September 2016 Bulletin - Congregation Beth Israel, Portland Oregon

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Bulletin September 2016 Av-Elul 5776 Vol. 65, No. 11

L’Shanah Tovah

5777  •  High Holidays  •  2016 Erev Rosh Hashanah


Yom Kippur


5:00 PM

Tot Service, Pollin Chapel For children aged 0-4 and their families

10:00 AM

Family Service, Goodman Hall For families with children younger than 5th grade

6:00 PM

Multi-Generational Service, Goodman Hall For children kindergarten-B’nei Mitzvah and their families

10:00 AM

Traditional Service, Main Sanctuary For adults and families with children aged 5th grade and up

6:00 PM

Traditional Service , Main Sanctuary For adults and families with children B’nei Mitzvah aged and up

12:45 PM

Rabbi Talk Back, Room TBD

12:45 PM

JND Study Break, Room TBD

Rosh Hashanah


10:00 AM

Traditional Service, Main Sanctuary For adults and families with children aged 5th grade and up

12:45 PM

High School Teen Experience, Room TBD For students in the 8th -12th grades

11:00 AM

Family Service, Goodman Hall For families with children younger than 5th grade

12:45 PM

Middle School Teen Experience, Room TBD For our Middle School students

11:00 AM

Middle School Experience, Room TBD For our middle school students. No parents allowed!

2:00 PM

Study Session, Room TBD

Join us for a Rosh Hashanah Reception after services, followed by Tashlich in Tanner Park, NW 10th and Marshall Streets

2:00 PM

Tot Service, Main Sanctuary For children aged 0-3 and their families

3:00 PM

Afternoon Memorial Service and Concluding Prayers, Main Sanctuary

Kol Nidre


5:30 PM

Traditional Service (early), Main Sanctuary

Break the Fast Reception to follow services

8:00 PM

Traditional Service (late), Main Sanctuary

A special thank you to the WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood for baking and providing sweets throughout the High Holidays.

While these services are intended for adults and families with children B’nei Mitzvah aged and up, any child able to sit still for at least 30 minutes is welcome

L’Shanah Tovah

B’nei Mitzvah

Our Leadership

Kara Steinberg

Samuel Waxman

Kara Steinberg, daughter of Barbara and Jeff Steinberg, big sister of Zachary and a student at Rosemont Ridge, will become Bat Mitzvah on September 3, 2016. Kara’s love of dance inspired her Mitzvah Project for Traveling Tutus, a organization that collects and repurposes dance costumes and provides them for children learning to dance in third world countries. These costumes, Kara says, are “too precious to throw away so by giving them to children who can’t afford them, I am able to share my love of dance.”

Samuel Waxman will become Bar Mitzvah on September 10, 2016. He is the son of Jason Waxman and Shonda Waxman and a student at Lake Oswego Junior High. Sammy’s Mitzvah Project will serve foster kids in Washington County and support adoption. He plans to go door to door collecting and packaging unused toiletries for foster children, many of whom “do not have adequate supplies and few belongings.”

Mia Louise Kane Mia Louise Kane, student at West Sylvan Middle School, daughter of Michael and Michelle Kane, and sister of Sarah and Benjamin, will become Bat Mitzvah on September 24, 2016. For her Mitzvah Project, Mia will work with the Oregon Food Bank.

New Prayer for a New Year Shanah Tova! May your year be blessed. The High Holidays are rapidly approaching, and with them comes new opportunities for celebration and introspection. These dual highpoints of the Jewish calendar are a time for our community to gather and for each of us to reflect on the grander meaning of our lives, our place in the universe, our relationship with the divine. For your clergy, there comes another challenge. While we reflect on our own human journey, we also have the privilege and responsibility to guide our prayer journey, to shape the experience, to learn so that we can teach. We see ourselves as sculptors of prayer, investigators of meaning. We seek to breathe life into ancient ritual and to allow tradition to anchor us in chaotic times. To paraphrase the novelist, we seek to make the new familiar and to make the familiar new. To aid us in this task, we have joined with Reform congregations around North America in adopting the new Reform High Holiday Machzor prayer book: Mishkan HaNefesh - “Sacred Dwelling Place of the Soul” - A New High Holiday Prayerbook for 21st century America. We hope you will find it as meaningful, refreshing, and sacred as we do. Here is the description, paraphrased from the vision statement for a New Reform Machzor: T’shuvah (repentence or return) is the chief goal of the Yamim Noraim (Days of Awe), and a machzor (High Holiday Prayerbook) is our indispensible manual and guide. This book will serve Reform Jews as they seek repentance, new direction, and a sense of return to God and the Jewish people. Why develop a new prayerbook for the High Holidays at all? The rabbis, cantors, scholars, and pilot congregations who worked on this sacred project have given us the following insights which we would like to share with you as together, we embark upon this journey of spiritual exploration and renewal.


Life in contemporary America offers many blessings, especially in the field of technology. Nevertheless, the ability to do more without a value-laden context is frightening. There is a nagging fear that we are turning ourselves into a kind of Sorcerer’s Apprentice. As postmoderns, we need a corrective, a “reset” that centers us in a context of what matters most. Life presents us with many problems. Jewish text and tradition, presented as a meaningful, relevant High Holiday experience, can be a captivating and vital solution. Mishkan HaNefesh was designed as a sacred tool for exciting and transformative worship on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The book seeks to meet people where they are, presenting diverse views of God with a respectful yet fresh approach to tradition. You will notice: • An unwavering commitment to the equality of men and women • Attention paid to present day concerns, fears, and hopes • An embrace of the universal and the particular From a user-friendly standpoint, Mishkan HaNefesh will look familiar to you as it mirrors the Shabbat prayerbook, Mishkan Tefilah, which we have been using for several years. All of the Hebrew is transliterated for those who cannot yet read Hebrew to encourage your participation. The pages on the right offer literal translations and facing pages to the left give us opportunities for reflection with poetry and deeper exploration of the texts. In other words, each of us is given permission to “drift” and let the power of these moments lead us into deeper contemplation and lift up our souls. L’Shanah Tovah um’tukah! May this new year be a sweet, healthy one for all of us and our loved ones!

Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana Cantor Ida Rae Cahana Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph With appreciation to our clergy emerita:

Rabbi Emanuel Rose Cantor Judith B. Schiff

Congregation Beth Israel

Upcoming Events

Education Text People


by Ben Sandler Education Director

Adult Education 2016-17: Jews on the Frontier The end of summer means the beginning of our Adult Education Programming! This year, we will explore the stories of Jews on the Frontier, both literal and figurative. We’ll learn about everything from the history of Jewish pioneers settling the West, to Jews researching the frontiers of medicine, to Jews traveling the outer reaches of science fiction. We also will discover what some of our other community institutions–the Oregon Historical Society and the Oregon Jewish Museum–have to offer. Join us! Watch our website ( for a complete schedule.

Synagogue on the Frontier

What we need more than anything else is not textbooks, but text people. It is the personality of the teacher which is the text that the pupils read: the text that [they] will never forget.

-Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

As our new school year begins, our community of learners continues to grow and become more reflective. Every year, we ask our incoming Madrichim (High School students who mentor our younger ones): What is a teacher? How many teachers did you have in the last two years? Do answers include just classroom teachers? Coaches? A parent? What about friends?

Sunday, September 11, 12:00 PM Temple Presenter: Henry Kunowski

We all have countless teachers. From some, we learn facts; from others, we learn how to treat people, how to set priorities, or how to make tough decisions.

Architectural Historian and CBI congregant Henry Kunowski will lead a tour of our historic campus. Explore our beautiful buildings with an expert as he guides us well beyond their obvious features. With the approach of the High Holidays, this is the perfect opportunity for new and longstanding members alike to see our synagogue with fresh eyes.

V’shinantam l’vanecha: You shall teach them diligently to your children. Our V’ahavtah prayer can be understood as charging all Jewish people with the task of passing Judaism from generation to generation. As our new year begins, we dedicate ourselves—whether as classroom teachers, parents, students, or educational leaders—to be “text people,” role models through our words and deeds. We remain steadfast in our commitment to partner in the education of our children, and we recognize and support each other in this holy task. We know that each of us can bring meaning to our lives and to each other through Jewish learning and experience, and through being together in community. We are the “text people.” It is with great joy that we answer the call of responsibility that life asks of us, provide the examples our students need from us, and help them to find personal meanings as they write write their own chapter of Jewish history.

CBI Book Group Sunday, September 11, 9:00 AM Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room CBI’s Book Club will resume our monthly meetings on Sunday, September 11. Our first selection following summer break will be Kati Marton’s The Great Escape: Nine Jews Who Fled Hitler And Changed the World. If you want to get a head start on our October reading, check out The Marriage Of Opposites by Alice Hoffman.

Color My World: An Evening of Coloring for Adults and Dessert Wednesday, September 21, 7:00 PM Goodman Hall Coloring isn’t just for children! Enjoy an evening of fun and creativity (we’ll provide the designs and color pens), while connecting with friends and engaging in an activity proven to generate wellness, quietness, and brain stimulation. Please RSVP to Bob Kravitz at or Daureen Morris at by September 1; a donation of $5.00 per adult is suggested (cash at the door). Sponsored by the Southwest Portland, Outer Northwest Portland, Inner Northwest Portland, South Waterfront and Downtown CBI Neighborhood Circles, part of CBI’s Hineinu Community Engagement Initiative.

I’m looking forward to a fun and meaningful school year together! Sources: Man’s Search For Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl. I Asked for Wonder: A Spiritual Anthology by Abraham Joshua Heschel. The Madrichim Manual by Lisa Bob Howard.

Start this Jewish New Year off with the gift of learning Hebrew:

Ivrit (pronounced: ee-VREET) for Grown-ups! This beginning (or refresher) Hebrew class for adults led by Cantor Ida Rae Cahana will commence Thursday, September 22 and continue most Thursday evenings throughout the school year, from 7:00 – 8:30 PM. Starting with basic decoding of the alef-bet, we will work our way through the basic prayers of the Friday and Saturday morning services. There will be an option to continue for a second year, culminating in Adult B’nei Mitzvah in the spring of 2018. Class meets in the Amy R. Goldsmith/Spear Research Library of the Sherman Education Building during the course of the year. There will also be a few gatherings outside the synagogue where we will use our new Hebrew skills as we share a meal together. Cost for the year is $180, which includes textbook and materials. Please secure your spot, as space is limited, by calling the office at 503-222-1069. L’hitra’ot! Hope to see you soon!

September 2016


Developing CBI

L’Dor V’Dor From Generation to Generation

Come Together and Tell Us Your Tale …. by Jenat Levison Feldman Development Director There are eight million stories in the naked city …. The narrator stated as each episode of The Naked City began. As we gather for this year’s fall fundraiser – Come Together on Sunday, September 18 – the same thing could be said of our Congregation Beth Israel community. Each of you has a story; in fact, most of you have many stories of who you are and how or why you came to be connected to CBI, what being a member has brought to your life and/or what having CBI belong to you truly means. Those are the stories I often have the privilege of hearing as your Development Director – now you have the chance to share these stories in a meaningful and impactful way. Our fall fundraiser has become the cornerstone of the Development Committee’s fundraising efforts. Our energetic Chair David Goldwyn has recruited an impressive list of solicitors to raise much needed sponsorship support. Special Kudos to: David and Michelle Gradow, Josh Kashinsky, Ted Nelson, and Tony Urdes, who have all done major solicitations. We are privileged to have volunteers extraordinaire Tony and Bianca Urdes chair this year’s major event. Committee members are Margie and Michael Anton, Michelle Gradow, David and Tiffany Goldwyn, Steven Pike, and Sarah Pitman. The evening’s magical mystery tour will be an all inclusive evening of drinks, dinner stations from around the world, a Beatles tribute band, and stories told by and for you. CBI is your community, so tell us your tale and be a part of the story.

Mazel Tov to Matthew Warshawsky on the publication of his second book, The Perils of Living the Good and True Law: Iberian Crypto-Jews in the Shadow of the Inquisition of Colonial Hispanic America, from Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs. Bill and Sydney Baer on the birth of their granddaughter, Faryn Amira Baer, on Monday, June 13, 2016. David and Lauren Elkanich on the birth of their son, David Ari Elkanich, born Tuesday, June 14, 2016. May they grow in health and wisdom and be a source of strength to their families and all humankind.

Condolences to Leslie (Robert) Peltz and Tova (Patrick Van Duser) Peltz on the loss of their cousin and to the extended Peltz family on the loss of Melvyn Farberman, who passed away on July 30, 2016. Edie Nudelman Bean on the loss of her husband, Dan Bean and Linda (Tom) Georges on the loss of their father, Alec Bean on the loss of his grandfather, and the extended Bean family on the loss of Ben Bean, who passed away on July 23, 2016.


September 18, 2016, 5:00 pm The Exchange Ballroom Learn more at Being a part of this sacred community is both an honor and a privilege. It’s am honor to remember our 159 year old past while always building for our future. It’s a privilege to work for that future with you, knowing that if we all support CBI to the best of our ability – then we can work it out. We hope you support this event by attending and (even if you are not able to join us) by making a Mitzvah Moment contribution. Lead Sponsors Arlene Schnitzer and Jordan Schnitzer are providing a challenge grant of $10,000 if $36,000 or more is raised through the Mitzvah Moment. Every gift counts and every gift helps our community thrive. Come Together with us in any way you can.

Marlene Lomas, Ken (Carol) Joseph on the loss of their mother, Brent (Hannah) Joseph, Robby (Marissa) Joseph on the loss of their grandmother, Oscar, Judah, and Gray on the loss of their great- grandmother, Janice Lehmann-Shaw, and John Shaw on the loss of their aunt, and the extended Joseph family on the loss of Gertrude Joseph, who passed away on July 24, 2016. Steven Wilker and Lainie Block Wilker on the loss of his father, to Hannah Wilker and Callie Wilker on the loss of their grandfather, and to the extended Wilker family on the loss of Stanley Wilker, who passed away on July 16, 2016. Mary, Jay, John, and Keith Raskin on the loss of their mother, Arlene Cherney, Caroline O’ Connell, and Robert Machacek on the loss of their sister, and the extended Raskin Family on the loss of Betty Raskin, who passed away on June 18, 2016. Jan Sigell, Rick Poplack, and Jim Poplack on the loss of their mother, Julie (Frank) Butts, Lisa (Andy Grush) Sigell, Todd (Simone) Sigell, Rachel (Goyo Gonzalez) Poplack, David Poplack, Laurel Poplack, Aaron Poplack, and Amy Leavitt on the loss of their grandmother, Lauryn and Caden Butts, Grayson Sigell, and Xiuh Xiuh and Felix Gonzalez Poplack on the loss of their great-grandmother, Dorothy (Ray) Packouz on the loss of her sister, and the extended Poplack family on the loss of Lois Poplack, who passed away on June 22, 2016.

Congregation Beth Israel

Our Leadership Message from the Board by Theodore M. Nelson Board President One of the benefits of belonging to our sacred community that values transparency and idea sharing is that any Congregation Beth Israel member may attend a Board meeting to observe our process, hear our discussions, and learn about the important topics guiding our organization. We meet the third Thursday of most months. I invite you to attend. Traditionally, we skip two meetings each year when the seasonal cycles influences a slow-down in activity. In July, the Board did not meet for a Board of Trustees meeting and, instead, gathered for a strategic planning retreat. Susan Bass, a member of the facilitator team of the Union for Reform Judaism, led this meeting. The trajectory of the six-hour day started with a few break-out sessions focusing on foundational organizational questions and ended with a workshop to identify three themes and underlying goals for CBI. The Board chose to prioritize three themes: financial, organizational, and meaning. Here are the goals we set around these themes. FINANCIAL Our organization is financially sound and has a strong endowment, a tradition of member commitment, and smart people overseeing CBI’s resources. In the years ahead, we seek to grow our endowment to ensure that CBI continues to serve our Portland community and build Jewish souls. To realize the idea of a greater permanent financial framework, the Board identified the need to analyze our current funding sources (annual dues, fundraisers, fees, and tuition) to understand trends over the last decade in each category. This research project and report will be prepared by our standing Finance Committee. We will launch a project to review and refresh our annual giving framework. This work will be performed by an ad hoc committee.

During this current fiscal year, we will finalize a new master plan for our historic campus. This plan will include a creation of a reserve study used to project the expense of future repairs and maintenance to our buildings and grounds. We will create an ad hoc Campus Master Plan Committee to complete this work. ORGANIZATIONAL The Board sees the need to continue work to clarify the roles of the Board and staff, identifying areas where we may need to update our policies and job descriptions. The Board and staff see the possibility to create more structure to track progress on various initiatives, including assigning board members to be accountable for leading and reporting. Last year, we created a framework for a leadership development program at CBI. The Board will continue to develop this program with a hope to launch by the beginning of 2017. MEANING CBI is a community of meaning as we continue our mission of helping people create Jewish lives. The Board previously set a goal to increase engagement with the over 870 families who are members of CBI. This resulted in the Hinenu Initiative, which focuses on activities designed to gather members together to strengthen our community. We will continue to explore innovative ways to touch the lives of the thousands of unaffiliated Jews in the Portland area. We hope to reach them with creative communication platforms, events, and activities that bring our community into theirs. The group also focused on storytelling, a theme you will see in our community in the coming months. We will tell out stories at our Fall Fundraiser, Come Together, on Sunday, September 18, 2016 and in other activities throughout the next year. I invite you to get involved with our work! Please consider contributing your skills and knowledge to our sacred community. If you are interested in stepping forward into committee participation, please send me an email at or call Josh Kashinsky at the Temple Office at (503) 222-1069.

Shabbat on the Plaza!


Shabbat on the Plaza & BYO Picnic, Take II!

Shabbat on the Plaza & Ice Cream

Bring your family, a picnic, and enjoy our musical Shabbat Service. We’ll provide an Oneg complete with cool treats!

Enjoy our final Shabbat on the Plaza, sponsored by CBI’s Social Action Committee. Celebrate with a special Back to School Blessing and delicious Dairy Hill ice cream!

Friday, September 2, 6:00 PM Temple Lawn

Friday, September 9, 6:00 PM Temple Lawn

September 2016



Social Action

HINEINU: We are Here, Together! Hineinu, our ongoing commitment to strengthen our community and recognize the kedusha (sanctity) of one another, continues to provide opportunities and experiences that will bring us closer to one another. Working together, both inside and outside the dome, we create ways for our congregants to find connections, create relationships, and nurture and support one another and build community.

Social Action Committee

At CBI we are saying, “Hineinu, We are here, here together!”


To support the outreach, programs and events that define Hineinu -- Caring Community, Greeters, Neighborhood Circles, Social Cohorts -- the Hineinu Community Enagement Tribute Fund has been established.

The Social Action Committee is an OPEN committee. All are welcome. No need to be appointed, elected, or even to sign up. Just show up at one our meetings to become a committee member and help with strategizing and planning fun and worthwhile events.

Connecting people to one another and to the congregation is an integral part of Hineinu. We are beginning to implement the CBI Ambassadors, a program that will help assimilate new members into our temple community. By building meaningful relationships with current members and engaging with new members as soon as they join, those who are looking for ways to become involved and connected can more easily create:

• CONNECTIONS TO THE CULTURE OF THE CONGREGATION by learning about the mission, customs, and traditions of CBI in a way that is open and welcoming. New and current members will find a deeper connection to each other, to the community and with Judaism itself, by experiencing and living a rich Jewish life under the dome

Please join us for our next meeting Wednesday, September 7 and get involved. The Social Action Committee has events for everyone. In addition to our favorite annual events, like the High Holidays Funds for Food Drive and Mitzvah Day, we need volunteers throughout the year. Help us support NW Towers and Annex by providing festive meals every few months and tutoring the kids from the annex. Join us in planning more activities for our newly formed advocacy arm that focuses on lobbying on issues of social justice, hunger, and gun violence prevention.

• RECIPROCAL RESPONSIBILITY between the individual and the congregation, to build a Jewish community that enriches our lives. A meaningful Jewish life comes with responsibilities, demands, obligations and commitments from both the individual and the congregation

Come to our next meeting to get all the details and get involved. We meet on the first Wednesday of every other month from 5:30-7:00 PM in the Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room.

• PERSONAL CONNECTIONS with clergy, professional staff, lay leaders, and members of our synagogue community

• A RELATIONAL COMMUNITY that offers meaning and purpose, belonging and blessing, a calendar and life-cycle of opportunities to celebrate the gifts of Jewish life at CBI There will be bi-monthly events to introduce both new congregants and our existing members to all that CBI has to offer. An Ambassador might take a new congregant to a Social Action meeting, help raise the outdoor Sukkah with Brotherhood, attend a Sisterhood event, or invite someone to join them at Taste of Temple. Ambassadors will provide the introduction to the many opportunities to connect and to become connected at CBI. The co-chairs of the Ambassador Program, Tony and Bianca Urdes, are recruiting Ambassadors, so if you are interested in becoming involved, please contact them at There will be a training session before the end of 2016. Volunteers are also needed to help create and assemble welcome packages for new CBI members and to help plan quarterly events for all of our new congregants and their Ambassadors. Please email if interested.

Come Together with us Sept 18! 6

Congregation Beth Israel


High Holidays Funds for Food Drive The Torah and our traditions compel us to feed those who would otherwise go hungry. As Maimonides knew, a hungry person cannot think of higher things. Even the day-to-day tasks we do without a second thought are difficult when food is scarce. To support Congregation Beth Israel’s High Holidays Food Drive, you can: • M ail a check marked “HHD Food Drive” to 1972 NW Flanders Street, Portland, OR 97209. • Call (503) 222-1069 to donate with a Visa or MasterCard. • D onate items the food banks need. Visit the Sunshine Pantry and Lift Urban Portland websites for wish lists and ideas:



Bakers Wanted for Sisterhood Sweets Table

Social and Nosh

Sunday, October 2, 10:00 AM Blumauer Auditorium Kitchen

Monday, September 12, 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM Indigo (430 SW 13th Avenue, Portland)

Sisterhood traditionally provides the delicious homemade baked goods for the sweets table at the Rosh Hashanah Reception following morning services. Please consider sharing the sweetness of the New Year by baking. All congregant contributions are welcome!

Please join CBI Sisterhood for a ‘Social and Nosh’ in the Sapphire Room at Indigo, overlooking beautiful downtown Portland.

Please note a change this year: NO NUTS. Our preschool is a nut-free zone, and in keeping with this policy, no baked goods containing nuts can be brought into the Blumauer Kitchen or Auditorium. Consider chopped chocolate or dried fruit as a substitution!

Please RSVP Debbie Braymer by phone 503-649-8043 or email

We will arrange sweets trays on Sunday, October 2, at 10:00 AM in the Blumauer Auditorium Kitchen (in the Sherman Education Building). Please contact Leslie Geller at if you would like to bake or help plate sweets.

Do you have a parent or loved one at Cedar Sinai Park? Would you like to exchange your name and their name with other Sisterhood members? We are starting an outreach program so that Sisterhood members can share information and connect with each other. This will allow Sisterhood members to plan their visits together, attend services at Cedar Sinai together, and perhaps even lead a service.

Meet and connect with women in the CBI community. Wine and appetizers will be served.

Cedar Sinai Outreach

If you are unable to bake, please consider a contribution to Sisterhood. You may send your check to the CBI office, payable to Beth Israel Sisterhood, marked “Sisterhood Sweets.” All contributions are greatly appreciated.

Gift Shop Happenings The Gift Shop is open while religious school is in session: Thursdays – 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Fridays – 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Sundays – 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM

If you are interested in exchanging information, please email Stephanie Siegel at We will create an email list and send it to the women who opt in.

Please come in and shop. Gift Shop proceeds benefit our religious school.

Child Sex Trafficking: An Issue For Jewish Men? Sunday, September 18, 10:30 AM Pollin Chapel Please join the CBI Brotherhood, led by Rabbi Cahana, in taking the extraordinary step of asking Jewish men to step up in the fight against child sex trafficking. The presentation, Child Sex Trafficking: An Issue for Jewish Men, will begin by exploring the known facts about the problem both nationally and locally, then take a closer look at the victims, the traffickers and most specifically, the buyers - including Jewish buyers - who create the demand. The presentation, organized in collaboration with the Portland Jewish Response Group against sex trafficking, will feature a number of speakers from the community, including Rabbi Cahana, local law enforcement, the founder of the country’s first all-men anti-trafficking group, and a trafficking survivor. While this is not a men only event, we encourage any women attending to bring male family members or friends.

September 2016


New Members

Very Thoughtful People

CBI Continues to Grow PLEASE JOIN US IN WELCOMING OUR NEWEST MEMBERS Jerry Becker and Pamela Hsu and family Mark and Sarah Dishner and family Brad and Allison Fowler and family Josh and Amy Frankel and family Erica Ljucevic and Luca Ljucevic and family

Seth Petrie and Jessica Bernstein and family Sarah Reiter Nir Peled and Jerami Shecter and family Jenny Waldron and Camille Mayeux

Very Thoughtful People Altar Flowers and Oneg Shabbat

In Memory of Pauline Berkowitz Wright Pierce Ethier In Honor of Bianca and Tony Urdes (Wedding) Jim and Ilene Davidson

Amy R. Goldsmith Library In Memory of Ruth Sheinin Lois Poplack Barbara and Howard Cohn

Brotherhood Scholarship Fund In Memory of Leland H Lowenson Lee B Lowenson

Caring Community Fund

In Honor of Bianca and Tony Urdes (Wedding Vow Renewal) Sydney and Bill Baer (Birth of Granddaughter) Cantor Cahana (Recovery) Bob Kravitz and David Gilbert


Cemetery Beautification

In Memory of Ruth Sheinin Marcia Colton, Risa Colton-Feldman and Louis, Jacob and Noah Feldman Gerel Blauer Rena and Cheryl Tonkin Joy Alkalay Pierce Ethier Daniel Jeremy Berkson Julie Berkson Marjorie Saltzman Rena and Cheryl Tonkin Betty F Druck and Jackie Druck Lois Poplack Rena and Cheryl Tonkin

Rabbi Cahana Discretionary In Memory of Frank Wesley Paul and Sherry Fishman Dr. Irving Puziss Brian Puziss Melvin and Leah Feinstein Deborah Arron Marian Ovitz Harvey Kelinson Judith K Feinstein and Family

In Honor of Richard Plotzker, M.D. Victor N Meltzer, M.D. Cantor Cahana (Continued Healing and Good Health) Beth Israel Sisterhood David and Liz Lippoff (40th Wedding Anniversary) Rachel Lippoff and Avery Martz Idit, Liora, Sarit Cahana (Graduation) Dr. Andrew Kaplan (Retirement) Susie and Tom Desmond In Appreciation Rabbi Cahana Paul and Sherry Fishman General Contribution Given By The Marjorie Saltzman Trust

Cantor Cahana Discretionary In Honor of Idit, Liora, and Sarit Cahana (Graduation) Dr. Andrew Kaplan (Retirement) Susie and Tom Desmond Cantor Cahana (Good Health) David and Liz Lippoff

Congregation Beth Israel

Cantor Cahana (Speedy Recovery) Janice Isenberg Gerald and Evelyn Leshgold Naomi Strauss Harry and Joanne Glickman Marvin and Lois Urman In Appreciation The Spring Family (Beach Hospitality) Donna Jackson

Rabbi Joseph Discretionary

In Memory of Betty Jean Raskin Mary, Jay, Jon and Keith Raskin In Honor of Rabbi Joseph (Personal Courage) Rebecca Hill and John Parks

Cantor Schiff Discretionary In Memory of Richard Grayson Sandee Black Bernard and Sydelle Levine Jan and Howard Levine

Very Thoughtful People General Administrative

In Memory of Henry Blauer Pierce Ethier Harry Zell Leonard and Marretta Zell June Martel Keith and Sheryl Martel Felice L Driesens Jacob L Driesen Trust David Avner Cohen Garry Cohen In Honor of Jemi Mansfield (Congratulations) Josh Kashinsky (Welcome) Pierce Ethier General Contribution Given By John L Malaer

Hal Ruthizer Cultural Arts In Memory of Frances Creamer Marian Creamer

Jill Newman Slansky Early Childhood Leader Fund In Honor of Ben Sandler Jill Ann Slansky

Sally Vidgoff Camp Kalsman Scholarship

I Have A Dream

Sanny Snell Preschool Scholarship

In Honor of Deanne and Dick Rubenstein (Special Anniversary) Barbara and Barry Caplan

General Contribution Given By Anonymous

In Memory of Max and Ruth Rubenstein Nick and Sandra Snell

Social Action (General)

In Memory of Aaron and Mary Plotzker Victor N Meltzer, M.D. Lois Poplack Dorothy and Ray Packouz In Honor of Cantor Ida Rae Cahana (Recovery) Dorothy and Ray Packouz Benjamin Olshin (Bar Mitzvah) Jim and Ilene Davidson Alan Rosenfeld (Special Birthday) Phyllis Newmark (Recovery) Gerel Blauer


Miller Room Refurbishment and Restoration Fund In Memory of Robert Diamond Alan and Lana Miller

Oseran Family Lecture

In Honor of The Oseran Family (New Home) Marge Cohn and Marvin Richmond

Ruth Semler Youth Activities

In Honor of James Spivak and Cantor Cahana (Recoveries) Dr. Avrel Nudelman

In Memory of Lois Poplack Susan Gerson Eve and Alan Rosenfeld Naomi Strauss Marjorie Saltzman Marty and Beverly Zell and Family Ruth Sheinin Marty and Beverly Zell Barbara and Howard Cohn In Honor of Steve and Elaine Kantor (2016 OJCF Legacy Society Honorees) Ilaine Cohen Marty and Beverly Zell (60th Anniversary) Ilaine Cohen Harold Pollin (Recovery) Liz and Ruben Menashe

In Memory of Claire Puziss Sherry Puziss Lois Poplack Owen and Lynn Blank

Urman Family College Communication In Memory of Sarah Horenstein Marcus Horenstein General Contribution Given By Marvin and Lois Urman

Heims Family Youth Activities Endowment In Memory of Carol and Pat Tannenbaum Michael, Tim, Becky, and Adam Tannenbaum

Nettie Director Library Book Endowment In Memory of Ruth Sheinin Shirley Mark Leo M Bergman Anonymous Lois Poplack Stuart and Nikki Director Lois Poplack Ruth Sheinin Howard and Barbara Cohn In Honor of Nikki and Stuart Director (50th Anniversary) Sandey and Del Cantor Cahana (Recovery) Gary and Sylvia Pearlman (50th Wedding Anniversary) Stuart and Nikki Director

Simon & Helen Director Endowment In Memory of Ruth D Heldfond William B Layton Cameron and Dick Davis

Temple Endowment In Memory of Lois Poplack Bunny and Jerry Sadis

WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood Funds

Prayer Book

In Memory of Henry Spivak Jacqueline Rae Spivak Lt. Joseph (Yussie) Jacob Epstein (USCG, Retired) Minnie Spivak Gertrude Semler Dr. Harry Semler Alysmae Semler Karen S Spivak Erna Neuberger Rosalyn Neuberger Robert Neuberger Stuart Neuberger Florence Schwartzman Dr. Robert Kravitz and David Gilbert Dottie Fields Liz and Ruben Menashe In Honor of Lyle Emmet Baer Faryn Amira Baer Sydney Baer Paul G Levy Glen, Lisa, Olivia and Emilia Levy Glen I Levy Lisa, Olivia, and Emilia Levy Elizabeth Lee Warshawsky Matthew, Jacob and Sienna Warshawsky and Theresa Burkes

CBI Team Senior Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana Senior Cantor Ida Rae Cahana Associate Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph Rabbi Emeritus Emanuel Rose, D.H.L., D.D. Cantor Emerita Judith Blanc Schiff

Education Department Education Director Ben Sandler, M. Ed. Youth Group Director Shoshanna Pro

Development Director Jen Feldman

Accounting Assistant Vicki Greif

Art of Catering 503-231-8185 Eric Sandstrom

Director of Membership and Special Events Marisa Reby

Facilities Staff Perry Meekins, Facilities Manager Tony Bennett Shalamar Washington Dallas Van Winkle Susie Young

Century Catering 503-849-2605 Allen Levin

Education Administrator Sarah Reiter

Communications Coordinator Tracy Alifanz

Member Services

Office Administrator Molly Weisner

Executive Director Josh Kashinsky

Finance Director Jim Baldwin, CPA

September 2016

Catering Panel Alfresco Catering by Sheraton 503-335-2853 Julia Deuchler

Lisa Glickman CBI Congregant 541-728-6678 Vibrant Table Group/ Food In Bloom 503-297-9635 503-944-6820 Karen Rich


In Remembrance ~ May their memory be for a blessing. September 2 and 3 Linda Aronowitz Charles F. Berg* Ruth Binder Lillian Brant* Adam Wilson Davis Richard C. East Thelma Layton Eberhart Don Felts Jerome Golby Gerald Hammel Sam Hammel Phillip Iliffe Hardy Erna Hirsch* Maynard Hurwitz Charles Hyman Anatoly Ioffe Barbara Jacobson Fred Kornfeld Daniel Labby Bessie Leveton* June Lichty Harry Marcus* June Martel Myron Meltzer Roger L. Meyer Sonija Milshtein Anna Muscovitz David Meyer Nayberger* Mary Baker Nelson Gert Neuberger* Frank Perlman Jack Pollin* Edward Press Sarah Reiter Samuel J. Robinson Dorthea Roth Judith I. Schneider Paul Howard Schoen Fannie Schwartz Joan Shipley Meyer Steinweis Mary Stoloff* Albert Strauss Joseph Swerdlik David R. Trachtenberg Ivor Weigler* Sheldon Weisberg Audrey Rosalyn Yugler Harry Zell September 9 and 10 Robert Autrey Ethel Barr Gordon Bazelon Sharlene Bender Michael L. Bergman* Nachman Berkowitz

Nathan Bick Harold J. Blank* Joseph Byer Arnold Cohen Blanche Cohen Estelle Director Zelda Dubin Melvin Mel Dunn Rita Durkheimer Philip Eder King Feldman Helen Georges Melvin Gerard Anne Gilbert Susan Gail Rose Goldsmith Seymour Haber Carol Haber George Harkless Sigmund A. Heilner* Ida D. Holtzman Evelyn M. Jacobs Belle Kahn Eugene Hirsch Krantz* Esther Mazer Kranz Sam Lennis Mathilde Lewinsohn Larry Lieberman Sonya S. Loebner Louis Lubliner Daniel Meekcoms Faye Menashe Anne Peltz Ruthella Popick Edythe Raffel Paul Rubinstein* Ida Schaffer* Marvin Schnitzer Sidney S. Schubach* Jane Daum Schwartz Rosa Shainwald* Marcus Shemanski* Mitchell Erwin Shore* Bernice Shulevitz Helen Silen Adolph Slotowsky* Katie Steinweis Ethel Tonkin* Irve Tunick Arthur G. Weisfield Jennie Davis Wexler* Emily Wilson* Abram “Al” Yugler September 16 and 17 Sheldon Balick* Ahldor Kermit Berg Juliette Bernays* Harry Binder

Max Bloom Morris Bloomenthol Esther Bloomenthol Bessie Loeb Bondy Sybil Bonime Mary Canton Robert M. Coffey Gloria B. Coodley John Einstein* William Israel Feinstein Harry Fink Irene Frisch Louis Gelwasser Freidel Glaser Mary Goldman Helene Haltenorth Leon Hirsch* Fred Joseph Charles Josephson* Belle Lewis Cecelia London Etta Maizels Karen McAllister Edward Mayer Morgenstern Marvin Morris Oziel Samuel Palmer* Jack Reed Edward Rosenberg Kurt Schlesinger Daniel L. Shafton Albert I. Simon Herbert Raymond Sokolsky Morris Taylor* Mitzi Tobias Luther Toothman I. Jack Vidgoff* Reuben W. Weil* Benjamin Weiss Rebecca Betty Zacks September 23 and 24 Frances Basinski Florence Berenson Daisy Biskind Edgar Blumenthal Adolph Canton C. Girard Davidson Isaac Davis Louis Farkas Max Fischback Adelyne Raban Freiberg Daisy Georges Edith Gerson Hannah Gerson* Samuel Gerson* Pearl Gevurtz Miriam Goldberg Grace Harkless

Elizabeth Hirsch Alan R. Hoeflich Norman B. Kobin* Bertha Kohn* Lewis Joseph Krakauer Aaron Lertzman Allan Edward Lichtgarn* Marcy Macoubray Milton Markewitz* Joseph Mendelsohn Arthur Merican Gene Miller Jeanne Moment* Roscoe C. Nelson, Jr. Norman B. Nemer* Rose Nudelman Esther Overback Frank Planer Louis Press David Rosen Davida Rosenbaum Louis Rubenstein* May “Mazie” Sakai Jacob W. Savinar Alyne Schlesinger* Sue Ellen Lorge Schwartz James G. Senders Oliver Gordon Seymour Edward Shainwald* Walter P. Sherlin* Daniel Slovic Helen Stamm Albert Stenger Leonard Subotnick Louis Tanne Hershal Tanzer Everett Wyner September 30 and October 1 Asa I. Arnsberg* Louis Baer* Leo Baruh* Ari Kenneth Berman Richard H. Berman Maurice B. Blanc* Lou Blank Theodore S. Bloom Fred Bonyhadi* Joseph Boyarsky* Jared Michael Branfman Ian O. Brown* Fred Buell* Morris Chusid Anna Chusid Neale E. Creamer Clara R. Davis William Victor Dluger

(*) next to a name indicates a memorial plaque has been purchased to ensure the beloved departed is remembered in perpetuity. For information about memorial plaques in the Temple, please contact Tracy at (503) 222-1069 or


Congregation Beth Israel

Lillian Feingold Morris Feller Leah Finger Leonard Fink Robert Fischback Theodore S. Gerson* Elana Bess Gold Lester Goldschmidt Sarah Hahn Marvin Helf Lynn Holmes Charles Jacobs Rabbi Isidore Kahan Leopold Kaufman* Hannah Kohen Rabbi Joshua Kohen Danny Leb Peggy Lehman Gina Levi Martha Lewin Elias “Al” Lichtgarn* Max Loewenson* Betty Lou Margulis Jette Neuberger M. Don Nudelman Charlotte Ostomel Katrina Pongracz Irving Popick Alvin Popick George Rickles Jane Ritchie Frances Rollins Rose Rubenstein* Ralph Rubenstein Gussie Rubin William Y. Sakai Bessie R. Schatz* Stephen Schwartz Bob Schwartz Bess Sommerfield Irving Stein Faye Steres Louis Strauss* Jeannette Turteltaub Jack Urman Ray Veltman Loius Waldman Leslie Bunett Wright* Irving J. Wurtzel* Lillian F. Zell* Harry Zugman Edith Zusman

September 2016 SUNDAY

Av-Elul 5776





Back to School!

5  Elul 2

6  Elul 3

Labor Day CBI offices closed

3  Av 30

First Day of Preschool

Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR

Shabbat on the Plaza

First day of Religious School is Sunday, September 18th


2  Av 29

Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR

Join us for a Back to Shul Picnic on Sunday, September 11th

4  Elul 1


6:00 PM Temple Lawn (weather permitting)

Tot Shabbat 9:00 AM PC Shabbat Morning Service: Bat Mitzvah of Kara Steinberg 10:30 AM Temple

7  Elul 4

8  Elul 5

9  Elul 6

10  Elul 7

Social Action Committee Meeting 5:30 PM SBR

Executive Committee 12:00 PM SBR

Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR

Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR

Shabbat on the Plaza

No preschool

Shabbat Morning Service: Bar Mitzvah of Samuel Waxman 10:30 AM Temple

6:00 PM Temple Lawn (weather permitting)

11  Elul 8

12  Elul 9

Book Group 9:00 AM SBR

Sisterhood Social and Nosh 5:00 PM Indigo

13  Elul 10

14  Elul 11

15  Elul 12

16  Elul 13

17  Elul 14

Board of Trustees Meeting 6:30 PM SBR

Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR

Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR

Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC

Shabbat Morning Service 10:30 AM PC

Reliegious School Back to Shul Picnic 10:00 AM Synagogue on the Frontier 12:00 PM Temple

18  Elul 15

19  Elul 16

20  Elul 17

21  Elul 18

22  Elul 19

23  Elul 20

24  Elul 21


Knit a Mitzvah 10:00 AM SBR

Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR

Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR

Religious School (K-7) 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM SEC

Color My World: An Evening of Coloring for Adults and Dessert 7:00 PM GH

Adult Hebrew & B’nei Mitzvah 7:00 PM

Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC

Shabbat Morning Service: Bat Mitzvah of Mia Kane 10:30 AM Temple

Brotherhood: Child Sex Trafficking: An Issue For Jewish Men? 10:30 AMBethPC Congregation Israel’s Fall Fundraiser 2016

Community Selichot 3:00 PM

Midrasha (grades 8-12) 12:15 PM - 2:00 PM SEC Come Together Fall Fundraiser 5:00 PM

25  Elul 22

26  Elul 23

Religious School (K-7) 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM SEC

27  Elul 24

28  Elul 25

Knit‘n’Nosh 12:00 PM SBR

Wimpel Program #1 for 1st Grade - parents only 10:00 AM GH Midrasha (grades 8-12) 12:15 PM - 2:00 PM SEC

29  Elul 26

30  Elul 27

Adult Hebrew & B’nei Mitzvah 7:00 PM

Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR Life and Legacy Shabbat Service and Reception 6:00 PM PC

Location Key BA = Blumauer Auditorium GH = Goodman Hall LB = Library LF = Lipman Foyer MR = Miller Room PC = Pollin Chapel SBR = Shirley & Herbert Semler Board Room SC = Shemanski Chapel SEC = Sherman Education Center SFC = Schnitzer Family Center

View our calendar and campus map online at

Administration..................................503-222-1069 Offices & Clergy Education Department & Preschool WRJ/BI Sisterhood Judaica Gift Shop Fax.......................................................................503-274-1400 Beth Israel Cemetery ...........426 SW Taylors Ferry Road

Congregation Beth Israel


Congregation Beth Israel

1972 NW Flanders Street Portland, OR 97209-2097


Board of Trustees 2016/2017 Officers


Theodore M. Nelson President

John Epstein Stacy Friedman David Goldwyn Ali Garfinkle Glen Levy Robin McCoy Sharon Meieran JoAnne Van Ness Menashe Yale Popowich Bob Rosenbaum David Sarasohn Arthur Steinhorn Tony Urdes

Ned Duhnkrack Vice President, Immediate Past President Ilene Davidson Vice President Brad Tonkin Vice President Mark Peterman Secretary Steve Gradow Treasurer

Auxiliaries Lynn Gelber - WRJ/BI Sisterhood President Andy Olshin - Brotherhood President

Congregation Beth Israel’s

Fall Fundraiser 2016

September 18, 2016 5:00 pm The Exchange Ballroom

Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism since 1879


Congregation Beth Israel

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