March 2014 Bulletin - Congregation Beth Israel, Portland Oregon

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Established 1858

Bulletin March 2014 Adar I - Adar II 5774 Vol. 63, No. 6

And for THE KIDS...

Sunday, March 16 12:15pm following religious school

March 15, 2014 6:00 pm Purim Service, Megillah Reading & Schpiel Costumes and public displays of Adloyada* encouraged.

Blumauer Auditorium Games! Bounce House! Prizes! Costumes! The Camel! All ages welcome! Free admission

Note: Schpiel contains adult humor and content – not recommended for young children.

Lunch will be available for $5 each

*Adloyada: the commandment that one should revel on Purim until one no longer knows the difference between “Blessed be Mordecai” and “Cursed be Haman.”

Bat Mitzvah

Upcoming Events

Sarah Elizabeth Giovannozzi Sarah Giovannozzi will become Bat Mitzvah on March 15, 2014. She is the daughter of Michelle and Mark Giovannozzi and the younger sister of Rebecca and Emily. Sarah attends Jason Lee Middle School in Vancouver, WA. She has selected Stream Team as the focus of her Mitzvah Project. The Stream Team is a program of Clark Public Utilities, aimed at addressing the problems facing the Salmon Creek Watershed. Sarah has helped plant trees to reforest the Salmon Creek greenway, a watershed and nature trail near her house. Since the voluntary program’s inception in 1992, more than 700,000 trees have been planted to restore approximately 120 acres of land and preserve the salmon habitat in the stream. Sarah enjoys walking, biking, and watching wildlife on the Salmon Creek trail. By planting trees she is helping to maintain the nature preserve for her community and for the future. She will also make a donation in honor of her Bat Mitzvah to support local habitat restoration. To learn more, visit

CBI Book Group Sunday, March 2, 9:00 AM Herbert & Shirley Semler Board Room Please join our book group each month for a morning of pleasant literary discussion. There is no need to sign up. March’s selection is Norwegian By Night by Derek Miller. April’s selection is The Wanting by Michael Lavigne

“It’s good to be the king.” Blazing Schpiel: A Mel Brooks Purim Saturday, March 15 6:00 PM

Adult Education Presents: Havdalah and a Movie: Hester Street

Saturday, March 8 Potluck Dinner at 6:00 PM Movie at 7:00 PM Miller Room Hester Street, starring Carol Kane and Steven Keats, tells the story of Jewish immigrants who come to the Lower East side of New York City in 1896 from Europe and who live on Hester Street in Manhattan. The story begins with Yankel Bogovnik, a Russian Jew, assimilating to American life, having learned English, anglicized his name to Jake, and shaved off his beard. He is working at a $12/week job as a seamster, the money earned to be able to bring his family to America from Russia. His wife, Gitl, who arrives later with their son, Yossele, has difficulty assimilating. Tension arises…come see the rest of the story! Prior to the movie, please join us for a potluck dinner and rye bread and bagel tasting! Share a dish from your Bubbe’s repertoire and your favorite rye bread and/or bagels.

Sara Harwin – “Illuminated Letters: Thread of Connection” Sunday, March 30, 3:30 PM Oregon Jewish Museum Sara Harwin began working on “Illuminated Letters” in 2007 as a way to express her long-time fascination with the intersection between art and language. Inspired by traditional Jewish techniques of uncovering layers of meaning in sacred texts, “Illuminated Letters” both describes and enacts an artistic process of translating Jewish texts into images. Sara will give a short presentation. Two other exhibits, “Illuminated Manuscripts: Exhibiting the Written Word” and “Discoveries in the Archives: The JCC’s First 100 Years,” accompany Harwin’s exhibit. Wine and cheese will be provided. Admission is as follows: OJM general - $6 Seniors (62 +) - $4 OJM Members - free


Congregation Beth Israel

Our Leadership

New Members

Violence and Values

for Jewish self-defense when Amalek returns; while I don’t disagree that self-defense is one theme of Shabbat Zachor and Purim, I also don’t think it’s the only significant teaching of these passages.

by Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph Assistant Rabbi You’ve heard it before, the joke about every Jewish holiday: they tried to kill us, we won, let’s eat! The holiday of Purim is no exception: Haman tried to kill us all, we were all in danger together, so we celebrate together, too. Interestingly, the two themes of danger and celebration are very prominent in and around the celebration of Purim. The Shabbat before Purim is known as Shabbat Zachor, the Shabbat of remembrance, where we read a special Torah and haftarah reading reminding us of the dangerous nation of Amalek. These special readings before Purim begin with this remembrance of Amalek’s attack on the Israelites and continues with the prophet Samuel, in the haftarah, executing Amalek’s king, Agag, as part of Israel’s war against its enemy. These texts are connected to Purim through the figure of Haman, said to be descended from Agag; just as the Amalekites sought Israel’s destruction in its land, Haman seeks Israel’s destruction in exile. The texts of Shabbat Zachor and even of Purim itself contain shocking violence and are a sobering reminder that our world is not always safe or joyful. Some interpret these readings as reminders of the necessity

We read in the Book of Esther that Mordecai instituted Purim as not a solemn memorial day, but of feasting and sending mishloach manot, sending gifts to one another, and matanot l’evyonim, gifts to the poor. To me, these practices – sending portions of food to our friends and family and giving gifts to the poor – are also critical parts of the message. Precisely because the world can be cruel and unpredictable, our responses must not only be in kind, but also in kindness, creating compassionate communities. Compassionate communities, wherein the poor and lonely are remembered and sustained, will not in themselves stop an Amalek; but self-defense, in itself, will never heal us or the world from the scars that Amalek leaves. Perhaps Mordecai understood that after the people rose up against their enemies, the only way forward was to love each other more, and thus create the possibility that Amalek would be defeated in the realm of values, and not only in battle. This year, Purim falls on Saturday night, only a few hours after we read about Amalek and Agag. Shabbat Zachor calls us to remember what Amalek did to us, but Purim calls us to act in a way that defeats Amalek more completely: by acting out of our deepest vision of caring community, sustaining, and gladdening each other, we show the world a different way of being, and this too is a triumph. Now, let us all eat!

New Members CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL WELCOMED SIX NEW HOUSEHOLDS INTO OUR COMMUNITY LAST MONTH! Jon Plenn and Michelle Cook met in veterinary school at The Ohio State University and relocated to Portland in 2012 after getting married earlier that year. They practice small animal medicine in the Portland Metro area and enjoy all of the culture, food, and outdoor activities that the Pacific Northwest has to offer. Michelle enjoys running, yoga, and reading in her spare time, and Jon is dabbling in woodworking and creative writing. Michelle and Jon first became involved in Congregation Beth Israel though meetings with Rabbi Rachel Joseph and involvement in Mitzvah Day. Currently, both are taking Cantor Schiff’s Hebrew class. They recently bought a house in Sellwood and spend much of their free time working on the 1896 cottage. They share their home with their dog, Lobo, and cat, Tigger. Everyone in the household is excited to officially be a part of the Beth Israel community. Elaine Wolfe Ankersen, soon to be Sobel, was born and raised in Portland. Elaine grew up at Congregation Beth Israel and was part of the religious school’s 1965 confirmation class and 1967 graduation class. Her thirty-two year old daughter, Valerie, lives in Portland, and her twenty-nine year old son, Scott, lives in Eugene. She retired in 2012 from a thirty-five year career in Human Resources. She enjoys good books, good friends, and good wine and is looking forward to further travel adventures. Ron Sobel grew up in Southern California, but has been in Portland since 1971. He spent the vast majority of his career at Catlin Gabel

School, where he taught Spanish and served for over twenty years in the school’s administration as Director of Admission and Head of the Middle School. Through Catlin Gabel and Portland, Ron has many personal connections with CBI and has taught many children and parents of the congregation. Ron retired from Catlin Gabel last June after forty years and plans to travel as much as possible. He is looking forward to his participation in the life of the congregation. Jane Unger moved to Portland in 1988 from Manhattan. She was the founding director of the Profile Theater Project, where she served as its artistic director for fifteen years before stepping down to work as a freelance director. She counts her two grown daughters as her proudest achievements, loves cross-country skiing and swimming, and is a self-confessed hot yoga addict. Ketzel Levine left New York for Portland in 1996, looking for someplace that was “horticulturally hip and dog-friendly.” She is an animal rights advocate and has recently returned from six months in Cuenca, Ecuador, where she worked in animal rescue. She is involved in raising awareness about child sex trafficking in Portland (after hearing the Beth Israel Sisterhood’s award-winning presentation last year!), a new member of the CBI choir, and a rain/sleet/snow/hail hiker. We also extend a warm welcome to Ben Hartman & Ava Schoen and their daughters, Mathilda Schoen Hartman (5) and Faye Schoen Hartman (2), and to Shaina & Matt Boal.

March 2014



Let Us Include Advocacy by Sherry Fishman

Where would we be as a people had Moses not advocated for us when we were slaves and strangers in Egypt? During our inspiring Gospel Shabbat, Representative John Lewis admonished us to “Make trouble. Find a way to get in the way, and make a way out of no way.” Poverty has become much worse here in our own state and in our nation. We need to advocate to end hunger, to end poverty, to improve and make accessible education for all. We need to address the root of the problem(s). At Temple we conduct food drives; we take action to feed the hungry. Rabbi Joseph has inspired a great deal of our impetus to address food insecurity. We work to offer assistance for those in need. We have services that educate and inspire, we have evenings of lectures that further our understanding. Our clergy provide inspiration to address both our spiritual and ethical beliefs. But unless everyone has equal opportunity, has sufficient food and shelter, none of this is sufficient. There is no dayenu in one meal once in a while. No matter how valiant our efforts, no matter how many people we offer a meal to, it is still not enough. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) programs, and school lunch programs have been devastatingly cut, while we in Oregon often are highest in the nation in food insecurity. This must spur us to advocate for seniors, children, and all in need. At CBI’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Shabbat Service, Rabbi Rose alluded to King as a modern day prophet. While we can’t all be prophets, I hope all of us make advocacy a mainstay of our social action. As members of the Union for Reform Judaism, we receive emails from the Religious Action Center (RAC), our voice in the nation’s capitol. There are many links to sign petitions for budgeting for SNAP, for funding programs to create jobs, etc. These concerted efforts are actually more effective. Signing a petition or making a phone call takes only moments. Visit to sign up for these alerts. The Jewish Council for Public Affairs ( is another advocacy arm that provides links and phone-in seminars on social action/justice issues. A phone call to your Representative can make a difference. Even if they agree with you, the numbers for and against an issue give them a basis for how their constituents stand on any given matter. Our representatives and senators want to hear from us. Visit and www.senate. gov to access phone numbers and email addresses. Lastly, at a recent legislative coffee sponsored by the Community Relations Committee of Federation, Oregon State Senator Peter Courtney challenged us to be more active. Someone asked him what the community could do to assist him in legislation on issues we care about. His reply was that the Jewish community does not have enough presence in the halls and offices of our state legislature. So let’s go to Salem in 2015 when issues that concern us are being considered. Let’s make an effort to “get in the way.” Let’s advocate!


The Social Action Committee is asking the congregation to bring kitchen items to the temple to be donated to Oregon Community Warehouse, a local organization that provides furniture and other household necessities to families who have just received housing. CBI’s Social Action Committee is working with one such family, and they were able to move into an apartment with most of items they needed after just a few hours at the Warehouse. Donate the following items between March 2-15: »» Toasters »» Coffee makers »» Mixers »» Blenders »» Microwave ovens »» Dishes »» Glasses »» Silverware »» Cooking utensils »» Baking pans and casserole dishes »» Pots and pans Barrels will be available to drop off donations in the Schnitzer Family Center, the Sherman Education Center, and the Temple.

Good Deeds Day Sunday, March 9, 10:00 AM Blumauer Auditorium & Kitchen Sunday, March 9 is Good Deeds Day, sponsored by the Portland Mitzvah Network, a program of the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland. We are participating in this community day of service by having a Soup Sac program beginning at 10:00. In addition to working at the event, we need your help to make the soup and cookies. We would like you to bring or make 2 gallons of soup and/or 2 dozen cookies. Please sign up at to participate in this event. Please help us make this program a success and feed those in need. Thanks again for your support.



Congregation Beth Israel


Developing CBI Rescheduling Taste of Temple Sunday, April 13 5 to 8 PM at Castaway by Jenat Levison Feldman Development Director One of my family mottos – Life is not a matter of what happens to you, but how you deal with what happens to you – truly hit home from February 6th to the 9th. As we all know, planning a major event takes hundreds of labor of love hours; deciding to postpone and reschedule takes even more. Even while the forecasters were still predicting all would be clear by Sunday, the TOT leaders were deep in discussion about the pros and cons of forging ahead versus rescheduling this community-building event. The amount of thought, consideration, and serious responsibility with which this decision was approached truly demonstrated what an impressive TOT committee had been assembled. Leaders lead, and that is what co-chair Joey Fishman did as he continually consulted with sub-committee chairs Ali Garfinkle, Andrew Galler, Tiffany Goldwyn, Jill Mitchell, Sara Rosenbaum, Gillian Rosicky, and Ashley Spitzer. As Snowmaggedon lingered, it became obvious TOT would have to be postponed.

From the beginning, safety was always the #1 concern. We in no way wanted to put anyone at risk. In addition to concern for our guests, we wanted to be sensitive to our lovely vendors and purveyors who would have the added pressure of making their staff take unnecessary risks. Everyone rose to the occasion and proved to be thorough and thoughtful in the decision making process. TOT is all about friendraising and fun(d) raising, so getting as many people together as possible to connect has always been one of our primary goals. Our vendors (Castaway, Century Catering, The Party Place, New Seasons and WeVillage) all agreed not to charge us a cancellation fee. We thank them and the multitude of TOT purveyors who had committed to join us for the evening for being so supportive. Please return the favor and support them back. It took just over 48 hours for this team to pull all the pieces together. Sunday, April 13 - the night before first Seder - seems like an ideal time to gorge on chametz (not Kosher for Passover products) of all kinds. Now you can spend the weekend cooking and cleaning and doing everything else preparing for Passover entails and then participate in NO-COOK SUNDAY DINNER. Let TOT serve you with the help of an amazing array of chefs, vintners, brewers, and distillers when you join us at Taste of Temple III. Co- chairs Jordan Menashe and Joey Fishman and their incredibly dedicated team of volunteers are ready to WOW you in all kind of ways. See you on April 13th!

Taste of Temple House Parties Update One of the things that makes TOT so special is the creative and diverse House Parties that so many of our congregants graciously offer to host. These fun parties provide wonderful opportunities to make new friends by further extending the community-building side of our “friend”raiser, while at the same time raising much-needed funds for the temple. Congregants generously volunteer to throw parties for a specific number of people. These parties either have a fun theme (i.e. Oktoberfest!, Shikker Club Martini Party, etc.) or appeal to a special interest (i.e. canning, scotch tasting, biking, dining out, baking, etc.). There are parties for all ages and interests, and they occur on various dates throughout the year. Since we know you are busy planning your spring and summer calendar, we have decided to pre-sell spaces to these parties. Here’s how to register … • • • • • •

Visit the CBI website - - to view all the house parties information Read through the descriptions of the various parties that are being graciously donated by the hosts. Pick one or more that appeal to you. Check your calendar and clear the date. Purchase your desired spots. And invite your friends to do the same. Go to the party and ENJOY!

We hoped to talk with you in person about these incredible parties at TOT – and we still will. For now email is the best option we can offer. If you have any questions, please contact us. Jill Mitchell & Maria Blank Taste of Temple House Party Co-Chairs Jill Mitchell Maria Elena Romero de Blank

March 2014



L’Dor V’Dor From Generation to Generation That’s as far as we got, and that’s why we now importune all ablebodied men of Congregation Beth Israel (both of you) to appear on Sunday, March 9 at 9:30 AM to help us improve the Purim games that are presently stored at the synagogue. We will repair and clean those that we can. If you have an idea for a new game to build, or if you have a ready-made arcade game to donate, your contribution will be greatly appreciated.

Community and Service Last year while setting up for the Purim carnival, Morrie, the Brotherhood treasurer, noticed there were dates engraved on the backs of some of the games. One was stamped “1977.” We all thought that was pretty old until we noticed that there was a further inscription that read “Made by Mordechai of Shushan,” meaning that the game was actually built in 1977, BCE shortly after Haman was vanquished. (Hope that last part wasn’t a spoiler for those that haven’t seen the schpiel yet.) Once we realized that the games were almost 4,000 years old, the sagacious leaders of the Brotherhood took swift action. We drove the Brotherhood bus to the Montgomery Ward where the games were originally purchased to see if we were entitled to an upgrade, but there was a Chuck E. Cheese’s where the Montgomery Ward used to stand. An hour and a half later, after we had cashed in all of our tickets for some swell toys, Scott, the recently deposed president of the Brotherhood, remembered why we had assembled in the first placed. “Hey, you mugs, weren’t we on a mission to get some better games for the Purim Carnival?’ asked he. “Oh yeah,” said we. Then we all walked home because we couldn’t remember where we parked the bus.

The following week on March 16 at 9:30 AM, we will meet once again to setup and later man the Purim Carnival that begins at 1:15 PM. Your attendance at either event will be greatly appreciated. Contact James Anchell, elder statesman of the Brotherhood, at for more information.

Lecture: “Say YES to a Better Israel” by Ben Murane Sunday, March 2, 10:30 AM Blumauer Auditorium The Brotherhood and the Social Action Committee will co-host a talk entitled “Say YES to a Better Israel” by Ben Murane of the New Israel Fund. The talk will focus on NIF’s view regarding what it means for Israel to be both a Jewish and democratic state, as well as NIF’s exposition on tensions between those values within American Jewry and Israel society. Ben Murane is New Israel Fund’s Director of Outreach, Western US, based out of Seattle. He returned to NIF after a year-long Dorot Leadership Fellowship in Israel. Previously, he expanded NIF’s vibrant community of young professionals as Director of New Generations in New York. This talk is free and open to the public.

L’Dor V’Dor From Generation to Generation Condolences to

Mazel Tov to

Marcy Tonkin on the death of her husband, Ed, Barry, and Brad (Michelle) Tonkin on the death of their father, Cheryl Tonkin on the death of her uncle, and Rena Tonkin on the death of her brother-inlaw, Ron Tonkin, on January 17.

Dorothy and Ray Packouz on the birth of their thirteenth greatgrandchild, Josef Lebovics. Proud parents are Eli and Chana Lebovics of Chicago, and proud grandparents are Rabbi Kalman and Shoshana Packouz.

Sally and David Swire & family on the death of her mother, Rachel Rubin, on January 18.

Ned Duhnkrack and James Monteith on the birth of their first granddaughter, Lillian Elizabeth, who was born on February 3. Proud parents and Ellie and Jay Watts, and grandparents are Walter McMonies and Carol & John Watts.

Frances Wolfe & family on the death of her husband and Elaine Ankerson & family on the death of her uncle, Howard Wolfe, on January 22. Dottie Fields & family on the death of her brother, Rabbi Harvey J. Fields, on January 23. Pierce Ethier on the death of his dear friend, Joy Alkalay, on January 24. Robert and Rita Philip & family on the death of his mother, Ruth Philip, on February 4. Barry and Ruth Wald & family on the death of his mother, Anne Wald, on February 10.


May they grow in health and wisdom and be a source of strength to their family and all humankind. Gayle Romain on being honored by the Friends of the Mittleman Jewish Community Center at their 2014 Friends of the Center Dinner on February 23. Cantor Judith Blanc Schiff and Reed professor and composer David Schiff on his premiere of “Road Maps” with three movements for chamber ensemble and improvising soloists. The three movements are called “Mountains,” “Rivers,” and “Clouds and Stars.” “Road Maps” premiered on February 5 at Jimmy Mak’s with premiere celebrations continuing through the weekend at Reed College.

Congregation Beth Israel


Treasures in Bloom 2014

Our guest speakers are David Douglas, MD, an expert on dementia with board certifications in psychiatry and geriatric psychiatry, who has worked in the field for the last 20 years; and Shelly Edwards, Outreach and Program Director, Oregon Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association®. We will also be joined by Cantor Ida Rae Cahana. There will be time for questions and answers as well, so please come and explore the “many faces of dementia”. This program is free and open to the public.

It’s that time again! Treasures in Bloom is back, bigger and better than ever. This is Beth Israel Sisterhood’s biggest fundraiser of the year. We have beautiful bedding plants, hanging baskets, herbs, and organic vegetable plants! Remember, your plant purchases support our religious school. You can download an order form at stories/sisterhood/2014-Treasures-in-Bloom-Order-form.pdf or pick one up either at the gift shop or the CBI office. Please return your completed order form with a check made payable to WRJ/ Beth Israel Sisterhood. All orders must be prepaid. Orders must be received by March 31, 2014. Send your completed order form and check to: Lynn Gelber 3112 NE Knott St., Portland, OR 97212 Pick-up pre-ordered plants PLUS purchase on site plants from Terra Nova Nurseries and goodies from our Bake Sale on Sunday, April 27, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Pre-orders over $50 will be entered in a drawing for a prize!

3rd Annual Sisterhood Purim Happy Hour Monday, March 10, 5:00-7:00 PM Hotel deLuxe (729 SW 15th Avenue Portland, OR 97205) Polish your tiara, grab your girlfriends, and join us to celebrate your inner queen! We have such a great time every year that we are doing it again. We’ll meet at the Hotel deLuxe for tasty appetizers and a no host bar - plus two hours of free valet parking. Please RSVP by Monday, March 3rd to Shelly Levy at Adults 21+ only, please.

The Many Faces of Dementia Sunday, April 6 10:15 AM – 12:00 noon Pollin Chapel On April 6, Sisterhood will host a forum to discuss “The Many Faces of Dementia.” Dementia is not a specific disease. It’s an overall term that describes a wide range of symptoms associated with a decline in memory or other thinking skills severe enough to reduce a person’s ability to perform everyday activities. The most common cause of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease, but there are as many as 50 other known causes.

March 2014

“I have always been a huge admirer of my own work. I’m one of the funniest and most entertaining writers I know.” Blazing Schpiel: A Mel Brooks Purim Saturday, March 15 6:00 PM


Very Thoughtful People Allison B. Cohen Madrichim Training and Religious School Scholarship Fund In Memory of Eugene and Marian Krantz Eldon and Carolyn Wexler Howard Wolfe Edward A. and Cathleen O. Aiken

Adult Education Fund

In Honor of Rabbi and Cantor Cahana The Family of Jaime Goldfarb z”l

Altar Flowers and Oneg Shabbat

In Memory of David Strauss Carol and David Twain Howard and Barbara Cohn Susan Korey and Merritt Linn Stan and Joyce Loeb Ilaine Cohen & Family Alan and Lana Miller Howard Wolfe Merritt Linn, Susan Korey, and Dina Linn Rena Caplan Ardis Kowitt Margaret (Altose) Berg Faye Gordon Samuels Marian Mittleman Abrams Ducky “Dove” Weiner The Abrams Family Sonja Cohn Barbara and Howard Cohn In Honor of Thelma Schnitzer (Birthday) Ilene Goldberg & Family

Amy R. Goldsmith Library

In Memory of Harvey Karlin Sally Karlin, Andrew, and Caroline

Brotherhood Scholarship Fund In Memory of Murray Horenblas Lindsey Horenblas Herman I. Miller Morris and Gerry Jackson

Cemetery Beautification

In Memory of David Strauss David and Diane Rosencrantz Bunny and Jerry Sadis Ron Tonkin Rena and Cheryl Tonkin David and Daniel Lerner David and Diane Rosencrantz Milton G. Druck Betty Druck & Jackie Druck Joy Alkalay Rena and Cheryl Tonkin Suzanne Miller Rena and Cheryl Tonkin David and Daniel Lerner Bert Neuberger Patricia Neuberger


Edward I. Aiken Edward A. and Cathleen O. Aiken

Rabbi Cahana Discretionary

In Memory of Ron Tonkin Sally and Debbie Mink Helen and Jerry Stern Stanley E. Samuelis Leslie and Rich Geller & Family In Honor of Daniel Lewinsohn (Bar Mitzvah) Peter and Cynthia Lewinsohn In Appreciation The Family of Jay Albert Naomi Strauss & Family

Cantor Cahana Discretionary In Memory of Stanley E. Samuelis Leslie and Rich Geller & Family Melvin Lertzman Alan Lertzman Beverly Steinhorn Arthur Steinhorn In Appreciation The Family of Jay Albert Randie Peterson Naomi Strauss & Family

Rabbi Joseph Discretionary In Memory of Stanley E. Samuelis Leslie and Rich Geller & Family Esther Diamond Lynn Bonner In Appreciation Francene Levinson

Rabbi Rose Discretionary In Memory of Leonard B. Rose Beatrice K. Rose, MD In Appreciation Naomi Strauss & Family

General Administrative In Memory of Erick Thompson Barbara Bloom David Strauss Bob Tobias Nancy and Norman Higby John and Anne Lubliner Marie Schnitzer Sylvia Davidson Joy Alkalay Dodie Harrison Naomi Strauss Murry M. Overbeck Oscar Overback Eve and Alan Rosenfeld Tina Larsen Joel and Sandra Seres Hy Popick Larry and Linda Veltman Ralph Driesen Dr. Jacob Driesen Melvin Shevach Josephine Shevach Nancy Solomon Emery Zidell Charlene Zidell

Howard Wolfe Ron and Becky Eiseman General Contribution Given By Mark C. Williamson

Oseran Family Lecture In Memory of David Strauss Alan and Janet Zell


In Memory of Samuel Russell Pearl Russell Rick and Marilyn Gilbert In Honor of Mrs. Shelly Sanders Paul Schmidt

Ruth Semler Youth Activities In Memory of David Strauss Margaret Hasson Burt Berman Leslie Berman Charles Ostrofsky Jacqueline Ray Henry Spivak Helen Spivak & Family Jackie R. Spivak Dr. Harry Semler Gertrude Semler James Spivak Beverly J. Miller Diana Lynne Miller Cornell

Sally Vidgoff Camp Kalsman Scholarship In Memory of David Strauss Joy Alkalay Ron Tonkin Howard Wolfe Jay Albert Gerel Blauer In Honor of Judy and David Schiff (Birth of grandson) Gerel Blauer

Social Action (General)

In Memory of SDavid Strauss Rachel Rubin Keith Webster Dodie Harrison Jay Albert Eve and Alan Rosenfeld Barbara Durkheimer and Gary Larsen Kathy Fisher Leo Arfer Sol Scheffer Stephen Press Claire I. Cantor Rose Solomon Harris Willer Dick Solomon Gus Steinberg Lance and Mary Steinberg

Congregation Beth Israel

Howard Wolfe Ray and Dorothy Packouz Audre and Les Estrin Alan and Lana Miller Keith Webster Dodie Harrison Manuel Schnitzer Kathleen Lewis Shirli Haimowitz Kohn Mel, Ari, and Miriam Kohn Dr. Tole N. Greenstein Cathy Greenstein-Horton Rich and Audrey Dobson Joy Alkalay Barbara Durkheimer and Gary Larsen Joyce M. Cohen Drs. Eileen and Joseph Kane Sam Hasman Bob Rowe and Nannette HasmanRowe In Honor of Ted Nelson and Curt Shaffstall (Marriage) Julie and Tom Diamond & Family


In Memory of David Strauss Beverly and Marty Zell & Family Rita Lubliner Bunny Edelson Rosemarie Rosenfeld Rose Rustin Davia and Ted Rubenstein Elaine and Sandy Weinstein Jay Albert Rose Rustin Howard Wolfe Debbie Levin and Linda Ostomel Howard Fenton Lynda Baker Lee and Frank Berne Ron Tonkin Dr. William and Beverly Galen Elaine and Sandy Weinstein George Kaden Pearl Trachtenberg Anne and Harry Rubenstein Davia and Ted Rubenstein Melvin Goldberg Jan Goldberg & Family Victor and Alysmae Nudelman Dr. Harry and Gertrude Semler Ruth Semler Helen Spivak & Family Edna Machacek Betty Raskin Laura Steinberg Rita Lubliner Mary Rosenberg Jerome Holzman Renée and Irwin Holzman Max Lehmann Sadie Gittelsohn Ernest Bonyhadi and Shirley Gittelsohn Leonora Pinsky Susan Gerson Gussie Maisel Pauline Berne Lee and Frank Berne Anthony Netboy Jane Netboy & Nancy Seeger

Very Thoughtful People Louise Edelson Bunny Edelson Gus Steinberg Wendy and Bob Steinberg Beryl Janssen Eugene Janssen & Don, Marta, and Henry Furman In Honor of Jemi Kostiner-Mansfield Naomi Strauss General Contribution Given By Harriet Schatz

I Have A Dream

In Memory of Jay Albert Barbara and Barry Caplan Stan and Joyce Loeb Abe and Minnie Spivak Edwin Goodman Rogoway Helen Spivak & family Henry Spivak Helen Spivak & family James Spivak Jackie R. Spivak James Spivak Winfield Bondy Joy Alkalay Stan and Joyce Loeb Fay Blank Owen and Lynn Blank David Strauss Linda Ostomel and Debbie Levin Ralph D. Schlesinger Mark Schlesinger & Family Lloyd G. Miller Diana Lynne Miller Cornell

Temple Improvement

Urman Family College Communication

Nettie Director Library Book Endowment

Estelle Director Sholkoff Jewish Educators Scholarship

Abe and Minnie Spivak James Spivak Rose Veltman Marcia Colton, Risa Colton-Feldman and Louis Feldman, & Jacob and Noah Feldman In Honor of David and Judy Schiff (Birth of grandson) Barbara Durkheimer and Gary Larsen

Temple Endowment

Service to the Blind

In Memory of David Strauss Joy Alkalay Marvin and Lois Urman Sam Hasman Arline Hasman

In Memory of Jack Rosen Stuart and Nikki Director Neal and Lisa Rosen David Strauss Rabbi Harvey Fields Stuart and Nikki Director

In Memory of Estelle Sholkoff Howard Wolfe Joy Alkalay Richard Dobrow

May Georges Study in Israel Scholarship In Memory of Jay Albert Bunny and Jerry Sadis Zelda Director Zeidman Jerome H. Zeidman Pauline Lecker Nathan and Annie Director Sam and Hilda Zeidman May Berenson Georges Estelle Sholkoff Hal Mink Emily Georges Gottfried Ken, Jen, and Ruth Zeidman David Strauss Faye Samuels Barbra Haubenstock Mary and Tom Rees

In Memory of Arthur S. Rosenfeld Eve and Alan Rosenfeld Joy Alkalay Sally Karlin, Andrew, and Caroline

Temple Restoration

In Memory of Clarence Albert Blomgren Constance Blomgren Harold J. Miller Alan and Lana Miller

In Memory of Julian Albert Louis Gold Joy Alkalay Richard and Harriet Maizels

WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood Funds

Bikkur Holim - Hope in Life In Memory of Howard F. Wolfe Howard Byer

Prayer Book

In Memory of Leah Durkheimer Stuart Durkheimer Jay Albert Barbara Durkheimer and Gary Larsen Joy Alkalay Alan and Lana Miller Marcia Colton, Risa Colton-Feldman and Louis Feldman, & Jacob and Noah Feldman James and Jacqueline R. Spivak

In Memory of Nancy Tonkin Brad Tonkin

Sisterhood Programming, Leadership & Enrichment

In Memory of Howard Wolfe George Bodner Naomi Strauss Stan and Joyce Loeb Sara and Joel Freedman & Family Vicki and Herman Zimmerman & Family Gertrude Joseph Sally Karlin, Andrew, and Caroline Joy Alkalay Margaret Hasson Gertrude Joseph Stanley E. Samuelis Leslie and Rich Geller & Family David Lomas Gertrude Joseph Gladys Miller Morris and Gerry Jackson

“ If we mortals have offended – GOOD! Then we’re doing our job.” Blazing Schpiel: A Mel Brooks Purim Saturday, March 15 6:00 PM

CBI Team Senior Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana Senior Cantor Ida Rae Cahana Assistant Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph Rabbi Emeritus Emanuel Rose, D.H.L., D.D. Cantor Emerita Judith Blanc Schiff

Education Department Education Director Ben Sandler, M. Ed. Early Childhood Education Director Deborah Kaplan Education Administrator Mor Kenane Member Services Executive Director Sydney A. Baer

Development Director Jen Feldman

Office Administrator Tracy Alifanz

Art of Catering 503-231-8185 Larry Grimes

Congregational Affairs Director Jemi Kostiner Mansfield

Facilities Manager Craig Paton

Food in Bloom 503-223-6819 Catherine Hernandez

Finance Director Jim Baldwin, CPA

Facilities Staff Andy Coles Drew Christensen

Century Catering 503-849-2605 Allen Levin

Accounting Assistant Vicki Greif

Catering Panel

Devil’s Food Catering 503-233-9288 Charles Stilwell

Project Coordinator Dara Docherty

March 2014

Alfresco Catering by Sheraton 503-335-2858 Shellie Postlewait

Culinary Artistry 503-232-4675 Jenn Louis


In Remembrance ~ May their memory be for a blessing. March 7 & 8 Lillian Aarons Marian Abrams* Edward I. Aiken Fred J. Baron Hermine L. Bettman* Ted H. Blank* Emma Selling Bloch Constance Blomgren Fran Browning Robert Buss Rena B. Caplan Emma Gottlieb Cohn Lois Mateel Colegrove Howard Fenton* Marvin Fine Rosalie Gilbert Melvin Goldberg Rose Gross Richard A. Hildreth Marion Hoeflich Jerome L. Holzman* Velma Horenstein Hyman Isenberg Ruth Israel* David S. Jackson Beryl Janssen Madge Johnson Ruben Kailes Isabella A. Kaufman* Blanche Klein Morris Klein* Bessie Krass Ethel Lachman Dorothy J. Lesman Sadie Mark Harold J. Miller* Eleanore Moses Morton Nemer Murry M. Overbeck Larry Pike Eda Poplack Evelyn Rifkin Florence Ruderman Pearl Russell Sylvia Sarasohn Ralph D. Schlesinger* Melvin Shevach Estelle Sholkoff Morris Silver Rose Solomon Adolph B. Steinbach* Harry Vidgoff John Warner Bertha A. Wise* Carol Kendall Wolf Adolphe Wolfe* March 14 & 15 Tomomi Ando Max Berenson Clara Bergman*

Fay Blank Benjamin Blumauer* Winfield Scott Bondy Lee F. Bonime Jay Carver Etta G. Constantine* H. Benjamin Dobrow Marvin Epstein Nancee Lee Singer Erickson Ray M. Feves* Fannie M. Frank* Adrienne S. Fulop* Sadie Gittelsohn Louis Gold* Dr. Tole N. Greenstein Samuel Hasman Rachel Hoffman Murray Horenblas Cathy Horton Belle B. Joseph* Rose Jacobs George Kaden Myrtil Kahn* Rochelle Kantor Sylvia Kipnis* George Kirshner Shirli Haimowitz Kohn Albert Kovsky* Alfred Kullman Dorothy Lachman Tina Larsen Melvin Layton* Max Lehmann* Melvin Lertzman Sophie Markewitz Julius Martel Edgar J. Mayer* Lloyd G. Miller Sylvia Nelson Ruth Nepom Wilma Jane Perlman Frank Rigler Jack P. Rosen Jerry Rosenberg Mary Rosenberg Alexander L. Rosenblum* Victor Rosenblum Harry Rubenstein Louis Savage Sonya Seidman Dora Shemanski Nathan Shlim* Ruth J. Spear Gus Steinberg Laura Steinberg* Donald Sullivan Matilda Wald Sol S. Weiner Jeanette Weinstein William Wolfstein* Hilda Zeidman Emery Zidell

March 21 & 22 Cleston Lincoln Addison Hannah Baruh Lynn Berg Burton H. Berman A. L. Cahn Sanford Clement Thelma N. Cohn Gordon De Leon Max Delman* Sanford Director Andrew Epstein Esther Flaxman Anita J. Gevurtz* Isaac Gevurtz* Ethel Gilbert Anne Goldman Sara Gordon Nathaniel Israel* Bella Kaplan William J. Karasik* Samuel Kaufman Jack Kennedy Miriam Labovitz Hilda Lenske Lester Lewis Herman Lipkin Edna Machacek Gussie Maisel Herman I. Miller Diane Nemer Anthony Netboy Bert Neuberger Lori Nudelman Leonora Pinsky Hyman Popick* Mary Robinson Leonard Rose Korpel Rosenbaum Arthur S. Rosenfeld Stanley E. Samuelis Marie Schnitzer Joe Schwartz Ethel Seltzer Isaac Sherman Marion Liff Shifrin* Norman Shulevitz Emily Sobel Beverly Steinhorn Bruce Thompson Lawrence Urbach

Ross B. Cone Milton G. Druck James Durkheimer Louise Edelson Lottie Eisenhardt Philip B. Feldman Leonard Fishel* Cyril Freedman Flora Freidenrich Cacilie Gevurtz* Annette Goldschmidt Gerson Goldsmith* Mark Goldstein* Earl Heims Tzipora Kahana Sylvia Kantor Harvey Karlin Fanny Kipnis* Marge Kravitz Harry Lewis* William Nathan Lewis Gloria Londer Judy Lowensohn Steven Menashe Beverly Jeanne Miller Gladys Miller Natalie Lauterstein Miller Suzanne T. Miller Goldie Moises Roscoe C. Nelson, Sr. Hattie Nudelman Oscar Overback Joseph Platman Meyer Rifkin Charles Robinson Fay Ruby Sol Scheffer Manuel Schnitzer Marvin Schwartz David Silverman Charles A. Silverman* Rose Spiegel Jacqueline R. Spivak Philip Steinbock Benjamin M. Sussman Edith Tauber Isaac N. Trachtenberg Keith Webster Harris Willer

March 28 & 29 Pauline Fay Aftergut Melvin Anchell Nina Avakyan Melvin Berman* Pauline Berne Lee Braun Claire Solomon Cantor Joyce M. Cohen Sonja Cohn

(*) next to a name indicates a memorial plaque has been purchased to ensure the beloved departed is remembered in perpetuity. For information about memorial plaques in the Temple, please contact Jemi Kostiner Mansfield at (503) 222-1069 or


Congregation Beth Israel

March 2014 SUNDAY

Adar I - Adar II 5774 MONDAY





SATURDAY 1   Adar I 29

Administration Offices & Clergy Education Department & Preschool Fax Machine WRJ/BI Sisterhood Judaica Gift Shop Beth Israel Cemetery 426 SW Taylors Ferry Road

2   Adar I 30

3   Adar II 1

4  Adar II 2

Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR

503-222-1069 503-222-2037 503-274-1400 503-222-1069 503-222-1069

Tot Shabbat Service Sponsored by Sisterhood 9:30 AM PC Shabbat Morning Service/ 6th Grade Shabbatini #2 & Palooza! 10:30 AM PC

5   Adar II 3

6   Adar II 4

7   Adar II 5

8   Adar II 6

Book Group 9:00 AM SBR

Midrasha 5:30 PM SEC


Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR

Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR

Religious School/ B’nei Mitzvah 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Alef Bet Class with Cantor Schiff 6:00 PM LB

Membership Committee 4:30 PM SBR

Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC

Shabbat MorningService: 10:30 AM PC

WRJ/BIS Board Meeting 6:30 PM SBR

JND Shabbat Service 7:30 PM PC

2/3 grade Havdalah 5:00 PM

Brotherhood/Social Action Lecture Series: Ben Murane of the New Israel Fund 10:30 AM PC

Adult Ed: Havdalah & a Movie: Hester Street 7:00 PM MR

Kol Echad Choir Rehearsal 11:30 AM BTB

9   Adar II 7

10   Adar II 8

SoupSacs/Potluck in the Park Sisterhood Purim Baking Happy Hour 9:00 AM BA Kitchen 5:00 PM Hotel deLux

11  Adar II 9

12  Adar II 10

Meditation Group 7:30 PM SC

Religious School/ B’nei Mitzvah 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM

13  Adar II 11

14   Adar II 12

15  Adar II 13

Education & Youth Committee Executive Committee 11:45 AM SBR 12:00 PM SBR

Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR

Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR

Midrasha 5:30 PM SEC

Shir Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC

Shabbat Service: Bat Mitzvah of Sarah Giovannozzi 10:30 AM Temple


Alef Bet Class with Cantor Schiff 6:00 PM LB

Kol Echad Choir Rehearsal 11:30 AM BTB

PURIM SCHPIEL! 6:00 PM Temple JND Bar Crawl 9:00 PM

16   Adar II 14

17   Adar II 15

Religious School/ B’nei Mitzvah 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM

No Preschool

18   Adar II 16

ECE Purim Celebration 10:30 AM Room 3

19   Adar II 17

20   Adar II 18

21   Adar II 19

22   Adar II 20

Midrasha 5:30 PM SEC


Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR

Torah Study 9:00 am SBR

Alef Bet Class with Cantor Schiff 6:00 PM LB

Board of Trustees Meeting 6:15 PM SBR

Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC

Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 AM PC

Purim Carnival 12:15 PM BA

23   Adar II 21

24   Adar II 22

25   Adar II 23

26   Adar II 24

27   Adar II 25

28   Adar II 26

29   Adar II 27

Spring Break

Spring Break

Spring Break

Spring Break

Spring Break

Spring Break

Spring Break

Meditation Group 7:30 PM SC

No Midrasha


Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR

Torah Study 9:00 am SBR

Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC

Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 AM PC

No Religious School/ B’nei Mitzvah

30   Adar II 28

31   Adar II 29

Spring Break No Religious School/ B’nei Mitzvah

Location Key HH = Harris Hall  BA = Blumauer Auditorium GH = Goodman Hall LB = Library LF = Lipman Foyer MR = Miller Room PC = Pollin Chapel SBR = Shirley & Herbert Semler Board Room SC = Shemanski Chapel SEC = Sherman Education Center SFC = Schnitzer Family Center

View our online calendar at Congregation Beth Israel


Congregation Beth Israel

1972 NW Flanders Street Portland, OR 97209-2097


Board of Trustees 2013/2014 Officers


Stuart Chestler President

Jonathan Barg Eric Friedenwald-Fishman Ali Garfinkle Linda Georges Sharon Meieran Joanne Van Ness Menashe Mark Peterman Marney Pike Ron Silver Arthur Steinhorn

Ned Duhnkrack VP/President Elect Deborah Caldwell Vice President Ilene Davidson Vice President Brad Tonkin Vice President Ted Nelson Secretary John Epstein Treasurer

Auxiliaries Linda Harrison - WRJ/BI Sisterhood President Bob Winthrop - Brotherhood President

Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism since 1879


Congregation Beth Israel

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