ew The N
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July 2016
Shared Adventures Presents:
‘A Day on the Beach’ . . . July 16 ~ Cowell Beach SC ~ pgs 6 & 7
(Sacred Land Farm) ~ pgs. 20 & 21 Want to Join our Biodynamic/Permaculture Farm?
Wake Up, now . . . !
• Monsanto/ GMOs ~ pgs 13, 18, 29, 37 • Paradigm Shift ~ pg 28
• Mind • Body • Spirit • Earth • Heart •
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Look for our August 2016 Issue - Aug. 1st - Now in our 24th Year
Finca Sagrad Land Farm Pages 20-21
How to Reach Us:
(831) 459-0522 Fax: (831) 427-7718 (Please Call to Confirm Fax Receipt) Connection Magazine 7960 Soquel Dr. B-355 • Aptos, CA 95003
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Shared Adventures’ Day on the Beach Pages 6-7
Feature Index Arts & Entertainment................................34-35 Astrology.......................................... Will Return Awareness..................................................24-28 Compassion Flower Resource Guide....... 38-40 Dining Delights............................................... 37 Essential Living Guide ........................ 14,15,24 Fitness & Sports............................................. 17
Health Notes.....................................................8-13
Martial Arts Page 16
GMO Bad News Pgs. 13, 18, 29, 37
Cannabis Pages Page 38-40
Healthy Appearance........................................ 22 Healthy Planet............................................. 28-31 Diversity............................................Will Return Martial Arts....................................................... 16 Massage / Bodywork........................Will Return Movies.............................................................. 35 Music ............................................................... 35 Parenting, Kids & Education.....................18-19 Pet / Animal Health........................................... 23 Rave Reviews.................................................... 36 Finca Sagrada Theme . ............................... 20-21 Spirit...................................................................32 Travel & Fun.....................................  Will Return Wonderful Women.............................Will Return Yoga................................................................... 14 Information in this publication is provided for informational purposes only. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. Do not use the information in this publication for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read in this publication. Information provided in this publication and the use of any products or services purchased from our publication by you DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and any of the physicians affiliated with our publication. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Entire Contents © The Connection Magazine
Treasure Trove of Transformation Some people prefer to talk about Ascension, while others want to experience it. But why discourse about higher dimensions when you can navigate them? Why talk about how to ascend when you can do it? If you are ready for transformation, come experience our intensive workshop with Lucia Rene, mystic, David Manning, sound energy worker, and Susan Gash, healer. July 7 7:00 pm Empowerment Open to: the public $20 donation July 8–10 Intensive Workshop
3 master teachers. 3 approaches. 3 days. A treasure trove of transformation.
Unity In Marin 600 Palm Drive Novato, CA 94949
July 1 – 5, 2016
¥¥ You do not need to know how to dowse to attend! ¥¥ â&#x20AC;&#x201C; DOWSING SCHOOLS F r i d a y , J u l y 1 Â&#x2021; %DVLF 'RZVLQJ Â&#x2021; 6SHFLDO $SSOLFDWLRQV 6FKRROV Â&#x2021; <RXWK 3URJUDP â&#x20AC;&#x201C; f o r c h i l d r e n a n d t e e n s J u l y 1 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; CONFERENCE J u l y 2 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 5 O v e r 6 0 s p e a k e r s m a k i n g p r e s e n t a t i o n s o n â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Â&#x2021; 3HQGXOXP 'RZVLQJ Â&#x2021; :DWHU 'RZVLQJ Â&#x2021; 0DS 'RZVLQJ Â&#x2021; 6HOI 7UDQVIRUPDWLRQ Â&#x2021; 0LUDFOHV Â&#x2021; 'RZVLQJ IRU :HOOQHVV Â&#x2021; (OHFWURPDJQHWLF (QHUJLHV Â&#x2021; $QLPDO &RPPXQLFDWLRQ Â&#x2021; *DUGHQLQJ Â&#x2021; 6XVWDLQDEOH 'RZVLQJ Â&#x2021; (DUWK (QHUJLHV Â&#x2021; /DE\ULQWKV Â&#x2021; 1XPHURORJ\ Â&#x2021; :RUNLQJ ZLWK $QJHOV Â&#x2021; )LQJHUSULQW $QDO\VLV Â&#x2021; )DFH 5HDGLQJ Â&#x2021; (VVHQWLDO 2LOV Â&#x2021; *KRVW %XVWLQJ ² DQG PXFK PRUH
Check it out! Come join us under the oaks for inspiring and mind-opening talks and events! www.dowserswestcoast.org
Karen Ashley 415-823-9148, dowserswestcoast@gmail.com
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Creative Cultures’ Kickstarter
disease and illness through health and wellness by embracing fermentation. Kelly has a special Former School Teacher wants to give the world a “Microbiome way of taking the healthiest most nourishing ingredients Makeover” with Beet Kvass and a fabulous Kickstarter Campaign on the planet and creating that 70-80 percent of our im- health, and heart health, Our tummies are in mentation evangelist and alternatives to junk food like stress relief and combat founder of Creative Cultures mune system resides there. trouble! Over 70 million probiotic & detox beverages Beet Kvass, an ancient obesity. Beet Kvass has no her Goji Mega healthy candy people suffer from digeswants to change that. fermented beverage from cane sugar (only one gram bars, probiotic ranch dresstive disease according to the Scientists and youngEastern Europe, is a probi- left from the beets after fer- ing, and her probiotic pesto national institutes of health otic tonic that can bring real mentation) and it is safe for that helps take toxins and and these are only reported er generation doctors now heavy metals out of the body. know that probiotics are esrelief to people’s tired, over- diabetics. Because the laccases. tic acid neutralizes oxalates, She teaches on-line fermensential to a healthy gut and worked bodies. Kelly Dearie, ferKelly Dearie thought the drink is safe for anyone tation classes through Udemy (a discounted version is she would be a teacher for- with joint issues and is peravailable through her Kickever but her career ended fect for athletes because starter Campaign.) when she became a full beets have been proven to Her best value perk is time therapeutic chef for her boos athletic performance ��������� ����� ����� “Kelly’s secret Recipes”. “I husband, helping him heal due to nitrates naturally ocfrom two diseases deemed curring in the beets which was going to turn these into �� ���� �� incurable by western medi- help oxygenate the blood. proprietary products sold �������������������������������������� cal doctors. The family Beets weren’t available in in natural foods stores, but I decided to focus on the added fermented foods and a 100 mile radius of the last ���������������������� ���������������� drinks instead and make the drinks hand made by Kelly Olympics because athletes ����������� ������������������������������������������� amazing food recipes avail������������������������������������������� into their daily routine, plus got word of these studies! able to everyone,” says Kel�������������� Kelly’s passion in life whole food supplements, Beet Kvass being the fam- is to inspire people to make ly. Some of the best natural ���������� ������ food companies came out of positive changes through ily’s favorite. ��������������� ��������� ��� ��������� Santa Cruz CA, and Kelly is There is a fermenta- diet, nutrition, and embrac�������� ����������������������� confident that Creative Cultion revival sweeping the na- ing lacto-fermented foods ture’s Beet Kvass and other �������� ��������� ��������� tion and Kelly Dearie wants and drinks into their daily probiotic drinks will be the Beet Kvass to be a part of routine. She launched a ��� ������ ������� ������ ��������� ��������� next “Kombucha” sweeping the gut-health revolution. Kickstarter Campaign to ��������� � ������ � ���� Lacto-fermented foods and help bring Rejuvenation to the nation. !����� �"������� �������� ���#���� $�������� ����� The perks that are beverages are rich in bio- the Nation. The campaign most helpful to boost the ��������� %������� $�������� ����� ���� available nutrients, active offers perks that far exceed Creative Cultures campaign probiotics, antioxidants and the value stated because � ��������!����"#�$%&'(%%')*�+* are the “Kelly’s Best Friend” enzymes, and are proven she really wants to help ,����-���������.��� ������ ���� ������� in which one receives a lifeto help boost immune, gut people break the cycle of time of support from Kelly, a complete kitchen makeover and a year of drinks delivered to your doorstep—a much better investment than medical bills!... and SAILING PAR#5 YOU & UP TY FOR TO 20 FRIENDS ON THE CHARDON$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$! NAY II, in which you cruise the Monterey Bay in luxury while sipping on Creative Cultures Exotic Probiotic cocktails and exquisite local organic cuisine foraged by award winning chef, Zachary Mazie of Lionfish ?d^c Djg @^X`hiVgiZg [dg HdbZ HZg^djh Supperclub. Creative Cultures Kickstarter ends July 12th!
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Fermentation Inspiration
View more 67899!":;<==<>?!!6!*<@9!AB=<C!6!.8>D<>EC!$>CFGH<I=! DcXZ"^c"V"a^[Zi^bZ \^[ih ;DG 768@:GH/ amazing perks HZXgZi GZX^eZh on the Creative 6,BJJ>8G!*>CHI!"8E=H?=!G>!K9IJ!,H@9!GK9!L99=! HeZX^Vain 7ZZi @kVhh Cultures
;ZgbZciVi^dc 8aVhhZh EgdW^di^X 8dX`iV^a HV^a^c\ EVgi^Zh VcY Hd BjX] BdgZ
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Kickstarter Home Page:
http:// tinyurl.com/ FeelTheBeet
lll#8gZVi^kZ8jaijgZh9g^c`h#Xdb !:22;<8$=8>528$?$+,$>52$-$>288$$ Page 4 ♥ Connection Magazine ♥ www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline ♥ .-@A07$ABC8.9!
July 2016
Thrive Movement is working with Rythmia Life Advancement Center to help bring breakthrough Healing Remedies to the World. With more than 37 million views, translated into 27 languages, the movie Located in Guanacaste, Costa Rica THRIVE inspired people from all over the world to reach out with their bold and innovative new technologies and inventions. Now, with the help of the world-class medically licensed resort, Rythmia, THRIVE is helping to usher in medical remedies that have never been available before. Check out the amazing services already available at Rythmia and stay tuned.
� Naturophatic Healing Center � Deep Sea Cleanse � Government Licensed � Plant Medicine � Shiva Rae Yoga � Life Transformation � Farm to Table Organic Meals
CLICK HERE to learn more ... About Rythmia: http://bit.ly/GoSeeRythmia About the collaboration: http://bit.ly/ThriveOnRythmia
Shared Adventures 24th Annual
“Day on The Beach”
Saturday July 16, 2016- Cowell Beach, Santa Cruz, CA. Over 300 Participants with Disabilities “Get Stoked” at Nonprofit Ocean Sports Event Shared Adventures of Santa Cruz, California announces the 24th Annual “Day On The Beach” event on Cowell Beach in Santa Cruz, California, Saturday, July 16 from 10:00-4:00. Shared AdvenSienne Hayes tures is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to improving the
quality of life of people living with disabilities through inclusive recreation. This event creates an opportunity for those who, due to their disabilities, might never have the opportunity to participate in ocean sports such as kayaking, outrigger canoeing, scuba diving, water floatation, and beach wheelchair rides. In order to enable those with mobility issues to travel over the sand to enjoy the beach, generous volunteers lay down over 200 pieces of plywood frames and create a unique 7,600+ square foot event. Live entertainment will perform at the beach throughout the day. This year Day on the Beach will feature the group “Magic Makers”, a Santa Clara band comprised
of members with developmental challenges. Also performing will be dance troupe “Aerial Arts Santa Cruz” and blues band “10 O’Clock Lunch”. Foster Andersen, Founder and Executive Director of Shared Adventures said, “It amazes me to see so many people come together from all over the state to come to this event and share the beautiful ocean we here! And when experts in ocean sports can bring people with special needs out Kayaking, Outrigger Canoeing and SCUBA it really is heartwarming and lots of life changing experiences go along with it.”
Community involvement is the key to this event’s success; hundreds of volunteers are needed and are requested to pre-register online at www.SharedAdventures. org/dayonthebeach. Volunteers are needed for all tasks in various time slots between 7am – 6pm, including setup, meeting and greeting participants, lunch service, assisting with ocean activities, registration, and breakdown.
A volunteer from a previous year commented:
“I had an awesome time. It was so fulfilling to be able to help others and share an activity that I am passionate about. Everyone involved were so helpful and friendly. The participants were great and very patient with the volunteers.” This event serves 300+ persons with disabilities, plus their caregivers, friends, and families to bringing together over 1,000 people for this spectacular beach party. Shared Adventures expects to provide over 60 kayak trips, 50
outrigger canoe trips, 30 scuba diving dips, 20 floatation excursions and 20 beach wheelchair rides. All activities are free; Day on the Beach is fully funded by grants and generous donors.
Lasting Impact:
The effects of this event are immense and its reputation and popularity have grown to enormous proportions throughout Northern California. When sitting in the front seat of a tandem kayak or floating in SCUBA equipment, what many able-bodied persons would consider a routine day on the water enables challenged participants to experience unique sight and sound sensations that they would otherwise never know. The following quote is an excerpt from a letter written by a participant: “I just want to say thank you for the wonderful time I had at the “Day on the Beach” in July. It was a very important day for me because of so many “firsts” occurring. It was the first time I had ever been in the ocean, the first time scuba diving and the first time surfing. From the faces around me, I guessed many others were having as remarkable a day. Thank you again, to you and to the outstanding volunteers for such an instructive, self-assuring and most importantly, joyful event.”
Shared Adventures History:
Established in 1994 on the belief that recreation, fun, chalPage 6 ♥ Connection Magazine ♥ www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline ♥ July 2016
help of over 400 volunteers. Public is invited and volunteers are needed all day.
Shared Adventures, Foster Andersen, Founder and Executive Director of Shared Adventures. (831) 459-7210 staff@SharedAdventures.org http://www.sharedadventures.org http://www.scaccessguide.com PRESS CONTACT: Daryl Wise, StreetWise PR dsw@StreetWisePR.com 831-402-3712
Jeanine Olsen W]
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Steve Lawson
lenge and access to the outdoors are an essential part of a fulfilling life, Shared Adventure’s goal is to offer opportunities for social and recreational interaction for disabled people, and thereby encourage: • Fun, personal growth, development, and self-confidence • Cooperation and decision-making skills • Outdoor skills and environmental awareness Shared Adventures offers a year-round calendar of events which includes adventure sports such as kayaking, archery, horseback riding, and sailing, in addition to social events such as dance parties, movie screening, game nights, and picnics. In 2014, Shared Adventures accommodated over 2,500 participants with special needs with the
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Are You Ready To Create Miracles In Your Life? I]ZiV=ZVa^c\Â&#x153; ^h egd[djcYan Z[[ZXi^kZ Vi XaZVg^c\ WadX`h i]Vi a^b^i ndjg VW^a^in id i]g^kZ ^c a^[Z# 9d ndj ZkZg ldcYZg l]n jc]ZVai]n eViiZgch gZ\VgY^c\ lZVai]! adkZ! gZaVi^dch]^eh dg ]ZVai] gZeZVi ^c ndjg a^[Z4 HiVgi i]g^k^c\ cdl VcY WZXdbZ i]Z a^b^iaZhh WZ^c\ ndj VgZ YZh^\cZY id WZ
Enjoy Increased: â&#x20AC;˘ Happiness â&#x20AC;˘ Love â&#x20AC;˘ Health â&#x20AC;˘ Money â&#x20AC;˘ Career â&#x20AC;˘ Connection GdX]ZaaZ HiVcaZn ^h V/
Â&#x2122; BVhiZg I]ZiV =ZVa^c\Â&#x153; >chigjXidg EgVXi^i^dcZg 7n [djcYZg K^VccV Hi^WVa Â&#x2122; 8Zgi^Ă&#x2019;ZY 6c\Za >cij^i^kZ 7n 9dgZZc K^gijZ Â&#x2122; BVhiZg GZ^`^ EgVXi^i^dcZg Â&#x2122; 8Zgi^Ă&#x2019;ZY 6XXZhh 8dchX^djhcZhh 7Vgh egVXi^i^dcZg
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Help Stop 5G Wireless a Dangerous Radiation Intensive Technology! We defeated the proposal to further erode local zoning in California. The stakes are even higher now! Spread the word! The FCC is voting on whether to move forward with 5G, an extremely dangerous technology. Read Chairman Wheelers comments about the Spectrum Frontiers Proceeding (https://www.fcc. gov/document/remarks-chairman-wheelerfuture-wireless). This would put 5G transmitters on power and light poles throughout communities across the United States with the aim of creating enough saturation of very high frequency microwave radiation that fiber optic level connectivity is available wirelessly everywhere. We will need as many people as possible from the U.S. and around the world, including experts, to contact the FCC by July 13, 2016. They vote on the proposal on July 14, 2016. Please take a moment to contact the FCC Commissioners BEFORE their vote on July 14 in opposition to the rollout of 5G. A template letter is below, please take a moment personalize it briefly with your experience to give it greater impact. Tom Wheeler, Chairman Tom.Wheeler@ fcc.gov Mignon Clyburn, Commissioner Mignon. Clyburn@fcc.gov Jessica Rosenworcel, Commissioner Jessica.Rosenworcel@fcc.gov Ajit Pai, Commissioner Ajit.Pai@fcc.gov Michael Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Rielly, Commissioner Mike.Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Rielly@fcc.gov Please send a copy of your letter to your U.S. Representative and Senators and the relevant committees (listed below). Ultimately, it is Congress that decided to give sole responsibility for wireless promotion and safety to an industry dominated agency. It is essential that they hear from you. Only they can give authority for health back to the EPA, which has tried in the past to protect the public. Congress defunded EPA and removed its authority to protect the public from wireless radiation to stop it (http://www.stopglobalwifi.org/ documents/PressReleaseDec2015.pdf). Contact your Congressional Delegation (2 Senators and 1 Representative) Look them up and find their phone and FAX numbers at: http://www.senate.gov/ general/contact_information/senators_cfm.
cfm andhttp://www.house.gov/representatives/ Call the White House - 202-4561111. Ask President Obama to halt the rollout of 5G in light of the safety hazards. President Obama can also be emailed using the form at http://www. whitehouse.gov/contact/submit-questionsand-comments Congressional Committees - ask for oversight hearings on dangers of societal saturation with radiation from wireless technology:â&#x20AC;¨U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions - (202)-224-5375â&#x20AC;¨http://www.help.senate. gov/ links to contact the two ranking members on webpageâ&#x20AC;¨U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation - Majority: 202-224-1251, Minority: 202-2240411â&#x20AC;¨U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources - (202) 224-4971â&#x20AC;¨House Energy and Commerce Committee - (202) 225-2927â&#x20AC;¨House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Phone: (202) 2255074
Dear FCC Commissioners,
Spectrum Frontiers Proceeding is being represented as an unqualified good, but it is not. It will do great harm to human health and the environment. Please vote â&#x20AC;&#x153;noâ&#x20AC;? to the Spectrum Frontiers Proceeding. There has been no NEPA review of the environmental and human health impacts of moving forward with 5G. The FCC has put the cart before the horse in promulgating rules for 5G without first studying the safety of 5G for humans and the environment. There is consensus within the scientific community that the existing FCC limits for wireless radiation do not protect the population from biological effects (www.EMFscientist.org) The National Toxicology Program recently release results showing that radiofrequency radiation (RFR) can indeed both break DNA and cause cancer (http://www. saferemr.com/2016/05/national-toxicology-progam-finds-cell.html and http://microwavenews.com/news-center/ntp-nyt). Furthermore, the literature on RFR in the very high frequency bands required for 5G document DNA breakages, serious cellular resonance effects, and other detrimental
Continued on Page 10
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C H I R O P R AC T I C C O R N E R :
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a â&#x20AC;&#x153;Toothyâ&#x20AC;? Subject T U PCOMING E VENTS IN THE â&#x20AC;&#x153;MY HEALTHâ&#x20AC;? SPEAKERS SERIES
is on understanding the signs your body shows NHĂ&#x20AC;FK ' & DV D UHĂ HFWLRQ RI KHDOWK RU RI KHDOWK SUREOHPV DVW WDON ZH KDG FORVH WR WKLUW\ LQ ,Q RWKHU ZRUGV E\ REVHUYLQJ RQH¡V RZQ ERG\ QFH IRU &KDUOLH 6DYRFD /LFHQVHG by Sylvia Skefich, D.C. RQH FDQ JHW DQ eating LQGLFDWLRQ RUJDQ ZHDNQHVV FWXULVW VSHDNLQJ RQ ´8QGHUVWDQGLQJ with yourRI oranges like you DOOHUJLHV RU RWKHU GHĂ&#x20AC;FLHQFLHV DQG LPEDODQFHV Q Âľ 0HWK\ODWLRQ LVVXHV DUH JHQHWLF do with applesâ&#x20AC;Śentire! I prefer to eeth are bones, too. There ,Q IDFW WKHVH VLJQV DUH RIWHQ DSSDUHQW IRU VRPH ed with state of the art technology eatthey mymight oranges even lemons time before everand be caught with a HVHQFH LQ DQ LQGLYLGXDO DQG FDQ EH are a number of suggestions blood or other medical test. For those who are ed for (i.e. dampening the genetic make to personSURDFWLYH DERXW WKHLU KHDOWK NQRZLQJ WKH VLJQV who sometimes this way. It is less inconwith certain dietI choices andthe dietary venient and self lessand messy to eatfamily them is a blessing to oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s to oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s s. Over half of the attendees at Charis interested in good dental health. members. this Steps can be taken to help turn the d taken the MY +HDOWK ´FKDOOHQJH Âľ way as well. Thetosuggestions have come inVLWXDWLRQ three DURXQG 1RW HYHU\ SUREOHP FDQ EH at they get come to every lecture You can alsoQRU get LGHQWLĂ&#x20AC;HG FDQ bioflaHYHU\ month speakers series for absolutely categories: hygiene, bone health, and ZLWK VHOI REVHUYDWLRQ SUREOHP EH UHFWLĂ&#x20AC;HG ZLWK GLHW DQG tch? The only catch is that they have vonoids in OLIHVW\OH supplements health.of energy that is QXWULWLRQ FKDQJHV EXW PDQ\ FDQ %ORRG VXJDU to join a gum momentum like â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cataplex ACPâ&#x20AC;?, or SUREOHPV KHDUW LVVXHV FLUFXODWLRQ DQG DOOHUJ\ king charge of oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own health by Everyone knows LVVXHV IRU H[DPSOH â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cyruta,â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Cyruta Plusâ&#x20AC;? DUH RQHV or WKDW FDQ UHVSRQG o come to at least one health lecture about brushing their teeth well to lifestyle intervention. (the latter two being from th 2Q :HGQHVGD\ QRRQ 0DUFK ot too late to take the challenge and ZH KDYH and flossing. Using a soft buckwheat, a good source ttend all remaining lectures for free. WKH IRXUWK VSHDNHU RI WKH VHULHV &KULVWLQH %D\brush for is abetter, e also welcome $12 fee.not Theonly next OHVV &UDQLR 6DFUDO VSHDNLQJ RQ of3UDFWLWLRQHU vitamin C), all from th JLYHQ RQ )ULGD\ 0DUFK ´&UDQLR 6DFUDO 7KHUDS\ 'HP\VWLĂ&#x20AC;HG Âľ &UDQLR DW for enamel preservation, Standard process.WKDW You can 6DFUDO LV VXFK D VXEWOH WHFKQLTXH ZKHQ QH &HUWLĂ&#x20AC;HG +HUEDOLVW &HUWLĂ&#x20AC;HG 0DVbut it &UDLJ¡V tends toWRSLF ac- RQ WKH UHFHLYLQJ HQG LW a RQH PLJKW vitamin KDUGO\ SLVW % 6 LQ because 1XWULWLRQ alsoRI get simple
Do you wish you were getting more?
Series, February through November of 2 know what is happening. The after-effects are learn more, visit her website at ZZZ 9LW DSSDUHQW WKH GHFUHDVHG SDLQ WKH ´VSDFHG RXW Âľ com. Call (831) 475-1995 to sign up UHIUHVKHG DQG UHOD[HG IHHOLQJÂŤEXW ZKDW H[DFWO\ â&#x20AC;&#x153;challengeâ&#x20AC;? or to RSVP as a drop-in to a ´KDSSHQHG"Âľ 0DQ\ SHRSOH DVN LI WKH WHFKQLTXH in the series. Sylvia is now offering Nu LV ´HQHUJ\ ZRUN Âľ DQG LW LV QRW EXW FDQ EH XVHG JHQHWLF WHVWLQJ ZLWK LQGLYLGXDO VSHFLĂ&#x20AC;F UH simultaneously with it). Christine will explain the of lifestyle recommendations. KLVWRU\ PHFKDQLVP DQG PHWKRGV RI FUDQLR VDFUDO therapy. It is a H ERBOLO GY 0 IETET ICS 0 CUPUNCT URE 0 ASS therapy with broad reaching L P S O L F D W L R Q V and is growing in popularity. Why not be able be conversant on it yourself? S y l v i a Skefich is a Doctor of Chiropractic who specializes in Cranio-Sacral Technique and Hendrickson Method Orthopedic Massage. She is sponsoring the MY Health 10 Month Challenge Speakers
Wellness Redefined
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cess the crevices better. C plus rose hips product. Flossing is a stimuItâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the rose hips that have Speakers Series lator of gum circulation Sylvia Skefich, D.C the bioflavanoid aspect to RAVENOUS AND INTRAMUSCULAR V ITAMIN AND Sponsored byThe OĆĽce of Sylvia SkeƤch, D.C. as much as a plaque miniSylvia SkeďŹ ch Christine Cyr Evelyn VonNottbeck There are plenty of other prodRAL THERAPY FOR ACUTE &it.C HRONIC ILLNESSES mizer. Many people get cavities on Chiropractic, Cranio-Sacral Therapist, Registered Massage Therapist, a Fleck-Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Andrea and that to treat ucts yousystem might find havechronic bioflaOrthopedic Massage, Laser Therapy Postural Specialist, where the floss fatigue. Many people experihy wouldsurfaces anyone consider using In- does not vonoids in them, too. Cranio-Sacral, Laser Therapy ence an immediate boost in ravenousgo, (IV) orwhy Intramuscular (IM) statistiso would flossing Holistic assessments Astheir farenergy as bone health, you and vitality. herapies? Arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t IVs for really sick cally help so much, if not for being can get a denser, ,W LV YHU\ GLIĂ&#x20AC;FXOW LQ DQ\ KH DQVZHU LV \HV DQG QR <HV ,9V DUH whiter looking 10-Month Challeng www.Vital-You.com ď ś Like Dr. SkeďŹ ch on Facebook! FRQGLWLRQ IRU WKH ERG\ WR heal O GXULQJ FDVHV RI H[WUHPH LOOQHVV EXW a circulation promoter, as well? teeth potentially did in 2001) if the cells(Iare notitgetting the ually use IV & IM therapies to avoid Additionally, I have 920 41st Ave., Suite G, The oďŹ&#x192;ce of proper nutrients that they need. Processâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Taking nutrients R VWLPXODWH \RXU LPPXQH V\VWHP WR personby taking Standard â&#x20AC;&#x153;Calorally is a waste of time and money if the nutrients R[LĂ&#x20AC;FDWLRQ WR RSWLPL]H KHDOWK allyDQG experience with before-andSanta Cruz, 95062 cifood Wafersâ&#x20AC;? that has raw bone being absorbed and transported into H V\PSWRPV RI LOOQHVV VWDUW WR DSSHDU after measured decreased arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t gumactually WKH FHOOV ,I QXWULHQWV GR QRW UHDFK WKH FHOOV WKH FRQmentation of vitamins and minerals (cooked under 200 degrees) along The MY Health challenge: (831) 475-1995 Doctor of Chiropractic VHTXHQFH LV WKDW RUJDQ WLVVXHV DQG RUJDQ V\VWHPV enough to restore the body to balance. pockets from these two practices: with raw marrow in it. This product Sign up and commit to coming to at least one talk per month, and ever will be prevented from healing to their capacity. ? regularly using a water pic with &RQGLWLRQV WKDW EHQHĂ&#x20AC;W LQFOXGH DFXWH LOOQHVVHV a is not gluten free, however. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Biolecture is free! (See details below.) Or drop in, and pay just $12 per talk we take a substance into our body dash ofFRQVLGHUHG hydrogenÂśRXWVLGH¡ peroxide VXFK DV WKH Ă X RU PRUH FKURQLF FRQGLWLRQV VXFK in the Dentâ&#x20AC;? is another Standard Process XEVWDQFH LV VWLOO Â&#x201E; Friday, March 13, 6:30 pm Â&#x201E; Friday, May 8, 6:30 pm DV FKURQLF YLUDO RU EDFWHULDO LQIHFWLRQV FKURQLF til we pass it throughand our stomach and with reservoir, â&#x20AC;&#x153;swishingâ&#x20AC;? oil product Craig Lane Glenn Kazmierski, LAc wasIDWLJXH initially designed IDWLJXH KLJK VWUHVV that DGUHQDO JDVWURLQWHVo our bloodstream through our gastroCMT, CertiƤed Herbalist, BS in Nutrition Licensed Acupuncturist, sesame, orin olive oil) to help dental bone issues and help WLQDO GLVRUGHUV GHWR[LĂ&#x20AC;FDWLRQ FDQFHU DQG JHQHUDO GI) tract. (like If we coconut, have any disruption Easy Methods of Self Assessment : Learn to Owner Tao Performance Acupuncture immune support. Glutathione IVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s are often given WKH OLQLQJ RI RXU *, WUDFW ZH SUREDEO\ WITH a gel cap or two of CoQ10 understand the signs the body gives. Simple Spring Attunement--Upward Spiral with bone hardening. Bio-Dent is WR VXSSRUW KHDY\ PHWDO GHWR[LĂ&#x20AC;FDWLRQ FKHPLFDO bing most of the nutrients weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re taking observation of one's eyes, tongue, and skin can Learn speciƤc ways to harness the energy of " EPDUPS XIP Integrative Therapeutics. VHQVLWLYLWLHV PROG H[SRVXUH KRUPRQH LPEDODQFHV WLRQ WKH by FHOOV RI WKH VWRPDFK DQG *, springtime though meridian stretching, qigon indicate an underlying organ weakness, allergy, not gluten free. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ostrophin PMGâ&#x20AC;? and nutrition or MJTUFOT UP ZPV genetic predisposition. 306 DQG OLYHU GHWR[LĂ&#x20AC;FDWLRQ *OXWDWKLRQH LV DOVR ly absorb so much at one time.isMost â&#x20AC;&#x153;Swishingâ&#x20AC;? an age-old (cell extract stemmaster cells) great anti-aging agent from as itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;sbone our body LGH IURP 9LWDPLQV $ ' ( DQG . DUH Â&#x201E; Wednesday, March 25, 12:00 pm Â&#x201E; Wednesday, May 20, 12:00 pm practice from India that hasaantioxidant. been " EPDUPS UIBU le. What this means is that the body and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Biostâ&#x20AC;? (both from Standard Christine Bayless Lauren Hoover shown to decrease bacteria, Cranio Sacral Therapist Chef, Author It isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t always necessary to give nutrients these nutrients. It absorbs what it can to whitLOPXT ZPV Process) are gluten free, and will No Gluten, No dairy, No Sugar, No Problem! Cranio Sacral Therapy, De-MystiƤed: Learn about intramuscularly or intravenously. Many imbals out the rest. en teeth, and to generally promote this powerful, natural mechanism in the body, and How to go gluten, dairy, or sugar-free in the help teeth and bone health by DQFHV DQG GHĂ&#x20AC;FLHQFLHV FDQ EH UHVROYHG XVLQJ KLJK we inject nutrients directly into the " QBSUOFS BOE B its implications on health and wellbeing healthiest, tastiest, easiest way possible. health. You are DQG supposed to stimulating the bone growth proTXDOLW\ RUDO VXSSOHPHQWDWLRQ +RZHYHU ZKHQ WKLV KH YHLQ dental ZH E\SDVV WKH VWRPDFK UFBDIFS XIP TIBSFT Â&#x201E; Friday, April 10, 6:30 Â&#x201E; Friday, June 12, 6:30 pm ,0 DQG ,9 WUHDWPHQWV SURYLGH WKHUHE\ PD[LPL]LQJ QXWULHQW DEVRUSkeep about 1 teaspoon of theLV oilQRW inHIIHFWLYH Sherri Betz Rachel Fresco, L.Ac., Ph.D. cesses. The best option, if you can UIF TBNF HPBM JUHDW EHQHĂ&#x20AC;WV GRVHV RI QXWULHQWV WDNHQ RUDOO\ FDQ Physical Therapist, Owner of TheraPilatesÂŽ BEMER Technology: Pulsed electromagnetic your mouth and squeeze the fluid Dr. Fleck-Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Andrea herCalcifood doctorate WKH *, OLQLQJ OLPLWLQJ RUDO GRVDJHV do it, is to takereceived both the Physical Therapy Clinic frequency increases microcirculation and cel :PVS PQUJNBM Naturopathic Medicine from the Southwest ColH PRVW SHRSOH H[SHULHQFH ORRVH VWRRO back and forth through theinteeth Building Better Bones: Learn the best Pilates and respiration, providing systemic beneƤts in Wafers (to get the substrate of the IFBMUI that you can do at home to keep your 8 minutes. Find out how you can avail yourse lege of Naturopathic Medicine and Health Sciences XS WR PJ RI 9LW & LQ RQH GD\ Yoga moves spaces. Do it for 20 minutes per ses- rawShe in Tempe, AZ. completed her BS to is Psychology RU YLUDO FRQGLWLRQV DQG SDWLHQWV ZLWK bones strong and healthy for life! this technology that NASA and many Europe bone,) plus Biost, get the en$PNF NFFU hospitals use. & graduate work in Marriage & Family Therapy. DPLQ & LV RIWHQ JLYHQ sion, daily, isLQWUDYHQRXVO\ the official protocol. Â&#x201E; Wednesday, April 15, 12:00 pm zymatic catalyst for building bone She is the Founder and Medical Director of RI ² PJ ZLWKRXW DQ\ ZPVS EPDUPS Sylvia SkeƤch The 20 minute timing is important, the body. Medical Center the Santa mass Cruz in Naturopathic e-effects or GI irritation. Doctor of Chiropractic Call 831-475-1995 to sign up but you may not need to do itindaily, Releasing Stored Emotions: We will practice easy downtown Santa Cruz. Dr. Fleck-Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Andrea WV IURP LQWUDPXVFXODU RU LQWUDYHQRXV for â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Challengeâ&#x20AC;? and Bone broth, Hormone and eating the # )BQQZ )PVS methods to access and release the emotions that specializes in Family Medicine, Issues, I would say three times per week, cartilaginous parts from the ends every lecture is free. can be stored in the body Gastrointestinal & Thyroid disorders and Womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s I DOO \RX GRQ¡W KDYH WR EH ÂśVLFN¡ WR JHW *U T &BTZ minimum. +HDOWK DV ZHOO DV PHGLFDO QXWULWLRQ GHWR[LĂ&#x20AC;FDWLRQ tion. Most of the IM injections given *If you miss a month, you can choose to make it up by going to two talks the following month, or of your chicken bones can also pay $12 for any missed month. Drop-ins are invited to RSVP so we can prepare the space & anxiety, homeopathy and DUH % YLWDPLQV IROLF DFLG DQG KRPHR&WFSZ 8FEOFTEBZ These practices can fatigue, be an depression help with bone health. And to have botanical medicine. ing high dose vitamins intramuscularly QN added measure for people who are All talks are located at 920 41st Avenue Call for a free 15 minute consultation, (831) IIHFWLYH WRRO WR WUHDW IDWLJXHG DGUHQDO enough digestive power to absorb (rear parking lot, rear door) at the Shambhala Center. www.scnmc.com. UHVVLRQ DQ[LHW\ HQKDQFH WKH LPPXQH proactive, or for those who477-1377, have your # TIPUT KVTU nutrients is also of great imge 7 V vulnerable The Connection www.ConnectionMagazineOnline.com V Facebook/ConnectionOnline V March â&#x20AC;&#x201D; April 8, 2015 gum health.Magazine V I would con- portance. " HSFBU XBZ UP NFFU For older people, to take sider anyone aver the age of fifty, a digestive enzyme or hydrochloric PVS %PDUPST smokers, and people with periodon- acid product with meals may be 0VS /BUVSPQBUIJD tal disease, or with periodontal dis- necessary. For everybody, chewing %PDUPST ease in the family as a person with food well to initiate the cascade of PĂŞFS GSFF NJOVUF potential vulnerable gum health. the digestive juices process will be TDIFEVMFE JOUSPEVDUJPOT .PEBMJUJFT To continue on with soft necessary. UP EJTDPWFS JG /BUVSPQBUIJD .FEJDJOF #P JEFOUJDBM )PSNPOFT tissue health, there are foods and Sylvia Skefich is a Doctor of Chi/BUVSPQBUIJD .FEJDJOF supplements that are specific to /VUSJUJPOBM *7T 4USVDUVSBM JT SJHIU GPS ZPV ropractic who practices at 920 gum health. All â&#x20AC;&#x153;liningâ&#x20AC;? tissue (like *OUFHSBUJPO )FBWZ .FUBM $IFMBUJPO skin, gums, and gut linings) benefit 41st Ave., Suite G in Santa Cruz, .BTTBHF 1TZDIPUIFSBQZ from bioflavonoids. Bioflavanoids 95062 www.Vital-You.com, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Likeâ&#x20AC;? .FEJDBM /VUSJUJPO my professional Facebook page for &NPUJPOBM #SBJO $IFTUOVU 4U 4BOUB $SV[ can be obtained by eating the white .BTTBHF Ç°FSBQZ 5SBJOJOH part of the citrus peel (as in whole inspirational tips and office deals dried citrus slicesâ&#x20AC;Śdelicious!), or and specials.
Sylvia SkeďŹ ch, DC
Naturopathic Medical Center
Page 9 â&#x2122;Ľ Connection Magazine â&#x2122;Ľ www.ConnectionMagz.com â&#x2122;Ľ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline â&#x2122;Ľ July 2016
Gillis_Patrick_Ad_Sept2015_Press.pdf 8/31/2015 4:38:44 PM
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Two-Month Old Infant Suffered Apnea and Died Following 8 Vaccines
Cashâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s parents were separated and escorted to the hospital in separate cars and were not allowed to leave that hospital room until the results came back from a skeletal survey, proving their innocence that Cash didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t die because of foul play. Then Cashâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mother was asked to donate his useable organs and tissue. His immediate cause of death on his autopsy report was labeled â&#x20AC;&#x153;probable asphyxiation,â&#x20AC;? due to co-sleeping with an adult, leaving his mother feeling guilty she was responsible. The vaccines were not mentioned on the autopsy report. Cash died 16 days after his wellbaby checkup, which is one of the critical days infants pass away or suffer breathing issues after vaccination. When Cash died, he had a significant amount of blood in the back of his throat and many of his organs were congested. His body was starved of oxygen. There were no signs of suffocation when Cash died, he was on his back and no object was obstructing his airways. After watching their son get buried, Cashâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s parents, Whitney Hill and tors, they ignored her concerns and would Jesse Dewayne Thomas, regretted that not put Cash on a breathing monitor. they listened to the doctor over their own At his two-month well-baby instincts. They entrusted the doctors with checkup, Cashâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s pediatrician assured his their infant son and know the vaccines led Cash Dewayne Thomas mother the vaccines were safe and signed to his breathing problems and ultimately off for the nurse to vaccinate Cash with his death. eight more vaccine doses, even though Cashâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mother and father want to Cashâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s breathing problems had not been send a strong message to parents who addressed. support vaccines and hope their sonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Following orders and the routine story will help save others from suffering vaccine schedule, the nurse administered a loss like they have. the diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis To read the full length version of B, polio, Hib, pneumococcal and rotavirus this story, please visit http://connectionvaccines, via three needle injections and magz.com/santacruz/infant-died-8-vacone oral dose, for a total of eight vaccine cines/ Augustina Ursino is an advocate for doses. Cashâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s breathing issues worsened. vaccine choice. Human and pet vaccine inOn July 4, 2013, after an eventjuries happen often and are almost always ful firework celebration on Independence dismissed by mainstream health care proDay, Cash was laughing and playing on fessionals, taught to protect the vaccine his Boppy pillow, five hours later he was program. If you have any questions about dead. Cash stopped breathing while he vaccines or would like to get in touch with was sleeping face up on his motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s arm. this family, please contact Vactruth at 911 emergency responders were unable http://vactruth.com/contact/ to revive him. by Augustina Ursino Another family is mourning the loss of their two-month old baby following routine vaccinations. Cash Dewayne Thomas was having apnea episodes following the vitamin K injection and hepatitis B vaccine given to him at birth. When his mother sought help from numerous doc-
Continued from Page 8 metabolic effects (http://www.bioinitiative.org/report/wp-content/uploads/pdfs/ sec15_2012_Evidence_Disruption_Modulation.pdf and http://www.stopglobalwifi/ documents/2001_kositsky_et_al._-_ussr_ review.pdf). Non-industry funded studies have consistently found links between RFR and various negative biological effects (www. bioinitiative.org). They include serious neurological, cardiac, and metabolic effects, as well as DNA breakage which can lead to cancer and genetic defects (http:// www.mainecoalitiontostopsmartmeters. org/?p=1469). Studies, including the National Toxicology Program studies, have shown wireless to be a dangerous technology and 5G, according to Chairman Wheelerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own comments, is an infrastructure intensive
technology. So, invest in safe, wired infrastructure instead of spending a lot of money to saturate entire communities with hazardous radiation. The â&#x20AC;&#x153;coolâ&#x20AC;? factor is not worth the peril. Please see â&#x20AC;&#x153;Wireless Technology Violates Human Rightsâ&#x20AC;? (http://www.electricalpollution.com/documents/WirelessViolatesHumanRights2016.pdf) for more information about the very serious ways in which wireless technology violates human rights. Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t vote to unleash a dangerous environmental pollutant on your friends, family, and, indeed, the whole country. Vote to protect your family, friends, and the country -Â vote â&#x20AC;&#x153;noâ&#x20AC;? on Spectrum Frontiers. Be on the right side of history. Sincerely, Thanks to: http://www.electricalpollution. com/
Page 10 â&#x2122;Ľ Connection Magazine â&#x2122;Ľ www.ConnectionMagz.com â&#x2122;Ľ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline â&#x2122;Ľ July 2016
B ECAUSE IT IS... Internet
by David L. Biles, D.D.S., M.A. nceL.patients decideM.A. to reby David Biles, D.D.S., move unhealthy teeth, the never thought that I would connext concern often becomes tinue to learn as much as I do what to replace the teeth with, and, I after so many years in practice as generally give the same answer. We a dentist. As a matter of fact, one of can ultimately replace the teeth with my early concerns was that dentistry devices that are removable or Àxed, wouldn’t offer as much stimulation depending on their preferences and as I thought I might to be sufbudget, but in the very need beginning, I by David L. Biles, DDS, MA interested in my tellÀciently my patients that we are daily goingtoils, to Strange title/quote decades into my career. I could not replace their teeth with a Áipper. That’s havea device been more as time connection? Yes? This marks right, we insurprised the profession hasto unfolded. Treating the trusting the first I an write inrefer as acolumn “Áipper” or immediand grateful patients I Internet do enables ate temporary partial denture. The tentionally slated for me Áto better understand this name ipper comes presumably from production. That is, if I how make operatescan in health theoral easesystem the appliance be Áipped the deadline. HELP!!! disease still keepswhen outand of the mouthand by the tongue I It wasn’t really prenecessary. has no relationship to the my daily interest. Each day pared thethat last/first dolphin television star of therelease 60’s. I hearfor tales astound me, ofchallenging The Connection So what ismy a Áunderstanding ipper?Magazine, Generally speaking, a Ácall ipper is a orofwhatever we the mechanisms of ourselves disease removable oral appliance withI feel and dysfunction. I that. routinely now… probably 1-3 teeth attached a custom from patients of brainshoved fog ashear though I amtobeing made hard pink platediclearing, wholeacrylic body pain into the world now, outside that form-Àtsand to the palate or energy increasofminishing, my semi lower archcomfortable utilizing thearecoing. dental Sometimes the reports coon where exposure was at contours of the teeth and the even more remarkable. bestfor2-3 California farm/tourarch retention and stability. Recently, for example, Some dentists have them madeCruz, ista woman counties… returnedSanta with her with metal clasps for retention, Monterey, Benito… sister for aSan second opinion all though I have managed to familiar territory… occasionand examination, determined to help locate a small lab that does cusher sibling with her health concerns, ally Sacramento, Berkeley, tom work for me and provides touching all ofAngeles, the bases onetc… possible Davis, Los metal free services. Since many solutions to helping her heal from BUT my writing may of my now… patients present with a myriad ofallergies, symptoms, cult to signs of metal having very well pull up with adifÀ search labelfree medically. As has isbeen my aengine, metal option I removable am told… and reascustom, in I thoroughly evaluated paramount my practice. I am likeher sured. Frightened is more mouthtoon multiple blessed have such a levels, skilled examinit… of… TMJ, sort of not,existing but ing sort her technician gums, teeth, laboratory to service whoooooo! dental restorations, posture, my patients. His name istongue Stan; he’s an My gave me aand softand tissue, materials, artist has editors a dental wonderful grounded level hygiene, utilizing digital choice Ioral could refuse… sense ofof humor. I cannot always count on Stan; he is,photographs, Stan perish. the Man.a Well, x-rays, laser cavity digitize or it Backexactly toand theilluminated topic—a Áhigh ipper is detector, magwasn’t like that, but usually inserted upon ex-as cation. Myimmediately goal is to identify weniÀdid have to discuss the traction teeth forstressors multiple purposes. many of potential in the oral whole venture and my lack of It serves immediate band-aid cavity as asan possible, believing thatbythe awareness… my fault; I surgihate of placing direct pressure over the nature, magnitude, and duration checking email, so Iimpact don’t cal wound site, aiding in healing bythe the stressors’ existence stopping thesystem Áow ofin,figuring blood, like often enough, anyimmune at themuch very least, what is really donetheinimportant a Àrst aid situation: thing canimmune be diverting attention of the direct pressure to the wound. The brought to my attention atform my system from other maladies. of the Áipper also helps create and courseI ofseem the examidentalDuring officethe where to guide the Ànal tissue contour which nation, theI am former patient revealed live when not at home. I helps to assure a nice functional and to mecarry that although she still had don’t a cell phone esthetic bony foundation for laterdurposthe antibodies for Systemic Lupus ing the Moreover, day either, insibilities. its focusing presence limits Erythematosis, SLE, she had not food andon other from disturbing stead theforces patients and the experienced any symptoms since the healing making healing care I am wound, entrusted to completing in render my less disruptive. treatment I particularly like ofÀ thece orseven supervise. It That is a was full why time years she design that Stan ago. creates for my patients job, any dentist will hadas brought her sister in attest. for antoexbecause his meticulous attention Multi task? Aretoyou kid-me. amination and consultation with detail enables my patients securely Shetheir wondered afor similar ding? AllÁippers day ifevery dayapproach every to wear weeks without dental care might be for adding dental pastes andbeneÀ adhesives forher moment I am on, as iscial every sister.dentist Healthy mouth, body, retention. It takes a little healthy more extra other working today. It American Association time and plaster toDental make the Áipper isthe routine so that the burgeonsays,without so… ofpastes, coursebut I agree, being retain it is well
tongue space, but thinning weakens the plate, and should be minimized.
lowing several hours of full mouth immune systems. Our symptoms we Since the Áipper may be necessary periodontal debridement with our experience and report to health care for an indeterminate amount of time, are the logical result of skilled registered dental hygienists. it practitioners is best to take good care of it. My this oral pollution. Unless the underEven though he was still slightly recommendation is that patients put up lying dental issues are strategically, numb, he said, later that evening his with the thickness for a week before safely, and effectively reduced energy was signiÀcantly improved, thinning the support, and then only ifor better yet, eliminated, then wet the medias well as his mental clarity, includJohann Wolfgang von Goethe 1749-1832 intolerable. Keeping Áippers and cal treatment regime we are engaged ing a reduction of whole body pain. cleaning them with a toothbrush and than of my people who care in will be little more than slightly All of this from justabout havingpeople his teeth soap andmost water also helpsclassmates assure longineffective dental school at UCLA. management. Arand the quality of because the service thoroughly cleaned, he, like term use. Ifsymptom one chooses to not wear worth the beneÀ t in hygiene, healing, theImouth Àrst. 70-90% of Americans suffer from un- it guably… I also tookcomes the equivathey render each patient. for awhile, recommend placing and hassle. Thisinconcept does not3% support diagnosed disease. This was Áipper water some hylent courses forwith a Ph.D. track what is this col-the the OneSo, of gum the biggest concerns the current perceived hierarchy thirdpatients orreally fourthhave time heard such peroxide. A word on to the wise:in many isI had how theirhow ap- a drogen that focused more human umn about and health dentists andcare, placehowever, the Áipper fromdo revelation a patient, leading pearance willfrom be altered biochemistry and asaway physiolwill I approach it inimmediately future is-me cover dogs have been known notand intentionally do medically following the surgery. I tell them to pets, as cats than many of my dental sues? Answer number one is toogy chew up dental appliances. related dental care due to the relax; they will never leave the ofÀce classmates that this has historically been school Flippers are generally worn a restrictions placedlearned, on both without their smile after their surgical which professions, included photosynthea rather fluid column thatspent has minimum of approximately 10-12 not to mention appointment. Moreover, we have to pro-I and plant physiology. addressed a myriad of health sis weeks the before lack oftreatment communication a more permanent restorconfess a deep lack of issues within and beyond den- mustvide and common understanding ative option canmedical begin. It takes between the and denwhen it comes to tistry. I have taken on the top- information thattallong before softNonetheless, tissue and professions. Clearly water and sunics of mandatory vaccinations, plants. bone mature enough before it the few that do treat justdentists not community water fluoridation, lightis are possible ormouth wiseenough…. to resume the whole systemically look at my garden. tooth body connections, root Justtreatment. Flippers can, by the oftentimes see healing of apthetime,lens canal issues, mercury issues, way,However, last for a long givenI parently unrelated symptoms. the situation and the care the see dentistry focuses and other various topics. There arethrough many reasons for patientan affords the appliance. I integrated library Now, with more tools through this, including the somewhat have patients who have worn and economic lifetime experiavailable, including video of facts obvious reasons, these for years. Plus, I have had with connections capability… find myself where patients are more likelymost to seek to believe thatI rapidly loweringinthe ences, patients who wore nothing but careÁfor single tooth Ia have comerather amount of of bacteria in the head people atotal position uncomfortable ippers for decades asto it Àlearn tthan best a whole Plus, itbudget, takes can have a So, signiÀI cant amouth. lengthy time on much this transition. askeffect that on youour after into their lifestyle, and morehealth skill to see… restore aI have whole been mouth health. Quickly. concerns. can’t bear with me as I consider planet that one can only acquire after years The previous hypothetical link remarkably The blessed, pink material in most I figure. how best to effectively accomcame to me when a physician called of dedicated removable appliances iswork. acrylic So, Ipost-graduate offer my perspecplish my mission… a mission Detoxifying mouth to acknowledge that her patient was and is coloredanbyentire the heavy tive here and on the radio, I now created at the age of 3-4 rebuilding it better are techresponding to her therapy fol- and metal, cadmium. Cadmium free www.ksco. KSCO 1080 AM, years old, growing up in Hothat are taught and in dental acrylics are not available, our lowing a similar protocol. Prior to niques com, Saturdays aspecialized month, nolulu nearcleaning Scofield schools, necessitating of2materials for our patients. thoroughly herBarracks mouth and choice years creating pretty smiles with our noon 1pm, I though interthe and midtruly 1950’s, father areto acrylic and where porcelain, training, instrumentation, and travel. eliminating two cavities, this Áin ippers, do workmy with anpatient art- Teeth teethme areover a bit15more costly. It has taken years of soul view noted health authors ahad sergeant in cares the about USto people, Army been non-responsive all of the porcelain ist, Stan, who truly and adjusting porcelain teeth is searching and analysis, coupled with which is reflected inato his work and physician’s efforts stimulate her Setting regarding current health topMedical Corps, connection challenging andmy timepatients consuming, revelations from over timeliness when emergency ÁShe ippers immune systemdirectly and heal.involve was more ics, occasionally venturing that would esthetic gain, so I generally arenow to quickly helppatient’s a traumatic thatlittle time frame to become comfortthrilled to the prog- with into local politics when health myneeded life for 18seeyears until his with theknowing acrylic teeth. Besides, the situation. people and labs able with that when patients ress andSupporting called to understand why this stay issues are at stake, and the retirement in 1971, at Letterto the plate, like Stan’s is why We we work with small unifyteeth theirbond dentistry, healthwhereas beneÀts was happening. concluded that the acrylic public must have a voice from men General Army Hospital porcelain ones must mechanilaboratories: webacteria have the was relationship occur. What thosebebeneÀ ts will reduction in enabling thewill retained. a situation where everyman. IInoffer that roleissues toI on Presidio Franto askthe for favors whenofnecessary. speciÀ cally be depends on the her immune system toSan Ànally direct cally need toaudience, thin possesses the tooth for clearance believe a well-designed sometimes to cisco, now to athat National Park… the patient along with other its Iattention other priorities in the the opposing teeth, teethyou, can esthetic Á ipper than should provide patients We areporcelain they, I am my birthplace, as was my bymyself. factors, including the willingness to body rather deal with for an apparStick with the acrylic teeth. with dent smile after the surgery fracture. make lifestyle changes, if they have is us. sister 5 years enta conÀ chronic lowlater. grade sub-clinical he I hope that by knowing more is complete, and that’s what we conandfrom instituted infection in the head,my localized justexamined learned a I followed blisstointhe not also Ibeen sistently provide. In my ofÀce, that about Áippers, the journey beyond exalready. mouth, primarily between around traction well-worn regarding college UCandDavis becomesletter less threatening, less means that attending the smile is eye-catching, Don’t you think itman is time we the teeth. With thisfrom awareness came fearful. my grandfather, taking classes an allRemember, youacan have who your but does not draw critical scrutiny. reconnected the teeth mouth for dentistry other implications, however. smile the day your are extracted. died when my father was 12, star faculty at whatever hour In many cases, the smile we provide medicine? I welcome patients The commonisdenominator? A andmuch betterlending can it get,a given the following significant How that service, helping the classsurgery met. I a ultimately who are willing to trails…. invest in their systematic approach to achieving Happy improvement over thewith one the patient circumstances? hand runs deep in my family… graduated UCD degrees educate when a healthy on multiple the lev- health Dr. and David Bilesthemselves is currently ac- it presented withmouth at the beginning father Lloyd, thethe recipient inels,psychology and sport of psy- my comes to understanding particular attending new patients. He practices idedental journey. to all of the possible cepting two US Commendachology fromgenerally different stressors in mouths. Likewise, I stressors intwo the oral system, alof dentistry as their aArmy Biological Bioesthetic Speechonisand affected tion Medals for welcome the testimonials that only departments, Psycholunderstanding thatthe there are of multiple with a signiÀ cant peacetime background initially, but within 48 hours use, Dentist serve to validate a legitimate direction typesadapt of stressors and returns each one service, the equivalent of the perspective rooted in athletics, ogy and Physical Education people and speech to exerts nor- and for the dental medical education, cardiopulmonary its though inÁuence a unique The physical mal, the in continual awareness Bronze Star,and I also justprofessions recentdepartments. Later, atway. UCD embark. We are and herehuman to are dentistry, reBacteria, number type, medicine, of the appliance perlyto learned. One has toheal, grow I stressors? pursued a with paththe totongue a and Ph.D. in exercise physiology, www. we not? decay, gum disease, bad oral sists awhile longer. Occasionally, older to finally be impressed, infrom exercise physiology viathe a search and (831) 423-0121. Dr. David Biles is accepting Áipper can be thinned to create more hygiene, poorly contoured, rough drbiles.com I suppose sometimes, when it program, causing ing overhead can be met and master’s interested in a compredental restorations that promoteMagazine bac- new patients the good supportive dentist I am, Page 11 � The Connection � www.ConnectionMagazineOnline.com � May 2013 comes to assessing parents. me to backtrack and take all fees can be kept semi affordhensive approach to health created applauding the ADA for some of the terial accumulation and proliferation, My ancestry includes at least the basic science courses pre able by multi-tasking and delinaccessible concave surfaces, plus in tandem with the patient. Dr. Biles good work it does. Revolutionary War hero, pre dents, pre-vets egating treatment to trained brings awareness to health from a the energetic effectsand of mixed metals, one Another case history? Last week meds, oneofPennsylvania malconrequired to gassing take…ofonly I and lifetime study. Schedule a visit to qualified conscientious dental including the out mercury a gentleman suffering from high are see if Legislator, an ideal approach dentistry who tohoused from silver Àllings, facilitated blood pressure, obesity, and shortness somecolored of the more ge- tent auxiliaries. I am blessed to took is what yourofficial body needs to heal, (831) by thechemistry, presence of gold. All ofcalthese the of breath stafffinest that he neric first meeting of physics, work withinformed some ofmythe www.drbiles.com. physical inÁuences felt better than had in years Continues on Page 15 courses at are an impacting older ageour 423-0121, individuals onehe could meet,fol- culus
“Truth has to be repeated constantly, because Error also is being preached all the time, and not just by a few, but by the multitude. In the Press and Encyclopaedias, in Schools and Universities, everywhere Error holds sway, feeling happy and comfortable in the knowledge of having Majority on its side.” ~
Page 11 � The Connection Magazine � www.ConnectionMagazineOnline.com � October – Nov. 8, 2012
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Does David Wright Really Need Surgery? There Is Another Option
by Dr. Gabriel Russo avid Wright, a star baseball cause a slumped posture with the player, is about to undergo head forward) the body will comsurgery and will miss play- pensate by twisting. The body tries ing time. Why? He has a bulging to correct the problem but can’t bedisk in his neck. His doctors have cause there are no muscles behind exhausted all avethe spine to pull them nues of treatment to back. In compensation avert surgery. Actuthe body twists in one ally, they’ve only exway and another. hausted the resources I show people a they know of. They towel that has twisted don’t understand up and show them the Chiropractic and tightness in it. It’s how it can help. like the tension in our Why does a bodies. I’ll ask them, disk bulge (some“What will it do to times called a massage this area of slipped disk) occur? tightness?” It will still Dr. Gabriel Russo It usually forms over be tight because the time when pressure in the spinal muscles are tense from the twisting system increases to the point that of the bones. What I do is bring the the disk pushes out of its protective bones back and then the person’s shell and into the disk space. Many body can unwind the compensatimes people will have disk protru- tions and release the tension. sions and not know of it until they It’s like when you step on a have pain and seek to find the cause. dog’s tail and he barks through his When there is a disk protrusion, the mouth. Are you going to look in his spinal configuration may put pres- mouth to see where the problem is? sure on the spinal nerves that are This is what happens when a medisensation nerves. Then someone cal practitioner is only addressing will experience pain, tingling or the symptoms, but not dealing with numbness. the cause. I’m looking for and adWhat leads to a situation like dressing the cause. This helps peothis? When bones go forward in ple get well. They release tension, the spine, it is akin to a hose that regain ease of movement & flexibilis stretched or bent. This causes ity, and avoid surgery. increased pressure in the spinal I’ve worked with a number system, which can lead to the disk of patients who have considered bulging. It can also lead to spinal surgery because of the intense pain, stenosis, which is a narrowing of and after a program of care have the spinal canal where the spinal told me, “I guess I don’t need surcord is. David Wright is also deal- gery.” ing with this. From an energetic approach What I do as a chiropractor to a structural approach Dr. Gabriel utilizing the Advanced BioStruc- offers revolutionary spinal restructural Correction™ method is to ad- turing, recovery and restoration. just the bones back that have moved The structural approach works by forward in the spine. This releases performing specific maneuvers the pressure in the whole system. that release scar tissue in the spiAs a result, the disks can heal with- nal column. This unlocks the body out surgery or medication once the so the bones can then be adjusted structural issue is corrected. back. The result is being able to Many people have sur- stand upright without effort. That’s gery in their spine but it doesn’t how people are able to experience necessarily fix the problem. This a more youthful, fluid, and flexible is because usually the place where body, and achieve healthier physipeople are hurting is not where cal, mental and emotional states. the problem is coming from. UnDr. Gabriel Russo, Power in less someone has a direct force to Posture, 140 Dubois St., Suite A, an area, usually the cause is somewhere else in the spine. I’ll explain. Santa Cruz. 831-334-2311, www. As I mentioned earlier, when bones drgabrielrusso.com, dr.gabriel.rusgo forward in the spine (which can so@gmail.com
Page 12 ♥ Connection Magazine ♥ www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline ♥ July 2016
The Zooooo Noooooz*
SAVE the BEES!! (they are an indicator species!)
Sen. Merkleyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Bill will help stop the decline of our pollinators & our food supply. Pollinators are essential to many of the delicious and nutritious foods we eat every day, accounting for $235â&#x20AC;&#x201C;$577 billion worth of global food crops each year. The Pollinator Recovery Act has the support of beekeepers, farmers & farmworkers! Tell your Senators: protect bees and butterflies http:// tinyurl.com/hopcxbq
I, Cian Moreland, joined fellow drone whistleblowers Brandon Bryant, Michael Haas & Stephen Lewis to speak out about the negative uses of drones. h t t p s : / / s a l s a . wiredforchange.com
Investigation Finds Widespread Failure by Texas Regulators to Notify Residents of Toxic Fluoride Levels
Te x a s w a t e r s y s t e m s with high levels of naturally occurring fluoride failed to warn consumers about the hazards of fluoride-contaminated water for years, in clear violation of the Safe Drinking Water Act. The violations, revealed in a five-month investigation by the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), resulted from systematic failures at the local, state, and federal levels, placing Texas children at risk for disfiguring dental fluorosis and other potential harms. info@fluoridealert.org
Montereyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Zoning Administrator Todd Bennett approved today the first small cell tower in the public right of way in Monterey. He said more are to come, and the city is rewriting its wireless ordinance. nbeety@netzero.net
Worse Than Dark Act
We were starting to get cautiously optimistic that they had let it go, but it appears the Biotech has figured out a way to sneak in a bill that will preempt Vermont and put in place a law even WORSE than the House DARK Act.  You ask how this could be so? New technologies wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even be considered GMOâ&#x20AC;¨ USDA gets to take 2 years to come up with thresholds (like 5%? 10%?...we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know) that donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to be labeledâ&#x20AC;¨ QR codes, phone numbers, symbols...anything rather than having to put actual words on labelsâ&#x20AC;¨ Ta k e a w a y s t a t e sovereignty by preempting VT and all states in the future. And so, so much more. This must be stopped. (You can read the proposed bill here). If you live inside Californiaâ&#x20AC;¨Senator Feinstein supported this bill and voted for this DARK ACT! Tell her you are mad!(202) 224-3841â&#x20AC;¨State(415) 393-0707 â&#x20AC;¨Email-https:// www.feinstein.senate.gov/ public/index.cfm/e-mail-me Senator Boxer Voted NO to DARK ACT- Congratulate Her!- DC (202) 224-3553â&#x20AC;¨State(510) 286-8537â&#x20AC;¨Email https://www.boxer.senate. gov/?p=shareyourviews â&#x20AC;¨Outside California- (866) 772-3843 will direct you to your Senator.â&#x20AC;¨â&#x20AC;¨Please help us stop
this DARKEST Act! Â Pamm Larry, LabelGMOs http://www.labelgmos.org/
Olga Sheean a former employee of the World Health Organization in Geneva and now a resident of Vancouver, has written a wonderfully articulate and passionate letter to Gregor Robertson, Mayor of that city, about electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) and the dangers of WiFi proliferation. An excerpt follows. â&#x20AC;¨http:// g o o . g l / B T f c 0 K  â&#x20AC;¨ o r â&#x20AC;¨ h t t p : / / olgasheean.com/wp-content/ uploads/2016/06/NO-SAFEPLACE-Letter-to-GregorRobertson-1.pdf Our goal is to help this go viral so please pass it on to your friends, physicians, and local, state and federal government officials. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Although being exposed to harmful radiation without oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s consent and beyond oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s control is clearly a violation of oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s human rights, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hard to determine just how many of those rights are being violated. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the right to equal opportunity, the right to sustain a livelihood, the right to access all the services and amenities available to nonEHS citizens, the right to good health, the right to live in a safe environment, the right to choose whether to be exposed to harmful radiation and maybe even the right to exist, given the foregoing. It might even be considered a denial of our very humanity, given our natural reaction to radiation and the bodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inevitable tipping point of intolerance for the ever-escalating levels. We all have tipping points of intoleranceâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;â&#x20AC;Śâ&#x20AC;?
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* This is a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;play on wordsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; it could be interchanged with the synonyms â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;the funny farmâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; or . . . with the words The News. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Get it?â&#x20AC;? You may notice some subltry with titles and ways we label some things (why? Safety!).
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Page 13 â&#x2122;Ľ Connection Magazine â&#x2122;Ľ www.ConnectionMagz.com â&#x2122;Ľ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline â&#x2122;Ľ July 2016
EssentialLivingGuide Massage â&#x20AC;˘ Acupressure â&#x20AC;˘ Shiatsu All Services Listed Here Are Strictly Non-Sexual
F[]]oĂ&#x160;i J^W_ CWiiW][ F[]]o _i W J^W_ bWZo m_j^ el[h )& o[WhĂ&#x160;i [nf[h_[dY[$ F[]]o h[Y[_l[Z j^[ 9[hj_Ă&#x201C;YWj[ e\ JhWZ_j_edWb J^W_ CWiiW][ \hec j^[ MWj Fe JhWZ_j_edWb C[Z_YWb IY^eeb _d 8Wd]aea" J^W_bWdZ$ I^[ _i \Wc_b_Wh m_j^ Z_\\[h[dj ceZWb_j_[i \hec ijh[jY^[i" Z[[f j_iik[" e_bi WdZ ceh[$
Yoga: More Than Exercise - Part 4 by Christopher Love hhh warmth! Summer is in full swing and I am grateful for the opportunity to dry out and warm up. I have a tremendous amount of gratitude for the climate that allows me to play in our natural environment without so many layers of clothing. Hikes, beach excursions and the like take on a new dimension with out cumbersome jackets and such. Get out and enjoy it whilst it is here. In this article series we have determined there are four distinct paths (margas), which make up the yogic system. Integral to the four margas are eight disciplines (digvalaya). I have concluded that the system of Yoga is a vast offering of practices and guidelines that create a holistic approach to living. In part three of this series I stated that it is important to choose a path in life that works for you. You must understand, to some degree, the personal practices (be it system, tradition or religion) that your are engaged in (meaning there is a personal sense of feeling connected that elicits trust that the path is good). The practice must assist you to progress in life (you must receive desirable benefits). The practice one chooses should also support the you to be successful (meaning it can be configured to fit your lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s circumstances, can be practiced for a lifetime and be of continual support in daily life until all your personal goals are reached). Furthermore, as I believe there is no such thing as arriving to some place that will not change (as we are a continual work in progress), the practice must also support the maintenance of your standards for living as you increase in awareness, capacity, presence and the ability to live a happy, meaningful and compassionate life.
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Licensed by the Council for Private PostSecondary and Vocational Education
In examining the margas of Yoga we must hold the view that they are an interconnected system that creates a balanced model for holistic health with the eight digvalaya being foundational to the entire model. Each of the eight can be studied independently and volumes can be said and written (and have been) on how to approach, integrate and maintain such disciplines and standards in ones life. At the end of last months article I said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;In the pursuit of happiness we must take a deep look at who we are, where we are coming from and how we behave on the world stage. What we experience in life is often a reflection of our inner lands c a p e .â&#x20AC;? Yoga is designed to directly work with the inner regions of our being with the belief that the outer is actually a reflection of what we have going on inside. In my understanding Bhakti Yoga is placed as the starting point because it assists the practitioner in shifting from mind-based reality to heartbased reality. When we view the world through the lens of the heart, when we act from the heart first, the world changes and responds differently to us. Living this way our lives can become gentler and we can experience a sense of ease in our daily activities. The world can become a benevolent place offering support through opportunities to grow and strengthen, rather than an enemy we that makes us have to plan and plot how to survive through endless setbacks, obstacles and enemies. There is an invitation for you to utilize the full power of Yoga for what it can do for your entire life and not just your physical health. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s explore more on this next month. Christopher Love is a writer, educator and meditation instructor who welcomes correspondence: Love@ DevotionalLiving.org
Page 14 â&#x2122;Ľ Connection Magazine â&#x2122;Ľ www.ConnectionMagz.com â&#x2122;Ľ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline â&#x2122;Ľ July 2016
Movement, Postural & Structural Body and Education
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Quakers in Pennsylvania and drew the negative attention of William Penn in written correspondence, regarding absentee governing. How come why? I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know. Most recently I have decided to align myself with Dr. Joel Wallach and his scientific community. Dr. Wallach, a man I could not begin to describe in the few sentences left and available here other than to tell you to go to www.kscohealth.com and listen to Dr. Wallachâ&#x20AC;Ś especially his video entitled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Somebody ought to go to jailâ&#x20AC;?. You will begin to piece together another part of your awareness to health. I can quickly tell you that Joel Wallach, a 1991 Nobel Prize nominee, has fearlessly stood up to the corrupt medical pharmaceutical establishment and proposed alternative means of correcting many common health problems faced by everyone. Farmers have learned to nutritionally prevent many diseases by listening to veterinarians and feeding livestock with supplements that enhanced health. For humans Wallach calls it the Mighty 90â&#x20AC;Ś60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, and 2-3 essential fatty acids. Take those 90 supplements in the appropriate quantity, and you will be healthy and have healthier babies, without some of the now known nutrient deficient illnesses related to pregnancy in a woman who is lacking certain minerals, chiefly se-
lenium. Sickle cell anemia and down syndrome, according to Doc Wallach, are the result of conception preceding non-awareness of the need to take additional nutrients for healthy baby development. His theory that all health issues come about as the result of nutritional deficiencies rings true. However, there is one area Dr. Wallach either misses or ignores: dentistry as a toxic source. I now understand why. It took a few years to figure it out, though. All I had to do was askâ&#x20AC;Ś and the answer came. My father in law, a veterinarian in Hollywood for 40 plus years, may have cleaned or removed teeth from animalsâ&#x20AC;Ś but he never did a filling, a root canal, crown, or veneer, leaving him with no opportunity to observe the health effects of toxic, benign, or reactive dental materials on the health of his patients. I have. Andâ&#x20AC;Ś I will tell you more in future columns. Howdy! Dr. David Biles is accepting new patients interested in a comprehensive dental approach that detoxifies mouths and restores health. Dr. Biles brings a unique awareness to healing from a lifetime of personal experience, study, and work in many disciplines, including dentistry, medicine, physical education, human research in exercise physiology, and nutrition. Schedule a visit to see if an ideal approach to dentistry is what your body requires to heal. 831-4230121. www.DrBiles.com
Continued from Page 11 Dr. Biles-Greeting to the Internet
Therapeutic Yoga~Mindfulness Yoga Gentle Yoga~Baby Boomer Yoga
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Complementary Health
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Tiger Martial Arts est. 1990
Authentic Gracie jiu jitsu taught by the only teacher in Santa Cruz county to be awarded a black belt directly from a Gracie family member. (831) 661-0184 www.tigerbjj.com $ 3OQUEL $RIVE !PTOS
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Live your life with confidence and fearlessness. Martial Arts with power LEADERSHIP TRAINING KICK BUTT COMBAT SKILLS AND A HUMBLE ATTITUDE Love your life and your power in it. Clara E Minor, Master Instructor/Trainer 831.458.0900 minorsan.com info@minorsan.com facebook.com/minorsan
The Academy of Martial and Internal Arts:
Pathways Dojo
Head Instructor: Mark Roemke - Free Week of Training - All Ages Welcome Bujinkan Ninjutsu, Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Nei Gong, Judo path@PathWaysDojo.com or (831) 465-8236 or PathWaysDojo.com for more info Private instruction available. Facebook: Pathways Dojo or Santa Cruz Bujikan Dojo
Aikido of Santa Cruz
Instructors: Linda Holiday & Glen Kimoto Ages: 6-Adult Aikido The art of peace, a non-competitive Japanese martial art. Classes 7 days a week - Visitors Welcome - Special Beginnersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Classes bi-monthly s WWW !IKIDO3ANTA#RUZ ORG s -ISSION 3T 3ANTA #RUZ
Rod Sanfordâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Traditional Martial Arts
Green Forest Temple
Instructor: Scott Ripke Ages 12 and older Tai Chi, Long Fist, Praying Mantis, Weapons s WWW GREENFORESTTEMPLE ORG &REEDOM "LVD !PTOS Contact Connection Magazine at (831) 459-0522 or awaken@ConnectionMagazineOnline.com to get your school listed in the Martial Arts Directory for only $25 a month or $250 yearly.
Martial Arts
Walk Among Giants by Prof. Chris Smith
It has been said that you can only lead others along a path that you have already traveled. For it is in the initial journey, that the master learns the twists and turns in the road. The inevitable steep inclines that lead to dramatic vistas. The harrowing precipices that drop off unexpectedly, only to flush us out into languid pools of calm. In the world of martial arts, there have been many to go before us. Great warriors from far and wide. Noble scholars and fierce combatants, they forged a presence that spans thousands of years. The contributions to culture and community are irrefutable. The astonishing feats of bravery and calm in battle are the stuff of legends. We as martial artists aspire to achieve just one percent of their manna. At the coral belt ceremony of my teacher, Master Charles Gracie, I was honored and fortunate to be seated in the front row. In front of me stood a whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s who of present day warriors. For there are
few among us, who would debate that the Gracie family are indeed the founding fathers of our present day warrior class. It was they who opened the eyes of the world
Chris Smith & Grand Master Robson Gracie to the reality of a truly effective self-defense system. An art that would stand up to the sometimes violent reality of todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s streets. When you choose a leader, check their credentials. Have they tread where others have feared to go? Will they be capable of elevating you
beyond your present reality, because they themselves are battle tested? A simple certificate is not the reassurance needed. A title of master is not sufficient. For a master with a certificate could have hid in the bushes during the siege. Make absolutely no mistake. The Gracie family is battle tested. Iron forged in the heat of battle. Boundaries pushed beyond what we thought to be humanly possible. Countless brothers and uncles and cousins going off to war in the name of service to family and honor. As I sat in the front row straining to hear the eloquent speech of Grand master Robson Gracie, the patriarch of the Gracie family, I was able to pick up on a few quotes through the translation. The words that ring in my ears daily. The phrase that arose from the soul of the Grandmaster was â&#x20AC;&#x153;Let it be known that I have walked among giants.â&#x20AC;? To me, a star struck pupil, he was telling us that he had the honor to be among the great warriors. That he was there firsthand to see and be in the battle. That those he referred to were the forebearers of our present day movement. Without them, our path would be unclear. For it was with their blood, sweat and tears that we are all gathered in their name. We now can go forward with the conviction needed to conquer an adversary. This is but one of the blessings the Gracie family has bestowed upon all present day martial artists. Chris Smith is the founder of the International Jiu Sool Do federation. He is a 3rd degree black belt from the legendary Gracie family and is the only instructor in all of Santa Cruz county to be awarded a black belt directly from a Gracie family member. His school is located in Aptos Ca. He holds seminars and tournaments globally. He can be reached at www.tigerbjj. com
Page 16 â&#x2122;Ľ Connection Magazine â&#x2122;Ľ www.ConnectionMagz.com â&#x2122;Ľ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline â&#x2122;Ľ July 2016
Fitness & Sports
Rest Days: Make the Most of Them
by Beau Jansen, CORE ProElite Trainer, Santa Cruz CORE Fitness + Rehab hether you have been working out for many years or you are just getting started putting some work in the gym or with a trainer, chances are you are counting down to the next rest day or day off from cardio and weight training. If you arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t keeping an eye on your planned rest day or care to even have one then you are potentially overtraining. We want to let you know that a rest day or two isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t so bad, in fact, it may even be the best thing you do for your body. Overtraining can actually cause us to gain fat, lose muscle and be in worse shape if we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t stop and rest. One of the most obvious and important reason
to have a rest a day is to prevent any injury to your body. We only get one body in this lifetime and exercise does the body good. However, too much of a good thing could be bad as the old saying goes. If we are constantly pushing ourselves and not allowing our muscles to heal and strengthen then we could be putting ourselves on a fast track to burning out and
causing some serious damage to our bodies. Rest days are important to implement and schedule out in balance with our workouts. A good trainer will help you better understand
the appropriate rest day schedule you should follow. For people just starting out and getting fit they may feel incredibly sore all over and may need a couple days before they feel like exercising again. A rest day may be in order, but it doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t mean they should just lay in bed or sit on the couch all day barely lifting a finger. Quality time with your foam roller and light or moderate walks are a good way to start easing out the tension and soreness in your body . As an avid athlete you may need less recovery time, but taking days off from heavy lifting or high intensity workouts are still essential to ensure that you allow your muscles to fully recover and grow as well as to prevent symptoms of overexertion or overtraining. By taking time to schedule your training sessions by targeting specific areas of the body on certain days, it allows those parts to get a rest or not be as exerted
when you focus on another part of the body on a different day. This is why you will hear weightlifters at the gym talk about â&#x20AC;&#x153;Leg Dayâ&#x20AC;?, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Chest Dayâ&#x20AC;? or â&#x20AC;&#x153;Back and Shouldersâ&#x20AC;? because when they are training one or two bodyparts it is allowing the other parts of their body to recover. The important thing is to remember that it is always ok to take a break and rest up between workouts. Also, acknowledging the difference between pain and soreness is crucial in knowing just how much rest you need and where you can push yourself or ease up. Rest days, again, are encouraged as they help your body grow and improve. With that in mind, incorporating foam rolling, stretching and steady state cardio is a great way to reduce soreness and keep your body accustomed to working out; so you can keep your body in tip top shape. Schedule a complimentary consultation, or take advantage of some Santa Cruz COREâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Localsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Specials!
and those with aesthetic Fitness + Rehab is a truly goals. He pays close atten- integrative wellness center. Whether you are looktion to form and detail. ing to lose weight, Beau challenges his get out of pain, or clients to do their improve your sports very best and his performance, there belief in his clients is a program that will is demonstrated by Beau Jansen suite your needs. the incredible results Interested? Call 831they are able to achieve. He walks his talk. Read More 425-700 to schedule your complimentary consultation About Beau. Santa Cruz CORE today.
TFT BT M H $ ST JO Ä&#x2021;V P H O MZ 0O .P FFL X
About Beau Jansen
Beau Jansen is a CORE Pro-Elite trainer at Santa Cruz CORE Fitness + Rehab. Beau has been working as a personal trainer since 2003. As a US Air Force Veteran he has gained valuable experience training Airmen to be physically fit and to overcome injuries. He has worked with professional athletes, recreational athletes, patients needing rehab from surgeries, individuals seeking weight loss,
July 31, 2016
July 31, 2016
Page 17 â&#x2122;Ľ Connection Magazine â&#x2122;Ľ www.ConnectionMagz.com â&#x2122;Ľ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline â&#x2122;Ľ July 2016
At Headwaters Outdoor School we teach skills that all Earth People have used throughout time to survive in kinship with the Earth. Skills include Wilderness Survival, Tracking, Edible and Medicinal Plants, Nature Awareness, Earth Philosophy and many others. We believe that these skills will give you a deeper understanding, love and respect for the Earth and all life upon her. Tim Corcoran’s passion for nature will inspire you to discover your own connection with the Earth.
Class Schedule
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ages 3-5 & 6-9
Moms! Dads! GMO Foods Threaten Your Children Children Are More Susceptible to
f you go out to a restaurant or even if you eat dinner at home, unless you are fully conscious of what you’re eating, chances are you’re poisoning yourself with GMO “foods.” Big corporations like Monsanto grow genetically modified plants. It’s good for their profit margin, but what is it doing to your health? If you care about the health of your family, take a look at this article on how children are affected by GMO foods:
Genetically Engineered Foods Pose Higher Risk for Children
Children face the greatest risk from the potential dangers of GM foods: Young, fast-developing bodies are influenced most C hildren are more susceptible to allergies Children are more susceptible to problems with milk Children are more susceptible to nutritional problems. Children are in danger from antibiotic resistant diseases Young, fast-developing bodies are influenced most C hildren’s bodies develop at a fast pace and are more likely to be influenced and show the effects of genetically modified (GM) foods. That is why independent scientists used young adolescent rats in their GM feeding studies. The rats showed significant health damage after only 10 days, including damaged immune systems and digestive function, smaller brains, livers, and testicles, partial atrophy of the liver, and potentially pre-cancerous cell growth in the intestines.
Children Are More Susceptible to Allergies
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Children are three to four times more prone to allergies than adults. Infants below two years old are at greatest risk-they have the highest incidence of reactions, especially to new allergens encountered in the diet. Even tiny amounts of allergens can sometimes cause reactions in children. Breast fed infants can be exposed via the mother’s diet, and fetuses may possibly be exposed in the womb. Michael Meacher, the former minister of the environment for the UK, said, “Any baby food containing GM products could lead to a dramatic rise in allergies.” GM corn is particularly problematic for children, as they generally eat a higher percentage of corn in their diet. Further, allergic children often rely on corn protein. Mothers using cornstarch as a talc substitute on their children’s skin might also inadvertently expose them via inhalation.
Problems with Milk
Milk and dairy products from cows treated with the genetically engineered bovine growth hormone (rbGH) contain an increased amount of the hormone IGF-1, which is one of the highest risk factors associated with breast and prostate cancer. The Council on Scientific Affairs of the American Medical Association called for more studies to determine if ingesting “higher than normal concentrations of [IGF-1] is safe for children, adolescents, and adults.” Sam Epstein, M.D., Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition and author of eight books, wrote, “rbGH and its digested products could be absorbed from milk into blood, particularly in infants, and produce hormonal and allergic effects.” He described how “cell-stimulating growth factors . . . could induce premature growth and breast stimulation in infants, and possibly promote breast cancer in adults.” Dr. Epstein pointed out that the hormones in cows could promote the production of “steroids and adrenaline-type stressor chemicals . . . likely to contaminate milk and may be harmful, particularly to infants and young children.”
Children Are More Susceptible to Nutritional Problems A 2002 report by the UK’s Royal Society, said that genetic modification “could lead to unpredicted harmful changes in the nutritional state of foods.” They therefore recommended that potential health effects of GM foods be rigorously researched before being fed to pregnant or breast-feeding women, elderly people, those suffering from chronic disease, and babies. Likewise, according to former minister Meacher, unexpected changes in estrogen levels in GM soy used in infant formula “might affect sexual development in children,” and that “even small nutritional changes could cause bowel obstruction.”
Children Are in Danger from Antibiotic Resistant Diseases
Children prone to ear and other infections are at risk of facing antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria, due to the use of antibiotic resistant genes in GM food. The British Medical Association cited this as one reason why they called for a moratorium of GM foods.
Brought to you by the Institute for Responsible Technology… Start
eating only organically grown foods today. Give your children a fighting chance and a hopeful future.
http://tinyurl.com/3whouv Printed with permission.
Page 18 ♥ Connection Magazine ♥ www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline ♥ July 2016
Why this is important . . . !!!
INSTALL SAFE WIRED CONNECTIONS!!! chool children are facing a tarily exposed to wireless radiation
massive health crisis if the governments and education authorities continue to ignore the warnings on the potential health effects from long-term exposure to electromagnetic radiation from wireless devices. Many scientists and medical experts warn that longterm exposure to EMR interferes with the body’s internal bioelectrical signals which may lead to diseases such as cancer, immune dysfunction, infertility, reproductive disorders, DNA damage and other cognitive and neurological disorders. Children are also most vulnerable as they absorb more radiation due to their thinner skulls, bones and developing cells. Their lifetime exposure will also be greater than adults today. Scientific studies on the long-term health effects of WiFi on children have not been conducted, yet this technology is being vigorously rolled out in schools without parental consent or choice. Children are being involun-
for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week. This is unacceptable as there are safer wired options for schools to provide children with internet access. Let’s raise our voices calling on officials to adopt the precautionary principle, and to act now to protect our children and future generations. Stop the use of WiFi and 4G internet in schools. Favor wired internet connections, and reduce microwave electromagnetic radiation exposure from all wireless devices.
For the Facts on Wifi in Schools and Scientific Evidence Go to:
http://wifiinschools.com/ h t t p s : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / watch?v=IuNaDj6VLHw http://www.earth-matters. nl/18/9021/straling-en-electrosmog/ resonance-beings-of-frequency.html h t t p : / / w w w. s a f e i n s c h o o l . org/2011/01/wi-fi-is-removed-fromschools-and.html http://apps.fcc.gov/ecfs/document/view?id=7520941207 Please get informed, take action and pass on this knowledge.
Summer Activities
JULY 04: 4TH OF JULY FAMILY FUN EVENTS Bring out the entire family and friends for a fun-filled day of games, live music and an all-American barbecue. Roaring Camp, Felton, CA, (831) 335-4484, http://www. roaringcamp.com JULY 04: APTOS 4TH OF JULY CELEBRATION “World’s Shortest Parade”. Pancake breakfast 7:30am, parade at 10am, party in the park with live music, games, arts & crafts 11am4pm at Aptos Village Park, 100 Aptos Creek Road, Aptos. Aptos Village, CA, (831) 688-1467, http:// aptoschamber.com JULY 13: FREE MOVIES ON THE BEACH—INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM Watch a classic movie on the beach with the world-famous Giant Dipper coaster lights twinkling overhead. Bring the family and your blanket or low-back chair, relax and
enjoy the free show. Seating is firstcome, first-served. Santa Cruz, CA, (831) 423-5590, http://beachboardwalk.com/Movies JULY 22: FREE FRIDAY NIGHT BANDS ON THE BEACH — TOAD THE WET SPROCKET “ALL I WANT” Two free live concerts on the Boardwalk’s Beach Bandstand every Friday night (June 17 - September 2) with top bands of the 80s and 90s! Shows start at 6:30pm and 8:30pm. Santa Cruz, CA, (831) 423-5590, http://beachboardwalk.com/Concerts JULY 29, 2016 - AUGUST 07: A DAY OUT WITH THOMAS THE TANK ENGINE! Join Thomas the Tank Engine as he travels along the scenic San Lorenzo River. Ticket includes activities and entertainment for the entire family. Reservations required. Roaring Camp, Felton, CA, (831) 335-4484, http://www.roaringcamp. com
Santa Cruz and the Central Coast A Photographic Celebration of Time and Place
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“This book is my dream through my art to share my love and wonderment with the Central Coast.” 300 Limited Editions available at www.TimCorcoranPhoto.com
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Page 19 ♥ Connection Magazine ♥ www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline ♥ July 2016
n a d L F d ar e r m c Finca Sagrada
Are You a Partner for Sacred Land Farm in Vilcabamba, Ecuador?
“Your land told me to invite people to come to the farm intending to give…and the land will gift them with just what they need.” Thus said our farm partner, Martine Sweeney from Santa Cruz, several months ago on her last visit here. We decided to take her remarkable advice, because we ourselves had come to the farm intending to give. As a result, we have found deep peace and joy here. We hereby invite you to our farm intending to give. Serendipity being what it is, Pattie and Thom, Publishers of Connection Magazine, met us on the internet, fell in love with the story of the farm and invited us to be featured in this Center Theme—just when we decided to reach out for partners. So, let us introduce ourselves. We are Walter Moora and Susan Davis Moora and we design partnerships relevant to your own ‘life’s paths’. What is Sacred Land Farm (FincaSagrada.com)? We are
in Vilcabamba, Ecuador Our inspiration is the indigenous saying of the Americas that “neither the people of the North nor the South will thrive until the Condor and the Eagle fly as one.”
manifesting an intercultural, biodynamic, self-supporting farm community over which the Condor and the Eagle fly as one.
What Do You Mean That Your Land Gave Martine A Message?
Initially, we didn’t really know why we bought the farm 6 years ago…we just felt we had to do so. By seeking oneness with the land, we gradually discovered that it was remarkable land indeed. It is 50 minutes from our home in the storied village of Vilcabamba in the southern mountains of Ecuador and it had been untended for a long time. We began creating a biodynamic farm out of the overgrown pastures and bringing cows, goats, burros, horses, bees and fish onto the farm. We raised more and more of our own food and developed trusting relationships with our Ecuadorian neighbors. A young man from the nearby village of Tumianuma, Cristian Ojeda, became our partner and family member. A Canadian woman homeopath vis-
ited for a day, fell in love with our impenetrable fique forest and told us the land told her to tend it. We invited her to move in and she created a “Magical Forest” there, with frequent visitors. Then, when Martine came to visit and first stepped on the land three years ago, she told us that mythical children from Vedic times came running to her, skipping and laughing. They told her how this land had been the home of a Vedic temple and mystery school and that these energy centers needed to be re-opened. She was able to walk the land with us and show us exactly where the sacred sites were. Since then, a psychic from Hawaii told us the same thing from there!
Honoring our Sacred Sites
The Kogi told the members of The Fountain that the sacred sites of our farm were important to reopen because the spiritual center of Earth was now moving from the Himalayas to the Andes. They asked that The Fountain members meet here—and, that is just what they did two years ago. Since then, we have located the original indigenous people of our valley, the Palta tribe, with whom we are now developing relationships.
How We Farm
We are creating a self-sustaining farm eco-system where we grow most of our own food. We farm Biodynamically and follow Permaculture Principles. Although our farm has a twelve hundred acre mountain, which we hope to reforest, we mainly use the bottom twelve acres of irrigated pastures, orchards, gardens and some forest. Walter brings to the farm his 40 years of biodynamic experience on four continents and Cristian brings the local knowledge of plants and animals and how things are done in Ecuador. As Walter and Cristian teach our interns how to steward Earth, Susan guides them on finding their destiny paths, which is her area of expertise.
This changed our understanding dramatically and since then, we have sought to honor the four sacred sites on the farm. We have also serendipitously met elders of the Four Nations of La Sierra Nevada (“the Kogi”) through a global network called The Fountain. This network, created by Jyoti Prevott (founder of the Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers), is one of 40 innovation networks in sustainThe Farm Buildings and ability which Susan Capacity has served over 40 For The Fountain meeting, years (see KINSin- we somehow managed to host alnovation.org). The most 30 people on our farm, howFountain’s mission is ever, we are not a retreat facility. that “we are restor- We have two adobe cabins, made ing a global economy from an adobe mine on our farm, of reciprocity, in- with a compost toilet and an outspired by nature and door kitchen and shower. We have the sacred.” two big walk-in tents, tree houses Page 20 ♥ Connection Magazine ♥ www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline ♥ July 2016
and an earth-bag house, also with an outdoor kitchen and a shower. Then, to accommodate an intentional community, we built a large house and community center, with two large bedrooms and a secondfloor bunk-room. The community center’s living room can host 30 people on chairs in a circle for “KINS” meetings.
Our Invitation to Partners
We offer internships for one month and more as described at FincaSagrada.com. And, now, we have reached a mature point and are
A Home for KINS Networks
The farm is also becoming a home for these KINS network meetings, such as the meeting for The Fountain. This December, about 20 people from around the world will be joining us for a week, exploring various innovations from some half-dozen different KINS networks. More information is on our website FincaSagrada.com - Sacred Land Farm Our Community Room at Finca Sagrada • We each do what we love to do and do well…and little else. Being close to the Equator • We sit at the table of unknowing about manifesting conscious yet in the mountains, Vilcabamba sustainability on Finca Sagrada experiences spring-like weather all and we invite Spirit to co-create year long and has been heralded with us for the highest good of all as one of the healthiest towns on concerned. Earth. Scientists who tested the quality of water in the world’s most • When we feel triggered, we go within and ask what within us heralded sites deemed Vilcabamis asking to be healed. Then we ba’s the best.
About Vilcabamba and the Farm
Aerial View of the Farm, Finca Sagrada, and the Piscabamba River looking for additional partners in Vilcabamba and on the farm to settle in with us for the long term, joining Martine, Cristian and an Ecuadorian couple close to us.
More Information is in Our Books
Walter’s book about his life and biodynamics is called A Farmer’s Love and is available on Amazon. Susan’s book about her 40 KINS Innovation Networks is free at KINSinnovation.org and CapitalMissions.com. It is called The Trojan Horse of Love and, if you have read our story this far, you are also probably a ‘Trojan horse of love’.
We are now inviting those interested in partnering to join us on the farm for lengths of time and other arrangements that work for you. During the next year, we Our Cows will explore and support each othexpress that as a concern to the We are very diversified, with ers’ interests, using a time-tested group, with a suggested solution cows, goats, burros, chickens, fish “Satir” method for regular meetwe feel is good for all. and bees. We have a food forest ings. This method has been used • We take responsibility for healthy successfully in the KINS Innova- Finca Sagrada ~ Who we are: with bananas, mandarins, avorelations and communications cados and coffee. On the ground tion Networks to which Susan has Mission Statement with community members. we grow traditional crops such as devoted her life. “KINS” stands for Our inspiration is the indigJoin us! We look forward to “kindred spirits” and the idea that enous saying of the Americas that yucca, camote and white carrots hearing from you, plus a variety of vegetables from “we are all one.” They are fully de- “neither the people of the North the Northern Hemisphere. We scribed at KINSinnovation.org and nor the South will thrive until the also have a green house and flower in Susan’s book (see end). Over the Condor and the Eagle fly as one.” gardens. Our aim is to be self- suffiyear, the relationships between Finca Sagrada is a commu- cient and sometimes we get pretty partners will be co-created, as we have done successfully before. We nity birthed in gratitude where close. Walter and Susan Davis believe that the best legal strategy people can reconnect to the safor this in Ecuador is the land trust, credness of the Earth and our own Moora bought the land in 2009 and Walter & Susan Davis which we can explain. We will be being… where the Earth has rights here are manifesting their dreams. Moora Our Operating Principles taking zero profit from partners equal to human beings… where email: WalterMoora@ that join us…just a percentage re- we steward Earth and each other… • Our strategy is generosity gmail.com or Susan at turn of initial capital shared among over a self-sustaining sacred com- • A deal is a good deal when it is cmcdavis2@gmail.com good for all concerned. munity. our new partners. Page 21 ♥ Connection Magazine ♥ www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline ♥ July 2016
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Now however, individuals f you have read are undermy previous arstanding ticles you now the benefits know about the of caring for amazing health their skin and beauty benwith natural efits of Redox remedies. Te c h n o l o g y. I f There is this is new for you, please take Katalina Hoehn always a price to a moment and pay when you opt watch this video explainfor the quick repairs such as ing the healing properties of botox, fillers and lasers. Why supplementing with redox molecules: http://katalina. put toxins in your skin and remove your skins protective teamasea.com/newsite/prodbarrier when you now have a ucts/BenefitsofAsea.aspx. system that can repair your The newest member skin returning it to its youthful of the ASEA family is Renu Advanced, a complete skin glow as well as tighten tone and firm. care system that repairs, reASEA has taken the builds and restores your skin best of science and nature to its natural radiance. For a brief overview: http://katalina. to create RENU Advanced. Your cells provide the “fingerteamasea.com/newsite/prodprint” for your natural beauty. ucts/renuadvanced.aspx. Youthful cells renew much With over 20 years in the quicker than aging cells. Acskin care industry, my focus tive cellular communication has always been holistic, is key for renewal of healthy healing and repairing the skin with the healthiest, most and beautiful skin. Without key redox signaling molecules effective ingredients possible. skin cells can’t communicate. “Do no harm” has become This inter cellular communimy philosophy. The skin can cation is vital to recharging, regenerate repairing and restoring the and rebuild skin naturally. the way naThe RENU Advanced ture intended. system consist of Gentle ReWith a socifining Cleanser, Ultra Replenety focused ishing Moisturizer, Intensive on the quick Redox Serum and the Renu fix it wasn’t al28 Revitalizing Redox Gel. ways easy to The cleanser tones, balget my message across. ances the skin while sup-
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by Valerie Getts
ummer is upon us, and that means warm weather and warmer pets. At Soquel Creek Animal Hospital, we are dedicated to the well-being of your animals. As temperatures rise throughout the Summer months, it’s important to take extra precaution with your pets. Two of the most common issues we see during hot weather are dehydration and heat exhaustion. Both are extremely dangerous to animals, just like they are for humans. Overheating and dehydration can lead to serious health issues, hospitalization, and even death. Symptoms of heat exhaustion can include excessive panting, loss of skin elasticity, dehydration, vomiting, rapid or irregular heartbeats, lethargy and even seizures. Animals cool off by panting and sweating small amounts through the pads in their paws. W h e n this isn’t enough to keep them cool, we can offer some relief. For pets spending their days outside, ensure they have plenty of shade and access to fresh, clean water. Ice cubes in water bowls are an easy way to cool down pets on a hot day. If your pet begins to overheat, offer them fresh water, hose them down outside or put them in the bathtub to give them a cool shower. It’s important to regulate their temperature so they don’t experience heat exhaustion. You should never leave pets in cars while running errands. Vehicles heat up to dangerous levels quickly during the sizzling Summer months. Even with the windows cracked, cars become extremely hot very fast and pets can suffer. For example, if it is 80 degrees outside, the inside of a car can heat up to 120 degrees in just a few minutes. For pets that spend a lot of time outside, sunblock is an excellent way to help protect them from
the sun’s harmful rays. For animals with white fur, pink skin, and fine hair, this is especially important. Avoid excessive exercise, long walks on the asphalt and hot sand at the beach. If the ground is uncomfortable for you to walk on barefoot, it will be just as uncomfortable for your pet. Animals paws can blister and burn on hot asphalt. Taking walks in the early morning or late evening when the ground is cooler will allow pets to get their exercise without harming their sensitive paws. Always provide supervision when pets are playing in the water and rinse them in clean water after swimming so no harmful chlorine chemicals or salt water remain on the skin. Lastly, we would like to mention the Fourth of July. While it is an exciting holiday for us, it can be frightening for pets. Loud noises DQG GDQJHURXV ÀUHZRUNV FDQ EH YHU\ scary. If possible, keep your pets indoors, and keep them away from any firecrackers you may have at home. If your pet becomes stressed during this patriotic day, you can visit your veterinarian beforehand for anti-anxiety medication if needed. As always, we encourage you to stock up RQ \RXU SHWV ÁHD DQG WLFN PHGLFLQH because Summertime often leads to DQ LQFUHDVH LQ ÁHDV ,I \RX KDYH DQ\ questions, comments, concerns, or good Summertime tips to share with us, please feel free to contact us. We are open Monday through Friday 8am to 6pm. 7R FRQWDFW RXU RIÀFH RU VFKHGXOH an appointment, feel free to reach out WR XV 2XU RIÀFH KRXUV DUH 0RQGD\ through Friday, 8am to 6pm. We offer many convenient appointment times and house calls upon request. With multiple ways to schedule appointments, it’s never been easier to connect with us! (831) 476-1515, http://soquelcreekanimalhospital.com, SCAHcrew@yahoo.com Valerie Getts is a Soquel Creek Animal Hospital Staff Member.
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Complementary Health
Neurofeedback Biofeedback Psychotherapy Neuromassage 8dbeaZbZciVgn =ZVai] for individuals and couples
Neurofeedback Biofeedback Experience the combined power ofPsychotherapy Neuromassage :hhZci^VaA^k^c\<j^YZ# neurofeedback and somatic psychotherapy! for individuals and couples 8dbeaZbZciVgn =ZVai] Shift stuck the patterns and integrate Experience combined power awareness of
Ă&#x2021;7d][bi ed j^[ HeWZĂ&#x2C6; Is It Closenessâ&#x20AC;Ś D;M :?C;DI?EDI or Codependence? E< H;B7J?EDI>?F Ă&#x2021;7d][bi ed j^[ HeWZĂ&#x2C6;
to reach our daughby Joyce and Barry ters, Rami and Mira, Vissell by Joyce and Barry Vissell happiest times are thewho we spend were ahead of arry: If in weour twenties, together just the two of times When we were us. Our highest We us somewhere. into your relationships andpsychotherapy! daily life. Joyce and I were only knewcriticized how for being ideal of a vacation involves just the neurofeedback and somatic GLG DQG WKH\ t o o c l omany s e . Stimes o m e we two ofĂ&#x20AC;QDOO\ us, even to reach our though daughShift stuck patterns and integrate awareness even Barry quoted by people Joyce and we once of year doubled backwill to meet are rescued by divine Kahlil Gibran from ters, Rami and Mira, for individuals and couples typically spend about a into your relationships and daily life. Vissell us. I had the brilliant The Prophet, â&#x20AC;&#x153;â&#x20AC;Śand week apart as ahead a retreatof intervention, we would who were arry: Experience the combined power of the oak tree If andwe the thought to check if to further deepen our completely trust this Joyce and Barry Vissell love us and somewhere. We cypress closeness. onlygrow knewnot howin neurofeedback and somatic psychotherapy! their car had a spare higher power. There each otherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s shadow.â&#x20AC;? MostGLG couples Ă&#x20AC;QDOO\ DQG will WKH\ many timesusweof They Neuroscientist Langdon Roberts, MA typically spend attoleast Shift stuck patterns and integrate awareness wouldaccused then be nothing to worry about WLUH ,W GLG %XW WKH WLUH LURQ GLG QRW Ă&#x20AC;W doubled back meet SantaCruzNeurofeedback.com 831-464-1419 Aimee Pomerleau, LMFT (#80304) are srescued m o t h e rby i n gdivine one oneNo vacation year with our tires nuts! luck athere! into your relationships and daily life. â&#x20AC;&#x201D;ever! Early Joyceinand us. I couples. had the brilliant another. our I had yet another other Once, intervention, we would John-Nuri squeezed into their car m a r r i a g e ,reminder o n e o f of this truthâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and powerful on a Rogue tripif thought toRiver check Neuroscientist Langdon Roberts, MA completely trust this with his luggage, and off they went. Joyce and Barry Vissell Joyceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s friends angrily Joyce & Barry Vissell in southern Oregon, ThetaHealing Transforms Lives! SantaCruzNeurofeedback.com 831-464-1419 Aimee Pomerleau, LMFT (#80304) divine miracleâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;last week. their group car had a spare proclaimed, like every of rafters higher power. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s There Our children felt terrible leaving us Physical, Emotional, Relationship, and Financial Healing In honor of both of us turning youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re putting all your eggs in one WLUH ,W GLG %XW WKH WLUH LURQ GLG QRW Ă&#x20AC;W we encountered seemed to be a group would then be nothing to worry about on the side of the often road. Joyce and I Lynda Chaikin basket. Barry may die of couples. They Merciful Heavens ThetaHealingÂŽ seventyOne thisday, month (thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s noand moreour tires nuts! Nowere luck there!laughing ThetaHealing Master Compassionate Care, Life-Changing Results â&#x20AC;&#x201D;ever! Joyce and I had yet another youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be lost!â&#x20AC;? understood the reality that we and playing together, having quite the very Instructor & Practitioner Self-Discovery ~ Life Mastery ~ Transformation Facilitation denying are both seniors!), John-Nuri squeezed into their car Yetreminder all itâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;we theseof years we are party vacation. We started wondering powerful this later, truthâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and OLNHO\ ZRXOG PLVV RXU Ă LJKW KRPH Neuroscientist Langdon Roberts, MA we rented favorite house in Hana, if there closer than our ever, and thankful about â&#x20AC;&#x153;Lynda has delivered tremendous support to something withwent. us. hiswas luggage, and wrong off they Individual SantaCruzNeurofeedback.com 831-464-1419 Aimee Pomerleau, LMFT (#80304) divine miracleâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;last week. have done with First, we called the rental car company it! We are Were we antisocial? We realized we our family.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x201C;Nihal Kaur, LAc, Santa Cruz, CA Group Maui, for convinced eight days,we and had a won-Our children felt terrible leaving us the thing. probably Inright honor ofYes, bothone ofofususturning have veryifmany friends all All overthey thecould Mini-Classes to see they could help. derful vacation with and, our three grownon the side of theand road. Joyce and will die before the other we admit, world, individuals couples wecompany, love I Webinars seventy this month (thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no more do was refer us to a taxi Call for your free 20 minute phone consultation. whoever certainlysig-understood children,survives one of will ourmost childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dearly. Wouldthe we want to share Workshops reality that five wedays very Self-Discovery ~ Life Mastery ~ TransformationCandace Facilitation Stuart-Findlay denying itâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;we areeven both seniors!), we immediately grieve deeply. We sometimes feel on who the Rogue River with called. them? They The said Travel QLĂ&#x20AC;FDQW RWKHU DQG RXU Ă&#x20AC;YH \HDU ROG Phone sessions areSacred profoundly effective. In-person sessions alsoAuthor, available. New Thought Leader, Speaker OLNHO\ ZRXOG PLVV RXU Ă LJKW KRPH as our vulnerability. When I answer no. Does lovehours. we this rented ourgreatest favorite house in Hana, theywas could comethat getmean us inwe three â&#x20AC;&#x153;LyndaIndividual Chaikin has truly changed my life. As a Master level www.EmpoweredWholeBeing.com grandson. weeksofpost-op from aFirst, 831-476-0820 envision the Six possibility me surviving thecould? rentalAgain, car company them we lesscalled than we no. We Group Maui, for eight days, and had a wonThetaHealer, she has the intuition, wisdom and connectedness to help us heal Great! We were told that we Joyce, feeling I get is oneit of a lost that help. we have long could agocould partialthe knee replacement, was a realtoacknowledge Mini-Classes see if they could All they physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.â&#x20AC;? - Dr. Juli Mazi, ND derful vacation with our three grown little boy alone on this earth without my leave the rental car on the side of the chosen to cultivate a special connection. Webinars joy for meI know to actually hike without us respect to a taxi company, (831) 431-0677 or (831) 426-9453 best friend. would be able If awas friendrefer doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t our needand and get it children, one of our I childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sig-to do Workshops road and they would come SDLQ IRU WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW WLPH LQ VHYHUDO \HDUV Candace Stuart-Findlay function. I even trust I would be able who MercifulHeavensThetaHealing.com Look for Merciful Heavens on Santa Cruz desire be alone together, wetoimmediately called.than Theythey said Sacred Travel QLĂ&#x20AC;FDQW DQG RXU Ă&#x20AC;YH \HDU ROG New Thought Leader, Author, Speaker matter hours. to feelRWKHU Joyceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s soul near me and airport our are in notaso close aoffriend. Our true friends On the way back to the they could come get us in three hours. www.EmpoweredWholeBeing.com Have you given up831-476-0820 hope of getting well? grandson. relationship continue. Yetfrom the pain Six would weeks post-op a not only understand closeness, but right Joyce: Myour main discipline IURP UHPRWH +DQD ZH KDG D Ă DW WLUH Many have expressed shocked appreciation that they We were would be replacement, profound because even Great! they rejoice in it. told that we could Malin Ashby ~people Certified Naturopath knee it wasnot a real now is to try to see everything as an have been able to get better with my care after suffering for partial one was in aEven different basket. I wasleaveCloseness No egg problem! at seventy, andon codependence the rental car the side of the so long and giving up hope. joy for Are methere to actually hike without opportunity to trust more fully in God. other downsides to such t /VUSJUJPO are two different things. Although you FRQĂ&#x20AC;GHQW WKDW , FRXOG FKDQJH D WLUH LQ and they would come and get it closeness? Perhaps. Some years ago, road might be tempted to think breaking SDLQ IRU WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW WLPH LQ VHYHUDO \HDUV â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have made a startling discovery and have new tools :KHQ WKH WLUH ZHQW that Ă DW , ZDV VXUH less than ten minutes. We had left an t )FSCBM 3FNFEJFT at breakfast during one of our annual inthe a matter of hours. same tooth on the same day, or that have been helping people to restructure their On the way back to the airport that somehow angels come spinegiven and restore youthful posture, without Hawaii couples retreats, surgery forthe the exactwould same extra hour early just in Joyce case. Ibroke opened having Have you upahope ofupright getting well? Joyce: My main discipline right effort. Endonasal Correction is part this IURP UHPRWH +DQD ZH KDG D Ă DW WLUH t .JOEGVMOFTT GPS 4USFTT tooth number thirteen. One of the problem within three months of each GRZQ DQG PDJLFDOO\ Ă&#x20AC;[ WKH WLUH RU DW Many people have expressedCranial shocked appreciation thatofthey the trunk ofatthethe rental car,happened emptied outnow is literally likecare a breath of fresh air is to try to as see everything aswean have beennew ablework to getand better with my after suffering foras other, No participants problem! Even atretreat seventy, I was the qualifies very least, codependent, allow us to get to the thegiving nasalup passages ~Dr. Russo so long and hope. are opened.â&#x20AC;? DOO RXU OXJJDJH DQG OLIWHG XS WKH Ă DS to be a dentist, who examined her and opportunity beg to differ.toWe feel itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fully because of t .BMJO$IJFG!HNBJM DPN trust more in God. FRQĂ&#x20AC;GHQW WKDW , FRXOG FKDQJH D WLUH LQ While Barry and our son determined itthe could waittire. to beThere fixed when our airport. deep attunement, an alignment of were to expose spare was no â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have made a startling discovery haveI didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t new tools :KHQ WKH WLUH ZHQW Ă DW , ZDV VXUH â&#x20AC;&#x153;I can breathe again and my mind feels and so clear, even realize lesswe our souls from forty-nine years of loving than ten minutes. We had left an got home. At lunch the same day, using the pump, I put my hands on the that have been helping people to restructure how blocked I had become. Thank you for this newtheir lease on life. spare tire!later, Instead, there was a smallthat onesomehow another. the angels would come only hours tooth number Everyone needs to know about this!â&#x20AC;? ~Recent Patient extra Hypnotherapy â&#x20AC;˘ NLP spine and restore a youthful upright posture, without hour early justI broke in case. I opened tire and prayed for a miracle. I visualCloseness because of â&#x20AC;Ś you guessed it â&#x20AC;Ś thirteen! The same GRZQ DQG PDJLFDOO\ Ă&#x20AC;[ WKH WLUH RU DW WZHOYH YROW DLU SXPS DQG D ´à DW Ă&#x20AC;[HUÂľ effort. Endonasal Cranial Correction is part of this the dentist trunk of the rental emptied out ized the tire light. But new work and1PFUSZ JO 1PTUVSF t is literally like a breath of fresh air as codependence is asurrounded whole otherin matter. examined mecar, and, in ait.hushed that somehow attached to Our son,the very least, allow us to the the nasal passages are opened.â&#x20AC;? ~Dr. Russo It isthen not primarily love thattoisget the and reverent whisper, said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Barry, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve 140 Dubois St., Suite A in Santa Cruz DOO RXU OXJJDJH DQG OLIWHG XS WKH Ă DS it became apparent thatglue this car -RKQ 1XUL ZKR ZDV LQ RXU FDU Ă&#x20AC;JXUHG of togetherness. It is, rather, fear of heard about soulmates, but you guys airport. While Barry and ourtheson were XXX %S(BCSJFM3VTTP DPN t ES HBCSJFM SVTTP!HNBJM DPN to expose the spare tire. There was no was not going to get us to the airport. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I can breathe again and my mind feels so clear, I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even realize beingthe alone. Codependence can on be the a are way too far.´à DW Ă&#x20AC;[HU Âľ Really â&#x20AC;Ś , RXW taking KRZ this WR DWWDFK WKH CERTIFIED CLINICAL using pump, I put my hands how blocked I had become. Thank you for this new lease on life. spare tire! Instead, there was a small powerful emotional toothmates??â&#x20AC;? Barry andconnection, I pulled allbutoftrue our lugEveryone needs HYPNOTHERAPIST to know about this!â&#x20AC;? ~Recent Patient plugged in the pump and watched, tire and prayed for a miracle. I visualcloseness involves a heart connection. This past March, Joyce had WZHOYH YROW DLU SXPS DQG D ´à DW Ă&#x20AC;[HUÂľ gage out of the car and stood on the (A.C.H.E. #193205) VDWLVĂ&#x20AC;HG DV WKH WLUH VWDUWHG WR LQĂ DWH The the codependent person in says I have arthroscopic surgery for a torn medial ized tire surrounded light. But 1PFUSZ JO 1PTUVSF t thatmeniscus somehowinattached to it. Our son, New YOU ~ Wellness Coaching side of the road. We were both prayto be with you. The lover says I want her left knee. One week Turning off and removing the 140 Dubois St., Suite A in Santa Cruz then itwith became apparent that this to be you because itmust makes me car a -RKQ 1XUL ZKR ZDV LQ RXU FDU Ă&#x20AC;JXUHG after her surgery, the inside of my â&#x20AC;˘ P ERFORMANCE â&#x20AC;˘ R ELATIONSHIPS ing for help and we have looked Radiant wellness is the foundation from which we live. XXX %S(BCSJFM3VTTP DPN t ES HBCSJFM SVTTP!HNBJM DPN pump, westarted heardhurting. the loud and better notperson. goingThe to get us to the airport. codependent person Thehiss pain KRZ knee WR DWWDFK WKH ´à DW Ă&#x20AC;[HU Âľ , was â&#x20AC;˘ HABITS â&#x20AC;˘ GOALS â&#x20AC;˘ HEALTH â&#x20AC;˘ TRAUMA RXW right rather twotosenior citizens Ear Candling says I needpathetic, to beI with you beour happy. continued to worsen so I got my first UHDOL]HG WKH Ă DW ZDV QRW Ă&#x20AC;[HG ´2ND\ Barry and pulled all of lugs STRENGTHEN IMMUNE SYSTEM s BALANCE ENERGY plugged in the pump and watched, â&#x20AC;˘ INNER CHILD WORK â&#x20AC;˘ PHOBIAS standing by their luggage, waving their The lover says I need to be with you MRI. The results? A badly torn medial HYHU\RQH EDFN LQ WKH FDU Âľ , RUGHUHG not only out ofbethe car and stood the s CLEAR ALLERGIES s IMPROVE DRAINAGE s RELIEVE TENSION STRESS happy butfor also to on make meniscus! I will be undergoing the first gage VDWLVĂ&#x20AC;HG DV WKH WLUH VWDUWHG WR LQĂ DWH handstoand begging help on the side â&#x20AC;&#x153;Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s see how far we can travel with this of world betterWe place andboth to fulfill a New YOU ~ Wellness Coaching surgery of my life, and the same surgery side thearoad. were prayCall/email for current special...831-688-1858 Turning off and removing the of aplan. very remote and winding road. SPECIALIZING IN PAIN RELIEF higher as Joyce, in a few weeks. Joyceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s left ing WellnessCoaches@sbcglobal.net www.radiant-wellness.com WKH OHDN Âľ Charlotte Carreira for help and we must have looked Radiant wellness is the foundation /from which we live. & STRESS REDUCTION pump, theside. loud and Joyce and I arewent committed to one knee,we herheard feminine My hiss right knee, Twenty minutes by and not :H ZHUH PD\EH IRUW\ Ă&#x20AC;YH PLQpathetic, two using our closeness as senior a tool forcitizens divine Ear Candling my masculine side. The orthopedic rather UHDOL]HG WKH Ă DW ZDV QRW Ă&#x20AC;[HG ´2ND\ vehicle stopped. It was now 12:10 and utes from airport. started BOX 3773 â&#x20AC;˘ SANTA CRUZ, CA 95063 service. by Wetheir know our three children s STRENGTHEN IMMUNE SYSTEM s BALANCE ENERGY surgeon whothe operated onIJoyce willdriving. also standing luggage, waving their HYHU\RQH EDFN LQ WKH FDU Âľ , RUGHUHG one grandson have benefited from s CLEAR ALLERGIES s IMPROVE DRAINAGE s RELIEVE TENSION STRESS operate on me.later, A brilliant surgeon, butwas andRXU Ă LJKW ZDV DW :H ZHUH VWLOO DW WWW.KEATINGHYPNOTHERAPY.COM Five minutes the tire pressure begging for helpthe on the side this. Ifand people recognize in and â&#x20AC;&#x153;Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s seeofhow canwho travel withof hands a man veryfar fewwe words neither 35 minutes from thelove airport, Call/email for current special...831-688-1858 (831) 462-0213 obviously too low toabout continue driv-ofouraleast very remote and winding road. closeness, and feel inspired by it, us have ever seen talk anything WellnessCoaches@sbcglobal.net / www.radiant-wellness.com Charlotte Carreira WKH OHDN Âľ knew the airlines had a strict policy. then weminutes feel we are fulfilling ournot divine but he looked at me with atheTwenty ing.medicine, I pulled over and we repeated went by and one :H ZHUH PD\EH IRUW\ Ă&#x20AC;YH PLQWe would not be able check destiny here on earth. Onetotime, asin less strange, inquisitive smile and said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve BeÂ&#x160;Y @Wiio" F^:" C<J SURFHVV KRSLQJ WKH ´à DW Ă&#x20AC;[HUÂľ PLJKW Counseling â&#x20AC;˘ Psychology â&#x20AC;˘ Therapy stopped. was now 12:10 we WKDQ PLQXWHV EHIRUH RXU Ă LJKW :H were leavingItan airplane afterand a for twenty years, but this vehicle utesbeen froma surgeon the airport. I started driving. Receive the Benefit of 30 Years of Experience. a second try. long flight, a flight attendant took us RXU Ă LJKW ZDV DW :H ZHUH VWLOO DW iswork a firstafter for me!â&#x20AC;? Individual, Couple & Family Counseling Five minutes later, the tire pressure was got a very sinking feeling inside aside and said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I want you to know that Work & Life Purpose Is 1R OXFN , JRW DQRWKHU Ă&#x20AC;YH PLQit possible for Joyce and me to least Anxiety BeÂ&#x160;Y @Wiio" F^:" C<J & Depression 35 minutes from the airport, and Addiction Issues Grief & Crisis obviously too low to continue drivhowthe much be so deeply in tune with one another planeyou withboth our have familyinspired would leave Receive the Benefit of 30 Years of Experience. utes closer to the airport. (Note toknew Gestalt & Process Therapy Healing Relationships the airlines had a strict policy. me. More than honeymooners who without having to share our afflictions? Individual, Couple & Family Counseling ing. I pulled over and we repeated the Somatic Psychotherapy Conscious Parenting without us,another, and we the would have to wait gush over one two ofinyou ever, without Work & Life Purpose Anxiety Depression I self: hopenever, so. But, forrent me, ait car is really a aWe would not be able to check less EMDR for & Trauma Recovery Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFC 22014) BeÂ&#x160;Y @Wiio" F^:" C<J SURFHVV KRSLQJ WKH ´à DW Ă&#x20AC;[HUÂľ PLJKW Addiction Issues Grief & Crisis until the next day, notoplace have a closeness that with seems blessto stay y small price to pay for the depth of our s s spare tire!) a J Gestalt & Process Therapy Healingthe Relationships WKDQ PLQXWHV EHIRUH RXU Ă LJKW :H Receive Benefit of 30 Years of Experience. c ĂŻ o L everyone thisto plane. I hope someday work after a second try. connection. We both feel the rewards far and nooncar drive. Somatic Psychotherapy Conscious Parenting Individual, Couple & Family Counseling PhD HdfjZa -(& ),."()') Â&#x2122; Adh <Vidh )%- (.*")++' Now recognized we were ingot I can have sinking this kindfeeling of closeness a very insidewith that outweigh thewe problems. Our closeness EMDR for Trauma Recovery Licensed Marriage Family Therapist (MFC 22014) Work & Lifeand Purpose Anxiety & Depression 1R OXFN , JRW DQRWKHU Ă&#x20AC;YH PLQAn old white van pulled up with a beloved.â&#x20AC;? Addiction Issues isWURXEOH -RKQ 1XUL¡V Ă LJKW ZDV WZHQW\ a source of abundant love. One look the & Crisis ssy Grief plane with our family would leave utes closer to the airport. (Note to LoĂŻc JaP Gestalt & Process Therapy Healing Relationships We Hawaiian hugged hermen. and askedFW][ (for this two HdfjZa -(& ),."()') Â&#x2122; Adh <Vidh )%- (.*")++' into eachearlier otherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;sthan eyes andsowe hD minutes ours, weoften neededwithout Somatic Psychotherapy Conscious Parenting us, and we would have to wait Continued on Next Page what therent othera is self:know never, ever, carthinking. withoutOur a EMDR for Trauma Recovery Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFC 22014) FW][ (, y 9edd[Yj_ed CW]Wp_d[ y mmm$9edd[Yj_edCW]p$Yec y <WY[Xeea$Yec%9edd[Yj_edEdb_d[ y @kd[ (&', FW][ (, h 9edd[Yj_ed CW]Wp_d[ h mmm$9edd[Yj_edCW]p$Yec h <WY[Xeea$Yec%9edd[Yj_edEdb_d[ h @kd[ (&', Page 24 â&#x2122;Ľ Connection Magazine â&#x2122;Ľ www.ConnectionMagz.com â&#x2122;Ľ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline â&#x2122;Ľ July 2016 until the next day, with no place to stay y ss spare tire!) LoĂŻc JaP and no car to drive. hD HdfjZa -(& ),."()') Â&#x2122; Adh <Vidh )%- (.*")++' Now we recognized we were in An old white van pulled up with WURXEOH -RKQ 1XUL¡V Ă LJKW ZDV WZHQW\
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Doing what Evolution Matters Emotional
² DW ZRUN DQG DW KRPH ² LV by Karin Leonard by Karin Leonard ensues. Experiment with receiving the HQHUJL]LQJ H[FLWLQJ DQG R Emotional \RX Ă&#x20AC;QG \RX DUH mastery is one of the messages within your emotions - what SURGXFWLYH 5HĂ HFW IRU D FRQVWDQWO\ EXV\ \HW most challenging, and at the same is the learning? Notice what brings you time, richly rewarding aspects of fulfillment and happiness. PRPHQW ZKDW DUH \RXU IHHO WKDW \RX DUH QRW self-development. How often do Discovering ChoiceDW WKLV KLJKHVW SULRULWLHV JHWWLQJ weHQRXJK GRQH" set goals only to $UH experience a whole other agenda taking WLPH LQ \RXU OLIH ERWK \RX ZRUNLQJ WRR PDQ\ KRXUV Points over: the grip of powerful Emotional experience is SHUVRQDOO\ DQG SURIHVVLRQHDFK ZHHN ZLWKRXW UHDFKLQJ currents within our psyche. greatly influenced by thought. DOO\" 2I WKHVH your SULRULWLHV WKH VXFFHVV \RX ZDQW" 'R Whether weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re trying to You can process feelings motivate ourselves for a new and decide on aYDOXH courseWKH of ZKLFK GR \RX \RXU UHODWLRQVKLSV KHDOWK project, wanting to changeKarin Leonard action. However, at times PRVW" $QG GR \RXU PDLQ DQG VSLULW VXIIHU EHFDXVH RI habits or stop picking fights you may become intensely FRQFHUQV JHW HQRXJK DWWHQWLRQ" WRR PXFK WLPH DW ZRUN" 7DNH VKHOWHU with our partner, just pushing â&#x20AC;&#x153;triggered,â&#x20AC;? and feel out of our emotions away wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Karin Leonard control. (Daniel Goleman in IURP WKH VWRUP IRU D IHZ PLQXWHV DQG Work Smarter, not Harder! work for long. his brilliant book Emotional UHDG RQ )RU EXV\ SURIHVVLRQDOV PR3XWWLQJ LQ PRUH KRXUV GRHV QRW Intelligence calls that â&#x20AC;&#x153;Emotional Emotional Origins PHQWV RI LQWURVSHFWLRQ DQG UHĂ HFWLRQ Hijackingâ&#x20AC;?). Many emotional responses can beQHFHVVDULO\ HTXDO JUHDWHU UHVXOWV 7KH In the instance of an angry outburst DUH ZRUWK JROG traced back to childhood, where theyTXHVWLRQ LV $UH \RX IRFXVHG RQ \RXU a protective mechanism takes over. served a valuable function: to make In that moment, the amygdala or Discover sense Priorities out of this earthling experience.SULRULWLHV" :H FDQ EH YHU\ HIĂ&#x20AC;FLHQW emotional brain directs action without :KHQ FDXJKW RQ WKH ´KDPVWHU You may have found out, for example,ZLWKRXW EHLQJ HIIHFWLYH )RU H[DPSOH first going through the thinking brain that throwing a temper tantrum could get ZKHHOÂľ RI ZRUN DQG HQGOHVV WKLQJV \RX FDQ PDNH JUHDW SURJUHVV DW FOLPE(neocortex). For early cave man this you what you want. Or, the expression was an advantage â&#x20AC;&#x201C; an immediate WR GR LW LV GLIĂ&#x20AC;FXOW WR KROG WKH IRFXV of anger may not have been allowed inLQJ D VWHHS ODGGHU EXW ZKDW LI LW OHDQV reaction to danger. Today, reacting yourPDWWHUV family and you learnedJRDOV to stuff it.DJDLQVW WKH ZURQJ EXLOGLQJÂŤ" (DFK RQ ZKDW ,PSRUWDQW before we think can get us into serious Crying could then be an attempt to get DQG REMHFWLYHV PD\ JHW ORVW LQ WKH PRUQLQJ WDNH WKH Ă&#x20AC;UVW IHZ PLQXWHV WR trouble. Nonetheless, our biology your needs met, or depression may hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t changed that much in the last XUJHQF\ RI from Ă&#x20AC;UHV the QHHGLQJ WR EH SXW GHFLGH RQ WKH GD\¡V SULRULWLHV 7KHQ result unexpressed feelings. 30,000 years. In terms of evolution, emotions WR WKRVH LWHPV Ă&#x20AC;UVW evolution 7DFNOH RXW <HW ZKHQ VLJQLĂ&#x20AC;FDQW GUHDPV DQG DWWHQG This is where emotional serve as a feedback system, and comes in: youWDVN may not beWKH ableRQH to change KDUGHVW RU \RX VRXOIXO LQWHQWLRQV JHW VTXHH]HG RXW E\ along with rational faculties, guide the\RXU brain anatomy, yet you hold the key to EXV\QHVV ZH PD\ IHHO HPSW\ GUDLQHG decision making process. â&#x20AC;&#x153;EmergencyGUHDG WKH PRVW LQ WKH PRUQLQJ DQG your personal development through emotionsâ&#x20AC;? such as intense fear or angerWKH UHVW RI \RXU GD\ ZLOO VHHP OLNH D DQG GHSUHVVHG 'RLQJ ZKDW PDWWHUV awareness and choice. Evolution has
originate in one of the older brain parts, become a conscious, self- directed the amygdala. The intention of these up to you and me. feelings Page 26 is often protective, ensuring process, In case of an â&#x20AC;&#x153;Emotional Hijacking,â&#x20AC;? survival: fear prevents danger, and slow down the time between emotional ,W anger ZDV provides D VRQ SHUKDSV strength LQ to KLV defendKDYH \RXU EDFN Âľ 7KLV ZDV \HW DQRWKHU trigger and response. When you notice ourselves. IRUWLHV DQG KLV HOGHUO\ IDWKHU 7KH\ RSSRUWXQLW\ WR WUXVW you are getting worked up, do something - anything - to not respond right away: OLVWHQHG WR RXU VDG VWRU\ DQG DJUHHG +HUH DUH D IHZ RSSRUWXQLWLHV WR Granted, emotions are puzzling, take a deep breath, go outside, hang up WR WDNH XV WR WKH DLUSRUW 7KH VRQ WROG EULQJ PRUH ORYH DQG JURZWK LQWR \RXU even overwhelming at times. the phone - give yourself time to think XV KH GRXEWHG ZH they ZRXOG LW LQ DW WKH IROORZLQJ HYHQWV Nonetheless arePDNH valuable as aOLIH about it. Chances areORQJHU your results will finely tuned guidance system. Besides,OHG E\ %DUU\ DQG -R\FH 9LVVHOO be much more constructive. WLPH IRU WKH Ă LJKW EXW WKH IDWKHU VDLG June feelings add color and aliveness to the The great work of personal evolution ´/HW¡V JLYH LW D WU\ Âľ DQG RII ZH ZHQW 4-11â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Alaska everyday experience. challenges us toâ&#x20AC;&#x153;Inside bridge the Messageâ&#x20AC;? gap between Emotions also a call toZH action,Cruise; :H WROG WKHP are KRZ JUDWHIXO Jul and 17-22 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Shared Heart emotions mind. We are evolving and as you understand the informationSummer the useRetreat of our brains, learning to value ZHUH DQG WKH VRQ VDLG ´,¡YH OHDUQHG DW %UHLWHQEXVK +RW contained within them, their impact emotions as much as thoughts. It is WKDW DOO RI OLIH LV PHDQW WR EH OLYHG LQ Oct 14-20â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Assisi Retends to lessen. Take anger, for6SULQJV 25 through integration that mastery occurs. example. WhatLV isWKH the NH\ information? ForItaly; sunrise and5-12, sunset both announce JUDWLWXGH *UDWLWXGH WR D treat, Feb 2017â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Hawaii Did someone overstep a boundary or the beginning of something new. And JRRG OLIH Âľ :KHQ DVNHG LI ZH anger FRXOG Retreat value? The energy behind tendsCouples who is to say that the sun dancing on SD\ WKHP WKH IDWKHU VDLG WKDW WKH EHVW Barry Vissell D QXUVH to be protective of all we hold dear - the theJoyce ocean& waves is more beautiful than intention tends to be positive. However,WKHUDSLVW the exquisite of moonlit silver SD\PHQW ZRXOG EH WR ´SD\ LW IRUZDUGÂľ DQG elegance SV\FKLDWULVW FRXSOH how you deal with the anger may not in the night... DQG KHOS VRPHRQH HOVH VLQFH DUH FRXQVHORUV QHDU 6DQWD be effective. Karin H. Leonard is a professional how RI about unhappiness what&UX] 7KH Or WRZQ 3DLD ZKLFK -LV &$ ZKR DUH ZLGHO\ and UHJDUGHG coach, personal consultant seminar is the information? Not living upDV DPRQJ WKH ZRUOG¡V WRS H[SHUWV RQ leader, with 26 years of experience in QRUPDOO\ YHU\ FRQJHVWHG ZLWK WUDIĂ&#x20AC;F to your own standards? Are your coaching, hypnosis, NLP and conducting ZDV WRWDOO\ FOHDU DQG ZH VDLOHG ULJKW UHODWLRQVKLS DQG SHUVRQDO needs not getting met? EmotionsFRQVFLRXV workshops. Karin is a popular speaker, areZKDW key FDQ to fulfillment - they KDOI let youJURZWK 7KH\ DUH WKH DXWKRUV RI and available for a variety of seminars, WKURXJK WDNH DQ H[WUD The know whether you are honoring your including coaching skills. Office located KRXU 7KH VRQ NQHZ RI D VKRUW FXW WKDW Shared Heart, Models of Love, Risk deepest desires and needs. The soulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in Santa Cruz. (831) 724-5400. Visit ZDV MXVW FRPSOHWHG +H PLUDFXORXVO\ Healed, The Heartâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Wisdom, longing is for expression of potential.to Be Karinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website at www.InnerEvolution. When you are on that path, happinessMeant com.to Be, DQG A Motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Final JRW XV WR WKH DLUSRUW RQH PLQXWH EHIRUH
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Emotions as Feedback
The Heartâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Wisdom, Meant to Be, and Is It Closenessâ&#x20AC;Ś or Codependence? WKH PLQXWH GHDGOLQH 7KH +DZDLA Motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Final Gift. to come true for her. We said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Just byGift Call Toll-Free1(800) 1-800-766-0629 LDQV WROG XV WR UXQ DQG ZH WRRN RII 7KH Call Toll-Free 766-0629 recognizing this deep love in us, you are (locally 831-684-2299) or write to right now drawing a very special belovedlocally JDWH DJHQWV WRRN RXU EDJV DQG DJDLQ (831) 684-2299 RU ZULWH WR WKH the Shared Heart Foundation, P.O. into your life.â&#x20AC;? Box 2140, CA 95001, for %R[ free WROG XV WR KXUU\ DV IDVW DV ZH FRXOG +HDUW Aptos, )RXQGDWLRQ 3 2 We left that plane smiling ear to6KDUHG newsletter from Barry and Joyce, further ear. :H ZHUH WKH ODVW SHRSOH RQ WKH $SWRV &$ IRU IXUWKHU information on counseling sessions Joyce & Barry Vissell, a nurse/LQIRUPDWLRQ SODQH VZHDWLQJ DQG RXW RI EUHDWK EXW RQ inFRXQVHOLQJ VHVVLRQV by phone or person, their books, therapist and psychiatrist couple since recordings or their schedule of talks ZH PDGH LW 2XU FKLOGUHQ ZHUH WKULOOHG SKRQH RU LQ SHUVRQ WKHLU ERRNV 1964, are counselors near Santa Cruz,E\ and workshops. Visit their web site at CA, who are widely regarded as among DQG VXUSULVHG $V , VDW LQ P\ VHDW DQG UHFRUGLQJV RU WKHLU VFKHGXOH RI WDONV SharedHeart.org for their free monthly the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s top experts on conscious e-heartletter, their updated schedule, FORVHG P\ H\HV , GLVWLQFWO\ KHDUG P\ DQG ZRUNVKRSV 9LVLW WKHLU ZHE VLWH DW relationship and personal growth. They and inspiring past articles on many LQQHU YRLFH TXLHWO\ VD\ ´7UXVW 0H , IRU WKHLU IUHH PRQWKO\ are the authors of The Shared Heart,6KDUHG+HDUW RUJ topics about relationship and living from
Models of Love, Risk to Be Healed,
the heart.
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The Feng Shui Bagua: Your Life ReflectsbaguaYour Home. can be ap- to remodel and any area of by Megan Montero
plied to a buildid you ing, site or room k n o w to reveal the arthere is a eas of strength place in your home and weakness related to your of the space. health? Your fiAdjusting the nances? Even your chi can correct reputation? Every Megan Montero the imbalances aspect of your life in the space and is directly related to a specific place in your strengthen the corresponding home. We mirror our home life area. Bathrooms, fireand our home reflects our places, and clutter in certain personal strengths and weak- areas of the bagua can have nesses. Sometimes our best a negative effect. Would you efforts at moving forward want to keep all of your clutin life are thwarted because ter if you knew it was in your our living space holds us in Wealth area inhibiting your an old pattern. For example, prosperity? If your house is an irif your deepest longing is to find your life partner, but be- regular shape, applying the cause the shape of your home bagua to your space may is missing the area related to reveal that part of the bamarriage, then the lack of gua is actually outside your marriage chi (energy) will house, indicating that you interfere with your intention are missing that area of the to be in a fulfilling relation- bagua. This was the case in ship. Adjusting the Feng the earlier example about Shui of your living space marriage and relationship. will support you in changing Or you may find that part of long standing personal issues your house is outside the baand help you move toward gua indicating an area of the bagua is enhanced. Missing your goals. The bagua is a map any area of the bagua will that shows how our physical correspond with having a environment corresponds lack of vitality and support with different aspects of our in the corresponding area life; Career, Self Knowledge, of your life because the chi Family, Wealth, Reputation, is missing in the home. The Marriage & Relationship, good news is that a missing Creative Projects, Helpful area of the bagua can be People and Health. The corrected without having
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the bagua can be enhanced to bring extra vitality and support to the corresponding area of your life. Phew! Call me for help with reading the bagua or your space and for Feng Shui solutions to correct missing bagua areas. A client of mine discovered that the side of her hundred-year-old house, which happened to be her Wealth corner, was rotten and growing mushrooms. As her partner was replacing the siding and laying a foundation because there was none to begin with, my clients ex-husband returned her phone call about some financial matters. After years of saying no, he agreed to pay the back payments he owed her and was willing to create a much larger retirement account for her than she requested. Her ex-husband also agreed to make a loan to her mother, thus taking financial pressure of my client. Sometimes good Feng Shui is as easy as taking good care of your house and cleaning things up! For Feng Shui and Home Organizing advice tailored to your specific situation contact Megan at (831) 588-5424 or megan@ windandwaterblessings.com. Megan Montero is a Feng Shui consultant, a Home Organizer, a Plant Spirit Medicine Healer and a Weather Worker in the Nahua tradition of Mexico. She practices in the Santa Cruz and Monterey Bay areas, and by phone or Skype. Learn more about her services and events at www.windandwaterblessings.com and to sign up for her Wind & Water Blessings Newsletters to receive Megan’ Top 9 Feng Shui Tips for Restoring Harmony to Your Home.
Page 26 ♥ Connection Magazine ♥ www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline ♥ July 2016
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When Doctors Donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t A Know What is Wrong
by Christopher Love fervent about. Lets say you relish a friendly game of billiards and re you passionate about your colleagues invite you for something? Is there anyan evening at the local pool hall. thing in your life that you You eagerly reply yes, knowing would be passionate about if you that you have a deadline at work knew how to manage it, meaning, or school and you will have to make it work in your life? Have up sexual all night drinking you had passions and allowed sexual abusestay and trauma,strong and coffee to accomplish your task. them to be consumed by dust, those with significant history of drug small percentage of people In this instance your passion for forgotten or perhaps consciously superseded your rational thought to take abandoned? Perhaps you have been overboard andards alcohol abuse are more likely to experience an array of condi- billi care of your physical health and give your best about a passion to the point of obsession? Passion hours to the project at hand. can be a wonderful thing, a crazy thing, fall victim. tions and symptoms thata power can- wakeful Passionate people can be inspiring. They for inspiration or a train bound for destruction. In my clinical patients not be grouped can practice also come on too When diving in intoone the category to meet us to embrace deeper meanings of words conditions. The who are diagnosedstrong withfor Somatization any known medical them fully or for us to and concepts I like to begin Disorder often do report illness of these people is get behind whatever they ZLWK GHĂ&#x20AC; QLWLRQV DV D SRLQW are relating. Sometimes of reference. Webster ada significant history of often non-treatable with being with passionate dresses passion like this: people with is like chronic riding a 1) a strong feeling of en-unstruggles conventional or even train, as there is only one thusiasm or excitement traumatic events or conventional track. We may have confor something. 2) medicine. a strong cepts in our minds about feeling that causes you to self-destructive coping The following are often passionate people being act in a dangerous way. mechanisms. When left reported symptoms a little nuts and therefore :KDW , as Ă&#x20AC; QG LQWHUHVW negate our own passions ing is that the Latin root of untreated and unadthat occur in conjuncso we can be â&#x20AC;&#x153;normalâ&#x20AC;? the word is patere, which DQG ´Ă&#x20AC; W LQ Âľ meansalthough â&#x20AC;&#x153;to suffer.â&#x20AC;? dressed, such struggles tion, notI canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t always On the positive side, help but wonder if there is morph can intolead Somain an organized manner. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The goal is to live a can passion us to a correlation here between passionate life that is tization purpose, an understandfollowing ones passion Disorder over Pain symptoms ing of how we can serve and difficulty. Some say centered and balanced.â&#x20AC;? our worldThe whilehidden we are you persist must be such willing the years. that as to joint H[SHULHQFH SDLQ LQ RUGHU WR IXOO\ EHQHĂ&#x20AC; W IURP WKH here. Purpose and service are known ingredients emotions oftenIn in the people formwho of pain, in long lastingare happiness. contrast, gifts thatheadaches, pleasures bring.abdominal In my own life pain, I must have embraced their passions, have report thatpain, upon pain returning from the land of the somenottype of disappointment overnever the rectum during intercourse taken the time to know them or have pushed broken-hearted I have found a greater capacity wayoff things have turned out, some or some or urination or love. during them to the side in order to follow other to give and receive Now menstruation. I have a reference often not happy with their work, their point for what is love, what is real and what is a type ofaresevere grief that has not been Gastrointestinal symptoms that show agenda, relationships or their lives. charade; spoken or acted from misguided desire Paul Hudson, article he posted in the or manipulation for personal gain. What is your healed, but hasin an instead been forced up unexpectedly and donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t respond Elite Daily, puts it like this: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Being passionate is experience? upon the person. It is also a FXOW WR GHDO form of to medicine or medical findings LPSRUWDQW LQ OLIH EXW LW DOVR FDQ EH GLIĂ&#x20AC; On a practical level, I have to say thatsuch when with. Just like with all good things, too of I experience deep love, desire or passion for maintaining oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s opposition ormuch anger as nausea, a bloating, vomiting, diarit can be damaging. However, passionate people, something I am more motivated to engage the actowarddosomeone, orthan some rhea, and intolerance ofpsychology several foods. overall, live happiersomething, and better lives the tivity. In work or occupation, reports give us purpose, but tell us that individuals that have some degree of turn ofindividual. events inPassions the past. Sexual or reproductive symptoms that average more than that, they make us feel that we have passion for the work they do are happier people, purpose in our lives. passionateif isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just are more productive and maintain a healthier One way Being to examine your are non-responsive to medications about knowingâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s also about feeling. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s psychological nature and attitude. incurable medical symptoms posuchWhat as of sexual erectileor what makes passions so important; theyare make us passionindifference, to the point of obsession feel that weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re on the path in life and give us fanaticism? It may be that you know someone like tentially due toright unresolved hidden or ejaculatory dysfunction, irregular hope for a happy and exciting future.â&#x20AC;? this, someone who just canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t change the subject; Passion, is purpose and happiness in the their subject of enthusiasm is the onlyand thingdifthey emotions to use a Cost are Benefit menses, painful intercourse same family. Rather than denying passion for are willing to talk about. People who become Analysis (David Burns, Feelinggood. ficulty achieving orgasm. some false sense of safety and living a less than consumed by their pursuits can be in jeopardy of meaningful existence, we must learn how to live loosing touch with their humanity and the social com) where you would examine Exceptionally unusual neurowith passion and remain centered. Take some time graces of interpersonal relationships. The danger theweek advantages disadvantages logical symptoms like paralysis or lo- this to tune in withand your heart and ask youris that heir cause, project or endeavor can become your passions are and to what degree the only thing they are interested in, possibly to of what changing your negative feelings calized weakness, difficulty swallow- self you are living them? Support yourself to know the point of isolation. Is this what we fear? That your and to feed nurture them. With if we give ourselves to our deepest desire that we suchpassions as anger or and sadness against ing, urinary retention, double vision, practice we can be truly happy by living a healthy, will become out of balance, untethered to reality your medical symptoms. You might dizziness and impaired coordinapassionate life that is centered and balanced. This, and doomed to live or a fractioned, tunnel vision life? is a greatto service to humanity. momentsfatigue in my life and when passion beitself, surprised notice the number of tion,I have andhad general sleep in Mr. Love is a mentor, educator & meditabecame obsessions. In addition to such behavior disadvantages getting rid ofthrough your disturbances. instructor whoinenjoys teaching EHLQJ GLIĂ&#x20AC; FXOW IRU IDPLO\ DQG IULHQGV WKLV ZD\ RI tion learning environments, Love@ living can be accompanied by the degradation of anger or sadness against your mediThere used to be a name for experiential DevotionalLiving.org. physical well being. The person who becomes lost above to obsession will of often forego sleep, conditions. In other words, your the cluster symptoms in food the cal EDITORâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S NOTE: and other necessary elements of maintaining We apologizedisorder to Christopher Love for somatization is acting asthea diagnostic book of mental illnesses, political physical health. graphic that we had in his Article last The signsitof thiscalled type of Somatization behavior are not protective layer against facing those (DSM-IV), was month as he would not have chosen it himself. always as drastic as someone holed up in a room He had some lovely photos that we did not utilize for days working on a book. It canthe be asabove simple hidden emotions are particularly Disorder. Suffering from as we could have done.that We appreciate his lovely as someone forsaking an important responsibilColumn hope that psychotherapy you do, too! Thank can you, painful.andCareful conditions can sometimes behedue ity to engage in a social activity that or shetois Pattie Mills
by G. Katie Dashtban, Psy.D.
G. Katie Dashtban, Psy.D.
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those hidden psychic pain. Psychic pain is REAL; help address azineOnline.com V Facebook/ConnectionOnline V March â&#x20AC;&#x201D; unresolved April 8, 2015 but its treatment is specific. In modern psychology there is less mention of psychic pain primarily because such concepts cannot be easily verified by evidence-based research and methods. Most recently however, a different phrase, Hidden Emotions, which was first cited in the research of David Burns, M.D, unveils a lot. Hidden emotions are clearly â&#x20AC;&#x153;hiddenâ&#x20AC;? from the conscious awareness, and yet they are the driving force for many behavioral, cognitive and in this case medical symptoms. Patients with history of trauma or childhood adversarial conditions, those with history of
emotions such as grief, anger, disappointment, despair, fear and sadness. At that point, the psychic pain is no longer un-addressed, therefore it will no longer be poking itself out through un-organized and vague and incurable medical symptoms. My name is Dr. Katie Dashtban, licensed clinical health psychologist. I have offices in Santa Cruz, Mt View and Fremont where I am the co-founder of Feeling Good Therapy & Training Center of Fremont. Call (831) 6211150, or for more information visit: www.medicalpsychologyservice.com and www.feelinggoodtherapy.com
Page 27 â&#x2122;Ľ Connection Magazine â&#x2122;Ľ www.ConnectionMagz.com â&#x2122;Ľ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline â&#x2122;Ľ July 2016
Supporting Health with Organic Produce A CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS SH/OP is a local non-profit organization providing organic produce for people with cancer, HIV/AIDS, and autoimmune disorders. Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re short-staffed after the loss of key volunteers who have graduated or moved. For our third season, weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re appealing to the community to make our Saturday distributions possible, starting bi-monthly.
vidence is now appearing that much of C O N TAC T produceforhealth@gmail.com what we have been taught to believe in the areas of Energy, Support the Businesses that are Green and tell them Science, Medyou saw them in Connection Magazine! icine, AnthroCall (831) 459-0522 to Advertise pology, Archeology, History, Religion and Government is false. Any I N FO
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tionalized forms of the above mentioned departments of organized human endeavors will stop at nothing to preserve their status and control over the present existing paradigm.
Exhibit (A) PYRAMIDS There are literally thousands of pyramids being discovered around the world, some of which have
1,500,000 ton building â&#x20AC;&#x153;collapseâ&#x20AC;?. The â&#x20AC;&#x153;Dustificationâ&#x20AC;? of the concrete, steel and interior furnishings of towers 1 and 2 in mid air and collapse of building 7 presents evidence of a new and novel â&#x20AC;&#x153;Zero Point/Free Energyâ&#x20AC;? similar to that demonstrated by Nikola Tesla in 1909 and John Hutchison recently in 2008. w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / watch?v= c62RYzUgYmQ
â&#x20AC;&#x153;We cannot solve our prob- Exhibit (C.) lems with the same thinking HISTORY/ we used when we created RELIGION them.â&#x20AC;? ~ Albert Einstein Few people person and a ny o rga n i zation which presents this new evidence is attacked, ridiculed and sometimes killed. This has been the nature of human civilization for millennium. There is much at stake
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been carbon dated to before 15,000 BC. The biggest and most recent was thought to be a mountain in Bosnia until it was discovered to be a pyramid in 2008. Many of these pyramids have evidence of precision tool use like diamond saws, drills and the ability to transport massive stone blocks weighing over 1,200 tons that could not be moved today with existing technologies. https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=vu-VIxnNQm8
are aware that the Sumerian Civilization predated the Bible by over 2,000 years and much of the key elements in the Bible, i.e. creation of the Universe, the World, Human Race, God, etc. are obviously taken from the ancient Sumerian history and the Gilgamesh Epic written on clay tablets from this older civilization. Very little is talked about and less taught about this , the oldest known civilization on earth. The reason for this might be that the Sumerian Clay Tablets wrote 7,000 years ago about a race of beings they called the Anunnaki, coming from the sky in vehicles, creating humans through genetic engineering with DNA from primates and themselves and establishing human civilization. This could explain why there seems to be a â&#x20AC;&#x153;missing linkâ&#x20AC;? in the fossil record between primates and Homo sapiens. Such revelations if allowed to propagate through
According to a recent presentation by Dr. Judy Wood PhD Materials Engineering Scientist, the towers at the World Trade Center turned into dust in mid air leaving little debris on the ground. There was Continued on Next Page
Page 28 â&#x2122;Ľ Connection Magazine â&#x2122;Ľ www.ConnectionMagz.com â&#x2122;Ľ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline â&#x2122;Ľ July 2016
Indisputable FACTS about the GMO Labeling law: It would kill the existing Vermont labeling law (and worse) Even the Politico story was very mild in its description of what this Monsanto law actually does. Here are some irrefutable facts about the new law: • The new law would immediately kill the Vermont GMO labeling law due to kick in this Friday, denying the citizens of Vermont the right to know whether they are eating GMOs. • It would permanently outlaw state GMO labeling laws nationwide. • It allows NO LABELING for up to two years while the USDA figures out what sort of labeling to require. • It gives food manufacturers “choices” to use non-humanreadable labels that can only be read by bar code scanners. This allows food companies to hide the truth about GMOs behind digital machine code. • It does not require the GMO labeling of meats or dairy products from animals raised entirely on GMO feed. • It allows the USDA to arbitrarily decide what percentage of GMOs in a food item trigger a required GMO label (or bar code). This level could theoretically be set at 50% or even 90%. • The proposed law was masterminded by Monsanto-influenced lawmakers as a way to destroy state GMO labeling laws while falsely claiming to have a “national GMO labeling mandate” that’s pure fraud. Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/054515_ Whole_Foods_GMO_labeling_bill_Walter_Robb. html#ixzz4D4Z65W4F Go here to take action: https://action.organicconsumers.org/o/50865/p/dia/action3/ common/public/?action_KEY=18302 Paradigm Shift - Continued society would have deep destabilizing effects on established religions throughout the world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= NzANU5iog0Q
Exhibit (D) ALLOPATHIC MEDICINE Most people believe that the existing Allopathic Medical Model is dedicated to relieving suffering and finding cures for diseases. Nothing could be further from the truth. Evidence presented in the recent documentary films “VAXXED; From Cover up to Catastrophe” and “The Truth About Cancer” shows us that the Allopathic Medical Model is seriously corrupted by Vaccine Manufacturers and Pharmaceutical Corporations to maximize their profits at the expense of our health
and well being. Over 36 Naturopathic Doctors in the past two years have paid with their lives for curing cancer, (threatening the profits of the Medical Industrial Complex) and pointing out the many dangers of vaccines. www.vaxxedthemovie.com http:// www.thetruthaboutcancer.com/ http://www.thrivemovement.com/ murdered-holistic-doctors-update.blog These are only a few of the many anomalies appearing daily that contradict the substance and nature of what we have been led and trained to believe. There are many more. When one becomes awake and begins to truly question and investigate the world around them and think for themselves—the truth becomes evident.
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3 THE LOGO more of your money will stay here, so you can spend it again, and again, and again... www.thinklocalsantacruz.org
Heirloom Plants and Your Health by Allen Morgan
Harvesting and Cleaning Seeds Class #4 entitled Saving Your Seeds (which includes a Potluck Crop Swap) will happen at the Native Revival Nursery in Aptos on Saturday, August 20, 2016. Open to all. There are two options for class times: 11:00am-12:00pm or 1:30pm-2:30pm. Cost: $15 per person if purchased in advance or $20 on day of event. Registration at NativeRevival@sbcglobal.net (not required but recommended as classes do fill up) sink to the bottom as they by Allen Morgan Extraction
are heavier than the liquid mix. Each time the mash is stirred the mature seeds will be re-suspended, but will stink back to the bottom of the jar as the mix settles. Fermentation is complete when most of the mature seeds have sunk to the bottom. Rinsing and Drying This step begins by adding small amounts of to the mash has it fer“Prop 37 – Right to Know; Labelwater GMO ments. Once the pulp and Campaign” Did It Win or Did Itimmature Lose?seed flow to the top, they should be poured ditor’s NOTE: off. The process end with THANK YOU TO ALL OF Two tools for saving tomato seeds, open glass most of the good seeds on THE VALIANT VOLUNjar and wire strainer. TEERS THAT EDUCATED PEOthe bottom. These seed are PLE ABOUT GMOs and OUR benefits of Time-honglass jar after slicing and then transfer to a strainer RIGHT TO HAVE OUR FOOD LABELED SO WE CAN ored methods and MAKE tradi- squeezing the fruit to ex- and rinsed under water unOUR CHOICES! tionOWN to gather andTHANK clean pose flesh. Remove flesh til they are cleaned. Finally YOU ONE AND ALL!!! seeds from their favorite leaving seeds and juice the seed should be spread Did Prop 37 fail or win? out on paper to dry. Stir crops. They reap what mash. Though support at the ballot occasionally to prevent they have sown. box was 43% pro PROP 37 and 57% sticking together. One against Propcategories 37, that ‘otherofside of The two seed dry the seeds are ready for crooks, lying liars and 1%’ did not cleaning are dry-fruit and really win. WHY? Because even if storage in glass jar in cool fleshy-fruit. To begin our their products are not clearly labeled dark area. ascollection, to having GMOs, now know I willwestart with The fermenting WHO they are!. our favorite, fruit the toWe hope you have saved our mash may begin to smell mato. Magazine from last Connection foul or attract fruit flies, so Allen Morgan The seed are embedded in month’s October 2012 Issue as the according to the California Secretary • Larabar and more. place on ways, porch in the gaCover a chart fromthe the CornuIn many theor “YES on 37 measures results. The the has flesh or in cavity of State ballot Fermentation copia Institute on it to spell out who GMO labeling ballot measure, which Campaign” rage with enough warmth. was a huge victory for of the fruit. The biological Place jar in a warm spot Gardeners harvest provide not only a bounty for eating, but also, the
Cut the tomato across the middle to expose their seeds. Place in a open
E GMOs cannot be considered safe until there are valid, nonpropriatary, long-term studies of their effects on humans and the environment!
Page 30 ♥ Connection Magazine ♥
is who (that is also online on our would have required food companies awareness. The campaign organized maturity of the can tobetween to 85 degrees. website). And, with all of fruit the Articles Where to Purchase Seeds Nearly 10,000 volunteers infrom California label the GM70 content of foods, was over that have from read in market various defeated be people different andVarieties succeeded in achieving The process take one alone200 with the usewill of over $45 milof Heirloom Seeds. a magazines/newspapers, of the lion in fraudulent advertising and dirty massive socialNursey media -presence. Native Revival ready crops. Soand weallmust to three days. educating the marvelous Volunteers tricks funded by on CA. 37 Campaign” MarThe Vista“YES Dr. Aptos. allow the plant to go beStir the mash a few time a have done to inform us, etc.—let us also forced Monsanto and the bio• Monsanto, NativeRevival@sbcglobal.net yond eatable stage, into its day. A know who the greedy corporations white mold will ap- tech to - spend $45 million to • PepsiCo, Allengiants Morgan are (and with period. ulterior motives—we the measure. That’s@hotmail. a record Coca-Cola, decaying We will pear • on the surface that defeat SantaCruzHeirloomSeed are ‘in the KNOW’ ??!!. Below, expenditure by the world’s largest • Kellogg, focus on the three steps to com aids in the fermentation of you’ll see a number of the greedy toxic pesticide companies to try to • General Mills, Seed Savers Exchange: fermenting tomato the seed. As the mix sepa- prevent corporations. NOW, peopleseeds. know!! consumers from knowing • DuPont, www.Seedsaver.org/ Read on and you’ll nd out about they’re buying. Remember: Bayergood and rates• the seeds will what the lies. We encourage one and all GMOs are the only products that • other food and to BOYCOTT♥ the Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ July purchase 2016 consumers accidentally • pesticide companies. corporations and Over the last month, this cabal without knowing what they’re their GMO-poi- of deceptive companies has funneled buying. soned products. What’s clear from all this is that money into a campaign of criminal
Creating Space with a Geodesic Dome
r the Do e d
it is structurally superior and portable too. The ease of construction could inspire some to go big and eventually build their very own geodesic dome home. Our larger projects include water capture systems, compostable toilets, air exchange temperature control, and solar power systems. You may want to learn more about these systems and living in a dome once you experience the feeling of going round. Some may eventually decide to get out of the box and off the grid. We plan to have our first models ready by the end of summer. We will be providing the process and plans online as an open source venture to persuade any and all into the realm of geodesic dome building. More importantly, we hope that these domes will spread and be seen as a symbol of what is to come. Experiencing a new way of building self sustainable sensible homes is the beginning of a future where we provide for all of our common needs and solve our biggest problems without the complicated crumbling system currently in place. Aaron Carvajal is the Founder of Future of the Free and Under the Dome. See how we are taking action today by visiting future at www.futureofthefree.com and e-mail us at connect@ futureofthefree.com.
ic wood triangles that have roofing or windows. These are the same design as used on the larger dome homes. This creates an insulated and quiet space that could accommodate many uses such as a play area, music room, cabana etc. Panels are easily customizable to provide windows where
by Aaron Carvajal e are planning dome builds at various sites where water, inexpensive land, and permissive building regulations all meet. However, these areas are typically outside where most people live and work. These locations are often off grid and are an average of an hour traveling distance from major metropolitan hubs. Most folks live within the grid, but would like to build a geodesic dome for an aquaponic garden, a meditation area, storage, tool shop, play house, or extra room for you name it. To fill this need we are designing a 12 foot diameter portable dome kit that is small enough to build without permits in most areas, but big enough to do a whole lot. We found many like the idea of a self sustainable dome home, but are not able or ready to make the plunge into living off grid anytime soon. So, we decided to create a small portable dome design to introduce folks to the ease, beauty, and functionality of a dome building. The process is as educational as it is useful. Putting together a smaller version of the dome home is a great way to get started on your path to self sufficiency. The frame is steel tubing which can be covered with Insulated magnet-
you want them. Alternately the dome could be covered with polycarbonate panels, ETFE, woven poly, Tyvek, and other creative covering materials and methods.
Aaron Carvajal There are a variety of uses such as a greenhouse, jacuzzi room, sun room or whatever your kick is. Building an accessory building as a dome structure is not only a much nicer sight then a tool shed,
Page 31 ♥ Connection Magazine ♥ www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline ♥ July 2016
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Intuitive Insights: Looking Within
C by
of T he G endron T arot for intro- more to learn, more to expespection rience and express, more life is an in- to live, more love to give. vitation to Life is a mystery and each attract the moment is a new discovery. authentic There are so many Melanie Gendron self. beautiful expressions of our I do divine Source, of which each continue to utilize mirror of us is one. It is empowergazing and self talk to know ing to look in the mirror and more about this life walk. I say, “I am that Energy; that I have a full length mirror on Am—that One. the wall opposite my bed; Blessings, Melanie and as I write, I can look up and see me watching me. There is no place to hide from myself, the good, the bad and the not so lovely. I highly recommend mirror gazing for self analysis and self knowledge. Contemplating oneself, getting acquainted with you can lead to self acceptance and self love. Becoming the One Melanie Gendron is Self we are meant to be is a available for intuitive tarot personal journey, one’s own readings, offering also art, story to become enlightened, unique gifts, tarot services and it is a never ending story. and products, (831) 335The more I live, the 9064, email gentarot@commore I know there is much cast.net, visit www.melaniegendron. com. T h e personified tarot cards in This Fool’s Journey talk about themselves, making the archetypes accessible to the reader. The line drawings of the Gendron Tarot major arcana make this book a visual as well as consciously expansive treat. —John Gray, Author o f M e n A re f ro m M a r s , Wo m e n A re from Venus
M elanie G endron , C reator
ontemplating the past, I experience a plethora of emotion considering the misconceptions and missed or ignored opportunities that helped write my personal soap opera, as well as the stellar moments of life well lived. Life reveals in a series of vignettes, stories that build upon each other to weave a tapestry of expression. Soap operas perpetuate through people behaving erroneously, creating drama to experience and acquire knowledge. We learn what not to do often by doing what we should not. I get tired of me getting tired of me repeating actions that do not bode my greatest good. Yet certain indulgences provide comfort like spaghetti when stressed. Through years of operations, bed rest and recovery, I met me in the mirror questioning my existence, seeking a reason for being. Looking within bears fruit,
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60+ ACTS FROM 18 COUNTRIES ON 7 STAGES Bruce Cockburn • Hayes Carll • Lord Huron The new pornographers • Little Scream Martin and Eliza Carthy • M. Ward • Jojo Abot R a m y Es s a m • T h e Wa i n w r i g h t S i s t e r s Oh Pep! • Shane Koyczan and the Short story long Oysterband • Land of Talk • Lisa O’Neill Lee Fields and the Expressions • Faris Amine Jolie Holland and Samantha Parton • San Fermin Betsayda Machado Y La Parranda el Clavo Kaumakaiwa Kanaka‘ole • Leftover Salmon Geoff Berner • Mexican Institute of Sound Nahko and Medicine for the People • Chris Pureka The Harpoonist & the Axe Murderer • Lakou Mizik Yemen Blues • I draw slow • THE BILLS • Lucy Ward Moulettes • The Crooked Brothers • Sarah Jane Scouten
Elida Almeida • The Americans • Birds of Chicago • Élage Diouf Trad.Attack! • Les Noces Gitanes • Cian Nugent • Henry Wagons C.W. Stoneking • Young’uns Terra Lightfoot • Ajinai Twin Bandit • Mike Edel Ten Strings and a Goat Skin The Ragpicker String band Mandolin Orange • Karim Saada Emilie and Ogden • Dominique Fricot Les Hay Babies • Martin Harley Hubby Jenkins • Lisa LeBlanc The Weather Station Flavia Nascimento EARLY BIRD TICKETS TO JUNE 4
by Karin Leonard & Daniel Robin ach month, we select our favorite or otherwise important films to be featured on this page. We rate them, subjectively, on a scale from 1 (worthless) to 5 (awesome) in terms of their entertainment and message. We leave the plot details and storytelling to the filmmakers and instead attempt to characterize, highlight strengths and, hint at purpose. Reach us at movies@innerevolution. com. Enjoy!
A lice throu g h the Looking Glass
With Johnny Depp, Mia Wasikowska, Sacha Baron Cohen, Helena Bonham Carter, Anne Hathaway Entertainment: 3.5 Message: 4 The majority of critics must be mad as hatters. This amazing and completely absurd sequel to the 2010 Alice in Wonderland delivers quite an existential ride, again, for the first time. Turning over direction from Tim Burton to James Bobin (Da Ali G Show, and Muppets) was a good move, as was using the same screenwriter. Even more “phantasmagorical” than the last, it works if … you can free yourself from sensibility, at least for awhile. All the elements are there, but purists will consider the “true” story lost. But seriously, jumping through wall mirrors is no way for a young lady to escape her problems. Generously applying this new form of “madtech” to believing in yourself makes the tale quite relevant, about sticking to principles, lasting friendships and female emancipation (updating the 1865 original). The crazy genius of Johnny Depp just gets crazier. Carter’s Red Queen is delightfully weird and creepy. This visual feast and special effects orgy includes some questionable costume designs. Lots of fun, red hair! A fairly long ordeal, at least never boring, ironically centers on time itself, and almost makes it stand still for awhile. Despite the overthe-top CGI effects, there’s somehow still humor and heart (1 hr 53 min.)
star in search of her parents that has shortterm memory loss but exception vigilance Karin Leonard & Daniel Robin and drive. Utterly charming, and educational, such as we have come to expect from the Oscarwinning team that wrote and produced it. Andrew Stanton, the same writer behind Toy Story 1 and 2 and WALLE, delivers a human-centered view of fish family bonds, the epitome of teamwork, and not letting the odds get you down (1 hr 37 min.)
Independence Resurgence
With Liam Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman, Vivica A. Fox, Judd Hirsch Entertainment: 3.5 Message: 2 Twenty years later, it is just as entertaining and trashy, with soaring special effects and production values that rival Star Wars. This fantasy scifi film poses the question “What would happen if Hollywood decided to make aliens all Gangsta and we all decided to watch?” The critics would complain and the fans would love it. If you enjoy the protracted alien retaliation smackdown, want to imagine (however briefly) the peoples of earth united in a common cause, and spectacular visuals, then you are in luck. We love the familiar characters and their quirky senses of humor, so obviously we couldn’t resist. “Fourth of July” fireworks is more about WMDs and kicking some serious alien butt. Bring your extra-solar flak jacket (2 hrs).
Money Monster
With George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Jack O’Connell, Dominic West, Caitriona Balfe Entertainment: 4 Message: 4 Gripping from start to finish, fabulous performances by Clooney and Roberts and powerfully directed by Jody Foster, this drama takes on the big game of Wall Street, corruption, and the hot contemporary topic of tension between rich, poor and
F in d in g Dory
behind-the-scenes securities fraud in an up-close-and-personal, visceral fashion.
Page 35
Page 34 ♥ Connection Magazine ♥ www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline ♥ July 2016
With Ellen DeGeneres, Albert Brooks, Ed O’Neill Entertainment: 3.5 Message: 4 Disney-Pixar swims again through a clever and surprising celebration of the empowered blue tang
Post Street Rhythm Peddlers, playing New Orleans hot jazz. Aug. 25 th , Sambada, BraJanet Leonard zilian beats and then upstairs for a $5 cover, Hall Pass, playing fun danceable rock. Sep. 1st, Harry and the Hitmen, Motown and soul covers and then upstairs for a $5 cover, The Leftovers, playing reggae-rock. Don Quixote’s: Thu. Jul. 21 st, renowned singer, Eva Salina and Serbian/ Romanian Romani accordionist, Peter Stan share their love of Balkan Romani music, mournful ballads nestle gently among songs of celebration. For more info: http://evasalina.com/eva-salina-andpeter-stan/ Concerts in Retro: Here are my reviews of some recent shows. Remember this is only my opinion. At The Redwood Mountain Faire at Roaring Camp Railroads: The Sam Chase & the Untraditional is a cool band playing originals, self-proclaimed Kick-Ass Folk. What stands out about them, besides the traditional instruments, is a stand-up bass, which I love, a cello and a trumpet player who is outrageous. Sample their sound
and learn more at: http:// www.thesamchase.com/ Also, I witnessed the amazing, internationally acclaimed, genre-breaking force, MarchForth Marching Band, who stay on stage with the exception of some performers on stilts dancing amongst the crowd. The band included four stand-up drummers, three saxophonists, two trumpeters, two trombonists, a bass guitarist and a cymbalist, and meanwhile, acrobats perform in front of them for some of the songs. There’s some singing and plenty of interaction with the crowd. Everyone gets happily riled up. You can’t help but move to these boisterous characters dressed in circus funk. And surprise, Diego’s Umbrella drummer, Jake Wood AKA Garque, was up there pounding the pagan skins and sporting his Mohawk. For more info and to see the spectacle via video go to: http://www. marchfourthband.com/ Are you a local band that would like your CD reviewed in this publication? Send your CD to Music Connection, c/o Janet Leonard, PO Box 3916, Santa Cruz, CA 95063. Call (831) 325-4605 or email janetfaplanet@gmail.com to tell me about gigs for live reviews. Put “Music Connection” and your band’s name in the subject line.
moralistic self-contradiction is pure Hollyweird entertainment, flawed to be sure. ToughM one y guy Crowe juxtaM onster posed Gosling’s Cont. Yes, there nearly Inspectorare plot holes and ClouKarin Leonard plausibility stretchseau& Daniel Robin es, as well as shortl i k e cuts taken for the sake of bumbling ineptitude brevity and on-screen tension, gives the two detecbut the entertainment and tives disturbing yet pertinence for our times is hilarious “bad cop/ undeniable. A much-needed worse cop” chempost script to “Now what?” istry. Smart young following The Big Short (1 hr daughter, Aussie38 min). born Angourie Rice, steals the show The Nice Guys while saving dad’s With Russell Crowe, bacon. Co-written Ryan Gosling, Angourie Rice and directed by Entertainment: 3.5 Shane Black (Iron Message: 3 Crowe and Gosling Man 3, Lethal Weapon), this retro crime ‘flock’ together in this dedrama seems all too mented gumshoe comedy set in the 1970s LA. Its oddly familiar, with edge
devoid of subtlety. There are tactics we’ve all seen before, but enough twists and turns— most of them extremely violent and in poor taste—to make it fun, if you enjoy that sort of thing (1 hr 50 min).
Music on the Beach
by Janet Leonard ree Thursday Evening Beach BBQ Parties at the Crow’s Nest from 5:30-8:30pm. Enjoy live music, dancing, outdoor BBQ and beverages. Parking is limited so use the upper harbor parking, ride the water taxi, ride a bike or get dropped off if possible. Jul. 7 th, Animo Cruz, reggae-rock and then upstairs for a $5 cover, The Black Birds, playing rock. Jul. 14th, Extra Large, upbeat fun and funky rock and then upstairs for a $5 cover, Dos Osos, playing funky jazz and rock. Jul. 21 st, Decades, Chuck Berry to Katy Perry and then upstairs for a $5 cover, 3 Agents, playing contemporary rock. Jul. 28th, Sambada, Brazilian excitement and then upstairs for a $5 cover, Cruzah, playing California reggae. Aug. 4th, The Lost Boys featuring James Durbin, knock your socks off rock and then upstairs for a $5 cover, Touch’d Too Much, a AC/DC tribute band. Aug. 11th, Room 9, contemporary rock and then upstairs for a $5 cover, Pawn Shop Soul, playing vintage soul, funk and Latin dance. Aug. 18th, Extra Large, fun and funky rock and then upstairs for a $5 cover,
e publish this magazine to support our community and enjoy featuring leading theater, performances, and events. It is very important that you, our
readers, tell all of the Arts & Entertainment Venues, businesses and events, that you read about them in The Connection Magazine. We appreciate your much needed support in return. Thank you very much! Pattie & Thom
1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ • 831-429-4135 Friday, July 1 • In the Atrium • All Ages
Wed. • July 6 • 7:30pm • $10 Star La’Moan & The Kitchenettes R&B/Ballads/Jazz/Torch Songs Tues. • July 12 • 7:30pm • $10adv/$12dr Jenny McNulty + Kathryn Lounsbery Comedy/Music/Improv Sun. • July 17 • 7pm •$15adv/$17dr Paul McKenna Band Music from Scotland Thu. • July 21 • 7:30pm • $12adv/$15dr Eva Salina & Peter Stan Balkan/Romani • Dance Sat. • July 23 • 8pm • $25adv/$30dr The Jayhawks • Americana Fernando Viciconte • R&R Laments Sun. • July 24 • 7pm • $12adv/$15dr
Hot Club of Baltimore + The Jimmy Grant Ensemble
plus Covet
Saturday, July 2 • Ages 18+ • FREE SHOW
The Path To Northern Nights LAFA TAYLOR Saturday, July 2 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+
Wednesday, July 6 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
plus Jel from Anticon
Thursday, July 7 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
Friday, July 8 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
plus Entheos
Saturday, July 9 • Ages 16+
Kung Fu Vampire Saturday, July 9 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+
SIN SISTERS BURLESQUE Monday, July 11 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+
WHEELER WALKER JR. Thursday, July 14 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
plus Green Gerry
Friday, July 15 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
Saturday, July 16 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
Music of Django Reinhardt
Monday, July 18 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
Sat. • July 30 • 8pm • $15 • Dance
Tuesday, July 19 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
Carolyn Sills Combo • Western Swing Bean Creek • Bluegrass
ALEXANDER JEAN CULTURE SHOCK Wednesday, July 20 • Ages 16+
P-Lo • Noodles
Wednesday, July 20 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
THAO & THE GET DOWN STAY DOWN Thursday, July 21 • Ages 18+
TOXIC SUMMER 2016 PREPARTY Celebrating Creativity Since 1975
Thursday, July 7
Friday, July 15
7 & 9 pm | No Comps
7:30 pm
7 pm
TIERNEY SUTTON BAND Wednesday, July 20
7 pm
MARCIA BALL Wed. July 27
7 pm
7 & 9 pm | No Comps
7:30 pm
7 pm
Thursday, July 21 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
7 pm
7:30 pm @ SC Civic
JLCO WITH WYNTON MARSALIS Tickets: SantaCruzTickets.com
Unless noted advance tickets at kuumbwajazz. org and Logos Books & Records and. Dinner served 1-hr before Kuumbwa presented concerts. Premium wines & beer. All ages.
320-2 Cedar St x Santa Cruz 831.427.2227
Friday, July 22 • Ages 16+
psychedelic furs The ChurCh
Friday, July 22 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
plus Go Dark
Saturday, July 23 • Ages 16+
Sunday, July 24 • Ages 21+
Sunday, July 24 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
Monday, July 25 • Ages 16+
Steel Pulse Monday, July 25 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
Tuesday, July 26 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+ MOVING UNITS PRESENTS
THE SONGS OF JOY DIVISION Jul 27 Savages (Ages 16+) Jul 29 The Expanders/ Thrive (Ages 16+, FREE) Jul 30 Shwayze/ Wildcard (Ages 16+) Jul 31 Dej Loaf/ Chozen (Ages 16+) Aug 2 Protoje & The Indiggnation (Ages 16+) Aug 4 Atlas Genius/ Bear Hands (Ages 16+) Aug 11 Kurt Vile & The Violators (Ages 16+) Aug 13 Galactic (Ages 21+) Aug 25 Pouya/ Germ/ Ramirez (Ages 16+) Aug 28 X/ Mike Watt & The Secondmen (Ages 21+) Sep 4 The White Panda (Ages 18+) Sep 7 The Zombies (Ages 21+) Sep 10 Andre Nickatina (Ages 16+) Sep 16 Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings (Ages 16+) Sep 23 The Soul Rebels feat. Talib Kweli (Ages 16+) Sep 25 Kongos/ Joy Formidable (Ages 16+) Sep 28 Tech N9ne (Ages 16+) Oct 4 Peaches (Ages 16+) Oct 13 Matoma (Ages 18+) Oct 21 Yellowcard (Ages 16+)
Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating.
Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 877-435-9849 & online
www.catalystclub.com kuumbwajazz.org Page 35 ♥ Connection Magazine ♥ www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline ♥ July 2016
The Billboard
TELL THE WORLD!! â&#x20AC;˘ Listings: are $6 a line with a 4-line minimum, prepaid â&#x20AC;˘ Headlines: 20 char. & Regular lines 30 char. Photo/Graphic: $10 â&#x20AC;˘ Next deadline date is 5 days before the 1st of the month â&#x20AC;˘ Go to our Website: www.ConnectionMagz.com â&#x20AC;˘ Email: Ads@ConnectionMagazineOnline.com â&#x20AC;˘ Mail to: The Connection Magazine, 7960 B Soquel Dr. #355, Aptos, CA 95003 â&#x20AC;˘ Phone: 831/459-0522 or Fax: (831) 427-7781 â&#x20AC;˘Visa / MC SPECIAL: Prepay 4 months =10% off. Serving: Santa Cruz, Monterey, Santa Clara, and San Mateo Counties. 10% off for non-profit.
Santa Cruz Live Oak Grange Serving our community since 1933
Hall rental for classes, non-proďŹ ts, community and cultural groups, and clubs Daniel (831) 325-3233 www.greengrange.org
" Listen to Rotating Hosts Tom Quinn, Donald Davidson, David Biles & informative guests on Perspectives Radio Show every Saturday from noon to one on KSCO 1080 AM. We have extensive coverage of issues regarding holistic health and other important topics.
To read more about the book Gregg Braden has called, â&#x20AC;&#x153;the map weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve all been waiting for,â&#x20AC;? and Deepak Chopra and Thom Hartmann have called â&#x20AC;&#x153;world-changing,â&#x20AC;? go to http://www. wakeuplaughing. com/SponEvoBook. html
ALEX JONES - Your source for news about . . . . . . Big Brother, the Police State, 9/11 Truth, Economic Crisis, New World Order!! Beyond the Left/ ��������� ����� �� Right Paradigm. ������������������������������� KOMY/AM1340 M-F ���������������������������� 9am-noon erformance ������� ��������! KSCO/AM1080 M-F ����!"#$"%��&'ďż˝ (ďż˝$)ďż˝*( 7/8pm-10pm &%#'������� +!���,ďż˝-����.���� Listen online @ �������,ďż˝/!�����&)���������0ďż˝ ���,�����1ďż˝/���������� ďż˝,��2�� http://www.infowars.com ������������ ����!���3���!��� http://www.prisonplanet. .#'41##4$5)"5 com Alkalized Water ALASDAIR Your Wedding Your Way! There is a new technoloFRASERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S Spiritual/non-religious, gy in health. Try alkalized traditional, civil, or a last water for free and see Valley Of The Moon minute elopement, I am what it can do for your Scottish Fiddling School Concert up for it! I will joyfully health. For free trials guide you through the and demos please call SCOTLAND! QUEBEC! process of creating the Benjamin Cogan 530USA! wedding of your dreams. 515-2171 Distributor ID Fri. Sept. 2 @ 8pm Rev. Susan Pittas, 831- 7287269 Santa Cruz Civic 359-6700 Auditorium LightAtHeart@yahoo. 307 Church St., S.C. com, Tickets:(831) 420SantaCruzWeddingOf5260 Box Office ficiant.com Join the Up-wising: Charges Apply The SPONTANEOUS Perspectives Radio EVOLUTION Book is Here Listen to Perspectives The boxes have arrived, Radio Show every Sat- and we have a bouncurday from noon to one ing, baby book! You can on KSCO 1080 AM. We have your autographed have extensive cover- copy NOW. https:// age of issues regarding bear.he.net/~wakeupl/ holistic health and other epistore/ important topics
Experienced & ing longer events led Knowledgable PR, by Barry and Joyce Marcom and Event Vissell: Management Jul 17-22 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Shared StreetWise Public Heart Summer Relations Retreat at Daryl â&#x20AC;&#x153;Streetâ&#x20AC;? Wise Breitenbush Hot Springs, OR Owner/Operator StreetWisePR.com Oct 14-20 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Assisi Retreat, Italy lasses Feb 5-12, 2017 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Hawaii Couples Retreat
Living from the heart w/barry & joyce vissell Barry and Joyce Vissell, a psychiatrist and nurse/therapist couple for 50 years and longtime Santa Cruz residents, are the authors of 6 books and the founders of The Shared Heart Foundation, dedicated to changing the world one heart at a time. Even a few counseling sessions with either or both of them can change your life as an individual or couple. Here are a few opportunities to bring more love and growth into your life, at the follow-
Creative Cultures Beverages ELLAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S RESTAURANT are impressive! Such integrity, so healthy and pure; delightful at THE AIRPORT taste (both pro-biotic and detox (Watsonville) blends). Ingredients are natural What a pleasant surprise! I with incredible natural colors. hadnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t eaten there since it was What a treat! Donna S., Santa Cruz Zunigaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Restaurant. Then, I
I am writing to say how very much respect I have for Dr. Bilesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; outstanding expertise in his field of dentistry and his thoroughness and kindness in explaining his recommendations. Mackie Ramsay, Soquel
The Mediterranean food at Lailiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s is delicious, healthful and works of art to look atâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the way that the food is displayed. We learned about Lailiâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s from our favorite magazine, Connection Magazine. Thanks everybody. Mary & Finn Maloney, Los Gatos
ROSIEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S McCANNâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S RESTAURANT
We learned about Rosieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in Connection Magazine. And, now this is what we do. My sister drives into SC from Moss Landing and I meet her there from Mountain View (where I come from). We eat Lunch. It is so tasty with consciously raised meats, organic product, etc. My sis and I love meeting up like this at Rosieâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. Then, we shop in Santa Cruz area. Jeannette W., Moss Landing, Luanne S., Mountain View
Take Care of You with a revitalizing blend of therapeutic massage and energy balancing. A deeply relaxing treatment to renew your spirit and strengthen your chi. call Shari Rose CMT for appointment. at (831) 427-5566.
Mind Body Spirit
Lighten your Life with Transformational Coaching. Bring yourself present to who you are, and experience your life anew. Are you ready to grow? Group and Individual Sessions. Call Susan Pittas 831-359-6700, lightatheart@yahoo.com COUNSELING OFFICE FOR RENT Los Gatos Must See! Dr. Jassy, 408-395-4662. Available Sundays only. Ideal location, elegantly furnished large room, new carpet/ paint, valet parking, view of oaks.
Chris Smithâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Martial Arts
I have been reading your Martial Arts Column now for a while to decide which one I would be interested in for my children and my family. I am totally impressed by the attitude and information that Prof. Chris saw the Ad for â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Ellaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;sâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; as I was Smith is sharing in his Column reading Connection on my phone in this Juneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Issue. Thank you and saw Ellaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ad. Well, my wife for having this Column. And, and I decided to check it out and thank you for now going all we will say, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ellaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s at the Airportâ&#x20AC;? Digital, Connection Magazine. is an excellent place for Lunch or The additional aspects that you Dinner. Attractive atmosphere, have shared on the SuperBlog friendly Staff, savory food with Website are so interesting, there lots of organic and ethically is so much and actually, that is raised animals for meats. We how I read Prof. Smithâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Column have been back several times, this issue in the SuperBlog!! will continue to return and tell Keep up the good work Prof. others, too! Oh, and Ella has Smith and Connection Magazine. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;CafĂŠ Ellaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; on East Lake Blvd Thank you both! in Watsonvilleâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;where you can Marta Matson,  Watsonville have Breakfast, too. Tony (+Marleen & 2 kids) VFMF ~ VANCOUVER Dundersun, Moss Landing FOLK MUSIC FESTIVAL Thanks so much for having CAFĂ&#x2030; CAMPESINO â&#x20AC;&#x201C; this info about this Festival in Downtown Kiosk in SC your magazine. My friends and What great foodâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;delicious I learned it from you folks many & healthy, too. Some Organic years ago and now we attend it (that rocks!). And, thanks each year. No better festivities Connection for your Digital anywhere. BIG THANKS!! magazine and that you have the Jay-lee & 5 Friends, SCruz info on our â&#x20AC;&#x153;I-tabletsâ&#x20AC;?, phones, etc., (computers, of course!). I JACKâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S VITAMIN CENTER We are so happy to find out found your place on my â&#x20AC;&#x153;I-tabletâ&#x20AC;? so I could walk down Pacific Ave. about your store in Connection and find it as I just moved back Magazine. Your Staff is friendly here and didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know its location. and knowledgeable and your products are quality (good Thanks everyone! Jassie Morgana, Davenport prices, too as in better prices. Manny & Allyce M., Aptos
Page 36 â&#x2122;Ľ Connection Magazine â&#x2122;Ľ www.ConnectionMagz.com â&#x2122;Ľ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline â&#x2122;Ľ July 2016
Action Needed: Senators Must “Vote No on Stabenow GMO Labeling Bill” – Do This asap and Before July 5th, Please!!
by Food Babe, Vani Hari ur government leaders in
Washington have introduced new legislation to sell out the American consumer and deny us clear on-packaging GMO labeling. We must start contacting our Senators today and ask them to vote NO on this new bill. You can find a list of your state Senators and their contact information here: http://www.senate.gov/ senators/contact/ Since we successfully defeated the DARK Act, Vermont’s mandatory GMO labeling bill is set to take effect in a matter of days (July 1st). This would require most foods in Vermont to carry GMO labels. Even though we are down to the wire, the GMO companies are desperate and have been working feverishly to make sure that our Senators can reach an agreement to wipe Vermont’s law out so that they can continue hiding GMOs in American food. This new bill screws consumers and favors the food industry to continue to make us work for the truth. The bill still needs to pass the House and the Senate floor–but you can bet that the food and chemical company lobbyists are doing whatever it takes to push it through. It was clearly written to protect Monsanto, the agrochemical and GMO industries– who are all cheering it on and calling on their senators to support it. This is the DARK Act 2.0 and will continue to keep Americans in the dark about GMOs in our food. Why the new GMO labeling bill is a nightmare: GMO labels would require a smartphone to scan QR codes, to call a 1-800 number, or visit a website. Companies won’t be required to label GMOs for at least 2 years. Food companies that meet the definition of “very small” don’t need to label the GMOs in their food. If meat is the main ingredient in any product it won’t get a GMO label
(unless the meat itself is GMO). The definition of “bioengineering” as written in the bill may exclude most GMOs from labeling. Some foods won’t require a label if they don’t contain enough GMOs. Food in small packages may be exempt. Food manufacturers won’t be held liable. If a food company doesn’t comply with the law, their products won’t be recalled and there are no federal penalties for violations. States will be prohibited from enacting different GMO labeling laws. Food companies that began adding GMO labels to their products this year will likely change to a QR code scheme if this bill passes. This will create more work for consumers who want to know if GMOs are in their food. These food companies clearly do not want to put the words “genetically engineered” on their food and it is shameful! ACTION: CALL YOUR SENATORS HERE TODAY: http://www. senate.gov/senators/contact/ You can read their ridiculous bill here: http://tinyurl.com/zx9wjbq Read more about GMOs and why they should be labeled here: http:// tinyurl.com/jjqt57a and here: http:// tinyurl.com/9mb3xz6 Congress will be returning on July 5th and are expected to consider this bill quickly to get it pushed through and onto the Senate floor as soon as possible. The Senate will need 60 votes to pass it – so now we need to do everything in our power to make our voices heard so that they don’t get the votes they need. This is happening fast and is urgent. Call your Senators today and tell them we deserve mandatory, clear and explicit GMO labeling and to vote against any bill that proposes QR Codes as a solution. http://tinyurl.com/hx9ynr6 Printed with permission.
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Page 37 ♥ Connection Magazine ♥ www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline ♥ July 2016
Adult Use of Marijuana Act is Officially on California’s November Ballot!
by Lynne Lyman e’re thrilled to let you know that the Adult Use of Marijuana Act is officially on California’s November Ballot! With this news, the campaign officially begins. To win, however, we must make sure voters
know why they should support the campaign and vote YES. AUMA will bring enormous revenue to California—over $1 billion—and save the state hundreds of millions in unnecessary prison sentences and law enforcement costs. Criminalizing marijuana has
21 L egal M edical M arijuana S tates and DC and the year m . m . became legal .
1. Alaska, 1998; 2. Arizona, 2010; 3. California, 1996; 4. Colorado, 2000/2014; 5. Connecticut, 2012; 6. DC, 2010; 7. Delaware, 2011; 8. Hawaii, 2000; 9. Illinois, 2013; 10. Maine, 1999; 11. Maryland (2013); 12. Massachusetts, 2012; 13. Michigan, 2008, 14. Minnesota, 2014; 15. Montana, 2004; 14. Nevada, 2000; 16. New Hampshire, 2013; 17. New Jersey, 2010; 18. New Mexico, 2007; 19. New York, 2014; 20. Oregon, 1998/2014; 21. Rhode Island, 2006; 22. Vermont, 2004; 23. Washington, 1998
Three States with Legislation That Is Favorable Towards Medical Marijuana But Would Not Legalize Its Use 1. Minnesota 2. Oklahoma 3. Texas
hurt you and your family: it creates a thriving underground market, fuels cartels, strains the criminal justice system, and costs hundreds of millions of dollars better spent on our kids, our environment, and many other critical state needs. Please make a contribution
to our work—and to help us pass common-sense marijuana reform in November. Thank you! Lynne Lyman Californians for Responsible Marijuana Reform, http://www. legalizeca2016.com/
Positive Effects Of Marijuana
illions of people look for the positive effects of marijuana when it comes to treating mild-to-severe health complications. The fact that marijuana smokers experience mood lifts,
increase in appetite, and sense of well being truly suggests that the benefits of marijuana are worth using and legalizing it. Read more at: http://www. imarijuana.com/research/positiveeffects-ofmarijuana Printed with permission.
Cannabis Plus
Medical Marijuana Evaluations Deborah Malka MD, PhD Integrative Holistic Medicine • Medical Marijuana Evaluations • Natural Alternatives to Prescription Medicines • Intuitive Health Consultations • Energy Balancing Therapy • Pain Management Consultation includes advice on proper usage and dosage, and knowledge of how to treat each patient’s individual condition. We also offer follow-up visits for MMJ patients. Don’t wait for your renewal, Ask an expert! Find out how cannabis may benefit your Health!
Two Locations to Serve You:
Santa Cruz 140 Dubois St.
Call for all info. & appts:
831-426-7744 CannabisPlus.net
79 Soledad Dr.
Page 38 ♥ Connection Magazine ♥ www.ConnectionMagz.com ♥ Facebook.com/ConnectionOnline ♥ July 2016
The Cannabis Crusader: Dancing With the Feds by Author Tim Blake "You often wonder what makes a man like Tim Blake tick. Founder of The Emerald Cup and Area 101, and part of every conversation regarding cannabis in Northern California, Tim's universally admired for his manic work ethic, spiritual wisdom, and fundamental fairness and integrity. He is a leader in reform, and a champion of both farmer as well as the land that nourishes him and us, stressing sustainability, organic flowers and most important, small family farms as the desirable model. What makes up a man like this? You're about to get a glimpse, in his autobiographical novel, The Cannabis Crusader: Dancing with the Feds, A Spiritual Journey Through One Man's Lifelong Dedication to his Medicine, a thrilling read about a thrilling life." —John Vergados, SKUNK Magazine
About the Author
im Blake started using cannabis in 1971. He grew his first outdoor cannabis crop in 1975 and has been a part of the evolution of our industry and culture ever since, witnessing every aspect the incredible journey it’s taken us on. That same Tim year he also started doing transcendental meditation, since then, cannabis and meditation have been an integral part of his daily life. A realtor in the late seventies, Tim was one of the founders and the CEO of several production companies in the early 1980s including a “New Age” distribution and production company, a Rap music label, and a video and music production studio. Tim is blessed to have three amazing daughters and six beautiful grandchildren. He has owned property in Mendocino County since the late seventies, finally moving up for good in 1992. In 1998 he bought an old campground and created “Area 101”, a spiritual sanctuary and event center for all faiths, devoted to personal growth and spiritual enlightenment. Over the years he’s produced a wide range of events, and created The Emerald Cup, the Worlds Largest Organic, Outdoor Cannabis Competition. Tim sponsored and helped produce the first gathering of law enforcement and cannabis farmers, to openly discuss how they would work together. This helped lead to the creation of the 9.31 program, the first of its kind in our country; whereby cannabis
growers could get legal permits from the county to grow organic cannabis. This, in turn led to Tim and a partner creating the Mendocino Farmers Collective, the first collective that brought together outdoor, organic growers in Mendocino County, creating a way to get Blake their products to dispensaries around California, which at that time were predominately featuring indoor grown cannabis. During this same time The Emerald Cup was growing into the event it is today. Later, Tim cofounded Healing Harvest Farms (HHF) a cannabis collective dispensary that is located at Area 101. He was a founding member of California Cannabis Policy Reform (CCPR), which evolved into CA Reform, and he was also a founding member of the Mendocino Cannabis Policy Council (MCPC).
• Eco Farming Practices • SC Labs Tested • Flowers • Concentrates • Oils, • Wholesale Available
What People Are Saying
“Such an exciting and interesting look in to the world of cannabis, government, and spirituality. Tim is a pioneer and the emerald cup is an amazing event. As laws and opinions are changing around the world, this book couldn’t have come at a better time to serve as both a lesson in history and a guide for the future. Can’t wait for more books!” — Jordan C., on Amazon.com “Hang on for the ride.. This is a behind the scenes raw look into the rapidly changing world of cannabis. Excited for the second book!” —Chad, on Amazon.com http://tinyurl.com/zdyqhy7
‘Keepin’ it Santa Cruz’ We Deliver!
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n Magazin