The Connection A Magazine by Connect Global - October 2022 - Issue 9

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Several ways to serve those impacted by Hurricane Ian

How we care for women and their families every day.

can we pray for you?
W A L K I N G T O G E T H E R0 7 The importance of community in ministry 0 5 L E G A C Y I N M I S S I O N S How a church in Louisiana is making an impact around the world 0 9 H U R R I C A N E I A N R E L I E F Inspired by our friends at Freedom Life Church and their response to Ian 2 4 S A V E T H E D A T E Save the date for our Annual Night Out event 0 3 O N L Y M I S S I O N A R I E S I N T H E B U I L D I N G How do we complete the great commission part 2 A M A G A Z I N E B Y C O N N E C T G L O B A L THE Contact PO BOX 47381 Tampa FL 33646 (214) 725 4352 Email: hello@connectglobal org Website www connectglobal org Editor in Chief Javier Mendoza Writers, Contributors, and Editors Danielle Mendoza Jordyn Conley Mwila Agatha Zaza Alicia Arthur COVER PHOTO: Sister Esther McMasters and Danielle Mendoza at Revival Temple in Walker Louisiana BACK COVER PHOTO: Melinda Rogers with daughters of Jorge and Janeth in Honduras

i m p l e

n o t E a s y



We exist to follow the biblical model of Jesus to meet spiritual and physical needs

We partner with and plant local churches to meet these needs through providing access to education, Aquaponic food gardens, clean water, and maternal healthcare

In just the last 3 years we have seen over 600 people give their heart to the lord through our evangelism and discipleship initiatives

We have completed dozens of Aquaponic food gardens for food insecure communities along with dozens of water wells and clean water systems for those with the most need

Through our Maternity Home we have served 1800 postpartum mothers and their newborns as part of a strategic design to help moms who are fighting for the life of their children in the NICU

We have seen 84 percent of these most vulnerable moms see their child recover, and they go home with their baby in their arms and Jesus in their heart which is a significant increase since before the opening of this home but not where we want to be

Following Jesus in these ways is not easy but it is simple Someone needs water, give them water Someone needs a health screen get them the test Someone needs an education to stay off the streets pay for their school Someone is hungry don't just feed them but also teach them a way to produce food

For over 18 years Danielle and I have been doing just that Along with dozens of our best friends, partners, pastors, and family we have imitated Jesus in order to provide for those in need Sometimes its a concrete floor for a family living on dirt, other times its a clean water project to provide clean and sanitary areas for school kids to wash up after using the restroom

A lot of times the solution to life's most pressing issues is relatively simple but going about bringing that solution to the problem is not often easy It usually involves lots of time listening and learning about the problem, it takes lots of money or other resources like work hours and or volunteer initiatives, and what we have found is that it also takes a lot of faith

We have relied on our faith in God that He is ultimately in charge and we are merely stewarding his resources for a short time We have had to have faith in others that they will do and or give what they have committed to We have also had to have faith in ourselves that we will actually be able to accomplish what we set out to do and that we will stay the course even when it gets really tough

As God provides we pass along His provision to those who need it most we are constantly reminded of His goodness and His desire to care for His creation and we take solace in that fact We are His creation and He provides for us all the time Big and small His blessings come Big and Small our efforts are made complete and provide the perfect solution for those who are in need So while this journey we are on may not always be easy, at least we can rely on the simplicity of the commission: "Go, and do likewise "




"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. ”

In Part 1 of "Only Missionaries in the Building" I mentioned the fact that many times this Great Commission is often not prioritized because many Christians have wrongly placed priority on comfort and ease of mission People want things in life to represent a straight line from "A to B" when in reality life rarely works that way. Life is full of ups and downs & wins and losses.

I think it is also an issue of understanding that this "calling" or this mission as it is mandated for followers of Jesus is actually for EVERY follower of Jesus not just a select few. This doesn't mean that every one will look the same and go about completing this commission the exact same way but it does mean that everyone should play a part in its completion It also means that we as followers have a part in inviting, training and sending others to do the same

The assumption, that is sometimes made, that the Great Commission or simply "Missions" is just for a select chosen is in direct opposition to much of the Bible

2Javier Danielle and Saige Mendoza pictured here in New York, sharing the love and good news of Jesus, praying for people in their time of need, providing resources, and preparing others to do the same The Great commission is completed by goers and senders

There are plenty of references to going and serving others in the bible and most of the story from start to finish follow the theme of going beyond self to reach others.

When Jesus is asked what the greatest commandment is he responds in this way which is recorded in the Book of Matthew, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself ’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments ”


The Great Commission is more than a suggestion. It is referenced in the Bible multiple times and is the driving force of the sharing and growth of Faith in Jesus throughout the millennia Christians must find ways in which to share their hope and love of Jesus with the world. Culture is in short supply of hope and the Church should find ways to help.

The Great Commission at it's core is really all about LOVE. It is about witnessing the plight of others and being willing to love that person in spite of circumstances, our perceptions, or our pre disposed ideas about the why or who of those in need of love

Christians have to be willing to let go of and lay down our prejudices and opinions that only some people are worthy of love and simple obey In John, Jesus says it this way, "This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you There is no greater love than to lay down one ’ s life for one ’ s friends You didn’t choose me I chose you I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit".

Let's take a view of the Great Commission that is for everyone and being completed by every Christian Not set this aside for a special group to do, but in fact something that is set up for everyone to take part in May we all opt to use whatever is in our hands, whether skills, money, hospitality, home or food, to carry out the greatest commands we as Christians have ever received, Love God and Love Others

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms."

Peter 4:10



Revival Temple has long been a missions sending and resourcing force in the Church

W S McMasters received a specific call and vision for missions in 1963 after hearing an anointed message from Don Price.

After feeling the need to lay down his promising career in baseball Brother McMasters started pastoring in 1958.

He and Sister Esther were married a year after their call to build a missions sending church and the missions conference was founded the same time and has been a part of the church's history and legacy ever since.

Sister Esther has said it was simply being obedient and faithfulness in planting seeds into missions." that carried them through these 58 years since her and her husband began this missions emphasis at Revival Temple.

"The discipleship of that missions heart is what has made the culture here We have seen what it produces and it continues in a perpetual way " Daryl Courtney, grand son of W S and Esther McMasters and one of the pastors of Revival Temple today.

Pastor Kemp and Carol Holden were the first missionaries sent out from Revival Temple to Jamaica and they are still serving the lord almost 6 decades later as they travel, share the word of God, and oversee many churches and missions programs.

"I wish that every believer could go on a mission's trip and not not just a domestic mission trip. I wish they could go on on an international trip.

You cannot even begin to understand the the the length and the the depth and the width of God's love until you go on the other side of the world and you see a complete different culture.

You hear people praying in an entirely different language.

And you come to the realization that Jesus laid down his life for them too."


Grandson of W S and Esther McMasters, and third generation pastor and church leader of Revival Temple.

Danielle Mendoza pictured with Sister Esther McMasters, wife of the late WS McMasters and founder of Revival Temple Missions

Legacy Continues

Pastor Wes Courtney is the son in law of Pastors W S and Esther, as well as current pastor of Revival Temple and describes his appointment with tremendous gratitude for the McMasters and their vision as well as a "making of room at the table" which allowed him to learn and grow his own heart for missions so he could continue this legacy of missions that was started so long ago.

This October we had the opportunity to once again gather at Revival Temple to celebrate and be a part of this year's annual Mission Conference and it was a blessing.

We had the privilege to hear directly from Pastor Wes, Kemp and Carol Holden, and Sister Esther about their love of missions and their heart to pursue others in the completion of the Great Commission.

Each time we have the honor to be at a table with or listen to these amazing servants in ministry I am reminded of how many different people have forge ahead of us and laid groundwork for the journey we are on None of us truly have pioneered alone, many times it is only because of what others have done and the sacrifices they made that we can then stand tip toed on their shoulders and achieve anything great within our ministry.

Thank You to the McMasters, Courtneys, Holdens and the many others who have gone before us. I hope to leave a trail as well trodden as the one left for me by these faith heroes.

Revival Temple in Walker Louisiana is a bastion of hope for thousands in Walker Louisiana and around the world

Danielle and Javier Mendoza in front of a display of the 60+ missionaries that are supported from Revival Temple in Walker Louisiana Pictured center left, Carol and Kemp Holden the first missionaries sent from Revival Temple, surrounded by Pastor Cecilia, Gail Stathis, Danielle, Javier and Saige Mendoza

The bible describes " a cord of three strands [as] not easily broken" as an allusion to the fact that we are not meant to do life alone

In the first book of the bible we are told of the story of creation and how after looking at everything He created God sees that everything is "good" but concludes that it was "not good" that man was alone and therefore set about to make woman

In life, at times, it is encouraged or even celebrated when people do things or achieve goals " on their own " We give extra accolades to inventors or founders as if they did all of the work on their own We honor singular leadership as

something to strive for even though many institutions are far from the monarchal rule we project

I think of democratic governments that have elected leaders who abide by code of conduct upheld by the plural leadership of a supreme court or held in check and balance by members of a larger and separate congress

Board rooms of people direct business and banks in order to stay in compliance Churches and organizations like Connect Global, yield oversight and legal governance to a group of people who care deeply for the organizations mission and its founders and directors

Not much is truly achieved alone

Top Photo Kevin and Shekinah Schwartz, bottom photo Jason and BonnieRuth Rolf, each couple serve as Board Members of Connect Global along with Javier and Danielle Mendoza L R : BonnieRuth, Jason, Javier, Pastor Shane and Rachel, and Danielle Mendoza at the 2022 LINC Conference

At first the idea of accomplishing something on your own can seem like a noble pursuit It can feel like something to brag about or even be more proud of but really it is something to avoid

Doing life alone can be lonely I know that seems like an over simplification but really I believe that going at it alone is something we should not be allowing ourselves to do


People are complicated beings but we need to find ways in which to communicate, and collaborate as best we can Culture needs to move past it's idiosyncratic ways of idolizing independence and pursue others The reality of life is that no matter the circumstances we are rarely ever truly alone but if we are not careful we can in fact isolate ourselves from community

The greatest inventions, biggest successes, and highest mountains are never traversed without key partners, committed co laborers and experienced sherpas helping us make the trail possible

Here at Connect Global, we are blessed to have many partners and co laborers walking this journey with us From Pastors to board members to friends and family we have been surrounded by people who care for us in both spiritual and familial ways People who call and text before we can just to check in, and people who answer the phone to hear how great and or how not so great our day or week was

It is people like Jason and Bonnie Ruth who, for one example, will hold your arms up when you get tired and are the type of people who keep you going when you may feel like giving up

It takes work to build community but it is worth it It takes time but it will pay off in the long run I encourage you to find people who you can truly count on and be the type of person who can be counted on Show up for others, pick up the phone when you think of someone to check on them, and be the person who drops a handwritten note in the mail just to say Hi

You will make a difference by being there with and for others and what you invest in comes back or as the bible says, you reap what you sow Walking together is what we were made to do and I hope you will be the person who makes the first move

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. For if one falls down, his companion can lift him up; but pity the one who falls without another to help him up! Moreover, a cord of three strands is not quickly broken "

Ecclesiastes 4:9 12 CONNECTGLOBAL ORG | OCTOBER 2022
Jason and BonnieRuth Rolf Pastor Shekinah and Kevin Schwartz with Saige Mendoza
Threethingswilllastforever— faith, hope, and love— andthegreatestoftheseis LOVE H U R R I C A N E R E L I E F E F F O R T S

What Remains

Ian made landfall on September 28th

2022 as a category 4 Hurricane and the aftermath in several south Florida towns was devastating

After crossing the Caribbean and the western tip of Cuba, Hurricane Ian made landfall at Cayo Costa near Ft Myers with 150+ mph winds and intense rainfall and storm surge that washed many homes off their foundations and vehicles from their parking spaces 2 million residents across more than 12 Florida counties lost power and some directly in the storms path lost everything

When faced with total devastation people have the tendency to reassess many things They become acutely aware of what really matters

In times of great peril people begin to prioritize their relationships with family and friends and the material things, while definitely a loss, mean less when you know you and your loved ones are safe.

This storm caused a lot of damage. It changed the landscape of the coastline it, it has also since swelled inland rivers and lakes to cause flooding of personal property and make roads inaccessible

People have lost mattresses, clothing, stored foods, and sheetrock, walls, roofs and much more will need to be fully replaced due to flood water levels that were well over 12 feet

This Hurricane as with many storms in life has also threatened to impact and destroy one of our most precious commodities: HOPE


serve others

Hope is a wonderful thing It for a future despite the curre circumstances. It gives us pea and fear want to rule. Hope c and comforting.

When we begin to lose hope, pretty fast When we are thru that is solely focused on wha what has happened to us, hop

Hope can be restored in only not something tangible that c but it is a renewable resource steps to take One of the trul of this is when serving others hope Hope in humanity Hope Hope in something greater th

You see this in action after a shared tragedy like Hurricane shootings or even terrorist attacks. You see hope begin to return as people begin helping others Lending a hand through the floodwaters, strangers hugging because all they have left is each other, or someone sharing their last sip of water in an already uncertain time It really is a beautiful thing and it is something south Florida and other parts of our country and the world need right now

There are plenty of ways that hope is being limited right now whether in war torn countries or in our violence ravaged cities and schools.

We need to make strides against these hope stealers and push towards one another in service and care for others who are in need.



hope of the world

One church in south Florida whom we have a relationship is doing what they can to serve and restore hope to a community in crisis

This will take more than a couple of weeks to clean up and get back to a sense of normalcy Many homes are a total loss, and much more has been swept away with the receding storm waters

Freedom Life Church headed up by our friends, Pastor Shane and Rachel Frazier, are all working long days and nights to restore hope and bring people a sense of peace and compassion in the wake of Hurricane Ian. From food distribution to cleaning out garages, first floors, and replacing and repairing items as they go, Freedom Life Church is restoring what was taken in meaningful and loving ways

What remains are tough Floridians who are doing what they can to help their neighbors and share this moment together Faith, Hope and Love remain in Florida and in the hearts of so many I am inspired to so many working together to maintain and restore what the storm tried to take










When you Give With US by investing in the Global Education Fund, you are helping provide education and so much more GIVE WITH US Connect Global has made an impact, thanks to generous people just like YOU! It has long been our desire and one of the guiding pillars of our work around the world to provide quality education to as many people as we can Connect Global has provided logistical support, aided in classroom construction and rehabilitation efforts, and we have provided clean water access to schools since 2004 YOUR IMPACT
Full and partial scholarships are awarded to help keep kids who are most vulnerable to dropout in school
Working with leaders, churches, and businesses we can share the responsibilities and success of a more education focused community
While investing in education certainly has individual benefits, the community at large is improved when teachers and administrators are employed.
We invest in teachers and educators through grants, payroll assistance, and continuing education programs CONTACTUS M A I L I N G A D D R E S S PO BOX 47381 Tampa, FL 33646 P H O N E N U M B E R (214) 725-4352 E M A I L A D D R E S S $48 $48 $48 MONTHLYHELPSUSKEEPA STUDENTINSCHOOLALLYEAR
P O D C A S T EVERY TUESDAY Check out The Connection Podcast on Spotify, Anchor and anywhere you normally listen to podcasts. LISTEN NOW
“Comingtogetherisa beginning. Keepingtogetheris progress. Workingtogetheris success. ” -HenryFord We invite you to join the Connect Global Volunteer Team by sharing your skills and talents with us so we can help more people around the world. Ways you can volunteer today: Social Media Creation Copy Editing Prayer Team

life saved

Mothers now have a safe and clean Maternity Home to recover and receive care from a knowledgeable and compassionate team operated by Connect Global.

Recently, we had the opportunity to hear directly from mothers who stayed at the Connect Global Maternity Home

One mother who had their child in the NICU for almost a month and one who battled for her sons life for just under a week

These two moms come from different areas, but similar backgrounds, and upbringing. Yet, they both ended up at the hospital around the same time, and had nearly the same complications with giving birth and once their child was born

I also have to inform you that their outcomes were different

The mother who battled for 26 days of excruciating pain, and reports that their child was not viable was indeed able to head home with a baby who made a full recovery

The second mother, who was in our care for only 6 days, who battled just as fiercely for her baby boy did not have the same result. Her sweet boy did not recover.

All around the world it is the same Babies are born, they have complications, and some survive and others don't It is impossible to reconcile why this occurs Why one mother gets to go home with her baby in her arms and why another only heads home with only her memories of pregnancy and the hardship of their birth and loss.


This is the challenged faced by our team and the almost 1800 mothers we have now cared for at the Maternity Home Joyous celebration one moment then crippling fear and disappointment the next

Yet, we fight. We fight for the life of the children that each mother in our care represent, we fight alongside valiant nurses and doctors trying to save lives, and we fight for the ultimate salvation of the mother and child and for their family who they will go back to

Not every battle is won or has the outcome we pray for but every decision of faith, every time a mother is able to be comforted and find peace and every time we are able to see a mom go home with her baby in her arms and Jesus in her heart is a step in the right direction

The bible mentions in the Book of Romans that we should "Rejoice with those who rejoice; [and] mourn with those who mourn " That is exactly what our team does day in and day out. We are available 24/7 to pray with, fight for, and walk alongside some of the strongest mothers I have ever met at a time at which they are in the most pain I can't even imagine

Thank you for battling with us and for Giving with us to make this possible It is truly a life changing and life saving ministry and it is only possible with the generosity of those who would choose to fight for the lives of these precious children every day

On the following pages you can find out more about the Maternity Home Ministry and how you can get involved We are also available to come and share at your church, business, or group about the precious work that is going on as well as help provide a lasting way for you to make an impact through your partnership wth us.

Mothers from all across the department of Atlantida are cared for by our staff who treat this work as a ministry first by providing spiritual care as well as meeting tangible needs

The work we do and the care we provide would not be able to be completed without the generosity of many churches, individuals and business partnerships

Together we have cared for over 1700 mothers and their newborns We have provided medications, food, warm beds, and many other vital needs


C O N N E C T G L O B A L N e w a n d E x p e c t a n t M o t h e r s w e r e d i s p l a c e d w h i l e t h e y w a i t e d f o r b e d s t o o p e n u p b e f o r e d e l i v e r y & w e r e g i v e n n o r o o m t o r e c o v e r p o s t d e l i v e r y . N o w , w e o f f e r 2 4 / 7 s u p p o r t a n d c a r e f o r o v e r 6 0 0 m o t h e r s a y e a r .



The Maternity Home was opened on September 11, 2019. Our team has been on full time rotation providing 24/7 care for the moms of La Ceiba We care for over 600 moms a year

It is great to see the community jump in and serve and give towards this ministry.

Please consider making a monthly donation to help us maintain and operate this ministry to these precious mothers.


Mothers from across the northern coast of Honduras, the bay islands, and many underserved communities have a safe and clean Maternity Home to receive 24/7 care in a dignified and safe facility.


The Connect Global Maternity Home compassionately restores dignity, safety, and peace of mind where it is needed most


Our plan is to share the operational cost responsibilities with these local partners as well as others who see the value in caring for these moms.

When you Give With US by investing in the Maternity Home, you are helping provide life and so much more

CONTACT US M A I L I N G A D D R E S S PO BOX 47381 Tampa, FL 33646 P H O N E N U M B E R (214) 725 4352 E M A I L A D D R E S S


Manyhavefeltthiswayandit’snot veryfunbutyoucanfind someonetotalkto.
Text 'Pray with Me' to 844-397-4679 Someone from our team will text you back and can talk with you about anything. Your texts are important to us and will be prayed for by our team Don’t do life alone. We are listening and encourage you to reach out today. NationalDomesticViolenceHotline 800799SAFE(7233) NationalAllianceonMentalIllness 800 950 6264 FIND US ON THE BIBLE APP

partner with us

It is your generosity that allows us to impact so many lives. Whether you are giving towards a specific project or to where it is needed most, you can rest assured Connect Global will make sure every donation is used for maximum impact

We take our work very seriously and we operate responsibly. We have focused on learning as much as we can about the issues we tackle and we invest our time, energy, and resources smartly and with great care

We personally visit the places you see on our website and will always take great care in reporting to you our successes as well as our failures on the field

We keep You, our partners, informed of the ongoing programs and share the joy of each completed project. Our regular reports to donors as well as our public messages give everyone the chance to oversee the operations we are committed to

We are committed to the highest standards for the use of funds. We use the donations for the purpose, for which they are given. We keep our administrative and fund raising cost as low as possible.

We provide food for the hungry, hope for the hopeless, and a place for people to become who they were created to be. We invite you to join us by giving and also by visiting the places we serve. You will be glad you did.


to learn more


text (844) 397 4679 email: hello@connectglobal org www connectglobal org CONNECTION A M A G A Z I N E B Y C O N N E C T G L O B A L THE

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