Mazel Tov to our Adult B’nei Mitzvah students, Graduates and Confirmands! Established 1858
Mitzvah Day is Here!
Sunday, May 6 Beth Israel’s annual day of community service is here—and it’s not too late to sign up for a project. This is not only a good way to do something for others, it’s a great way to get to know some of your fellow congregants by working side-by-side. With a dozen projects to choose from, something is bound to inspire you. Here’s what you can do: • Prepare dinner at a shelter for homeless families • Prepare lunch for homeless folks at Potluck in the Park • Do some spring cleaning at a nearby Loaves & Fishes senior meal site • Prepare garden beds at a White Shield Home • Provide a nutritious brunch at a local facility for women in recovery from addiction • Participate in a community food drive • Host an ice cream social at a low-income apartment building • Collect and sort items for Community Warehouse • Join a work party at Silver Creek Animal Sanctuary • Pick up litter in the blocks surrounding Beth Israel • Help with landscaping projects at Beth Israel cemetery • Remove invasive English Ivy in Forest Park Mitzvah Day will begin with at 8:30 AM with a light breakfast and a brief service before teams head out to work on various projects at around 10:00 AM. Check the Social Action page on the Beth Israel website for details of all the projects and a link to the online signup. Or call Dara in the Temple office at 503222-1069, and she will help you.
2011 Mitzvah Day Volunteers
Bulletin May 2012 Iyar-Sivan 5772 Vol. 61, No. 8
Community Food Drive in May
As part of Mitzvah Day, Beth Israel is participating in a community food drive for Lift Urban Portland (a new name for Northwest Portland Ministries). Congregations and businesses all over the central city are gathering groceries to stock a local emergency food pantry, pack food boxes for house-bound elders and provide weekend food for children on the school-lunch program. Look for the barrels set up around Beth Israel to deposit your nutritious, nonperishable food donations. Mostneeded items: • • • • • • • • • •
canned meats (i.e., tuna, chicken, salmon) canned and boxed meals (i.e., soup, chili, stew, macaroni and cheese) peanut butter and other nut butters canned or dried beans and peas (i.e., black, pinto, lentils) pasta, rice, cereal (without sugar) canned fruits and vegetables 100 percent fruit or vegetable juice cooking oil shelf-stable milk healthy, low-fat, and low-sugar snacks
B’nei Mitzvah Claire Lior Rosenfeld
Elena Jordan Klonsky & Jacob Louis Klonsky
Jacob Louis Klonsky and Elena Jordan Klonsky will become B’nei Mitzvah during the Havdalah service on May 12, 2012. Jake and Elena are the children of Andrew and Whitney Klonsky and have an older sister, Mia. They attend West Sylvan Middle School and have been volunteering with their family at Oregon Food Bank for many years.
Claire Lior Rosenfeld will become Bat Mitzvah on May 19, 2012. Claire is the daughter of Eric and Tiffany Rosenfeld and the older sister of Layton and Benjamin. Claire’s grandparents are Patricia Nemer and the late Mort Nemer and Rosemarie Rosenfeld and the late Lloyd Rosenfeld, who served as Beth Israel’s president from 197981. Claire is a 7th grader at the Catlin Gabel school. Since she was 8 years old, she has spent part of her summers at B’nai B’rith Camp in Neotsu, Oregon. Her experiences at BB Camp led to the creation of a specially-named tribute fund through OJCF to provide camperships for other children, so they too can learn about themselves, their identity, and their environment and can develop leadership skills. For more information about Claire’s Mitzvah Project or to donate online. Please visit www. ojcf.org/clairerosenfeld.asp.
Jacob Caleb Adler will become Bar Mitzvah on May 26, 2012. He is the son of Michael Adler and Molly Newcomer and the older brother of Sophie. Jacob attends Laurelhurst School in NE Portland. For the past three summers Jacob has been an avid participant in the Grant Youth Basketball Summer League, a non-profit organization that provides kids in the Grant community with the opportunity to develop basketball skills in a “sportsmanship first” environment. This winter, Jacob organized and led a series of basketball clinics for 7- and 8-year olds. He donated all clinic fees to Grant Youth Basketball so that kids from low-income families can have the opportunity to participate in the League this summer.
Honoring Those Who Served
Each year at Memorial Day and Veterans’ Day, we pay tribute to those buried at our cemetary who served our country in the wars by adorning their final resting spots with American flags. This simple indication of military service honors the sacrifices of our war veterans and enhances the natural beauty of our historic cemetery. For many years, cemetery workers have placed the nearly 200 flags on the ground plots and mausoleum spaces throughout the property. In recent years, Mitzvah Day volunteers have assisted with the task. This year, we are introducing a new procedure aimed to ensure all graves are properly marked. Over the long Memorial Day Weekend, a container of flags will be centrally located adjacent to Landau Chapel. Family members coming to visit may take a flag so they can personally place it on the grave in tribute to their loved ones. Should you have any questions about burial locations at the cemetery, please contact Jemi Kostiner Mansfield: 503-222-2037 or jemi@bethisrael-pdx.org.
Jacob Caleb Adler
Congregation Beth Israel
From our Leadership Next Year in Jerusalem
B’nei Mitvah Class of 5772
The story of our people’s historic journey – the story we tell and retell every Passover – culminated not with Freedom but with Redemption. It was not enough to be released from the bondage of Egypt, we had to find our true sense of peoplehood in a new land – a land that would be built based on a Divine moral code revealed at Sinai and forged in the desert. Freedom to Revelation to Redemption:
What a wonderful year of learning and friendship we have had! Mazal tov to the 5772 Adult B’nei Mitzvah class on their achievement.
By Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana
By Cantor Judith Blanc Schiff
Please join Sherry Fishman, Bob Friedenwald, Rebecca FriedenwaldFishman, Aaron Mendelsohn, Julia Mendelsohn , Leslie Robinson and Jenn Shull as they are called to the Torah to celebrate becoming B’nei Mitzvah.
that is our story. For nearly 2000 years, that story could not be fully told. The genius of our people is that we relive the journey in every generation. Our holidays model it, but, in truth, the biblical holidays only take it part way. Passover to Shavuot – Freedom to Revelation is a 50 day voyage from Exodus to Sinai. But it ends there. It was not until the modern age that we could truly live the last leg of the journey. We – you and I - can travel to Israel.
On Friday, May 4th at 6:00 PM in the Sanctuary they will inspire us with their study and the individual paths that led them to devote a year of Wednesday nights to study. Let them encourage you to become a member of next year’s class! A lovely oneg will follow in Goodman Hall, Schnitzer Family Center.
Save the Date
This year, as you concluded your seder, you said, “Next Year in Jerusalem.” Did you believe it? Once a great but impossible dream – are you ready to make it a reality? This year we celebrated Israel’s 64th Birthday. Where will you be on Israel’s 65th?
Gala Celebration in Honor of Cantor Schiff’s Retirement Saturday, June 23, 2012 Invitations to follow
Next year, our Temple’s Adult Education theme will center on studying the modern State of Israel and our relationship to her. This will culminate with an exciting and meaningful journey to Israel – Ida Rae and I will lead this trip. We want you to join us.
Upcoming Events Tot Shabbat
Come with us and discover what Israel can mean to you.
Saturday, May 5, 9:30 AM Pollin Chapel, Schnitzer Family Center
Israel Trip Planning Meeting
Tuesday, May 22, 7:00 PM Pollin Chapel, Schnitzer Family Center
L’Shana Haba’a B’Yerushalayim Next Year in Jerusalem! April 14-28, 2013 Join Rabbi and Cantor Cahana on a journey you will never forget.
Adult Ed: Havdalah and a Movie Saturday, May 12, 7:00 pm Goodman Hall, Schnitzer Family Center
I Love You, Rosa (1972) This Israeli romantic drama chronicles the love of Nissim for Rosa, Nissim’s widowed sister-in-law. Under (very old) Jewish religious law, Nissim has the duty and obligation to marry his brother’s spouse on the death of his brother. Nissim is very fond of Rosa, and grows to love her. However, he is only eleven, and newly single Rosa is not interested, so she shoos him away. Quite a few years later, Nissim comes back with marriage in mind. Join us for Havdalah, friendship and film.
Birthright Israel Presentation Friday, May 18, 6:00 PM
Shavuot Lunch & Learn
Sunday, May 27, 12:00 PM Shirley and Herbert Semler Board Room
May 2012
Mazel Tov High School Graduation Wednesday, May 16, 6:30 PM Temple
Mazel Tov to all our B’nei Mitzvah students, graduates and Confirmands!
Please join us as we celebrate their accomplishments.
Adult B’nei Mitzvah Service Friday, May 4, 6:00 PM Temple
Sherry Fishman Robert Friedenwald Rebecca Friedenwald-Fishman Aaron Mendelson Julia Mendelson Leslie Robinson Jennifer Shull
Jade Bath Brooke Edelson Douglas Goldstein Trisha Horenstein Simona Lahav Maya Lewinsohn Rebecca Lewinsohn Samantha Liebreich Lucy Malloch Lindsay Ng Rachel Nicholson Ellena Rosenthal Adam Rozansky Katherine Rubinstein Corey Silver Lauren Spiegel Jared Woods
Erev Shavuot & Confirmation
Saturday, May 26, 6:00 PM Temple Talia Berniker Andrew Cohen Lacey Doby Hannah Kantor-O’Neil Alexander Mansfield Margot New Brice Ng Rachel Rosenbloom Alexander Rubenstein Jennifer Rubinstein Nathan Schloss Rachel Tarbet Brendan Tonkin Daniel Whalen Marshall Woods
L’Dor V’Dor From Generation to Generation Mazel Tov to
Condolences to
Judith Baskin, Ph.d, Knight Professor in Humanities and Associate Dean of Humanities, University of Oregon on receiving an honorary doctorate from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.
James Spivak and the Spivak, Semler and Nudelman families on the loss of his wife, Jacqueline Spivak, who passed away Saturday, March 24th.
WRJ/BIS for being awarded the Rabbi Rose Tikkun Olam Award for service to our community. Jenn Louis for being named one of Food & Wine Magazine’s Best New Chefs of 2012. Marvin Diamond for his 16 years of service as CBI’s devoted Amy R. Goldsmith & Spear Research Librarian. Marvin retired April 30th. Jerry Sadis, CBI Past President, for being honored at the 2012 Friends of the Center Dinner on May 30th. Jeffrey Burstein and Jennifer Crow on the birth of their son, Jax Arlin Burstein, on March 15th. Jax was named on March 31st.
Neil and Diana Goldschmidt, Steve and Nancy Goldschmidt, Joshua Goldschmidt, Rebecca and Jason McMillan, Jordan Goldschmidt, Lauren Goldschmidt, and their families on the loss of their mother and grandmother, Annette Goldschmidt, who passed away Sunday, March 25th. Warren Rosenfeld and Sheryl Langerman Rosenfeld, Cathy and Ken Weiss, Will and Allie Rosenfeld and Rebecca and Emily Siegel on the loss of their mother and grandmother, Betty Rosenfeld, who passed away April 2nd. Linda Feidelson, Lee and Robin Feidelson, Pamela Feidelson and Scott Little and families on the loss of their husband and father, Marc Feidelson, who passed away Wednesday, April 11th.
Matthew and Leah Letts on the birth of their daughter, Adira Miriam Letts, on March 23rd. Adira will be named at the Jews Next Dor shabbat service on Friday, May 4th at 8:00 PM. May they grow in health and wisdom and be a source of strength to their family and all humankind.
Congregation Beth Israel
From the Executive Director What a year – a little bit of Sin, a little Sex and some Sorcery! And a new Adult Education Fund… By Sydney Anker Baer Executive Director
Mazel Tov to Ilene Davidson and her sensational Adult Education Committee: Mandi Chestler, Ruth Feldman, Susan Graber, Peter Lewinsohn, Jill Neuwelt, Jill Rubinstein, Jill Strasser and Cheryl Tonkin. Jewish Gangsters, Pirates, Robber Barons, Sinful Desserts, Sex, Drugs and Devils, Song of Songs and Mysticism – there was something for everyone. Our scintillating guest speakers included Dr. Judith Baskin, Rev. Patrick Brennan, Prof. Steve Brenner, David Dennis, Bruce Guenther, Eric Kimmel, The Very Rev. Dr. William Lupfer, Prof. Natan Meier, Jan Rabinowitch, Prof. Kate Regan, Drs. James, Richard and Howard Rosenbaum, Dr. David Schiff, Ron Silver, Michael Simon, Prof. Matthew Warshawsky and our clergy, Rabbi Cahana and Cantors Schiff and Cahana. Our Adult Education programming also included weekly Torah Study, a monthly Book Group, special movie events, regular Lunch and Learns, Adult B’nei Mitzvah, Adult Cantillation, Adult Congregational Choir and special Shabbatot.
programming, the tzedakah box was always available for donations! Thanks to those you made contributions. And while we did have a few donations, Ilene & Jim Davidson saw the need for more stable funding and donated $1,000 to establish the Adult Education Fund at CBI. This fund is to be used to provide opportunities for adult education activities at, or sponsored by, Congregation Beth Israel. Such activities include but are not limited to speakers, panel discussions and cultural events planned by the Adult Education Committee. We are most grateful for Ilene’s devotion and generous commitment to CBI and Adult Education. Please consider making a donation to help our newest fund grow the next time you want to honor or memorialize family and friends or mark a special occasion. We hope you will join us for our last program of the year – a screening of I Love You, Rosa, a delightful and romantic Israeli film. The showing will be Saturday evening, May 12th at 7:00 PM in Goodman Hall, Schnitzer Family Center. So thanks to all – it has been an informative, sensational, and delicious year of study, celebration, and coming together as a community.
The majority of our speakers donated their time; the committee baked the refreshments and made contributions when needed to cover expenses, so that CBI could provide these programs to our congregants and the community without charge. To help support our
Welcome to our new 2012-2013 Board Members Ali Garfinkle, Ten Nelson, and Arthur Steinhorn.
L to R: Ron Silver, Ilene Davidson & Eric Kimmel at Robber Barons
May 2012
Developing CBI What are you discussing at your dinner table? By Jenat Levison Feldman Development Director
As I listened to Rabbi Cahana so perfectly encapsulate Betty Rosenfeld’s essence in her eulogy, I flashed on pieces of dialogue Betty and I had exchanged. Part of it went like this: I said, “Betty, I am curious to know what you and Vic were discussing at your dinner table. Based on the caring and philanthropic adult leaders your children have become, clearly you were passing on some important messages.” She replied, “You worry too much. Among other things, I told my kids ‘Just be Jewish.”’ So I said, “If it were just that simple – then everyone would be doing it! “ As one person paying their respects to Betty said to me, “I have always attended funerals with a great deal of respect and thought, but now, as I age, attending a funeral brings a whole new perspective.” For the rest of that day, and as I sit down to write this month’s Developing CBI article, those words resonated for me. I think about the mark each of us has the opportunity to make. Are we choosing to make a difference? Are we choosing to make it effectively? Do we even care to make a mark or a difference? Do we truly demonstrate to our children in word and in deed what matters to us? Betty clearly cared to make a difference and took action that will make an impact on so many levels and in so many ways. Thanks to Betty and her children, Warren and Cathy, CBI now has a fund specifically dedicated to supporting a new Assistant Rabbi. The Rabbi our very thorough and thoughtful search committee hired is committed to helping us engage more interpersonally with our current members and connect with those who have not yet connected to us. As Rabbi Cahana mentors her, Rabbi Joseph is sure to become a significant Jewish leader. Rabbi Joseph will be using the ripple effect to pass on her knowledge and skills to those fortunate enough to get connected and will thus be helping cultivate more future leaders. One person, one gift, making so many ripples – so much of a difference. The potential is limitless.
As a Jew I was always taught we live on in the acts of goodness we perform and in the hearts of those who cherish our memory. In this way, as well as many others, Betty Rosenfeld will truly live on for a very long time. As the days have passed, I have flashed on the many conversations I have been privileged to have with members of our community. A friend once told me that, as she got older, she had learned that her dad has been a generous investor in our Jewish community. At the time of our conversation her father was already deceased. She wistfully recounted that her only regret was that he had not been more forthcoming with her and her siblings about his philanthropic interests. “I just wish he had taken the time to share with me what mattered to him.” To which I replied, “What are you sharing with your kids regarding your priorities and generosity to this community?“ She later told me that conversation had been a game changer for her. One of the reasons I am thrilled to be working at CBI is because I believe that together we can make a difference. For sure, the dinner conversation at my family’s table revolved around the importance of getting engaged and involved in one’s Jewish community. My parents talked the talk and walked the walk. It is those exchanges that helped make me the person I am today. I would welcome the opportunity to reminisce with you on any topic. I would also love to hear how you want to make a difference, and if I can do anything to help make that happen. I hope those of you who know me and have not yet done so will call. And if we don’t know each other – let’s get connected. To quote Michael Bublé, “I just haven’t met you yet.”
There is still time to sign up for some upcoming Taste of Temple parties: A Room with a View Wednesday, May 9th, 7:00 PM– Join us for A Room with a View: Wine, cheese and dessert in the lovely Johns Landing waterfront condo of artist Shirley Gittlesohn and Ernie Bonyhadi. Shirley will share her work and what inspires her to paint her scenery and still lifes! $54 per person. Come for the view, stay for dinner. Saturday, June 9th, 7:00 PM– Come for the view, stay for dinner. The photographs in magazines can’t show the full beauty of this home. Join us; relax poolside and enjoy the views from the gorgeous Vancouver estate of Craig Hartzman and Jim John while sampling some of the freshest produce, meats, and wines the Pacific NW has to offer. $50 per person.
Congregation Beth Israel
WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood
20th Annual “Song of Miriam Awards
Sunday, June 3, 10:00 AM Mittleman Jewish Community Center WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood is pleased to honor Connie Cambreleng as our outstanding volunteer for 2012. She is being recognized for her service to Sisterhood, Congregation Beth Israel and our community. Connie has served on the BIS board in various roles, including membership co-chair and most recently as treasurer for the past four years. Whether she is managing registrations, baking, preparing food, or answering questions, you’ll find Connie at most Sisterhood events, offering her services to make everyone welcome and help things run smoothly. Connie has also offered her skills to our WRJ Pacific District as treasurer for the 2012 District Convention. She has been an active participant in CBI’s Mitzvah Day, “Let’s Do Something Jewish for Christmas,” Potluck in the Park, and has prepared and served meals at the Goose Hollow shelter for several years. Connie has also volunteered with LIFT Urban Portland (formerly NW Portland Ministries) and professional organizations for women in accounting. Please join us in honoring Connie Cambreleng. You can cut out this page, download a registration form on the WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood webpage or pick one up at the office or the Sisterhood Gift Shop. Earlybird cost is $21, postmarked by May 24th, Patrons $36, Children 12 & under $10. After May 24th, the cost is $30.
You are cordially invited to attend the 20th Annual “Song of Miriam Awards” Brunch Recognition of Outstanding Volunteers Sponsored by: The Jewish Women's Round Table "And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances." Exodus 15:20
Please join WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood in honoring Connie Cambreleng
Sunday, June 3, 2012, 10:00 am - 12:15 pm Mittleman Jewish Community Center 6651 SW Capitol Hwy., Portland, Oregon 97219
Earlybird cost: $21 postmarked by May 24th, Patrons $36, Children 12 & under th $10 After May 24 : $30 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
I, (We) plan to attend the Song of Miriam Awards Brunch. Enclosed is a check for $______ For #
attendees. Organization: __________________________________________.
Name: Address: Phone: Please Print - Names & Phone Numbers of Attendees (Attendee or Patron). (Add Additional Names on Back). Name
Attendee/ Patron
Phone Number
Please Note: One table of (9) will be reserved for each honoree. Please send your form and check payable to: JWRT, Attn: Jerrie Roth,1231 SW Texas St., Portland, OR 97219. If you have questions please call Jerrie, 503-246-4367 or Ellen Bick, 503-297-3920. *Carpooling is recommended* *Bring a can of food to donate to the Oregon Food Bank* The Jewish Women’s Round Table is a group of women representing organizations and congregations in Oregon and southwest Washington. Its mission is to strengthen the Jewish community by honoring the excellent work of women volunteers and bringing the community together to celebrate Jewish life.
Visit us at: www.jwrt.org
May 2012
Tributes Allison B. Cohen Religious School In Memory of Milton Horenstein Debbie Davis and Don Spiegel
Altar Flowers and Oneg Shabbat In Memory of Helen Schnitzer Barbara and Howard Cohn
Amy R. Goldsmith Library In Memory of Zanley F. Galton, Sr. Claire and Zanley Galton
Brotherhood Scholarship Fund In Memory of Harry I. Gevurtz John and Myra Gevurtz
Cemetery Beautification
In Memory of Fortuna Menashe Ruben J. and Elizabeth Menashe Marvin Tonkin Fannie Baron Rena and Cheryl Tonkin, Dave, and Dan Tonkin Morris Schnitzer Susan Schnitzer and Greg Goodman, Dori Schnitzer and Mark Brown, and Jeanne Reynolds Stanley Steinberg Ilene Goldberg Lois Berlin Adolph J. Schneider Eva Schneider Susan and Stuart Shleifer Marvin Tonkin Ron and Marcy Tonkin
Rabbi Cahana Discretionary In Memory of Eva Yurman Ail Louise Ruben & Family Harold Schnitzer Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Schnitzer Mr. and Mrs. Novack In Appreciation Jeffrey Burstein Neil Goldschmidt Harold and Sally Mink Jill Strasser Jacob Harris
Cantor Schiff Discretionary In Appreciation Roger Baron and Michele Frisella
Rabbi Rose Discretionary In Memory of Richard Enkelis and Jacob J. Enkelis Myra Enkelis
Cantor Cahana Discretionary In Appreciation of Cantor Cahana Edward and Elyse Stoner
General Administrative
In Memory of Harold Schnitzer Carol Lewis Sidney Chucker Gertrude Chucker Irene Frisch Stanley Steinberg Gilbert and Thelma Schnitzer Annette Goldschmidt Harry and Joanne Glickman Alan Ruben The Ruben Family Joseph Goldsmith Ann Goldsmith Barr Betty Rosenfeld Morris J. Galen Jackie Spivak James Spivak A. G. Kantor J. Constantine Alan Ruderman Charlene Weinstein Sherri and Jeff Weinstein
Holiday Childcare
In Memory of Marie and Paul Lanfrom Sonia and Harry Labby Arnold and Eva Labby
In Memory of Harold Newman Jill Ann Slansky Mitzi Layton Patricia Layton Nemer
Rosenfeld Family Assistant/ Associate Rabbi Fund
In Memory of Betty Rosenfeld David Lipman and Peggy Wiederhorn Merritt Linn and Susan Korey George and Harriet Bodner Richard Dobrow, Susan Dobrow and Shasa Dobrow Stanley and Joyce Loeb Barbara and Howard Cohn Henry and Gerel Blauer Bunny and Jerry Sadis Estelle and Larry Winthrop Rena and Cheryl Tonkin Jen and Howard Feldman
Ruth Semler Youth Activities In Memory of Anne Goldman Rich and Sue Garber & Family Jerome Katzky Margaret Hasson Rosalie B. Gilbert The Abrams Family Alexandria L. Meekcoms Raoul Meekcoms and Sandra Sharp-Meekcoms
Sanny Snell Preschool Alumni Scholarship
In Memory of Robert Gilbert Rick and Marilyn Gilbert In Honor of Derek and Lydia Lipman (Birth of new grandson) Bunny and Jerry Sadis
Social Action (General) In Memory of Maurice J. Creamer Marian and Neale Creamer Ed Rosenfeld Elise Rosenfeld Aaron S. Blauer Albert L. Green Henry and Gerel Blauer Maurice Georges Thomas Georges Paul Georges Shirley Gittelsohn and Ernest Bonyhadi Louis Romoff Neale and Marian Creamer
In Memory of Marie and Paul Lanfrom Sonia and Harry Labby Arnold and Eva Labby Howard and Sue Overback Edward A. Rosenfeld Eve and Alan Rosenfeld Sadie Helman Nathan Helman Sidney Kaufman Leslie Kaufman Alexandria Meekcoms Rachella Kryszek William Katz Pearl and Irv Trachtenberg Betty Edelman Lori and Michael Edelman Andrew A. Crystal Sharon Tarlow Betty Rosenfeld Susan Gerson RenĂŠe and Irwin Holzman Lois Schnitzer Beverly and Marty Zell Jack Sadis Bunny and Jerry Sadis Edward A. Rosenfeld Carol and Dave Baker Maurie Jacobs Julius Zell Beverly and Marty Zell In Honor of Eleanore Rubinstein Bob and Wendy Steinberg Jill Rubinstein (Service as President) Naomi and Dave Strauss Margaret Hasson (Get well wishes) Wilma Jane Balick Sandra Kailes Biller Davia Rubinstein (Birthday) Bunny and Jerry Sadis General Contribution Given By Harriet Schatz
Congregation Beth Israel
I Have A Dream
In Memory of Henry Braunstein Bernie Caplan Philip Blank Gertrude Mills Lynn and Owen Blank & Family Harold Krivel Paul and Sherry Puziss Betty Rosenfeld Stanley and Joyce Loeb In Honor of Ron Blumenthal (Retirement) Teri & Andy DeHaan (Anniversary) Barbara and Barry Caplan
Spear Research Library In Memory of Hyman Kaplan Arthur and Sylvia Kaplan
Estelle Director Sholkoff Jewish Educators Scholarship In Memory of Estelle Director Sholkoff Zelda Director Zeidman May Berenson Georges Henry Sholkoff Richard Dobrow, Rachel Dobrow Stone, and Shasa Dobrow
Heims Family Youth Activities Endowment In Memory of Earl Heims and Celia Heims Jack and Phyllis Heims David Leveton Rich and Sue Garber & Family
May Georges Study in Israel Scholarship In Memory of Maurice Georges Paul Georges Thomas T. Georges, Jr. Tom and Linda Georges
Nettie Director Library Book Endowment In Memory of Betty Rosenfeld Bruce Director Stuart and Nikki Director Susanne Lewis Sandra Lewis and James Rosenbaum Harriet Bodner Herman Margolis Stuart and Nikki Director In Honor of Anita Reinhorn (on becoming a great-grand parent) Stuart and Nikki Director
Tributes, continued Simon & Helen Director Endowment
In Memory of Helen Director Harold and Arlene Schnitzer CARE Foundation Harold Heldfond Harold Schnitzer Helen Director Cameron and Dick Davis
WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood Funds
Bikkur Holim - Hope in Life In Memory of Fred J. Baron Roger Baron and Michele Frisella Alexandria Meekcoms Rachella Kryszek
In Honor of Jane Vereschagin and Michael Goldman (Marriage) Connie Cambreleng
Prayer Book
In Memory of Charlotte Haimsohn Jeanne and Herb Newmark
Sisterhood Programming, Leadership & Enrichment
In Memory of Sylvia Bartenstein Lynne Bartenstein and Dan Heims In Honor of Jack Loren Gillespie (Birth) Connie Cambreleng
New CBI Adult Education Fund
Generously established by Jim and Ilene Davidson The purpose of the fund is to provide opportunities for adult education activities at, or sponsored by, Congregation Beth Israel. Such activities include, but are not limited to, speakers, panel discussions, and cultural events planned by the Adult Education Committee. The fund may be used for purposes including, but not limited to, payment of speakers’ honoraria and expenses, purchase of supplies, food and drinks to be consumed in connection with an adult education event, scholarships for participants at events for which a fee is charged, and rental of equipment used in connection with an adult education event.
Judaica Gift Shop Hours
Library Hours
Wednesdays, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM; 6:00 - 8:30 PM Sundays, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Suggested Titles:
Jerusalem: The Biography by Simon Sebag Montefiore
The Cambridge Guide to Jewish History, Religion and Culture
Sundays, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM Wednesdays, 6:30 - 8:30 PM Fridays, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM For special orders or appointments outside of regular hours, please contact Daureen Morris at figgymorris@comcast.net. Shabbat candles and yahrzeit candles are available in the temple office during regular office hours. If you would like to volunteer to help out in the shop, please contact Debbie Braymer at djbraymer@frontier.com or 503-649-8043.
By Judith R. Baskin, Ph. D
May 2012
Yahrzeits May 4 & 5 Ruth Besser Goodman Bettman Rose Davis Jay Delman Maurice O. Georges Paul Georges Thomas T. Georges, Jr. Harry I. Gevurtz Robert Gilbert Magdalena Gottesman Nate Hasman Joseph Hasson Margery Heller Kevin Andrew Horenstein Roberta Hunt Maurie Jacobs Berenice Kaplan William Katz Rachael Kohen Sophie Kohen Stanley Kramer Jacob Lauterstein Mitzi Layton Charles Levine Beverly Lipman Herman Margolis Janel Lee Maylie Alexandria Meekcoms Rywka Mendelsohn Myerna Michaels Murray Neidich Harold Newman Sidney H. Newman Flora Novelli Howard Overback Lucy Sue Overback Ira Peterman Max Planer Rabbi David Hillel Rose Diana Harrison Rosenfield Alan Ruben Anna M. Rubenstein Jim Spitzer Marvin Tonkin Pua Vilner Milton Waldinger Julius Zell
May 11 & 12 Harry Arnsberg Selma Asher Philip Blank Jerome Blattner Albert Alexander Blum Roland Bonamici Henry Braunsten Sidney Chucker Jean V. Cohen Andrew Abe Crystal Helen H. Director Betty Miriam Edelman E. Ike Eshaghian Leah Estrin Evelyn Freeman Harold Gaffen Zanley F. Galton, Sr. Rose M. Golby Alfred Goldfaden David H. Greenberg Joseph Haas Isador Hoffman Millie Holzman Albert George Kantor Hyman Kaplan Elliot Kohn Jack Lazarus Louise Lefitz Rose Mirviss Lenske Bessie Little Edward P. Nudelman Jennie Nudelman Sophie Marie Olshin Solomon Plushnick Regina Ginsberg Riggs Sam Rosenbaum Louis M. Rosencrantz Meier Rosencrantz Moussa Sabi Helen Schnitzer Johanna Slotowsky Rudy Spring Stanley I. Steinberg Martin Tragarz Martha Whiteley
May 18 & 19 Pauline Barkley Ralph Albert Benaroya Joseph Bergman Lois Berlin Seymour Berns Anselm Boskowitz Fannie Braunsten Gertrude Chucker Richard Dean Cohen Lou Egart Solomon Fishman Frances Freedman May Berenson Georges Amy R. Goldsmith Sam Gordon Milton Horenstein Jeanette Jackson Sidney Kaufman Sally Sophia Kirshner Susanne Lewis Bernice Lubetkin Fortuna Menashe Gertrude Mills Evelyn Nagel Ruth Radtke Selma Robinson Louis Romoff Jean W. Rothenberg Eva Schneider Adolph J. Schneider Rena L. Snell Samuel Solomon Israel Wald Rose Weintraub Hiram Whiteley Morris Wolf Alfred S. Wolfe Bertha Woolach
May 25 & 26 Max Arnsberg Fannie Baron Sylvia Bartenstein Bertha Beck Bert Berliner Oscar Berman Aaron Blauer Joseph M. Constantine Leonard L. Dotson S. Mason Ehrman Marianne Feldman Sylvia Feller Anna Friedman Arthur W. Frisch Joseph Goldsmith Albert L. Green Charlotte Haimsohn Edward Hupert Sue Hupert Opal G. Katzky Eddie Koslowski Maurice Kramer Ceil Levy Sol Levy Elise Rosenblum Light Miriam Lipman Dorothy H. Lowenson Gilbert Milford Samuel R. Planer Jacob Platt Sylvia Press Edward A. Rosenfeld David Rubin Samuel Saltzman Sylvia Seinfeld Jacob Trachtenberg Geraldine Warenback Sidney J. Weiner Charlene Weinstein
Remembering Your Loved Ones on the CBI Memorial Wall A yahrzeit plaque is a lasting tribute that ensures the memory of a loved one will be honored for all time. The purchase of a yahrzeit plaque guarantees a permanent fixture in the sanctuary plus a duplicate plaque for Pollin Chapel. The cost for a single name is $2,000; two names may be inscribed for $2500. Please contact Pierce Ethier at 503-222-1069 if you would like more information about this tradition.
Congregation Beth Israel
May 2012
Iyar-Sivan 5772
Tuesday 1 Iyar 9
2 Iyar 10
3 Iyar 11
4 Iyar 12
5 Iyar 13
Adult Education Committee Meeting 9:00 AM SBR
IHP Classes 4:30 PM
Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR
WRJ/BIS Board Meeting 6:00 PM SBR
Adult B’nei Mitzvah Shabbat Service & Oneg 6:00 PM Temple
Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR
Midrasha 6:30 - 8:30 PM Adult B’nei Mitzvah Rehearsal 6:30 PM Temple
JND Shabbat Service 8:00 PM PC
Tot Shabbat 9:30 AM PC Shabbat Service 10:30 AM PC
Naming of Adira Letts
6 Iyar 14
7 Iyar 15
8 Iyar 16
9 Iyar 17
10 Iyar 18
Education & Youth Committee Executive Committee Meeting Meeting 11:45 AM SBR 12:00 PM SBR
Mitzvah Day Breakfast 8:30 AM BA
Midrasha 6:30 - 8:30 PM
Mishpacha Minyan 9:15 AM Temple
IHP Classes 4:30 PM
Adult B’nei Mitzvah 6:30 PM SBR
Mitzvah Day Volunteering 10:00 AM-2:00 PM, Offsite
11 Iyar 19
12 Iyar 20
Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR
Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR
Preschool Mother’s Day Celebration 11:00 AM BA Shir Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC
6th Grade Shabbaton and Torah Trek Shabbat Service 10:30 AM PC Havdalah B’nei Mitzvah of Jacob & Elena Klonsky 5:00 PM Temple
Shalom Bayit Middle School Program 7:00 PM GH
Adult Ed Havdalah & Movie: I Love You, Rosa 7:00 PM GH Brotherhood Pool Tournament 7:00 PM Offsite
13 Iyar 21
14 Iyar 22
15 Iyar 23
Religious School/ B’nei Mitzvah 9:15 am - 12:15 pm Dating Game & Mother’s Day Brunch 10:00 AM MR
16 Iyar 24
17 Iyar 25
18 Iyar 26
19 Iyar 27
Membership Committee 12:00 PM SBR
IHP Last Class & Service 4:30 PM
Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR
Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR
Final Midrasha 6:00 - 6:30 PM
Board of Trustees Meeting 5:00 PM SBR
High School Graduaion 6:30 PM Temple
Shabbat Service Birthright Israel Presentation 6:00 PM PC
Shabbat Service Bat Mitzvah of Claire Rosenfeld 10:30 AM Temple
Buffet Dinner 8:15 PM GH Mother’s Day
20 Iyar 28
21 Iyar 29
Book Group 9:00 AM SBR
22 Sivan 1
23 Sivan 2
Israel Trip Meeting 7:00 PM PC
Final Confirmation Rehearsal and dinner 6:30 PM Temple
Closing Session of Religious School 9:15 am - 12:15 pm
24 Sivan 3
25 Sivan 4
26 Sivan 5
Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR
Torah Study 9:00 am SBR
Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC
Teacher Clean-up 6:30-9:00 PM SEC
Shabbat Service Bar Mitzvah of Jacob Adler 10:30 AM Temple Erev Shavuot & Confirmation 6:00 PM Temple
B’nei Mitzvah 9:15 am - 12:15 pm WRJ/BIS Bikkur Cholim Cooking 12:00 PM SEC Kitchen
27 Sivan 6
28 Sivan 7
Shavuot Lunch & Learn 12:00 PM SBR
Temple Offices Closed
29 Sivan 8
30 Sivan 9
31 Sivan 10
Memorial Day
Location Key HH = Harris Hall BA = Blumauer Auditorium GH = Goodman Hall LB = Library LF = Lipman Foyer MR = Miller Room PC = Pollin Chapel SBR = Shirley & Herbert Semler Board Room SC = Shemanski Chapel SEC = Sherman Education Center SFC = Schnitzer Family Center
Congregation Beth Israel
Congregation Beth Israel
Congregation Beth Israel Bulletin (USPS 0128-660) 1972 NW Flanders Street Portland, Oregon 97209-2097 Periodicals Postage Paid at Portland, Oregon Published Monthly except Bi-Monthly in July/August by Congregation Beth Israel POSTMASTER: Send address changes to CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL 1972 NW Flanders St. Portland, Oregon 97209-2097
1972 NW Flanders Street Portland, OR 97209-2097
Board of Trustees 2012/2013 Officers
Stuart Chestler President Ilene Davidson Vice President Linda Georges Vice President Brad Tonkin Vice President John Epstein Treasurer Ned Duhnkrack Secretary
Deborah Caldwell Eric Friedenwald-Fishman Ali Garfinkle Hon. Susan Graber RenĂŠe Holzman Ted Nelson Miles Newmark
Warren Rosenfeld Jill Rubinstein Ron Silver Richard Solomon Arthur Steinhorn Jeffrey Wolfstone
Kate Royston - WRJ/BI Sisterhood President Scott Schaffer - Brotherhood President
In keeping with federal rules governing judicial ethics, Judge Graber does not engage in any fundraising activities and does not participate in any discussion of, or decision on, any political issue, including a decision of the Board whether to take a position for or against any ballot measure.
Catch the latest news in our weekly emails & listen live to services at www.bethisrael-pdx.org Not receiving our emails? Call the temple office at 503-222-1069 to make sure we have your current information.
Senior Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana rabbicahana@bethisrael-pdx.org Cantor Judith Blanc Schiff cantor@bethisrael-pdx.org
Organist John Strege Facilities Manager Pierce Ethier pierce@bethisrael-pdx.org
Rabbi Emeritus Emanuel Rose, D.H.L., D.D. rabbirose@bethisrael-pdx.org
Facilities Staff Andy Coles Craig Paton Paul Schmidt Catering Panel Alfresco Catering 503-335-2830 Andrew Pollin
Executive Director Sydney A. Baer sydney@bethisrael-pdx.org
Art of Catering Larry Grimes
Education Director Ben Sandler, M. Ed. ben@bethisrael-pdx.org
Food in Bloom Catherine Hernandez
Education and Life Cycle Administrator Jemi Kostiner Mansfield jemi@bethisrael-pdx.org
Century Catering 503-849-2605 Allen Levin
Development Director Jen Feldman jen@bethisrael-pdx.org
Devil’s Food Catering Charles Stilwell
Communications Coordinator Allison Baer allison@bethisrael-pdx.org
Culinary Artistry 503-232-4675 Jenn Louis
Adjunct Clergy Cantor Ida Rae Cahana cantorcahana@bethisrael-pdx.org
Finance Director Jim Baldwin, CPA jim@bethisrael-pdx.org Accounting Assistant Vicki Greif vicki@bethisrael-pdx.org Office Administrator Dara Docherty dara@bethisrael-pdx.org Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism since 1879
Administration Offices & Clergy 503-222-1069 Education Department & Preschool 503-222-2037 Fax Machine 503-274-1400 Amy R. Goldsmith Library 503-241-4784 WRJ/BI Sisterhood Judaica Gift Shop 503-222-1069 Beth Israel Cemetery 503-222-1069 426 SW Taylors Ferry Road