September - Oct. 2, 2014
Robin Williams (1951 – 2014) pgs 20 – 22
Thr ive Me eting Geo -Engine er ing pg 2 & 11
Rising Inter national pg 29
W etlands / Habi tat Fes tival Sept. 27 pg 5 & 6
Sept. 9 - 14 pg 2
Br uce Draper Quali ty of Life pg 2 & 4
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Chemtrails Over the Town Clock
Public Meeting
Come Help Organize a Santa Cruz Initiative Let’s Urge Our County Board of Supervisors to
Investigate Geoengineering!
On July 15th, 2014, the people of Shasta County showed up 400+ strong at a hearing by their Supervisors to hear presentations from 10 experts with information that proves the dangerous heavy metal contamination and UV radiation issue caused by Geoengineering above Shasta County. At the end of the presentation, the board voted unanimously to investigate this situation and passed resolutions accordingly. A condensed video of this hearing can be found at:
This is our chance to bring the vital issue of Geoengineering to public awareness in Santa Cruz. Help protect the health of the people you love. A Local Solution Supported by
Dane Wigington, Lead Researcher at Geoengineering, presents at Shasta County Hearing
Page 2 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ September – Oct. 2, 2014 ConnectionOnline Look for her Monday group classes at the Tannery World Dance and Cultural Center. How to Reach Us:
Free Magazine Download from Anywhere in the World: Look for our Oct. 2014 Issue - Oct. 2nd - Now in our 21st Year
Feature Index Arts & Entertainment .................................... 34 Astrology ........................................................ 37 Awareness .................................................24-29 The Billboard ........................................... 3 & 36 Thriving Business ........................................4-5 Compassion Flower Resource Guide ...... 38-39 Dining Delights .............................................. 16 Essential Living Guide ............. 14,24,25,30,31 Fitness & Sports ............................................ 32 Green Business Directory .............................. 6
Health Notes..................................................12-15
Healthy Appearance ....................................... 17
Healthy Planet .............................................. 6-11 Lively Letters .................................................. 36 Martial Arts...................................................... 33 Massage / Bodywork ...................................... 30 Movies ............................................................. 34 Music .............................................................. 34 Parenting, Kids & Education ................... 18-19 Pet / Animal Health ...........................................35 Radiation Protection .......................... will return Rave Reviews ....................................................36 Theme ......................................................... 20-22 Spirituality .........................................................23 Travel & Fun ......................................Will Return Wonderful Women.............................Will Return Yoga .................................................................. 31
The Connection Magazine is for educational purposes only. We do not necessarily recommend the specific remedies, exercises, treatments or activities, etc. summarized. Please consult with your personal health care provider to find out what is appropriate for you.
The Billboard Entire Contents © The Connection Magazine
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Sanctuary, 490 Aguajito Rd, Carmel. For Event Schedule and Info: or (831) 4841923. 11/12
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Lots of exhibits, )����*���������+��� ������ ���� ���,���- ��, ��
Sunday ,Sept. 14, Kuumbwa Jazz Center, 320-2 Cedar St. #2, Santa Cruz. Doors: 7:00pm Music: 7:30pm. Tickets: http:// General Admission — $25. General Admission and CD — $40. VIP Admission and CD — $50. Info: www.
Looking to connect with LikeMinded Spiritual Adventurers? The Circle of Light is the place to Expand Your Consciousness, Open Your Heart & meet Lifelong Friends sharing the exciting Journey of Awakening & Transformation. On the Third Friday evening of each month, we meet at (but are not affiliated with) the Unitarian Church
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List your Events, Classes, Expos, Fairs, Benefits, Lec-
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with a revitalizing blend of therapeutic massage and energy balancing. A deeply relaxing treatment to renew your spirit and strengthen your chi. call Shari Rose CMT for appointment. at (831) 427-5566.
The Billboard Continues on Page 36
Join us for a night of
Meditation, Healing & Community Every Thursday night from 7pm to 8:30pm
at the Soul Oasis in Santa Cruz
Hosted by Suzie Donahue
Master ThetaHealing® Instructor & Certificate of Science
Free Online Calendar Listings -
The Elements of Healing - A Journey into the 5 Elements- Part 1: Earth with Tatyanna Teeuwisse on Sunday, September 28th from 12-4pm. Retrain your brain and get wired for joy! Emotional Brain Training with Misa Lawson on Saturday, October 18th from 10am-4pm.
B[obW MehbZ <hep[d Oe]khj WdZ ?Y[ 9h[Wc 9ecfWdo UÊ Àià ]Ê >ÌÕÀ> Ê }Ài` i Ìà UÊ"ÛiÀÊÓxÊ >Û Àà UÊ À>Ãà i`Ê > ÀÞÊ Ê- ÕÀVi UÊ*Ài«>Ài`Ê > Þ UÊ > ` >`iÊ ViÊ Ài> ÊEÊ9 }ÕÀÌ UÊDeeeelicious!!!
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It’s probably the best froyo place I’ve ever been to, and I’ve been to a lot. You’re really missing out if you haven’t tried it yet! So go! :D ~Becky D. Santa Cruz on Yelp
SEPT 7 - 7 PM Cabrillo College room 608 screening of the climate action film “disruption” SEPT 23 - Cabrillo College Hort Building - 6pm SEPT 24 - Hartnell College TBA SEPT 28 - Rescource Center for Non Violence - 3pm Other events in Santa Cruz/Salinas/Monterey - TBA. Traveling to Chico and Ashland to complete tour. Contact or (530) 680-5550 All events are FREE with donations appreciated.
nΣ®Ê{Ó È{ääÊUÊHours: 12 noon – 11:00 pm 1306 Mission St. in Santa Cruz Page 3 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ September – Oct. 2, 2014
.PWJOH )BVMJOH Craig 831.818.8616
-VLF 831.332.6932
by Bruce Draper In this New Millennium, we are feeling more and more â&#x20AC;&#x153;out of whackâ&#x20AC;? and yearning for balance in a busier, more confusing world. In a recent Merck Family Fund survey, a majority of Americans expressed a feeling that â&#x20AC;&#x153;materialism, greed and selfishness increasingly dominate American life.â&#x20AC;? A balanced life isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t always easy to define for people, and if they could, they arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t clear about how to move forward to find this more stable place. What the survey said that they thought would help is: â&#x20AC;˘ Spend more time with family and friends â&#x20AC;˘ Decrease stress â&#x20AC;˘ Do more to make a difference in my community These Quality of Life items arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t really costly (unless decreasing
cus, that we can make stress is a trip to Tahiti). life easier and enThey DO though require hance life quality for freeing up time and getourselves and those ting others to buy in to closest to us! creating something new Beginning Ocand more fulfilling. tober 13th in Scotts In researching Valley and October Quality of Life (QOL) 16th in Los Gatos, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll issues, Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve found that be leading Workshops people are so wound up based on my workin the chaos of day-tobook to help you get day life, that they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Bruce Draper more balance in your even create time to give this topic the time that it deserves. life. We will dig deep and define what a richer, more fulfilling life looks like to (Indeed, researcher Juliet Schor finds that 33% of Ameri- you. I hope that you can join us! cans say that their lives are out of Bruce Draper R.N. is author of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;QUALITY OF LIFEâ&#x20AC;? Workbook and control!). I wrote the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Quality of Life Resource Guide. He will be leading Workbookâ&#x20AC;? to help people get their workshops in Los Gatos and Scotts lives IN control and to help everyone Valley in Oct. Please visit www. ENHANCE the quality that already for more info. See his ad exists. I believe that in clarifying and on pa ge 2 i n C onnection M agazine keeping our highest QOL needs in fo-
Farm Suppers Benefit Homeless Garden Project
Acupuncture & Emotional Freedom Techniques
... of the old beliefs and behaviors that hold you back!
SANTA CRUZ, CA (August 7, 2014) Sustainability in our food and in our community will be the theme at this yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s annual Sustain Farm Supper series hosted by Homeless Garden Project and supporting their job training programs that provides local homeless people a viable path toward success. The first supper, on Saturday,
PotStop Garden Pottery and More 303 Potrero 42-306, Santa Cruz
(831) 471-0300
keynote address from Daphne Miller, author of Farmacology: What Innovative Family Farming Can Teach Us About Health and Healing with co-sponsorship support from KUSP, central coast public radio. Both dinners will take place from 4pm to 7pm at Homeless Garden Projectâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s west-side farm. Tickets are $75 for each event, and all proceeds benefit the Homeless Garden Projectâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s job training programs. To purchase tickets, and for more information, visit, or contact Homeless Garden Project at (831) 426-3609 extension 13, or
Thriving Business
Experience the powerful combination of Acupuncture and Emotional Freedom Techniques {tapping, EFT} to facilitate the release of emotions and beliefs that keep you stuck.
Nancy Lowe, L.Ac., DAOM
August 23, will feature chef Gema Cruz of Gabriella CafĂŠ who will prepare a three-course meal featuring organic produce grown at the Homeless Garden Project farm, with wine pairings from Fogerty Winery. In between the culinary delights, two authors Eli Zigas of SPUR (a 100-year-old nonprofit promoting urban progress) and author of Locally Nourished, along with Nikki Silva of The Kitchen Sisters, will hold a discussion entitled â&#x20AC;&#x153;Locally Nourished: The Powerful Benefits of Promoting Local Food Systems.â&#x20AC;? A chef from Soif will offer culinary delights at the second supper on Saturday, September 27, with a
More Wireless Microwave Radiationâ&#x20AC;Ś Assaulting Us!!!!
U . ! U *. ' 2"' U 0 - + (.'- "', U 0"' !"& , U "+ )"-, U -8C8M<I8
Santa Cruz
Cruz Board of Supervisors at (831)
Santa Cruz County is in the 454-2200. Changes go to the Board in process of revising the Wireless Facili- October (more in our Oct. issue) Changes: One change to the NNN GFKJKFGDC :FD ties Ordinance, to further benefit the technology is making Cell Towers Tele-communications Corporations out of Telephone Poles (+any kind of like Verizon, Team Mobile, ATT, polesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;like, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;camouflageâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; (now, how etc., etc. clever is that?!!?â&#x20AC;&#x201D;not!!) In citing their cancer-causing, DAS = Smart Meters on radiation emitting antennas, DAS steroids!!!!! (Distributed Antennae Systems) will be put on utility poles, (outside of Monterey County: everyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s beds!) Towers, etc.â&#x20AC;&#x201D;virAn AT&T Cell Tower protually, everywhere; such â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;government posal was rejected by the Monterey corporate allianceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; is incompatible City Council in July. Now AT&T is 000 )(-,-()&% (& a with Democracy as the people are working on a new proposal, putting -. , , - & )& a ,.' & )& excluded from true and meaningful a Cell Tower across the street from %(, &(' 2, making. This is ongoing with the original proposal and behind the ( . ! (+ decision meetings happening often and in Octo- Whole Foods store in the Del Monte Shopping Center on Munras Ave. Stay ber there will be a number of them. ! ' Call Planner Frank Barron at tuned. Email Nina Beety for more info: (-- +2 -(+ (831) 454-2530 and also call the Santa Page 4 â&#x2013;˛ Connection Magazine â&#x2013;˛ â&#x2013;˛ â&#x2013;˛ September â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Oct. 2, 2014
, & )
& ,
Lakeside Organic Gardens Summer of 2014
by Lindsey Roberts “We farm the soil and the soil grows the and cooler daily and report yields and quality to crop,” says Dick Peixoto, owner and sole grower his sales team. In the nick of time, he can make of Lakeside Organic Gardens. Peixoto has been changes in production to better suit the needs farming since he was 16 years old. He loves it of his customers. Lakeside Organic Gardens is and would never dream of stepping out of the genuinely committed to organics and their loyal customers. field and into an office The management space. team strongly believes When Peixoto in the organic way of life brought organic produce and they do all they can to the market for the first to encourage a healthy time in 1996, it was like lifestyle among their a dream come true. To employees. The comstart, he successfully pany’s popular “Lakeconquered the challenge side Farmers Market” is of converting over 1,000 available for employees acres to certified organto bring produce home ic land; something his Dick Peixto in an organic cauliflower to their families. The peers called him crazy field in Watsonville for trying. Today, he farms on over 2,000 acres market features leafy greens daily and often and remains as intimately connected in all aspects unique items like sweet baby broccoli, rainbow carrots, celery root, beets, and rutabagas. If you of his family-owned and operated business. Lakeside Organic Gardens is proud to talk with the Lakeside sales team, you know they juice fresh vegetables announce that this often. It’s not uncomsummer we purmon to hear one of chased nearly 200 them bragging about acres of farmland how great it makes in our home comthem feel. The community, the Pajaro pany also promotes Valley. One year a safe workplace by prior, our comawarding employees munity had a maswith gift cards and sive campaign to Lakeside Organics put up box stores apparel when safe like Costco and work habits are demWalMart on top Lakeside Organic Gardens green kale, red kale, onstrated. Every emof some of our lacinato kale and chard on San Andreas road. ployee, from the perfertile farmland. Peixoto was a big advocate against the “assault son who plants the seed to the person who ships the product, has received on our farmland”. Peixoto an annual bonus the past said, “Once our land is covthree years. Peixoto hopes to ered in asphalt, there’s no continue having an opportugoing back”. He & his team nity to carry this through for at Lakeside Organic Gardens years to come. worked hard to make it posLakeside Organic sible to buy that land and other Gardens is passionate about parcels targeted for developorganic farming and strives ment. They committed to a 3 to grow the highest qualyear transition to convert and ity produce under the safest certify the land as organic. conditions 365 days a year. Lakeside Organic GarThe company is committed dens is truly a family owned Manual harvesting organic to sustainable agriculture, and operated business. Peixcilantro in Wastonville. oto’s sister, Joanne, is the company controller, its customers and employees. Lakeside Organic his nephew, Brian, is the sales manager and his Gardens is firmly rooted for years to come. three children, Ashley, Amanda, and Ricky, all Lindsey Roberts can be reached at Lakeside Organic Gardens’ main office at (831) 722-6286. play active roles in the business. Peixoto works hard to keep his company She can answer your questions. Located at 577 within an arm’s reach so he can walk each field Judd Road, Watsonville, California, 95076.
Certified Organic
akeside Organic Gardens is committed to growing 100% organic produce because they believe it’s the right thing to do. Organic produce is better for one’s health and the environment. They don’t use conventional agricultural chemicals, but instead, they rely on natural fertilizers, compost, beneficial insects, beneficial companion plants, and strategic crop rotations.
What is Organic Farming?
Organic Farming Signage
An organic production system is managed in accordance with the Organic Foods Production Act and the National Organic Program to respond to site-specific conditions by integrating cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. Source: USDA - National Organic Program 2001
Page 5 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ September – Oct. 2, 2014
Growing Habitats with Native Plants
“I quit having daily headaches!” “My son sleeps better and is able to concentrate at school.”
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The Green Directory
Support the Businesses that are Green and tell them you saw them in Connection Magazine! Call (831) 459-0522 to Advertise
The first to use Earth Friendly Corn-Based Bottles to package supplements! Effective April 10th, we will no longer provide single use plastic OR paper bags. Please remember to bring your reusable bag.
1955 41st Ave B6 • Capitola next to Ross, PGE & Supercuts Open 10am - 6pm m-f 10am - 5pm sat.
by Kathy Fieberling, Watsonville Wetlands Watch ike everything in nature, the living plants, animals and other organisms in the Central California Coast wetlands of Watsonville (and everywhere) are all connected. They have evolved and adapted over eons to create a perfect balance of plants and animals that are specialized for the conditions of the water, land and climate. They are all also interdependent. They act as sources of food and protection for one another, and they create and share a harmonious habitat where all species thrive and maintain balanced populations. White-tailed Kites, Blue-eyed Grass, California Ground Squirrels, Burrowing Owls, Gray Foxes, Marsh Marigolds, White Pelicans - they are all connected in the web of life, where there is abundant food at all levels of the food hierarchy. Because of this very balanced level of interdependence, if one species is removed, it ripples out and affects all other species. Native plants and organic plant matter are what the tiniest creatures eat, and without them the food system collapses. When humans started draining sloughs, introducing new animals, planting non-native food crops, landscaping, and paving the land and building on it, the natural balance gets upset and many species loose their home. For example, the highly invasive European plant Bristly oxtongue is believed to have been introduced when a seed stuck on a cow’s tail and was transported across the country and dropped on the coastal prairie in the Pajaro Valley, where it grew and thrived. Since this plant was not in the diet of any native critters, it quickly overpopulated and crowded out the native plants. The animals that depended on the crowded-out native plants have to move on or die, and so on…. The wetlands of Watsonville are naturally the home to a wide variety of plant and animal species, including threatened species such as the Red-legged Frog and the Santa Cruz Tarplant. The wetlands are also an important stopover place for migrating in the face of drastically shrinking wetlands statewide. The wetlands are very important to humans in many direct and practical ways. They serve as a first line of defense against floods, act as natural filters to pollutants, and provide beauty and recreational
opportunities for the community. Over twenty years ago a group of visionary and concerned citizens were instrumental in blocking development that would have been highly destructive to the wetlands of Watsonvile. This was the birth of the Watsonville Wetlands Watch. The Watsonville Wetlands Watch is dedicated to the protection and restoration of the wetlands, and work to raise community awareness about this very valuable resource in our backyards, including providing wetlands education to over 2000 students every year. The restoration of the wetlands of the Pajaro Valley is an important part of our mission. We have removed vast numbers of invasive non-native plants and planted hundreds of thousands of natives in the wetlands and uplands surrounding the sloughs. Using only plants that contain the DNA local to this area, we have developed a seed-farm where we grow most of our seeds. The seeds are propagated in our greenhouse and then planted in the field, where they can develop into the critical habitats that support diverse wildlife. We invite everyone to plant native plants in their own yards, gardens, even planters on patios or decks. You too can have a “backyard habitat” that supports abundant wildlife. You will attract colorful butterflies and birds to your yard while also conserving water. Native plants can also be used for food and medicinal purposes. At our upcoming Habitat Festival and Native Plant Sale, Saturday, September 27 at the Fitz Wetlands Educational Resource Center on the Pajaro Valley High School campus in Watsonville, you can buy many different kinds of native plants grown in our nursery and learn how to grow them. Besides the Native Plant Sale, there will be presentations and workshops with experts, guided walks, music, food, info booths, films, live animals, and a fun and educational kid zone.
Please join us on Sept 27!
For more information about the Habitat Festival and Native Plant Sale or the Watsonville Wetlands Watch organization, visit Kathy Fieberling is Volunteer Coordinator of the Watsonville Wetlands Watch. She can be reached at
Enjoy... A Nutritional “QUANTUM CONVERSATION”. Let’s Ask Your Body... Your Body Knows Best! Discover... Your 100 Trillion Cells! EXACT NUTRITION NEEDS and any INTERFERENCES to healing.
(831) 462-4697 Page 6 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ September – Oct. 2, 2014
Using Local Medicinal Plants for Mind, Body & Soul
by Linda Vaughan or over 1,000 years the Ohlone native people lived in harmony with the Watsonville wetlands. They used the plants and animals found for shelter, food and medicine. Great respect and good stewardship were shown to the land and sloughs by these people; it is a lofty goal to continue this respect so the vibrancy of the wetlands is assured for future generations. One gift of that the wetlands give to use is the magnificent array of medicinal plants present there, they offer us healing for our body, mind and soul. Following are some introductions of some native plants that can be found in the area and close-by surrounding areas. A good field guide would be most helpful for your excursions; 3 such guides will be listed later in this article.
Hedge nettle (Stacys rigida)
A tea, or tincture, of the leaves is useful for painful internal inflammation such as headaches and bladder infections. A poultice made from mashed roots, is an effective topical usage for sprains and joint inflammations as well as
to speed labor. Mugwort has a well deserved reputation for being a ‘dream’ herb. It has been found to enhance dreams (especially if you eat a couple of leaves before sleep) and it is often put into dream pillows.
California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica)
California Poppy is a wonderfully relaxing plant. All parts (roots, leaves and flowers of the orange-colored ones) can be dried and made into a tincture or tea. It calms nerves, relaxes, relieves anxiety and helps create a feeling of well-being.
California Wild Rose (Rosa spp)
The petals of roses are sweet and calming, good for the heart and also add a delightful flavor to herbal tea blends. They soothe the spirit and gladden ones’ heart.
Native Plants
Cattail (Typha latifolia) The pollen of the cattail is a hemostat (stops bleeding). Dried cattail pollen (works better when mixed with powdered cuttlebone) sprinkled on a wound can stop bleeding until more assistance is available. Natives also crushed and boiled the roots to use as a poultice for burns and other skin ir-
Figwort (Scrophularia californica)
Linda Vaughan taking it as a tea at the same time.
California Mugwort (Artemesia vulgaris)
Mugwort was used for hundreds of years to assist in childbirth. Tea and compresses help
Co2, Methane, Extinction… Oh my!
Scrophularia is used for skin irritations, cold sores, sore throats---actually any inflammatory condition. A tea can be made for these. The fresh leaves or roots (or both) crushed up into a green glob are very soothing to bruises, stings and joint injuries.
Black Sage (Salvia mellifera)
Black sage is a very pungent member of the salvia family which can be found on dry slopes.
It is used for upper respiratory issues from sore throats to relief of congested lungs and coughs. A strong tea is made to drink and gargle with and it is excellent in cough syrups to suppress that tickle.
Willow (Salix spp.)
Willow contains salicylates which are similiar to compounds found in aspirin. Willow bark, which contains these compounds, is actually the precursor to this widely used drug. These excellent identification books are highly recommended: 1) Medicinal Plants of the Pacific West---Michael Moore 2) Edible & Medicinal Plants of the West---Gregory L. Tilford 3) Peterson Field Guide-- Western Medicinal Plants and Herbs--Steven Foster & Christopher Hobbs Please remember we are stewards of our beautiful area and do not harvest too much material from one plant. We can also grow most of these plants in our gardens. There is nothing like walking out your back (or front!) door, harvesting from plants you’ve nurtured and allowing them to nourish your body, mind and soul in return. It doesn’t get any better than that! Linda Vaughan is a graduate of East West Herb School. She will be presenting a talk on local medicinal plants at the Free Watsonville Wetlands Watch Habitat Festival and Native Plant Sale on Sept. 27 at the Fitz Wetlands Educational Resource Center in Watsonville For more information go to Linda can be reached at
by Peter Melton remember watching Al Gore’s Inconvenient Then he dropped his next bomb. He menTruth in 2007. I remember feeling shocked tioned that the strongest of these feedback loops at the info but relieved because we could is getting worse. The warming planet and oceans fix it and the big climate problems weren’t are helping to release Methane, a greenhouse gas happening until 2100. that in the short term is close to While climate change and 100 times more powerful than rising Co2 levels remained on Carbon Dioxide. Even mainmy radar, they sat quietly in the stream news has reported the back of the room. Then, about a three Methane blow holes that year ago, I saw a video by a long were found recently in Siberia time Climate Crisis Researcher, and the hundreds of Methane Professor Guy McPherson. plumes that are leaking from the Semi-Precious Stones - Polished and Rough - Faceted Stones - Metaphysical Healing Stones - Specimens After watching a few of his ocean floor off the east coast of presentations I found myself the US. It is happening now and utterly shocked and yet wanting much sooner than hoped. to learn more. If these accelerated He mentioned that the changes continue, the “global climate is changing much faster weather weirding” will conthan previously projected. On tinue and get worse. This can Health Practitioners you are invited to top of that, the warmer it gets, lead to big changes in the fragile do sample demonstrations in our store. the faster it gets even warmer! Also, there are habitat for most species, including us. This will Bring you flyers for display in our new now over 30 of these “irreversible feedback also affect our ability to grow food in the places loops” that will help create even more rapid we are currently growing it. Bulletin Board. Henry, Owner changes. Then he uttered the phrase that I can’t get We are already seeing weird changes in out of my head. He said, “If things go where they Beautiful Stone Sculptures - Feng SHUI - Mobiles and Chimes - Coming Soon: Beads & Essential Oils our global weather patterns, like the drought are heading, we will be looking at Near Term we have here in California and the meandering Human Extinction.” What? Is it possible that SEPT 7 - 7 PM Cabrillo College room 608 screening of the climate action film “disruption” jet stream that caused Vortex. These runaway- 6pm climate change could get so bad that Come in today to receive your zodiac chart SEPTthe 23Polar - Cabrillo College Hort Building changes and many more are happening now SEPT 24 - Hartnell Collegeand TBA our planet will not be habitable for us Humans? and FREE birth stone with any purchase our planet is only 0.85 Celsius Center warmerfor Non SEPTdegrees 28 - Rescource - 3pm AndViolence maybe in our lifetime? Oh My. Other eventsthat in Santa Cruz/Salinas/Monterey - TBA.monkeys Traveling to Chico and Ashland complete tour. than the baseline temperatures existed before “The discovered fire andtothey Contact or (530) 680-5550 the industrial revolution. used it for many great things. But in the end, they n All events are FREE with donations appreciated. issio Professor McPherson hopes he is wrong, burnt down their jungle.” er/M Wat and I do too, but unfortunately there is little to no Guy McPherson will be speaking in the Santa good news to counter the dire projections. Many Cruz/Monterey/Bay Area in late September, climate experts think that we are heading for at contact for info. Visit least 2 degrees Celsius above baseline in the near for more info about the per future and it only gets hotter faster after that. Professor and future of our habitat and species. Coo See Ad on Page 3.
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Page 7 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ September – Oct. 2, 2014
Ferguson and the Law of the Jungle
W by Aaron Carvajal
Unhappy PG&E customers return their unwanted SmartMeters to PG$E office in Capitola, CA en masse Dec. 2011 after PG&E refused to remove them following widespread health problems.
the Do r de
Stop Smart Meters!
that make naturally compassionate humans into cornered rats. There are terrible things happening now that opportunity is scarce and war is worldwide. This story leads to human catastrophe while power hungry sociopaths get increasingly powerful over us. Follow the money through history to get the real story. We can turn our back on 57,000 desperate refugee children that we officially call the Apprehension of Unaccompanied Alien Children. We are in dangerous waters when economic burden so easily supersedes human compassion. It is no wonder that we can callously ignore the plight of poverty stricken African American communities. Slavery and segregation are conveniently forgotten while social injustices soar. See how the for profit prison system is traded on Wall Street so lucratively. Those who claim dangerous racism is in the past - are living in the past. De-humanizing economic excuses comfortably sit aside all the other â&#x20AC;&#x153;newsâ&#x20AC;? of the latest iPhone, ball games, and celebrity drama. Something is not just wrong in America as Al Sharpton recently expressed, racist sentiments are fermenting all over the world. Check the headlines. Do you remember when you first learned what happened during the holocaust? We were comforted with the slogan, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Never Again.â&#x20AC;? Most of us believe we are the keepers of justice and freedom in the world - but the track record shows millions killed from racismâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mentor genocide - on our watch. Most believe that this is not happening in our era. It sadly seems that we are like those Germanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s who sat back as millions were killed. A return to the law of the jungle would be a move in the right direction towards freedom and justice. It is said that the savages are not in the jungle - they are the ones cutting it down. The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting. ~Milan Kundera
hatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s up in Ferguson, MO? Are they just â&#x20AC;&#x153;animalsâ&#x20AC;? and â&#x20AC;&#x153;losersâ&#x20AC;? like Kevin Sorbo of Hercules recently ranted. This type of de-humanizing language, void of compassion, is on the rise - along with billions of dollars of military equipment for domestic use. But we would have the law of the jungle if there were no police - right? It used to be the Mothers, Fathers, Uncles, Aunts, Grandmas and Pas were the leaders, mediators, and police of their clan. When did responsibility end and the blame game begin? Many cities today are increasingly void of a strong foundation of families that are responsible for the community. True human connections are stunted by the economic paper chains that mute human freedom and cloud the inhumane disasters that increasingly plague us. The media blames racism, poverty, or bad/ stupid people who just want rims, hair weaves, and government hand-outs. One recent headline reads, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Compton School Police To Be Armed With AR-15 Rifles.â&#x20AC;? It seems like love and peace are now just hippie motifs meant to give us the feeling everything is cool. It reminds me of the clear liquid we concocted in chemistry class that smelled exactly like bananas - but obviously was not. Remember the social outcry when Gangster Rap emerged? Now the Compton condition is just mettle for wanna-be millionaire rappers - and has spread to pop culture all around the world. Forget the message, feel the beat, look at the shine. Is main-streaming acceptance of serious problems really the solution? Do we really want rampant racism, militarized police, and mass shootings to be the new normal? Seemingly basic responsibilities of stewardship, family, and community have increasingly been abandoned and replaced by economic survival. If we remember how horrible human events have unfolded in the past - we can avoid the same in the future. The way it is happening now is how it always happens. Economic depression gives way to desperate human conditions,
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Page 8 â&#x2013;˛ Connection Magazine â&#x2013;˛ â&#x2013;˛ â&#x2013;˛ September â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Oct. 2, 2014
Heirloom Plants and Your Health
he Santa Cruz County Fair starts on September 9th and goes through the 14th. Come and see Allen Morgan, steward of Santa Cruz Heirloom Seed and distributor of Seed Savers Exchange seeds. He will be located in the Harvest Building located near the carnival. Allen will be giving away over 1,500 FREE RED RUSSIAN KALE PLANTS, as well as seeds from 10 varieties of lettuce, cilantro, kale and other winter crops. His free seed giveaway will include the Rocoto Pepper.
Center for Integral H c fi i c eal Pa A Holistic Family Practice est. 1989
What is the Miraculous Capsicum? by Gina Locatelli and Allen Morgan
(Two Part Series) What is Capsicum (capsaicin)?
There are more than 200 common names in use for this species. The most familiar include: paprika, bell peppers, peperoncini, chili pepper, pasilla, ancho, Anaheim, Serrano, cayenne, Thai, habanera and jalapeno. (Capsicum annum should not be confused with ‘black pepper’, Piper nigrum, which belongs to a distantly related plant family Piperaceae.) Capsicum stimulates metabolism by activating a chain of events in the body that help to melt fat and break it down in the body. It activates the sympathetic nervous system that is associated with thermogenesis, which speeds the body’s oxidation of fat. With exercise, studies have shown that capsicum increases fat oxidation by 42%! Fat oxidation is the process by which the body melts excess fat and converts it into energy. Capsicum has also been shown in some trials to also decrease appetite, improve circulation and have some antioxidant effects. Cayenne pepper and red hot pepper have been used in dishes for centuries, and peppers and the extract of peppers have been used as a supplement to enhance workouts and circulation. Capsicum is available in a capsule form, so you can enjoy capsicum’s benefits if you don’t like spicy foods. Those with bleeding disorders or who are taking blood thinners, however, should speak to a doctor about taking a supplement.
History of the Pepper
In the 1400’s Christopher Columbus convinced Isabella, Queen of Spain (Castile) and her husband, Ferdinand II of Aragon, to fund his voyage to the New World looking for a route to India in search of the Spice Islands. Upon arriving in the Islands of the Caribbean, now called San Salvador, he discovered the pepper bush. He first discovered the peppers on the shores of West Africa, which were being flushed out of the Amazon by tropical storms onto the beaches. He gave them the name “pepper” believing the fruit was related to black pepper, which, as stated above, is not in the same plant category at all. Today, many are just discov-
ering for themselves the incredible health benefits of the pepper, namely, the Rocoto. The Rocoto Pepper dates back 7,000 years and is considered one of the hottest peppers in the world and is a true Superfood.
Health Benefits of the Pepper
Chili Peppers Fight Migraine Headaches and Sinus Headaches Studies show that chili peppers can provide pain relief for migraine and
sinus headaches. Chili Peppers Prevent Sinusitis and Relieve Congestion - The pepper’s heat helps to stimulate secretions that aid in clearing mucus from your nose, combating nasal congestion. It also contains
antibacterial properties that help fight chronic sinus infections. Chili Peppers Fight Cancer - Capsaicin not only causes the tongue to burn, it also drives prostate cancer cells to kill themselves, according to studies published in the March 15 issue of Cancer Research. According to the research, capsaicin induced approximately 80 percent of prostate cancer cells growing in mice to follow the molecular pathways leading to apoptosis. Prostate cancer tumors treated with capsaicin were about one-fifth the size of tumors in non-treated mice. Chili Peppers Help Lower High Blood Pressure - Eating chili peppers are naturally high in vitamins A and C, and also bioflavinoids.
They help strengthen our blood vessels, which makes them more elastic and better able to adjust to blood pressure fluctuations. Chili peppers also can make us sweat, which causes fluid loss, temporarily reducing overall blood volume. Chili Peppers Fight Inflammation - Capsaicin is a potent antiinflammatory agent. It inhibits Substance P, which is associated with inflammatory processes, much like it relieves headaches FREE with purchase andB12 migraines, listed earlier. Capsaicin may also one day be a of treatment for arthritis, psoriasis Meyers Cocktail - $99.00 and diabetic neuropathy. Chili Peppers Help Soothe Intestinal Diseases - A Duke University study found that capsaicin may lead to a cure for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The substance can also help to kill bacteria such as H. pylori, which can help prevent stomach ulcers. Chili Pepper Can Help You Burn Fat and Lose Weight - Did you know that capsaicin is a thermogenic? Thermogenics stimulate the body’s burning of fat byincrease the metabolism of the body’s adipose tissue, generating heat. Chili Peppers Help Protect Your Heart - Capsaicin may help to protect the heart by reducing cholesterol, triglycerides and platelet aggregation. It may also help the body dissolve fibrin, which is necessary for blood clots to form. Further, cultures around the world that use hot peppers liberally in their meals have significantly lower rates of heart attack and stroke than cultures that do not. Chili Peppers Have Loads of Vitamin C - A typical chili pepper packs more vitamin C than an orange, so if you need your extra C, grab a chili pepper! Chili Peppers Can Warm Your Feet! - Do your feet get cold in the winter? Try this -- sprinkle powdered cayenne in your shoes. It will keep you feet nice and warm during those cold winter nights! You can find heirloom seeds at Santa Cruz Heirloom Seed whose retail outlet is at Native Revival Nursery in Aptos; they are open to the public seven days a week. Contact Allen Morgan at santacruzheirloomseed@ for future seed swaps and plant sales.
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Page 9 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ September – Oct. 2, 2014
Did Pr Th box wa agains crooks really their pr as to h WHO W Conne month Cover copia I is who website that p magazi educat have d know w are (an are ‘in you’ll corpor Read o the lie
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Huge News for the Birds and the Bees
lbert Einstein once said that â&#x20AC;&#x153;if the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, man would have only four years to live.â&#x20AC;? Whether or not his statement is exactly accurate, it highlights how deeply dependent we are on bees for our food and nutrition. Traditionally, beekeepers have reported annual hive losses of 5 to 10 percent a year. But for the past 10 years, beekeepers, primarily in the U.S. and Europe, have been reporting annual losses of 30 percent or higher, far above than what is normal or sustainable. Many U.S. beekeeepers have experienced losses of 40 to 50 percent or more. The problem is serious and it is growing. In response, both the U.S. and Mexico have recently taken steps toward banning the use of pesticides and GMO crops that have been strongly linked to the widespread bee die-offs.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced that genetically engineered crops and bee-toxic pesticides known as â&#x20AC;&#x153;neonicotinoidsâ&#x20AC;? will be banned in National Wildlife Refuges. This ruling impacts more than 150 million acres of federal land. The announcement follows a recent White House memorandum that directed federal agencies to promote pollinator health in the face of significant losses in recent decades of bees, bats and birds that pollinate fruits, nuts and vegetables.
The truth about neonicotinoid pesticides
Corporate peddlers of neonicotinoid pesticides, such as Bayer CropScience, vigorously defend the safety of these chemicals. But the EPAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s approval of Bayerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s products was based primarily on a study conducted by the chemical giant itself, a study that was later discredited by the EPAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own scientists. Meanwhile, an ever growing and ever more compelling body of
P o l a l l c ution i r t c e l E
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Mexico says No to GMOs
At the same time, bees and beekeepers in Mexicoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s YucatĂĄn peninsula are celebrating a major victory over corporate giant Monsanto. A district judge withdrew the companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s permit to plant genetically engineered Roundup-Ready soybeans on 625,000 acres of cropland. The judge was convinced by scientific evidence demonstrating that GMO crops pose a major threat to honey production.
Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s at stake
Monsanto, Bayer, and the other corporate purveyors of pesticides and GMOs would like to keep selling their products, and they keep trying to downplay the harm they cause. But increasing numbers of scientists are sounding the alarm. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not just the future of the birds and the bees thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s at stake. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s our own as well.
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research has linked the use of neonicotinoids to serious declines in bee populations. And now new research published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature concludes that neonicotinoids are not just causing serious harm to bees, but also to birds. The study found that bird populations fell most sharply in those areas where neonicotinoid pollution was highest. According to the study, at least 95% of neonicotinoids applied to crops end up in the wider environment, killing the insects the birds rely on for food. Lead researcher Hans de Kroon from Radboud University in the Netherlands concluded: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Our study really makes the evidence complete thatâ&#x20AC;Ś we canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t go on like this any more. It has to stop.â&#x20AC;?
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Page 10 â&#x2013;˛ Connection Magazine â&#x2013;˛ â&#x2013;˛ â&#x2013;˛ September â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Oct. 2, 2014
Engineered Drought Catastrophe, Target California Most of the “the golden state” is now parched, baked and dried far beyond any historical precedent. Reservoirs are nearly empty, streams are drying up, and forests are dying by the day. Catastrophic fires will also continue to decimate California due to the engineered drought. by Dane Wigington, manipulate the jet stream into hisNo Natural Weather
M It is imperative that we all work uch of the state went together toward the goal of making the through all of 2013 population as a whole understand that with no significant virtually all their “weather” is being rain. Why? What completely manipulated. That there will it take to wake people up to the “weather warfare” being waged on them? Geoengineering reduces overall global rainfall totals (though it can also trigger regions of torrential flooding). Intentionally caused drought is weather warfare, period. There is a great deal of disinformation out there already and its getting worse by the Photo taken from Center St. in Santa Cruz day. Even some of the biggest “alternative news sites” are helping is NO NATURAL WEATHER at this to “tow the line” for the global elite point. That we are all the victims of by putting out articles on drought “weather warfare” and many of us will and “global cooling” which make no soon be climate refugees if we are not mention of the climate engineering able to bring the climate engineering at all. Yet, on the other hand, these to light and to a halt. On top of all this same “news sites” claim to be aware we are all literally being poisoned by of climate engineering and they say they are against it. Which is it? How can they be aware of the geoengineering programs and yet put out climate article after climate article without so much as mentioning the elephant in the room that is climate engineering? The articles from these “alternative media sites are even claiming all the chaotic weather is just “normal cycles”. This is exactly what corporate media does, so who’s side are these alternative media the toxic metal fallout from these prosites on? How is it possible that any grams, but that’s another story. weather in a completely engineered Geoengineered Drought, climate system is “normal”? Target California Is This The End Of The The recent NOAA map above Road? illustrates an unprecedented pattern of Many are finally beginning to precipitation or lack thereof. Almost wake up to the fact that the some- the entire country is shown at above thing is very wrong with the weather. normal precipitation while California Many are finally realizing something looks like it has a virtual “bullseye” profound is happening in our skies. of below normal rainfall predicted Some are now finally making the deci- (scheduled). One can draw their own sion to get involved with the fight to conclusions from this map, does this raise awareness of the lethal climate pattern really look natural? engineering programs, but are we The NOAA map above is about already too late? as unnatural as it gets. Welcome to Have the geoengineers already global geoengineering. pushed Earth’s natural systems past the The true severity of the drought point of no return? Based on all avail- in the west is not accurately reflected able data, the answer is very likely yes. in the “drought monitor” map above. The damage already done to our planet The actual conditions on the ground from anthropogenic activity, which in- are much much worse as California has cludes geoengineering, has guaranteed been descending into ever worsening us a planet that is much less hospitable drought for 7 years now. This season than the one we have known. However to date there has been no significant difficult the future looks, we could yet rain at all. perhaps preserve the planet’s ability HAARP ionosphere heating to support life if we can stop climate facility in Alaska. There are numerengineering. This battle must be won ous ionosphere heating installations or all will be lost. around the globe that are used to
torically unprecedented patterns. The manipulated jet stream is one of several primary factors relating to the climate chaos now being inflicted on planet Earth. With the combination of constant aerosol spraying and ionosphere heater utilization (HAARP) the climate engineers have effectively cut off the flow of moisture to the state of California. Why? There are likely a number of probable reasons. First, California is possibly a climate “sacrifice zone”. This means that California is collateral damage for the constant parade of engineered snow storms being whipped up further east in the US. The rain blocking high pressure ridge that the climate engineers have locked in place over the western US and the eastern Pacific pushes the jet stream straight north, carrying the moisture with it before rain can come anywhere near California. This moisture then travels as far as Alaska and the Arctic. The jet is then turned back south as it wraps clockwise around the HAARP/ionosphere heater created dome of high pressure. Then, it is pumped all the way down to the southern US carrying heavily sprayed and chemically ice nucleated moisture with it which enhances the artificial cool down of the eastern US. Another part of the puzzle is likely this, a population that has no water and can not grow any food does not tend to be in a position to effectively protest the crimes of it’s government. California has historically grown so much food for the nation that the catastrophic drought has very far reaching ramifications. Control the food supply and you control the population. There is also the growing effort by the government to take control of water rights in California and other regions in the west. The climate engineers literally have California by the throat and it does not appear they are going to let go anytime soon. The weather makers can drought California into a desert from top to bottom, we are well on our way to this already. Forests that were green and lush only ten years ago are now wilting, withering, and in many places have already died. In addition to the almost total lack of rain in California caused by the climate manipulation, the jet sprayed aerosols utilized in the geoengineering programs are desiccants. These are materials that adhere to all available moisture in the atmosphere creating very low
humidity on the ground under many conditions which further dries out the already parched state. Now lets add the constant record high temperatures that often go along with consistent high pressure. All things considered, its a recipe for creating a dust bowl out of a once beautiful state. Its a method for bringing the population of this state to their knees. Where Are The Geoengineers Concentrating Their Efforts, And How Cool Are They Making The Planet Overall? The NASA temperature analysis map above should make clear where the climate engineers are most focused in their efforts to create a “cool down”. This map illustrates recent temperature trends as compared to the 30 year average. The NASA map clearly shows the only “cooler” places on the planet compared to the long term average. These areas of below normal temperatures are a direct result of massive geoengineering efforts such as those described above. If the temperature variations on this map seem unnatural, they are. Though the US media is trying frantically to convince its population (with considerable success) that the world is in a deep freeze, this is patently false from a global perspective. The radical swings in temperatures and conditions will persist and worsen as the climate engineers literally tear Earth’s natural life support systems apart. The climate engineers can and are radically cooling
huge areas, but at the cost of a greatly worsened overall warming and a completely decimated climate system.
What Can We Do?
Everyone can and must help with this all important battle. All must get up off the bench and assist in the critical effort to raise awareness. Get organized with others in your community. Get educated (this means examining real data, not headlines), get credible information to hand out, hold viewings of documentary films like “Look Up” from film maker George Barnes, do whatever it takes to sound the alarm. If we can simply bring the climate engineering crimes to the light of day, and reach critical mass of awareness, the dominos that keep these programs in operation will start to fall.
Dane Wigington – Bio
Dane Wigington has an extensive background in solar energy. He is a former employee of Bechtel Power Corp. and was a licensed contractor in California and Arizona. He is the lead researcher for www. and has investigated all levels of geo engineering from chemtrails to HAARP. He assisted Michael Murphy with his production of “What in the World are They Spraying” and has appeared on an extensive number of interviews to explain the environmental dangers we face on a global level. He lives in Mt. Shasta, California. food_supply.htm
Page 11 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ September – Oct. 2, 2014
The Science of Feeling Better, Thinking Better, Doing Better, and Being Better! Looking forward to you joining us for ongoing sessions of: • RN Assessments (meds, diet, bone density, etc.) • Body Massage & Bodywork • Alert Theta Brain Wave Consciousness with Edward Francis Pio
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by Faith Gardner epressing news for those of us who’ve gone out of our way to purchase BPAfree containers. In 2010, BPA was shown to be possibly harmful to fetuses, babies and children, which led to a wave of BPA-free merchandise that hit the market. But it turns out the replacement for BPA, BPS, is now looking to be likely equally harmful as BPA itself. BPA is the starting material for making polycarbonate plastics. Any leftover BPA that is not consumed in the reaction used to make a plastic container can leach into its contents. From there, it can enter the body. BPS was a favored replacement because it was thought to be more resistant to leaching. If people consumed less of the chemical, the idea went, it would not cause any or only minimal harm. Yet BPS is getting out. Nearly 81 percent of Americans have detectable levels of BPS in their urine. And once it enters the body, it can affect cells in ways that parallel BPA. A 2013 study by Cheryl Watson at The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston found that even picomolar concentrations (less than one part per trillion) of BPS can disrupt a cell’s normal functioning, which could potentially lead to metabolic disorders such as diabetes and obesity, asthma, birth defects or even cancer. “[Manufacturers] put ‘BPA-free’ on the label, which is true. The thing they neglected to tell you is that what they’ve substituted for BPA has not been tested for the same kinds of problems that BPA has been shown to cause. That’s a little bit sneaky,” Watson says. Scientists at the University of Calgary studied the effects of BPS on zebra fish and found alarming results about the effects of these chemicals on brain development. When the fish were dosed with BPS in similar concentrations to that found in a nearby river,
neuronal growth exploded, rising 170 percent for fish exposed to BPA and a whopping 240 percent for those exposed to BPS. As the fish aged, they began zipping around their tank much faster and more erratically than the unexposed fish. The researchers concluded that increased neural growth likely lead to hyperactivity. “Part of the problem with endocrine disruptors is they usually have a U-shaped dose response profile,” Kurrasch says. “At very low doses they have activity and then as you increase the dose it drops in activity. Then at higher doses it has activity again.” She found a very low dose—1,000-fold lower than the daily recommended amount for humans—can affect neural growth in zebra fish. In a separate study, both BPA and BPS were also proven to cause heart arrhythmias in lab rats. As with so many things, the problem comes down to a lack of regulation. Currently, no federal agency tests the toxicity of new materials before they are allowed on the market. “We’re paying a premium for a ‘safer’ product that isn’t even safer,” Kurrasch says. There are many types of bisphenols out there, so part of the public’s responsibility “is making sure [manufacturers] don’t just go from BPA to BPS to BPF or whatever the next one is.” Printed with permission.
DID YOU KNOW THAT...?? FACTS ON PLASTIC POLLUTION • In just 25 years, our consumption rate of plastic bags has grown from almost zero to our use of over 500,000,000,000 (that’s 500 billion) plastic bags annually … almost 1 million per minute. • According to The Wall Street Journal, the U.S. goes through 100 billion plastic shopping bags annually. An estimated 12 million barrels of oil is required to make that many plastic bags.
• Four out of five grocery bags in the US are now plastic. • Plastic bags cause hundreds of thousands of birds, sea turtle and other marine animal deaths every year because these creatures mistake plastic trash for food. • Countries like China, Ireland, Australia, Bangladesh have banned or have placed restrictions on single use plastic bags. • The average family accumulates 60 plastic bags in only four trips to the grocery store.
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Page 12 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ September — October 2, 2014
by David L. Biles, D.D.S., M.A. never thought that I would continue to learn as much as I do after so many years in practice as a dentist. As a matter of fact, one of my early concerns was that dentistry wouldn’t offer as much stimulation as I thought I might need to be sufÀciently interested in my daily toils, decades into my career. I could not have been more surprised as time has unfolded. Treating the trusting and grateful patients I do enables me to better understand how this oral system operates in health and disease and still keeps my daily interest. Each day I hear tales that astound me, challenging my understanding of the mechanisms of disease and dysfunction. I routinely hear from patients of brain fog clearing, whole body pain diminishing, and energy increasing. Sometimes the reports are even more remarkable. Recently, for example, a woman returned with her sister for a second opinion and examination, determined to help her sibling with her health concerns, touching all of the bases on possible solutions to helping her heal from a myriad of symptoms, difÀcult to label medically. As has been my custom, I thoroughly evaluated her mouth on multiple levels, examining her gums, TMJ, teeth, existing dental restorations, tongue posture, soft tissue, dental materials, and level of oral hygiene, utilizing digital x-rays, photographs, a laser cavity detector, and illuminated high magniÀcation. My goal is to identify as many potential stressors in the oral cavity as possible, believing that the nature, magnitude, and duration of the stressors’ existence impact the immune system in, at the very least, diverting the attention of the immune system from other maladies. During the course of the examination, the former patient revealed to me that although she still had the antibodies for Systemic Lupus Erythematosis, SLE, she had not experienced any symptoms since completing treatment in my ofÀce seven years ago. That was why she had brought her sister in for an examination and consultation with me. She wondered if a similar approach to dental care might be beneÀcial for her sister. Healthy mouth, healthy body, the American Dental Association says, so… of course I agree, being the good supportive dentist I am, applauding the ADA for some of the good work it does. Another case history? Last week a gentleman suffering from high blood pressure, obesity, and shortness of breath informed my staff that he felt better than he had in years fol-
lowing several hours of full mouth periodontal debridement with our skilled registered dental hygienists. Even though he was still slightly numb, he said, later that evening his energy was signiÀcantly improved, as well as his mental clarity, including a reduction of whole body pain. All of this from just having his teeth thoroughly cleaned, because he, like 70-90% of Americans suffer from undiagnosed gum disease. This was the third or fourth time I had heard such a revelation from a patient, leading me
to believe that rapidly lowering the total amount of bacteria in the head can have a signiÀcant effect on our health. Quickly. The previous hypothetical link came to me when a physician called to acknowledge that her patient was now responding to her therapy following a similar protocol. Prior to thoroughly cleaning her mouth and eliminating two cavities, this patient had been non-responsive to all of the physician’s efforts to stimulate her immune system and heal. She was now thrilled to see the patient’s progress and called to understand why this was happening. We concluded that the reduction in bacteria was enabling her immune system to Ànally direct its attention to other priorities in the body rather than deal with an apparent chronic low grade sub-clinical infection in the head, localized to the mouth, primarily between and around the teeth. With this awareness came other implications, however. The common denominator? A systematic approach to achieving a healthy mouth on multiple levels, attending to all of the possible stressors on and in the oral system, understanding that there are multiple types of stressors and each one exerts its inÁuence in a unique way. The stressors? Bacteria, number and type, from decay, gum disease, bad oral hygiene, poorly contoured, rough dental restorations that promote bacterial accumulation and proliferation, inaccessible concave surfaces, plus the energetic effects of mixed metals, including the out gassing of mercury from silver colored Àllings, facilitated by the presence of gold. All of these physical inÁuences are impacting our
immune systems. Our symptoms we experience and report to health care practitioners are the logical result of this oral pollution. Unless the underlying dental issues are strategically, safely, and effectively reduced or better yet, eliminated, then the medical treatment regime we are engaged in will be little more than slightly effective symptom management. Arguably… the mouth comes Àrst. This concept does not support the current perceived hierarchy in health care, however, as dentists do not intentionally do medically related dental care due to the restrictions placed on both professions, not to mention the lack of communication and common understanding between the medical and dental professions. Nonetheless, the few dentists that do treat the whole mouth systemically oftentimes see healing of apparently unrelated symptoms. There are many reasons for this, including the somewhat obvious economic reasons, where patients are more likely to seek care for a single tooth rather than a whole mouth. Plus, it takes much more skill to restore a whole mouth that one can only acquire after years of dedicated post-graduate work. Detoxifying an entire mouth and rebuilding it better are techniques that are not taught in dental schools, necessitating specialized training, instrumentation, and travel. It has taken me over 15 years of soul searching and analysis, coupled with revelations from my patients over that time frame to become comfortable with knowing that when patients unify their dentistry, health beneÀts will occur. What those beneÀts will speciÀcally be depends on the issues the patient possesses along with other factors, including the willingness to make lifestyle changes, if they have not also been examined and instituted already. Don’t you think it is time we reconnected the mouth for dentistry and medicine? I welcome patients who are willing to invest in their health and educate themselves when it comes to understanding the particular stressors in their mouths. Likewise, I welcome the testimonials that only serve to validate a legitimate direction for the dental and medical professions to embark. We are here to heal, are we not? Dr. David Biles is accepting new patients interested in a comprehensive approach to health created in tandem with the patient. Dr. Biles brings awareness to health from a lifetime of study. Schedule a visit to see if an ideal approach to dentistry is what your body needs to heal, (831) 423-0121,
Page 13 ▲ ConnectionPage Magazine ▲ ▲ September – Oct. 2, 2014 11 � The Connection Magazine � � October ▲ 2013
Business / Careers
=VkZ V A^[Z½ Ndjg LVn
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Complementary Health
by Joshua Corn re you concerned about maintaining the health of your brain as you age? Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not alone. Losing oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s memory and mental abilities to cognitive decline is something we all fear, and the current statistics on the prevalence of cognitive decline in this country are not pretty. By age 65, sadly 1 in 8 Americans will suffer from severe cognitive decline, and by age 80, an astonishing 1 in 2 will. Researchers have been working for years to develop an effective treatment. But, one â&#x20AC;&#x153;miracleâ&#x20AC;? drug after another has failed to live up to its promises, and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s becoming more and more apparent that pharmaceuticals are not the solution. Unfortunately, the medical establishment is VR QDUURZO\ IRFXVHG RQ Ă&#x20AC;QGLQJ DQ HOXVLYH ´FXUHÂľ WKDW VFLHQWLĂ&#x20AC;FDOO\ SURYHQ SUHYHQWLRQ VWUDWHJLHV are often ignored. Natureâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Brain-Protecting Miracle There are a number of natural brain protectors out there, but did you know that one herb has shown more promise when it comes to supporting your neurological system than any other PHGLFDO Ă&#x20AC;QGLQJ WR GDWH" ,W¡V D VFLHQWLĂ&#x20AC;F IDFW WKDW curcumin, an antioxidant compound found in the root of the turmeric plant, is one of the most powerful natural brain protecting substances on WKH SODQHW ,W FRQWLQXHV WR DPD]H VFLHQWLVWV ZLWK LWV UHPDUNDEOH FRJQLWLYH KHDOWK EHQHĂ&#x20AC;WV You may be familiar with turmeric as the bright yellow spice that is commonly found in curry powder. Turmeric has a long history as a KHDOLQJ KHUE DQG FXOLQDU\ VSLFH LQ ,QGLD ,QWHUHVWLQJO\ ,QGLD KDV WKH KLJKHVW SHU FDSLWD FRQVXPStion of turmeric AND the lowest incidence of cognitive decline worldwide! Your Brain on Curcumin The hallmark process associated with certain types of cognitive decline is the formation in the brain of abnormal protein structures. Normally, when malformed proteins are formed within the brain, the immune system sends
out cells known as macrophages, which engulf and GHVWUR\ WKH SURWHLQV ,I WKLV ordinary function fails, defective proteins accumulate in the brain and cognitive decline can follow. Recent research is showing that curcumin encourages the immune system to send macrophages to the brain. A landmark clinical trial involving people with severe cognitive decline PHDVXUHG WKH HIIHFWV RI FXUFXPLQ $PD]LQJO\ WKH SDUWLFLSDQWV WDNLQJ FXUFXPLQ KDG VLJQLĂ&#x20AC;FDQWO\ higher levels of dissolved abnormal proteins in their blood compared to those in the placebo group. This study showed that curcumin has the ability to effectively pass into the brain, bind to beta-amyloid plaques and assist the body in their breakdown. Curcumin is one of the only substances known to have such a profound protective effect on the brain. 7KH ,QFUHGLEOH +HDOWK %HQHĂ&#x20AC;WV RI &XUFXPLQ Â&#x2021; 3URWHFWV EUDLQ FHOOV IURP DJLQJ Â&#x2021; ,QFUHDVHV PHPRU\ UHWHQWLRQ FODULW\ Â&#x2021; %RRVWV RYHUDOO FRJQLWLYH IXQFWLRQ Â&#x2021; 6XSSRUWV MRLQW PXVFOH KHDOWK Â&#x2021; 3URPRWHV KHDOWK\ FDUGLRYDVFXODU IXQFWLRQ Â&#x2021; 6XSSRUWV D KHDOWK\ LQĂ DPPDWRU\ UHVSRQVH Â&#x2021; 6XSSRUWV KHDOWK\ PRRG EDODQFH Â&#x2021; 3URPRWHV D KHDOWK\ GLJHVWLYH V\VWHP Â&#x2021; %RRVWV GHWR[LĂ&#x20AC;FDWLRQ OLYHU KHDOWK Â&#x2021; 6XSSRUWV QDWXUDO ZHLJKW ORVV Joshua Corn, Editor-in-Chief of the Live in the Now newsletter, is a health freedom advocate whoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been involved in the natural health movement for over 15 years. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s always been dedicated to promoting health, vitality, longevity and natural living. Josh is currently writing a book on natural remedies and is gearing up to launch the Live in the Now radio show. In DGGLWLRQ WR KLV ZRUN LQ WKH QDWXUDO KHDOWK Ă&#x20AC;HOG Josh is an avid outdoors man, organic gardener, animal lover and enjoys â&#x20AC;&#x153;living in the nowâ&#x20AC;? with his wife and two sons. Printed with permission.
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Page14 V 14 â&#x2013;˛The Connection Magazine â&#x2013;˛ â&#x2013;˛ V Facebook/ConnectionOnline â&#x2013;˛ September â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Oct. 2,2,2014 Page Connection Magazine V V September â&#x20AC;&#x201D; October 2014
Is There
by Sylvia Skefich, D.C. n ache or a pain can be seen as an invader. “Get out! Just leave me alone!,” one may find themselves thinking. But is a pain in the neck, low back, or knee really an intruder that has come to mess with your flow? Or is the ache really a “messenger,” perhaps even a gentle and long suffering presence that has just finally had too much pressure or strain? Consider two ways of receiving the pain messages that the body gives you. Both ways can work to eradicate the pain: to ignore and bully through the day; or to listen and to respond. If a person uses a force of will against the pain, perhaps pushing it out with painkillers or with a mind focused elsewhere, then the pain is likely to eventually leave. But does it really “leave”? Or does it just turn into something else... something less likely to ask you for help. If the pain were a finger twisting in the spider web of your body, then ignored pain could lead to a stiffened web and stronger attachment points. This is called “compensation.” Compensations lead you further from your natural state. They are less flexible and are invested in dysfunction. Yes, they work to diffuse the pain, and yes, the body is a marvel for being able to adapt. But the downside is that compensations are adapted to a problem of a point in time. They are not usually well adapted for living a flexible life with minimal joint degeneration. Compensations are also harder to root out once a person does seek
your Body? or
help. Trained hands may feel that a compensated person is complicated, imbalanced, tight, and less responsive to methods of body work. If, on the other hand, a person uses listening and responsiveness when faced with pain, there is a better outcome not just in the short run, but especially in the long run. This does not equate to being oversensitive to minor pains. The attitude is much like taking care of a fine car, a home, or even a child… caring for something you would like to have in good shape for decades to come. When pain “asks,” a person would benefit from having some self-help books on the shelf, like “Acupressure’s Potent Points” (to administer reflex pressure points on oneself), or “Acu-Yoga” (to stretch specific parts of the body, meridians, or organs). In both books, just look up your ailment in the index, and go to the page for the techniques. It is also advisable to see a professional for your ache or pain if your pain is severe, if it does not go away within a reasonable amount of time, or if the problem keeps recurring. (There are certain conditions which require immediate care, so this statement is not an advisement for putting off medical care.) Find a good bodyworker. The professional bodyworker is trained in their method to bring the body back to the most neutral, pre-compensation place that is possible for you. Sylvia Skefich is a Doctor of Chiropractic and uses Orthopedic Massage, Cranio-Sacral Technique and nutritional consulting as part of her methodology. She practices at 920 41st Ave., Suite G, Santa Cruz, CA 95062, (831) 475-1995,
your Body?
Santa Cruz's Healing Hands
Cranio-Sacral by Sylvia Skefich, DC and Christine Bayless, CST
Regular prices:
Sylvia: 140/hr 1st 55 min visit, $70 follow-ups, 25 min Christine: $80 for 55 minutes
by Dr. Amy Kelchner, N.D. e who are parents know that we can’t prevent every disappointment or difficult situation that our children must face. Our goal, instead, is to help them build the skills needed to manage life themselves and find their own path to happiness. We hold them and counsel them, and try our best to lead by example. We don’t expect our children to react to life exactly like we do, for each child is an individual and will respond to the environment in his or her own unique way. When we work with each child’s distinct constitution we begin to understand how to support our children in finding their own one-of-a-kind path toward happiness and health. As a naturopathic doctor, my task is to empower people to be their own healers. Healing comes from our own bodies and minds; it is not a thing someone does to us. When we nurture children’s internal environment instead of trying to prevent every discomfort or illness, their bodies learn how to manage illness and handle stressors. This is how they build skills and are better able to handle the next virus or stressful situation that comes along. We can support the internal environment through good nutrition and the resources needed to create a healthy microbiome. Each person’s blend of microbes—their microbiome—is unique. Microbes live with us on our skin, mucus membranes, and digestive tract, and are essential for keeping us healthy. Medical research has shown that the microbiome is involved in many functions. Its imbalance may lead to conditions as diverse as autoimmune disease, autism, and obesity. The effect that each person’s microbiome has on gene expression helps explain why people respond differently to drugs, diet, and disease.
Doctor of Chiropractic
(831) 475-1995
our chIldren
A child begins to develop his/ her unique microbiome at birth and it grows dramatically in the first few years of life. A baby’s first contact with the environment shapes their lifelong microbiome and thereby affects their long-term health. Vaginal birth, breast-feeding and skin contact introduce microbes that assist in digestion and create a healthy mucosal barrier. Healthy food provides essential microbes, as does any contact children have with their natural surroundings. It’s actually good for children to eat dirt and kiss the dog, and it’s good for them to get sick. Having a cold builds the strength and skills of the immune system; drugs and processed foods suppress it. Acute illness can become dangerous, to be sure, and in these cases vaccines and other drugs may be necessary. But conventional interventions need to be used with caution, mindful of their potential to suppress the body’s natural ability to respond. Nurturing the internal environment is the most important thing we can do to engender abundant health in our children. We can support each precious child by providing the resources needed to face life’s challenges, so s/he can develop the skills needed for a lifetime of health and happiness. Dr. Amy Kelchner, ND has had a holistic family practice since 2003, and is thrilled to be joining the thriving practice at the Santa Cruz Naturopathic Medical Center. Because building a child’s health can make a lifetime of difference, she loves to empower parents to care for their children naturally and prevent unnecessary medication. Her great joy comes from working with people who are seeking wholeness, for themselves and their children. She will be giving a talk on vaccines on September 25th. Call (831) 477-1377 for more information or to make an appointment.
At the office of
Sylvia Skefich, D.C.
naTuropaThIc docTor...
nurTurIng aBundanT healTh
ChiropraCtiC Corner:
920 41st Avenue, Suite G, Santa Cruz, 95062
Conditions we treat r
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Structural Integration Lifestyle Counseling Psychotherapy Emotional Brain Training
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page 15 ▲ the Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/Connectiononline ▲ September — october 2, 2014
Frey Vineyards – a History oF america’s First organic Winery
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Share a glass of real organic wine from America’s first organic winery. The best of modern and traditional winemaking! Always family-owned & operated Since 1980
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Work is the curse of the drinking classes. —Oscar Wilde
Bringing Consciousness into your Kitchen!
aul Sr. and Beba Frey grew up a few blocks apart in the gritty New York City of the 1930’s and 40’s. Paul relished his summer escapes to the Poconos Mountains, Pennsylvania. And Beba found bliss each summer on a Catskill Mountains dairy farm. Each vowed to escape the city permanently. They later met and married in medical school. While their family grew, they longed for a life closer to nature and finally settled down in Northern California in the early 1960’s on their ranch in Redwood Valley, Mendocino County. The 12 children grew up instilled with love and respect for the natural environment, and picked up gardening, farming, and agricultural skills, as their parents had dreamed. Paul Sr. and Beba rounded out their children’s education by schooling them in the sciences, history, literature, classical arts and music, as well as appreciation for world cuisines paired with wine. In the late 1960’s, Paul and Beba and the older kids planted Cabernet Sauvignon and Gray Riesling on the ranch’s old pasture land and sold the fruit to nearby wineries. A decade later, brothers Jonathan and Matthew realized the vineyards’ potential when a Cabernet Sauvignon grown by Frey’s grapes won a gold medal for a Santa Cruz winery. Frey Vineyards was bonded the next year in 1980, and soon after became the first organic winery in U.S. The eldest brother Jonathan and his wife Katrina studied organic agriculture under the tutorship of Alan Chadwick, a green-thumb guru of the California 70’s. At the winery’s inception, Jonathan introduced high integrity organic practices that are still in place today. Brother Matthew learned the mechanical and technical skills of the wine business when working at nearby wineries. A final touch to the new winery’s credo was that the wine would be made not only from
organically grown grapes, but without any added sulfites. In the late 1980’s, Paul Frey Jr. returned from the University of California at Santa Cruz to help perfect the techniques for making wine without the synthetic sulfite preservative, and is today our main winemaker. In 1996, Luke Frey spearheaded the conversion of our estate vineyards to biodynamic cultivation, making Frey Vineyards the first producer of certified Demeter Biodynamic wines in North America. We are pleased that many local wineries and grape growers have become certified organic and biodynamic as well, for the health of our common environment as well as our customers. Today, a third of all organic grapes in California are grown in Mendocino County, and 15 wineries making wines from organically grown grapes are located here – more than any county in the U.S. The trend of organic grape growing is rapidly spreading in Napa and Sonoma Counties, and across the U.S. Frey Vineyards is the largest of the very few wineries to have taken on the challenge of producing a true organic wine, made with no added sulfites – a practice that is now tradition for our family. Today, more than 30 years since the founding of Frey Vineyards, many of the 12 children and spouses work for the family business. As organic food production is reaching new heights in the U.S., we hope the trend never stops, benefiting taste buds, planet, and the future generations. Want to save 20% on your next order of Frey wine? Go to the following website to learn more about their wine club and discounts! Join today! Check out their 3-Bottle Special! Thank you for letting them know that you learned about them from their Ad and Article in Connection Magazine.
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GOT STRESS, NEED RELIEF? FEEL PROFOUND RELAXATION THIS FALL. are open to receive suggestions for by Adora Deva
uring these busy times and times of change we really need to take good care of ourselves. Andrew Weil, MD says, “Health is wholeness and balance, an inner resilience that allows you to meet the demands of living without being overwhelmed.“ Some of the ways for feeling nourished are to really take care of yourself, because if you don’t who will? How do you take care of yourself? Long walk? Meditate? Eat healthy meals? Go out with a friend? Take a bath? Get a relaxing massage? These are just a few of many wonderful ways that we can take care of ourselves to re-claim and maintain our valuable health and wellbeing. When we are out of balance, this stress affects our mind and body in many ways that can cause major damage to our health, mood, our relationships, and our quality of life. We may feel like the stress in our life is out of your control, but we can work on ways to control how we respond. Part of managing stress is about taking charge of our thoughts, our emotions, our schedules, environment, and the way we deal with problems. We can choose to change some of the stressful situation when we can, and choose to change our reaction when we can’t. Using Hypnotherapy and Emotional Freedom Technique, I teach people how to change WKHLU WKRXJKWV DQG UHDFWLRQ WR VWUHVV DQG À QG ways to learn to relax. Simply by changing the way you think about things, the things you think about change I usually add a Light session with a guided visualization to help people really drop into to a deep Theta brain wave to really get that deep nourishing blissful rest. In that deep space people
the change they are looking for. At the cellular level, the photons of light are transformed into energy giving you a renewed sense of well being. This kind of session provides stress relief very quickly and is very nourishing. During a transformational session, you can begin to Experience Overall Well-Being while you heal and transform yourself, clarify your life vision and set reasonable strategies to achieve the wellness you need to live a life of empowered purpose. As you open to love, become inspired and connect to your joy and passion for life, you are able to recognize your own divinity and all is possible. Another part of managing stress and relaxing is about taking care of our body. “My Body is my Best Friend” by Mellen Thomas Benedict. Wow! When we choose to love our bodies and take care of them like a good friend it feels really nice! When I make that time for rest and relaxation, make time for a warm bath or a nurturing massage I feel loved and appreciated. During a loving bodywork session tailored just for the client, I can combine Aromatherapy, Reiki, Polarity, Light Therapy, Raindrop Therapy, Lomi Lomi, G5 Massage and Oxygen Therapy for a blissful experience. Schedule a “Gift of Light, “Gift of Relaxation” or Gift of Transformation session today for you well-deserved nurturing and rejuvenation. Adora Deva, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Specializing in Stress Relief, Sleep Therapy and Longevity. See website for a list of services @www.,, (831) 566-9678.
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People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within. —Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
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ganizations and alternative journalists who pounded this story from day one. Those two emails are available here: February 2nd, 2004 letter to Dr. Julie Gerberding: October 18, 2002 letter to Melinda Wharton, Coleen Boyle and others, where William Thompson announces he is hiring his own lawyer and implies a CDC cover-up of a D.O.J. investigation: MMR vaccine fraud at the CDC now admitted by a key CDC scientist There are four astonishing realizations that now come to mind from Dr. Thompson’s public statement: Firstly, this admission proves beyond any question that the reporting of this fraud by the alternative media has been factual and true. It also underscores the astonishing fact that the alternative media alone broke this story, preempting the New York Times, Washington Post and every Pulitzer-prize-winning journalist in the world. The tables have now turned. It is solely the alternative media which is now breaking most of the really important investigative stories of our time. Does this mean alternative media journalists will now be nominated for Pulitzer prizes? Don’t hold your breath on that one... Secondly, it also proves that CDC scientists did in fact conspire to alter the study data in order to bury significant results linking the MMR vaccine to heightened autism risk in AfricanAmerican children. This is now openly admitted by a key author of the 2004 study cited by the CDC as “proof” that vaccines are absolutely safe. Thirdly, it now demands that the 2004 study referenced in all this be immediately retracted. This is an open admission of scientific fraud. Any failure to retract the study will now only underline the depth of the fraud and the abandonment of scientific principles by the CDC and the science journal itself. Fourthly, all this also reveals that the entire world owes a massive and immediate apology to Dr. Andrew Wakefield whose career and reputation have been destroyed by the very people who conspired to commit scientific fraud at the CDC. We must all now call upon the media to run headlines like, “Dr. Wakefield Vindicated: MMR Vaccine Fraud Confirmed.” Dr. Thompson condemns the CDC’s secrecy regarding vaccine risks What’s also very interesting about this statement by William Thompson is his implication that the CDC knowingly hides the truth about vaccine risks from the public. He says: There have always been recognized risks for vaccination and I believe it is the responsibility of the CDC to properly convey the risks associated with receipt of those vaccines.
There are three crucial points to understand here: #1) Vaccines ALWAYS come with risks. #2) The CDC has a moral obligation to communicate these risks to the public. #3) (Implied) The CDC has FAILED to communicate these risks to the public. I agree with all three of these points, by the way. That Dr. Thompson would feel these are so important to include in his one and only public statement on this matter underscores the importance of what he’s trying to communicate. What Dr. Thompson is saying is that the CDC is hiding the truth about vaccine dangers from the public. And that’s what I’ve also been saying all along. See, the modern scientific delusion about vaccines has been predicated on the belief that vaccines only offer benefits while imposing zero risks. This is the anti-science quackery which is brazenly repeated by the CDC, vaccine manufacturers, doctors and health organizations. A more honest analysis of vaccines would have to conclude that vaccines come with some level of inherent risk of harm and death. Scientists can argue all day about the size of such risks, but no rational person can ever honestly say such risks are zero. And yet the position of the CDC has always been that vaccines are “magically safe” as if they possess magical powers that prohibit all harm. This position is ridiculous at every level, yet it is the official stance of the CDC. This is why no one trusts the CDC: they lie as a matter of policy. It is this ridiculous, quack science position which discredits the CDC and the entire vaccine industry. For vaccine promoters to lie to the public and say vaccines have “zero risk of harm” is to admit they are all quacks and liars. It would be far more believable and ethical to say something like, “For every 100,000 children who receive these vaccines, 250 will become autistic and 15 will die in a coma.” (Numbers invented here for illustration purposes only. These are not actual numbers from any particular study, in case you were wondering.) If the CDC were honest with the public, then parents could make informed decisions about what level of risk they wish to undergo. Is it worth vaccinating a child against measles if the risk of that child becoming autistic is 1 in 100,000? How about 1 in 1,000? What if it’s actually more like 1 in 250? The public has never been allowed to know these numbers because people like Dr. William Thompson conspired to commit scientific fraud and bury these numbers. And that’s Page 35 the point in all this.
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor DC whistle-blower William Thompson has now gone public with a statement posted on the website of the law firm representing him, Morgan Verkamp LLC. The statement opens with a blatant admission of scientific fraud at the CDC: My name is William Thompson. I am a Senior Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where I have worked since 1998. I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed. The full letter is available at this link: In the letter, Dr. Thompson confirms the fact that he had multiple phone conversations with Brian Hooker and that the CDC has not been honest about the risks associated with MMR vaccines. The letter then goes on to repeat the typical vaccine propaganda of our time: all vaccines are miracle medicine, the CDC is highly professional, there has been no retaliation against him and so on. Intelligent readers will of course take all these statements with a grain of salt, understanding just how much political and legal pressure has no doubt been exerted onto Dr. Thompson up to this point. The relevant portion of Dr. Thompson’s statement is contained in the first paragraph. It is an open admission of scientific fraud at the CDC, and the admission of this by William Thompson is an historic moment for our world. Dr. Thompson’s public statement follows the release of secret emails by Natural News Dr. William Thompson chose to release his public statement less than one day after Natural News published the second in a series of once-secret emails between Dr. Thompson and his CDC colleagues. The release of those emails may have been pivotal in Dr. Thompson’s choice to go public with his own statement. The vaccine establishment, which immediately and predictably accused Natural News of fabricating the two emails, is now backpedaling as rapidly as possible with the full knowledge that Dr. Thompson’s public statement affirms and supports the authenticity of those emails. Natural News, in other words, was instrumental in breaking this historical story about medical fraud at the highest levels of the CDC. (Credit is also due to many other independent media or-
Page 18 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ September — October 2, 2014
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Page 19 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ September – Oct. 2, 2014
A Tribute to Robin Williams 1951 -2014
The Day The Laughter Died by Noel B. Murphy Robin Williams’ daughter, Zelda, sent her father a final wish and it was a quote from The Little Prince: “You - you alone will have the stars as no one else has them...In one of the stars I shall be living. In one of them I shall be laughing. And, so it will be as if all the stars were laughing, when you look at the sky at night... You - only you - will have stars that can laugh.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Robin the Gentle Shaman
Aug 11, 2014 to me will be the day the laughter died. As was Will Rogers to the nononsense Everyman, as was Bill Hicks to the completely fed up, was Robin Williams the flamethrower of joy, irreverence and shaktipat to the 70’s generation, most of whom were waking up from a multi-generational slumber. An American shaman who danced on the razor’s edge between this world and Toon-town . He was the first and last of the true kamikaze comedians. He was the platinum standard for speed, genius, and silliness for all comedians great and small, pretty much everywhere. You will miss him terribly.
In 1985, because for me cars had not been invented yet, I rode a greyhound from Santa Cruz to SF to the Holy City Zoo just to do a 5 minute
set and then hitchhiking back to Santa Cruz by 5 am—And, all because Robin Williams regularly performed there. Later that same year, I met him backstage at Comedy Day, he had just gotten sober and had a remarkable and unexpectedly still presence. I don’t envy the next generation of stand up comics. They will have it far harder than we did. They will all have to face a world without Robin Williams.
How He Died
Best to quote his close friend Johnny Steele “I don’t know much about depression. But, I’ll tell you this, if it can get inside a guy that wonderful and that kind and that full of life and that vibrant, with so much to live for, it is a monstrous, hideous bug, man. I mean, people said oh, I can’t believe Robin Williams killed himself. Robin Williams did not, I can tell you that. No, no. Some awful, awful thing got inside him.” I would not care how I died, if I could say I spent my life as the ambassador of goodwill as Robin Williams was. He spent 100 million on the well-being of others. He re-defined comedy worldwide. He made movies about possibility, acceptance and the power of love. In fact, if I did all that, I might be a bit tired and may want to check out a little early myself.
What We Are Left With
On August 11th, comedy changed forever and for me it’s more obvious than ever that it’s my job to wake up the narcoleptic planet with laughter by any means necessary. Robin, I’m sorry it took losing you to really finally wake me up to that. We all owe you a debt we can never repay. In his upcoming Nov 29th Santa Cruz tribute to Robin Williams, Comedian and Filmmaker Noel B. Murphy will channel one of Robin Williams core influences: The legendary Lord Buckley. The Kuumbwa Jazz Center will become an express time machine to the early 1950’s. (You may remember Noel’s recent performances as Buckminster Fuller) the show will include a special tribute to Robin Williams.
We present our Tribute to Robin Williams because we believe that he has lifted so many of our spirits: made us smile, laugh and maybe even helped us let go of some of our own inhibitions by being so silly, so FUN and so inspiring. When people speak about Robin, we only hear about what a truly caring, genuine, loving Soul he was to all—his family, friends and ‘the person on the street’—the regular guy/gal. Speaking with a group of 4 friends about Robin, each one of us had had an experience with him where he was so kind, so dear—and, none of us really knew him personally. He was just that accessible to us all; ‘the real people’. That is what an authentic man he was—not pretentious nor arrogant—seemingly egoless. In this Theme, we begin with a personal recollection from a wonderful local Comedian, Noel Murphy (we encourage you to attend his own personal tribute show to honor Robin. We will keep you informed for this November experience.). Being of the belief, which many people have like Byron Katie, Esther Hicks, etc.,—that we die or pass-on/ transition at the perfect ‘right-timing’ for us each and all, it is still very difficult for ‘we the people’ who remain here, the sadness we experience is profound. When we think of such an outstanding and renowned person, Robin Williams, and how he died, it is devastating as he must have been so, so sad . . . and/or so utterly depressed himself to end his own life—in despair. Our personal opinions are that the Big Pharma industry killed him. How? By whatever horrible drugs that he was given. When one is at a rehab center, being treated for depression, it is almost certain that they are given drugs such as SSRIs / anti-depressants. When we hear the Big Pharma ads on tv, we hear their minute-long disclaimers about the multitude of dangerous side-effects that they have, such as causing people to be suicidal, etc. We heard that Robin was at the onset of Parkinson’s Disease. Many people ‘in the know’ are educating themselves about healthful alternatives that can actually prevent and even heal almost everything, including Parkinson’s. However, so many are given drugs that actually make them more ill, bring about tremors, etc.—which cause the medical folks to add a few more drugs to ‘deal’ with the tremors, etc. We recently heard on a program with a medical doctor that IF a person has too much ‘manganese’, they can actually show symptoms of Parkinson’s. AND, when that excess manganese is removed or lessened, those symptoms go away as does the Parkinson’s (though this is very simplified, it gets our perspective/ point across, hopefully, which is. . . it is more than time for us to stop the insanity of this corporate, money-making industry, Big Pharma! If not now, then when?? If not us, then who??
Let us honor our friend and inspiration, dear Robin Williams, by taking a stand so that we stop this disgusting situation for us all, our family, friends and those we don’t even know [we do realize that under the direction of some doctors, that a person could possibly be on an anti-depressant for a relatively short time to help them emotionally; and then, to get off these drugs and hopefully, get into prevention and health building.]. And, that, of course, is what this magazine is about—educating us all to do the best practices in health for ourselves. We are thankful for the many health practitioners in Connection Magazine that can help direct us with appropriate solutions. (Note: all of the mass school killings by students/children [except for the for the ‘false flag’ shootings in the last 2 years] involved students taking anti-depressants—everyone of them!!!). Please see who is available in this magazine to help you and/or your loved ones. Thank you for reading this “Healthy Living & Conscious Lifestyle” magazine, telling others about it, taking a stand on the negativity and health & wellness debilitating factions out there. May you enjoy your new journey, dear Robin! We will miss you profoundly! With love, Pattie & Thom
Change the name of the W to ‘The Robin William
Petition by Julie Wainwright Like many worldwide, I am mourning the death of the immensely talented entertainer and incredibly good person, Robin Williams. I live in Marin County, California, about three miles from Robin’s home in Tiburon. He was my neighbor -- I often saw him running errands, walking the dog, performing at the local theater, working at the coffee shop. Robin wasn’t just an international icon -- he was an integral part of our community here in the Bay Area. We claim him as our own. I want to remember and honor this very important citizen here in our community for the joy he brought to the world and to bring awareness to the silent illness that eventually took his life. I’m asking for your support to encourage the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to change the name of Waldo Tunnel to the Robin Williams Tunnel.
Named after a politician from the 1850s, the Waldo Tunnel is the fastest way to get between San Francisco and Marin on Highway 101. Tens of thousands of people travel through this landmark each week. Above each of the tunnel entrances are rainbows, which I believe personify Robin in that he was so playful, fun, accessible, alive and colorful. Plus, many people first learned of Robin from his role in the 1970s TV show “Mork and Mindy,” where he often wore rainbow-colored suspenders. For these reasons, I believe changing the tunnel name would be a fitting tribute to a man who was beloved in our community and admired worldwide. Robin was a one-of-a-kind type of person, and I want him to be honored in an unconventional, everlasting and beautiful way. This is just one way that we can do that. Robin will be dearly missed, but I hope this change will provide us with a happy memory
Page 20 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ September – Oct. 2, 2014
How Have We Been Deceived By The Antidepressant Hoax Robin Williams was found dead yesterday at his home near Tiburon, California. The actor and comedian was 63. Authorities are still investigating the circumstances of death, but one thing that is known is that he was battling severe depression. A mountain of studies has shown that antidepressant drugs are largely ineffective, yet many Hollywood stars are hooked on the happy pills. Might we finally heed the warnings and shake ourselves out of our pharmaceutical stupor? Women have a 10 to 25 percent risk and men a five to 12 percent risk of developing severe major depression in their lifetime. The use of these drugs has tripled in the last decade, according to a report by the federal government. In 2006, spending on antidepressants soared by 130 percent. Dr Mark Hamer, a public health researcher at University College London, shows that people on the older drugs -- tricyclic antidepressants -- are at far higher risk of cardiovascular disease than those taking the newer class of pills, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). But, tricyclics were discovered in the Forties and it is only now we have identified these dangerous effects. Moreover, some SSRI drugs are known to cause serious problems such as stomach bleeding. In addition, the with-
Waldo tunnel ms Tunnel’ of him and will bring more awareness to disease that sadly took his life. Please sign my petition if you agree! Thank you.
To: Assemblymember Marc Levine Change the name of the Waldo Tunnel to The Robin Williams Tunnel Sincerely, [Your name]
drawal symptoms can be so severe that patients may become dependent on them. Dr Hamer says his findings do not only affect people with depression, because antidepressants are also prescribed to people with back pain, headache, anxiety and sleeping problems. 25% of American children are now on psyche drugs. And according to the CDC 1 out of every 6 children are developmental damaged. Do you ever wonder why so many people on psyche drugs are committing suicide and homicide these days? After all, decades ago, there were no “school shootings” or bizarre child suicides or homicides like those found on www. Up to 50% of Psyche Drugs Are Not Metabolized Years ago the genome project identified the main metabolic pathway needed to metabolize 25 - 50% of all psyche drugs and street drugs. Common psyche drugs such as Adderall, Haldol, Respirdal are on the list that needs the Cytochrome P450 gene 2D6 in order to be metabolized. 2D6 refers to the most major metabolic liver enzyme. Perhaps more than 10% of caucasians and a percentage of Asians and African Americans do not have the 2D6 activity. These folks can not metabolize 25-50% of the psyche drugs. These non metabolizers are given more and more psyche drugs as they become more and more psychotic until they hang themselves, kill someone else or become disabled in a mental institution, foaming from the mouth. One leading expert, Randolph Nesse, a psychiatry professor at Michigan University, argues that mild forms of depression are beneficial, often interjecting in life to tell us to stop what we are doing and reconsider. This can help, he says, when something awful happens to us, such as a job loss or relationship break-up, when it makes sense to slow down to grieve, reassess and make changes. But instead, we live in a world that tells us that when we feel out of sorts we need a pill to recover. It is this belief that creates queues of patients at the doors of hard-pressed GPs, who often feel they have no option but to hand out happy pills as though they were sweeties. Many patients later claim they couldn’t have coped without them. They will swear that ‘the drugs make me feel better, so they must be working’. But often the drugs do not actually work as chemicals. Instead, they merely reassure us -- the so-called placebo effect. SSRIs cause lower bone density, cause weight gain, harm male fertility and make people more likely to go on shooting rampages, commit suicides, and attempted suicides. There’s more. It also causes panic attacks, low heart rate and lightheadedness, induced mania, psychotic symptoms, electrolyte disturbances and seizures, and even anorgasmia (inability to achieve orgasms). There are literally dozens of other side effects too numerous to mention in this article.
How We have Been Deceived by the Antidepressant Hoax
Drug companies are not forced to publish all the results of their studies. They only publish those they want to. The team of researchers that reported their findings in The New England Journal of Medicine took a critical look at all the studies done on antidepressants, both published and unpublished. They dug up some serious dirt ... The unpublished studies were not easy to find. The researchers had to search the FDA databases, call researchers, and hunt down hidden data under the Freedom of Information Act.
What they found was stunning. After looking at 74 studies involving 12 drugs and over 12,000 people, they discovered that 37 of 38 trials with positive results were published, while only 14 of 36 negative studies were published. Those that showed negative results were, in the words of the researchers, “published in a way that conveyed a positive outcome.” That means the results were twisted to imply the drugs worked when they didn’t. This isn’t just a problem with antidepressants. It’s a problem with scientific research. Some drug companies even pay or threaten scientists to not publish negative results on their drugs. So much for “evidence-based” medicine! I recently had dinner with a step-uncle who runs a company that designs research for drug companies. He designs the study, hires the researcher from an esteemed institution, directs the study, writes up the study and the scientist just signs his or her name after reviewing it. Placebo In 2008, Professor Irving Kirsch at Hull University found something strange when he took a close look at some figures from drug manufacturers’ own trials of four common antidepressants. The drugs improved patients’ sense of wellbeing. So far, so unremarkable. But many of those involved in the trials were given sugar pills instead of antidepressants. And their depression scores improved just as much as those on the real pharmaceuticals. In other words, the placebo patients put so much store by the magical (and much-promoted) power of antidepressants that they lifted their own morale without any genuine chemical intervention. Such is the life-enhancing power of human belief. But this phenomenon also has a dark side: the opposite of placebo, which is called the ‘nocebo’ effect. This occurs when you convince someone that a particular thing will do them harm, and they begin to feel sick. Pharmaceuticals prescribed for mood are among the most dangerous due to their side effects and high toxicity to brain chemicals and hormones. Medicinal plants and natural nutrients are extremely effective in promoting neurotransmitter balance while promote relaxation. Please review Dr. Dave Mihalovic’s report on effective mood stabilizers that can dramatically improve and stabilize moodswings, suppressing manic phases but not inducing depression and curing depressive episodes while not causing mania. Sources: livescience. com, healthday. com, M a r c o Torres is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles. He holds
degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy. Printed with permission.
Parents Think Too Many Teens Get Antidepressants
While many parents are concerned about depression among teenagers, a number of them are apprehensive about antidepressants, says a new poll from Columbia University. The poll of 512 parents with children under 18 found that: • Sixty-eight percent of the parents believe that antidepressants are being over-prescribed to young people. • Thirty-one percent believe that antidepressants harm teens while an equal number don’t believe that antidepressants cause harm. Another 38 percent aren’t sure. • Suicide, weight gain or loss, and brain development are among the potential side effects cited by parents who believe that antidepressants are harmful to teens. • Most of the parents believe that most teens suffering from depression aren’t receiving treatment. • More than half the parents believe that many teens being treated for depression do not have the disorder. “Parents are worried that many teens with depression aren’t getting treated and many teens without depression are,” Laurie Flynn, director of the university’s Carmel Hill Center for Early Diagnosis and Treatment, said in a prepared statement. “What’s more troubling is parents lack basic information on depression and medication and they don’t know where to turn. This poll is a wake-up call to physicians, educators, researchers and even the media to step up efforts to sort out the confusion,” Flynn said. One in five youths will have one or more episodes of major depression by the time they reach adulthood, the researchers added. More info: The Nemours Foundation has more about teen depression. HealthDay News: http://tinyurl. com/57bjx4
Page 21 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ September – Oct. 2, 2014
Healthful & Natural Ways to Treat & Prevent Depression by Dr. Mercola
Every year, some 230 million prescriptions for antidepressants (SSRIs) are filled, making them one of the most-prescribed drugs in the United States. Despite this, the incidence of all forms of depression is now at 10 percent, according to 2012 statistics, and the number of Americans diagnosed with depression increases by about 20 percent per year. Such statistics are a strong indication that what we’re doing is simply not working, and that instead, these drugs are contributing to other serious health problems. Fortunately, there are other, safer, more effective ways to address depression—including something as simple as spending more time outdoors and eating better food (whole, real, non-processed foods). Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven-Stage Journey Out of Depression There is a one in three probability that depression will hit you or someone you know very closely. The rotten thing about depression is that not only does it zap all the joy and excitement from life but it can be a terminal illness, as about 15 percent of those with depression actually commit suicide. Fortunately there are many powerful resources to address this problem. One excellent one is the book Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven-Stage Journey Out of Depression, by Dr. James Gordon.
Challenging the Status Quo of the Conventional Treatment of Depression
Dr. Gordon is one of the pioneers in integrative medicine in the U.S. and has been advocating these principles for over thirty years. He believes depression can be a wakeup call and the start of a journey that can help you become whole and happy. He provides a comprehensive summary of the non-drug options that are available to those suffering from depression.
Surprisingly though, the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is not included in his list.
This underlines what a major challenge it is to keep up in any area of health, because if one of the main pioneers in this area missed it, how easy would it be for the general lay public to miss it? I recently interviewed Dr. Gordon for my inner circle membership program and when I asked him about EFT he mentioned that a few people had told him about it, but he never investigated it. So with my encouragement he is starting that process, and will likely update future editions of Unstuck to include that information.
The Bottom Line
If you or someone you know struggles with the pain of depression, I strongly encourage you to check out the book Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven-Stage Journey Out of Depression is a comprehensive compilation of helpful strategies that has taken Dr. Gordon over thirty years to put together. Books are clearly one of the best value resources
you can acquire as they radically reduce the time required to learn a topic. Unstuck can help you or your loved ones accelerate out of the pain of depression. Can Your Diet Prevent Depression?
Depression is an established risk factor for the development of coronary heart disease (CHD).
Dr. Mercola says, Omega-3 fats are essential for your optimal brain function, and that includes regulating your mood and fighting depression. In fact, the evidence has become so compelling that some experts in the field encourage all mental health professionals to ensure that their patients suffering from depression have an adequate intake of omega-3 fats.
Why Sugar Can Increase Your Depression Risk
Foods have an immense impact on your body and your brain, and eating whole foods as described in my nutrition plan is the best way to support your mental and physical health. Avoiding sugar (particularly fructose) and artificial sweeteners a very important for preventing and/or treating depression
Can Inflammation in Your Gut Be the Root of Your Depression?
Depression has been linked to gastrointestinal infl ammation, which is why poor gut health may be a major cause of this mental illness.
Gardening Can Help Beat Depression
80 percent of gardeners reported being “happy” and satisfied with their lives, compared to 67 percent of non-gardeners. Exercise is an important part of this.
Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Depression, Pain, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, and Breast Cancer
Some of the most recently published studies, demonstrate how boosting your vitamin D levels can improve depression.
Vitamin B12 for Depression
If you or someone you care about is experiencing depression, vitamin B12 may help with treatment.
Prolonged Sitting Can Lead to Depression and Other Mental Health Problems
It has been established that excess sitting may lead to physical health problems, but studies show it may harm your mental health as well. Children who habitually spend long hours in front of computer or TV screens experience more mental problems, including poor self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and diminished happiness.
Is This Parkinson’s Disease Cure On Your Spice Rack? by Kalipada Pahan, PhD
Dr. Pahan has shown that cinnamon can prevent symptoms of Parkinson’s disease that include tremors, slow, jerky movement, stiffness and loss of balance. Or at least, he’s shown that cinnamon has this effect in mice acting as experimental models of Parkinson’s disease. Mouse studies often translate to humans when further research is done—so, given how devastating Parkinson’s disease can be…and how familiar and safe cinnamon is…these cinnamon studies merit our attention right now. As Dr. Pahan put it, “If these results are repeatable in Parkinson’s disease patients, it would represent a remarkable advance in the treatment of this neurodegenerative disease.” The first thing to know is that we are not talking about just any kind of cinnamon, but a specific, authentic kind. Two types of cinnamon are sold in the United States—Chinese cinnamon (sometimes sold as Saigon cinnamon) and Ceylon cinnamon. Chinese cinnamon, or cassia, is the more common, less expensive type of cinnamon and is what you generally find in supermarkets. You know it—the usual cinnamon powder or that hard, aromatic curl of wood that you plunk into hot apple cider or cocoa. But, this is
not really “true” cinnamon and does not have its health benefits. Ceylon cinnamon is true cinnamon, and its sticks are softer and flakier than those of Chinese cinnamon. The powder is also lighter and sweeter smelling. There is virtually no way of knowing whether the powdered cinnamon you buy is true cinnamon or cassia or a mix unless it is specifically marked. Ceylon cinnamon is what Dr. Pahan is referring to when he talks about the spice. So, even just for general health, keep that in mind the next time you head out to the grocery store to replenish your spice rack—you may need to go to a higher-end market or even order online to get Ceylon cinnamon. Unless you’re allergic to cinnamon, Dr. Pahan suggests taking one teaspoon a day. But don’t attempt to just swallow a teaspoon of dry cinnamon powder “straight-up”! It will make you gag and could cause you to cough and inhale the powder into your lungs, which is dangerous. Instead, mix cinnamon into food or drink. We will be publishing this entire article in the October 2014 issue of Connection Magazine. www.
Page 22 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ September – Oct. 2, 2014
generations bringing up consciousness DV D VFLHQWLĂ&#x20AC;F WRSLF KDV EHHQ WDERR Atheists fear that God is finding a ZD\ WR VQHDN EDFN LQWR VFLHQFH Âľ , had always thought that science just didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t yet have the tools to study DELIVER US FROM DOGMA FRQVFLRXVQHVV EXW QRZ ,¡P EHJLQQLQJ to wonder. E\ 6XVDQ 6SULQJĂ&#x20AC;HOG 'RJPD ZKHWKHU LW FRPHV LQ WKH o you believe in science or PLQG ´6FLHQFH LV EHLQJ KHOG EDFN religion? These two choices by assumptions that have hardened form of religion or science will limit seem to frame the conversa- into dogmas and are maintained by RXU XQGHUVWDQGLQJ E\ PDNLQJ FHUWDLQ tion around world view. This polar- SRZHUIXO WDERRV Âľ KH VD\V ´6FLHQFH DW TXHVWLRQV ZURQJ WR DVN FHUWDLQ UHDOPV ization draws a clear line between its best is an open-minded PHWKRG RI wrong to explore. Our questions are precious; they open the doors to IXQGDPHQWDOLVWV DQG DWKHLVWV GHĂ&#x20AC;QLQJ inquiry, QRW D EHOLHI V\VWHP Âľ two opposing camps. Science is a If you havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t heard about this NQRZOHGJH 5HVHDUFK LQ FRQVFLRXVQHVV LV world reduced to what can be quanti- 7HG 7DON FRQWURYHUV\ GXEEHG ´WKH Ă&#x20AC;HG DQG IXQGDPHQWDOLVW UHOLJLRQ LV D ZDU RQ FRQVFLRXVQHVV Âľ \RX FDQ Ă&#x20AC;QG admittedly one of the great problems world where lifeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s answers are found 6KHOGUDNH¡V WDON RQ \RX WXEH -XVW RI PRGHUQ VFLHQFH EXW VXUHO\ LW LV RQH in the bible. JRRJOH ´EDQQHG 7HG 7DON Âľ 7KH WDON RI WKH PRVW LPSRUWDQW ,W VSHDNV WR If I were given only these two ZDV SXOOHG IURP WKH UHJXODU 7(' VLWH the very essence of our being. It is as FKRLFHV VFLHQFH FOHDUO\ ZLQV 7KH but later given a site of itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own (Shel- fundamental as who we feel ourselves dogma of religion has little appeal. GUDNH FDOOV LW ´WKH QDXJKW\ FRUQHUÂľ to be. Are we things in a world of things? Or could it be possible that %XW QRZ 5XSHUW 6KHOGUDNH VWHSV where it appears with a warning. IRUZDUG DQG VD\V LQ D UHFHQW 7HG WDON :KDW¡V DOO WKH IXVV" ,Q KLV ERRN there is an underlying consciousness that science has become mired in its 6FLHQFH 6HW )UHH 6KHOGUDNH TXHVWLRQV and intelligence connecting and exown dogma. I wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have given WHQ DVVXPSWLRQV RI VFLHQFH 7KHVH Ă&#x20AC;YH SUHVVLQJ WKURXJK DOO RI OLIH" 0D\EH WKLV PXFK WKRXJKW H[FHSW WKDW KLV WDON UHODWH GLUHFWO\ WR 6FLHQFH RI 0LQG LQ WKH ZRUGV RI (UQHVW +ROPHV ´WKH gets banned from the TED site which QDWXUH LV PHFKDQLFDO DQG PDFKLQH OLNH XQLYHUVH LV DOLYH DZDNH DQG DZDUH Âľ 6XVDQ 6SULQJĂ&#x20AC;HOG is a practitiopretty much proves his point! Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s PDWWHU LV XQFRQVFLRXV QDWXUH LV going on? SXUSRVHOHVV DQG WKH PLQG LV ORFDW- QHU DW WKH &HQWHU IRU 6SLULWXDO /LYLQJ 5XSHUW 6KHOGUDNH LV D %ULWLVK EL- HG RQO\ LQ \RXU EUDLQ PHFKDQLVWLF 6DQWD &UX] )HOW 6WUHHW 7KH RORJLVW ZLWK IRUW\ \HDUV LQ KLV Ă&#x20AC;HOG +H PHGLFLQH LV WKH RQO\ NLQG WKDW ZRUNV 6XQGD\ FHOHEUDWLRQ VHUYLFH EHJLQV LV WKH DXWKRU RI PRUH WKDQ VFLHQWLĂ&#x20AC;F , GRQ¡W NQRZ DERXW \RX EXW ,¡P DW ZLWK DQ HDUOLHU PHGLWDWLRQ SDSHUV DQG WHQ ERRNV +H KDV VWXGLHG SUHWW\ VXUSULVHG WR WKLQN WKDW TXHV- DW DP. 6XVDQ VSHDNV RQ WKH QG )HOW 6W 6DQWD &UX] &$ Â&#x2021; 831.462.9383 DW +DUYDUG DQG WDXJKW DW &DPEULGJH tioning these assumptions is all that 6XQGD\ RI HDFK PRQWK /HDUQ PRUH )HOW 6W 6DQWD &UX] &$ Â&#x2021; +H LV D Ă&#x20AC;UP EHOLHYHU LQ VFLHQFH ZKR UDGLFDO 'HHSDN &KRSUD ZHLJKHG LQWR DERXW RXU IDOO OLQH XS RI FODVVHV DW cslsuggests that science has lost its open the controversy explaining that â&#x20AC;&#x153;for RU FDOO (831) 462-9383
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This year, a good friend Ă HZ XS IURP /RV $QJHOHV WR be with me the day after my knee operation. While lying on the couch in such a vulnerable place, I told her that I wished I could be a great friend like she was to me. And she replied incredulously saying, â&#x20AC;&#x153;But you are! You believe in me and love me and ignore my weaknesses to see just my strength and beauty. I know that I can count on you when I need you, just like you can count on me. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s OK that we sometimes go months without being on the phone together. You tell me often how much you love me.â&#x20AC;? When she spoke those words, I thought of my mother on the phone with her friends for hours every day. I no longer needed to cling to that image as my ideal of a good friend. I could just be the kind of friend that I am. One thing I feel is very important is to communicate how much we love our friend and value the friendship. Hopefully we do this often with our partner, children and parents, but do we also express our love to our friends? It is wonderful to show how much we care, but it is also important to communicate it with words. Barry and I love the movie Waking Ned Divine. We have watched it several times and enjoy it every time. In this movie, two old Irish friends, Michael and Patrick go to visit their friend Ned. They discover that Ned has died while holding the winning ticket to the lottery. They hatch a plan to have Michael pretend that he is Ned and then call the lottery people to claim the money. All goes well until the lottery man says, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Of course, I will have to visit your village and ask a few random people to make sure you are who you say you are.â&#x20AC;? Because of this, they decide to include the entire village of about twenty people in their plan and share the money with them. The people want to know how they will recognize the lottery man from just some stranger or tourist. Michael and Patrick tell them that the lottery man sneezes a lot. /DWHU GXULQJ WKH IXQHUDO IRU 1HG 3DWULFN stands up to give the eulogy. While he was speaking, the lottery man walks in and starts sneezing. Now everyone at the funeral knows it is him. What to do?? There is a long uncomfortable silence, and then Patrick starts talking about Michael, pretending that he is the one that died, even though he is sitting in the Page 25
by Joyce and Barry Vissell any would contemplate this question for a minute and then reply, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Not a very good one.â&#x20AC;? A friend of mine answered that question by saying, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m a crappy friend. I do many things well, but not friendship.â&#x20AC;? And yet this same woman who works about a seventy hour a week job as a doctor, once spent every free weekend for over a month taking care of her dying friend. When I pointed out that she showed incredible friendship to this woman, she replied, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Well, she needed me.â&#x20AC;? But in the course RI KHU GDLO\ OLIH VKH Ă&#x20AC;QGV KHUVHOI WRR EXV\ WR FDOO or email friends and therefore she assumed she was not a good friend. I disagree. I think sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s an excellent friend. We have ideals about being a good friend and, when we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t measure up to those ideals, we judge ourselves negatively. For many years, I also judged myself as not being a good friend. My mother had many friends and everyone loved her. She was a stay-at-home mother and made all of our bread, desserts and delicious home cooked meals each evening. But even doing all of that, she found plenty of time for her friends. Every day in my childhood, I remember seeing my mother pull up the vinyl chair in the kitchen to the wall phone. She would sit on that chair for hours and call her friends to share every detail of their lives. Those friends knew my report card, what we were having for dinner, and how the new washing machine worked. Day by day, I saw my mother talk on the phone to her friends and that became my ideal of a good friend. In my mind, a good friend spends hours on the phone and talks about everything that happens in your life. When I became an adult and then a mother, I tried to copy my motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s example. But between working and raising children, I just didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have the time to be on the phone. Each year, for my New Yearâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s resolution, I would vow to call my friends more. And each year, I would spend every free minute that I wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t working either alone or with Barry or our children. The calls seldom were made. I developed friends who were mothers with children the same age. We watched each otherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s children and went to the park together. But even though I was spending these fun times with other mothers, I still judged myself as not a good friend.
CouplesČąRetreatČą WouldČąyouČąlikeČąyourČąrelationshipČątoČąreachČąaČą newČąlevelČąofČąlove,Čąhealing,ČąintimacyČąandČą commitment?ČąExperienceČąthisČąweekendČąatČą ourČąAptosČąHomeCenter.Čą
â&#x20AC;˘ Self Esteem â&#x20AC;˘ Stress Management Inner Child Healing Holistic Psychotherapy â&#x20AC;˘Spiritual Issues â&#x20AC;˘ For Individuals & Couples â&#x20AC;˘ EMDR (Trauma Resolution) Helen A. Harris, MA, LMFT (#MFC25548) â&#x20AC;˘ Healthy Relationships MA-Transpersonal Counseling â&#x20AC;˘ Soul Exploration Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, 2 years â&#x20AC;˘ Recovery Sensitive Who Are You Really?
Note New # - (831) 425-3405 â&#x20AC;˘ Soquel
Scent Free Environment
ReclaimingSoul: Discover Meaning in Crisis
â&#x20AC;˘ Jungian Depth Psychotherapy â&#x20AC;˘ Dream Work â&#x20AC;˘ BodySoul Synthesis â&#x20AC;˘ Crisis â&#x20AC;˘ Trauma â&#x20AC;˘ Life Transitions â&#x20AC;˘ Self-Esteem â&#x20AC;˘ Relationships â&#x20AC;˘ Depression â&#x20AC;˘ Grief â&#x20AC;˘ Anxiety
Individuals/Couples/Groups/Classes Licenced Marriage Family Therapist #MFC34393
Continued From Page 14
Septemberȹ26ȏ28ȹ JOYCEȹ&ȹBARRYȹ VISSELLȹȹȹ
a nurse and psychiatrist, and together 49 years, are counselors, workshop leaders, and authors in Aptos who are widely regarded as among the country's top experts on conscious relationship and personal growth. Call 831-684-2130 for private appointments.
For FREE newsletter by the Vissells or information about counseling, events, books or tapes, contact the Shared Heart Foundation, PO Box 2140, Aptos, CA 95001. TOLL FREE 1-800-766-0629 (or locally 831-684 -2299). Articles covering many aspects of living from the heart on our web site:
SHAREDHEART.ORG Č&#x192; ČąÂ&#x160;Â&#x2022; Â&#x160;¢Â&#x153;ČąÂ&#x153;Â&#x2022;Â&#x17D;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2122;ČąÂ&#x17D;Â&#x160;Â&#x153;Â&#x2019;Â&#x17D;Â&#x203A;ČąÂ&#x201D;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2DC; Â&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â?ČąÂ?Â&#x2018;Â&#x160;Â?ČąÂ?Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;Â&#x203A;Â&#x17D;ČąÂ&#x160;Â&#x203A;Â&#x17D;ČąÂ&#x153;Â&#x17E;Â&#x152;Â&#x2018;ČąÂ&#x2022;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â?Čą Â&#x160;Â&#x2014;Â?ČąÂ&#x153;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2014;Â&#x153;Â&#x2019;Â?Â&#x2019;Â&#x;Â&#x17D;ČąÂ&#x2122;Â&#x17D;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2122;Â&#x2022;Â&#x17D;ČąÂ?Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2014;Â?ȹ Â&#x2018;Â&#x160;Â?ČąÂ?Â&#x2018;Â&#x17D;¢ȹÂ&#x152;Â&#x160;Â&#x2014;ČąÂ?Â&#x2DC;ČąÂ&#x2013;Â&#x160;Â&#x201D;Â&#x17D;ČąÂ?Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;Â&#x153;Čą  Â&#x2DC;Â&#x203A;Â&#x2022;Â?ČąÂ&#x2039;Â&#x17D;Â?Â?Â&#x17D;Â&#x203A;ČąÂ?Â&#x2DC;Â&#x203A;ČąÂ&#x160;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2022;ČąÂ&#x2DC;Â?ČąÂ&#x17E;Â&#x153;ÇŻČą Â&#x2DC;¢Â&#x152;Â&#x17D;ČąÂ&#x160;Â&#x2014;Â?Čą Â&#x160;Â&#x203A;Â&#x203A;¢ǰȹ Â&#x17D;ČąÂ&#x160;Â&#x203A;Â&#x17D;ČąÂ&#x160;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2022;Čą Â&#x2013;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x203A;Â&#x17D;ČąÂ?Â&#x2DC;Â&#x203A;ȹ¢Â&#x2DC;Â&#x17E;Â&#x203A;ČąÂ&#x17D;Â?Â?Â&#x2DC;Â&#x203A;Â?Â&#x153;ÇŻČ&#x201E;Čąâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;LEOČąBUSCAGLIA Čą
Page Connection Magazine V V September â&#x20AC;&#x201D; October 2014 Page 24 V The 24 â&#x2013;˛ Connection Magazine â&#x2013;˛ â&#x2013;˛ V Facebook/ConnectionOnline â&#x2013;˛ September â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Oct. 2, 2, 2014
PERSONAL MASTERY: Coaching for Success
Take Charge of Your Evolution
VXGGHQ ² FRVPLFDOO\ VSHDNLQJ ² *RG hands us the power to run the show! %HLQJ EDUHO\ DEOH WR WLH RXU VKRHV ZH are given the divine authority to rule over life and death of an entire planet. In the Driverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Seat Now â&#x20AC;&#x201C; I am not suggesting we are poor helpless victims and should act irresponsibly. Quite the opposite. /LNH D FKLOG NLQJ RXU VSHFLHV LV UHTXLUHG WR JURZ XS IDVW +DYLQJ MXVW OHIW WKH GLDSHUV ZH Ă&#x20AC;QG RXUVHOYHV LQ WKH GULYHU¡V VHDW RI HYROXWLRQ )RU EHWWHU RU IRU ZRUVH WKH IRUFHV WKDW KDYH VKDSHG life on this planet are now ours to direct. Just do it! Where are you with your personal evolution? What occupies your brain on a regular basis? Are \RX IRFXVHG RQ \RXU GUHDPV JRDOV DQG KDSSLQHVV or is your gray matter still dominated by the old worry circuit? Many of the programs that run our precious PLQG DUH QRW VHOI FKRVHQ \HW WKH\ VKDSH WKH TXDOity of our lives. The good news is that thanks to QHXURSODVWLFLW\ EUDLQ FKDQJH DQG HYROXWLRQ DUH LQtrinsic to our nature: you can change what doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t work for you by replacing outdated hypnotic mind talk with success messages. This process is called self-hypnosis and is a powerful tool for personal evolution. Self-hypnosis consists of a wide selection of highly effective techniques ranging from visualization to deep trance rewiring. And it is PRUH WKDQ WKDW ² VHOI K\SQRVLV LV D PLQG VHW D way of evolving and working with yourself on a daily basis. Personal evolution is a deeply spiritual pracWLFH <RX DUH LQ WKH GULYHU¡V VHDW RI \RXU OLIH ZKLOH being in meaningful contact with your inner being and the spirit of creation. Karin H. Leonard is known for her compassionate, leading-edge and highly effective brand called InnerEvolutionâ&#x201E;˘, leading to quick results in life and career, while creating greater lifebalance. She has been in private practice in Santa Cruz for 24 years, integrating life coaching with hypnotherapy, NLP and a good dose of intuition. For info call (831) 724-5400 e-mail Karin@ or visit InnerEvolution. com 2IĂ&#x20AC;FH ORFDWHG LQ 6DQWD &UX]
front row looking up at Patrick. Page 24 This is what he said in his beautiful Irish brogue. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Michael Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Sullivan was my great friend.â&#x20AC;? And then there was a long pause in which Patrickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eyes Ă&#x20AC;OO ZLWK WHDUV EHIRUH KH JRHV RQ ´$QG , GRQ¡W HYHU remember telling him that before. The words that are spoken at a funeral come too late for the man who has died. Wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t it be a wonderful thing if you could visit your own funeral and listen to what is being said and perhaps even say a word or two yourself. If Michael were here right now and could KHDU ZKDW , DP VD\LQJ , ZRXOG FRQJUDWXODWH KLP on being a great man and thank him for being my friend.â&#x20AC;? Michael started crying and soon the whole village was crying. It was a very touching scene. Do we have to wait for a memorial service to fully express our feelings of love and gratitude about our friend? We can tell them now while they can still hear us. At one of our retreats there were two men who had been friends for many years. They were both engineers and worked together at very demanding jobs. Also they each had a bunch of children so there was little free time for just KDQJLQJ RXW WRJHWKHU 2Q WKH ODVW GD\ RI WKH UHWUHDW the one friend reached for the otherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hand and VDLG ´:H KDYH EHHQ IULHQGV IRU D ORQJ WLPH EXW , donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t remember the last time I told you how much I love you and how much I value our friendship.â&#x20AC;? The other man then shared an equally touching appreciation and love. There were tears in both of their
eyes as they hugged. Taking the time to share love and appreciation is always beautiful and powerful. You will never regret having done so. Friendship is a treasure. Here are a few opportunities to bring more love and growth into your life, at the following longer events led by Barry and Joyce Vissell: Oct 14-20â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Living from the Heart in Assisi, Italy for individuals and couples; Nov 12-16 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The Greatest Journey (our 6-month program for individuals and couples; and Feb 1-8, 2015â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Hawaii Couples in Paradise Retreat. Joyce & Barry Vissell, a nurse/therapist and psychiatrist couple since 1964, are counselors near Santa Cruz, CA, who are widely regarded as among the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s top experts on conscious relationship and personal growth. They are the authors of The Shared Heart, Models of Love, Risk to Be Healed, The Heartâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Wisdom, Meant to Be, and A Motherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Final Gift. Call Toll-Free 1 (800) 766-0629 locally (831) 684-2299, or write to the Shared Heart Foundation, P.O. Box 2140, Aptos, CA 95001, for free newsletter from Barry and Joyce, further information on counseling sessions by phone or in person, their books, recordings or their schedule of talks and workshops. Visit their web site at for their free monthly e-heartletter, their updated schedule, and inspiring past articles on many topics about relationship and living from the heart.
by Karin Leonard magine you had a magical device that could be programmed with \RXU GHVLUHV DQG ZRXOG WKHQ FUHate them to your delight. Similar to the all powerful genie who had been sleeping in Aladdinâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s lamp for centuries â&#x20AC;&#x201C; only that you are not limited to three wishes! And imagine further that this magical being continues to evolve with use. You say fortunes would be paid for such a treasure? You are a Winner! :HOO P\ IULHQG ORRN QR IXUWKHU ² \RX DUH the lucky owner of the precious prize of billions of years of evolution on this planet. You have been gifted with a bio-computer beyond the wildest dreams of modern day technology â&#x20AC;&#x201C; the human brain. Just take a look around you and notice the miracles this biological invention has allowed us to produce only recently â&#x20AC;&#x201C; from the electrical WRRWKEUXVK WR WKH PLFURFKLS <HV , NQRZ ZH KDYH FUHDWHG TXLWH D PHVV LQ WKH SURFHVV EXW OHW¡V SXW in perspective: God Had Practice 1DWXUH OLIH IRUFH *RG RU ZKDWHYHU \RX want to call the phenomenon that has been driving evolution on the earth has been at it for 4 1/2 billion years. $QG \HV VKH KDV EHHQ TXLWH SURGXFWLYH considering the multitude of life in our biosphere. +RZHYHU LW WRRN D ZKLOH DQG WKHUH KDYH EHHQ horrendous catastrophes like ice ages and mass extinctions which wiped out thousands of speFLHV 6R QDWXUH¡V WUDFN UHFRUG LVQ¡W DOO SHUIHFW but contains a lot of trial and error. New at the Game We just sat down at the game of evolution. Homo sapiens have been around for about \HDUV 7R XV PHUH PRUWDOV WKDW PD\ VHHP OLNH D ORQJ WLPH EXW VSHDNLQJ LQ FRVPLF WHUPV LW is nothing. We have almost managed to destroy the entire game as we learned how to play with Ă&#x20AC;UH %XW ZKR LV WR EODPH" (YROXWLRQ KDV EHHQ a self-directed process orchestrated over time spans we canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t even conceptualize. And all of a Hypnotherapy â&#x20AC;˘ NLP
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Continues on Page 30
RETURNING TO WHOLENESS ~ SOUL WORKSHOP Page Connection Magazine V September â&#x20AC;&#x201D; RETRIEVAL October 2014 Page25 V The 25 â&#x2013;˛ Connection Magazine â&#x2013;˛V â&#x2013;˛ V Facebook/ConnectionOnline â&#x2013;˛ September â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Oct. 2,2,2014
October 25-26, Saturday & Sunday 10 to 6pm Participation Fee: $195 (Includes Lunch)
Feng Shui WiSdom For home & PerSonal TranSFormaTion
Wind & Water Blessings
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• On-site or by phone • Home or Business • Space Clearing and Blessing Ceremonies • Spiritual Healing with Plant Spirit Medicine
831-588-5424 Megan P. Montero Feng Shui Classes Color Consultations Clutter Clearing/Organizing Consultations & Coaching
The Bagua: Our LiFe reFLeCTS Our hOMe.
by Megan Montero id you know there is a place in your home related to your health? Your finances? Even your reputation? Every aspect of our life corresponds to a place in our home. Our lives mirror our home and our home reflects our personal strengths and weaknesses. Our best efforts at moving forward in life may be thwarted because our living space can hold us in a pattern we are trying to change. For example, if your deepest longing is to find your life partner and the area of your home related to marriage is missing because of the shape of your home, the lack of marriage chi will interfere with your intention to be in a fulfilling relationship. Adjusting the Feng Shui of your living space can support you in changing long standing personal issues and help you move toward your goals. The bagua is a map that shows how our physical environment corresponds with different aspects of our life; Career, Self Knowledge, Family, Wealth, Reputation, Relationship, Creative Projects, Helpful People and Health. The bagua can be applied to a building, site
or room to reveal the areas of strength and weakness of the space. Adjusting the chi can correct the imbalances in the space and strengthen the corresponding life area. Bathrooms, fireplaces, and clutter in certain areas of the bagua can have a negative effect. Would you want to keep all of your clutter if you knew it was in your Wealth area inhibiting your prosperity? If your house is an irregular shape and you apply the bagua to your space then it may reveal that part of the bagua is actually outside your house, indicating that you are missing that area of the bagua. This was the case in the earlier example. Or you may find that part of your house is outside the bagua indicating an area of the bagua is enhanced. Missing any area of the bagua will correspond with having a lack of vitality and support in the corresponding area of your life because the chi is missing in the home. Missing areas can be corrected without having to remodel and any area of the bagua can be enhanced to bring extra vitality and support to the corresponding area of your life.
A client of mine discovered that the side of her hundred-yearold house, which happened to be her Wealth corner, was rotten and growing mushrooms. As her partner was replacing the siding and laying a foundation because there was none to begin with, my clients ex-husband returned her phone call about some financial matters. After years of saying no, he agreed to pay the back payments he owed her and was willing to create a much larger retirement account for her than she requested. Her ex-husband also agreed to make a loan to her mother, thus taking financial pressure of my client. Sometimes good Feng Shui is as easy as taking good care of your house and cleaning things up! For Feng Shui advice tailored to your specific situation, contact Megan at (831) 588-5424 or megan@windandwaterblessings. com. Megan Montero is a Feng Shui consultant trained in BTB Feng Shui. She has been practicing in Santa Cruz since 2007 and offers Feng Shui consultations in the Santa Cruz and Monterey Bay areas and by phone. Learn more about Megan’s services at and to read more articles on Feng Shui.
J oy
Tired of feeling joyless, stressed & depressed?
E B T R etr ea t: W ir ed fo r Jo y ! Friday, October 3 - Sunday, Oct 5, 2014 Land of Medicine Buddha • Soquel, CA $375-425 includes program, delicious meals and lodging amid a picturesque redwood forest with nearby walking trails ! Learn to be more present, aware and relaxed. ! Naturally process stress using powerful tools based on cutting edge neuroscience. ! Unlock brain states for better mood, health, relationships & productivity. ! Get trained by licensed health professionals & rediscover JOY!
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iS noT oPTional: emoTional Brain Training
by Misa Lawson ave you ever noticed how a relaxed mood after a summer getaway quickly fades to the prevacation level of stress? Or how a surge of gratitude pales in comparison to life’s everyday demands? You may want to ask yourself: on a scale from 1 to 5 (1-joy, 2-okay, 3-somewhat stressed, 4-stressed, 5-stuck in stress), what is my average brain state? If I am less than a “1”, how can I move up my set point to experience the brain state JOY more often? Most people are overloaded these days — depressed, anxious, and on edge, with the stress buzzer jammed on. The resulting chronic leakage of stress hormones — that drip, drip, drip — causes extremes of emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. The good news is that the brain has an amazing capacity to create joy. The human brain has multiple connections between areas of conscious thought and pleasure. You can learn to use your consciousness to send chemicals and electricity through those connections, and create not only ripples of pleasure, but also a sense of deep inner peace with the ability to give and receive love and appreciate the mystery and grace of life. There are only two glitches: First,
the message that arouses such pleasure cannot be about ice cream, sipping fine wine, or buying the latest. Second, the system of creating bliss breaks down during stress. Stress hormones affect your motivations, because you are in survival mode. It may be helpful to understand that all thoughts, emotions and behaviors are wires. These wires are strings of nerve cells that fire over and over again in our brain. The wires that determine how we respond to life began encoding when we were in utero and are stored in the emotional brain. We all have two types of wires: effective and ineffective. Effective wires move us through stress back to joy, and ineffective wires get us stuck in stress. In order to create joy, we need to switch to effective circuits, to dismantle ineffective wires and encode effective wires. We can do this with Emotional Brain Training (EBT), an innovative method developed at UCSF that incorporates emerging research in neuroplasticity and stress physiology. In this method, you use the prefrontal cortex — the seat of awareness — to activate the reward centers in the brain using simple emotional processing tools. Why does it work? First, there’s not just one, but five tools to learn for five different brain states or levels of
stress. Each tool targets the part of the brain that is activated during stress. Second, you begin to see stress as a moment of opportunity. Only in stress can the wires that were encoded open up, become fluid, so you can reconsolidate them in a form that serves you better. Furthermore, in this EBT, joy is not optional. Stress relief is not enough. We must access the reward centers of pleasure in the brain. We do that in the most curious way, by setting the bar to feeling great and spending more moment of the day in that states of connection to ourselves and gaining greater access to sustainable rewards that support the brain in its most optimum state of peace and power. Finally, licensed health providers teach EBT, and community members can practice these tools together for support and accountability. The ultimate goal of Emotional Brain Training is to learn to process stress, develop resilience, and experience joy and optimal health so that you can do what you came on the planet to do: to be a positive force in this world! Misa Lawson, RD, MPH is hosting a weekend EBT Retreat at Land of Medicine Buddha Oct 3-5 and offers courses and coaching in EBT at Santa Cruz Naturopathic Medical Center. Please visit her website at or contact her at (831) 425-5205 for more information.
Page 26 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ September — October 2, 2014
ChalDean numerologY An InnovAtIve And excItIng WAy to Help you understAnd yourself, your lIfe, And WHAt MAtters Most to you
Best Method
for Developing Business Names
by Joanne Justis usiness naming is more important than you know. You would think the name you select would ideally reflect the value and uniqueness of the product or service being offered, be easy to pronounce, and distinguish you from your competition. However, the most important criteria, if it were widely known, is for the name to resonate with positive vibrational frequencies, making it a successful and winning name. There’s a lot of controversy and theory over what is the best method used to develop a “winning” business name−is it traditional or scientific? With the traditional approach, you are signing up for a chance to win, but the worst part is you will never know what that name actually calculates to be energetically, so it’s like playing “pin” the tail on the donkey−it’s hit or miss. The scientific method using Chaldean Numerology to decipher the code on the other hand, will provide you with an exact blueprint of the energy frequencies that make up the name. This approach will allow you to know if the name you’ve selected is a winner or not, provided you have chosen the right practitioner and number system to start with. Most of the traditional established branding experts and creative think tanks consider the exercise of inventing an original name to be an “art” versus a “science.” This is be-
cause they come from a traditional mind-set. With that being said, those experts rely on developing handcrafted or coined names, not knowing that negative or positive vibrational patterns are associated with letters and numbers. Here’s the difference between the two methods. The traditional approach only develops business name ideas on the surface level without any thought that a name will have a deeper meaning beyond the words themselves. This process is similar to entering a contest for a chance to win. What are your chances of winning first prize? Usually not all that great. The same principle would apply as to whether or not you would be picking a winning name as a result of using the traditional approach to naming. The scientific approach is a more complex method for determining the meaning of a name or whether a name calculates to having either a negative or positive vibrational frequency. Since everything is associated a specific energy frequency, a name would be no different. What makes this system not as popular over the traditional method is a person’s belief system and secondly, limited resources in those practicing this ancient science. Using Chaldean Numerology to Develop Successful–Winning Names Combining modern computer technology, mathematics and an ancient science of numbers, Numbers R
U is able to decipher and extract the hidden codes that reside within letters and numbers using an ancient analytical algorithm. The final calculations will reveal either a positive or negative result. Therefore, using a scientific approach to business naming takes the guesswork out of the equation making it easier for you to choose the right name, virtually error-free. Numbers are mankind’s oldest symbols and secret language, fundamental to measurement and abstract ideas. Numbers are more practical than words, because all things evolve in cycles or mathematical progressions, which are measurable and predictable. Selecting good business names is a long-term investment. It’s highly recommended that you invest the effort into evaluating business names rather than randomly choosing a name−taking the guesswork out of the equation−to provide you with an analytical analysis to determine if you’ve chosen a winning name or not. This is the best possible way to insure that you have chosen a winning name to brand, market and promote. Joanne Justis, Author, Speaker and World Renown Intuitive Chaldean Numerologist. Charts & Readings for: Personal Growth, Relationships, Partner Matching, Name Changes, Baby Naming, Business Naming. Discover how Numerology gives you insight, clarity and options for controlling changes in your life, (408) 399-3101. Charts & Readings since 1984.
d in Ascensio e t s e n? ter
DiD You Know ThaT . . .?? • Ricardo Semler, a CEO in his twenties, took over a company worth $9m, fired most of the management, and gave the power to the employees. It now has a turnover of over $200m. • The CEO of Japan Airlines makes $90,000 a year, less than the pilots. During an interview, he said “We in Japan learned during the bubble economy that businesses who pursue money first fail. The business world has lost sight of this basic tenet of business ethics.” • If an employee of Google dies, their spouse will receive half their pay for 10 years as well as stock benefits, and any children will receive $1000 a month until they turn 19. • A man named Dmitry Argakov was sent a letter offering him a credit card but he didn’t like the terms. So he altered the contract to include unlimited credit at 0% interest which the bank accepted but then tried to void his card. He sued the bank for not sticking to terms of the credit contract and won. • In March, 2014, Colorado sold $19 million dollars worth of
Cannabis. $1.9 million went to schools and crime fell by 10%. • Dunkin Donuts in South Korea started spraying coffee aroma into public buses every time their jingle played. Coffee sales increased 29%.
• As of 2014, Apple has enough money to buy Facebook, or Netflix, Tesla, Twitter, Dropbox, Pandora, and Spotify combined - with $59 billion to spare!
Holistic Arts Fair
Awakening the Illuminated Heart Workshop Facilitated by Karuna Chapman, Certified Teacher in Drunvalo Melchizedek’s School of Remembering.
Community of Infinite Spirit, 1540 Hicks Ave. San Jose
It is the Heart that contains the original instructions of Life, and when the Heart is again in control of a person’s life, Life responds with joy and power. When the Human Light Body (Merkaba) is directly activated from the Sacred Space of the Heart, your life becomes interconnected with all Life everywhere and moves into Higher Consciousness naturally. When we create from the brain, we get what we want and it’s exact opposite. Creation from the Unified Heart Field brings only good. Join us to learn the process of creating from the Heart, and to naturally and spontaneously activate your Human Light Body.
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Workshop: September 14-17 Held in Kenilworth U.K. • Cost - $555 Early Registration Discount - $444 before Sept. 10th (831) 684-1330 •
Page 27 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ September — October 2, 2014
Wellness Planning Institute of the California Central Coast©, LLC
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We are 18 different practitioners who synergize your health and wellness care needs for optimal results. Call for Appts with any of our 18 practitioners!
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by Christopher Love once took a ferry from Amsterdam to New Castle. For sixteen hours the lowpitched murmur of the engines churned ever onward. After I got acquainted with it and accepted it’s continuous presence, I found it to be comforting in some strange way. Perhaps it was the power that it represented, advancing us to our destination despite the direction of the wind. The relentless grumble allowed me to relax as it assured me I would reach the port in time to catch my train to Scotland. In some way, the chanting of Buddhist Monks effects me similarly, only more deeply, as the lower octave tones quickly appease my mind, dismantle defenses and penetrate the depths of my heart without resistance. I feel at ease within moments after the chanting begins, as if I were at home in my mother’s arms as she sings a lullaby. This is how each day with His Holiness the Dalai Lama (H.H.D.L.) began. As the chanting commenced minutes became hours and my mind dissolved into a complacent mass of unneeded cells. My heart grew ever radiant with the sound of these ancient prayers, filling my chest with a warm glow that proceeded to expand throughout my entire body.
What an amazing way to begin a day of teachings, I thought. Relax the mind and open the heart. From this place my mind felt empty and capable of receiving new information and my heart
was ever present and aware of how that information felt. I could discern for myself what resonated with me and what did not. There was very little in the teachings that did not shine, as gems of truth shown forth regularly like sparks of light popping out of a camp REE ELLNESS LASSES 20% off Children’s Products fire on a starless In store at Way of Life! night. for September H.H.D.L. Wednesday September 6th, was radiant as 6:30 - 8:00 pm usual, and ofEnhance your Body’s fered his own Immunity, Naturally interpretation with Carol Shwery, DC, CCN of teachings hundreds and Wednesday September 24th, sometimes thou6:30 - 8:00 pm sands of years Baby’s DHA, Children’s DHA, The Many Ways old. Often it is Omega 3-6-9 Jr, Nordic Berries Nature Can Support important to unOmega 3 Fishes, Omega 3 You in Cancer Care derstand context Gummies, Ultimate Omega with Kathleen Harley ND Minis & Jrs. —although the human condition Please ask our Educated Staff on a psycho-spiritual level has to help You make an informed stayed more or Vitamin D choice! less same, many things have changed that “Keep getting sick? Make sure make life today your Vitamin D levels are look much difoptimal. Checking Vitamin D is ferent than in the done with a blood draw, ask your time of Shakyaphysician.” muni Buddha. FREE consultations A good teacher Ramona Richard, M.S. offers bridges Wed. 11:30-2:30, Fri. & Sat. 11:30-6:00 for those trying Senior Discount • Mail Order • Green Business to make sense of age-old wisdom in the context of their lives today. So why 1220 A 41st Avenue, in the Begonia Plaza, Capitola 95010 have 150,000 (831) 464-4113 • Open Daily • people taken up
Ramona’s Immunity Health Tip
the expense of time and finance to visit Ladakh in the heat of July to listen to these teachings and what is the purpose of Kalachakra Initiation? Jeffrey Hopkins, a premier scholar of Buddhism, puts it this way, “Through being introduced, during the initiation, to utilizing the Buddha nature—the luminous and knowing nature of the mind and the emptiness of inherent existence of the mind—as a basis of physical, verbal, and mental manifestation, practitioners make a transition to a new model of life, away from being driven by afflictive emotions and to a state of validly founded freedom that is in the service of altruistic expression.” In Augusts article, we expounded on the nature of reality in respect to matter and all things. The teachings that form the foundation for this are the concepts of, Emptiness, Non-independent arising and No inherent self-existence. As we investigate the teachings and practices, H.H.D.L. points out that we should not take his word or even the word of Buddha as truth without putting the teachings to test. He stated that all teachings, before being taken into consideration for practice, should undergo some scrutiny. For starters, he advised that the attributes of a path worth following are: “Pure by nature. Illuminates the true nature of all objects of knowledge. And overcomes all adverse things.” He went on to say that, “When we talk with children they are present in the moment, are happy and speak the truth (and) as children grow they are corrupted by the adult world of mind. (However) At the beginning of life, as children, we are naturally loving and compassionate.” So, according to H.H.D.L., “The process of awakening is the removal of that which obscures our true nature. (And that) Happiness is our innate (true) nature.”
So, with this understanding we may ask ourselves why is there suffering if our true nature is happiness? H.H.D.L. says, “…we often act in such a way that even though we desire happiness, as all beings do, we make choices (based on ignorance) that creates unhappiness.” Moving on he said, “With a trained mind that can analyze the nature of existence, one can realize truth. With this realization, one can understand the subtle truths that are lost on the untrained mind.” According to my understanding of the teachings that I heard over the thirteen days, generating compassion for all beings is crucial to the freeing of the heart and mind. As one understands and embraces the interconnected web of life, the next step is to naturally begin to care for others and all that one is surrounded by. Through this caring, we effect change and make the world a better place. Compassion is one of the keys to happiness and true lasting peace in oneself as well as in the world. Compassion may also be a word to describe, true, selfless love. H.H.D.L. says that to understand love and to cultivate compassion we must know the difference between biologically driven love and universal love. He offered us the following five points: A. “Biologically driven love is biased, based on desire and depends on how a person appears to you and how a person acts and reacts toward you.” B. “Universal love is not based on desire and does not depend on how a person appears, acts or reacts toward you.” C. “We must cultivate universal love.” D. “Animals lack the ability to cultivate universal love and are driven by biological love.” E. “Practice universal love: beginning with biological love and cultivating it to become universal love.” H.H.D.L. made a clear point to realize that, “All human family is dependent on itself in all hemispheres.” And that by learning to tolerate and embrace our diversity, to cultivate compassion for others and practice universal love we can create a peaceful world that is free of unnecessary suffering. What do you think? Christopher Love is a free-lance writer and healing arts practitioner and welcomes comments at: CLove@
Page 28 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ September — October 2, 2014
When We dARe . . .
EmpowEring womEn LocaLLy and gLobaLLy to risE out of ExtrEmE povErty
by Carmel Jud, Founder & Executive Director, Rising International & Jamila Hashimi, Founder, secret school for Afghan girls, Co-founder, Rising International Afghan Widows Doll Project n May 11, 2002, I gave up my successful advertising business and launched Rising International right from my living room. I had been searching for my purpose, and when it came calling, I listened. My husband and I sold almost everything we owned and moved into a friend’s barn while we worked to get Rising off the ground. Today, Rising is reaching over 19,000 women and their children in some of the world’s worse places to be alive as a woman. My first project was in Afghanistan. I met a young Afghan woman who was in the U.S. on a scholarship, and she introduced me to her mother Jamila. Jamila had run a secret school for girls in Kabul during the time of the Taliban, and she had literally risked her life in the name of gender equality and education. Below are some excerpts from Jamila’s story, in her own words, translated from Dari. I hope you find her as inspiring as I did then, and as I still do today. She truly demonstrates what we are capable of… when we dare. Jamila’s Story … “The word feminist is not one you hear frequently in Afghanistan. But if you were to have my daughter describe me, that is the word that would come first to her mind. As long as I can remember I was passionate about knowledge, and I knew that education was freedom. In 1996, the Taliban took control. In one moment our world changed. We were stripped of our freedoms, and women were prisoners in our own homes. I knew I had to do something for my daughters, for myself, and for all of the women around me. I started a secret school for girls in the basement of my home. One day the Taliban found out. They followed one of my students to my home. That girl never came back to school, and I never found out what happened to her. They shouted at my husband, and hit me. They told my
husband that if I didn’t stop the school they would kill me. I shouted back at them ‘You are born of a woman too! How can you not let women get an education?’ My husband pleaded with me to close the school because he knew they would kill me. For my family’s safety, I complied. Today, I am proud to say that my project continues. Former students are now artisans in Rising International’s Afghan Widows Doll Project. They make dolls that are sold online and at Rising’s events. Running the secret school, I knew the punishment could be death. Punishment for education of girls ranged from hanging to stoning. I risked my life because I believe women and girls matter. I believe education is a human right. I believe that anything is possible when you put your fears aside and do what’s right!” Carmel Jud is the Founder, & E.D. Rising International From an early age, Carmel Jud did daring things. At age 15, she was living on her own; and after attending high school for two years, she founded
an award-winning advertising and market research firm. In the 20-year history of the company, Carmel lead CJCG from a startup to working with fortune 500 companies. In 2002, Carmel did another daring thing: she gave up her successful business and launched a non-profit organization. Rising International is the first non-profit to use the home party business model to contribute to solving poverty. Carmel’s innovative idea for alleviating poverty using the direct sales model has been featured in the press both locally and internationally. She is also the proud recipient of the 2012 Woman of the World award and a TEDx Santa Cruz participant. Email:, Web:, Phone: (831) 429-RISE (7473) Photo Credits: • Photo: Carmel Jud, Founder, & E.D. Rising International J a m i l a Hashimi, Founder, secret school for Afghan girls Co-founder, Rising International Afghan Wi d o w s D o l l Project Location: Rising International Hands of Hope Event, San Francisco Photography: Alyssa Cutler • Photo: Afghan Widow Dolls Photography: Jean Bathke How can you be involved? • Donate: https://donatenow. • Place an order: • Sign up to host a Rising International home party: http://www. Celebrate women and their families overcoming poverty! All over the world — from Latin America and Africa to Eastern Europe and the Middle East, the poorest women in the world create exquisite crafts. Even in the midst of poverty, violence, terror and loss women are creating beauty and hope with their crafts. Rising International’s home parties feature these crafts and the women and families who make them. We bring their crafts, their histories, and their stories to your living room or office.
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Page 29 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ September — October 2, 2014
Mind â&#x20AC;˘ Body â&#x20AC;˘ Spirit
Remember The Future
Village YOGA
CELL Massage â&#x20AC;˘ Acupressure â&#x20AC;˘ Shiatsu All Services Listed Here Are Strictly Non-Sexual
H e a s l u i t n o L k n iP Holistic Somatic ThergapAiersts Comprehensive Wellness Consulting Rehabilitative Stretching Back Walking Reflexology Personalized Therapeutic Yoga
by Sally & Amy Thirteen years ago when we opened Village Yoga, an amazing teacher, Summer Skye Bennett, came into our lives. She left this world a few years later, shortly before her 33rdbirthday, from a brain tumor. Before Summer passed, she looked Amy and I in the eye and said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;LOVE & GRATITUDE, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all about LOVE and GRATITUDE.â&#x20AC;? In honor of her spirit and truth, we took this mantra and made it the heart of our offering at Village Yoga. We provide a space and a physical practice for all that enables us to generate more love and gratitude for ourselves. This, in turn, ripples out to our families, our community, our world, our universe. What you do in this space is revolutionary! The Village Yoga logo has the phrase â&#x20AC;&#x153;Love&Gratitudeâ&#x20AC;? inside of a butterfly. Butterflies represent change and transformation, and they fill us with wonder, beauty and hope. It seems that the process of becoming a butterfly requires a willingness to shed the limiting belief about who you think you are. Does the crawling caterpillar even KNOW that it will fly one day? We, as humans, get the privilege of having this same transformation: the unveiling, the unfolding of our true selves. But, the journey can be so hard, uncomfortable, and messy becauseâ&#x20AC;Ś it is! Yet, with faith and hope, like the butterfly, we wind our way through this process to get to the beauty and freedom that awaits us on the other side. Over the last few years, Village Yoga has been in a metaphoric cocoon. We are happy to
e Y g o a l g l i a V
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es 10 Expir
20 years experience.
Very quiet and clean healing space in Live Oak Call or text Amber at (831) 465-6627 Continued From Page 25 Continues on Page 31
say that our wings are unfolding, and we hope you will fly with us! Here are some of the exciting changes: â&#x20AC;˘ Starting September 1st, our new schedule offers one-hour Bikram and Flow classes, evening Flow classes, Flow classes with less heat and no heat, a weekly meditation class, a monthly Restorative class & more workshops and opportunities to gather as a community! â&#x20AC;˘ A couple of amazing new teachers are joining our VY family, and their classes and energy will inspire and lift you up. â&#x20AC;˘ We will have a monthly newsletter to inform you and connect you with all of the goings-on at the studio, including monthly workshops, specials, holiday schedules, etc. â&#x20AC;˘ We have changed our price structure as well, and hope it will serve both you and VY. â&#x20AC;˘ We have lockers now available for monthly rental, and are offering monthly mat storage as well (see website for details). www. â&#x20AC;˘ Lastly, look out for our new website coming soon! We would like to thank you for being on this journey with us and for your huge outpouring of support, especially in the last couple of months. We are here because of you and for you, and hope to be here for a long time. Enjoy the changes! In Love & Gratitude, Sally and Amy Village Yoga, 1106 Pacific Ave. Santa Cruz. (831) 425-9642.
New Schedule NEW SCHEDULE 6:00am 7:45am 8:00am 9:00am 10:00am 12:00pm 4:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 7:30pm
H26S OM H26
H26 H26
H26 H26
H26 H26
* RES - Every 2nd Sunday of the month only. H26 H26S H26E P! VF LF RES OM
Hot 26: 90 Minute Bikram yoga class. Hot 26 Silent: 90 Minute Bikram yoga class â&#x20AC;&#x201C; No Instruction, No 1st time students please. Hot 26 Express: 60 Minute Bikram yoga class. Power Hour!: A fun, fast paced flow performed in a warm room. Happy Hour!: 60 minute flow class in a warm room Vinyasa Flow: 90 minute flow with music, this class offers breath-inspired movement in a heated room (95 degrees) Lunar Flow: 90 minute slow, deep flow in a gently warm room. Restorative Yoga: 90 minute Restorative Class in a non-heated room. Intent is to revitalize the body by creating deep states of relaxation and unwinding the nervous system - heavenly! Meditation: 45 minutes of mindfulness, with focus on the breath, stillness and an exploration of different themes and meditation styles.
1106 PaciďŹ c Ave., SantaNEW Cruz â&#x20AC;˘ 831-425-9642 â&#x20AC;˘ RATES Seniors 60+ / Full Time Students / Military
Drop In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10 Class Card (expires 1 year after purchase) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Class Card (expires 1 year after purchase) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monthly Unlimited (30 days) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Autopay 3 Month Unlimited* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$120 $200 $140 $125/mo
Page 30â&#x2013;˛ Connection Magazine â&#x2013;˛ â&#x2013;˛ â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Oct. $50 2, 2014 5 Class Card (expires 1 year after purchase) . . . . â&#x2013;˛ . . . . September . . . . . . $65 $100 $160 $120 $100/mo
Massage & Bodywork Why Do Your Hands and Wrists Hurt from Doing Massage?
by Thom Coby You love the art of massage, but find that it hurts your hands or wrists. Don’t give it up! You just need to learn how to use the correct techniques.
The Most Important Technique
Your strength and pressure come from your center. What? Don’t you need strong hands and fingers? No! You want your hands, fingers and wrist to be as relaxed as possible. Relaxed, yet projecting the force and weight that you want, from further up your arm. Then, from your shoulder. Then finally, from the core of your body. It is like the martial arts technique where you let your arm relax and imagine your energy flowing through it, and it will be very strong. It is a meditation, where you let your hand take a relaxed shape like a shovel and push from your arm. Then, you learn to relax the arm and push from your shoulder. Then, you relax you shoulder and eventually push from the center of your body. The more you relax the better your touch feels!
Give Your Hands a Break
You have many other parts of your body that will do as good as or better than your hands
Massage • Acupressure • Shiatsu All Services Listed Here Are Strictly Non-Sexual
and fingers. The heels of your hands and your knuckles are quite strong. Your forearms can be wonderful. Grab your wrist and use your forearm like a rolling pin. Your elbows can be very strong and go deep. It is recommended to circle your elbow with the thumb and index finger to guide the direction and manage the pressure. It takes more practice and carefulness, but learning to use your knees and feet will make you awesome!
Support Yourself
Never do with one finger what you can do with bunching your fingers together so that they give strength and support to each other. Learn to stack your fingers up on top of each other like plywood so that they are much stronger. Instead of pushing with one hand, lay your other hand on top of your hand so you have twice the strength and support for you hand. Your hand and fingers from one hand support your other hand and fingers. Let your body guide you. If you feel pain, stop what you are doing. Go slowly. Take your time. Breathe. Take a massage class from an expert who can give you hands-on training. It is a wonderful investment.
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10 Inspiring Truths about Your Body from a Yoga Legend – A Tribute to Iyengar Renowned yoga guru, Bellur Krishnamachar Sundararaja (BKS) Iyengar died today, at the age of 95. While countless teachers undoubtedly played a role in ushering yogic traditions from their Eastern roots to the West, Iyengar is the most well-known. After suffering through a host of ailments in his younger years–typhoid, influenza, tuberculosis, and malaria– Iyengar turned to yoga for healing. He developed his own practice, marked by a focus on body alignment and the use of props such as blocks and straps, and began teaching students around the world. Iyengar was yoga’s great translator, synthesizing some of the more mysterious spiritual elements of the practice with physical poses (asanas). In honor of Iyengar and his quest for communion between mind, body and spirit, here are 10 quotes about the human body from his book “Light on Life.” May you hold these truths in your hearts and minds as you navigate a world peppered by messages about how you “should” look. • “It is through your body that you realize you are a spark of divinity.” • “Do not look at others’ bodies with envy or with superiority. All people are born with different constitutions. Never compare with others. Each one’s own capacities are a function of his or her internal strength. Know
your capacities and continually improve upon them.” • “It is through the alignment of the body that I discovered the alignment of my mind, self and intelligence.” • “Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the souls open.” • “We must create a marriage between the awareness of the body and that of the mind. When two parties do not cooperate, there is unhappiness on both sides.” • “The physical body is not only a temple for our souls, but the means by which we embark on the inward journey toward the core.” • “Anything physical is always changing, therefore, its reality is not constant, not eternal.” • “You do not need to seek freedom in a different land, for it exists with your own body, heart, mind and souls.” • “As we explore the soul, it is important to remember that this exploration will take place within nature (the body), for that is where and what we are.” • “There is no difference in souls, only the ideas about ourselves that we wear BKS Iyengar - Born: December 14, 1918, Bellur, Karnataka. Died: August 20, 2014, Pune, India. Printed with permission.
Therapeutic Yoga~Mindfulness Yoga Gentle Yoga~Baby Boomer Yoga
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Classes to renew you…
• Therapeutic Yoga • Mindfulness Yoga • Gentle Yoga • Baby Boomer Yoga • Chinese & Indonesian Martial Arts 738 Chestnut St. • Santa Cruz • CA 95060 831-459-8613 •
Continued From Page 30
Page 31 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ September – Oct. 2, 2014
YOGA TEACHER TRAINING Training Teachers for over 30 years! 200 and 500 hour trainings
Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training
200-Hour Monthly .............................................................Sept 7-14
James Baraz with Kate Janke
Insight Meditation (Vipassana) Retreat - A Path to Happiness .... Sept 19-21
Ginger Hooven
Pre-Natal Yoga Teacher Training Level One ............................... Oct 1-5 Navaratri Celebration Retreat.............................. Oct 2-5
Jett Psaris
Taking the Midlife Leap, One Step at a Time ........................... Oct 10-12
Tenshin Reb Anderson
Freedom From Suffering .......................................................Nov 6-7 445 Summit Road, Watsonville, CA 95076
Micro ~ Cell Tech
Sept. Special
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Fitness & Sports
Top 5 Benefits to Interval Training by Mike Ellison Could you help me define interval training, give me five or six of its biggest benefits, and maybe two or three simple interval training plans? Who wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want to be in the best shape of their life? Achieving weight loss, body sculpting, or athletic performance, or general fitness it all takes a significant amount of time and energy. By adding interval training into your fitness routine or just starting out with it, an individual will see amazing benefits. Interval training is a type of training that involves exercises of varying speeds. Simply alternating bursts of intense activity with intervals of lighter activity can not only maximize your time working out but help to improve your performance in your activity of choice as well. Interval training is often referred to as High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), something you might want to consider for your next workout and hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s why: 1. Tabata (interval) style i n t e rva l t r a i n i n g has been reported to improve the VO2max and the anaerobic capabilities more than a steady state program. Tabata study shows the benefits of interval training. Tabata study compared moderate intensity endurance training at about 70 pecent of VO2 max to high intensity intervals done at 170 percent of VO2max. Tabata used a unique protocol of 20 seconds work to 10
seconds rest done in 7-8 bouts. (20 second intervals during a four minute span). This protocol improves the VO2 max and the anaerobic capabilities more than a steady state program. 2. Decrease in boredom in comparison to a long steady state cardio plan. When the workouts vary so does your energy and enthusiasm. So changing up the workout multiple times within your session will keep you motivated and interested in what you are doing! 3. Increase in post workout calorie burn: EPOC. The biggest benefit from a cardio workout should be the bodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ability to burn calories after the cardio workout and
the body must use increased amounts of oxygen to replenish energy supplies, lower tissue temperature, and return the body to a resting state. 4. Increase the bodies lactic acid threshold/capacity While a lot of my time has been spent working with athletes, we always used intervals to increase the bodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ability to maintain and/or increase oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s level of lactic acid capacity. Why does this matter? It matters because the higher threshold an individual has the more they can push themselves before getting sore, the harder they can train, etc. 5. Whittle the middle! One can get superior benefits for both fitness and fat loss by incorporating interval training. The doctors at Australiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s University of New South Wales determined that overweight subjects who exercised on stationary bikes using intervals burned three times as much body fat as those who exercised at a continuous, regular pace. The researchers believe this is an effect of body chemicals called catecholamines, throughout the day. This is known which are produced in substantial as EPOC (excess post-exercise quantities when we exercise at oxygen consumption), the state elevated intensities. Adrenaline in which the bodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s metabolism and noradrenaline, two main catis elevated after exercise. This echolamines, act to break down AD 3.75â&#x20AC;? 3.75â&#x20AC;? means that CONNECTION the body is burning fat stores andxburn them. more calories after exercise than The next time you decide to jump on before the exercise was initiated. the elliptical at the gym, think again Think of EPOC as a caloric after- and try out an interval training workburner that is caused by exercise out for the best results! Get an assess(much like a car engine stays ment before you try any new workout warm for a period of time after it routine. Call us at 831-425-9500 for has been driven). After exercise, a $29 assessment.
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Page 32 â&#x2013;˛ Connection Magazine â&#x2013;˛ â&#x2013;˛ â&#x2013;˛ September â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Oct. 2, 2014
The Double Benefits of Martial Practice
by Ted Mancuso ust about any Martial Art has hidden benefits. The hidden aspect comes not from any attempt to mislead, but from a variety of historical events over thousands of years. Take Tai Chi, for example. Just about everyone recognizes the image of slow-moving elders, backlit by a sunset, stepping their way through the age-old routine; or students in the park effecting concentrated, synchronized movements. They may not know what it is they are watching, but, they sense there is a reason and a benefit to the practice. The story of how Tai Chi was created bears telling, because it relates to so many other arts. Over 1500 years ago, martial teachers realized that their practice, even with its strengthbuilding and formidable skills, was incomplete. People were actually dying from the harsh regimen. Massage, herbs and numerous other methods were added to quell the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;ill-effectsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; of the practice. At some point, it became obvious that the addition of Qigong training, with its restful and balancing effect, would be helpful to the practice. In the famed Shaolin Temple, this tandem training started with hard training followed by separate Qigong exercises. The method went like this: hard, fast training, stop, stand still to perform breathing exercise. After a few hundred years of refinement, the next stage emerged in
Ted Mancuso a style called Five Elements Kung Fu. The teachers developed the idea of a single, powerful movement immediately followed by a stationary posture and controlled Qigong. Back and forth training like this inched closer to blending the benefits of martial skills and healthful exercise. They must have done something right because, even after 1000 years of explosive practice, this style has produced a lineage of teachers living into their 80â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, 90â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and more. After a time, the inventive masters created something even more sophisticated. If you think of Martial Arts as a circle and Qigong as another circle you can imagine them overlapping. This overlap is the shared area of handpicked martial movements combined with appropriate Qigong actions, eliminating all strained or weak movements. You have what we now call Tai Chi, in which you simultaneously practice the martial and Qigong. You
practice slowly to retain the Qigong concentration. You practice with precision and deep-legged stances to preserve martial benefits. Many Martial Arts, throughout the centuries, have been enriched by Chinese medical knowledge combined with philosophical principles. After so many years of refinement, the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;selfdefense onlyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; approach is literally half a style, a fraction of the stored genius invested in these arts. This combined approach has kept the martial arts wide-open to practice for almost anyone, like spirituality vs religion, these gates are always open. It all goes back to seeing the whole picture. There are those who say that the sole function of Martial Arts is personal protection. This, of course, can be the sole purpose of a school, a style or an individual. But at its heart, Martial Arts is more than this. Watching any martial athlete go through his/her workout, it is obvious that there are benefits, but what they areâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and understanding the other half of the storyâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;that takes a little more imagination and introspection. It is the necessary first step of a 1000 mile journey. Ted Mancuso is the director of the Academy of Martial & Internal Arts. For over 45 years he has been practicing and teaching both parts of these treasured arts. Contact him at (831) 475-1429, or academy.
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Contact Connection Magazine at (831) 459-0522 or to get your school listed in the Martial Arts Directory for only $25 a month or $250 yearly..
Page 33 â&#x2013;˛ Connection Magazine â&#x2013;˛ â&#x2013;˛ â&#x2013;˛ September â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Oct. 2, 2014
Hello Folks,
e publish this magazine to support our community and enjoy featuring leading theater, performances, and events. It is very important that you, our readers, tell all of the Arts &
Entertainment Venues, businesses and events, that you read about them in The Connection Magazine. We appreciate your much needed support in return. Thank you very much! Pattie & Thom
1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ • 831-423-1336 Thursday, Sept. 4 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+
plus Show Banga also Paris Cimone and Molia $20 Adv./ $25 Drs. • 7:30 p.m./ 8 p.m.
Friday, September 5 • Ages 16+
Tumbleweed Wanderers
$15 Adv./ $19 Drs. • Drs. 8 p.m./ Show 9 p.m. Friday, September 5 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+
plus Alec Thornburgh $8 Drs. only • Drs. open 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m.
Saturday, September 6 • Ages 16+
roach gigz BAEZA $20 Adv./ $24 Drs. • Drs. 8 p.m./ Show 9 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 6 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+
plus Jake Nielsen’s Triple Threat also Ross Rock Grizzly & Friends $7 Drs. only • 8:30 p.m./ 9 p.m.
Sunday, Sept. 7 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
plus MED also Rey Resurreccion $14 Adv./ $16 Drs. • Drs. 8 p.m./ Show 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. 9 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
plus King Dude $13 Adv./ $15 Drs. • Drs. 8 p.m./ Open 8:30 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 11 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+
plus DJ Aspect
$15 Adv./ $20 Drs. • Drs. 8:30 p.m./ Open 9 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 12 • In the Atrium • Ages 18+
$12 Adv./ $15 Drs. • Drs. 8:30 p.m./ Open 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, September 13 • Ages 16+
Sun. • Sep.14 • 2pm Matinee • $10 Kenny Butterill + Toby Gray & Friends Country/Blues + Americana/Pop Tue. • Sep.16 • 7:30pm • $22adv/$25dr Eliza Gilkyson & Nina Gerber Folk/Americana/Grammy Nominee Thu. • Sep.18 • 7:30pm • $10 John Coltrane’s A Love Supreme by John Hanrahan’s Love Supreme Quartet Sun. • Sep.21 • 2pm & 7pm Masters of Hawaiian Music w/ George Kahumoku Jr., Ledward Kaapana, & Uncle Richard Ho’opi’i • $20adv/$25dr Wed. • Sep.24 • 7:30pm Beoga • Lively Celtic Music $15adv/$17dr Mon. • Sep.29 • 9pm • All Standing The Lone Bellow Acoustic Americana • $18adv/$20dr Sat.• Oct. 4 • 8pm • $15 Pride & Joy Motown & Soul Review
$17 Adv./ $21 Drs. • 8 p.m./ 9 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 13 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+
IL SOGNO DEL MARINAIO with Mike Watt plus Lite $12 Adv./ $15 Drs. • Drs. 8 p.m./ Show 8:30 p.m.
Sunday, September 14 • Ages 16+
Celebrating Creativity Since 1975
BLACK LABEL SOCIETY Butcher Babies Anti-Mortem
Mon. September 8 • 7 pm | No Comps
Afro-Brazilian, samba, funk & jazz!
$29 Adv./ $33 Drs. • Drs. 7 p.m./ Show 8 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 14 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+ plus Inanimate Existence
$8 at the Drs. only • Drs. 8 p.m./ Show 8:30 p.m.
Monday, September 15 Ages 16+ $35 in Advance • Drs. 7 p.m./ Show 8 p.m. Sep 20 Andre Nickatina (Ages 16+) Sep 26 Amon Amarth (Ages 16+) Sep 27 Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe (Ages 21+) Sep 29 Cat Power (Ages 16+) Sep 30 Brother Ali/ Bambu (Ages 16+) Oct 2 Through The Roots/ The Supervillains (Ages 16+) Oct 3 The Aquabats (Ages 16+) Oct 4 Zion I: The Rapture Live From Oaklandia (Ages 16+) Oct 5 American Authors (Ages 16+) Oct 6 Lake Street Dive (Ages 16+) Oct 13 Dirty Heads/ Rome (Ages 16+) Oct 14 Kill The Noise (Ages 18+) Oct 15 Joey Bada$$ (Ages 16+) Oct 16 Stick Figure (Ages 16+) Oct 17 Zoso the ultimate Led Zeppelin experience (Ages 21+) Oct 18 The Wonder Years (Ages 16+) Oct 19 Matisyahu (Ages 16+) Oct 20 Ab-Soul (Ages 16+) Oct 21 Gramatik (Ages 18+) Oct 24 Grieves (Ages 16+) Oct 25 Cherub/ Ghost Beach (Ages 16+) Oct 28 Timeflies/ KapSlap (Ages 16+) Oct 30 Big K.R.I.T. (Ages 16+) Oct 31 The Brothers Comatose (Ages 16+) Nov 3 Citizen Cope with full band (Ages 16+) Nov 4 Ziggy Marley (Ages 16+) Nov 5 Flatbush Zombies/ The Underachievers (Ages 16+) Nov 7 Method Man & Redman (Ages 16+) Nov 8 New Found Glory (Ages 16+) Nov 9 Yelawolf (Ages 16+) Nov 13 Adrian Belew Power Trio (Ages 21+) Nov 14 Deltron 3030 (Ages 16+) Nov 15 Flying Lotus/ Thundercat (Ages 16+) Nov 21 Fortunate Youth/ Thrive (Ages 16+) Nov 22 Cold War Kids (Ages 16+) Nov 28 Minnesota (Ages 18+) Dec 6 Goapele (Ages 21+) Dec 11 Nahko & Medicine For The People (Ages 16+) Dec 31 Iration (Ages 16+)
Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating.
Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 877-435-9849 & online
Thursday, September 11 • 7 pm
Hammond B-3 funk
1/2 Price Night for Students Mon. September 15 • 7 & 9 pm | No Comps
Brazilian pianist & singer
Wed. September 17 • 7 & 9 pm | No Comps
LARRY CARLTON “…a virtuoso guitarist…” – New York Times Thursday, September 18 • 7 pm
MAINSWING: VOCAL JAZZ QUARTET 1/2 Price Night for Students Thurs. September 25 • 7 pm
MARK TURNER QUARTET feat. Avashai Cohen on trumpet
Mon. September 29 • 7 pm | No Comps
PABLO MENENDEZ & MEZCLA: DIRECT FROM CUBA Unless noted advance tickets at kuumbwajazz. org and Logos Books & Records and. Dinner served 1-hr before Kuumbwa presented concerts. Premium wines & beer. All ages.
320-2 Cedar St x Santa Cruz 831.427.2227
Back to School of Rock N’ Roll
by Janet Leonard he 32nd Annual Capitola Art & Wine Festival is Sep. 13th & 14th from 10AM-6PM. Saturday on the Bandstand Stage at Esplanade Park in Capitola at 2:30-3:45PM: Jacob Jeffries Band, an American pop rock band, 5-7PM: The Sun Kings, a Beatles tribute. On Sun. 11:45AM-12:15PM: Santa Cruz Pipes & Drums, meaning bagpipes and drums. At 1:30-3PM: Extra Large, funk gyrations, Latin spice, funin-the-sun reggae, and classic California rock vigor. 4-5:30PM: SambaDa, Afro-Brazilian Samba-funk-dance music. Admission is free! Some September music scene highlights: The Catalyst: Sun. Sep. 14th, Black Label Society, heavy metal band from Los Angeles formed by Zakk Wylde in 1998 and going strong ever since. Butcher Babies, combination of theatrics and balls out metal. Also Anti-Mortem combining the power of American heavy metal and the downhome flavor of the classic Southern rock and blues. This event is 16 and over. Mountain Winery: Tue. Sep,
THuMBNAiL MoViE REViEWS by Karin Leonard & Daniel Robin ach month, we select our favorite or otherwise important films to be featured on this page. We rate them, subjectively, on a scale from 1 (worthless) to 5 (awesome) in terms of their entertainment and message. We leave the plot details and storytelling to the filmmakers and instead attempt to characterize, highlight strengths and flaws, and hint at purpose. Reach us at Enjoy! CHEF With Jon Favreau, John Leguizamo, Sofía Vergara, Oliver Platt, Emjay Anthony Entertainment: 4 Message: 4.5 very once in a while a movie comes along with a magnetic mix – no special effects or over-the-top violence, just a fantastic script, charismatic actors with the right chemistry, creative tension, and a genuine, heart-felt story that moves and inspires. This charming, colorful and highly entertaining tale succeeds on many levels, serving up a richly layered fare, spiced just right with meaning, passion and comedy. You may enjoy the mouth-watering “food art” and some feel-good laughs, but there’s much baked in: the foil of artistry meets critical opinion (and what not to do about it), a Chef’s search for
16th, Heart, Ann and Nancy Wilson respectively 64 and 60 years of age, clearly haven’t lost anything with 2013’s most memorable induction performance at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. This Mountain Winery show should be epic! Don Quixote’s: Thu. Sep. 18th, John Hanrahan’s Love Supreme Quartet performs the first set “John Coltrane’s A Love Supreme”, celebrating the 50th anniversary of that significant recording and the second set is “A jazz celebration of Jimi Hendrix”. Sat. Sep. 27th, The Killer Queens, all girl tribute to Queen with intense stage show plus The Jean Genies, David Bowie Tribute covering five decades of music. Sun. Sep. 28th, Wild Child, Dave Brock’s Doors Experience, an amazing recreation of a live Doors concert. Coaster’s: Fri. Sep. 26th, The Mystery Spot, rock ‘n’ roll trio out of Santa Cruz, influenced by a wide variety of artists from Black Sabbath to Lady Gaga. Concerts in Retro: Here are my reviews of some recent shows. Remember this is only my opinion. At Mountain Winery: Davey Pattison, who cofounded and fronted the band GAMMA with legendary guitarist Ronnie Montrose, then went on to handle vocals with famed guitarist Robin Trower
sang several songs from both bands along with some of his solo works. Davey is a true front man whose voice is powerful and instantly recognizable. He had two guitarists’ one who played lead for Trower songs and the other sounded exactly like Montrose for the GAMMA songs. I got to meet their truly inspirational bass player Van Spragins, nice guy. The only problem was they didn’t play long enough. Then Deep Purple came out rockin’ this intimate venue with “Highway Star” my personal favorite, although I love the new song “Vincent Price” that pays tribute to the classic horror movie icon. Of course they performed a seamless “Smoke on the Water”. These grand leaders of British hard rock and heavy metal sounded good as ever. And to top it all off we went with friends from NY we’ve know for years! At Seabright Brewery: Terrie Londee and B-4 Dawn Band played hard-core R&B, funk and pop and also did a phenomenal job with 2013 Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines”, keeping it current! And we celebrated bass player and musical director, Gil “Conrad” Johnson’s birthday. Are you a local band that would like your CD reviewed in this publication? Send your CD to Music Connection, c/o Janet Leonard, PO Box 1151, Aptos CA 95001. Call (831) 325-4605 or email to tell me about gigs for live reviews. Put “Music Connection” and your band’s name in the subject line.
himself, a deepening father-son relationship, and the quest for authenticity. Favreau directed, co-produced, wrote and stars in the tasty concoction … bon appetite! (1 hr 55 min). GuARdiANS oF THE GALAxy With Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, David Bautista, Lee Pace, Bradley Cooper Entertainment: 3.5 Message: 2 Non-stop action, war and violence eminiscent of Star Wars films, containing plenty of “seen it before” alongside new characters, some of them even pastel-colored. An entertaining, witty and at times even touching mélange of Sci-Fi yarn, in this newest adaptation of the Marvel Comics superhero series. The main villain Ronan, with genocidal tendencies, proves to be quite the match for the Guardians. Ronan and his henchpeople are mostly uni-dimensional, vapidheaded morons, not at all engaging, but once again, the over-the-top and way-too-numerous fight scenes and protracted war violence left us yawning, and yearning for someone to come up with a fresh new twist. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes delivers some of that, without even leaving the galaxy! But the Guardians are an enjoyable motley crew, themselves an uneasy alliance of spunky, funny and toughbut-tender-hearted characters, led by Chris Pratt as rogue adventurer Peter Quill (think Harrison Ford alias Han Solo “lite”). Zoe Saldana (Avatar) adds sassy female spunk. Groot, a humanoid tree-thing, that talks (Vin Diesel), is sweet yet deadly. If you are a Marvel fan, you’ll likely enjoy this one (2 hrs 1 min). THE HuNdREd FooT JouRNEy Helen Mirren, Madame Mallory, Manish Dayal, Hassan Kadam, Om Puri, Charlotte Le Bon Entertainment: 4 Message: 4.5 o special effects, no violence, just cultures clashing in this delightful culinary love story. An unlikely tale of an Indian family landing in a small town in Southern France, cannot possibly work out well. The established restaurant has much to lose, while the newcomers across the street have everything to gain – 100 feet away yet worlds apart. But what if they could “work it out”, would a cross-cultural gumbo be the result? The story is so tasty and enticing—a mélange of snooty, Michelin Guiderated French gourmet meets spicy, daring and exotic—that we were charmed, and you will be too, even though you might
guess where it is all heading, and the syrup gets a little thick, the results are nonetheless irresistible (2 hrs 35 min). LuCy With Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman , Min-sik Choi, Amr Waked, Julian Rhind-Tutt Entertainment: 3.5 Message: 3.5 Note: Graphic violence rilliant in concept, exploring the possibilities of full human potential through greater use of brain capacity – what an awesome creative opportunity. And director Luc Besson (The Fifth Element – one of our favorites) delivers, as does Johansson’s remarkable performance as female hero, Lucy. Action scenes sell tickets to mainstream markets, but is this a mainstream premise? The “enemy stance” of armed conflict, scapegoating the other while blasting them into tiny pieces, is anything but innovative. If Lucy truly attains superhuman abilities, surely she could come up with something better than vengefully attacking almost everyone that crosses her… how about blasting them with loving kindness, arguably a more powerful force, and helping them up the developmental ladder? An evolutionary future that contains more destructive violence not only paints a dismal picture but it also doesn’t make developmental sense – greater capacity opens the door to increased moral judgment. At a time when loselose violence abounds, a message of positive potential is needed. Indeed, media can lead culture, not just reflect the worst and darkest our culture has to offer, just to make a buck. Still worthwhile and thought-provoking (1 hr 29 min). MAGiC iN THE MooNLiGHT Eileen Atkins, Colin Firth, Marcia Gay Harden. Hamish Linklater, Emma Stone Entertainment: 3.5 Message: 3.5 ritten and directed by Woody Allen, this period piece pokes fun at other-worldly phenomena, and those who claim they can “channel” it, at a time when the search for meaning must have provided room for charlatans to take advantage. Juxtapose those who cannot believe with those who experience the unseen as more real than the physical world we seem to occupy. A classic theme that no doubt reflects some of the author’s own existential quandaries – he is seemingly obsessed with magic, magicians and the pervasive believe that there must be more to life than “this.” The mood is a bit light and airy, certainly not at all slapstick, but no less valid artistically, with beautiful cinematography, costumes, and enough whimsically “Woody” style to keep things fun and interesting (1 hr 40 min).
Page 34 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ The Connection Ad, Fri 09/04 ▲ Facebook/Connectiononline ▲ September — october 2, 2014
H ow t o G u e s s a C at ’ s Gender Just by LookinG at His Coat
iguring out whether your cat is male or female is really not the huge challenge many people think it is. In fact, the biggest hurdle in your investigation will probably be keeping kitty calm and unperturbed as you examine his/her posterior. Inspecting a small kitten might involve simply holding it gently on its back in the palm of your hand. This position should make the tail fall away from the “target area” so you can have a look. Older kittens may do better standing on a firm surface and having their tails gently elevated to expose their perineal area. Once you have a clear view of the area normally hidden by your cat’s
tail, the gender identifier is the opening below the anus, which is the first thing you’ll see under the tail on both males and females. In females, the genital opening is immediately below the anus. In males, it’s a notable distance away. In intact adult males, the testicles can be observed between the two openings. Your cat’s coat color can also give clues to gender. Most calico and tortoise shell kitties are females, and orange cats are typically male.
tHe 6 Mistakes doG owners Make tHat Can turn anGeLs into deMons
any dog owners don’t fully comprehend how to “grow” a good pet—one that is emotionally and behaviorally balanced. It takes time, energy, and patience to mold
a puppy or newly adopted dog into a cherished family member. Sadly, many people unintentionally adopt bad dogrearing habits and wind up in what feels like a hopeless situation with their pet. There are six common mistakes many pet parents make that can create misery for both dog and owner, including sending mixed messages to their pet, allowing the dog to take charge of the relationship, and treating their pet like a person rather than a dog. Other ways owners do wrong by their dogs include failing to develop basic hygiene routines, ignoring the benefits of crate-training, and using dominance and punishment instead of positive reinforcement behavior training.
MassaGe tHerapy HeLps reMove disease froM your pet’s body
oday, Dr. Becker talks with Jonathan Rudinger, an RN and licensed massage therapist, as
Page 18 That’s the smoking gun which has now been revealed, thanks almost entirely to the independent (alternative) media and our relentless dedication to real investigative journalism. There is no such thing as “absolute safety” in any medical procedure; not even in something as incredibly safe as therapeutic massage. But the sad fact that the CDC, the vaccine industry and the vaccine zealots have pushed the absurd delusion that vaccines are “absolutely safe” -- i.e. they present ZERO risk -- is an admission of scientific quackery (or scientific illiteracy). This is why the vaccine industry has lost the public relations war on vaccines: because everybody knows the CDC is lying all the time. How do you know when the CDC is lying? When their lips are moving. Professional criminals at the CDC: It’s all business The funny thing about all this is that here, as the editor of Natural News, I’m not even an opponent of the theory of immunization! If vaccines were honestly marketed with credible descriptions of their inherent risks, thereby allowing parents to make informed decisions about those risks, there would probably be very little resistance against them. (And if all the toxic preservatives and adjuvants were removed from vaccines, there might not be any resistance at all.) The CDC, through precisely the kind of scientific fraud Dr. Thompson has admitted to, has become its own worst enemy by actively deciding to lie to the American public for decades through the deliberate commission of scientific fraud, pushing a quack science delusion which has now been shattered by one of its own scientists. Now we know the CDC is a cabal of liars and criminals, even if they are “professional” criminals as Dr.
Thompson laments in his public statement when he says, “My colleagues and supervisors at the CDC have been entirely professional since this matter became public.” Bank robbers and kidnappers can also be “professional,” because just like the vaccine industry, it’s all business! Nothing personal! Why Dr. Thompson should be granted immunity and called to testify before Congress Personally, I want to thank Dr. Thompson for breaking the conspiracy of silence and going public with his open admission of scientific fraud at the CDC. I believe Dr. Thompson operates with a far higher ethical and moral standard than most of his colleagues, and I believe he is now operating in crisis mode to protect his own life while under the threat of professional persecution or worse. It is now a matter of public record that Dr. William Thompson and his colleagues at the CDC knowingly and willfully conspired to commit scientific fraud in order to hide from the public the truth about the dangers of MMR vaccines. This fact is now irrefutable and stands as a milestone in the history of corruption and criminality at the CDC. The fact that Dr. Thompson is still a “fan” of vaccines only brings more weight to his admission that vaccine fraud was committed at the CDC. If anything, Dr. Thompson has every reason to disclaim any such fraud ever took place. In fact, I half expected Dr. Thompson to come out with a carefullyengineered statement claiming he never talked to Brian Hooker, never wrote the emails we released and never committed any fraud at all. And yet, to his credit, he has honestly and openly admitted to the scientific fraud in which he participated. For that reason alone, I believe Dr. William Thompson should be commended for
his honesty. At the same time, he should also be called before a congressional investigations committee and asked a long series of additional questions about what really went on at the CDC. In preparation for that testimony, Dr. Thompson should, I believe, be granted legal immunity from government prosecution for his role in committing the vaccine fraud we now know took place. I realize that some in the autism community might disagree with my view on this particular point. Some would say that Dr. Thompson should be charged with felony crimes and prosecuted by the government. Although I can very easily understand the anger and frustration that would lead many people to suggest such actions, I personally believe it is far more valuable for us all if Dr. Thompson is granted immunity and encouraged to testify under oath so that the true depth of the scientific fraud at the CDC can be made part of the official congressional record. If Dr. Thompson truly believes in CDC transparency as his letter suggests, he will be happy to testify before Congress. After all, Dr. Thompson is merely a small fish in a very large crime ring. The real ring leaders are right now getting away scot-free. They are the ones who need to be brought to justice and prosecuted in a court of law. Youtube Video: http://tinyurl. com/p8xc3h9 Full statement of Dr. William Thompson: l4dj665 Dr. Thompson is represented by Frederick M. Morgan,Jr., Morgan Verkamp, LLC, Cincinnati, Ohio, www. Mike Adams, the Health Ranger., (printed with permission)
part of her Highlighting the Healer series. Jonathan has been pivotal in helping to develop the profession of canine massage and is an established authority in the field. He is also founder and president of the International Association of Animal Massage and Bodywork/ Association of Canine Water Therapy. Jonathan discovered his passion for helping animals early in life, but he first pursued a career in the arts after receiving a degree in fine arts from Ohio State University. While the owner of several art galleries around the Chicago area, Jonathan happened to take up horseback riding, and it was his interest in horses—coupled with a wonderful massage he received from a family member—that propelled him to return to school to learn not only massage therapy, but also nursing. Later, as a practicing equine massage therapist, he received an epiphany that ultimately led to his current inspired work as a canine massage therapist and educator. In addition to overseeing his
PetMassage™ Training and Research Institute and running workshops, Jonathan has also authored several books and created DVDs to train others in canine massage—everyone from children, to dog guardians who want to learn a few massage techniques, to people who plan to become licensed animal massage therapists. He’s also constantly developing new canine massage programs and learning materials. Dr. Becker and Jonathan discuss the tremendous health benefits of massage beyond relaxation and help for sore muscles. A few of these include improved circulation, weight loss support, improved breathing and oxygen exchange, pain management, and improving canine behavior problems. Jonathan also discusses two of his most memorable cases in which massage proved to be life-changing for both the dogs he treated and their human families. Printed with permission.
Charlsie, ©2007 Melanie Gendron
Fine, Graphic & Commercial Arts Po Box 1438, Felton, CA 95018-1438
(831) 335-9064
Page 35 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ September — October 2, 2014
Affordable Ayurveda
the biLLboard continued from page 3
Living from the heart w/barry & joyce visseLL
Barry and Joyce Vissell, a psychiatrist and nurse/therapist couple for 49 years and longtime Santa Cruz residents, are the authors of 6 books and the founders of The Shared Heart Foundation, dedicated to changing the world one heart at a time. Even a few counseling sessions with either or both of them can change your life as an individual or couple.
sept. 26-28 autumn coupLes retreat
SATURDAY SEPT 20TH Ayurvedic Health Counselor Student Internship in Santa Cruz Only $25 for 2 Consultations
Pacific Cultural Center 1307 Seabright Ave
Space is limited. Call today! 408.846.4060 Mount Madonna
institute College of Ayurveda
Free Online Calendar Listings -
Aptos HomeCenter. Couples describe these weekends as a safe and loving place to learn and practice new skills for their relating. Limited to 12 couples at our HomeCenter. Cost (includes 6 vegetarian meals from Friday dinner to Sunday lunch and either camping or day use): $590/ couple if paid in full by Sep 19. $640 after Sep 19. $100 non-refundable deposit per couple. $200 non-refundable after Sep 19. Limited indoor accommodations (extra fee), so please call early to reserve space. or 831-684-2299.
Martial arts
aikido: the art of peace
Learn to get centered and blend dynamically with others! Noncompetitive, supportive practice. Adult/Teen 5 week Intro Class: starts sept. 2nd thru sept. 27th, T,Th 5:45pmâ&#x20AC;&#x201C;7pm, and Sat. 9am-10:15am. Youth classes. Aikido of Santa Cruznonprofit organization- 306 Mission St, SC. Call for info, (831) 423-TEAM.
Lively Letters
The Summer of Peace The Summer of Peace is bringing together tens of thousands of global citizens who, like you, yearn for a more peaceful life and planet. From the personal to planetary issues, together, we will acknowledge, celebrate and accelerate the wave of peacebuilding that has been growing all over the world. With guidance from the most remarkable, inspiring peacebuilders in the world, thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no way you canâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t come away from The Summer of Peace deeply inspired, transformed â&#x20AC;&#x201C; and part of the solution. Join us in taking peace to the next echelonâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and, help co-create a harmonious world that leaves a legacy of good for generations to come. 11 Days of Global Unity September 11th thru 21st This 10th Anniversary celebration of peace, justice and environmental stewardship will feature Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Eckhart Tolle, Amy Goodman, Deepak Chopra and many other luminaries. Created by We, The World, the 11 Days culminates on September 21, the U.N. International Day of Peace and includes more than 700 concerts, festivals, webcasts, and many other activities, in over 60 countries around the world. For more info, go to: We usually only publish one Rave for each business/columnist that are submitted to us. We are â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;changing it upâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; here, this issue, as we are so thoroughly touched and impressed by the response from you folks, our Readership. Thank you for caring and for letting the businesses know that you value and frequent them! Pattie & Thom
This was received â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;liveâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; over the phone:
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thank you Connection Magazine for always being on the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;cutting edgeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; with what you present in your magazine. My family all especially enjoyed the Theme in this issue about the â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Santa Cruz County Fairâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, AND . . . that there is an â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Organic Awarenessâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;! YES!! This is perfect to share in this
Imminent Danger Spreading
Society-wide tragedy in the making is gaining momentum. Contemplate please, that corporations have been designed for a singular purpose: to make profits for their shareholders. In their decisions, they are explicitly prohibited by their articles of incorporation from considering the public good. Therefore, could anything be more destructive to our nation than the situation we find ourselves in? Corporations currently determine practically everything going on in Washington D.C., and yet promoting the public good, ostensibly the central purpose of government, is defined by them as an irrelevant â&#x20AC;&#x153;externalityâ&#x20AC;?. Thus are we led by sociopaths, who methodically use the instruments designed for governing, in order to purposefully disenfranchise USAâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;since their profits usually equal our losses! Example: Every pregnant American mother now feeds her baby in utero a toxic brew of approximately 300 chemicals, while unregulated chemical companies reap obscene profits. Example: While profit-motivated war spreads across the planet, over seventy percent of all weapons are made in the USAâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and, â&#x20AC;&#x153;foreign aidâ&#x20AC;? you and I pay for, typically consists of a sinister deal between some weapons maker and some puppet government abroad, that â&#x20AC;&#x153;ourâ&#x20AC;? weapons empower--- power being used to destroy peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sovereignty, while turning the disenfranchised against USA. Both major parties are in the thrall of corporate fools who have bought their influence legally, through lobbyists. If we donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t upset this horrific applecart soon, we can kiss any future worth living good-bye. Our choice is between living in Hell and Revelation PLEASEâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;not violent revolution. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ask our Creator to forgive USA for having sunk so low and then seek discernment. The churches are often dominated by hypocrites who evidently donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t understand they risk their immortal souls. Yet, somehow we must choose servants, not manipulators of our will, to represent USA. We cannot serve both God and Mammon! Lynn Sandage, Mendon,Vermont
great magazine as you are the ONE magazine that has been educating us all about â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;organicâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; (non-GMOs) for over 20 years now (in factâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; the only one!!). Many thanks.â&#x20AC;? Jenny & Marco (Bobby & Marta) Lopez, La Selva Beach
These were received on the Answering Machine:
Thanks for another great magazine and that you are including a new Organic Farm in it (Lakeside Organics). Happy to know that there is a new organic farm out there!! Jimmy Feinstein, Marina
Love the Theme, will definitely attend the SCCoFair this year again. We had stopped going as it was always the same and wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t as conscious as weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like it to be. Your Theme has helped us to see new changes and weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll go back. And, they have the Lakeside Organic Gardens at the Fair (we will make sure we visit their booth). Nanci, Peter & 3 Kids, Los Gatos I did not know about the company on the Back Cover, Lakeside Organics. Thank you for telling us about them and where I can buy their organic produce. I went to Shopper â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
" Listen to Rotating Hosts Tom Quinn, Donald Davidson, David Biles & informative guests on Perspectives Radio Show every Saturday from noon to one on KSCO 1080 AM. We have extensive coverage of issues regarding holistic health and other important topics.
Corner (I do not shop there usually, however, now I will knowing they have Lakesideâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Organic products). Also, I will go to a New Leaf Mkt to get their organic produce. I believe that it is far better to buy from an Organic Farm like Lakeside Organics because they are truly local, they have much fresher produce than â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;other organicsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; that you may buy from other stores in the SC and Monterey areas. We a r e s o g l a d t o discover this farm. And, as always, thanks to you Connection, for keeping us â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;on the ballâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; with the best of the best! Silvia & Manny Vieira, Santa Cruz Thanks for your ongoing dedication to our health & wellness with all of your wonderful, informative articles and now info about a local, organic farmâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;Lakeside Organics. I hope you will publish more info about this farm in your magazine as I believe it must be a new farm in the area. Thank you for considering this idea. Also, really, really enjoy the Heirloom Seeds Column! You rock! Barry Meinhardt, Saratoga See everyone at the Fair! Thanks for educating us about their new changes, how FUN it will be and that Organic is part of this Fair (Lakeside Organics and hopefully, other organic companies, as well, will be there). See you there. The Baines Family, Pacific Grove
Page 36â&#x2013;˛ Connection Magazine â&#x2013;˛ â&#x2013;˛ â&#x2013;˛ September â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Oct. 2, 2014
The Music of the Spheres:
Astrological Insights by Susan Heinz Astrology
september 2014
efore the light touches the day into bird song, Venus and Jupiter hang like a promise to mankind in the predawn hours, encouraging us to hold the dream of hope, peace, and beauty. Gradually moving further apart, Venus disappears on the 18th, returning in December as an evening star. The time of Virgo is upon us, the time of harvest, of slowing our pace to reflect and discern, to carefully plan what comes next, and to ground ourselves. Thoughtful of the little things we do, making sacred each act toward a positive harvest, Virgo is the sign of mindfulness, humbleness, and conscientiousness. Remember your vision and don’t loose the forest for the trees. What needs to be digested before moving on to the changing seasons? The Harvest Moon, the moon the closest to the Autumn Equinox, illuminates on September 8th. Because the successive moonrises are shorter in time than the rest of the year, for several nights the moonlit nights seem brighter than normal. Enjoy these nights between the 7th and the 10th. This is the Pisces full moon, a time of great sensitivity to world events and situations in our daily lives. At this moon, balance the ideal with the real, the imaginative dream with the practical, and the poetic with the every day. The visionary thrust of this time is a changing of the global paradigm, to see ourselves as one humanity, on a precious, intelligent Earth. Those who can carry and act from this broad view become the bridge into a new age. Balanced at this edge of destruction, or disintegration, both globally, and personally, we stalk a new identity, releasing the old like worn skins falling from our eyes. In this year of the Horse, trust your intuition, honor the breaking through process even if you aren’t sure from moment to moment if you can maintain your balance with the intensity of the thundering movement. Mars leaves intense Scorpio, which has revealed that which has been repressed or hidden from view, on the 13th. Its sojourn here has alerted us to what needs to be seen and attended to. Now Mars gallops into adventurous and philosophic Sagittarius, a time of quickening our momentum toward our goals. Jupiter trines Uranus stimulating the energy around and through us, to wake up, try new things, open our creative genius and bring our visionary powers into these new eyes. This is especially accented at the end of the month and into October as Mars aligns with them, forming a grand fire trine. Destructive rebellion or violent confrontation is its negative expression. The Sun rises directly East on the morning of the Equinox, the 22nd, and
the energy of the year shifts into fall. Where spring brings Aries into action, the fall opens into the need for pause and balance of Libra. The New Moon takes place on the 23rd, seed a vision for love and justice. Twelve Opportunities for September: For Sun and Rising Signs Aries (Mar 20—Apr 19): During September, attend to your health. Pace yourself, simplify, and look practically at situations having to do with your body, and work. Discern what is working well for you and what is not. You are completing a challenging passage and moving into an inspiring time. You are feeling a new level of freedom and enjoyment. Travel is good this month and next. Taurus (Apr 20—May 20): September is a creative and expressive month for you. Seek out those you love and spend time with them. You may find that the way you enjoy and embody who you are is changing. Intimate encounters with others now can expand your perspectives. Your inner foundations are changing. Gemini (May 21—Jun 20): Be thoughtful with communications this month. Your ideas or expression may cause surprises and bring up emotions unexpectedly. But your playful spirit is accentuated. A careful balance can be struck between discernment and letting go to a natural flow of communication. Let the writer in you strike a chord in others that awakens their inspiration. Cancer (Jun 21–Jul 21): You feel more sensitivity and empathy during the Pisces full Moon. There is something that you have been working with that now finds its resolution and form. A new level of integration can take place, especially as you synthesize and discern the specific thoughts that occupy you this month. On the New Moon, take time to feel into your heart’s desire. Leo (Jul 22—Aug 22): With Jupiter now in Leo, you embark upon a time of growth and the ability to more easily create abundance in your life. Your inspiration fuels new orientation. Someone from a distant place opens a door for you. Though quickness of movement seems called for, Saturn says to take your time. Be aware of deep feelings that are revealed. Virgo (Aug 23—Sep 22): As Venus travels through Virgo, September carries a sweet energy for you. This is a nice time to focus on yourself and what you want to do. Sudden insights may come to you that change your course. Changes in your child’s life, are seen in a positive light. For your greatest benefit, find time to meditate or contemplate your gratitude before the day begins. Libra (Sep 23—Oct 22): You find that time alone can be creatively
rewarding now. Changes that have been taking place in home or family seem to have reached a positive state and support the changes you have been seeking. At the full moon, take a walk by the ocean. Let it fill your senses and renew your vision. After the 13th, short trips are favored. Working with groups is enlivening even as they may be demanding of your skills. Scorpio (Oct 23—Nov 21): This month, you enjoy extended family. The full moon on the 8th brings pleasure, enjoyment of those you love. After the 12th, travel becomes easier. Your career is on the upswing and you can feel confident in changing or new aspects. Part of you would love to linger in a quiet and peaceful setting, so be sure to make that space for yourself and don’t take on too much. Sagittarius (Nov 22—Dec 20): This is a good month for travel. Your spirits are lifted and you receive new inspiration. After the 12 th, as Mars moves into Sagittarius, you experience more energy. You feel motivated with what you want to accomplish and your intentions become a powerful navigating force. Some family or home issues may slow you down. Remain clear to what is really at hand. Capricorn (Dec 21—Jan 19): You seem to have a broader view on things this month. Learning and studying come more easily now. Your work is highlighted and it is quite possible that you are reaching more people or affecting more people. If you keep a balance between your outer commitments and time you spend to yourself, you will feel more creativity and inspiration. Aquarius (Jan 20—Feb 17): You are entering a time of heightened enjoyment with friends and family, just your thing! Your teaching abilities take up energy and you feel the spark of new fire stimulating your interactions. Partnerships are enjoyable as long as you find balance with the other commitments you value. Give your love special attention. Pisces (Feb 18—Mar 19): This Pisces full Moon finds you open, sensitive, and full of feeling. Relationships take up your attention and business partnerships are highlighted. This is a time to carefully go over details with others. After the 12th, work takes on its own momentum and goals can be achieved more easily. Your clear intention will serve to lead others. Susan Heinz is a professional astrologer in Santa Cruz for 32 years, bringing together traditional & esoteric astrology, Tarot and Qabalah. For info on her Friday monthly astrology groups, her Qabalah, astrology and or, painting classes and for personal consultations, call (831) 4793751, or go to www.
I ntuItIve I nsIghts : #9—The Hermit m elAnIe g endron , C reAtor of t he g endron t Arot
eptember and IX The Hermit share introspective Virgo as their Astrological associate. Representing illumination and self knowledge, The Hermit encourages us to look within and remember our essential divinity. Remembering there is one essential energy of which we are an expression transcends the defiant resistance to learning that cultivates denial. The Hermit is a candle in the darkness. S/he exemplifies the natural tendency toward a Greater Universal Principle. Like Virgo, the virgin, s/he stands alone, but not lonely for s/he embodies divine wisdom. Virgo’s perfectionism, analytical intelligence and desire to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number of people provide noble influence. Mercury is exalted in Virgo, echoing the elevation of individual will to Primal or Universal Will. This transformation from primitive
to Primal occurs physically in the abdominal functions ruled by Virgo. Through the practice of preferred disciplines such as affirmative prayer, meditation, transformational psychology and loving body care, we refine our physiology. Physical, emotional and mental refinement encourages the manufacture of essential hormones and subtle forces that promote enlightenment. The Hermit knows that True Self transcends the limitations of personal ego. Conditions of environment and personality comprise aspects of experience, but they are not the One who experiences. The Hermit’s unfolding completes with enlightenment. S/he is the aware, matured Fool developing greater, deeper and more refined levels of Universal Consciousness. The Hermit extends the light of Wisdom. Whatever we handle is Light in extension, radiant energy made tangible. With attention
to emotions, conscious observation and application of our divinity, we surmise the pathway out of bondage to a liberated perspective and more integrated self. Ask yourself: Are you shining your light? Affirmation I am God/dess having an experience as your name. I am that I Am. Blessings, Melanie Melanie Gendron is available for intuitive tarot readings, offering also art and tarot services and products, (831) 335-9064, email gentarot@comcast. net, visit
Journey into the Wisdom Teachings of the Tree of Life September 21st, 10-5pm at the Beautiful Bon Repos in Aptos with Susan Heinz and Judy Lomba CHT
This exceptional workshop is designed to give you an experience of the wisdom & beauty residing in the Tree of Life, an ancient symbol of the creative powers of the universe and within each individual.
Learn to access these powers for consciously creating your life. For healing and balancing, and as a map to guide your life journey. Through —
• Discussion of this Ancient Map of the Cosmos and your Psyche • Visualization & Inner Journeying • Invocation • SoulCollage@, Artistic Imagery Process
For more info and Preregistration $125, by Sept. 14th (831) 479-3751 or go to
Page 37 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline▲ September — October 2, 2014
October 1, 2014 HZeiZbWZg (! '%&)
Page 38▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ September – Oct. 2, 2014
Hemp-Based Batteries Could CHange tHe Way We store energy Forever
by Marco Torres s hemp makes a comeback in the U.S. after a decades-long ban on its cultivation, scientists are reporting that fibers from the plant can pack as much energy and power as graphene, long-touted as the model material for supercapacitors. They’re presenting their research, which a Canadian start-up company is working on scaling up, at the 248th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS), the world’s largest scientific society. Although hemp (cannabis sativa) and marijuana (cannabis sativa var. indica) come from a similar species of plant, they are very different and confusion has been caused by deliberate misinformation with far reaching effects on socioeconomics as well as on environmental matters. Hemp is the most universally useful plant we have at our disposal. The history of mankind’s use of hemp can be traced way back in time to between about 5000 – 7000 BC. Industrial hemp and hemp seed could transform the economy of the world States in a positive and beneficial way, and therefore should be exploited to its full potential, especially relating to energy storage. David Mitlin, Ph.D., explains that supercapacitors are energy storage devices that have huge potential to transform the way future electronics are powered. Unlike today’s rechargeable batteries, which sip up energy over several hours, supercapacitors can charge and discharge within seconds. But, they normally can’t store nearly as much energy as batteries, an important property known as energy density. One approach researchers are taking to boost supercapacitors’ energy density is to design better electrodes. Mitlin’s team has figured out how to make them from certain hemp fibers—and, they can hold as much energy as the current top contender: graphene. “Our device’s electrochemical performance is on par with or better than graphene-based devices,” Mitlin says. “The key advantage is that our electrodes are made from biowaste using a simple process, and therefore, are much cheaper than graphene.” The race toward the ideal supercapacitor has largely focused on graphene—a strong, light material made of atom-thick layers of carbon, which when stacked, can be made into electrodes. Scientists are investigating how they can take advantage of graphene’s unique properties to build better solar cells, water filtration systems, touch-screen technology, as well as batteries and supercapacitors. The problem is it’s expensive. Mitlin’s group decided to see if they could make graphene-like carbons from hemp bast fibers. The fibers come from the inner bark of the plant and often are discarded from Canada’s fast-growing industries that use hemp for clothing, construction materials and other products. The U.S. could soon become another supplier of bast. It now allows limited cultivation of hemp, which unlike its close cousin, does not induce highs. Since the 1950s, the United States has been lumped hemp into the same category of marijuana, and thus the extremely versatile crop was doomed in the United States. Hemp is technically from the same species of plant that psychoactive marijuana comes from. However, it is from a different variety, or subspecies that contains many important differences. Industrial hemp has very low Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) levels, which is the principal psychoactive constituent. Compared to marijuana which is specifically cultivated for personal psychoactive use, it is nearly impossible to “get high” on hemp. Marijuana that can be smoked usually contains between 5-10% THC, industrial hemp contains
about one-tenth of that. In order to get a psychoactive effect, one would need to smoke more than a dozen hemp cigarettes over a very short period of time to achieve any kind of psychoactive effect. The reason for the low THC content in hemp is that most THC is formed in resin glands on the buds and flowers of the female cannabis plant. Industrial hemp is not cultivated to produce buds, and therefore lacks the primary component that forms the marijuana high. Furthermore, industrial hemp has higher concentrations of a chemical called Cannabidiol (CBD) that has a negative effect on THC and lessens its psychoactive effects when smoked in conjunction. Scientists had long suspected there was more value to the hemp bast—it was just a matter of finding the right way to process the material. “We’ve pretty much figured out the secret sauce of it,” says Mitlin, who’s now with Clarkson University in New York. “The trick is to really understand the structure of a starter material and to tune how it’s processed to give you what would rightfully be called amazing properties.” His team found that if they heated the fibers for 24 hours at a little over 350 degrees Fahrenheit, and then blasted the resulting material with more intense heat, it would exfoliate into carbon nanosheets. Mitlin’s team built their supercapacitors using the hemp-derived carbons as electrodes and an ionic liquid as the electrolyte. Fully assembled, the devices performed far better than commercial supercapacitors in both energy density and the range of temperatures over which they can work. The hempbased devices yielded energy densities as high as 12 Watt-hours per kilogram, two to three times higher than commercial counterparts. They also operate over an impressive temperature range, from freezing to more than 200 degrees Fahrenheit. “We’re past the proof-of-principle stage for the fully functional supercapacitor,” he says. “Now we’re gearing up for small-scale manufacturing.” Governments have cooperated with powerful corporate lobbyists to insure that hemp is lumped into the same category as marijuana. The primary reason is that hemp has too many abundant resources for fuel, housing, food, medicine that corporations cannot exploit. Think about how many polluting conglomerates would go down if hemp was permitted as a resource. The oil, pharmaceutical, supplement and constructions industry would need to radically shift their business model to survive. Mitlin, who conducted the research while at the University of Alberta, acknowledges funding from Alberta Innovates Technology Futures,National Institute for Nanotechnology (Canada) and Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency. EnvironmEntal BEnEfits of HEmp • Hemp results in a 95.5% fuel-tofeed ratio when used for pyrolysis the thermochemical process that converts organic matter into fuel. • Biomass has heating value of up to 8,000 BTU/lb., with virtually no residual sulphur or ash during combustion. • Hemp is the #1 producer of biomass per acre in the world. Biomass energy expert Lynn Osburn estimates that 1 1/2 to 3 1/2 million acres of hemp would replace all of Canada’s fossil fuel demands. • From 75% to 90% of all paper was made with hemp fiber until the late 1800′s. • An acre of hemp will produce as much pulp for paper as 41 acres of trees over a 20 year period. • The hemp paper-making process requires no dioxin-producing chlorine bleach and uses 75% to 85% less
sulphur-based acid. • Hemp paper is suitable for recycle use 7 to 8 times, compared with 3 times for wood pulp paper. • Hemp produces the strongest, most durable natural soft-fiber on earth. Until the 1 820′s, up to 80% of all textiles and fabrics for clothes, canvas, linens and cordage were made principally from hemp. • Hemp cloth is stronger, more durable, warmer and more absorbent than cotton. Best of all, it can be grown in Canada, cotton cannot. • An acre of land will produce 2 to 3 times as much fiber as cotton, about 1,000 Ibs. of fiber per acre. • Hemp grown in most parts of Canada will require no herbicide, fungicide or insecticide applications. Up to ½ of all agricultural pesticides used in North America are applied to the cotton crop. • Natural, organic hemp fiber breathes and is recyclable, unlike petroleum-based synthetic fibers. • A fully mature hemp plant may contain 1/2 of its dry-weight in seed. • Once hemp seed oil has been extracted, the remaining seed cake is second only to soya bean for protein content and is an excellent source of nutrition for either farm animals or humans. agricultural BEnEfits of HEmp • England, France and Spain have all legalized low THC varieties of hemp for an agricultural crop. England planted 1,500 acres of hemp as a first year crop. Reports from England state that farmers are receiving in excess of 3,000$ per acre for their hemp crop. • Low THC hemp is not suitable as a psychoactive drug. • A Canadian report from the late 1800′s demonstrated that hemp works very well in rotation with bean and corn crops. • In 1991, Ontario farmers received $290 and $240 per acre for grain corn and soya bean respectively. • Hemp was grown successfully in Canada for over 100 years. For a period in the late 1800′s Canada produced ‘hi: of all England’s hemp requirements. At kite time, England was the largest hemp consumer in the world. • In the 1930′s, a South Western Ontario newspaper reported that Canadian grown hemp was among the best in the world and far superior to tropical hemp. • In Canada, hemp can be grown successfully from our southern borders to approximately 60O North Latitude, the parallel that divides the North West Territories from the provinces. This remarkable range is possible due to hemp’s short growing season, usually 90 to 110 days. • The hemp plant will reach a height of up to 5m (16ft.) and sink a main tap root down 1 ft. This tap root will draw nutrients from deep in the soil and make them available to subsequent crops when the hemp leaves are shed on the soil. This extensive root system also helps to alleviate the problem of soil compaction. • Hemp is very easy on the soil and returns up to 60% of the nutrients it takes from the soil, when dried in the field. • A report from Kentucky states that hemp was grown on the same land for 14 consecutive years without soil depletion or reduction in yield. • Hemp is very economical crop to grow since it requires virtually no pesticide applications. • Hemp is also relatively droughtresistant and has been relied upon several times during drought-induced famine for its high protein seed. • Hemp is very resistant to increased UV radiation and should not suffer decreased yields, unlike soya bean and corn. Marco Torres of Waking Times, is a research specialist, writer and consumer advocate for healthy lifestyles.
He holds degrees in Public Health and Environmental Science and is a professional speaker on topics such as
disease prevention, environmental toxins and health policy. Printed with permission.
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page 39 ▲ the Connection magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/Connectiononline ▲ september — october 2, 2014
Buy Fresh! Buy Local! Go Organic! Lakeside Organic Gardens is the largest family-owned and operated solely organic vegetable grower/shipper in the United States. Producing over 45 commodities, year-round we are committed to being 100% organically grown in California.
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