Issue 9 Bull's Eye

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Arguing with

honour On target for a

Supernatural OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2011 ISSUE 9

move of God

Bull’s eye

Who do you want to attract? Are you reaching your target? Are you asking the right questions?

One of the most important tools in business today is NETWORKING. If nobody knows about your business you are invisible. Join a Networking group that is serious about Business and about keeping Christ as our centre and foundation.

OUR MISSION • To grow, equip and encourage Christian business owners • To extend God’s Kingdom by using our unique marketplace gifting to bring finances into our local churches • To give exposure to each member’s product or service so that we can support and refer business to one another • To create a culture of excellence, integrity and accountability in Business

JOIN US Highway Area When: 13 Oct & 10 Nov 2011 When:

Durban North 18 Oct & 15 Nov 2011

Cost: R50 members, R80 non-members

Pietermaritzburg When: 20 Oct & 17 Nov 2011 Durban South (Toti) When: 25 Oct & 22 Nov 2011 Time: 8.00 am -10am

Each meeting features a 30-minute talk on a topic that will help you build your business – plus lots of great networking time over coffee and muffins.

Contact Tracey Olivier for more information. Tel: 084 548 4720 or Email:

CONNECT is available at the following locations: Amanzimtoti Sweetwaters Full Gospel Church Kingsway Church Durban North Living Waters Church Empangeni Christian Family Church Hillcrest GraceHill Church Focus On The Family Bookshop Hillcrest Christ Church Kloof/Gillitts Kloof Harvest Church Sarepta Church Kloof Baptist Church St. Angus Church Kloof Catholic Church Kloof Methodist Church Morningside The Olive Tree Artisan & Well Hairdressers Lambert Road Baptist Church

CONTENTS VOICE OF THE PROPHET On target for a supernatural move of God HEART OF THE PASTOR

Who do you want to attract?


8 11

Bull’s Eye, Hitting your target! Understanding your target market Save the Question! Arguing with Honour

16 20 23 26

IN EVERY ISSUE Where to find CONNECT Letter from the Editor The Rest is HIStory Advertising Information

3 4 28 30

Musgrave/Glenwood Scripture Union St Olav’s Church His People Church Pinetown/Westmead Highway Christian Community Pinetown Baptist Church Doxa Deo Four Ways Spar Pietermaritzburg African Enterprises The Coffeeberry Cafe All Saints Church Umhlanga Umhlanga Harvest Westville Westville Methodist Church, Westville Baptist Church, Westville Presbyterian Church Please let us know if you wish to distribute the CONNECT magazine in your church or business.

is produced by: Tracey Olivier - Editor Belinda Peck - Admin Elaine Young - Sub-Editor Steve Joubert - Ad Design Ruth Brophy Plowman Publising consultant and is printed by: DNA Print (Pty) Ltd.


TARGETING YOUR MARKET When asked the question, “Who is your target market?” I have heard many new business owners say, “Everyone! Everyone needs my product or service”. I discovered the hard way – as they will – that this is not the case. It is vitally important to have a clear understanding of exactly who your customer is. If you don’t, you will waste your time, talent and resources (seed) on unfruitful ground and this will not produce the harvest you are hoping for. You need to make sure you are sending the right message of who you are and what you offer to the right audience for your product or service. At Connect we are very clear about who we are looking for as our customers or partners. We have a mandate to be a Kings’ Directory with a two-fold mission: to Encourage, Inspire and Equip marketplace Christians and to showcase Kingdom Businesses. So we are looking for people who want to impact the marketplace as ambassadors of the Kingdom, and extend the Kingdom by growing their time, talent and treasures through their businesses. We are looking for people who are excellent in business (not perfect – there is a difference). People who understand the value of honouring their brothers and sisters in Christ

through their marketplace giftings and through their business dealings. Oh yes, and we are looking for paying customers! I say that tongue in cheek, but this – not paying or not expecting to pay for a service – is something that is surprisingly common in Christian circles. This is not honouring our brothers and sisters in business and we are killing the businesses they represent. While the theme of this issue is ‘Targeting your Market’, it is interesting that each of our contributors touch on the subject of Honour – honouring fellow workers, honouring prophets, honouring your customers by keeping your word. It’s more than a coincidence – God clearly wants us to sit up and take notice of what He is saying on this subject. I recently met a wonderful Accountant, Jenny, who was talking about when Jesus appeared to the disciples after they had been fishing all night and caught nothing. When they obeyed Him and threw their nets off the other side of the boat, they netted a huge catch – they even had to call others to come help them pull it in. There is plenty of “fish” or business out there for all of us. I believe that if we are attentive to His Voice and leading, and we honour and partner with one another instead of competing with one another, there will be plenty to go around for everyone. God is not a God of scarcity, He is a God of plenty. Choose not to participate in the recession; listen for which side to put your nets over... If we are poised ready to use our finances to

1. Target (n. tärgit) 4 | 1. an objective or result toward which efforts are directed


“be generous on all accounts” and to extend the Kingdom of God, to feed the poor and clothe those who are cold, we are doing the will of the Father. Let’s seek His Kingdom first and all the other things will be added to us. Blessings


WHAT’S HAPPENING? We would like to CONNECT people in business. If you have a meeting or ministry for the Marketplace Christian we would like you to be able to let people know about it. Remember that we bring out a new issue every two months so you will have to plan ahead and give us your dates 3 months ahead. See page 30 for deadline dates.

Kloof Country Market Tina’s Hotel the First Saturday of every month, Contact Linda on 082 454 3181

Making the Connection

21 October 2011, in Kloof 8am - 11am See pg 18 Contact Sherrene at

Mooiplaas Community Toy Story Tea

29 October 2011, Highway Christian Community. 10am - 1pm Contact Bev Baxter 082 920 5798 A craft market with a difference to bless the children of Mooiplaas, Vryheid. Cost: a new toy or R50 donation per family attending

Send your info to


ON TARGET For a Supernatural move of God


was absent. Prophets do carry honour, but unless eople ascribe ‘success’ in the marketplace they are received for who they are, what they to a multitude of different factors – “I was carry cannot be passed on. Even Jesus the Son of in the right place at the right time”.... “It Man, the Son of God on earth, could do no mighty was God’s favour”.... “I have prayed so hard”... miracles in Nazareth. “My business plan is brilliant”... “The market was Now I am sure you have wondered, as I have, just right for my product”... And yes, all these “Where are the miracles in the do play a part in success. But church?” I have noticed in the Word In Matthew 10:41-42 Jesus that miracles are consistently Are we on target teaches that if we RECEIVE released when a particular for the supernatural a Prophet in the name of a characteristic is displayed – Prophet, we will receive a Honour. moves of God in our Prophet’s reward. The Prophet Are we on target for the homes, business carries something – but in supernatural moves of God and church? order for us to have what he in our homes, business and carries, we have to receive church? him as a Prophet! In the light In Mark 6:1-6 Jesus said of this, where Honour is afforded the “office” of that a Prophet is not without Honour – except in the Prophet, the reward is miraculous... you get his own home, town or city. This passage shows what that “office” carries. So miracles can be that when Jesus returned to Nazareth where He experienced in Christians’ lives and circumstances; grew up and wanted to impart the power of God it is up to us to Honour the gift that is sent. in their midst, he was unable to because “Honour”

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So don’t hold back in a time of recession Familiarity is the reason why very little on your “Honour”. Honour is the very happens in many churches. 1 Thessalonians characteristic that releases miracles to you. God 2:13 tells us exactly why these new believers wants you to have overflow and excess. Proverbs had turned the whole of Asia upside down: 3:9-10 tells you how to get it: “Honour the Lord they believed that the Word in these men, was with your possessions and with the first fruits of actually the Word that was from God for them. all your increase. So your barns Talking about prophets, will be filled with plenty and look at Genesis 20:7. God your vats will overflow with saw Abraham in that new wine.” scenario as a Prophet. One of the men of God that Abimelech was told that comes to our shores as part if this prophet prayed for of the team related them, he would live. But if this story. Some years ago his he didn’t, then...! Abimelech daughter was diagnosed with did the right thing and lived. multiple tumours. The final Wrapped up in the anointing prognosis from the specialists of the Prophet is the ability was that she would not make to bring life. So if we receive So don’t hold back past junior high! He and his a prophet in the name of were gutted. Then his a prophet, we will have in a time of recession wife wife got up and said to him, his reward.... We live, and on your “Honour”. “Man of God, do what you those circumstances trying need to do” and she left the to throttle and destroy us Honour is the very room. (No pressure!) When will have to deal with the characteristic that my friend prayed, a short time miraculous release of life later they discovered that to them! releases miracles every tumour had dissolved. God sends us ‘gift’ men to you. She was completely healed. and women. Because it is One of the keys in this miracle from Him, the “office” they was the “Honour” of the carry will work miracles in us “office” the wife called for in her husband. and our circumstances. For example, if I listen She received what he carried. to the revelatory word of God in a financial My business is destined to succeed. mentor, then I will have what he carries. I will honour God’s financial mentors and If I receive my pastor as a man with a word word on finances. from God, then I will have what he carries. If I accept my husband as the “priest” of our home, as the man of God to it, then what God has put on him will be mine. If I honour my wife as my help-meet then what God has put on her will be released into our home and destiny...and so on! For the business community, the “Honour” of the man of God in your life, the “Honour” of the Word of God when it comes to finances, Allan Rockhill will lead to miracles in your business. God Founder of Kings.Net International was never caught unaware in the flood or the drought or the no-hope circumstance. No matter what the case, HE always prevailed. | 9



“We don’t specifically look for the gift,” he would like to approach the concept of said. “Instead we look for the person who can “reaching your target market” from a slightly fit into our ‘family’ leadership team. Effectively different perspective. I want to address two someone with the same DNA.” issues – targeting your church activities and He went on to comment that in leadership, targeting your potential leaders. Then we can the focus on Honour that underpins the Bethel look at how this might apply to targeting staff team means that the and potential customers. relationship between people We had the privilege of is more important than being spending some time with ‘technically’ right. Honour is Danny Silk (Bethel Church, So when asking, where the love relationship Reading) a few weeks ago “Who do I want between people survives and discussing (amongst their differences in point of other things) the process of to target for view. bringing leaders onto our my leadership/ So when asking, “Who teams. He had been talking do I want to target for my about the five-fold ministry management team?” leadership/management of apostles, prophets, perhaps part of the team?” perhaps part of the evangelists, pastors and answer is “Who has answer is “Who has my DNA” teachers (Ephesians 4) – how and “Who can I see fitting into the input of each ministry is my DNA” and “Who the family of my team?” needed in all churches and can I see fitting into On a similar note, but how this can effect who we even more of a curve ball for bring onto leadership teams. the family of my many, will be the question One person asked if Bethel team?” church leaders must ask ever looked at the “gift/ themselves: “Who am I ministry” they were lacking targeting with my church?” and then brought someone Now this will come as a onto the team with that gift. Who do you want surprise for many people, Danny had an interesting but my answer to this must response that opened up to attract to the always be God! a whole new perspective church more? Matthew 6:33 says “Seek on leadership and even first the Kingdom and His management within a People or God? righteousness” and Psalm business context. | 11


work with?” and “Who will be long-term quality 127:1 says that unless God builds the house, we clients (partners) who will bless my business and labour in vain. About two years ago our church be blessed by me?” was doing well and looked like a successful The same goes for hiring staff or taking church by all the traditional measures (i.e. how business partners. Do we just target those who big is your church?) can benefit our business OR do we look deeper Then during a time with God He spoke to our into God’s plans and ask, “Who will become my lead pastor and said, “Do you mind if I build my partner or family in the business, and who will I church?” Now when God steps in and speaks like be able to trust with this important piece of God’s that you know that you are missing something strategy for His kingdom?” important. We were building our church, but not The questions are different from just profit building His Church! and sales numbers when we What I’m about to say take into account that our now will offend many – When we look at jobs and our businesses are but hey, I’m thousands of kilometres away from most of customers and target for God’s purposes, not our own! you so here goes: markets we must Finally, this question is We are meant to be even appropriate for our building our churches for ask: “who does god personal walks with God. God, not for the people! want me to work In what you do, what you So when answering the focus on every day – are you question about knowing your with?” And “who will targeting “working” for God target market, for church be long-term quality or “meeting” with Him? Jesus leadership it is very simple clients (partners) came to restore what was lost and VERY SCARY – at the Fall – our dominion Our target must be who will bless my over the earth, our position “meeting God and building business and be as sons in God’s family and His way.” intimacy with God. Of course we all say – blessed by me?” So as you read all these that’s my church. Sorry but exciting and God-inspired we had a great church and we contributions, will your next missed it. We can have large step be to “target your actions” or to “target your churches and great home cell programmes… heart” at God and spend some time with Him? but if we never encounter God then what have If we get what we focus on then why we really built? So as you target your church not focus on God and then, according to His activities at “meeting the people’s needs” or promises, everything else will be taken care of. “meeting the church’s needs”, take a moment to ask the question: Who do you want to attract Blessings and favour to you all. to the church more? People or God? And depending on your answer you may find some changes necessary.

What does this mean for my business?

So can we apply this to our businesses? I’m glad you asked this because I believe it is very appropriate! When we look at customers and target markets we must ask: “Who does God want me to 12 |

Kim White Horizon Church, NZ




us st



BULL’S EYE Are you reaching your target?


he Spirit of God flows through each of us and Consider these factors when “taking aim” to launch your business in the right direction: when we allow Christ to be our saviour, our life becomes so much easier. Jeremiah 29:11 Focus on the target. Decide how you are states: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares going to achieve ultimate success (your the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, target), then create goals and keep your eye on plans to give you hope and a future”. That promise them all the time. Remember should be evident in our lives that every target has an expiry and our business. I believe that date so work within that date. Christ equips us with tools to be I believe that as Make the best decisions within the best we can be. When we that short space of time and individuals and listen to Christ and use His tools, focussed – don’t allow entrepreneurs we are stay His Word, and His voice, our circumstance to interfere with obedience culminates in our meant to excel at our achieving your goals. reaching our optimal BEST. passion and live an Use the correct tools. In my humble opinion, In a game of archery, I believe that as individuals and abundant life you don’t use a rock to hit entrepreneurs we are meant as Christians. your target – you use a bow to excel at our passion and live and arrow, and then you see an abundant life as Christians. results. In reaching your We all need the right tools to target in business, you need to use the correct make our small business into a thriving success. tools of marketing and advertising for your God’s plans for us are to help us reach our target niche market. These include doing some basic in our business. I feel that an entrepreneur’s market research, such as: solution to success is similar to a game of archery.



We take aim with an intention to reach our target. 16 |


What do my ideal customers need?

Where do they shop?

What are their salary brackets?

What would make them purchase my product or service?

How am I different from my competitor?

What newspaper do they read?

Do they use social media?

Do they listen to the radio or watch television?

What are their preferences to certain products?

What area do they live in?

What schools and universities do their children attend?

When these questions are answered you can implement your marketing strategies. A successful marketing plan can only be implemented when you have answered these questions – and only after that should you begin your marketing.

say you are available from 09h00 to 17h00, you should stay within those schedules and not open at 11h00. Your word is your honour; don’t let your honour be tainted in business. We are a reflection of Christ and our actions need to portray that.


Other variations. In archery, the wind, the lighting or blurred vision can cause us to miss the target. The harsh reality is that, in business, we also need to plan for other variations and defeat the ‘unexpected’ by expecting it. For example, there is always the threat of power outages, so plan by having a generator on hand. Take steps to prevent crime by investing in proper security. Make sure there is enough parking for your customers and make sure your company is visible. You don’t want to let your targeted ‘quarry’ get away for a silly reason that has nothing to do with your product or service!


Correct methods tried and tested to hit the target. Always plan ahead to make a success of your company. Just like in archery, there are plenty of studies available on how to reach your target market in business. Do Clear out obstacles. In some research and find out order to win at archery, you the best method of reaching God’s plans for us need to clear out all obstacles your target. With the power and hurdles. In reaching your are to help us reach of knowledge behind you, you target, you need to work hard our target in can hit the bull’s eye on your at clearing away all negative first attempt. our business influences. For example: These simple yet effective • Always establish open methods can assist you in communication with your reaching your target. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us what customer in the form of suggestion boxes, surveys God plans for us, so together with God, our steps and competitions. in business can only be prosperous. Use the • Make your company/shop easily accessible foundation of Christ to build your corporation and to everyone. reach your target of success with precision, proper • Try to eliminate the hassles of everyday life. planning and the power of research. Remember, everyone these days is busy and convenience is a priority and a necessity.



Stick to your schedule. In archery, there are rules you have to play within. You have to stick to a schedule and not allow the game to come to a standstill. In business, we all have schedules and when we keep our word regarding those schedules, we can only prosper. When you

Shirley Maritz MD, Elezar Productions | 17

Christian Business Magazine presents

“Making the


We are excited to invite you to the launch of our “Making the CONNECTion” seminars that are geared to leave you Encouraged, Inspired and Equipped. If you are a business owner or wish to be a business owner one day, these breakfast seminars are for you!

PURPOSE | PASSION | PERSEVERANCE Hayley Ryan is a Life and Personal Development Coach. She is passionate about assisting people discover their life purpose, self esteem building and being internally self motivated. Hayley will show you why it is so important to know and live with PURPOSE. Brad Sadler is the Pastor of GraceHill Church, an Inspirational Speaker and founder of Pros and ExCons, which took the message of the consequences of fraud to corporates all over SA. Brad will tell you how to live this life of purpose with PASSION

Tracey Olivier is the Owner & Editor of Connect Magazine, Founder of KBN and Life Purpose Coach. She is passionate about encouraging those in the marketplace. Tracey will tell you what the secret of a passionately purposeful life is... PERSEVERANCE

Date: 21 October 2011 Time: 8am - 11am Cost: R250 per person For more information and bookings, please email

highway college


We Christian ambassadors for the workplace.” are now acc Pre eptin - sc hoo g adm For l to i more Gra ssion s information de 12 for 2 Call 031 701 2239 012 Visit us at the corner of Bevis and Oppenheimer roads in Pinetown, alternatively email

PINETOWN � KWAZULU-NATAL Serving the Highway Community since 1991



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hen I ask most businesses who their target market is, I get the ‘hmm song’ over and over! The first step to a successful business is to understand exactly who your clients are. A targeted market is defined as an aimed attack (marketing efforts) on a specific locale where buyers and sellers gather to exchange your specific goods and services.

There are 4 easy steps


Focus – Create a profile of your existing customers.

20 |

2 3

Aim – Segment them into groups of A, B and C, prioritising clients from most desired to least desired. Connect – How to reach them and determine making them your customers.

• Successful businesses focus on reaching 10% of their desired market and convince them 100% of the way regarding their goods and services. • Unsuccessful businesses focus on reaching 100% of their desired market and only convince them 10% of the way regarding your goods and services.


Retain – Most businesses focus on what they offer and not why customers should use their products and services (i.e. how it will meet their needs). Make sure that your target market knows the benefits you offer, compared to competing businesses. Then make sure you hold onto your hard-won customers by giving them the benefits you promised them – and more! Remember: 80% of your business comes from just 20% of your clients (Richard Koch). The best ads focus on the customer’s needs versus your business product or service, and it all starts with a good creative idea. Summary: Focus – Aim – Connect – Retain!

Mike Olivier Owner of Speak to Mike

Focus Aim Connect Retain!


Elaine, Chloe and Rhys at the Hole in the Wall


Connect about to lift off in Texas

Nelson Mandela Stadium with Helen Scholtz

Johnny Beggs @ the Sound desk

Isabell Botha in Shenzhen, China

We are looking for the photo of places you and your CONNECT magazine have gone. Post them on our Facebook page and we will feature the best ones in the next two issues. We will announce the WINNERS in the December/January issue. Some of these photos were taken with cell phones so the quality might be less than perfect.


Three reasons why asking questions is good for you – and your business


remember back in 2002 when the diagnostics company for which I worked, allowed me to choose my first new car. Based on my own needs and preferences at the time, it came down to a choice between two VW models, the Golf IV and the Jetta IV. For the purpose of this blog, my choice of car is not important. Very pertinent, however, was my insanely heightened awareness of VWs on the road (and anywhere else for that matter) as I neared a final decision. Nine years later I’m a part-time ‘Life Coach’, and questions have become my new VW. Everywhere I go, I’m acutely aware of good versus poor questioning – and more often than not, the absence of questioning where it would have been most valuable. Through these newly-acquired lenses, even my preconceptions of Christ have had to be re-examined. I’ve always thought of Jesus as the God-man with all the answers; a Googlesearch-engine-in-the-flesh whose divinely eloquent answers would come marching out in

military precision, on cue every time. Jesus, however, appears to have served up as many questions as He did statements – and in great variety too. Sometimes His questions were rhetorical, richly infused with a metaphor that would reveal the absurdity of a particular argument. Other times, like a master surgeon, He would use questions as a scalpel to slice through the skin of outward appearances to reveal a person or group’s real spiritual condition, before dealing with them on that level. And very often (in flagrant violation of my mother’s teaching), Jesus even dared to answer a question with a question of His own. In my opinion (and opinions are like noses; everyone has one and they usually have a couple of holes in them), the capacity to employ good questioning is no less an endangered species than the handful of Amur Leopard which still roam the remote parts of Russia. While I’m mindful that my chances of finding a benevolent billionaire to fund my Save the Question campaign fall somewhere | 23


between ‘say that again’ and ‘cut down on the ketamine’; I’m choosing to raise my voice in support of abandoned questioning skills everywhere. Social Media gurus like Jason Baer inform me that WHY must come before HOW, i.e. before I start throwing out all sorts of tools and techniques for skilful questioning, I need to convince the reader of the infinite worth of good questions (or at least blister my fingertips trying). Here, then, are some benefits of good questioning:

Benefit #1: Good questioning improves the quality of interpersonal relationships As the minute hand on his desk clock loudly hacks its way towards the deadline, James is on the verge of a panic attack. The Sales Director has brought his annual performance review forward by three valuable hours, and. James’ inability to figure out the required spreadsheet formulas is being broadcast to the neighbouring cubicles with increasingly frequent profanity. Several colleagues have made an attempt at dialogue, each with his own variation of, “Hey James, are you okay?” The results were poor, and now everyone is staying well clear of the human pressure cooker – James is clearly NOT okay. And then, in her usual bewildering confidence, Sharon strolls into the war zone and asks, “What’s the matter, James?” A flood of colourful description covering everything from modern technology to the arrogance 24 |

of executive leadership gushes from James’ mouth. Maintaining her composure, Sharon inquires, “What support would be most valuable to you right now?” James is already noticeably calmer as he gulps down a chunk of steaming pride and humbly requests an education in spreadsheet formulas.

Benefit #2: Questions enable people to plot their own position and bearing on an issue To put it another way, good questioning creates the necessary space for someone to gather their personal perspectives and beliefs together, and place them at the forefront of their mind. Statements seldom (if ever) achieve this, as the following true story illustrates: In the centre of a restaurant, two large marine fish tanks stand back to back. One tank offers a scene that would give Disney’s Finding Nemo a good run for its money, While the other is full of crayfish. From opposite sides of what appeared to be the same tank, Johnny and Jenny are merrily screaming their observations to each other – much to the bemusement of the other patrons. “Wow! It’s so colourful!” Johnny blasts, as he absorbs the multi-hued array of anemones, fish, tube worms and corals. On the other side, giant crayfish scuttle along the bleak gravel bottom as their fate hangs in the balance while a dinner party of twelve peruses the menu. “Noooo! It’s ugly and freaky!” yells Jenny.


In homes, schools, offices and recreational areas all over the world, misaligned conversations like this one happen every day. Two (or more) people gaze upon the same object (or issue) from completely different perspectives and arrive at vastly different opinions or beliefs – worse still, few ever realise it. Until you ask what the other person is seeing, you will never see an issue from his/her perspective.

engaged, unpacking his/her thoughts and perspectives on an issue and enhancing my own understanding in the process.

What would an improved ability to ask good questions do for you and your business?

Benefit #3: Good questions unlock understanding With this being my first ever blog post – and as a case in point – I arrived on the scene with a large bag of ignorance slung over my ambitious shoulder. I make no apologies then, for having asked a plethora of questions (ranging from ‘Why ask questions’ to ‘How many words should a blog post be’) along the way. Oh! Whilst meandering through the scenic online boulevards of questions and answers, I stumbled across this gem of a quote:

“There is no such thing as ‘dumb questions’ only ‘dumb people’, and ‘dumb people’ often tend to remain dumb unless they learn to ask intelligent questions...” * I still regularly encounter people who are scared to ask questions for fear of being exposed as ‘stupid’ or ‘foolish’. I frequently have the privilege of rubbing shoulders with a mixture of esteemed captains of industry and pioneering academics – as well as teenage surfers, elderly receptionists and middle-aged mechanics. They all seem to have one thing in common: a positive response to intelligent questions. Put me in a room with anyone – seriously, I mean anyone – and I bet you a three-course dinner for five that in a matter of minutes I’ll have him or her genuinely

Simon Kozlowski

*Sourced from: orgcom/417philedu.htm

This was taken from Simon’s blog with permission.


Arguing with

honour Is it possible to argue with someone in a way that builds and doesn’t break your relationship?


he word ‘relationship’ literally means ‘connection’ or ‘to connect’. Think about it. Sometimes when you meet someone you just ‘click’ with them. This click is the sound of a connection happening. That ‘connection’ with someone it is an absolutely fantastic thing to have. It might be a romantic connection, or a friendship connection, or even a work connection. These connections, or relationships as we normally refer to them, make life worth the living. Conflict, fighting and arguing are the greatest threats to relationships because, if they are not handled correctly, they can leave our connections broken. We are so quick today to cut people out of our lives and continue as if the relationship never even happened. This leaves more and more people hurt, untrusting and cynical of relationships. 26 |

Is it possible to argue with a friend, spouse, family member or colleague in such a way that that argument builds and does not break your relationship? Is it possible to ‘argue with honour’? The word ‘honour’ means ‘to greatly respect or highly regard someone’. If honour – or the respecting of others – is a value you hold in your life, then it is possible to argue with honour. As business people we should all hold this value of respecting others as one of our core values. Now let me show you four ways in which you can argue – but with honour.

Communicating your need instead of your anger is arguing with honour. 1.Identify your Need

Most arguments revolve around our not getting our needs met. Identify what exact needs you have which you need the other person to meet. Once you have identified them, communicate them clearly as your needs. Say something like, “I don`t


want to moan at you, but I have a need that you listen to and respect my opinion. Would you please meet my need?” When we tell someone about a need we have, instead of fighting with them for not meeting that need, we are far more likely to get that need met.

So now that you know in advance that an argument is on the way, settle it before it happens again. This is arguing with honour. 2.Find the Theme

Another great way to argue with honour is to identify the things over which you often fight. For a married couple it might be the in-laws. For work colleagues it might be punctuality. Whether you are a married couple or work colleagues, most of your arguments will tend to fall into a particular theme. Maybe it would be in-laws, sex, money or working hours in a married couple’s life. For work colleagues lives it might be missing deadlines, punctuality or not following protocol in the office. Identify the theme and recognise that it is just a matter of time before you argue again about the same things. If

When you turn a potential argument into a request for help, you are arguing with honour. you have had five arguments about the in-laws, then you can count on the fact that you are going to argue about them again! And if you have argued about punctuality on many occasions, then in all likelihood you will argue about it again in the future. Then, when there is no emotion involved, discuss the issue with the person with whom you mostly argue. When you approach the situation like this, you end up raising the controversial topic in an emotionally neutral environment.

Focusing on what is wrong instead of who is wrong, is arguing with honour. 3.Please Help Me

Say something to the person with whom you often argue like, “Could you please help me? Every time you and I get onto the topic of punctuality/in-laws, we end up arguing. I value our relationship and don’t want to argue with you again. Could you please tell me what I could do/say next time this topic arises, to avoid arguing with you?”

4.It`s not Who is Wrong , it`s What is wrong.

A very effective way to argue with honour is to have a healthy focus in the argument. Focusing on what is wrong instead of who is wrong, is the healthiest approach to take in any argument. This focus creates a scenario where there are no winners and no losers. Arguing like this takes the spotlight off of the person and puts it onto the issue. The issue now becomes the enemy and not the person with whom you are arguing. Arguments can be one of the healthiest things in any relationship, provided they happen in an atmosphere of honour. As long as honour and respect are the filters through which we argue with other people, our relationships will be built up by, and not broken down by, our arguments.

Gavin Swanepoel | 27

“All your children shall be taught by the LORD, and great shall be the peace of your children” (Isaiah 54:13) These were the words spoken to Jasmine and I some 27 years ago. We were a young married couple, recently born again, and had two small children – Ruth and Joshua – who were ready to start school. South Africa at the time was a deeply divided and racialist country, and God was convicting us that it was primarily our responsibility – not the government’s – to teach our children. How could we personally school them? Home schooling was unheard of in 1984; all children at that time were required to attend a government-regulated institution. We weren’t prepared to risk our children being indoctrinated with racist and nationalist ideals, so we relied on God for a solution. It turned out He had an amazing plan for us. We decided to tackle the Education Department ourselves and wrote to them about our religious conviction. I had done some research on farm schooling and indicated in my letter that we somehow complied with the minimum requirements for a farm school. It was then really just by the grace of God that our farm school, “Honey in the Rock” (Isaiah 7:15), was registered. Jasmine suddenly found herself in the role of both mom and school teacher, following a home curriculum consisting primarily of the Bible and suitable books borrowed from the local library. After two-and-a-half years of relatively selfregulated education, following the government curriculum to a tee, we were informed by the Area Inspector that we were “not adhering to regulations”. By the grace of God, Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) had just started up in the 28 |

Pinetown area and we were able to assure the Department that our children would go to a “normal” registered school. We continued to support ACE until all our children – Ruth, Joshua, Nathaniel and Hannah – graduated from Highway Christian Academy (now Highway College). Education – a priority for Christian parents Education is the responsibility of all Christian parents who want the assurance that their children will follow the Lord and reign in life when they get older. In Psalm 132:11-12 God promises David that if his sons keep His covenant, they and their children will reign. This promise was primarily fulfilled in Christ who was the Seed that would raise the throne of David above every other throne and establish it in Heaven forever – from whence He now rules and reigns (Acts 2:34-37). “The LORD hath sworn in truth unto David; he will not turn from it. Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne. If thy children will keep my covenant and my testimony that I shall teach them, their children shall also sit upon thy throne for evermore.” Psalm 132:11 (KJV) Bringing our children to Christ and teaching them about the New Covenant is the only blessed assurance that we parents have for our children to be seated with Him in heavenly places to rule and reign in this life, and fulfil their kingly and priestly mandates. During our years of Christian education, my career took me in the direction of corporate training – where the Lord laid educational foundations in my own life. It would seem that education was set to play a major part in my calling. I studied until I was 48 years old, in areas including electronics, micro-processing, computer



networking, programming, supervision, management, business administration and leadership training. I often complained to the Lord about all the studying, but He would just say, “My grace is sufficient for you Gavin. I am training you for my purpose and you must endure to the end”. My training was not always academic; it was very often experiential. In 1992 we lost our 6-year-old daughter, Mary-Magdalene, to cystic fibrosis and I entered the lowest point in my life. I wallowed in my grief and questioned how a merciful God could allow such a thing to happen. One day I encountered God in my car and He assured me of his unconditional love. The flood of love that I experienced from that day gave me hope once again. His instruction very often comes at a price and in a way we would never imagine, and it is very often because we are too stubborn to learn the lesson the first time around. While studying for an MBA I discovered that economics was just about the management of the resources and commodities needed to make a country’s economy work. Money – the main commodity – is used to enable trading and the exchange of one commodity for another. It would seem then that money was made to make the world go around. I also discovered at the same time that God’s kingdom also had an economy; and its economy was run by a commodity called Grace. In Ephesians 3:2 Paul asks the Ephesians “if indeed you have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which was given to me for you”. The Greek word for “dispensation” is oikonomia, which is where the word “economy” comes from, and it really means “stewardship”. So God gave Paul the “stewardship” or “economy” of grace with which to manage the kingdom. Christian education has to do with teaching responsible stewardship, because if we are diligent with the least, God will give us the true riches. At the end of 2003 I was given the opportunity to head up the management and leadership department in the company I was working for; but that would mean relocation for me and my

family. Jasmine and I intuitively knew that the Lord had something else for me to do besides moving to a harsh environment that would be detrimental to our son Nathaniel, who was also suffering from cystic fibrosis. So I basically retired at the age of 50 and in 2003 took Hannah and Nathaniel to the USA with the hope of finding more grace that would extend Nathaniel’s fragile life. But by the end of that year, having fought the good fight of faith to the end, our beloved son went to be with his Lord and Saviour. The pain was unbearable. What was the lesson this time? Nathaniel means the “the gift of God”, and I finally realised the meaning of the gift God gives each one of us. As the scriptures indicate, “the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”. We all receive this gift as Christians, but never consider that it needs to be stewarded. Christian education is about responsible stewardship. Unless we steward the gift God has given us, we will never grow in favour and grace like Jesus (Luke 2:52) to destroy the works of the enemy. I lectured for a while in post-school colleges in the Durban area until 2009 when Chris Barnard from Highway College asked me whether I would consider taking over the school as he was being called to ministry in New Zealand. The vision for Highway College is to prepare Christian ambassadors and entrepreneurs for the workplace. This we will do by the Knowledge and the Grace we impart to our students, knowing that it is only by God’s GRACE that the darkness will be defeated (1 John 3:8) and all His enemies will be made his footstool. “But our High Priest offered Himself to God as a single sacrifice for sins, good for all time. Then He sat down in the place of honour at God’s right hand. There He waits until His enemies are humbled and made a footstool under His feet.” (Hebrews 10:12-13, NLT) Gavin Brophy Principal of Highway College, Pinetown | 29

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