Established 1858
Bulletin September 2012 Elul 5772 - Tishrei 5773 Vol. 61, No. 11
daeh dpyl
L’Shana Tova
The Board of Trustees invites you and your family to a very special Rosh Hashanah Reception honoring our new clergy
Cantor Ida Rae Cahana and Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph 1 Tishrei 5773 . Monday, September 17, 2012
Reception is immediately following the service in Blumauer Auditorium With thanks to the WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood for providing the sweets table
5773 . High Holy Days . 2012 5773 Brings Innovative Changes! New Clergy, New Service Times, New Service Formats! Rosh Hashanah
Yom Kippur, continued
Sunday & Monday, September 16-17, 2012
Tuesday & Wednesday, September 25-26
Erev Rosh Hashanah
Sunday, Septemberw 16
6:00 – 7:00 PM
Family Service multigenerational, age appropriate for families and grandparents with children K – 4th grade and their siblings
7:45 PM
Traditional Adult Service; also for families with children 5th grade and older
Rosh Hashanah
Monday, September 17
10:00 AM
Traditional Morning Service
11:00 AM
Family Service
Goodman Hall
12:00 PM
Families and teens join the service in Temple for the Shofar Service
12:30 PM
Rosh Hashanah Reception
2:00-3:00 PM
Join us for a new tradition Tashlich in Tanner Park This is an easy, flat walk, less than one mile from CBI. No CBI transportation will be provided.
Tanner Park NW 10th and Marshall Streets
Kever Avot V’imahot
1:00 PM
Special service for Tots ages 0 -5 on the bima in the main sanctuary
3:00 PM
Afternoon/Yiskor/Neilah Service, Temple
5:00 PM
Teen Service in Shemanski Chapel, Sherman Education Building
Following services
Break the Fast, sponsored by WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood
Sunday, September 30 Open House @ Rabbi and Cantor Cahana’s home 5:00 - 8:00 PM
3139 SW Fairmount Boulevard, Portland
6:00 PM
Erev Sukkot Service
Monday, October 1 12:00 PM
CBI Cemetery
6:00 PM
Kol Nidre
Tuesday, September 25
6:00 – 7:00 PM
Family Service – multigenerational, age appropriate for families and grandparents with children K – 4th grade and their siblings
Traditional Adult Service; also for families with children 5th grade and older
Traditional Adult service and for families with children 5th grade and older
10:00 – 11:00 AM
Family service – multigenerational, age appropriate for families and grandparents with children K – 4th grade and their siblings
Simchat Torah Lunch & Learn
Celebrate High Holy Days with the Jews Next Dor
Tuesday & Wednesday, September 25-26
10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Consecration and Simchat Torah Service
Monday, October 8
Kol Nidre/Yom Kippur
Wednesday, September 26
CBI lawn
Sunday, October 7
Service of Faith
Yom Kippur
Lunch & Learn in the Sukkah
Simchat Torah
12:00 PM
Sunday, September 23 426 SW Taylors Ferry Rd Portland
2:00 PM
Tuesday, September 18 6:00 PM
Tashlich Service followed by Happy Hour
RiverPlace McCormick & Schmick’s Harborside at the Marina
Wednesday, September 26 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Yom Kippur Lounge
Wednesday, September 26 6:30 PM
Yom Kippur Break Fast Potluck
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Goodman Hall
5:30 PM
Study Break
Congregation Beth Israel
Night in the Sukkah Lager and Lulav
Location TBD
Our Leadership Choosing and Chosen
Listen to Our Song and Our Prayer
By Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana
By Cantor Ida Rae Cahana
Are we really the “Chosen People?” What does that even mean? Is it a term of honor to make us feel special, or is it a burden? As Tevye the Milkman says in his conversation with God, “Once in a while, couldn’t you choose someone else?” I think it is both and neither. In his recent book, In God’s Shadow: Politics in the Hebrew Bible, Professor Michael Walzer writes, “It isn’t entirely implausible to say that there is no chosen people, only people who choose.” I agree, although I think it is a partnership. Jewish tradition expresses our relationship with the divine as covenantal – we choose God and God chooses us. There may be other kinds of “chosen” relationships with God; the Bible is mostly silent on the subject. But being Jewish is an act of choosing. Judaism is active, it is engaged. Not to choose is also an act – an act of rejection. We are not a passive people. We are a people of engagement: active Choosing. This month brings us the High Holidays – a time in which our community gathers. Under our beautiful dome, in our joyful Goodman Hall, we find a reconnection to our community and our history. We have created new musical, liturgical and celebratory opportunities for you. We have thought deeply and challenged ourselves to create an environment of deep engagement, and we are putting these ideas into place. Now it is your turn. This New Year, as you come into our sacred spaces, I remind you that your Jewish experience is one of choosing. You make the decision to engage – with your congregation, with your God, with yourself. We are opening our doors, but it is your choice to enter through them. And in doing so, I invite you to choose not just to enter but to engage, to find your place in the Jewish life here at Temple throughout the year. To find your relationship with the Divine Presence. To find your relationship with the values and guidance our tradition provides. We are Chosen – to Choose. Ida Rae and I wish you and your family a wonderful, meaningful and engaging 5773.
Check out Rabbi Cahana’s new Blog “Talmud Tweets” A short, personal take on a daily page of Talmud Hit “Subscribe” on the bottom of the page for a daily update.
It has been an incredible summer as I have begun leading services and life-cycle events with my clergy partners. I hope that most of you have attended one of our outdoor Shabbat on the Plaza services, a multi-generational entryway into the real joy of the Sabbath with music, prayer, food, wine, dogs, new friends and conversations into the night. Now, as the New Year approaches, let me stop and share a few reflections with you. It is rare that you get to work with a “dream team,” but I have found a terrific new partner in Rabbi Rachel Joseph while rediscovering the joy of leading with Rabbi Michael Cahana. I look forward to having the guidance and wisdom of our Emeritus clergy: Cantor Judith Blanc Schiff and Rabbi Emanuel Rose. We are given tremendous support from our stellar Education Director and dedicated staff: Ben Sandler, Sydney Baer, Jemi Kostiner Mansfield, Jen Feldman, Craig Paton, Allison Baer, Jim Baldwin, Dara Docherty, Vicki Greif, Mor Kenane, Deborah Kaplan, Drew Christianson, Andy Coles and Paul Schmidt. Naming each name is so important because each one of these people is an integral part of the fabric that makes up our Temple life. Each one of you who volunteers as a devoted Board member, Sisterhood or Brotherhood mensch, each person who ushers or works on a project or committee – todah rabah! Many, many thanks! On Saturday, September 8th, I will be officially installed as Senior Cantor of Congregation Beth Israel. The evening will include Havdallah and elements of a truly memorable Selichot service. Entering the season of repentance, turning to those we have hurt, asking forgiveness, returning to our best self – Selichot comes from the word meaning “to ask forgiveness.” It is the first step as we enter the gateway to the Days of Awe. There is a haunting refrain from the opening prayer of this season, which we will sing together Saturday night: “Lishmoa el ha’rina v’el ha’tefilah.” It asks a higher power, the still small voice inside each one of us, to truly hear us. As a cantor, I am struck by the order of the words – we ask that first our song then our prayer is heard. Music has the ability to convey that which cannot always be said. I pray that, as we sing together, your heart is lightened. May your experiences of these High Holidays be filled with depth, connection, beauty and meaning. All of the Cahana family wishes you and yours Shana Tova u’Metukah! A good, sweet and healthy New Year.
September 2012
Our Leadership, continued Opening Our Doors
What remains of a story after it is finished? Another story. - Elie Wiesel
We find ourselves at the end of another summer and soon we will embark on a new Jewish year. As we conclude a season, we also conclude a cycle of Torah reading. Deuteronomy, the final book in the Bible, is a recap of everything we have learned so far. Just as we approach the High Holidays, the Torah reminds us of our journey as a people. From humble beginnings we grew into a nation, into klal yisrael. We moved from individual people into a community. And as we grew, we were always reminded of our story, our never ending story. “Aile hadvarim” – Deuteronomy is Moses telling a story, and, for thousands of years, our story is what has banded us together as a people. Storytelling is hardwired in human beings. It has been going on since we sat around communal fires sharing and ritualizing the story telling process. In giving form and voice to our stories, we transmit personal and collective history. We define our place in the world. Telling our stories is an act of healing and, above all, sharing our untold stories creates community and belonging. Each one of us has a story to share: a sacred story. A sacred story is the text that makes up our life. As Elie Wiesel explains: “Why were human beings created? Because God loves stories.” Why am I talking about stories and journeys? Because the story of Congregation Beth Israel is more than the story of a building; it is the story of a community, and I want to hear your story. Each of our lives is a page in a sacred text that only exists because each of us adds a page. I am so honored to add a page to this sacred text by being a part of this community. I have been welcomed into your life cycle events, into your homes and into your lives. From day one, I have felt a part of your family. Not only have you welcomed me, but you have also welcomed my entire family. What a privilege it is to be a part of this community. We’re in a moment of new opportunity as I approach my first High Holidays as your Assistant Rabbi and I look forward to engaging with each of you as we build our sacred story. It’s in the telling of stories that we reveal what we hold dear and who we are. It’s by listening to each other’s stories that we grow in understanding about the other, the world, and ourselves. It’s in that momentary insight, that fragile understanding that we come to hope for hope. May we truly connect with one another during these Days of Awe as we add pages to the sacred story of our community. Shana Tova, Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph
The Installation of Cantor Ida Rae Cahana: An Evening of Inspiration, Beauty, and Peace Saturday, September 8, 8:00 PM Temple Please join us as we install Cantor Ida Rae Cahana as our new Senior Cantor on Saturday, September 8. The celebration will begin at 8:00 PM with Havdalah and beautiful music as we prepare to enter this new year.
The installation of Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph Friday, October 5, 6:00 PM Temple Please join us as we install Rabbi Rachel Joseph as our new Assistant Rabbi. We will also be welcoming her father, Rabbi Samuel Joseph to assist with the installation.
A Special Gathering Honoring the Installation of Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph Fall Congregational Dinner, October 5, following Shabbat Services Celebrate the beginning of Fall with a sumptuous meal prepared by Century Catering, as we officially welcome Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph into our community. We will be gathering after services in Goodman Hall for an autumnal-themed dinner featuring chicken, roasted vegetables, kugel and dessert (vegetarian option available upon request). Sponsored in part by the Membership Committee. Family Cost: $40.00, immediate family only (based on a family of 4)
Individual Cost: Adults (ages 13 and up): $15.00 Children (ages 3-12): $10.00 Children under three are free
RSVP with payment by September 30th. Call or email Dara Docherty in the Temple office: 503-222-1069 or
Congregation Beth Israel
Developing CBI Wishing You a Sweet New Year 5773
and banging on pots and pans at midnight. It involves a great deal of thought, prayer and commitment to change.
by Stuart Chestler, President, CBI Board of Trustees
As the High Holy Days rapidly approach, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a sweet new year. My non-Jewish friends often ask me what the difference is between the Jewish New Year and the secular New Year. I don’t need to use this space to discuss the differences between the religious experience of the Jewish New Year and the one night, often raucous, night of celebration of the secular New Year. There is, however, one commonality that both share: introspection and renewal.
This year at CBI is especially poignant and full of change and renewal. Just look around: everywhere you look someone is embarking on a new path—literally renewing their lives. For example, Pierce Ethier is retiring to start a new phase in his life. Craig Paton is beginning where Pierce left off by becoming our new Facilities Manager. Our beloved Cantor Schiff has evolved into our Cantor Emerita, while Ida Rae Cahana is beginning a new phase of her life as our Senior Cantor. Our new Assistant Rabbi, Rachel Joseph, has recently transformed her life, transitioning from a rabbinical student to a rabbi and transplanting herself and her family across country. Lastly, your Board of Trustees is breaking in a new president (me) after two years of fantastic leadership by Jill Rubinstein.
Secular New Year’s commitment to renewal is usually limited to simple declarations like “I will lose 10 pounds,” or “I will exercise 3 times a week,” good intentions that are often abandoned within the first three months of the calendar year. During Rosh Hashanah and The Days of Awe, Jews spend time thinking about their past mistakes and make plans to be better individuals, better communities and better partners with God. This is a great deal more serious than wearing party hats
These are the obvious examples of change and renewal in our wonderful congregation. But I know that during the upcoming Days of Awe CBI members will be experiencing their own journeys of self exploration, formulating plans to better themselves and the world around them and spending precious time with family, friends and fellow congregation members. Good luck, savor the journey and may your New Year be a sweet one.
By Jenat Levison Feldman, Development Director
be something for everyone, whether you choose to be involved in planning the event or reaping the rewards. Either way, we want you with us; there is no us without you.
Congregants often ask, “What do you hope to accomplish as the Development Director at CBI?” The answer is simple; the task is a bit more challenging. My goal is for everyone to feel engaged as a part of our community and invested in the present and future success of our congregation. In conjunction with the belief that CBI belongs to all of us, that means that retirees and religious school parents, longtime members and newcomers, young adults and young families, service “regulars” and social activists need to reach towards each other. Writing this article is just putting words on paper. Each of us needs to take an action for the engagement to become a reality. After all, Judaism is all about action! There are many ways to get involved at CBI – there is truly something for everyone. Raising money that enables our congregation to provide important programs and services for our members and our community is really fun. Just ask those who have chosen to get engaged so far. My portfolio involves all aspects of fundraising, which I like to combine as much as possible with friend-raising. You know my line – Life’s a party and everyone is just waiting to be invited. Please consider this YOUR invitation to get involved. Our Development Committee will host two major fundraising events this fiscal year. There will
Sunday, November 4th, 2012 – Cantor Ida Rae Cahana and a few of her friends (far be it from me to be a name dropper – just know her confirmed friends already include Thomas Lauderdale, Storm Large, China Forbes, Wendy Westerwelle and the NW Community Gospel Choir) will continue to Open Our Doors with an amazing musical celebration. This will be our major fundraiser of the year, and we plan on its being a great one. Jim Davidson is helping organize the many aspects of Cantor Cahana’s transition to Senior Cantor. Tickets go on sale at the CBI office on Tuesday, September 18th: $125 per person general admission and $250 per person reserved seating. Ticket price includes a pre-function reception beginning at 5:30 PM; the concert begins at 7. Underwriting opportunities beginning at $1,000 are available, which include preferred seating and an ad in the Program Book. Please contact Jen Feldman for specific details. Sunday, February 10th, 2013 – Taste of Temple is back by popular demand! We are fortunate that last year’s chairs (Ali and Judah Garfinkle and Tiffany and David Goldwyn) have re-upped for another year, and they want you involved. Great food, great fun – what more need be said? Further details will be coming your way after the holidays – this is just an early alert so you can mark your calendar and know great things are continuing to come your way.
September 2012
Education Congregation Beth Israel Preschool Our preschool program is expanding in this New Year! Parents and kids now have an extended day option allowing for a longer preschool experience and more fun! We still have room available in the program for this school year, so contact our Early Childhood Education Director, Deborah Kaplan, or 503-2222037 to take a tour and learn more about our terrific program. Our classes are for kids ages 2 1/2 through Pre-K! We recognize that there are various options for families when choosing a preschool, so consider these ideas when making the important choice of your child’s first school experience, and what makes our Beth Israel Preschool so unique and special.
Why Choose a Jewish Early Childhood Program? Education The high quality educational setting in a Jewish preschool prepares children for a lifetime of learning. Values Jewish values and concepts are interwoven throughout the day and apply to all aspects of a child’s life. Tradition Jewish holiday and life cycle celebrations are experienced in a way that is complementary to each family’s practice.
Mitzvot to Grow With
Religious School: A New School Year Begins! By Ben Sandler, Education Director Our Jewish tradition offers us many ideas and strategies to improve ourselves as human beings. During the High Holidays we are encouraged to engage in self-reflection, to remember to set aside time to talk with the people we love, to admit the wrongs we have done, and to even try transforming an enemy into a friend. Amazing right!? That is just the beginning. The personal work we do also serves to fuel our strength to improve our world. Congregation Beth Israel has an amazing history of social action, and that includes our students at all ages learning the Jewish values which inspire our deeds of social justice. This year students will delve further into our on-going theme of “ethics into action.” Through a multi-modal, artistic, culturally rich and fun learning environment, students will explore mitzvot such as Bal Tash’hit, preserving the earth; Bikkur Holim, visiting the
Identity Children develop long-lasting, positive emotional connections with Shabbat, Torah and the Land of Israel, strengthening their Jewish identity. Spirituality Children are encouraged to think about, ask questions about and develop their own relationship with God. Friendship Children make friends and become part of the Jewish community locally and worldwide.
Benefits For My Family You and your child will be inspired by an environment in which intellectual development and curiosity are highly valued. Your child will be ready to enter any learning environment with a love of learning and readiness to discover. Your child will develop a strong Jewish identity while flourishing in a safe, healthy and educationally enriched environment. Our school’s staff, as well as the sponsoring organization’s clergy and other professionals, will be responsive to your family’s concerns and questions. Your family will build friendships and celebrate together with other families. You can participate in child development and Jewish life skills learning programs with other parents.
sick, Hakhnasat Orhim and Ma’akhil R’evim, hospitality and feeding the hungry; Tz’ar Ba’alei, compassion to animals; and Rodef Shalom, seeking peace. Through both study and action our students grow personally and help to better our community. We are fortunate to welcome some terrific new faculty members to our nationally accredited Religious School program this year. A huge welcome to Rabbi Rachel Joseph! Rabbi Joseph will be joining us on our Midrasha faculty, helping to lead our Sunday family programs and participating in services and programs for our Preschool and Religious school families. How fortunate we are to have both Rabbi Cahana and Rabbi Joseph teaching on faculty! We are also thrilled at the increased involvement of Cantor Ida Rae Cahana in our Religious School and Preschool programs in her new role as Senior Cantor (The Cantor’s Chanters are excited too!) We are delighted that Cantor Judith Schiff will continue on our faculty working with B’nei Mitzvah students and adults alike. Cantor Schiff’s incredible reputation as a teacher to both school age students and adults is unparalleled in our community. She is truly a blessing to our learning community. continued on page 9
Congregation Beth Israel
WRJ/BI Sisterhood
Adult Education
Next Year in Jerusalem The Dates of the Trip: April 14 – 29, 2013 Culminating our year of study, Rabbi and Cantor Cahana will be leading this inspiring, memorable, and adventure packed transformational journey to Israel. Details about the itinerary: A brief informational session about the trip wil be held on Sunday, October 21 at 10:00 AM.
ISRAEL: A PEOPLE, A PLACE, A PROMISE Israel remains the heart of the Jewish people. After thousands of years of longing, the mid 20th Century saw the rebirth of an ideal concept into a new physical and political reality. That ideal lives, sometimes imperfectly, alongside a real, modern, vibrant, democratic state with real-life challenges. Throughout this year we will explore the nature of Israel in its three-fold character as expressed by three Hebrew terms: Eretz Yisrael, the Land of Israel; Am Yisrael, the People of Israel; and Medinat Yisrael, the State of Israel. Come explore with us.
A Taste of Melton Examining Israel’s Declaration of Independence Thursday, September 6, 7:00 PM Amy R. Goldsmith Library Speaker: Dr. Sylvia Frankel On May 14, 1948 (the 5th of Iyar 5708), David Ben Gurion proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel by reading Israel’s Declaration of Independence. What does this document contain? Does it use a religious or purely national language? These questions and more will be explored in this Taste of Melton session.
Registration Open for the 51st WRJ Pacific District Biennial Convention And it is happening right here in Portland! October 25-28, 2012 Register now!
Bakers Needed for Rosh Hashanah Sweets Table Friday, September 14, 12:00 PM Blumauer Auditorium Kitchen
Sisterhood traditionally supplies the wonderful homemade baked goods for the sweets table at the reception following Rosh Hashanah morning services. Can you help by making goodies for the table? We will be preparing the trays on Friday, September 14, at noon in the Blumauer Auditorium kitchen. Please call (503) 799-5175 or email Loree Sakai, llsakai@, if you will be able to help with the sweets table (baked goods and/or tray preparation) or have any questions. If you are unable to bake, please consider a contribution to Sisterhood. Send your check to the CBI office, payable to Beth Israel Sisterhood, marked “Sisterhood Sweets.” All contributions are very much appreciated.
Break the Fast 5773 Beth Israel Sisterhood invites you to join us for Break the Fast in the Miller Room for a nosh following the conclusion of Yom Kippur services. Our little way of saying stay, eat, celebrate!
“The Journey Continues” refers to Lech L’cha, the Torah portion for the week of the convention, in which God tells Avram to “go forth” and establish a new community. Our district convention will inspire you to go forth and deepen your bonds to Sisterhood and to Judaism. This is our year to shine as the hosts of the 2012 WRJ Pacific District Convention. Our own past Sisterhood President, Ellen Bick, will be installed as the District President. Don’t miss this chance to gather with women from Oregon, Washington, and across the western US and Canada to share ideas, participate in workshops, sing, pray, laugh, and have a great time. Join us! Early Bird Registration is $310 through until September 20, 2012. After September 20, 2012, registration is $345. Single day registration is also available. Check the WRJ Pacific District website, convention-2012.html, for all the details: • Convention Schedule Overview • Registration Form • What to Know and What Bring to Convention
Interested in volunteering to prepare this year’s Break the Fast? Please contact Rachel Halupowski, Sisterhood Religious Programmer, at for more details.
September 2012
I’M GONNA BUILD YOU, SUKKAH! By Scott Schaffer Brotherhood President
The CBI Brotherhood will again be sponsoring its annual Sukkah-Raising Event on September 23, beginning at 11:30am on the Temple Plaza. All are encouraged to participate, and with Sunday School letting out soon afterwards, we will attract our share of gawking kids and admiring moms.
for a few days, at least, the Temple Plaza holds a monument to our ingenuity and work ethic. Donuts and coffee will be provided. All you need to do is bring your electric (or if you adhere to the old ways, manual) screwdriver/drill and a positive attitude. I hope to see you there. And if you’d like to become a member of the CBI Brotherhood, then feel free to contact me at or via my super-secret Brotherhood hotline: 503-970-5119.
A little-known fact is that on the eighth day, God created building codes. But because we Jews were so early to the monotheistic party, the Brotherhood has been grandfathered in (or as we like to say, “Zaydeh’d in”) so that we can adhere to the “old” rules of building with reused lumber, branches, worn screws and a windscreen cobbled together from the 1923 Wimbledon Championship. This actually works to our advantage a week or so later when we are required to remove said structure, since there are fewer screws to take out, apart from some stripped ones. The Brotherhood’s Sukkah-Raising event is a great team-building exercise and one of the most enjoyable events of the year. And
“Let us sing this song for the turning of the world That we may sing as one With every voice, with every song, we will move this world along, And our lives will feel the echo of our turning” - Ruth Pelham As I slowly hiked up and up Black Butte, a 6,500 foot stratovolcano, this summer with my 11 year-old daughter, Ava, our conversation began to move away from her favorite bands on 95.5 FM and “When am I going to get a cell phone, Daddy?” to the here and now, the trail unfolding before us. We climbed through a forest of orange-barked old-growth ponderosa pine near the trailhead up to a wide-open treeless slope that still had yellow and purple wild flowers blooming in August. “Look at those pretty red ones,” I said to Av. “They are called Red Paintbrush,” she told me confidently. Continuing our ascent, we stopped about every 100 steps for a sip of water and spot of shade when available. We started the hike later in the day with the hope of the temperature cooling off - the best laid plans of hikers from the valley. It was hot. On the way up we could often see the 62- foot fire tower at the top. The tower became
our end goal; when we reached it we knew we had made it to the summit! As we got closer round a bend with the trees growing thicker, the tower was lost from view, and Ava said, “Hey, Dad, I can’t see the tower. Where did it go?” I explained that it was very much still there, of course, but sometimes you “can’t see the forest for the trees.” With the tower no longer in view and her Dad suddenly sounding like Yoda, morale was understandably getting a little low, but it was nothing that a Cliff Bar, shade, and some casual conversation couldn’t remedy. “Can’t see the forest for the trees,” I explained, “is an expression used to mean that when someone is so involved in the details of a problem they can’t see the situation as a whole. We can’t see the top of the butte right now with the tower and the great expanse around us because we’re too deep in the woods, but we know it’s all out there.” With every switch back and turn of the trail the summit opened up before us and, with incredible views of the surrounding mountains and valley below, the fire tower ultimately received nearly no notice at all, a mere map point to help get us to what we had really come to see and experience along the way. Our High Holidays provide us the opportunity to walk those switchbacks and turns one more time before arriving at the trailhead of another New Year. Through an honest self-evaluation we can perhaps return to not only “the right path” for us but to see the forest for the trees, and to embrace a broader and better vision for ourselves, our community and our world. L’shanah Tova Tikateyvu, Ben Sandler Education Director
Black Butte Oregon, 2012
Congregation Beth Israel
Jews Next Dor
CBI Book Club
Continued from page 6 Beth Hamon, our amazing song leader, will again be sharing her talents with us as well as taking a larger role on our teaching faculty, and creating music for students of all ages from preschool to high school and our school families. The very talented Susan Berniker will be leading our middle school
Jews Next Dor Collecting Stuffed Animals In partnership with our young adults group, Jews Next Dor, Congregation Beth Israel will be collecting new stuffed animals to donate to the Ronald McDonald House Charities at summer Shabbat on the Plaza services and throughout the month of October. If you have ever visited one of the Ronald McDonald houses in the Portland area and received a tour, you might have noticed
CBI’s Celebration of Jewish Book Month Sunday, November 4, 9:00 AM Shirley & Herbert Semler Board Room
Sunday, November 18, 10:00 AM Goodman Hall Congregation Beth Israel is hosting two events for Jewish Book Month 2012. Ariel Sabar’s My Father’s Paradise has been selected as this year’s One Book, One Community read. The book relates the story of the author’s father, the last bar mitzvah in Zakho, Kurdistan in 1950, and his odyssey to find acceptance first in Israel, and then in the United States. Sabar brings to life the ancient town of Zakho, discovering his family’s place in the sweeping saga of Middle-Eastern history. This powerful book is an improbable story of tolerance and hope set in what today is the very center of the world’s attention.
programming this year with lots of exciting new curriculum to challenge and inspire our students. Expect to meet new teaching faculty in every area of our program! For those returning faculty, I thank you again for your dedication to our students and community, and a sweet New Year to everyone. L’shalom, Ben that in their guest rooms they set a stuffed animal on each bed for the families that come to stay at their homes. These animals provide comfort for many of the guests and see countless patients through cancer treatments to clean bills of health. With their numerous visitors each year, the Ronald McDonald House is in constant need of stuffed animals. Please donate to this wonderful cause and give families a friend to hold on to during a difficult time in their life. Begin looking for specially marked bins at Congregation Beth Israel and help us make this a successful event. For more information on this stuffed animal drive or other Jews Next Dor social action events, contact Mandolyn Koberstein at with the author. He will respond to questions submitted by members of the book club and by members of the audience. This event will begin at 9:00AM. The Adult Education Committee will welcome Revital Shiri-Horowitz, author of Daughters of Iraq. Among other topics, she will relate her experiences with the discrimination toward Iraqi Jews who emigrated to Israel. These kinds of occurrences happened to Mr. Sabar’s father when he left Iraq. Ms. Shiri-Horowitz will speak at CBI on Sunday, November 18, at 10:00 AM. There will be eight other events in Portland for Jewish Book Month. Bookmarks with all the details will be available at the Temple Office , the Religious School Office, and the gift shop. Further information will be found at the Federation’s Community Calendar website. We hope many members of CBI will read these books and attend these events.
On Sunday, November 4, the book club is hosting a Skype interview
October 7, 9:00 AM, SBR
by Rachel Maddow November 4, 9:00 AM, SBR
My Father's Paradise by Ariel Sabar
Art à la Mode Just for you – There are a few spaces left for the Saturday, October 20th Art à la Mode event from last year’s Taste of Temple. Enjoy delectable desserts, delightful art and a delicious atmosphere at the home of Michael Weiner and Kathy DavisWeiner. Only $36 per person; 7-9 PM. Contact Jen Feldman at (503) 222-1069 or to register or for further details.
December 2, 9:00 AM, SBR
No One Is Here Except All Of Us by Ramona Ausubel
September 2012
From the Executive Director New Beginnings
waters. This brief and lively service is a wonderful way to conclude our Rosh Hashanah worship and begin to prepare for the awesome tasks of Yom Kippur.
By Sydney A. Baer, Executive Director
The start of fall - with Rosh Hashanah and the new school year - has always been a time for me to make new resolutions, think about priorities and start anew. In some ways it feels like our new year got a jump on the New Year this summer when we welcomed new clergy, new staff, new programming and reorganization. High Holy Days 101 We are excited about the new services and new schedules which were showcased in our Special High Holy Days newsletter and again in this Bulletin. We hope that you have read through all the information about the upcoming changes, both to our service formats and times. The new family Service on both Erev Rosh Hashanah and Kol Nidre will complement the morning family service that we have offered for many years. This new 6:00 PM family service will be one hour. The more traditional service will now begin at 7:45 PM – allowing those who attended the first service to be well on their way before those attending our 7:45 service begin to arrive. So there is no early or late services – we have replaced them with a family/multi generational service and a traditional service. Admission cards – to be mailed after Labor Day We will be sending 2 admission cards to every family – this year your children (up to age 24) do not need their own admission cards. We will only have one color of admission cards. You are welcome to attend either the new family/multi-generational service at 6:00 PM or our traditional service at 7:45 PM. Please hold onto your admission cards for all the services. We will not have separate cards for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Your guests are welcome at all services. Reciprocal Agreements with other URJ congregations If you will be traveling during the holy days, please call Dara in the Temple office to help with your reciprocal arrangements. If you have family or friends visiting, please have them make their own reciprocal arrangements with their home URJ congregation, so they can join us while in Portland.
Many thanks to all who make our celebrations appear so seamless: This is a huge list and I’m reticent to start mentioning names, for fear I will leave someone off. Todah Rabah to all of our volunteers, staff, WRJ/BI Sisterhood and Brotherhood who make up our extraordinary team; our bakers for the Reception, our artists who arrange the flowers, our ushers for the Holy Days, our musicians, our clergy, our administrative staff, our education staff, our facilities staff – all integral to making these holy day logistics go smoothly and the services so meaningful for all of us. Our membership is growing Through the summer we have welcomed many new members to join our sacred community. While our history provides us with a remarkable heritage, embracing new congregants ensures that we will be here for generations to come. Please help us continue to grow by inviting your unaffiliated adult children, family and friends to join our community. If you have invited guests to join us for our Holy Days, please help us to follow up with them with membership information. Congregation Beth Israel belongs to all of us. Creating connections at CBI during the year Many thanks to all who have supported us with their annual giving contributions, with additional contributions for the Every Family Initiative as well as all the ongoing contributions to our essential Tribute and Endowment Funds. Again, CBI belongs to all of us – it is incumbent upon us all to support CBI to the best of all of our abilities. We have another extraordinary year planned for our congregation and community. Our Holiday celebrations are not to be missed; Channukah, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Program and Shabbat Service with CBI Choirs and the Northwest Community Gospel Choir and our now legendary Purimschpiel. Our Adult Education Committee under the leadership of CBI Board Member Susan Graber continues to exceed all expectations with their course offerings, this year with the theme Israel: A Place, A Person, A Promise. The Adult Education Brochure will be mailed with the High Holy Day Admission cards the first week of September. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us. Shanah Tova u’metuka
Tashlich This year we are introducing a new tradition with ancient roots. On Rosh Hashanah afternoon, following the reception, we will walk together a short distance to Tanner Creek park (NW 10th and Marshall Streets). The custom of Tashlich is a ceremony where, with music, celebration and contemplation, we symbolically toss our sins into the
May the New Year be a good and sweet one for you, your family and friends. We hope that you will join us, find your niche, share your expertise, make new friends, learn something new and enjoy the camaraderie within your home under our dome.
Congregation Beth Israel
L’Dor V’Dor Mazel Tov to Ellen Rosenblum on being sworn in June 29 as Attorney General. Judge Rosenblum was appointed by Governor John Kitzhaber to fill out the remainder of John Kroger’s term.
Deborah Kaplan and Michael Balan on the birth of their son Eneas Drago Balan, who was born on August 11. Eneas joins older sister Ilaria.
Dr. Ed Stoner on being named the 2012 North American Association of Club Athletic Director’s Athletic Director of the Year.
Sarah and Eric Convery on the birth of their daughter, Lauren Rose Convery, on August 13. Congregant Linda Roffe is Lauren’s grandmother.
Rochelle and Joseph Stilwell on the engagement of their daughter, Lauren, to David Elkanich, son of Linda and George Elkanich from Phoenix, AZ. A February 2013 wedding is being planned. Charles and Selene Robinowitz on the engagement of their son, Scott, to Alyssa Egutchi. A fall wedding is being planned. Barbara & Tom Rosenbaum on the marriage of their daughter, Alix Rosenbaum, to Tom Dyke on Saturday, July 14. Grandparents are Bill and Goldie Rosenbaum and CBI Past President Phil and Dorothy Reiter. Les and Martha Soltesz on the birth of their grandson, Andrew James Cox, who was born on May 31 to Monica and Jordan Cox. Mel and Jodi Gurtov on the birth of their grandson, Gavin Joseph Gabor, who was born on June 12 to Marcy and Galen Gabor. Gavin was named on July 12 in a private family ceremony. Jessi and Timothy Cox of the birth of their son, Cooper Demry Cox, who was born on June 21. Cooper was named at the July 13th Shabbat on the Plaza service. Susan and Thomas Bivens on the birth of their daughter, Nedalia Elisabeth Bivens, who was born on June 21. Nedalia was named on July 8th in a private family ceremony. Darius Pierce and Elizabeth Young on the birth of their son, Julian Linus Pierce, who was born on June 23. Julian was named on July 1st at his Brit Milah. Kathy Davis Weiner and Michael Weiner on the birth of their grandson Samuel Moses Haluf, born July 11 to Sara and Erez Haluf. Ryan and Danielle Taylor on the birth of their son, Shiloh Benjamin Taylor, who was born on Tuesday, July 31. Shiloh was named at his Brit Milah on August 8. Mary Pearlman on the birth of her granddaughter Binah Rebekkah Israel, who was born on August 7. Binah’s parents are Deborah and Ofer Israel.
May they grow in health and wisdom and be a source of strength to their family and all humankind.
Condolences to Craig Hartzman and Jim John and family on the death of their mother and grandmother, Gloria John, who passed away June 26. The family of Celene Keller, who passed away June 26. Martha and Les Soltesz, Dan and Jess Soltesz, and Monica and Jordan Cox and families on the death of her mother and Dan and Monica’s grandmother, Dorothy Morgenstern, who passed away June 26. Rabbi Kim and Barry Rosen on the death of his uncle, Hy Freedman, who passed away July 10. Tamra and Howard Feuerstein on the death of their granddaughter, Lily Feuerstein, who passed away July 6. Lily’s parents are D. Leon and Suzanne Feuerstein of Washington DC. Richard and Lori Singer and Donald and Mary Singer and their families on the death of their mother, Leonard Zell on the death of his sister, and John Erickson and family on the death of his mother-in-law, Marilyn Singer, who passed away July 23. Debra and Wally MacDougall and family on the death of her mother, Edythe Rubin, who passed away July 27. Jeff Bodie and Carol Berkley & family on the death of his father, Jack J. Bodie, who passed away July 31. Ed and Jill Neuwelt and family on the death of his brother, Martin Neuwelt, who passed away August 7. Jeremy Breedlove and family on the death of his mother, Marian Cronheim Breedlove, who passed away August 7. Paul and Sherry Puziss, Laurel and Jerry Oziel, and Dale and Cheryl Puziss on the death of their mother, Claire Puziss, who passed away August 12.
September 2012
Tributes Allison B. Cohen Religious School In Memory of Allison Cohen Sally Swire’s 4th & 5th grade class (2011-2012) Henry Blauer Bunny and Jerry Sadis Golda Chestler Bob and Patty Chestler David Henry Joanne Henry
Adult Education Fund
In Memory of Juanita Russell Susan Graber, Bill June, and Rachel June-Graber Dorthea Roth Philip and Dorothy Reiter
Altar Flowers and Oneg Shabbat In Memory of Harry Mittleman The Abrams Family Hyman Reiter Philip and Dorothy Reiter Fred Bonyhadi Daisy Georges Ernie Bonyhadi and Shirley Gittelsohn Sharlene Bender Howard and Barbara Cohn
Amy R. Goldsmith Library In Memory of Lillian F. Zell Alan and Janet Zell
Brotherhood Scholarship Fund In Memory of Joseph Harrison Dodie Harrison
Cemetery Beautification
In Memory of Clara Roth Philip and Dorothy Reiter Gary Greenberg Violet Greenberg Selene and Chuck Robinowitz Henry Blauer Joy Alkalay David and Diane Rosencrantz Leland Lowenson Lee B. Lowenson Esther Soren Stuart and Monica Soren Ethel Tonkin Ron and Marcy Tonkin Morris Bloomenthol Esther Bloomenthol Floyd Black Fred Joseph Gertrude Joseph H. Myer Turteltaub (Centenary) JeannetteTurteltaub Dr. Jack Turteltaub In Honor of David Lipman (Recovery) Evelyn and Jerry Leshgold
Rabbi Cahana Discretionary In Memory of Rose Rotenberg Jim and Keri Nicolaisen Al Cohen Harold and Sally Mink Dorothy Morgenstern Sue and Jay Albert Martha and Les Soltesz Mathilde Lewinsohn Cynthia and Pete Lewinsohn William Israel Feinstein Judith Feinstein and Family In Honor of Sarah and John Epstein (25th Anniversary) Henry and Raye Kaplan In Appreciation Danny Ruben Gerel Blauer & Family The John Family William Rucker Mel and Jodi Gurtov Ryan and Danielle Taylor
Cantor Cahana Discretionary In Memory of Henry Blauer David and Liz Lippoff Florence Herrup Jim and Ilene Davidson Aaron Lertzman Alan and Lynn Lertzman Joseph Mendelsohn Sylvia Nessan and Heinz Holzapfel In Appreciation Gerel Blauer & Family The John Family
Rabbi Joseph Discretionary In Honor of Rabbi Joseph (Ordination) Rabbi Richard Sarason and Anne Arenstein
Cantor Schiff Discretionary In Memory of Harvey Taback Michelle and Joseph Snell, Gail Taback, & Jessica Taback Bernard Levine Jan and Howard Levine In Honor of Cantor Schiff (Retirement) Naomi and Dave Strauss Liz Rabiner Lippoff (Birthday) Rick and Marilyn Gilbert In Appreciation Gerel Blauer & Family
Cantor Schiff Year of Celebration
Contributions Given By Tammy Kramer Sally Rosenfeld & Andy Frank Sue and Barry Menashe
Rabbi Rose Discretionary In Memory of Irving Puziss Rosemarie Hess Kelly Puziss Shirley Kaufman Loree and Ken Sakai Susan Rose Beatrice K. Rose, M.D.
General Administrative
In Memory of Henry Blauer Helen and Jerry Stern Donna Cofer Vernon and Barbara Swanson Sally Rosenfeld & Andy Frank John T. Barton Janet Kaplan Angelos and Helen Lampus Norm and Joan Friedman Barbara Sparks Leslie B. Wheeler Susan and Larry Black Peter and Joyce Minus Peter and Mary Kirschner Jack and Lea Hecht Colin Stoloff Helen and Jerry Stern Celia Sugarman Peter Sugarman Gabriel J. Sugarman Marjorie Frank Sally Rosenfeld & Andy Frank Felice L. Driesen Jacob L. Driesen Leonard Subotnick Lynda Campf Jeanne Moment Roger and Lily Moment Sarah Reiter Dr. Philip J. Reiter Mary Canton Adolph Canton Susan Golden Helen Stamm Phillip Margolin Marilyn Singer Elaine Savinar Debby and Ken Novack In Honor of David Lipman (Recovery) Helen and Jerry Stern Dick Dobrow (Birthday) Sheri Cordova Cantor Schiff Jeff and Sherri Weinstein Rena Tonkin (Birthday) Norm and Joan Pierce Ethier (Retirement) Miriam Kornberg General Contribution Given By Mary Ann Frieder John Malaer
Hal Ruthizer Cultural Arts In Memory of Louis Gelwasser Arthur and Sylvia Kaplan
Holiday Celebrations In Appreciation of Jemi Mansfield Roberta Siegel
Jill Newman Slansky Early Childhood Leader Fund
In Memory of Dorothy Morgenstern Jen and Howard Feldman In Honor of Jill Slansky (Establishing Early Childhood Leader Fund) Jen and Howard Feldman General Contribution Given By Jill Newman Slansky Charitable Fund
Congregation Beth Israel
Judith Anne Epstein Education Director’s Fund In Memory of Jacqueline Spivak Mathew Epstein
Landau Chapel
In Memory of George Caro Bob and Lore Labby Henry Blauer Philip and Dorothy Reiter
Oseran Family Lecture In Memory of Harriet Bodner Henry Blauer Henry and Nancy Oseran Julian Roth Philip and Dorothy Reiter Ben Goldman Rich and Sue Garber & Family Marilyn Singer Nancy and Henry Oseran
Rosenfeld Family Assistant/ Associate Rabbi Fund In Memory of Marilyn Zell Singer Alan and Lana Miller Henry Blauer Jen and Howard Feldman Colin Stoloff Sue and Rich Garber In Honor of Jeff Wolfstone (Birthday) Jen and Howard Feldman Jen Feldman Loree and Ken Sakai
Ruth Semler Youth Activities In Memory of Claire Gross David Gross Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Geffen Henry Blauer Ilaine Cohen Margaret Hasson Morris Cohen Ilaine Cohen Al Wexler Dr. Harry and Gertrude Semler Ruth Semler James Spivak & Family Daniel A. Meekcoms Raoul and Sandra Meekcoms
Sally Vidgoff Camp Kalsman Scholarship In Memory of Sally Vidgoff Paul Schmidt David R. Trachtenberg John and Barbara Trachtenberg
Continued on Page 13
Social Action (General)
Tributes, continued In Memory of Henry Blauer Evelyn and Jerry Leshgold Ron and Marcy Tonkin Linda and Larry Veltman Howard and Tamra Feuerstein Loretta Bloom, Leslie, Michael, & Linda Loree and Ken Sakai Ted Gilbert Donna Brownstein Sybil Solomon Molly Boyarsky Rich and Sue Garber & Family Paul Rubinstein Eleanore Rubinstein Roscoe C. Nelson, Jr. Madeline Nelson, Roscoe C. Nelson III, & Roz Babener Karen McAllister Janice and Ben Isenberg Theodore S. Bloom Loretta Bloom, Linda, Michael, and Leslie Ruth Press Edward Press Louis Press Seymour Press Shirley Lane Stephen Press In Honor of Cantor Judy Schiff (Retirement) Bob and Lesley Glasgow Davia and Ted Rubenstein Wilma Caplan (Birthday) Evelyn and Jerry Leshgold Pierce Ethier Dorothy and Ray Packouz Jerry Sadis (Recovery) Loree and Ken Sakai Jerry and Evelyn Leshgold Bud Marcus (Recovery) David and Liz Lippoff Eve and Alan Rosenfeld (Anniversary) Lynn, Marshall, and Garrett Langfeld
In Memory of Henry Blauer Naomi and Dave Strauss Alice and Paul Meyer Deanne and Dick Rubinstein Irene C. Frisch Elaine Savinar Rosemarie Rosenfeld Elaine and Sandy Weinstein Susan Gerson Pearl and Irv Trachtenberg Lois Schnitzer Rosalyn and Sol Menashe Rose Rustin Leo Mitchell Bunny and Jerry Sadis Colin Stoloff Donna Brownstein William Y. Sakai Loree and Ken Sakai, May Sakai Isaac Trachtenberg Pearl and Irv Trachtenberg Ethel Tonkin Sue Miller Betty Lou Margulis David and Dolorosa Margulis Marilyn Singer
George Bodner David and Dolorosa Margulis Florence Berenson Shirley Mark Philip Caplan Harriet Schatz Sheldon Balick Wilma Jane Balick & Sandra Kailes Biller Esther Overback Eve and Alan Rosenfeld Bessie Loeb Bondy Allan E. Lichtgarn Elias “Al� Lichtgarn Stan and Joyce Loeb Lillian Zell Beverly and Marty Zell In Honor of Evelyn Leshgold Philip and Dorothy Reiter Callie Souther (Engagement) Beverly and Marty Zell David Lipman (Recovery) Elaine and Sandy Weinstein Beverly and Marty Zell Marty Zell (Birthday) Bunny Edelson Eleanore Rubinstein (Birthday) Brendan Tonkin (Confirmation) Rena and Cheryl Tonkin Eadie Popick and Bruce Spainpower (Anniversary) Harriet Schatz Bud Marcus (Recovery) Beverly and Marty Zell General Contribution Given By Harriet Schatz
I Have A Dream
In Memory of Henry Blauer Stan and Joyce Loeb Stacy Sadis Bunny and Jerry Sadis Madeline Chapman Barbara and Barry Caplan Alyne Schlesinger Owen and Lynn Blank Marilyn Singer Ernest Bonyhadi and Shirley Gittelsohn In Honor of Barbara and Barry Caplan (Anniversary) Deanne and Dick Rubinstein
Temple Improvement
In Memory of Philip Eder Harris/Lindemann In Honor of Jerry Sadis (Recovery) Rena and Cheryl Tonkin Pierce Ethier (Retirement) Dodie Harrison
Temple Restoration
In Memory of William Lawrence Klein William Hill-Parks Mollie Paulowitz Klein Tammy Kramer Henry Blauer
Jeffrey Lachman Joseph L. Byer Howard Byer In Honor of David Lipman (Recovery) Bunny and Jerry Sadis In Appreciation of Pierce Ethier (Service to the Temple) Marcia Colton, Risa Colton-Feldman and Louis Feldman, & Jacob and Noah Feldman
Estelle Director Sholkoff Jewish Educators Scholarship In Memory of Walter Hardman Dorothy Packouz & sons
Heims Family Youth Activities Endowment In Memory of Isaac Davis I. Kenneth Davis
May Georges Study in Israel Scholarship
In Memory of Henry Blauer Linda Ostomel Helen Georges Linda and Tom Georges In Honor of Barbara Durkheimer Linda Ostomel Liz Lippoff (Special Birthday) Tom and Linda Georges Cantor Judith Schiff (Retirement) Linda Ostomel
Nettie Director Library Book Endowment In Memory of Henry Blauer Stuart and Nikki Director Julian and Suzanne Albert Colin Stoloff Florence Korey Clement Stuart and Nikki Director In Honor of Barbara Durkheimer (Recovery) Jerry Sadis (Recovery) Judy Schiff (Retirement) Pierce Ethier (Retirement) Stuart and Nikki Director
Simon & Helen Director Endowment
Leonard Schnitzer Helen Lauterstein Harold & Arlene Schnitzer CARE Foundation William B. Layton Cameron and Dick Davis
Temple Endowment
In Memory of Henry Blauer Dick and Harriet Maizels George Bodner Jim and Ilene Davidson Colin Stoloff Dick and Harriet Maizels Rocky Glover The Lampert Family Robert L. Autrey Joella Werlin In Honor of Jerry Sadis (Recovery) Barbara Durkheimer (Recovery) Dick and Harriet Maizels David Lipman (Recovery) Gerel Blauer
WRJ/Beth Israel Sisterhood Funds
Prayer Book
In Memory of Florence Korey Clement Stuart and Nikki Director Rabbi Isidore Kahan Naomi Strauss
Service to the Blind In Memory of Sidney S. Schubach Arline Hasman
Sisterhood Programming, Leadership & Enrichment
In Memory of Samuel Goldman Sue and Rich Garber In Honor of Linda Harrison Fintzy (New Sisterhood President) Dodie Harrison Ellen and Les Bick Outgoing and Incoming Sisterhood Board Debbie and Katelan Braymer Jane Vereschagin and Michael Goldman (Marriage) Keara and Josh Stein (Marriage) Kate Royston (Outgoing Sisterhood President) Ellen and Les Bick
In Memory of Ruth Heldfond Harold & Arlene Schnitzer CARE Foundation Cameron and Dick Davis Simon Director Joseph Shemanski Roger Meier Jean Adler Alan Baron Tonkin Babette Schnitzer Isadore Golby Joshua Weiner
September 2012
Yahrzeits September 7 & 8 Robert Autrey Gordon Bazelon Michael L. Bergman Nathan Bick Ruth Binder Arnold Cohen Estelle Director Melvin Mel Dunn Richard C. East King Feldman Hyman S. Finn Melvin Gerard Anne Gilbert Susan Gail Rose Goldsmith Gerald Hammel Sigmund A. Heilner Evelyn M. Jacobs Belle Kahn Eugene Hirsch Krantz Sam Lennis Mathilde Lewinsohn Larry Lieberman Ida Loewenberg Louis Lubliner Harry Marcus Daniel Meekcoms Faye Menashe Sonija Milshtein Mary Margaret Nelson Anne Peltz Jack Pollin Edward Press Sarah Reiter Samuel J. Robinson Paul Rubinstein Sidney S. Schubach Jane Daum Schwartz Ida Shaffer Rosa Shainwald Joan Shipley Mitchell Erwin Shore Bernice Shulevitz Helen Silen Katie Steinweis Meyer Steinweis Ethel Tonkin David R. Trachtenberg Irve Tunick Sheldon Weisberg Arthur G. Weisfield Jennie Davis Wexler Emily Wilson Abram (Al) Yugler
September 14 & 15 Ethel Barr Sharlene Bender Ahldor Kermit Berg Juliette Bernays Harry Binder Max Bloom Esther Bloomenthol Morris Bloomenthol Bessie Loeb Bondy Joseph Byer Robert M. Coffey Herman Diamond Rita Durkheimer Philip Eder John Einstein William Israel Feinstein Harry Fink Louis Gelwasser Helen Georges Leon Hirsch Ida D. Holtzman Fred Joseph Esther Mazer Kranz Sonya S. Loebner Cecelia London Marvin Morris Oziel Ruthella Popick Edythe Raffel Edward Rosenberg Kurt Schlesinger Daniel L. Shafton Marcus Shemanski Adolph Slotowsky Morris Taylor Reuben W. Weil Rebecca Zacks
September 21 & 22 Paul Baer Sheldon Balick Frances Basinski Florence Berenson Daisy Biskind Edgar Blumenthal Sybil Bonime Mary Canton Adolph Canton Miriam Cooper C. Girard Davidson Isaac Davis Louis Farkas Max Fischback Adelyne Raban Freiberg Edith Gerson Hannah Gerson Samuel Gerson Theodore S.Gerson Pearl Gevurtz Raquel Goldfarb Mary Goldman Elizabeth Hirsch Alan R. Hoeflich Elaine Sweet Horwitch Charles Josephson Bertha Kohn Aaron Lertzman Belle Lewis Allan Edward Lichtgarn Etta Maizels Milton Markewitz Karen McAllister Joseph Mendelsohn Edward Mayor Morgenstern Roscoe C. Nelson, Jr. Rose Nudelman Esther Overback Samuel Palmer Louis Press Seymour Press Jack Reed David Rosen Davida Rosenbaum Jacob W. Savinar Alyne Schlesinger Walter P. Sherlin Albert I. Simon Daniel Slovic Helen Stamm Albert Stenger Leonard Subotnick Hershal Tanzer Luther Toothman I. Jack Vidgoff Everett Wyner
September 28 & 29 Louis Baer Leo Baruh Richard H. Berman Theodore S. Bloom Fred Bonyhadi Jared Michael Branfman Ian Brown Anna Chusid Morris Chusid Clara R. Davis Lillian Feingold Morris Feller Daisy Georges Theodore S. Gerson Elana Bess Gold Miriam Goldberg Sam Hammel Charles Jacobs Rabbi Isidore Kahan Leopold Kaufman Norman Kobin Hannah Kohen Rabbi Joshua Kohen Lewis Joseph Krakauer Martha Lewin Elias Lichtgarn Marcy Macoubray Betty Lou Margulis Gene Miller Jeanne Moment Norman B. Nemer M. Don Nudelman Charlotte Ostomel Irving Popick William Y. Sakai Bessie R. Schatz Bob Schwartz Edward Shainwald Bess Sommerfield Irving Stein Louis Tanne Isaac Trachtenberg Jeannette Turteltaub Irving J. Wurtzel Lillian F. Zell Harry Zugman Edith Zusman
Remembering Your Loved Ones on the CBI Memorial Wall A yahrzeit plaque is a lasting tribute that ensures the memory of a loved one will be honored for all time. The purchase of a yahrzeit plaque guarantees a permanent fixture in the sanctuary plus a duplicate plaque for Pollin Chapel. The cost for a single name is $2,000; two names may be inscribed for $2,500. Please contact Jemi Kostiner Mansfield,, if you would like more information about this tradition.
Congregation Beth Israel
September 2012 SUNDAY
Elul 5772 - Tishrei 5773
SATURDAY 1 Elul 14 Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR
Please join us for a Sukkot Open House at the home of Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana and Cantor Ida Rae Cahana Sunday, September 30 • 14 Tishrei 5:00 - 8:00 PM 6:00 PM Sukkot Service
Shabbat Service 10:30 AM PC
4 Elul 17
5 Elul 18
6 Elul 19
7 Elul 20
8 Elul 21
Back to School Preschool Picnic 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Temple Lawn
Development Committee Solicitation Meeting 4:30 PM SBR
Adult Education Committee 8:30 AM SBR
Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR
Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR
Teen High Holy Day Planning Meeting 5:00 PM MR
3139 SW Fairmount Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97239
10 Elul 23
Kol Echad Choir Rehearsal 10:30 AM Temple Welcome Rabbi Joseph Potluck 4:00 PM Gabriel Park
Executive Committee 5:00 PM Library Teen High Holy Day Planning Meeting 5:00 PM MR
Please RSVP to Dara in the Temple Office, 503-222-1069 by Thursday, September 27.
9 Elul 22
Membership Committee 11:30 AM SBR
Preschool Shabbat 11:30 AM SC Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC
Shabbat Service 10:30 AM PC
JND Shabbat Service 7:30 PM PC
Opening Our Doors The Installation of Cantor Ida Rae Cahana: An Evening of Inspiration, Beauty, and Peace 8:00 PM, Temple
Oneg to follow services
WRJ/BIS Board Meeting 6:00 PM SBR Adult Education: Taste of Melton 7:00 PM Library
11 Elul 24
12 Elul 25
13 Elul 26
14 Elul 27
15 Elul 28
Preschool Back-to-School Night 6:30 PM MR
Knit-a-Mitzvah 10:00 AM SBR
Intro to Judaism 7:00 PM PC
Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR
Torah Study 9:00 AM SBR
Midrasha 5:30 PM
Sisterhood Open House 7:00 PM MR
Shir Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Temple
Shabbat Service 10:30 AM PC
Taste of Temple Meeting 6:00 PM SBR Kol Echad Rehearsal 6:30 PM Temple
16 Elul 29
17 Tishrei 1
18 Tishrei 2
19 Tishrei 3
20 Tishrei 4
21 Tishrei 5
22 Tishrei 6
Erev Rosh Hashanah 5773
Rosh Hashanah 5773 Morning Service 10:00 AM Temple
Midrasha 5:30 PM
Development Committee 4:30 PM SBR
Family Services 11:00 AM GH
Kol Echad Rehearsal 6:30 PM Temple
Board of Trustees Meeting 6:00 PM SBR
Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC Naming of Lauren Rose Convery
Torah Study 9:00 am SBR
Traditional Adult Service 7:45PM Temple
JND Tashlich Service followed by Happy Hour 6:00 PM RiverPlace McCormick & Schmick’s Harborside at the Marina
Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR
Family Service 6:00 PM Temple
25 Tishrei 9
26 Tishrei 10
27 Tishrei 11
28 Tishrei 12
29 Tishrei 13
Kol Nidre 5773
Yom Kippur 5773
Mah Jongg 10:00 AM SBR
Family Service 6:00 PM Temple
Morning Service 10:00 AM Temple
IHP Classes 4:30 PM SEC
Torah Study 9:00 am SBR
Traditional Adult Service 7:45 PM Temple
Family Service 10:00 AM GH
Shabbat Service 10:30 AM PC Conversion blessing for Kelly Donnelly
Teen Service 11:00 AM PC Rosh Hashanah Reception 12:30 BA Tashlich 2:00 PM Tanner Park
23 Tishrei 7 Religious School/ B’nei Mitzvah 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM Wimpel Making Program #1 10:00 AM BA Good Ol’Fashioned Sukkah Raising 11:30 AM Temple Lawn
24 Tishrei 8
JND Study Break 1:00 PM Library
30 Tishrei 14
Tot Service 2:00 PM Temple
Religious School/ B’nei Mitzvah 9:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Shabbat Service 10:30 AM PC
Study Break 12:45 PM SBR
Kever Avot v’Imahot Service 1:00 PM BI Cememtary
Erev Sukkot
Shabbat Service 6:00 PM PC
Afternoon Service 3:00 PM Temple Teen Service 5:00 PM SC
Wimpel Making Program #2 10:00 AM BA
Break the Fast 6:00 PM MR
Sukkot Open House 5:00 PM Cahana Residence
JND Yom Kippur Break Fast Potluck 6:30 PM Location TBD
Location Key HH = Harris Hall BA = Blumauer Auditorium GH = Goodman Hall LB = Library LF = Lipman Foyer MR = Miller Room PC = Pollin Chapel SBR = Shirley & Herbert Semler Board Room SC = Shemanski Chapel SEC = Sherman Education Center SFC = Schnitzer Family Center
Congregation Beth Israel
Congregation Beth Israel Bulletin (USPS 0128-660) 1972 NW Flanders Street Portland, Oregon 97209-2097 Periodicals Postage Paid at Portland, Oregon Published Monthly except Bi-Monthly in July/August by Congregation Beth Israel POSTMASTER: Send address changes to CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL 1972 NW Flanders St. Portland, Oregon 97209-2097
1972 NW Flanders Street Portland, OR 97209-2097
Board of Trustees 2012/2013 Officers
Stuart Chestler President Ilene Davidson Vice President Linda Georges Vice President Brad Tonkin Vice President John Epstein Treasurer Ned Duhnkrack Secretary
Deborah Caldwell Eric Friedenwald-Fishman Ali Garfinkle Hon. Susan Graber Ted Nelson Miles Newmark
Warren Rosenfeld Jill Rubinstein Ron Silver Richard Solomon Arthur Steinhorn Jeffrey Wolfstone
Linda Fintzy - WRJ/BI Sisterhood President Scott Schaffer - Brotherhood President
In keeping with federal rules governing judicial ethics, Judge Graber does not engage in any fundraising activities and does not participate in any discussion of, or decision on, any political issue, including a decision of the Board whether to take a position for or against any ballot measure.
Catch the latest news in our weekly emails & listen live to services at Not receiving our emails? Call the temple office at 503-222-1069 to make sure we have your current information. Senior Rabbi Michael Z. Cahana Senior Cantor Ida Rae Cahana Assistant Rabbi Rachel L. Joseph Rabbi Emeritus Emanuel Rose, d.h.l., d.d. Cantor Emerita Judith Blanc Schiff Education Department Education Director Ben Sandler, M. Ed. Early Childhood Education Director Deborah Kaplan Education Administrator Mor Kenane Member Services Executive Director Sydney A. Baer Development Director Jen Feldman Congregational Affairs Director Jemi Kostiner Mansfield Finance Director Jim Baldwin, CPA
Administration Offices & Clergy 503-222-1069 Education Department & Preschool 503-222-2037 Fax Machine 503-274-1400 WRJ/BI Sisterhood Judaica Gift Shop 503-222-1069 Beth Israel Cemetery 503-222-1069 426 SW Taylors Ferry Road
Accounting Assistant Vicki Greif Communications Coordinator Allison Baer Office Administrator Dara Docherty Facilities Manager Craig Paton Facilities Staff Andy Coles Drew Christensen Catering Panel Alfresco Catering 503-335-2830 Shelly Postlewait Art of Catering Larry Grimes
Food in Bloom Catherine Buford
Century Catering 503-849-2605 Allen Levin Devil’s Food Catering Charles Stilwell
Culinary Artistry 503-232-4675 Jenn Louis
Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism since 1879