Happy Passover! Pesach Festival Service
Yizkor Pesach
Saturday, April 4, 10:30 AM Pollin Chapel
Friday, April 10, 10:30 AM Pollin Chapel
Bulletin April 2015 Nisan-Iyyar 5775 Vol. 64, No. 7 Established 1858
“Who knows one? I know one...” Rediscovering the Passover Seder Experience by Ida Rae Cahana Senior Cantor In every Hagaddah, from the most basic “Maxwell House” to the exotic Sarajevo Haggadah, the recitation of the Passover story begins with an overview of the parts of the seder so no one feels lost or confused. Then, almost immediately, children are asked to recite four questions, and the adults are expected to provide the answers through the telling of the Passover story. While we will hopefully get to the final part of the seder as outlined, finishing with songs and praise, I imagine that at many tables, people will linger over the questions and the plagues of our time. If you have some adult time to be expansive around your table (or perhaps at a different second or third or fourth seder dedicated to adults), please consider adding this question: “Where are we seeing examples of anti-Semitism around the world and in our own country, and what will we do to call attention to it as a true plague of our time?” The freedom we enjoy to live full and vibrant Jewish lives is one to cherish and not take for granted. As I prepare to send off three more children to college in just a little over a year’s time, I am truly shocked by the recent blatant examples of anti-Semitism at two universities in California. Of course, there are many more plagues of intolerance towards other minorities meriting calls to action, yet I feel the need to answer the first part of Hillel’s maxim, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me?” before attending to the equally important second half, “And if I am only for myself, what am I?” Engaging our guests, young and old, in the experience of retelling our people’s seminal and defining experience as if we ourselves
are going through it requires some preparation and planning. Keeping the story relevant as well as fun and asking each person to contribute something will make your seder deep and wonderful. This year, Passover begins Friday night, April 3rd, and whether you are hosting or attending a seder or just beginning to consider either of those options, creating this kind of memorable seder has its own unique expectations. Many families have longstanding and beloved customs while newcomers to Judaism and those rediscovering their Jewish roots want to unpack the traditions that everyone else seems to know and understand. We can learn from each other and try out some surprising and lovely ideas to make the story of Passover come alive. Start with taking a look at the website of the Reform movement’s national organization, The Union for Reform Judaism, at www.urj.org. For example, I found a terrific article with listening samples here: www.reformjudaism.org/ what-do-you-know-aboutpassover-music.The URJ also has lots of ideas from recipes to décor to discussion ideas and more.
Photo courtesy of Rabbi and Cantor Cahana
Echad mi yodea? Who knows one? I have given you one thought, a “fifth question,” for your seder this year (or next year!). Perhaps you would like to share an idea with people you know for amplifying the seder experience. May we inspire one another and move each other to greater appreciation of our beautiful Jewish heritage. And may we act to protect the precious freedom that is ours, to safeguard it for our children, and for all people.
The True Story of the Orange on the Seder Plate In the early 1980s, Susannah Heshel, the Eli Black Professor of Jewish Studies at Dartmouth College, encountered a Haggadah written by students at Oberlin College that was intended to express feminist concerns. One ritual they added was to place a crust of bread on the seder plate to show solidarity with Jewish lesbians. (As the thinking went, “There’s as much room for a lesbian in Judaism as there is for a crust of bread on the seder plate.”) After this experience, Heschel began putting an orange on her family’s seder plate to demonstrate solidarity with Jewish lesbians, gay men, and others who are marginalized in the Jewish community. The orange shows the fruitfulness for all Jews when everyone is included in the community; spitting out the seeds symbolizes the rejection of homophobia. Will you put an orange on your seder plate this year?
How many other afikomen like this one can you find hiding in our April bulletin? If you think you know, e-mail passover@bethisrael-pdx.org for a prize!
Bar Mitzvah
Upcoming Events
Rij Parker Dorfman Rij Dorfman will become Bar Mitzvah on April 18, 2015 during the 5:00 PM Havdalah service. He is the son of Lee and Nikki Dorfman and has a younger sister, Avery. Rij attends Winterhaven School, a science, technology, and math focus option program in the Portland Public School District. He has selected Ronald McDonald House Charities as the focus for his Mitzvah project. RMHC serves the families of seriously ill children being treated at Portland-area hospitals. Any family who lives more than 60 miles from the hospital can stay. RMHC provides a comfortable, private, homey setting plus meals and activities, all located close to the hospital so families can be near to each other. For these families, it is a “home away from home” while their children are in treatment. Rij explains the scope of his project: “I held a Game-a-Thon to raise money and awareness. Within a 24-hour period, I played games with friends and hosted a Magic: The Gathering tournament. I will continue to collect board games and puzzles to donate to the two Ronald McDonald Houses in Portland. A donation box will be outside the Education Office beginning April 1st. Brand new or gently used games with all their pieces may be accepted for donation.” To learn more, visit www.rmhcoregon.org/volunteer.
CBI Book Group Sunday, April 5, 9:00 AM Herbert & Shirley Semler Board Room Everyone is welcome to join us for a morning of pleasant literary discussion. There is no need to sign up. There are two selections for April: The Sisters Weiss by Naomi Ragen and Unorthodox: The Scandalous Rejection of My Hassidic Roots by Deborah Feldman. If you’d like to read ahead, the selection for May is 50 Children: One Ordinary American Couple’s Extraordinary Rescue Mission into the Heart of Nazi Germany by Steven Pressman.
Pew Study: The Struggle to Maintain Jewish Identity Today Sunday, April 12, 10:00 AM Pollin Chapel Speaker: Rabbi Samuel K. Joseph
Temple Security So about that security assessment you received in the fall? You may have noticed that we now have a security officer at our Shir Shabbat and Shabbat morning services and on Sunday morning when religious school is in session. What you might not know is that we also have reviewed many of our current security procedures and updated them, and we are in the process of implementing additional physical improvements and staff training for our religious school. A waste of time and money? We hope so. Here’s where each of you comes in, and here’s the ask: We believe that every congregant can and should contribute to the safety of our community. For any event you attend, big or small, you may see a stranger or package that you think should not be there. If it’s a person and you feel comfortable, introduce yourself to the unfamiliar person - in all likelihood you will be continuing our goal of meeting other congregants or welcoming new people into our community. If you have a bad feeling, disengage and alert a staff member, usher, or other person in charge immediately. Thank you for being part of our Security Team. We believe this is a simple request and one that everyone can help with! Mark Peterman CBI Board Member and Security Committee Chair
What does the Pew Research study tell us about where we are now? What are the most pressing challenges?
Jointly sponsored by the CBI Brotherhood, WRJ/BI Sisterhood, and Social Action
Victims’ Rights Advocacy Sunday, April 26, 10:30 AM Pollin Chapel Speaker: Danielle Tudor Danielle Tudor is a speaker on and advocate for Victims’ Rights. She is engaged in legislative efforts to change Oregon’s six-year statute of limitation on rape. Danielle is a victim of serial rapist Richard Gillmore, who assaulted her in her home when she was 17. She was the only victim to see his face and helped police draw a composite sketch of him that led to his arrest in 1986, seven years later. She has since found the courage to speak out in defense of victims and potential victims everywhere.
Classical Up Close: Oregon Symphony Musicians Come to CBI Thursday, April 30, 7:30 PM Temple CBI is proud to host Classical Up Close on April 30th. This will be one of a series of free chamber music concerts organized and presented by musicians of the Oregon Symphony with performances throughout the Portland area. Learn more at http://classicalupclose.com.
Congregation Beth Israel
News and Travels Albuquerque and the Story of the Conversos Extraordinary ... Enlightening ...Fascinating ...Breathtakingly Beautiful In 1492 the Jews were forced to leave Spain or convert to Catholicism. Many of those forced to convert (the Conversos and crypto-Jews) ultimately traveled to Spanish Mexico and then north to what is now New Mexico and west Texas. Many secretly carried their Jewish traditions with them. Rabbi and Cantor Cahana helped lead our group of thirty-six on this truly memorable adventure to Albuquerque. Teaming up with Road Scholar, our group learned through a series of lectures, personal accounts, and excursions the incredible story of how many of these Jewish traditions are carried on in these families today. Most of these descendants do not even know that their family traditions are really Jewish traditions. It is thought that as many as 40% of Spanish descendants in the southwest United States are from these original Converso families. The incredible story of Conversos and crypto-Jews is so intriguing and complex that you should ask someone who went on the trip to explain it to you. Priceless: The camaraderie was lovely – it was fun to travel and learn with such an interested and congenial group of travelers. We hope you will join us for our next adventure. Bob Rosenbaum and Bill June Co-Chairs, Adult Education Committee
Welcome Perry Meekins, New Facilites Manager Please join us in welcoming Perry Meekins as our new Facilities Manager. Perry joined the CBI team on February 1st, following the departure of Casey Barkmeier. We were sorry to see Casey move on, as he was so helpful last summer with all of our campus projects. Perry comes to us with over 20 years of facilities maintenance and management experience. Perry is no stranger to historic properties, diverse buildings, deferred maintenance, and the importance of sacred spaces. Most recently, Perry was with Albertina Kerr, overseeing 70 buildings of various ages located from Eugene to Cornelius. Perry also worked for the Mirabella, a LEED Platinum certified building. Shortly after starting at CBI, Perry commented that it was nice to be able to stand in front of one building and see all that were part of his purview, versus getting in the car and driving for 2 hours! Perry has also been a contractor, involved with all aspects of carpentry, plumbing, electrical work, engineering, and project development. In an early chapter of his life, he was in the food service industry.
Perry is married to Simone Molloy, and they have two teenage daughters – Natalie (16) and Juliette (13). Perry grew up in New York and spent time in the Bay area, where he earned a BA in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University. He has been a certified personal trainer and would love more time to be at the gym and ride his bike, but work, life, and being his children’s chauffeur takes time!
Facilities Manager Perry Meekins with the CBI Facilities staff: Keith Powers, Johnny Martino, Susie Young, and Shalamar Washington
April 2015
Developing CBI The Best Story is Yet to be Written by Jenat Levison Feldman Development Director Sharing our stories is an important part of who we are as a people; the impact someone else’s story has on our life says as much about us as it does about them. The Passover story is one that truly resonates with me, because I believe Moses chooses to make a difference. There are unlimited ways to impact the lives of others. What you choose to do to make a difference says everything about you. Today is as good a day as any to choose to start making a difference. As we approach the holiday of Passover, we are instructed to remove the chametz from our homes. Over the years I have learned this should also direct us to get rid of the unresolved matters or unwanted habits we have carried far too long.
In no way am I saying this is an easy undertaking. I am, however, saying it is doable. Instead of complaining about a problem, determine how to resolve that issue and work towards resolution. Instead of wanting things to be different, identify some things you can do differently. Instead of wishing your life had more meaning, explore ways to add more meaning to your life. For as well all know Moses overcame many obstacles in order to lead us to the Promised Land. Talk about making an impact … Getting involved with Congregation Beth Israel is just one of the many ways you can change your story in this coming year. Choose to get engaged through our Social Action Committee, do a Mitzvah, become involved with Adult Education, find a cadre of friends through Brotherhood or Sisterhood, or commit to making a Legacy Gift to CBI where your name will live on in perpetuity. Becoming engaged with your congregation will transform you and us. In the Passover Haggadah we read: for once we were slaves (literally or metaphorically) – commit to no longer being a slave, choose instead to rewrite your history and make a difference. You never know what you might say or do and how it might impact someone else.
Top row photos courtesy of Steve Bilow
Photo courtesy of Bill Baer
Photo courtesy of Rebecca Friedenwald-Fishman
The Schpiel is over, but we’re still singin’ the blues! Check out video highlights from the show on our YouTube channel and website: www.bethisrael-pdx.org/calendar/purim-schpiel-2015
Congregation Beth Israel
Mitzvah Day
JOIN US FOR MITZVAH DAY Sunday, May 3, 9:00 AM Blumauer Auditorium Make a difference, build community, and have a blast! At CBI, we are both deeply committed to Tikkun Olam (healing the world) and called to Tzedakah (to do what is right and just). This commitment is one we demonstrate as individuals and as a community by walking the talk and doing mitzvot year round. Every day is Mitzvah Day at Congregation Beth Israel. We are an engaged community both beneath and outside our dome.
So why come together on May 3rd for a Mitzvah Day? Because this annual event celebrates the social action we each do year round, shines a light on and connects us to our Temple’s longtime service partnerships, and galvanizes our community by doing mitzvot together. And . . . it’s a ton of fun!
It does not get much better than this. As Jake and Elwood Jews remind us, “We’re on a mission from G-d.” Sign up for one of these cool Mitzvah activities: • C ook and put together bags of nonperishable food items that clergy and congregants can take to CBI members in times of need. • M ake and serve a pancake breakfast for our neighbors at the NW Tower and Annex, the low-income housing complex across the street. • Clean up and beautify the Beth Israel Cemetery. • M ake flannel blankets to be donated to CODA, an alcohol, drug, and mental health treatment agency.
Walk the talk with us right now by pulling out your iPhone, your desk calendar, the crumpled post-it you keep in your wallet, or any other calendar you use and MARK DOWN MAY 3RD AS MITZVAH DAY.
• Clean books and repair bindings at the Children’s Book Bank.
We guarantee:
• And more . . .
• Sort and stock donated food items at the Sunshine Pantry. • Donate blood on site via the American Red Cross Blood Mobile. • Participate in clean up projects around our campus.
• You will work on a project that tangibly helps people. • You will meet and connect with other members of CBI. • Y ou will get charged up for the day with delicious pancakes made by our Brotherhood chefs.
Check out the CBI website for registration and descriptions of activities at www.bethisrael-pdx.org/community/social-action.
• Y ou will get the opportunity to be seen in the ever stylish and recognizable CBI bright blue Mitzvah shirt.
April 2015
Sign up, buy and wrap your gift(s), and bring them with you to the shower. We will open the gifts, kvell, and nosh. If you can’t make it, you may drop off your gift to the CBI office before the event. You may also make a donation online at www.bethisrael-pdx.org/give (select Sisterhood Furnishings from the drop-down menu and type “Kitchen Shower” in the comment section), send a check care of Sisterhood to CBI (1972 NW Flanders Street, PDX 97209) and mark “Shower” on the check, or call the CBI office at (503) 222-1069 to pay with your credit card.
Your Vote for ARZA is Needed Now! Israel and the Jewish People are at a crucial moment in history. Our political and spiritual leaders in Israel need our help to determine the future of the Jewish State and the soul of the Jewish People.
For questions, please contact Joanne Treuhaft at joannetreuhaft@ gmail.com.
In the current World Zionist Congress election, every single Jew will have an important - and real - opportunity to make their voice heard. By voting for ARZA - Representing Reform Judaism, you’re supporting gender equality, religious equality, and lasting peace and security in the region.
YES Fund Dinner: “Say YES to Spring!” Sunday, May 17, 6:00 PM Home of Marney and Allan Pike Cost: $54 Performer: Jessica Sindell, Principal Flute, Oregon Symphony
Vote for ARZA now through April 30th at www.reformjews4israel. org. Qualifications: 18+ years of age, Jewish, and a resident of the US Cost: $10 administrative fee (not a donation); $5 if under age 30
Volunteers Needed April 9 for Special Needs Seder Volunteer drivers are needed on April 9th for the Special Needs Seder to pick guests up and drive them to and from Beth Israel. Please contact Terri Warren at twestover@mac.com if you are available to help. The event will be coordinated with Jewish Family & Child Service as it has been for many years.
Shower our Kitchen with LOVE Sunday, April 19, 10:30 AM-12:30 PM Miller Room Join us for a “shower” to restock the Blumauer Kitchen, the most vital space that we all use! This form on SignUpGenius allows you to RSVP and has a list of items that are needed: www.signupgenius.com/ go/30e0e48a5af2da13-wrjbeth.
This annual fundraiser benefits the YES Fund (Youth Education & Special Projects). There will be a lovely performance by Jessica Sindell, Principal Flute of the Oregon Symphony, along with heavy hors d’oeuvres and desserts. Space is limited! RSVP with payment to the CBI office at (503) 222-1069. Sponsorship opportunities are available! Contact Linda Harrison at lindafy@gmail.com for more information.
Todah Rabah to Rose Rustin We honored her with the Eyshet Chayil (Woman of Valor) Award at Sisterhood Shabbat on February 20, 2015. Sisterhood honored Rose Rustin with the Eyshet Chayil (Woman of Valor) Award. Rose has been an active volunteer in our community for over 50 years. She served as President of the Board of Trustees, along with many other leadership roles in Sisterhood and in greater Portland. Rose has contributed to Jewish life both beneath and outside our dome. Ellen Bick was also honored by Sisterhood for her two-year service as Pacific District President of the Women of Reform Judaism.
Congregation Beth Israel
L’Dor V’Dor From Generation to Generation
Brotherhood Annual Meeting Tuesday, April 28, 6:30 PM Al-Amir Restaurant (223 SW Stark St, 97204) Come dine with the CBI Brotherhood! Business will be at a minimum to allow for socializing and meeting new people. This is a great opportunity to find out about the Brotherhood or get more involved. RSVP to Harvey Newman at harveyn01@comcast.net.
Mazel Tov to Colby and Kaila Feves on the birth of their daughter, Hallie Rae Feves, on February 17, 2015. Proud CBI grandparents are Irwin and Annie Feves. Hallie was named on March 14. May she grow in health and wisdom and be a source of strength to her family and all humankind.
Gift Shop Happenings Beth Israel Gift Shop hours: Sundays, 9:15 AM-12:15 PM
(when Religious School is in session)
Thursdays, 4:30-6:00 PM
(when Integrated Hebrew Program is in session)
Fridays, 11:00 AM-1:00 PM
Gary Grenley, who has been recognized with Lewis & Clark Law School’s 2015 Distinguished Business Law Graduate Award. The award is given annually to a graduate of the Law School who has demonstrated exemplary leadership, has made a positive mark on the legal or business profession, and whose accomplishments have brought honor and distinction to the Law School.
Condolences to The family and dear friends of Marvin Diamond, who passed away on February 18, 2015. Marvin retired in 2012 after 14 years as CBI’s beloved librarian.
For appointments or questions please contact the Gift Shop directly at (503) 962-9825.
Janet Friedman on the death of her brother, Joseph Hupert, on February 20, 2015 in St. Louis, MO.
Volunteer: We always need volunteers in the Gift Shop. For details, please contact Debbie Braymer, Gift Shop Volunteer Coordinator, at djsbraymer@gmail.com.
Stuart Goldstein and Lynn Burgin & family on the death of his mother, Barbara Goldstein, on February 23, 2015. Ilene and Jim Davidson on the death of their niece, Stacy Malman Feldman, on March 1, 2015 in Denver, CO.
If you are not receiving the Sisterhood ‘Nus by email and would like to, please email Sally Swire at sallyswire@msn.com. If you do not use email, please let Diane Lowensohn know via a note mailed in care of Sisterhood to CBI (1972 NW Flanders, Portland, OR 97209), and a paper copy will be mailed to you.
Welcome, New Members! CBI is delighted to welcome the Weintraub family: Jeff and Scotti Weintraub and their children, Eli (9) and Jonah (4).
April 2015
Very Thoughtful People
Allison B. Cohen Madrichim Training and Religious School Scholarship Fund
In Memory of Francine Fejes Rhonda, Kenny, and Andrew Cohen Isaac N. Trachtenberg John L. and Barbara J. Trachtenberg
Adult Education Fund In Memory of Harry Karansky Lily Karansky Sivia Kaye
Altar Flowers and Oneg Shabbat
In Memory of Shelby Clark Elaine Savinar Sonja Cohn Howard and Barbara Cohn
Amy R. Goldsmith Library In Memory of Marvin Diamond Steve and Patt Bilow Vicki Greif Charlotte Galton Claire and Zanley Galton
Cemetery Beautification
In Memory of Marvin Tonkin Rena and Cheryl Tonkin & David and Daniel Lerner Marcy Tonkin Alan Lundberg Michael, Tim, Becky, and Adam Tannenbaum Helen R. Lachman Don and Karen Lachman Mildred Markus Schnitzer Susan Schnitzer and Greg Goodman Dori Schnitzer and Mark Brown Jeanne and Lenny Marks
Rabbi Cahana Discretionary In Memory of Richard Lachman Theodore D. Lachman Dorothy Lachman Ethel Lachman Theodore D. Lachman Don and Karen Lachman Arthur Rosenfeld Don and Karen Lachman Bernice Bloom Wendy and Bob Steinberg Sue Halupowski Lynn Rose Fagin Smith Mildred “Mickey� Fagin Rachel Halupowski Maurice J. Roth Philip and Dorothy Reiter In Appreciation Barry and Ruth Wald Janice Isenberg Lynn Bonner
Cantor Cahana Discretionary In Memory of Mollie Lertzman Alan Lertzman Edward Cohn, Jr. Margery Cohn In Honor of Sue Garber (Special birthday) Wendy Steinberg In Appreciation Barry and Ruth Wald Janice Isenberg
Rabbi Joseph Discretionary In Appreciation Mimi Richman
Cantor Schiff Discretionary In Memory of Carol Gaiser Terri Warren Stuart D. Karlin Alice and Michael Powell
General Administrative
In Memory of Manuel Schnitzer Edith Schnitzer Carol Lewis Bernice Bloom Lance and Mary Steinberg Lesa Oziel Donna O. Brownstein Essie Matin Ronald Matin Harry and Joanne Glickman Samuel Moment Roger Moment Harold Wendel Susan and Larry Black Ralph Weintraub Alan Weintraub Mariam Neuwelt Jill and Ed Neuwelt Madaline Pitkin Ludmilla Julia Pitkin Steve and Natalie Maizels Anthony Netboy Jane Netboy Ted Blank The Kornbergs Nathan Brodat Joseph C. Seres Joel and Sandra Seres Helen Lachman Eve and Alan Rosenfeld In Honor of Sandee Blank (Birth of granddaughter) Scott, Ilene, Macia, and Families
Jill Newman Slansky Early Childhood Leader Fund In Memory of Sidney Garfield Harold Newmark Tom Carmichael Smith Jill Ann Slansky
Congregation Beth Israel
Landau Chapel
In Memory of Don R. Williams Megan Brown
Oseran Family Lecture In Memory of David Lipman Philip and Dorothy Reiter Augusta Jaffe Elaine Savinar Milton Zell Julius Zell Alan and Janet Zell
In Memory of Jack Tinkleman Mitzi Layton Patricia Layton Nemer
Ruth Semler Youth Activities In Memory of Burt Berman Eloise Spiegel Leslie Berman Tillie Caplan Philip Caplan Barry and Barbara Caplan Ruth Semler Larry Semler & Family In Honor of Sue Garber (Special birthday) Rose Rustin (Eyshet Chayil Award) Margaret Hasson
Sanny Snell Preschool Scholarship
In Honor of Diane and Dick Lowensohn (Birth of granddaughter) Stephanie Siegel and Jeff Whalen
Very Thoughtful People Social Action (General)
In Memory of Joan Ramsey Dr. Gerald and Evelyn Leshgold Henry and Nancy Oseran Regina Light Ray and Dorothy Packouz Lottie Eisenhardt Gerda Eiseman Stuart Peltz Ida Kleinrock Leslie and Robert Peltz Sonia and Harry Labby Arnold and Eva Labby Stacy Malman Feldman Bob Kravitz and David Gilbert Judy Lowensohn Richard and Diane Lowensohn Elisabeth W. Solomon Mary Willer Dick Solomon In Honor of Dr. William Galen (Birthday) Gerald and Evelyn Leshgold
In Memory of Joan Ramsey Philip and Dorothy Reiter Marian Abrams Jeanne Newmark Max Kaffesieder Bernie Caplan Gerson Neuberger Patricia Neuberger Jerome Stolzoff Bunny Edelson Harry Rubenstein Mark Saul Anna Rubenstein Davia and Ted Rubenstein Conny Frisch LouAnn Frisch Sam Kaufman Nancy Green Susy, Marci, and Katrina Hammel Israel Klein Marilyn and Hans Grunbaum Irv Trachtenberg Isaac Trachtenberg Pearl Trachtenberg Dr. David Ellner Janet E. La Rossa
Abraham Bergstein Len and Betsy Bergstein Johan, Isidor, and Rebecka Segalowicz Bernhard Pinsky Susan Gerson Harold Schnitzer Jill and Richard Edelson Marvin Leon Diamond Lynn Bonner Vicki Greif Eugene Bartenstein Lynne Bartenstein and Dan Heims Morris Saffron Ruth Gassner Marie and Paul Lamfrom Arnold and Eva Labby Roslyn Rosen Leslie and Robert Peltz Maurie Jacobs Julius Zell Beverly and Marty Zell Cathi, Dave, Staci, Caitlin, and Megan Zerba Lynda Zell Jeff Zell Marvin Liebreich Evelyn Maizels Gene Marie Strauss Naomi Strauss Marion Rabiner David and Liz Lippof In Honor of Rose Rustin (Eyshet Chayil Award) Bill Galen (Birthday) Elaine and Sandy Weinstein Joanne Glickman (Recovery) Ruth Gassner Elaine and Sandy Weinstein (Special anniversary) Barbara and Barry Caplan
I Have A Dream
In Memory of Sam Bissinger Arnold and Eva Labby
General Contribution Given By Mark and Roberta Wax
Heims Family Youth Activities Endowment In Memory of Celia Heims Dan Heims and Lynne Bartenstein
May Georges Study in Israel Scholarship In Memory of Beatrice Weiner Dr. William and Beverly Galen
Nettie Director Library Book Endowment In Memory of Herman Margolis Marvin Diamond Stuart and Nikki Director In Honor of Rose Rustin (Eyshet Chayil Award) Donna Brownstein Stuart and Nikki Director
Simon & Helen Director Endowment In Memory of Manuel Schnitzer Arlene Schnitzer Harold Schnitzer Harold Heldfond Arlene Schnitzer Cameron and Dick Davis
Temple Endowment
In Honor of Gary Larsen (Special birthday) Barbara and Barry Caplan
Temple Improvement
Urman Family College Communication
In Memory of Evelyn R. Galen Morris J. Galen In Honor of Adrienne J. Souther (Birthday) Morris J. Galen
WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood Funds
Prayer Book
In Memory of Rose Veltman Marcia Colton & Family Philip Caplan Tillie Caplan Bernie Caplan Jeanne Winifred Sherman Marcia Colton & Risa ColtonFeldman Harriet Bodner George Bodner Sybil Samuels Ilaine Cohen & Family Maurie Jacobs Julius Zell Beverly and Marty Zell Cathi, Dave, Staci, Caitlin, and Megan Zerba Lynda Zell Jeff Zell Miriam Cohen Margulies Joyce and Stan Loeb & Family
Service to the Blind
In Memory of Charlotte Stern Richard Stern Samuel T. Mayer Wilma Jane Mayer Balick Gladys G. Trachtenberg John L. and Barbara J. Trachtenberg
Sisterhood Programming, Leadership & Enrichment
In Memory of Jerome Katzky Margaret Katzky Hasson Genevieve Himelstein David and Shawn Looney In Honor of Rose Rustin (Eyshet Chayil Award) Stephanie Siegel and Jeff Whalen Ilaine Cohen Davia and Ted Rubenstein
CBI Team Senior Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana rabbicahana@bethisrael-pdx.org Senior Cantor Ida Rae Cahana cantorcahana@bethisrael-pdx.org Assistant Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph rabbijoseph@bethisrael-pdx.org Rabbi Emeritus Emanuel Rose, D.H.L., D.D. rabbirose@bethisrael-pdx.org Cantor Emerita Judith Blanc Schiff cantor@bethisrael-pdx.org
Education Department
Member Services
Education Director Ben Sandler, M. Ed. ben@bethisrael-pdx.org
Executive Director Sydney A. Baer sydney@bethisrael-pdx.org
Early Childhood Education Director Deborah Kaplan, MAT deborah@bethisrael-pdx.org
Development Director Jen Feldman jen@bethisrael-pdx.org
Youth Group Director Shoshanna Pro shoshanna@bethisrael-pdx.org
Congregational Affairs Director Jemi Kostiner Mansfield jemi@bethisrael-pdx.org
Education Administrator Ziva Sholin ziva@bethisrael-pdx.org
Finance Director Jim Baldwin, CPA jim@bethisrael-pdx.org Accounting Assistant Vicki Greif vicki@bethisrael-pdx.org
April 2015
Project Coordinator Dara Docherty dara@bethisrael-pdx.org
Art of Catering 503-231-8185 Larry Grimes
Office Administrator Tracy Alifanz tracy@bethisrael-pdx.org
Century Catering 503-849-2605 Allen Levin
Facilities Staff Perry Meekins, Facilities Manager Keith Powers, Lead Johnny Martino Shalamar Washington Susie Young
Culinary Artistry 503-232-4675 Jenn Louis
Catering Panel Alfresco Catering by Sheraton 503-335-2858 Shellie Engelquist
Devil’s Food Catering 503-233-9288 Charles Stilwell VT Group: Vibrant Table, Food In Bloom, f&b CafÊ 503-297-9635 Karen Rich
In Remembrance ~ May their memory be for a blessing. April 3 & 4 ***no services will be held on Friday, April 3rd – 1st Seder William Barde* Eugene Bartenstein Abraham Bergstein Frances Bick Marion Bischoff Anita Bogorad Louis Braunstein* Philip Caplan Tillie Caplan Joyce M. Cohen Sonja Cohn Maurice J. Creamer Virginia East Lottie Eisenhardt Richard Enkelis Mollie S. Epstein Milton Falbel Magarete Feibelman Cyril Freedman Max Goldberg Esther F. Goldsmith* Morton J. Goodman Sue Halupowski* Irene Harris Celia Heims Karen Hirsch Clara Hochfeld Paul Jerome Hoffman Augusta Jaffe* Max Kaffeseider* Phillip Kaplan Lily Karansky Stuart D. Karlin Jerome Katzky Jerome M. Kutner Harry Labby Sonia Labby William Nathan Lewis Judy Lowensohn Milton Margulis* Nettie Margulis Asher Melzer Sam Menashe Albert Oziel Morris Paley Hugh M. Patinkin Stuart Peltz Ben Pelz Donald Post Adrian Rabau Fanny Restein Meyer Rifkin Betty Rosenfeld Toby Rosenfeld Mark Saul Abraham Shapiro Charles A. Silverman* Lynne Rose Fagin Smith Alice R. Stenger* Harold Stern Benjamin M. Sussman Sophie Posner Tenzer Irving Trachtenberg Isaac N. Trachtenberg Belle Treuhaft Rose Leveton Unkeles Rosella Werlin Joel Irwin Wolff
April 10 & 11 Theodore C. Andrianoff Sidney Anton Robert Bath Yetta Beck* Eleanor Payne Bergman Florence Caplan Berman Lena Rosenblatt Bromberg Robert Canter Shelby Clark Vivian Wilson Cohen Rebecca Dennison Samuel B. Dobrow* Fannie Eisenberg David Ellner George Epstein Mildred Fagin Marc Feidelson Francine Fejes Samuel Joshua Felder Rose Fischback Sue B. Friedman Mildred Friendly Cindy Gadye Molly Handelman Israel Klein Igal L. Koshevoy Helen Lachman Leah Gerst Lowengart* Harry Maizels Peter Matje Sam Menashe Mose M. Mesher* Arnold Meyer Harry Reingold* Roslyn Rosen Leah Rosenbaum Sybil Samuels* Johan, Isidor & Rebecka Segalowicz* Joseph Seres Mark Sinclair Adeline Sokolsky Elisabeth W. (Libby) Solomon* Minnie Stern Jerome S. Stolzoff Thomas A. Stoner Jack Tinkleman Gladys Trachtenberg Abe F. Vidgoff* Philip Weinstein* Don R. Williams Nathan Wise* Elizabeth Zacks Harry W. Zavin Milton Zell April 17 & 18 Edith Alexander Deborah Arron Bertha E. Baron* Bertha Bettman* Zerline Blattner Harriet Bodner Sanford C. Brant* Louis S. (Bud) Brenner Nathan Brodat George L. Campf* Barbara Cartwright Bertrand H. Constantine Alvin Donald Davis
Jacob J. Enkelis* Harry Fischback Conny J. Frisch Charlotte Galton Sidney Garfield Harold Heldfond Sadie Helman* Judy Rogel Hickox Morris Kunowski Hana E. Lewis* Regina Light Carl Lubliner Leon Maniloff Miriam Cohen Margulies Essie Matin Ronald Matin Mary Mayer* Samuel T. Mayer* Rose Naftalin Gerson Neuberger* Mariam Neuwelt Pearl (Pat) Orr Mollie Rosen Gary W. Samuelis Pearl Schlesinger Walli Schlesinger* Morris Schnitzer* Ruth Ellen Semler* Evelyn Shapiro Sam Shapiro Isadore Shemanski* Gene Marie Strauss Wanda Sullivan Herbert L. Swett* John F. (Jack) Tarpey Belle S. Weil* Ralph Weintraub Dorothy Weisfield Harold F. Wendel Lois Wood Jerome Zeidman April 24 & 25 Larry Backer Lester Sidney Baskin Bernice B. Bloom* Sophia Chaimov Edward Cohn, Jr. Jennie Cohn* Sigfried Crohn* Jerry Dennison Annie Director Florence Feldman Syril Garfinkle Isidor Gideon* Alan Goldsmith Clara Heilner* Anna Herzog* Genevieve Himelstein* Arnold Hoffman Norma Ruth Olman Horenstein* Arthur Joseph Bernard Kaye Ida Kleinrock Alison Senders Lang Mollie Lertzman David Leveton* George Litow Sol G. Lubliner* Richard Machacek Edith Maizels
Barbara Friedman Mills Samuel Moment Leslie Moses Rose Novich Debra Cohn Nudelman Rita Oroshnik Madaline Pitkin David J. Rosen Maurice J. Roth Jack Sadis Morris Saffron Mildred Markus Schnitzer* Ruth B. Segal Norman Seltzer Bess Steiner Charlotte Stern* Barbara Sternberg* Kathleen M. Sugarman Alan Tell Eileen Treuhaft Mary Willer May 1 & 2 Lenore Abrams Karlina Bergman* Goodman Bettman* Samuel Bissinger* Gussie Diamondstein* Marcel Flaxman Abe Freedman* Charlotte Frey Thomas T. Georges, Jr. Harry I. Gevurtz* Lillian Goodman Fanny Gradow Nate Hasman Donald Hersh Maurie Jacobs* Berenice Kaplan Stanley Kramer* Samuel Labow Harris Lavine Mitzi Layton Julius Levenson* Charles Levine Stanley B. Lewis Marvin Liebreich* Beverly Lipman Ignatz Lowengart* Alan Eric Lundberg* Herman Margolis Alexandria Meekcoms Harold Newman* Sidney H. Newman Nettie Olman Max H. Packouz Ira Peterman Bernhard Pinsky Max Planer Marion Rabiner Rabbi David Hillel Rose* Anna M. Rubenstein David Schenbaum Harold Schnitzer Max Shimshak Harriet Simon Marvin Tonkin* Pua Vilner Beatrice Weiner Ruth Weiner Julius Zell
(*) next to a name indicates a memorial plaque has been purchased to ensure the beloved departed is remembered in perpetuity. For information about memorial plaques in the Temple, please contact Jemi Kostiner Mansfield at (503) 222-1069 or jemi@bethisrael-pdx.org.
Congregation Beth Israel
April 2015 SUNDAY
Nisan-Iyyar 5775 MONDAY
In order for all of our congregants to celebrate Passover, we will not have Shabbat services on Friday, April 3rd.
6 Nisan
1 Nisan 12
2 Nisan 13
3 Nisan
4 Nisan
Midrasha (grades 6-8) 5:30 PM SEC
Adult Education Committee 8:30 AM SBR
Pesach begins: 1st Seder
Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR
Adult B’nei Mitzvah 6:00 PM LB
Social Action Committee 7:00 PM SBR
5 Nisan
Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR NO Shabbat Service
Tot Shabbat 9:30 AM PC Shabbat/Festival Service 10:30 AM PC
7 Nisan
8 Nisan
9 Nisan
10 Nisan
Book Group 9:00 AM SBR
WRJ/BIS Board Meeting 6:00 PM GH
Executive Committee 12:00 PM SBR
Religious School/ B’nei Mitzvah 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Education Taskforce 7:00 PM SBR
No Midrasha Classes (grades 6-8)
Special Needs Seder 5:30 PM GH
Kindergarten Round Up 9:15 AM SEC
Yizkor Pesach: Offices Closed Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR No Preschool Shabbat Morning Service/ Yizkor Pesach 6th Grade Shabbatini & 10:30 AM PC B’nei Mitzvah Palooza 10:30 AM PC & GH Shir Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC
11 Nisan
ECE Pesach Program 10:00 AM SEC
JND Shabbat Service 7:30 PM PC
Midrasha (grades 9-12) 12:15 PM SEC
12 Nisan
13 Nisan
14 Nisan
Religious School/ B’nei Mitzvah 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM 5th Grade Family Program: Yom haShoa/Yom ha’Atzma’ut 10:00 AM
15 Nisan
16 Nisan
17 Nisan
18 Nisan
Midrasha (grades 6-8) 5:30 PM SEC
Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR
Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR
Adult B’nei Mitzvah 6:00 PM SBR
Board of Trustees Meeting 6:15 PM SBR
Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC
Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 AM PC
Community Yom haShoah Program 6:00 PM Temple
Adult Ed: The Struggle to Maintain Jewish Identity, Pt. 2 10:00 AM PC
Havdalah Bar Mitzvah of Rij Dorfman 5:00 PM Temple
Midrasha (grades 9-12) 12:15 PM SEC
19 Nisan
20 Iyyar 1
21 Iyyar 2
Religious School/ B’nei Mitzvah 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM
22 Iyyar 3
23 Iyyar 4
24 Iyyar 5
25 Iyyar 6
Midrasha (grades 6-8) 5:30 PM SEC
Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR
Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR
Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC
Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 AM PC
Adult B’nei Mitzvah 6:00 PM SBR
Sisterhood Kitchen Shower 10:00 AM BA/MR
Pajama Havdalah 5:30 PM PC
Midrasha (grades 9-12) 12:15 PM SEC
26 Iyyar 7 Religious School/ B’nei Mitzvah 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM Sisterhood/ Brotherhood/ SAC: Danielle Tudor, Victims’Rights Advocacy 10:30 AM PC
27 Iyyar 8
28 Iyyar 9
29 Iyyar 10
30 Iyyar 11
Midrasha (grades 6-8) 5:30 PM SEC
Adult B’nei Mitzvah 6:00 PM SBR
Music Under the Dome/ Oregon Symphony Classical Up Close 7:30 PM Temple
Midrasha (grades 9-12) 12:15 PM SEC
Location Key HH = Harris Hall BA = Blumauer Auditorium GH = Goodman Hall LB = Library LF = Lipman Foyer MR = Miller Room PC = Pollin Chapel SBR = Shirley & Herbert Semler Board Room SC = Shemanski Chapel SEC = Sherman Education Center SFC = Schnitzer Family Center
Administration Offices & Clergy Education Department & Preschool Fax Machine WRJ/BI Sisterhood Judaica Gift Shop Beth Israel Cemetery 426 SW Taylors Ferry Road
503-222-1069 503-222-2037 503-274-1400 503-222-1069 503-222-1069
View our calendar and campus map online at www.bethisrael-pdx.org
Congregation Beth Israel
Congregation Beth Israel
1972 NW Flanders Street Portland, OR 97209-2097
Board of Trustees 2014/2015 Officers
Ned Duhnkrack President
Jonathan Barg Stuart Chestler, Immediate Past President Eric Friedenwald-Fishman Stacy Friedman Robin McCoy Sharon Meieran Joanne Van Ness Menashe Marney Pike Yale Popowich Bob Rosenbaum David Sarasohn Arthur Steinhorn
Ted Nelson VP/President Elect Ilene Davidson Vice President Ali Garfinkle Vice President Brad Tonkin Vice President Mark Peterman Secretary John Epstein Treasurer
Auxiliaries Linda Harrison and Stephanie Siegel - WRJ/BI Sisterhood Co-Presidents David Goldwyn - Brotherhood President
If a single person can make a difference through a single act, imagine what we can do together on this very special day! Mitzvah Day is a wonderful, fun opportunity to be a light to the local community. We hope you will join us on May 3rd, a day that promises inspiration and blessings for everyone. Let’s show the community what our congregation is capable of when we work together!
Do a Mitzvah with us!
See page 5 for more information and check the CBI website for registration and descriptions of activities: www.bethisrael-pdx.org/community/social-action Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism since 1879
Congregation Beth Israel