October 2014 Bulletin - Congregation Beth Israel, Portland Oregon

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Celebrating our Community!

HUNGRY FOR MORE? Help us welcome the New Year with a new tradition! Friday, October 10, 2014 Immediately following Shabbat Service – about 7:15 PM in Goodman Hall

Celebrate Shabbat—and our community!—with a potluck supper.

Please bring an entrée, salad, side dish, or dessert to share with friends both old and new. We’ll provide paper products and beverages; you supply the good company and warm connections.


Please RSVP to Tracy in the main office at (503) 222-1069 and let us know what you plan to bring. Plan to share with eight or so fellow diners, and remember, though we’re not strictly kosher – we are kosher style, so please no pork or shellfish. We’re looking forward to raising a glass with you!


Open House at the home of Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana and Cantor Ida Rae Cahana

Bulletin October 2014

Established 1858

Tishrei-Cheshvan 5775 Vol. 64, No. 1

Sunday, October 12 • 18 Tishrei 4:00 - 7:00 PM

For the address, please RSVP to Tracy in the main office at (503) 222-1069 by Wednesday, October 8.

B’not Mitzvah

L’Dor V’Dor From Generation to Generation Mazel Tov to

Jane Julia Ruth Koontz Janie Koontz will become Bat Mitzvah on October 18, 2014. She is the daughter of Zachary and Terri Koontz, younger sister of Matthew and Andrew, and older sister of Jack. Her grandmother is CBI member Laura J. Spear. Janie attends the International School of Beaverton and has chosen to work with the Oregon Humane Society for her Mitzvah Project. She has committed to a six month volunteer period, socializing with shelter animals and making them feel loved. She is also collecting much needed supplies – food, toys, and grooming items – that will be donated to the OHS. Bat Mitzvah guests will be asked to bring items to donate. Janie strongly supports the mission of Oregon Humane Society to fight cruelty and neglect and to raise awareness about building a caring, compassionate community and the importance of sheltering and adopting animals. She plans to continue volunteering on an on-going basis after her initial six month commitment has ended. To learn more, visit www.oregonhumane.org.

Gabriela Paige Steinberg & Adriana Lisette Steinberg Adriana and Gabriela Steinberg will become B’not Mitzvah on October 25, 2014. They are the daughters of Lance and Mary Steinberg, older sisters of Marisa, and granddaughters of CBI members Robert and Wendy Steinberg. The twins attend Riverdale Grade School in SW Portland. Their Mitzvah Project focuses on Cedar Sinai Park, specifically helping to lead Kabbalat Shabbat services at Rose Schnitzer Manor on a regular basis. The residents at CSP always appreciate seeing and hearing young service leaders, and the experience has helped to prepare the girls for their own B’not Mitzvah service. Many volunteer opportunities are available at both Rose Schnitzer Manor and Robison Jewish Health Center. To find out more about helping to lead Shabbat or holiday services, please contact Rabbi Abby Cohen, CSP Spiritual Life Director, at abby.cohen@cedarsinaipark.org.

Ashley Blevins and Adam Zivony on their September 1st marriage in the Temple, officiated by Rabbi and Cantor Cahana. Patrick Van Duser and Tova Peltz on the naming of their daughter, Freida Wonder Van Duser, on September 6. Proud grandparents are CBI members Robert and Leslie Peltz. Victoria and Justin Haugen on the naming of their son, Finn Jacob Haugen, on September 19. Lena and Yuri Benikov on the birth of their grandson, Mason Yuri McFarland, who was born on June 27, 2014. Proud parents are Michelle Benikov and Ryan McFarland. A further mazel tov to Lena and Yuri on Michelle and Ryan’s engagement: he proposed on Valentine’s Day 2014, and an August 2015 wedding is being planned. Ray and Dorothy Packouz on the birth of their 14th greatgrandchild, Shira Packouz. Proud parents are Hizkiyahu and Yael Packouz, and grandparents are Rabbi Kalman and Shoshana Packouz. May they grow in health and wisdom and be a source of strength to their family and all humankind. Sarah Krakauer, nurse-midwife, received a National Kaiser Permanente R. J. Erickson Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Award for her work on behalf of Hmong women.

Condolences to The family of Jerome Golby, who died on August 28. Davina and Alan Doby on the death of her uncle, Rev. Nachman Berkowitz, on September 5. Jemi Kostiner Mansfield and family on the death of her grandfather, Howard Kostiner, on September 8. Neal and Caroline Schnitzer & family on the death of his father, Marvin Schnitzer, on September 8.

Everything You Need to Know about Jewish Genetic Diseases

Thea & Angel Hayes and family on the death of her father Benjamin Weiss on September 15.

Sunday, October 19, 1:30-3:00 PM MJCC (6651 SW Capitol Highway, 97219) Join the community to learn about Jewish Genetic Diseases and how these diseases may impact your family. The event will discuss carrier screening, and on-site screening will be available. Speakers include Sally Segal, MD (Maternal Fetal Medicine, The Vancouver Clinic) and Cori Feist, MS, CGC (Genetic Counselor, OHSU). This event is open to the community, and the educational portion is free. RSVP by October 14 to oregonjcc.org/rsvp or (503) 244-0111. Please contact Bonnie Davis with questions at bonniedavis226@gmail.com or (503) 645-0355. CBI member Jeremy Davis will become Bar Mitzvah in January. His brother, Adam, died from Tay-Sachs before Jeremy was born, and Adam’s life has had a great impact on the Davis family. As part of his Mitzvah Project, Jeremy is helping to promote this program and encouraging people to attend.


Jeanne and Phyllis Newmark on winning a bronze medal in the duet free swim at the 2014 FINA World Masters Championships in Montreal, Canada.

Fun and games behind the Bima! Kol Echad (one voice): If you love to sing, to laugh, and to make friends with other CBI members, join the choir. We practice on Sundays (behind the Bima) and have a blast. Many of us have found it to be a great way to build community, to learn, and to be part of celebrations and services at Temple. You are invited to join us, whether or not you can read music or Hebrew, as all music is taught by CD and MP3 recordings. If you have questions, just ask Cantor Cahana or contact any of our singers including Shaina Boal, Marge Congress, Elizabeth Domagalski, Eric Friedenwald-Fishman, Susan Graber, Michelle Gradow, Joanne Menashe, Evi Pazmanczyk, Leslie Robinson, Ron Silver, and many other cool “kids”!

Congregation Beth Israel

Our Leadership The Time of Our Rejoicing By Ida Rae Cahana Senior Cantor

“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven…” Ecclesiastes 1:2 Soon after Labor Day, our temple family hosted its own celebratory end-ofthe-summer Shabbat service/cookout. As soon as the grill was shut down, cleaned off, and covered, we started to anticipate the chill of autumn. It is always with a sense of wistfulness for the elongated and more solitary days that summer can bring that now we were about to re-enter the world of school and activities. The amazing glow of the last supermoon also held a bright promise for what might lie ahead this fall. What relationships might be repaired and renewed, potential friendships begun, first steps taken towards a dream fulfilled? And where would our synagogue be as a catalyst for all this to happen in each of our lives? Congregation Beth Israel’s volunteer choir, Kol Echad, beautifully set the tone as they have the past two years at the late service on Rosh Hashanah evening, singing a Jewish reunion song about how good it is to be together hine ma tov. And just a short while later, we will gather in sukkot (huts) built to commemorate the festival holiday, a time of ingathering. Sukkot is also known as Z’man simchateinu (time of our rejoicing), because in Biblical times, it marked the finished harvest. Certainly for us, it marks the end of the process of the ten days of repentance. The rabbis considered it the most important of the three festival holidays and invested it with wonderful mystical significance as well as practical qualities. You have to build a temporary structure, for starters – large enough to invite people into and have a meal there! The hut should be open on one side and have a roof through which one can see the stars. And there should be guests invited, real as well as imagined. The non-corporeal ones are symbolic guests called Ushpizin. The Sephardim set aside a special decorated chair for them, each day welcoming in a different ancestral guest (such as Abraham, Sarah, Miriam, Jacob, David, Leah, and Esther) and enumerating their admirable qualities. You could make your own guest list. Whether you choose to build a sukkah this year or to be welcomed into one (our Open Sukkah is Sunday, October 12, from 4:00-7:00 PM at 3139 SW Fairmount Boulevard), consider what it means to build a tent of welcoming. Long ago we were a desert people, wandering in an inhospitable place and journeying to an unknown destination. While we are no longer nomadic former slaves, we can all relate to certain aspects of the life of our ancestors, those times when our soul and sense of purpose feel dried up, our world frightening and unsafe, our future uncertain.

If you Give a Roof a Tile… by Ned Duhnkrack President, Board of Trustees By the time you read this, we will have welcomed the New Year together in our beautiful sanctuary. With the construction dust settled, the yellow hazard tape removed, the trenches filled, and the pathways rebuilt, there will have been little sign of the frenetic activity which occurred during the preceding weeks. In fact, summer repair work at our sanctuary reminded me of the children’s picture book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. For those unfamiliar with the story, this is the delightful tale of a boy who befriends a mouse by giving it a cookie. This gift triggers a long string of requests for a glass of milk, a mirror, a pair of scissors, a broom, a mop, a blanket, a pillow, and more. In the final scene, a contented mouse nibbles a cookie on the lap of the exhausted but happy boy. Our sanctuary’s tale began with replacing a few roof tiles. A few tiles turned into over one hundred. Then the men’s bathroom needed attention. This project unearthed tree root-clogged pipes, which required complete pipe replacement. As the trench for the new pipe was dug, a water line was nicked. As it turned out, not only was the water pipe rotten, it was wrapped in asbestos. And it was the first week of September. Completing these repairs before we opened our doors to gather for Rosh Hashanah was a true team effort. Our new facilities manager, Casey Barkmeier, put in long hours determining the scope of the problems and costeffective repairs. Jack Menashe, chair of the Building and Grounds Committee, and Henry Kunowski reviewed all of the proposals. Sydney Baer kept us all up-to-date and on track to completion. Thanks to the incredible generosity of Harold and Arlene Schnitzer, legacy gifts from Jack Neustadter, Robert Neuberger, and Ronald B. Tonkin, and to all of you, our membership, for contributing to the Capital Fund upon joining our community, we had the funds to cover these unexpected costs. On Kol Nidre, we can all sit in our sanctuary knowing this summer work has set us on a path of maintaining and preserving our beautiful, historic home for those who will gather here for years to come.

Now is the time of our rejoicing, as well as the time of awareness of our own fragility as we sit in the shaky booth of the sukkah. One of our teachers’ advice was, “Put your shoulder joyfully to the wheelstone.” Let us work together, enhancing the experience of each person who wanders into the tent of our synagogue community, whether in the sanctuary, the education building, or in your home for a Shabbat dinner. Please, come inside – and may the walls of our tent be a shelter for you from life’s storms, each person here someone who may open their heart to you. Chag sameach! A most happy holiday to you! Cantor Ida Rae Cahana

October 2014


Our Leadership

Developing CBI

Jews and Struggle

Being Resilient

By Sydney A. Baer, Executive Director This year’s Adult Education Committee has created another informative and meaningful year of programs around the theme of Jews and Struggle. The programs explore our struggle with God and our struggles and participation within the Civil Rights and Labor Movements. Rabbi Cahana will give three lectures on The Struggle with God – Why God, Who is God, and Where is God. While offered as a series, one is not a prerequisite for attending subsequent lectures. We will also have three lectures on The Struggle to Maintain Jewish Identity: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Ron Silver has invited Myrlie Evers-Williams, civil rights activist, to be the keynote speaker at our Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. commemoration, and former Oregon Supreme Court Justice Jacob Tanzer will join Ron and the Northwest Freedom Singers as they tell the story of Mickey and Rita Schwerner and Jewish participation during the Civil Rights Movement in Mississippi in the 1960s. University of Oregon Professor Bob Bussel will share reflections on Jews and the American Union Movement. We have three movies scheduled for our Havdalah and Movie nights with some delicious potluck suppers planned – food and programs are always a fun way to connect! ALBEQUERQUE

And because our year wouldn’t be complete without traveling, we invite you to join us for a congregational trip from Sunday, March 8 to Friday, March 13, 2015. We will travel to Albequerque to learn about conversos and Crypto-Jews. The trip, led by Rabbi Cahana and Cantor Ida Rae Cahana, will be organized through Road Scholar. Tentative costs for double occupancy will be approximately $1,100/person plus airfare. The essence of this tour In 1492, the Alhambra Decree forced Spain’s Jewish citizens to make an unthinkable decision: convert to Christianity or leave the country. Over the next 500 years, the saga of the conversos and Crypto-Jews — who practiced their faith in secrecy — brought them to the New World and finally to New Mexico, where their traditions melded with those of the peoples of the Southwest. In this land of canyons, desert, and mountains, we will trace the struggle of New Mexico’s conversos and Crypto-Jews and consider how their traditions have survived against the odds. Walk in the footsteps of early Jewish settlers as you consider their influence on the culture of Santa Fe and the village of Chimayo, and experience local landmarks with Jewish connections, including the Acoma Pueblo and more. Please call the CBI office at (503) 222-1069 if you are interested.

by Jenat Levison Feldman Development Director At this High Holy Day time of year, we pray that we will be signed and sealed in the Book of Life for a year of what? A year full of joy, prosperity and sweetness; a year filled with good health, happiness, and peace. What does that really look like, and if this is what we ask for and do not receive, do we feel cheated or neglected? It is a privilege to engage in many wonderful and meaningful conversations with members of our community. The most recurring theme can be summed up by stating the obvious: Everyone has issues and everyone has struggles. Recently a member said to me, “We go to school to learn many things, but nothing really prepares you for the realities of life.” So the rhetorical question is, do we have the ability to better prepare for what comes our way? Messaging abounds with the theme “Just be happy.” This refrain is often repeated from parents to children, from friend to friend, spouse to spouse, and so on. I believe the more valuable message we should be transmitting and the lifelong skill we should be teaching is how to be resilient. As individuals and as a world, we need to foster skills that enable us to thoughtfully and reasonably handle whatever comes our way. Each of us may handle a situation differently – that is not the point. Having the resources necessary to handle the situation is really what matters. Congregation Beth Israel is still thriving in its 156th year. One might ponder if we have survived for so long because we are resilient or if we have become resilient in order to survive. Either way, we know we are stronger when we come together to build a community that makes a difference. We benefit now from the seeds our members planted long ago and the commitment over 100 of our members have made to create a permanent legacy. We are resilient because we continually build on our resources: time, people, money, and our beautiful campus with our historic sanctuary. All of these resources are needed and called upon; all of these resources enable us to be resilient. In 5775, let’s commit to continuing to work together to make ourselves stronger, to building community, to making a difference, because together we are all more resilient and because now we recognize that being resilient is what really matters.

I hope we have piqued your interest. The 5775 Adult Education Brochure is ready and available on the CBI campus or online. We look forward to another memorable year of study and connecting. As Jen Feldman reflects upon in her column – we are resilient! May we continue to go from strength to strength,

Check out the back cover to learn how!

Sydney Baer


Want to put some magic in your life?

Congregation Beth Israel

Education News from the Education Department We are very excited to welcome two new staff members to our Education Department! Shoshanna Pro has come on board as the new Youth Group

Director for our Middle and High School students. She is also on faculty with us in our Early Childhood Education Department and Religious School. Welcome, Shoshanna!

In addition, Ziva Sholin has joined our staff from Berkley by way of Eugene to become our new Education Administrator. Welcome, Ziva! Hello Friends and Families of Beth Israel,

Hi Everyone! My name is Shoshanna Pro. I am southern California born and raised, originally growing up in the small mountain town of Lake Arrowhead. I have spent much of my time working with children and teens at URJ Camp Newman in Santa Rosa, CA and teaching Hebrew at local synagogues. After achieving my Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and Jewish Studies at California State University, Northridge last winter, I left the Los Angeles area to live in Portland. I am excited to find what adventures and opportunities Portland has to offer and to work with students and families at Congregation Beth Israel. Thank you for welcoming me into your community!

My name is Ziva Sholin, and I am so excited to be your new Education Administrator! Originally from Berkeley, California, I left home to attend the University of Oregon (go Ducks!) and earned my Bachelor’s degree in Family and Human Services. I immediately fell in love with Oregon and can’t wait to start my career here in Portland. After eight years of working at my local Jewish summer camp, I’m trading in my popsicle sticks and googly eyes for emails, phone calls, and copying – and I couldn’t be happier. As the new Education Administrator, I will strive to create an environment where parents and their children feel valued as individuals, and I will be a friendly and compassionate professional to all. I look forward to meeting you very soon. Come stop by the Education Office soon and say hi!

October 2014


Upcoming Events The Longevity Revolution

CBI Book Group

October 22 & 29 and November 5, 7:00 PM Pollin Chapel

Sunday, November 7, 9:00 AM Herbert & Shirley Semler Board Room

Hold onto your hats! The Longevity Revolution is coming to Congregation Beth Israel. October 22, October 29, and November 5 are the time to engage in challenging dialogues with fellow congregants and friends about how to both enjoy life to the fullest and plan thoughtfully for the future.

Please join our book group each month for a morning of pleasant literary discussion. There is no need to sign up. The book group will be taking a break in October, in observance of High Holy Days, but will resume in November with In the Courtyard of the Kabbalist by Ruchama King Feuerman.

The patterns and social dynamics of family life have significantly changed during our lifetimes: the oldest generation is living far longer than its parents; emancipated adult children move back with parents; elderly parents live with adult children; and grandchildren take care of grandparents. Who among the nowaging baby boomers ever thought they would find their parents growing older – and perhaps a bit infirm – or that they would have end-of-life questions challenging both their parents and themselves? If you are 55, what do you want to do with the rest of your life? The anticipation of retirement and empty nests are just the beginning of a conversation about downsizing, realizing your Jack Nicholson Bucket List and more, much more, to process and pursue. At the same time there also may be the challenge of helping parents make significant life-style changes - but Can’t We Talk about Something More Pleasant? How about Estate Planning, Thoughtful Philanthropy, and Powers of Attorney? In the third session, we will discuss Graceful Aging and Mindful Dying. Learning to facilitate conversations with our doctors and families will help us make thoughtful end-of-life decisions about aging on our own terms. No one has all the answers, but our synagogue is the perfect place to raise the questions and reflect together on the moral, ethical, and practical choices our longer lives and changed living circumstances warrant. There will be thoughtful dialogues on three successive Wednesdays at 7:00 PM, all of which will be moderated by David Sarasohn, led by professionals in their fields, and guided by a committee of CBI members.

Adult Education:

The Struggle with God Sunday, October 26, 10:00 AM Pollin Chapel Speaker: Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana This is the first in a series of three lectures by Rabbi Michael Cahana about our struggle with God: Why is God? The Struggle with Monotheism. While the first of three, it is not a prerequisite for the other two lectures, scheduled for November 16th and December 7th. We will have coffee and treats supplied by the Brotherhood Café!


In the Courtyard of the Kabbalist is the Jewish Book Month selection for 2014, and Feuerman will be speaking at CBI on Sunday, November 23. Watch our e-mail blasts and the November bulletin for more information about this event.

A Jewish Book Month Spotlight on CBI’s Very Own Book Club From A (Abraham, Pearl’s The Romance Reader) to Z (Zusak, Markus’s The Book Thief), CBI’s avid readers have met to discuss over one hundred seventy volumes! The book group started its focus on works by Jewish authors, but as chair Janet Zell says “often find[s] applicable issues, situations, characters, and story lines in other cultures.” The group has a particular fondness for Rohinton Mistry’s A Fine Balance, a recommendation from founder Ellen Rosenblum that tackles pre-partition Muslim-Hindu relations, and for The Mezuzah in the Madonna’s Foot by Trudi Alexi, which takes on the rich and not-often discussed history of Jews practicing in secret during the Spanish Inquisition. While the group’s selections tend generally toward fiction, works of biography (specifically of Lillian Hellman) and history (Gal Beckerman’s When They Come for Us, We’ll Be Gone) have drawn audiences from outside the Beth Israel community. Members meet at the end of each year to plan for the next year’s reading, generally reserving their “many-paged” selections for their summer break or for when there’s a gap in the meeting schedule. This gives readers a chance to allocate their reading time as they see fit, as well as time to track down the books themselves via the Beth Israel or public libraries. Zell notes, “In general discussion about choosing a book, we might ask: Who is a Jewish Author? What makes a book Jewish? What would this group of congregants and guests expect us to be reading? What do those who attend want to read? What situations are common to all people? And what’s a ‘really good book or story?’” Because good stories—along with great company and lively discussion—are at the heart of this group. “Nothing,” Zell says, “that feels like homework.”

Congregation Beth Israel


Brotherhood include a student directory, a note from Rabbi Cahana, and anything else we think might interest or benefit them. We also slip in a Starbucks gift card when possible. We’re updating our mailing list for Chanukah and need your help. Parents, please contact Kathleen Doctor by November 14 at kathleendoctor@me.com or (650) 464-5946 with the following:

Break the Fast 5775 Beth Israel Sisterhood invites you to join us for Break the Fast in the Miller Room following the conclusion of Yom Kippur services on Saturday, October 4th. Enjoy a nosh before going home. It’s our way of saying stay, eat, celebrate!

• Name of student or military member • Student email address • College attending or branch of service • Address • Year in school • Permission to include name and email in student directory • Any dietary restrictions

Are you interested in volunteering to prepare this year’s Break the Fast? For more details, please contact Kate Royston, Sisterhood Religious Programming Chair, at kroyston@gmail.com.

Contact Kathleen if you have a few hours to help with the boxing and shipping of the packages. We’ll be shipping the first week in December, or you can pick up your child’s care package at CBI.

Be Informed for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

This is a free service made possible by Beth Israel Sisterhood budgeted funds and member donations. The next time you plan to give a tribute, please consider the Urman Family College Communication Fund.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Sisterhood will hold an educational event on October 30, from 6:30-8:30 PM in the Miller Room - everyone is welcome. Please join us as Ellen Lairson, a Nurse Practitioner with the Ruth J. Spear Breast Center, talks about: • The definition of “high risk” • The new law in Oregon mandating reporting on breast density • The Ashkenazi Jewish study • BRCA Testing Every year the Brotherhood erects the sukkah. Like pioneers of the Great Plains, we and our kinsfolk erect the mighty vertical beams raised high toward the hot October sun. Every fiber in every sinew in every muscle in our backs, arms, and legs stretch taut as we pull the triggers on our electric drills to drive two-inch wood screws into pre-drilled holes. The young’uns and the womenfolk cast the great piles of s’chach (Great s’chach!) on high to provide shelter from the elements. And finally, to make the dwelling complete and civilized, we decorate--as all great dwellings are decorated--with seasonal gourds.

Gift Shop Happenings Fall hours: Sunday: 9:15 AM-12:15 PM Wednesday: 6:00-8:00 PM (Starting Oct. 22nd) Second and Fourth Fridays: 11:00 AM -1:00 PM Volunteer: We always need volunteers in the Gift Shop. Please contact Debbie Braymer, Gift Shop Volunteer Coordinator, at (503) 649-8043 or djsbraymer@gmail.com for details.

Share College Contact Info for Your Students and We’ll Share the Love The Sisterhood College Communications Committee wants to send your US-based military or college student a care package this Chanukah! Member children in college, graduate school, professional educational programs, and military service are included. We let them know we’re thinking of them and wishing them well while they’re away. The students love getting our Chanukah and Purim packages filled with the Jewish Mother’s version of the care package - packets of soup and cocoa and dreidels and gelt or hamentashen and groggers. We

And then what happens? Every year, some ne’er-do-well by cloak of night takes the sukkah down. Year after year, we have to keep rebuilding the sukkah. We’re not sure who the villains are who destroy that which is made, but many strongly suspect the rabbi and his henchmen – the motive being that the rabbi fears competition and comparison with his own sukkah. Well, the Brotherhood has resolved that this will not happen again! Therefore, this year, we will take down the sukkah ourselves, so that no one will have fun at our expense. Please join us, then, on Tuesday, October 7th at 5:00 PM on the Temple lawn for the creation of the sukkah. Bring your drills and ladders and children for this yearly, fun communal event. Doughnuts, coffee, and juice will be supplied. Then join us again on Thursday, October 23rd at 5:30 PM for the demolition of the sukkah--bring your own sledgehammers, burning torches, and wrecking balls.

October 2014


Very Thoughtful People

Our Congregational Family Continues to Grow! This summer, we were thrilled to welcome:

Committee, while Caroline (3) and Nora (5) are putting theirs into our preschool classes and religious school programming!

Jason and Donna-Marie Drucker and their children Emma (9), Maxwell (8), and Abigail (5). Long-term preschool parents and enthusiastic volunteers Andrew and Audra Galler and their children Miles (4) and Oliver (2) Sarah and Dan Goodwin and their children Sophie (9) and Noah (7). Paul and Arlene Koenigsberg, who recently relocated to Oregon. Affection for Congregation Beth Israel is a family affair: their daughter and son-in-law, Amy and Joshua Remick, and their children Brady (5, a kindergartener at OES who just started religious school here at CBI) and Olivia (3) are new members here as well! Preschool parents and Taste of Temple enthusiasts Ryan and Sarah Pitman have also joined. Sarah is already making connections and putting her energy into the Magic is Here

Adult Education Fund In Memory of Berthold Neuberger Rosalyn Neuberger

Altar Flowers and Oneg Shabbat

In Memory of Bessie Krane Katie Davis Sue and Joel Krane Cecile Gibstein The Abrams Family In Honor of Carol Rosenthal (Recovery) Jerry and Evelyn Leshgold

Amy R. Goldsmith Library In Memory of Jay Leon Wright Claire and Zanley Galton

Cemetery Beautification In Memory of Mort Bonime The Family of Mort Bonime Norman D. Savinar Elaine Savinar E. D. Cohen Rosalyn Neuberger Berthold Neuberger Patricia Neuberger Ben F. Goldman Sybil Solomon Mary Goldman Molly Boyarsky Marilyn Goldman Rachel Leveton Rich and Sue Garber


Jane Ritchie Floyd Black Fred Buell Michael, Tim, Becky, and Adam Tannenbaum Edward Tonkin Rena and Cheryl Tonkin Marcy Tonkin

Rabbi Cahana Discretionary In Memory of Isabel Daniels Deborah Friedman and Gary Peterson Hugo Lewinsohn Cynthia and Peter Lewinsohn Bobbi London Cynthia and Peter Lewinsohn Jim and Ilene Davidson Anne Stricker Sally and Debbie Mink Ben Lachman Theodore D. Lachman In Appreciation The Sidell Family Ralph London The Libeskind Mulyah Family

Cantor Cahana Discretionary In Memory of Marvin Lippoff David and Liz Lippoff In Appreciation Ralph London The Libeskind Mulyah Family General Contribution Given By Patt and Steve Bilow

Matt Rosenberg and Kathi Sigelman and five-year-old Sydney have joined us as well; with all these little ones, perhaps a new member playdate is in order? Robert Rosenfeld and Lynda Robbins have come to us from Arizona. She is an audiologist, and he works in hotel management. Ann and Jim Waldman are an ophthalmologist and an artist (paint, tile, flowers, etc), respectively. They have two grown children. Michael (40) is married and lives out of town, and Jill (36) has recently returned to Portland. Ann and Lewis Young, who retired to Portland to be close to their adult children, CBI members Jeff and Julie Young, and grandchildren.

What a wonderful, growing group!

Rabbi Joseph Discretionary In Memory of Harold Blank Sandee Blank Jeffrey Gradow Ted Nelson In Appreciation The Sidell Family Ralph London The Libeskind Mulyah Family

Cantor Schiff Discretionary In Appreciation The Sidell Family

Rabbi Rose Discretionary In Memory of Susan Gail Rose Goldsmith Beatrice K. Rose, MD

General Administrative In Memory of Bobbi London Billie and Si Hellerstein Bessie Kaplan Glickman Joanne and Harry Glickman Walter Goodman Doug and Lila Goodman Jette Neuberger Rosalyn Neuberger Samuel S. Parker Edythe Steinbock Dora Gelwasser Sylvia Kaplan Connie Lipman Lydia and Derek Lipman Laura Avakyan Lazar Burman Bessie Krane

Congregation Beth Israel

Sherri and Jeff Weinstein In Honor of Marney Pike (Special birthday) Lydia and Derek Lipman In Appreciation Jemi Mansfield (Temple tour) Brian Geller and Dana Santa Cruz General Contribution Given By Ronnie Thierman Dorothy Lemay

Oseran Family Lecture

In Honor of Nancy and Henry Oseran (90th Birthdays) Elizabeth and Ruben J. Menashe


In Memory of Goldie Barde Patricia Layton Nemer Golda Manes Michael Swett

Rosenfeld Family Assistant/ Associate Rabbi Fund In Memory of Rabbi Richard Schachet Stephanie Summers Tammy Kramer

Ruth Semler Youth Activities In Memory of Irene Gilbert Joan and Louis Soriano Jennie Pollin Harold Pollin

Very Thoughtful People Harry Semler Jackie R. Spivak Helen Spivak & Family

Sally Vidgoff Camp Kalsman Scholarship In Memory of Sam Lennis Leonard and Fay Oppenheimer

Social Action (General)

In Memory of Isabelle Daniels Daniel Cassell Barbara Glazer Gerald H. Solomon Dick Solomon Bertha and Dave Rubin Robyn Urbach and Bruce Melzer Fred Bonyhadi Jay Gittelsohn Ernest Bonyhadi and Shirley Gittelsohn Alice Carr Thomas and Leonard Carr Stanton L. Abrams The Abrams Family Jeffrey Gradow Sue Albert In Honor of Elizabeth and Ruben Menashe (50th Anniversary) Howard and Jen Feldman Barbara Durkheimer (Special birthday) Alan and Lana Miller General Contribution Given By Mike and Dorota Sinclair


In Memory of Bobbi London Eve and Alan Rosenfeld Dodie Harrison Sue Albert Lillian Zell Beverly and Marty Zell Allan Lichtgarn Stan and Joyce Loeb Bernice Canter Hy Canter Gerald Edelman

CBI Team

Senior Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana rabbicahana@bethisrael-pdx.org Senior Cantor Ida Rae Cahana cantorcahana@bethisrael-pdx.org Assistant Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph rabbijoseph@bethisrael-pdx.org Rabbi Emeritus Emanuel Rose, D.H.L., D.D. rabbirose@bethisrael-pdx.org Cantor Emerita Judith Blanc Schiff cantor@bethisrael-pdx.org

The Edelman Family Ron Tonkin Elizabeth and Ruben J. Menashe Sarah Albert Blanche Cohen Sue Albert Arnold Maizels Steve, Natalie, and Harrison Maizels Harriet Lomsky Geri and Jerry Matin Rose K. Byer Howard K. Byer Anna and Morris Chusid Charlotte Ostomel Linda Ostomel Jette Neuberger Patricia Neuberger Harry Shafer Lois Schnitzer Lillian Feingold Claudia V. Fenton Lee and Frank Berne Rose Freidenrich Jane Flaxman Abe and Minnie Spivak Helen Spivak & Family Ida Shleifer Stuart and Susan Shleifer Herman Rosenblum Raissa Tarlow Sharon Tarlow In Honor of Alexa Grenley (Bat Mitzvah) Eve and Alan Rosenfeld Staci Zerba and Jason Fajardo (Engagement) Beverly and Marty Zell Ted and Davia Rubenstein (60th Anniversary) Norm and Norma Silver Robert and Leslie Peltz (Birth of granddaughter Freida Van Duser) Mimi Richman

I Have A Dream

In Memory of Sidney W. Schlesinger Lynn and Owen Blank Lillie Feuerstein Howard and Tamra Feuerstein Daniel Gassner Ruth Gassner Sydney Mitchell Feingold

Bunny and Jerry Sadis In Honor of Susan Shleifer (Birthday) Bunny and Jerry Sadis

WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood Funds

Urman Family College Communication

In Memory of Nancy Rosenberg Alan and Lana Miller

In Memory of Jack Urman Elizabeth Silverstein Marvin and Lois Urman

Estelle Director Sholkoff Jewish Educators Scholarship In Memory of Karensue Sholkoff Dobrow Richard Dobrow & Rachel Dobrow Stone

May Georges Study in Israel Scholarship In Memory of Helen Georges Linda and Tom Georges

Nettie Director Library Book Endowment In Memory of Jacob W. Savinar Michael I. Bergman Dr. Herman Korey Patsy Mattila Stuart and Nikki Director Nettie Director Stuart and Nikki Director Neal and Lisa Rosen Bruce Director

Bikkur Holim - Hope in Life

Prayer Book

In Memory of Ray Veltman Marcia Colton & Family Sol and Nettie Director Herman Korey and Florence Korey Clement Stuart and Nikki Director Edwin Cohen Ilaine Cohen & Family In Honor of Risa E. Colton-Feldman (Special birthday) Marcia Colton

Service to the Blind

In Memory of Jan Orloff Elizabeth and Ruben J. Menashe Dorothy Wheatley Marcia Colton & Family

Sisterhood Programming, Leadership & Enrichment

In Honor of Stephanie Siegel Irving and Susan S. Fink General Contribution Given By Jeffrey Whalen and Stephanie Siegel

Simon & Helen Director Endowment

In Memory of Gordon V. Nagel Elana Gold Richard and Trudi Morrison & Jonathan, Lauren, and Matthew Gold In Honor of Nancy and Henry Oseran Ruth Saltzman

Education Department

Member Services

Education Director Ben Sandler, M. Ed. ben@bethisrael-pdx.org

Executive Director Sydney A. Baer sydney@bethisrael-pdx.org

Early Childhood Education Director Deborah Kaplan, MAT deborah@bethisrael-pdx.org

Development Director Jen Feldman jen@bethisrael-pdx.org

Youth Group Director Shoshanna Pro shoshanna@bethisrael-pdx.org

Congregational Affairs Director Jemi Kostiner Mansfield jemi@bethisrael-pdx.org

Education Administrator Ziva Sholin ziva@bethisrael-pdx.org

Finance Director Jim Baldwin, CPA jim@bethisrael-pdx.org Accounting Assistant Vicki Greif vicki@bethisrael-pdx.org

October 2014

Project Coordinator Dara Docherty dara@bethisrael-pdx.org

Art of Catering 503-231-8185 Larry Grimes

Office Administrator Tracy Alifanz tracy@bethisrael-pdx.org

Food in Bloom 503-223-6819 Catherine Hernandez

Facilities Manager Casey Barkmeier casey@bethisrael-pdx.org

Century Catering 503-849-2605 Allen Levin

Facilities Staff Keith Powers, Lead LJ Nichols Joseph Thompson

Devil’s Food Catering 503-233-9288 Charles Stilwell

Catering Panel Alfresco Catering by Sheraton 503-335-2858 Shellie Postlewait

Culinary Artistry 503-232-4675 Jenn Louis


In Remembrance ~ May their memory be for a blessing. October 3 & 4 Asa I. Arnsberg* Bernhard S. Backman* Louis Baer* Ari Kenneth Berman Richard H. Berman Maurice B. Blanc* Lou Blank Mortimer Bonime Fred Bonyhadi* Joseph Boyarsky* Charlotte Brooks Fred Buell* Rose Byer Anna Chusid Morris Chusid Clara R. Davis Karensue Dobrow Sylvia Davis Eisendorf Lillian Feingold Morris Feller Leah Finger Leonard Fink Robert Fischback Rose Freidenrich Abe G. Gilbert* Elana Bess Gold Pauline Gold Lester Goldschmidt Walter Goodman Lenora Gordon Sarah Hahn Louis Halpern Marvin Helf Sylvia Javors Samuel Joseph Rabbi Isidore Kahan Hannah Kohen Rabbi Joshua Kohen Harry L. Lansberg Mollie Leopold Gina Levi Elias “Al� Lichtgarn* Max Loewenson* Betty Lou Margulis Moses Muscovitz Jette Neuberger Charlotte Ostomel Fred Polsky Katrina Pongracz Alvin Popick Irving Popick George Rickles Jane Ritchie Frances Rollins Ralph Rubenstein Rose Rubenstein* Gussie Rubin Bessie R. Schatz* Melvin Jerome Schoenwald Bob Schwartz Irving Stein Faye Steres Louis Strauss* Jack Urman Ray Veltman Esther Weiner

Sande Weintraub Myrtle Marsha Wexler Williams* Jay Leon Wright* Leslie Burnett Wright* Irving J. Wurtzel* Edith Zusman October 10 & 11 Stanton L. Abrams* Julia Barde* Olga W. Baruh* Shirley Bergman Irene Bessette M. Monte Bettman* Theodor Blumenthal* Alice Carr Daniel Cassell Renee Cohen Richard Daniels George Dubin Jay Gittelsohn Bessie Kaplan Glickman Trudy Hendrix Fred Kirk Herman G. Korey Jerome Corky Kornberg Reuben D. Kramer* Rosalie Krone Rachel Leveton* Jon Levin Ruth Liebreich Arnold Maizels Daniel H. Miller Robert Mills Gordon V. Nagel Berthold Neuberger Ida Raskin Fritzi H. Reineman* Jesse J. Rich* Manfred Rosenthal* James M. Rothschild* Paula Ulla Schlesinger Joe Schnitzer Mary Schoenfeld Robert Schulberg Harry Schwartz Laurence Selling Pearl F. Shifman Max A. Shifrin* Ida Shleifer* Tom S. Shulevitz* S. Elizabeth Silverstein* Lula Lou Smertenko Dorothy Wheatley Virginia Belle Whittington Wilkinson Mary Ann Yerigan Rose Zavin William H. Zavin* October 17 & 18 Irvin L. Baron* Kate Braunstein* Ralph Orville Cullers Katie Davis Saul Dayan Rachel De Leeuw

Nolan DeWoskin Madeline Feldman Irene Gilbert Julius A. Graber Della Mae Hanley Alvin B. Hess* Besse Hexter* Dave G. Holtzman Hanita Jacobi Charles Joseph Leopold Kahn* Theodore Kleinrock Neil Kohn Rosalie Leb Marvin Lippoff Harvey Miller Megan Morris Rose Pannaman Michael Roffe Bessie Rosenbaum Herbert M. Schwab Jean Kerr Schwartz Henriette R. Senders* Andor Soltesz Dean R. Stoloff* Herbert N. Tobias October 24 & 25 Laura Avakyan Bernadine Barde Brenner David Bronheim Francis Cappel Frederick Cezer Edwin Cohen* Harrel Crabb Nettie Director* David Elconin David H. Fertig* Rose Fertig Lillie Feuerstein Sydney Mitchell Finegold Florence Frisch Daniel Gassner Dora Gelwasser Cecile Gibstein* David E. Gold* Bernard Goldhammer David Goldstein Betty Hunt Bessie L. Krane Ben Lachman* Ben M. Leshgold* Hugo Lewinsohn Solomon Lieppman Harriet Lomsky Harry Lowengart* Lois G. Maizels* Golda Manes Jerome Margulis* Dora E. Markus Marshall Mazer Ellen Seller Meier Fay Menashe Fannie Mesher Sol Jack Meyer* Carol Spero Newman Jonathan Uhry Newman

Goldie Stern Oster William Philip Mary Sarah Rose* Hannah Rubenstein Norman D. Savinar Dr. Howard Schatz Adelaide Selling Sadie F. Shemanski* Gerald H. Solomon* Fannie Sonnenfeld* Judith Stillman Anne R. Stricker Raissa Tarlow* Freida Tennenbaum David Turtledove* Fannie Wexler Carolyn S. Wolfe Ruth Kauffman Wolff Eileen Zugman October 31 & November 1 Frances Albert Abe Bercovitz* William R. Boone* E. D. Cohen Thelma Ruth Crabb Carolyn Diener* Ronald Edelman Claudia V. Fenton* Eileen Fenton Ophelia Foster Sam Freedman Marilyn Goldman Jane E. Green* Julius L. Greene* John Grossman Budick Kahana Irving Klein Paula Lauterstein* Martin Lehmann* Silvan Lidovitch Constance Lipman Estelle Mayer* Devora Mittleman Sadee Muzikant Samuel S. Parker Morris Platt* Jennie Pollin* Alex Pomerantz Nancy Rosenberg Herman R. Rosenblum Sidney Schlesinger* Gretchen N. Seethoff Dr. Harry Semler* Harry Shafer Rose Shevach Barbara Singer Edward Tonkin* Edward E. Weinstein* Hilda S. Weinstein Henrietta Wolfstein*

(*) next to a name indicates a memorial plaque has been purchased to ensure the beloved departed is remembered in perpetuity. For information about memorial plaques in the Temple, please contact Jemi Kostiner Mansfield at (503) 222-1069 or jemi@bethisrael-pdx.org.


Congregation Beth Israel

October 2014 SUNDAY

Tishrei-Cheshvan 5775 MONDAY





Sunday, October 12 • 18 Tishrei 4:00 - 7:00 PM


1  Tishrei 7

2   Tishrei 8

3   Tishrei 9

4   Tishrei 10

Social Action Committee 7:00 PM SBR

WRJ/BIS Board Meeting 6:30 PM SBR

Kol Nidre 5775

Yom Kippur 5775

Multi-Generational Service 5:30 PM Temple

Morning Service 10:00 AM Temple

Traditional Adult Service 7:30 PM Temple

Multi-Generational Service 10:00 AM GH

Open House at the home of Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana and Cantor Ida Rae Cahana


Teen Experience 12:45 PM MR

Administration Offices & Clergy Education Department & Preschool Fax Machine WRJ/BI Sisterhood Judaica Gift Shop Beth Israel Cemetery 426 SW Taylors Ferry Road

503-222-1069 503-222-2037 503-274-1400 503-222-1069 503-222-1069

Study Break: Rabbi Talk Back 12:45 PM PC Discussion group with Barney Milstein 2:00 PM PC Tot Service 2:00 PM Temple Afternoon/Yizkor/Neilah Service 3:00 PM Temple

5   Tishrei 11

6   Tishrei 12

NO SUNDAY CLASSES Tot House Party: Oktoberfest 4:00 PM

7  Tishrei 13

8   Tishrei 14

9   Tishrei 15

10   Tishrei 16

11   Tishrei 17

Sukkah Building 5:00 PM

Erev Sukkot

Sukkot Temple Offices Closed

Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR

Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR

Sukkot Lunch and Learn 12:00 PM Sukkah

Shir Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Temple

Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 AM PC

Education Taskforce 7:00 PM SBR

Executive Committee 12:00 PM SBR

Potluck Supper 7:15 PM GH

12   Tishrei 18

13   Tishrei 19

14  Tishrei 20

NO SUNDAY CLASSES Soup Sacs 9:00 AM SEC Kitchen/BA

15  Tishrei 21

16  Tishrei 22

17   Tishrei 23

18  Tishrei 24

Consecration and Simchat Torah Service 6:00 PM Temple

Simchat Torah Temple Offices Closed

Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR

Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR

Yizkor Service 10:30 AM PC

Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC

Shabbat Morning Service: Bat Mitzvah of Jane Koontz 10:30 AM Temple

Sukkot Open House 4:00 PM Cahana Residence

19   Tishrei 25

The Magic is Here Fall Fundraiser 6:00 PM GH

20   Tishrei 26

Religious School/ B’nei Mitzvah 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM

21   Tishrei 27

22   Tishrei 28

23   Tishrei 29

24   Tishrei 30

25  Cheshvan 1

Knit a Mitzvah 10:00 AM SBR

Midrasha (grades 6-8) 5:30 PM SEC


Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR

Torah Study 9:00 am SBR

Adult B’nei Mitzvah 6:00 PM LB

Sukkah Tear down 5:30 PM

Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC

Shabbat Morning Service: B’not Mitzvah of Gabriela & Adriana Steinberg 10:30 AM Temple

Ask (Stump) the Rabbis 10:30 AM MR

Longevity Revolution 7:00 PM PC

Kol Echad Choir Rehearsal 11:30 AM BTB

26  Cheshvan 2 Religious School/ B’nei Mitzvah 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM Adult Ed series: The Struggle with God (Pt. 1: Why is God?) 10:00 AM PC Kol Echad Choir Rehearsal 11:30 AM BTB

27  Cheshvan 3

28  Cheshvan 4

Pajama Havdalah 5:30 PM PC

29  Cheshvan 5

30  Cheshvan 6

31  Cheshvan 7

Midrasha (grades 6-8) 5:30 PM SEC


Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR

Adult B’nei Mitzvah 6:00 PM LB

Sisterhood Breast Cancer/ Membership Open House 6:00 PM MR

Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC

Longevity Revolution 7:00 PM PC

Midrasha (grades 9-12) 12:15 PM SEC

Location Key HH = Harris Hall  BA = Blumauer Auditorium GH = Goodman Hall LB = Library LF = Lipman Foyer MR = Miller Room PC = Pollin Chapel SBR = Shirley & Herbert Semler Board Room SC = Shemanski Chapel SEC = Sherman Education Center SFC = Schnitzer Family Center

View our calendar and campus map online at

www.bethisrael-pdx.org Congregation Beth Israel


Congregation Beth Israel

1972 NW Flanders Street Portland, OR 97209-2097


Board of Trustees 2014/2015 Officers


Ned Duhnkrack President

Jonathan Barg Stuart Chestler, Immediate Past President Eric Friedenwald-Fishman Stacy Friedman Robin McCoy Sharon Meieran Joanne Van Ness Menashe Marney Pike Yale Popowich Bob Rosenbaum David Sarasohn Arthur Steinhorn

Ted Nelson VP/President Elect Ilene Davidson Vice President Ali Garfinkle Vice President Brad Tonkin Vice President Mark Peterman Secretary John Epstein Treasurer

Auxiliaries Linda Harrison and Stephanie Siegel - WRJ/BI Sisterhood Co-Presidents Bob Winthrop - Brotherhood President

Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism since 1879


Congregation Beth Israel

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