June 2016 Bulletin - Congregation Beth Israel, Portland Oregon

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Shabbat on the Plaza

Bulletin June 2016 Iyyar-Sivan 5776 Vol. 65, No. 9 Established 1858

Shabbat on the Plaza, Congregation Beth Israel’s much-loved summer tradition, returns! Every Shabbat on the Plaza service features music, mingling, and a comfortably shaded area and water for anyone who may need it (weather permitting). We’d love for you to join us!

June 10, 24 • July 8, 22 • August 5, 19 • September 2

Shabbat on the Plaza and Summer Camp Blessing Friday, June 10, 6:00 PM Temple Lawn

Shabbat on the Plaza and Food Carts Friday, July 8, 6:00 PM Temple Lawn

Join Congregation Beth Israel as we gather on the Temple lawn for a beautiful outdoor Shabbat Service. Together, we’ll celebrate our community’s youngest members as they cap off another school year and prepare for their busy summers at Camp Kalsman, our very own Camp Sababa, and other summer activities.

Come to Congregation Beth Israel for a musical outdoor Shabbat Service and stay for some of Portland’s finest food carts. We’ll gather for services on the Temple lawn in the beautiful Portland sunshine and then linger for great food and greater company!

Shabbat on the Plaza and Sisterhood Installation Friday, June 24, 6:00 PM Temple Lawn

Shabbat on the Plaza and Sha-BBQ Friday, July 22, 6:00 PM Temple Lawn

This Shabbat on the Plaza Service honors the WRJ/ Beth Israel Sisterhood’s incoming leadership and the tireless work and countless volunteer hours Sisterhood logs in support of our community. Tuv Ha’aretz, Portland’s Jewish CSA, will be joining us.

Two things without which summer just wouldn’t be summer: Shabbat on the Plaza and BBQ. Join us on the Temple Lawn for the best of both!

The fun will continue throughout the summer, with Shabbat on the Plaza Services on August 5, August 19, September 2, and September 9. We’ll keep you updated with specific details as they evolve, but you can always count on these gatherings to be festive, friendly, and the highlights of the CBI summer.

B’nei Mitzvah

Our Leadership

Aaron Albert Witt Aaron Albert Witt will become Bar Mitzvah on June 4, 2016. He is the son of Anne and Andrew Witt, and younger brother of Emelia. Aaron attends Hosford Middle School. For his Mitzvah Project, Aaron is working with the Portland Parks and Recreation Creston Pool. Aaron is raising funds for the pool to teach underprivileged kids to swim during free swim week. He also plans on getting the message out to Hosford Middle School Students about free swim week.

Warner Greenbaum Warner Richard Greenbaum will become Bar Mitzvah on June 11, 2016. He is the son of Jordan Greenbaum and Jennifer Macoubray. He is in the 8th grade at Portland Jewish Academy. For his Mitzvah Project, he is working at the Robison home, visiting with his therapy dog, Roxie. In Warner’s words, “[Roxie] provides a pleasant distraction…she comforts them and gives them something to look forward to every visit. Roxie provides temporary companionship to residents who no longer have pets.”

Benjamin Isaac Olshin Benjamin Isaac Olshin will become Bar Mitzvah on June 18, 2016. A student at the Arbor School of Arts and Sciences, he is the son of Andrew Olshin and Rebecca Mischel and the brother of Solomon. Benjamin’s Bar Mitzvah projects have involved homework tutoring and creating and leading the CBI Pop-Up Pantry. Each week since September 2015, Benjamin has worked with Ilene Davidson, Elizabeth Friedenwald, Sally Rosenfeld, and other members of the CBI Social Action Committee to help elementary and middle school students living at NW Towers Annex with their homework. He has recruited several classmates from Arbor School to join this tutoring program to support these kids’ academic progress. In the process of tutoring, he has learned about education from both the student and teacher perspective. In collaboration with Lift Urban Portland and with support from CBI, Benjamin created the CBI Pop-Up Pantry in August 2015 and since then has led this event. This pantry occurs on the last two Thursdays of each month when many people who rely on Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program benefits are running low on this credit. The CBI Pop-Up Pantry is supported by the Oregon Food Bank, Lift Urban Portland and a grant from CBI’s Social Action Committee. Its purpose is to provide nutritious food to people who are affected by poverty and hunger. Benjamin is pursuing an internship with Lift Urban Portland this summer and hopes to expand the scope of his service work with this organization. He would like to pass the CBI Pop-Up Pantry mitzvah project to another CBI student and will mentor him/her in this undertaking. If you or your child is interested in pursuing this rewarding service project, please contact Benjamin at isaac11@comcast.net. Social Action Committee members Ilene Davidson, Elizabeth Friedenwald, and Sally Rosenfeld and NW Towers liaison Paul Goldman provide homework support at NW Towers Annex each Tuesday – students interested in joining this program should contact Ilene Davidson at SAC@bethisrael-pdx.org.


Live...Laugh...Love... Learn...at CBI by Cantor Ida Rae Cahana Senior Cantor There is a wonderful custom during the spring time between Passover and Shavuot to study the non-legalistic part of the Mishnah called Pirkei Avot, the sayings of our ancestors. These pithy nuggets of wisdom are so relevant in every generation rich in practical advice that they put volumes of self-help books to shame. Here are a few aphorisms from the great Rabbi Hillel, “Do not separate yourself from the community; and do not trust in yourself until the day of your death. Do not judge your fellow until you are in his place. Do not say something that cannot be understood but will be understood in the end. Say not: When I have time I will study because you may never have the time.” As this school year wraps up, along with our temple’s fiscal year, it is good to pause and take a look back as well as ahead. How has our community been a place of learning, inspiration, and friendship? How have you reached in and reached out to explore the varied experiences of CBI life? In Pirkei Avot, Hillel calls on us to be humble, non-judgmental, and empathic. He challenges us to deepen awareness through study and to enrich our life and the life of our synagogue by staying connected. Last month, I spent a few days in Chicago studying the new High Holiday Prayer Book we will be introducing this fall. Together with rabbis and cantors from around the country, we sang and studied, shared best practices and ideas for new approaches. I learned a lot about our new, remarkable Machzor (High Holiday Prayer Book), and I had the equally remarkable experience of studying with a community of clergy I am fortunate to have as mentors and friends. My biggest takeaway from this conference was what a joy it is to dig deep and study with friends; how much each of us has to share of our minds and hearts; how important it is to make that fellowship and enlightenment part of life. And here at CBI we are given so many opportunities to be an active part of a learning, doing, caring community. Some of you I count as friends, some I hope yet to meet. Some of you have been my guides; some I hope I have given guidance to. Let’s look ahead to a beautiful, restorative summer with time to meet, to sing, to learn together. This coming fall, in addition to Kol Echad, our Volunteer Choir, I will be offering a class in Adult Hebrew and Introduction to the Prayer Book. Whether you have any background knowledge or would enjoy a refresher, this class will help with basic Hebrew reading and understanding the meaning of our liturgy. Study, be a part of the community, join us for choir and/or Adult Hebrew by indicating your interest to me directly or to Alyssa at Alyssa@bethisrael-pdx.org. L’hitraot! See you soon! Cantor Ida Rae Cahana

Congregation Beth Israel

Our Leadership

Upcoming Events

A New Beginning

New High Holiday Prayer Books

by Josh Kashinsky Executive Director

“Every beginning is difficult” (Midrash Sechel Tov, Shemot) I didn’t know these words were part of our tradition, but as is so often the case, when you go looking for something, you find it. It has been such an amazing transition to arrive in Portland and join the CBI family. I have been moved by the kindness and generosity of the community as many of you have welcomed me and my family. It has also been a bit of a whirlwind as I try to learn as much as I can as quickly as I can, and I thank you all in advance for your patience as I look up information or ask you your name for the second or third time. One of the most striking aspects of our congregation is the variety and diversity of activity that one can participate in. It can be overwhelming. As someone who is new here myself, I am acutely aware of the feeling of not knowing where to start. Well, you can start with me. My door is open and I would be happy to meet and talk with anyone to hear how CBI can better meet your needs and strengthen your connection to our community and Judaism. Please feel free to email me at josh@bethisrael-pdx.org or stop by the office. I look forward to meeting you soon! Josh

The Sisterhood Prayer Book Fund has allowed us to buy a sufficient number of weekly prayer books for the congregation. Now this fund will be used to buy the new High Holiday prayer books written and designed by scholars of our Reform Movement: Machzor, “Mishkan HaNefesh.” Until October 1, 2016, when you make a donation to the Fund ($54.00), a bookplate will be placed in one of the books with your name or the name of a loved one. Please use the online form (visit www.bethisrael-pdx.org/give/give-now and select “Prayer Book” fund from the drop down menu), call the CBI Office (503) 222-1069, or stop by and fill out a Tribute Form.


Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Support Group Thursday, June 2, 6:30 PM Amy R. Goldsmith/Spear Research Library

Part of CBI’s ongoing Hineinu initiative, this group provides emotional and educational support for caregivers and care partners of people with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

Erev Shavuot and Confirmation Saturday, June 11, 6:00 PM Temple

Save the date and please join our 10th grade class for this special tradition.


Book Club!

The Congregation Beth Israel book club has started its summer vacation! Thanks for a great year of wonderful reads and conversation. If you want to add a selection great Jewish books your summer reading list, we recommend The Great Escape by Kati Marton and A Marriage of Opposites by Alice Hoffman, both of which we will discuss when we reconvene this fall.

June 2016


Developing CBI Be a Legacy by Jenat Levison Feldman Development Director Truth be told, I feel a great sense of pride every time someone tells me joining Congregation Beth Israel was the right move for them and/or their family. It is truly an honor to be part of an organization that has a 158 year legacy of creating Jewish memories and impacting Jewish lives. Whether you are a planner of or a participant in the many great programs and services at CBI, we can all agree there is something here for everyone – and more opportunities to get involved and connected are appearing every day. At recent big events like the Purim Schpiel, the Women’s Seder, and Mitzvah Day, I have kvelled watching established relationships deepen and loved having the opportunity to connect members to each other. Feeling good about being a member happens in small ways too, like when (as highlighted recently on OPB!) our clergy help Israeli couples

as they add to their families via gestational surrogate, or when they make miracles happen by bringing two loving adults under the chuppah for matrimony. The connectedness extends beyond our campus as we engage with each other at local markets, parks, and other places in this wonderful city we are privileged to call home. As I’ve said repeatedly, all of this is because of you! We are blessed and impressed with the continuing generosity of our community which supports our infrastructure and our programs. We at CBI want to continually say thank you to everyone – that means our supporters of the past, the present, and the future. It is with unbridled pride and appreciation that we share our continually expanding CBI Legacy Circle, which recognizes every person and family that have notified CBI (in the past or the present) of their intention to name our congregation as a beneficiary of their life’s work and good fortune. A legacy lasts forever. The gifts of these generous donors left in perpetuity combined with our annual campaign enable us to do all that we do. So now I invite you to join this esteemed group and be a CBI legacy. There is no time like the present to ensure the future of forever. Please contact me so we can discuss how you can become a CBI Legacy: Jen (503) 222-1069 or jen@bethisrael-pdx.org

It is an honor and a privilege to recognize all our Legacy Circle members as of June 1, 2016. Joy Alkalay* Anonymous William and Sydney Baer Carole Barkley Monte and Frances Bettman* Philip and Fay Blank* Henry* and Gerel Blauer George and Harriet* Bodner Lynn Bonner Howard and Raquel Byer Lance and Deborah Caldwell Bernard Carr* Mandi and Stuart Chestler Daniel J. and Elizabeth O. Cohn* Edward* and Margery Cohn Marcia Colton Roger and Midge Cone James and Ilene Davidson Sylvia Davidson Susan Diamond Nettie Director* Simon and Helen Director* Ned Duhnkrack Barbara Durkheimer and Gary Larsen Stuart and Leah Durkheimer* Lester Eisendorf* Judith Ann Epstein* Marie Louise Feldenheimer* Jen and Howard Feldman Martin Fishel* Andrew Frank Thomas Georges III and Linda Georges Thomas and May Georges* William and Shirley Gittelsohn* Richard and Beth Glassman Maurice* and Ilene Goldberg Arthur and Martha Goldsmith* Douglas and Lila Goodman Michelle and Steve Gradow Rachel Halupowski Craig Hartzman and James John Margaret Hasson Celia Heims*

Irwin and Renee Holzman and family Benjamin* and Janice Isenberg Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph James and Rhonda Kennedy Morris Klein* Charles and Lois Koteen Henry Kunowski and Kerstin Schulz Robert and Sally Landauer Gerald and Evelyn Leshgold Kathleen Lewis Kenneth Lewis Joan Lindholm David and Beverly Lipman* Lee Lowenson Rita Lubliner* Arnold Maizels* Richard and Harriet Maizels Lynn L. Marks Barry and Susan Menashe Joanne Van Ness Menashe and Joe Menashe Ruben and Elizabeth Menashe Robert and Robin Mesher Alan and Lana Miller Edith O. Miller* Lloyd and Beverly Miller* Ted Nelson and Curt Shaffstall Robert Neuberger* John and Hulda Neustadter* Kenneth and Debra Novack Jackie and Burton* Nudelman Victor Nudelman* Henry and Nancy Oseran Mark and Judy Peterman Robert and Rita Philip Harold and Jane Pollin Gerald* and Lois Poplack Anita Reinhorn* Philip and Dorothy Reiter Laurie and Bert Rogoway Gayle Romain Millard and Carolyn Rosenblatt* Alan and Eve Rosenfeld Lloyd B. Rosenfeld*

Sally Rosenfeld Tiffany and Eric Rosenfeld John and Marti Rosenthal Lawrence Rosenthal* Franklin Rosumny Richard and Deanne Rubinstein Arnold and Rose Rustin Hal Ruthizer* Bunny and Jerry Sadis Ken and Loree Sakai Jeaneatta “Rusty” Sautter* Norman* and Elaine Savinar Ralph and Bernice Schlesinger* Gilbert* and Thelma Schnitzer Harold* and Arlene Schnitzer Harold and Arlene Schnitzer CARE Foundation Lois Schnitzer Manuel and Edith Schnitzer* Herbert and Shirley Semler Ruth Semler* Joel Seres and Sandra Lamer Seres Douglas and Dorothy* Sherman Estelle Director Sholkoff* Michael Simon and Suzanne Bonamici Milton and Marilyn Singer* Jill Newman Slansky Mortimer and Alice Mary Solomon* Richard Solomon and Alyce Flitcraft Ruth Spear* Donald Spiegel and Deborah Davis-Spiegel Frances Stern* Marvin* and Gloria Swire Robert and Mitzi* Tobias Ron Tonkin* Bianca and Tony Urdes Robert P. Weil* Joella Werlin and Robert* Autrey Isam and Rose White* Jeff and Lynn Wolfstone Jennifer and Kenneth Zeidman Jerome and Zelda Zeidman* Alan* and Janet Zell *Of blessed memory


Congregation Beth Israel


Mitzvah Day

The Graduate

capstone centered on Learning and Learners in our Jewish educational settings, and the important Jewish identity work we engage in with our students and families each and every day. In thinking deeply about our Jewish learners at CBI, I want to share with you an excerpt from my capstone as window into what underlies our educational decision making and planning for our upcoming 2016-17 school year!

by Ben Sandler Education Director I am incredibly grateful to Congregation Beth Israel, and my family and friends who supported me over the past two years as a student at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR). This past May in New York I graduated from the Executive M.A Program in Jewish Education with a Master of Arts in Religious Education. Over the course of the program I had the opportunity to study at each of the HUC-JIR campuses in Cincinnati, Los Angeles, New York, and Israel. In between intensive studies I completed online coursework that allowed me to attend classes in real time with students from around North America. In this format, my cohort and I had the opportunity to study with incredible professors and scholars from all of the campuses, providing a rich course of study with some of the best minds and hearts in Jewish education today. In addition, all of my cohort classmates were, like myself, already Jewish professionals working in their fields for five or more years. My classmates including rabbis, educators, museum directors, URJ leaders, and NFTY leaders among others.

“Across Jewish educational settings, professional and lay leaders determine the purpose of education and the curriculum broadly defined: how the content should be delivered and what experiences are important for the learners to ensure the learning is relevant and ongoing. Learning is the lifelong process of transforming information and experience into knowledge, skills, behaviors, and attitudes. Learners seek to connect in order to build community, while exploring an identity that is ever changing. Learners strive for competence and confidence in their realities, seeking truths that are relevant to their lives. As Jewish educators, the challenge is to maintain a balance between the Learning and the interest and needs of the Learner.”

The course of study in the program was divided into three types: Educational Leadership Studies, Jewish Studies, and Integrative Studies. My

L’ Shalom, Ben Sandler

Mitzvah Day 2016! A giant thank you for being part of another outstanding Mitzvah Day! Nearly 300 people volunteered! Thank you for spending a beautiful Sunday morning helping others in our community in a myriad of ways – preparing and freezing meals for congregants in need; performing for and visiting with the residents of Cedar Sinai Park; beautifying our cemetery; cleaning and repairing books for the Children’s Book Bank; making blankets for CODA, placemats and cards for the Caring Cooking and Soup Sac projects, catnip toys for the Cat Adoption Team, quilt pieces for the Linus Project and coffee cup sleeves for UpLife Portland; cleaning the CBI Library; cleaning the food pantry at Lift Urban Portland; preparing a tasty brunch for our neighbors at NW Tower; making soup and sandwich lunches for the homeless; sorting and stocking food for Sunshine Pantry; and participating in an educational youth group project related to LGBTQ issues. We hope you all felt you made a difference, helped to build community and had a blast! To view the CBI Mitzvah Day photo album, visit: www.bethisrael-pdx.org/cbi-media/photo-gallery/mitzvah-day-2016

June 2016


Community HINEINU: We are Here, Together! Hineinu is our ongoing commitment to strengthen our community and recognize the kedusha (sanctity) of one another. Working together, both inside and outside the dome, we are creating opportunities for our congregants to find connections, create relationships, and nurture and support one another and our community. At CBI we are saying, “Hineinu, We are here, here together!” In the past several months, we have seen Hineinu come alive with programs and events providing meaningful opportunities for involvement and engagement. Our programming continues in the months ahead, so please be sure to check out the Hineinu section of the weekly e-newsletter, Beneath our Dome.

GREETERS How we welcome our community and guests into services, programs, and events. Susan Milstein, Chair Greeters continue to offer a warm welcome to services and events at Congregation Beth Israel. They introduce newcomers to regulars and make regulars (or veterans who have not been around for a while) feel as if they always have a place at CBI. A simple ‘hello’, a welcoming ‘Shabbat Shalom’, a friendly greeting – that’s the essence of being a Greeter. With our upcoming Shabbat on the Plaza schedule (sunshine guaranteed!), we need more Greeters. You can sign up on-line at http://vols.pt/uxGHBp or contact Greeters@bethisrael-pdx.org.

FAMILIES How we connect youth and parents with others at the same life stages. Robin McCoy, Kira Dennison-Capen, and Rachel Pollin, Co-Chairs From Tot Shabbat to Confirmation to high school graduation, CBI families are coming together for grade-level celebrations, community connections, parents groups, and special opportunities to engage with one another. Please check out the weekly Beneath our Dome for the most current information and if you would like to be among the first to know the activities being planned, please contact Alyssa Mandula at Alyssa@bethisrael-pdx.org or Families@bethisrael-pdx.org and we’ll make sure your email is added to our list!

ADULTS How we, as adults, connect at every stage of our life. Margie and Michael Anton, Co-Chairs The Adult Cohorts provide opportunities for contemporaries to come together for outings and cultural events at CBI and in the community. The Adult 50+ cohort has enjoyed three very different programs this spring. The screening of God’s Slave at the Sephardic Film Festival was riveting, as was the standing ovation performance by Mona Golabek in The Pianist of Willesden Lane at Portland Center Stage. There was an excursion to see beautiful tulips at the Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival (see the following photos by Wendy Weiss) although we missed the bulk of the blooms thanks to the unseasonable early spring weather. We can’t always count on Mother Nature, so we will plan an earlier outing next year. There is one upcoming event in June, a concert by Chicago at the Oregon Zoo on Sunday, June 19th. RSVP to MMAnton2001@gmail.com if


you are going and we can all picnic together before the concert. Please contact Alyssa Mandula at CBI - (503) 222-1069 or email Adults@bethisrael-pdx.org to participate in our active group. Another new and on-going adult initiative is Knit ‘n Nosh. If you love to knit or crochet (or both!) or have always wanted to learn, please join Sharon Brenner, David Gilbert, and Margie Anton in the Board Room on Tuesday, June 28th from 12:30-2:30 PM. Bring a sandwich or snack and CBI will provide beverages. Knit ‘n Nosh will be held in the Board Room on the last Tuesday of June, July, and August, so mark your calendars for 6/28, 7/26, and 8/30. After August, we will move to the library on the last Sunday of each month also from 12:30-2:30 PM. No RSVPs are necessary, but if you have any questions, please contact Margie Anton at MMAnton2001@gmail.com. Fun and camaraderie are guaranteed, and you just might learn something new!

CARING COMMUNITY How we care for and connect with one another in times of sorrow and joy. Robert Kravitz and Bobbie Goldstein, Co-Chairs The Caring Community is dedicated to the mitzvah of Bikkur Cholim, providing support, comfort and connection to those in need and creating bonds within our CBI community. The ways that the Caring Community continues to fulfill this mission are: Neighborhood Circles: Neighborhood Circles are up and running, with members creating opportunities to connect to one another in a geographic area. In May, Kira and Jeff Capen hosted a potluck for the Northeast Circle and another group organized a hike along Powell Butte. Along with social gatherings, Neighborhood Circles can also help if and when there is a specific need for a person or family in your area. It might be a ride, a shiva meal, a visit. Whatever the request, the CBI office will send out an email and you or another member of your Neighborhood Circle may choose to offer assistance and help fill that need. There is no obligation - just an opportunity to help when and if you can. Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Support Group: Open to the whole community, this support group has been providing emotional and educational support for caregivers and care partners of people with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. It meets on the first Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM in the Library. For questions or any additional information, please contact fellow congregant Maurrie Salenger at mbsalenger@gmail.com. For more information or to participate in any of the Caring Community initiatives please contact CaringCommunity@bethisrael-pdx.org.

Congregation Beth Israel


Brotherhood THE SISTERHOOD REPORT CARD The Sisterhood Report Card was available at the Annual Meeting. Here are the numbers and the significant achievements:

Installation of The Sisterhood Board

Friday, June 24, 6:00 PM Temple Lawn Please join for the Installation of The Sisterhood Board, which will take place during Shabbat on the Plaza. The new Sisterhood Board includes: President: Lynn Gelber Immediate Past President: Stephanie Siegel Recording Secretary: Michael Richman Corresponding Secretary: Shoshanna Lansberg Treasurer: Leslie Robinson Parliamentarian: Diane Lowensohn Advocacy and Social Action Chair: Anita Mention

CBI Liaison: Kathleen Doctor Communications Chair: Sally Swire Next Generation: Shaina Boal Programming Chair: Linda Harrison Religious Programming Chair: Kate Royston Volunteer Coordinator: Debbie Braymer Gift Shop: Bonnie Barg Emerita: Ellen Bick

Thank You, Ellen Bick!

Sisterhood member Ellen Bick was chair of the Women of Reform Judaism planning team for the first Wilkenfeld Leadership Program. This program, held in London, was an overwhelming success, attended by remarkable women from worldwide progressive Jewish communities. Ellen is to be commended for her leadership both beneath and far beyond the dome.

Mitzvah Day

Sisterhood fed breakfast to 300 volunteers during Mitzvah Day, and led two projects: cleaning and cataloguing books in the Amy R. Goldsmith/ Spear Research Library, and cooking soup for the Caring Community. In addition, Sisterhood members created beautiful pillows for post-operative breast cancer patients at the Ruth J. Spear Breast Center. These small pillows are a great comfort to women and help during recovery. A special thanks to our seamstresses: Michael Richman and Diane Lowensohn.

Stephanie Siegel Honored!

Stephanie Siegel, Immediate Sisterhood Past President, is the WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood nominee for the Jewish Women’s Roundtable’s (JWRT) 24th Song of Miriam Award, which honors outstanding women volunteers.

251 Sisterhood Members 4 Women sent to URJ Biennial/WRJ Assembly in Orlando, FL $6,300 Money raised by the Progressive Dinner, Arts & Accessory and Bake Sales, and Sisterhood Leadership Circle

$8,000 Gift Shop Sales $6,800 Annual donation to Religious School, Preschool, and

Camp Kalsman

$12,800 Purchase of 500 new High Holiday Prayer Books, including large print books

$1,800 Donation to first CBI Women’s Seder, to assure inclusion 25 Engagement opportunities for Sisterhood and for CBI members during 5776

Additionally, Sisterhood: üü R eceived a Women of Reform Judaism Or Ami “Light of My People” Awards for Exceptional Programming üü R einvented the Amy R. Goldsmith/Spear Research Library, purchasing of furniture, new adult and children’s books, and three laptops loaded with ancestry.com üü C reated five Special Sundays featuring CBI member speakers on topics ranging from “Being Jewish in PDX (Lisa and David Sarasohn) to “The Forgotten Native American History of Portland” (Tracy Prince) to “Growing Up Jewish in the Deep South (Ann and Lewis Young) üü S ponsored the Special Community Seder for over 50 members of the Portland Jewish Community, and provided ongoing support to the Goose Hollow Family Shelter and Cedar Sinai Park üü L ed Tot Shabbats to help educate young children and promote engagement of young families and gave cell phone-free driving pledge cards to Religious School high school students and staff üü S ent 80 care packages to college students and military personnel at Chanukah and at Purim üü H elped CBI congregants connect with their ancestral roots. Tatiana Lifshitz, a member of CBI expert in genealogy and research can help you start building your tree and teach you the beginnings of research methods available online. She can help with the archives around the world, foreign languages and expertise in immigration laws and history helpful to identify the origins and paths traveled by your ancestors. Ms. Lifshitz will be available at times during the summer months. Contact her by emailing her at vivereinitalia@comcast.net.

On Mitzvah Day the mighty men of the CBI Brotherhood built a pyramid. Well, maybe not. But we did restore a significant piece of our historic walkway. Special thanks go to Peter, Andrew, Stuart, Glen, Mel, Jason, Scott, Henry, Darren, Jeff, and Eric. Eric wins the high achiever award for arriving early and shoveling the last load of gravel. We could not have done so much without four under 25 year olds Luis, Isidro, David, and Joey. We were lucky to have several younger participants including Max Joseph, our only five year old worker.

June 2016


L’Dor V’Dor From Generation to Generation

Very Thoughtful People

Mazel Tov to

Condolences to

Dr. Howard Feldman, recipient of the The Alexander Christie Award for twenty-five years of service to the University of Portland.

Michelle Collins on the loss of her husband and to Rachel, Hannah, and Talia Rosenbloom on the loss of their stepfather, Glen Collins.

CBI’s beloved Education Director, Ben Sandler, on receiving his Master of Arts in Religious Education from Hebrew Union CollegeJewish Institute of Religion. Harry Glickman, 2016 recipient of the Pioneer Award from the University of Oregon, an honor that puts him in elite company with past recipients Ahmad Rashad, Phil Knight, Anne Curry, and many great business leaders.

Family and friends of Dottie Fields, who passed away on April 30, 2016. Helen Gould, Diane Gould, and Janet (Ed) Bausch on the loss of their mother and Darvy Gould on the loss of his grandmother, Pamela Gould, who passed away on March 31, 2016.

Cantor Judith and David Schiff on the birth of their grandson, Eliot Leo Sperling, on April 26, 2016 in Los Angeles, CA. Mazel Tov as well to proud parents Jamie and Jason Sperling, big brother Jacob, and grandparents Louis and Becky Sperling of Rhode Island. Irv and Gail Handelman on the birth of their sixth grandchild, Dashiel, on March 25, 2016 to proud parents Thea Handelman and Phil Bezanson. May they grow in health and wisdom and be a source of strength to their families and all humankind.

Very Thoughtful People Allison B. Cohen Madrichim Training and Religious School Scholarship Fund In Honor of Brady Remick’s 7th Birthday Josh and Amy Remick

Altar Flowers and Oneg Shabbat In Memory of Dorothy L Durkheimer Julie Durkheimer and Mark Dohrmann Irving Krosner Jean Krosner Helen Mittleman Leonard Schnitzer Babette Schnitzer Abrams Family

Caring Community Fund In Memory of Dorothy Durkheimer Don Spiegel and Deborah Davis-Spiegel General Contribution Given By Anonymous

Cemetery Beautification In Memory of Joy Alkalay Pierce Ethier Henry Blauer Mrs. Henry Blauer


Leonard Schnitzer Jill and Richard Edelson Shirley Robinowitz Chuck and Selene Robinowitz Ted Balmforth M Balmforth Babette Schnitzer Lois Schnitzer

Rabbi Cahana Discretionary In Memory of Shirley Gittelsohn William Gittelsohn Ernest Bonyhadi Goldie Rosenbaum Donna Brownstein Sheina Esther Levin Derek and Lydia Lipman General Contribution Given By Lindner Family

Cantor Cahana Discretionary In Memory of Dorothy Morgenstern Martha and Les Soltesz Anna Richman Jim and Michael Richman Robert Weinstein Leslie Kelinson In Honor of Cantor Ida Rae Cahana’s Hospitality Meg O’Brien, St. Mary’s Academy General Contribution Given By Lindner Family

Rabbi Joseph Discretionary In Memory of William Hill-Parks Rebecca Hill and John Parks General Contribution Given By Lindner Family

Cantor Schiff Discretionary In Memory of Jack Karlin Alice and Michael Powell

General Administrative

In Memory of Goldie Rosenbaum Executive Director Discretionary Fund of the OJCF Betty and Randy Rubenstein and Benita Schlesinger Helen Svidlow Gilbert Olman Jacob Leo Krane Jeff and Sherri Weinstein Nellie Friedman Debbie Friedman and Gary Peterson Gussie B Seres Joel Seres Irvin Layton Jean Layton Barbara Hurwitz Daniel Hurwitz In Honor of Louise Ruben (Birthday) Harry and Joanne Glickman

Congregation Beth Israel

Oseran Family Lecture In Memory of Antoinette Himmelreich Silas Himmelreich Marge Cohn Preschool

In Memory of Mitzi Layton Patricia Nemer General Contribution Given By Anonymous

Ruth Semler Youth Activities In Memory of Victor Nudelman Leon Semler Helen Spivak and Family Victor A Nudelman Dottie Fields Lisa Leener Dr. Avrel Nudelman

Sally Vidgoff Camp Kalsman Scholarship In Memory of Cerdel Lennis Fay and Len Oppenheimer Hannah Zell Leonard Zell

Very Thoughtful People Sanny Snell Preschool Scholarship

I Have A Dream

In Memory of Rachella Meekcoms Kryszek Leonard, Yvonne and Ben Gionet Henry Braunsten Bernie Caplan

In Memory of Justin Landauer Robert and Sally Landauer

Social Action (General)


In Memory of Vera Hoffman Fine Wilma Jane Balick

CBI Team Senior Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana rabbicahana@bethisrael-pdx.org Senior Cantor Ida Rae Cahana cantorcahana@bethisrael-pdx.org Associate Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph rabbijoseph@bethisrael-pdx.org

In Honor of Leona Mitchell (She won’t dance, but she can sing!) Lindner Family

Temple Improvement

In Memory of Laura Bolliger Lena Von Flue Rose Rustin Roslyn Maizels Steve, Natalie, and Harrison Maizels Arthur Tarlow Sharon Tarlow Hyman Veltman Marcia Colton, Risa Colton-Feldman and Louis Feldman, and Jacob and Noah Feldman Henrietta Margulis Dolorosa and David Margulis Babette Schnitzer Leonard Schnitzer Helen Mittleman Harry MIttleman Gayle and Paul Romain Leonard Schnitzer Lois Schnitzer Sasha Drutter Susan Gerson In Honor of Barbara Lang (Birthday) Stuart Lang (Birthday) Renée and Irwin Holzman Joyce Loeb (Birthday) Bunny Edelson General Contribution Given By Anonymous

In Memory of Edward Rosenfeld Eve and Alan Rosenfeld Richard Berman Pierce Ethier Carolyn See Eleanore Rubinstein Irwin Koenigsberg Paul and Arlene Koenigsberg Paul Sonnes Robert Alan Sonnes In Honor of Congregation Beth Israel Staff Lindner Family Nancy Hasman’s Special Birthday and New Home Atkins Family In Appreciation Kim Schneiderman Rabbi Rose Pierce Ethier

Urman Family College Communication In Memory of Edis Cohen Marvin and Lois Urman

Estelle Director Sholkoff Jewish Educators Scholarship In Memory of Lillian Lisa Wax Mark, Roberta, Blair, and Stephani Wax Henry Sholkoff Richard B Dobrow and Rachel Dobrow Stone

Education Department Education Director Ben Sandler, M. Ed. ben@bethisrael-pdx.org Youth Group Director Shoshanna Pro shoshanna@bethisrael-pdx.org

In Memory of Leonard Schnitzer Dina Schnitzer

Heims Family Youth Activities Endowment

Spear Research Library

In Memory of David Light Dorothy and Ray Packouz Mary Collins Harry B Harrison Dodie Harrison Abraham Paul Meyer Paul and Alice Meyer Mildred Sidell Gerald and Evelyn Leshgold Louis Romoff Marian Creamer

Harold & Arlene Schnitzer Facilities Fund

Holzman Family Religious School Fund

In Honor of Stuart Lang (Birthday) Donna Brownstein, Barbara and Barry Caplan, Debbie and Michael Kovsky, Bert and Laurie Rogoway, and Bunny and Jerry Sadis Linda Ostomel

Lloyd B. Rosenfeld Youth Leadership Fund In Memory of Karl S Frey Eric and Tiffany Rosenfeld

May Georges Study in Israel Scholarship

In Memory of Yonatan Suher Risa, Louis, Jacob, and Noah Feldman In Honor of Zoe Carver’s Bat Mitzvah Risa, Louis, Jacob, and Noah Feldman Declan Glover’s Bar Mitzvah Risa, Louis, Jacob, and Noah Feldman

Nettie Director Library Book Endowment In Memory of Goldie Rosenbaum Donna Brownstein

Director of Membership and Special Events Marisa Reby marisa@bethisrael-pdx.org Communications Coordinator Tracy Alifanz tracy@bethisrael-pdx.org

Education Administrator Ziva Sholin ziva@bethisrael-pdx.org

Office Administrator Alyssa Mandula alyssa@bethisrael-pdx.org

Member Services

Finance Director Jim Baldwin, CPA jim@bethisrael-pdx.org

Rabbi Emeritus Emanuel Rose, D.H.L., D.D. rabbirose@bethisrael-pdx.org

Executive Director Josh Kashinsky josh@bethisrael-pdx.org

Cantor Emerita Judith Blanc Schiff cantor@bethisrael-pdx.org

Development Director Jen Feldman jen@bethisrael-pdx.org

Accounting Assistant Vicki Greif vicki@bethisrael-pdx.org

June 2016

Simon & Helen Director Endowment In Memory of Simon Director Helen Director Cameron and Dick Davis

WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood Funds

Prayer Book

In Memory of Leonard Schnitzer Babette Schnitzer Helen Mittleman Jeanne Newmark Joseph Harrison Dodie Harrison Jerry M Colton Marcia Colton, Risa Colton-Feldman and Louis Feldman, and Jacob and Noah Feldman Hy Samuels Stuart Cohen and Steve Jolly Beverly Steinhorn Morton Steinhorn Arthur and Benjamin Steinhorn Dorothy Durkheimer Mary Kinspel Barbara Durkheimer and Gary Larsen Jerry M Colton Margo Sercu Edythe Rubin Debra, Wally and Rachel MacDougall In Honor of Michelle Gradow Steve Gradow Sylvia Edelman Susan Golden Raye Kaplan Sarah and John Epstein

Service to the Blind

In Memory of Melvin Rubin Debra, Wally and Rachel MacDougall

Facilities Staff Perry Meekins, Facilities Manager Tony Bennett Shalamar Washington Dallas Van Winkle Susie Young

Culinary Artistry 503-232-4675 Jenn Louis

Catering Panel

Lisa Glickman, LLC Private Chef 541-728-6678 Lisa Glickman

Alfresco Catering by Sheraton 503-335-2858 Shellie Engelquist Art of Catering 503-231-8185 Larry Grimes

Devil’s Food Catering 503-233-9288 Charles Stilwell

VT Group: Vibrant Table, Food In Bloom, f&b Café 503-297-9635 Karen Rich

Century Catering 503-849-2605 Allen Levin


In Remembrance ~ May their memory be for a blessing. June 3 & 4 Muriel Anton Adrienne Levin Arnsberg* Leah Blank Christopher Glen Brooks Rabbi Moshe Cahana Jerry Canton Sally De Leon Simon Director* Phillip Epstein Hedy Farkas Bernice Feibleman Leah Feinstein Dov Feuer Howard A. Fishel* Albert G. Gilbert* Florence Golub Charles L. Greenblatt Gloria DeDuke Hess* William Andersen Kaa Harold Kaplan Arthur Katzky Sadie Shapiro Kaufman* Mary Rebecca Kinspel Janice Kohler Anna Krys Martin Krys Rachella Meekcoms Kryszek Paul Lamfrom Justin Landauer Delphine Levenson* Joseph Lewis Pearl Lipkin Robert Dean Lipman* Elizabeth Lipman Edith Lok-Schwartz Roslyn G. Maizels Patsy Mattila John H. Jack Neustadter* Benjamin Oseran Sylvia Paley Dolores Passamaneck Irving Pentelnik Robert Radding Dorothy Rogel Edward E. Rosenbaum Marvin Rosenberg Rose L. Rosencrantz* Eugenie J. Rothschild* Max Rubenstein Melvin Rubin Jack Saltzman Ida Saperstein Lester Seinfeld Sylvia Seinfeld Gertrude Semler*

Nathan Shapiro Sylvia Shlim* Robert C. Stenger Alan Baron Tonkin* Abe Weiner Edward Weiss Joseph Werlin Lawrence Wilk Ethel Williams* Robert Stephen Wolf* Ronald Yankowitz June 10 & 11 Laila Aarnas Isaac Adler Amelia Backman* Ted Balmforth Henry S. Blauer* Esta Brown Robert Cohen Arthur Cohen Phill Cohn* Jack L. Davis* Judith Dreier Mike (Milton) Drucker Dorothy Durkheimer Karl S. Frey Leslie G. Gilbert* Isadore L. Golby* Elizabeth Goldfaden Charles Greenblatt Marlene Jacoby Florence M. Kane Jack J. Karlin Su Kawamoto Sydelle Levine Martha Beatrice Martin Isabel Martin* Roger Seller Meier Belle Morrison Mark Platman Susan Platt Rose Popick Shirley Robinowitz Roger Ruby Hy Samuels* Leonard E. Schnitzer* Babette Schnitzer* Jack B. Schwartz Joseph Shemanski* Hattie Sonnenfeld Simon* Arthur Tarlow Moe M. Tonkon* William L. Unger Joshua Weiner Bonita Weinstein

Irving David Wilson* Heddy Winterman Pauline Bercovitz Wright* Leah Zavin* Becky Zeldin Richard Zimmerman June 17 & 18 Elinor Adler Irving I. Ail Benjamin Becker Flora Fleischner Berkowitz* Richard Berman* Alec L. Black* Edis Cohen Morris Dennison Joseph Edelstein Marjorie Frank Gertrude N. Genecov Shirley Gittelsohn Leo Gold Samuel Goldman George M. Goldstein* Morris A. Goldstein* Leona Hoffman Sylvia Holzman Barbara Hurwitz Maurice Kaplan Leo Katzky Henry Kavitt* Irwin Koenigsberg Maurice Krass Helen Lauterstein Irvin Layton David Light Herman A. Lowen* James M. Marks Helen Mittleman* Victor A. Nudelman* Susan Overbeck Clara Roth David Rubin Roseanne Saunders Joachim J. Jack Schneider Bertha Senders* Gussie Seres Jack Sheinin* Henry Sholkoff Edward T. Sigell Irving E. Sklare* Rose Sobelman Jamie Stadig Abraham Tobin Lillian Lisa Wax Hannah Zell

(*) next to a name indicates a memorial plaque has been purchased to ensure the beloved departed is remembered in perpetuity. For information about memorial plaques in the Temple, please contact Tracy at (503) 222-1069 or tracy@bethisrael-pdx.org.


Congregation Beth Israel

June 24 & 25 Jean Adler Kathleen Andrianoff Edith Prensky Ashrow* Edward K. Berg* Gordon Brandies Ida Brenner Tillie Driesen Sylvia Canton Edelman Melvin Feinstein Vera Hoffman Fine* William Gittelsohn Jeffrey Gradow Charlotte Greenberg Claire Grossman Harry B. Harrison Robert Hartzman William Hill-Parks Jack Hirsch Caro Wolf Jacobs* Gloria John Flora Velt Kirk Mollie Paulowitz Klein Fanny E. Kowitt* Jacob Leo Krane Irving Krosner Charles Irving Kwartler Diana Van Straaten Levy* Gus Lowengart* Henrietta Margulis* Alex E. Miller* Malcolm Pike Abe Puziss Florence Robinson Sidney Rosen Evelyn S. Savinar* Fred Schlesinger* Leon Semler Bruce Lyle Sheinin* Iris Rita Sherman Rubin B. Shulman Mildred Leshgold Sidell* Rose L. Sigell Lillian Sussman Helen Svidlow Audrey Tannenbaum Doris Hahn Treuhaft Stanley H. Wald Alan Weiner Robert Weintein

June 2016

Iyyar-Sivan 5776



5  Iyyar 28

6  Iyyar 29


7  Sivan 1




1  Iyyar 24

2  Iyyar 25

3  Iyyar 26

4  Iyyar 27

Social Action Committee Meeting 5:00 PM SBR

WRJ/BIS Board Meeting 6:00 PM SBR

Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR

Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR

Alzheimer’s Association Caregiver Support Group 6:30 PM LB

Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC

Tot Shabbat 9:00 AM PC

9  Sivan 3

10  Sivan 4

11  Sivan 5

Executive Committee 12:00 PM SBR

Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR

Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR

8  Sivan 2

Shabbat Morning Service: Bar Mitzvah of Aaron Witt 10:30 AM Temple

Shabbat on the Plaza

12  Sivan 6

13  Sivan 7

14  Sivan 8

Shavuot Lunch & Learn 12:00 PM SBR


Shabbat Morning Service: Bar Mitzvah of Warner Greenbaum 10:30 AM Temple

6:00 PM Temple Lawn (weather permitting)

Erev Shavuot/Confirmation 6:00 PM Temple

15  Sivan 9

16  Sivan 10

17  Sivan 11

18  Sivan 12

Knit-A-Mitzvah 10:00 AM SBR

Adult Education Committee 8:30 AM SBR

Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR

Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR

Preschool Closing Picnic 12:00 PM

Board of Trustees Meeting 6:30 PM SBR

Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC

Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 AM PC Havdalah Bar Mitzvah of Benjamin Olshin 5:00 PM Temple

19  Sivan 13

20  Sivan 14

21  Sivan 15

22  Sivan 16

Pride Parade 11:00 AM

23  Sivan 17

24  Sivan 18

25  Sivan19

Pop-up Pantry 4:30 PM LF

Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR

Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR

Shabbat on the Plaza

Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 AM PC

and WRJ/BIS Installation 6:00 PM Temple Lawn (weather permitting)

26  Sivan 20

27  Sivan 21

28  Sivan 22

29  Sivan 23

30  Sivan 24 Pop-up Pantry 4:30 PM LF

Knit‘n Nosh 12:00 PM SBR

Location Key HH = Harris Hall  BA = Blumauer Auditorium GH = Goodman Hall LB = Library LF = Lipman Foyer MR = Miller Room PC = Pollin Chapel SBR = Shirley & Herbert Semler Board Room SC = Shemanski Chapel SEC = Sherman Education Center SFC = Schnitzer Family Center

Shabbat on the Plaza!

June 10, 24 • July 8, 22 • August 5, 19 • September 2

View our calendar and campus map online at


Congregation Beth Israel

Administration Offices & Clergy Education Department & Preschool Fax Machine WRJ/BI Sisterhood Judaica Gift Shop Beth Israel Cemetery 426 SW Taylors Ferry Road

503-222-1069 503-222-1069 503-274-1400 503-222-1069 503-222-1069


Congregation Beth Israel

1972 NW Flanders Street Portland, OR 97209-2097


Board of Trustees 2016/2017 Officers


Ted Nelson President

John Epstein Stacy Friedman David Goldwyn Ali Garfinkle Glen Levy Robin McCoy Sharon Meieran JoAnne Van Ness Menashe Yale Popowich Bob Rosenbaum David Sarasohn Arthur Steinhorn Tony Urdes

Ned Duhnkrack Vice President, Immediate Past President Ilene Davidson Vice President Brad Tonkin Vice President Mark Peterman Secretary Steve Gradow Treasurer

Auxiliaries Stephanie Siegel - WRJ/BI Sisterhood President Lynn Gelber - WRJ/BI Sisterhood President-Elect Andy Olshin - Brotherhood President

Social Action at CBI Village Support Network

Wear Orange on June 2 and Speak Out Against Gun Violence On Thursday, June 2, join your fellow CBI congregants, hundreds of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America activists from around the city, and millions from around the country in wearing orange to end gun violence! Orange has come to symbolize standing up to gun violence and saying we’re not going to be quiet any longer. Hunters wear orange to be seen and in 2013, after the death of a teen girl by gun violence in Chicago, her friends called on others to Wear Orange and speak out. The Morrison Bridge and buildings around the city will be lit up orange, folks will be wearing orange, and we’ll be joining with survivors, politicians, and other concerned citizens on a short walk through downtown in the evening to view the lit up bridge and gain media attention for our call to end gun violence in this country. Please join this ongoing effort on June 2 by wearing orange, joining in a short walk and paying tribute to gun violence victims. For more information please contact Amie Wexler at amiewexler@yahoo.com or go to the Facebook page for Moms Demand Action – OR. #wearorange

A team from CBI is participating in the Village Support Network, a program of New City Initiative*. This program matches teams from faith based organizations to a family as they are transitioning from being homeless to being housed. The goal is to create a relationship that will help the family build a foundation for greater stability. Over a six month period the team provides mentoring and support addressing specifics in the areas of financial stability, parenting, employment and community involvement. CBI team members are Joanie Meyers, Randi Peterson, Sally Rosenfeld, Loree Sakai and Julia Waldinger. We are happy to announce that our team has recently been matched with a family, a single mom and her 9 year old son. They are a dynamic and already strong family with much drive to stabilize their lives. The mom is working full time as a waitress but is seeking other employment which would allow her to use her professional level skills. Her son is a great kid with a variety of interests including art and music. They are grateful for the involvement of our team. We will be hosting a housewarming party on Thursday, June 9. Donations of household items, books or gift cards for this celebration are welcome. Contact Sally Rosenfeld at srosenfeldfrank@gmail.com for more information. *The New City Initiative is a non-profit with the mission to engage the faith community in ending homelessness by building supportive relationships. Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism since 1879


Congregation Beth Israel

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