Administrative Tribute Fund
FROM PEARL TRACHTENBERG In honor of Eve Rosenfeld’s 90th Birthday In memory of George Kaden In memory of Irving Trachtenberg In memory of Isaac. N. Trachtenberg In memory of Rose Trachtenberg Social Action Food Fund
FROM NEAL ROSEN In memory of Jack Rosen Nettie Director Library Fund
FROM JILL SLANSKY In memory of Sidney Garfield Jill Slansky Early Childhood Leader Fund
FROM STEVEN URMAN AND VICKI ROMM Urman Family College Communication Fund
FROM LEONARD ROSEN In memory of Leonard Rose General Administrative Tribute Fund
FROM ROBERT SONNES In memory of Laura Yankowitz General Administrative Tribute Fund
FROM ERIC AND TIFFANY ROSENFELD In memory of Morton Nemer Rosenfeld Youth Leadership
FROM MORRIS AND EVELYN SPABER In memory of Brian Glover Social Action General Tribute Fund
FROM MARVIN AND LOIS URMAN In memory of Anna and Sam Urman Urman Family College Communication Fund
FROM EVE AND ALAN ROSENFELD In honor of Sally Rosenfeld’s Birthday Social Action General Tribute Fund In hopes of a speedy recovery Linda Georges Social Action Food Fund
FROM JAMES SPIVAK In memory of Jacqueline Spivak Cemetery Beautification Fund
FROM HENRY AND NANCY OSERAN In memory of Jean Pierce Oseran Family Endowment Fund
FROM MARK AND RANDIE PETERSON In memory of George Friend Social Action General Tribute Fund
FROM MARK SCHLESINGER AND FAMILY In memory of Ralph D. Schlesinger I Have a Dream Fund through Social Action
FROM RENA TONKIN In memory of Alan Baron Tonkin Cemetery Beautification Fund
FROM JOEL AND SANDRA SERES In memory of Tina Larsen In memory of Joseph Seres General Administrative Tribute Fund
FROM BERT AND LAURIE ROGOWAY In memory of Dorothy Packouz Rabbi Joseph Discretionary Fund
FROM BOB AND LESLIE PELTZ In memory of Stuart Peltz Rabbi Joseph Discretionary Fund In memory of Ida Kleinrock Social Action General Tribute Fund In memory of Roslyn Rosen Social Action Food Fund
FROM ADAIR SAVAGE In memory of Jeffrey Ward Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund
FROM MARCY TONKIN In memory of Suzanne Miller Cemetery Beautification Fund
FROM JOHN AND BARBARA TRACHTENBERG In memory of Isaac N. Trachtenberg In memory of Gladys Trachtenberg Amy R. Goldsmith Library Fund
FROM ANDREA OVERBECK In honor of Eve Rosenfeld’s Birthday Social Action Food Fund
FROM RAY PACKOUZ In memory of Max Packouz Social Action General Tribute Fund
FROM KEITH AND MAURRIE SALENGER In memory of Edwin S. Brown Rabbi Joseph Discretionary Fund
FROM RABBI KIM AND BARRY ROSENFELD General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM ROBERT ROWE AND NANNETTE HASMAN-ROWE In memory of Samuel Hasman Cemetery Beautification Fund FROM TED AND DAVIA RUBENSTEIN In memory of Harry Rubenstein In honor of Eve Rosenfeld’s Birthday General Administrative Tribute Fund In memory of Mark Saul In memory of Alan Director Oseran Family Endowment Fund FROM JERRY AND BUNNY SADIS In honor of Gerald Leshgold Adult Education Fund
FROM LANCE, WENDY, MARY, AND BRENT STEINBERG In honor of Rabbi Cahana, for officiating Robert Steinberg’s unveiling Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund FROM LANCE AND MARY STEINBERG In memory of Gus Steinberg General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM WENDY STEINBERG In memory of Bob Steinberg Rabbi Cahana Discretionary Fund In memory of Bernia Bloom Cantor Cahana Discretionary Fund In memory of Guss Steinberg Rabbi Joseph Discretionary Fund FROM ARTHUR AND BENJAMIN STEINHORN In memory of Beverly Steinhorn Rabbi Joseph Discretionary Fund FROM BARRY TONKIN In memory of Suzanne Miller Cemetery Beautification Fund
FROM TERRI WARREN In memory of Carol Gaiser General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM JEFF AND SHERRI WEINSTEIN In memory of Allan Weinstein In memory of Goldie L. Weinstein General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM ALAN AND KAREN WEINTRAUB In memory of Ralph Weintraub General Administrative Tribute Fund In memory of Yvette Weintraub Donation to Every Family Initiative FROM ELDON AND CAROLYN WEXLER In memory of Raymond Krantz General Administrative Tribute Fund FROM LYNN AND JEFF WOLFSTONE Rosenfeld Youth support received from OJCF FROM KEN, JENNIFER, AND RUTHIE ZEIDMAN In memory of Zelda Director Zeidman In memory of Jerome Zeidman In memory of May Georges In memory of Estelle Sholkoff May Georges Studies in Israel Scholarship Fund
Congregation Beth Israel
WHO YA GONNA CALL? Tracy Manaster Alifanz Communications and Program Coordinator »» »» »» »» »»
Sisterhood Brotherhood Social Action Adult Education Community Events
Bitsie Appleton Accounting Coordinator
1972 NW Flanders Street, Portland, OR 97209 Office: (503) 222-1069 • Fax: (503) 274-1400 Beth Israel Cemetery, 426 SW Taylors Ferry Road
CBI Team CLERGY Senior Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana
Receptionist and Tributes Coordinator Amber Rollins amber@bethisrael-pdx.org
Senior Cantor Ida Rae Cahana
Finance Director Melissa Bordine melissa@bethisrael-pdx.org
Associate Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph Rabbi Emeritus Emanuel Rose, D.H.L., D.D.
»» Billing and Dues
Cantor Emerita Judith Blanc Schiff
Chelsea Ferguson
Contact any of the Clergy at clergy@bethisrael-pdx.org
Senior Program Manager – Youth and Family
»» Youth and Teen Events »» Young Family Programs and Community »» Family Programs and Engagement
Education Director Ben Sandler, M. Ed., R.J.E. ben@bethisrael-pdx.org
McKenna Means Education Coordinator »» Religious School Registration »» Religious School Visits »» Our Parent Nus and Beneath Our Dome e-blasts
Shoshanna Pro Senior Program Manager - Membership »» New or Incoming Members »» Membership Support
Amber Rollins Receptionist and Tributes Coordinator »» Tribute donations »» Yahrzeit questions »» General questions
Emily Silverman Senior Program Manager - Life Cycle Events »» »» »» »»
B’nei Mitzvah Weddings Baby Namings Funerals
and introducing...
Beeta Neshati Clergy Assistant »» I f you want to connect with our brilliant—but busy— clergy you should get in touch with Beeta Neshati, our new Clergy Assistant. Beeta grew up in NW Portland, moved away for college where she studied psychology and social work, and, after some years exploring the east coast and southern United States, is thrilled to be back in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.
Senior Program Manager Youth and Family Chelsea Ferguson chelsea@bethisrael-pdx.org Education Coordinator McKenna Means mckenna@bethisrael-pdx.org Senior Program Manager Life Cycle Events Emily Silverman emily@bethisrael-pdx.org CBI ADMINISTRATION Executive Director Josh Kashinsky josh@bethisrael-pdx.org Senior Program Manager Membership Shoshanna Pro shoshanna@bethisrael-pdx.org Communications and Program Coordinator Tracy Manaster Alifanz tracy@bethisrael-pdx.org
Accounts Payable Linda Bridges linda@bethisrael-pdx.org Accounting Coordinator and Payroll Specialist Bitsie Appleton bitsie@bethisrael-pdx.org Facilities Managers Dallas Van Winkle Susie Young facilities@bethisrael-pdx.org Facilities Staff Ben Anderson Daniel Whalen CATERING PANEL Alfresco Catering by Sheraton 503-335-2853, Julia Deuchler Art of Catering 503-231-8185, Eric Sandstrom Aviv Israeli Vegan Cuisine 906-236-2834, Biz Lyons Century Catering 503-849-2605, Allen Levin Devil’s Food Catering 503-233-9288, Dan Sullivan Kenny & Zuke’s 503-222-3354 Lisa Glickman, Private Chef 541-728-6678 Vibrant Table Group/ Food In Bloom 503-297-9635, 503-944-6820 Karen Rich
Clergy Assistant Beeta Neshati beeta@bethisrael-pdx.org
Board of Trustees, FY 2018/2019 Officers
Glen Levy President
Sally Rosenfeld At Large
Tony Urdes Vice President/ President-Elect
Robin McCoy At Large
Mark Peterman Secretary
Ted Nelson Past President
Naomi Derner David Goldwyn Bonnie Davis Janet Hoffman JoAnne Van Ness Menashe Bill June David Sarasohn
Stacy Friedman Treasurer Auxiliaries Kathleen Doctor WRJ/BI Sisterhood President
Jeff Capen Brotherhood President
Anna Epstein JND President
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Congregation Beth Israel
1972 NW Flanders Street Portland, OR 97209-2097
Shabbat on the Plaza Every Shabbat on the Plaza service features music on the Temple Lawn (weather permitting), mingling, and a comfortably shaded area. We’d love for you to join us!
July 12 & 26 • August 9 & 23 • September 6
6:00 pm
Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism since 1879