connected magazine issue 103

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The official magazine for Chamber members
cover photo created by kjpargeter - 0330 113 0303 HAPPY NEW YEAR HAPPY NEW YEAR Wishing you a happy, healthy & prosperous 2023
CONTENTS this issue 4 Editors comment 5 Chief Executive’s comment 6 Connect 8-11 Global 12 International Trade Training 13 Protect 14-15 Transform 16 Inform 17 Ask the Expert 18 Marketing Insight 20-21 Sponsorship Opportunities 22-23 New Members 24 Charity News 25 Chamber Charity of the Year 26-29 Member News 30 Wellbeing 31-33 Green news 34 LSIP update 36 Growth Works 37-39 Chamber Events 8 17 24 29 26 36 Cover Photo: Image by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash connected 3

Welcome to our first issue of connected for 2023. We look forward to bringing you news from across the Chamber Network, updating you on benefits of membership and providing details of Chamber events and training courses. On the centre page spread you can find out how you can achieve great publicity and exposure for your company through our sponsorship opportunities.

Chamber events for February and March can be found on page 37-39 and you can find out the latest update on the Local Skills Improvement Plan by attending one of our workshops; details on page 34.

The copy deadline to appear in the March issue of connected is Friday 3 March. Please send your copy and images directly to me. SADIE

EDITOR welcome from the
Welcome ....
Chief Executive Vic Annells Editor Sadie Parr Published and Printed by Design Helen Dwyer Advertising Sadie Parr Membership Team Bren Coleman 01223 209811 Jack Wilson 07564 054922 Kamla Sooriah 07955 439393 Chamber contact details Clifford House, 2 Station Yard, Oakington, Cambridge, CB24 3AH Tel 01223 237414 Email Visit @CambsChamber Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce @CambsChamber Views expressed in connected are not necessarily these of Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce. Acceptance of advertisements does not imply official endorsement of the products or services concerned. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of editorial content, no responsibility can be taken for any errors and/ or omissions. The editor reserves the right to make amendments without notification. INSPIRING SUCCESS ISSUE 103 The official magazine for Chamber members PLUS . . ALL THE LATEST NEWS FROM THE CHAMBER NETWORK SUPPORTING BUSINESS IN 2023 AT HOME AND INTERNATIONALLY FEB 2023 17 Construction & Property Network Breakfast, Huntingdon MAR 2023 16 Understanding Logistics course 22 Understanding a Customs Declaration course • DIARY DATES • 23 Understanding Commodity Codes course 10 Speed Networking, Cambridge 21 Informal Networking Evening, Stamford 8 Customs Procedures and Documentation course 8 Informal Networking Evening, Huntingdon 14 Safari Networking Lunch, Ely 15 Incoterms 2020 course 16 Informal Networking Evening, Cambridge 28 Safari Networking Breakfast, Peterborough 16 Informal Networking Evening, Cambridge 8 International Women’s Day, Peterborough 21 Informal Networking Evening, Peterborough 22 Informal Networking Evening, St Neots 23 Construction & Property Network Lunch, Newmarket 30 Employment Law Update, Huntingdon 8 Understanding Rules of Origin course 4 connected


Chief Executive’s comments

Earlier this month the Government announced a new energy support package which falls short for struggling UK businesses. Despite Government efforts, an 85 per cent drop in the financial envelope of support will support the thousands of businesses who are seriously struggling.

Many businesses have been fighting for their survival for months, and rising energy costs have fast become the tipping point. While we welcome the 12-month duration of this package, its value is nowhere near far enough and means that for some firms, energy will now be a cost too far.

We understand Government must consider public finances, but any support package, short or long term, should be right for business - otherwise we’re going around in circles. The wrong type of support will continue to see business confidence deplete and Government having to revisit its package.

This is not about giving a handout to failing firms. It is about investing in British businesses, many of whom are confident about the strength of their order-books despite being hammered by eye-watering energy costs. Our economy will not be able to grow if our businesses are in decline.

Alongside an energy support package, we need an energy support strategy to get businesses on the right track to longer term efficiency.

There are several options to consider, and we urge the Government to prioritise the following three:

• Increase OFGEM’s powers: Ensure effective competition in the business energy market for non-domestic contracts by extending OFGEM’s regulatory powers to guarantee businesses access competitive fixed rate contracts, and energy providers move swiftly to pass on wholesale price reductions

• Energy production: Government to bring forward ambitious plans to enable more renewable and sustainable energy production across the UK

• National energy saving campaign: Government should launch a national campaign with support initiatives for businesses to drive down current consumption through energy efficiency measures, such as green grants and tax incentives.

This is a critical year for the UK economy and with the right focussed support, businesses can help turn the economy around and get the UK back to growth and prosperity.

We are keen to hear how your company is managing with the cost of energy. Please do share this with us by emailing

Completing our Quarterly Economic Survey is also a good way to let us know how things have been for your business and the challenges you’re facing. QES findings are vital in our lobbying efforts because they are broken down to individual accredited Chamber-level, making sure your voice is properly heard both nationally and locally on the issues that matter. The results for Q4 2022 can be found on page 14. The next survey goes live on Monday 13 February.

Chamber Patron Members

comment from the
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Chamber membership provides you with links to national companies providing services at exclusive rates for members.

Chamber Primary Health Plan

All Chamber members are eligible to join Westfield Health’s exclusive Chamber Primary Health Plan. The exclusive plan helps cover every day healthcare costs for employees, as well as providing access to a range of valuable health and wellbeing services.

With cover starting from as little as £6.13 per employee per month, some of the key features include:

• Pre-existing medical conditions covered and no medical required to join

• 100% reimbursement on money back benefits

• Immediate cover on all benefits.

Cover is available to companies of any size, whether you are a sole trader or a large organisation.


All Chamber members are entitled to a free, comprehensive Energy Health Check. This audit includes:

• Desktop energy efficiency survey

• Contract structure review

• Price review

• Availability capacity review (most businesses pay too much for availability and by streamlining this, can save almost immediately)

• Green/Net Zero options

• On site generation proposals.


Networking is key to individual and company development. Businesses network to develop relationships with people and companies they may do business with now, and in the future. These connections help to establish rapport and trust among the business community.

The Chamber provides many opportunities for members to widen their network of business contacts; one of these is through Speed Networking.

What is Speed Networking?

There isn’t a moment to spare as you move around the room with just 60 seconds to highlight your company’s unique selling points to each delegate. And that’s just to get you started as there will also be time for additional networking over refreshments.

When? Friday 10 February from 9.30-11.30am

Where? Novotel Cambridge North, CB4 0AE

Cost? Just £10.00 (plus VAT). All ticket money will be donated to the Chamber Charity of the Year.

How do I book? Members can book online at www. Alternatively, telephone Zoe McCabe Brennan, Events Executive, on 01223 237414 or email

You can see a full listing of Chamber events for February and March on pages 37-39

If you think the plan would help to support your employees, please contact our Membership Team on 01223 237414 for more information or visit


To grow your business, you need funding - and unless you’re an expert in the thousands of products and lenders in the marketplace, that can be a daunting task. That’s why we’ve partnered with Swoop to give our members access to the finance solutions you need to protect and expand your business.

All members have access to the Chamber Finance Finder, simply register for a free account, provide the relevant information, and within minutes, you’ll be matched to all available finance opportunities on the market, including instant loan offers, merchant cash advances and other products built to answer the needs of your business. Swoop’s technology takes the time and effort out of researching and applying for the finance you need, freeing you up to look after the running of your business.

Additional benefits available exclusively to Chamber members include:

• 7 days a week Chamber Finance Finder hotline on +44 20 3966 7585 from 9.00am-5.00pm

• Free financial health assessment

• Templates and tools to aid your applications.

We provide Chamber members with many opportunities to widen their network of business contacts – building connections, creating opportunities and maximising the benefits of being part of Cambridgeshire’s most vibrant business network.
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This event is supported by To access Chamber Utilities or Chamber Finance Finder please visit www.cambridgeshirechamber.
Up to 67% off Contact your local British Chamber of Commerce representative award-winning business breakdown cover We fix 4/5 cars at the roadside, right there and then Track us right to your side if one of your vehicles breaks down We have more expert Patrols trained in electric vehicles than anyone else* *More Patrols / EV trained: All our Patrols are EV trained. Source: AA Staff List (2,714, May 2021) and RAC website (1,600, May 2021). Automobile Association Insurance Services Limited is an insurance intermediary authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered office: Fanum House, Basing View, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 4EA. England and Wales. Company registration number 2414212.

This year we are aiming to help as many businesses as possible improve their workforce knowledge and skills, thus improving the business itself. We have many different courses all relating to international trade, and it is imperative that your staff are armed with the skills to be able to negotiate the right incoterms and freight terms when making a sale, know the requirements of HMRC for Customs and Documentation, and have the skills required to ensure your business is making the most of international trading.

Please turn to page 12 to see an overview of the courses we offer and information on how to register.


New data released from a survey of more than 1,168 businesses (92% SMEs) shows significant challenges for UK firms trying to use the Trade and Co-operation Agreement (TCA).

The TCA was agreed on Christmas Eve in 2020 to allow tariff-free trade with the EU once Brexit took effect. But, a high proportion of businesses say they are still having major problems trying to use the deal to trade with Europe.

The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) has sent the Government a report setting out the main issues the TCA is causing with solutions to many of the problems.

The survey also found that alongside problems with the TCA, four in five (80%) firms had seen the cost of importing increase since January, more than half (53%) had seen their sales margins decrease and almost three quarters (70%) of manufacturers had experienced shortages of goods and services.

Photo by Maksym Kaharlytskyi on Unsplash
We’re your gateway to international trade, providing a unique combination of expert knowledge, essential documentation and the business connections needed to capitalise on new market opportunities overseas and succeed in a global marketplace.
More than three quarters (77%) of firms for whom the Brexit deal is applicable say it is not helping them increase sales or grow their business
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“Customs on both sides of the EU border seem to have a separate set of rules to be able to charge different amounts for the same thing. We don’t know until it’s too late what these costs are.”

Retailer in Dundee

“Leaving the EU made us uncompetitive with our EU customers. We would have lost all of our EU trade without a base in the EU. This has cost our business a huge amount of money which could have been invested in the UK had it not been for Brexit.”

Retailer in Ayrshire

“Exporting goods into the EU since Brexit, continues to prove difficult. We have experienced a lot of our goods going missing when they reach customs control. Due to additional import costs, we have found that quite a few of our EU customers that we have dealt with for a long time, in regard to providing a qualifying service, now stay within the EU instead of the UK.”

Manufacturer in the East Midlands

“Brexit has been the biggest ever imposition of bureaucracy on business. Simple importing of parts to fix broken machines or raw materials from the EU have become a major time-consuming nightmare for small businesses, and Brexit related logistics delays are a massive cost when machines are stood waiting for parts. We used to export lesser amounts to the EU, but the bureaucracy makes it no longer worthwhile.”

Manufacturer in Dorset

More than half (56%) of firms face difficulties adapting to the new rules for trading goods

Shevaun Haviland, Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce, said: “Businesses want political leaders on both sides to move on from the debates of the past and find ways to trade more freely.

“This means an honest dialogue about how we can improve our trading relationship with the EU. With a recession looming we must remove the shackles holding back our exporters so they can play their part in the UK’s economic recovery.

“If we don’t do this now then the long-term competitiveness of the UK could be seriously damaged. It is no coincidence that during the first 15 months of the TCA we stopped selling 42 per cent of all the different products that we used to.

“Businesses feel they are banging their heads against a brick wall as nothing has been done to help them, almost two years after the TCA was first agreed. The longer the current problems go unchecked, the more EU traders go elsewhere, and the more damage is done.

“There are clearly some structural problems built into the TCA which cannot be addressed until it is reviewed in 2026.

“But as we set out in our report to Government there are some issues that do not need to wait on months of negotiations or major reviews to be fixed.”

The BCC has sent the Government a report setting out solutions to many of the issues


Its top five proposals for quick action are:

1. Create a supplementary deal with the EU which either eliminates or reduces the complexity of exporting food for SMEs.

2. Establish a supplementary deal, like Norway’s, that exempts smaller firms from the requirement to have a fiscal representative for VAT in the EU

3. Allow CE marked goods and components to continue to be used in Great Britain after 2024.

4. Make side deals with the EU and member states to allow UK firms to travel for longer and work in Europe.

5. Reach an agreement on the future of the Protocol on Ireland/ Northern Ireland with the European Commission in the early months of 2023, to stabilise our trading relationship.

GLOBAL REACH extend your
Almost half (45%) face difficulties adapting to the new rules for trading services, and a similar number (44%) report difficulties obtaining visas for staff
Weare a fresh,agile HRconsultancy thatloves partneringwithourclients,placingthe spotlight onyourissuesanddeveloping practicalandtransformational HR solutionsforyouandyourteam. Webelievethat�inding coste�fectivesolutions thatcan e enable, support and p protect both organisationsandtheir employeesisfundamental toeverythingwedo. Wewouldloveto startaconversation andexplorehowwe canhelpyou. Contactusto�ind outmore. 01234989100 connected 9

Sterling gains in 2023 will be hard fought

It is fair to say, 2022 was a terrible year for Sterling, since 1 January 2022, the Pound tumbled 10 per cent against the US Dollar and Swiss Franc and five per cent against others including the Euro.

Three Prime Ministers, four Chancellors, a dithering Bank of England and inflation soaring, primarily due to the war in Ukraine, was not an environment for a post Brexit Pound to succeed in.

The most torrid time came soon after the then Prime Minister Liz Truss and her Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng introduced the world to Trussonomics, with their end of September mini budget. We wrote at the time that parity against both the US dollar and Euro was a widespread conversation, and some large speculators were pushing hard for this outcome to realise gains on their huge bets.

The crisis of a prolonged freefall of the Pound was advert with the appointment of Jeremy Hunt as Chancellor and subsequently, Prime Minister #3, Rishi Sunak. The Sunak Hunt budget of mid-November reversed Trussonomics, steading the markets perception of UK PLC. It did however copy a trick from the European Union and kicked the tougher corrections down the line, when current polling suggests we will have a Labour government.

AND FOR 2023?

Whilst globally many countries face similar headwinds, economists are

expecting the UK to struggle the most. A full year of recession is likely, very high inflation is only expected to tail off in the latter part of the year, the cost of living crisis and all manner of key services disrupted by strikes further dampens the mood for the public and the markets alike.

The Sterling roller coaster of 2022 at times looked like Oblivion (™Alton Towers), for 2023 a gentler game of snakes and ladders will prevail, played by the market friendly boring duo of Sunak and Hunt, with the governor of the Bank of England Andrew Bailey joining the game on occasions. Sterling will land on a ladder square and rally only to later find a snake and lose its value again. The lows of 2022 are not expected, and any highs will likely not be too noteworthy.

Expect calls for a general election to grow louder as the year progresses however, we expect the political turmoil of 2022 to be avoided. Potential progress on the North Ireland protocol would be Sterling positive. With gloomy forecast already a market expectation, better than expected economic performance and a subsequent change of sentiment will also buoy Sterling against other currencies The UK and Europe are praying for a milder winter to mitigate the high cost of energy. In the UK many households will see in quick succession, increasing

Plain paper Certificates of Origin

It has been agreed that from 1 April 2023 the UK Issuing Body Network will move to plain paper Certificates of Origin. This means that exporters will no longer need pre-printed Certificates of Origin as the entire certificate will now be printed. These must be printed in colour with a watermark and of a standard that is acceptable to customs authorities.

The electronic providers have been made aware of this decision and will update their systems as necessary.

We have asked whether manual certificates of origin can still be applied for and as soon as we have an answer we will share details with you.

If you have any questions, please do get in touch with the International Trade team on 01223 237414.

mortgage costs, peak heating bills, council tax increases, ongoing food inflation, plus the stubbornly high cost of filling up a car. The cost of living crisis will dampen demand for the first five months of 2023. We are nation of spenders and there maybe something still left of the billions saved during covid to find outlets for in the summer months.


Forecasters are notoriously inaccurate for any given date however a range of opinions forecasts Sterling against the US Dollar to trade between 1.1650 to 1.2650 and against the Euro 1.1050 to 1.2150 through 2023.

Exporters have been benefiting from the depreciating pound, however alongside importers reviewing the costs being incurred and the strategy of managing currency exposure becomes even more important. As such, specialist support as provided by companies like Ascendant, can fill a gap not provided by larger financial institutions.

For more information on how Ascendant can benchmark your current supplier and to hear about how we are reducing the cost of foreign exchange for local businesses, contact

We’re your gateway to international trade, providing a unique combination of expert knowledge, essential documentation and the business connections needed to capitalise on new market opportunities overseas and succeed in a global marketplace.
10 connected

Do I need to translate every page of my website?

Top Tips from Iwona Lebiedowicz, founder of PAB Languages Centre

A multilingual website engages new audiences and opens the opportunity to become visible across international search engines. However, it is a common belief that to successfully engage international audiences you must translate every single page on your website, but is this true? While there is some truth to this statement, adopting a more considered approach to website localisation may save your business time and a considerable amount of money. Today we explore how choosing the right translation methods can engage global markets within your marketing budget.

Consider what content you want to localise and why?

Getting your website translated and localised may seem like the first step to gaining global visibility. So, should you do that? The answer depends entirely upon your chosen route to market.

If you supply directly to the end user in your target market, having a comprehensive multilingual website is essential. 56 per cent of consumers said the ability to get information in their native language is even more important than price. But it’s not just about translating your content and product descriptions, localisation goes much, much further, and ensures the investment you’ve made in your website gives you the growth you want.

If you sell only through your overseas trading partners, localising the main landing pages on your website will show your commitment to your new partners, giving them the reassurance, they can trust you, your products, and services. In today’s competitive market where excellent customer service and credibility both count almost as much as price, getting the customer experience right from the outset is essential. Invest in localising the most important pages first, for example, the pages that are performing best right now or pages that are most relevant. Also, some of your

blog posts might not be relevant at all to the audience you are reaching with your translated website.

If you typically export via agents or distributors, then, it is only necessary to have one link on your website (in the relevant language or with a local flag) which takes the customer to your representative’s website. In that way, the customer can ask questions of your local representative about products, prices, and availability, in the local language. You should ensure that your representative is well-equipped with a selection of good quality photographs and technical data for each product. However, if you are planning to supply directly to the end user in your target market, then it would make sense to translate all or most of your website (the important pages) – as long as you have people who are qualified to answer any questions that may result, in the local language. If your website is in the customer’s language, they will of course expect you to answer questions in that language.

The magic of keywords

So, you’ve chosen the most important pages for translation, but now it’s time to consider international SEO. For those wondering – International SEO refers to a process of optimising your digital content so that search engines identify which languages or countries you want to reach. Therefore, having a multilingual website will expand your business’s traffic to include other languages and countries by increasing rankings on Google search and any search platforms that are popular in your target market. However, for the website to be visible and rank well with the international market audience the most culturally appropriate and widely searched keywords must be found for each market separately.

Cultural adaptation cannot be done by the engines WordPress like TranslatePress will offer to

integrate with automatic tools such as Google Translate and DeepL. However, the meaning of words and sentences relies upon an understanding of the context of the statement and can often lead to errors in machine translation. If your website copy contains slogans that rely upon a cultural reference, a joke, or an idiom in your native language, the translator will have to find an image in their native culture that has a similar effect.

Furthermore, when it comes to crafting compelling messages, it is no secret that copywriters need to use persuasive words and phrases. It is not enough that the copy is easy to read, the copy should be effective and engaging and this is only possible when you work with professional translators with relevant cultural backgrounds and similar mindset to the target audience.

Furthermore, are your images still appropriate for the culture that you are targeting? A native translator’s advice here can be surprisingly crucial. Make sure all images have appropriate translations and that they have been adapted to fit the local culture because they may carry different meanings.

Why PAB Languages?

PAB Languages Centre helps organisations across all industries connect and communicate with their audiences in over 200 languages. Whether you’re looking to translate your advertising copy, create a video in several languages or localise your website PAB’s resolute project management team with global network of expert copywriters, marketing linguists, and certified translators can help.

Please get in touch today https://www. or on 07799 772360 to discuss your project.

GLOBAL REACH extend your
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Our regular training courses provide the knowledge to assist with your international trade activities. Currently, all courses will take place online via Zoom.


Course Dates 2023


8 February, 10 May, 20 September, 13 December

The course looks at the procedures required to deal with customs. It is vitally important that importers and exporters understand the information required to be submitted, fines and inspections are things that no company wants to endure.


22 February, 25 May, 21 September, 14 December

The importance of understanding the legalities of a Customs Declaration has never been more important. Ensure your company has the knowledge to make sure your declarations are compliant should a HMRC Auditor arrive at your door!


23 February, 1 June, 4 October

This course we will ensure you are aware of what a commodity code is and what it is used for, help you understand the process of how to classify goods, successfully classify a range of goods and understand the importance of getting your commodity codes correct.


8 March, 8 June, 11 October

This course will explain all aspects of the Rules of Origin and Trade agreements and how to understand and comply with them to help companies be more competitive in export markets.


15 March, 21 June, 12 October

This course will explain Incoterms® and their importance in international trade contracts, and give information on how to determine costs / liability.


16 March, 13 June

Understand the process of managing how resources are acquired, stored, and transported to their final destination.


19 April, 5 July, 8 November

This course covers all the basic key areas around importing and will explain the requirements for documentation, plus an overview of country of origin and incoterms.


20 April, 12 July, 15 November

This course covers all the basic key areas around exporting. It will explain the requirements for documentation, plus an overview of country of origin and incoterms.


27 April, 6 September, 6 December

Ensure your company has the right tools to be compliant in the new world of UK/International Trade. This workshop shows companies how to look at their SOPS and compliance, going through key areas of procedures and compliance, preparing for trading internationally either by exporting or importing.


7 June

Letters of Credit are becoming more commonly requested around the world. Make sure your business has the knowledge to trade on a Letter of Credit now to avoid delays and financial impacts.


24 May, 16 November

The course will cover special procedures and the benefits of using IP and OP in your compliance.

Full course details are available on our website


Our training courses run from 9.30am-1.00pm. Cost per course: £250.00 (plus VAT) Chamber members, £330.00 (plus VAT) non-Chamber members. To register please visit our website, email or telephone 01223 237414.

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To access these services please visit the protection page on the Chamber website or call our membership team on 01223 237414.



Unlimited access and included as part of your membership

The Service:

1. Advice Line – 24/7, 365 days – experienced advisors

2. HR Document Library – 450+ template documents and information

3. Legal Expenses Insurance - £1,000,000 limit that covers Employment Tribunals


• Manage Problems – disciplinary issues, persistent absence, disability issues, grievances, redundancy, dismissal, equal pay, capability, long term sickness etc.

• Get Answers – vaccinations, hybrid working, variations in sick pay

• Stay Compliant – contracts of employment, employee handbooks, understanding responsibilities, changes in legislation

• Save Money – you may not need to outsource HR services

• Peace of Mind – help at the end of phone, insurance, do the right thing – doing the wrong thing can be very expensive.

Any problems, questions or concerns, call Chamber HR on 01455 852037.


Unlimited access and included as part of your membership

The Service:

1. Advice line

2. H&S Document Library – 130+ template documents

3. Legal Expenses Insurance – to defend HSE prosecutions


• Manage Problems – accident management, incidents, reporting accidents

• Get Answers – do’s and don’ts, your responsibilities, safe working environments etc.

• Stay Complaint – HS Document Library has all the key compliance documents, risk assessments, policy documents

• Staff Safety – working at heights, hazardous substances, fire risk, lone workers

• Save Money – access to advice and documents are included in your membership.

Any problems, questions or concerns call Chamber Health & Safety on 01455 852037.



Unlimited access and included as part of your membership

The Service:

1. Advice Line

2. Legal Document Library – 180+ template documents

3. Legal Expenses Insurance – cover for your business and staff.


• Manage Problems – contract disputes, debt recovery, legal disputes, property issues, landlord or tenant problems, small claims court procedures etc.

• Get Answers – the law, your rights, guidance and what to do next

• Protecting Your Business – GDPR guidance, commercial law, company law

• Legal Requirements – company documents, company notes, partnership documents

• Save Money – you may not need to pay for advice or support.

Any problems, questions or concerns call Chamber Legal on 01455 852037.


Unlimited access and included as part of your membership

The Service:

1. Tax Advice Line – access to tax specialists

2. VAT Advice Line – access to VAT specialists

3. Legal Expenses Insurance – tax enquiry cover.


• Manage Problems – HMRC enquiries / tax returns

• Manage Tax Liability – benefits in kind, corporation tax calculations, property income, stamp duty liability, VAT exemptions, inheritance tax

• International Trade – advice on changes to VAT and duty following Brexit, recovery of foreign VAT, EU reverse charge mechanism etc.

• Save Money – you may be able to get free advice to resolve your issue.

Any problems, questions or concerns call Chamber Tax on 01455 852037.

Advice lines: All advice lines – call 01455 852037

Document libraries: Access via and use your unique credentials to enter the site. If you don’t have these, please contact Hilary Pawley at the Chamber on 01223 237414 or email

Want to know more? Book a free One2One meeting with a Quest Business Support Manager email

how to
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For your protection and peace of mind Chamber HR, Legal, Health & Safety and Tax. It’s time to find out what’s in it for you.

No Signs of Business Recovery – BCC Quarterly Economic Survey Q4 2022

of firms expect their turnover to increase over the next 12 months, while 25 per cent expect a decrease. Those expecting turnover to increase remains 10 percentage points down from a level of 54 per cent in Q2 2022.

Profitability confidence remains much weaker than turnover confidence and has stabilised at Covid-crisis levels. Only one in three (34%) businesses believe their profits will increase over the coming year, while 36 per cent now expect a decrease.

Little sign of plans to increase business investment

Increases to business investment remain low. Only 21 per cent of firms reported an increase to plant/equipment investment over the past three months, while 57 per cent reported no change, and 22 per cent reported a decrease.

The BCC’s Quarterly Economic Survey (QES) for Q4 2022 shows key economic indicators have stabilised at concerningly low levels, following significant declines in Q3.

The survey of over 5,600 firms – 92 per cent of whom are SMEs –reveals business confidence, conditions and sales have stabilised at low levels, while inflation remains the top external factor of concern.

The research took place between 7-30 November, across the period the Government’s Autumn Statement was announced.

Business activity not experiencing any bounce back from significant fall in Q3

The percentage of firms reporting increased domestic sales has stabilised at the low level reported in Q3. Only 33 per cent of firms experienced an increase in sales over the past three months, while 25 per cent of firms reported a decrease in sales and 42 per cent report no change.

Activity in the retail and hospitality sectors remains particularly weak. Both sectors are firmly in ‘negative territory’, with more firms reporting a decrease in sales than an increase over the past three months.

The hospitality sector is also struggling to operate at full capacity; three quarters (74%) of hospitality businesses reported they are operating below capacity.

More firms continued to report decreased cash flow versus increased cash flow.

Only 24 per cent of business said their cash flow has increased over the last three months, while 30 per cent have seen it decrease.

Business confidence remains at Covid-crisis levels

After business confidence plummeted in Q3, firms continued to report a negative outlook for the future in Q4. Less than half (44%)

confidence remains at Covid-crisis

Inflationary pressures remain top business concern

The percentage of firms expecting their prices to rise over the coming months (60%) remains near record highs but is showing slight signs of easing, down from 62 per cent in Q3.

Concern about inflation also remains at record highs; 80 per cent of firms cited inflation as a growing worry to their business. But there are also significant jumps in the percentage of firms concerned about taxation (38%) and interest rates (43%).

Vic Annells, Chief Executive at Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce, commented:

“These QES results highlight that business confidence in Cambridge remains low with limited indication of plans to increase business investment and high concerns regarding inflation, taxation, and interest rates.

“Recruitments issues are still impacting local businesses with energy prices creating great restraints on finances.

“We need to understand now what support will be available to enable businesses of all sizes to plan and manage their cash flow. If companies are unaware of what the future is likely to hold in terms of additional support from the government during this energy crisis, jobs will be lost, costs will be cut, and investment will decline. All these things will drive inflation, lengthen the recession, and hit those trying to help the country recover.”

David Bharier, Head of Research at the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC), said: “These results provide further confirmation that business conditions deteriorated significantly in the second half of 2022.

“The situation remains critical for the majority of SMEs who find themselves cut adrift by monumental inflationary pressures, often driving triple-digit percentage cost increases, particularly on energy.

As a Chamber member you have the power to influence key decision makers and play a leading role in tackling the issues that are preventing your business from reaching its potential, while an experienced team of lobbyists represents your interests in Whitehall.
Shevaun Haviland David Bharier
After significant declines across all business conditions tracked by the BCC in Q3, most indicators have stabilised at a low level.
levels; only one in three (34%) businesses believe their profits will increase over the coming year, while more (36%) expect a decline.
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Just 33% of firms experienced an increase in sales over the past three months, while 25% of firms reported a decrease, with hospitality firms the least likely to report improvements.

“Business confidence remains worryingly low, with only a third of firms reporting improvements to sales, and less than a quarter reporting increased investment. The widespread economic damage caused by Covid shutdowns has been compounded by subsequent inflation, global trade crises, and new trade barriers with the EU. For many SMEs, the cost of doing business is now simply too high.

“While the change in administrations from Truss to Sunak may have stabilised markets, the Autumn Statement on 17 November appears to have had no impact on business confidence. Indeed, while inflation is still by far and away the top concern for businesses, taxation has now become far more of an issue for SMEs.

“These results reaffirm the need to create a stable environment for businesses to invest, with energy, improvements to infrastructure, access to skills, and removal of trade barriers, particularly with the EU, all top priorities for firms.”

Responding to the findings, Director General of the British Chambers of Commerce, Shevaun Haviland, said: “The outlook from businesses remains bleak. Now, more than ever, we need to create the right conditions for firms to invest and grow.

“Providing businesses with clarity regarding the new energy support package must be top of the Government’s agenda for the New Year, after they failed to do so before Christmas.

“We urge Government to promote business growth by investing in public infrastructure and incentivising international trade, with a particular emphasis on making the UK the global hub for green innovation.

“Barriers to trade must be removed in order to allow firms realise their full trading potential. The impasse over the Northern Ireland Protocol continues to loom and the UK Government must work with the European Commission to reach a negotiated solution on its business compliance burdens.

“The Government’s New Year’s resolution should be to put business support for SMEs at the heart of its agenda and get the UK back on the road to recovery.”

“Uncertainty caused by bad government decisions over an extended period have led to wasted effort and lost opportunities in the construction sector.”

Micro construction firm in Kent

“We are desperately short of semi/unskilled workers. We could increase business by about 20 per cent if we could employ. We are turning away work as we are struggling to meet current requirements with the staff we have.”

Small professional services firm in Sussex

“We are still suffering from the pretty much total loss of our European export trade. This is directly as a result of Brexit and shipping difficulties, including factors such as double duty payments. This has reduced turnover by 50 per cent.”

Micro retailer in Norfolk


“Our electric costs will rise from £34,000 per year to around £250,000 from March and there is so much uncertainty. We want to invest to make us more efficient and reduce our electrical usage, but there are no grants on offer to help.”

Small services firm in Somerset

Steve Jones, Managing Director of Wyboston Lakes Resort and Chairman of the Meetings Industry Association (mia) took part in a recent Parliamentary Reception. UK Hospitality put the case for help for the industry, how it can create 250,000 new jobs and generate £40 billion in revenue for the Treasury if it has support to overcome the issues that are holding it back.

Steve Jones commented: “This event was a great opportunity to put across to the government the current challenges we face as a sector of high business rates, labour shortages and energy costs. Let’s hope that that the words are getting through.”

TRANSFORM the power to
More firms are reporting taxation (38%) and interest rates (43%) as growing business concerns.
Let’s hope that that the words are getting through to the Government
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Peterborough Positive, the city’s Business Improvement District (BID), is encouraging levy-paying businesses to download a free app that will help prevent low-level crime and anti-social behaviour in the city centre.

The Peterborough Business Crime Partnership will be powered by Disc, an online platform and digital application designed to help local businesses share information and report crimes. The introduction of Disc helps the BID work towards one of its objectives - improving safety in Peterborough city centre.

Information provided on Disc includes galleries of know offenders, news alerts and details of upcoming events, all accessible 24/7. There is an instant messaging system which can warn businesses of anti-social behaviour in real-time.

The platform generates a weekly eNewsletter containing upto-date reports on incidents that have happened within the previous seven days. Businesses are encouraged to regularly report low-level crime and anti-social behaviour, which will help generate intelligence reports to identify prolific local offenders.

Peterborough Positive has already signed up more than 80 businesses and hopes to get as many of its levy payers as possible using the system. To join Disc, business owners need to email with details of who they are, their business name, address and which sector it falls into (retail, leisure or both), before receiving an invitation to register on the platform.

Transition to ISO 27001 2022

The way organisations are expected to handle information security has undergone several significant changes in the years leading to the release of the latest version of ISO 27001 in October 2022.

The Standard was last updated almost 10 years ago, meaning the introduction of ISO 27001:2022 has been long overdue and much awaited.

To account for those changes, the new version of the Standard contains a handful of changes. For example, Annex A now refers to the updated information security controls in ISO 27002:2022, and the Standard requires organisations to document and monitor objectives. Additionally, it uses terminology that is consistent with other ISO management system standards.

Organisations that have ISO 27001:2013 certification or are working toward certification won’t be immediately impacted by the introduction of ISO 27001:2022.

There is a three-year transition period for certified organisations to revise their management system to conform to a new version of a standard, so there will be plenty of time to make the necessary changes. However, it’s never a good idea to wait until the last minute to start planning. Since implementation will take several months, it’s important to be aware of your responsibilities as soon as possible.

Read the Standard for yourself to get started. You can purchase a digital copy of ISO 27001:2022 from our website. To determine what changes you’ll need to make, we advise comparing the revised version to the 2013 edition and your present compliance procedures.

If you’re unsure how to proceed, our team of experts are here to help. Having led the world’s first ISO 27001 certification project, we understand what it takes to implement the Standard.

How IT Governance can help you

Using our Certified ISO 27001 ISMS Foundation training course, you can learn the essential procedures for putting an ISO 27001:2022 ISMS into practise. With our ISO 27001 Implementation Consultancy service, you can fully benefit from IT Governance’s experience and expertise to see you through — from project setup through accreditation and beyond, ensuring that your staff gains the skills they need to continue managing your ISMS beyond certification.

What Is Cyber Essentials Plus?

As its name suggests, Cyber Essentials is an essential certification to have. Cyber Essentials helps your organisation guard against cyber attacks. It is a government backed scheme that encourages organisations to adopt good practice when it comes to cyber security. It is operated by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and whatever your company size, you can be accredited. The certification once completed, shows your customers and authorities that you have implemented recognised practices and tools to safeguard your business.

Cyber Essentials Plus is an expansion of Cyber Essentials and includes an audit of the company’s IT systems. The key elements are:

• An audit of a sample number of your computers will first be conducted. This is to ensure devices are configured

• A vulnerability scan will be performed on the samples of computers. This will be to ensure basic configuration is at an acceptable level

• An external port scan of your company’s internet facing IP addresses will be carried out

to ensure no obvious misconfigurations or vulnerabilities can be identified

• Tests are conducted on the default email/intranet browser to confirm its configuration. This is to prevent execution of fake malicious files

• Screenshots are also taken to prove the system is Cyber Essentials compliant.

A certificate will be provided upon a successful competition of the plus scheme. The standard 12 months validation is provided, and companies can therefore start advertising the Cyber Essentials logo on their website. To apply for Cyber Essentials Plus, a company must already have a Cyber Essentials certification three months prior to applying.

Visit the Partner offers page on the Chamber website to find out more about Chamber Cyber Essentials.

16 connected
Chamber membership provides access to key information, expert advice and legal protection, enabling you to stay informed, legally compliant and free to focus on what you do best – building your business.

Increase your profits in 2023

continuing your selling relationship with them. Identify what your customers need or want, based on your industry, and look to provide them with it. Investing a small amount in surveys or questionnaires can reveal what additional products or services your customers need, which you can then offer. You will likely find that other customers on your mailing list will also want this product or service, therefore you can push this to your entire audience. This saves the effort of having to find new customers since you already have a strong existing customer base.


If increasing sales is not an option, consider ways to reduce operating costs to increase profitability. This can include finding ways to lower the cost of producing your product or service, such as switching to a different manufacturer. Another way to cut costs is to reduce unnecessary subscriptions or negotiate better terms with suppliers for expenses such as rent, phone, and utilities. This will help to keep your expenses low and increase your profit margins.

It may be useful to sit down with your accountant to prepare a full budget for the upcoming year, in which you can benchmark against to find out which areas of your business are eating into your profits.

Will J Blower, Director at Award Winning Accountancy Practice Realise Finance, discusses the ways in which small business owners can increase their profits in 2023.

In recent years, now more than ever, the barriers to running a small business in the UK have ever-so increased. An energy crisis, coupled with consumers reducing their spending habits, topped off by raising interest rates with a lack of stability leaves a recipe for reduced sales across the small business environment.

So, how can you increase your profits? The simple formula for calculating ‘profit’ is ‘income’ minus ‘expenses’. This leaves you with two options, either increase your income or decrease your expenses, to drive a difference between the two figures, in turn generating more profit. We talk through the strategies you could implement to achieve this in your small business:


No product/service will sell in its original form forever. Granted, you may have a brilliant niche product but adapting this is the way to develop. For example, you could be running a small farming operation. A poor harvest could result in a lack of sales leaving your turnover lower than expected. Diversifying into a stable industry within your existing business would allow for a recurring income regardless of external factors. For a farm, this would be offering a storage option (making use of unused external buildings) or (with investment) developing something which benefits the local community like a fishing lake. We have seen this first hand, a very adaptive way to increase profits.


You have established a loyal customer base and a positive reputation for your small business. Take advantage of this by

Tax Efficiencies

A quick and easy way for any business to save money is to work with a tax advisor or accountant to minimise tax liability. This can be done by exploring and taking advantage of tax efficiencies such as deductions, credits, and other tax-saving strategies. A tax expert can guide your business through the complex tax laws and regulations and ensure that your company is paying the minimum amount of taxes legally possible. Some examples include:

• Super tax deduction (equipment)

• Pension tax relief

• Ltd company vs Sole Trader analysis

• Trivial Benefits.


Identify the activities that generate the most revenue for your business. Business owners often get bogged down with administrative and financial tasks instead of focusing on growing sales and delivering products or services. Prioritise these high-earning tasks, evaluate them in terms of their hourly value, and concentrate on them while outsourcing other tasks at a lower cost. This allows you to increase revenue without significantly increasing costs, which ultimately leads to increased profits and profit margins.


Investing in marketing can increase profits by driving sales through increased brand awareness and effective campaigns, reaching target market, differentiating products, and creating customer loyalty. It also provides feedback on what’s working for your business, allowing you to charge a premium for this product/service therefore increasing your profit margins.

EXPERT ask the
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Writing an effective blog for content marketing

When someone puts a search term into Google, it is the written content of your website which the search engine compares it to. If you have lots of text on the same subject, Google is more likely to show your web page or blog in search results.

Google doesn’t publish any guidelines. However, pages or articles with at least 1,000 words are more likely to appear in search results.

If you artificially stuff your article with keywords, Google may see through your actions and ignore (or worse, penalise) your efforts, rendering your blog useless or even harmful.

So, whilst keeping Google and your target search terms in mind, ensure your blog is easy to read and of genuine quality.


Sharing genuine insight or updates is a key element of successful content marketing.

Much of B2B marketing is about trust. Businesses tend to buy from suppliers in which they have faith. Demonstrating your skills, knowledge and up-to-date thinking can really help.

The attention span of busy professionals is short, so a handy tip is to split your article into bite sized chunks with catchy subtitles. Content marketing is a form of promotion - but you need to be genuinely helpful or engaging to win over your reader.

Writing a blog or other article to help promote your company has become an essential element of B2B marketing.

It can achieve a number of objectives – including demonstrating your expertise, engaging with your client base and improving the performance of your website.

Sarah West of Full Mix Marketing takes a look at what to consider:


A blog was originally a ‘web-log’ - essentially, an online diary through which individuals could regularly update anyone who wished to follow them.

Today, it’s become more of a catch-all term for any article created by an individual or company and then shared online - including opinion pieces and updates.


There are various audiences for blogs and each have an impact on how best to construct them.

Content marketing is one of the most important elements of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Publishing unique new content on your website shows search engines you’re alive and relevant to the searches you wish to appear for.

However, blogs can also help you engage with potential customers and demonstrate your industry knowledge. You need to speak their language and have a plan for how you’ll successfully share the content. There are other purposes for blogs, including content for regular emails, sharing on social media or communicating with colleagues.


SEO is complex, but one of the simplest and most effective tactics is to create regular new content for your website.

Don’t make every other line a sale-pitch or pack the piece with superlatives about the amazing product or service you deliver. Let your expertise and the value of your blog do the hard work. Though it is best to publish your blog on your website to help SEO, you will also need to share it with a wider audience to build awareness. Sharing it across your company’s social media accounts (especially LinkedIn), including it in your company email marketing or sending it to directly to interested industry websites can be successful.


The title is possibly the most critical element of any blog. It usually dictates whether anyone will read it and Google uses it as a primary indicator of relevance for SEO.

Generally, its best to avoid anything salesy as it alerts the reader to the fact they are likely to be sold to. For SEO, it’s best to include your primary target keywords in the title.


If you wish to share something genuinely newsworthy it could be more effective as a press release.

Unlike a blog, press releases tend to be written in the third person (they) rather as if the author is an interested journalist. The reader receives the news on merit and it can be sent to interested websites and trade publications who may publish it verbatim.


Content marketing is now a part of most successful B2B marketing strategies, helping businesses engage with a wider audience, demonstrate their expertise and boost SEO.

If you’d like help to deliver regular content, visit

SARAH WEST insight from
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Alington Road, Little Barford, St. Neots, PE19 6WE t: 01480 474787 e: w: Your Local Printer DESIGN LITHO DIGITAL FINISHING LARGE FORMAT Creating The Perfect Display LARGE FORMAT Our clients can truly benefit from XL Press being the ultimate “One Stop Solution” for ALL your printing needs. • High Quality products • Unlimited Capabilities • All under one roof Adding A Splash Of Colour DIGITAL PRINTING Smaller quantities of brochures, newsletters, mailers, business cards are all produced to the highest quality on our digital presses. • Fast Reliable Service • Highly trained experienced staff • Top Quality printing at affordable Prices. Solving Your Problems ARTWORK AND DESIGN Our Artwork and Design studio is equipped with the latest Apple Macs, loaded with fantastic software but more importantly we have some great people using them. Having An Eye For Colour LITHO PRINTING Our Heidelberg XL 75 5 colour press is equipped with a built in colour management system. This allows us to maintain accurate and consistent colour throughout any job, large or small. • Highest Quality Printing • Consistent Colour • Highly trained Machine Managers Passionate About Print

Sponsorship opportunities

We have a range of sponsorship opportunities at the Chamber. All sponsorship packages provide great publicity and exposure for an organisation through our event promotional channels and magazine with additional benefits specific to the event.


An exciting opportunity to sponsor connected magazine that is published six times a year.

The cost would be £550 (plus VAT) per edition or £3,000 (plus VAT) for the year and would include recognition on page 4, full page advert, and logo on mailing carrier sheet.

Chamber updates sponsor

Sponsor one of our email updates for £2,500 (plus VAT) and have a banner advert on every update we send. (Usually 48 per year)

Choose from our international trade update, events update, weekly Chamber update, monthly local area update.


International Women’s Day

This global day celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.

Headline sponsorship is £1,500 (plus VAT) which would include your logo on all event promotion, a link to your website from our web listing and a full page advert in our connected magazine. Plus, four tickets to the event and you can take a banner along on the day. We also offer sponsorship for £500 (plus VAT) which gives you two places to attend plus your logo on the website and promotion through social media channels plus having your banner stand displayed on the day.

through social media channels. As sponsor you also have the opportunity for a 20 minutes presentation and you can bring along your banner stand.

Safari Networking breakfasts

We hold a number of networking breakfast events across the county throughout the year which are attended by a vast range of business sectors.

Sponsorship is £300 (plus VAT) and gives you two places to attend plus your logo on the website and promotion through social media channels. You can also have a 20 minute speaking slot at this event. Also, bring along your banner stand and any marketing materials for the tables.

Construction & Property Network events

These events alternative between a Peterborough lunch, Cambridge breakfast and a Huntingdon breakfast and attract people in the construction or property industry.

Sponsorship of these events is £300 (plus VAT) and gives you two places to attend plus your logo on the website and promotion


Sponsorship at Chamber B2B Exhibitions starts at just £500 (plus VAT) and incudes a free exhibition stand, logo on promotional materials and on the Chamber website.

Headline sponsorship costs £2,000 (plus VAT) and includes a double space exhibition stand, banner stand at the venue entrance, logo on all promotional materials and the Chamber website plus a full page advert in connected. You also have the opportunity to host a seminar / workshop at the event.

20 connected

Summer events – Garden Party, Cheese & Wine evening etc.

These events seek sponsorship of £1500 (plus VAT) and include your logo on all event promotion, a link to your website from our web listing plus your banner stand on display on the day and four tickets to the event.

A drink sponsor package is also available for £500 (plus VAT) and includes your logo on all event promotion and two tickets to the event.


Construction & Property Network Black Tie Dinner

This event generally takes place in Peterborough and attracts 100+ people.

Sponsorship is £3,000 (plus VAT) and includes a table of 10 at the dinner, the opportunity to bring a banner stand along and we will promote sponsorship via social media channels and on the website plus on the programme on the evening. You also get a full page advert in connected.

A drink sponsor package is also available for £1,000 (plus VAT) and includes your logo on all event promotion, the programme on the evening and four tickets to the event.

Christmas Lunch – Cambridge

Sponsorship for this event is £1,500 (plus VAT) and includes four tickets to attend, your logo on all event promotion, a link to your website from our web listing, a 10 minutes speaking slot at the event and you can bring your banner along. You also get a full page advert in connected.

A drink sponsor package is also available for £500 (plus VAT) and includes your logo on all event promotion and two tickets to the event.

Inspiring Women’s Sector Christmas Lunch

Sponsorship is £1,000 (plus VAT) and includes four tickets to attend, your logo on all event promotion and a link to your website from our web listing. You can also bring your banner stand along on the day and have a half page advert in connected.

A drink sponsor package is also available for £500 (plus VAT) and includes your logo on all event promotion and two tickets to the event.


Sector Group sponsorship

Be the sponsor for one of our Sector groups:

The package includes the following:

• Shown as Sector sponsor at all events for that sector

• Promotion on the sector page on the Chamber website with links through to your own website

• Logo on all event promotion

• Mentioned in connected when promoting sector events and articles

• Two full page adverts in connected throughout the year

• Banner stand at all sector events

• Two free places at all sector events.

Please contact us for a Sector Group sponsorship price.

If you would like any further information, or if you would like to book any of our sponsorship packages, please contact Zoe McCabe Brennan, Events Executive, on 01223 237414 or email

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Appleyard Lees IP LLP

Asphalt Group Ltd

Blue Diamond Coach Ltd

Blue Line Operations Ltd

Cambridge Children’s Hospital

Chris Bandaranaike


Dale Carnegie

Egis Transport Solutions Ltd

Flora-Tec Ltd

Speakers for Schools


We specialise in helping clients to transform using digital, data and technology. We are highly collaborative, working closely with clients to transfer knowledge and upskill throughout. i10 is also socially conscious: we are carbon negative and recently featured in the UK Net Zero 50 list.


Founded in 2010 by ITV’s Political Editor, Robert Peston, Speakers for Schools are an education charity with a focus on social mobility. Our aim is to end educational inequality by giving all young people access to the same networks We create inspirational moments and connect young people with employers through a range of virtual and in-person talks and work experience programmes.

Gardasoft Vision Ltd

Harnwell Electrical Ltd

Keystone Marketing Ltd

Road Haulage Association Ltd

ST Robotics

Stellco Homes

Sunbeam Consultants Ltd

TR Transformations


A team of community engagement specialists using deep knowledge of marketing principles to drive interest, engagement and behavioural change. Working locally and nationally, across numerous business sectors, and on behalf of not for profits and local authoritiesKeystone delivers strategy, content and campaigns that strengthen audience engagement and action.

TR Transformations

Mindset and Specialist Menopause Coach

Educate, Empower, Overcome and Thrive.

I help organisations/businesses retain their female workforce by providing menopause awareness training, coaching and policy enhancement.

I also provide individualised support for women experiencing negative and limiting emotions triggered by past experiences and/ menopause to thrive and cultivate a success mindset. Which not only enhances their professional relationships, career/businesses but also their personal betterment, mental and physical health.

Would you like to become a Chamber member? Get in touch today to find out the many benefits. Tel: 01223 237414 Email:
22 connected

Road Haulage Association

The RHA is a member-led trade association supporting people and businesses in the road transport industry.

We offer a voice for our members with governments and local authorities across the UK on the issues most important to them, including changes to legislation, fuel costs, better roadside facilities and the transition to net zero.

Our 8,500 members have access to services to help them comply with industry regulations and run their businesses efficiently. We also offer top-quality training programmes to help firms develop their teams and operations. The majority of our members are small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) but we also represent larger firms in our sector.

We’ve been proudly supporting hauliers since 1945 and now have coach and van operators in our membership. We advocate for the highest standards in our industry and work hard to be the go-to organisation for driving business on our roads.

We’re based in Peterborough and have offices in Bathgate and Bradford.


Laptops4Learning Cambridgeshire takes surplus tech from local companies and repairs and refurbishes it, making it sustainable and available for social good. They work with a network of local charities to distribute and help spread digital inclusion across Cambridgeshire, while saving e-waste and CO2 emissions, helping our environment.

EACH has launched details of its “fun, packed and varied” fundraising events for 2023

East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH) has six eagerly-awaited dates in the diary, including a new 16-mile walking challenge and a pulse-racing tree climb and bungee jump in Thetford Forest.

Last year, 4,850 people took part in EACH events, raising an eyewatering £306,000, and hopes are high that the latter figure can be eclipsed in 2023.

Details of all six events are now on the charity’s website and there is an early-bird discount scheme for anyone signing up by the end of January.

EACH Events Fundraiser Emma Cook said: “We’re incredibly excited about our calendar of events and, in terms of income generated, hoping it will be our biggest and best year yet. That would be amazing.

“It’s such a fun, packed and varied schedule and, in addition to staple events that always prove popular, we’re looking forward to a couple of new additions.

“One is our Tree Top Drop Challenge, which involves a 20-metre tree climb and bungee jump at Thorpe Woodland Adventure, in Thetford Forest. Then we’ve got our new Suffolk Pier 2 Pier walk – a 16-mile coastal walk from Lowestoft to Southwold. Both will be great and people can sign-up for any of our six events now.

“Events fundraising is vitally important to our charity and, by signing up, the public are directly helping us to continue our work caring for children and young people with life-threatening conditions, as well as supporting their families.”

EACH’s fundraising diary kicks off with its Ride for Life event, from 12-14 May. The popular challenge, for keen cyclists and amateurs alike, takes participants on a journey through the stunning East Anglian countryside.

The one-day cost is £35, with participants asked to raise at least £150, while the three-day figures are £150 and £750 respectively. Accommodation is included.

The annual Cromer to Great Yarmouth Pier 2 Pier walk is scheduled for 10 June. This fundraiser takes participants on a 32mile walk along the beautiful Norfolk Coastal Path.

Early-bird tickets cost £50 or £60, with the latter including a morning coach transfer from Great Yarmouth to Cromer. There are two more events in the diary for July.

The first is The Piglet, Junior Hog, at Wantisden Hall, near Woodbridge, on 9 July. The muddy four-kilometre course features more than 20 obstacles.

A child ticket costs £15 while adult tickets are £20 and a family ticket (two adults and two children) is £65.

EACH’s foam-filled Norwich Bubble Rush will take place at the Norfolk Showground on 16 July and the course once again features four bubble stations along a 2.5km route. Participants can do one lap or double their enjoyment by completing the circuit twice. Each bubble station has a cannon which pumps out coloured foam to create a four-foot deep bubble bath.

The early-bird prices are £4 for children under four, £10 for children aged four to 15, £17.50 for adults and £50 for a family ticket (two adults and two children).

The new Tree Top Drop Challenge is taking place on 11 August and the cost for both adults and children (who must be over the age of eight) is £20.

EACH’s final event is the new Pier 2 Pier walk in Suffolk, scheduled for 2 September. As with the Norfolk version, the early-bird prices are £40 and £50, with the latter including a morning coach transfer from Southwold to Lowestoft.

“It’s a diverse selection of events and we hope there’s something for everyone, from those that are more physically demanding to others that will appeal to families with children,” added Emma.

“As a charity, we pride ourselves on offering the very best, worldclass care and support to children, young people and families and funds raised from these events are invaluable. We hope people take advantage of our early-bird discount scheme by signing up as soon as possible.”

EACH has three hospices – The Nook, in Framingham Earl, near Norwich, The Treehouse, In Ipswich and at Milton, near Cambridge.

24 connected

Cancer patients choosing between treatment and working amid cost of living crisis

Cancer patients are having to choose between lifesaving treatment, or surviving day to day, as the cost of living continues to rise.

A shocking survey has revealed that well over a quarter (29%) of people with a cancer diagnosis are more worried about the cost of living crisis than their cancer. Over three quarters (77%) feel that the crisis is affecting their chances of successful treatment for cancer. 80 per cent of people with cancer also said they are worried about the cost of travel to their hospital appointments.

Over half (55%) of those surveyed said they think they will struggle to pay for food this winter and two thirds (67%) think heating bills will be a problem.

The OnePoll* survey, polled 500 people currently living with cancer. At our centres, we are hearing about people with cancer struggling to go to appointments because of travel costs and/or asking if they can end treatment early so they can return to work because they can’t afford to be off any longer.

The problem isn’t just the rising cost of fuel to get to appointments, but the delay in receiving government benefits. Patients are having to wait on average a minimum of 13 weeks before they get any financial help, which has led some people to having to sell their homes.

Cost of living overshadows living with cancer

Yasmin, 57, from West London has secondary breast cancer and had to give up working for British Airways – a job she had been in for 20 years due to ill health.

Yasmin said: “Physically I am doing ok, the side effects of the drugs I need to take are not too bad, but mentally I have been affected. Applying for benefits has been humiliating and it was not something I asked for. I never asked for cancer, I never asked to lose my job. Claiming benefits is such an intimidating process.”

Melanie Bunce, Benefits Advisor for Maggie’s Fife, said: “I have been a Benefits Advisor for 25 years and this current situation is the worst I have ever seen. The fact is that even very ordinary situations are now becoming impossible for people with cancer.

“People who could have managed a year ago are now facing stark choices between eating, heating and travel to hospital appointments – and particularly badly hit are those in low income jobs.

“The stories we are hearing in our centres have become so much more desperate in the last six months and it is only going to get worse.”

We are here for you

If you need support, or have questions about supporting a team member who is returning to work, please get in touch or come and see us.

Tel: 01223 249220


Addenbrooke’s Hospital, 21 Milton House, Cambridge, CB2 0AD

*OnePoll surveyed 500 respondents from across the UK from 22 July 2022 - 1 August 2022. The survey was conducted online using panel members who are credited to participate in surveys. Respondents who are currently living with cancer were targeted using screening questions and profile data in order to ensure the correct demographic was achieved.

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Do you have some exciting news to shout about that could be featured on this page?

Get in touch. Tel: 01223 237424


‘Overwhelmed with joy’ at rent-return ballot win

place to live, and it’s been tough. This gives me the real possibility to make my dreams possible.”

Muntasir came to the UK 12 years ago from Bangladesh to study Material Science and has since become a British citizen. He has a PhD and works in research and development at Cambridge GaN Devices in St John’s Innovation Centre.

He moved in after Christmas and will be living next door to friends Liberty Cornell, 24, and Jo Grindley, 25, who moved into their apartment at the end of last year.

Liberty and Jo, were among nearly 50 applicants in the scheme, which is the only one of its kind in the UK.

One of the winners in The Cambridge Building Society’s unique rent-return housing scheme said he was ‘overwhelmed with joy’ at winning the chance to get £26,000 back in three years for a deposit to buy his first home.

Dr Muntasir Hashim, 31, is one of three lucky winners renting the two-bedroom flats above the building society’s branch in Great Shelford for a maximum of three years, after which they will receive 70 per cent of their rent returned for a deposit and a mortgage from The Cambridge to buy their first home.

He said: “It was a big surprise to learn I had won this opportunity and I was overwhelmed with joy. I have been renting in Cambridge for six years and have saved a little, but Cambridge is an expensive

Each applicant was given a number and their corresponding ball was entered into the ballot box and drawn by Chief Commercial Officer, Carole Charter in October.

The successful applicants were told the news by CEO, Peter Burrows, and underwent credit checking and affordability verification before signing their contracts to rent the two modern self-contained flats. This Rent to Home scheme was initially launched in 2019 and gives first time buyers a deposit to buy a property, which renting might otherwise prevent them saving for.

The first two tenants received their 70 per cent back and moved into their own homes last July. A third moved into the society’s flat above the Cottenham branch in 2020 and will complete his tenancy later this year, when another tenant will be selected in the same process.


A Cambridge company is strengthening its commitment to sustainability with the creation of a new role to focus on reducing its carbon footprint.

Domino Printing has appointed Jessica Büttner as Group Environmental Impact Manager, with responsibility for analysing and assessing the company’s products so that actions to reduce and offset their impact can be identified. In carrying out her remit, Jessica will play a key role in progressing the company’s CSR strategy to ensure it is orientated towards sustainable growth and contributing to a responsible society.

Jessica joined Domino Laser in 2013 as Strategic Purchaser, taking over responsibility for Strategic Purchasing in 2017 and then leading the Supply Chain Management team in June 2019.

Speaking of her new role, Jessica said: “When I heard during the Domino Leadership Program that new CSR roles were about to be created within the business, I immediately knew that I needed to apply. I feel passionate about CSR and especially the environment and am committed to lead initiatives that will achieve our goals.

“Our current focus is the reduction of our carbon footprint as an organisation and to assess the life cycle of our products. There are so many more topics to tackle in the future so that Domino can be prepared for the challenges ahead.”

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CityFibre has laid 170km of full fibre across Cambridge

CityFibre, the UK’s largest independent full fibre platform, has now laid a staggering 170km of full fibre through Cambridge as part of its £26m plan to future-proof the city’s digital connectivity. This milestone represents enough full fibre to cross the iconic Mathematical Bridge at Queen’s College in Cambridge 11,300 times, or to reach the top of the 36m tall Observation Wheel at Parker’s Piece more than 4,700 times.

It means CityFibre has already connected thousands of homes and businesses in Cambridge to its full fibre network, allowing residents to access lightning-fast broadband services from launch partner Vodafone, on selected Vodafone Pro Broadband Plans, while TalkTalk, Giganet, Zen, Air Broadband, Zybre, Yayzi, No One, IDNet, Andrews & Arnold, Octaplus, FACTco, and Link Broadband are also available in parts of the city.

Rebecca Stephens, CityFibre’s Regional Partnership Director, said: “We’re delighted with the progress our build team is making on works to transform Cambridge’s digital infrastructure through our £26m investment. Our full fibre network is transforming the city’s digital connectivity, allowing residents and businesses to access the fastest and most reliable internet services.”

Cambridge is one of a growing number of locations in the UK to benefit from CityFibre’s nationwide Gigabit City Investment Programme which will bring new and improved broadband infrastructure within reach of up to eight million homes and businesses nationwide.

Prestigious conference wins bring £3 million to Cambridge economy

The official conference and events bureau for Cambridge and the surrounding area has announced a series of major international and national conference wins which will bring approximately 3,200 delegates to Cambridge over the next two years.

Meet Cambridge, founded and funded by the Cambridge Colleges, has revealed that the 11 high profile residential events will result in an additional £3 million* economic impact to the local area.

The meetings – which span medical, scientific and electronics –are run by professional associations which rotate the location for

their events, often following a competitive bidding process to select suitable destinations.

Judith Sloane, Head of Meet Cambridge, said: “It is great news that Cambridge has been selected as a location for these prestigious events and for the team at Meet Cambridge to have played a part in the process.

“It is likely that these events will attract more than 3,200 delegates to the area, who will be staying for between two and six days which will deliver around £3 million economic impact to the region in terms of spend on accommodation, meals, tours and shopping.

“Cambridge offers associations a number of unique benefits including the opportunity to tap into the local expertise in the expert communities at our universities and the knowledge clusters at our science and technology parks, Addenbrooke’s Hospital and the new Biomedical Campus.

“This, together with our portfolio of inspirational venues –academic, unique spaces and hotels in the city, as well as the incredible breadth of activities and attractions on offer to visitors – makes Cambridge a very attractive destination for associations. It’s extra special that two of these organisations have decided to come to the city for their special centenary events; we’re very much looking forward to welcoming visitors from around the world.”

• Economic impact calculated using VisitBritain Business Events Research, Delegate Spend and Trip Extensions Report 2017.

Picture credit: Damien Vickers connected 27

Do you have some exciting news to shout about that could be featured on this page?

Get in touch. Tel: 01223 237424


SACC UK East of England chapter leader, Tania Verdonk, wins the ExCo member of the year award

The South African Chamber of Commerce (SACC) UK recently held its annual Awards evening in London, recognising the achievements of members of the South African community in the United Kingdom. One of the winners was Tania Verdonk, cofounder and managing director of Spirus Marketing, who received the Executive Committee (ExCo) member of the year award.

Tania, who is the chapter leader of the East of England chapter of the SACC UK, was recognised for her commitment, engagement, and proactivity in running her event series and growing the South African reach within the community.

The Awards ceremony was held in the atrium of Standard Bank Advisory’s City offices, with a keynote speech by Professor Stephen Chan, OBE, Professor of World Politics at SOAS University of London. The event was designed to be more informal and inclusive, with a focus on networking. The SACC UK aims to work worldwide to promote trade, community, and investment between South Africa and the rest of the world, encouraging networking and business opportunities.

The East of England chapter is open to anyone who is South African and runs a business or has any business dealings with South Africa. If you want to find out more, join Tania for her monthly networking calls at SACC hosted virtually on the last Thursday of each month. You can find out more at or simply email

Chocolate company wins contract with Aldi on Channel 4 show

An Ely couple who started a chocolate business with the mission to improve the lives of people with autism will have their products sold at Aldi stores after winning a life-changing contract. Husband and wife duo, Shaz Shah and Mona, won a contract for their company Harry Specters on the Channel 4 programme, Aldi’s Next Big Thing.

The pair started their business in 2011 after realising chocolate making was the perfect structured work for their son Ash, now 24, who is autistic. Their hope is to provide employment and work experience for individuals with autism.

In 2019 the chocolatiers won a competition run by the Grafton Centre in Cambridge, called Grow at the Grafton, which gave them space to set up in one of the available units. Between 2014 and 2019 the local social enterprise won 29 industry awards for

their handcrafted luxury chocolates.

The bars are available in three different flavours, including Milk Sea Salt Caramel, Milk Peanut Butter and Dark Orange. All of the chocolate is made at the company’s headquarters in Ely. They will now be sold in Aldi stores across the country for £2.49 per bar.

Shaz said: “Social impact wise, it’s going to be massive. When we told our team of autistic workers that we were going to be supplying Aldi it just filled them with confidence. It was truly amazing.”

Mona added: “We wanted to do something not just for him [Ash] but others like him. We looked up some statistics and found 85 per cent of autistic people are unemployed and 61 per cent of them are desperate to work.”

Wyboston Lakes Resort Director chosen to feature in prestigious Hospitality, Travel and Leisure Index

Katherine White, Director of People at Wyboston Lakes Resort, has been chosen to feature in the 2022 Women to Watch & Role Models for Inclusion in Hospitality, Travel & Leisure Index.

The Index has been produced by Women in Hospitality, Travel & Leisure (WiHTL) and the MBS Group to showcase brilliant role models and highlight the valuable work done by those featuring in the Index. Gender, along with race and ethnicity, are core pillars of WiHTL.

Katherine said: “I am totally committed to inclusivity and highlighting the importance of Diversity at Wyboston Lakes Resort and throughout the hospitality, meetings and events sector, so it is very rewarding to receive this recognition. I’m honoured.” At Wyboston Lakes Resort, 50 per cent of the senior management team roles are held by women. Chelsey Hutchinson is Chair of the 380-acre conference, training and leisure resort.

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Novotel helps U’s grow Powerchair Football in the area

Last year, Cambridge United announced a season-long partnership with Novotel Cambridge North as the official Hotel Partner for the Football Club. We are now delighted to announce that Novotel has also come on board as the Cambridge United Community Trust Powerchair Football Sponsor. Powerchair Football is a unique sport that provides opportunities for people with a high level of impairment to access the game of football. It is the only active team participation sport for people who use electric wheelchairs.

The game is for anyone who uses a powered wheelchair or those who have limited movement in a manual wheelchair. The sport is fast-paced, dynamic and very enjoyable to watch. The unique nature of powerchair football allows all ages, disabilities and both genders to compete together.

Christophe Ughetto, General Manager at Novotel Cambridge North, said: “We feel privileged to contribute somehow to the wonderful work carried out by Cambridge United Community Trust.

“Having recently attended one of the sessions, we were simply impressed by the

passion of Phil Mullen but also all the hard work done behind the scenes to keep these sessions going.

“The smiles on the faces of the participants but also the joy and atmosphere among the carers, parents and friends attending is, in our eyes, the best recognition of the work done by the Trust. For that we are grateful to be involved.”

Vicky Neal at the Community Trust added: “We are so pleased that Novotel have come on board and joined the likes of HSBC, Production Bureau, Irwin Mitchell and Living Sport in sponsoring specific disability sport sessions.

“Our inclusive sport programme is all about reducing barriers to sport for people with disabilities. We want to use this as a platform to kickstart Powerchair Football in this area – and so we’re immensely grateful to Novotel for their support.”

Following the finalisation of the sponsorship, members of the Novotel team headed along to a session to see what it was all about!

Coach Phil Mullen said: “There was plenty of laughs and jokes as the Novotel staff were put through their paces! We did have a game at the end which the Powerchair uses won 4-1 vs the manual chair users.”

Stone King signs up to the Age-friendly Employer Pledge

improve the recruitment, retention and development of workers aged 50 and over to make workplaces age-friendly. Businesses must also appoint a senior sponsor for age-inclusion, a role which Stone King Chair Alison Allen has taken on.

and the Centre for Ageing Better supports the network of signed up organisations by providing a framework of suggested actions and offering opportunities to learn effective age-friendly practices.

Cambridge law firm Stone King is delighted to have signed up to the Age-friendly Employer Pledge, a new nationwide programme, to show its commitment to older workers.

The firm is among the first businesses and organisations in the country to sign the pledge, run by the Centre for Ageing Better, which supports organisations to

Alison, Stone King’s Head of Private Client Sector, said: “I am delighted to support the Age-friendly Employer Pledge. As a woman in her fifties I am very aware of how age is both an advantage in terms of life and work experience, and also sometimes a challenge as we adjust to getting older. I know that our business benefits from diversity amongst our people including a wide range of ages and experience and I am very keen to support a multigenerational workforce.” Being a part of the pledge means businesses make various commitments, such as specifically naming age within Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policies,

Dr Carole Easton, Chief Executive at the Centre for Ageing Better, said: “The current labour shortage has been called the most urgent problem facing the UK economy with its impact driving up prices, wages and inflation. Workers in their 50s and 60s are a key, but currently overlooked, solution to resolving the UK’s employment crisis.

“The pledge has been designed to support businesses to go on a journey at a pace that works best for each organisation. By taking manageable and measurable steps, each employer will learn over time what steps are needed to make the biggest difference in their own organisation.”

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Wellbeing Update

New Year – New way of doing business?

New Year brings about the thought of resolutions and whether you believe in them or not, the start of a new year can bring about a sense of new beginnings. I like the fact that there is a blank slate and an opportunity to change the way that we can do things. This year, I plan to take my health seriously, to take a holistic sense of self in the way I show up in the world. My journey as a human being on this planet is finite and small by way of impact, but in terms of business, the impact of what we can achieve has a ripple effect.

ABC Life Support is a business with impact at its heart and by its definition as a CIC (Community Interest Company), we do business for good and to improve the community around us.

We plan to do more this year, through our training and projects, we have things happening in the business that will make further impact. We aim to do this, not only by delivering more of our training within the workplace but also within a variety of communities across the UK.

So, what can your business do this year that is new? How can you think about business in a new unique way?

One of the ways that you could be to look at those who do Business For Good?

There has been a significant move to promote social enterprises within many businesses supply chains. Every organisation has a supply chain and this can be anything from your stationery supplier to your energy supplier and of course, your health and safety training provider!

It may be a little bit of a challenge for you to think about using a new supplier or to

look at a provider who has a social impact agenda, but it is worth it. A first step could be to look at some of the companies that we are affiliated with that are:

• Social Enterprise UK

• Good Business Charter


You may be surprised how easy it is to engage with these businesses and by working with them, you could add their value to your own, as part of your CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) or ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) efforts.

It is a challenge worth under taking and a fantastic way to start 2023.

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Leading law firm Roythornes Solicitors has secured a spot in the UK’s first Legal 500 Green Guide for its dedication to sustainable practices.

The Green Guide, issued by the Legal 500, puts a spotlight on key firms in the UK which have showcased a contribution to a green transition and engagement with sustainability for its clients, as well as its own practices and initiatives.

The guide is already established across the United States, Latin America, Europe, Middle East and Northern Africa, and this year marks the first of its kind for the United Kingdom, following positive developments in ESG within the industry.

Roythornes has been at the forefront of sustainable practices since 2013, when it became a member of Investors in the

Environment. The firm has also achieved the Green Star award for outstanding achievement numerous times and in 2021, won the Peterborough Telegraph Sustainable Business Awards.

Ann Barrasso, Operations Director and lead on environmental strategy at Roythornes, said: “We’re delighted to have been included in the first UK Green Guide. It’s a recognition of the work we do for our clients nationally, such as renewable energy schemes and helping farmers and landowners look after the natural environment as part of their business.

“It’s also an external acknowledgement of the tremendous amount of work we have done as a firm to reduce our impact on the environment. The whole firm has been involved in initiatives to reduce our

carbon footprint and resource use, as well as minimise our waste. We have the ambition to be one of the UK’s greenest law firms and we’re continually striving to achieve this.”


At a time of heightened awareness of the environment and to coincide with COP27, the Digileaders Net Zero 50 List showcases the top 50 individuals, organisations, initiatives, products and services helping us reach Net Zero in the UK. It celebrates the net zero innovations and innovators who are helping us achieve the UK’s net zero agenda. As the first-ever list of its kind, the Net Zero 50 showcases the work already underway, the 50 most inspiring individuals, initiatives, products and services cross-sector and across the UK driving forward decarbonisation.

i10 is delighted to have made the Net Zero 50 list in the ‘In House Net Zero’ category - one of only five businesses on the

list! Such national recognition is a testament to the huge efforts we have made to lead by example in becoming net zero.

As we are all aware, reaching net zero is an enormous challenge that requires common effort and responsibility, and a change in individual and group behaviour. Ambitious action, robust policy and private and public coordination on the national, regional and local level are needed urgently to meet the 2050 target. Yet, the foundations are already being laid to transform the UK economy, businesses and society.

i10 feel that 2050 is too late to deliver on climate commitments, so we decided to lead by example. In May 2021 we became carbon negative for that financial year. In March 2022 we went further and backdated our carbon offset to the year we were founded in 2006. And that’s why we have been recognised in this way!

How we did it

So far, in partnership with Ecologi, we have planted 24,900 trees, in Restor-registered sites to offset the carbon footprint generated by our work. We used an ‘employ to plant’ model, providing a consistent income for local people who work as planters, nursery staff and forest guards, allowing the local community to achieve greater levels of access to education, nutrition and healthcare. Our partners at Ecologi ensure that sustainable land-use practices are followed. The trees planted will provide new food sources for local people including avocado, lemon and papaya trees.

Additionally, we have part-funded four Verra-registered Verified Carbon Standard projects, off-setting 170 tonnes of carbon.

GREEN NEWS chamber
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Photo by Kasturi Laxmi Mohit on Unsplash


Businesses are a key element for the UK’s Net Zero ambition and the call to action reached new volumes in 2022. In 2022, over 100 new organisations from a wide range of sectors joined the iiE programme to access our support and experience in cutting carbon emissions, reducing waste, engaging staff and supporting biodiversity and their local communities.

Key achievements during 2022

• We now have 280 members across the UK, rolling out environmental management systems and environmental performance targets in over 500 locations

• We’re now a certified IEMA training centre and are delivering a selection of courses run by our knowledgeable and experienced team which aim to upskill our Green Champions and others in the sector with the professional qualifications they need to progress their careers in this exciting field

• We launched a new website and members area, with over 30 resources and short tutorials to make it easy for members to operationalise their sustainability goals by knowing where to start and what to do next. The new progress tracker also helps Green Champions easily complete their audit pack

• We partnered with Vet Sustain to launch a new carbon calculator for their sector – an industry-specific tool allowing veterinary practices to create action plans from their carbon footprint.


We are really working hard to increase the carbon literacy and environmental awareness of our member businesses. All membership levels are now required to carry out a carbon footprint for their direct activities and improve not only how they measure this key driver for change, but what they actually do to reduce the resulting figure. We focus on how and which resources are used and how to efficiently change ways of working.

We focus on getting people involved – helping them to understand the ‘why’, through events and campaigns that we support and run. Our website and learning management system help the individuals doing this important work upskill and move their organisations along their journey.

Aside from hard data, we have collected some amazing stories about engagement projects. From conservation work to volunteering with local charities, from eliminating single-use plastics around the office to designing clinical trials to develop better protocols with reduced ecotoxicity. The projects have been as diverse as our membership.


In 2021, we reported some excellent carbon savings. This year, more members than ever before (Green, Silver, and Bronze) have reported material emissions within their value chain and have set new baselines. What’s more, the quality of carbon footprints has improved, meaning that the full sum of all audited member emissions has increased since last year because of more scope three inclusion in carbon footprinting.

The good news is that once you can identify the problem – or carbon hotspots – in a true and meaningful way, you can form

effective action plans and track progress towards achieving reductions. Meaningful focus is now on supply chain engagement and working with organisations to form effective policies that will measurably cut those emissions.


Overconsumption is not only bad for our planet; it’s also bad for business. We work hard to improve people’s understanding of waste – how to eliminate sources of waste, how to reduce it, and even how to start thinking in a circular way – moving away from the ‘take-make-dispose’ model of our economy. For some, this starts with improving recycling rates but as our members improve, they should be able to show how they are cutting waste and improving resource use efficiency in all its forms. There are hidden carbon costs in waste too, not to mention the damage it does to our wildlife and global health. Many of our members now focus on reusable items, and our healthcare and veterinary teams have been making swaps from reusable PPE, scrub hats, and other avoided impacts from cleaning products and single-use items.

This year we launched a new waste management plan template and ran three training webinars to help support people with the hard and soft skills to cut unnecessary waste.


We’re also working with members who can do their bit to not only improve green spaces and biodiversity around their buildings (like making a home for pollinators and choosing drought-resistant landscaping) but how they can influence and improve biodiversity. For some, this means educating their suppliers on regenerative farming, less harmful use of chemicals (from pesticides to cleaning products) and financing conservation projects that not only store carbon but also support creating or improving habitats. Changing business for the better is hard when we’re surrounded by fundamentally unsustainable systems. We see these challenges and work to develop practical solutions that make it easier for our Green Champions to start from anywhere and keep up their good work. And we recognise those who make it over the finish line, complete their audits, and start the whole process over again, moving ‘sustainability’ from being a project to an integrated function of the business. Regardless of what happens at the next COP – whether our governments decide to lead or lag – we all have it within our power to take action today, do both the small things and keep chipping away at those bigger green projects.

To learn how the Investors in the Environment scheme can help you achieve your sustainability targets head to

April Sotomayor is General Manager & Principal Consultant for Investors in the Environment. She is a Chartered Environmentalist and Full Member of the Institute for Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA).

GREEN NEWS chamber
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Time to get involved with the Local Skills Improvement Plan!

In the last issue of connected, we set out the vision for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough’s Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP).

The LSIP represents a new approach to addressing the skills gaps; one that is tailored to the region and ensures every voice is heard. By putting the voice of local employers at the heart of the learning and skills system, it will help the post-16 education and training provision better meet the needs of local employers.

As a locally owned and independent project, it provides employers with the opportunity to help shape the skills landscape and forge a stronger, more dynamic partnership between employers and further education providers.


It is vital we hear from a broad range of employers, so Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce are delighted to welcome businesses of all shapes and sizes into the conversation. You don’t need to be a Chamber member to get involved, so get in touch if you represent a business located or recruiting in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough!

We also want to hear from further education, and post-16 technical education providers (including independent and sixth form colleges) with learners based in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

We have a range of ways you can contribute, including:

• Workshops – which are open to anyone who wants to input on the LSIP. Event details are below. Please see our website for details of how to book your place:

• 6 February – 9.00-11.00am – Poets House, Ely

• 7 February – 9.30-11.30am – PwC, Cambridge

• 22 February – 10.00am-12.00am – Online

• 23 February – 2.30-4.30pm – The Boathouse Business Centre, Wisbech

• 24 February – 9.00-11.00am – Allia, Peterborough

• 1:1 discussions – to explore skill needs and the existing education and training provisions. Please contact us for more information.

• Our survey – available on our website for anyone to complete! For the latest information about how to get involved, please join our mailing list, see our website or contact the team at

34 connected
LSIP Update



Tuesday 18th April bet365 Craven Meeting

Wednesday 19th April bet365 Craven Meeting

Thursday 20th April bet365 Craven Meeting

Friday 5th May QIPCO Guineas Festival

Saturday 6th May QIPCO Guineas Festival

Sunday 7th May QIPCO Guineas Festival

Thursday 18th May Evening Racing

Friday 19th May Afternoon Racing

Saturday 20th May Afternoon Racing


Friday 23rd June Newmarket Night

Saturday 24th June Summer Saturday

Thursday 29th June Afternoon Racing

Friday 30th June Newmarket Night

Saturday 1st July Summer Saturday

Thursday 13th July The July Festival

Friday 14th July The July Festival

Saturday 15th July The July Festival

Friday 21st July Newmarket Night

Saturday 22nd July Summer Saturday

Friday 28th July Newmarket Night

Saturday 29th July Summer Saturday

Friday 4th August Newmarket Night

Saturday 5th August Summer Saturday

Friday 11th August Newmarket Night

Saturday 12th August Summer Saturday

Friday 18th August Newmarket Night

Saturday 19th August Summer Saturday

Friday 25th August Afternoon Racing

Saturday 26th August Afternoon Racing


Saturday 23rd September Cesarewitch Trial Day

Thursday 28th September Cambridgeshire Meeting

Friday 29th September Cambridgeshire Meeting

Saturday 30th September Cambridgeshire Meeting

Saturday 7th October Sun Chariot Day

Friday 13th October Dubai Future Champions Festival

Saturday 14th October Dubai Future Champions Festival

Wednesday 25th October Afternoon Racing

Friday 3rd November Afternoon Racing

Saturday 4th November Afternoon Racing

*All fixtures & sponsors correct at the time of printing

Hilton Garden Inn Peterborough City Centre

Construction & Property Committee Chair and Vicechair, Steve Dighton and Phil Emer, recently visited the construction of the new Hilton Garden Inn Hotel at Peterborough. Works are progressing with an anticipated opening date of late summer this year. Steve and Phil were shown around the site by Daniel Palacios from Hilton Garden Inn Peterborough including the balcony of what will be the Sky Bar on the 8th floor.

Overlooking the River Nene, the hotel is located in the city centre and within walking distance of Peterborough

Cathedral. Peterborough station is five minutes by car, and Ferry Meadows Park is within 10 minutes. You can dine with a view of the river or city in the waterfront outdoor dining terrace or at the LRV8 rooftop sky bar.

The hotel are now accepting reservations for 17 July 2023 and beyond.

The Chamber are booked into Hilton Garden for their Informal Networking Evening on Tuesday 18 July from 5.00-6.30pm.

Customs brokerage you can trust, from your local Chamber of Commerce Need help with Customs Declarations? Give Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce a call on 01223 237414 and speak to the International Trade team Half Page CUSTOMS.indd 1 30/05/2021 15:33:23
Phil Elmer with Steve Dighton
36 connected

Chamber members can register for events via the Chamber website or please contact Zoe McCabe Brennan, Events Executive on 01223 237414 or email


Take the opportunity to meet new business connections through safari networking. This relaxed but structured format offers guests the chance to move around the room and form connections with new business contacts from a wide range of industry sectors.

Informal Networking Evenings

Start 2023 by building new connections at this free events taking place across the county.

Catch up with familiar acquaintances you haven’t seen for a while, mingle with new business contacts and share knowledge and skills with like-minded professionals. These events are free to attend.


Regus, Huntingdon

Wednesday 8 February, 5.00-6.30pm

Mantle Space, 9 Hills Road, Cambridge

Thursday 16 February, 5.00-6.30pm

The Crown Hotel, Stamford

Tuesday 21 February, 5.00-6.30pm

Poets House, Ely

Monday 27 February, 6.00-7.00pm

MARCH 2023

The Regent Hotel, Cambridge

Thursday 16 March, 5.00-6.30pm

This includes The Regent Hotel launch party Savills, Peterborough

Tuesday 21 March, 5.30-7.00pm

St Neots Football Club

Wednesday 22 March, 5.00-6.30pm

Poets House, Ely

Monday 27 March, 6.00-7.00pm

Employment Law Update

Thursday 30 March, 9.00-10.30am

Hunts FA, Armstrong House, Sovereign Court, Huntingdon, PE29 6XU

Join us to hear the latest Employment Law Updates from our HR & Recruitment Sector.

Nicky Cockerill, Associate at Buckles Solicitors LLP and Claire Berry, Solicitor at Price Bailey LLP will discuss the latest legislative changes that are coming into effect. You will be able to ask questions and network over refreshments.

Cost: £10.00 (plus VAT) Chamber members, £15.00 (plus VAT) non-Chamber members


Tuesday 28 February, 7.45-10.00am

Orton Hall Hotel, Peterborough

Our guest speaker is social media marketing expert Kristian Downer from DowSocial.

Cost: £20.00 (plus VAT) Chamber members, £30.00 (plus VAT) non-Chamber members


Tuesday 14 March, 12.00-2.00pm

Poets House, Ely

Speaker TBC

Cost: £25.00 (plus VAT) Chamber members, £35.00 (plus VAT) non-Chamber members

Sponsored by Grovemere Property

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Chamber members can register for events via the Chamber website or please contact Zoe McCabe Brennan, Events Executive on 01223 237414 or email


Network with other construction and property-related companies at these specialist informal events taking place across the county.


Friday 17 February, 8.00-10.00am

Brampton Park Golf Club, Huntingdon

Our guest speaker is Neil Walker, Security Manager at Rutland Security.

Cost: £10.00 (plus VAT) Chamber members, £15.00 (plus VAT) non-Chamber members

Sponsored by Rutland Security


Thursday 23 March, 12.00-2.00pm

Newmarket Racecourse

Our guest speaker is Ashley Shorey-Mills, Head of Sizewell C Supply Chain Engagement at Suffolk Chamber of Commerce. Ashley will provide an update on Sizewell C, a new nuclear power station, and how companies can get involved.

Cost: £25.00 (plus VAT) per person

In collaboration with Suffolk Chamber of Commerce, Sizewell C Supply Chain


International Women’s Day

Wednesday 8 March, 9.30am-1.00pm

Peterborough Cathedral

Peterborough Cathedral will again provide the setting for a morning of inspirational speakers, networking and debates to celebrate International Women’s Day, a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. This year’s theme is #EmbraceEquity and a panel of speakers will debate this subject and engage with the audience. Book now to avoid disappointment!

Cost: £25.00 (plus VAT) Chamber members, £35.00 (plus VAT) non-Chamber members

Sponsored by Upp


Wednesday 26 April, 10.00am-4.00pm

Burgess Hall, Westwood Road, St Ives, PE27 6WU

Take part by exhibiting to showcase your organisation, join in with free speed networking sessions, listen to free and inspiring seminars or browse the range of stands we’ll have exhibiting.

Stand price: £150.00 (plus VAT) Chamber members, £200.00 (plus VAT) non-Chamber members.

To book a stand please email Zoe at

EVENTS chamber
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Chamber members can register for events via the Chamber website or please contact Zoe McCabe Brennan, Events Co-ordinator on 01223 237414 or email


Friday 10 February, 9.30-11.30am

Novotel Cambridge North, 2 Cambridge Square, Cambridge, CB4 0AE

This unique networking event allows delegates to take part in speed networking whilst supporting Maggie’s, the Chamber Charity of the Year.

There isn’t a moment to spare as you move around the room with just 60 seconds to highlight your company’s unique selling points to each delegate.

Delegates will hear from Hayley Webb, Centre Fundraising Manager at Maggie’s Cambridge. Hayley will talk about how architecture can affect wellbeing and how all Maggie’s Centres are unique in their design. The Cambridge Centre plans have been approved and we will be allowed a sneak peek of the new design.

Saiman Miah, Senior Architect at Mott MacDonald, will explain the role of an architect in projects such as the Maggie’s Centre build and talk about some of the work they are currently undertaking.

Cost: £10.00 (plus VAT) Chamber members, £15.00 (plus VAT) non-Chamber members.

National Apprenticeship Week Networking Breakfast

Thursday 9 February, 7.30-9.30am

The Park at Cambridge Regional College, Kings Hedges Road, Cambridge, CB4 2QT

National Apprenticeship Week is an opportunity for education and skills providers and employers to celebrate the achievement of apprentices and come together to share experiences.

This event will include breakfast, drinks and pastries to enjoy whilst hearing from other businesses about their journey with apprenticeships and meeting like-minded professionals. There will be ample time to network with those attending.

Whether your business is already on an apprenticeship journey or you would like to begin that journey come along and join us.

Cost: £15.00 (plus VAT)

In collaboration with Cambridge Regional College

EVENTS chamber
All income from tickets will be donated to Maggie’s, the Chamber Charity of the Year.
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This event is supported by Novotel Cambridge North.



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Articles inside

Hilton Garden Inn Peterborough City Centre

pages 36-39

Time to get involved with the Local Skills Improvement Plan!

page 34


page 33


page 32


page 32

Wellbeing Update

pages 30-31

Stone King signs up to the Age-friendly Employer Pledge

page 29

Novotel helps U’s grow Powerchair Football in the area

page 29

Wyboston Lakes Resort Director chosen to feature in prestigious Hospitality, Travel and Leisure Index

page 28

Chocolate company wins contract with Aldi on Channel 4 show

page 28

SACC UK East of England chapter leader, Tania Verdonk, wins the ExCo member of the year award

page 28

Prestigious conference wins bring £3 million to Cambridge economy

pages 27-28

CityFibre has laid 170km of full fibre across Cambridge

page 27


page 26

‘Overwhelmed with joy’ at rent-return ballot win

page 26

Cancer patients choosing between treatment and working amid cost of living crisis

pages 25-26

EACH has launched details of its “fun, packed and varied” fundraising events for 2023

page 24

Road Haulage Association

page 23


pages 21-22

Sponsorship opportunities

pages 20-21

Writing an effective blog for content marketing

pages 18-19

Increase your profits in 2023

page 17

Transition to ISO 27001 2022

page 16

No Signs of Business Recovery – BCC Quarterly Economic Survey Q4 2022

pages 14-16


page 13


pages 12-13

Do I need to translate every page of my website?

pages 11-12

Plain paper Certificates of Origin

page 10

Sterling gains in 2023 will be hard fought

page 10


pages 8-9


pages 6-8

Chief Executive’s comments

page 5

Hilton Garden Inn Peterborough City Centre

pages 36-39

Time to get involved with the Local Skills Improvement Plan!

page 34


page 33


page 32


page 32

Wellbeing Update

pages 30-31

Stone King signs up to the Age-friendly Employer Pledge

page 29

Novotel helps U’s grow Powerchair Football in the area

page 29

Wyboston Lakes Resort Director chosen to feature in prestigious Hospitality, Travel and Leisure Index

page 28

Chocolate company wins contract with Aldi on Channel 4 show

page 28

SACC UK East of England chapter leader, Tania Verdonk, wins the ExCo member of the year award

page 28

Prestigious conference wins bring £3 million to Cambridge economy

pages 27-28

CityFibre has laid 170km of full fibre across Cambridge

page 27


page 26

‘Overwhelmed with joy’ at rent-return ballot win

page 26

Cancer patients choosing between treatment and working amid cost of living crisis

pages 25-26

EACH has launched details of its “fun, packed and varied” fundraising events for 2023

page 24

Road Haulage Association

page 23


pages 21-22

Sponsorship opportunities

pages 20-21

Writing an effective blog for content marketing

pages 18-19

Increase your profits in 2023

page 17

Transition to ISO 27001 2022

page 16

No Signs of Business Recovery – BCC Quarterly Economic Survey Q4 2022

pages 14-16


page 13


pages 12-13

Do I need to translate every page of my website?

pages 11-12

Plain paper Certificates of Origin

page 10

Sterling gains in 2023 will be hard fought

page 10


pages 8-9


pages 6-8

Chief Executive’s comments

page 5
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