February 2015 Bulletin - Congregation Beth Israel, Portland Oregon

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Bulletin February 2015

Established 1858

Shevat-Adar 5775 Vol. 64, No. 5

B’not Mitzvah

Upcoming Events

Olivia Jane Flamm Olivia Flamm will become Bat Mitzvah on February 7, 2014. She is the daughter of Eric and Robin Flamm and the older sister of Jonah. Olivia attends Portland Jewish Academy and is working with the Max Rayne Hand in Hand Center for Jewish-Arab Education in Israel for her Mitzvah Project. Hand in Hand (Yad b’Yad) operates integrated schools and communities in five locations in Israel, with 1,100 Jewish and Arab students and more than 3,000 community members. Their mission is to create a strong, inclusive shared society and to inspire broad support for civic equality in Israel. They hope to create a network of 10-15 schools, involving more than 20,000 Jewish and Arab citizens. Olivia explains the scope of her on-going project and its importance to her personally: “My goal is to raise awareness of Yad b’Yad, which offers an opportunity for Jewish and Arab children to learn together, creating communities that inspire broad support for social inclusion and civic equality in Israel. I am raising funds to help refurbish the Jerusalem school, which was damaged in a recent arson attack, as well as intensify security measures to prevent future attacks. I’d also like to help the school achieve its goal of expanding their network of bilingual schools and communities in the next decade.” To learn more, visit www.handinhandk12.org.

Caroline Rose Cohen Caroline Cohen will become Bat Mitzvah during the 5:00 PM Havdalah service on February 14, 2014. She is the daughter of Stuart and Barbara Cohen, younger sister of Will, and granddaughter of CBI member Ilaine Cohen. Caroline attends Riverdale School in SW Portland and is volunteering with the Down Syndrome Network of Oregon, an organization that provides comfort and acceptance for families with Down Syndrome. An accomplished and competitive dancer, Caroline is channeling her talents accordingly: “I work with the DSNO at their weekly fitness class. Every Tuesday night I work with the kids on social skills, dancing, and exercise.” To learn more about DSNO, visit their website: www.dsno.org.

Thursday, February 12, 6:00 PM Temple Please join Cantor Ida Rae Cahana as she welcomes classical guitarist Peter Zisa and flutist LeeAnn McKenna into the Temple for an informal concert featuring music written with love in mind. Enjoy a relaxing 45 minutes of music after a long work day. A glass of wine and brief nosh will follow. Tell your friends – this concert is free and open to the community!


Three Clergy and a Wedding: Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage in our Religious Traditions Tuesday, February 3, 7:00 PM St. Mary’s Cathedral (1716 NW Davis Street) Speakers: Msgr. Patrick Brennan of St. Mary’s Cathedral, The Rev. Canon Nathan LeRud, Acting Dean, Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, and Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana of CBI Continuing their popular series of discussions, the leaders of three major congregations in our corner of NW Portland join in a lively dialogue. You won’t want to miss this presentation.

Jews and the Civil Rights Movement: February is Black History Month The Mississippi Journey of Mickey and Rita Schwerner Tuesday, February 10, 7:00 PM Pollin Chapel Speakers: Former Oregon Supreme Court Justice Jacob Tanzer and Ron Silver

Olivia Hannah Jacobs Olivia Jacobs will become Bat Mitzvah on February 28, 2014. She is the daughter of Susan Jacobs and Kenneth Jacobs and older sister of Tess. Olivia is a student at Portland Jewish Academy and is working with the Head Start Program at the Neighborhood House on SW Capitol Highway for her Mitzvah Project. Head Start provides education for children ages 3-5 from low-income families. Olivia is assisting the children in their classrooms during school hours to help them develop key skills, such as reading and writing. To learn more, visit www.nhpdx.org/WhatWeDo/headstart.html.


Music Under the Dome: Songs of Love

Join former Oregon Supreme Court Justice Jacob Tanzer, Ron Silver, and the Northwest Freedom Singers as they tell the story of Mickey and Rita Schwerner and Jewish participation in the Civil Rights Movement in Mississippi in the 1960s. After the FBI found the bodies of Mickey Schwerner, James Chaney, and Andrew Goodman in August 1964, Jake Tanzer was part of the Justice Department team that went to Mississippi to root out and indict the killers. Ron and Jake will tell how Jews came to play such a large role in the Movement and how most of the killers were finally brought to justice. The Northwest Freedom Singers will make the room come alive with the music of the Movement.

The Struggle to Maintain Jewish Identity: Yesterday Sunday, February 22, 10:00 AM Pollin Chapel Speaker: Prof. Natan Meir What were our past responses to adapt to, or assimilate in, the non-Jewish world around us? What shaped the rise of Reform and other movements?

Congregation Beth Israel

Our Leadership Havdalah and a Movie: Neshoba: The Price of Freedom

Vote Now for Reform Judaism in Israel

Saturday, February 28

by Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana

6:00 PM – Potluck Dinner • 7:00 PM – Movie Miller Room

It’s high election season in Israel! In December, the government collapsed, and special elections have been called. While this is not a very unusual occurrence in the vibrant and sometimes messy democracy that is Israel, this election is an unusually important one.

Neshoba: The Price of Freedom is a documentary that tells the dramatic conclusion to the murders of Mickey Schwerner, James Chaney, and Andrew Goodman. After 40 years, the city of Philadelphia, Mississippi still struggled to heal itself and could only do so by confronting what really happened on June 21, 1964 when these three Civil Rights workers were murdered at the behest of Philadelphia resident Edgar Ray Killen. Killen had walked free since the murders, escaping Federal conviction in 1967 thanks to one juror who wouldn’t convict a preacher. The documentary tells how Rita Schwerner Bender, Carolyn Goodman, and the family of James Chaney joined together with local townspeople to hold Killen accountable. After 40 years the state of Mississippi finally put Killen on trial for murder. What makes the documentary so remarkable is that Edgar Ray Killen cooperated with the film makers throughout the project. The theme of the optional potluck dinner will be “A Taste of the Jewish South” and include a rugelah tasting – make your favorite recipe to share! Please RSVP to the CBI office at (503) 222-1069.

New Year, New Families! CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL WARMLY WELCOMES OUR NEWEST MEMBERS 2015 is off to a fantastic start here at CBI with the addition of six new households to our growing congregation. Please join us in welcoming: Linda Bendis and James Norwak. Linda’s son and daughter-in-law, Brian and Alisa Bendis, and grandchildren Olivia (12), Sabrina (7), Tabatha (3), and London (2) are also CBI members. Shemaya Blauer, whose mother, Gerel Blauer, is a longtime CBI member. Returning members Howard and Louise Jaffe and their ten year old twin daughters, Allison and Danielle. Rabbi Sam and Dori Joseph, parents of our very own Rabbi Rachel Joseph and proud grandparents of Max (3). Though their home base in Cincinnati makes them long-distance members, we’re delighted to have them join us for regular and frequent visits. David Gilbert and Bob Kravitz, whose enthusiastic support of our Engagement Task Force is very much appreciated. Scientist-turned-fine-arts-photographer and musical composer Gershon Wolfe and son Sam (13), who join us from Corvallis.

Watching the news from the United States, we might get the impression that the elections are about political fallout from the longstanding Palestinian-Israeli conflict. But this is as much about domestic issues as it is international ones. In many ways, this election is focused on the identity of the State of Israel and how the nation will balance Democratic and Jewish principles. The so-called “Jewish State” bill, which was among the issues predicating the collapse, would have shifted the balance away from the democratic ideals of its founders. Israel, with a 20% Arab (not necessarily Palestinian) population, has to find ways to maintain its identity as the Jewish homeland without sacrificing the rights of its minority population. This protection of minority rights is something we Reform Jews understand well. It is part of our sense of responsibility here at home. Our understanding of Jewish responsibility compels us to act on behalf of those who are in need. You and I cannot vote in Israeli elections. But we can have an influence on the ways that Reform Jewish values are put into practice in Israeli society. The World Zionist Congress (WZC) is this year holding elections to determine its new congress. This congress will be making decisions which will affect the future of institutions in Israel – institutions that can either support the status quo or promote more religious tolerance, women’s rights, and pluralism in religious worship. I have received a very special honor. I have been asked to run for a seat in this worldwide Jewish congress – the same congress that dreamed of creating the State of Israel. I am running on the ARZA slate, our Reform movement’s organization, which promotes and builds Reform Jewish institutions in Israel. ARZA (the Association of Reform Zionists of America) has represented our interests and guided us on our trips to Israel. We are proud of its work, and I am proud to be running on its slate. And this is where you come in. YOU can vote – right now – to promote Reform Judaism in Israel. The voting has begun and will continue until April. But don’t wait. Go to www.ReformJews4Israel.org to get information about the WZC, ARZA, and how to vote. Please invite others to vote as well. Our own Women of Reform Judaism/Beth Israel Sisterhood is taking the lead in getting out the word and helping us vote. I thank them for their efforts. You and I cannot vote in the Israeli governmental elections. But we can help Israel, the homeland of the Jewish People, embrace the ideals of tolerance and equality we value as Reform Jews. Let’s do it together!

February 2015


Developing CBI Do you see what I see? by Jenat Levison Feldman Development Director The question, “Is the cup half empty or half full?” is often asked. When my son was quite young, we used to debate the meaning of this saying. I believed half full meant you appreciated what you had and did not begrudge that which was missing. He would argue that half empty meant it had already been full, and you had already enjoyed half. I would never argue that there is a right way or wrong way to see things; what I appreciated was how different our viewpoints could be. Please bear that in mind when I also share something my father used to say: “The minute Jews stop raising money for other Jews, the world will be in trouble.” When I inquired what he meant by that he said, “There will always be people in need. Let’s hope there will always be people willing to help and respond.” So it comes as no surprise that I always wanted to be among the willing. What I love best about my job is that I have the opportunity to meet so many others who feel the same. That is what brings us together.

Call to action: UNITE, not just GATHER

It is a matter of record that our annual contributions do not fully cover the cost of running our Temple. It is quite lovely that we have found ways to join together and fill that gap. As a FUNdraiser, I am proud to be part of the team that is working to help secure the present and the future of CBI. As a connector, I think the best way to connect is through fun and meaningful events – including fundraisers, which do both well and good. (Think about that for a while.) Taste of Temple (or TOT, as we fondly call it) does all of that and more – perfectly. As we present this fourth year of TOT, the cup is overflowing with generous sponsors, excited chefs and vendors, and warm and welcoming House Party hosts. If you have joined us before, you know what I mean, and if this is your first opportunity to have a Taste of Temple, come on in! The doors are wide open.

old ones. Let’s meet passionate restaurant owners, learn their stories, enjoy great food, and show our appreciation by visiting their locations after the event.

by Tony and Bianca Urdes Taste of Temple Co-Chairs

There are so many ways to support our community!

E pluribus unum…out of many, one. Taste of Temple, our much-anticipated annual tradition at Congregation Beth Israel, is here! Taste of Temple is a gathering – of passionate local restaurants, wineries, distilleries, and breweries offering outstanding food and beverages to connoisseurs from both the CBI community and non-members. Is our Taste of Temple only a gathering, or is it a community? The Jewish concept of community has at its center the notion of kehillah, which translates as “to unite,” not just “to gather.” The word “community” best captures this idea, as it is derived from the words “common” and “unity.” Taste of Temple is what we make it. It is up to each of us to make Taste of Temple more than a gathering of individuals. We can make it a vibrant event that unites us even more and builds community – one that fosters authentic friendships and shares in each others’ joys and interests. We will be with each other for three hours on Sunday, February 8th, from 5:00 to 8:00 PM. So many friends, so little time! Let’s make the best of our time together. Let’s reach out to people we haven’t met before, make new friendships and strengthen


Some members say, “CBI sure has a lot of fundraisers”; others say, “It is so great to be engaged and involved in something that makes a difference in my life and the lives of others.” I say how very fortunate we are to be part of a community that is so warm and welcoming, whose mission is to be a spiritual home, a place of community and friendship, a place to be inspired through prayer, a place for lifelong learning, and a place where every person makes a difference.

BUY A GOLDEN TICKET There are 100 Golden Tickets available for $100 each before Taste of Temple. Buy one for a chance to win an extraordinary and versatile electric bike (valued at $5,000). Need not be present to win. SUPPORT RECIPE FOR SUCCESS Recipe for Success is an opportunity for everyone to participate and donate to CBI while having a chance to win great prizes. SIGN UP FOR A HOUSE PARTY This year, our amazing volunteers have prepared a list of House Parties for a wide range of tastes and passions. We all share the needs and the blessings of our community. Anything you can do benefits everyone and provides muchneeded funds for all the programs we cherish at CBI. Taste of Temple calls on each of us at CBI to reveal our togetherness and promotes the belief that at our core we are not one of many but “out of many, one!”

Congregation Beth Israel

Developing CBI We proudly honor those generous supporters who, by making an additional and meaningful contribution to CBI since July 1, 2014, are helping us keep CBI affordable to all. Whether through a donation to the Every Family Initiative, a sponsorship of one of our two major fundraisers, a pledge to the Mitzvah Moment appeal, an enhanced annual contribution, or any other initiative, your donation helps us reach our annual $200,000 Development Department fundraising goal. Your donation is deeply appreciated and truly makes a difference. If your name has been accidentally omitted, please contact Development Director Jen Feldman at (503) 222-1069. It is important to us to recognize every donor. Michael Adler and Molly Newcomer George and Sharon Alexander Marc and Tracy Alifanz Michael and Margie Anton Bill and Sydney Baer Jonathan and Bonnie Barg Mac and Sarah Barr Lester and Heather Baskin Michael and Rosalie Baskin David and Marah Bean Brian and Alisa Bendis Len and Betsy Bergstein Mel Birge and Janet Morgan Gerel Blauer Rachel Bloom and Scott Rector George Bodner Joanne Bonime Lynn Bonner Ernie Bonyhadi and Shirley Gittelsohn Marina and Bill Brown Megan Brown Debra and Kim Burchiel Jeff Burstein and Jenny Crowe Rabbi Michael and Cantor Ida Rae Cahana Lance and Debbie Caldwell Connie Cambreleng Asher and Grace Cantor Bernard Caplan Bernard Carr Ian Cartwright Stephen Cassell and Eric Wyatt Bob and Patty Chestler Stuart and Mandi Chestler David Cohen and Lee Anna Jones Kenny and Rhonda Cohen Elana Cohn-Rozansky and David Rozansky Marvin Richmond and Marge Cohn Marcia Colton Jason and Crista Comella Marge Congress & Evi Pazmanczyk Jim and Ilene Davidson Andrea Davis Dick and Cameron Davis Tom and Julie Diamond Richard Dobrow Lou and Kathleen Doctor Downtown Development Group Mircea and Cristina Draghicescu Ned Duhnkrack and James Monteith John and Sarah Epstein Julia Epstein and Tom Cull Pierce Ethier Howard and Jen Feldman Leigh Feldman and Sara Moskovitz Roger and Phyllis Finger Adam and Barbra Fisher Joey and Val Fishman Paul and Sherry Fishman Andrew Frank and Sally Rosenfeld Eric and Rebecca Friedenwald- Fishman Stacy and Sharon Friedman Bill and Bev Galen Morrie Galen Zanley and Claire Galton

Judah and Alison Garfinkle Geffen Mesher & Company Andra Georges and Timothy Shepard Tom Georges III and Linda Georges Matthew Giger and Tania Parrett Giger Gary Gilbert Ted and Connie Gilbert Leonard and Yvonne Gionet Barbara Glazer Paul and Mimi Goldman Bobbie Goldstein David and Tiffany Goldwyn Doug and Lila Goodman Greg Goodman and Susan Schnitzer Mark and Christi Goodman Susan Graber and Bill June Steven and Michelle Gradow Barry and Julie Greenberg Jonathan and Lisa Greenleaf Gordon and Meryl Haber Irv and Gail Handelman Douglas and Gail Hansen Dodie Harrison Linda Harrison Craig Hartzman and James John Margaret Hasson Dan Heims and Lynne Bartenstein Destiny Herholz-Wallis Gary and Joyce Hoffman Janet Hoffman and John Harland Jonathan and Susan Hoffman Holman’s Funeral & Cremation Service Irwin and Renee Holzman Janice Isenberg Morris and Gerry Jackson Ken and Karen Janoff Rabbi Rachel Joseph Art and Sylvia Kaplan Jim and Rhonda Kennedy Lucy Kivel and Scott Howard Michael and Mary Klein Ethan and Ellie Korngold Don and Judy Kramer Jean Krosner Paul and Lee Labby Jason and Lucy Langer Matthew and Leah Letts Irv Levin and Stephanie Fowler Glen and Lisa Levy Dave and Deborah Lewinsohn Carol Lewis Kathleen Lewis Ken Lewis Larry Lewis and Kelly Post-Lewis Scott Lewis and Laura Rose-Lewis Jonathan and Marilyn Lindner Brian and Tamy Linver David Lipman David and Liz Lippoff Harvey and Peggy Liss Stan and Joyce Loeb Wally and Debra MacDougall Dick and Harriet Maizels Gail Mandel and Steve Klein Greg and Jemi Mansfield Phillip Margolin

Milt and Lynn Marks Thomas and Lisa McConnell Steve and Robin McCoy Dina Meier Sharon Meieran and Fred Cirillo Jacob and Sara Menahem Barry and Susan Menashe Joanne Van Ness Menashe and Joe Menashe Michael Menashe and Guadalupe Diazsesma Ruben and Elizabeth Menashe Page and Lynn Mesher Paul and Alice Meyer Blythe Miller and David Stocker Barney and Susan Milstein Darren and Jill Mitchell Maddie Nelson and Jim Lafky Roscoe Nelson III and Debra Harrison Ted Nelson and Curt Shaffstall Adam and Sandy Nemer Sylvia Nessan and Heinz Holzapfel Patricia Neuberger Mark New Jeanne Newmark Northwest Bank The Oregon Clinic Gastroenterology – West Dan and Tracy Oseran Henry and Nancy Oseran Robert and Leslie Peltz Mark and Judy Peterman Gary Peterson and Debbie Friedman Mark and Randie Peterson Bob and Rita Philip Jean Pierce Allan and Marney Pike Steven Pike and Allison Sneider Pike Ryan and Sarah Pitman Harold and Jane Pollin Rachel Pollin and Forrest Marcum Yale Popowich and Tina Skouras Portland Outdoor Store Recumbent PDX Phil and Dorothy Reiter Joshua and Amy Remick Jim and Michael Richman Stephen and Leslie Robinson Gayle and Paul Romain James Rosenbaum and Sandra Lewis Jane Rosenbaum Mark Rosenbaum Robert and Joan Rosenbaum David and Diane Rosencrantz Alan and Eve Rosenfeld Rosemarie Rosenfeld Warren Rosenfeld and Sheryl Langerman John and Marti Rosenthal Ted and Davia Rubenstein Dick and Deanne Rubinstein Eleanore Rubinstein Rick and Jill Rubinstein Rose Rustin Babak and Caroline Sabi Robert and Ann Sacks Jerry and Bunny Sadis

February 2015

Ken and Loree Sakai Michael and Linda Salinsky Ben Sandler and Lolly Jamerson Elaine Savinar Paul Schmidt Merrill Schneider Arlene Schnitzer Dori Schnitzer The Harold & Arlene Schnitzer CARE Foundation Lois Schnitzer Thelma Schnitzer Joel and Sandra Seres Dr. Lynda Shapiro Ruth Sheinin Savva Shepilov Julie and Brett Sheppard Tom and Megan Shipley Jamie and Denise Shulman Stephanie Siegel and Jeffrey Whalen Ron and Sheila Silver Michael Simon and Suzanne Bonamici Marilyn Singer Richard and Lori Singer Jill Slansky Steven Slovic and Rhonda Schwartz Richard Solomon and Alyce Flitcraft Les and Martha Soltesz Bruce Spiegel Don Spiegel and Deborah Davis-Spiegel Ashley Spitzer and Graham Petersen Tom and Mardi Spitzer Harley and Robyn Spring Jeff and Barbara Steinberg Arthur Steinhorn Brad and Lara Stern Naomi Strauss Sam Swire Jason and Katherine Tell Lynn Tobias and Chet Edwards Brad and Michelle Tonkin Edward Tonkin Marcy Tonkin Jesse Treger and Candice Adelson Bill and Joanne Treuhaft Hannah Treuhaft and Marc Blackstein Tony and Bianca Urdes Marvin and Lois Urman Jason and Shonda Waxman Sharon Weil Richard and Linda Weill Michael Weiner and Kathy Davis-Weiner Stuart and Marcia Weiss Jeff and Jen Weprin Jeff and Lynn Wolfstone John and Stazzy Wright Ron and Nancy Wyden Wyse Kadish LLP Alan and Janet Zell Martin and Beverly Zell Jason Zidell Bill and Marsha Zimmer Herman and Vicki Zimmerman Adam and Ashley Zivony


L’Dor V’Dor From Generation to Generation Mazel Tov to

Jake Kryszek, this year’s winner of the Rabbi Joshua Stampfer Award.

Noah and Katie Seligman on the birth of their son, Asher William Seligman, on October 3.

Sarit Cahana, who is a teen recipient of the Youth Recognition Program of the Rabbi Joshua Stampfer Community Enrichment Award.

Lydia and Derek Lipman on the birth of their fourth grandchild and first granddaughter, Eva Lipman, on November 18. Eva joins big brother Bennett (3). Proud parents are Grant Lipman and Ashlie Emmett of Redwood City, CA. Eva becomes the twentyfourth great-grandchild for great-granny Sally Levin of Portland.

Joyce and Stan Loeb on the recent celebration of their granddaughter’s Bat Mitzvah. Olivia Skye Loeb became Bat Mitzvah on November 22 at Congregation Beth Am in Baltimore, MD. Her parents are Eric and Pamela Loeb.

Matthew and Leah Letts on the birth of their second daughter, Naomi Tikva Letts, on December 12. Naomi joins big sister Adira (2). Tracie and Eugene Serebrennikov on the birth of their daughter, Lilah June Serebrennikov, on December 20. Proud grandparents are Ilene & Steven Rosenbaum and Olga & George Serebrennikov. Ted Nelson and Curt Shaffstall on the birth of their grandson, Izaakh Damian Lowdell, on December 21. Proud parents are Keyaira Nelson-Shaffstall and Kolbrynn Lowdell. Michelle Cook and Jonathan Plenn on the birth of their daughter, Genevieve Beatrice Cook-Plenn, on December 26. Genevieve was named at the Shir Shabbat service on January 9. Susan and Tom Bivens on the birth of their son, Max Kenneth Bivens, on January 5. Max joins big sister Nedalia (2½). Max was named at his brit milah on January 12. May they grow in health and wisdom and be a source of strength to their family and all humankind.


Condolences to The family of Sylvio Ferrera, who died in Florida on November 26 at the age of 98. Loree Sakai, Midge Cone, Jeff Wolfstone, and Nancy Schlesinger and families on the death of their father, David Lipman, on December 6. Howard and Barbara Cohn on the death of his brother and Joanne Glickman and Jerry Matin on the death of their cousin, Booth Colman (aka Robert Cohn), on December 15. The family of Eloise Durkheimer Spiegel, who died on December 30. She is survived by her four children: Don (Debbie), Larry (Corinne), Bruce, and Harriet Spiegel; nine grandchildren; and many nieces and nephews, including Barbara Durkheimer and Julie Durkheimer. Don and Bruce Spiegel and families on the death of their brother-inlaw, Ben Hoover, on January 4 at the age of 93

They’re on a mission from G-d. Congregation Beth Israel



Sisterhood Shabbat

Save the Dates....

Friday, February 20, 6:00 PM Pollin Chapel

March 7, 9:30 AM: Sisterhood Tot Shabbat

Please join us on Friday, February 20, as we celebrate Shabbat with a service led by members of WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood. If you would like to help lead the service, please contact Kate Royston, WRJ/BIS Religious Programming Chair, at kroyston@gmail.com. Please let her know if you would like to read in English or Hebrew.

April 9, 5:50 PM: Special Needs Seder

Thank you to all our amazing bakers! Our Bake Sale on Dec 14th was a success. A special thanks to Sue Milstein for all her help.

This annual event is always a moving experience. All members of the community are invited to help us welcome the Sabbath bride with prayer, poetry, and song. Sisterhood will sponsor the oneg immediately following the service. We hope to see you there.

Gift Shop Happenings Winter hours:

4th Annual Sisterhood Purim Happy Hour

Sundays: 9:15 AM-12:15 PM Wednesdays: 6-8 PM

Monday, February 23, 5:00-7:00 PM Gracie’s, Hotel deLuxe (729 SW 15th Avenue, 97205) Polish your tiara, grab your girlfriends, and join us to celebrate your inner queen! We had such a great time last year that we are doing it again. We’ll meet at the Hotel deLuxe for tasty appetizers and a no-host bar - plus two hours of free valet parking.

Second and Fourth Fridays: 11:00 AM -1:00 PM Volunteer: We always need volunteers in the Gift Shop. Please contact Debbie Braymer, Gift Shop Volunteer Coordinator, at (503) 649-8043 or djsbraymer@gmail.com for details.

Watch for your Evite, and RSVP by February 16th.

CBI BOOK GROUP Sunday, February 1, 9:00 AM Herbert & Shirley Semler Board Room Everyone is welcome to join us for a morning of pleasant literary discussion. There is no need to sign up.

Talk by Ron Jacobs of Stand With Us Sunday, February 8, 10:30 AM Pollin Chapel

February’s selection is When General Grant Expelled the Jews by Jonathan Sarna.

Join the Brotherhood when they host a presentation talk by Ron Jacobs of Stand With Us. Jacobs will speak about how his organization is fighting against the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement against Israel.

If you’d like to plan ahead, the selection for March is The Ministry of Special Cases by Nathan Englander.

February 2015


Very Thoughtful People

Allison B. Cohen Madrichim Training and Religious School Scholarship Fund In Memory of David Lipman Jack and Lea Hecht

Altar Flowers and Oneg Shabbat In Memory of Fannie Oldstein Ilaine Cohen & Family Allan Weinstein Sue and Joel Krane

Amy R. Goldsmith Library In Memory of Marion S. Forman Albert F. Forman Stephen E. Forman

Cemetery Beautification

In Memory of David Lipman Rena and Cheryl Tonkin Herb Black Linda Hudesman David and Diane Rosencrantz Rodney Rosencrantz David and Diane Rosencrantz & Ardyth and Herb Shapiro Celene Lauterstein Lowenson Lee B. Lowenson Ethel G. Kelinson Max D. Kelinson Irving Ovitz Lillian Zidell Harvey and Leslie Kelinson Cynthia Lipman Aaron Leslie Lipman Loree and Ken Sakai

Rabbi Cahana Discretionary In Memory of David Lipman Booth Colman Sally and Debbie Mink David Rosenfeld Don and Karen Lachman Eva Y. Ail Louise Ruben Carlton R. Reiter Dr. Philip J. Reiter Bessie Kauffman Theodore D. Lachman Shirley Waldman Ann and Jim Waldman


In Honor of Ruth Gassner (Birthday) Sally Mink Chelsea Bauch and Michael Orenstein (Engagement) Jean and Steven Orenstein In Appreciation Oren Ben Simhon and Barak Benita

Cantor Cahana Discretionary In Appreciation Marvin and Lois Urman General Contribution Given By Adam Kriss

Rabbi Joseph Discretionary In Honor of Rabbi Joseph (New home and Happy Chanukah) Judith B. Joseph

Cantor Schiff Discretionary In Memory of David Lipman Jackie and Jim Nudelman

Rabbi Rose Discretionary In Memory of David Lipman Barbara Durkheimer and Gary Larsen

General Administrative

In Memory of Carol F. Lang Bruce M. Senders Stanley B. Lang Stuart and Barbara Lang David Lipman Larry and Susan Black Becker Capital Management, Inc. William and Nami Koida Barry and Virginia Russell Barry and Sue Menashe The Hara Family Ann Blume Nancy and Marvin Weinstein Arlene Schnitzer Sherry and Norm Eder Thomas and Mary Ann Blair Lane Powell PC Lewis and Lisa Horowitz John and Marti Rosenthal Moshe Lenske Paul and Janice Winfield Michael and Linda Morgan Joseph Simon Jill and Ed Neuwelt

Erick Thompson Barbara Bloom Monford and Janice Orloff The Orloff Family Samuel Glickman Booth Colman (aka Bob Cohn) Mr. and Mrs. Harry Glickman Leon Goldberg Samuel and Regina Teitelman Frank H. Eiseman Gerda Eiseman Rachel Horenblas Lindsey Horenblas Antone P. Larsen Christina (Tina) Larsen Joel and Sandra Seres Elsa Bonyhadi Ernest Bonyhadi and Shirley Gittelsohn Allan Weinstein Samuel Russell Goldie L. Weinstein Jeff and Sherri Weinstein Arnold Rustin Rose Rustin Dr. David Eisenberg Allan and Marge Sherman Doris Krys Jack and Madeleine Menashe Eloise Spiegel The Dan and Margaret Labby Family In Honor of Loree Sakai Ann Blume Andrew Rosenthal and Jenny Fatalevich (Engagement) Scott Rosenthal and Sarah Molinoff (Engagement) Lynne and Mitch Cohen General Contribution Given By Linda L. Friedman

Miller Room Refurbishment and Restoration Fund In Memory of David Lipman Alan and Lana Miller

Oseran Family Lecture In Memory of Sarah Kurland Alan and Janet Zell Dr. David Eisenberg Ilaine Cohen & Family


In Memory of Eloise Durkheimer Spiegel Sally Karlin, Andrew, and Caroline

Congregation Beth Israel

Ruth Semler Youth Activities In Memory of David Lipman Margaret Hasson Charles Ostrofsky Henry Spivak Helen Spivak & Family Bill Berman Don Safran Leslie, Joseph, Lily, and Marjorie Berman

Sally Vidgoff Camp Kalsman Scholarship In Memory of David Lipman Robin and Bob Mesher

Sanny Snell Preschool Scholarship In Memory of Lewis Fendrich Alan and Sandi Rosenberg

Social Action (General)

In Memory of David Lipman Dr. Gerald and Evelyn Leshgold Gerel Blauer Stanley J. Lappen Joan Ascher Cahn Melanie and Will Dann & Family Sadie Scheffer Stephen Press Gus J. Solomon Dick Solomon Arnold Rustin Deborah Rustin In Honor of Rose Rustin (Birthday) Deborah Rustin Ted and Davia Rubenstein (Special anniversary) Alan Rosenfeld (Recovery) Shirley Gittelsohn (Recovery) Gerel Blauer Jacob Sachs (Bar Mitzvah) Dr. Gerald and Evelyn Leshgold Rebecca Friedenwald-Fishman Elizabeth Friedenald Paul and Sherry Fishman General Contribution Given By Ron and Elaine Sobel

Very Thoughtful People Food

In Memory of S. Fredrick Rabiner Lorraine Lippoff David and Liz Lippoff David Lipman Bob Tobias Marilyn and Hans Grunbaum Beverly and Marty Zell Jeanne Newmark Davia and Ted Rubenstein Barbara and Howard Cohn Faye Sarkowsky Marcy Tonkin Dick and Deanne Rubinstein Eve and Alan Rosenfeld Elaine Savinar Rosemarie F. Rosenfeld Sue Friedman David Eisenberg Bob Tobias Beverly and Marty Zell Bunny Edelson Barbara and Howard Cohn Marcy Tonkin Naomi Strauss Rosemarie F. Rosenfeld Elaine Weiner Barbara and Howard Cohn Adele R. Meyer Paul and Alice Meyer Irwin Applebaum Barney and Susan Milstein Jacqueline R. Spivak Dr. Harry and Gertrude Semler Helen Spivak & Family Samuel Berne Lee and Frank Berne Donna Miller Mimi Richman Berenice Feldman Alma Senders Margery Senders Booth Colman Beverly and Marty Zell Sylvia Director Jacobs Beverly and Marty Zell & Family Sylvia Margulis Sue Friedman Runi Hyman William Shapiro Susy, Marci, and Katrina Hammel

Esther Rodinsky Maurice Goldberg Ilene Goldberg Eloise Spiegel Eve and Alan Rosenfeld In Honor of Shirley Gittelsohn (Recovery) Rena and Cheryl Tonkin General Contribution Given By Eve and Alan Rosenfeld

I Have A Dream

In Memory of David Eisenberg Harry and Joanne Glickman Minnie and Abe Spivak Victor and Alysmae Nudelman Helen Spivak & Family Dr. Arnold Tannenbaum Michael Tannenbaum

Temple Improvement

In Memory of Harriet and Jerome Shank Ardis Kowitt David Lipman Don Spiegel and Deborah Davis Stan and Joyce Loeb Stuart Durkheimer Eloise Spiegel & Family

Urman Family College Communication In Memory of Anna Urman Sam Urman Marvin and Lois Urman

Estelle Director Sholkoff Jewish Educators Scholarship

In Memory of Zelda Director Zeidman Estelle Sholkoff Richard Dobrow Rachel Dobrow Stone In Honor of Kenneth Zeidman (Recovery) Richard B. Dobrow

Heims Family Youth Activities Endowment In Memory of Myrtle Donaldson Rick and Kay Stern

WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood Funds

Prayer Book

Holzman Family Religious School Fund

In Memory of Jean Wolff Alma Senders Stuart and Barbara Lang In Honor of Frances Wolfe (Years of service to the youth of CBI) Ron and Elaine Sobel

Nettie Director Library Book Endowment In Memory of Rose Rosen Neal and Lisa Rosen

Simon & Helen Director Endowment

In Memory of June Nagel The Harold & Arlene Schnitzer CARE Foundation Cameron and Dick Davis Sarah Davis Jenny Dickson Alfred J. Davis Nathan Dickson Anne D. Davis Cameron and Dick Davis

Temple Endowment

In Memory of David Lipman Bunny and Jerry Sadis Celene Lauterstein Lowenson Milton and Lynn Marks

In Memory of Cynthia Rich Wood Michael and Jim Richman Leo Goldman Margo Sercu Philip Wexler Eldon and Carolyn Wexler David Strauss Aunt Anna and Uncle Sally Buchbinder Naomi Strauss Joseph Francis Sercu Marcia Colton & Family Raymond Eugene Krantz Eldon, Carolyn, Koby, and Aria Wexler Lt. Joseph (Yussie) Jacob Epstein, USCG (retired) Henry Spivak Jacqueline Ray Spivak Karen S. Spivak

Service to the Blind

In Memory of Margaret Balick Kavitt Wilma Jane Balick Harry Karansky Sivia Kaye Jean Rustin Deborah Rustin In Honor of Brad Tonkin Brad and Michelle Tonkin & Family The Redmond Family

Sisterhood Programming, Leadership & Enrichment In Memory of Arline Hasman Bunny and Jerry Sadis Lorraine Davis Debbie Davis and Don Spiegel

CBI Team Senior Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana rabbicahana@bethisrael-pdx.org Senior Cantor Ida Rae Cahana cantorcahana@bethisrael-pdx.org Assistant Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph rabbijoseph@bethisrael-pdx.org Rabbi Emeritus Emanuel Rose, D.H.L., D.D. rabbirose@bethisrael-pdx.org Cantor Emerita Judith Blanc Schiff cantor@bethisrael-pdx.org

Education Department

Member Services

Education Director Ben Sandler, M. Ed. ben@bethisrael-pdx.org

Executive Director Sydney A. Baer sydney@bethisrael-pdx.org

Early Childhood Education Director Deborah Kaplan, MAT deborah@bethisrael-pdx.org

Development Director Jen Feldman jen@bethisrael-pdx.org

Youth Group Director Shoshanna Pro shoshanna@bethisrael-pdx.org

Congregational Affairs Director Jemi Kostiner Mansfield jemi@bethisrael-pdx.org

Education Administrator Ziva Sholin ziva@bethisrael-pdx.org

Finance Director Jim Baldwin, CPA jim@bethisrael-pdx.org Accounting Assistant Vicki Greif vicki@bethisrael-pdx.org

February 2015

Project Coordinator Dara Docherty dara@bethisrael-pdx.org

Art of Catering 503-231-8185 Larry Grimes

Office Administrator Tracy Alifanz tracy@bethisrael-pdx.org

Century Catering 503-849-2605 Allen Levin

Facilities Staff Perry Meekins, Facilities Manager Keith Powers, Lead Shalamar Washington

Culinary Artistry 503-232-4675 Jenn Louis

Catering Panel Alfresco Catering by Sheraton 503-335-2858 Shellie Postlewait

Devil’s Food Catering 503-233-9288 Charles Stilwell VT Group 503-297-9635 Karen Rich


In Remembrance ~ May their memory be for a blessing. February 6 & 7 Cynthia Lipman Aaron Allen Adler Frank B. Aiken Irwin Applebaum Solomon Arnsberg Carol August Bruce D. Becker Kathryn Benaroya Elsa Bonyhadi* Norman Burnett Sally Burnett Esther Florence Diamond* Joseph H. Dickson Sara Drucker Frank Eiseman Ruth Epstein Nathan Feldman Florence Fishman Marion S. Forman Ruth Friedman Miriam Gadye Alfred Greenwald Linda Hudesman Runi Hyman* Sylvia Director Jacobs* Harold L. Kaplan Harry Karansky Stanley F. Katz Margaret Balick Kavitt* Eliot Kowitt Walter Kranz Leslie Lipman Ruth Marsh Charles Ostrofsky Max Peltz Ruth Philip Jeanette Rigler Blanche Robbins George K. Robbins Esther Rodinsky Arnold Rustin Bernie Savage Sally Ann Shulman Edward Soren Joseph Spiegel Jean Wolff Ruth Woron February 13 & 14 Eva Y. Ail Frances Barde Arback Maxine Barker Theresa Bergstein William J. Berman Samuel Berne

Sally Buchbinder Leonard Burgin Joan Cahn Albert F. Forman Edith Goodman Eugene Gottesman Joseph J. Heilner Lillian Hoffman Joseph Horenstein Max Isaacson Mary Kane Edward Kaufman Ethel G. Kelinson* Max D. Kelinson* Stella Koenigsberg Cantor Chaim Kohen Rabbi Zahlmon Kohen Doris Krys Sylvia Krys-Nudelman Philip Kurland Fred Langerman* Antone Larsen David H. Lomas Fanny Lowengart* Celene Lauterstein Lowenson* Esther Mink Monford Orloff Irving Ovitz Annabelle Palmer Perlman* Carlton R. Reiter Thelma Rosen Rodney A. Rosencrantz* Otto B. Rothschild* Sadie Scheffer Joseph Francis Sercu William Shapiro Elise Rosenbaum Sherlin Joseph Smertenko Katalin Soltesz Molly S. Streit Selmo Tauber Louis Tobin* Gerald Unkeles Anna Urman Jacob Vidgoff Anne K. Wald Shirley Waldman Jack Zasloff Lillian Zidell February 20 & 21 Lee Ackley Nathan Adler Rick Aftergut James Henry Ashrow* Esther Hirsch Barde

Samuel K. Bergman* A. I. Bloch Lorraine Davis Alice Egart Harry Estrin Berenice Feldman Max Flaxman George Friend Rita Geller David Gold* Bernard Goldberg Samuel Hahn Edgar Hexter* Lawrence Hoffman* Rachel Horenblas Dora Kaffesieder* Raymond Eugene Krantz* Martha Lehmann* Rosalind E. Levine Anne Liebman Sylvia Margulis* David Danny Matin* Marian M. Meyer* Donna Miller Lesa Oziel Cheryl Pelz Max Raskin Don Safran Bessie Savinar Alma B. Senders Marion Silver Judge Gus J. Solomon* Norman Stein Dora Tall Rose Trachtenberg William I. Trachtenberg Adele Tunick Sam Urman Allan Weinstein Arnold Winters Edith Zavin* February 27 & 28 Frank J. Anker* Eugene Arron George Hillel Barker Norman Berenson* Theodore R. Blank* Clarence Albert Blomgren William Brenner Harold Chucker Edward “Sonny� Cogan Victor Dayan Sam Shaia Director Myrtle Donaldson Ralph Driesen

Stuart Durkheimer Erma Delman Ferrera Jacob Foster Samuel Glickman Shirley J. Gold* Maurice Goldberg Archie Goldsmith* Albert Goldwasser Edgar Goodman Eva Gross Sheila Haikins Minna Hochfeld Sue Kahana Nellie Katzky Pauline Kaufman Beatrice Kirz Annie Klonsky Richard Alan Lachman* Marie Lamfrom Adele R. Meyer Oscar Olman Louis Pannaman Gertrude Plushnick Aaron Popick Celia Raven Jack Rogel Patricia Rosen Samuel Rosen Judith Rosenberg David Rosenfeld Pearl Russell Samuel Russell Henrietta Segal Norman Stamm Jennie Tanne Anna Tenenbaum Harold Unkeles Seymour Utay Lois Waldinger Polly S. Weil* Goldie L. Weinstein Donald Wolfstone Laura Yankowitz Sonia Zalk Zelda Director Zeidman

(*) next to a name indicates a memorial plaque has been purchased to ensure the beloved departed is remembered in perpetuity. For information about memorial plaques in the Temple, please contact Jemi Kostiner Mansfield at (503) 222-1069 or jemi@bethisrael-pdx.org.


Congregation Beth Israel

February 2015 SUNDAY 1  Shevat 12

Shevat-Adar 5775

MONDAY 2  Shevat 13

Book Group 9:00 AM SBR Religious School/ B’nei Mitzvah 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM




3  Shevat 14

4  Shevat 15

5  Shevat 16

6  Shevat 17

7  Shevat 18

Midrasha (grades 6-8) 5:30 PM SEC


Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR

Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR

Adult B’nei Mitzvah 6:00 PM SBR

WRJ/BIS Board Meeting 6:30 PM SBR

Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC

Tot Shabbat 9:30 AM PC

JND Shabbat Service 7:30 PM PC

Shabbat Morning Service: Bat Mitzvah of Olivia Flamm 10:30 AM Temple

Social Action Committee 7:00 PM SBR

JND Potluck 9:00 PM BA

Midrasha (grades 9-12) 12:15 PM SEC

9  Shevat 20

Religious School/ B’nei Mitzvah 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM


Adult Ed: Tri-Faith Dialogue - Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage 7:00 PM St. Mary’s

4th Grade Family Program 10:00 AM BA

8  Shevat 19


10  Shevat 21

11  Shevat 22

12  Shevat 23

13  Shevat 24

14  Shevat 25

Adult Ed: Civil Rights Program 7:00 PM PC

Executive Committee 12:00 PM SBR

Adult Education Committee 8:30 AM SBR

Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR

Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR

Midrasha (grades 6-8) 5:30 PM SEC


Shir Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Temple

Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 AM PC

Adult B’nei Mitzvah 6:00 PM SBR

Music Under the Dome: Peter Zisa & LeeAnn McKenna - Songs of Love 6:00 PM Temple

ECE Ahava Program 10:00 AM SEC Brotherhood Speaker: Rob Jacobs (Stand with Us) 10:30 AM MR

Havdalah Bat Mitzvah of Caroline Cohen 5:00 PM Temple

Midrasha (grades 9-12) 12:15 PM SEC Taste of Temple 5:00 PM Castaway

15  Shevat 26

16  Shevat 27

17  Shevat 28

18  Shevat 29

19  Shevat 30

20  Adar 1

21  Adar 2

No Sunday Programming

Presidents’ Day

Education Taskforce 7:00 PM SBR

Midrasha (grades 6-8) 5:30 PM SEC


Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR

Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR

Adult B’nei Mitzvah 6:00 PM SBR

Board of Trustees Meeting 6:15 PM SBR

Sisterhood Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC

Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 AM PC

No Preschool

6th Grade Shabbatini #1 10:30 AM PC & GH

22  Adar 3

23  Adar 4

Religious School/ B’nei Mitzvah 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Sisterhood Purim Cocktail Party 5:00 PM

Adult Ed series: The Struggle to Maintain Jewish Identity, Pt. 1 10:00 AM PC

24  Adar 5

25  Adar 6

26  Adar 7

27  Adar 8

28  Adar 9

Midrasha (grades 6-8) 5:30 PM SEC


Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR

Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR

Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC

Shabbat Morning Service: Bat Mitzvah of Olivia Jacobs 10:30 AM Temple

Adult B’nei Mitzvah 6:00 PM SBR

Healing Havdalah 4:30 PM PC

Midrasha (grades 9-12) 12:15 PM SEC

Adult Ed Dinner, Havdalah & Movie: Neshoba: The Price of Freedom 6:00 PM MR

Location Key HH = Harris Hall  BA = Blumauer Auditorium GH = Goodman Hall LB = Library LF = Lipman Foyer MR = Miller Room PC = Pollin Chapel SBR = Shirley & Herbert Semler Board Room SC = Shemanski Chapel SEC = Sherman Education Center SFC = Schnitzer Family Center

Administration Offices & Clergy Education Department & Preschool Fax Machine WRJ/BI Sisterhood Judaica Gift Shop Beth Israel Cemetery 426 SW Taylors Ferry Road

503-222-1069 503-222-2037 503-274-1400 503-222-1069 503-222-1069

View our calendar and campus map online at www.bethisrael-pdx.org

Congregation Beth Israel


Congregation Beth Israel

1972 NW Flanders Street Portland, OR 97209-2097


Board of Trustees 2014/2015 Officers


Ned Duhnkrack President

Jonathan Barg Stuart Chestler, Immediate Past President Eric Friedenwald-Fishman Stacy Friedman Robin McCoy Sharon Meieran Joanne Van Ness Menashe Marney Pike Yale Popowich Bob Rosenbaum David Sarasohn Arthur Steinhorn

Ted Nelson VP/President Elect Ilene Davidson Vice President Ali Garfinkle Vice President Brad Tonkin Vice President Mark Peterman Secretary John Epstein Treasurer

Auxiliaries Linda Harrison and Stephanie Siegel - WRJ/BI Sisterhood Co-Presidents David Goldwyn - Brotherhood President

Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism since 1879


Congregation Beth Israel

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