Bulletin May 2015 Iyyar-Sivan 5775 Vol. 64, No. 8
The 157th Annual Meeting Friday, May 8, 2015, 5:30 pm
Established 1858
The Clergy, Officers, and Board of Trustees of Congregation Beth Israel cordially invite you to attend the 157th Annual Meeting Friday, May 8, 5:30 pm Goodman Hall in the Schnitzer Family Center This year we will gather again as our ancestors did to elect new trustees. We will keep the meeting short and celebrate our new trustees, officers, and ongoing leadership during our Shabbat Service. The congregation will have the opportunity to elect the following nominees to the Board of Trustees for the 20152017 two-year term. The Nominating Committee (Ted Nelson (Chair), Deb Caldwell, Ilene Davidson, Craig Hartzman, Bill June, Rhonda Kennedy, Robin McCoy, Molly Newcomer, and Jill Rubinstein) nominated the following: • For election to a new two-year term on the Board of Trustees 2015-2017: Steve Gradow, Glen Levy, and Tony Urdes • F or re-election to a two-year term on the Board of Trustees 2015-2017: Jonathan Barg, Ilene Davidson, John Epstein, Sharon Meieran, Joanne Van Ness Menashe, Mark Peterman, and Brad Tonkin • To continue serving on the Board of Trustees, whose terms are not expired: Ned Duhnkrack, Stacy Friedman, Ali Garfinkle, Robin McCoy, Ted Nelson, Yale Popowich, Bob Rosenbaum, David Sarasohn, and Arthur Steinhorn We will be honoring our retiring trustees: Eric Friedenwald-Fishman, Marney Pike, and Past President Stuart Chestler. Join us in celebration and good wishes at a special Oneg following services as we honor our past 157 years as a kehilah kedosha (sacred community) and continue to build for our future. L’Dor V’Dor.
JOIN US! Mitzvah Day
High School Graduation
Sunday, May 3, 9:00 AM Blumauer Auditorium
Monday, May 18, 6:00 PM Temple
Visit the CBI website for registration and descriptions of activities: www.bethisrael-pdx.org/calendar/mitzvah-day-2015.
Share our joy at the ceremony for our 5775 graduates.
5775 Adult B’nei Mitzvah Ceremony
Erev Shavuot & Confirmation
Friday, May 15, 6:00 PM Temple
Saturday, May 23, 6:00 PM Temple
Come celebrate with Cantor Schiff’s final Adult B’nei Mitzvah class before her retirement.
Please join our 10th grade class for this lovely tradition as we listen while our confirmands chant the Ten Commandments. Reception to follow.
Bar Mitzvah
Our Leadership
Max Louis Kobak Max Kobak will become Bar Mitzvah on May 2, 2015. He is the son of Steve and Randi Kobak and has two older sisters: Sydney and Ellie. Max attends West Sylvan Middle School in SW Portland. Inspired by a recent speaker, Max plans to parlay his keen interest in sustainability and environmental issues into a coordinated project with Beth Israel to support the greening of our historic buildings and campus. Many steps have already been taken to transform outdated heating and lighting fixtures to more energy-efficient and earth-friendly systems. Max would like to continue this effort and is working with staff and lay leaders to map out a variety of recycling and efficiency projects. Ideas and input are encouraged! Please share your thoughts with Max: kobak5@comcast.net.
Levi Sterling Margolis Levi Margolis will become Bar Mitzvah on May 9, 2015. He is the son of Susan and David Margolis and older brother of Isaac. Levi is a 7th grader at West Sylvan Middle School. As an alumnus of the Beth Israel preschool, Levi has been attending CBI for more than 10 years. He enjoys the diversity of education and spending time with his childhood friends at religious school; however, learning Hebrew is his most proud achievement. For his Mitzvah Project, Levi has decided to work to raise money for a family friend and coach, Keith Childs. Keith is in need of a heart transplant and is on a waiting list for a new heart after several surgeries and a lot of time in the hospital. Being part of this journey is heart-tugging as Keith’s family is dear to the Margolises. Levi would like to find more ways to help the family, which includes three boys - all good friends of Levi and Isaac. Donations are appreciated, and fundraisers are in the works. For more information, please go to www.ForKeith.com.
Ryan Avram Smith Ryan Smith will become Bar Mitzvah on May 16, 2015. He is the son of Michael Smith and Lauren Stillman-Smith. He has an older sister, Emily, and a younger brother, David. Ryan attends Evergreen Middle School in Hillsboro and is partnering with the National English Honor Society at Glencoe High School to collect books for school libraries across the district. The National English Honor Society promotes exceptional performance in English, literacy, and appreciation of the language for all ages. Ryan loves books and writing, so this was the perfect opportunity to combine those passions with his Mitzvah Project. He will be making announcements about the book drive at numerous elementary and middle schools throughout the month of May and will also be collecting new and gently used books for young readers at his Bar Mitzvah Kiddush. To learn more about NEHS, visit http://nehs.us/nehs/about/index.shtml.
When The Voice Calls, Listen! by Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana This is how the moment happened: And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the sound of a shofar exceedingly loud; so that all the people who were in the camp trembled... And Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God; and they stood at the lower part of the mount. And Mount Sinai was altogether in smoke, because the Lord descended upon it in fire; and its smoke ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount trembled greatly. And when the voice of the shofar sounded long, and became louder and louder, Moses spoke, and God answered him by a voice. (Exodus 19:16-19) The newly freed Israelite slaves had traveled for three months to arrive at the foot of Mount Sinai. Fifty days after the miracle of the sea, an even more profound moment awaited them. They were to have an experience which remains unique in human religious history: the Theophany – the manifestation of G-d not to a single individual but to an entire people. In almost all faith traditions, the founder has a personal and private experience with the divine, and that revelation is then shared with others. The Torah proclaims a different kind of experience – a shared, communal experience of Divine Revelation. And what was revealed? The Ten Commandments, a code of behavior that remains an ethical basis not for Jews alone but for much of the Western world. Three great world religions base their morality on these ten utterances, this one dramatic moment of Divine encounter. But even G-d speaking is not enough. As Rabbi Josy Eisenberg points out in The Seven Lights: On the Major Jewish Festivals (a dialogue with the great Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz): We tend to forget that revelation is not unilateral. It is neither a monologue nor a lecture. For there to be a revelation, there must be a transmitter of the revelation and a listener who accepts it. The right recipient of the message must be there… In other words, it is not enough for G-d to want to speak: [Humans] must be willing to listen. The Festival of Shavuot (which this year begins on Saturday night, May 23) is a commemoration of that moment of Divine Revelation. And while we appreciate the awe of that unique experience, we should also appreciate the ability of human beings to listen. We often challenge G-d to speak to us or dismiss the very idea. But what if we were actually willing to listen – to set aside our skepticism and distraction for a few moments? What if we could open our hearts to a divine voice which may not come in thunder and lightning but simply be what the prophet Elijah described as a “still, small voice” (I Kings 19:12)? Sometime later, when Moses reads all the words to the people, the Torah reports a very simple answer from the people, summarized in Hebrew with two words: Na’ase V’Nishmah – “All that the Lord has spoken we will do and we will listen.” May we also have the courage to listen.
Congregation Beth Israel
Join the Brotherhood Board!
The May 17 “Say YES to Spring!” fundraiser for the YES Fund (Youth Education & Special Projects) has been postponed to a later date to be determined.
The CBI Brotherhood invites you to serve on its board of directors. The Brothers are looking for a few good men to participate in determining the Brotherhood’s overall direction and impact.
Jewish Women’s Round Table presents the
23rd Annual “Song of Miriam” Awards Brunch Honoring Outstanding Women Volunteers Honoring Linda Harrison, WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood
In addition to sponsoring CBI events, board members expand their personal and professional networks and can provide service for the broader Jewish community. Time commitments are a few hours a month with one mandatory meeting. Former, deposed Brotherhood President James Anchell is waiting by the phone for you to call. However, since he’s delinquent on his phone bill, it doesn’t ring anymore. So please contact James at anchell@gmail.com for this valuable and fun service opportunity.
Sunday, June 7, 10:00 AM-12:15 PM Mittleman Jewish Community Center 6651 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland
Cost: Patron $36, Regular $24 if postmarked by May 27th After May 27th the cost is $32. Children 12 & under: $10 Make your check payable to JWRT and mail with name and phone number of attendees to: Jerri Roth, 1231 SW Texas St., Portland, OR 97219 Call Jerri Roth at 503-246-4367 or Leslye Epstein at 503-274-2151 with any questions. The registration form can be downloaded at: www.bethisrael-pdx.org/community/sisterhood.
Gift Shop Happenings Gift Shop Sale through May 17 – 50% off selected items.
Committee Forming to Modernize CBI’s Goldsmith and Spear Library Are you interested in working on the Goldsmith and Spear Library Committee? This committee will work to modernize the library and to create a community space for congregational engagement. Marge Congress will head the committee, with members of Sisterhood and the CBI community. Please respond to Marge at maven345@yahoo.com by May 25, if you are interested. We are especially in need of a member with library and digital media experience. The committee will convene twice this summer, then meet in the fall to set the schedule for the year.
Beth Israel Gift Shop hours: Sundays, 9:15 AM-12:15 PM
Cemetery Rates to Increase July 1st
(when Religious School is in session)
For the first time in over 15 years the cemetery purchase rates will increase at the start of the new fiscal year (July 1, 2015). Congregants who have tentatively reserved space but have not yet entered into a formal contract may want to consider doing so before the rates increase.
Thursdays, 4:30-6:00 PM
(when Integrated Hebrew Program is in session)
Fridays, 11:00 AM-1:00 PM The Gift Shop will close for the summer on May 17. For appointments or questions, please contact the Gift Shop directly at (503) 962-9825.
Any congregants interested in exploring pre-need purchases should contact Jemi Kostiner Mansfield, Congregational Affairs Director, for pricing and space information at (503) 222-1069 or jemi@bethisrael-pdx.org. Ground burial plots, mausoleum crypt and niche spaces are all available.
Volunteer: We always need volunteers in the Gift Shop. Please contact Debbie Braymer, Gift Shop Volunteer Coordinator, at djsbraymer@gmail.com.
Camp Omanoot, Beth Israel’s Arts & Adventure Camp, is now enrolling for this summer! We are offering two one-week sessions for children ages 3-6. Camp hours are 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM. Contact Deborah Kaplan at deborah@bethisrael-pdx.org or (503) 222-2037 for more information or to register. Session I: June 15-19 Session II: June 22-26
May 2015
L’Dor V’Dor From Generation to Generation
Very Thoughtful People
Mazel Tov to Sherry and Steve Salomon on the birth of their granddaughter, Lilach Avraham, on January 31, 2015 in Netanya, Israel. Lilach’s proud parents are Rachel and Shachar Avraham. Sandee Blank and the late Ted Blank on the birth of their first grandchild, granddaughter Tova Yael Blank, on February 15, 2015. Proud parents are Seth and Shoshana Blank. Maternal grandparents are Mike and Debbie Bresko of Seattle. Lynn and Owen Blank on the birth of their granddaughter, Erin Lindsey Rosengarten, on March 5, 2015. She is the daughter of Alexis Blank Rosengarten and Andrew Rosengarten and younger sister of Jack and Ryan (2-year old twins). Marcy and Elliott Rosengarten of Louisville, KY are Erin’s other grandparents. She is the great-granddaughter of Phil and Fay Blank and Alyne and Sidney Schlesinger (all of blessed memory).
at Temple Emanu-El in San Francisco. Jennifer is the daughter of Marjorie Poore and Alec Fatalevich of Las Vegas. CBI member Marge Cohn and Ann Rosenthal of Ithaca, New York are Andrew’s very proud grandmothers. We are excited to share that the granddaughter of CBI members was featured in a recent TIME article about a letter she wrote to President Obama wanting to know why no women’s faces were featured on US currency. Read all about the President’s response and the resulting W20 campaign to replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill: http://time.com/3765227/woman-us-currency-obama-letter.
Condolences to Stephen Cassell and Eric Wyatt on the death of Stephen’s cousin, Michael Santini, on March 5, 2015 in Chicago, IL.
Lorraine and Stacy Shaw on the birth of their son, Avrahm Danger Shaw, on March 11, 2015. Proud CBI grandparents are Ellie and Ralph Shaw.
The family of Louise Kaufman, who died on March 10, 2015.
Erin and Edward La Rosa on the birth of their daughter, Daniela Grace La Rosa, on March 19, 2015. Kvelling CBI great-grandparents are Eve and Alan Rosenfeld.
The family of Rita Lubliner, who died on March 19, 2015 in Palo Alto, CA, at the age of 99.
May they grow in health and wisdom and be a source of strength to their families and all humankind. John and Marti Rosenthal on the marriage of their son Andrew to Jennifer Fatalevich on March 28, 2015. The wedding was celebrated
The family of Sally Light, who died on March 11, 2015.
Richard and Kristine Nicholson and family on the death of his mother, Janet Nicholson, on March 25, 2015 in Newberg, OR. Naomi Strauss on the death of her brother-in-law, Nathan Ross, on March 28, 2015 in Bellevue, WA.
An invitation from the Cantor to anyone who may be downsizing or considering finding a home for a superlative grand piano: please contact Cantor Cahana as we are seeking a fabulous instrument for our services and music program.
Allison B. Cohen Madrichim Training and Religious School Scholarship Fund
In Memory of Elliott Cohen Rhonda, Kenny, and Andrew Cohen
Altar Flowers and Oneg Shabbat
In Memory of Helen Schnitzer Howard and Barbara Cohn Syril Garfinkle Eileen and Joseph Kane
Amy R. Goldsmith Library In Memory of Marvin Diamond Pierce Ethier Rose Rustin Zanley F. Galton, Sr. Claire and Zanley Galton Edward Rosenfeld Dave and Carol Baker In Honor of Jan and Mike Sigell (50th Anniversary) Susan Honigstock
Cemetery Beautification In Memory of Harold Schnitzer Tom and Mardi Spitzer Fannie Baron Alan Baron Tonkin Rena and Cheryl Tonkin & David and Daniel Lerner Abe Wexler Eldon and Carolyn Wexler
Rabbi Cahana Discretionary In Memory of Jessie Ludwig Shar and Len Ludwig Alan Ruben Louise Ruben & Family In Appreciation Irwin and Annie Feves Gary Sherman Michael Sherman Kaila and Colby Feves
Rabbi Rose Discretionary In Memory of Richard Enkelis Jacob J. Enkelis Myra Enkelis
General Administrative
Cantor Cahana Discretionary In Memory of Rywka Mendelsohn Sylvia Nessan Marvin Diamond Lynn Bonner
In Honor of Gerda Eiseman (95th Birthday) Leonore Weston In Appreciation Gary Sherman Michael Sherman
In Memory of Hyman Kaplan Arthur and Sylvia Kaplan Charlene Weinstein Sherri and Jeff Weinstein Anna Tobias Bob Tobias Eloise Spiegel Albert Green Aaron Blauer Gerel Blauer Paul J. Hoffman Jonathan Hoffman
Congregation Beth Israel
In Honor of Diane and Dick Lowensohn (Birth of granddaughter) Sydney and Bill Baer In Appreciation of Jemi Kostiner Mansfield Edward Francis Wilz, Jr. General Contribution Given By Dorothy LeMay
Holiday Celebrations
In Honor of Marleau Millis (Birthday) Rebecca Hill and John Parks In Appreciation of Jemi Kostiner Mansfield St. Mary’s Academy
In Memory of Robert Gilbert Rick and Marilyn Gilbert Gertrude Semler Jacqueline R. Spivak Henry Spivak Chuck Ostrofsky Alysmae and Victor Nudelman Helen Spivak & Family
Very Thoughtful People Rosenfeld Family Assistant/ Associate Rabbi Fund In Memory of Louis Tobin Philip Caplan Tillie Caplan Tammy Kramer
Ruth Semler Youth Activities In Memory of Gertrude Semler Helen Spivak & Family Shirley and Dr. Herbert Semler James Spivak Jacqueline R. Spivak Henry Spivak Helen Spivak & Family James Spivak Chuck Ostrofsky Alysmae and Victor Nudelman Joseph J. Epstein Harry Semler Helen Spivak & Family Louise Kaufman Joseph Hasson Margaret Hasson Abe and Minnie Spivak Ruth Semler James Spivak
Sally Vidgoff Camp Kalsman Scholarship In Memory of Cerdell Lennis Leonard and Fay Oppenheimer
Social Action (General)
In Memory of Sally Light Ray and Dorothy Packouz Henry Braunsten Bernie Caplan Fortuna Menashe Ruben and Elizabeth Menashe Louis Romoff Marian and Neale Creamer Carl S. Lubliner Robert, Laurie, and Sol Lubliner
In Memory of Marcel Flaxman Jane Flaxman Stacy Malman Feldman Sydney and Bill Baer Sam Shapiro Phyllis Shapiro Barbara Gilbert and Miles Newmark Gertrude Chucker LouAnn Frisch William Katz Pearl Trachtenberg Gertrude Semler Jacqueline R. Spivak Henry Spivak Abe and Minnie Spivak Helen Spivak & Family James Spivak Chuck Ostrofsky Alysmae and Victor Nudelman Joseph J. Epstein Helen Spivak & Family Ruth Semler James Spivak Louise Kaufman Eve and Alan Rosenfeld Joseph Lewis Elaine and Sandy Weinstein Magarete Feibelman Edith Louise Kaufman Gertrude Joseph Scott Colton Marcia Colton & Family Lois Berlin Eva Schneider Adolph Schneider Susan and Stuart Shleifer Stanley Steinberg Ilene Goldberg Charlotte Haimsohn Jeanne Newmark In Honor of Rabbi Joseph Lynn Bonner Jerry Leshgold (Birthday) Dr. William and Beverly Galen
I Have A Dream
In Memory of Philip Blank Lynn and Owen Blank Leonard L. Dotson Sherry and Paul Puziss Jacqueline R. Spivak Henry Spivak James Spivak Helen Spivak Abe and Minnie Spivak Ruth Semler Gertrude Semler James Spivak Gilda and Abe Wexler Edith Zaben Helen Spivak Joyce M. Cohen Eileen and Joseph Kane In Honor of Adrienne Souther (Special birthday) Lynn and Owen Blank
Urman Family College Communication
In Honor of Kathleen Doctor & the College Outreach Committee Marvin and Lois Urman
May Georges Study in Israel Scholarship In Memory of Rosella H. Werlin Joella Werlin
Nettie Director Library Book Endowment In Memory of Joan Ramsey Barbara and Howard Cohn Albert Oziel Donna Brownstein
In Honor of Stuart and Nikki Director Lynn Bonner Bruce Director and Minnie Johnson (Becoming grandparents) Barry Caplan (Recovery) Bunny and Jerry Sadis (New home) Stuart and Nikki Director In Appreciation of Leslie and Harvey Kelinson Stuart and Nikki Director
Temple Endowment
In Memory of Edith Maizels Richard and Harriet Maizels
WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood Funds
Bikkur Holim - Hope in Life In Appreciation of Dr. Andy Frank Pierce Ethier
Prayer Book
In Honor of Jerry Leshgold (Special birthday) Sandy and Elaine Weinstein (Special anniversary) Bill Galen (Special birthday) Barbara Durkheimer and Gary Larsen Louis J. Feldman (Special birthday) Marcia Colton
Service to the Blind
In Memory of Rita Lubliner Carl S. Lubliner Robert, Laurie, and Sol Lubliner
CBI Team Senior Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana rabbicahana@bethisrael-pdx.org Senior Cantor Ida Rae Cahana cantorcahana@bethisrael-pdx.org Assistant Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph rabbijoseph@bethisrael-pdx.org Rabbi Emeritus Emanuel Rose, D.H.L., D.D. rabbirose@bethisrael-pdx.org Cantor Emerita Judith Blanc Schiff cantor@bethisrael-pdx.org
Education Department
Member Services
Education Director Ben Sandler, M. Ed. ben@bethisrael-pdx.org
Executive Director Sydney A. Baer sydney@bethisrael-pdx.org
Early Childhood Education Director Deborah Kaplan, MAT deborah@bethisrael-pdx.org
Development Director Jen Feldman jen@bethisrael-pdx.org
Youth Group Director Shoshanna Pro shoshanna@bethisrael-pdx.org
Congregational Affairs Director Jemi Kostiner Mansfield jemi@bethisrael-pdx.org
Education Administrator Ziva Sholin ziva@bethisrael-pdx.org
Finance Director Jim Baldwin, CPA jim@bethisrael-pdx.org Accounting Assistant Vicki Greif vicki@bethisrael-pdx.org
May 2015
Project Coordinator Dara Docherty dara@bethisrael-pdx.org
Art of Catering 503-231-8185 Larry Grimes
Office Administrator Tracy Alifanz tracy@bethisrael-pdx.org
Century Catering 503-849-2605 Allen Levin
Facilities Staff Perry Meekins, Facilities Manager Keith Powers, Lead Johnny Martino Shalamar Washington Susie Young
Culinary Artistry 503-232-4675 Jenn Louis
Catering Panel Alfresco Catering by Sheraton 503-335-2858 Shellie Engelquist
Devil’s Food Catering 503-233-9288 Charles Stilwell VT Group: Vibrant Table, Food In Bloom, f&b CafÊ 503-297-9635 Karen Rich
In Remembrance ~ May their memory be for a blessing. May 8 & 9 Melvin Alifanz Ruth Besser Philip Blank Jerome Blattner Henry Braunsten* Jean V. Cohen* Andrew Abe Crystal Jay Delman Helen H. Director* Betty Miriam Edelman E. Ike Eshaghian Harold Gaffen Zanley F. Galton, Sr. Albert H. Ganz Maurice O. Georges Paul Georges Robert Gilbert Magdalena Gottesman Joseph Hasson Millie Holzman Kevin Andrew Horenstein Roberta Hunt Albert George Kantor* Hyman Kaplan William Katz Rachael Kohen Sophie Kohen Jacob Lauterstein* Jack Lazarus Rose Mirviss Lenske Bessie Little Jessie Ludwig Janet Lee Maylie* Rywka Mendelsohn Myerna Michaels Murray Neidich Thomas John Nelson Arden New Edward P. Nudelman Jennie Nudelman Sophie Marie Olshin Howard Overback Lucy Sue Overback Solomon Plushnick Sam Rosenbaum Meier Rosencrantz Diana Harrison Rosenfield Alan Ruben Jerome Rubenstein Helen Schnitzer Jim Spitzer Rudy Spring Stanley I. Steinberg Milton Waldinger
May 15 & 16 Harry Arnsberg Selma Asher* Lois Berlin* Seymour Berns Roland Bonamici Anselm Boskowitz Fannie Braunsten* Sidney Chucker Elliott Cohen Richard Dean Cohen* Lou Egart Leah Estrin Solomon Fishman Frances Freedman Evelyn Freeman Nellie Friedman Evelyn Georges Rose M. Golby* Alfred Goldfaden Sam Gordon David H. Greenberg* Joseph Haas Isador Hoffman Milton Horenstein Jeanette Jackson* Angela Kellner Sally Sophia Kirshner Ruth Kraminsky Sheina Esther Levin Bernice Lubetkin Michael Thomas Makler* Gertrude Mills Ruth Radtke Regina Ginsberg Riggs Selma Robinson Louis Romoff Louis M. Rosencrantz Marvin Rubens Moussa Sabi Adolph J. Schneider* Eva Schneider* Johanna Slotowsky* Rena L. Snell* Samuel Solomon* Martin Tragarz Sol Treuhaft Israel Wald Phyllis Green Weidenbaum Hiram Whiteley Martha Whiteley Morris Wolf* Alfred S. Wolfe Bertha Woolach
May 22 & 23 Max Arnsberg Pauline Barkley Fannie Baron Bertha Beck* Ralph Albert Benaroya* Joseph Bergman* Bert Berliner Oscar Berman* Gertrude Chucker Joseph M. Constantine* Ruth Dickstein Leonard L. Dotson Marianne Feldman Sylvia Feller Anna Friedman Philip Gelber Sheldon Geller May Berenson Georges Amy R. Goldsmith* Edward Hupert Sue Hupert Minnie Joseph Opal G. Katzky Sidney Kaufman Maurice Kramer Mendel Leveton* Ceil Levy Sol Levy* Susanne Lewis Elise Rosenblum Light Miriam S. Lipman* Margaret Matje Fortuna Menashe Jacob Platt* Jean W. Rothenberg David Rubin* Samuel Saltzman* Colin F. Stoloff Geraldine Warenback Sidney J. Weiner Rose Weintraub Abe “Al� Wexler*
Arthur W. Frisch Herman Gadye Joseph Goldsmith Florence Golub Albert L. Green* Charles L. Greenblatt Charlotte Haimsohn* Shirley Kaufman Janice Kohler Eddie Koslowski Rachella Meekcoms Kryszek Justin Landauer Cerdell Lennis Joseph Lewis Robert Dean Lipman* Stuart Little Dorothy H. Lowenson* Robert MacDougall Martin Miller Gus Mueller Harold Orr Samuel R. Planer Sylvia Press Dorothy Rogel Rose L. Rosencrantz* Edward A. Rosenfeld Eugenie J. Rothschild* Jack Saltzman Ida Saperstein Lester Seinfeld Sylvia Seinfeld Gertrude Semler* Phyllis Shapiro Sylvia Shlim* Alan Sigelman Adrienne F. Stenger Anna R. Tobias Abe Weiner Charlene Weinstein Jacob Weiss Joseph Werlin Louis Zacks Samuel Zeidman
May 29 & 30 Sylvia Bartenstein Aaron Blauer Rabbi Moshe Cahana Sally De Leon S. Mason Ehrman* Pauline Eisenman Bernice Feibleman Leah Feinstein Howard A. Fishel* Morris Fleisher
(*) next to a name indicates a memorial plaque has been purchased to ensure the beloved departed is remembered in perpetuity. For information about memorial plaques in the Temple, please contact Jemi Kostiner Mansfield at (503) 222-1069 or jemi@bethisrael-pdx.org.
Congregation Beth Israel
May 2015
Iyyar-Sivan 5775
Administration Offices & Clergy Education Department & Preschool Fax Machine WRJ/BI Sisterhood Judaica Gift Shop Beth Israel Cemetery 426 SW Taylors Ferry Road
503-222-1069 503-222-2037 503-274-1400 503-222-1069 503-222-1069
FRIDAY 1 Iyyar 12
2 Iyyar 13
Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR
Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR
Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC
Tot Shabbat 9:30 AM PC
JND Potluck Dinner 7:00 PM GH
Shabbat Morning Service: Bar Mitzvah of Max Kobak 10:30 AM PC
3 Iyyar 14
4 Iyyar 15
5 Iyyar 16
6 Iyyar 17
7 Iyyar 18
8 Iyyar 19
9 Iyyar 20
Mah Jongg for Beginners 7:00 PM Offsite
Midrasha (grades 6-8) 5:30 PM SEC
Adult Education Committee 8:30 AM SBR
Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR
Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR
Adult B’nei Mitzvah 6:00 PM SBR
Annual Meeting 5:30 PM GH
WRJ/BIS Board Meeting 6:30 PM SBR
Shir Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Temple
Shabbat Morning Service: Bar Mitzvah of Levi Margolis 10:30 AM Temple
Book Group 9:00 AM SBR Mitzvah Day 9:00 AM BA
10 Iyyar 21
Dor Chadash Shul-In SEC
11 Iyyar 22
Religious School/ B’nei Mitzvah 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM
12 Iyyar 23
13 Iyyar 24
14 Iyyar 25
15 Iyyar 26
16 Iyyar 27
Education Taskforce 7:00 PM SBR
Executive Committee 12:00 PM SBR
Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR
Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR
Adult B’nei Mitzvah service 6:00 PM Temple
Shabbat Morning Service: Bar Mitzvah of Ryan Smith 10:30 AM Temple
Midrasha (grades 6-8) 5:30 PM SEC
Midrasha (grades 9-12) 12:15 PM SEC
Adult B’nei Mitzvah 6:00 PM SBR Adult Ed: Book Signing with author Kimberly Hartnett 7:00 PM PC
17 Iyyar 28
18 Iyyar 29
Religious School/ B’nei Mitzvah 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM
High School Graduation 6:00 PM Temple
19 Sivan 1
20 Sivan 2
21 Sivan 3
22 Sivan 4
23 Sivan 5
Knit-a-Mitzvah 10:00 AM SBR
Board of Trustees Meeting 6:15 PM SBR
Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR
Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR
Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC
Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 AM PC
Midrasha (grades 9-12) 12:15 PM SEC
Erev Shavuot/Confirmation 6:00 PM Temple
Youth Group Board Meeting 2:00 PM SEC
24 Sivan 6
25 Sivan 7
Memorial Day: Offices Closed
Shavuot Festival Lunch & Learn 12:00 PM SBR
26 Sivan 8
27 Sivan 9
28 Sivan 10
29 Sivan 11
30 Sivan 12
Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR
Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR
Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC
Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 AM PC 6th Grade Shabbatini #3: Torah Trek 10:30 AM PC
31 Sivan 13 Adult Ed: The Struggle to Maintain Jewish Identity, Pt. 3 10:30 AM PC
Over the long Memorial Day Weekend, a container of flags will be centrally located adjacent to Landau Chapel. Families coming to visit may take a flag so they can personally place it on the grave in tribute to their loved ones. Please contact Jemi Kostiner Mansfield at (503) 222-1069 or jemi@bethisrael-pdx.org with questions.
Location Key HH = Harris Hall BA = Blumauer Auditorium GH = Goodman Hall LB = Library LF = Lipman Foyer MR = Miller Room PC = Pollin Chapel SBR = Shirley & Herbert Semler Board Room SC = Shemanski Chapel SEC = Sherman Education Center SFC = Schnitzer Family Center
View our calendar and campus map online at www.bethisrael-pdx.org
Congregation Beth Israel
Congregation Beth Israel
1972 NW Flanders Street Portland, OR 97209-2097
Board of Trustees 2014/2015 Officers
Ned Duhnkrack President
Jonathan Barg Stuart Chestler, Immediate Past President Eric Friedenwald-Fishman Stacy Friedman Robin McCoy Sharon Meieran Joanne Van Ness Menashe Marney Pike Yale Popowich Bob Rosenbaum David Sarasohn Arthur Steinhorn
Ted Nelson VP/President Elect Ilene Davidson Vice President Ali Garfinkle Vice President Brad Tonkin Vice President Mark Peterman Secretary John Epstein Treasurer
Auxiliaries Linda Harrison and Stephanie Siegel - WRJ/BI Sisterhood Co-Presidents David Goldwyn - Brotherhood President
Sunday, May 3, 9:00 AM Herbert & Shirley Semler Board Room
Book Signing: Kimberly Hartnett Wednesday, May 13, 7:00 PM Pollin Chapel
Everyone is welcome to join us for a morning of pleasant literary discussion. There is no need to sign up.
Join us when author Kimberly Hartnett appears at CBI to sign copies of Carolina Israelite: How Harry Golden Made Us Care About the Jews, the South, and Civil Rights, his biography of Jewish American writer and humorist Harry Golden (1903-1981).
The selection for May is 50 Children: One Ordinary American Couple’s Extraordinary Rescue Mission into the Heart of Nazi Germany by Steven Pressman. This will be the last Book Group meeting until fall.
The Struggle to Maintain Jewish Identity: Tomorrow
Shavuot Lunch & Learn
Sunday, May 31, 10:00 AM Pollin Chapel Speaker: Marc N. Blattner
Sunday, May 24, 12:00 PM Herbert & Shirley Semler Board Room Bring your brown bag dairy lunch and join Rabbi Cahana for this Shavuot-themed study session, complete with blintzes!
How do we ensure a Jewish future in light of increased “secular” identity of Jews, increased intermarriage, and increased interest in cultural Judaism by non-Jews? What is the role of the synagogue as an institution?
Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism since 1879
Congregation Beth Israel