Bringing in the Harvest

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The power of


Responsible Retirement

Building for

Future Generations Brand

February/March 2011


Letting Go of the PAST

Bringing in the


o Als B M P IN One of the most important tools in business today is NETWORKING. If nobody knows about your business you are invisible. Join a Networking group that is serious about Business and about keeping Christ as our centre and foundation.

OUR MISSION • To grow, equip and encourage Christian business owners • To extend God’s Kingdom by using our unique marketplace gifting to bring finances into our local churches • To give exposure to each member’s product or service so that we can support and refer business to one another • To create a culture of excellence and integrity in Business

JOIN US When: Where: Time: Cost:

2nd Thursday of each month Highway Christian Community, 10 Harvey Road, Pinetown 8am – 10am R50 members, R80 non-members. Booking is Essential!

Each meeting features a 30-minute talk on a topic that will help you build your business – plus lots of great networking time over coffee and muffins.

Contact Tracey Olivier for more information. Tel: 084 548 4720 or Email:

WHAT’S HAPPENING? We would like to CONNECT people in business. If you have a meeting or ministry for the Marketplace Christian we would like you to be able to let people know about it. Remember that we bring out a new issue every two months so you will have to plan ahead and give us your dates 3 months ahead. See page 30 for deadline dates. You will be given 5 lines to announce your meeting, so it will look something like this...

Kings.Net Conference Durban 8 & 9th April at HCC For more information: Send your info to


The Power of Attitude Building for Future Generations


8 11



Letting Go of the Past 17 Taking Responsibility for your Retirement 22 Bringing in the Harvest 24 IN EVERY ISSUE Letter from the Editor The Rest is HIStory How to win with CONNECT Advertising Information Where to find CONNECT

4 26 29 30 31

CONNECT is produced by:

Tracey Olivier - Editor Elaine Young - Sub-Editor Steve Joubert - Ad Design Belinda Peck - Admin and is printed by: DNA Print (Pty) Ltd. A special thanks to Ruth Brophy for all her tutoring and help with the Layout.

Cover photo by

Kingdom Business Network Pmb. Every 3rd Tuesday of the Month at African Enterprise in PMB. For more information:




s I have been speaking to Marketplace Christians at the start of this year and listening to the sermons that are coming through not only from our church but from many others, there seems to be a theme coming through.

It is not the normal “Rah Rah” of the new year and the hoping it is going to be better than the last. Rather, it seems to me that people have drawn a line in the sand and have decided to CONNECT with God and to start taking hold of the promises that He has spoken to them. This is a year of FAITH. My sense for myself and for my family is that our Harvest is ready. Now is the time for action – acting on what God has told us to do. As we step out and have Faith we will see the most exciting things unfold. We need to have a clear understanding of the character of our Father and what it is He has done for us. In Colossians 1:9 (Amplified Bible) Paul prays “... that you may be filled with the full (deep and clear) knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom [in comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God] and in understanding and discernment of spiritual things.” Verse 10 talks about living a life that honours him – “bearing fruit in every good work and steadily growing and increasing in and by the knowledge of God”. Then in verses 11 and 12 he prays “that you may be invigorated and strengthened with all power according to the might of His glory, [to exercise] every kind of endurance and patience (perseverance and forbearance) with joy, giving thanks to the Father, Who has qualified and made us fit to share the portion which is the inheritance of the saints (God’s holy people) in the Light.” Jesus and the finished work of the cross have qualified us to accomplish the works He has called us to do. He has given us everything for life and godliness. We are called, equipped and qualified to do what we were born to do. Now is the time of harvest, now is the time where all the sowing that you have been doing will start to bear fruit. It is not dependant on the times and seasons of this world, but on God’s schedule. Just as He prospered Isaac after he obediently sowed during the famine, it is time for us to stand ready, look for our fields and call in the harvest. There is much work to do in the Kingdom. Now is not the time to be building your own kingdom as it will not last. As you seek His Kingdom first, then all these things will be added to you. Often we find ourselves eating our seed instead of obediently sowing it and waiting for God to provide the harvest.

As this Harvest time comes, let us be wise and sow for the next generation in our businesses and in our family. As we do, we will indeed bear fruit and impact the world around us. I trust this issue will encourage, inspire and educate you to grab hold of all that God has for you. Blessings,




Power of

Attitude H

cannot change the past, we cannot change the ave the same attitude as Christ! How fact that people will act a certain way. We cannot is your attitude these days? A famous change the inevitable. The only author once said, thing we can do is to play the “The longer I live, the more When you say, one string we have, and that is I realise the impact of attitude “I can’t do this,” you our ATTITUDE. I am convinced to life. Attitude to me is more that life is 10% what happens important than facts. It is more are right. When you to me and 90% how I react to it, important than the past, than say, “I can do this,” and so it is with you. We are in education, than money, than you are also right. charge of our attitudes.” circumstances, than failures, When you say, than successes, than what other The making of character is people think or do. It is more “I can do all things not how you handle a good important than appearance, through Christ,” you day, but rather how you giftedness or skill. It will make have hooked up your overcome what may seem to or break a business, a marriage, positive attitude be overwhelming odds. The a home. with almighty God – first step to overcoming any obstacle is a positive attitude. “The remarkable thing is with whom When you say, “I can’t do this,” that we have a choice every NOTHING you are right. When you say, “I day regarding the attitude we is impossible. can do this,” you are also right. will embrace for that day. We 8 |


When you say, “I can do all things through Christ,” you have hooked up your positive attitude with almighty God – with whom NOTHING is impossible. Therefore, it is not about how strong or weak you are, it is simply the Power of Attitude. It has been said by scientists that your attitude influences everyone within a twelve-metre radius of you. As such, we have a tremendous opportunity at home, church and work to be a force for God’s Love – if we believe in the presence of His great power within us...the Godhead itself...through the finished work of the cross (Colossians 2:9-10 AMP). Christ’s attitude in Chapter 2 of Philippians speaks volumes about how we should be, and Paul’s exhortation in Chapter 4 is the key to creating the right atmosphere for this powerful Attitude we hold. It touches others powerfully with the Peace we have in the Lord.

Jesus. “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me – practise these things, and the God of peace will be with you.” May your attitude, combined with HIS attitude, make a difference in your business and life today. Bill Braine Bill is a pastor in the Prophetic Ministry at Highway Christian Community, Pinetown.

In Philippians 4:4-9 Paul exhorts us to: “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ | 9




ust recently I discovered the importance of establishing a PRINCIPLE in your life that can be passed down to the third and fourth generation from you. The chances are that, if you manage to build a principle from the Word in your life, and it is passed down with passion and example to your children and then to their children, by the time it reaches that generation, you will have begun to set in place a principle that works naturally in the lives of your children’s children. In Hebrews 5:12 it says, “For even though by this time you ought to be teaching others, you actually need someone to teach you over again the very first principles of God’s Word. You have come to need milk, not solid food.”and 6:1-3, “Therefore let us go on and get past the elementary stage in

the teachings and doctrine of Christ (the Messiah), advancing steadily toward the completeness and perfection that belong to spiritual maturity. Let us not again be laying the foundation of repentance and abandonment of dead works (dead formalism) and of the faith [by which you turned] to God, with teachings about purifying, the laying on of hands, the resurrection from the dead, and eternal judgement and punishment. These are all matters of which you should have been fully aware long, long ago. If indeed God permits, we will now proceed to advance teaching.” Paul cautions against endlessly repeating the first principles of the faith and remaining spiritual babies. This constant laying out of the same things, over and over again, just keeps you at the same place of growth. I don’t want my children or grandchildren having to start again, wondering if God wants to bless | 11

them or heal them. I want them to walk in that understanding as part of the inheritance that has been laid down as a principle in their lives. Imagine what they would accomplish if they started out fully convinced that God healed, and poured out His favour on them. They wouldn’t have to struggle with these concepts. They would operate in a completely natural expectation of God’s promise to them. The first words God spoke to us in Adam were words of Blessing in Genesis 1:26-28, Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” so God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of every living thing that moves on the earth.” He wanted us to have “Blessing” in specific areas. Nowhere in His discourse did He mention that there was room for only a few chosen ones. The blessing was for all mankind, regardless of colour, background or where you live. Then God compounded this PRINCIPLE of BLESSING by starting in Abraham’s life, with a promise of blessing if certain things were done Genesis 12:13, “Now the Lord had said to Abram: “ Get out of your country, from your kindred and from your Father’s house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you , and I will curse him who curses you; And in you all families of the earth shall be blessed.” At the end of Abraham’s life he was extremely blessed. Then God did an amazing thing. He then blessed Isaac as well and later on He did the same to Jacob. Genesis 25:11, “ And it came to pass, after the death of Abraham, that God blessed his son Isaac. and Isaac dwelt at Beer Lahai Roi.” He became known as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in recognition of His generational interest. As God Himself “Blessed” all three patriarchs, He established a line of Blessing as a PRINCIPLE for us to embrace.

Imagine what they would accomplish if they started out fully convinced that God healed, and poured out His favour on them. They wouldn’t have to struggle with these concepts. They would operate in a completely natural expectation of God’s promise to them. Why should we as God’s people struggle then in the realm of finances? Surely if we embraced fully, and not partially, the principles in the Word that created wealth returns, our lives would mirror God’s desire that we prosper and have sufficient for our needs and some left over for the needs of others? Embracing God’s full financial package as a passion and a pattern in your life will result in returns that your children will see and want to be a part of. If they do the same and their children grasp the same, you are well on the way to setting a principle of wealth according to the Word of God, which will follow your family line from generation to generation. Does it work? Ask Jewish people worldwide. Allan Rockhill Kings.Net International



or some time now it seems that no matter where you turn your head, you hear the word ‘transition’, ‘transition’, ‘transition’. Transitioning is basically moving from one gear to another. It means one season flowing into the next. It involves change. It involves challenge. It involves risk. Isaiah 43:18-19 says, “Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brandnew. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it is! I’m making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands.” Whether the ‘old’ has been ‘the good old days’

Isaiah 43:18-19 says, “Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. Be alert, be present. I’m about to do something brand-new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it is! I’m making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands.” 14 |

to you or whether it’s been hard, the Father challenges and encourages us to leave it behind. It might be failures, successes, mindsets or little

I believe that He’s calling you to be alert, to be watchful, because He wants you to walk through doors that in your reality have been shut for too long. habits you’ve cultivated. Christ is inviting you to take a hold of the new. It’s like He’s saying, “Don’t be so caught up in your day-to-day grind that you miss out on new insights, strategies or ways I want to show you. Don’t become so arrogant that you think you have it all figured out.” In this season we’ve seen many great new births: businesses, ministries, families...the list is endless. We’ve also seen a lot of hopelessness, weariness and heartache. I believe the Father wants to stretch out his arms to those who have made it through multiple seasons of hardship. I believe that He’s calling you to be alert, to be watchful, because He wants you to walk through doors that in your reality have been shut for too long. He wants you to enjoy the joy and peace that He paid for on the Cross. He wants you to cease striving with human effort to make things


happen. He wants you to rest in His ability to do what you cannot do. He wants you to walk in the reality that He is in your midst...whether you’re in a boardroom, an overall, or your pyjamas. I think it is Banning Liebscher who said, ‘Prophets are forged in the deserts of fasting, not the desserts of feasting. A special mission demands a special consecration.’ Know that your time of testing, hardship and struggle is not in vain. Do not lose heart. Do not give up. As the seed in a pregnant woman’s womb grows, her body changes. She feels uncomfortable as she enlarges. There comes a time when she feels she just can’t carry it any longer, and eventually her child is born. In the same way, waiting for your vision or waiting for what God has deposited in you to mature, does not diminish you. It enlarges you.


appear messy. Nevertheless, it makes perfect sense to Me in My wisdom. I know what I’m doing. I will never leave you or forsake you. When I connect the so-called dots you’ll see my plan in perfection. I have prepared you. Before you lies something new. Now declare it. Walk into it. Live it.” In preparing for a brand new season in Christ, watch your heart for unforgiveness and for old attitudes that might limit you. See with new eyes; let Christ inspire and stretch you to believe for more this season. Do as Christ leads you, with what He has deposited in you, and walk in the fruitfulness that He has already provided. Bianca Steffen Doxa Deo Church, Pretoria

Before you lies something brand new

One morning as I was praying on my veranda I felt God speak this picture-word to me. “When new roads are laid out, they have to start from scratch. They start with the dirt, scrape it, compound it and tar it. Bits and pieces of the road are done before connecting it all and allowing traffic on the road to have a smooth ride. If it’s an existing road that needs fixing, you have to drive slowly as traffic is regulated. It’s messy! That’s pretty much the picture some people are facing with their lives. “You can’t always see what’s happening in your life. Like a road, it is under construction, and can

Whether the ‘old’ has been ‘the good old days’ to you or whether it’s been hard, the Father challenges and encourages us to leave it behind. | 15



…What a year! (And you can take that anyway you want.) At a New Year’s Eve service I went to, I sat and listened to testimonies of people’s experiences over the past year and I was amazed by the overwhelming sense of hope in Christ that prevailed – despite massive changes for many businesses and families, including financial near-ruin, and incredible physical, emotional and mental health challenges brought on by stress. Every testimony ended with the same message: “But God was there with me” … “But God helped me to persevere” … “But God intervened and saved my business.” Each testimony resonated with the apostle Paul’s

We all have a story about the year past. The question is, what story are we telling as we begin 2011?

when he wrote in Philippians 1:12, “Now I want you to know, brethren, that my circumstances have turned out for the greater progress of the gospel.” We all have a story about the year past. The question is, what story are we telling as we begin 2011? Are we telling tales of woe, speaking out fears about the unknown that lies ahead? Let’s be honest – that certainly is an easier route to go. (Just read a newspaper, listen to a radio or watch a news report on television. Instilling a sense of drama is a popular way of the world.) As believers, though, we are called to walk the narrower road as we bridge from one year into the next. The apostle Paul cautions us not to be distracted by past events and to keep our eyes fixed on the Godly visions and goals we have for our relationship with Him, for our families, our health, our businesses, our finances, our ministries. Even Paul, one of the greatest influencers on the world we know, wrestled with the challenges of moving on to better things. “Not that I have already obtained it, or have already become | 17


perfect,” he writes in Philippians 3:12-14, “but I press on in order that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”


overcome by the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony…” Let your testimony of 2010 enable others in the year ahead to overcome their past and place their hope in the One who touches our lives, businesses, homes, families, health, finances and relationships with His Mighty right hand. Be encouraged to step boldly into a blessed 2011.

Don’t languish in recollection of a hurting past. The body of Christ and the business world need you to be whole and flourishing in the gifts and talents you can bring to those around you. Picking up and pressing on

So if 2010 was a hard year for you, follow Paul’s instruction. Forget what lies in the past, pick yourself up (or ask others to help pick you up!) and press on into 2011, knowing that: • • •

you have the mind of Christ in you (1 Corinthians 2:16); it is He who gives you the power to make wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18); and as you commit your works to the Lord, your plans for 2011 will be established (Proverbs 16:3).

Don’t languish in recollection of a hurting past. The body of Christ and the business world need you to be whole and flourishing in the gifts and talents you can bring to those around you. And if your 2010 was smooth sailing, tell your story at every opportunity God gives you. The Word tells us in Revelation 12:10-11, “And I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, now the salvation and the power and the Kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, who accuses them before our God day and night. And they 18 |

Maria Stein downtheline

Sippit is a delightful coffee shop attached to a haberdashery where Cindy and Loraine’s passion for people and food is felt. They serve a very special Illy cappuccino and are known for their delicious quiche and salad lunches and decadent cakes which are only made with real cream and butter. Why not pop in and taste for yourself?





ith the tax year end just a few weeks away, the question one needs to ask oneself is: “Am I saving enough for my retirement?” Did you know that for every rand you save, up to 40c is funded by the taxman? According to a recent retirement survey, the majority of pensioners either had to cut their expenses significantly, find work to supplement their income, or rely on family members for financial support. These were certainly not the ‘golden years’ they had imagined. But this does not need to be your future if you take control now – and the earlier, the better. There is always a good excuse not to start saving. When we start work we need a car to get to work, then we want to buy a home, get married and have children. It is only when we are about 45 years old that we run out of excuses and start thinking about retirement. By then we have squandered an opportunity to secure our retirement.

When you retire comfortably and don’t have to make radical lifestyle changes or live in your children’s spare room, you will thank the ‘younger’ you who thought about your needs. 22 |

Look after the ‘older’ you

Start thinking about your retirement funding as a tax of 15% deducted from your salary, either through your employer’s retirement fund or through a retirement annuity. You can get used to living on what is left. The money that accumulates in that fund is for the ‘older’ you. It is not to buy a car or pay off debt; it is to look after the person that you will become. When you retire comfortably and don’t have to make radical lifestyle changes or live in your children’s spare room, you will thank the ‘younger’ you who thought about your needs. A retirement annuity is an easy and flexible way to save towards those all-important retirement years. You can voluntarily increase the monthly premium as your financial situation improves, and you can also deposit a lump sum into it if your business reflects a surplus just before the tax year end. “Empower Yourself” now by: • Starting planning earlier • Starting saving earlier • Talking to a financial adviser earlier – don’t wait until you retire. Trish Bartholomew MRB Financial Services


Bringing in the



was a tough year for me. It was a stretching, capacitygrowing year. A year of feeling sometimes inadequate for the great task that lay before me. A year of persevering and learning to trust God in situations that seemed absolutely impossible. A year of moving even further out of my comfort zone...and crying out, “Oh, Lord I don’t want to go if You are not there!”

expectation of fruitfulness and the excitement that comes with Harvest Time.

In one of my ‘selah moments’ with God toward the end of the year, I felt like God downloaded a

Which made me think of the scripture in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, where Solomon says, “To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven,” and the famous phrase in Esther, “For a time such as this…”.

So I have started this year with a huge expectation of fruitfulness and the excitement that comes with Harvest Time. picture into my heart – in fact, one very similar to the one on the cover. It was a rich, golden field, ripe for the harvest and stretching as far as the eye could see. As I looked at the beautiful sight, I had a sense of God putting a sickle into my hand and whispering in my ear, “It is all yours, go get it girl!” So I have started this year with a huge 24 |

This morning I was reminded of the scripture in Galatians 6:9 where Paul says, “And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.”

One of the challenges as you start or continue with your business is ‘reading’ the times and seasons of your business. In the beginning stages, it is very easy to become discouraged when things don’t seem to be taking off as quickly as we would have hoped. Just like a farmer and his crop, it is vitally important for you to understand the different seasons for your business. It is important to know when you should break ground and plough, when you should be sowing, and when you should be weeding. Then there is our least


favourite part...the waiting. The watering part belongs to God. All these seasons and times are vitally important in the life of our business. There are very few businesses that start one day and are reaping the next. You will see that most companies that seem like overnight successes have had someone ploughing, sowing and weeding behind the scenes for a while. I have spoken to a lot of people this past year and have been observing those who have been pressing into God’s Goodness; who have put in the work and are starting to see their seedlings turn into a field ripe for the harvest.

Don’t give up

Something to be careful of is not to get distracted and start planting new fields all over the place when the field we have already planted seems to be taking too long to bear fruit. Give your field some time to grow – and return often to tend it and make sure that the weeding takes place.

As God starts to release the Harvest to you, do not store it up for yourself. Start to reach out with a Kingdom mind and start to use that finance, influence and time to extend that Kingdom.

for their spiritual good and advantage]. Be mindful to be a blessing, especially to those of the household of faith [those who belong to God’s family with you, the believers.]” As God starts to release the Harvest to you, do not store it up for yourself. Start to reach out with a Kingdom mind and start to use that finance, influence and time to extend that Kingdom. Deuteronomy 8 speaks of a time of Harvest. In verse 17 and 18 there is a word of caution reminding us of the reason why God equips us: “... and beware lest you say in your mind and heart, ‘My power and the might of my hand have gotten me this wealth.’ But you shall earnestly remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His Covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.” Your Harvest, those promises that you have been trusting God for for years, are ripe and ready...For such a time as this. Go get it! Tracey Olivier Editor of Connect Magazine and founder of Kingdom Business Networking

Some of us have huge fields ready and ripe and waiting to be harvested...this is NOT the time to be giving up! This is the time of your Harvest. Harvest time is a time to diligently collect the harvest – and then to celebrate. Remember that it is not just for you. Look back at Galatians 6:10: “So then, as occasion and opportunity open up to us, let us do good [morally] to all people [not only being useful or profitable to them, but also doing what is | 25


LeTourneau, the inventor of most of the earthmoving equipment we use today, was popularly known as “God’s businessman”. LeTourneau’s story is a powerful example of what God can do through us when we follow His call. In LeTourneau’s case, it was to move mountains – in order that God might move men. As you read this story, we pray that you too will be moved...and dare to follow where God is leading. Robert Gilmore LeTourneau was a man who knew how to clear obstacles. When he met his wife Evelyn, she was but twelve, he was in his twenties. Almost at once she fell in love and began to pray, "Oh God, please have him wait for me." Bob did wait for her. When she turned seventeen he asked for her hand. His father, Oscar Peterson, forbade marriage until Evelyn was twenty-one. So R. G. eloped with her to Tijuana. Life was tough for the young couple. Often they did without necessities. For years they did not even have running water. The death of their first child forced them to realise they had neglected God in their marriage. They committed themselves fully to the Lord and began to tithe. By 1920 R. G. opened his first garage. The year of the stock market crash he formed his Peoria earth-moving business. Despite the times, Le Tourneau succeeded. R. G. became the greatest obstacle-mover in history, building huge earth-moving machines. During World War II he produced 70% of all the army's earth-moving machinery. He spoke of God as the Chairman of his Board. A lay pastor in the Christian and Missionary Alliance, R. G. shared his 26 |

faith with millions during his life. Additionally he started two agricultural missions in Liberia and established the LeTourneau foundation to channel 90% of his personal salary to Christian endeavors, especially the training of Christian workers in practical skills (such as house-building) which are needed on mission fields. He also gave of his time to Christian business associations and Christian colleges.

LeTourneau said that the money came in faster than he could give it away. He was convinced that he could not out-give God. “I shovel it out,” he would say, “and God shovels it back, but God has a bigger shovel.” R. G. maintained a close partnership with Evelyn. She could move obstacles, too. Once, at Bob's request, she baked his favorite hot Tamale pie – for eight thousand people! As active as he was in spiritual affairs, she was more so. She mothered the young men who worked for LeTourneau, even going so far as to rent a house that many could live in so they would not become prey to the vices of Chicago. Many became Christians. On May 30, 1937, Evelyn and R.G. LeTourneau were in a serious car accident. R. G. was on crutches when their twentieth wedding anniversary rolled around. Despite that, Evelyn coaxed him into the car on August 27, 1937. She

had something she wanted him to look at it with her. That day they drove to Winona Lake, Indiana, and she bought Camp Bethel. Using help from students of Wheaton College, she turned the camp into an evangelistic and recreational centre.

R.G. LeTourneau once said: “You will never know what you can accomplish until you say a great big yes to the Lord.” Numbers of people became Christians in its "Victory Circle". As a multi-millionaire, LeTourneau gave 90% of his profit to God's work and kept only 10% for himself. A special friend of Billy Graham, in his early days, LeTourneau designed a portable dome building intended for Graham crusades. He also founded a university that is thriving to this day. LeTourneau said that the money came in faster than he could give it away. LeTourneau was convinced that he could not out-give God. "I shovel it out,” he would say, “and God shovels it back, but God has a bigger shovel."

said in Matthew 17:20, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” R.G. LeTourneau once said: “You will never know what you can accomplish until you say a great big yes to the Lord.” R. G. LeTourneau died on 1st June 1969 at the age of 88, and his life is a testimony to the big things God can do, through people with big ideas. He learned to give unstintingly to God. Our prayer for those reading this article is that God may raise up many creative leaders who, like LeTourneau, will be movers of mountains and people. Excerpted from:

Many people see LeTourneau as one of the most influential people of the past hundred years. As the father of the modern earthmoving industry, he was responsible for 299 inventions. These inventions included the bulldozer, scrapers of all sorts, dredgers, portable cranes, rollers, dump wagons, bridge spans, logging equipment, mobile sea platforms for oil exploration, the electric wheel and many others. He introduced into the earthmoving and material handling industry the rubber tyre, which today is almost universally accepted. He invented and developed the Electric Wheel. His life's verse was Matthew 6:33: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." LeTourneau’s example reminds us that we too can be Mountain Movers. As the Great Physician | 27


Date: Venue: Cost: Contact:

8 & 9 April 2011 Highway Christian Community 10 Harvey Road, Pinetown R150pp 083 560 1393


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R1400 R700

1/8 Page


Prices are quoted per advert layout and include two proofs. Any further alternations will be charged at R250 per hour. Please note that the page size is A5 portrait. Artwork supplied requires a 5mm bleed.

Publication Deadlines






11 Mar 2011

6 May 2011

8 July 2011

9 Sept 2011

11 Nov 2011

For a booking form go to or fax us the form overleaf. 30 |

CONNECT is available at the following locations: Amanzimtoti Sweetwaters Full Gospel Church, Kingsway Church Durban North - Gear Up (Kensington Rd), Living Waters Church, Northway Church Empangeni Christian Family Church Hillcrest GraceHill Church, Focus On The Family Bookshop, Kloof/Gillitts Kloof Harvest Church, Sarepta Church


ADVERTISEMENT BOOKING FORM Please include all details requested in the form below to book your advertisement, in order for us to invoice you for the advertisement and make arrangements to get the artwork completed and approved. Advertiser

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La Lucia Juicy Lucy (La Lucia Mall) Morningside The Olive Tree, The Artisan & The Well Hairdressers Musgrave Scripture Union, St Olav’s Church Pinetown/Westmead Highway Christian Community, Pinetown Baptist Church, Doxa Deo Pietermaritzburg African Enterprises, The Coffee Berry (Cascades Mall)





Full Page Half Page 1/4 Page 1/8 Page KBN Member



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TERMS AND CONDITIONS • 30 days notice of cancellation required. A cancellation fee of 30% of the total value will be charged. Cancellations are not acceptable after the First of the month prior to the publication. • Any changes to the order are to be confirmed in writing. • Payments for advertisements to be made strictly before print date. • This contract is concluded on acceptance and signature by the duly authorised representative of your company.


Umhlanga Umhlanga Harvest

Authorised Signature of Advertiser

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The booking form must be completed and faxed to 086 562 1444.

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