Mini Mensche s
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Shabbat on the Plaza
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5779 at CBI
Purim Schpiel
Action Social ttee i Comm
VOL. 67, NO. 5
Where will YOU fit in?
Religious School
at nteer Volu owers NW T
Family Camp
Share Shabbat
re Oseran Lectu
Chanukah Celebration
MLK, Jr Shabbat Service
Purim Carnival
High Holidays at CBI - 5779/2018 Selichot
Saturday, September 1 7:00 PM
Selichot Experience
Main Sanctuary
Rosh Hashanah Sunday, September 9 - Erev Rosh Hashanah 5:00 PM 7:30 PM
Tot Service Traditional Service
Pollin Chapel Main Sanctuary
10:00 AM Traditional Service Main Sanctuary 11:00 AM Family Service Goodman Hall Families join in Main Sanctuary for the Shofar Service 12:30 PM Reception Blumauer Auditorium Sponsored by Harold and Jane Pollin and the Sheraton Hotel 1:00 PM Tashlich Tanner Park (NW 10th Ave. & Marshall St.)
Sunday, September 16 - Kever Avot 1:00 PM
Kever Avot Memorial Service
Yom Kippur
Landau Chapel, Beth Israel Cemetery (426 SW Taylors Ferry Road)
Tuesday, September 18 - Kol Nidre 5:00 PM 5:30 PM 8:00 PM
Tot Service Traditional Service (early) Traditional Service (late)
Goodman Hall Main Sanctuary Main Sanctuary
Wednesday, September 19 - Yom Kippur 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 1:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM
Traditional Service Family Service Talk Back With Clergy Music and Meditation Study Groups Afternoon/Yizkor/Ne’ilah Service
Main Sanctuary Goodman Hall Pollin Chapel Main Sanctuary Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room Main Sanctuary
Sukkot Sunday, September 23 - Erev Sukkot 10:00 AM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM
Back to Shul Celebration Open House for New CBI Members Open House for All CBI Members
Main Sanctuary/Temple Lawn Home of Rabbi and Cantor Cahana Home of Rabbi and Cantor Cahana RSVP to Main Office for address
Monday, September 24 - Sukkot 12:00 PM
Lunch and Learn
Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
Simchat Torah Sunday, September 30 - Erev Simchat Torah 6:00 PM
Consecration Service & Klezmer Party
Main Sanctuary/Blumauer Auditorium
Monday, October 1 - Simchat Torah 10:30 AM
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Yizkor Service
Pollin Chapel
daeh dpyl L’Shanah Tovah
Monday, September 10 - Rosh Hashanah
Being a Sacred Community This summer we were fortunate to host B’nai B’rith (BB) Camp as they ran a day camp on our campus. It was so lovely to have the voices of young children playing outside all summer long. Having BB Camp hold their sessions on our campus gave the clergy an opportunity to interact with the kids and help the camp shape their Jewish content. The camp programming ran with the idea of a midah, a Jewish attribute, which was shared and studied throughout the week. The opening week of camp, we talked with the young people about the idea of kehilah, community. But we shared that in Judaism kehilah is more than an accidental gathering. Kehilah is a community of compassion, of caring, of trust. The word evokes an awareness of the needs of others and our responsibility for each other. Most often, Kehilah is paired with another vital Jewish term: Kedoshah. This resonates
throughout our prayer language: “Kiddush, Kodesh, Kaddish” all relate to this word. It means “sacred” or “Holy.” A Kehilah Kedoshah, we explained to the kids, is a “Sacred Community.” Synagogue names will sometimes be prefaced with the abbreviation K”K standing for Kehilah Kedoshah. It is both a description and an aspiration. To be a “Sacred Community,” is to be a community of caring and compassion; a community of meaning and value. A Kehilah Kedoshah raises us up and makes us better people because we are together. The High Holidays give us a chance to gather together in our sacred space; to be inspired and moved and reflective of our highest calling. We come together with sacred and beautiful music, with words of inspiration and with a common purpose: to be touched by the Holy. All the work we do, all year long, is to help all of us create and maintain a Kehilah
Kedoshah – a Sacred Community. May the voices of children inspire us to bring the Holy presence into our midst and may we continue to build our Congregation into a Kehilah Kedosha. Shanah Tova, The clergy of Congregation Beth Israel: Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana Cantor Ida Rae Cahana Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph Rabbi Emanuel Rose, emeritus Cantor Judith B. Schiff, emerita
High Holidays FAQ When will I receive my High Holidays materials?
Can I volunteer at CBI over the High Holidays?
CBI’s High Holidays mailing went out in late July and included a detailed Schedule of Services, your family’s Household Pass (single document that will admit your entire household to the services of your choosing, a change from previous years that both reduces waste and should streamline your family’s entry into services), and forms should you wish to contribute to CBI’s Book of Remembrance and Funds For Food initiatives.
Please consider joining our cadre of High Holidays Ushers. Help be a part of what makes our community warm and welcoming. You’ll get to start the new year with a Mitzvah, wear a fancy name tag, and perhaps even answer some of life’s most essential questions – such as, where is the bathroom?
High Holiday FAQ Also, every year, our WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood
Our family would like to bring guests to High Holidays services. How do we request Guest Passes? You and your guests may request Guest Passes at www.bethisrael-pdx.org/highholidays5779-guests/ or by calling or emailing Amber Rollins in the CBI Main Office at (503) 222-1069 or amber@bethisrael-pdx.org.
We will be out of town and wish to attend services at another URJ congregation. How do we arrange for reciprocal tickets? Amber Rollins in the CBI Main Office is happy to help arrange reciprocal tickets and can be reached at (503) 222-1069 or amber@bethisrael-pdx.org.
contributes a delicious array of homemade treats for our Rosh Hashanah reception. Your delicious masterpiece could be among them! For details, questions, or to sign up for either of these volunteer opportunites, contact our Program Coordinator, Tracy Manaster Alifanz, at (503) 222-1069 or tracy@bethisrael-pdx.org.
Has extra parking been made available for the High Holidays? We have reached out to organizations throughout the neighborhood to see if their lots can be made available. As we finalize details, parking information will be posted at www.bethisrael-pdx.org/highholidays5779/
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Celebrate Congregation Beth Israel’s 160th Anniversary
A Year Like No Other
The 50 Anniversary of our Holocaust Memorial Trust Scroll th
The Holocaust Memorial Trust Scroll, from which all CBI students read on their Bar or Bat Mitzvah, has been in our care for fifty years. In honor of this significant landmark, our community has committed to having it meticulously restored by an expert sofer (Torah scribe).
Save the Date!
the 90th Anniversary of our Main Sanctuary
13 Years of Rabbi Cahana’s Leadership
Our beautiful Main Sanctuary turns ninety this year! This building, listed on the National Register of Historic Places is one of Portland’s most notable architectural gems, one of the nation’s finest examples of Neo-Byzantine architecture, and an extraordinary place for our community to call home.
Rabbi Cahana joined Congregation Beth Israel thirteen years ago, bringing his warmth, wisdom, passion for social justice, and formidable Purim Schpiel talents. CBI has flourished under his leadership, and we plan to celebrate his “Bar Mitzvah year” in the spring.
Please plan to join us on Saturday, October 20, 2018 for the first of many 160 th Celebrations. Details to Come.
Welcome to the Emerson School!
It’s back to school time, and CBI is excited to announce that this fall our Sherman Education Center will welcome a whole new set of students: those enrolled in The Emerson School! Photo credit: Steve Bilow
If you have never had the opportunity to sing in a choir, please consider trying it out this year. There is nothing quite like the sensation of hearing the voices of those around you, feeling the vibration of sound creating something wonderful for the participants as well as the audience. Our choir has become its own chevre, a group of friends who care about each other and enjoy getting to know the larger CBI family. This year, our congregational choir, Kol Echad, will be singing in our High Holiday services as well as for the annual standing room only Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Shabbat service and our original Purim Shpiel, with an off-site visit to Rose Schnitzer Manor thrown in for extra community uplift! You do not need to read music or have any Hebrew background; please contact Bitsie in the Temple Office at bitsie@bethisrael-pdx.org or (503) 222-1069 to get more information. We look forward to welcoming you into our group and singing with you soon! Cantor Ida Rae Cahana
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The Emerson School is a non-profit public K-5 charter school, sponsored by the Portland Public School district. Its curriculum is based on hands-on, experiential learning through project based learning in multi-age classrooms. The school’s leadership has been searching for a new facility for over fifteen years, and the layout, capacity, and location of our education building makes it a perfect fit—while making use of space that would otherwise sit empty during the school week. This is an ideal space-sharing endeavor for CBI: Emerson’s school hours (Monday through Thursday from 8:45 AM to 3:15 PM and Friday from 8:45 AM to 1:15 PM) do not overlap at all with our Religious School’s schedule. As a charter school, Emerson has a degree of scheduling flexibility, and have adapted their calendar for school closures on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Please contact our Executive Director, Josh Kashinsky, at (503) 222-1069 or josh@bethisrael-pdx.org with any questions. Our community is proud to be a longstanding cultural and educational hub for our neighborhood and the greater Portland area, and our partnership with Emerson is very much in keeping with that tradition. In that spirit, we look forward to welcoming Emerson students, faculty, and staff this fall.
Torah at the Center: A New Year for Jewish Learning by Ben Sandler Education Director Reform Judaism, with our ancient and modern influences, our Torah and sacred texts, our contemporary writings and teachings, creates an amazing blueprint to help our students navigate, celebrate, and cope with living in a complex world. While visiting the website ReformJudaism.org (a site that describes and demonstrates the traditions and innovations of Reform Jewish life) I read the following sentence: The great contribution of Reform Judaism is that it has enabled the Jewish people to introduce innovation while preserving tradition, to embrace diversity while asserting commonality, to affirm beliefs without rejecting those who doubt, and to bring faith to sacred texts without sacrificing critical scholarship. There is so much going on in this description. It unites seemingly opposite concepts like innovation and tradition, belief and doubt, diversity and commonality, faith and reason, to form a cohesive way of moving through the world… and I ask myself, does this description reflect my own personal
experience of Reform Judaism? Do our families and kids engage in Reform Jewish practice in a positive, spiritually uplifting way that is also scholarly and builds community? The answers are yes, no, maybe, sometimes! Through Reform Jewish practice we can gain the strength, both spiritually and intellectually, to embrace and navigate the complexity of being alive. We move from simplistic black and white thinking into feeling secure with ourselves in the “gray”—a more nuanced, sophisticated way of being. In the Psychology Today article Social Worlds, The Evolutionary Basis of Simple Thinking, Glen Geher, Ph.D. writes, “The social world is complex. In reality, people don’t really easily fall into categories of “good” and “evil” or “smart” or “dumb” or “helpful” or “lazy” - etc. In spite of the fact that human universals underlie so much of who we are, people have a very strong tendency to see others in highly simplistic, categorical ways often to the detriment of our getting to really know others in our world.” Characters in the Torah are depicted as real human beings with often contradictory traits, and presented with all their faults and strengths. Opinions in the Talmud are shared and expressed with both the majority and minority
Mazel Tov, Chelsea and Ben! Chelsea Ferguson, CBI’s Director of Youth and Young Family Engagement, and Ben Sandler, our Education Director, have been accepted to the 2018-19 URJ Community of Practice Youth Professional Fellowship101. This fellowship is specifically designed for youth professionals and supervisors and will connect each of them with an innovative cohort of Jewish educators. As part of the cohort, Chelsea will have the opportunity to learn in-
person with peers and experts in the field, participate in a coaching group led by experienced mentors, and to explore new approaches and opportunities within a focus area she selects. Ben will also have the opportunity to learn from leading Jewish educators in the Supervisors Community of Practice cohort. This fellowship will enhance the experiences of CBI youth by bringing the very best practices to our community, and will strengthen and further develop our Education Department’s national network of youth professionals and supervisors.
opinion, giving centuries of learners a window into how to analyze complex situations and arrive at thoughtful decisions. In Rabbi Jason Rosenberg’s ReformJudaism.org article, Can a Reform Jew believe the Torah is the word of God? he writes, “Many Reform Jews have a deep belief in a God that is not literal or theistic, but rather is more mystical or spiritual. Many believe that though the Torah was written by humans, there is still a deep, abiding and divine wisdom that is imparted through the teachings which separates Torah from other literature. So, I’d argue that Reform Judaism rejects the “traditional” idea of Torah from Sinai, but it doesn’t insist that Reform Jews do the same!... We’re a bigtent religion, and everyone agreeing on everything isn’t the point, and it’s never going to happen, anyway.” In this new school year, as we repair and rededicate our Torah scrolls as part of our CBI 160th anniversary as a Kehilah Kedosha, may students of all ages have the opportunity to contribute innovatively and creatively to our community, and through putting Torah and Jewish learning at the center find strength and inspiration to embrace our complex world with confidence, kindness and curiosity. L’Shana Tova, Ben
Welcome, McKenna! CBI welcomes Mckenna Means as our new Education Administrator. Along with her many skills, McKenna brings a passion for social justice work to our team. As a Community Outreach Specialist with the Louisville (KY) Metro Government, she developed strategies to better assist the city’s low income individuals and was on a team helping flood victims return to their homes and lives. We are thrilled to welcome her to Portland!
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Brotherhood Rafting Trip
The Stained Glass of CBI
Saturday, September 8, 1:00 PM Maupin/Deschutes River/Forward Rafting Company
Wednesday, September 5, 6:30 PM Main Sanctuary Join CBI Congregant and architectural expert Henry Kunowski as he guides a tour of our historic Main Sanctuary’s extraordinary stained glass windows.
An Overview of Great Jewish Texts Wednesday, October 3, 7:00 PM Wednesday, October 10, 7:00 PM Wednesday, October 17, 7:00 PM Wednesday, November 14, 7:00 PM Wednesday, November 28, 7:00 PM Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room Congregation Beth Israel’s Rabbi Cahana will present a series of five classes focusing on the Great Jewish Texts: Talmud, Mishnah, Midrash, Zohar (Kabbalah), and Reform Responsa. We will ask: what are these different texts and what functions do they serve? In addition to providing the overview, Rabbi Cahana will help participants understand what is involved with in-depth study of each of these texts. This five-session, seminar-style course will meet throughout the fall in the Shirley and Herbert Board Room on the CBI campus. Your RSVP is appreciated; please call the CBI Main Office at (503) 222-1069 or email Program Coordinator Tracy Manaster Alifanz at tracy@bethisrael-pdx.org.
Brotherhood Social Wednesday, August 1, 7:00 PM Uptown Billiards (120 NW 23rd) Join the CBI Brotherhood for their monthly get together. In addition to socializing (and pool!), we will plan for the High Holidays (and ushering!).
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Brotherhood Poker Wednesday, August 15, 6:30 PM Goodman Hall Know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em…with your CBI Brotherhood. Enjoy pizza and beer at 6:30 PM. Game starts at 7:00 PM with a $5 buy in, and ends at 9:30 PM (or when all your chips are gone). Poker nights will continue throughout the year, so keep an eye out for future dates in our weekly e-blast and the Brotherhood newsletter. Email Tracy in the CBI office at tracy@bethisrael-pdx.org for more information.
Shabbat on the Plaza and Brotherhood BBQ Friday, August 17, 6:00 PM Temple Lawn What could be better than Shabbat on the Plaza? Shabbat on the Plaza with hot dogs and beer, courtesy of your CBI Brotherhood! Gather for a festive, musical Shabbat Evening Service, mingle with your CBI friends, and enjoy a classic summer dinner.
Brotherhood Goes to BB Camp Friday, August 17 – Monday, August 20 Oregon Coast
Bob Winthrop will lead the CBI Brotherhood’s annual rafting trip again this year, so RSVP to Bob at bobwinthrop@yahoo.com, grab the kids, and plan for another amazing experience. You don’t want to miss this! WE HAVE A BLAST EVERY YEAR!! We depart CBI at 9:00 AM. Cost is $44 for non-Brotherhood members; $36 for members.
Brotherhood Annual Board Meeting and Social Wednesday, October 3 Location and time TBD Join Brotherhood for their hosted Annual Board Meeting and Social. Join the fun, and share ideas for the coming year. Please remember that this event requires a fair amount of organization and planning, so please let Jeff Capen (jeff@dennisoncapengroup.com) know ASAP if you will be attending. Location to be decided based on attendance...
Fall Kickoff Happy Hour Tuesday, September 25, 5:00 PM- 7:00 PM The Indigo Building (430 SW 13th, top floor)
The CBI Brotherhood is going to Camp! Contact Brotherhood President Jeff Capen (jeff@dennisoncapengroup.com) for details…and perhaps to carpool!
Say farewell to summer and hello to fall (and your Sisterhood friends!) at Sisterhood’s September Happy Hour.
Brotherhood Social
Sisterhood Membership Brunch
Wednesday, September 5, 7:00 PM Uptown Billiards (120 NW 23rd) Another month, another chance to mingle and shoot pool at Uptown Billiards with the CBI Brotherhood. Brotherhood hopes to finalize plans for High Holidays ushering at this meeting, in addition to all the fun. Whether or not you are a member of Brotherhood, please reach out to Program Coordinator Tracy Alifanz at (503) 222-1069 or tracy@bethisrael-pdx.org if you are interested in ushering.
Sunday, October 14, 10:00 AM Goodman Hall Enjoy a festive fall brunch with the WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood, and learn about early Jewish pioneers from speaker Judy Margles, Director of the Oregon Jewish Museum and Holocaust Resource Center. Admission is $18; RSVP to Amber Rollins in the CBI Office at amber@bethisrael-pdx.org or (503) 222-1069.
Tot Shabbat with the Mini Mensches
Dor Chadash Back to Shul Post Party at OMSI
Back to Shul Sukkot Celebration
Saturday, August 4, 9:00 AM Saturday, September 1, 9:00 AM Saturday, October 6, 9:00 AM Saturday, October 20, 9:00 AM Pollin Chapel
Sunday, September 23 11:00 AM-3:00 PM Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (1945 SE Water Avenue)
Sunday, September 23, 10:00 AM Main Sanctuary and Temple Lawn
Join our littlest community members as we celebrate Shabbat together with a special musical guest! We sing, we dance, we nosh and get to know each other. Welcome Shabbat with us! For more information about all our Mini Mensches programming, please contact Chelsea Ferguson, Director of Youth and Young Family Engagement, at (503) 222-1069 or chelsea@bethisrael-pdx.org.
Mini Mensches Park Meetup
We have a special Back to Shul activity just for Middle School students and their families! At 11:00 AM, families and students will join together with Rabbi Cahana to learn about Religion and science together. Then, students will head off to OMSI for an afternoon of fun! Students will be picked up from OMSI at the end of the event. All sixth and seventh graders are invited and encouraged to come to this awesome event- enrolled or not. For more information and to RSVP please reach out to Chelsea at chelsea@bethisrael-pdx.org.
Saturday, August 25, 10:00 AM Wellington Park (NE 66th Avenue and Mason Street) This summer, the Mini Menches hit the road, visiting parks all over the Portland Metro area. Join us for the August meetup and two hours of fun in the sun. We’ll bring the snacks, music and Shabbat supplies- you bring the fun!
Rosh Hashanah with the Mini Mensches Sunday, September 9, 5:00 PM Pollin Chapel Celebrate the High Holidays with a special service just for young families! Our Tot Services are specifically for our families with kids under five, and our Family Services are open to all families and kids. We would love to see you there!
Yom Kippur with the Mini Mensches Tuesday, September 18, 5:00 PM Wednesday, September 19, 10:00 AM Goodman Hall Our Family and Tot Services make the High Holidays meaningful for the littlest members of our CBI community… and their grownups!
Spend some time with us under the Sukkah to kick of our Religious School year! This event is open to families enrolled in the CBI Religions School and to our Mini Mensch families (enrolled or not). We will welcome Sukkot, start our school year together, and get to know each other!
CBI Book Club Sunday, October 7, 9:00 AM Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room After a relaxing summer, the CBI Book Club is back! All are welcome to gather for a discussion of Martha Hall Kelly’s Lilac Girls. November’s read will be The Book Smugglers: Partisans, Poets, and the Race to Save Jewish Treasures from the Nazis by David E. Fishman. This work is the Community Reads book for Jewish Book Month and the author is slated to speak in Portland in January.
CBI Blood Drive Sunday, October 21, 10:00 AM-2:00 PM Goodman Hall
PARTY Kickoff Sunday, September 30, 1:30 PM CBI Campus PARTY is our youth group for all teens in grades 8-12! We are starting off our year with a bang on the first full day of Religious School on September 30! We’ll be doing a surprise super fun activity together led by your PARTY Board!
Dor Chadash at Oaks Park Sunday, October 28, 12:30 PM-3:00 PM Oaks Park (7805 SE Oaks Park Way) Dor Chadash is heading to Oaks Park for a day of rides, games and rollerskating! We’ll head over right after Religious School and have lunch at the park. For more information and to RSVP please reach out to Chelsea at chelsea@bethisrael-pdx.org.
The need for blood donation is constant! Reach out to Tracy Manaster Alifanz at tracy@bethisrael-pdx.org in the CBI Office to sign up to volunteer or donate. Sign up forms will also be available after Mispacha Minyan during the first few weeks of Religious School.
Friends, it is not too late to study with Cantor Ida Rae Cahana and other CBI members! You can join the
Adult Beginning Hebrew Class which will begin in October. Please reserve your spot with Bitsie at 503-222-1069 or bitsie @bethisrael-pdx.org
For our full calendar of events, visit www.bethisrael-pdx.org AUGUS T/SEPTEMBER /OC TOBER 2018 | CONGREG ATION BE TH ISR AEL
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Shabbat Evening Services
Celebrated at Shabbat Morning Services (10:30 AM, Main Sanctuary) or Havdalah Services (5:00 PM, Main Sanctuary)
Adult Education Committee Meeting
Friday Evenings 6:00 PM, Pollin Chapel*
JND Shabbat Services August 3, September 7, and October 5 7:30 PM, Pollin Chapel
Shabbat on the Plaza August 3, 17, and 31 9:00 AM 6:00 PM, Temple Lawn
Tot Shabbat August 4, September 1, October 5 & 20 9:00 AM Pollin Chapel
Torah Study Saturday Mornings 9:00 AM, Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
August 4, 5:00 PM Havdalah Bat Mitzvah of Annabel Baskin
August 14, September 20, October 18 6:30 PM, Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
August 25, 10:30 AM Bar Mitzvah of Jordan Winthrop
Executive Committee Meeting
September 1, 10:30 AM Bat Mitzvah of Sydney Cohen September 1, 5:00 PM Havdalah Bar Mitzvah of Jackson Ciporen September 15, 10:30 AM Bar Mitzvah of Caleb Shore
Saturday Mornings 10:30 AM, Pollin Chapel*
September 22, 10:30 AM Bar Mitzvah of Noah Feldman
*When our community celebrates B’nei Mitzvah, and on other occasions throughout the year, these services may take place in our Main Sanctuary. Our weekly e-news or website (www.bethisrael-pdx.org) is your best source for up to the minute location details.
September 29, 10:30 AM Bat Mitzvah of Sarah Kane
Sunday Hebrew Program (Pre-K through 7th Grade) Sundays, 9:15 AM- 12:15 PM Sherman Education Building
Sunday Hebrew Program (8th-12th Grades) Sundays, 12:15 PM- 2:15 PM Sherman Education Building
Integrated Hebrew Program (IHP)
Board of Trustees Meeting
August 11, 10:30 AM Bar Mitzvah of Asher Gundberg
Shabbat Morning Services
August 30, September 27 8:30 AM, Shirley and Herbert Semler Boardroom
October 6, 10:30 AM Bat Mitzvah of Elizabeth Mehr October 6, 5:00 PM Havdalah Bat Mitzvah of Lily Wand October 13, 10:30 AM B’nei Mitzvah of Luna Salsburg Romero and Diego Salsburg Romero October 13, 5:00 PM Havdalah Bat Mitzvah of Veronica Derner October 20, 10:30 AM Bat Mitzvah of Eleanor Brown October 27, 10:30 AM Bar Mitzvah of Jordan Davis
August 8, September 12, October 10 12:00 PM, Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
Sisterhood Board Meeting September 6, October 4 6:00 PM, Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
Social Action Committee Meeting October 3 5:20 PM, Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
OTHER RECURRING EVENTS Mah Jongg Every Friday, 10:00 AM Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
Knit-a-Mitzvah Third Wednesday of the month Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
OFFICE CLOSURES Monday, September 3, Labor Day Monday, September 10, Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, September 9, Yom Kippur Monday, September 24, Sukkot Monday, October 1, Simchat Torah
Thursdays, 4:30 PM Sherman Education Building
For our full calendar of events, visit www.bethisrael-pdx.org 8 |
Mazel Tov to Molly Cornell, CBI’s Accounting Assistant and Payroll Administrator, and her wife, Rhiannon Cornell, on their April 14, 2018 marriage. Nate Smith and Anna Epstein on their marriage on June 27, 2018. Kevin Oberle and Simone Myers Oberle on their marriage on July 6, 2018.
Condolences to Jackie (Sagi) Brin, Peggy (John) Kitzmiller, and Ray Goldberg on the loss of their mother, Jacob and Ethan Brin, Anne, Rachel, Max, and Bess Kitzmiller on the loss of their grandmother, and the extended Klein family on the loss of Phyllis Klein, who passed away on June 28, 2018.
Susan Saxe (Joel), Daniel Ruben (Lisa), and Dana Pasik on the loss of their mother, Joanna, Alicia, and Rebecca Pasik, and David, Amy, Adam, and Andrew Ruben on the loss of their grandmother, and the extended Ruben family on the loss of Louise Ruben, who passed away on June 30, 2018. Lee Berne on the loss of her husband, Keith (Rosalie), Rick (Audrey), Steve (Peggy) and Craig (Jan) on the loss of their father, Alisha (Cooper), Adam, Andrew (Lenora), Anna (Wes), Aaron (Louisa), Alexa (Chris), Arielle, Avi, Eli, and Rachel on the loss of their grandfather, and the extended Berne family on the loss of Frank Berne, who passed away on June 7, 2018. Wendy Steinberg on the loss of her husband, Lance (Mary) Steinberg and Brent (Jessica) Steinberg on the loss
of their father, Gabriela, Adriana, Marisa, Jake, and Sophie Steinberg on the loss of their grandfather, and the extended Steinberg family on the loss of Robert Steinberg, who passed away on June 7, 2018. Helene Jasper and Jack Bodner on the loss of their father, Rachel Jasper on the loss of her grandfather, Dylan Jasper on the loss of his great-grandfather, and the extended Bodner family on the loss of George Bodner, who passed away on May 22, 2018. Karen Steinbock and Kathy Steinbock on the loss of their mother, Rachel Saslow and Heather White on the loss of their grandmother, and the extended Steinbock family on the loss of Edythe Steinbock, who passed away on April 21, 2018.
In Memory of Paul Schmidt We are sad to announce that Paul Schmidt, CBI’s long term caretaker, has passed away. He was a part of our community for over four decades, continuing to care for our campus long after he had (nominally) retired. Dallas Van Winkle, one of CBI’s current Facilities Managers recalls, “A couple years ago, I remember asking Paul how to get to the eastern menorah in the Sanctuary to change out a light. He disappeared and changed the light within a few minutes (which involved crawling on hands and knees and climbing up a tiny wooden ladder). He was always very adamant about conserving energy and keeping unnecessary lights turned off.” Pierce Ethier, who succeeded Paul in the Facilities Manager role, recalls, “Paul was an incredibly special person! He was so dedicated to our Temple and could always be counted on to step up and do anything asked of him. Add the fact that he was a very gentle and kind man and you can see why he was so loved and appreciated. And let’s not forget that our staff was always quite small and he was always there for us. Seriously, he was never sick and always at work! He will be greatly missed. Bon Voyage, Paul!” When asked how he liked working at CBI after over forty years, Paul said he loved it because CBI members were “Good, honorable people.” His steadfast presence in our community will be truly missed.
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B’NEI MITZVAH Annabel Brooke Baskin Annabel Brooke Baskin will become a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, August 4, 2018. Annabel is the daughter of Heather and Lester Baskin and has a younger sister, Lily. Annabel’s grandparents are Rose and Michael Baskin and Fern and Gerald Broock, all of Portland, OR. Annabel is proud to be a third generation member of Congregation Beth Israel. An eighth grader at Catlin Gabel School, she enjoys competitive swimming, amphibians, reptiles and birds of all kinds, writing, and drawing. For her Mitzvah Project, Annabel is sharing her love of animals by volunteering with Audubon Society of Portland as a docent and junior ambassador.
Asher Gundberg Asher Gundberg will become a Bar Mitzvah on August 11, 2018. He is the son of Tyler and DeeDee Gundberg and brother of Aria. His grandparents are Linda and Jack Gordon of CA and Bruce and Barbara Larson and Warren Gundberg of MN. A seventh grader at Happy Valley Middle School, Asher likes skiing, skateboarding, Krav Maga, and playing guitar. In his spare time he enjoys reading, watching movies and playing board games. For his Mitzvah Project, Asher has decided to volunteer at The Children’s Book Bank, which collects new and used books for low income families and those who do not have access. Being an avid reader himself, he feels it is important for everyone to have access to books and reading time. In low income neighborhoods the ratio of books to children is 1 in 300.
Jordan Benjamin Winthrop Jordan Benjamin Winthrop will become a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, August 25, 2018. Jordan is the son of Robert and Anna Winthrop. He is the younger brother of Max. He is the grandson of Harvey (z”l) and Esther Winthrop (z”l), and John and Maria Robaton, who currently reside in
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Italy. An incoming eighth grader at Robert Gray Middle School in Portland, Jordan plays basketball and lacrosse and adores his dog, Louie. In his spare time, he enjoys playing video games, spending time with friends and family, and mentoring younger children. Jordan has served as a junior leader at summer camps and as a teaching assistant at his school. He has very much enjoyed celebrating the Bar and Bat Mitzvahs of his classmates at Congregation Beth Israel. One of his classmates recently remarked: “It’s not a party until Jordan arrives!”
Sydney Charlotte Cohen Sydney Charlotte Cohen will become a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, September 1, 2018. Sydney is the daughter of Jason and Danielle Cohen and big sister of Sebastian. She is the granddaughter of Armand and Judith Cohen of Sun City Center, FL and Norman and Sharon Stein of Lewes, DE. Sydney is a seventh grader at Conestoga Middle School, where she is a student leader on the Cougar Crew and won an award for being an open minded student. Her love of the arts shines in her talent for writing, fashion, art creativity, and dance. Sydney began her dance studies before the age of two and recently reached her goal of going en pointe in ballet. She continues to dance at Beaverton Dance Center where she takes several hours of ballet, lyrical, and technique classes each week. For her Mitzvah Project, Sydney is helping to raise money for the Kids in the Arts scholarship fund, a local need-based program for students wishing to pursue a dance education.
Caleb Thomas Shore Caleb Thomas Shore will become Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, September 15, 2018. Caleb is the son of Vida and Peter Shore and younger brother to Lola. A seventh grader at Catlin Gabel School, Caleb loves everything about basketball. Caleb also enjoys camping, golfing, going to the movies, hanging out with his friends, playing with his dog Willy, and spending quality time with his sister. Coordinated through his school, Caleb provides ongoing community services at the Albina Head Start
program in his neighborhood. Caleb is also affiliated with the Hemophilia Foundation of Oregon. Once a year he travels to Washington, DC to lobby on behalf of the organization to raise awareness for issues related to bleeding disorders. Caleb meets with Oregon’s congressional delegation, where he provides important information in the hopes they will support legislation that will improve health insurance and help people and their families who have bleeding disorders.
Noah Jerome Julius Feldman Noah Jerome Julius Feldman will become a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, September 22, 2018. Noah is the son of Louis Feldman and Risa Colton-Feldman. He has an older brother, Jacob. Noah’s grandparents are Janet and Jack Feldman of Downers Grove, IL, and Marcia and Jerry (z’l) Colton of Gresham, OR. He is proud to be a fourth generation member of Congregation Beth Israel. Noah is in seventh grade and enjoys singing music, traveling, swimming, playing on his 3DS and hanging out. For his Mitzvah Project, Noah will be collecting “new” stuffed animals for the children who are spending time at the Ronald McDonald Houses of Portland and Southwest Washington, a project that Noah and his brother Jacob have participated in for many years.
Sarah Rachel Kane Sarah Rachel Kane will become a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, September 29, 2018. Sarah is the daughter of Michael and Michelle Kane. She has a younger brother Ben, and an older sister Mia. Sarah’s grandparents are Morton and Merle Kane of MN, and Lyn and Reg Louis of Australia. Sarah is an eighth grader at West Sylvan Middle School and enjoys sports, especially soccer and basketball, cooking, watching some TV, and especially hanging out with friends. For her Mitzvah Project, Sarah is focusing on the very important and recurring issue of gun control. She has helped organize walkouts and write
ins in her school, and protested at city hall. She is also helping to gather signatures for upcoming ballot measures, and meet with our representatives in the future. Sarah’s goal by helping this cause is to see a difference in the future, starting at fixing our laws, and getting to the point where all semiautomatic weapons and bumpstocks are banned from being sold, leading to a huge drop off in not only school shootings, but all shootings.
Elizabeth Eve Mehr Elizabeth Eve Mehr will become a Bat Mitzvah on October 6, 2018. She is an eighth grader at Portland Jewish Academy. Elizabeth is the daughter of Jason and Jessica Mehr, granddaughter of Martin and Marsha Mehr and Susan and Ken Price, and stepdaughter of Rebecca Mehr. She is a great older sister to Rachel Mehr. Elizabeth enjoys soccer, reading, musicals, and spending time with her friends. For her Mitzvah Project, Elizabeth is working with Sunshine Pantry, a food bank in Beaverton that provides food for families in need in our community.
Lily Susannah Wand Lily Susannah Wand will become a Bat Mitzvah on October 6, 2018. She is the daughter of Jordan and Gina, and the proud younger sister of Sophie. Lily is a consummate student as an eighth grader at Catlin Gabel School, on the tennis court, and at Congregation Beth Israel, where she has been a community member since she was three years old. For her Mitzvah Project, Lily has chosen to combine her love of animals with her strong sense of community to partner with Multnomah County Animal Services to raise money and volunteer. MCAS’s motto is “Protecting Pets and People” and truly epitomizes Lily’s caring and empathetic soul.
Diego Lev Salsburg Romero Diego Lev Salsburg Romero will become a Bar Mitzvah on October 13, 2018. Diego is the son of Lee Salsburg and Tony Romero, and brother of Chris, Elan, Luna, and Ari. He will be entering the seventh grade at West Sylvan Middle School this fall. Diego loves to play baseball, piano, and Dungeons and Dragons. He is also an accomplished cook and makes one mean batch of cookies! Diego is very passionate about healing the world, especially the natural environment. This desire has inspired his choice to work with Friends of Trees for his Mitzvah Project.
Luna Yael Salsburg Romero Luna Yael Salsburg Romero will become a Bat Mitzvah on October 13, 2018. Luna is the daughter of Lee Salsburg and Tony Romero, and sister of Chris, Elan, Diego, and Ari. She will be entering the seventh grade at West Sylvan Middle School this fall. Luna is an avid reader and accomplished artist. She also loves to swim with the MJCC Stingrays and sing with The Portland Symphonic Girl Choir. Her connection to the outdoors has lead her to choose Friends of Trees to work with for her Mitzvah Project.
Veronica Claire Derner Veronica Claire Derner will become a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, October 13, 2018. Veronica is the daughter of Naomi Derner and Ethan Derner. She has a younger brother Gabriel. Veronica will be an eighth grader at Northwest Academy. Veronica has a passion for the fiber arts and in her spare time enjoys reading, sewing, knitting, drawing, watching Netflix, and cleaning. For her Mitzvah Project, Veronica spent several months volunteering at SCRAP PDX, a donationbased creative reuse store and donation center in Southwest Portland. SCRAP PDX’s mission is to inspire creative reuse and environmentally sustainable behavior by providing educational programs and
affordable materials to the community. Along with the ever-changing and diverse store items, SCRAP also provides a range of educational opportunities within the community and hosts local reuse-based artists in its gallery.
Eleanor Miriam Paley Brown Eleanor (Ellie) Miriam Paley Brown will become a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, October 20, 2018. Ellie is the daughter of Marisa and Ron Brown and younger sister of Abigail. A student at Lake Oswego Junior High, Ellie recently discovered rowing at Lake Oswego Community Rowing and will be a competitive novice this fall. In her spare time, she enjoys texting, snap chatting and FaceTiming with her Camp Watitoh camp friends on the east coast. Ellie has been a seven week summer camper at Camp Watitoh for six years and is a third generation camper, following in the footsteps of her mom and grandma. Ellie loves dogs and is so thrilled to spend time with her own dogs and any other dog she comes across in the neighborhood. Ellie is looking forward to volunteering for the Pongo Fund, the Pixie Project (shoutout to Ira Goldberg), and the Humane society.
Jordan Samuel Davis Jordan Samuel Davis will become a Bar Mitzvah on October 27, 2018. Jordan is the son of Barry and Bonnie Davis and the younger brother of Jeremy and Adam (z”l). His paternal grandparents are Marian Lenzner of Scranton, PA and A. Donald Davis (z”l). His maternal grandparents are Murray Jacobson (z”l) and Barbara Jacobson (z”l). Jordan is a seventh grader at the International School of Beaverton and loves basketball, skiing, his dog Harley, video games, and spending time with his family and friends. For his Mitzvah Project, Jordan is supporting the Northwest Children’s Outreach, a non-profit organization that supplies basic needs to vulnerable children in our community. Jordan has supported this organization in the past and wants to continue his efforts. Please help him collect gently used children’s clothing, toys and books to donate to this worthy cause.
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VERY THOUGHTFUL PEOPLE CBI CONTRIBUTORS CIRCLE Our heartfelt thanks to all who supported CBI in the 2018 fiscal year though sponsorship or Mitzvah Movements at our Illuminations Fall Fundraiser and 2018 Taste of Temple, contributions toward our Taste of Temple matching grant, Every Family Initiative (EFI) donations, or contributing at a rate above their established dues level. Peter Ackerman Michael Adler and Molly Newcomer Steve Albert and Janie Goldenberg Sue Albert George and Sharon Alexander Marc and Tracy Alifanz Michael and Margie Anton Benjamin and Lindy Ariff Bill and Sydney Baer Larry Baker Marlene Balmforth Jon and Carrie Banks Jonathan and Bonnie Barg Mac and Sarah Barr Kevin and Rachelle Barrett Lester and Heather Baskin David and Marah Bean Greg Jones and Mindy Becker Brian and Alisa Bendis Len and Betsy Bergstein Leslie Berman Brad and Janice Berman Les and Ellen Bick Gerel Blauer Karen Blauer and Dvora Mencher Lynn Bonner Daniel Hurwitz and Debra Brooks Ron and Marisa Brown Marina and Bill Brown Debra and Kim Burchiel Jordan and Jamie Busch Rabbi Cahana and Cantor Cahana Lance and Debbie Caldwell Connie Cambreleng Jeff Capen and Kira Dennison-Capen Barry and Barbara Caplan William and Judy Cappleman Ian Cartwright Stuart and Mandi Chestler David Cohen and Lee Anna Jones Fred Cohen and Randy Zasloff Jason and Danielle Cohen Ilaine Cohen Jonathan Cohen and Jessie Burke Jan Cohen Marvin Richmond and Marge Cohn
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Marcia Colton Evan and Julia Daigneault Will and Melanie Dann Jim and Ilene Davidson Barry and Bonnie Davis Andrea Davis Dick and Cameron Davis Alfred J Davis Company Ron Tonkin Family of Dealerships Dr. Pike Dentistry for Children Lou and Kathleen Doctor James Monteith and Ned Duhnkrack Richard and Jill Edelson John and Sarah Epstein Pierce Ethier Eddie and Gloria Feinstein Howard and Jen Feldman Leigh Feldman and Sara Moskovitz Paul and Sherry Fishman Joey and Val Fishman Eric and Robin Flamm Andrew Frank and Sally Rosenfeld Forrest Frank and Phoebe Eskenazi Josh and Amy Frankel Eric and Rebecca Friedenwald-Fishman Stacy and Sharon Friedman Paul and Carly Fujita Morrie Galen Bill and Bev Galen Andrew and Audra Galler Zanley and Claire Galton Judah and Ali Garfinkle Charlie and Lynn Gelber Randy and Debbie Geller Linda Georges Craig and Ronit Gerard Daniel Gerber Leonard and Yvonne Gionet Barbara Glazer Lance and Ann Goldenberg Paul and Mimi Goldman Bobbie Goldstein David and Tiffany Goldwyn Greg Goodman and Susan Schnitzer Doug and Lila Goodman Mark and Christi Goodman Helen Gould Bill June and Susan Graber
Steven and Michelle Gradow Jonathan and Lisa Greenleaf Gordon and Meryl Haber Kay Hall Irv and Gail Handelman Craig Hartzman and James John Margaret Hasson Tim Hemstreet and Joanna Ogintz Michael and Catherine Hilburg John Parks and Rebecca Hill David Hirsch John Harland and Janet Hoffman Gary and Joyce Hoffman Tom and Cynthia Hofmann Karen Hohndel Lindsey Horenblas and Geri Cullers Ruben J. Menashe, Inc. Sergey and Irina Ioffe Janice Isenberg Ken and Karen Janoff Rabbi Sam and Dori Joseph Rabbi Rachel Joseph Stephen and Elaine Kantor Josh and Michelle Kashinsky Leslie Kelinson William Kendall Jim and Rhonda Kennedy Ruth Kirshner Scott Howard and Lucy Kivel Paul and Arlene Koenigsberg Jaime and Donna Komitor Loren and Michelle Koplan Marvin and Lesley Korach Aaron and Sarah Korach Donald and Judith Kramer Bob Kravitz Mrs. Jean Krosner Jay and Tina Lamb Greg Landweber Jason and Lucy Langer Jeff Schwartz and Shoshanna Lansberg Jordan Laub and Patricia Colegrove Schaffer Law Al and Rosanne Levi Irv Levin and Stephanie Fowler Ketzel Levine Zach and Holly Levow Glen and Lisa Levy Larry Lewis and Kelly Post-Lewis Carol Lewis
Scott Lewis and Laura Rose-Lewis Kathleen Lewis Stacy Lewis Ken Lewis David & Liz Lippoff Stan and Joyce Loeb Ralph London Lee Lowenson Dick and Harriet Maizels Darren Malinoski and Sehra Sampson Steve Klein and Gail Mandel Greg and Jemi Mansfield Howard and Robin Marcus Phillip Margolin Lynn Marks Gary and Sheryl Martel Steve and Robin McCoy Harley and Dawnn McWatters Jason Mehr and Rebecca Pyatkevich Fred Cirillo and Sharon Meieran Alex Menashe Ruben and Elizabeth Menashe Jack and Madeleine Menashe Page and Lynn Mesher Paul and Alice Meyer Susan Meyer Alan and Lana Miller Barney and Susan Milstein Jill Mitchell Leona Mitchell Christie Moore and Stacy Lewis Ted Nelson and Curt Shaffstall Roscoe Nelson III and Debra Nelson Camille Nelson Adam and Sandy Nemer Heinz Holzapfel and Sylvia Nessan Patricia Neuberger Rosalyn Neuberger Ed and Jill Neuwelt Mark New Andy Olshin and Rebecca Mischel Oregon Jewish Community Foundation Henry and Nancy Oseran Dan and Tracy Oseran Bob and Rachel Papkin Steve and Anna Paris Richard Patterson PDX Reading Specialist, LLC
VERY THOUGHTFUL HEADER HEREPEOPLE Aaron Pearlman Robert and Leslie Peltz Mark and Judy Peterman Abbie Peterman Gary Peterson and Debbie Friedman Bob and Rita Philip Jean Pierce Allan and Marney Pike Steven Pike and Allison Sneider Pike Ryan and Sarah Pitman Richard and Shirley Plotzker Harold and Jane Pollin Rachel Pollin Paul and Sherry Puziss Isaac and Bonnie Quintero Alex and Marisa Reby Sarah Reiter Joshua and Amy Remick Jim and Michael Richman Stephen and Leslie Robinson Steve and Stephanie Roitstein Amber Rollins Rabbi and Lorraine Rose Jane Rosenbaum Robert and Joan Rosenbaum James Rosenbaum and Sandra Lewis Jack Rosenberg and DeeDee Doherty David and Diane Rosencrantz Alan and Eve Rosenfeld Eric and Tiffany Rosenfeld Rosemarie Rosenfeld
Warren Rosenfeld and Sheryl Langerman John and Marti Rosenthal Henry Rosicky III and Gillian Rosicky Louise Ruben Dick and Deanne Rubinstein Eleanore Rubinstein Rick Rubinstein, Jr. and Jill Rubinstein Ted Runstein Rose Rustin Jerry and Bunny Sadis Michael and Linda Salinsky Ben Sandler and Lolly Jamerson David and Lisa Sarasohn Elaine Savinar Jack and Sara Schecter Cantor Judith Schiff Greg and Melissa Schmidt Dori Schnitzer Jordan Schnitzer Thelma Schnitzer Arlene Schnitzer Lois Schnitzer Jerry and Dana Schwartz Richard Schwartz Dave Smith and Libby Schwartz Joel and Sandra Seres Steve and Georgy Seres Michael Freeman and Lynda Shapiro Curt and Kathy Sheinin Mylen and Rosalyn Shenker Brett and Julie Sheppard
Tom and Megan Shipley Jamie and Denise Shulman Kevin and Alison Siebers Mike and Jan Sigell Ron and Sheila Silver Michael Simon and Suzanne Bonamici Gary and Linda Singer Jonathan Singer Jill Slansky Rodger Sleven and Marcella Flores Donalee Small Nate Smith and Anna Epstein Richard Solomon and Alyce Flitcraft Les and Martha Soltesz Sara Spettel Bruce Spiegel Don Spiegel and Deborah Davis-Spiegel Mardi Spitzer Karen Stavis Lenny Steinberg Arthur Steinhorn Brad and Lara Stern Rick and Kay Stern Naomi Strauss Mark and Caroline Szlukier Sharon Tarlow Howard and Lisa Taylor Peter Thacker and Lynn Taylor Chester Edwards and Lynn Tobias Cheryl Tonkin
Rena Tonkin Marcy Tonkin Pearl Trachtenberg Bill and Joanne Treuhaft Marc Blackstein and Hannah Treuhaft Bruce Melzer and Robyn Urbach Tony and Bianca Urdes James and Ann Waldman Jordan and Gina Wand Terri Warren Matthew Warshawsky and Theresa Burks Arthur and Linda Waters Jason Waxman Haley Webb Sharon Weil Michael Weiner and Kathy Davis-Weiner Bruce Weinstein Stuart and Marcia Weiss Josh and Hillary Wendroff Jen Weprin Jeff Weprin Jon and Amie Wexler Richie and Beth Wolff Jeff and Lynn Wolfstone Phil and Tammy Yashar Lewis and Ann Young Phil Zald and Heh Shin Kwak Bob Zelinka Janet Zell Herman & Vicki Zimmerman
All names have been carefully reviewed. Nevertheless, error and omissions may occur. If your name has been misprinted or omitted, please accept our apology. Please direct all questions or corrections to Josh Kashinsky at (503)222-1069 or josh@bethisrael-pdx.org.
TRIBUTE FUND DONATIONS RABBI CAHANA DISCRETIONARY IN MEMORY OF Laurence Semler Herbert and Shirley Semler Robert Friedenwald Eric and Rebecca Friedenwald-Fishman Cecile Ecker Frank Forrest Frank and Phoebe Eskenazi Laurence Semler Harry and Elizabeth Semler Amy Rose Frank Helen Duewel George Bodner Helene Jasper and Jack Bodner Morris Cohen Rebecca Samuels Ilaine Cohen Margaret Flemming Joseph Flemming Sam Snyder J.David and Marilyn Flemming Amy Rose Frank Janet Zell
Amy Rose Frank Susie and Stan Marcus Alice Lok Cahana William and Melanie Dann Robert Steinberg Wendy Steinberg Stuart Neuberger Rosalyn Neuberger Alice Lok Cahana Paul and Sharron Fishman Laurence Semler Randi, Michael, and Rose Hopkins Dr. George Bodner Shemaya Blauer IN HONOR OF Issac Henkin Alan Henkin Rabbi Michael Chana Adam and Daniela Meltzer Jen Feldman’s retirement and Cantor Cahana’s doctorate Susie and Stan Marcus Jordan Menashe’s recent honor Davia and Ted Rubenstein
Sarah Kaplan Epstein’s Birthday Raye Kaplan Leah Paris’ Bat Mitzvah Steven and Anna Paris Barry Caplan’s 50 years at his Law Firm Susie and Stan Marcus IN APPRECIATION OF Rabbi Cahana Andrew Frank and Sally Rosenfeld Carmen Yaira Blank’s Bat Mitzvah Owen and Lynn Blank
CANTOR CAHANA DISCRETIONARY IN MEMORY OF George Bodner Helene Jasper and Jack Bodner Alan Lertzman Morris and Geraldine Jackson Rywka Mendelsohn Heinz Holzapfel and Sylvia Nessan
Stuart Neuberger Patricia Neuberger Anna Richman Miriam Richman Anna Richman Michael and James Richman Laurence Semler Herbert and Shirley Semler Laurence Semler Harry and Elizabeth Semler Dorothy Morgenstern Martha and Les Soltesz IN HONOR OF Cantor Cahana William and Judy Cappleman Cantor Cahana’s Doctorate of Music Paul and Sharron Fishman Cantor Ida Rae Cahana Adam and Daniela Meltzer Cantor Ida Rae Cahana Barney and Susan Milstein Leah Paris’ Bat Mitzvah Steven and Anna Paris
Congregation Beth Israel
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VERY THOUGHTFUL HEADER HEREPEOPLE IN APPRECIATION OF Cantor Cahana’s B’nei Mitzvah class Christie Moore and Stacy Lewis Cantor Cahana Andrew Frank and Sally Rosenfeld Carmen Yaira Blank’s Bat Mitzvah Owen and Lynn Blank
RABBI JOSEPH DISCRETIONARY IN MEMORY OF Robert Sussman Audrey Cloven IN HONOR OF Rabbi Joseph’s Birthday Judith Joseph Rabbi Rachel Joseph Adam and Daniela Meltzer Leah Paris’ Bat Mitzvah Steven and Anna Paris IN APPRECIATION OF Rabbi Joseph Officiating Daniel Hurwitz and Debra Brooks Rabbi Joseph Andrew Frank and Sally Rosenfeld GENERAL CONTRIBUTION Given By Jeffrey Whalen and Stephanie Siegel
CANTOR SCHIFF DISCRETIONARY IN MEMORY OF Sydelle Levine Howard and Jan Levine Stuart Neuberger Patricia Neuberger IN APPRECIATION OF Cantor Schiff Andrew Frank and Sally Rosenfeld GENERAL CONTRIBUTION Given By Michael and Alice Powell
ADULT EDUCATION IN MEMORY OF Amy Rose Frank Robert and Joan Rosenbaum Lillian Lisa Wax Mark and Roberta Wax IN HONOR OF Barry Caplan Jerry and Bunny Sadis GENERAL CONTRIBUTION Given By Antonel and Bianca Urdes
ALTAR FLOWERS AND ONEG SHABBAT IN MEMORY OF Cecile Gibstein Abrams Family Fanny Kowitt Ardis Kowitt
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Jacob Krane Sue and Joel Krane Irving Krosner Jean Krosner Amy Rose Frank Laurence Semler Phil Spear Faye Samuels Babette Schnitzer Lois Schnitzer IN HONOR OF Jen Feldman’s retirement Margaret Hasson
AMY R. GOLDSMITH LIBRARY IN MEMORY OF Rose Rudman James Crane and Karla Forsythe
CARING COMMUNITY IN MEMORY OF Richard Berman Pierce Ethier Ruth Kravitz Robert Kravitz Bob Steinberg Jerry and Bunny Sadis Bonita Weinstein Mrs. Elaine Savinar Amy Rose Frank Corrine and Larry Spiegel IN HONOR OF Jen Feldman’s retirement Stanley and Joyce Loeb
CEMETERY BEAUTIFICATION IN MEMORY OF Harry Mittleman and Hertbert Newmark Abrams Family Dolores Black David Black Dolores Black Floyd Black Alec Black Herbert D. Black Sidney Spiegel Dorothy Durkheimer Don Spiegel and Deborah Davis-Spiegel Leonard Schnitzer Richard and Jill Edelson Alysmae and Victor Nudelman Leon Semler Dr. Harry and Gertrude Semler Harry and Helen Spivak Larry Semler Jacquline R. Spivak James Spivak and Family Daniel Berkson Julie Berkson Harvey Kelinson Leslie Kelinson Shirley Robinowitz Gary Greenberg Selene and Chuck Robinowitz Robert Maizels Stephen Maizels and Natalie Pitkin-Maizels Henry Blauer William and Melanie Dann Henry Blauer Laurence Semler Gerel Blauer
Ethel Green George Bodner Gerel Blauer Dr. George Bodner Jeanne Newmark Henry H. Kavitt Benita Schlesinger Joy Alkalay Pierce Ethier Marlene Lazarus Stuart and Nancy Hasman IN HONOR OF Jen Feldman’s Retirement Gerel Blauer
EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION IN MEMORY OF Ruth Semler Jacquline Spivak Dr. Leon Semler Helen and Henry Spivak James Spivak and Family
ESTELLE DIRECTOR SHOLKOFF FUND FOR JEWISH EDUCATOR IN MEMORY OF Mary Greenberg Amy Rose Frank Henry Sholkoff Earl Horenstein Richard Dobrow
GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE IN MEMORY OF Amy Rose Frank Barry and Bonnie Davis Jack, Ruth, and Bruce Sheinin Curt and Kathy Sheinin Barbara Hurwitz Daniel Hurwitz and Debra Brooks Rose Goodman Douglas and Lila Goodman Gussie B. Seres Joel and Sandra Seres Marjorie and Irwin Frank Andrew Frank and Sally Rosenfeld Luarence Semler Jack and Barbara Schwartz Melvin Feinstein Judith Feinstein Laurence Semler Lora and Jim Meyer Amy Rose Frank Margaret Gotesman Julian Shipley Marianne Buchwalter Emanuel Pinhasor Mark Pinhasor Ted Blamforth Sam Blank Marlene Balmforth Alan Lertzman Miriam and Leonard Lewitt Jacob Krane Sherri and Jeff Weinstein Carolyn See Eleanore Rubinstein Harry Mittleman Jeanne Newmark Sylvia Edelman Jerry Canton Susan Golden
Albert Morgenstern Erwin Koenigsberg Sissy Paul and Arlene Koenigsberg David Lithe Raymond and Dorothy Packouz Leonard and Babette Schnitzer Robert and Rita Philip Justin Landauer Robert and Sally Landauer Frank Rogers Scot and Debra Siegel Amy Rose Frank Sylvia and Isaac Frankel Vera Fine Wilma Balick IN HONOR OF Roscoe and Madeline Nelson Jeff and Roz Babener Annabel Baskin’s Bat Mitzvah Judi and Steve Resler Glen Levy Paul Levy Elaine Savinar’s 90th birthday Raymond and Dorothy Packouz GENERAL CONTRIBUTION Given By Mary Ann Frieder
HAROLD AND ARLENE SCHNITZER FACILITIES FUND IN MEMORY OF Leonard Schnitzer Dina Schnitzer IN HONOR OF Jen Feldman’s Retirement Louis Feldman, Risa Colton-Feldman, Jacob and Noah Feldman
HIGH HOLIDAYS FUNDS FOR FOOD IN MEMORY OF Laurence Semler Martin and Beverly Zell
HOLZMAN FAMILY RELIGIOUS SCHOOL IN HONOR OF Irwin Holzman’s recovery Jerry and Bunny Sadis
I HAVE A DREAM IN MEMORY OF Abe Puziss Paul and Sherry Puziss Albert Maizels and Mildred Gold Harriet and Dick Maizels Bernice Schlesinger Mark Schlesinger and Patti Norris Robert Maizels Bette Greenstein Bob Steinberg Eleanore Rubinstein Sharon Goldman Margo Sercu Amy Rose Frank Linda Ostomel IN HONOR OF Barry Caplan Richard and Deanne Rubinstein
VERY THOUGHTFUL PEOPLE JENAT FELDMAN LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT IN MEMORY OF Melvin and Edythe Rubin Wally and Debra MacDougall Molly Shuster Herbert D. Black Jeffrey Gradow Steven and Michelle Gradow IN HONOR OF Jen Feldman’s Retirement Andrew Frank and Sally Rosenfeld Jen Feldman Edward and Jill Neuwelt Jen Feldman’s retirement Jeff and Roz Babener Jen Feldman’s Retirement Jon and Linda Twichell Jen Feldman Kathleen and Louis Doctor Jen Feldman’s Retirement Leslie Gutfreund and Eve Stern Jen Feldman’s retirement Marc Kashinsky and Eileen Eisenberg Jen Feldman Ralph London Jen Feldman Richard Solomon and Alyce Flitcraft Jen Feldman’s Retirement Elaine Savinar Jen Feldman Rosemarie Rosenfeld Jen Feldman Ronald and Marisa Brown Jen Feldman’s retirement Andrew Frank and Sally Rosenfeld IN APPRECIATION Josh Kashinsky Andrew Frank and Sally Rosenfeld GENERAL CONTRIBUTION Given By Oregon Jewish Community Foundation
JILL SLANSKY EARLY CHILDHOOD LEADER IN MEMORY OF Grace Hochfeld Gilbert Richard and Marilyn Gilbert
MAY GEORGES STUDIES IN ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP IN MEMORY OF Dorothy Budin Aronhirsz and Roberta Swerdlin Hyman Veltman Marcia Colton Sharon Goldman Marcia Colton
Henry Blauer Shemaya Blauer IN HONOR OF Sarah Reiter’s acceptance into graduate school Lucy Sasha Carver’s Bat Mitzvah Louis Feldman, Risa ColtonFeldman, Jacob and Noah Feldman
MILLER ROOM REFURBISHMENT IN MEMORY OF Lettie Sonnes Robert Sonnes Robert Steinberg Alan and Lana Miller Alex E Miller Alan and Lana Miller IN HONOR OF Barry Caplan’s 50 years at his Law Firm Jen Feldman’s Retirement Sophie Berntien’s Bat Mitzvah Barbara Durkheimer Alan and Lana Miller
NETTIE DIRECTOR LIBRARY IN MEMORY OF Mildred Sidell Gerald and Evelyn Leshgold Dinah Rosen Florence Robert Maizels Ken Kimmel Stuart and Nikki Director IN HONOR OF Barbara Durkeimer’s Recovery Gerald and Evelyn Leshgold Eve Rosenfeld’s Sisterhood award Jen Feldman’s retirement Elaine Savinar’s 90th Birthday Selma Ducker for becoming a great grandmother Stuart and Nikki Director Sherri Fishman’s 75th Birthday Irwin Holzman’s recovery Ruth Zeidman’s Bat Mitzvah Stuart and Nikki Director
OSERAN FAMILY ENDOWMENT IN MEMORY OF Lena Swerdlik Gerald and Evelyn Leshgold Laurence Semler Ilaine Cohen Antoinette and Silas Himmelreich Marvin Richmond and Margery Cohn
PRAYER BOOK IN MEMORY OF Henry Spivak Karen Spivak Helen Mittleman Leonard Schnitzer Babette Schnitzer Jeanne Newmark Jerry M. Colton Marcia Colton Jerry M. Colton Margo Sercu
Bernie and Anese Klein Bernie and Nancy Caplan Tammy Kramer
ROSENFELD FAMILY ASSOCIATE RABBI IN MEMORY OF Amy Rose Frank Margaret Hasson Min Zidell and William Hill-Parks Tammy Kramer Karl Frey Clara S. Frey Lottie Mendelson Eric and Tiffany Rosenfeld Clara S. Frey Rosemarie Rosenfeld IN HONOR OF Jen Feldman Eric and Tiffany Rosenfeld Ben Rosenfeld’s Bar Mitzvah Howard and Jenat Feldman
RUTH SEMLER YOUTH ACTIVITY IN MEMORY OF Laurence Semler Suzanne Wilson Laurence Semler Barry and Barbara Caplan Helen Mittleman, Dr. Laurence Semler, and Dr. Leonard Schnitzer David Abrams Laurence Semler Don Spiegel and Deborah Davis-Spiegel Victor Nudelman and Dr. Laurence Semler and in honor of Louise Ruben to get well soon Avrel Nudelman Alysmae Semler Nudelman Avrel Nudelman Laurence Semler Eldon and Carolyn Wexler Laurence Semler Eric and Tiffany Rosenfeld Amy Rose Frank Harold and Jane Pollin Dr. Laurence Semler, Dr. Harry and Gertrude Semler, and Henry and Helen Spivak James Spivak and Family Alysmae Semler Nudelman, Celia Sondheim, and Henry Spivak James Spivak and Family Lena Swerdlik Louis and Joan Soriano Laurence Semler Margaret Hasson Laurence Semler Alan and Lana Miller Amy Rose Frank and Laurence Semler and in honor of Barry Caplan’s 50 years at his Law Firm and of Elaine Savinar’s 90th Birthday Renee and Irwin Holzman Laurence Semler Ruben and Elizabeth Menashe Laurence Semler Donald Simon Laurence Semler Rosemarie Rosenfeld Laurence Semler Naomi Strauss
Laurence Semler Paula Podemski Laurence Semler Richard and Deanne Rubinstein Laurence Semler Sanford and Elaine Weinstein Laurence Semler Stanley and Joyce Loeb IN HONOR OF Jen Feldman’s Leg Recovery Richard and Deanne Rubinstein
SIMON AND HELEN DIRECTOR ENDOWMENT IN MEMORY OF Simon Director and Leonard Schnitzer Arlene Schnitzer Ruth Heldfond Arlene Schnitzer Simon and Helen Director Dick and Cameron Davis Ruth Heldfond and William Layton Dick and Cameron Davis
SOCIAL ACTION FOOD IN MEMORY OF Alan Lertzman Alan and Eve Rosenfeld Laurence Semler Beth Kantrowitz Zanly Edelson Richard and Jill Edelson Dale Walker Forrest Frank and Phoebe Eskenazi Ben Steinberg and Dr. George Bodner Ilene Goldberg Eleanore Rubinstein’s Birthday Jerry and Bunny Sadis Florence Kane and Arthur Cohen Joseph and Eileen Kane Edna Fenton Lynda Baker Leo Katzky and Arthur Katzky Margaret Hasson Amy Rose Frank Martin and Beverly Zell Henrietta Margulis Dolorosa and David Margulis Edna Fenton and Jacob Feingold Lee Berne Amy Rose Frank Tamra and Howard Feuerstein Sylvia Holzman Renee and Irwin Holzman Betty Edelman Michael and Lori Edelman Bernice Canter, Hy Canter, and Gerald Edelman Michael and Lori Edelman Abraham Paul Meyer Paul and Alice Meyer Sarah Horenstein Gail and Peter Marracci
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Social Action Food Fund
CBI Members should already have received High Holidays materials, including a form to contribute to our High Holidays Funds for Food Drive. This drive, along with year round donations to the Social Action Food Fund, helps to alleviate hunger and food insecurity throughout to Portland community. By partnering with the Oregon Food Bank, your donations are able to go a long way. Your contribution of $18, for example, pays for thirty-nine meals, a $54 donation funds 162, and $108 covers 324, so please give generously, both at the High Holidays and throughout the coming year. For questions, contact Tracy at (503) 222-1069 or tracy@bethisrael-pdx.org.
Esta Brown Marina and Bill Brown Milton and Marilyn Singer Mr. Donald Singer Charles Crane James Crane and Karla Forsythe Ruth and Jack Sheinin Louis Feldman, Risa Colton-Feldman, Jacob and Noah Feldman Amy Rose Frank Audre Estrin Zanly Edelson Barbara Edelson Alan Lertzman Jackie Nudelman Amy Rose Frank and Laurence Semler Jeanne Newmark Amy Rose Frank Marcia Colton Scott Colton Marcia Colton Leonard Schnitzer Lois Schnitzer Amy Rose Frank Lois Schnitzer Sadie Kaufman and Nate Shapiro Nancy Green Tillie Wachs Pearl Trachtenberg Amy Rose Frank Rosemarie Rosenfeld Mollie Rosenblum and Ben Tarlow Sharon Tarlow Sasha Drutter Susan Gerson Amy Rose Frank Alice Lok Cahana Vivian Wilson Cohen Bernie Klein Judith Drier Tammy A. Kramer Sylvia and Lester Seinfeld and Dennis Seinfeld Richard and Deanne Rubinstein Melvyn Farberman Robert and Leslie Peltz Ida Brenner Robert and Wendy Steinberg Amy Rose Frank and in honor of Jen Feldman Rose Rustin Amy Rose Frank Stanley and Joyce Loeb Amy Rose Frank Sue Friedman Leonard Friedman Sue Friedman Sadie Kaufman and Nate Shapiro Susan Hammel
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IN HONOR OF Elaine Savinar’s 90th Birthday Henry and Nancy Oseran Avrel Nudelman and his surgery Margaret Hasson Jen Feldman’s retirement Martin and Beverly Zell Barbara Edelson’s 90th Birthday Pearl Trachtenberg Dr. Phil Reiter and Irwin Holzman to have speedy recoveries Rosemarie Rosenfeld Alan Rosenfeld’s Birthday Sue Friedman IN APPRECIATION OF Gerel Bluaer Melanie and Will Dann Helen and Henry Spivak Dr. Harry and Gertrude Semler Larry and Ruth Semler James Spivak and Family GENERAL CONTRIBUTION Given By Henry Olshin
SOCIAL ACTION GENERAL TRIBUTE IN MEMORY OF Amy Rose Frank Gerel Blauer Alan Lertzman Alan and Eve Rosenfeld Eugene Coodley Gregg and Karen Coodley Amy Rose Frank Howard and Jenat Feldman Amy Rose Frank James and Ilene Davidson Amy Rose Frank Leslie Gutfreund and Eve Stern Laurence Semler Mark and Randie Peterson Amy Rose Frank Alan and Lana Miller Bob Steinberg Alan and Eve Rosenfeld Herman Friedman Barry and Barbara Caplan Terrye Rudolph Barbara and Howard Cohn Jean B. Wolff Barbara and Stuart Lang Amy Rose Frank Ted and Davia Rubenstein Edythe Steinbock Louis Feldman, Risa Colton-Feldman, Jacob and Noah Feldman Phyllis Shapiro Miles Newmark and Barbara Gilbert
Amy Rose Frank Will and Melanie Dann Joe Harrison Doraliene Harrison Amy Rose Frank Rena Tonkin Bob Maizels Barbara Durkheimer Gary Larsen Amy Rose Frank Naomi Strauss Amy Rose Frank Paul and Sharron Fishman Amy Rose Frank Pierce Ethier Amy Rose Frank Reuven and Margo Tzadok Becky Zeldin and Max Vanow Robert and Leslie Peltz Robert Allen Backus Ronald and Julie Stout Amy Rose Frank Ruby Sachter Joseph Lewis Sanford and Elaine Weinstein Amy Rose Frank Steven Albert and Jane Goldenberg IN HONOR OF Jen Feldman’s Retirement Barry and Barbara Caplan Jen Feldman’s Retirement Barry and Barbara Caplan Even and Alan Rosenfeld Pierce Ethier GENERAL CONTRIBUTION Given By Sarah and John Epstein Robert Winthrop and Anna Robaton-Winthrop William and Judy Cappleman
TEMPLE ENDOWMENT IN HONOR OF Jen Feldman’s retirement Jerry and Bunny Sadis GENERAL CONTRIBUTION Given By Joan Lindholm Trust
TEMPLE IMPROVEMENT IN MEMORY OF Daniel Davis Don Spiegel and Deborah DavisSpiegel
IN HONOR OF Jen Feldman’s retirement Cheryl Tonkin Jen Feldman’s retirement Paul and Sharron Fishman
WRJ HOPE IN LIFE IN MEMORY OF Rachel Eskenazi Forrest Frank and Phoebe Eskenazi Leo Mitchell and Stacy Sadis Jerry and Bunny Sadis Amy Rose Frank Elizabeth and Ruben Menashe
WRJ LUBLINER LEADERSHIP IN MEMORY OF Karl S. Frey Rosemarie Rosenfeld IN HONOR OF Eve Rosenfeld Elizabeth and Ruben Menashe
WRJ SERVICE TO THE BLIND IN MEMORY OF Hannah Zell Leonard and Marietta Zell Marilyn Singer Leonard and Marietta Zell
IN REMEMBRANCE ~ MAY HEADER THEIR HERE MEMORY BE FOR A BLESSING August 3 and 4 Paul Bernays* Dolores Black Jack Bodie Mortimer Brenner Dorothy Budin* Ruth Citterman Leonard Cohen Mary Ann Davis Gerald Edelman Richard Elconin Jack Epstein Melvyn Farberman Ralph Feibelman Jacob Feingold Elliott Flaxman Lena Freedman* Robert Friedenwald Sam Friedman Emma Friendly Celia Geller* Mildred Gold* Gary Greenberg Zelotta Gross Elizabeth Hirsh Sarah Horenstein Barney Liebreich* Ray Machacek Milton Marks Louis N. Mesher Harry Mittleman* Ada Post Jeanne Rauch Lillian Schiff* Dennis Seinfeld Molly Shuster Lettie Sonnes Kenneth Stoloff* Reubin Tennenbaum Sophie Weiss Nadine Wolfe Frederick Wolff Saundra Wood August 10 and 11 Rachael Arnsberg * Harry Baron Samuel Berman Samuel Burgin Jacqueline Davis Maurice Dunn Jack Friedlander Ben Goldman Florence Goldstein * Violet Greenberg David Gross * Manuel Holtzman Raymond Jackson Paul Josephson Helen Katzky * Amelia Kleinberg Shirley Lane Sam Leopold Leah Levine Bobbi London Mayer Ludwig Flora Marcus
Ida Margulis Edith O. Miller * Sally Mink Harry Nemer Martin Neuwelt Pat New Irving Puziss David Rosen * Leopold Rosenbaum * Lloyd Rosenfeld * Hillard Rozen Ruth Rubenstein Bernard Schnitzer Alan Selling Jack Shimshak Philip Shulman John Turteltaub Max Utay Nancy Weinstein Mary Jane Winter August 17 and 18 Connie Anker* Parry Ankersen Norman Berkley Rose Berliner Davene Cohen Blanche Cohen Sol Cohn Carolyn Cole Frances Creamer Shirley Deitch Simone Dessayer* Nathan Director Harriet Epstein Felix Gelbras David Gold Hedwig Goldsmith Michael Goldstein Abner Grover Hardy Haltenorth Estelle Hasson Harry Hayden Judith Stusser Jedeikin Celia Kaplan Andrea Karlin Edna Kean Oscar Kirchner Daryl Klonoff Sanford Kowitt Stefan Levy Nathaniel Lewis Jordan Meier* Sara A. Nudelman Ruth Press Claire Puziss David Raskin Jill Rosenberg Rose Rotenberg Martin S. Rothschild Bertha Rubin Sarah Rubin Harry Rubin Eleanor Saffron* Abe I. Samuels Adele Schwartz Harry Silver
Max Solomon David Spiegel David I. Stillman Sandra Weerts William A. Whalen Harry L. Woolach Don Zavin August 24 and 25 Sarah Albert Josephine Beeke Werner Berg Nathan Black Mary Braunsten* George Caro David Cohen Harold Cohn Jacob Cohn Marian Davidson* Daniel Fromer Claire Gross* Rose Herman Sarah Kaplan Kenneth Kimmel Daniel Kirk Howard Kirz Lianne Klein Susan Leavitt* Morris Leb Tessie Lewis Clarence Loeb Leland Lowenson* Sol Maizels* Helen Maniloff Beverly Miller Lynn Newman Herbert Newmark* Maurie Ritchie William Rosenbaum Gladys Rosenberg* Richard Ruffine Jeaneatta Sautter* Kurt Schiff Dorothy Schubach* Ida Rosalie Sherman Maxwell I. Silverstein* Sybil Solomon Pete Steffens Phyllis Swett Fred Young August 31 and September 1 Stanley Bender Molly Boyarsky Sheila Bromberg Bernard Caplan Adam Davis Juliet Dayan Thelma Eberhart Harry Louis Gerber Jerome Golby Vera Goldsmith Maynard Hurwitz Charles Hyman Anatoly Ioffe Fred Kornfeld
Daniel Labby Judith Lauterstein Bernard Levine June Lichty June Martel Harry Mesher Anna Muscovitz Gert Neuberger* Frank Perlman David Poplack A. Victor Rosenfeld Betsy Rotberg Julian Roth Dorthea Roth Sol Ruben Belle Saxe Judith I. Schneider Paul Schoen Fannie Schwartz Mary Stoloff* Albert Strauss Joseph Swerdlik Dena Tarlow* Joseph Tenenbaum Harry Zell September 7 and 8 Linda Aronowitz Robert Autrey Gordon Bazelon Nachman Berkowitz Nathan Bick Ruth Binder Harold Blank* Arnold Cohen Estelle Director Zelda Dubin Melvin Dunn Richard East King Feldman Melvin Gerard Anne Gilbert Susan Goldsmith Seymour Haber Gerald Hammel Sam Hammel Phillip Hardy George Harkless Sigmund Heilner* Evelyn Jacobs Barbara Jacobson Belle Kahn Beatrice Kirchner Eugene Krantz* Sam Lennis Mathilde Lewinsohn Larry Lieberman Louis Lubliner Daniel Meekcoms Faye Menashe Roger Meyer Sonija Milshtein Mary Nelson Anne Peltz Jack Pollin* Edward Press Sarah Reiter
Samuel Robinson Muriel Rozen Paul Rubinstein* Marvin Schnitzer Sidney Schubach* Jane Daum Schwartz Lucy Shapiro Joan Shipley Bernice Shulevitz Helen Silen Meyer Steinweis Katie Steinweis Ethel Tonkin* David R. Trachtenberg Irve Tunick Sheldon Weisberg Arthur G. Weisfield Emily Wilson* Audrey Yugler Abram (Al) Yugler September 14 and 15 Ethel Barr Sharlene Bender Ahldor Berg Juliette Bernays* Harry Binder Max Bloom Morris Bloomenthol Esther Bloomenthol Bessie Bondy Joseph Byer Robert Coffey Isabelle Daniels Rita Durkheimer Philip Eder William Feinstein Harry Fink Irene Frisch Louis Gelwasser Helen Georges Freidel Glaser Barbara Goldsmith Marvin Greenbaum Carol Haber Helene Haltenorth Ida Holtzman Fred Joseph Shirley Koch Esther Kranz Pearl Liman Sonya Loebner Cecelia London Marvin Oziel Ruthella Popick Edythe Raffel Barbara Riulin Edward Rosenberg Kurt Schlesinger Daniel L. Shafton Brennen Smith Herbert Sokolsky Max Sosnick Benjamin Weiss Rebecca Zacks
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IN REMEMBRANCE ~ MAY HEADER THEIR HERE MEMORY BE FOR A BLESSING September 21 and 22 Sheldon Balick* Frances Basinski Florence Berenson Daisy Biskind Edgar Blumenthal Sybil Bonime Mary Canton Adolph Canton Gloria Coodley C. Girard Davidson Isaac Davis Cathy Epsteen Louis Farkas Max Fischback Adelyne Freiberg Boris Frumkin Edith Gerson Hannah Gerson* Samuel Gerson* Pearl Gevurtz Mary Goldman Elizabeth Hirsch Aaron Lertzman Belle Lewis Allan Lichtgarn* Etta Maizels Karen McAllister Joseph Mendelsohn Arthur Merican Edward Morgenstern Roscoe C. Nelson, Jr. Rose Nudelman Esther Overback Frank Planer Louis Press Jack Reed David Rosen Davida Rosenbaum May Sakai Jacob Savinar Alyne Schlesinger* Sue Ellen Schwartz James Senders Walter Sherlin* Albert I. Simon Daniel Slovic Helen Stamm Stephen Stone Leonard Subotnick Hershal Tanzer Mitzi Tobias Luther Toothman I. Jack Vidgoff* Everett Wyner September 28 and 29 Louis Baer* Leo Baruh* Ari Berman Richard Berman Irene Berner Theodore S. Bloom Samuel Bocarsky Fred Bonyhadi* Jared Branfman
Ian Brown* Howard Byer Anna Chusid Morris Chusid Neale Creamer Clara Davis William Dluger Lillian Feingold Morris Feller Ruth Gassner Daisy Georges Theodore Gerson* Elana Gold Miriam Goldberg Sarah Hahn Grace Harkless Lynn Holmes Charles Jacobs Rabbi Isidore Kahan Norman Kobin* Hannah Kohen Rabbi Joshua Kohen Lewis Krakauer Danny Leb Martha Lewin Elias Lichtgarn* Marcy Macoubray Betty Lou Margulis Gene Miller Jeanne Moment* Norman Nemer* M. Don Nudelman Charlotte Ostomel Irving Popick Louis Rubenstein* Rose Rubenstein* William Sakai Bessie Schatz* Lee Schiff Stephen Schwartz Bob Schwartz Oliver Seymour Honora Singer Bess Sommerfield Irving Stein Louis Tanne Loius Waldman Irving J. Wurtzel* Lillian F. Zell* Harry Zugman Edith Zusman October 5 and 6 Stanton Abrams* Asa Arnsberg* Maurice Blanc* Lou Blank Mortimer Bonime Charlotte Brooks Fred Buell* Rose Byer Alice Carr Daniel Cassell Renee Cohen Karensue Dobrow Leah Finger
Bob Finger Leonard Fink Robert Fischback Abe Gilbert* Bessie Glickman Pauline Gold Lester Goldschmidt Walter Goodman Lenora Gordon Louis Halpern Marvin Helf Sylvia Javors Samuel Joseph Herman Korey Rosalie Krone Harry Lansberg Peggy Lehman Mollie Leopold Gina Levi Arnold Maizels Marshall Mazer Daniel H. Miller Pearl Mizrahi Moses Muscovitz Jette Neuberger Connie Passamaneck Fred Polsky Katrina Pongracz Alvin Popick Ben Popkin Kelly Puziss George Rickles Jane Ritchie Frances Rollins Ralph Rubenstein Gussie Rubin Joe Schnitzer Tom S. Shulevitz* S. Elizabeth Silverstein* Faye Steres Louis Strauss* Jack Urman Ray Veltman Sande Weintraub Virginia Belle Wilkinson George Woodcock Leslie Wright* Jay Wright* Rose Zavin October 12 and 13 Julia Barde* Olga Baruh* Shirley Bergman Leslie Bernstein Moisey Bronshteyn Richard Daniels Katie Davis Nolan DeWoskin George Dubin Madeline Feldman Trudy Hendrix Alvin Hess* Orrin Howard Charlotte Jackson Susan Kendall
Fred Kirk Jerome Kornberg Diana Kwartler Mark Larsen Rosalie Leb Rachel Leveton* Jon Levin Ruth Liebreich Herta Litowitz Robert Mills Marie Moe Gordon Nagel Berthold Neuberger Miriam Newman Joseph Papka Ida Raskin Manfred Rosenthal* James Rothschild* Nicole Ruffine Paula Ulla Schlesinger Mary Schoenfeld Robert Schulberg Harry Schwartz Laurence Selling Pearl F. Shifman Ida Shleifer* Lula Lou Smertenko Dorothy Wheatley Mary Ann Yerigan October 19 and 20 Kate Braunstein* David Bronheim Ralph Cullers Saul Dayan Rachel De Leeuw Becky Director Mike Donnell Maurice Donnell Liane Donnell Rose Fertig David Fertig* Daniel Gassner Dora Gelwasser Irene Gilbert Julius Graber Della Hanley Dave Holtzman Hanita Jacobi Charles Joseph Gene Kirshner Theodore Kleinrock Neil Kohn Marvin Lippoff Dora Markus Ellen Meier Fay Menashe Fannie Mesher Harvey Miller Megan Morris Goldie Oster William Philip Michael Roffe Mary Sarah Rose* Norman Savinar Jean Kerr Schwartz
Adelaide Selling Henriette Senders* Bertram Solomon Andor Soltesz Sherma Stenger Dean Stoloff* Miriam Swerdlin* Herman Swerdlin* Herbert N. Tobias Miriam Unkeles Ruth Kauffman Wolff October 26 and 27 Frances Albert Ben Arnoff Laura Avakyan Abe Bercovitz * Bernadine Brenner Francis Cappel Frederick Cezer Edwin Cohen * Harrel Crabb Nettie Director * David Elconin Claudia Fenton * Lillie Feuerstein Ophelia Foster Florence Frisch Cecile Gibstein * Michael Gladson Bernard Goldhammer David Goldstein Betty Hunt Bessie Krane Elayne Kutner Ben Lachman * Paula Lauterstein * Ben Leshgold * Hugo Lewinsohn Solomon Lieppman Constance Lipman Harriet Lomsky Lois Maizels * Golda Manes Jerome Margulis * Carol Newman Jonathan Newman Samuel S. Parker Jennie Pollin * Alex Pomerantz Herman R. Rosenblum Peter Royston Hannah Rubenstein Howard Schatz Harry Shafer Sadie Shemanski * Gerald Solomon * Judith Stillman Anne R. Stricker Raissa Tarlow * Freida Tennenbaum David Turtledove * Hilda S. Weinstein Fannie Wexler Carolyn S. Wolfe Eileen Zugman
(*) next to a name indicates a memorial plaque has been purchased to ensure the beloved departed is remembered in perpetuity. For information about memorial plaques in the Temple, please contact Molly at (503) 222-1069 or molly@bethisrael-pdx.org.
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NEW at CBI: Live HD Webcast of All Shabbat and Holiday Services Thanks to a generous donation from Harold and Jane Pollin, Congregation Beth Israel has significantly upgraded all of our live webcasts. For several years now, High Holiday services and B’nei Mitzvah celebrations have been available to watch remotely on any computer or other internet connected device. This has proven very popular, with up to hundreds of people watching (over 300 for every High Holiday service last year). This has been very important for people who are ill or disabled, and for those who are first learning about our synagogue. For Bar and Bat Mitzvah services, it is very common for family members who are unable to travel to feel like they are welcome and part of their family simcha by watching the service live, or later, from wherever they are in the world. Thanks to this gift from Harold and Jane Pollin, which will also be used to take care of much needed repairs in the twenty-five-yearold Pollin Chapel, we have purchased two new state of the art high definition cameras and the accompanying technology to webcast services live from Pollin Chapel, the Main Sanctuary and even outdoors for our Shabbat on the Plaza services. If for any reason you cannot make it to a Shabbat service–to be uplifted by our worship, or to say kaddish for a loved one–you can now join us remotely. All services, live and archived, can be watched by going to www.bethisrael-pdx.org and clicking on “Watch Services Live.” Thank you to Harold and Jane Pollin for making our synagogue more accessible.
Congregation Beth Israel 1972 NW Flanders Street, Portland, OR 97209 Office: (503) 222-1069 • Fax: (503) 274-1400 Beth Israel Cemetery, 426 SW Taylors Ferry Road
CBI Team Clergy Senior Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana Senior Cantor Ida Rae Cahana Associate Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph Rabbi Emeritus Emanuel Rose, D.H.L., D.D. Cantor Emerita Judith Blanc Schiff Contact any of the Clergy at clergy@bethisrael-pdx.org Education Department Education Director Ben Sandler, M. Ed., R.J.E. ben@bethisrael-pdx.org Director of Youth and Young Family Engagement Chelsea Ferguson chelsea@bethisrael-pdx.org Education Administrator McKenna Means mckenna@bethisrael-pdx.org B’nei Mitzvah Coordinator Emily Silverman emily@bethisrael-pdx.org CBI Administration Executive Director Josh Kashinsky josh@bethisrael-pdx.org
Shabbat on the Plaza
Every Shabbat on the Plaza service features music on the Temple Lawn (weather permitting), mingling, and a comfortably shaded area. We’d love for you to join us!
August 3, 17, 31
Program Coordinator Tracy Manaster Alifanz tracy@bethisrael-pdx.org Clergy Assistant and Cemetery Administrator Bitsie Appleton bitsie@bethisrael-pdx.org
Receptionist and Tributes Coordinator Amber Rollins amber@bethisrael-pdx.org Finance Director Melissa Bordine melissa@bethisrael-pdx.org Accounts Payable and Payroll Specialist Linda Bridges linda@bethisrael-pdx.org Accounting Assistant and Payroll Administrator Molly Cornell molly@bethisrael-pdx.org Facilities Managers Dallas Van Winkle Susie Young facilities@bethisrael-pdx.org Facilities Staff Mark Perry Byron Salvatierra Dorian Torres Catering Panel Alfresco Catering by Sheraton 503-335-2853 Julia Deuchler Art of Catering 503-231-8185 Eric Sandstrom Century Catering 503-849-2605 Allen Levin Lisa Glickman, Private Chef (CBI Congregant) 541-728-6678 Vibrant Table Group/ Food In Bloom 503-297-9635 503-944-6820 Karen Rich
Board of Trustees, FY 2018/2019 Officers
Glen Levy President
Naomi Derner David Goldwyn Bonnie Davis Janet Hoffman JoAnne Van Ness Menashe Bill June David Sarasohn
Tony Urdes Vice President/ President-Elect Mark Peterman Secretary Stacy Friedman Treasurer Sally Rosenfeld At Large Robin McCoy At Large Ted Nelson Past President
Auxiliaries Kathleen Doctor WRJ/BI Sisterhood President Jeff Capen Brotherhood President Anna Epstein JND President
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Congregation Beth Israel 1972 NW Flanders Street Portland, OR 97209-2097
Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism since 1879