Established 1858
daeh dpyl
Bulletin September 2015 Elul 5775 - Tishrei 5776
L’Shanah Tovah
Vol. 64, No. 11
We are thrilled that Rabbi Rachel Joseph has renewed her position at Temple for another 5 years!
The Board of Trustees and Clergy invite you and your family to join us for a Rosh Hashanah Reception
Please join us on Rosh Hashanah morning during the Shofar service, as we celebrate Rabbi Joseph and her new title of “Associate Rabbi.”
Reception will be in Blumauer Auditorium, immediately following the service
1 Tishrei 5776 . Monday, September 14, 2015
Catering by Alfresco Catering and Sheraton Hotel With thanks to the WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood for organizing the sweets table
We Are All Together – Even When We Are Apart The State of Israel has been very much on our minds this summer. Rabbi Cahana traveled there with a group of Progressive rabbis. Rabbi Joseph is preparing to lead a women’s trip this March, along with Rabbi Eve Posen of Congregation Neveh Shalom. Israel is always on Cantor Cahana’s mind, and we have brought back some new melodies popular in Israel to add to our repertoire. And events bring Israel to all of our minds: the Iran deal, which will shortly be voted on by Congress, and the split within Israeli culture between the Ultra-Orthodox and Progressive/Secular society, which has even resulted in rare, but terrible, acts of violence. Ongoing questions of peace with the Palestinians, increased settlements and violent instability on Israel’s borders – all of this keeps the state of the State of Israel very present in our minds. But there is another kind of Israel we are thinking about as well. As we prepare for the Yamim Nora’im, the Days of Awe, which are swiftly approaching, we are thinking not only about the State of Israel but the People of Israel. You and I, all of us who belong to this Kehilah Kedosha, this holy Congregation Beth Israel, are part of something bigger. We are a people connected. We are a people who care for one another – who laugh and cry and share in each other’s fortunes and misfortunes. As we read in the Talmud: “Kol Yisrael Arbim zeh b’zeh – All the People of Israel are responsible one for the other” (Shavuot 39a).
When we gather for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur this year, we may reflect on the changes that have happened in our own lives, for these are days of personal and deep evaluation. But before they begin, let us first look outward. Let us embrace our people in Israel. Let us embrace our people in Europe, many of whom are facing their own struggles. Let us embrace our people all over the world who share in this moment of glory. Let us reach wide! And let us not forget to reach closer to home and make sure that everyone in our community is included. If you know of someone without a home for the Holidays, make sure they are in touch with us. We want to welcome them. Begin these Holy Days with a reminder that you are part of a people with a glorious history and a bright future. We are all in this together. May 5776 be a year of health and happiness and meaning for you.
Shanah Tovah Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana Cantor Ida Rae Cahana Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph
5776 • High Holidays • 2015 Erev Rosh Hashanah 6:00 – 7:00 PM
7:30 PM
Multi-Generational Service Age appropriate for families and grandparents with children K–4th grade and their siblings
Traditional Adult Service Also for families with children 5th grade and older
Rosh Hashanah
Monday, September 14
10:00 AM
Traditional Morning Service
11:00 AM
Family Service
Goodman Hall
12:00 PM
Families join the service in Temple for the Shofar Service
12:30 PM
Rosh Hashanah Reception
Blumauer Auditorium
2:00-3:00 PM
Tashlich in Tanner Park This is an easy, flat walk, less than one mile from CBI. No CBI transportation will be provided.
Tanner Park: NW 10th and Marshall Streets
Kever Avot V’imahot 1:00 PM
Yom Kippur
Sunday, September 13
10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Traditional Adult Service and for families with children 5th grade and older
10:00 – 11:00 AM
Family Service Age appropriate for families and grandparents with children K–4th grade and their siblings
Goodman Hall
12:45 PM
Teen Experience & Tzedek Project
Youth Lounge
12:45 PM
Study Break JND Study Break
2:00 PM
Tot Service Special service for ages 0-5
Temple Bima
3:00 PM
Afternoon/Yizkor/ Ne’ilah Service
Following services
Break the Fast, sponsored by WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood
Blumauer Auditorium
Sunday, September 27
4:00 - 7:00 PM
Open Sukkah Celebration at Rabbi and Cantor Cahana’s home Please call 503-222-1069 to RSVP and for address
5:00 PM
Erev Sukkot Service
Sunday, September 20
Remembering our Loved Ones 426 SW Taylors Ferry Rd
CBI Cemetery Landau Chapel
Sukkot 12:00 PM
Kol Nidre 5:30 PM
7:30 PM
Wednesday, September 23
Sunday, September 27 Lunch and Learn in the Sukkah CBI lawn
Tuesday, September 22 Multi-Generational Service Age appropriate for families and grandparents with children K–4th grade and their siblings
Traditional Adult Service Also for families with children 5th grade and older
Simchat Torah 6:00 PM
Sunday, October 4 Consecration and Simchat Torah Service
Festival & Yizkor Service 10:30 AM
Monday, October 5
Festival and Yizkor Service
Pollin Chapel
Admission cards were sent at the end of August: We have sent two admission cards to every family. This year, your children (up to age 24) do not need their own admission cards. We will only have one color of admission cards. You are welcome to join us for the service that best fits your family, either the multi-generational family service or our more traditional evening service. We invite you to bring your lineal family members and friends new to Portland or new to our community. While we don’t sell admission cards, we are recommending donations of $180 per guest.
Reciprocal agreements with other URJ congregations: If you will be traveling during the High Holidays, please call Tracy in the Temple office to help with your reciprocal arrangements. If you have family or friends visiting, please have them make their own reciprocal arrangements with their home URJ congregations, so they can join us while in Portland.
Please retain your admission cards for all the services. We will not have separate cards for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Your guests are welcome at all services.
Congregation Beth Israel
See page 4 for information about the Annual High Holidays Food Drive.
Upcoming Events Shabbat on the Plaza Hot Dog Picnic Supper Friday, September 4 Immediately following our 6:00 Shabbat Services Please join us for a picnic supper on the front lawn immediately following our last Shabbat on the Plaza this season. Many thanks to Michael Anton, Mel Birge, and Stephanie Siegel for leading the charge, and to our Brotherhood and WRJ/BI Sisterhood for providing a festive hot dog picnic supper with all the trimmings, salads, watermelon, and dessert. Please RSVP to the Temple office by Wednesday, September 2. No charge, but donations to both the Brotherhood and WRJ/BIS are always appreciated!
Oseran Family Lecture Pulitzer Prize Winner Lawrence Wright to Speak on The Future of Terrorism Sunday, September 20, 4:30 pm Temple Congregation Beth Israel is pleased to welcome Lawrence Wright as the 2015 Oseran Family Lecturer.
Return to the Land of Your Soul Saturday, September 5 5:00 – 7:00 PM Main Sanctuary Join Rabbis Michael Cahana, Rachel Joseph, Cantor Ida Rae Cahana and Education Director Ben Sandler - getting ourselves ready for the High Holidays – one night only! This program will include Selichot prayers, a shofar blowing demonstration (bring your shofars if you have them!) apples and honey, and more. All are welcome.
New in the Goldsmith-Spear Library The Goldsmith-Spear Library Committee met over the summer to modernize the library and to create a community space for congregational engagement. The library has been cleaned and reorganized, and we are in the process of purchasing laptops that can be used with our new subscription to It is a jewel of a space in the Sherman Education Building. Something new: we have created “Special Sunday” programming in the library after mishpacha minyan – the morning t’filah service for our religious school students. Plan to join us about 10:00AM once a month for these programs. Our first program will be September 20th – opening day. On those Sundays when we don’t have programming, we hope you will come in to mingle with friends or browse our collection.
Monday, September 14
Please stop by during the Rosh Hashanah reception to see the newly-updated library and taste some of the sweets.
The Oserans were thrilled to invite Mr. Wright to be this year’s lecturer Lawrence Wright is an author, screenwriter, playwright and staff writer for The New Yorker. Wright’s most recent book, Thirteen Days in September: Carter, Begin and Sadat at Camp David, is a gripping account of the 1978 Camp David Accords. A frequent speaker on the Middle East and religion, Wright won the 2007 Pulitzer Prize for non-fiction for his international bestseller, The Looming Tower: Al Qaeda and the Road to 9/11, which has been translated into 25 languages. Wright has also authored numerous articles on terrorism, including a New Yorker profile on Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri (The Man Behind Bin Laden) and has written two plays – My Trip to Al Qaeda and Camp David, which starred Richard Thomas as Jimmy Carter. It is fun to note that Mr. Wright also serves as the keyboard player in the Austin based blues band WhoDo.
“ Journalism is a flawed profession, but it has a self-correcting mechanism. The rule of journalism is: talk to everybody.” ~ Lawrence Wright
Sunday, September 20, 10:00 AM Goldsmith-Spear Library Speaker: Ned Duhnkrack, CBI President Join us in the library as Ned Duhnkrack speaks about her recent family research project and
CBI Book Group Sunday, October 4, 9:00 AM Shirley & Herbert Semler Board Room CBI Book Club returns next month! Everyone is welcome to join us for a morning of pleasant literary discussion. There is no need to sign up. Our first selection for the fall is FDR and the Jews by Richard Breitman and Allan Lichtman.
We are grateful to the Oseran Family for establishing The Oseran Family Fund in 2008 to provide annual lectures with a socially responsible Jewish theme. Past lecturers have included US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg; Pulitzer Prize-winning author Michael Chabon; author and national correspondent Jeffrey Goldberg; op-ed columnist Georgetown University Professor and Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, EJ Dionne; and Robert Reich, leading thinker, author, journalist and Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley. This lecture is free and open to the community. No RSVPs are necessary. The doors will open at 4:00 pm.
September 2015
B’nei Mitzvah Olivia Cull Olivia Cull will become Bat Mitzvah on September 5, 2015. She is the daughter of Julia Epstein and Tom Cull and older sister of Anabel. Olivia will be an 8th grader this fall at Laurelhurst School. For her Mitzvah Project, she has chosen to support global literacy. She explains, “During the school year, I have been visiting classrooms to raise awareness about the need for materials to improve literacy in developing countries. During my visits, I had students design and create bookmarks that will be sent to schools in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. For every bookmark made, a dollar is being matched by the Bezos Family Foundation to directly support literacy in these places. Along with making the bookmarks, I created a presentation for each classroom so students could imagine what it may be like to be without schools or the ability to learn. In September, we will have the chance to exchange dialogue via web chat with the school in Peru to learn about one another’s schooling. The next piece of my project will involve raising funds to provide children in Nepal with educational supports that were destroyed after the earthquake.” To learn more about Olivia’s project, check out the Save the Children website (, which gives children in the United States and around the world a healthy start, the opportunity to learn, and protection from harm; and The Global Nomads Group website (, which fosters dialogue and understanding among the world’s youth.
Marc Morgan Marc Morgan will become Bar Mitzvah on September 12, 2015. He is the son of Mel Birge and Janet Morgan and older brother to Estelle. Marc attends the Portland Waldorf School. For his Mitzvah Project, Marc has chosen to support the Community Cycling Center Holiday Bike Drive. The Community Cycling Center is a nonprofit organization dedicated to broadening access to bicycling and its benefits. Donations help the Community Cycling Center build a vibrant community where people of all backgrounds use bicycles to stay healthy and connected. Donated bicycles form the foundation of the Community Cycling Center. Their professional mechanics and skilled volunteers refurbish bicycles and direct them to their bike safety programs for low-income youth or to their bike shop. In Marc’s words, “I picked this mitzvah project because my parents own a bike shop and I wanted to do something with bikes. I selected this project to support the Community Cycling Center’s mission and to help more people enjoy riding a bike.” To donate, visit the website MarcMitzvah..
Abigail Brown Abigail Brown will become Bat Mitzvah on September 26, 2015. She is the daughter of Marisa and Ron Brown, and older sister of Eleanor. Abigail is an 8th grader at Lake Oswego Junior High. Abigail loves her dogs Dash (a Weimaraner) and Jack and Nina (French Bulldogs). For this reason, she has
chosen to support The Pongo Fund for her mitzvah project. Rather than see any dog go hungry due to circumstances beyond their control, Abigail is compelled to help support these animals in need, along with their human parents. According to their website, “The Pongo Fund is Oregon’s only full-time charity fighting animal hunger—Because hungry people have hungry pets.” In honor of her Bat Mitzvah, Abigail plans to spend time this fall working with The Pongo Fund to help bag kibble, do fundraising, and participate in events supporting the Pongo Fund. You can learn more about the Pongo Fund by visiting their web site at www.thepongofund. org Donations in celebration of Abigail’s bat mitzvah can be made at
High Holidays Funds for Food Drive 509,000
Oregonians without enough food
Lunches served by Lift Urban Portland last year
People served by Sunshine Pantry in a typical month
Pounds of food your $108 gift will buy
Pounds of bulk food your $18 gift will buy
Minutes it takes to write a check to CBI’s High Holidays Food Drive
The Torah and our traditions compel us to feed those who would otherwise go hungry. As Maimonides knew, a hungry person cannot think of higher things. Even the dayto-day tasks we do without a second thought are difficult when food is scarce. To support Congregation Beth Israel’s High Holidays Food Drive, you can: • M ail a check marked “HHD Food Drive” to 1972 NW Flanders Street, Portland, OR 97209. • Call (503) 222-1069 to donate with a Visa or MasterCard. • D onate items the food banks need. Visit the Sunshine Pantry and Lift Urban Portland websites for wishlists and ideas:
The CBI High Holidays Food Drive continues through September 27.
Congregation Beth Israel
Education As The New Year Begins by Ben Sandler Education Director As a Jewish educator in the 21st century, my task is to question what is, to imagine what can be for our learning community, and to inspire our teachers and families to do the same. Over this past year our Beth Israel Education Task Force has delved deeply into all facets of Jewish Education at CBI from Preschool to Adult Education, and all points in between. I am extremely grateful to Jill Semler Rubinstein for chairing the Education Task Force, and to all of the participants for looking locally, regionally, and nationally at best practices and exciting innovations in the field. The task force has begun laying the groundwork in our exciting next chapter and the future of Jewish Education at the Congregation. We have already begun to implement some of the findings from the task force, and together we will keep Judaism vital, vibrant, interesting, relevant, and joyful for each new incoming class. It is with much excitement that I share with you that beginning with the URJ Biennial this November, Congregation Beth Israel will be part of the URJ “Pursuing Excellence Through Your Early Childhood Center” Community of Practice. We are one of twelve schools that have been selected nationally to participate in the upcoming cohort. In the realm of early childhood education, congregations are not only competing with other Jewish institutions but with a wide array of programs that are responsive and that are meeting the needs of families. The increased costs of running schools and the impact of government-funded universal pre-kindergarten are among many factors that are changing the landscape of early childhood education. Many of today’s parents of young children are finding that their needs are not being met in congregational early-childhood centers/ preschools, so they are going elsewhere. In order to compete, Reform congregations must take a comprehensive approach to early childhood education and develop a unique identity in today’s everchanging marketplace. The Education team, synagogue professionals and lay leaders must work together as partners. Through the community of practice model, the URJ supports early- childhood leadership teams as they navigate the change process. I am very grateful to Board of Trustees member, Glen Levy, and to ECE faculty
member, Shoshanna Pro, for advocating and participating in our application and acceptance into the Community of Practice. We have an amazing group of families with young children at CBI. Through the Community of Practice we will learn how we can best meet the needs of the very youngest students among us, and how their parents will truly become the radiant core of our community, and the future leaders of our congregation. Also new this year is a weekly Pre-K Sunday class and PJ library partnership, a new B’nai Mitzvah/middle school model designed by Cantor Cahana and Lead Teacher Shoshanna Pro, which includes a new weekly 6th/7th grade learning service and social justice projects, an expanded Madrichim program led by Shaina Boal, and a redesigned High School curriculum-- including a junior/ senior southern civil rights trip being led by Rabbi Rachel Joseph and congregant Ron Silver. We are also expanding our interfaith community partnership and Israel education Kesher program through the contributions of Rabbi Cahana and our partnerships with Portland Hillel through faculty member Aaron Peterson. Our youth groups will be participating in local and regional NFTY events and programs beginning with the High Holidays Teen experience. We have a cadre of talented teen song leaders and musicians who will be contributing their time and talents this year, a calendar of family programs, and city-wide teen events in partnership with Portland Jewish Federation of greater Portland, Portland Area Jewish Educators, community synagogues, Jewish Family and Child Service, MJCC, the Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education, and the Jewish Theatre Collaborative. We have completed the first summer of our successful new congregational day camp this summer, Camp Sababa! The camp incorporated a leadership week for rising 8th and 9th graders and a week of big fun with our K-5 kids. I would like to extend a special thank you to Ziva Sholin, our Education Administrator, and to Shoshanna Pro, Youth Group Director and Lead Teacher, for their work over this past summer preparing for the new school year and directing Camp Sababa. May this coming year be a sweet one for each of you, for our community, and for our world. B’shalom, Ben Sandler
Mazel Tov and L’hitraot, Deborah Kaplan! Mazel Tov to Deborah Kaplan on her new position as the Early Childhood Education Director of the Westside JCC Preschool in Los Angeles, California. Deborah has been a part of our Beth Israel Education team for the past ten years in a variety of positions, including Religious School Kindergarten Teacher, Middle School Midrasha Teacher with an emphasis on Jewish Women Studies, Preschool Lead Teacher and Curriculum Coordinator. Most recently Deborah was our Early Childhood Education/Preschool Director. We thank her for all of her contributions to our community. A dedicated Early Childhood Jewish Education professional, Deborah recently completed a program through the Jewish Early Childhood Education Leadership Institute (JECELI), a collaborative study experience between the Jewish Theological Seminary and Hebrew Union college-Jewish Institute of Religion. Originally from the Los Angeles area, we wish Deborah, her husband, Mike, and children, Ilaria and Eneas, all the best as they make this exciting new transition.
September 2015
Developing CBI Tradition! by Jenat Levison Feldman Development Director One of the greatest honors one can receive is to know someone embraces that which you taught them– so much so that they want to pass it on to others. In doing so, a tradition is born. Traditions matter greatly in our Jewish religion. They also matter greatly to Michele and Brad Tonkin, two of the warmest, nicest, and most kindhearted people you might ever know. Their commitment to treasuring and honoring traditions passed on to them have inspired them to put together a special team to create this year’s fall fundraiser. An incredible evening filled with wonderful food, special entertainment, and many memorable moments will be featured at this year’s event which will be held at The Benson Hotel on October 10. An energetic and creative committee has come together, knowing
that we all have a responsibility to secure Congregation Beth Israel’s present and future, just like those who came before were committed to doing. This beautiful Temple – literally and figuratively – was handed down/passed on, just like a tradition. It mattered to those before us and it needs to matter to us NOW. CBI carries a history for those whose families have been here for generations. For those of us newbies to the congregation, new memories and traditions are constantly in the making. The money we raise from this annual fundraiser ensures that our doors are open to all seeking to create community and to nurture their lives at Congregation Beth Israel. In addition, this event will help fund special programs like our Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., community-wide celebration, our unique Purim Schpiels, our totally inspiring Shabbats on the Plaza, as well as parts of our everyday programming like adult education and social action projects. One of CBI’s mantras is CBI belongs to YOU. Please make joining us for this celebration a new tradition or the continuation of an already established tradition. Either way – your being with us will make the evening that much more special.
A legacy gift includes any donation that lives on in perpetuity ensuring that CBI will be here to serve the generations to come. Different reasons have motivated each of our Legacy Circle donors to choose CBI as a beneficiary of their life’s work. We are fortunate that many of our members embraced the benefit that becoming a legacy donor brought to their lives and their memory. We continue to be honored by those who are now committing gifts through endowments, trusts, wills, and estate plans. We hope you will consider joining this esteemed and appreciated group and let us know of your intention so that we may include you in this growing list. To create your Jewish legacy contact: Jen Feldman, Development Director, | 503.222.1069
Congregation Beth Israel
Our Leadership New Year’s Resolution: Continuing to Create Meaningful Connections within our Community by Sydney A. Baer, Executive Director This is truly my favorite time of year. There is always a sense of joy, excitement, new beginnings, and a bit of stress as we prepare for the High Holidays. Historically, this is when we have the largest attendance at our services. Believe it or not, my fellow Executive Directors have a listserv enabling us to share new ideas and best practices for creating more joyful, memorable, and meaningful experiences for all. And that translates to all we do here at CBI, where we are in constant pursuit of meaningful programs throughout the year and for the High Holidays, in particular – because it’s truly a special time. I love the two-degrees of connection that we all have and that is most evident during the High Holidays. I love that we all dress up a bit more, see family and friends, gather and linger, have our ushers and greeters at all of our doors welcoming everyone to our services, and share the many hugs and quick conversations as we come and go from services. All this – two weeks and counting! This summer, we have welcomed many new families to our community. When we gather, we hope everyone will take the opportunity to both greet long-time friends, as well as introduce yourselves to those you don’t know. Our Board of Trustees is working hard on new and innovative ways to engage our community – we all know the importance of welcoming the stranger, as we, too, were once strangers. This summer we also welcomed three new staff members to our team and community. Marisa Reby is our .5 FTE Engagement Coordinator. Sara Miller is our Clergy Administrative Assistant, and Chrisanthy Karis is helping with Communications, Graphic Design, and Administrative Support. Sara and Chrisanthy are both working full time.
As has become our newest tradition, if you would like to invite your family and friends to our magnificent High Holidays services, please have them call the CBI office for guest admission cards. We look forward to giving them a warm welcome and sharing all that is remarkable about Congregation Beth Israel. We also encourage you to invite your unaffiliated family and friends to join our congregation, as embracing new congregants ensures that we will be here for future generations. Many thanks to all who make our celebrations appear so seamless: This is a huge list, and I’m reticent to start mentioning names for fear I will leave someone off. Todah rebah to all of our volunteers, staff, WRJ/BI Sisterhood, and Brotherhood who make up our extraordinary team: our bakers for the Rosh Hashanah reception, our artists who arrange the flowers, our ushers for the High Holidays, our musicians, our clergy, our administrative staff, our education staff, and our facilities staff. They are all integral to making the High Holidays run smoothly and the services so memorable for all of us. Get your calendars ready: We have another extraordinary year planned for our congregation and community. Our High Holidays celebrations are not to be missed, followed by our Oseran Family Lecture with Lawrence Wright, our Fall fundraiser, Traditions, Chanukah celebrations, the Martin Luther King, Jr., Program and Shabbat Service with CBI Choirs and the Northwest Community Gospel Choir, Taste of Temple V, and our now-legendary Purimschpiel. We also have many Adult Education, Social Action, Preschool, Religious School, Brotherhood, and WRJ/BI Sisterhood programs planned for this year – enough to keep your dance card full!
Shanah Tova u’metuka May the New Year be a good, sweet, and meaningful one for you, your family, and friends. We hope that you will join us, find your niche, share your expertise, make new friends, learn something new, and enjoy the camaraderie within your home under our dome.
Kol HaKavod Several years ago we started a new tradition during the Yom Kippur afternoon service, of giving everyone an opportunity to spend a few moments in front of the open ark (Aron Kodesh). This year we hope that you will take special notice of the beautifully restored mantle (cover) on our Holocaust Torah. This rescued Holocaust Torah and mantle are on permanent loan from the Memorial Scrolls Trust in London. A bit of history: in 1967, Judge Gus Solomon began corresponding with Rabbi Harold Reinhart, then Rabbi at the Westminster Synagogue in London (originally from Portland) for the permanent loan of a rescued Holocaust Torah for CBI. Judge Gus and Elisabeth (Libby) Solomon then went to Rabbi Rose with the proposal that this rescued Torah to be given to CBI. This was a successful shidduch and this Torah from Taus-Domazlice in Czechoslovakia was officially presented to CBI on the occasion of its 110th Anniversary on May 11, 1968. This Torah included a magnificent
mantle (cover). An antique French embroidery, the mantle has been reapplied to new silk. The embroidery, made of beautiful gold and silver threads is estimated to be 200 years old and Sephardic in design. In honor of this gift, Rabbi Rose had the inside of the mantle embroidered with the Judge and Mrs. Solomon’s name, the date and commemorating our 110th anniversary. Adding to the significance of this Torah and gift, our students read from this Torah scroll when they become Bar and Bat Mitzvah. This summer, Sharon Brenner, a very talented seamstress and fabric artist took on the task of restoring this mantle yet again. She created a beautiful binding for the tattered edges and with small hand stitches, reapplied the embroidery to the silk. It is truly a work of art. We are grateful to Sharon for sharing her expertise and for so lovingly restoring this treasured Torah cover.
September 2015
Our Community
New Year, New Faces! We are thrilled to welcome three new faces to our Beth Israel office staff: Marisa Reby joins us as our Engagement Coordinator. Marisa recently moved to Portland from St. Louis, MO, with her husband Alex and two sons Micah (5) and Noah (3). Marisa has a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and Jewish Studies from Indiana University, where she minored in Human Development/Family Studies and Hebrew. She received her Master of Social Work degree from Washington University with an emphasis on children, youth and young families. Between making community connections and gearing up for Traditions, our exciting Fall fundraiser, we’re keeping her plenty busy here in the office, but she still finds time to try new restaurants out in Portland, spend time outdoors, and spend time with her family. She’s also fearless when it comes to karaoke and knows pi to its three hundred-sixtieth digit. Keeping you up-to-the-minute with all things Beth Israel, Chrisanthy Karis is our new Communications Coordinator. She attended the University of Montana, is a graduate of Portland State University, and was a sixteen-year resident of San Francisco. Chrisanthy loves mountains, rivers, reading, music (almost everything, but especially Jazz). She has previously worked for Beyond Words, the publisher of our beautiful Temple Book.
Earlier this summer, Clergy Administrative Assistant Sara Miller took on the daunting task of keeping our constantly-busy and very much in-demand clergy organized and on task. A native of Madison, Wisconsin and enthusiastic world traveler, Sara joins us after a year teaching kindergarten and English as a second language in Thailand. Sara is a graduate of Lewis and Clark College where she studied Anthropology, Spanish Literature, and Art. Her colleagues here it the CBI main office were also thrilled to discover that she knows the secret to the world’s best lemon tart! Our congregation, just like our staff, has grown impressively this summer. Fourteen new households have joined our vibrant community. We are thrilled to welcome back Charlie and Lynn Gelber and Michael and Marietta Harrison and their children Tahlia (34) and Esther (6). New to CBI and/or Portland: Dan Henig and Jamie Rice and daughter Ariella (6). Alex Linsker Michael Lynch and Kelsey Erck John and Hannah Melendy Our very own Clergy Administrative Assistant, Sara Miller Rabbi Stephen Passamaneck Richard and Shirley Plotzker CBI’s new Engagement Coordinator Marisa Reby and family Carl Rogat Cynthia Scheines and her twelve year old son, Ivan Dombiak Alfred Stein and Amanda Sweeney James and Kricken Yaker and their children Liam (12), Riley (10), and Beckett (5)
Sukkot Open House at the home of Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana and Cantor Ida Rae Cahana Sunday, September 27 • 14 Tishrei 4:00 - 7:00 PM
For the address, please RSVP to Tracy in the Temple Office at (503) 222-1069 8
Congregation Beth Israel
Bakers Wanted for Sisterhood Sweets Table Sunday, September 13, 12:00 PM Blumauer Auditorium Kitchen Sisterhood traditionally provides the delicious homemade baked goods for the sweets table at the Rosh Hashanah Reception following morning services. Please consider sharing the sweetness of the New Year by baking. All congregant contributions are welcome! We will arrange sweets trays on Sunday, September 13th, at 12:00 PM in the Blumauer Auditorium Kitchen. The CBI campus will be open Saturday the 12th for drop off, as well. Please contact Leslie Geller at if you would like to bake or help tray sweets.
Sponsorship opportunities are available! Please contact Linda Harrison for details at Reservations: Call the CBI office for credit card payments at 503222-1069 or you can mail your check, payable to Congregation Beth Israel, along with your email address and phone number, to: Congregation Beth Israel Attn: Progressive Dinner 1972 NW Flanders St., Portland, OR 97209 Please RSVP by September 14. Let us know who is in your party and if any are vegetarians. Are you unable to attend? Please consider a donation, payable to CBI, as a donation to Sisterhood. Thank you!
If you are unable to bake, please consider a contribution to Sisterhood. You may send your check to the CBI office, payable to Beth Israel Sisterhood, marked “Sisterhood Sweets.” All contributions are greatly appreciated.
Apples and Honey with NG Sisterhood Sunday, September 20
The Table is Set! WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood 3rd Annual Progressive Dinner Saturday, September 19 Appetizers & Havdalah: 5:30 PM, Lipman Foyer at CBI Dinner: At individual participants’ homes
NG, or Next Generation Sisterhood, is part of Beth Israel Sisterhood and represents women in their 20’s-40’s, with or without families. NG Sisterhood brings together the many amazing Jewish women living in the Portland area for fun events, networking, socializing, and to celebrate our Jewish identity at happy hours, holiday events, and family gatherings. Start the new year off with new friends and some yummy apple and honey treats while learning more about this exciting Sisterhood group. We look forward to getting to know you!
End the evening with dessert and music at 8:45 PM at the Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education (1953 NW Kearney)
For more details visit the NG Sisterhood Facebook page or email us at
Gift Shop Happenings The Gift Shop will be open on Wednesdays and Fridays before Rosh Hashanah: September 2, 4, 9, and 11 from 10AM – 1 PM, and on Friday the 18th from 10 AM – 1 PM.
Please join us for a fun and delicious evening! Invite your friends. Meet new people. Everyone is welcome (adults only, please)!
Starting on September 20, the Gift Shop will be open during our regular days and hours: Thursdays, from 4:30 – 6 pm; Fridays, from 11 AM – 1 PM; and Sundays, from 9:15 AM – 12:15 PM.
Reservation cost (per person): Chai $36; Rachel $54; and Miriam $72 Proceeds benefit the Rita Lubliner Sisterhood Leadership Fund and Religious School Programming. Your entire donation is tax deductible.
Please come in and shop. Gift Shop proceeds benefit our religious school.
September 2015
L’Dor V’Dor From Generation to Generation Mazel Tov to
Sharon Brenner on receiving the Planned Parenthood of the Columbia Willamette’s Transformative Leadership Award.
Tom and Mary Jane Stern on the birth of their grandson, Jory Meloy Bernstein, born on June 21, 2015. Proud parents are Hailey Stern Bernstein and Evan Bernstein. Elana and Brandy Pirtle-Guiney on the birth of their son, Jacob Asher, born on July 1, 2015. Ann & Jim Waldman on the birth of their twin grandchildren, Jacob Dennis and Devan Syrie Waldman, born on June 1 in the Bay area. They join older brother Julian James. Proud and busy parents are Michael and April Waldman. Jacob and Devan’s maternal grandparents are Dennis & Sharon Orem of Eugene. May they grow in health and wisdom and be a source of strength to their family and all humankind. Dara Docherty on her acceptance to Lewis & Clark’s Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program.
Tara O’Neil and Leslie Kantor on their marriage July 19, 2015, officiated by Senior Cantor Ida Rae Cahana and Cantor Emerita Judith B. Schiff. Chloe Rose Lewis and Logan Bye who placed first at the 2015 Lake Placid Ice Dance Championships and are Lillehammer bound for the Junior Olympics next February.
Condolences to Ernest Bonyhadi on the death of his wife, Shirley Gittelsohn, on June 12. Jim Rosenbaum and Sandy Lewis on the death of Jim’s aunt, Bonnie Naftalin, on June 26. Sarah Krakauer and Ari and Miriam Kohn on the death of her mother and their grandmother, Carol Krakauer, on June 29.
Beth Israel Sisterhood on receiving Women of Reform Judaism’s Silver Or Ami “Light of My People” award for their “Network PDX” program.
Larry Packouz on the death of his mother, Dorothy M. Packouz (Mrs. William Packouz), on July 3 in Rancho Mirage, CA.
Michael Allen Harrison whose world premiere musical, “Soul Harmony,” has been honored with four PAMTA awards.
Leslie Kelinson on the death of her husband and Judith Feinstein on the death of her brother Harvey Kelinson, on July 10.
Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana for his participation on Portland Business Alliance’s year- long Leadership Portland program. The program teaches about important Portland institutions in areas such as government, education, justice, and the arts. Graduates of the program contribute to the life and well-being of our community. Rabbi Cahana is the first clergy leader to ever participate in this Civic program. He hopes to bring more attention to the ways in which the religious community can work with business and government to solve communal problems.
Family, friends, and our community on the recent death of our friend and community leader Charlie Schiffman, on July 13 in Israel. Lynn Lowenson Marks on the death of her husband and Michael and Leland Marks and families on the death of their father Milton R. (Mickey) Marks, on August 3 at age 85 in Lake Oswego. Mickey was predeceased by his daughter Lianne Marks Klein. The family of Pearl Harding, who passed away on August 3.
Lift Urban Portland to Honor CBI with Award Lift Urban Portland (formerly Northwest Portland Ministries) has chosen Congregation Beth Israel as the recipient of its 2015 Spotlight Award. The award recognizes CBI’s significant contributions to the mission of Lift Urban Portland, which is to reduce hunger and improve the lives of low-income residents of northwest and downtown Portland. In the years since 1981, when Beth Israel joined with other congregations in Northwest Portland to aid neighborhood residents, Beth Israel has: • Provided financial support to Lift Urban Portland through Social Action Committee funds • Supported the neighborhood food pantry through the annual Yom Kippur food drive and Lift Urban Portland’s annual May food drive • Hosted the Lift Urban Portland annual holiday dinner for neighborhood residents • Provided hundreds of hats and scarves for holiday dinner guests, thanks to the Knit-a-Mitzvah group • Sponsored many innovative programs and events for its neighbors at NW Tower and Annex • Initiated Mitzvah Day projects that benefited Lift Urban Portland • Engaged many volunteers in Lift Urban Portland programs The Spotlight Award will be presented at Making Connections, a benefit for Lift Urban Portland on Thursday, October 8, at Castaway, 1900 NW 18th Avenue, Portland.
Congregation Beth Israel
Very Thoughtful People Caring Community Has Arrived at CBI What is Caring Community? It is the face of the congregation to support fellow congregants in need. A community works best when people help people. Caring Community will be CBIâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s way of connecting needs with volunteers. The program debuted in June at Shabbat on the Plaza. Co-chairs Bob Kravitz and Bobbie Goldstein reviewed surveys to assess congregant needs and desires. How Can I Become Involved? Join a MITZVAH CLUSTER. This is a group of congregants in close proximity to each other. When a need arrives with a congregant in a particular locale, an e-blast is sent to the cluster volunteers and if someone is available, they reply to the request. It is important to note that you may participate as much or as little as possible--the choice is yours.
Want to join a cluster? Email Bob Kravitz at with your information and locale. Do you have any particular skills, talents or expertise that you are willing to share with the Caring Community? Email Bob Kravitz at What programs/activities will be offered? Watch this space and Under the Dome for program details as they become available. I support the concept but I really do not have time. How can I participate? Make a donation to the Caring Community Fund at CBI.
Very Thoughtful People Adult Education Fund In Memory of Bessie Loeb Bondy Stan and Joyce Loeb In Honor of Jen Feldman (Recovery) Alan and Lana Miller (Anniversary) Jerry and Bunny Sadis
Altar Flowers and Oneg Shabbat
In Memory of Sarah Leah Horenstein Marcus Horenstein Mitzi Tobias Robert Tobias In Honor of Diane Rosencrantz (Birthday) Barbara Durkheimer and Gary Larsen Elaine Weinstein (Birthday) Bunny and Jerry Sadis Adrienne Souther (Birthday) Robert and Rita Philip
Amy R. Goldsmith Library In Memory of Joy Alkalay Pierce Ethier In Honor of Alan and Janet Zell (60th Anniversary) Ilaine Cohen
Caring Community Fund
In Honor of Jen Feldman (Refuah Shlema) Bobbie Goldsten, Bob Kravitz, and David Gilbert
Cemetery Beautification In Memory of Leo Mitchell Stacy Sadis Bunny and Jerry Sadis Shirley Gittelsohn Rena and Cheryl Tonkin Leland H. Lowenson Lee Lowenson Eugene Hirsch Krantz Eldon and Carolyn Wexler Morris Bloomenthol Esther Bloomenthol Jane Ritchie Floyd Black Fred Buell Michael Tannenbaum Ethel Tonkin Rena and Cheryl Tonkin and David and Daniel Lerner Gina Levi Pierce Ethier Joy Alkalay Pierce Ethier Allen Lichtgarn Elias Lichtgarn Stan and Joyce Loeb Henry Spivak Alysmae S. Nudelman Ruth Semler Jacqueline R. Spivak Dr. Henry Semler Gertrude Semler Helen Spivak and Family In Honor of Liz and David Lippoff (Anniversary) Bari Isaacson Rabbi Kim Rosen (Special Birthday) Pierce Ethier
Rabbi Cahana Discretionary In Memory of George Harkless Shirley Harkless
Sarah Reiter Dorthea Roth Dorothy and Philip Reiter Edward Mayer Moregenstern Martha and Les Soltesz Mathilde Lewinsohn Cynthia and Peter Lewinsohn Harvey Kelinson Judy and Kermit Rosen William Israel Feinstein Harvey S. Kelinson Judy Feinstein Adele and Herb Savage Adair and Sara Savage Ward Edward T. Sigell Rose L. Sigell Gerald Poplack Susan L. Poplack Jan and Mike Sigell and Family In Honor of Rabbi Cahana (Graduation from Portland Business Alliance Leadership Program) Lynn Bonner Even and Alan Rosenfeld (Anniversary) Lynn, Marshall, and Garrett Langfeld
In Honor of Barry Caplan (Recovery) Sue Albert General Contribution Given By Leslie Cantor and Tara Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Neal
Cantor Cahana Discretionary
Rabbi Rose Discretionary
In Memory of Anna Richman Jim and Michael Richman Harvey Kelinson Margaret Hasson Joseph Mendelsohn Sylvia Nessan William Israel Feinstein Harvey S. Kelinson Judy Feinstein Louis Rosencrantz Meier Rosencrantz Blanche Cohen Rose Sobelman Sarah Albert Sue Albert
Rabbi Joseph Discretionary In Memory of Robert Friedenwald Eric, Rebecca, Max, and Sophie Friedenwald-Fishman Grace Harkless Shirley Harkless William Y. Sakai Mayy (Mazie) Sakai Loree and Ken Sakai In Appreciation Sandee Blank and Family
Cantor Schiff Discretionary In Memory of Bernard Levine Howard and Jan Levine Lynn Holmes Len and Shar Ludwig
In Memory of Susan Gail Rose Goldsmith Dr. Beatrice K. Rose Martha Lewin Ilse Orthmeyer
General Administrative
In Memory of Sarah Utay Evelyn Laster Milton & Marilyn Singer Don Singer Amelia Senders Kleinberg Irwin Holzman continued on p. 12
September 2015
Very Thoughtful People David Avner Cohen Gary Cohen and Barbara Bloom Shirley Gittelsohn William and Helen Goritsan Joseph Edelstein Adeline H. Edelstein Harvey Kelinson Merritt Linn and Susan Korey C. Girad Davidson Norman B. Nemer Sylvia Nemer Davidson Helen Stamm Phillip Margolin Sheldon Weisberg Teralyn Weisberg and Craig Greenberg Family Jack Pollin Harold Pollin Jeanne Moment Roger Moment Gert Neuberger Jette Neugerger Rosalyn Neuberger Roscoe Nelson, Jr Madeline Nelson Leah Finger Roger and Phyllis Finger In Honor of Dara Docherty (service to CBI) Philip M. and Nancy N. Margolis Paul and Sherry Fishman (50th Anniversary) Steven and Wendy Shain Isaac Abrams (Bar Mitzvah) Mildred and Sidney Jones Jen Feldman (Good Health and Recovery Sydney Baer (Belated Birthday) Pierce Ethier Isaac Abrams (Bar Mitzvah) Sharon Lawrence General Contribution Given By Mary Ann Frieder John L. Malaer Paul and Arlene Koenigsberg
Hal Ruthizer Cultural Arts In Memory of Shirley Gittelsohn Stan and Joyce Loeb In Honor of Jemi Kostiner Mansfield (New Job) Joyce and Stan Loeb General Contribution Given By John and Sarah Epstein
Holiday Celebrations Fund In Honor of Jemi Mansfield (New Job) Pierce Ethier
Jill Newman Slansky Early Childhood Leader Fund In Memory of Donna Tamanaha Jill Slansky
Landau Chapel
Sanny Snell Preschool Scholarship
In Memory of Ian D. Brown Megan Brown George Caro Bob and Lore Labby
In Memory of Esther Overback Eve and Alan Rosenfeld
Miller Room Refurbishment and Restoration Fund In Memory of Rose Diamond Alan and Lana Miller
Oseran Family Lecture In Memory of Lillian Zell Alan and Janet Zell
In Memory of Lottie Mendelson Harry Nemer Marvin Nepom Patricia Layton Nemer In Honor of Owen Blank (Bar Association Award) Jean Layton (Birthday) Mrs. Shelley Sanders Paul Schmidt Deborah Kaplan Pierce Ethier
Rosenfeld Family Assistant/ Associate Rabbi Fund In Memory of Joy Alkalay Joseph Alkalay Joyce and Stan Loeb
Ruth Semler Youth Activities In Memory of Daniel Davis Don Spiegel and Deborah Davis-Spiegel Dr. Henry and Gertrude Semler Alysmae and Victor Nudelman Jacqueline R. Spivak Abe and Gilda Wexler Henry Spivak James Spivak Henry Spivak Jacqueline Spivak Alysmae Semler Nudelman Celia Levitt Sondheim Joseph S. Epstein Helen Spivak and Family
Sally Vidgoff Camp Kalsman Scholarship In Memory of Henry S. Blauer Karen L. Blauer David R. Trachtenberg John L. and Barbara Trachtenberg In Honor of Mrs. Sandy Snell Paul Schmidt Pierce Eithier Paul Schmidt
Social Action (General)
In Memory of Mary Kinspel Dorothy Durkheimer Sylvan Durkheimer Barbara Durkheimer and Gary Larsen Edward Press Louis Press Seymour Press Stephen Press Sidney Spiegel Don Spiegel and Deborah DavisSpiegel Ethel Green Shirley Gittelsohn Gerel Blauer Dorothy (Mrs. Wm.) Packouz Ray and Dorothy Packouz Shirley Gittelsohn Nancy and Henry Oseran Rose Rustin Dorothy Packouz Gerald and Evelyn Leshgold Stan and Joyce Loeb Anne Peltz Leslie and Bob Peltz Roger L. Meyer Paul and Alice Meyer Gene Miller Morris and Gerry Jackson In Honor of Irwin and Renee Holzman Gerel Blauer Ilene Davidsion (Rabbi Rose Tikkun Olam Award) Michelle Gradow Cheryl and Rena Tonkin Leslie and Robert Peltz Eve Stern and Les Gutfreund Sherry and Paul Fishman (50th Anniversary) Sydney and Bill Baer Joanie and Bob Rosenbaum Sophia Suhler (Bat Mitzvah) Ira and Marcia (nee Suhler) Wagner Jen Feldman (Recovery) Eve Stern and Les Gutfreund General Contribution Given By John and Sarah Epstein
In Memory of Dennis Seinfeld Deanne and Dick Rubinstein Gary Greenberg Selene and Chuck Robinowitz Bernard La Rossa Janet E. La Rossa Henrietta Margulis Dolorosa and David Margulis Babette Strauss Albert Strauss Naomi Strauss Elliot Flaxman Samuel Rosenblatt Jane Flaxman Zanly Edelson Jill Schnitzer Edelson
Congregation Beth Israel
Shirley Gittelsohn Jeanne Newmark Beverly and Martin Zell Dr. William and Beverly Galen Phyllis Newmark Sasha Drutter Felix Gelbras Edith Gerson Hannah Gerson Samuel Gerson Theodore Gerson Susan Gerson Joan Cohen The Wax Family Harvey Kelinson Shalene Bender Barbara and Howard Cohn Fred Joseph Ms. Gertrude Joseph Walter Goodman Douglas and Lila Goodman Lillian Feingold Frank and Lee Berne Rose Freidenrich Jane Flaxman Gert Neuberger Jette Neuberger Patricia Nueberger Irene Frisch LouAnn Frisch Larry Novick Jim Crane and Karla Forsythe Patricia Layton Nemer Roger Lee Meyer Jacqueline M. Jeppe Rose Byer Howard Byer Daniel Fromer Shirley Mark Sharon Goldman Margo Sercu Henry Spivak Alysmae Semler Nudelman Jacqueline R. Spivak Ruth Semler James Spivak In Honor of Jemi Kostiner Mansfield (New Job) Louis Feldman and Risa Colton-Feldman Bill Galen (Birthday) Jeanne Newmark Barbara Durkheimer (Recovery) Rena and Cheryl Tonkin Dick and Deanne Rubenstein Bunny Edelson Michael Menashe and Guadalupe Diaz-Sesma Jeanne Newmark Jean Pierce Shirley Mark Ilene Davidsion (Rabbi Rose Tikkun Olam Award) Rose Rustin Alisha Babb (Conversion) Rose Rustin Dr. William Galen Ernie Bonyhadi Janet and Alan Zell (60th Anniversary) Bill Galen (Special Birthday) Beverley and Marty, Cathi and Dave, Lynda and Jeff
Very Thoughtful People I Have A Dream
In Memory of Claire Puziss Sherrill and Paul Puziss Harvey Kelinson Barbara and Howard Cohn Gordon Bazelon Jim and Michael Richman Mimi Richman Paul Rubinstein Eleanore Rubinstein Daniel Meekcoms Daniel Kirk Yvonne, Leonard, and Ben Gionet Alyne Schlesinger Lynn and Owen Blank Henry Spivak Alysmae S. Nudelman Ruth Semler Jacqueline R. Spivak Dr. Henry Semler Gertrude Semler Helen Spivak and Family In Honor of Elaine Weinstein Barbara and Barry Caplan
Temple Improvement
In Memory of Richard Ruffine Nicole Ruffine and Steven Ungar David Spiegel Don Spiegel and Deborah Davis-Spiegel Robert Autrey Joella Werlin In Honor of Irwin and Renee Holzman (OJCF Legacy Society Honorees Recognition) Bunny and Jerry Sadis Stuart Shleifer (Birthday) Bunny and Jerry Sadis
Urman Family College Communication In Memory of Elizabeth Silverstein Jack Urman Marvin and Lois Urman
Nettie Director Library Book Endowment
General Contribution Given By John and Sarah Epstein
Estelle Director Sholkoff Jewish Educators Scholarship In Memory of Shirley Gittelsohn Richard B. Dobrow Karensue Dobrow Richard Dobrow and Rachel Dobrow Stone
Heims Family Youth Activities Endowment In Memory of Dorothy Packouz (Mrs. William) Joanie and Bob Rosenbaum Isaac Davis I. Kenneth Davis
Lloyd B. Rosenfeld Youth Leadership Fund In Memory of Lloyd B. Rosenfeld Clara S. Frey Rosemarie Rosenfeld
In Memory of Leo M Bergman Michael I. Bergman Lena Cohen Swerdlik Gerald and Evelyn Leshgold Shirley Gittelsohn Robert Weinstein Stuart and Nikki Director Harvey Kelinson Sam Schauffer Stuart and Nikki Director Florence Berenson Shirley Mark In Honor of Shirley Gittelsohn Gerald and Evelyn Leshgold Irwin and Renee Holzman (OJCF Legacy Society Honorees Recognition) Barbara Durkheimer (Recovery) Stuart and Nikki Director Bunny and Jerry Sadis Neal Rosen (Recovery) Stuart and Nikki Director
Simon & Helen Director Endowment
May Georges Study in Israel Scholarship
In Memory of Shirley Gittelsohn Bunny and Jerry Sadis Theodore S. Gerson Joanie and Bob Rosenbaum Helen Georges Daisy Georges Linda and Tom Georges In Honor of Barbara Durkheimer (Recovery) Linda Ostomel
Morris Klein Preschool Endowment
In Memory of Ruth Heldfond William B. Layton Cameron and Dick Davis Elana Gould Trudi, Jonathan, Lauren, and Matthew
Temple Endowment
In Memory of Joseph Byer Howard Byer In Honor of Barry Caplan (Recovery) Richard and Harriet Maizels General Contribution Given By Donalee Small
WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood Funds
Prayer Book
In Memory of Toni Kahan Naomi Strauss Ray Veltman Marcia Colton, Risa and Louis Feldman, Jacob and Noah Feldman Jerry Colton Margo Sercu
Service to the Blind
In Memory of Louis Lubliner Nancy / Norman Higby Dorothy Schubach Robert Rowe and Nannette Hasman-Rowe Manuel Holtzman Wilma Jane Balick and Sandra Kailes Biller
Sisterhood Programming, Leadership & Enrichment
In Memory of Andrea Karlin Sally Karlin and Andrew and Caroline Rita Lubiner Barbara and Barry Caplan Rabbi Joshua Kohen Rebezin Hannah Koehn Megan Brown In Honor of Elaine Weinstein (Birthday) Barbara and Barry Caplan
In Memory of Lily Feuerstein Howard and Tamara Feuerstein
CBI Team Senior Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana Senior Cantor Ida Rae Cahana Associate Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph Rabbi Emeritus Emanuel Rose, D.H.L., D.D. Cantor Emerita Judith Blanc Schiff
Education Department Education Director Ben Sandler, M. Ed. Youth Group Director Shoshanna Pro Education Administrator Ziva Sholin Member Services Executive Director Sydney A. Baer
Development Director Jen Feldman
Finance Director Jim Baldwin, CPA
Art of Catering 503-231-8185 Larry Grimes
Engagement Coordinator Marisa Reby
Accounting Assistant Vicki Greif
Century Catering 503-849-2605 Allen Levin
Office Administrator Tracy Alifanz
Facilities Staff Perry Meekins, Facilities Manager Keith Powers Shalamar Washington Susie Young Dallas Van Winkle
Culinary Artistry 503-232-4675 Jenn Louis
Clergy Administrative Assistant Sara Miller Communications Coordinator Chrisanthy Karis
September 2015
Catering Panel Alfresco Catering by Sheraton 503-335-2858 Shellie Engelquist
Devilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Food Catering 503-233-9288 Charles Stilwell VT Group: Vibrant Table, Food In Bloom, f&b CafĂŠ 503-297-9635 Karen Rich
In Remembrance ~ May their memory be for a blessing. September 4 & 5 Robert Autrey Charles F. Berg Nachman Berkowitz Ruth Binder Arnold Cohen Richard C.East Don Felts Anne Gilbert Sam Hammel Gerald Hammel Phillip Iliffe Hardy George Harkless Maynard Hurwitz Anatoly Ioffe Evelyn M. Jacobs Barbara Jacobson Fred Kornfeld Bessie Leveton Mathilde Lewinsohn June Lichty Louis Lubliner Harry Marcus Daniel Meekcoms Roger L.Meyer Sonija Milshtein Anna Muscovitz David Meyer Nayberger Mary Baker Nelson Gert Neuberger Frank Perlman Jack Pollin Edward Press Sarah Reiter Samuel J. Robinson Dorthea Roth Judith I. Schneider Paul Howard Schoen Jane Daum Schwartz Rosa Shainwald* Joan Shipley Mitchell Erwin Shores Bernice Shulevitz Meyer Steinweis Mary Stoloff Ethel Tonkin* David R. Trachtenberg Irve Tunick Sheldon Weisberg Audrey Rosalyn Yugler Abram (Al) Yugler Harry Zell
September 11 &12 Ethel Barr Gordon Bazelon Sharlene Bender Michael L. Bergman* Juliette Bernays* Nathan Bick Harold J. Blank* Esther Bloomenthol Morris Bloomenthol Joseph Byer Robert M.Coffey Estelle Director Melvin Mel Dunn Rita Durkheimer Philip Eder William Israel Feinstein King Feldman Harry Fink Helen Georges Melvin Gerard Susan Gail Rose Goldsmith Seymour Haber Helene Haltenorth Sigmund A. Heilner* Ida D. Holtzman Belle Kahn Eugene Hirsch Krantz* Esther Mazer Kranz Sam Lennis Larry Lieberman Sonya S. Loebner Cecelia London Faye Menashe Marvin Morris Oziel Anne Peltz Ruthella Popick Edythe Raffel Paul Rubinstein* Ida Schaffer* Marvin Schnitzer Sidney S. Schubach* Daniel L. Shafton Marcus Shemanski* Helen Silen Adolph Slotowsky Herbert Raymond Sokolsky* Katie Steinweis Arthur G. Weisfield Jennie Davis Wexler* Emily Wilson*
September 18 & 19 Sheldon Balick* Florence Berenson Ahldor Kermit Berg Harry Binder Max Bloom Bessie Loeb Bondy Sybil Bonime Mary Canton Gloria B. Coodley Isabelle Daniels John Einstein* Irene Frisch Louis Gelwasser Samuel Gerson* Edith Gerson* Hannah Gerson Freidel Glaser Mary Goldman Leon Hirsch* Alan R. Hoeflich Fred Joseph Charles Josephson* Bertha Kohn* Belle Lewis Allan Edward Lichtgarn* Etta Maizels Karen McAllister Edward Mayer Morgenstern Roscoe C. Nelson, Jr. Esther Overback Samuel Palmer* Seymour Press Jack Reed Davida Rosenbaum Edward Rosenberg Jacob W. Savinar Kurt Schlesinger Sue Ellen Lorge Schwartz James G. Senders Albert I. Simon Daniel Slovic Morris Taylor* Mitzi Tobias Luther Toothman I. Jack Vidgoff* Reuben W. Weil* Benjamin Weiss Everett Wyner Rebecca Betty Zacks
(*) next to a name indicates a memorial plaque has been purchased to ensure the beloved departed is remembered in perpetuity. For information about memorial plaques in the Temple, please contact Sydney Baer at (503) 222-1069 or
Congregation Beth Israel
September 25 & 26 Leo Baruh* Frances Basinski Daisy Biskind Theodore S. Bloom Edgar Blumenthal Adolph Canton C. Girard Davidson Isaac Davis Louis Farkas Max Fischback Adelyne Raban Freiberg Daisy Georges Pearl Gevurtz Miriam Goldberg Grace Harkless Elizabeth Hirsch Leopold Kaufman* Norman B. Kobin* Lewis Joseph Krakauer Danny Leb Aaron Lertzman Martha Lewin Marcy Macoubray Milton Markewitz* Joseph Mendelsohn Gene Miller Jeanne Moment* Norman B. Nemer* Rose Nudelman M. Don Nudelman Frank Planer Louis Press David Rosen Louis Rubenstein* May â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mazieâ&#x20AC;? Sakai Alyne Schlesinger* Oliver Gordon Seymour Edward Shainwald* Walter P. Sherlin* Helen Stamm Albert Stenger Leonard Subotnick Louis Tanne Hershal Tanzer Jeannette Turteltaub Loius Waldman Lillian F. Zell* Harry Zugman
September 2015 SUNDAY
Elul 5775 - Tishrei 5776
TUESDAY 1 Elul 17
Administration Offices & Clergy Education Department & Preschool Fax Machine WRJ/BI Sisterhood Judaica Gift Shop Beth Israel Cemetery 426 SW Taylors Ferry Road
THURSDAY 3 Elul 19
Social Action Committee 5:00 PM SBR
503-222-1069 503-222-2037 503-274-1400 503-222-1069 503-222-1069
4 Elul 20
5 Elul 21
Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR
Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR
Last Shabbat on the Plaza
Tot Shabbat Service 9:00 AM PC
Shabbat Morning Service: Bat Mitzvah of Hot Dog Picnic Supper on the Olivia Cull 10:30 AM Temple lawn after the service 6:00 PM Temple Lawn
Return to the Land Wedding blessing: Nathan Morelli & Sara Epstein of Your Soul 5:00 PM Temple
6 Elul 22
7 Elul 23
8 Elul 24
9 Elul 25
Labor Day Temple Offices Closed
16 Tishrei 3
11 Elul 27
12 Elul 28
Executive Committee Meeting 12:00 PM SBR
Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR
Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR
Shir Sabbat Service 6:00 PM PC
Shabbat Morning Service: Bar Mitzvah of Marc Morgan 10:30 AM Temple
17 Tishrei 4
18 Tishrei 5
19 Tishrei 6
Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR
Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR
Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC
Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 AM PC
13 Elul 29
14 Tishrei 1 5776
Erev Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah 5776
Multi-Generational Service 6:00 PM Temple
Temple Offices Closed
Preschool Back to School Night 5:30 PM MR
Morning Service 10:00 AM Temple
Board of Trustees Meeting 6:30 PM SBR
Traditional Adult Service 7:30 PM Temple
15 Tishrei 2
10 Elul 26
WRJ/BIS Havdalah/ Progressive Dinner 5:30 PM PC/LF
Family Service 11:00 AM GH Rosh Hashanah Reception 12:30 PM BA Tashlich 2:00 PM Tanner Creek Park
20 Tishrei 7
22 Tishrei 9
23 Tishrei 10
24 Tishrei 11
25 Tishrei 12
26 Tishrei 13
FIRST DAY OF RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Religious School (K-7) 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM SEC
21 Tishrei 8
Kol Nidre 5776
Yom Kippur 5776
Multi-Generational Service 5:30 PM Temple
Temple Offices Closed
Introduction to Judaism 7:00 PM PC
Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR
Torah Study 9:00 am SBR
Wimpel Program #1 for 1st Grade - parents only 10:00 AM GH
Traditional Adult Service 7:30 PM Temple
Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC
Shabbat Morning Service: Bat Mitzvah of Abigail Paley Brown 10:30 AM Temple
ECE Fall Festivals Family Progam 10:00 AM HH
Morning Service 10:00 AM Temple Family Service 10:00 AM GH
Wedding blessing for Michael Meneshe and Guadalupe Diazsesma
Tot Service 2:00 PM Temple
WRJ/BIS Library Event 10:00 AM LB
Afternoon/Yizkor/Neilah Service 3:00 PM Temple
Midrasha (grades 8-12) 12:15 PM - 2:00 PM SEC Kever Avot V’Imahot Service 1:00 PM CBI Cemetary Oseran Lecture: Lawrence Wright 4:30 PM Temple
27 Tishrei 14
28 Tishrei 15
Erev Sukkot
Religious School (K-7) 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM SEC
Temple Offices Closed
Wimpel Program #2 for 1st Grade Families 10:00 AM GH
Sukkot Lunch and Learn 12:00 PM Sukkah
29 Tishrei 16
30 Tishrei 17
View our calendar and campus map online at
Midrasha (grades 8-12) 12:15 PM - 2:00 PM SEC Sukkot Open House 4:00 PM Cahana Residence
Location Key HH = Harris Hall BA = Blumauer Auditorium GH = Goodman Hall LB = Library LF = Lipman Foyer MR = Miller Room PC = Pollin Chapel SBR = Shirley & Herbert Semler Board Room SC = Shemanski Chapel SEC = Sherman Education Center SFC = Schnitzer Family Center
Congregation Beth Israel
Congregation Beth Israel
1972 NW Flanders Street Portland, OR 97209-2097
Board of Trustees 2015/2016 Officers
Ned Duhnkrack President
Stacy Friedman Steve Gradow Glen Levy Robin McCoy Sharon Meieran Joanne Van Ness Menashe Yale Popowich Bob Rosenbaum David Sarasohn Arthur Steinhorn Tony Urdes
Ted Nelson VP/President Elect Ilene Davidson Vice President Ali Garfinkle Vice President Brad Tonkin Vice President Mark Peterman Secretary John Epstein Treasurer
Auxiliaries Stephanie Siegel - WRJ/BI Sisterhood President David Goldwyn - Brotherhood President
Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism since 1879
Congregation Beth Israel