November 2014 Bulletin - Congregation Beth Israel, Portland Oregon

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Bulletin Established 1858 November 2014 Cheshvan-Kislev 5775 Vol. 64, No. 2

Honoring “Sheriff” Ben Sandler… Grab your pardner, bring your family and friends! We’re planning a swell shindig to celebrate our beloved Ben Sandler’s 10th anniversary as our Education Director. Now, ol’ Ben has been part of the CBI team for a long time (why, we reckon he’s closing in on 20 years when countin’ up all his teaching days), but since that’d be too big a hootenanny even for us, we’re focusing on his decade as the big boss. Ben is so much more than your average Education Director; he is an inspiring teacher, sought-after leader, thoughtful collaborator, creative thinker, wise counselor, and great listener. Ben’s diverse

talents range far beyond classroom management and curriculum coordinator. He’s our celebrated baal tekiah, member of our Shabbat Combo, co-founder of CBI’s Def Shlepper Band, star in our Purim Schpiels – in short, whether in costume or out, on his unicycle or off, he really is our very own “Super Jew.” Ben is passionate about learning, the consummate (and—dare we say it—overachieving?) student. As if one Master’s Degree weren’t enough, Ben is pursuing a second one in Jewish Education at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. He has an incredible cohort of professional educators sharing this journey. They are learning and being inspired by the best and brightest at HUC-JIR, and we are all the beneficiaries as Ben shares the latest trends and research in teaching and learning to help us provide the best Jewish education for our students. This is a huge feather in the ol’ Stetson for both Ben and CBI. We hope you will join us on Saturday, November 22, at 4:30 PM for our 2nd Annual Barn Dance. Thank you to Brad Popick and Portland Outdoor Store for being our Barn Dance Partner! See the details above. You can even register online! Now all you have to do is rustle up your pals, dust off your boots, round up yer swankiest cowboy duds, and come celebrate Sheriff Ben – one of the funniest mensches west of the Mississippi!

B’nei Mitzvah

Upcoming Events

Stella Rose Randall Meier Stella Meier will become Bat Mitzvah at the 5:00 PM Havdalah service on November 8, 2014. She is the daughter of Dina and Eric Meier, younger sister of Lucie, and granddaughter of Lois Schnitzer. A 7th grader at Catlin Gabel, Stella has selected The Dream Factory of Oregon for her Mitzvah Project. The Dream Factory grants wishes to children ages 3-18 and is the only wish-granting organization that does not limit its wishes to children with terminal illnesses. They believe that children with chronic illnesses and disorders also suffer from substantial emotional and physical pain and strive to provide hope and relief from the trauma and stress these children and their families can endure every day. All of the dreams are within a 30 mile radius of Portland. Stella and her family participated in the 5k Color Run on September 6th, which benefitted this charity. To learn more, visit

Samantha Kate Safirstein and Jacob James Safirstein Sam and Jake will become B’nei Mitzvah on November 15, 2014. They are the children of Joe Safirstein and Kristine Lambert. Sam is a freshman at St. Mary’s Academy, and Jake is an 8th grader at Beaumont Middle School. Sam and Jake have worked hard to learn about Judaism, a self-initiated drive, and incorporate Jewish community and values into their lives. Finding and participating in their Mitzvah projects has been an important part of their journey. Jake, who enjoys cycling, has spent most of his Sunday afternoons volunteering at the Community Cycling Center, processing and repairing donated bikes. The CCC works to promote safe and accessible bike riding for all riders. Its efforts benefit underserved communities, enabling kids to ride to school, adults to ride to work, and individuals to find health through the physical activity of biking. Jake will continue his volunteer work and is planning a bike drive for the spring. Sam volunteers at Portland Homeless Family Solutions, a shelter that provides food, childcare, counseling, and a place to sleep for families in transition. Sam chose to work with PHFS because she loves art, children, and making conversation with new people. Her participation with PHFS has fulfilled a variety of her passions, capitalizing on her strengths and enriching her contributions to the community. She plans to continue this volunteer work throughout high school. To learn more about volunteer opportunities with these organizations, visit and

Kari Paula Zimmerman Kari Zimmerman will become Bat Mitzvah on November 29, 2014. She is the daughter of Craig and Debby Zimmerman, younger sister of Jordyn, and older sister of Mason. Kari attends Gilkey International Middle School and is raising money for a close family friend who is suffering from brain cancer. Her specific Mitzvah Project has centered around a raffle she organized, using donated prizes to raise over $2,000. This money will go directly to the patient to help with medical expenses and give him the means to access anything that will keep him comfortable and well cared for.


CBI Book Group Sunday, November 7, 9:00 AM Herbert & Shirley Semler Board Room Please join our book group each month for a morning of pleasant literary discussion. There is no need to sign up. November’s selection, which is also the selection for Jewish Book Month, is In the Courtyard of the Kabbalist by Ruchama King Feuerman. If you’d like to plan ahead, the selection for December is My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel by Ari Shavit.

Healing Havdalah Saturday, November 15, 4:30 PM Pollin Chapel Cantor Ida Rae Cahana will lead an hour of music and quiet reflection followed by the simple and beautiful ceremony ending the Sabbath. Praying together and taking the time to gather one’s thoughts in a supportive, spiritual environment may help to lift a tired soul. Coffee, tea, and cookies will follow. We hope to see you there.

The Struggle with G-d: From Antiquity to Modernity This is the second in a series of three lectures by Rabbi Michael Cahana about our struggle with G-d. Previous attendance is not a prerequisite. Judaism’s radical insight to religion is the concept of a single G-d, unseeable and to a certain extent unknowable. And yet, that uniqueness creates a problem known to Moses and all the prophets: How can I know an unknowable G-d? In this series of classes, we will discuss the struggle we Jews have with divinity. Having trouble with G-d? Join the club!

Session 2: “Who is G-d? The Challenge of Love” Sunday, November 16, 10:00 AM Pollin Chapel In this session we will discuss the traditional descriptions of G-d including the “13 Attributes”, the duality of Justice and Mercy and the issue of Gender.

Portland Celebrates Jewish Book Month Sunday, November 23, 10:00 AM Pollin Chapel Speaker: Ruchama King Feuerman The book chosen for Portland Jewish Book Month is In the Courtyard of the Kabbalist by Ruchama King Feuerman. It details the confluence of an orthodox Jewish man from New York who moves to Israel and becomes part of the followers of a Kabbalist, a woman who is seeking to meet a spiritual man, and a deformed Palestinian who works on the Temple Mount. Their lives become intertwined as they explore the questions of who owns relics, what is truth, and who they really are. Ms. Feuerman will have copies of In the Courtyard of the Kabbalist for sale, which she will be available to sign. Co-sponsored by Portland Jewish Book Month and the Jewish Federation of Portland.

Congregation Beth Israel

Our Leadership Giving Thanks

But I’d like to invite us to a more nuanced and complex vision of what we can celebrate in Thanksgiving and in what we can dedicate ourselves to for Thanksgivings yet to come.

by Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph Assistant Rabbi Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. It is certainly my favorite secular holiday. I love waking up on Thanksgiving morning knowing that it will be a relaxing day spent with family and friends. A verse from Psalms says, “Hodo L’Adonai Ki Tov… Give thanks to God for God is good.” “Hodu” (thanks) is a homonym for turkey. It is an amusing coincidence and a reminder that this season calls our attention to gratitude. I will contemplate all the things for which I am thankful, including being an American. Even if we give thanks to God on a daily basis in our prayers, it is essential to take a day out of our busy lives to be thankful for our country. I do believe that the consumerism and materialism that is Black Friday have begun to infringe on the Thanksgiving holiday, but ultimately, it’s a time for giving thanks. Not all of my colleagues believe that Thanksgiving is a worthwhile secular holiday for the Jewish community to celebrate. Rabbi Jill Jacobs, a leading Jewish activist who is passionate about fair wage, public housing, and homelessness, is not a fan of Thanksgiving. She writes: My problem is not that I think the holiday is asur [forbidden], or even that I think that the sins of the Pilgrims overshadow any future attempts to find meaning in Thanksgiving. Rather, I find Thanksgiving to represent some of the blandest parts of American life. Thanksgiving has almost as many rituals as some Jewish holidays – there’s the Turkey carving (tofurkey in my house), the ritual foods, the football game, and perhaps the quick round of “What are you thankful for?” And then, the next day, there’s the shopping. I am proud to be an American because of the (sometime) history of democracy, opening our doors to immigrants, and pursuing equality for all. I wish that we honored this tradition by spending Thanksgiving protesting unjust policies and working toward just ones. I even wish that we spent Thanksgiving telling our own immigration stories, grappling with the complications of American history, and thinking about how we want to act in the future. Instead, we get a holiday that’s about stuffing ourselves, watching large and overpaid men jump all over each other, and preparing to max out our credit cards yet again. (Many people also spend time on Thanksgiving volunteering at a local soup kitchen, but – of course – these noble efforts do little to stop the growing incidence of hunger in our wealthy nation.) Other than (tofu) Turkey replacing (veggie) burgers, Thanksgiving is little different from July 4, Memorial Day, Labor Day, or any of the other holidays that have lost any real meaning and have just become one more excuse for gluttony and worship of the gods of commercialism. I’m proud to be an American Jew. But I’ll take mine without the cranberry sauce. While I feel strongly that part of being thankful for what we have should include pursing justice, I don’t think Rabbi Jacobs presents a fair picture of the American Thanksgiving holiday. I much prefer Rabbi Brad Artson’s take on the Thanksgiving experience. He writes: There is resonance that so many Jews feel toward Thanksgiving. It is a very “Jewish” holiday, even if it wasn’t a Jewish holiday to begin with: Great meal, great company, celebrating life and joy and resilience and freedom in community. All values embedded deeply in Jewish tradition.

The term “Jew” comes from the Hebrew word Yehudah meaning thanks, joy, gratitude. At the core of the Jewish way is a resilient joy that directs our attention toward the blessings we already have, those we need to work toward to realize, and the need to share those blessings in community. When I was a child, the Thanksgiving story was presented as early Americans (the Pilgrims) hosting a meal of gratitude that hosted Indians. The Indians were guests, the Americans were European. And we latter day Americans focused on the nascent democracy found among the Pilgrims. As I grew and read, the circle expanded. I learned that the “Indians” were First Americans. They are not outsiders to America’s story, they have always been at its heart. So, Thanksgiving expanded to include two incompatible tellings – the tale as told by Puritans and a very different perspective as recounted by Native Americans. There was a bittersweet quality that joined the older narrative, a tale of displacement, of blindness to the wisdom and depth of the culture of First Americans, of their generosity in reaching out to the newcomers, of opportunities for cooperation and learning missed, of sheer survival against overwhelming odds. But the expanding circles keep growing. Shortly after that first Thanksgiving Africans joined this continent as unwilling captives enslaved to serve European farmers and merchants. They too were seen as outsiders, and they too are now an irreplaceable component of the American story. Another layer of grief and tragedy, but also of extraordinary courage, caring, persistence and faith was added to our complicated national identity. And the list continues to expand. First seen as interlopers, outsiders, group after group, moved from perifery to core, from alien to American: evangelicals, Jews, Irish, Chinese, Japanese, Mormons, Mexicans, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims – each community (and still others) contributed their stories, perspectives and traditions. These cacophonous tellings were first viewed as threats, eclipsing what it means to be American. Eventually we recognized each new tide as expanding, transforming and elevating what it means to be us. That process is by no means finished and is very much in process. Our dinners may be less simplistic, and our giving thanks is now joined by taking responsibility. But as our telling swells to include many stories, we are made that much greater by the expansiveness of our humanity – warts, joys and all. And for it all, let us breathe deeply, take it all in and give thanks. God bless us, everyone! All holidays are complicated. Jewish holidays are complicated, and so are our secular holidays. It’s crazy that we Americans spend July 4th at the beach, on the boat, and at barbecues. It’s crazy that some Americans spend their Thanksgiving Day camped out on a sidewalk waiting for deals on big-screen televisions. But that shouldn’t dictate whether Jews should celebrate Thanksgiving. For me, it’s a special day that includes spending meaningful time with family and friends, watching parades and football games, and eating a delicious meal. For all that I remain grateful. Hodo L’Adonai Ki Tov… Give thanks to God for God is good. Happy Thanksgiving!

November 2014


Developing CBI Making Magical Moments by Jenat Levison Feldman Development Director Something really magical is at work at Congregational Beth Israel. The beauty of our prayers, the holiness of our space, and the incredible diversity of our members mix together to make the mundane into the extraordinary, so it seems quite fitting that this be the year our Fall Fundraiser drove that point home. Developing exciting and unique fundraising events for our congregational community always appears daunting at first. It’s almost like creating a magic potion – a bit of this, a tad of that, stir in something familiar, add something new, and poof! You have something unique and a bit different each and every time. The formula is never the same as committee members and chairs bring their own interests and skills into the mix. It is this exchange of ideas and creativity that excites me the most and that I believe becomes the connecting point for those working on any event. That pretty much describes the fascinating experience had by this year’s The Magic is Here committee, chaired by the wonderfully exuberant David and Tiffany Goldwyn. This year’s committee members were under no illusion that putting together our major fundraising event would be a simple trick. From the beginning, everyone thought


carefully about each aspect of the evening and how to ensure maximum success. From seeking the best possible magician to sponsors who would be proud to support CBI through this fundraiser to an invitation that “reflected” how important each individual is to the success of CBI, each matter was thoughtfully discussed. The signature cocktails, the scrumptious supper (so graciously provided by Harold and Jane Pollin and Al Fresco Catering by Sheraton) and even the room décor did not just magically appear. Each aspect was lovingly crafted by our fabulous committee. And then there was the Magical Mitzvah Moment. As our major sponsor, The Harold and Arlene Schnitzer CARE Foundation set the pace early. Arlene also came forward with a personal challenge grant that established our Mitzvah Moment goal for the evening. You pledged graciously and enthusiastically so that our clergy, staff, board, and entire membership would have the resources to touch lives by engaging people through community building, education, and worship. Your generosity ensures that our congregation is open to all Jews and that all Jewish families are given the opportunity to have a Jewish education; that art and music – which take us to places words can’t reach – remain an integral part of our CBI program; and that the work of our congregation includes building a strong community through programs like the SoupSac project and tutoring residents at the NW Towers. We take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you who made this evening magical. From the sponsors to the committee members, from the guests to the Mitzvah Moment donors – YOU are the magic ingredient. This is no illusion!

We Thank our Magical Sponsors

Harold & Arlene Schnitzer CARE Foundation



Michael and Margie Anton Marge Cohn Ilene and Jim Davidson Cameron and Dick Davis Kathleen and Lou Doctor Sarah and John Epstein Jen and Howard Feldman Eric and Rebecca Friedenwald-Fishman Linda and Tom Georges Michelle and Steve Gradow Lisa and Jonathan Greenleaf Sue and Barry Menashe Debra and Roscoe Nelson Marney and Allan Pike Diane and David Rosencrantz Loree and Ken Sakai Wyse Kadish LLP

Jane and Harold Pollin and Al Fresco Catering by Sheraton

ILLUSIONISTS Rabbi Michael Cahana, Cantor Ida Rae Cahana and Rabbi Rachel Joseph Mandi and Stuart Chestler Andrea Davis/David & Tiffany Goldwyn Downtown Development Group/Goodman Family Ned Duhnkrack Rhonda and Jim Kennedy The Michael Menashe Family Theodore Nelson and Curtis Shaffstall Rita and Bob Philip Lois Schnitzer The Ron Tonkin Family of Dealerships Lynn and Jeff Wolfstone

We Thank our Mystical Committee Chairs: David & Tiffany Goldwyn Bonnie Barg • Joey Fishman • Harold Pollin • David Bean • Linda Georges • Rachel Pollin • Grace Cantor • Michelle Gradow Lorraine Rose • Ilene Davidson • Robin McCoy • Linda Salinsky • Kathleen Doctor • Ted Nelson • Dorota Sinclair Sarah Epstein • Marney Pike • Joanne Treuhaft • Barbra Fisher • Sarah Pitman • Jeff Wolfstone


Congregation Beth Israel


L’Dor V’Dor From Generation to Generation Putting Theory into Practice:

Instruct In the Way of Goodness By Ben Sandler Education Director

As part of my current studies at Hebrew Union College, I am reading and interpreting educational philosophies from prominent Jewish and secular thinkers. It is a privilege to participate in this type of highlevel, big-picture thought on education, and then to challenge myself and our talented faculty to put theory into practice! Two such thinkers are Rabbi Moshe Greenberg and educational theorist Nel Noddings. Rabbi Greenberg’s underlying assumption about the learner is that of one “impelled by curiosity concerning the world about him and his own inner life - the meaning of what his senses take in.” Rabbi Greenberg makes an interesting distinction between “the product of an ideal education” and an educated Jew. A person with “knowledge, values, and loyalties that derive from the sources of Judaism” are all part of the educational experience and becoming a Jewish person, not solely someone who has acquired knowledge of Judaism. This type of perspective is reflected in the academic, social, and cultural components and opportunities in our Religious School community, and aligns with our synagogue’s overall goals of becoming a more relational and closer community. Rabbi Greenberg discusses the study of literature of the Jewish people as a means to “instruct in the ways of goodness” (which I find a beautiful notion) and goes on to outline the qualities students should acquire in order to be successful: love of learning Torah and a love of the fulfillments of the commandments between God and man; acceptance of the Torah as a moral guide, along with the recognition that its moral precepts have undergone constant revision and refinement; a way of life that creates community; and a relationship to the Jewish people in all lands of their dispersion. In terms of informing my own educational practice, these qualities serve as a reminder and motivator to help guide our teachers in

Mazel Tov to Fred and Tina Blank on the birth of their granddaughter, Charlotte Beech Wynn, on September 15. Charlotte is the daughter of Lisa and Brent Wynn and joins big brother Carson, who will turn 3 in November. Carol Gordon Kutner on the engagement of her daughter, Laura Kutner, to Stephen Tokarski on July 23. Laura’s father is Douglas R. Kutner. Laura and Stephen live in Portland. In addition, Carol shared the happy news that Laura’s book, The Soda Bottle School, was published on May 1, 2014. All proceeds will benefit environmental education. Abigail Korngold and Reuven Ballaban on their October 12 marriage.

these directions. If we are going to teach from a “Torah at the Center” perspective, then our faculty must have not just the tools and knowledge but the passion to teach Torah and all of the Jewish texts and curriculum. It’s not enough that the teacher is knowledgeable, but as Noddings rightly indicates, the students must genuinely know and feel the teacher cares for them and the subject matter, which in our context is Torah and Jewish learning. In particular, I find Rabbi Greenberg’s quality of community as a successful measure of a Jewish education to be one of the most essential elements in our congregation today. If every Jew in America is now a Jew by choice, how do we guide, encourage, and inspire students to “choose” to create a way of life that creates a Jewish community? One way is by connecting ethics to action, deeds of loving kindness; it can feel really good to be Jewish and to be at the heart of today’s social justice issues while drawing from our history and commentary through the ages. Rabbi Greenberg reminds us that many of the precepts of Judaism are social and that we are a people of deeds. The “meaning of what our senses take in” is intertwined with the social interactions we experience every day. Like John Dewey, the well-known giant of educational philosophy, Rabbi Greenberg emphasizes that in order for education to be meaningful to the learner it must address matters of concern to the learner. How many “matters of concern” for our students are related to the social emotional sphere? Been in a middle school setting lately? Rabbi Greenberg also challenges me to present elements of what he calls a “virtuous life” early in their formation. One example of how we strive to meet this challenge is at our Sunday Mishpacha Minyan for K-5th grade students and parents. Together with our clergy, we create an artistic and interactive worship experience connected to the parashat and consistent in terms of prayer and melodies. Greenberg writes, “…so that they will be able to find in Judaism answers to their aspirations for a good society and for a meaningful way of life.” Our challenge: to present these virtues in an interactive, multi-modal way that is consistent and sometimes repetitive but remains interesting, allowing for self-discovery and becoming increasingly sophisticated and nuanced as the child develops – not to mention keeping it fun and engaging!

Jakob Kryszek on being selected as the 15th recipient of the Rabbi Joshua Stampfer Community Enrichment Award. Jake will be honored at a dinner on December 11th at Congregation Neveh Shalom. For more information, please visit

Condolences to Thea and Angel Hayes & family on the death of her father, Benjamin Weiss, on September 15. Brian Puziss on the death of his mother and Paul and Sherry Puziss on the death of his aunt, Kelly Puziss, on October 5. Janet La Rossa on the death of her longtime companion and Roger Finger on the death of his father, Bob Finger, on October 5.

Josh and Amy Frankel on the naming of their daughter, Hannah Pearl Frankel, on October 11. Hannah was born September 2, 2014.

William Kendall on the death of his wife, Susan Kendall, on October 8.

November 2014


Social Action TUTOR CHILDREN AT NW TOWERS Once a week, we provide tutoring and mentoring to the children who live in the Annex. Please join us on Wednesday afternoons from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM to provide one-on-one support for the children in NW Towers Annex.

Meet Our Neighbors - Year Two Even More Help Needed! Last year, the Social Action Committee paid particular attention to getting to know and assist the residents of the NW Tower and the NW Tower Annex, which are owned by Home Forward, Portland’s public housing agency. With the donated time and generosity of our amazing congregation, we have given food, comfort, and a little enrichment to the adult residents. We have also worked closely with the children to help them break the cycle of poverty. Our congregation has been very supportive of these efforts: providing school supplies, coats, shoes, and Christmas gifts for the children and coordinating meals and parties for residents, both at their building and at ours. We’ve started a walking club, supported residentled cooking classes for children, sponsored a roller skating party, planted a garden, donated prizes of household necessities for bingo games, and transported residents to doctors’ appointments. We are especially proud of the Wednesday afternoon tutoring program that we created and staff for the children living in the NW Tower Annex. While most of our tutors aren’t educational professionals, we help with homework and provide enrichment activities and encouragement for the children. We hope to continue to grow this program, and happily, we’ve been joined by two volunteers from Zion Lutheran Church. As you’ve been so generous, we would like to give you some insight into how the residents are faring. The two buildings currently house 205 residents who are the Silent Poor—people who have shelter but very limited financial means. They aren’t on the street, but many continue to live a life of quiet desperation. • 94% of the 143 residents living in NW Tower report a disability • 17% of the residents receive no income and about 33% earn only $10,000-$16,000 annually (28.5% of income is required to be paid as rent) • 30 children live in the Annex, and many are in single parent households • Many residents are food insecure because food stamps don’t last the month, and the disabled have difficulty getting to food pantries • Many residents don’t have sufficient furnishings for their apartments • Most parents can’t pay the fees for their children to participate in sports or music programs OPPORTUNITIES TO VOLUNTEER AND PROVIDE SUPPORT Please see the SAC webpage for more information about these activities and to sign up. If you would like more information, you can also contact us directly at


JOIN THE ADVOCACY TASK FORCE In the past year, the buildings and our neighborhood have seen a significant increase in crime. As a result, many of the older residents are now afraid to leave their apartments at night. The SAC has created a special advocacy task force to examine the causes of these increasing problems. If you are interested in making an impact in the lives of these residents through advocacy, please join our task force. MENTORING PROGRAM SUPPORTING PARENTS Many of these children have learning disabilities and/or lack a good educational foundation. For this reason, we are starting a volunteer mentoring program to help parents better advocate for their children at school. We are planning an informational meeting in December for congregants interested in participating in this crucial program. Please watch for the meeting date in in an upcoming “Beneath Our Dome,” or let the CBI office know if you would like a special invitation to this meeting. MEALS AND PARTIES FOR RESIDENTS Food is the key to reaching people and making connections, which is why we have parties/meals every few months. We always need help with cooking and serving, so please keep an eye on “Beneath Our Dome” to learn about upcoming meals and parties. PRE-THANKSGIVING DINNER AT NW TOWER Join us on Sunday afternoon, November 23, for a pre-Thanksgiving dinner for residents. This event was very successful last year, and we look forward to another great dinner this year. We need volunteers to bring food, make food at CBI that morning, and set up, serve, and clean at the event. HOLIDAY GIFTS FOR THE CHILDREN OF NW ANNEX We will again be providing holiday gifts for the children. With 8 days of Chanukah, please dedicate one day of gift giving to these kids. DONATE TO OUR SOCIAL ACTION FUND AND SOCIAL ACTION FOOD FUND Your donations allow us to fund these and other worthwhile activities. As you can see, there are many opportunities to help these folks. Please contact us at, by calling the CBI office, or by going to the Social Action page on the CBI website for more detailed information on all of our programming. There is a place for each of you in helping to repair the world and we are very grateful for your continued support. Please join us at our next Social Action Committee meeting on Wednesday, December 3, at 7:00 PM in the Herbert & Shirley Semler Board Room. Good company, good treats, and most importantly, good deeds. THANK YOU Social Action relies on the help and commitment of its volunteers to get its work done. We are so grateful for the help of our committee members, regular volunteers, and donors who plan, implement, and fund our important projects.

Congregation Beth Israel

Sisterhood We would like to specially thank a few of our hardworking committee members who coordinated important programs this year: Dorota Sinclair for donating her time and resources to host the Step It Up for Social Action event. Her donation of inventory from her beautiful shoe lines allowed SAC to have one of its most successful fundraisers. The proceeds from the fundraiser will allow us to buy more school supplies, coats, and boots for the children of NW Towers Annex Robert Peltz for coordinating the Funds for Food program for the High Holy Days. He spearheaded the change of emphasis from food donations to cash, which allowed us to raise almost $7,000 in funds and food this year – three times what we collected last year! This is equal to almost 12,000 pounds of food. Solomon Olshin and his father Andy for coordinating their Soup Sac program. With the congregation’s enthusiastic help, and by working hard and getting a grant to underwrite some of the costs, this innovative Bar Mitzvah project has resulted in 8 Soup Sac days. Overall, more than 4,000 meals were distributed to the homeless and poor in our community.

Share College Contact Info and We’ll Share the Love Sisterhood wants to send your US-based military or college student a care package for Chanukah and then for Purim! We are updating our mailing list and need your help. Parents, please email Kathleen Doctor ( by November 14, with the following information: • Name of the student or military member • Student email address • College attending or branch of service • Address, including zip code • Year in school • Permission to include name and email in student directory • Any dietary restrictions Contact Kathleen at (650) 464-5946 if you have a few hours to help prepare the boxes. We will ship the first week of December, or you may pick up boxes in the Temple office. The next time you give a tribute, please consider the Urman Family College Communication Fund or Sisterhood, which support this free service.

High Holy Days Sweets Table Every year it is Sisterhood’s pleasure to present a display of sweets for our congregants to enjoy following Rosh Hashanah services and serve noshes for congregants to break the fast. Toda raba to Leslie Geller for organizing the sweets project and to Kate Royston, who was in charge of the Break-the-Fast, and did a wonderful job. We want to thank everyone who helped with the baking, preparing the trays, and donating money to support these mitzvahs. You are all a blessing!

We often hear about the importance of “showing up.” Sisterhood exemplifies this adage. Whether it is to bake and tray cookies for Rosh Hashanah, to educate our members about breast cancer awareness, to sponsor Tot Shabbat, or to connect our members through a networking event, we show up. It is a great privilege to help lead Sisterhood with Linda Harrison during 5775. You will see us welcome Rabbi Joseph to the east side, create and co-sponsor social action programs, and work with Brotherhood, Jews Next Door, and our new committee, Next Generation, to engage our members in meaningful connections that will last a lifetime. Look for us, we will show up - often with cookies!

Gift Shop Happenings Fall hours: Sundays: 9:15 AM-12:15 PM Wednesdays: 6-8 PM Second and Fourth Fridays: 11:00 AM -1:00 PM Volunteer: We always need volunteers in the Gift Shop. Please contact Debbie Braymer, Gift Shop Volunteer Coordinator, at (503) 649-8043 or for details.

Network PDX!

- Stephanie Siegel, Sisterhood Co-President

Sisterhood and Brotherhood partnered to sponsor Network: PDX. This event engaged our membership. Over 75 people attended and connected. There is already buzz about repeating the event next year!

Sisterhood-Sponsored Tot Shabbat Please join us on Saturday, November 1st at 9:30 AM in the Pollin Chapel for a service aimed at our youngest members. Following the service, Sisterhood will have an age-appropriate craft project for little ones and parents and/or grandparents, as well as snacks for everyone.

November 2014


New Members

Congregation Beth Israel is Thrilled to Welcome a Dozen New and Returning Families! Jason and Danielle Cohen, their nine-year-old, Sydney, and their six-year-old, Sebastian. Lauren Stillwell Elkanich and David Elkanich, their new baby Samuel and David’s eight-year-old Noah. Lauren grew up here at CBI, and Noah and Samuel are making their first steps toward doing so, as Noah has just started in our Religious School. Jackson and Stephanie Faddis are recent Portland transplants from New York City, where Stephanie was completing her Masters in Elementary Education at Columbia University. Jackson is a systems administrator for Appnexus, an advertising technology company, and Stephanie is looking forward to getting back into the classroom after taking some time off this year for the arrival of their first child, who is due October 11th. Originally from Seattle, they are both very happy to be back in the Pacific Northwest! Karen Fink, who has rejoined CBI. Andrew Herman and Tina Szczesniak and their children, third grader Mira, preschooler Carolyn, and sixteen-month-old Leo. Roxanne and David Kotansky and their children, Lauren (9) and Jacob (7). Jason and Lucy Langer grew up in Los Angeles, Israel, and Ashland, Oregon. Jason is a graduate of the University of Oregon and is a professional photographer. Lucy grew up in St. Louis, MO. She is a graduate of Columbia University and Stanford and is a medical oncologist with Compass Oncology. Their children, Hannah (10) and Samuel (8), love books, music, movies, skiing, and soccer. Sam is a huge Lego fanatic, and Hannah wants to be a cartoonist when she grows up.

Steve Klein and Gail Mandel moved to Portland from Manhattan ten years ago, following a decade in Manhattan. Gail is originally from Deerfield, IL, a suburb of Chicago, and Steve is from Livingston, NJ, a suburb of New York City. Gail is currently the Legacy Development and Marketing Manager at the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation, and Steve is an attorney in the Technology and Intellectual Property Group at Stoel Rives. Their son, Eli Mandel-Klein, is in 3rd grade at Portland Jewish Academy. Jeffrey and Judith Margolis, who are the grandparents of new member Noah Elkanich. Steve and Amanda Netter are from Rye Brook, New York and Connersville, Indiana, respectively. They met at Indiana University, where they both studied and each earned two degrees. They moved to Portland from Albuquerque four years ago. Steve is currently the Sales & Marketing Financial Planning & Analysis Controller for Intel, and Amanda, a Nuclear Medicine Technologist by trade, is currently staying home with their two boys, Max (8) and Ari (4). They joined Beth Israel “to give [their] son Max an opportunity to go to religious school to learn more about his heritage and start preparing for his eventual Bar Mitzvah [and] to be more connected to the Portland Jewish community.” Jamie Pike , daughter of Allan and Marney Pike, is another returning member. Andrew and Valerie Schafer, along with daughter Isabelle (11) and son Jonah (10).

CBI Team Senior Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana Senior Cantor Ida Rae Cahana Assistant Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph Rabbi Emeritus Emanuel Rose, D.H.L., D.D. Cantor Emerita Judith Blanc Schiff


Education Department

Member Services

Education Director Ben Sandler, M. Ed.

Executive Director Sydney A. Baer

Early Childhood Education Director Deborah Kaplan, MAT

Development Director Jen Feldman

Youth Group Director Shoshanna Pro

Congregational Affairs Director Jemi Kostiner Mansfield

Education Administrator Ziva Sholin

Finance Director Jim Baldwin, CPA Accounting Assistant Vicki Greif

Congregation Beth Israel

Project Coordinator Dara Docherty

Art of Catering 503-231-8185 Larry Grimes

Office Administrator Tracy Alifanz

Food in Bloom 503-223-6819 Catherine Hernandez

Facilities Manager Casey Barkmeier

Century Catering 503-849-2605 Allen Levin

Facilities Staff Keith Powers, Lead Jesse Fehrer Shalamar Washington

Devil’s Food Catering 503-233-9288 Charles Stilwell

Catering Panel Alfresco Catering by Sheraton 503-335-2858 Shellie Postlewait

Culinary Artistry 503-232-4675 Jenn Louis

Very Thoughtful People

Allison B. Cohen Madrichim Training and Religious School Scholarship Fund

In Memory of Allison Bari Cohen Rhonda, Kenny, and Andrew Cohen In Honor of Rabbi and Cantor Cahana Stephanie and Steve Roitstein

Altar Flowers and Oneg Shabbat

In Honor of Ella Noelle Halpern (Consecration) Mark Halpern and Noelle Crombie General Contribution Given By Steven Pike and Allison Sneider Pike

Cemetery Beautification In Memory of Marian Black Floyd Black

Rabbi Cahana Discretionary In Honor of Congregation Beth Israel Rabbi Joshua Rose

Cantor Cahana Discretionary In Appreciation Victoria and Justin Haugen

Rabbi Joseph Discretionary In Memory of Betty Donoghue Rebecca Hill and John Parks In Appreciation Patrick Van Duser and Tova Peltz Marjorie Weiss

Rabbi Rose Discretionary In Memory of Irving Rotenberg Keri Nicolaisen

General Administrative

In Memory of Edith Zusman David H. and Rose Fertig Milton and Elynor Zusman Seymour Robinowitz Selene and Chuck Robinowitz Maria Gelbshteyn Jack Shapiro David Ellman Arthur and Benjamin Steinhorn Gilbert Schnitzer Mrs. Gilbert Schnitzer

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Novack Mr. and Mrs. Gary Schnitzer Howard Kostiner Sydney and Bill Baer

Hal Ruthizer Cultural Arts In Memory of Herman and Pearl Lipkin Eileen L. Lipkin

Jill Newman Slansky Early Childhood Leader Fund In Memory of Lillian Newman Jill Ann Slansky

Judith Anne Epstein Education Director’s Fund In Memory of Sara Sadis Bunny and Jerry Sadis

Landau Chapel

In Memory of Bernard Carr Bob and Lore Labby

Oseran Family Lecture

In Memory of Sadie Finkelstein Henry and Nancy Oseran In Honor of Barbara Durkheimer (Birthday) Bunny and Jerry Sadis Henry Oseran (Birthday) Mr. and Mrs. Warren Rosenfeld


In Memory of Robert Layton Patricia Layton Nemer

Ruth Semler Youth Activities In Memory of Abe Pollin Harold Pollin Ethel Levitt Blumenthal Jacqueline R. Spivak Helen Spivak & Family Sherry Caplan Pearl Friedman Barry and Barbara Caplan

Social Action (General) In Memory of Zelda Dubin Elaine and Dick Friedmar Ben M. Leshgold Gerald and Evelyn Leshgold Gladys Netboy

Jane Netboy and Nancy Seeger I. Harry Caplan Ardis Kowitt Bernard Carr Thomas and Leonard Carr Howard Lane Stephen Press and Laura Lane Isidor and Ruth Brill Madeline Nelson In Honor of Barbara Durkheimer (Birthday) Gerald and Evelyn Leshgold


In Memory of David Turtledove Paul and Alice Meyer Theodore Gerson Bob and Joanie Rosenbaum Edward and Dorothy Morgenstern Martha and Les Soltesz Betty Lou Margulis Jerome Margulis Dolorosa and David Margulis Ronnie Wood Lynda Baker Lee and Frank Berne Anna Semler Henry Spivak Helen Spivak & Family Benjamin Goldberg Jan Goldberg & Family Sylvia Miller Eve and Alan Rosenfeld Rose Baron Roger and Michele Baron Benjamin Brown William Brown Ruth McBride Ruben J. and Elizabeth Menashe Herman Richman Lois Adler Mimi Richman Ida H. Rosenblatt Jane Flaxman Adele Feingold Lee and Frank Berne Isaac B. Holzman Irwin Holzman Ben Rosenfeld Meryl Haber Mary Jackson Morrie and Gerry Jackson In Honor of Joanie and Bob Rosenbaum, Sandee Blank, & Judy and David Schiff (Support for our family) Karla Forsythe and Jim Crane Our granddaughters: Sadie, Rosie, and Freida Leslie and Robert Peltz Wonderful CBI Clergy Jill Ann Slansky

November 2014

Barbara Durkheimer (Birthday) Eve and Alan Rosenfeld General Contribution Given By Linda Ostomel

I Have A Dream

In Memory of Richard See Eleanore Rubinstein Leon Feuerstein Howard and Tamra Feuerstein Abraham Spivak Jacqueline R. Spivak Helen Spivak & Family

Temple Improvement In Memory of Fred Polsky Gloria Swire David Byer Howard Byer General Contribution Given By Michael Stern

May Georges Study in Israel Scholarship In Memory of Rose and Harry Ostomel Anne and Maurice Ostomel David Ostomel Linda Ostomel

Temple Endowment

In Appreciation of Rabbi and Cantor Cahana Janis Blauer-Chima

WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood Funds

Bikkur Holim - Hope in Life In Memory of Morton Mayer Wilma Jane Balick Sandra Kailes Biller & Family Ruth Shleifer Kenneth Shleifer & Family

Prayer Book

In Memory of Elias Lichtgarn Stan and Joyce Loeb In Honor of Barbara Caplan (Recovery) Elizabeth and Ruben J. Menashe


In Remembrance ~ May their memory be for a blessing. November 7 & 8 Leona Berlow Mack Berman A. Victor Bizer Bertha Blauer Kate Blumenthal* Ethel Levitt Blumenthal Isidor C. Brill Ruth L. Brill Bernard Carr Jennie Crystal Raoul De Leeuw Jack Douglas* Dorothy Elconin Sadie Finkelstein Lawrence Ellis Friedman Matthew Gould Benjamin Heller Joseph Jackson* Belva Kaffesieder* Reva Kailes Virginia Kendall Nettie Kleinberg Irving Korn* Marian G. Krantz* Howard Lane Alan Lazarus Irving L. London Albert Mandelbaum Alfred N. Marshall Morton Mayer Ruth McBride Leah Savage Mendelssohn Margaret K. Metzger* Anna Renee Nagel Bobbie D’Vera Radding* Jerome Raim Seymour Robinowitz Frank Rosenfeld Ben Rybke* Anna Semler Daniel Jerome Sennett Dale Shaw Jeanette Shemanski* Valerie Simon Lillian S. Steinberg Marion Stoner Sheldon Stanton Vidgoff David C. Wax* Ronnie Wood Josef Young Rose Zugman

November 14 & 15 Joseph Aarons Jacob Asher Rose Rosenbaum Baron Ruth Blauer David J. Bloom Ilo Bonyhadi Herman Cohen Robert Paul Cunneen Ida Delman* Betty Donoghue Estelle Ellner Leon Feuerstein Sidney Ginsberg Nathan Goldberg Arthur A. Goldsmith* Ruth Goodman Michael Green* Elise Simon Hahn* M. David Heims Sarah Kaplan Adelle Kohn Elayne Kutner Reuben Lenske Enrico Levi Leo Levison Edgar R. Lokay* Elsie Lowen* Louis Margulis* Anne Ostomel David Ostomel Harry Ostomel Maurice (Maurie) Ostomel Rose Ostomel Mae Pike* Charles Pitkin Betty Polsky Ida H. Rosenblatt Ira Rosenfeld Irving Rotenberg Sara Sadis Marion Savage Barbara Hervin Schwab Richard See* Ruth Shleifer* Abraham Spivak Rebecca Swerdlik Annie Weiner William Wolfstone M. David Zugman

November 21 & 22 Jane Beber Abramson Theresa Adler* Renee Bergman Marian Black Leonard I. Blank* Edward Brounstein Benjamin Brown David H. Byer I. Harry Caplan Maurice Dayan Samuel Eisenberg* Doris Etlinger Betty Feder Regina Feldman* Amy Lichtgarn Freedman* Vicki Friedlander Abe Friedman Maria Gelbshteyn Burton Gevurtz Benjamin Goldberg Alan Green Myron B. Haimo* Isaac B. Holzman Jan Horovitz Rachel Ingber Mary A. Jackson G. Isadore Kaufman Sara Kaufmann* Robert Layton* Dora Link Loudelle Lundberg* Virginia MacDougall Sylvia Miller Gladys Netboy Lillian Newman* Milly Platman Janet Popick Rose Puziss Herman Richman Gary Romain Ben Rosenfeld* Rae W. Samuelis Nancy Scheiner Gilbert Schnitzer David Schultz Simon C. Shifman Helen Shimshak Frances F. Simon Norah Solomon Thelma Tobin Miriam Anna Vidgoff Nathan S. White

November 28 & 29 Celia Silver Adler Julia Adler Lois Adler Miriam Aronson Rachael Gross Baer Sol Baker Sylvia Wurmser Blanc* Bessie Blank Belle T. Brounstein Charles Joseph Cantor Sherry Caplan Samuel Chaimov Allison Bari Cohen Regina Cohen Fannie Crohn* Spencer Daniels Theodore B. Davidson* Alan Robert Duhnkrack Sonia Eisenberg* David Ellman Jennie Y. Enkelis* Adele Feingold* Bess Steinman Feldstein Pearl Friedman Herbert B. Galton Gregg Goldstein Ann Granger Babette Baruh Horenstein Samuel Joseph Estelle Kobin* Bev Lindemann Nettie Margolis Rose M. Radding Marks* Sadie Miller* Abe Pollin Henrietta Rosenblatt Anna Saltzman Rachel Shaw Stephen Solomon Marvin S. Swire Janice Tews Maude F. Weil* Yvette G. Weil* Morris Weitman Rose Rita Wurmser

(*) next to a name indicates a memorial plaque has been purchased to ensure the beloved departed is remembered in perpetuity. For information about memorial plaques in the Temple, please contact Jemi Kostiner Mansfield at (503) 222-1069 or


Congregation Beth Israel

November 2014 SUNDAY

Cheshvan-Kislev 5775


Administration Offices & Clergy Education Department & Preschool Fax Machine WRJ/BI Sisterhood Judaica Gift Shop Beth Israel Cemetery 426 SW Taylors Ferry Road 2  Cheshvan 9

3  Cheshvan 10





SATURDAY 1  Cheshvan 8

503-222-1069 503-222-2037 503-274-1400 503-222-1069 503-222-1069

View our calendar and campus map online at

Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR Sisterhood sponsored Tot Shabbat 9:30 AM PC Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 AM PC

4  Cheshvan 11

5  Cheshvan 12

6  Cheshvan13

7  Cheshvan 14

8  Cheshvan 15

Book Group 9:00 AM SBR

Midrasha (grades 6-8) 5:30 PM SEC

Adult Education Committee 8:30 AM SBR

Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR

Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR

Religious School/ B’nei Mitzvah 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Adult B’nei Mitzvah 6:00 PM LB


Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 AM PC

Longevity Revolution 7:00 PM PC

WRJ/BIS Board Meeting 6:30 PM SBR

Shabbat Service Honoring Veterans 6:00 PM PC

11  Cheshvan 18

12  Cheshvan 19

Veteran’s Day

Executive Committee 12:00 PM SBR

Brotherhood Speaker: State Legislator Ginny Burdick 10:30 AM PC

JND Shabbat Service 7:30 PM PC

Havdalah Bat Mitzvah of Stella Meier 5:00 PM Temple

13  Cheshvan 20

14  Cheshvan 21

15  Cheshvan 22


Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR

Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR

Shir Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Temple

Shabbat Morning Service: B’nei Mitzvah of Samantha & Jacob Safirstein 10:30 AM Temple

Kol Echad Choir Rehearsal 11:30 AM BTB Midrasha (grades 9-12) 12:15 PM SEC

9  Cheshvan 16

10  Cheshvan 17


Education Taskforce 7:00 PM SBR

Midrasha (grades 6-8) 5:30 PM SEC Adult B’nei Mitzvah 6:00 PM LB

16  Cheshvan 23

17  Cheshvan 24

Religious School/ B’nei Mitzvah 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Healing Havdalah 4:30 PM PC

18  Cheshvan 25

19  Cheshvan 26

20  Cheshvan 27

21  Cheshvan 28

22  Cheshvan 29

Knit a Mitzvah 10:00 AM SBR

Midrasha (grades 6-8) 5:30 PM SEC


Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR

Torah Study 9:00 am SBR

Adult B’nei Mitzvah 6:00 PM LB

Board of Trustees Meeting 6:15 PM SBR

Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC

Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 AM PC

Adult Ed series: The Struggle with God (Pt. 2) 10:00 AM PC

Family Barn Dance 4:30 PM BA

ECE Shabbat Program 10:00 AM SEC Kol Echad Choir Rehearsal 11:30 AM BTB Midrasha (grades 9-12) 12:15 PM SEC

23  Kislev 1 Religious School/ B’nei Mitzvah 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM Jewish Book Month speaker 10:00 AM PC

24  Kislev 2

25  Kislev 3

26  Kislev 4

27  Kislev 5

28  Kislev 6

29  Kislev 7

No Midrasha/Evening Programming

Thanksgiving Day Offices Closed

Thanksgiving Break Offices Closed

Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR

Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC

Shabbat Morning Service: Bat Mitzvah of Kari Zimmerman 10:30 AM Temple

Preschool Giving Thanks Celebration 11:30 AM BA

Kol Echad Choir Rehearsal 11:30 AM BTB Midrasha (grades 9-12) 12:15 PM SEC SAC Thanksgiving Dinner for NW Towers 1:00 PM


Over Veterans Day Weekend, a container of flags will be centrally located adjacent to Landau Chapel at the Beth Israel Cemetery. Families coming to visit may take a flag so they can personally place it on the grave in tribute to their loved ones. Should you have any questions about burial locations at the cemetery, please contact Jemi Kostiner Mansfield at (503) 222-1069 or Location Key HH = Harris Hall  BA = Blumauer Auditorium GH = Goodman Hall LB = Library LF = Lipman Foyer MR = Miller Room PC = Pollin Chapel SBR = Shirley & Herbert Semler Board Room SC = Shemanski Chapel SEC = Sherman Education Center SFC = Schnitzer Family Center

Congregation Beth Israel


Congregation Beth Israel

1972 NW Flanders Street Portland, OR 97209-2097


Board of Trustees 2014/2015 Officers


Ned Duhnkrack President

Jonathan Barg Stuart Chestler, Immediate Past President Eric Friedenwald-Fishman Stacy Friedman Robin McCoy Sharon Meieran Joanne Van Ness Menashe Marney Pike Yale Popowich Bob Rosenbaum David Sarasohn Arthur Steinhorn

Ted Nelson VP/President Elect Ilene Davidson Vice President Ali Garfinkle Vice President Brad Tonkin Vice President Mark Peterman Secretary John Epstein Treasurer

Auxiliaries Linda Harrison and Stephanie Siegel - WRJ/BI Sisterhood Co-Presidents Bob Winthrop - Brotherhood President

A Message from our Board President The work of the Board – Building Community Engagement by Ned Duhnkrack President, Board of Trustees On Kol Nidre, I was honored to join many of our past presidents on the bima. Their past leadership and ongoing service have created a legacy for our community that our board is committed to preserve and build upon. As part of this building process, we have embarked on a program of leadership education and development (LEAD), under the expert guidance of Rabbi Samuel Joseph. One of last year’s LEAD outcomes was board adoption of a set of core values for our congregation, including learning, action, and spirituality. We also agreed that our overarching priority was community engagement. This year, the board continues our LEAD work and will focus on how leadership can evaluate congregational programs and projects in

relationship to our engagement priority. For example, in the past we may have evaluated programs by the number of attendees, whether there was enough food, how many complaints there were, or whether the program went over budget. Yet these measures tell us very little about whether the program actually builds sustained involvement in Jewish life here at Congregation Beth Israel. By measuring success differently, we can make better decisions about how to allocate our limited congregational resources of time, space, and money. In addition to the board’s internal LEAD work, board member Ilene Davidson will head an Engagement Task Force with board, clergy, and other lay leaders to gather and evaluate new ideas for building community. The goal is to ensure we do our best to provide every member of our community an opportunity to build connections here. Congregation Beth Israel already offers many wonderful opportunities to learn, take action, experience spirituality, and foster engagement. As the board begins its process of evaluation, we welcome your suggestions for how to enhance and strengthen our programming to build community.

Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism since 1879


Congregation Beth Israel

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