Connection Magazine February 2015

Page 1 •

February - Mar. 11, 2014

Just Say: No Thanks

To Tanks! pg 29

Compassion Flower Pages

pg 38-39 Yoga • Martial Arts Fitness Massage Pages 30-33

Vani Hari . . . The Food B abe pgs 20-21

“Past Lives-Present Purpose: Resetting Your Spiritual GPS for Prosperity, Abundance, Joy & Passion� - coming soon to Santa Cruz

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Page 2 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ February – Mar. 11, 2015 Connectiononline

Free Magazine Download from Anywhere in the World: Look for our Mar. 2015 Issue - Mar. 12th - Now in our 21st Year

Feature Index arts & entertainment ...............................34-35 astrology ........................................................ 36 awareness .................................................24-28 the Billboard ............................................ 3 &17 thriving Business ........................................4-5 Compassion Flower resource guide ...... 38-39 dining delights .............................................. 16 essential living guide ............. 14,24,25,30,31 Fitness & sports ............................................ 32 green Business directory .............................. 6

health notes..................................................11-15

healthy appearance ....................................... 19

healthy planet .............................................. 6-10 lively letters .................................................. 19 martial arts...................................................... 33 massage / Bodywork ...................................... 30 movies ............................................................. 34 music .............................................................. 34 parenting, Kids & education ............ will return pet / animal health .......................................... 37 radiation protection .......................... will return rave reviews ................................................... 19 theme ......................................................... 20-21 spirituality .........................................................23 travel & Fun ......................................Will return Wonderful Women............................................ 22 yoga .................................................................. 31

The Connection Magazine is for educational purposes only. We do not necessarily recommend the specific remedies, exercises, treatments or activities, etc. summarized. please consult with your personal health care provider to find out what is appropriate for you.

Entire Contents © The Connection Magazine

The Billboard

TELL THE WORLD!! • Listings: are $6 a line with a 4-line minimum, prepaid • Headlines: 20 char. & Regular lines 30 char. Photo/Graphic: $10 • Next deadline date is Mon., Mar. 9th for the Mar. 12th 2014 Issue • Go to our Website: • Email: • Mail to: The Connection Magazine, 7960 B Soquel Dr. #355, Aptos, CA 95003 • Phone: 831/459-0522 or Fax: (831) 427-7781 •Visa / MC / Discover / American Express/Diner Card SPECIAL: Prepay 4 months =10% off. Serving: Santa Cruz, Monterey, Santa Clara, and San Mateo Counties.10% off for non-profit. ated with) the Unitarian Church Sanctuary, 490 Aguajito Rd, Carmel. For Event Schedule and Info: or (831) 4841923. 11/12


Breast thermography CliniC

Safe & Effective Alternative to Mammograms. FDA approved screening tool for Breast Cancer. Sat & Sun March 7-8, Santa Cruz Naturopathic Medical Center, 736 Chestnut St., Santa Cruz. (831) 477-1377.

Kangan alKalized Water

There is a new technology in health. Try Kangen alkalized water for free and see what it can do for your health. For free trials and demos please call Benjamin Cogan 530-5152171 Distributor ID 7287269

CirCle oF light!

santa Cruz shielding

Worried about smart meter radiation? We can help protect you. Call (831) 818-0819 Or Email us at:

Looking to connect with LikeMinded Spiritual Adventurers? The Circle of Light is the place to Expand Your Consciousness, Open Your Heart & meet Lifelong Friends sharing the exciting Journey of Awakening & Transformation. On the Third Friday evening of each month, we meet at (but are not affili- How to Reach Us:

(831) 459-0522 Fax: (831) 427-7718 (Please Call to Confirm Fax Receipt) Connection Magazine 7960 B Soquel Dr. #355 • Aptos, CA 95003

living in Community is a great Way to live!

Townhouse for sale in Cohousing Community. To find out more, please call (831) 4643677 or visit www. 1/4

getting married?

Let’s do it your way. Non-denominational Officiant creating weddings from “the inside out”, developing personalized ceremonies to suit your needs. Rev. Susan Pittas, 831-3596700, SantaCruzWeddingOfficiant. com

perspeCtives radio

Listen to Perspectives Radio Show every Saturday from noon to one on KSCO 1080 AM. We have extensive coverage of issues regarding holistic health and other important topics

THE SHAMAN’S COSMOLOGY Taught by Jose Luis Herrera

Offered locally by internationally acclaimed shamanic teacher Jose Luis Herrera April 16th through 19th. This is the first of a 4-part series of personal empowerment, healing, and transformation in the tradition of the master shamans of Peru. Enrollment limited – Register now to reserve your space!

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To register or to receive more information about this and other shamanic trainings & services, contact: Patrick Gillis at 831-345-6520 or email: Elegant outcomes for Individuals, organizations, & businesses

Continues on Page 19

Page 3 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ February – Mar. 11, 2015


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Well Known Scientist Sounds The Alarm On Geoengineering

Marvin Herndon, Ph.D. , is a scientist of considerable notoriety. Marvin contacted me recently to express his growing concerns about the constant toxic aerosol spraying of our planet and the obvious human health and environmental ramifications we all face from this contamination. Dr. Herndon has shown a level of courage that is so very rare in the circles of the science community, he is taking a stand on the aerosol spraying issue and making his voice heard. There are so many in academia who have sheepishly hidden themselves in the shadows while they perform whatever task is asked of them in exchange for a paycheck and a pension. Marvin is the antithesis of this. He has sacrificed much in his life and career in order to

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stand on his convictions. I solute Dr. Herndon’s determination and courage, his recent letter to authorities in his region is below. May his outspokenness be an example to others in the science community. Dane Wigington January 16, 2015 To: Mayor Kevin L. Faulconer, and San Diego City Council Members From: J. Marvin Herndon, Ph.D. Subject: Pervasive Toxic Aerosol Spraying of San Diego Residents I am a scientist (PhD in nuclear chemistry, Post-Doctoral in Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry) and businessman, and have lived in Scripps Ranch for thirty seven years. Over the past year the skies above San Diego have changed drastically in plain sight. We’ve been robbed of the beautiful blue skies we associate with our city. Almost every day jet airliners are spraying innumerable so-called “chemtrails� and they persist after release behind the jets to gradually form clouds. Chemical clouds. Toxic clouds. They eventually diffuse and form a white haze in the sky. Sometimes, the artificial clouds are laid so thickly as to make the otherwise blue San Diego sky fully overcast with toxic chemical aerosols. Sometimes, depending on chemical mix, the transition from spray to white haze is rapid. Please see a few examples, attached, that I photographed from my front yard. Chemicals sprayed into the atmosphere do not remain suspended; they fall to contaminate the air we breathe, our rainwater, and our agricultural soil. This ongoing massive spraying taking place over San Diego represents a grave threat to me and my family, my neighbors, and all my fellow San Diegans. Rainwater collected after intensive aerosol spraying now reportedly contains elevated levels of aluminum, barium, and strontium and likely other toxins. Aluminum is implicated in diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and autism, whose rising incidence is causing alarm to many Americans. How many additional children will be doomed to suffer a lifetime of autism? How many additional San Diegans will suffer

premature brain degeneration or cancer? What horrors lie in store for our children and grandchildren who unknowingly play outdoors, or the pregnant women with their unborn offspring, or the runners and other outdoor recreationists? What about those of us who suffer asthma or who have compromised immune systems? What about the elderly? What about your own family? Are we San Diegans no longer free to breathe uncontaminated air? Why are San Diego’s Mayor and members of San Diego City Council silent about this imminent public health threat? Were you duped into believing that toxic chemical clouds will keep Earth from warming? Clouds might reflect sunlight back into space but those same artificial clouds also keep Earth from cooling by not letting Earth’s heat escape during the night. Clouds, artificial or natural, trap heat! Why the silence? Are you afraid there will be demonstrations or riots in the streets if the truth were told about the ongoing activity that poisons the air San Diegans are now breathing? Deception by acquiescence and silence is fundamentally wrong, unless you are a willing participant in activities that will likely come to be characterized as crimes against humanity. As elected officials you have the responsibility to advise and protect all San Diegans. Please speak the truth and stop this spraying over our homes. The following links provide information you may find of benefit. Chemtrail websites: http://www.geoengineeringwatch. org/ index.html Interview with a neurosurgeon: h t t p s : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / watch?v=X3lW-TGGlk0 Please advise me of your intensions to make public disclosure of the chemical spraying over San Diego. Kindly respond before the close of business on January 23, 2015, or I will assume you have no intention of responding. Sincerely, J. Marvin Herndon, Ph.D. Permission to post this letter was granted to geoengineeringwatch. org from Marvin Herndon, Ph.D.

Page 4 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ February – Mar. 11, 2015

Tell BP: Enough is Enough!


he 2010 BP oil disaster was one of the worst environmental disasters in US history. For 87 days, more than 200 million gallons of oil spewed into the Gulf of Mexico, contaminating beaches, killing wildlife and hurting local economies. Five years later, BP has not paid a dime in Clean Water Act penalties. And even though a U.S. District Court judge found BP “grossly negligent� last year, BP has continued to veil the facts and avoid responsibility for its actions. Despite BP’s claims, we know the truth: Nearly five years later, the effects of the spill are still being felt today. Dolphins and turtles are dying in record numbers, fisheries are still being affected and remnants of BP oil continue

to wash up on our shores. The final stage of the BP trial has begun. Tell BP and their lawyers: Stop your campaign of denial and deception and pay the maximum fines for which you are liable! Nearly five years since the start of the Gulf oil disaster, the ongoing effects of the spill are only becoming more apparent. It is appalling and unjust that you are avoiding responsibility by continuing to appeal the court’s decisions and funding a misleading PR campaign that suggests everything in the Gulf is fine. In the last year alone, studies have shown that dolphins and turtles in the Gulf are dying in record numbers, commercial fisheries are seeing decreased catches for several varieties of seafood and tar mats continue to wash up on Gulf Coast beaches. It’s time to come clean and accept responsibility stop your campaign of denial and deception and pay the maximum fines for which you are liable!



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Solving 9-11: the Deception That Changed the World

Feb. 28th at the Resource Center for Non-Violence. Christopher Bollyn, Journalist & Author of Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed the World Sponsored by Santa Cruz Peace and Freedom Party 7pm, February 28th at the RCNV 612 Ocean St., Santa Cruz. How Can We Not Try to Solve This Horrendous Crime and End the Coup That Took Place on 9-11-01? The following 10-minute video, Solving 9-11 Destroying the Evidence, explains how the FBI, under the supervision of Michael Chertoff, allowed the crucial steel evidence from the World Trade Center to be destroyed. Rather than conducting a forensic examination of the steel to determine how the buildings were destroyed, this crucial evidence was hastily cut up, mixed with other scrap, and shipped to steel mills in Asia. See more at: Second of 3 Short Videos below:

Tell Monsanto: Stop Forcing Farmers Into Poverty!

The Green Directory

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Suicide rates among Indian farmers have skyrocketed thanks to Monsanto, whose viselike contracts have trapped thousands of farmers in cycles of debt and poverty ( ever since its GMO crops were introduced to the country in 2002. According to the Center For Human Rights and Global Justice, in 2009 alone 17,638 Indian farmers committed suicide, averaging one suicide every 30 minutes. The biggest factor sending Indian farmers into deeper and deeper debt are the absurd royalties that Monsanto charges when farmers use “renewal” seeds, which are seeds gathered from a previous harvest. The practice of saving seeds to plant the following year is a worldwide, ancient tradition––one that farmers have always relied on to economically produce enough food. Join us in demanding that Monsanto stop charging royalties on crops produced from renewal seeds! But, because Monsanto’s seeds are patented, the corporation charges royalties for crops

produced from the same genetic material as the original seed, slamming struggling farmers with mounting fees they can’t afford. In India, more and more farmers are viewing suicide as the only way out of Monsanto’s financial trap. That’s why we need you to tell Monsanto to change its royalty policy and stop charging extra for crops produced from renewal seeds. We can’t let Monsanto profit from stacking the deck against hardworking people who feed the world!

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Solutions -

Emerging from Servitude

In this second sart of looking at the structures we live under, we’ll consider options for creative responses to banks and “government”

Page 6 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ February – Mar. 11, 2015

Just Say “NO!” to Cell Towers (When You Can) Wireless is everywhere and we’re living in a brave new world where we cannot escape wireless microwave radiation. Some people think we might as well surrender and at best we should try to just deal with it. Sometimes I feel this way but most of the time I realize it is up to each of us to protect our children. That is why I recently attended a meeting regarding the proposed installation of a cell tower in Soquel Village. Verizon is attempting to install a cell tower on a building located at the corner of Soquel Drive and Porter Street. Verizon representatives assured the landlord that: • The tower meets FCC rules. • It is a repeater that handles data, and not voice communications so the radiation is less • A metal shield installed under the transmitter will avoid emitting radiation to the building occupants • Cell phones emit more radiation when they are not getting a strong signal, adding another cell tower would lower the exposure. True? I am old enough to recall corporations hiding incriminating data for years on products like smoking, asbestos, and lead paint. Here are some facts about microwave radiation that you can verify for yourself: • Why is the US standard 100 times higher than Russia’s standard? FCC standards are outdated and inadequate. • Radiation can travel around a metal shield like water around a wall. • The 24/7 tower radiation addition may more than offset the reduced cell phone radiation reduction. • Verizon representatives admitted that they plan to install another cell tower at the high school. We are constantly told that there are no studies linking wireless with cancer. Sound familiar? When the independent studies are separated from the industry funded studies, biological health effects are found in cell phone usage. Radiation is causing double bond breaks in human DNA which are not repairable. Watch the documentary, “Take Back Your Power” for more information. The landlord in this particular case claims

he is not considering approving the Verizon tower for the money but rather for the health of the students who attend a nearby high school who are “always using their cell phones.” He reasons that someone is going to agree to accommodate a cell tower and he wants to do it “in the safest way possible.” Is he playing with fire? What about the children attending three other three nearby schools (Soquel Elementary School, Main Street Elementary, Tara Redwood Elementary)? These kids are at a greater risk because they are younger, their brains are still developing, and the schools are closer—all within a range of 450650 ft. There also is a day care center and karate school located even closer to this proposed site. The landlord personally investigated each school site and determined that all were already bathed in radiation from wireless WiFi, transformers and “Smart Meters.” I suppose the argument is “the radiation is already present so what the heck?” But remember that people have a choice to turn the phones and Wi-Fi on and off. No one in Soquel will have a, choice to turn off the cell tower emitting micro-wave radiation, 24/7. In Europe some communities are not allowing cell towers to be near schools or libraries. The documentary, “Full Signal” shows when a village discovered residents living next to cell towers developed cancer, they removed all cell towers from the village and went back to using land line phones. The cities of Watsonville and Capitola are local examples of recently voting down the proposed cell towers. In 1996 the U.S. Congress passed a law that dis-allows state and local governments from prohibiting installation of a cell tower on the basis of health concerns. Guess which lobbyists contributed millions to get it passed. As a former teacher, I care about the kids. As a former computer programmer I understand the need for technology. As a current nutritionist, I know it’s critical to protect health. It would be good for Soquel Village if this landlord and the next ones approached would just say “NO!” to proposed cell towers. Go to for a list of informative videos.

The French Parliament passed a law addressing electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic hypersensitivity. While the new law does not go nearly far enough, it is the first of its kind in the world.

3). Within one year from today, the ANFR will produce a municipal-level map of all cell towers in France. 4). Any advertisement for cell phones must mention, clearly and legibly, the recommended use of an accessory device that reduces exposure of the head to radio frequency radiation. Violators are subject to a fine of 75,000 euros. 5). Advertisements promoting the use of cell phones without such accessories are prohibited. Violators are subject to a fine of 75,000 euros. 6). Anyone selling a cell phone must provide, upon request, an accessory designed for children under 14 years of age that reduces exposure of the head to radio frequency radiation. 7). Wireless internet is prohibited in places dedicated to the welcome, rest, and activities of children under 3 years of age. 8). Wireless access for internet in elementary schools must be disabled when not in use for teaching. 9). One year from today, the government shall submit to the Parliament a report on electromagnetic hypersensitivity.

New French Law Sets Precedent

Among its provisions are the following:

1). Anyone who intends to build one or more radio installations regulated by the ANFR (France’s equivalent of the FCC) must submit to the local government, if requested by the mayor, calculations of electromagnetic fields that will be generated. This information must be made available to the public. 2). A national dialogue committee on levels of public exposure to electromagnetic fields is created within the ANFR. This committee will give information to all stakeholders. The ANFR will give annual reports to the dialogue committee on the results of all electromagnetic field measurements in France as well as measures taken to reduce exposure levels at “atypical” locations where the levels are greater than usual. The ANFR will compile a annual census of atypical exposure locations and periodically report on measures taken to reduce exposure at suchlocations.

Cellular Phone Task Force:

P o l a l l c u i r t t i on c e l E

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Page 7 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ February – Mar. 11, 2015

Digestive Healing

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Menopause, PMS, Fertility

Cardiology & Neurology

Come discover why Traditional Chinese Medicine is America’s fastest growing choice for primary healthcare. Effective, safe and natural…

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Why Build a Geodesic Dome?

by Aaron Carvajal Why go round instead of square? For starters take a look at how nature designs everything. The movement and momentum of life happens on a platform based on the circle. There aren’t really any straight lines or squares in the growth of life and movement of the heavens. So why do we build most everything using squares or straight lines? We don’t live in MineCraft, so we may want to explore the world of circles and natural ratios to build our future homes and products. Here are just a few very good reasons why this makes sense. The geo dome structures weigh less when completed because of the air-mass inside the dome. When it’s heated warmer than the outside air, it has a net lifting effect -like a hot-air balloon. This is almost unnoticeable in smaller structures, like houses, but as geodesics are based upon spheres, the effect increases geometrically with size. So you’d be able to notice it in a sports stadium, and a sphere more than a half mile in diameter would be able to float in the air with only a 1 degree Fahrenheit difference in temperature. “The Geodesic Dome is, simply stated, the strongest, lightest and most efficient means of enclosing space yet devised.” American Institute of Architects. This says it all, but here are some more reasons. Geodesic domes use about a third less building materials for some substantial savings. The primary factor affecting efficient use of materials and energy in a structure is its shape. Think of a soap bubble. A

from under a closed door? The nature of the spherical design provides strength because the stress is shared evenly by all the points of the structure. The dome shape allows resistance to movement from earthquakes, high winds, and spreads stress from snow load evenly throughout the structure. The geometry of the triangle offers additional strength to the dome shape. Interior advantages of the dome include greater freedom of floor plan design, high ceilings, and even light, heat, and sound distribution. Domes display superior light characteristics as The lower the total outside spherical shapes tend to amplify light surface area (walls and ceilings) the while rectangular shapes tend to trap light. Acoustical advantages greater the efficiency in include more even sound energy use for heating distribution and less outside and cooling. A dome has noise infiltration. approximately one-third Most interesting and less surface area to the important are recent studoutside than a box-style ies that show that the full structure. The amount of spectrum of energy waves surface area exposed to are available in the center the elements has a much of a dome. In a box, the greater impact on energy energy waves are blocked. efficiency than insulation Aaron Carvajal Thus the saying, “I feel like values. Efficient airflow inside a dome adds to the energy sav- I am boxed in...” We seem to know ings further; the curved surface of a instinctually and feel physically the dome provides a natural circulation comfort of being inside a dome. The of internal air. Outside the dome, the importance of the natural energy round shape provides an aerodynamic waves all around us is just beginning effect; so wind passes over the dome to be understood. Lastly, let’s not with less resistance. In comparison, forget they are simply good looking a box-style structure provides a flat and cool. barrier to wind, creating positive wind See how we are taking action today pressure and suction. Ever notice how by visiting future at futureofthefree. a door will slam shut when a door to com and e-mail us at connect@futurethe outside is left open, or air blows in sphere represents the smallest amount of material surface area needed to enclose a given volume of space. A divided sphere becomes one of the most efficient shapes known to enclose a given floor area.


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Heirloom Plants and Your Health

“P Ca

by Gina Locatelli and Allen Morgan


Valentine Heirloom Seed Festival

Eternal love...Seeds Not Sugar — Feb. 15th - Sunday This semi-annual seed swap is a free event and will take place on Sunday, February 15th from 11 AM - 4 PM at the Native Revival Nursery located at 2600 Mar Vista Drive in Aptos. It is a free event open to the public and will include seed savers of all levels of experience. At 1:00 PM there will be a presentation from author and educator, David Blume of Whiskey Hill Farms discussing the latest organic techniques. Until then, come and enjoy the wonderful Celtic bluegrass music from well-known local artist, John Michael. The festival will allow attendees to stay connected after the event for

future seed swaps and projects. This will also be a fundraiser for the Santa Cruz County Fair Agriculture/Horticulture Department in order to promote youth education with regard to community gardening and farming. There will be thirty varieties of open pollinated seeds and organic and local family heirloom seeds, as well as garden-saved seeds in the free give-away. In addition, Allen Morgan, steward of Santa Cruz Heirloom Seed, and distributor of Seed Saver Exchange, will have one-hundred, fifty-seven heirloom varieties of Seed Saver Exchange vegetable and herb seeds available for sale.

Your Health and the “Three Sisters” Knowing, Sowing and Growing (2 of 3-Part Series) In Part Two of Your Health and the Three Sisters, we will discuss the health benefits of the heirloom pole bean and its role in the Three Sisters. We will be happy to make suggestions as to what beans to purchase and where to buy them so you can enjoy planning your spring garden.

Cherokee “Trail of Tears.” A pole bean offered by Seed Saver Exchange

The beans are encased in 6-8” greenish-purple pods and can be left to dry on the vine before picking or can be picked green and prepared like snap beans. Days to Maturity: 85 days; Sun: Full Sun; issuu Direct Sow after fear of frost has passed; Fruit Size: 8 inches; Use: In an array of traditional American and non-American dishes You can choose other varieties of pole beans from the Seed Saver Exchange catalog like the Ideal Market, Kentucky Wonder Pole or the True Red Cranberry.

Health Benefits

• Fresh green beans are very low in calories (31 calories per 100 g of raw bean pods) and contain a very good source of vitamins, minerals,

GMOs cannot be considered safe until there are valid, nonproprietary, long-term studies of their effects on humans and the environment!

radicals. • In addition, beans contain healthy amounts of minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, and potassium, which are very essential for body metabolism. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controll the heart rate and blood pressure.

Featured Pole Bean: Cherokee “Trail of Tears”

The Cherokee “Trail of Tears” is a shiny jet-black bean that can be harvested fresh or dried, and is a hearty and nutritious pole bean offered by Seed Saver Exchange (SSE). These were the beans carried in the pockets of Cherokee Indians on their tragic forced relocation from North Carolina’s Smoky Mountains to Oklahoma in 1838 - 1839, leaving a trail of 4,000 graves. Cherokee “Trail of Tears” seeds were given to SSE in 1977 by seed member, Dr. John Wyche, whose ancestors carried them with them on the tragic journey.


Humble Beginnings

and micronutrients. • The beans are a very rich source of dietary fiber, which acts as a bulk laxative. Fiber helps to protect the mucous membrane in the colon by decreasing its exposure time to toxic substances. • Green beans contain excellent levels of vitamin A, and health promoting flavonoid poly phenolic antioxidants such as lutein, zeaxanthin and ß-carotene. • Zea-xanthin is an important dietary carotenoid in the beans and is selectively absorbed into the retinal macula lutea in the eyes where it thought to provide antioxidant and protective UV light filtering functions. • Snap beans are a good source of folates. Folate along with vitamin B-12 is one of the essential components of DNA synthesis and cell division. • They also contain good amounts of vitamin-B6 (pyridoxine), thiamin (vitamin B-1), and vitamin-C. Consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful oxygen-free Where to Purchase Seeds: Allen Morgan: SantaCruzHeirloomSeed@outlook. com Seed Savers Exchange: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds: www. Request a free catalog to Seed Saver Exchange at:

According to Garden Web, The Internet’s Largest Home and Garden Community, growing the Three Sisters is an ancient method of gardening using an intercropping system which grows corn, beans, and squash crops simultaneously in the same growing area that is typically a rounded mound of soil, often called a hill. Corn is the oldest sister. She stands tall in the center. Squash is the next sister. She grows over the mound, protecting her sisters from weeds and shades the soil from the sun with her leaves, keeping it cool and moist. B e a n s are the third sister. She climbs through squash and then up corn to bind all together as she reaches for the sun. Beans keep the soil fertile by converting the sun’s energy into nitrogen filled nodules that grow on its roots. As beans grow they use the stored nitrogen as food.

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“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” —Oprah Winfrey

by Adora Deva odern research shows that the heart plays a much larger part of our intelligence and our health. The latest research in neurocardiology says the heart has a brain and consciousness of its own that takes in information. This heart brain can remember and make decisions that are independent of our own brain. Study has shown that the heart signals the brain first and that influences the decisions being made about perception and emotional processing. It now makes sense that we get a knowing from our heart first as research shows that the electromagnetic field produced by the heart is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the brain. The heart’s magnetic field is so large it can be detected several feet away from the body. When we feel love or appreciation, our serotonin level increases and that helps us feel better, and it can lower our own blood pressure. Just saying thank you to someone makes such a difference. When we are laughing, or exercising, we increase our endorphin levels. When those good hormones stream into our bloodstream, we feel so much better. It is so important that we do everything we can to learn how to relax, feel good and love ourselves for our own health and wellbeing. New research has shown if you are depressed, in pain and decide to do something selfless or giving toward another person, that act of caring can stimulate oxytocin and dopamine to be released within you and you automatically feel better. Humans are really beautiful creatures. When you give thanks for anything that is going right and put your attention there, the

statistics say you’re going to be better off. When living with an “attitude of gratitude” things don’t just look better; they actually get better because where attention goes, energy flows. “A grateful mind is a great mind which eventually attracts to itself great things”— Plato We can begin by writing down at least 5 things we are grateful for. It can be as simple as the joy of being able to have a warm shower. We can begin catching ourselves being good. We can acknowledge any kind deed we ever offered anyone. We can remember all the times we enriched someone else’s life. This attitude of gratitude has shown to improve our own wellbeing which affects every aspect of our lives from improved sleep, less depression and overall better health in many ways. O p r a h Wi n f r e y m a y h a v e s a i d i t best:“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” For assistance in connecting with the Wisdom of your Heart, sign up for a complimentary 15 minute discovery session with Adora today. Adora Deva’s heart-centered practice combines Clinical Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, Therapeutic Massage, Polarity Therapy, ‘Raindrop Technique’, Hawaiian Temple Bodywork, Usui Reiki Healing, Advanced Light Therapy and Oxygen Therapy. She is a Transformational Coach/Clinical Hypnotherapist. Adora Deva, CCHT, CMT, RM, also specializes in Stress Relief, Sleep Therapy, Weight Management, Life Clarification and Longevity., (831) 566-9678, www.



Mandatory Vaccines Coming to California

ingredients in most vaccines and the dangerous side-effects they cause, including death, autoimmune disorders, and the very diseases the vaccines are supposed to prevent. Even worse, vaccine manufacturers and the doctors who administer vaccines are completely shielded from liability for vaccine injuries and deaths. So it is with great urgency that we alert you to the intention of two state senators, Richard Pan (D-Sac.) and Ben Allen (D-Redondo Bch) to introduce legislation to eliminate “personal belief exemptions” that allicensed esthetician • 27 years experience low California parents to refuse to vaccinate their children. Also, CA US Senators Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein recently issued a press release saying only limited medical Private Santa Cruz Studio exemptions should be allowed. Page 11

by Theodora Kerry onnection Magazine, with it’s many vaccine-related articles through the years, has alerted many of its readers to the toxic


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by Dr. Amy Kelchner, ND he big splash in the media about the measles is raising a lot of fear in all of us. As a naturopathic doctor and mom of 2, I have a big interest in this issue and have done a lot of research on the subject. I’d like to address the lies I keep hearing: #1: Measles will kill your children. Actually, measles in a healthy, well-nourished child is not a big deal. Really. Yes, it’s uncomfortable, and yes, you will have to miss work to take care of your sick kid, but they will get over it. And, the measles is so rarely fatal in this country, it’s hardly worth mentioning. In 1963, the last time any real statistics are available, the death rate from measles was .015%. There’s a much higher chance of dying in a car accident, and an equivocal chance of dying from the flu. The statistics about how many people will get pneumonia and die are worldwide statistics, and includes the poorest, most malnourished populations in the world. Contrary to what conventional doctors say, there is a lot we can do to treat viruses like measles and the flu. Naturopathic medicine’s goal is to support the immune system to do what it already knows how to do: discharge the illness and return to vibrant health. We do this through herbal medicine, homeopathy, nut rition, and hydr otherapy. #2: Measles is spreading rapidly and will most certainly show up in your elementary school tomorrow. Actually, 68 cases in 11 states were reported between January 14th and the 23rd. The 68 cases in a population of 317 million is not very many. This is not a comeback of measles.

#3: The measles vaccine is 100% safe. Although the CDC (Center for Disease Control) refuses to acknowledge the risks of vaccines and their failures, no vaccine is 100% safe. The MMR has one of the worst safety records of all. In fact, last fall a senior scientist at the CDC admitted that research done 10 years ago revealed a significant increase in autism in African-American boys following the MMR. The fact is that we still don’t know. The research has not been sufficient. Other reactions have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Reporting System, ranging from digestive inflammation to autoimmune disease to encephalitis to SIDS. Most children given the vaccine will be perfectly fine, just like most children who contract measles will be fine. #4: The vaccine is 100% effective. No vaccine is 100% effective. Of the 52 cases that originated at Disneyland this year, 6 were in fully vaccinated children. I am pro-informed choice. Parents need to understand all sides of the issue and make their own choice. Dr. Amy Kelchner, ND has had a holistic family practice since 2003 with a focus on pediatric health and craniosacral therapy. Because building a child’s health can make a lifetime of difference, she loves to empower parents to care for their children naturally and prevent unnecessary medication. Her great joy comes from working with people who are seeking wholeness, for themselves and their children. Call (831) 477-1377 for more information or to make an appointment,, http://tinyurl. com/kokqr8p

MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW ACTION ALERT Mandatory Vaccines Coming to California

Page 10

Now is the time for everyone to take a few moments to contact their state representative and senator, their governor and lieutenant governor, and their U.S. Congressional Representative and U.S. Senators to educate them and share some key facts and your stories. Your rights to make informed vaccination decisions for yourself and your family are critically dependent on your legislators understanding why protecting the right to delay or decline a vaccine is so important. Do not put this off thinking somebody else will do it. If this issue is important to you, make the time to educate your legislators because if you don’t, the only information they are getting is the pharma/medical-lobby-funded-forcedVaccination-agenda that has been responsible for instigating the current frenzy in the media. Do not let these decisions be made for you by those whose power, positions or profit are dependent on forced vaccination. For guidance and information in reaching out to your legislators, please visit the National Vaccine Information Center at http://www.nvic. org, click on the NVIC Advocacy Portal link, then scroll down to Action Needed Now and click on YOU NEED TO ACT NOW – Vaccine Exemptions Threatened in Multiple States. There you will be able to locate the contact info for your legislators along with talking points to help educate them about why you oppose mandatory vaccinations, and all forms of medi-

cal fascism! This is urgent, as most legislators, including those for Santa Cruz County, are unduly influenced by the Big Pharma Lobby and the public health agendas that they control. Once you register with the NVIC Advocacy site, you will be kept informed of further developments with this legislation. One more thing: Please share this action alert far and wide. The lives of our children truly depend on our willingness to take action now!!! EDITOR’S NOTE: And, please read Connection Magazine and tell others to do so as well. We have been educating our Readership for 22+ years now on this issue of vaccines/vaccinations. Now, more than ever, we must investigate and stay awake; actually, we need to participate in a BIG way in our own lives and for the sake of our children, ourselves, the world. Read what we publish, tell others, check out the resources. Recently, we were asked why/how we can be so honest and the only ones in our distributorship to get as much truth out to the community/our Readership as we do . . . and, my response is we don’t have the advertisers in our magazine that promote vaccines and other questionable drugs telling us what to do. So . . . we are free to be 100% truthful, as we have always been & intended. And, we do the investigations and research before we publish information. Follow the money . . .

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There is no sincerer love than the love of food. —George Bernard Shaw


by Ed Bauman, M.Ed., Ph.D.

“There is no love sincerer than the love of food.” —George Bernard Shaw


et’s admit it, we love to eat. When we eat well, we choose fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, legumes, and organic animal products. This is the Eating for Health way. But when we are stressed, we eat to calm down, stimulate, and find pleasure. When these are our motivation, many of us tend toward comfort foods like pizza, burgers, fries, and a soft (or hard) drink. These “happy meals” may make us feel better in the moment, but they are addictive junk foods that work like drugs — quickly, powerfully, and predictably — making us want more even when we know they aren’t good for us. Pleasure seeking, pain avoidant, food programming runs deep. It’s an unconscious reflex response when fatigue, sadness, and uncomfortable emotions surface.

“My weaknesses have always been food and men—in that order.” —Dolly

Parton Our relationship with food is a primary one. It can be healing, or it can be damaging. Without a loving relationship with our self and our loved ones, food addiction can easily manifest. Rather than cook, people eat out or have food delivered and eat while watching TV. Two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese, and with too many calories, poor quality food, and too little physical activity, mind numbing chronic stress sets in, which is managed by emotional overeating. When stressed, the brain and body become fatigued and exhausted. At these moments of physiological and psychological depletion, people instinctively reach for the comfort foods they crave and beverages that provide pick up, pleasure, and distraction from conflict.

“I love my pizza so much, in fact, that I have come to believe in my delirium that my pizza might actually love me, in return. I am having a relationship with this pizza, almost an affair.” —Elizabeth Gilbert

There is a solution to this fatal attraction to food. When we love ourselves and others, we are active, joyful, and content; we eat less; and show love by cooking for and eating with our

beloveds. Food is the center of healthy culture as witnessed by the Slow Food Movement members who take time to dine together during leisurely meals without a TV in the background. Eating well is a self-loving activity. It is a form of recreation, culinary art, and a daily practice. Start by designating one day a week to source, prepare, and enjoy a meal of fresh, local food with friends and family. Take time to practice mindful eating to fully experience the sensory pleasure of eating something whole and unprocessed. Practice taking a deep breath and have a glass of water or a cup of tea to calm and soothe your nerves when stressed. Pull back on eating your comfort foods, but don’t eliminate them completely. Let them be a part of your holistic nutrition program so as to not trigger more craving by deprivation. Develop a loving relationship with your food — smile, sip, and enjoy your next meal. Dr. Ed Bauman, M.Ed., Ph.D. is the Founder and President of Bauman College. He is also a founding father of the Berkeley Holistic Health Center and National Association of Nutrition Professionals. After studying traditional health and nutrition systems for more than 30 years, Dr. Bauman created the Eating for Health approach, which forms the basis of his professional and community programs. He is the author of the bestselling Holistic Health Handbook, Flavors of Health Cookbook and Whole Food Guide for Breast Cancer Survivors. For more info about Bauman College, please visit or call (800) 987-7530. Please tell us that you read this and saw our Ad in Connection Magazine. Thank you!

A Goddess Journal by Melanie Gendron and Annie Elizabeth

Perfect Bound Publication date: January 2015 Price: $12.00 ISBN: 978-1-935914-53-2


his beautiful journal will call to you from your night stand and accompany you in your handbag as it inspires you to record your deepest thoughts on its pages. Masterful illustrations of goddesses from the world's great spiritual and historical traditions are partnered with affirmations by Melanie Gendron, creator of The Gendron Tarot and Annie Elizabeth, author of Affirmations for Everyday Living. The characteristics of the Divine Feminine are part of each and every one of us. We are infinitely capable of embodying Mother Divine’s characteristics of compassion, sustenance and unconditional love. This journal is a form of prayer that we may, all of us, be graced by Goddess with happiness and personal fulfillment.

For orders and inquiries, go to: or call Annie (831) 335-7283 or call Melanie (831) 335-9064

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patients and dentists included, in the real world. Understand that this is just an observation I have made of the how our dental educational system appears to be organized and run, at least during EPLACING OST EETH MMEDIATELY my tenure in dental school. Relevant? tongue space, but thinning weakens by David L. Biles, D.D.S., M.A. Yes, because the attitudes and treatthe plate, and should be minimized. nce patients decide to rement choices driven into dentists durSince the ipper may be necessary move unhealthy teeth, the ing dental school indoctrination are for an indeterminate amount of time, next concern often becomes forget such ait ismemorable by D.D.S., best to take goodshock… care of it. MyI whatDavid to replaceL. theBiles, teeth with, and, I M.A. based, sometimes, perhaps oftentimes, recommendation is that patients put up generally As give the the same answer. Weunfolds, it is aced his class. Year on incomplete information. Why dowe I immune systems. Our symptoms lowing several byultimately Davidreplace L. New Biles, M.A. with thehours thicknessofforfull a weekmouth before can the teethD.D.S., with As farthinning as I the amsupport, concerned the my intent to relateor many topics, all say that? and then only if devices never that are removable  xed, experience and report to health care periodontal debridement with our thought that I would con- dental profession intolerable.would Keeping definitely ippers wet and designed further educate the comdepending on to their preferences and The Academic Dental result Adminpractitioners are the logical of skilled from registered dental tinue to learn as much as I do cleaning with a hygienists. toothbrush and budget, but in the very beginning, I benefit the them addition of more munity on relevant dental issues. This istrators at most US dental schools, soap and water alsostill helps assure longthis oral pollution. Unless the undertell my patients thatmany we are going to in practice as Even though he was slightly after so years article deals with one of the worst physical education majors. Why? Be- as I have learned through casual conreplace their teeth with a ipper. That’s worth the benet in hygiene, healing, term use. If one chooses to not wear lying dental issues are strategically, numb,P.E. he majors said, evening his versations a dentist. As athematter of fact, one of cause are that taught to teach it for later awhile, I recommend placing possible dental hassle. right, a device we in traumas—the profession andpediatric with my colleagues during ipper incantly water some 3% hysafely, andtend effectively reduced or energy wasthesigni improved, One of the biggest concerns myto early concerns was that dentistry refer asemergency… a “ipper” or an immedimental/physical skills, to with organize, to my dental Damn. Yes, damn. career, to be former officers drogen peroxide. A word to the wise: ate temporary partial denture. The many patients have is how their apbetter yet, eliminated, then medias well as his mental clarity, includwouldn’t offer as much stimulation Iname allowed myself the opportunity to motivate, to coach, to respect age ap- with the Armed Forces,—thethe Navy at ipper comes presumably from pearance will be altered immediately cover and place the ipper away from cal treatment regime we are engaged pets, as of cats and dogs have been known propriate learning… much of which is UCLA ing reduction whole body pain. Imyself thought Ican might needfollowing bethesufflail in the interests oftocoming surgery. I tell a them to theas ease the appliance be ipped when I attended in the late 70s, todentistry, chew up dental theytoils, will nevermissing leave ce from outof the mouth by the tongue friends when from inappliances. my opinion. in will littleguys, more slightly to the aid interested of some recently All the ofof this just having his teeth early ciently in myrelax; daily These as than wonderful as Flippers are generally worn a necessary. It has no relationship to the without their smile after their surgical P.E. majors are taught to work with all they when I offered to render emergency effective cleaned,of because he,10-12 like decades into my career. appointment. I could not were,symptom could not management. possibly relateArto approximately Moreover,thoroughly we have spent minimum dolphin television star of the 60’s. weeks before treatment to proand abilities. Personally, I taught dental care their 5 year-old So what is a for ipper? Gen-surprised guably… the mouth comes rst. experiences 80% of their students 70-90% of Americans suffer from un- the have been more as son time ages vide a more permanent restorerally speaking, from a ipper ais adental infection for 7was years, suffering encounter careers This conceptduring does their not support diagnosedand gumlifesaving disease. This the will/do has unfolded. the trusting swimming ative option can begin. It takes removable oral applianceTreating with exposed to some of the finest physical from two badly decayed teeth. He had as dentists in thehierarchy community. that long before soft tissue anda thegeneral current perceived in 1-3 teeth grateful attached to a custom and patients I do enables third or fourth time I had heard such mature people enough before educators in thebone world, whoit made hard been acrylic plate already on 10 days of antibiotics officers, Academic health care,the however, as Dental dentistsAddo patient, leading me As me to tspink better understand how this revelation fromisapossible or wise to resume that form- to the palate or All Americans, ministrators outranked most of their with improving signs as the swelling developed Olympians, treatment. Flippers can, by the not intentionally do medically lower arch utilizing the oraldental system operates in health citizens. above histheleft abated but he was and fine young American patientsrelated during dental their military careers, way, last for a long time, givenI contours of teeth eye and the care due to the and disease and still keeps the my situation and the care the dental or mediarch for stability. still inretention pain, and with no appointment with don’t think most of creating an unusual social power restrictions placed on both patient affords the appliance. I my daily Some dentists haveinterest. them made Each day such mentoring. the pediatric dental specialist for three cal colleagues had dynamic transferred, via the dental have patients who have worn with metal clasps for retention, professions, not to mention I hear tales that astound me, to Children can not be expected weeks. So, I offered and consented these for years. Plus, I have had school indoctrination process, to the though I have managed to thedentists lack ofin this communication challenging my understanding patients wore nothing but to learn and acquire thewho necessary fine locate athis small lab thatyoung does custreat fine man, and… practicing country. (An ippers for decades as it t best tom me and provides of disease andthought common understanding ofwork theItformechanisms co-ordination plus interesting was horrible… for everybody, eye-hand motorinto to consider from a their lifestyle, budget, and metal free services. Since many between thevantage, medicalno?) and dento adequately social psychology dysfunction. including my neighbors in my health- the discipline requisite health concerns. ofand my patients present with I routinely The pink material in most signs ofcomplex metal allergies, having tal professions. Nonetheless, particularly care who telephoned hear from patients of brain fogto ask prevent dental decay, Most importantly and most removable appliances is acrylic a metal free removable option is given the food choices most children the few dentists thatfact do treat us to restrain our patient in the parking relevant, however, was the that clearing, whole body pain diand is colored by the heavy paramount in my practice. I am thecadmium. time frame lot. (As if we had things control.) are faced, and inmetal, Cadmiumbefree these Academic administrators did not the whole mouth systemically blessed to have such a skilled minishing, and energyunder increasacrylics and are available, and our laboratory technician service exfoliation With of my topsychology andare experi- tween tooth eruption maintain a constantsee eye healing over their oftentimes ofown aping.all Sometimes the reports my patients. His name is Stan; he’s an years creating pretty smiles with our choice of materials for our patients. for the presentation of the final set of patientsparently ence as a swim teacher, parent/grand for very long as their patients unrelated symptoms. Teeth are acrylic and porcelain, though even more remarkable. artist and has a wonderful grounded ippers, and truly do work with an artadult thatteeth is are essentially the were essentially porcelain a bit more costly. parent cards order… transients, as were the ist, Stan,could who truly cares aboutteeth. people, Yet, sense of humor. I canin always countexample, on noone There are many reasons for Recently, for and adjusting porcelain is which isunrereflected intask his work and toSetting Stan; he predicted is, Stan the Man. given our population. Fewteeth are have the outcome… dentiststhis, themselves, moving every few including the somewhat a Back woman returned her when emergency ippers more challenging and time consuming, to the topic—a ipperwith is timeliness strained hurt, anger,upon and rage directed prepared for this with the addition of years, as our US military does to our are needed to quickly help a traumatic with little esthetic gain, so I generally usually inserted exobvious economic reasons, sister forimmediately a second opinion stay with the acrylic teeth. Besides, the everywhere at a decibel level sure fighting forces… and their families, as Supporting new peoplefamily and labs members. traction of teeth for multiple purposes. situation. where patients are more likely to seek to believe that rapidly lowering the and examination, determined to help acrylic teeth bond plate,brainwhereas Stan’s is why we work withAre small we It serves as an immediate band-aid by like stadium crazy orto the just to rival the Seattle Seahawk I learned firsthand, attending 13 differthe of porcelain ones must be mechanilaboratories: we have the relationship placing direct pressure overher the surgicare for a single tooth rather than a total amount bacteria in the head her sibling with health concerns, don’t think record. Devastating to all. Damaging. washed? Andcally ent schools before college, including retained. In a100% situationbreast where I cal wound site, aiding in healing by to ask for favors when necessary. whole mouth. Plus, it takes much can have a signi cant effect on our touching all of the bases on possible need to thin the tooth for clearance milk is safe either as I have discovered Traumatic. themuch picture? Homestead, Lowell, and Oak Grove I believe that a well-designed stopping the owGet of blood, like by opposing teeth, porcelain can moreSchools. skill to restore a whole mouth shouldmore provide patients what is done in ato rsthelping aidNothing, situation:heresthetic health. Quickly. solutions healipper from than once through longteeth term High That bad. absolutely direct pressure to the wound. The form with a condent smile after the surgery fracture. Stick with the acrylic teeth. can only after years The previous link that one a myriadalsoof symptoms, cultandtothat’sassociation withI multitudes of patient Having livedacquire in the Santa Cruz nothing my can isdif be worse hope hypothetical that by knowing more complete, what we conof the ipperin helpsbook, create and of dedicated post-graduate work. the journey beyond exEven ifippers, access to care were came meabout when a physician called label As hassistently beenprovide. my In families. county community in multiple places, my ofce,to that than themedically. pediatric dental emergency, an guide the nal tissue contour which traction becomes less threatening, less the smile not eye-catching, helps to that assureis functional and means aacknowledge problem, either Detoxifying an entire mouth but with a long-term stable dental event totally avoidable, inthat most, thatfinancially, her patienttime was custom, Ia nice thoroughly evaluated her isto esthetic bony foundation for later pos- but does not draw critical scrutiny. fearful. Remember, you can have your wise, or manpower limited we would of patients over are 29 years, but not all cases… with acute dental and rebuilding it better techsmile the to day your are extracted. now responding her teeth therapy fol- population mouth on multiple levels, examinIn many cases, the smile we provide sibilities. Moreover, its presence limits How much better can it pediatric get, given the still faceathe unnecessary following surgery is a significant Iniques have been to learn much about food other forcesthe fromTMJ, disturbing trauma being lone exception. And that able are not taught in dental lowing similar protocol. Prior to ingandher gums, teeth, existing circumstances? Happy trails…. improvement over thedental one the patient the healing making healing emergencies becausemouth the basic healing, when it comes even thatwound, is avoidable in many cases if schools,particularly necessitating specialized thoroughly cleaning dental restorations, posture, Dr. David her Biles is currentlyand acwith at the beginning of the less disruptive. I particularly like tongue the presented preventive practices are introduced to to dentistry. I have also learned much parents are forewarned and thinking. cepting new patients. He practices idedental journey. design that Stan creates for my patients soft tissue, dental materials, and eliminating two cavities, this patient training, instrumentation, and travel. al dentistry as aprocess Biological Bioesthetic parents too late in the of rais- about the human body, information Speech is generally affected because his meticulous Who’s to attention blame?to It’s difficult It has taken me over 15 years of soul had been to all of the level of oral hygiene, utilizing Dentist with a signicant background initially,digital within 48 hours of use, non-responsive detail enables my patients securely ing children. Where do the two meet? sometimes at odds with conventional to find fault withtothe parents ofbut this perspective rooted in athletics, searching and analysis, coupled with people adapt and speechphysician’s returns to nor- and wear their ippers for weeks withouta laser efforts to stimulate her x-rays, photographs, cavity Back to the commentary… dental wisdom and dogma, thanks to poor suffering child because ignorance physical education, cardiopulmonary though the continual awareness adding dental pastes and adhesives for mal, revelations from my patients over system heal. was detector,even and illuminated high mag- immune dentistry, andShe human reof the appliance per- medicine, the and pediatric dental retention. It takes a little more extra my wonderful patients who have chalabounds, amongst healthcare pro- with the tongueAgain, in exercise physiology,progwww. that time frame to become sists awhile longer. Occasionally, the issearch now thrilled to see the patient’s ni cation. is to identify as time and plaster toMy makegoal the ipper emergency one of the most traumatic lenged conventional dental comfortwisdom fessionals, and that includesipper the can ill be in-thinned to create more and (831) 423-0121. retain without pastes, but it is well ableforced with knowing that when patients ress and to understand this and many potential stressors inparents. the oral events onecalled can experience, andwhy not one me to re-evaluate… the formed dentists who become FW][ ') T J^[ 9edd[Yj_ed CW]Wp_d[ T mmm$9edd[Yj_edCW]Wp_d[Edb_d[$Yec T CWo (&'( unify their dentistry, health bene ts was happening. We concluded that the pediatric cavity as possible, believing that the anyone cares to encounter routinely… dental emergency for one and Quite frankly, the dental profession’s will occur. What thoseasymptomatic benets will in bacteria was enabling nature, magnitude, andand duration even at all, unless absolutely un- criteria for extracting expectations of children familiesof orreduction specically Had it nottobeen fordirect the mobile depends on the issues her immune system nally the been stressors’ impact the avoidable. have totallyexistence unrealistic …ANY So, how do we avoid pediatinfection, 5 the patient possesses alongthe with other P.E. majorsystem could have its attention of to recurring other priorities in the immune in, attold the the verydental least, combination dentalincluding emergency? old, friend’s swollen eye, one ric profession if they were willing to year factors, theFundamentally willingness to body rather thankid, deal with an appardiverting that the attention of the immune valuing teethchanges, as soon asifthey of antibiotics already, looming by listen and are other willing to listen now. course make lifestyle theybegin have ent chronic low grade sub-clinical system from maladies. to erupt into a child’s mouth, attending general anesthesia—second bout, 3 Our expectations in the dental profesnot also been examined and instituted During the course of the exami- infection in the head, localized to the them, cleaning them, preening them, wait for next available appoint- to sion are too and our fundamental mouth, primarily between and around already. nation, thehigh former patient revealed week baby…the recipient of all this with pediatric dental specialist until the approach to oral hygiene must change ment Don’t you think it is time we to me that although she still had the teeth. With this awareness came to this new appendage grasps now. Cold hard fact: there aren’t and bleeding heart (mine)… plus an attention reconnected the mouth for dentistry other implications, however. the antibodies for Systemic Lupus uncompromised conversation with the the importance of this and every subenough dentists in the profession to The common denominator? A and medicine? I welcome patients Erythematosis, SLE, she had not solve the early childhood decay we are pediatric dental patient… I could not sequent tooth. Parents must adapt this who ritual are willing to invest and in their to achieving experienced any community symptomswater since besystematic in their parenting then telling this approach tale, nor advocating this daily presented with and health and educate themselves when a healthy mouth on multiple levcompleting treatment in my of ce keepit fluoridation is not the answer, a topic solution… after pondering how we all learn, be taught, whatever…do to comes to understanding the particular els,here… attending all ofdissected the possible seven years That was why she got children’s teeth immaculately until to I really this their for another day.ago. What’s working hasn’t stressors in their Likewise, I stressorsunnecessary on and in the oral system, avoiding allmouths. dental emergency had working, brought her in forand an exencounter… on clean been isn’tsister working, is eventful welcome the testimonials that and restorative treatment and theonly atmultiple levels. One benefit has been understanding that there are multiple amination and consultation with me. unlikely to be working so a different trauma. Easier genesis of thisand article, enabling serve topsychological validate a legitimate direction perspective and if approach yieldto the types of stressors each one exerts tending She wondered a similarmight approach than done,and butmedical done it professions must be. a self way. imposed for the dental better results. its to inbreak uencethrough in a unique The said dental care might be benecial for her me Where does the education come writer’s cramp, generated by my own Regrettably, some of those in to embark. We are here to heal, are sister. Healthy mouth, healthy body, stressors? Bacteria, number and type, It starts here… next month. academia, particularly faculty fears. we not? from decay, gum disease, bad oral from? the American Dental one Association Biles isBiles accepting new paIn my position as a dentist, as Dr. David member at UCLA, believed P.E. being maDr. David is accepting hygiene, poorly contoured, rough says, so… of course I agree, interested in a comprehensive any dentist, who spends 30 plus years tients jors had no place at the UCLA School interested in a comprethe good supportive dentist I am, dental restorations that promote bac- new patients approach to health, created of Dentistry as Dr. Colin Franker so interacting with a relatively stable dental approach to health created applauding the ADA for some of the terial accumulation and proliferation, inhensive tandem with the patient. Dr. Biles righteously proclaimed on day one of population, much can and is learned… in tandem with the patient. Dr. Biles inaccessible concave surfaces, plus good work it does. my sophomore microbiology class. much which has escaped the Academic brings a unique awareness to health brings awareness to health from a the energetic effects of mixed metals, Another case history? Last week He made a point of chastising the dentists in the Ivory Towers… who from a lifetime of study in many dislifetime of study. Schedule visit to including the out gassing of mercury a gentleman suffering from high ciplines. Schedule a visit to a see if an have never really practiced dentistry admissions committee for accepting see ifapproach an ideal approach to dentistry from than silveras colored llings, facilitated pressure, obesity, and into shortness to dentistry is what a research hobby, still ideal a blood physical education major this other is what yourneeds body needs to heal, (831) body to heal. 831-423by the presence of gold.generally All of these of breath myhuh? staffThanks that he good… just not relevant to your class… me. informed Great intro, 423-0121, experiences of most beings, physical inuences arehuman impacting our 0121. feltthe better than he had in years for motivation, Colin. Hard folto the

R L Possible T I Worst Dental Trauma O


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by Sylvia Skefich, D.C. hat the heck is an MTHFR defect? You will want to know the answer because this gene defect is becoming more and more implicated in a wide array of common ailments and diseases. Methelenetetrahydrofolate reductase (or MTHFR) is an enzyme that is needed in important processes of the liver called “methylation.” A gene regulates the ability to produce the enzyme. It is said about 45% of people have some level of reduced ability to produce the enzyme, thus a reduced ability to have the natural chemical sequences that would occur from the presence of the enzyme. What results from a defect?... a buildup of toxins in the body ensues. Also a reduction of the powerful antioxidant called glutathione occurs. This double whammy can set a person up for many health problems due to cumulations of toxicity in the tissues. The toxicity can trigger other genes, or can simply muck up the system. Many conditions have been associated with the MTHFR defect including Parkinson’s, frequent miscarriages, bipolar disease, anxiety, cancer, neuropathy, dementia, atherosclerosis and more. The defect is testable with scientific medical tests. People with the defect should be aware


of their lifestyle choices so as not to compound the problem. For example, people with the defect cannot properly process some B vitamins, and yet are deficient in other B vitamins. These people will also be greatly affected by the toxins that alcoholic beverages and candida yeasts cause. Web resources on this subject are Suzy Cohen, RPh, Dr. Ben Lynch, and Dr. Amy Lasko. A great local resource on this topic is Charlie Savoka, Licensed Acupuncturist. Charlie tests for this defect and helps people understand what to do about it. He is speaking at the MY Health speaker series on Wednesday, February 18th at noon for one hour on the topic of “Understanding Methylation.” See below for more details. The MY Health speaker series features health care practitioners speaking on topics that help people get and stay well. After Charlie, the next speaker will be Craig Lane on Friday March 13th at 6:30pm. Craig is a Certified Herbalist with a BS in Nutrition and a practice on River Street in Santa Cruz. He has been an advocate for natural health care methods. Craig is going to talk about how to recognize the signs in your own body, and how to translate their meaning into something that makes sense and can be worked with. He is inspired to give us some tools to take control of

our own health, and to recognize signs that might otherwise be overlooked. Sylvia Skefich is a Doctor of Chiropractic who practices at 920 41st Ave., Suite G in Santa Cruz 95062. (831) 475-1995. She sponsors the MY Health 10 Month Challenge series of speakers from February through November. There are two local

health care practitioners speaking each month. All one hour talks are held at the Shambhala Center at 920 41st Ave. rear entrance and are $12. You can attend for free if you take the “challenge”—which is to make a commitment to come to at least one talk per month for 10 months. Call Sylvia’s office to commit to the challenge.

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Why Ditching Antibacterial Soap Is a Good Idea

riclosan, an antibacterial chemical used in a wide variety of consumer products, has many potentially harmful effects, especially for children. Triclosan can alter hormone regulation and may interfere with fetal development. An increased cancer risk has also been suggested. Tricolsan turns to the formaldehyde molecule in the brain! Triclosan was found in 100 percent of urine samples taken from pregnant women in Brooklyn, NY. HOMEMADE DEODORANT Are you a big “sweat-er”? Even if you don’t perspire profusely, body odor happens to the best


Page 14 Higher Brain Living® actually shifts the energy away from your “reptilian survival” lower brain so you can create a magnificent life more quickly and effortlessly with the surge of the new Higher Brain energy. Wouldn’t you like to live from the Higher Brain—the seat of joy, empowerment and stressfree living—or begin a new career helping others to experience this remarkable evolution? Dr. Michael Cotton is a leading Evolutionary Theorist and the Founder of Higher Brain Living®. He has a Doctoral degree in Chiropractic and is the Creator of the revolutionary

of us, especially in the winter when we pack on the layers! Here’s what to do… Fill a clean, empty face-powder container (or any similar-sized plastic container) with baking soda, and apply evenly under your arms using a powder puff or big blush brush. The alkaline nature of the baking soda balances pH levels to neutralize odor…without added fragrance or chemicals. Ladies…This is a great way to keep smelling fresh through a night of hot flashes. If you have a real perspiration problem and feel more secure using a commercial deodorant, you can boost its power by applying baking soda over it. Printed with permission.



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Page 15 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ February — Mar. 11, 2015

Evolving Bacteria Outsmarts Vaccines by Dr. Mercola Over the past few years, parents of unvaccinated children have been publicly blamed for increasing cases of B. pertussis whooping cough and deaths. This despite the fact that even the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) admits that the rise in reported whooping cough cases cannot be blamed on unvaccinated children because “they are not the driving force behind the large scale outbreaks and epidemics.”1 Going back decades, rates of whooping cough have been nearly identical in countries with high and low vaccination rates. And according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), pertussis vaccination rates in the U.S. have remained stable or have increased since 1992. It’s important to realize that the pertussis vaccine has never conferred lifelong immunity to whooping cough—even after multiple doses.2 Other viruses and bacteria, such as parapertussis and RSV (which are not covered by the vaccine) can also be clinically misdiagnosed as pertussis if proper lab tests are not performed, while many cases of pertussis are never diagnosed by doctors or reported to the CDC. Most importantly, researchers are now realizing that B. pertussis bacteria have evolved and become vaccine resistant. It is reminiscent of the way that bacteria have become resistant to antibiotics, thanks to the massive overuse of antibiotics in food production.

Evolving Whooping Cough Bacteria Outsmarts Vaccine

As reported in the featured article,3 after 2012 whooping cough outbreaks, researchers turned to genetics to determine the cause. The study, published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases,4 analyzed the genomes of whooping cough bacteria, finding that the “acellular vaccine antigen encoding genes are evolving at higher rates than other surface protein encoding genes.” This suggests that the disease is not being prevented with mandatory, mass vaccination programs. According to the featured article:5 “The researchers said that it was happening even before countries like the United States and the U.K. switched from the wholecell whooping cough vaccine to the acellular whooping cough vaccine, but the evolution of whooping cough bacteria has progressed more rapidly since the new vaccine was introduced a decade ago. The researchers further added that the old whole-cell vaccine produced longer immunity to whooping cough bacteria than the current acellular whooping cough vaccine and that the current vaccine may be generating an expanded pool of carriers, particularly teenagers.” In 2013, the FDA discovered that while the whooping cough vaccine may reduce symptoms in those who are vaccinated, the pertussis vaccine does not prevent infection and transmission of the disease. In fact, you can get a series of pertussis shots and still become an asymptomatic carrier who is contagious and can spread the disease to others without even knowing it. That study effectively shattered the long-held illusion of vaccine-induced herd immunity.

Mumps Vaccine Isn’t Working Well Either

As recently reported by Forbes,6 the mumps vaccine isn’t working very well either, further proving that vaccine-induced herd immunity is a fallacy. In the middle of December, more than a

dozen NHL hockey players contracted mumps, despite having received their childhood MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccinations. Gregory Poland, director of the Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group told Forbes there are three likely factors at play: 1. Waning immunity 2. The vaccine’s initial effectiveness (or lack thereof) 3. The quality of the individual vaccine given As noted in the article, childhood MMR vaccination may be insufficient to prevent disease in adulthood: “When the CDC began recommending the vaccine in 1971, they recommended only one dose... The agency didn’t begin recommending a second childhood dose until 1991, following a series of measles outbreaks in the ‘80s... In an outbreak, the CDC recommends that a third dose of the MMR be considered.” According to the CDC,7 one dose of the MMR vaccine has a disease prevention rate of 78 percent, so right off the bat you know it’s not going to prevent disease in everyone. A second dose is claimed to increase protection to 88 percent. But outbreak rates suggest the vaccine’s effectiveness wears off, and might be lower than expected to begin with. In 2010, two Merck virologists filed a federal lawsuit under the False Claims Act against their former employer, alleging the vaccine maker has been lying about the effectiveness of their mumps vaccine (which is part of the trivalent MMR vaccine). The whistleblowers claimed they witnessed “first hand the improper testing and data falsification in which Merck engaged to artificially inflate the vaccine’s efficacy findings.” Merck allegedly falsified the data to hide the fact that the mumps vaccine in the MMR shot has in fact significantly declined in effectiveness over the years. Lack of effectiveness may account for why Penguins captain Sidney Crosby contracted mumps despite having received a booster shot that same year. According to mandatory vaccination proponent Dr. Paul Offit: “That’s surprising, but he could have had vaccine failure, or he may not have developed vigorous enough antibodies. Like all medical products, vaccines are not 100 percent. A vaccine dramatically lowers your risk, but it doesn’t eliminate it.” A lowered risk might sound like a good thing, but if bacteria and viruses are evolving and becoming vaccine resistant, mirroring what we’re seeing with growing resistance against antibiotics, the entire vaccine program would need a serious review. What if we’re misusing vaccines like we’ve misused antibiotics, creating far worse diseases and reduced immune function in the process?

developed a staph infection that led to her death. While this tragic story is played up as evidence for how dangerous seasonal influenza can be, there are a couple of factors to take into consideration before hitting the panic button. First, this year the CDC actually issued a warning saying that the 2014/2015 flu vaccine is a poor match to the influenza A strain causing most cases of influenza this year because the H3N2 strain has mutated. This means that this year’s flu vaccine offers little protection against illness caused by the most prevalent influenza strain circulating this year. Despite that, health officials are still urging people to get a flu shot, claiming the vaccine can make symptoms less severe. This is ironic, considering the fact that some research suggests the flu vaccine might make you more susceptible to severe respiratory illness. In 2012, Canadian researchers found that the flu vaccine increased people’s risk of getting sick with H1N1, and caused more serious bouts of illness to boot. So, could the flu vaccine itself have contributed to the woman’s death? There’s no way to know for certain, but I think it’s a pertinent question. Moreover, the actual cause of death was not type A or type B influenza strains—it was a staph infection. These kinds of hospital-acquired infections have become increasingly prevalent and deadly because of one thing—antibiotic overuse. So should her death really be blamed on influenza or on the routine misuse of a pharmaceutical product?

Authorities Urge Following Vaccine Schedule Regardless of Actual Value

A study published in Clinical Infectious Diseases9 in September 2014 investigated the effect of influenza vaccination over the course of eight seasons. They found that seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness in children under the age of nine was significantly higher among vaccinated children who had NO prior flu vaccination history, compared to vaccinated individuals with a history of frequent influenza vaccinations. Similar results were obtained when analyzing data for adults between the ages of 18–49. What this suggests is that, as you keep getting the flu vaccine year after year, your chances of the vaccine not conferring protection increases—and there are plenty of studies showing the flu vaccine does not work as advertised to begin with. Take the 2012 independent study review from the Cochrane Collaboration10 for example. Tom Jefferson, an influenza researcher with the Cochrane Collaboration told Northwestern. edu:11 “There is no evidence that vaccines can prevent deaths or prevent person-to-person spread of infection.” Basically, the evidence suggests that the more you’re vaccinated, the less responsive your immune system gets. According to the authors: “vaccine-induced protection was greatest for individuals not vaccinated during the prior five years. Additional studies are needed to understand the long-term effects of annual vaccination.”

Unfortunately, health officials are turning a blind eye to growing suspicion that vaccines may do more harm than good, especially for individuals with both known and unknown biological high risk factors that make vaccination especially dangerous for them. Even when the benefit is known to be negligible for some individuals or society as a whole, they still urge everyone to go ahead and “take the shot.” Why? In late December, a 37-year old Missouri woman died from complications from the flu, despite getting the flu vaccine.8 After being hospitalized, she initially began showing signs of improvement, but quickly

Red Flag Raised for Universal Flu Vaccine

Flu shots work, or more aptly often don’t work, because they are supposed to protect against just three or four strains of type A and type B influenza that public health officials predict will be the strains most commonly circulating in the upcoming flu season. The three or four influenza strains contained in annual flu shots represent a small fraction of the more than 300 influenza strains which may circulate during a flu season, in addition to the many other different viruses that cause respiratory symptoms the CDC identifies as “influenza-like illness” (ILI).

Repeated Flu Vaccinations Reduces Vaccine Effectiveness

Vaccine developers working for different pharmaceutical companies in partnership with federal health agencies are racing to create a “universal flu” vaccine that they say will, theoretically, protect against every one of the hundreds of strains of influenza. However, the discovery12 that vaccinating against one strain of influenza can raise your risk of severe respiratory infection after exposure to a related but different strain of influenza has raised a big red flag.13 This previously unknown effect is now called “vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease.” The research, which was done on pigs, was conducted by the US Department of Agriculture’s Research Service and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The problem can be summarized as follows: Typically, most flu vaccines stimulate the production of antibodies to the main protein of the flu virus, called hemagglutinin, which is located on the outer shell of the virus. This protein gives you the “H” designation of a given strain, and it is this protein that attaches to the cell it’s trying to invade. There are 17 known hemagglutinins and the antibodies created to an H1 virus will not protect against an H3 or H5 virus, and so on. There are also different strains within each of these subtypes, and the artificial immunity you get from a vaccine may or may not extend to all strains of any given hemagglutinin subtype. To get around this, the vaccine industry is trying to boost vaccine-acquired immunity by targeting “stalk antibodies.” Here’s what this means, and why their efforts may end up producing the opposite effect they’re seeking: The hemagglutinin is shaped much like a lollipop, with the mutating part making up the head. Researchers have learned that the stem or stalk of the protein, on the other hand, tends to remain fairly unchanged across the various viruses. This is the discovery that has resulted in the current crusade to develop a “universal” flu vaccine. Vaccine developers believe that by removing the head portion, namely the stalk—i.e. the dominant protein portion of the virus—they might be able to induce cross-reactive antibodies capable of protecting against virtually any influenza virus, regardless of whether it’s an H1, H3, or H5, and so on. However, the flu vaccine research in pigs calls into question the validity of this hypothesis. After giving piglets an H1N2 vaccine, they were then exposed to the H1N1 virus in circulation during 2009. But instead of being protected, the H1N2-vaccinated pigs developed more severe respiratory disease than that experienced by exposed unvaccinated pigs. As it turns out, the vaccinated pigs had high levels of antibodies attached to the stalk of the H1N1 hemagglutinin, but not to the head of the protein. The researchers are now trying to figure out why this produces more severe disease, but one theory is that the stalk antibodies bind to invading viruses, and help them enter the cells and multiply. This effect was seen in humans in Canada14 and Hong Kong15 during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, and in subsequent research on ferrets.16,17 Here, too, ferrets in the vaccine group became significantly sicker than the unvaccinated animals.

Are We Weakening Our Bodies’ Ability to Fight Disease?

So the big question is: Are we in fact weakening our overall ability to fight viruses by getting too many vaccines? While this question can apply to any vaccine, it’s particularly pertinent with regards to influenza vaccine, which public health officials say we must get each and

Page 16 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ February – Mar. 11, 2015

every year from the age of six months throughout our lives until death. An even larger question, and one which researchers looking at epigenetics have only just begun to scratch the surface of, is whether or not universal use of vaccines can have a generational effect. One 2013 study18,19 suggests that this may indeed be the case. The study found that infants born to mothers who received the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine lose natural, passively acquired immunity from their mothers sooner than those born to mothers who’d been naturally infected with measles. The reason for this is because vaccinated mothers tend to have lower concentration of measles-specific antibodies. Another study20 published in the same issue of the same journal found that, on average, the duration of passive protection against measles was two months longer for infants born to unvaccinated mothers. Sadly, the authors use these alarming facts to support recommendations to get infants vaccinated sooner, rather than address the elephant in the room, which is whether or not one-sizefits-all mandatory vaccination policies have

way to improve your beneficial bacteria ratio is to avoid sugars as they will feed pathogenic microbes. Additionally, processed foods and most grains should be limited and replaced with healthy fats like coconut oil, avocados, olives, olive oil, butter, eggs and nuts. Once you change your diet, then regular use of fermented foods can radically optimize the function of your immune response. 5. Optimize your vitamin D levels. This is one of the absolute best strategies for avoiding infections of ALL kinds, and vitamin D deficiency may actually be the true culprit behind the seasonality of the flu – not the flu virus itself. Regularly monitor your vitamin D levels to confirm your levels are within the therapeutic range of 50-70 ng/ml. Ideally, you’ll want to get almost all of your vitamin D from sun exposure or a tanning bed. Supplement with an oral vitamin D3 supplement to make sure your level is 40-60 ng/ml. Just be sure to take vitamin K2 and magnesium if you are taking oral vitamin D as it has a powerful synergy and will help prevent any D toxicity. 6. Avoid sugar and processed foods.

your immune system are also better circulated, which means your immune system has a better chance of finding an illness before it spreads. Be sure to stay hydrated – drink plenty of fluids, especially water. However, it would be wise to radically reduce the intensity of your workouts while you are sick. No Peak Fitness exercises until you are better. 10. Take a high-quality animal-based omega-3. Increase your intake of healthy and essential fats like the omega-3 found in krill oil, which is crucial for maintaining health. It is also vitally important to avoid damaged omega-6 oils that are trans fats and in processed foods as it will seriously damage your immune response. 11. Wash your hands. Washing your hands will decrease your likelihood of spreading a virus to your nose, mouth or other people. Be sure you don’t use antibacterial soap for this. Antibacterial soaps are completely unnecessary, and they cause far more harm than good. Instead, identify a simple chemical-free soap that you can switch your family to. In addition to washing your hands regularly, cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. If possible, avoid close contact with those, who are sick and, if you are sick, avoid close contact with those who are well. 12. Use natural immune-boosters. Examples include oil of oregano, liposomal vitamin C, and garlic. Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, these do not appear to lead to resistance. 13. Avoid hospitals. I recommend avoiding hospitals unless you’re having an emergency and need expert medical care, as hospitals are prime breeding grounds for infections of all kinds—including antibiotic-resistant diseases. The best place to get plenty of rest and recover from illness that is not life-threatening is usually in the comfort of your own home.

Protect Your Right to Informed Consent and Defend Vaccine Exemptions

With all the uncertainty surrounding the safety and efficacy of vaccines, it’s critical to protect your right to make independent health choices and exercise voluntary informed consent to vaccination. It is urgent that everyone in America stand up and fight to protect and expand vaccine informed consent protections in state public health and employment laws. The best way to do this is to get personally involved with your state legislators and educating the leaders in your community.


seriously compromised natural immunity over the past 50 years and will further compromise it for generations to come? Most of the childhood diseases for which children are vaccianted today are not deadly for the vast majority of children. Moreover, why are we trading a more robust and longer lasting natural immunity for an artificial more temporary vaccine acquired immunity?

How to Protect Your Health During Flu Season

Avoiding serious complications from influenza and resisting other influenza-like illness during the flu season is primarily about taking positive steps throughout the year to maintain a healthy, well functioning immune system. By following these simple guidelines, you can help keep your immune system in optimal working order so that you’re far less likely to acquire the infection to begin with or, if you do get sick with the flu, you are better prepared to move through it without complications and soon return to good health. 4. Optimize your gut flora. This may be the single most important strategy you can implement as the bacteria in your gut have enormous control of your immune response. The best

Sugar impairs the quality of your immune response almost immediately. It also can decimate your beneficial bacteria and feed the pathogenic yeast and viruses. Be aware that sugar (typically in the form of high fructose corn syrup) is present in foods you may not suspect, like ketchup and fruit juice. If you are healthy then sugar can be consumed but the LAST thing you should be eating when you are sick is sugar. Trans fats in most processed foods also play havoc with your immune response. 7. Get plenty of rest. If your body is overly fatigued it will be harder for it to fight the flu. Be sure to check out my article “Guide to a Good Night’s Sleep” for some great tips to help you get quality rest. 8. Have effective tools to address stress. If you feel that stress is taking a toll on your health, consider using an energy psychology tool such as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), which is remarkably effective in relieving stress associated with all kinds of events, from work, to family, to trauma. 9. Get regular exercise. When you exercise, you increase your circulation and your blood flow throughout your body. The components of

National vaccine policy recommendations are made at the federal level but vaccine laws are made at the state level. It is at the state level where your action to protect your vaccine choice rights can have the greatest impact. It is critical for EVERYONE to get involved now in standing up for the legal right to make voluntary vaccine choices in America because those choices are being threatened by lobbyists representing drug companies, medical trade associations, and public health officials, who are trying to persuade legislators to strip all vaccine exemptions from public health laws. Signing up for NVIC’s free Advocacy Portal at gives you immediate, easy access to your own state legislators on your Smart Phone or computer so you can make your voice heard. You will be kept upto-date on the latest state bills threatening your vaccine choice rights and get practical, useful information to help you become an effective vaccine choice advocate in your own community. Also, when national vaccine issues come up, you will have the up-to-date information and call to action items you need at your fingertips. So please, as your first step, sign up for the NVIC Advocacy Portal.

Share Your Story with the Media and People You Know If you or a family member has suffered a serious vaccine reaction, injury, or death, please talk about it. If we don’t share information and experiences with one another, everybody feels alone and afraid to speak up. Write a letter to the editor if you have a different perspective on a vaccine story that appears in your local newspaper. Make a call in to a radio talk show that is only presenting one side of the vaccine story. I must be frank with you; you have to be brave because you might be strongly criticized for daring to talk about the “other side” of the vaccine story. Be prepared for it and have the courage to not back down. Only by sharing our perspective and what we know to be true about vaccination will the public conversation about vaccination open up so people are not afraid to talk about it. We cannot allow the drug companies and medical trade associations funded by drug companies or public health officials promoting forced use of a growing list of vaccines to dominate the conversation about vaccination. The vaccine injured cannot be swept under the carpet and treated like nothing more than “statistically acceptable collateral damage” of national one-size-fits-all mandatory vaccination policies that put way too many people at risk for injury and death. We shouldn’t be treating people like guinea pigs instead of human beings.

Internet Resources Where You Can Learn More

I encourage you to visit the website of the non-profit charity, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), at 14. NVIC Memorial for Vaccine Victims: View descriptions and photos of children and adults, who have suffered vaccine reactions, injuries, and deaths. If you or your child experiences an adverse vaccine event, please consider posting and sharing your story here. 15. If You Vaccinate, Ask 8 Questions: Learn how to recognize vaccine reaction symptoms and prevent vaccine injuries. 16. Vaccine Freedom Wall: View or post descriptions of harassment and sanctions by doctors, employers, and school and health officials for making independent vaccine choices.

Connect with Your Doctor or Find a New One That Will Listen and Care

If your pediatrician or doctor refuses to provide medical care to you or your child unless you agree to get vaccines you don’t want, I strongly encourage you to have the courage to find another doctor. Harassment, intimidation, and refusal of medical care is becoming the modus operandi of the medical establishment in an effort to stop the change in attitude of many parents about vaccinations after they become truly educated about health and vaccination.

However, there is hope.

At least 15 percent of young doctors recently polled admit that they’re starting to adopt a more individualized approach to vaccinations in direct response to the vaccine safety concerns of parents. It is good news that there is a growing number of smart young doctors, who prefer to work as partners with parents in making personalized vaccine decisions for children, including delaying vaccinations or giving children fewer vaccines on the same day or continuing to provide medical care for those families, who decline use of one or more vaccines. So take the time to locate a doctor, who treats you with compassion and respect and is willing to work with you to do what is right for your child. Printed with permission.

Page 17 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ February – Mar. 11, 2015

Bargetto Wines of the Monterey Bay

B Frey Organic Merlot vines & cover crop.

Share a glass of real organic wine from America’s first organic winery. The best of modern and traditional winemaking!

argetto Wines are some of my favorite wines and have been for many years now. If you haven’t had the opportunity to attend an event or wine tasting at the Soquel or Monterey tasting locations, I highly recommend that you do. Award-Winning wines for many years, their integrity throughout every aspect of their operation is paramount. Read some interesting history and aspects of their sustainability. See you there at their next event! —Pattie Mills 
The Bargetto wine making heritage began with brothers Phillip and John Bargetto who emigrated from Castelnuovo Don Bosco, a small town in the Piedmont region of northern Italy. They brought with them years of wine growing experience when they established BARGETTO WINERY on the banks of Soquel Creek in California. The third generation of Bargettos now direct the operation of the winery. BARGETTO WINERY represents the oldest continuous-operation winery in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Their pioneering spirit continued with the establishment of Bargetto Regan Estate Vineyards, near Corralitos, California in 1992. Here, cool-climate varietals like Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Pinot Grigio are carefully nurtured to produce BARGETTO WINERY’s estate wines. In keeping with the family heritage, the winery also incorporates northern Italian varietals from its Estate Vineyard into its flagship LA VITA wine.

Always family-owned & operated Since 1980

FREY VINEYARDS 8 0 0 . 7 6 0 . 3 7 3 9 F r e y W i n e . c o m / n e a r- y o u

Meet Martin Bargetto, Loretta Bargetto Mujal & John Bargetto

Sustainability The Santa Cruz Mountains is a beautiful area, which overlooks the ecologically diverse Monterey Bay Sanctuary. The Bargettos believe that they have a duty to do our part in maintaining and improving this natural beauty while being good business citizens of our community. As wine makers, they not only strive to produce outstanding wines but also to do it in a way that minimizes their impact on the environment. There are three aspects (known as the three “E’s”) to wine growing sustainability as it applies to both our Regan estate vineyard and to BARGETTO WINERY operations: • The first is Environmentally Sound, in which we strive to grow grapes and produce wines in a “green” manner. Our use of solar electricity in the vineyard and the insulation of cooling pipes in the winery help create and conserve energy. • The second is Economically Feasible, in which we maintain practices that allow our winery to continue our long family wine making tradition. Thinning of crop in the vineyard and consistently releasing high quality wines keep long term customers. • The third component is Socially Equitable, in which we strive to retain long term employees and financially support our community. We accomplish this by providing health care to our employees and by giving back to our community, especially through the LA VITA wine program. Call them at: (831) 475-2258

Page 18 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ February — Mar. 11, 2015

BillBoard from page 3

Help Wanted

Daryl “Street” Wise Owner/Operator


BUSiNeSS maNager for arTS-iN-edUCaTioN program

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liviNg from The hearT w/Barry & joyCe viSSell

Barry and Joyce Vissell, a psychiatrist and nurse/therapist couple for 49 years and longtime Santa Cruz residents, are the authors of 6 books and the founders of The Shared Heart Foundation, dedicated to changing the world one heart at

a time. Even a few counseling sessions with either or both of them can change your life as an individual or couple. Jul 19-24—Shared heart Summer retreat at Breitenbush Hot Springs, OR; Oct 14-20—living from the heart in assisi, italy for individuals and couples; Jan 31-Feb 7, 2016—hawaii Couples in paradise retreat Call Toll-Free 1-800-766-0629 (locally 831-684-2299) or write to the Shared Heart Foundation, P.O. Box 2140, Aptos, CA 95001, for further information.

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aiKido: The arT of peaCe

TaKe Care of yoU

Learn to get centered and blend dynamically with others! Noncompetitive, supportive practice. Adult/Teen 5 week New Open Enrollment, T,Th 5:45pm–7pm, and Sat. 9am10:15am. Youth classes. Aikido of Santa Cruz- nonprofit organization- 306 Mission St, SC. Call for info, (831) 423-TEAM.


with a revitalizing blend of therapeutic massage and energy balancing. A deeply relaxing treatment to renew your spirit and strengthen your chi. call Shari Rose CMT for appointment. at (831) 427-5566.

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lighTeN yoUr life wiTh TraNSformaTioNal CoaChiNg.

Bring yourself present to who you are, and experience your life anew. Are you ready to grow? Group and Individual Sessions. Call Susan Pittas 831-359-6700, lightatheart@

The BearCat and the People SCRAM —Santa Cruz Resistance Against Militarization includes Veterans for Peace and the American Civil Liberties Union (plus many local residents and the group is growing) has raised questions about the military-grade vehicle, the BearCat. This military vehicle , a Lenco BearCat (Ballistic Engineered Armored Response Counter Attack Track) was approved by the Santa Cruz City Council on Dec. 9th to accept the $251,000 federal Grant At its Dec. 9th meeting, the council approved the $251,000 federal grant to purchase a Lenco BearCat. Wednesday evening, Feb. 11, the community came out


3 THE LOGO more of your money will stay here, so you can spend it again, and again, and again...

for discussion of this vehicle at Louden Nelson. One of the panelists, Andrea Pritchett stated, “It’s not police that have a problem, it’s policing,” More meetings will continue with this discussion. The next issue of Connection Magazine, out March 12th will feature a more detailed article regarding this issue. Last month’s magazine had 2 excellent Letters to the Editor (our Lively Letters) which had excellent info regarding The BearCat. Stay tuned.. .

Santa Cruz Live Oak Grange Serving our community since 1933

Hall rental for classes, non-profits, community and cultural groups, and clubs Daniel (831) 325-3233

Raging Grannies!

Thanks, but NO TANKS!


I so appreciate learning about the Vitamin Center. It is so easily accessible off of Hwy 1. Nice people work there and will help you with any questions that you have. I appreciate that the owner, Jack, really cares about the environment as he uses biodegradable materials in his own Vitamin bottles. Thanks, Jack! yvonne w., Soquel


I am writing to express my deepest respect and gratitude to Dr. Gabriel Russo , Chiropractor for the Advanced BioStructural Correction treatments I received. Dr Russo has been known for many years for his excellent Network Chiropractic treatments. Now with ABC, after receiving only 3 sessions, my posture and flexibility greatly improved, and I can now breathe much more deeply. As one of Dr. Russo’s patients said, as I saw her come out of Dr. Russo’s office, “Dr. Russo is the best!” mackie ramsay, mSw, ph.d., Soquel


This store is so delightful! What wonderful things in this store. And, we especially like all of the colorful, silk lamps and so many styles. We’ll be back! janis & michael matthews, Saratoga

Michele DeMoulin’s Illuminating Body, Mind, Heart & Soul

Learning this beautiful healing art from Michele was a pure blessing in itself. I knew when I heard her gentle voice that I was being guided in the right direction. All the barriers around my heart melted and reached out to be filled with love and bliss. She is a magical mapmaker, and she also helped me clear the path so that my Soulmate could arrive in perfect timing. I was blessed to have her presence every step of the way during this beautiful transforming experience. melissa f., Santa Cruz


This is one of our favorite stores. They have everything. AND, their things are quality, fair trade, many gift ideas like candles, jewelry, clothing, etc. They have nutritional products, too, and art, you name it. Thanks Way of Life for the interesting Lectures that you do. We always look for your schedule in this magazine. Thank you, Way of Life. patricia & geoff markinson, aptos


What a great store—many good metaphysical books and other things. The tarot decks and the Intuitive Readings which you offer are always excellent. maddi james, watsonville

Page 19 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ February – Mar. 11, 2015

Q&A with Vani Hari, the Food Babe Q&A with Vani Hari, the Food Babe

What inspired you to write The Food Babe Way? When I started to investigate the food industry and found out exactly what’s in our food, I was shocked. I realized there was a lot of information out there about the food industry no one knew, including me. I have made it my life’s mission to tell people the truth about what’s in their food and how it could affect their health, and now in this book I get to give people the most critical information, and a roadmap for how to live in this overprocessed-food world. When I started to understand what’s in my food, and changed my eating habits and food choices, things dramatically shifted in my life. I went from someone overweight and sick to a new being full of vibrant health. There’s a way to survive and look good without always having to be on a diet. The Food Babe Way contains the 21 essential habits that I taught myself to take control of my health. This book is for anyone who is tired of the food industry hijacking their taste buds, andwants to take matters into their own hands and become their own food investigator, nutritionist, and food activist. We have the power to change our health faster than anyone else, and I wrote this book to show people how to do just that.

Your blog,, has millions of readers now. How did you start?

I began my food journey, like most people, by following the standard American diet. As a successful management consultant, I was either in the office eating whatever takeout was available, or on the road eating every meal out. Al-

though this lifestyle allowed me to fit in with my peers and work crazy hours, it also took a huge toll on my body, and I became very ill. Over the holiday season over ten years ago, I found myself in a hospital bed. I was sick and overweight, and I was ready to change! I made a personal promise that from that point on I was going to make health my number one priority. was born in April 2011, from my years of learning, investigating, and researching how to live a healthy lifestyle in this overly processed world. As I learned more about the habits needed for a healthy lifestyle and what dangerous ingredients to avoid, my friends and family begged me to start a blog in order to share everything I had uncovered. My first investigation was into my favorite yogurt chain. After the CEO responded to my writings by yanking some of the misleading marketing, I continued writing about the injustices and corrupt practices of the food industry. Over the past three years, FoodBabe. com has grown to have a readership of over four million inspired individuals who are seeking to lead heathier lives and to rid our food system of deadly ingredients. It is through the help of the entire Food Babe Army that the investigations and petitions on have forced some of the largest food corporations to change, including Kraft, Chick-fil-A, Chipotle, Subway, Anheuser-Busch, and Starbucks.

What is the easiest good habit someone can start following today?

There is a reason I made this habit Day #1! Start your day with warm lemon water and

cayenne pepper. I love hearing how well people feel once they start this ritual. Doing this one small habit every morning provides a super stimulant to the liver, your main detoxing organ in the body. Keeping your liver and digestive system clean and in optimal condition will help your body prevent diseases like cancer in the future. Combining cayenne with lemon increases the detoxing effect and raises the temperature of your body, increasing your metabolism. Drinking this combination will cleanse your body every single day safely and naturally. I plan to do it for the rest of my life.

What was your biggest lesson learned from writing The Food Babe Way?

It was impossible to put everything I have discovered about our food system in one book. I worked very carefully to choose what I felt were the most urgent and important topics to share. On a personal level, writing this book has taught me a great lesson about taking care of myself no matter how large the project at hand. There were times when I let the stress of deadlines start to impact my habits, but thankfully the message I was writing helped me get back on track.

We are proud to feature The FOOD BABE, Vani, in our Center THEME this issue. Our THEME for this issue, traditionally is “Relationship, Relationship, Relationship!”. Now, for this issue, the ‘Relationship’ refers to the ‘relationship’ that we have with ourselves and ‘food’. We present info about food and what is going on from Vani, The FOOD BABE in many of our issues. Please read and enjoy; stay tuned to more from The FOOD BABE. Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you Sweethearts!! Pattie & Thom

What is your advice to people just starting to implement healthy changes in their lives?

In The Food Babe Way, I methodically take people through the healthy changes they can make to live a more energetic and vibrant life while still being exposed to the food system we have today. I share the life-changing habits that have allowed me to maintain my weight for over a decade after losing the extra pounds I had been holding onto for years. After learning to maintain these habits, I have never had to diet again, despite the challenging environment we live in, with an abundance of tricky marketing and addictive additives in our food that make us eat more than we should.

What is the first and most important thing that someone should shift about the way they eat?

The most important thing someone can do is to start reading ingredient labels and stop looking at the front of packaging for information about the product and its health benefits. Read labels and start to research. In The Food Babe Way I highlight the top fifteen sickening ingredients to avoid if you want to lose weight and feel and look years younger.

How would you respond to those who say eating healthy is too hard?

Order Your Book at

Eating healthy is a commitment. Just like anything in life, you have to take it step by step and one day at a time. The Food Babe Way works because it is a day-by-day approach to breaking free from the hidden toxins in your food. This was the book I wish I’d had when I initially set out to lose weight and start eating more healthy, and started learning about our food system and how corrupt it has gotten.

Page 20 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ February – Mar. 11, 2015

The Food Babe Way Book Review: Breakthrough Guide Exposes Harmful Factory Food Ingredients That Are Still Poisoning Our Children by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor A hard-hitting new book just being launched today blows the whistle on toxic ingredients in the food supply. It’s so compelling that Big Food and Big Biotech corporations hired armies of negative P.R. trolls to try to crush the book even before it was published. Ever wonder what’s so dangerous about this book that they’re desperately trying to make sure you never read it? You’re about to find out. The book is called The Food Babe Way, and as you no doubt guessed by now, it’s authored by the Food Babe (Vani Hari) with a foreward by Mark Hyman, MD.

Exposing the unethical business practices of Big Food

The Food Babe pulls no punches in calling out food manufacturers for their continued use of toxic chemical ingredients that cause harm or deceive consumers. For example, she reveals the Silly Putty ingredient still used in fast food French fries, the fat-promoting pesticide sprayed on fresh fruits, and the wood pulp filler used in popular packaged cheese products. Chapter one of the book is courageously entitled, “We’ve Been Duped,� and chapter two reveals what the Food Babe calls “The Sickening 15� chemicals you should avoid. Chapter three is entitled, “Cut Out the Chemical Calories.� No wonder the factory food corporations are trying to crush this book: these 15 chemicals are the backbone of the processed food industry, delivering the chemical preservatives, artificial taste enhancers and fake food textures that make “dead foods� seem more than what they really are. Without these 15 chemicals, the food industry would be clueless of what to sell and how to make it seem appetizing. But The Food Babe Way isn’t merely about what’s wrong with the processed fake foods sold by the corporate conglomerates; it’s also about how to make your own diet far healthier and more nutritious. The second part of the book is dedicated to healthy food habits, including juicing, cleansing, supporting liver health and much more. The book outlines a 21-day plan described as a way to “lose weight, look years younger and get healthy in just 21 days!� That plan covers

topics like doing a “kitchen cleanout,� supplementing with “10 superhero foods,� increasing the portion of raw foods in your diet and how to shop for healthy foods in what the Food Babe describes as a “Little Grocery Shop of Horrors.� Vani’s advice is outstanding. This book, I dare say, should be the commonsense food and diet bible for America. If more Americans knew this information and acted on it, we’d see rates of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and obesity plummet, saving the economy billions in health care costs and boosting the profits of healthy food manufacturers.

Truth you will not find reported in the mainstream media

What’s also fascinating about this book is that you won’t find much of this anywhere in the mainstream media. That’s because the media is utterly beholden to its advertisers: Big Food, Big Ag, Big Pharma and so on. I’ve literally heard mainstream media journalists tell me they could never cover the truth about food ingredients because “they would be immediately fired� for doing so. Even many bloggers that seem to be independent actually “self censor� their work to make sure they don’t step on the toes of the big corporate advertisers. This phenomenon of blogger self-censorship is far more widespread than you might suppose, and it’s why the very same bloggers who used to write for mainstream sites suddenly sound a lot more informed and intelligent when they launch their own independent blog sites or news sites. The Food Babe Way is a treasure trove of food wisdom you simply won’t find anywhere except from independent authors, bloggers and journalists whose paychecks are not controlled by corporate interests.

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Your Local Probiotic Detox Beverages Artisan tonics crafted with sustainably harvested botanicals and pure spring water. Awe Inspiring and Refreshing! Fast Acting Remedies for Life's Hangovers! Protect yourself during flu season! Available at: New Leaf, Staff of Life, Food Bin, Aptos Natural Foods, and Whole Foods Market.

Dr. Gabriel Russo is Really Back, & with some New Revolutionary Tools! Have you given up hope of getting well?

Many people have expressed shocked appreciation that they have been able to get better with my care after suffering for so long and giving up hope.

“I have made a startling discovery and have new tools that have been helping people to restructure their spine and restore a youthful upright posture, without effort. Endonasal Cranial Correction is part of this new work and is literally like a breath of fresh air as the nasal passages are opened.� ~Dr. Russo “I can breathe again and my mind feels so clear, I didn’t even realize how blocked I had become. Thank you for this new lease on life. Everyone needs to know about this!� ~Recent Patient

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Check out the book’s website at:

In a world where so many popular health gurus are terrified of offending the food giants, the Food Babe has the courage to stand up and speak the truth. The food industry, in fact, seems downright terrified of her petitions and her extremely loyal fan base known as the “Food Babe Army.� Through grassroots activism, the Food Babe and her fans have achieved a series of stunning victories that saw large corporations like Subway agreeing to remove questionable ingredients from their formulations. Most recently, the Food Babe petition calling out Kellogg’s and General Mills for using the chemical preservative BHT in American cereals -- while having already removed the chemical from the same cereals sold in Europe -- caused at least one company to surrender in less than 24 hours. Now, General Mills says it’s “phasing out� BHT in its products. That decision almost certainly would never have been made without the pressure of the Food Babe Army, a powerful group of informed activists who help bring real transparency to the deceptive food industry. Printed with permission from NaturalNews. com

Green Dream

Supporting Health with Organic Produce 4) 01


SH/OP is a non-profit organization providing organic produce for people with cancer, HIV/AIDS, and autoimmune disorders. We are staffed exclusively by volunteers and need your help for a successful second summer season. MORE INFORMATION

Page 21 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ February – Mar. 11, 2015

A Million Good Men

by Carmel Jud, Founder & Executive Director Rising International ’ve been thinking about all the amazing men who enable Rising International to economically empower women and girls around the world. There is no shortage of them. You’ll find these men everywhere; in far-away places like Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and right in our backyards; in Fremont and Santa Cruz, California.


Some of Rising’s work starts with men like Kim Tha.

At age 16, Kim Tha lost his mother and six siblings to the Khmer Rouge regime. He went on to work in translation, and as a social worker. He also had opportunities to travel while studying about textiles and design along the way. In 2000, Kim Tha became the director of the Cambodian Handicrafts Association Skills Training Program. Kim’s program

enables women with disabilities (from landmines or polio) to earn vital income and recapture their dignity. Women with disabilities, especially in Cambodia, experience much higher levels of violence than women without disabilities. The women in Kim Tha’s program sew beautiful silk scarves to sell at Rising Home Parties in the U.S.

This work continues because of men like Sergio Viramontes.

Sergio first learned about Rising International in a Career Communication Class at Ohlone College in Fremont. Sergio and a team of fellow students competed for a donation to Rising made by their professor. Sergio’s team won. Soon after volunteering, Sergio joined Rising International as a social entrepreneur and Rising Representative. He runs his own Rising Home Party business. “I realized that I didn’t have to wait until I’m retired someday to do something about what is taking place against women,” said Viramontes. At Rising Home Parties, Sergio sells products handmade by women who are rising above poverty, war, and human trafficking.

Men like Bruce Berwald and Patrick Carstens complete the cycle.

Bruce is a retired Administrative Law Judge. Patrick owns and operates Hot Spring Spas. These two Santa

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Doctor of Chiropractic

Cruz residents are co-hosting the 3rd Annual All-Men Rising Home Party. They’re inviting a bunch of guys to get together and shop for their sweethearts for Valentine’s Day. Sergio will be leading the party, which includes his presentation, “Why Economically Empowering Women Can Help Change the World”. Featured gifts available for sale at this home party include the silk scarves made by the disabled women in Kim Tha’s program. Rising International absolutely couldn’t exist without all the men that help to make our local and global women’s programs a reality. It’s a man in Rwanda who helps the women artisans deliver their baskets to the freight company. It’s a man in Afghanistan

Kim Tha Proudly Teaches Weaving to Disabled Women in Cambodia who accompanies Rising’s female project manager to a Western Union office so she can receive payment safely. There are three men on Rising International’s Board of Directors. It was a man from Nepal who first taught me that women, especially in developing countries, often have different spending habits than men, and that if more women had a chance to an earn an income, less families would go hun-

gry. More children would be in school. Then there’s, of course, my husband. When we sold almost everything we owned and moved into a barn so I could launch Rising International, my husband never once hesitated. This is not about women helping women. This is about all of us joining together to accomplish, without fail, what journalist Nicholas Kristof calls the greatest moral challenge of our time – ending the oppression of women. If you’re inspired to join Rising International on its mission to economically empower women everywhere, there are many ways to take action: • Make a donation to benefit Rising International’s local-global solution www.risinginternational. org/donate • Host a Rising Home Party – It’s the most fun you’ll have changing the world! www.risinginternational. org/about-us • Host a Rising Global PopUp Marketplace at your place of work • We bring our beautiful handmade products made by women living in the poorest and most dangerous places of the world to your company. We set up in an appropriate area for employees to shop for a cause! • Become a Rising Business Mentor! You’ll be a catalyst for economically vulnerable women and teens in the Bay Area to become global change makers! Visit for more info. • OR, purchase a beautiful silk scarf handmade by women in Cambodia – apparel/yim-scarf-green

Visionary Authors… Share Your Voice! by Candace Stuart-Findlay Are you feeling nudged to share your voice of vision and enlightened transformation? Perhaps the negating thought pops in murmuring that your message has been said before…maybe, but not by YOU. We are in truth fields of Electro-Magnetic energy, and I assure you that if you are feeling strongly nudged, it is because the message must come through your unique frequency in order to be heard and embraced by those who resonate in a similar frequency bandwidth. Not exactly sure where to begin to bring your voice into print? I c omple te ly understand, because I have been there. After searching out and speaking to various traditional publishing and self-publishing companies, I soon realized the need for new thought visionary combined selfpublishing and marketing services. Like a bolt of lightening, I was guided and propelled to found the Empowered Whole Being Press. Founded specifically to publish books that inspire reawakening, enlighten awareness and support lasting positive transformation,

Empowered Whole Being Press is dedicated to discovering new authors with a compelling, inspiring message to share, offering them as much or as little publishing and marketing support as they desire. Our sole/soul purpose is to encourage creativity, inner exploration, and the expansion

of spiritual evolution through written works by providing support, guidance, publishing, and marketing services to spiritually-focused consciousness expanding authors. This is our contribution to the expansion of Unity and the evolution of self-realization. How may we serve you and your visionary voice to uplift the expansion of the All One? Candace Stuart-Findlay is an Author, Founder of Empowered Whole Being Press. For more info visit:

Page 22 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ February – Mar. 11, 2015


FrOM rOManCe TO POsiTive resOnanCe

by Susan Springfield t took me a long time to know the difference between longing and love. As a younger person, I had several long distance relationships filled with the sweet sadness of an aching heart. I know I’m not alone. Just listen to the music. I know, now, that romantic love is a narrow description of a powerful life force. Even still, holidays like Valentines Day require a certain fortitude for those of us who are single. It can seem that love is reserved for those with soul mates. I have long been a champion of the many forms love takes, but after reading Barbara Fredrickson’s recent book, Love 2.0, I realize I’ve been thinking way too small! Fredrickson, a leader in the field of Positive Psychology, has spent two decades researching positive emotions such as joy, gratitude, hope, and love. She contends that although these emotions are fleeting, as all emotions are, they can ignite powerful forces for personal growth. What about when positive emo-

tions are shared? Turns out that a lot happens! Brain waves mirror each other and levels of oxytocin, dubbed the love hormone, come into sync. It may not sound romantic, but new terms are coming out of the research lab, terms like neural synchrony, brain coupling, and positive resonance. The most surprising aspect of this new research is this: “love blossoms virtually anytime two or more people—even strangers—connect over a shared positive emotion. Positivity resonance between brains, as it turns out, requires only connection, not intimacy or shared history…” Proximity is a pre-requisite for positivity resonance. According to Fredrickson, connection must be made in real time. Eye contact, smiles, and touch can facilitate connection, but the key seems to be emotional positivity that is mutually experienced. It is no surprise that there are health benefits to love. Chronic feelings of loneliness can weaken a person’s immune system, but evidence suggests that even micro-moments of love can increase oxytocin lev-

TogeTher We CreaTe


by Candace Stuart-Findlay hhh, February… here you are again with your focus on the Heart! There once was a time when your arrival signaled emptiness as I compared myself to those who may have, at that moment, been twitterpated in “love”. Let me assure you that being in “twitterpation”, as Friend Owl called it, is a lovely state of being and am I in no means knocking it. However, I would like to place our February Heart contemplation upon the expanded interpretation of love, or Love. This column is focused on the importance of our expanding interconnectedness, and the role it plays in ushering forth the frequency shift from predominantly fear-based to that of Joy/Love. So, where do we begin? We begin with the most important component…you…and me! Yes, we have all heard this before, and that is because it is spot on Truth…self-realization evolution begins first within each of us. When we hear the encouraging statement…”Love yourself more”, what does that mean, and more importantly, how exactly do we do that? As in any growth experience it is unfolding step-by-step process. This



is true whether we are learning to walk, ride a bike, or embarking on our reawakening odyssey. The moment a decision is made to be willing — to be open — to the possibility that you are more than your physical self and its story, the process is activated. By acknowledging, accepting, and then, embracing the Divine Essence within us, we are well on our way to feeling more Love for ourselves. Until I connected these “dots”, I struggled with the discord between having the “Loving myself” intellectual concept and the actual SelfLoving experiential knowing/feeling. I had not realized that Loving Myself meant opening the door of my Heart and accepting my Greater Self identity…embracing that I am more than the physical being. There is much information in the realm of Quantum Science that backs this up…cool fun stuff, and I promise to highlight it in subsequent columns. For now, I simply invite you to ask yourself this one question…”Am I willing to open my heart to the possibility that my mortal story may not be my true identity?” Ask and then

els, helping people become calmer, friendlier and more attuned to others. And it doesn’t stop there, these micromoments of back and forth sharing, however small and subtle, create positive spirals that uplift others, building and strengthening whole communities. I love this expanded version of love. Positivity is central to the spiritual philosophy of Science of Mind and terms like “neural synchrony,” “brain coupling,” and “positive resonance,” delight a Science of Mind practitioner ever eager for science to find evidence of our oneness. What most excites me are all the new opportunities to love. After reading this book, I have new respect for the micro-moment and a new appreciation for all kinds of relationships. Couples in committed relationships can nourish their relationships with shared positivity and keep their love alive. Single people, a growing demographic, need not abandon the hope of love. It is everywhere. There is good news for all of us. We can all welcome ordinary, everyday exchanges that present themselves as opportunities for life-giving connection. Susan Springfield is a practitioner at the Center for Spiritual Living Santa Cruz, 1818 Felt Street. The Sunday celebration service begins at 10:30 with an earlier meditation at 10:00. Susan speaks on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Learn more about our line-up of classes at or call (831) 462-9383. observe what thoughts and images present themselves in your awareness. Observe if your physical body reacts by tightening (fear frequencies) or relaxing (joy/love frequencies) in the chest, belly, and/or throat… important feedback revealing what is being experienced unconsciously. How awesome that we receive instant biofeedback! If a tightening occurs…no worries, its simply notifying you that an unconscious blocking perception is present. Remain willing to be open… I promise, you will receive guidance on where to step next. If you wish to share your experiences with our readers, please reach out to me through my web site. We never know whose heart will open through our sharing, because, after all, Together WE create the Shift! Candace StuartFindlay is an Author, Speaker, New Thought Educator and Transformation Facilitator. C ontac t C andace through her website: www.empoweredwholebeing. com.

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Continued From Page 14


New Dimensions of Relationship “How We Internalize Blame�

by Joyce and Barry Vissell e all carry some degree of self-blame, ways we accuse or condemn ourselves. Often these feelings come from our childhood, where we were blamed for mistakes we made. It’s sad how other people’s blame of us can turn into our blame of ourselves, which then often becomes our secret shame, and can keep us from the happiness we want. When we blame ourselves, it’s then easy to go to step two, which is unworthiness. Rather than seeing ourselves as good people who made mistakes, we can easily choose toxic blame which says we didn’t make mistakes, we ARE the mistakes. With toxic self-blame, there is the deep and hidden feeling that we don’t deserve to be happy and free. When I was somewhere between 10 or 12, my mother described me as “very hard to handle and too strong-willed.â€? Now I understand this was my mother’s (and father’s) problem, not mine. They just weren’t strong enough, and didn’t have the tools, to set clear limits with me. I remember one incident vividly. My mother was standing in the kitchen cutting vegetables for dinner. I was wanting something that she didn’t want me to have. I was hoping I could wear her down until she gave in to me. So I persisted with my begging and pleading. She just stood there cutting the vegetables without saying another word. I didn’t know she was having a very hard day. I didn’t know how close she was to the breaking point. I simply wanted what I wanted. I could never have been prepared for what happened next. Without warning, her hand shot out and the knife was plunged into my right forearm. Shocked at what she had just done, she pulled out the knife while I stared in disbelief at the stab wound in my arm that was beginning to bleed. Next thing I knew, she was pulling me into the bathroom and trying to stop the bleeding with a wet towel. My arm hurt, but didn’t have near the life-long impact as the words I heard her say, “Now look at what you made me do!â€? In my childlike mind, it seemed crystal clear. My mother stabbing me was my fault! And in the years that followed, my mother often spoke about how incorrigible and stubborn I was at that age. Even Joyce heard about this early in our relationship. Of course, in my mature adult mind, I understood the stabbing ZDV D VLJQLĂ€FDQW PLVWDNH P\ PRWKHU KDG PDGH But I still carried my mother’s words with me in some deep childlike part of me. Self-blame was buried deep in my feelings. One day in one of our workshops, when I was 50, I had an epiphany. I saw how I still held on in my feelings to my responsibility in the stabbing. I realized what I had needed as a child instead of this violence. I needed to hear something like, “Barry, I’m getting so upset that I could lose it right now!â€? I needed her emotional honesty. I needed clear limits. I knew I needed to confront my mother. The timing was good. My mother had just EURNHQ KHU DQNOH DQG , Ă HZ WR 6DQ 'LHJR WR help her out. I worked up my courage during the visit, sat down on the couch next to her, and opened with, “Mom, remember the time when you stabbed me in the arm?â€? Her response was immediate and almost automatic, “That was a time when you were VR GLIĂ€FXOWÂŤÂľ But I was now prepared for that re-

sponse, for the years-old story. I reached out and gently stopped her with my hand and spoke, “Mom, it’s never a child’s fault when a mother stabs a child.â€? I spoke without anger, just a certainty of the truth. What happened next was what I had been needing for the last 40 or so years. She started to cry and very vulnerably spoke, “For two years after I stabbed you, I felt so bad about what I had done that I cried myself to sleep every single night. Barry, I’m so sorry.â€? My heart melted. All I needed was for her to take responsibility for her own mistake. I suddenly felt closer than ever to my mom. I held her while she cried. I forgave her for stabbing me, for blaming me, for it all. Seeing her authentic pain, shame and remorse opened my heart to forgiveness. Sometimes I tell the stabbing story in a workshop to emphasize the need to take responsibility for all our actions and words. And sometimes, during a phone call with my mother, I’d say, “Mom, I told the story about the stabbing in our last workshop.â€? She’d say, “Oh Barry, people must think I’m a horrible mother!â€? I’d reassure her, “No Mom, we all see you as a mother who made a big mistake, but you’re QRW GHĂ€QHG E\ WKDW PLVWDNH $QG , VHH \RX DV D mother who has more than made up for all the mistakes. You haven’t been a perfect parent, but who is? I feel deeply loved by you, and for that I am very grateful.â€? Self-blame will never serve you. Look within to see if you, too, carry a long-held story where you have been blamed and now are blaming yourself, perhaps in the same way. No matter what mistakes you have made, you deserve love and forgiveness. And, come to think of it, so do your parents and anyone else who has wronged you. My mother died last September, three days EHIRUH KHU QLQHW\ Ă€IWK ELUWKGD\ :KHQ , ORRN DW the healed half inch scar on my right forearm, I’m so glad I was able to heal this emotional wound with her. Here are a few opportunities to bring more love and growth into your life, at the following longer events led by Barry and Joyce Vissell: Feb 14-21—Valentine’s Day Spirit of Love Cruise for individuals and couples (LA to Mexico); Jul 19-24—Shared Heart Summer Retreat at Breitenbush Hot Springs, OR; Oct 14-20—Living from the Heart in Assisi, Italy for individuals and couples; Jan 31-Feb 7, 2016—Hawaii Couples in Paradise Retreat

Joyce & Barry Vissell, a nurse/therapist and psychiatrist couple since 1964, are counselors near Santa Cruz, CA, who are widely regarded as among the world’s top experts on conscious relationship and personal growth. They are the authors of The Shared Heart, Models of Love, Risk to Be Healed, The Heart’s Wisdom, Meant to Be, and A Mother’s Final Gift. Call Toll-Free 1 (800) 766-0629, locally (831) 684-2299, or write to the Shared Heart Foundation, P.O. Box 2140, Aptos, CA 95001, for further information on counseling sessions by phone or in person, their books, recordings or their schedule of talks and workshops. Visit their web site at for their free monthly e-heartletter, their updated schedule, and inspiring past articles on many topics about relationship and living from the heart.

Page 24 24 V The Connection Magazine V V Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ V February Mar.11,11,2015 2015 Page ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ February –—Mar.

PERSONAL MASTERY: Coaching for Success





by Karin Leonard ast month we climbed aboard the new year, and charted our course to distant shores. Today, let’s go deeper into your journey, and open the door to greater levels of achievement, inviting your dreams, goals and life LQWHQWLRQV WR à RXULVK DQG EHDU IUXLW Vibrant Visions What is the long-term vision for your personal and professional life, and where are you in the process of making it happen? Take a moment to revisit what is important to you. When contemplating what you want to create, dig deep for your motivation, and consider the bigger picture of your life. If you’ve had a certain goal for a long time, examine whether it still holds true for you. Turn the ground to ignite a fresh burst of HQHUJ\ DQG ÀQG ZK\ WKLV GUHDP PDWWHUV $QG LI LW reveals to be a relic, move on, and sow new seeds. Goals are most sustainable when they resoQDWH ZLWK WKH FRUH RI ZKR \RX DUH $V \RX FUHDWH and revisit your ambitions, ask yourself these questions: Does your personal and professional YLVLRQ LQVSLUH D VHQVH RI H[FLWHPHQW IXOÀOOPHQW and soulful longing? Do your long-term intenWLRQV UHà HFW \RXU QDWXUDO WDOHQWV LQFOLQDWLRQV DQG OLIH JRDOV" $W WKH HQG RI \RXU OLIH ZLOO WKH realization of this vision mirror back to you what was most relevant? If not, spending a bit of time up front designing a life worth having, is a good investment. When aspirations grow on the rich soil of the soul, they root themselves deeply in your being, and naturally branch out into the world of IRUP $QG D YLEUDQW YLVLRQ RI WKH OLIH \RX ZDQW to create magnetizes accomplishment.


2015: PART 2

Invite Success Initiating your vision catalyzes your dreams into manifestation. In addition to taking action and doing what is needed to make your goals reality, there are subtle yet deep inner shifts which facilitate success. For example, past, hopes and fears, and beliefs you hold about the world and yourself, act like a pair of glasses, and they therefore LQĂ XHQFH \RXU H[SHULHQFH DQG DFWLRQV $V \RX HQYLsion success, are you aware of limiting thoughts, like “it will never work,â€? “I’ve tried before‌â€?, RU ´LW¡V MXVW WRR GLIĂ€FXOWÂľ" -RW GRZQ DQ\ QHJDWLYH thoughts and beliefs you can trace, and replace them with visions of victory. “I have what it takes to succeed,â€? “I manifest easily‌â€? “Success is coming towards meâ€? are examples of positive expectation. $QWLFLSDWLRQ RI VXFFHVV OHDGV WR JUHDWHU UHVXOWV ,Q addition, the experience of victory creates a natural magnetism. People are attracted to triumphant folks, and a magical aura surrounds them. The paradox is that as you expect success, you naturally achieve more. Living from a sense of abundance — rather than an attitude of lack — brings a sense of ease and inner peace, which naturally invites success. ‌to be continued Karin H. Leonard is known for her compassionate, leading-edge and brand called InnerEvolution™, leading to quick results in life and career, while creating greater life-balance. She has been in private practice in Santa Cruz for 25 years, integrating life coaching with hypnotherapy, NLP and a good dose of intuition. For info call (831) 724-5400, e-mail Karin@ or visit InnerEvolution. com 2IĂ€FH ORFDWHG LQ 6DQWD &UX]


of poor health, unlock the hidden stressors that are driving your health condition, and leave feeling empowered to take back your life. 7KH ÀUVW step is to educate yourself. You are worth it!!! Trina Hammack D.PSc, CHC, CBT, CPSI calls on more than twenty years of experience SDUWQHULQJ ZLWK FOLHQWV LQ WKH ÀHOG RI KHDOWK and wellness. She specializes in individual and group wellness programs aimed at educating and HPSRZHULQJ RSWLPDO KHDOWK :LWK RIÀFHV LQ ERWK Monterey and San Jose, CA she is available for convenient in-person and on-line Skype consultations. Call today (831) 373-6204 or visit www. To see our upcoming Seminar Schedule, please go to www.sanjosethryoid or www.



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by Trina Hammack D.PSc, CHC, CBT, CPSI re you suffering from weight loss resistance or unexplainable weight gain? Do you constantly feel exhausted? Do your MRLQWV DFKH" $UH \RX KDYLQJ GLIĂ€FXOWLHV VOHHSLQJ" More and more studies show that it could EH \RXU WK\URLG $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH $PHULFDQ $VVRFLDWLRQ RI &OLQLFDO (QGRFULQRORJLVWV $$&( 27 million people suffer from thyroid conditions 50% of whom go undiagnosed. Could you be one of them? Did you know that 90% of women over 40 years of age suffer from subclinical thyroid? Have you noticed that your nails are brittle and Ă DN\" 'R \RX VXIIHU IURP FKURQLF KHDGDFKHV mood swings and irritability? Do you feel like you’ve aged prematurely? -RLQ XV WR OHDUQ DERXW WKH ODWHVW UHVHDUFK RQ WK\URLG DXWRLPPXQH DQG LQĂ DPPDWRU\ GLVHDVH What do chronic symptoms like weight loss resistance or weight gain, IBS, infertility, headaches DQG IDWLJXH KDYH LQ FRPPRQ" $UH \RX WDNLQJ multiple medications, yet don’t feel any improvement? Do you feel discouraged because you’ve been told you will have to take medications for WKH UHVW RI \RXU OLIH" :RXOGQ¡W LW EH QLFH WR Ă€QDOO\ have answers to your chronic health ailments? -RLQ 7ULQD +DPPDFN IXQFWLRQDO PHGLFLQH consultant and founder of Cornerstone Wellness, for a free seminar on how to heal your thyroid naturally. She will help you navigate the seas of misinformation, uncover the reasons why you are not well, and show you exactly how you can reclaim your health and vitality. $V D IXQFWLRQDO 1XWULWLRQ &RQVXOWDQW TXDQtum vitality coach, and Biofeedback Specialist, Trina is committed to uncovering the root cause RI DLOPHQWV $V D FUHGHQWLDOHG HGXFDWRU VKH IHHOV the quest for knowledge is essential. Learn how to reverse the downward spiral

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Continues on Page 30

25 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ February — – Mar. Page 25 V The Connection Magazine V V Facebook/ConnectionOnline V February Mar. 11, 11, 2015 2015

Feng Shui WiSdom For home & PerSonal TranSFormaTion

River Sanctuary Publishing

W Felton Print and eBook design and distribution (831) 335-7283

Wind & Water Blessings

Feng Shui C O N S U LTAT I O N S

transform your life with the wisdom of nature

• On-site or by phone • Home or Business • Space Clearing and Blessing Ceremonies • Spiritual Healing with Plant Spirit Medicine

by Megan Montero hat is Feng Shui? Is it interior design? Is it putting crystals in my wealth area? Let’s clear up the confusion and answer the question. The ancient art of Feng Shui will improve the quality of your life and your life will flow more smoothly even during the most challenging times. Feng Shui (pronounced “Fung Shway”) is an intricate practice of bringing balance between our living environment and ourselves. A building is not simply a structure where we live and work; our body coordinates with this structure, which can profoundly influence our life. In Chinese the word Feng means “wind,” and Shui means “water.” The term Feng Shui refers to the balance and flow of these two essential elements which are necessary to maintain health and balance. One of the main principles of Feng Shui is the concept of Chi. Chi is the life force energy that is inside of us and is all around us in nature. Evaluating the Chi (the wind and water) of the living environment (the building and the land) and how this affects the Chi of the people living there is the core of Feng Shui practice.

The Chi of our living environment impacts all aspects of our life; health, prosperity, reputation, finances, career, marriage, relationships, creativity, benefactors and self-knowledge. Adjusting the energy flow to bring balance to the space will support balance and harmony in the lives of the occupants. Different Approaches to Feng Shui Also known as the Chinese art of placement, Feng Shui was developed in China approximately 3-4,000 years ago. There are many different schools of Feng Shui and some take different approaches to meet the same end goal of bringing harmony to a living space for the benefit of the occupants. I practice Black Sect Feng Shui, which is also called Black Sect Tantric Buddhist Feng Shui, BTB, Black Hat or Grandmaster Lin Yun’s Feng Shui School. Black Sect Feng Shui, developed by Grandmaster Lin Yun, is an innovative approach rooted in tradition yet adapted to support our modern way of living. Feng Shui Consultations The practice of Feng Shui requires deep looking and listening to the place and to the client, on different

levels. Visible and invisible factors of your space and your situation are considered when making my Feng Shui analysis. Visible factors are: the placement of doors, walls, furniture, stove, shape of the lot and building, clutter and many others. Unseen factors or “invisible” aspects are: spiritual occurrences, predecessor situations like death or bankruptcy for example. When making my recommendations, I take into account what is seen and unseen, creating a holistic picture of your situation. There are many ways to resolve undesirable Feng Shui that do not require moving or remodeling. Small changes can be made to your home or workspace that can initiate profound changes in your life. Sign-up for Megan’s e-newsletter online to receive Feng Shui tips and information on upcoming events. For more information on Megan’s work visit www.windandwaterblessings. com or call (831) 588-5424 to set up a consultation. Megan Montero is a Feng Shui Practitioner, a Plant Spirit Medicine Healer and a Granicera (weather worker) in the Nahuatl tradition. Megan has been practicing Feng Shui in Santa Cruz since 2007 and she offers Feng Shui consultations in the Monterey and San Francisco bay areas and by phone. She practices Plant spirit medicine at her office by the Ocean in Santa Cruz.

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relaTionShiP ComPaTibiliTy CharTS an inveSTmenT in your FuTure

by Joanne Justis ttention People! Do you want to understand yourself more deeply; find a like-minded partner; and, live a life of blessing? Well, you’re in luck today!

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a person you are newly into more than just what you read in their dating profile. More than what you liked when you met that someone initially for 20 minutes at Starbucks? What if there was a way you could get to know the real him or her really fast? Are they genuinely warm hearted or is there a hidden agenda lurking in their charm? Are they a creative romantic or a pragmatic lover? Want to understand their shortcomings and their strengths? Is he a courageous knight? Is she sensitive and vulnerable? Too often in dating, we often show only our impressionable sides while our hidden truths lie deep underneath. Life is truly an illusion. It’s not really what it appears to be and neither are relationships. In the beginning, everyone is on their best behavior, wanting to look great and appear like their house is in order. Generally, as time goes on, a person becomes more comfortable in their relationship, so they tend to let their guard down. This is when one’s true personality begins to reveal itself and little red flags start appearing. By now you are so emotionally involved and have invested so much in the relationship that most people tend to overlook those little flags, brushing them off as unimportant. Page 27

Page 26 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ February — Mar. 11, 2015

“I am so grateful for having found you and for the incredible difference you have made in my life. Thank You!!! I am a different person” - S. Radia

So you think that you have met the perfect partner and you are in the “getting to know” stage, or you are at the time and place where you are “ready” to say I Do! Now, wouldn’t it be a good idea to invest some time and money to learn all you can about this “perfect” person before taking the “final” steps and becoming “legally” bound to the other? It takes very little to confirm your choice, but if you make the wrong decision in selecting your partner, it can cost you dearly and disrupt your life. Let’s face it. The dating game is not a game. It’s work. Aren’t you already buried in enough work just making a living in your job every day? Dating should be fun and exciting. Getting to know someone you’re attracted to can be mysterious and intriguing, but it can also be exhausting. Physical attractiveness and common interests grab your attention initially but we need to find out a lot more regarding the deeper aspects of a person to find a truly lasting partner and love connection. What if there was a way you could learn the true characteristics of




New Program Starts Jan 23, 2015 JAN 10 College of Ayurveda Open House Mount Madonna Institute Staff JAN 28 – FEB 1 (Level 1) MAR 11 – 15 (Level 2) Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Hannah Muse & Kamalesh Ginger Hooven

A straightforward and affordable method for confirming you have in fact made the right choice of a partner is to invest in a relationship compatibility report. This report will reveal the hidden characteristics and unveil longterm compatibility possibilities of a partner you’re considering spending a lot of time with, maybe even your lifetime. The information gathered from this report will enable you to make better decisions in selecting your partner. Joanne Justis, Author, Speaker and Intuitive Chaldean Master Numerologist. Charts & Readings for: Personal Growth, Relationships, Partner

APR 7 – JUL 5 Yoga, Service, Community Three month residential learning program


Nestled in 355 acres of redwoods overlooking Monterey Bay near Santa Cruz, California. AD



recommended that segments be taken in order. Jose Luis Herrera was born into the thousand year old tradition of mountain and jungle wizards, shamans, and mystics. He has been extensively trained in the medicine traditions of the Americas with particular interest in his native Andes and Amazon. He is an accomplished naturalist, explorer, and mountain guide. He is university trained as an engineer and computer scientist and he is fluent in Spanish, Qechua, and English. Lectures are presented in English and some ceremonies are conducted in Qechua. Patrick Gillis organizes community fire ceremonies and offers a variety of courses and services to individuals and organizations including private shamanic mentoring and healing sessions. For more information, or to register for t h i s p ro g r a m , contact Patrick at or (831) 345-6520.

FEB 13 – 15 Secrets of Ayurveda Workshop Learn Vital Secrets to Self-Transformation Kate Bentley, CAP and Danielle (Siri Radha) Knight, CAP, RYT


Trainees learn to awaken the knowledge that resides in their luminous bodies and truly break free from limiting belief systems. After learning a variety of tracking modalities, they will learn to navigate in different realms of consciousness and become familiar with the mystery teachings and spirit guides. The fourth session engages with the nature of Life and Death. Individual and collective guiding mythologies and the big transitions of our human journey are explored. Participants learn the subtleties of energy as they develop their own medicine body becoming aligned and connected to the Shaman’s altar and the Universal Laws of Nature. Throughout this training, participants will create their own Mesa or Medicine Bundle in the tradition of the master shaman’s of Peru. The Mesa will become a tool for growth and a map of healing and transformation through the Medicine Path. The entire program represents a powerful body of knowledge, ritual, healing techniques, and rites of passage. This program is offered in a small class format and will be held in a comfortable, local, natural environment. It is geared to provide maximum benefits for growth and empowerment. Tuition for each training segment is $595. A $250 deposit will reserve space in this small and powerful class. It is strongly

Mount Madonna

institute College of Ayurveda

Yoga: 408.846.4095 Ayurveda: 408.846.4060



CHALDEAN NUMEROLOGY Page 26 In time, those little flags may become larger than life−and then the drama begins. By understanding an individual from the inside out, rather than from the outside in, you may steer clear of a potential matchup that could painfully devastate your life that appeared right but simply was not. A genuinely happy, lasting relationship is one in which the person turns you on and moves your heart. That’s true compatibility. Can your temperaments harmonize? Will this be a romantic, passionate, lasting relationship? Or will the sizzle fizzle? Will you be soul mates or cell mates?



by Patrick Gillis he upcoming Shamanic Cosmology course offers a profound and exciting journey of exploration and growth through the Inka Medicine Path. Scheduled for April 16th through 19th, this workshop will be taught by highly revered and internationally acclaimed shamanic teacher, Jose Luis Herrera. This thousand year old tradition of love and power is available to empower individual, family, and community life. Inka Medicine People have mastered practical ways to effectively heal, transform, and envision the human experience in harmony with the universal principles of nature. This program has been carefully structured to provide course participants powerful tools, insights, and visionary skills. The Shaman’s Cosmology Course, also known as the Cosmology of Power Series, consists of four training sessions scheduled at approximately 6-month intervals. The first workshop (April 16th through 19th) addresses memories of the soul and our individual and collective memories of the past. Participants will learn the ways of the land and the Great Mother as they retrieve long lost soul pieces. Through a variety of ceremonies and personal exercises, participants will be enabled to break free of years of binding imprints and patterns. The second class (scheduled for September 24th through 27th) teaches the nature of perception and the shaman’s way of seeing. As participants learn to master hypnogogic states, they will be able to summon the memories of their healed states and to map healing, transformation, and embodiment of their destiny and full power. The third class explores the nature of time, of existence, and fulfillment.

Matching, Name Changes, Baby Naming, Business Naming and more. Discover how Numerology gives you insight, clarity and options for controlling changes in your life. (408) 399-3101. Charts & Readings since 1984. Visit www. and

Taught by Jose Luis Herrera

Offered locally by internationally acclaimed shamanic teacher Jose Luis Herrera April 16th through 19th. This is the first of a 4-part series of personal empowerment, healing, and transformation in the tradition of the master shamans of Peru. Enrollment limited – Register now to reserve your space! To register or to receive more information about this and other shamanic trainings & services, contact: Patrick Gillis at 831-345-6520 or email: Elegant outcomes for Individuals, organizations, & businesses

Page 27 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ February — Mar. 11, 2015

ferently abled people were suddenly withbetween selfish and by Christopher Love out homes. My friend giving attitudes. e are not found it extremely difIn Charles through the ficult to find a quality Dickens “A ChristWinter just living environment for ma s C arol” , Ebyet, although in some his mom and relucenezer Scrooge is areas of the country, tantly had to place her portrayed as a coldlike Santa Cruz, signs in a retirement home. hearted man who is of Spring are quickly How can this only interested in the approaching. Winter, happen in our society financial bottom line a traditionally and seatoday? Why have we at the end of sonally approprinot paid attention to Ser i o u s l y, w h a t c h i l d the day. He ate time to remain the transformation of Ebenezer? indoors and have declares; Scrooge! This is pays no at- “We don’t need an intervention Why are we still interested in tention to closer connection Boardwalk and Park who I want to be when I how his de- from some celestial force; owning to friends and we can choose to be self- Place at the expense of others sire to profit, family, often afgrow up? living on the streets? America, empowered.” above all fords us the quiet a place that once thrived with and solitude to explore our inner things, effects the lives of the people people have escaped this epic tale stable, local economies, built on an space. The savvy practitioner takes around him. Scrooge was destined to while growing up in America so I infrastructure of mom and pop busiadvantage of the less active, less busy live a loveless life without the expe- cannot help but wonder why so much ness, has chosen to become a land of time of Winter and spends more time rience of true friendship, however, of the business and politics in the U.S. a box store monopolies. in contemplation, meditation, journal- fortune befell him and he received today is based on the model of the Is this what everyone wants? Do an intervention through a dream that untransformed Scrooge? Is not the we need to have the ghosts of Christing and writing. I was raised in a household with transformed his outlook on life and moral of the story about the conscious mas Past, Present and Future come to strong moral values and learned early his way of being in the world. In the evolution of human beings to be more show us when we shut down to love that giving is an important part of dream, Scrooge was visited by three caring, loving and kind? Seriously, and where that will take us unless we being human. I was not, as a young ghosts, representing the Past, the Pres- what child declares; Scrooge! This heal our past and change ourselves in person, adhering to any kind of phi- ent and the Future. is who I want to be when I grow up? the present? This story has become an iconic losophy, I merely witnessed people bePerhaps, there was less time If I learned anything from my ing kind to others and naturally did the holiday tale in English speaking in our childhood contemplating the study of Jesus it is that this amazing same. I was aware enough to know that countries. When I was a young boy, transformational story of Scrooge and man loved everyone and stood for it felt good to be generous and when I remember our family gathering for more time playing Monopoly? I spent healing and unity. Upon many occaI was stubborn, wanting my way, and this fable every Winter season, be it hours with family and friends playing sions he showed kindness to those became uncaring toward others, I felt storybook, play or film. Not one of this game, relishing the triumphant who would hurt him. In my adult life icky. This is a pattern that played out my friends or family members ever windfalls of unexpected income, the I have come to embrace all paths and over and again throughout my child- wanted to be Scrooge when we acted convenience of Free Parking and traditions that liberate our minds from hood as I was learning the difference out the drama. Why was this so? sulking after loosing my last home to past trauma and conditioning. Isn’t this My question my money savvy, tycoon brother who what Dickens was trying to convey? is a mere ponder- was living over at Boardwalk and That we must embrace the circuming on the nature Park Place. stances of our past, learn from them of the yet untransOne day it dawned on me; I saw and heal our hurts and traumas? That formed Scrooge. the greater ramification of what this we must uncover the past conditioning Is it too painful to game is about and what it is training of our minds and make new decisions, identify with him? us for. I was aghast! A dear friend re- based on the information we gather in Did he know he cently told me his elderly mother was the present? Perhaps this is how we was Scrooge or evicted from her home days before the create a bright future for ourselves and CONNECTION AD 3.75” x 3.75” was his way of Winter holidays. A corporation bought for those around us. living and treating the assisted living complex where she We don’t need an intervention others just nor- lived. Although it was a profitable from some celestial force; we can mal “business as business they decided to evict every- choose to be self-empowered. We must usual” behavior one, with 30 days notice, in order to be willing to see the state of our world in his mind? I am begin a condo project which promised and our own reality without rose colguessing that few more profit. A hundred elderly and dif- ored glasses and begin the journey to work on that which is in our immediate H ERBOLOGY • D IETETICS • ACUPUNCTURE • M ASSAGE power—ourselves. On the other hand, it is exciting to win at Monopoly, to own evCenturies of proven healthcare naturally restore erything and have your body without side effects for healing relief everyone work for that lasts. Treat your family to a better alternative our betterment. The at Five Branches Medical Clinic. question is, what is the real price of ■ Digestive Healing ■ Sports Medicine this way of life? ■ ADHD, Depression ■ Pain Management And what happens when there is no ■ Facial Rejuvenation ■ Diabetes more Free Parking? ■ Menopause, PMS, Fertility Mr. Love is a ■ Cardiology & Neurology youth mentor, educator and meditaCome discover why Traditional Chinese Medicine is America’s fastest tion instructor who growing choice for primary healthcare. Effective, safe and natural… enjoys teaching through experienFive BraNches university tial learning environments, Love@ Graduate School of Traditional Chinese Medicine DevotionalLiving. 200 7th Avenue, Santa Cruz ■ (831) 476-8211 ■ org.



Wellness Redefined

Page 28 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ February — Mar. 11, 2015

World Sound Healing Day Is Coming on February 14, 2015!!!


by Jonathan Goldman very year since 2003, people throughout the planet have joined together on Valentine’s Day, projecting a sonic Valentine of Love and Compassion to our beloved Mother Earth— the Gaia Consciousness. This global toning is called by many different names in many different countries and languages. In English speaking countries, it is called World Sound Healing Day. As this event approaches, I can feel the energy build. It is quite extraordinary. Many people will focus their sound at 12 noon US Eastern Time (a convenient reference point time—especially if one is New York-ocentric). But this is only one of the sonic focal pints of the day. We also encourage people to sound forth at 12 noon their local time (whether you are in Ohio or Oslo or Australia, it does not matter). Thus, this wave of healing sound energy goes across the planet as an extraordinary sonic band of Love that

takes a full 24 hours to complete its journey. World Sound Healing Day is extremely powerful. Our sound and our consciousness has the ability of interfacing with that of our planet Earth and influencing the consciousness of all beings. Another thing I know is that, we are at a particularly interesting period in a planetary development and that by helping awaken others on the Earth, we are helping raise the vibratory awareness of ourselves and our planet. And, the last thing I know for sure is that this interfacing of sound and consciousness is truly the ultimate tool in terms of shifting and changing our vibratory levels. Through events such as World Sound Healing Day, we can create change! We can make a difference. As I like to say: “We heal the planet, we heal ourselves. We heal ourselves and we heal the planet!” Indeed, we can make a difference. It is our choice. Printed with permission.

e r w & o D P o r u I o t Y w k c a B e kTa New Monthly TV Show with Joy & Ritaith Food!

e e r n G G a ~ rdens to Chocol d o o F t r o f m o C l ate! Rea A new definition for comfort food where nutritional excellence becomes the go to place for comfort, healing and pleasure! Meet Joy and Rita and hear about their journeys into health and wholeness and join them in an enlivening engagement about what real comfort food truly means for our health and the sustainability of our planet.

For free viewing go to:

ONE WORLD — ONE PEOPLE Dear Friends, Cultural Creatives, and Emerging Imaginal Cells, Editor’s Note: We thank Dr. Bruce Lipton for the outstanding work he does in science, educating us about ‘Epigenetics’. We also thank Dr. Lipton and his wife Margaret Horton for all of the work they are doing to educate, help & heal us all (and, our planet Gaia). Please read on. Pattie & Thom


argaret and I just returned from our participation in the Third Annual UPLIFT Festival in Byron Bay Australia. Simply, it was an amazing evolutionary experience, filled with ancient and modern wisdom and music concerts that uplifted the audience in the room and on the web around the world. Highlighting the festival was the planethealing wisdom offered by indigenous people from around the world (including Aboriginal Elders, Lakota, Iroquois and Sioux First Nations participants, Tibetan monks, and the Cogi Indians from La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Columbia). It is clear that we must raise our consciousness about Mother Gaia, especially in light of the fact that we are facing our own extinction. The Festival family has created an “energybased” community of like-minded individuals that would declare their conscious commitment to “Restore Mother Earth’s Rights To Her Natural Constitution.” Currently, there is a biocultural crisis on earth. Half of the world’s cultures have disappeared or are in danger of extinction. Likewise, ecosystems are growing more fragile each day. In spite of existing local and international laws, and significant advances in science and technology, Mother Earth and all her beings today confront an ecological crisis that places life itself in jeopardy.

We ardently invite global society and governments to embrace and activate a Unification Process which brings forth the natural wisdom of the Original Mandate and transforms harmful ways of living to “Living Well”. For example, to alleviate Mother Earth’s fever, transitioning towards clean energies is imperative. Restoration of the original right of Mother Earth to her natural constitution Mother Earth’s rights are equivalent to Human Rights. The reactivation of sacred places and sacred sites is vital for the reconstitution of a healthy and balanced life on Earth. In this task, restoring and reactivating the neglected and injured sites of Mother Earth is urgent. It is necessary to carry out this task on a global level in all biocultural regions of the earth and to revitalize the sacred elements of life: Air, Water, Earth and Fire. The Natural Rights of Mother Earth should be upheld and endorsed by the United Nations System and by national and regional laws. The designation and protection of sacred areas of Mother Earth are a way to reinforce ancestral wisdom and the very constitution of Mother Earth. Within this endeavor for cultural preservation, we recognize that songs, dance, music, prayer, restorative ceremonies and other cultural elements are invaluable and important. The Four Pillars framework, which outlines this Unification Process, was articulated and brought into effect in La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, the Heart of the World, in 2013 in collaboration with UNESCO. This document will be available soon on Thank you all, Dr. Bruce Lipton & Margaret Horton

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Page 29 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ February — Mar. 11, 2015


Mind • Body • Spirit

Ayurvedic Massage at Cypress Health


Massage • Acupressure • Shiatsu All Services Listed Here Are Strictly Non-Sexual

H e a s l u i t n o L k n iP Holistic Somatic ThergapAiersts Comprehensive Wellness Consulting Rehabilitative Stretching Back Walking Reflexology Personalized Therapeutic Yoga

Let Go‌ The time for taking care of YOU is right now. Body, mind, and spirit come into balance with attuning healing support. Experience a range of powerful healing modalities. Singly, or blended, transform an hour into an oasis of deep relaxation. Polarity Energy Balancing, Cranial Sacral, Breema, Bodywalking, and Therapeutic Massage, offered by appointment.

Shari Rose, CMT ( 831) 427-5566


ating back over 5000 years, Asian bodywork is an ancient healing system rooted in the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Combining over 60 years of experience and education, Larry Bernstein and Lee Holden have created an Asian Bodywork Program that brings the heart and root of Asian bodywork to Cypress students. Ayurvedic Massage and Bodywork 1 introduces the practitioner to both the history and traditional theory of Ayurveda as it applies to the field of Massage Therapy and teaches the student how to offer a complete Ayurvedic massage. After taking this course, students will be able to demonstrate Ayurvedic Warm Oil Massage. techniques, performing both two and four-handed massage treatment protocols. Students will also be able to list which oils are appropriate for clients using Ayurvedic aromatherapy theory and will be able to both demonstrate and perform Ayurvedic Facial Massage. In addition, students will also be able to explain and demonstrate Ayurvedic self care techniques in order to support longevity in the field of massage and to be able to effectively support clients in the process. A certificate of achievement will be granted to each student who successfully passes the practical exam of demonstrating each modality taught in this course. Course Objectives include: a brief history of Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Dosha theory, Ayurvedic oils for each client, differences between Ayurvedic Massage and Swedish Massage, performing Abhyanga as well as Ayurvedic

Facial Massage, and the contraindications and benefits for both Abhyanga and Ayurvedic Facial Massage. An important focus of the course, students will learn and perform the Ayurvedic Warm Oil Massage called Abhyanga as both a two-handed and four-handed massage.

About the Teacher

For the last 20 years, Lara Narayani Golland, LMT, has been initiated into both

traditional and modern forms of Meditation, Movement and Healing Work. In 1997, Narayani attended the prestigious Swedish Institute for Massage Therapy in New York and soon started her private Healing Arts practice. In 1999, she became certified as an Integral Yoga instructor and was initiated into the lineage of Sri Swami Satchidananda at Yogaville in Virginia in 2001. She began concentrating on Ayurvedic Bodywork in 2002 and began training other Therapists in 2004. Narayani specializes in Intuitive Healing Work, Western and Eastern Massage Therapy, Yoga and Ayurvedic Education plus Spiritual and Wellness coaching for individuals and groups. Next Program Begins March 13, 14 & 15, 9am to 6pm each day. Location: Cypress Health Institute 1119 Pacific Ave Ste 300, Santa Cruz. Call (831) 4762115 for more info or to register.

YOGA TEACHER TRAINING Training Teachers for over 30 years! 200 and 500 hour trainings

Going Deeper .......................................................... Feb 20-24 Cathy Woods

Launch Your Yoga Journey: Enrich Your Life ...................Feb 27 - Mar 1 Tantra Yoga Retreat ............................................... Mar 6-9

Hannah Muse

Pre-Natal Yoga Teacher Training Level 2 .............................. Mar 11-15

Ginger Hooven

Asana: The Art of Adjustment ............................................ Mar 13-15

James Baraz with Kate Janke

Insight Meditation (Vipassana) Retreat - A Path to Happiness .... Mar 27-29

0LEASE #ALL s (EALTH#ARE-ASSAGE INFO AM PM $AYS A 7EEK s 2IVER 3T 3UITE ! IN 3ANTA #RUZ Continued From Page 25 Continues on Page 31

445 Summit Road, Watsonville, CA 95076


Page 30▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ February – Mar. 11, 2015

Massage • Acupressure • Shiatsu All Services Listed Here Are Strictly Non-Sexual

Pre-Natal Yoga Teacher Training

Hannah Muse - March 11-15 at Mount Madonna


oin Mount Madonna for an excellent Pre- About Hannah Muse natal Yoga teacher training. This comHannah Muse, E-RYT and RPYT, prehensive training includes in-depth finds great joy in sharing the gift of yoga instruction on prenatal to empower women to trust asana, pranayama, meditheir innate wisdom. A mama tation, Ayurveda, mindfulness herself, as well as a devoted techniques for labor, anatomy and student and gifted teacher physiology of pregnancy, common of prenatal, postnatal, and discomforts in pregnancy and how Ashtanga yoga, Hannah has to support mothers through every studied extensively at Mount stage of pregnancy and postparMadonna Center. Hannah’s tum. Enjoy the serene retreat setprenatal yoga teachings are ting as together you learn, share, inspired by her prenatal traingrow, and rejoice in the miracle ing with many great teachers, of birth. This training is open along with her training as a to yoga teachers with an interest birth attendant (doula) and her in expanding their knowledge of great love of motherhood. prenatal yoga, doulas and birth Class details: Mount Maprofessionals who want to learn Hannah Muse donna Center, 445 Summit Rd, additional ways to support cliWatsonville. Phone (408) 847ents with prenatal yoga, and experienced yoga 0406 e-mail students who have an interest in prenatal yoga. Website for this class: http://mountmadonna. (Both Level 1 and Level 2 are required for a Yoga org/live/3793.html. Continuing education Alliance Certification.) credit for nurses.




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Continued From Page 30

Page 31 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ February – Mar. 11, 2015

Fitness & Sports

Micro ~ Cell Tech Take the guesswork out of supplementation

Find out what your blood shows with a microscopic live blood evaluation that is Scientific, Personal and Informative.

Keffi Bell b 831-420-8100 b 140-A Dubois Street, Santa Cruz

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" Listen to Rotating Hosts Tom Quinn, Donald Davidson, David Biles & informative guests on Perspectives Radio Show every Saturday from noon to one on KSCO 1080 AM. We have extensive coverage of issues regarding holistic health and other important topics.

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture Better than Botox


by Jaimi Ellison cupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and has been practiced for thousands of years dating back to the Sung Dynasty (960AD1270AD). Acupuncture can be used for hundreds of reasons from relaxation to weight loss and can even work well to help people quit smoking. A method that is becoming extremely popular recently is facial rejuvenation acupuncture. Facial rejuvenation acupuncture is not a type of facial rejuvenation that one might think of trying to get rid of wrinkles or plump up the skin, instead people opt toward the more mainstream and riskier procedures such as botox or face lift. Facial Acupuncture is a safe and effective type of treatment. Some are calling this method “the new face lift!�. Martha Lucas, PhD, LAc, a Colorado acupuncturist, says after a series of 10 treatments (twice a week for five weeks), skin becomes more delicate and fair, and there are fewer wrinkles. She says the treatments also result in an erasing of fine lines and a reduction of deeper lines, less sagginess, a lifting of droopy eyelids, and a clearing or reduction of age spots. As an added bonus, she says, “there is an overall rejuvenation that is not confined to your face� because when receiving a treatment, the individual is also receiving a fullbody treatment. Not only are the aesthetics being treated, but the source of the aging is being treated as well such as stress, emotions,

ecial p S t r a e H t e e Sw

2 for 1

digestion, etc. She also explains that acupuncture is a great alternative for those that don’t want to risk the side effects of other treatments. Jessica Devlahovich of Santa Cruz Core Fitness is an expert in facial rejuvenation acupuncture and shares that the needles are threaded underneath wrinkle lines and cause a plumping effect making the skin look younger and more supple. This occurs because when approximately 30-40 micro thin needles are inserted into the skin of the body or face it stimulates the production of collagen and improves the skins elasticity. Essentially as the needles penetrate the skin your brain registers this stimulus and rushes blood cells and nutrients to heal what it perceives to be an injury. So, when the needle is removed the area is still full of fresh healthy blood cells and nutrients. Other surgical procedures or injections can have dangerous side effects and injecting poisonous toxins into your body is never a good idea even if you look firmer afterward. On the contrary, Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture allows the body to produce the results of a surgical procedure with added benefits instead of the risks associated with potentially harmful procedures. Not only can it reduce wrinkles, but can also reduce eye bags, dark circles, puffiness, age spots, and “crow’s feet.� It can help Increase collagen, muscle tone, and moisture in your skin as well as Eliminate fine lines, discoloration, stress and anxiety. This form of acupuncture not only improves your appearance on the outside but also improves your energy on the inside. Jessica Devlahovich is

Swedish Massage 1 hour each $80 total!

an expert in rejuvenation acupuncture and is currently accepting new patients at Santa Cruz CORE Fitness. Jaimi Ellison is the founder and President of Santa Cruz CORE Fitness + Rehab. Her commitment is to help as many people as possible achieve their optimal health. Having been through a serious life-changing injury herself she decided to open up an integrative

facility and learn how to heal others. As a trainer, massage therapist and corrective exercise specialist she has the compassion and drive to manifest her goal. At Santa Cruz CORE Fitness + Rehab they not only treat clients but offer continuing education to practitioners in order create a progressive learning community. As leaders in the industry Santa Cruz CORE offers an integrative approach in which the practitioners of massage, chiropractic, personal training and rehab, as well as acupuncture work as a team to get each person to their optimal health goal. Jaimi writes for the Connection Magazine, Santa Cruz Waves, Santa Cruz Core Blog and her articles have also been published in Shape Magazine. Santa Cruz CORE Fitness + Rehab, 317 Potrero St Ste C, Santa Cruz CA 95060, 831.425.9500, Reviews are always greatly appreciated! Please share your experience on Yelp! and Google Review.

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Page 32 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ February – Mar. 11, 2015

Journey of the Wujifa Practitioner Martial Arts

M by Trevor Caruso

any martial arts have long been tied to various traditions of enlightenment. It is often the case that the practitioner is led to ‘the source’ as the journey between the mind and the body meet. There, at that precipice, one may or may not come to see clearly various patterns born of fear and shame within themselves. Various standing meditation practices are sometimes trained to illicit various feelings in the practitioner. Standing meditation is the foundation of many Qigong and martial art practices stretching as far back as the earliest recorded Daoist histories. As there are many variances of standing practice, there too are many intentions which bring practitioners to stand: from enlightenment, to cultivation of the dantian, development of the connective tissue for health or martial proficiency, relaxation, and even esoteric alchemical processes. Even something as simple as discovering what it means to relax is a profound journey in and of itself which can appear, on the surface, as a simple notion. Yet, as we delve into the subtleties and nuances of these simplistic practices we find significance and depth which generally is hidden to the uninitiated.

One of the foundational principles of Wujifa, for example, is relaxed is not limp. This principle is preceded by, and inextricably integral to one’s structural alignment. The discovery of structural discrepancies can take years, or even a lifetime, as we change and adapt to various environmental influences, whether they be physical or psychological. Wujifa is an ‘alive’

Trevor Caruso art that is in a constant state of change. Even though practices such as standing meditation may appear as being still on the surface, the inside is in a state of dynamic change. The journey of relaxation is

really the journey of discovering excessive tensions. These holding patterns can manifest in various ways. Often times students discover anew the drama which is played out within our bodies (and surely outside of our bodies) as we navigate the effects of gravity on our structure. Beginners often tend to feel very uncomfortable. A sense of ‘what the hell am i doing?’ can be a mantra that the inner dialogue adopts as an avoidance pattern against seemingly trivial irritability and a sense of futility. As the mind-body relaxes into the various adjustments, we may begin to notice and discover connections which crossover into various realms of our lives. We are then confronted with a paradigm: control (which implies suppression) and on the other side a passive noticing which can seem like an elusively shy cat. This noticing is where we discover connection and in so doing may come to the source of our inner conflict; that very thing which provides sustenance to our various holding or avoidance patterns. It can sometimes be the case that we bring to light emotions which are hidden under layers of various aspirations and social dynamics. There may be a sense of vulnerability as we open up and give in to the relaxation that comes with proper

Put your

spas • massage • bodycare


trust in our

practice and harmonize the physical and emotional levels. Sitting in that place of vulnerability, unattached, is a key to good practice. Trevor Caruso is a Rolf Structural Integration Therapist and owner of Mirror Gate Integrative Therapy in Santa Cruz County. He’s studied

internal martial arts and other healing and awareness practices since 1993. He currently teaches ongoing classes in Wujifa at the Santa Cruz Art Center and Aptos. For Rolf sessions or class registration call (831) 325-3587 or visit Drop-in classes are available.

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Page 33 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ February – Mar. 11, 2015

Hello Folks,


e publish this magazine to support our community and enjoy featuring leading theater, performances, and events. It is very important that you, our readers, tell all of the Arts &

Entertainment Venues, businesses and events, that you read about them in The Connection Magazine. We appreciate your much needed support in return. Thank you very much! Pattie & Thom

1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ • 831-429-4135 Thursday, Feb. 12 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+


and Hanif Wondir

plus Jel also Gen.Erik $20 Adv./ $25 Drs. • 8:30 p.m./ 9 p.m.

Friday, February 13 Ages 16+ $20 Adv./ $25 Drs. • Drs. 8 p.m./ Show 9 p.m.


Tue. • Feb.17 • 7:30pm • $10 • Dance MARDI GRAS FAT TUESDAY w/ Courtbleu • Cajun Honky Tonk

Friday, February 13 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+

Thu. • Feb.19 • 7:30pm • $22adv/$25dr 3 Women & The Truth w/ Eliza Gilkyson, Mary Gauthier, & Gretchen Peters Roots/Folk/Americana


$12 Adv./ $15 Drs. • Drs. 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m.


Saturday, Feb. 14 Ages 16+ $17 Adv./ $22 Drs. • Drs. 8 p.m./ Show 9 p.m. Saturday, February 14 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+

SIN SISTERS BURLESQUE $15 Adv./ $20 Drs. • Drs. 9 p.m./ Show 9:30 p.m.

Sunday, February 15 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+

LEFTÖVER CRACK plus Blackbird Raum also Union 13 and Agnostic Blunt and Juicy Karkass

$15 Adv./ $15 Drs. • Drs. 8 p.m./ Show 8:30 p.m.

Monday, February 16 • Ages 16+


Sun.• Mar.1 • 7pm • $15adv/$18dr • Dance Nicholas David Alt Soul/Finalist on The Voice Sun. • Mar.8 • 1:30pm Matinee • $20adv/$25dr CHEETAH BENEFIT CONCERT Stevie Coyle, Carol McComb & Kathleen Larisch, Shelley Phillips & Michael Glick & others


Sun. • Mar.8 • 7pm • $15 Pierre Bensusan • Acoustic Guitar, World Music/New Age/Chamber Jazz

$22 Adv./ $25 Drs. • Drs. 7 p.m./ Show 8 p.m. Tuesday, February 17 • Ages 16+

SUICIDE SILENCE Emmure Within The Ruins

Wed. • Mar.11 • 7:30pm • $15adv/$17dr HAWAIIAN MUSIC CELEBRATION Hū`ewa, Mailani, Josh Tatofi, Patrick Landez

CRO-MAGS $13/ $16 • 8 p.m./ 8:30 p.m.

Thu. • Mar.12 • 8pm • $10 • Dance Michael Martyn’s 65th Birthday Bash The Rayburn Brothers, Michael Martyn & Good Medicine w/ Patti Maxine



Authority Zero


and Fit For An Autopsy $17 Adv./ $20 Drs. • Drs. 6 p.m./ Show 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 17 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+

Wednesday, Feb. 18 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+

WILD CHILD plus Desert Noises

also Goodnight Texas

$12/ $15 • 8:30 p.m./ 9 p.m.

Thursday, Feb. 19 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+


plus The Love Me Nots $8 Adv./ $11 Drs. • Drs. open 8 p.m./ Show 8:30 p.m.

Friday, February 20 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+ $7 Adv./ $10 Drs. • Drs. open 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m.

Saturday, Feb. 21 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+


Sunday, February 22 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+

FOREBEAR • FIGS VISION END OF SUMMER $7 Adv./ $10 Drs. • Drs. open 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m.

Monday, February 23 • In the Atrium • All Ages

KAWEHI $15/ $20

• 7:30 p.m./ 8 p.m.

Tuesday, February 24 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+ FAUXGAZI A TRIBUTE TO FUGAZI

$6 Adv./ $6 Drs. • Drs. open 8 p.m./ Show 8:30 p.m.

Wednesday, February 25 • Ages 16+

Chronixx & The Zinc Fence Redemption Kelissa Keznamdi plus


$20 Adv./ $25 Drs. • Drs. 6 p.m./ Show 6:30 p.m.

Feb 26 David Cook/ Dylan Gardner (All Ages) Feb 27 In Flames/ All That Remains (Ages 16+) Mar 6 Andre Nickatina (Ages 16+) Mar 7 Kalya Scintilla/ Kaminanda

Birds Of Paradise (Ages 18+) Mar 10 Jackie Greene (Ages 21+) Mar 11 & 12 Rebelution (Ages 16+) Mar 14 The Ghost Inside (Ages 16+) Mar 16 Walk The Moon/ The Griswolds (Ages 16+) Mar 17 Aer/ Shwayze (Ages 16+) Mar 18 Shpongle/ Phutureprimitive (Ages 16+) Mar 20 Ok Go (Ages 16+) Mar 20 Andrea Gibson At Kuumbwa (All Ages) Mar 21 Immortal Technique/ Talib Kweli (Ages 16+) Mar 27 Bone Thugs N Harmony (Ages 16+) Mar 28 Y & T/ SJ Sindicate (Ages 21+) Mar 29 Pink Floyd Experience (Ages 21+) Apr 3 & 4 IAMSU!/ Rome Fortune (Ages 16+) Apr 10 Sturgill Simpson (Ages 16+) Apr 11 Reverend Horton Heat (Ages 21+) Apr 15 Bad Religion/ OFF! (Ages 21+) Apr 16 Antemasque (Ages 16+) Apr 17 Berner (Ages 16+) Apr 19 Tech N9ne/ Chris Webby (Ages 16+) Apr 23 Frankie Ballard (Ages 16+) May 2 Infected Mushroom (Ages 18+) May 7 Yellowcard (Ages 16+) May 21 Dustin Lynch (Ages 16+) Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating.

Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 877-435-9849 & online


by Janet Leonard usicians from the Santa Cruz Symphony are spreading out across the county over the next two weeks to bring the joy of classical music to elementary school classrooms from Boulder Creek to Pajaro Valley. Volunteer docents will team up with musicians to make the visits a fun and interactive experience that brings music to life. Students will learn what makes an orchestra and how conductors guide the musicians to make musical sound greater than the sum of its parts. This is in preparation for over 4,000 students and their teachers attending a Symphony performance either at the Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium on Mon. Feb. 23rd and at Watsonville’s Mello Center on Tue. Feb. 24th. The Santa Cruz County Youth Symphony will be playing alongside professional Symphony musicians. The Symphony will also partner with the Kuumbwa Honor Jazz Band and the Santa Cruz Ballet Theatre to make the experience diverse and memorable for both the eyes and the ears. For children and others not in fourth and fifth grades, the Symphony will offer a “reduced admission Family Concert” for all ages, entitled “Peter and the Wolf” with Shakespearean actor, Paul Whitworth, at the Santa Cruz

strating their skills. Crow’s Nest: Fri. Feb. 20th, Lenny’s Basement, high energy danceable rock ‘n roll. Severino’s Bar & Grill: Sat. Feb 21st, Kaye Bohler Band, dynamic voice singing classic blues-flavored soul and R & B. Fri. Feb. 27th, 7:30pm, The Billy Martini Show, fun 70’s music with flair! Don Quixote’s: Sun. Mar. 1 st, 7pm, Nicholas David, alternative soul music from the heart by a vibrant, dynamic, and multi-talented singer/ songwriter/pianist, recently a finalist on “The Voice”. Concerts in Retro: Here are my reviews of some recent shows. Remember this is only my opinion. At Seabright Brewery: A.C. Myles, phenomenal blues guitarist with three-piece band, full of humor, very entertaining. The Joint Chiefs had everyone up and dancing by their second song. The bongos and saxophone really add to their sound, with outstanding Don Caruth on guitar, keeping the dancing going all night long. Are you a local band that would like your CD reviewed in this publication? Send your CD to Music Connection, c/o Janet Leonard, PO Box 3916, Santa Cruz, CA 95063. Call (831) 325-4605 or email janetfaplanet@ to tell me about gigs for live reviews. Put “Music Connection” and your band’s name in the subject line.

British sensibilities), Paddington enchants with true Old World charm (1 hr 35 min).

also born too soon to have her talents recognized. Cumberbatch shines in his brilliant, award-nominated portrayal of a complex, radically innovative and secretly gay man – at a time when homosexuality was illegal. The story is at once gripping and painfully poignant … a must-see (1 hr 54 min).



by Karin Leonard & Daniel Robin ach month, we select our favorite or otherwise important films to be featured on this page. We rate them, subjectively, on a scale from 1 (worthless) to 5 (awesome) in terms of their entertainment and message. We leave the plot details and storytelling to the filmmakers and instead attempt to characterize, highlight strengths and flaws, and hint at purpose. Reach us at Enjoy!


With David Oyelowo, Carmen Ejogo, Tom Wilkinson, Oprah Winfrey Entertainment: 4 Message: 5 Note: Graphic Violence his powerful depiction of the famous, historic march from Selma



ANDY FRASCO THE COFFIS BROTHERS $12 Adv./ $15 Drs. • Doors & Show 9 p.m.


Civic Auditorium on Sun. Mar. 1st at 2 pm. For more info on how to donate or participate go to www. Kuumbwa Jazz is “Celebrating 40 Years Of Creativity”. The Santa Cruz County Arts Commission announced that Kuumbwa Jazz Co-Founder & Artistic Director Tim Jackson has been honored with the prestigious “Eloise Pickard Smith Award” for his extraordinary level of commitment of time, leadership, and support of the arts. Jackson has forged the way for Kuumbwa Jazz to be recognized as one of the top jazz venues in the world, most recently by Downbeat Magazine. Jackson was also instrumental in forming the “Western Jazz Presenters Network”, a coalition of jazz presenters as well as serving as Artistic Director of the Monterey Jazz Festival since 1992, which was named the best jazz festival in the world by JazzTimes Magazine for the past two years. We are so fortunate to have Kuumbwa and Tim Jackson in our community! For all the events go to http://kuumbwajazz. org/. Some music scene highlights: The Pocket, also known as Jerry’s Front Pocket, both on Facebook: Thu. Feb. 19th, 7:30pm, Pro-jam with Don Caruth (of The Joint Chiefs) and Friends, talented musicians demon-

Celebrating Forty Years of Creativity Thursday, February 12

7 pm

REZ ABASSI ACOUSTIC QUARTET 1/2 Price Night for Students Mon. February 16

7 pm

NICHOLAS PAYTON TRIO Tues. February 17 • 7 & 9 pm | No Comps


7 pm

TIGRAN TRIO 1/2 Price Night for Students Fri. February 20 • 7 & 9 pm | No Comps

CHRISTIAN MCBRIDE TRIO Mon. February 23 • 7 & 9 pm | No Comps


Thurs. February 26 • 7 & 9 pm | No Comps


AT THE RIO THEATRE Friday, March 13 • 7:30 pm | No Comps


Tues. March 31 • 7:30 pm | No Comps


Unless noted advance tickets at kuumbwajazz. org and Logos Books & Records and. Dinner served 1-hr before Kuumbwa presented concerts. Premium wines & beer. All ages.

320-2 Cedar St x Santa Cruz 831.427.2227

With Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, Julie Walters, Nicole Kidman Entertainment: 3.5 Message: 4 ased on Michael Bond’s popular series of children’s books, begun in 1958, this charming, engaging liveaction film is sure to provide wholesome delight for the entire family. Filled to the brim with positive messages about family, compassion and acceptance, in a lovable, furry package that even playful adults can enjoy. Our Peruvian bear’s first feature film is adorable and classy, without foul language, violence or bathroom humor (thanks to 1950s


Spare Parts

With George Lopez, Alexa Vega, Jamie Lee Curtis, Marisa Tomei Entertainment: 3.5 Message: 4.5 his inspiring tale about daring to dream has universal appeal. Based on the true 2004 story, when a team of underprivileged kids from Carl Hayden Community High School managed to give university students a run for their money at an underwater robotics competition. Powerful encouragement for marginalized youth everywhere. If you miss this gem in theaters, be sure to catch it anyway (1 hr 23 min).


The Theory of Everything

to Montgomery in 1965, demanding voting rights, took a long time in the making. David Oyelowo’s stirring and inspiring portrayal of Dr. Martin Luther King lets the legendary preacher and non-violent, visionary leader come to life again, capturing the heart and soul of the civil rights movement. Oprah adds her influence as producer and power as activist Ann Lee Cooper. Wonderful direction (Ava DuVernay) and Oyelowo’s Golden Globe-nominated performance, among many others, and the intense buildup to the march provide an impactful snapshot of MLK’s life purpose and effectiveness … the revolution was televised (where the “biggest weapon was to stay peaceful”), and some 50 years later, we are still working on true equality (2 hrs 20 min).

The Imitation Game

With Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley, Allen Leech, Rory Kinnear Entertainment: 4 Message: 4 ased on real life events and the troubled life of math genius Alan Turing, inventor of the modern day computer, and breaker of wartime “unbreakable” Nazi codes, with Keira Knightly as his female counterpart, herself


With Eddie Redmayne, Felicity Jones, Maxine Peake, Charlie Cox, Emily Watson Entertainment: 4 Message: 4.5 ased on cosmologist Stephen Hawking’s extraordinary life of scientific brilliance and courage, and Jane Hawking’s 2007 memoir Travelling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen. Let us count the ways in which this masterpiece biopic is amazing: (1) Fantastic performances by both lead actors, especially award-winning Eddie Redmayne – it seems as if you are watching Hawking himself. (2) Showing the human and humorous side of the great scientist, his great life and love story, and (3) the incredible resilience of this couple to deal with a harsh fate, adding deep dimensions to the public persona of a contemporary genius (2 hrs 3 min).



With Reese Witherspoon, Thomas Sadoski, Michiel Huisman Entertainment: 3.5 Message: 4 ritty and powerful, based on a true story, we follow the journey of Cheryl Strayed to find herself, meaning and redemption after the death of her mother (Laura Dern). Reese Witherspoon meets the challenge of a different kind of role with gusto and conviction, receiving Best Actress award nominations. The personal odyssey of a displaced person meets with the poor judgment of hiking the length of the Pacific Crest Trail, alone, with no backpacking experience. Real life Cheryl appears in a brief cameo, giving Reese a lift in her van. (1 hr 55 min).


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Page 35 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ February – Mar. 11, 2015

The Music of the Spheres:

Astrological Insights by Susan Heinz





upiter is a brilliant chip of light wedged in the blue blackness of night’s passage, while the Big Dipper stands straight up in the North, balanced on the tip of it’s handle. It’s winter and Aquarius pours out the beauty of the Milky Way to us. Venus graces the Western sky at twilight, as Sirius glitters, blue, white, red, a beacon through the night. The full Moon rises on the 3rd with Jupiter, together revolving and

marking our night with beneficial influence. This is a time to find what you love, embrace it, enjoy it, and express it. In contrast, Saturn and Neptune challenge us to find balance between what is true and what is ideal, between the practical and the imaginative, between creative reverie and the hard work of survival, between hype and spin, and the deep truth of this uncertain time. Find your center while going with the flow, and making a commitment to

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persevere over time toward what you are creating. Banish the critical shaming voice to the old paradigm. Mercury goes direct on the 11th, allowing more ease with schedules and appointments. The Year of the Wood Sheep or Goat comes on the 19th, beginning its unwinding of the intense fast paced year of the Wood Horse, (for more info on the year of the Sheep and 2015 go to www. The New Moon takes place on the 18th as the Sun enters imaginative Pisces. On the 19th Mars enters Aries, along with Venus on the 20th, and heats up our passions and relationships. They now align with Saturn, bringing perseverance and practicality to these passions to create for our greater good. Twelve opportunities for February 2015: For Sun and Rising Signs Aries (Mar 20-Apr 19): Through the 19th, gather your energies. Reflect on a larger vision that you have for yourself. Nurture it and bring it positive energy. See where your belief systems do not support this vision and adjust. These first two weeks are the tuning in before a greater momentum and release to new actions. You will experience a surge of energy from the 20th that will carry you, and inspire you. Area of caution, patience with others. Taurus (Apr 20-May 20): Home and work are highlighted as you bring your attention to creating and collaborating with others. Imaginative, artistic, and spiritual endeavors are favored as long as you adjust your vision with the needs of the moment, a careful balance between openness and clear boundaries and definition. This is also true in love relationships. Clarifying boundaries, and truthful assessment of what’s working and what is not, is essential at this time, for quick actions take place after the 19th. Gemini (May 21-Jun 20): The beginning of 2015 is supportive as you slow down and review where you are heading, in career and partnership. You are at a turning point. If you feel confused or overwhelmed focus on one step at a time toward your goals. You have the ability now to tune in with the needs of others and to support transformation in their lives. After the 19th create new beginnings with groups, instigate thinking outside of the box, and share

Receive an Astrological Life Reading and Gain a broader perspective on your life.

• This ancient wisdom can help you to transform and attune to the unfolding cycles in your life. •“You were born in answer to the need of the Universe.” Experience what your chart has to reveal, as Susan attunes to the mystery of Cosmos and Psyche. She guides you in how to best move with the energies of these transitional times. • Susan offers in-depth personal readings, relationship readings, group or business readings, readings for children and newborns, weddings, special events.. • Sue hosts a monthly talk examining personal and world wide situations from an astrological and cyclic point of view the first Friday of each month at her Center for Transformative Visions. Susan Heinz is a professional Astrologer and teacher in Santa Cruz for 30 years, bringing together traditional & esoteric astrology, Tarot and Qabalah. For more info and appointments:

(831) 479-3751 or go to 819 1⁄2 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz Center for Transformative Visions

with others. Cancer (Jun 21-Jul 21): The first part of the month is an excellent time to reassess your resources, including financial, and your talents, what you offer others. Your ideals and goals may need adjusting now. Take time to see how your daily activities are supporting what you would like to accomplish, the key for success. You may meet someone from a foreign country or background that inspires you. On the 20th, launch something new in your work or career. Leo (Jul 22-Aug 22): At the end of January and as the moon increases into its fullness on the 3rd, you experience abundance and confidence. The experience of well being promotes creative and expressive energies within you. Performance is highlighted. You experience appreciation! The balance between discipline and imaginative possibilities finds positive expression. After the 20th, begin new collaborations or projects with others. Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22): You may experience a renewal of love, or a new love enters your life. This may also take the form of a creative project that inspires you. For success take your time and balance grounding yourself in day to day realities and with the potentials before you. Define what you are wanting and what your needs are, so you are not sweep away. If you need to loosen up into creative possibilities, now is the time. You are creating new foundations for your life and family. Transformation of situations takes place after the 19th. Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22): February highlights creative work. Spending time alone heightens your imagination. Scheduling structured time is essential for bringing to fruition what you intend. During this period don’t take on too much and get enough rest. Watching what you eat and how you nourish your body is also essential. After the 19th, focus on relationship is much greater! Your passion is excited. Be careful, if not channeled positively, you can experience irritation and frustration, even loosing your temper. Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21): This month your heart is filled with love, with imaginative possibilities. This is a time for tapping a deep love (including for a child) or passion, for creating and expressing yourself, for healing old wounds. But you also experience worry, and question if you are proceeding the way you should. Take your time, slow things down and enjoy yourself with others of like mind. This is a time of integrating and growth.

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 20): As the waxing moon fills itself with light and becomes full on the 3rd, enjoy yourself. Notice the areas of life that are supporting you and your life in new ways. Rely on trust in your own self reliance to fulfill this next phase of your life. Define clearly what you want to create. It is the right time to take on for these new responsibilities. The romantic within you is active and can carry you away into reverie or unrealistic situations. Know your boundaries, otherwise impulsive actions create problems. After the 19th is the time to start something new. Capricorn (Dec 21- Jan 19): This is a sorting time for Capricorns. Your dream, ideal outcomes, or creative possibilities are present. Let yourself move with this imaginative energy. Explore it. And yet there is a tension between responsibility and imaginative possibility. The solution is to thoughtfully schedule your time to include both. If you hear that doubtful, skeptical voice, imagine putting it into another room and diminish its power. Schedule a day for your own reverie. Then that voice will come to your aid, helping you give form to your dream, after the 19th. Trust the process. Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 17): This is a highly fruitful and creative time for you! Your mind is at its peak, reviewing past situations, integrating new insights, sharing, and collaborating with others. Travel is highlighted at the beginning of the month, connecting and meeting new people is beneficial. There is a need to balance social time with quiet reverie, discipline with openness. Communications, writing, are emphasized after the 19th as is giving form to new inspirations. A burst of energy engages you. Pisces (Feb 18-Mar 19): Ah, your romantic heart! Your great capacity for sharing love is highlighted. Saturn now demands that you be grounded. Use your discerning abilities to carefully assess your situation. Don’t let yourself get swept away by seductive charms. It may be difficult to know what is true or not. So harness the power of your love, the power to create your reality into imaginative and productive ways that serve both yourself and others. Susan Heinz is a professional astrologer in Santa Cruz for 33 years, bringing together traditional & esoteric astrology, Tarot and Qabalah. For info on her Friday monthly astrology groups, her Qabalah, astrology and or, painting classes, and for personal consultations, call (831) 479-3751, or go to





hese past two weeks have been a test for me... of my resolve to be a kind and loving human being. I came down with flu after a night at Stanford Hospital preparing for a colonoscopy that ultimately failed. I have had an ileostomy for the last 2 years, healing my digestive system to be finally put back together. I had an allergic reaction to the ten hours of prep poured through my stoma, and then, a failed colonoscopy. The doctor suggested I return home, continue fasting over the


weekend and then come back to try again. I awoke on Saturday morning vomiting with a temperature of 101.8. I can honestly say this was one of the most debilitating experiences, and I am still not 100%. As I lay in bed over the last two weeks, I read and reread an affirmation my friend Annie gave me: “All is well with my world.” I meditated; I prayed. There were moments when I was not sure I would pull through, but even that would have been O.K. should that be what was best for my soul. I surrendered, and I improved. My time is not up yet! I have more books and paintings to do. It is so obvious that our body’s state of being affects our thinking process; I had to work at being kind, and I occasionally lost control. Even that was fine as releasing tears helps.


I had vivid dreams and realized I had the opportunity to heal the past. I recalled moments emotionally as a child, things I had not remembered in many years. I traced through my relationships seeing how life was more challenging because of my generating drama. I felt gratitude for my teachers, so many: Maharishi, Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Dee, Annie, my beautiful daughter, Thom and Pattie, the men who loved me, all my beloved pets, especially my cat Bianco who curled up beside me and kept vigil through these weeks of growing wellness. So, maintaining balance is an act of will, a choice, a knowing that “All is well with my world.” Blessings, Melanie Melanie Gendron is available for intuitive tarot readings, offering also art, unique gifts, tarot services and products, (831) 335-9064, email, visit www.

Page 36 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline▲ February — Mar. 11, 2015



ongbirds, also called perching birds, have exor tendons in their legs that force their toes to involuntarily clasp on a perch as soon as their ankles


bend and their body weight presses down. Only when their legs straighten will the tight clasp be broken, so a sleeping bird cannot physically “fall�

from a branch. Some birds have also developed the ability to sleep with one eye open, which means one side of their brain falls into deep sleep while the other side remains alert and on the lookout for predators.


by Dr. Becker any dogs, just like people, feel cold when winter weather arrives. But many dog guardians are confused about whether putting a sweater or coat on their pet makes sense, because after all – the animal is covered in fur! But not every dog has a long or dense coat, or a double coat. Shorthaired dogs are often vulnerable to cold temperatures, as are very small dogs, light-bodied breeds, seniors, and pets with health conditions. So it’s certainly possible that your canine companion may be uncomfortable in cold weather. How to Know If Your Dog Is Cold One sign that your dog is feeling chilly is a hesitance to go outside to potty. And if she insists on lying on you or in contact with you at bedtime, it’s another sign she’s looking for warmth. And of course shivering is

always a red ag. If your dog is sending “I’m coldâ€? signals, is a small or toy breed, has a short or thin coat, is older and perhaps doesn’t get around well, or has a chronic health condition, a sweater or jacket may the best thing for her. Dogs that aren’t likely to need outerwear are large breeds with dense coats – breeds like the Saint Bernard, Malamute, and Siberian Husky. These breeds and most dogs bred for cold climates can actually overheat in a sweater or jacket. Overweight dogs often don’t need extra insulation, either. But breeds like the Chihuahua, many of the terrier and pinscher breeds, and the Greyhound, are examples of dogs that often need a little help staying warm. Choosing the Best Sweater When picking a sweater for your dog, I recommend a fabric that can be easily washed and dried, and one that won’t itch or irritate your pet’s skin. You’ll want to measure the circumference of your dog’s neck and

Lenny in his organic cotton sweater.

chest, and the length of his body from neck to waist, plus take his weight, so that you can select clothing that ďŹ ts. A dog sweater should be snug, but not tight. The length should end at about the waist, leaving the dog’s back end free. The neck and leg holes should be big enough that your dog can move freely, but not so big that he can pull his head or a leg out. I recommend plain sweaters without zippers, hooks, buttons or other adornments that can be both annoying to your dog and a choking hazard. The sweater should be easy to put on and take off without a struggle. I also look for sweaters made of natural (chemical free) material, like this organic, recycled 100 percent cotton sweater I just found for Lenny. You may have a few misses before you hit on the right size and ďŹ t, so either take your dog with you so you can try things on him, or shop at retailers with liberal return policies. Additional Tips If you put a sweater on your dog, especially indoors, make sure to check regularly to insure she’s comfortable. I recommend taking sweaters on and off every few hours to prevent overheating or an itchy rash. And keep in mind that not every dog who needs a coat will wear one – it’s just too unnatural for some. So don’t force your dog to wear any item of clothing if it means she can’t act or move naturally. And one more thing‌ dogs rarely, if ever, need pants. And rain-

coats are unnecessary, as are boots, in most instances. Dogs feel the ground with their paws, and anything that interferes with their ability to perceive their environment isn’t a great idea for most dogs. Printed with permission.


efenders of Wildlife is a national, nonproďŹ t membership organization dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their natural communities. Defenders of Wildlife can be contacted at: 1130 17th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036,

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Page 38▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ February – Mar. 11, 2015

Medical Marijuana Visits in SC and Monterey 5 AmAzing new Discoveries About the PotentiAl of mArijuAnA thAt You won’t heAr in the corPorAte meDiA


Five new cannabis-centric studies warrant major attention.

by Paul Armentan cientific discoveries are published almost daily in regard to the healing properties of the cannabis. But, most of these findings appear solely in subscription-only peerreviewed journals and, therefore, go largely unnoticed by the mainstream media and by the public. Here are five just-published cannabis-centric studies that warrant attention. Men Who Smoke Pot Possess a Reduced Risk of Bladder Cancer Is cannabis use protective against the development of certain types of cancer? The findings of a just released study in the Journal Urology imply that it might be. Investigators at the Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center, Department of Neurology assessed the association of cannabis use and tobacco smoking on the risk of bladder cancer in a multiethnic cohort of more than 80,000 men aged 45 to 69 years old over an 11-year period. The results? While men who smoked cigarettes possessed a 1.5-fold increased risk of cancer, those who only smoked pot possessed a 45 percent reduced risk of being diagnosed with the disease. “After adjusting for age, race or ethnicity, and body mass index, using tobacco only was associated with an increased risk of bladder cancer (hazard regression 1.52) whereas cannabis use was only associated with a 45 percent reduction in bladder cancer incidence (HR 0.55),” investigators reported. The study is not the first time that researchers have identified an inverse association between marijuana use and the development of cancer. In 2009, Brown University researchers similarly reported that the moderate long-term use of marijuana was associated with a reduced risk of head and neck cancers in a multi-center cohort involving over 1,000 subjects. In addition, the largest case-controlled study ever to investigate the respiratory effects of marijuana smoking found no positive association between inhaling pot and lung cancer risk. “We hypothesized that there would be a positive association between marijuana use and lung cancer, and that the association would be more positive with heavier use,” pulmonologist Dr. Donald Tashkin, Professor Emeritus at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA told The Washington Post. “What we found instead was no association at all, and even a suggestion of some protective effect.” Long-Term Pot Exposure Isn’t Damaging to Lung Health Unlike tobacco smoking, the inhalation of marijuana cigarettes— even long-term—is not associated with significant adverse changes in pulmonary health, according to data published online in December in the journal Annals of the American Thoracic Society. Investigators at

Emory University in Atlanta assessed marijuana smoke exposure and lung health in a large representative sample of US adults age 18 to 59. Researchers reported that cannabis exposure was not associated with FEV1 (forced expiratory volume) decline or deleterious change in spirometric values of small airways disease. They further reported that marijuana smoke exposure may be associated with some protective lung effects among long-term smokers of tobacco, acknowledging, “[T]he pattern of marijuana’s effects seems to be distinctly different when compared to that of tobacco use.” Their findings are similar to those of a 2013 literature review, published in the same journal, which concluded: “[H]abitual use of marijuana alone does not appear to lead to significant abnormalities in lung function. Findings from a limited number of well-designed epidemiological studies do not suggest an increased risk of either lung or upper airway cancer from light or moderate use. ... Overall, the risks of pulmonary complications of regular use of marijuana appear to be relatively small and far lower than those of tobacco smoking.” Alcohol, Not Pot, Alters the Brain It was less than a year ago when the mainstream media was chock-full of headlines like this one: ‘Brain changes associated with casual marijuana use in young adults, study finds.’ But, a funny thing happened when a team of scientists from the University of Colorado and the University of Kentucky tried to replicate these results in a larger, more well-controlled cohort of subjects. They couldn’t. “We acquired high-resolution MRI scans, and investigated group differences in gray matter using voxel-based morphometry, surface-based morphometry, and shape analysis in structures suggested to be associated with marijuana use, as follows: the nucleus accumbens, amygdala, hippocampus, and cerebellum,” researchers summarized in the January 28 edition of The Journal of Neuroscience. “No statistically significant differences were found between daily users and nonusers on volume or shape in the regions of interest. Effect sizes suggest that the failure to find differences was not due to a lack of statistical power, but rather was due to the lack of even a modest effect.” They concluded, “In sum, the results indicate that, when carefully controlling for alcohol use, gender, age, and other variables, there is no association between marijuana use and standard volumetric or shape measurements of subcortical structures. … [I]t seems unlikely that marijuana use has the same level of long-term deleterious effects on brain morphology as other drugs like alcohol.” Marijuana Use Doesn’t Lead to Depression

“Regular use of marijuana has also been linked to depression, anxiety, and a loss of drive or motivation.” So says the online publication, ‘Marijuana: Facts for Teens,’ published by the US National Institute on Drug Abuse. But, is this claim true? No, according to longitudinal data published online ahead of print in the Journal of Affective Disorders, which reports that future incidences of major depression are not higher among cannabis users compared to nonusers. Investigators concluded, “Our results do not support a longitudinal association between cannabis use and increased incidence of MDD (major depressive disorder); rather, they indicate an inverse relationship between the two, which may be attributed to self-medication factors.” Previous studies have similarly dismissed the notion that pot use is associated with increased suicide risk. Specifically, a 2013 study published in the American Journal of Public Health reported a drop in suicide rates in states that had legalized marijuana compared to those that had not, finding: “Suicides among men aged 20 through 39 years fell after medical marijuana legalization compared with those in states that did not legalize. The negative relationship between legalization and suicides among young men is consistent with the hypothesis that marijuana can be used to cope with stressful life events.” Marijuana Possesses a Unique Margin of Safety Compared to Other Legal and Illegal Drugs Despite the US federal government’s ongoing insistence that pot is one of the most dangerous substances known to man, an objective review of the plant’s safety profile finds that it is comparably safer than most other drugs, particularly alcohol. Writing in this past January, an international team of German and Canadian researchers published a comparative risk assessment of the toxicity of tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis. Their evaluation concluded that the risks of cannabis have likely been “overestimated” while the dangers associated with booze “have been commonly underestimated.” They concluded: “[Our] results point to risk management prioritization toward alcohol and tobacco rather than illicit drugs. … [and] suggest a strict legal regulatory approach [for cannabis] rather than the current prohibition approach.” Author’s Note: Paul Armentano is the Deputy Director of NORML — the National Organization for the reform of Marijuana Laws — and also serves as a senior policy advisor for Freedom Leaf, Inc. He is the co-author of the book, Marijuana Is Safer: So Why Are We Driving People to Drink? (Chelsea Green, 2013). Printed with permission

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21 L egaL M edicaL M arijuana S tateS and dc and the year M . M . becaMe LegaL . 1. Alaska, 1998; 2. Arizona, 2010; 3. California, 1996 4. Colorado, 2000/2014; 5. Connecticut, 2012; 6. DC, 2010 7. Delaware, 2011; 8. Hawaii, 2000; 9. Illinois, 2013; 10. Maine, 1999; 11. Maryland (2013); 12. Massachusetts, 2012; 13. Michigan, 2008, 14. Minnesota, 2014; 15. Montana, 2004; 14. Nevada, 2000; 16. New Hampshire, 2013; 17. New Jersey, 2010; 18. New Mexico, 2007; 19. New York, 2014; 20. Oregon, 1998/2014; 21. Rhode Island, 2006; 22. Vermont, 2004; 23. Washington, 1998 three StateS with LegiSLation that iS FavorabLe towardS MedicaL Marijuana But Would Not Legalize Its Use 1. Minnesota 2. Oklahoma 3. Texas

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