Connection Magazine September 2015 Issue

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September 2015

• The Shift… Wave X Awakening - pg 22 - 23

“If they control seed, they control food. They know it, it’s strategic. It’s more powerful than bombs, it’s more powerful than guns. This is the best way to control the population of the world.” – Vandana Shiva

Wayne Dyer Tribute pg. 39

The Heirloom Expo Santa Rosa - Sept. 8 - 10 Vandana Shiva * Jeffery Smith * Food Babe Vani Hari

• Mind • Body • Spirit • Earth • Heart •





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Page 2 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ September 2015

SB277 Referendum Page 11

Look for our October 2015 Issue - Oct. 1st - Now in our 23nd Year

How to Reach Us:

(831) 459-0522 Fax: (831) 427-7718 (Please Call to Confirm Fax Receipt) Connection Magazine 7960 Soquel Dr. B-355 • Aptos, CA 95003

Feature Index

Heirloom Expo Page 33

Yoga Page 15

Ben Fuchs Page 10

Pet Health Page 21

Arts & Entertainment ........................... 36 & 37 Astrology ........................................................ 40 Awareness .................................................26-30 The Billboard .................................................. 24 Thriving Business ........................................... 4 The News .......................................................... 8 Compassion Flower Resource Guide ...... 41-43 Dining Delights .............................................. 31 Essential Living Guide ............. 14,15,26,27,29 Fitness & Sports ............................................ 17 Green Business Directory ............................ 33

Health Notes....................................................8-13

Healthy Appearance ....................................... 18 Healthy Planet ............................................ 32-35 Diversity .......................................................... 29 Martial Arts...................................................... 16 Massage / Bodywork ...................................... 14 Movies ............................................................. 37 Music .............................................................. 37 Parenting, Kids & Education ......................... 20 Pet / Animal Health .......................................... 21 Radiation Protection ........................Will Return Rave Reviews ................................................... 24 Wave X Theme ............................................ 22-23 Spirit ..................................................................39 Travel & Fun .................................... Will Return Wonderful Women ........................................... 19 Yoga .................................................................. 15 The Connection Magazine is for educational purposes only. We do not necessarily recommend the specific remedies, exercises, treatments or activities, etc. summarized. Please consult with your personal health care provider to find out what is appropriate for you. Entire Contents © The Connection Magazine

Rave Reviews and the Billboard Page 24

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Precious & Semi-Precious


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Page 3 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ September 2015

Lively Letters

Mt. Men for Hi y d n re Ha r )PNF .BJOUFOBODF r $BSQFOUSZ 1BJOUJOH

Thank you for your dedica- embedded bike trail from Davenport tion to bring us true journalism with to Watsonville. A route that could integrity. We lovingly refer to you and include a new transfer infrastructure Thom as the Amy Goodman and Thom for the purest, naturally alkaline water Hartman of the central coast. In the produced in CA. Over 6 million gallast election, Connection Magazine lons a day within 3 years. A corridor was the only publication willing to for a new fiber optic line. We must print the truth about the desalination replace microwave. We must replace proposal and the negative environment the fossil fuel economy with the green. and heavy economic impact. You Thank you for your green business diwere the only ones willing to print the rectory. We can change the world one truth about 21st century water science consumer at a time together. I have been a Bernie supporter technology. How to achieve water security with systems in balance with since his filibuster speech in the senate nature at a fraction of the cost of desal. years ago. There is only one candidate Systems that will enable the return of willing to stand up to big corporations, the salmon and bring economic stabil- pharmeceuticals and wall street. He is the real deal. He believes in states ity to our community. Thank you for your support for rights to label GMO’s. We must try Gillis_Patrick_Ad_Sept2015_Press.pdf 8/31/2015 4:38:44 PM the new green economy, for a solar again and pass it here in CA. People


.PWJOH )BVMJOH Call or Text Craig at: r

who vote against labeling and a parent trying to protect their children from the negative health impacts of GMO’s are borderline sociopaths. I believe that we should insist on better vaccines like the ones Japan and Europeans produce for their people. Their process is more costly but they produce a better vaccine. American companies cut corners to produce more of less quality. Our society is fed food that Europeans, chinese, japanese and others will not eat. We are given a two tier health care and justice system. If your on the low end you understand exactly what that means. We need a New Deal and a second bill of rights. Bernie is the one to deliver these values. Craig Bush

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Page 4 â–˛ Connection Magazine â–˛ â–˛ â–˛ September 2015

IN CALIFORNIA A rare opportunity to be in the presence of Sadhguru for a life-transforming weekend. Learn Shambhavi kriya, a powerful yoga practice that brings your entire system into alignment, establishing a chemistry of blissfulness within you.

24-25 October 2015

Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara To register and for more details Page 5 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ September 2015

Compassionate Medical Counseling

Jeffrey M. Young, M.D. Compassionate Medical Counseling


he diagnosis is in. And you’re in shock. The treatment is all planned and your doctor is already on to the next patient. Did you even hear what was said? Since when did you become irrelevant? Now imagine a physician with whom you feel safe to express your feelings. Who takes the time to answer your questions. Who you can talk to about alternative and complementary therapies. Who can help you move through the overwhelm and restore your attitude of positivity and possibility. Imagine getting the support you need for your healing journey. Imagine making your life easier.

Guiding you toward peace of mind. Ă&#x; Helping you decide what’s right for you. Honoring all paths that lead to healing. Ă&#x; Giving you the time you deserve.

Jeffrey M. Young, M.D.

831-239-9311 5905 Soquel Drive, Suite 400, Soquel, CA 95073


Sacred ceremony Munay-ki rites House clearings Coaching



Free 15 minute consultations Se habla EspaĂąol


I can’t answer it for them, we determine what What is the name of your Business? Jeffrey M. Young, M.D. Compassionate further information we need, including preparing for their next visit with their treating physicians, Medical Counseling or requesting outside records. What’s the focus of your Business? And of course, people may want help Providing counseling and stress reduction making treatment decisions. In Santa Cruz, for people with health-related concerns many people want to make use of alternative What inspired you to do it? In March 2014, I stopped working at the and complementary therapies and most physiCounty Health Clinic on Emeline Ave in Santa cians know very little about these, so patients Cruz after 21 years of service. I had been a pri- are afraid to even broach the subject with their mary care physician there. It had its rewards, treating physicians. Western medical treatment but I was done working in that environment and strategies can seem terrifying, and people tend in that capacity. I wanted to compose music to have a knee-jerk reaction against considering and to write. I wasn’t sure what, if anything, I them at all. It’s not an either/or proposal, though. wanted to do with my medical degree. I had a Complementary therapies, combined with things like guided imagery can make Western treatments very lean year! Then, two people in the same week told much less stressful and work even better than they would have otherwise. me about Dr. Lindsay Johnson Ultimately though, I’m and her medical counseling practice and suggested I talk to there to help the patient find the her. As it turns out, Dr. Johnson right answer within themselves. I was just about to close her pracwill support whatever the patient tice. She told me about the kind decides. My job is to insure that of work she’d been doing with the patient has considered all the patients and it immediately appossibilities, has all the informapealed to me. I had special skill tion they need, and that they are sets I’d always wanted to use capable of deciding from a place that I could apply to working of inner knowing rather than out with people in this way. There of fear. are very few physicians offerWhat are some of the topics or ing this kind of service, and it’s concepts that you help people something that both patients learn about or accomplish? Jeffrey M. Young, M.D. and doctors could really use. I think one of the most Doctors nowadays are simply too overloaded to important concepts I can introduce to people is give patients the attention they need. Plus, the the mind-body connection. Our minds have such things I assist people with are beyond the comfort a powerful influence over our bodies that I would zone of many physicians. There’s only so much even say it can be more important that someone you can teach about how to work with people in believes a treatment will help them than what the emotional distress. There’s no shame in that. particular treatment is. How does it work? How does one get an apThe converse is equally true: a person pointment with you? can literally turn a potentially life-saving therapy Since I don’t provide any primary medical against their self, if they believe it is harmful to care, everyone who comes to see me has to have their body. I’ve seen it happen with medications. their own primary care or specialty care physician A patient may read the PDR and have one side already in place. However, people can self refer. efffect after another. But the thing is they were They don’t need a referral from their physician. afraid of the medication before they even started They can simply call (831) 239-9311 and we can taking it. set up a time for a phone consultation. People I’m not saying that people should follow may also find it useful to take a look at my web- through with their doctor’s treatment plan. It isn’t site my job to nudge them in the direction of what How do you meet or work with your Clients? their doctor wants them to do or what I think they The phone consultation gives me an idea should do or even what I would do in their situaof what is going on—what the medical condition tion. But, I do believe it’s vitally important that is, where the patient is at emotionally, and what patients examine where their fears come from they are seeking assistance with. Then if we both and ask themselves whether they are necessarily feel that counseling would be beneficial we set valid. If there is one thing we can change, it is up an appointment. our thoughts and beliefs. And I can teach people Patients often need a safe space to have how do that, if they are open to it. their feelings validated as their first priority. Education Their family and health care providers have often B.A. in Psychology, Yale University, 1978 been urging them to start treatment before they’ve M.D., University of California San Francisco even had time to adjust to the news that they have School of Medicine, 1983 a catastrophic illness. People need to grieve. Internship in Internal Medicine, St. Mary’s HosThere is usually a high level of overwhelm right pital, SF, CA, 1984 after a diagnosis, so stress-reduction becomes Other Credentials important. I teach people techniques like mind- Certified Massage Therapist, McKinnon School fulness meditation right in the office, and have of Professional Massage, Oakland, 1989. Practhem practice at home. I also do guided imagery titioner of Higher Consciousness, Inner Light sessions in the office that are customized for Ministries, Soquel, 2007. Mindfulness-Based each patient and recorded for later use at home. Stress Reduction Course, Bob Stahl, DominiYou can read more about guided imagery on my can Hospital, 2011. Reiki Level I, Santa Cruz, website. It’s a very powerful tool for inducing October 2014. states of relaxation. Contact: (831) 239-9311 Office: 5905 Soquel People may have questions about their Drive Suite 400 Soquel, CA 95073 condition that they’d like to have answered. If

Page 6 â–˛ Connection Magazine â–˛ â–˛ â–˛ September 2015

Elizabeth Martina Bishop

George Noory of Coast to Coast AM Radio on KSCO What is the name of your KSCO Radio Program? What time is it on; day, etc.? How long have you been doing your Radio Show? My program is syndicated and called Coast to Coast AM. It is heard on KSCO-AM beginning at 10pm…. and we are LIVE 7 nights a week with me on M-F. I’ve been doing the show since January, 2003 What’s the focus of your Program? Our program deals with searching for the truth no matter where it takes us. We delve into the paranormal, unusual and conspiracies of life. What inspired you to do your Program? Since I was a boy, I loved the mysteries of the supernatural and what a delight to be able to broadcast these incredible stories. Is yours a Call-In Talk-Show? How does that work for you? Yes we are heavily caller driver. We have open lines or the caller can ask a specific guest a question. Do you feature Guests on your Program? IF you care to do so, please name 2 or 3 of your favorite Guests (and succinctly tell why). Yes we have guests on quite often. A few of my favorites are Rosemary Ellen Guiley, an expert on dreams; Stanton Friedman, the father of modern day UFOLOGY; and Dr. Bruce Goldberg, who deals with reincarnation and past lives What are some of the topics or concepts that are your favorite and that you have featured on your Show? We deal a lot with BIG FOOT, UFO’S, and Life After Death. But, we will also cover current events too. Any future plans in store with your Program at KSCO or for any endeavors that you are doing? (one idea: are you doing ‘Youngevity’?) We have partnered a great nutrition company that Connection Magazine is also partnered with, you can learn more at ConnectionHealthTeam. com. and it’s exciting to help people as well as, a wonderful FREE dating site because ‘YOU ARE NOT ALONE’. Here is some information about George George Noory, host of the nationally syndicated program, Coast to Coast AM, says if he weren’t a national radio talk show host he’d be in politics. Heard by millions of listeners, Coast To Coast AM airs on approximately 564 stations in the U.S., Canada, Mexico and Guam. While hosting The Nighthawk, a wildly successful, late-night program on KTRS in St. Louis, Noory was recruited by Premiere Radio Networks to guest host on Coast to Coast AMwith Art Bell. He became

the permanent host of the phenomenally successful over-night program on January 1, 2003, following Bell’s retirement. Since then, Noory’s audience has continued to grow. Noory captivates program listeners with his discussions of paranormal phenomena, time travel, alien abductions, conspiracies and all things curious and unexplained. He is driven, he has said, by the desire to solve the great mysteries of our time. From his first days as a radio broadcaster he says, “I’ve wanted to cover stories that the mainstream media never touch— the unusual, the paranormal and things like that. I learned that broadcast was the best business for exploring these issues, and I’ve been doing it for 33 years.”

He dates his interest in these matters to a book by Walter Sullivan, We Are Not Alone, that his mother gave him when he was 13. He was hooked. Prior to his late-night show on KTRS, Noory had an extensive broadcast career. He started in radio at WCAR-AM in Detroit where his first-ever interview was with nuclear physicist and UFO expert Stanton Friedman. From 1974-1978, he served as news producer and executive news producer at WJBK-TV. At age 28, he became the youngest major market news director in the country at KMSPTV in Minneapolis. Noory was also the director of news planning and development at KSTP-TV in Minneapolis, was news director at KSDK-TV in St. Louis and the recipient of three Emmy Awards while a news executive. Noory released his first book in 2006. “Worker In The Light: Unlock Your Five Senses And Liberate Your Limitless Potential,” co-written by best-selling author William J. Birnes, is Noory’s revolutionary guide

to spiritual enlightenment, human empowerment, ultimate productivity and absolute happiness. Noory and Birnes co-authored a follow up in 2009 entitled Journey to the Light, in which they present amazing firsthand accounts of how ordinary people changed their own lives, transcended their doubts and fears, and unlocked the secrets to their spiritual growth. In October 2011, Noory released his third book, Talking To The Dead. Cowritten by Rosemary Ellen Guiley, a leading expert on the paranormal and supernatural, the book explores the colorful history and personalities behind spirit communications, weaving together spirituality, metaphysics, science and technology. Noory, along with Richard Belzer and David Wayne, released “Someone is Hiding Something: What Happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370?” in February 2015. Scrutinizing the theories the media and politicians claim are the “most likely” reasons the plane crashed, they argue that if a year after a huge Boeing 777 has gone missing, and there’s still no sign of it whatsoever, it’s time to think outside the box. In December 2012, GAIAM TV launched “Beyond Belief with George Noory,” a new TV show exploring the unknown and mysteries of the universe. The one-hour, weekly series features Noory’s informative, investigative and dynamic conversations, as well as some of his favorite guests from the radio program. Taped at GAIAM studios in Boulder, Colo., Beyond Belief with George Noory is available exclusively at Noory has also appeared on the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens, SYFY, The Larry King Show and numerous others. He was born, raised and educated in Detroit. He has three children and six grandchildren. He served nine years in the U.S. Naval Reserve. Listen to George every weeknight on KSCO 1080AM starting at 10pm. Find out more about George’s favorite nutritional choice at:

Selected Poems 1987-2015 The most comprehensive overview of her metaphysically inspired work published to date

467 Pages $25.25 Available on

The poems in this collection represent a distillation of Bishop's works and showcase her sense of humor, as well as her whimsical approach to the art of writing poetry. While the parameters of her wide ranging poetic style are influenced by ‘sound poetry’ and her affection for performance art, she stands in favor of the idea that poetry may return us to a spiritual place that invokes a ravishing journey of inner awareness, peace, and soulful contemplation. Read her article and learn more in the July 2015 issue of The Connection Magazine.

Page 7 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ September 2015

Naturopathic Medicine & Your Thyroid Why Your Thyroid May Not Be Doing Enough

Dural Rock

Frontal Lift

Some of the many Cranio-Sacral maneuvers

Sacral Unwinding

Thoracic Decompression

Shoulder Decompression

What thyroid problems can arise?

Visits must be paid for in advance, and may only be used by one recipient.

at the oďŹƒce of:

Sylvia SkeďŹ ch, DC

Doctor of Chiropractic

(831) 475-1995


by Dr. Tonya Fleck-D’Andrea I can’t tell you how often a patient presents to my office with classic low thyroid symptoms but tell me that their Doctor said their thyroid “is fine.� Our thyroid gland is one of our most important endocrine organs. The functioning of the thyroid directly affects more bodily functions than all the other endocrine glands because it controls cellular metabolism by secreting hormones which govern the metabolic rate of most of our body’s vital functions. Imbalances of the thyroid can have serious effects on your health, so you should always seek advice from your doctor when dealing with any hormone problem.

920 41st Ave., Suite G, Santa Cruz, CA 95062

Naturopathic Medical Center


The thyroid gland can become either under-active (Hypothyroid) or overactive (Hyperthyroid). The causes can be multi-factorial. In cases of Hypothyroid, the gland doesn’t produce enough (T3) triiodothyronine and (T4) thyroxine, the hormones necessary for healthy metabolism. Symptoms of low thyroid include depression, constipation, dry skin, loss or thinning of hair, weight gain, fatigue, poor memory/brain fog and low body temperature. Because there may be other imbalances creating these symptoms, the thyroid can often be overlooked. Hyperthyroid is much less common. Symptoms of an overactive thyroid include weight loss, sweating, a sense of anxiety, heart palpitations, high blood pressure and a bulging of the eyes. A third condition, in which the Thyroid gland becomes inflamed, is called Hashimoto’s disease and it is as an auto-immune disorder. The symptoms are those of an under-active thyroid and the cause seems to be genetic in nature.

How are thyroid disorders diagnosed?

Your doctor will diagnose Thyroid gland imbalances by taking a history of your symptoms as well as a blood test. Typically we measure TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone), a hormone

produced by the pituitary gland in the brain which stimulates the thyroid to produce T4 and T3. It is important also to test the levels of free T3 and T4 and not just TSH, which is sometimes regarded as sufficient. Lab markers indicate that a TSH between .4 - 4.0 is normal. However, clinically I find most people whose TSH is over 2.0 often present with low thyroid symptoms and feel better on thyroid support. If Hashimoto’s is suspected, then antibodies levels are measured in the blood.

Can Naturopathic Medicine effectively treat thyroid disorders?

You bet. And with a high degree of success as well. The nature of our approach is in individualization of the diagnosis. In addition to directly treating the thyroid using non-toxic methods, a Naturopathic Doctor will also work to discover the underlying cause of the imbalance- acknowledging that the thyroid is impacted by the health of the body’s entire system. Another way of saying ‘treating the whole person.’ Another key element is ensuring that the body has all the minerals it needs for proper functioning. A Naturopathic approach will likely include Nature Throid (a prescription glandular), dietary recommendations, specific nutritional supplements, homeopathics and/or herbal medicines. The outcome is not only a balanced Thyroid gland, but a higher level of overall health and well-being. Dr. Fleck is the Founder & Medical Director of the Santa Cruz Naturopathic Medical Center. She received her doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, her BS in Psychology and completed graduate work in Marriage and Family Therapy at the Univ. of MD. Dr. FleckD’Andrea specializes in Family Medicine & Women’s Health as well as medical nutrition, fatigue, depression & anxiety, detoxification, heavy metal chelation, homeopathy and botanical medicine. Call for a free 15 minute consultation. 831.477.1377


Jimmy Carter’s nuclear exposure



Jimmy Carter helped cleanup a nuclear accident in Canada during the 50s, as President toured Three Mile Island on the fourth day of the partial meltdown, and was part of thenCaptain Hyman G. Rickover’s nuclear submarine program when he served in the Navy. These substantial radiation exposures are risk factors for cancer, but they aren’t mentioned in media reports. The Monterey Herald article stated his cancer is probably due to too much sun. To the public, Carter is just a peanut farmer who became President and then got involved with Habitat for Humanity. His career is much more extensive. Carter served on submarines as Navy officer, did graduate work at Union College (NY) in reactor technology and nuclear physics, and was senior officer of the pre-commissioning crew of the Seawolf, the second US nuclear submarine. His work at the Ontario Chalk River

Experimental Reactor partial meltdown, as well as his exposure at TMI, with unknown exposures in Rickover’s program, are risk factors for his present cancers. Cancers can have long latency periods -- decades --to develop. Especially now that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission wants to declare “low-level� radiation exposure healthful, hiding this information only protects the nuclear industry. Reminder: NRC comments due September 8.

Neurological deaths are soaring in the US; one reason why

Neurological disease and deaths are skyrocketing in the US, and people are exhibiting neurological diseases at younger and younger ages – Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, dementia. Research inSurgical Neurology International by Dr. Colin Pritchard and his team show very alarming trends, particularly in the US. Pritchard says wireless radiation could be one component to this rise.

Page 8 â–˛ Connection Magazine â–˛ â–˛ â–˛ September 2015

CONNECTION AD 3.75� x 3.75�



is on understanding the signs your body shows 6NHĂ€FK ' & DV D UHĂ HFWLRQ RI KHDOWK RU RI KHDOWK SUREOHPV ODVW WDON by ZH KDG FORVH WR WKLUW\ LQ your whole spine start to open and Christine Cyr, CST (formerly, ,Q RWKHU ZRUGV E\ REVHUYLQJ RQH¡V RZQ neck ERG\ GDQFH IRU Christine &KDUOLH 6DYRFD /LFHQVHG create space, all the way to your Bayless) FDQ JHW DQ LQGLFDWLRQ RI RUJDQ ofZHDNQHVV XQFWXULVW VSHDNLQJ RQ ´8QGHUVWDQGLQJ (through the continuum fascia). I would like to share myRQH three LRQ Âľ 0HWK\ODWLRQ DUH JHQHWLF favorite LVVXHV Cranio-Sacral movesDOOHUJLHV RU RWKHU GHĂ€FLHQFLHV DQG LPEDODQFHV with With this move, you lie face up, and sted with you. state Why of thethese art technology three moves?,Q IDFW WKHVH VLJQV DUH RIWHQ DSSDUHQW IRU VRPH Not I have my hands at your lower back time they might ever be caught with a SUHVHQFH LQ DQ LQGLYLGXDO DQG FDQ EH & tailbone area. I tend to do subtle only do I, as the practitioner, can feelbefore ated for (i.e. the and genetic yourdampening body expand loosenblood from or other medical test. For those who are n) with certain choices thesediet moves, butand mydietary patients SURDFWLYH DERXW WKHLU KHDOWK NQRZLQJ WKH VLJQV report is a blessing to one’s self and to one’s family nts. Over half of the attendees at Charprofound effects! had taken the MY +HDOWK ´FKDOOHQJH Âľ members. Steps can be taken to help turn the that they get to come to every lecture VLWXDWLRQ DURXQG 1RW HYHU\ SUREOHP FDQ EH month speakers series for absolutely LGHQWLĂ€HG ZLWK VHOI REVHUYDWLRQ QRU FDQ HYHU\ catch? The only catch is that they have SUREOHP EH UHFWLĂ€HG ZLWK GLHW OLIHVW\OH DQG d to join a momentum of energy that is QXWULWLRQ FKDQJHV EXW PDQ\ FDQ %ORRG VXJDU taking charge of one’s own health by SUREOHPV KHDUW LVVXHV FLUFXODWLRQ DQG DOOHUJ\ RQHV WKDW FDQ UHVSRQG g to come to at least one health lecture LVVXHV IRU H[DPSOH DUH Thoracic well to lifestyle intervention. h. rocking and lengthening motions, th 2Q :HGQHVGD\ QRRQ 0DUFK not too late to take the challenge and ZH KDYH along with side to side motions to get o attend all remaining lectures for free. WKH IRXUWK VSHDNHU RI WKH VHULHV &KULVWLQH %D\Sacrum your sacrum to move freely. This move are also welcome for a $12 fee. The next OHVV &UDQLR 6DFUDO 3UDFWLWLRQHU RQ can also help people whoVSHDNLQJ suffer with Sacrum CST (Cranio-Sacral th EH JLYHQ RQ )ULGD\ 0DUFK ´&UDQLR 6DFUDO 7KHUDS\ 'HP\VWLĂ€HG Âľ &UDQLR DW Therapy) and Decompression: This neck pain or headaches, because of the 6DFUDO VXFK D VXEWOH ZKHQ /DQH &HUWLĂ€HG +HUEDOLVW &HUWLĂ€HG 0DVsoft tissueWHFKQLTXH connectionWKDW along the move allows me to free up your sa- LV fascial WKH UHFHLYLQJ HQG RI LW tends RQH PLJKW UDSLVW % 6 LQ 1XWULWLRQ &UDLJ¡V WRSLF spine. Our sacrum to get KDUGO\ comcrum bone at the base of your RQ spine, pelvic area, and low back. As I work pacted because we sit a lot during the to decompress your sacrum, I can feel day for work or travel. So this move



nya Fleck-D’Andrea system and to treat chronic to ozone? Monterey Bay seawater is fatigue. people experihy would anyoneThe consider using InRussian Committee on contaminated withMany increasing levels of ence an immediate boost travenousNon-Ionizing (IV) or Intramuscular (IM) Radiation warned in Fukushima radiation. That aerosolizedin their andimpact. vitality. therapies?2008 Aren’t for really sick to cell radiation is thatIVs children’s exposure an energy additional ,W LV YHU\ GLIĂ€FXOW LQ DQ\ 7KH DQVZHU LV \HV DQG QR <HV ,9V DUH phone radiation would cause severe neurological impacts in the near-, Global FRQGLWLRQ IRU WKH ERG\ WR heal IXO GXULQJ FDVHV RI H[WUHPH LOOQHVV EXW Wi-Fi from space will destroy ozone if the cells are notlayer getting the ctually usemidIV &and IMlong-term. therapies to avoid Meanwhile, proper nutrients that they need.obvious Taking impacts nutrients WR VWLPXODWH \RXU LPPXQH V\VWHP WR Martin Pall this climate change are not being adorally is a to waste of time and money if the nutrients GHWR[LĂ€FDWLRQ DQG Scientist WR RSWLPL]H KHDOWK month confirmed one mechanism foraren’t neu-actually dressed, NSA, and beingincluding absorbed NASA, and transported into PH V\PSWRPV RI LOOQHVV VWDUW WR DSSHDU rological damage – the activation of military space launches and proposed lementation of vitamins and minerals WKH FHOOV ,I QXWULHQWV GR QRW UHDFK WKH FHOOV WKH FRQvoltage-gated calcium channels -- ( space toursim. Rockets produce VHTXHQFH LV WKDW RUJDQ WLVVXHV DQG RUJDQ V\VWHPV e enough toJournal restoreof theChemical body to balance. Neuroanatomy) 1000X more soot than airplanes for the be prevented from healing theirnow capacity. is? . Hewill testisame amount of fuel.toAnd eight &RQGLWLRQV WKDW EHQHĂ€W LQFOXGH DFXWH LOOQHVVHV en we takefied a substance into our body to the Oregon State Legislature companies are competing to put Wi-Fi VXFK DV WKH Ă X RU PRUH FKURQLF FRQGLWLRQV VXFK H VXEVWDQFH LV VWLOO FRQVLGHUHG ÂśRXWVLGH¡ last year about these implications for in space via hundreds of launches per public health. YLUDO RU EDFWHULDO LQIHFWLRQV FKURQLF until we pass it through our stomach and DV FKURQLF year, putting up 11,000 new satellites Dothrough you want put yourIDWLJXH child KLJK (compared to 1100 IDWLJXH operating satellites VWUHVV DGUHQDO JDVWURLQWHVnto our bloodstream ourto gastrofor dementia in theirin40s?WLQDO GLVRUGHUV GHWR[LĂ€FDWLRQ FDQFHU DQG JHQHUDO If so, now). The soot and water alone from (GI) tract. atIfrisk we have any disruption give them a cell phone, iPad or install the exhaust will addIV’s heatare to often the atmoimmune support. Glutathione given RI WKH OLQLQJ RI RXU *, WUDFW ZH SUREDEO\ Wi-Fi, and definitely don’t remove the sphere and destroy ozone. FKHPLFDO orbing most of the nutrients we’re taking WR VXSSRUW KHDY\ PHWDO GHWR[LĂ€FDWLRQ Climate Smart Meter on your house (which warming is a certainty if these plans GLWLRQ WKH FHOOV RI WKH VWRPDFK DQG *, VHQVLWLYLWLHV PROG H[SRVXUH KRUPRQH LPEDODQFHV provides higher 24/7 exposures). come to fruition. That’s in addition to only absorb so much at one time. Most 306 DQG OLYHU GHWR[LĂ€FDWLRQ *OXWDWKLRQH LV DOVR the health and environmental effects a great anti-aging agent as it’s our body master DVLGH IURP 9LWDPLQV $ ' ( DQG . DUH Geoengineering of the all-encompassing wireless uble. Whatexperiment this means is that the body inantioxidant. readied radiation. It isn’t always necessary to give nutrients ore these nutrients. absorbs what it can Moss ItLanding A new organization GUARDS intramuscularly or intravenously. imbaltes out the rest. Details are scarce on a 7-year – Global Union AgainstMany Radiation cloud whitening project Deployment from Space – is fighting DQFHV DQG GHĂ€FLHQFLHV FDQ EH UHVROYHG XVLQJ KLJK en we inject nutrients directly intoby thetop Silicon Valley and government scientists, these plans. Here is their press release TXDOLW\ RUDO VXSSOHPHQWDWLRQ +RZHYHU ZKHQ WKLV U WKH YHLQ ZH E\SDVV WKH VWRPDFK DQG with money from Bill Gates, LV called posted on QRW HIIHFWLYH ,0 DQG ,9 WUHDWPHQWV SURYLGH FW WKHUHE\ PD[LPL]LQJ QXWULHQW DEVRUStheQXWULHQWV “MarineWDNHQ CloudRUDOO\ Brightening Proj JH GRVHV RI FDQ JUHDW EHQHĂ€WV ectâ€?. Moss Landing is named as the Samsung, Iridium, and Globalstar are Dr. Fleck-D’Andrea received her doctorate WH WKH *, OLQLQJ OLPLWLQJ RUDO GRVDJHV first test site. The international ETC also planning space Wi-Fi. in Naturopathic Medicine from the Southwest ColSOH PRVW SHRSOH H[SHULHQFH ORRVH VWRRO Group has already spoken out against of Naturopathic Medicine and Health Sciences NH XS WR PJ RI 9LW & LQ RQH GD\ lege it. Local newspapers have been silent. Eucalyptus groves still in in Tempe, AZ. She completed her BS is Psychology IRU YLUDO FRQGLWLRQV DQG SDWLHQWV ZLWK San Jose Mercury and Activist Post danger at Elkhorn Slough in Marriage FamilyBoard Therapy. 9LWDPLQ & LV RIWHQ articles JLYHQ LQWUDYHQRXVO\ & graduate workThe recent Monterey&County of She is theSupervisors Founder and Medical Director of JH RI ² PJ ZLWKRXW DQ\ hearing has not yet been on the Elkhorn Slough tree the Santascheduled Cruz Naturopathic Medical Center side-effects or GI irritation. Public hearings and localingovremoval Please help downtown Santaproject Cruz. appeal. Dr. Fleck-D’Andrea HĂ€WV IURP LQWUDPXVFXODU RU LQWUDYHQRXV ernment permitting process are not stop this lossMedicine, of habitat,Hormone loss of oxygen, specializes in Family Issues, " mentioned, nor are there detailsGastrointestinal about and loss of living, sentientand beings. & Thyroid disorders Women’s RI DOO \RX GRQ¡W KDYH WR EH ÂśVLFN¡ WR JHW the components beyond the use of Nina Beety, Smart Meter Harm: www. ection. Most of the IM injections given +HDOWK DV ZHOO DV PHGLFDO QXWULWLRQ GHWR[LĂ€FDWLRQ aerosolized seawater. What other, Heal Fukufatigue, depression & anxiety, homeopathy and FH DUH % YLWDPLQV IROLF DFLG DQG KRPHRcomponents are involved? What would To botanical shima: medicine. iving high dose vitamins intramuscularly be the negative impacts and consesupport this advocacy work: http:// HIIHFWLYH WRRO WR WUHDW quences to IDWLJXHG weather DGUHQDO and earth fromCall for a free 15 minute consultation, (831) 477-1377, HSUHVVLRQ DQ[LHW\ HQKDQFH WKH LPPXQH this technology? What about impacts

helps with that allows me to unwind tight muscles spine along the length of it, with my February through INovember of 2015. To know what is happening. The after-effects in theare chest,Series, shoulders, and ribcage. compaction. hands creating a slow smoothing and learn more, visit her website at ZZZ 9LWDO <RX DSSDUHQW WKH GHFUHDVHG SDLQ WKH ´VSDFHG RXW Âľ can feel your body open and unwind I can actually spreading effect. This helps to loosen Call (831)with 475-1995 sign up for the UHIUHVKHG DQG UHOD[HG IHHOLQJÂŤEXW ZKDW H[DFWO\ out as I work your toany feel you get- and balancecom. restrictions that may be left in the “challengeâ€? or to RSVP as a drop-in to any talk ´KDSSHQHG"Âľ 0DQ\ SHRSOH DVN LI WKH WHFKQLTXH ting taller be- thoracic area. I have had patients say body. I tend to do this move at the end in the series. Sylvia is now offering NutriSync LV ´HQHUJ\ ZRUN Âľ DQG LW LV QRW EXW FDQ EH XVHG cause we are that they can actually breathe better of each Cranio-Sacral session because JHQHWLF WHVWLQJ ZLWK LQGLYLGXDO VSHFLĂ€F UHSRUWLQJ simultaneously with it).creating Christine will explain afterthe this technique. Also patients can it allows your spinal fluid to move space of lifestyle KLVWRU\ PHFKDQLVP DQG PHWKRGV RI FUDQLR VDFUDO orrecommendations. have a sense of more freely. If you think of your spinal in the spine, feel more grounded therapy. It is a peace once this release is done. opening it up. as your life force, your battery H ERBOLOGY 0 IETETICS 0 CUPUNCTURE fluid 0 ASSAGE therapy with Thoso to speak, then this move regenerbroad reaching racic (upper ates you, smooths out any kinks, and Christine Cyr LPSOLFDWLRQV body) Repeople report feeling that effect. and is growing lease: I have Chrystine Cyr, CST works at in popularity. one hand placed under you, a bit above the office Centuries of proven healthcare naturally restoreof Sylvia Skefich, Doctor of W h yshoulder n o t b eblades, and my other your Chiropractic, 920 41st Ave., Suite G your body without side effects for healing relief able be conhand is on your chest, under your colSanta Cruz. (831) 475-1995 www. that lasts. Treat your family to a betterinalternative versant Ion it with my two hands larbones. work * ", ( % ! ) " # #"%" See Christine’s special yourself? subtly pushing together to squeeze in the adjacent ad. “Likeâ€? Dr. Skefich’s S restrictions y l v i a that are being held ďż˝ DigestiveDural ďż˝ out any Healing Sports Medicine professional Facebook page to be apSkefich is a My last favorite move is called there. It may be that I squeeze more on ďż˝ ADHD, Depression ďż˝ Pain Management prised of Christine’s specials and to Doctor of Chithe right as opposed to the left. It just the Dural Rock: I have one hand placed receive occasional news and helpful, ropractic who ďż˝ ďż˝ Diabetes your lower neck and the other depends on what particular restric- underFacial Rejuvenation specializes near your tailbone. I rock the healthful tips. tions I find ininthe body. This move hand ďż˝ Menopause, PMS, Fertility Cranio-Sacral Technique and ďż˝ Cardiology & Neurology Hendrickson Come discover why Traditional Chinese Medicine is America’s fastest M e t h o d O rthopedic Masgrowing choice for primary healthcare. Effective, safe and natural‌ sage. She is sponsoring the MY Health 10 Graduate School of Traditional Chinese Medicine Month Chal200 7th Avenue, Santa Cruz ďż˝ (831) 476-8211 ďż˝ lenge Speakers

Wellness Redefined

Speakers Series


Sponsored byThe OďŹƒce of Sylvia SkeďŹ ch, D.C.


Five BraNches university

Speakers Series

10-Month Sponsored byThe OƼce of Sylvia SkeƤch, D.C. Challenge


10-Month Challenge The MY Health challenge:

If you have not already committed to at least one talk per month, drop in for a small donation ($12 suggested) . No one turned away for lack of funds.

The MY Health challenge:

ď Žtalk Wednesday, ď Ž Friday, pm-7:30 pmone Sign upSeptember and commit 11, to 6:30 coming to at least per month,October and every28, 12:00-1 pm lecture is free! (See details below.) Or drop in, and pay just $12 perCSCS, talk. CAFS Rocky Snyder, Sandi Rechenmacher

Personal Trainer, Author

Nutritional Consultant „ Friday, March 13, 6:30 pm

„ Friday, May 8, 6:30 pm

Chain Reactions Anti-inammatory Eating for Health: Learn Craig Lane GlennPoor Kazmierski, LAc Cause Pain Reactions: How compensating movements in your gait to fuel yourHerbalist, body as nature intended andLicensed Acupuncturist, CMT, CertiƤed BS in Nutrition Easy Methods of Self Assessment : Learn to Owner Performance Acupuncture can cause acute and chronic pain, and what sample some delicious anti-inammatory, de- Tao understand the signs the body gives. Simple Spring Attunement--Upward Spiral you can do about it. Discover what happens toxifying, and weight-reducing recipes to observation of one's eyes, tongue, and skin can Learn speciƤc ways to harness the energy of when we walk and how body ďŹ nds movement LIVE FOR! springtime though meridian stretching,the qigong indicate an underlying organ weakness, allergy, and nutrition or genetic predisposition. patterns to overcome pain and injuries. Learn ď Ž Wednesday, September 16, 12:00-1 „pm that by returning to better movement eďŹƒÂ„ Wednesday, March 25, 12:00 pm Wednesday, May 20, 12:00 pm Paul Gaylon Christine Bayless Lauren Hoover ciency, we may reduce or eliminate pain. Cranio Sacral Therapist Owner Herbal Products and Development Chef, Author ď ŽNo Wednesday, November4, 12:00-1 pm No Gluten, dairy, No Sugar, No Problem! Cranio Sacral Therapy, De-MystiƤed: Learn about Understanding Your Vitamins: Learn about this powerful, natural mechanism in the body, and How to go gluten, dairy, or sugar-free in the Sanchez vitamins, macro minerals & trace mineralshealthiest, for Ralph its implications on health and wellbeing tastiest, easiest way possible. CNS, D.Hom best optimization. „ Friday, April 10, 6:30 „ Friday,M.T.C.C., June 12, 6:30 pm

Sherri Betz ď Ž Friday, October 2, 6:30-7:30 pm Physical Therapist, Owner of TheraPilatesÂŽ

author of The Diabetic Brain RachelClinician Fresco,and L.Ac., Ph.D.

BEMER Technology: Pulsed...Your electromagnetic Think Ahead Brain Matters! The frequency increases microcirculation and cellular incidence of Late-Onset Building Better Bones: Learn the best Pilates and providing systemic beneƤts inAlzheimer's Disease The Continuum of Insulin Resistance: respiration, 8 minutes. Find out is how you can avail Yoga moves that you can do at home to keep your (LOAD) expected toyourself triple to in 30 years. Know Insulin Resistance isfor associated with a variety bones strong and healthy life! this technology that NASA and many European your risk factors, and that your cognitive hospitals use. of diseases. At the core is a continuum which Physical Therapy Clinic Filomena Trindade, MD

„ Wednesday, April 15, 12:00 pm

health can be preserved in your old age! Sylviagoes SkeƤch often unrecognized. Learn the early Doctor of Chiropractic Call 831-475-1995 to sign up signs and symptoms as about Releasing Stored Emotions:as Wewell will practice easy the for “The Challengeâ€? and methods to access and release the emotions that treatment of insulin resistance with its every lecture is free. can be stored in the body relationship to other diseases.

RSVP’s appreciated. Call 831-475-1995

*If you miss a month, you can choose to make it up by going to two talks the following month, or to pay $12 for any missed month. Drop-ins are invited to RSVP so we can prepare the space.

All talks take place at 920 41st Ave.

All talks are located at 920 41st Avenue (rear parking lot, rear door) at the Shambhala Center. (rear parking lot, rear door) at the Shambhala Center. Page 9 ▲ Magazine V Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ September 2015 age 7 V The Connection V Facebook/ConnectionOnline V March — April 8, 2015

WHO ARE YOU & what did you come here to do? The International Institute of Hand Analysis Philosophy: To understand one’s life from a Life Purpose perspective: What have you come here to do in this lifetime? What must you learn from experience in order to be capable of it? Where are you now? What’s your next step? WHAT IS HAND ANALYSIS? Whereas palmistry is defined as foretelling the future from the lines of your palm, hand analysis seeks to increase self-understanding through an examination of the entirety of your hands. It reveals your soul psychology. As an IIHA certified hand analyst I examine the overall shape of your palm and fingers to determine basic temperament. The lines in your palm are examined to determine primary wiring, e.g., the type of emotional system you have, what kind of computer you possess. Your fingerprints hold the key to your soul psychology.

If you are ready to explore your life map, I invite you to call today for an appointment. 650-799-6950 Learn how you can host a group session and receive a free reading.

The Science of Feeling Better, Thinking Better, Doing Better, and Being Better! Looking forward to you joining us for ongoing sessions of: r RN Assessments (meds, diet, bone density, etc.) r Body Massage & Bodywork r Alert Theta Brain Wave Consciousness with Edward Francis Pio

r Qi Gong r Belly Dancing by Lana r C-Spa Skin Care by Christine LZaacZhh EaVcc^c\ >chi^ijiZ d[ i]Z 8Va^[dgc^V 8ZcigVa 8dVhi !AA8 ÆL]ZgZ Ndj EaVc Ndjg LZaacZhh A^k^c\ VcY A^kZ Ndjg LZaacZhh EaVc Ç .*% 8Vhh Hi# Hj^iZ 6! BdciZgZn! 86 lll#LZaacZhhEaVcc^c\>chi^ijiZ#Xdb -(&#*(&#)**(



are found in the blood, the little cell fragments by Ben Fuchs, Nutritional Pharmacist f you watch the cartoonish commercials called platelets. Thus, serotonin is a major blood on TV about depression and anti-depres- clotting and blood vessel contracting chemical. sants, you would think that that the mol- It coagulates the blood and increases blood ecule known as serotonin is a biochemical pressure, essentially preparing the body for an of bliss and if you’re feeling crappy, you emergency. So, not only is serotonin not a happy can just take a medicine that bumps up its effects and voilà, you’ll be happy! On the other hand, hormone, it is actually a hormone of stress if you go to websites like “SSRI,” and vigilance. Its main role is to prepare the body to respond to emergency, whether such which is filled with nightresponse requires emptymarish tales about violent ing the digestive tract of behavior, assaults, suicides, poisons by causing intessuicidal thoughts, murders, tinal contractions, blood and school shootings all clotting to prepare the body associated with SSRIs; or for a fight, hypertension, if you read the papers and to prepare the body for a listen to conspiracy theoflight or hypervigilance to rists, it’s almost impossible prepare the body for some not to be impressed by the kind of perceived impendlink between all of this ing attack. unpleasantness and drugs Contrary to mytholthat affect serotonin levels. ogy, not only does seroEven the package insert tonin NOT signal joy and that comes with Prozac bliss and happiness, but it Ben Fuchs and Effexor and Zoloft actually sends a completely and other SSRIs pharmaopposite signal, specifically one of preparation ceuticals contain warnings from the purveyors for the avoidance of impending doom! Any hapof these poisons about side effects of self-harm piness is associated with serotonin is a result of and savagery that one would never think would the body elevating emotional response to prepare be associated with a drug that’s supposed to make its owner for some kind of stress. you jump for joy. Serotonin is a hormone of alertness, and So which is it, hormone of happy or hor- this is what accounts for its link to suicides and mone of horror? If serotonin is indeed the chemi- violent behaviors which are manifestations of cal of calm that you hear about on commercials the vigilance response gone crazy. Basically it and if SSRI drugs are indeed the glee-inducing, tells the brain that the body’s survival is at stake; depression-fighting drugs that your doctor tells that the digestive tract and the circulatory system you they are, why is that Lilly and Pfizer and all (the blood) are being threatened, that the life of the other manufacturers of these substances are the organism is at risk. When you take a drug warning patients about side effects like suicide like Prozac or Effexor or Zoloft or any SSRI and violent and aggressive behavior? type drug you are upregulating the chemistry of Well, as it turns out, serotonin, despite threat and danger. In the short run this may have what you may have heard, is far from a happiness anti-depressant effects and one of the body’s and joy brain biochemical. While it’s true that responses to emergencies is elevations in mood; serotonin is partially a brain-based neurotrans- cortisol which is another stress-related hormone mitter (nerve chemical), it is involved in far will do the same thing in small amounts. This is more than cranial chemistry. While around 3-4 one of the ways that the body handles emergenper cent is located in the brain, in fact, serotonin cies. Pharmacologically increasing serotonin is found pretty much in all the systems of the may in the short run improve the affect, but in body including the blood, skin, lungs, liver, and the long run it will semi-permanently upregulate reproductive organs. And, as it turns out, most the stress response system. In other words, it of the serotonin, some 90 per cent (or more) is improves mood by up-regulating the chemistry of found in the intestines, where it stimulates diges- threat and danger, which is most certainly NOT a good thing! This is why some studies show tive contractions. One of the serotonin’s main roles is to help that paranoia, aggression, and suicidal thoughts/ the body eliminate ingested food poisons. Stimu- suicides can be caused by drugs that increase the lating contractions of digestive tract muscles is levels of this stress management chemical. And the way the body deals with stuff it wants to significantly, this is why rage and aggressive expel. This is why SSRIs are sometimes used behaviors, violence and suicidal behavior can be as appetite suppressants; under the influence of associated with drugs that increase the activity serotonin, we just don’t feel like eating. It’s also of serotonin. why one of the most common side effects of SS- Ben Fuchs is Pharmacist Ben, a nutritional pharmacist from Boulder, Colorado & host of “The RIs is digestive disorders, especially cramping, Bright Side,” a syndicated radio program. Hear loose stools and diarrhea. And this promotion of Ben Fuchs every weekday morning on KOMY intestinal contractions is a clue to the real role 1340AM Radio Program. The program entitled of serotonin. “The Bright Side” is on every Monday through You see, far from being the happy horFriday for one hour. It is from 8am to 9am PST. mone marketers and medical people tell us it is, And, it is also on “24/7” on www.brightsideben. serotonin is an emergency response hormone. It com The focus of your Program is the appreciais involved in helping the body deal with survival tion of the human biology and chemistry. And, threats and challenges; in addition to the inges- most importantly, how to practically use it to tion of toxins, it’s protective against circulatory maximize health and reduce dependence on the distress, especially bleeding. The term serotonin medical model and canon. actually refers to “toning” (tightening) of the Find out about the best nutrition options that Ben “sero” (blood). Sero-tonin is so named because supports. Go to it was first discovered in clotting components that

Page 10 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ September 2015



by David L. Biles, D.D.S., M.A. by David L. Biles, D.D.S., M.A. nce patients decide to renever thought that I would conunhealthy tinuemove to learn as muchteeth, as I the do next concern often becomes after so many years in practice as to replace the teeth with,one and,ofI awhat dentist. As a matter of fact, generally give the was samethat answer. We my early concerns dentistry by David L. Biles, D.D.S., M.A. can ultimately replace thestimulation teeth with wouldn’t offer as much those interested, devices thator removable xed,I as I thought Iare might need toorbeÀsufhave actually nevertoils, read on their and Àdepending ciently interested inpreferences my daily by Adolf Hitler, decades intoanything I could notI budget, but inmythecareer. very beginning, otherthat than thisare quote from have been more surprised as time tell my patients we going to Bartlett’s Familiar Quohas unfolded. Treating trusting replace their teeth with a Áthe ipper. That’s tations, one of my in favorite books to and grateful patients I doprofession enables right, a device we the read,toparticularly when I amhow sleepless, me better understand this refer to as a “Áipper” or an immeditossing and turning, wondering…how oral system operates in denture. health The ate temporary partial to bridge a significant experience and and disease and still keeps from name Áipper comes presumably unexpected heartfelt moment my daily interest. Each day with the ease the appliance can be resurrected of Áaipped task Ithe hear tales thatawareness astound me, out of the mouth by the tonguerepeal when yet undone, unfinished…the challenging my understanding necessary. It has no relationship to the of the SB277, a new law go into effect of mechanisms oftodisease dolphin television star of the 60’s. January 2016, effectively eliminating and dysfunction. I routinely So what is a Áof ipper? all personal exemptions toGenCalifornia hear from patients brain fog erally speaking, a Áipper a State mandated forisdichildren. clearing, whole vaccines body pain removable oral appliance with The only out will be home schooling… minishing, and energy increas1-3 teethforattached toreports a custom at least now.the Nonetheless… ing. Sometimes are Lastremarkable. evening, as theplate office was mademore hard pink acrylic even closing at the ofexample, apalate long day, that form-À ts end tofor the or I had Recently, the opportunity to speak to a middle alower woman returned with her dental arch utilizing the aged female of mine, Jean, who sister forofa patient second opinion contours the teeth and the emotionally thanked for the and examination, determined to years help arch for retention andme stability. of service my staff I had rendered her sibling with herand health concerns, Some dentists have them made and metal the all activism I have touching of thefor bases onsupported possible with clasps retention, through this column inher The Connecsolutions to helping heal though I have managed to from tion Magazine and my twice monthly alocate myriad of symptoms, difÀ a small lab that does cus-cult to radio show which As appears KSCO, label medically. has on been my tom work for me and provides 1080 AM, the second custom, I thoroughly evaluated her metal free services. manymonth, and third SaturdaySince of each mouth on multiple levels, examinof mytopatients present with noon 1 pm, Pacific Time Zone. ing her gums, TMJ, teeth, existing signs of metal allergies, having I was totally surprised Jean’s dental restorations, tongue by posture, aresponse metal freetoremovable option is quip my good natured soft tissue, dental materials, and paramount inhygiene, my practice. Iand amdigital aboutofher mouth that I level oralhealthy utilizing blessed to have skilled would see her atsuch her aanext visit. Her x-rays, photographs, laser cavity laboratory technician to service teary eyed response was that I probdetector, and illuminated high magably wouldMy not see is her again as she my patients. Hisgoal name istoStan; he’s an niÀ cation. identify as was going traveling, unsureinwhere, but artist and has a stressors wonderful grounded many potential the oral out ofof California for sure…Malaysia, cavity as possible, believing that the sense humor. I can always count on Europe, Australia, China, “who knows nature, of Stan; hemagnitude, is, Stan the and Man.duration where?” She could longer the stressors’ existence impact the Backshetosaid. the topic—a Áno ipper is tolerateinserted living immediately hereat where children immune system in, the very least, usually upon exwere going toattention be by diverting ofinoculated thepurposes. immune traction ofthe teeth formass multiple the State against the values of their system from other maladies. It serves as an immediate band-aid by parents. She was serious. What had During course of the placing directthe pressure over theexamisurgihappened our country, sherevealed mused. nation, thetoformer patient cal wound site, aiding in healing by broke into tears as to me She that nearly although she still had stopping theof Áow of blood, much like she antibodies told me her then thanked the forangst, Systemic Lupus what is done in a Àrst aid me again and cautioned me,situation: as others Erythematosis, SLE, she had not direct pressure to the wound. Thesince form have done lately. reaction? Surexperienced any My symptoms of the Ágratitude.., ipper alsodismay... helps prise,.. completing treatment in create myDismay? ofÀand ce guide the Ànal which Dismay. seven years ago.tissue That contour was why she helpsbrought toDismay assure nice functional and begin so early see had hertoa sister in for antoexesthetic bony foundation later posthe exodus of some of myfor patients over amination and consultation with me. sibilities. Moreover, its presence limits the passage andifendorsement of SB277 She wondered a similar approach to by Governor Jerry despite the food and forces fromcial disturbing dental careother might beBrown, beneÀ for her efforts of so wound, many nature loving Calisister. Healthy mouth, healthy body, the healing making healing fornians, preferring lifelong naturally the American Dental Association less disruptive. I particularly like the acquired through says, so… of course I for agree, being design thatimmunity Stan creates myexposure patients or prevention via isolation, the good supportive dentist I both am, because his meticulous attention to reasonable alternatives to man made applauding the ADA for some of the detail enables my patients to securely mandated inoculation schedules that good work itippers does. for weeks wear their Á without require ongoing boosters to maintain Another case history? Last week adding dental pastes and adhesives for artificially suffering acquired time aangentleman fromlimited high retention. It takes a little more extra immunity. Dismay that our has blood pressure, obesity, andcountry shortness time and plaster to make the Áipper reached point where sostaff muchthat money of breatha informed my he retain without pastes, but itlaws is well can better buy politicians to write that felt than he had in years fol-

lowing several hours of full mouth periodontal debridement with our skilled registered dental hygienists. Even though he was still slightly numb, he said, later that evening his energy was signiÀcantly improved, economically benefitclarity, the politicians as well as his mental includdirectly or indirectly in advancing their ing a reduction of whole body pain. careers andfrom dismay we, the All of this justthat having hispeople, teeth must suffercleaned, the consequences of such thoroughly because he, like an economic political union. Dismay 70-90% of Americans suffer from unthat our medical profession, diagnosed gum disease. Thissociety’s was the worth the beneÀ t in hygiene, healing, licensed physicians, are soheard specialized, third or fourth time I had such a and hassle. revelation from a patient, leading me One of the biggest concerns many patients have is how their appearance will be altered immediately following the surgery. I tell them to relax; they will never leave the ofÀce without their smile after their surgical appointment. Moreover, we have spent

tongue space, but thinning weakens immune systems. Our symptoms we the plate, and should be minimized. experience and report to health care Since the Áipper may be necessary practitioners are the logical result of for an indeterminate amount of time, this oral pollution. Unless the underit is best to take good of it. My lying dental issues arecare strategically, recommendation is that patients put or up safely, and effectively reduced with the thickness for a week before and time is running out. Getting the better yet, eliminated, then the mediproper number of signatures on the thinning the support, andare then only if cal treatment regime we engaged petition effectively means thatslightly all kids intolerable. Keeping Áippers wet and in will be little more than can be admitted to management. public and private cleaning them with a toothbrush and effective symptom Arschools in California in August and soap and water also helps assure guably… the mouth comes Àrst.longSeptember of 2016 without having This concept does not support term use. If one chooses to not wear be vaccinated. It puts the issue the current perceived hierarchy in itto for awhile, I recommend placing before the in people, and center to health care, however, dentists do the Áipper water front withassome 3% hydebate…to evaluate….to decide… to intentionally drogennot peroxide. A worddotomedically the wise: listen to the commercials funded by related dental care due to the cover and place the Áipper away from Big Pharma…all during the Presidenonknown both pets, asrestrictions cats and dogsplaced have been tial elections…what an to entertaining professions, not mention to chew up dental appliances. time with many Will it be the so lack of choices. communication Flippers are generally worn a repealed only to be andoverwhelmingly common understanding minimum of approximately 10-12 overturned by some federaland judge or between the medical denweeks before treatment Supreme Time will telltoasprothe tal Court? professions. Nonetheless, vide a more permanent restorsaga unfolds. Meanwhile staydo tuned to the few dentists that treat ative option can begin. It takes Presidential politics… the whole mouth systemically that softheard, tissue and So long far asbefore Isee have oftentimes healing of only apbone mature enough before it parently unrelated symptoms. Senator Rand Paul has articulated any is possible or wise to resume many reasons for policyThere close are to my beliefs: children treatment. Flippers by the this, including the can, somewhat (and therefore, by implication, adults way, a long of time, obvious economic reasons, also) are notlast thefor property the given State. where patients are more likely to seek situation and they the reach care the Their the life choices, until the care for a single tooth than aI government granted adulthood age of patient affords therather appliance. whole mouth. Plus, it takes much maturity, 18, are to be made by the parhave patients who have worn more skill restore aPlus, whole mouth ents (and would add, grandparents) theseIto for years. I have had that one can only acquire after of the individual addyears more patients whochild. woreTo nothing but of post-graduate work. to dedicated the Áfray, I would proposeasraising the ippers for decades it Àt best Detoxifying an to entire mouth age of maturity back 21, where into their lifestyle, budget, andit and it changed better are techoncerebuilding was, butconcerns. later during the health niques that are not taught in dental Nixon years, in response to drafting 18 The pink material in most schools, necessitating specialized year olds to die in Viet Nam…but that removable appliances is acrylic training, and travel. is anotherinstrumentation, issue, another controversy, and isme colored by the heavy Itanother has taken time….over 15 years of soul metal, Cadmiumwith free searching andcadmium. analysis, Readers can comecoupled by my office acrylics are my available, andover our revelations from patients at 604 Frederick Street in Santa Cruz choice of frame materials for our comfortpatients. that time to become to sign the petition or visit the followTeeth are acrylic andthat porcelain, though able with knowing when patients ing local healthcare offices: Cypress porcelain teeth are a bit more costly. unify their dentistry, healthCenter beneÀ ts Chiropractic, The Pacific for Setting and adjusting porcelain teeth is will occur. What those beneÀ ts will Integral Health, The Santa Cruz NaturspeciÀ cally be depends on the issues more challenging and time consuming, opathic Medical Center, Santa Cruz the patient possesses along other with little esthetic gain, so Iwith generally Wellness, and Whitelaw Chiropractic. factors, the willingness to stay withincluding the acrylic teeth. Besides, the Readers outside Santa Cruz County make lifestyle changes, if they have acrylic bond to theinformation plate, whereas can findteeth petitions and on not also been examined the porcelain ones mustand be instituted Solicialready. cally retained. In a situation where I tations for volunteers and donations Don’t think itforisalso. timeHelp, we can be on website need tofound thinyou thethe tooth clearance reconnected the mouth for dentistry if you can. Sign petition. Please. by opposing teeth,the porcelain teeth can and I in welcome Let’smedicine? getStick this out theacrylic open.patients fracture. with the teeth. who are willing to invest in their And, thank you, Jean. more I hope that by knowing health and educate themselves when it Dr. David Biles isbeyond accepting about Á ippers, the journey excomes to understanding the particular new patients interested in a compretraction becomes less threatening, less stressors in their mouths. Likewise, I hensiveRemember, dental approach health, fearful. you can to have your welcome the testimonials that only created in tandem with the patient. smileto thevalidate day your teeth are extracted. serve a legitimate direction Dr. Biles brings acan unique awareness How it get, given the for themuch dentalbetter and medical professions to health from a lifetime of study in circumstances? trails…. to embark. We Happy are here to heal, are many disciplines including nutrition, Dr. David Biles is currently acwe not? psychology, exercise physiology, David Biles accepting cepting patients. Heispractices idediopulmonary medicine, and holistic new patientsasinterested in Bioesthetic a compreal dentistry a Biological and biological dentistry. Dr. Biles has hensive approach to health created Dentist signiÀ background played awith keyarole in cant keeping fluoride in tandem with the patient. Dr. Biles and perspective rooted in athletics, out of the county’s public water supply brings awareness tocardiopulmonary health from a physical education, over the past 20 years. Schedule a visit lifetime of study. Schedule a visit reto medicine, dentistry, and human to see if an ideal approach dentistry see if an ideal approach totodentistry search in exercise physiology, whatyour your bodyneeds needs heal.www. 831isiswhat body totoheal, (831) and (831) 423-0121. 423-0121. 423-0121,

“My adversaries… applied the means that wins the easiest victory over reason: terror and force.” ~Adolf Hitler 1889-1945


so indoctrinated, so tied to Big Pharma willingly force their beliefs and medicine on a divided population, ignoring biology, natural immunity, free choice and informed consent. Dismay that our population is lulled into sleep by whatever distraction or addiction holds itsbelieve citizensthat unaware the pending to rapidlyoflowering the trouble ahead, allowing total amount of bacteria inthis thenanny head statehave government to further can a signiÀcant effect destroy on our the family as more and more children health. Quickly. suffer theprevious consequences of receiving The hypothetical link periodic doses of multiple vaccines, came to me when a physician calleda schedule that surely been tried to acknowledge thathas hernot patient was on apes or chimpanzees. Or hasfolit? now responding to her therapy Fair question. Results?… I wander as lowing a similar protocol. Prior to I ponder the future and the responses thoroughly cleaning her mouth and I have heard from my patients after eliminating two cavities, this patient SB277 passed and endorsed. had beenwas non-responsive to all of the Though I really didn’t know physician’s efforts to stimulate her Jean other than our professional relaimmune system and heal. She was tionship in the office, Ipatient’s felt compelled years creating pretty with our now thrilled to see thesmiles progasked permission for awith hug, which Áand ippers, and truly do work an artress and called to understand why this sheStan, granted, and we embraced one was happening. We cares concluded the ist, who truly aboutthat people, another, acknowledging the shared reduction in bacteria was enabling which is reflected in his work and concern andwhen love emergency shetohad shared with her immune system Ànally timeliness Ádirect ippers me… a beautiful Thank its attention othermoment. priorities in the are needed totoquickly help a traumatic you, Jean. body rather than deal people with anand apparsituation. Supporting labs Thank yougrade also for motivating ent sub-clinical like chronic Stan’s is low why we work with small me to write thishead, 11th hour tome to as the my infection in the laboratories: we have localized the relationship editors,primarily Pattie and Thom, over mouth, between andfret around to ask for favors when necessary. whether not I this will make the absolute the teeth.orWith awareness came believe Ithat a well-designed final Ideadline. thought I was through other implications, however. esthetic Áipper should provide patients withThe my vaccine related columns. common denominator? A with a conÀ dent smile after the Thank you for shakingto meachieving outsurgery of my systematic approach complete, and that’s what weoflevcondoldrums because for the sake our ais healthy mouth on multiple sistently provide. In of mythe ce, over that children and ourselves, itofÀ isn’t els, attending to all possible means the smile is eye-catching, until allthat ofonour resources are stressors and in the oralexhausted system, but does not draw critical scrutiny. in this battle tothat repeal thisare evil legislaunderstanding there multiple In many cases, the we tion…and that which will come types of stressors andsmile eachsurely oneprovide exerts when social following surgery is a significant its inÁthe uence in apsychologists unique way.begin The linking herd immunity to athe mandated stressors? Bacteria, number andpatient type, improvement over the one adult decay, vaccine schedule. Onebad canoforal only from gum disease, presented with at the beginning the surmise what is next in vaccinerough terrorhygiene, poorly contoured, dental journey. ism, Speech surely profits for many, directly dental restorations that promote bacis generally affected and indirectly as ill health related to terial accumulation and proliferation, initially, but within 48 hours of use, inoculations spins off more business inaccessible concave surfaces, plus people adapt and speech returns to norelsewhere. effects of mixed metals, the mal,energetic though the continual awareness Onethehalf 500,000, including outmillion, gassing or of mercury of the appliance with the tongue pervotersilver signatures are required to get a from colored Àllings, facilitated sists awhile longer. Occasionally, the proposition on the balby the presence of next gold.statewide All of these Áipper can be thinned to create more lot November 2016 are to repeal SB277… physical inÁuences impacting our

Page 11 ▲ Page Connection Magazine ▲ September 2015 Page 11Connection � The ▲ Connection Magazine � � May 20138,▲2012 11 � The Magazine � � October – Nov.

ThetaHealing: Fun, Transformative, Empowering! Lynda Chaikin

ThetaHealing Master Instructor & Practitioner

“Lynda is a master. Working with her has changed my life and allowed me to experience joy and serenity I never knew was possible. There is so much to gain from sessions with her and from taking her classes.� – Star Hansen Scotts Valley, CA

Merciful Heavens ThetaHealingÂŽ Learn the Art of Co-Creating Miracles

ThetaHealing Classes • Sign up now! Basic DNA ThetaHealing Class • Fri-Sun, Oct 23-25 • prereq for: Advanced DNA 2 ThetaHealing Class • Fri-Sun, Dec 11-13 (831) 431-0677 or (831) 426-9453 Look for Merciful Heavens on Santa Cruz

Tao Transformation of Your Soul Journey

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Your Body Fat Is Talking to Your Brain. Here’s What It’s Saying...


by Korin Miller he conversations are about your metabolism and your stress levels, so listen up! The concept of stress eating is nothing new. When you’re frazzled, you’re more likely to reach for a pint of ice cream instead of an apple. But, scientists have discovered that there’s more at play than just nerves. New research published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology found that your body fat sends signals to your brain that affect the way it deals with metabolism and stress—and, that may even inuence how much stress eating you do. Researchers found that a glucocorticoid receptor (which regulates genes controlling your body’s stress response, among other things) in fat tissue directs the brain to regulate its energy balance, helping to cope with stress. So, essentially, your body fat is talking to your brain about how stressed you are. That could have a big impact on your body. Here’s why: Those signals regulate the part of your neuroendocrine system that controls your reaction to stress, as well as many of your body’s other functions, including digestion, mood, sexuality, energy storage, and your immune system. As a result, your body fat can affect you in many important ways, including your response to stress. Study co-author James Herman, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral neuroscience at the University of Cincinnati, tells Yahoo Health that it’s possible that excess body fat can mess with that stress signaling, causing you to eat more. Related: The Refreshing Watermelon Smoothie That’s Good for Your Gut It can be a vicious cycle, too. Herman notes that weight gain can give people a negative body image, which is a psychological stressor. And, when extra body fat and stress are combined, your

body may feel even more stressed out—and, once again, return to stress eating. Herman says that more research is needed before scientists know exactly how this signaling process works, but he points out that the new research shows that stress isn’t just in our heads: “These ďŹ ndings tell us that stress is a whole-body problem.â€? Unfortunately, researchers aren’t sure if losing weight can break the cycle. “Fat cells expand and shrink, and stress hormones are part of the expansion process,â€? Herman explains. But it isn’t yet clear if your stress hormones reduce as you lose weight. While stress eating can lead to weight gain and obesity, it has a useful role—at least, historically speaking. “From the evolutionary perspective, the stress response is designed to increase energetic resources to meet or anticipate a physiological challenge,â€? says Herman. When our brains get the message that we’re stressed, it views it as an emergency and signals the body that we need more food to cope with the stress. Learn to Love Any Exercise—In an Hour But since most of our modern-day stressors are more in the realm of work deadlines and less for hunting woolly mammoths, we’re often not using that extra food from stress eating. As a result, we end up gaining weight and feeling even more stressed out. Herman acknowledges that stress eating is an issue for a lot of people, and says awareness of this fat-brain communication could help. But he says the key to beating stress eating (and subsequent weight gain) is just to reduce your overall stress levels. Did you hear that, fat cells?, Printed with permission.

Strengthening your Future Self — Body, Mind and Spirit


When we are young, we fall, by Charlotte Carreira, Wellness Coach ith beautiful weather crash, bump and bruise and, for the lately in our beach most part get right back up. With time, community, I dethat responsiveness changes. Your cided to take a bike physical strength is based on stamina, ride. I was feeling mental alertness and keeping core the freedom of a summer day with muscles strong and flexible—all a sunshine, fresh air and movement only direct result of a lifestyle practice with to end with a crash resulting in major diet, exercise, rest, hydration, whole road rash on my elbow and knees. food supplements, meditation, prayer Ouch. That crash catapulted me from and gratitude. And, this practice usupositive healthy feelings into pain and ally requires that you have a support necessary action to restore control over Charlotte Carreira system of mentors and coaches to my sense of wellbeing. Ice, whole food keep you on track. supplements, water, emotional release and rest In addition, alternative healing practices that contributed to my feeling much more grounded help with balancing energy and strengthening the and aware by the second day. I also gained a new immune system, such as ear candling, massage, level of patience and compassion for my body now acupuncture and chiropractic are supportive of in a healing process. developing your responsive FUTURE SELF. Being committed to a lifestyle Take baby steps. Start with one of well-being is different for every change at a time and master being person, given one’s current state of consistent with that change so it beunique physical, mental and emotional comes a natural habit. Many clients issues. However, such a commitment come to me with a specific issue absolutely has a positive impact on concerning allergies or strengthenYOUR FUTURE SELF: on your ability ing their immune or digestive system to respond in times of crisis. And your and we begin with whatever is the body’s ability to respond in crisis is most pressing issue in the moment. I cultivated by small daily habits. It’s an investment use Ear Candling and/or unique protocols I have in your Wellness. developed over many years as a wellness coach. Having a strong physical core not burdened I offer free consultations. with excess toxins in the system, allows you to be So when you think being healthy is too hard alert, aware and responsive. For me, my simple to keep up, remember you are investing in your bike crash gave me a moment of gratitude for the Future Self. Your ability to respond during the times level of wellbeing that I presently experience not that your body mind and spirit will be called upon to only on a day to day basis, but especially for that work for you in the future IS what really matters— unexpected BIKE moment required my mental, your health IS your greatest wealth. Attention to physical, emotional and spiritual strength to move your health today, is an investment in your ability to to a healing state. experience vibrant life with YOUR FUTURE SELF. It’s all about how you handle stress on all To learn more about the services I offer, go to levels because cortisol levels in the body impacts everything. Email:

Page 12 â–˛ The Connection Magazine â–˛ â–˛ Facebook/ConnectionOnline â–˛ September 2015

The Transformation Game: Understand and Transform the Way You Play Your Life

by Trish O’Connor, LCSW The Transformation Game® was developed by Joy Drake and Kathy Tyler at the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland ( he Findhorn Foundation is a spiritual community and international center for holistic learning helping to unfold a new human consciousness and create a positive, sustainable future. For forty


years, these founding principles have guided the Findhorn community: —Deep inner listening and acting from that source of wisdom —Co-creation with the intelligence of nature —Service to the world The Transformation Game reflects the essence of the Findhorn experience. Since the first Game was played there in 1978, thousands of people have benefitted from this powerful interactive tool that provides a way of understanding and transforming the way you play your life. The Transformation Game pro-


vides a playful yet substantial approach to selfassessment and transformation. Trish O’Connor It looks at the kinds of experiences you create, how you react to them, and how you might change your responses to realize your highest potential and achieve your purposes in life. As you play the Game you become more aware both of your personal strengths and of the limitations you place on yourself. The Game mirrors your life with accuracy, offering clear feedback and insights that can help you: • Clarify important personal issues • Understand patterns of stress and change non-productive habits • Uncover, explore and allow new possibilities in you life • Gain a greater emotional understanding of yourself and others • Transform fears or challenges with new insight and awareness • Handle transitions—health, career or relationship changes • Remove blocks to success and fulfillment • Incorporate increased relaxation and peace of mind in everyday life • Receive love, inspiration and sup-


by Dr. Katie Dashtban, Psy.D. e’ve been told by our doctors and by the general wisdom that the successful way to loose weight is by eating less and exercising more. We’ve been taught to think “calories in, calories out.” We’ve also been persuaded to think that fit people are smarter, more successful and certainly poses much better will power than obese people. And of course, we are made to feel guilty, self-conscious and engage in self-hatred thoughts and feelings about our weight issues. On the other hand, the food that we have available to eat is made to make us fat. It has also been chemically and genetically and mechanically designed to make us want more and more of it even when we’ve had enough. Furthermore, the food that we are strongly promoted to eat is the type of food that does not satisfy our body’s need for nutrients, so we become undernourished while fat! As a health psychologist, I’ve had the opportunity to hear lots of people’s heart felt report of their poor self esteem, failed relationships and incredible struggles to diet or to gain a



fit body. I’ve also noticed that unfortunately conventional therapeutic approaches, such as mood logs, behavioral changes, adding Dr. Katie Dashtban meditation and yoga, and eating more broccoli has not made people feel any better about their emotional and psychological challenges. This is my first of a monthly series of FREE educational seminars to help the public learn and recognize successful ways to improve their health. Bring a friend or two, make it be known to others through word of mouth and social media and come in with your questions and concerns about your weight loss stories and together let’s unearth what it takes to actually gain your health and your emotional freedom back. Dr. Katie Dashtban, Licensed Health Psychologist, Owner of Medical Psychology Services, and Feeling Good Therapy and Training Center of Fremont. Reach me at: or (831) 621-1150 or https://www.facebook. com/MedicalPsychologyServices.

port on your life path • Gain immediate direction on your next steps You begin by choosing a playing focus, which provides the foundation for the Game. Select one particular situation that you are currently dealing with in your life, for example, you might choose to focus on pursuing a career that more clearly reflects your life’s purpose or on deepening an interpersonal relationship. Then you

make a clear statement: I intend to clarify my career aspirations. I intend to release my fear of intimacy. I intend to remove the blocks to financial prosperity. I intend to nurture and honor my physical body. I intend to clear my resistance to expressing my creativity. As you hold your focus in mind, the Game will speak directly to the issues it raises and provide clear feedback on how your life can be transformed to reach your goal. The experiences you face while playing will give you clarity, understanding and new directions on your specific issue. As Mary Inglis of Innerlinks UK ( explains the

Game: “One way of viewing it is that it aims to recreate in miniature the soul’s journey through life, providing a context where people can look at the kinds of experiences they create and assess the value of their particular patterns, attitudes and responses to life. It highlights strengths, identifies blind spots and limitations, and brings fresh perspectives to current challenges.” On Wednesday, September 30th, from 6:30 to 8:00pm, I am hosting a Transformation Game demonstration and Q&A session at the Center for Health in Santa Cruz. The talk is free of charge and all you need to bring is an open mind. Trish O’Connor is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and certified Transformation Game Facilitator who has a private practice at the Center for Health,

The Center for Health Presents a Year of


Weight Loss: Fable or Fact?

Come Increase Your Power With Us

Saturday Sept. 19, 10:30 AM to Noon Dr. Katie Dashtban, Psy. D.

Take your Astrology to Work Friday Oct. 16, Noon to 1 PM Rob Ryan, Master Astrologer

 Explore the concept of food addiction and  Call ahead to receive your astrology chart review the current psychosocial influences of and discover your most powerful life’s work. the food industry. 831.726.9609 || 831.62 831.621.1150 ||

Mindful Approaches to Grief

Saturday Sept. 26, 10:30 AM to Noon Pam Moriarty, Grief Counselor

 Learn 4 key meditation methods to cope with loss and the emotions associated with grief. ||

Transform the Way You Play Your Life

Wednesday Sept. 30, 6:30 to 8 PM Trish O’Connor, LCSW

 Learn how the Transformational Game re-creates in miniature the soul’s journey through life. ||

Weight Loss 2: Fable or Fact? Saturday Oct. 17, 10:30 AM to Noon Dr. Katie Dashtban, Psy. D.

 Understanding Weight Loss: Learn how flawed industries conspire to sabatoge weight loss. 831.621.1150 ||

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Wednesday Oct. 28, 2:00 to 3:30 PM Dr. Michael Slezak, N.D.

 Learn how an experienced Naturopathic Doctor addresses IBS and how relief may be just around the corner. 831.239.2645 ||

Guided Imagery for Why Me, Why Now, Why This? Cancer Recovery Tuesday Oct. 13, 6:30 to 8 PM Eva M. Clark, Medical Hypnotherapist

 Learn ways to explore the cause of disease through hypnosis and the powers of imagination. 415.699.2574 ||

All events are free

Tuesday Dec. 15, 11:30 AM to 1 PM Carol Jensen, Medical Hypnotherapist

 Experience the self-healing power of Guided Imagery during all stages of cancer and recovery. 831.457.0904 ||

RSVP with your presenter now to reserve your spot. Space is limited.

555 Soquel Ave, Suite 260, in Santa Cruz

Page 13 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ September 2015


ThetaHealing: Fun and Transformative! Lynda Chaikin

ThetaHealing Master Instructor & Practitioner

Merciful Heavens ThetaHealing® Learn the Art of Co-Creating Miracles

ThetaHealing Classes 2015 • Sign up now! Basic DNA ThetaHealing Class • Fri-Sun, Oct 23-25 • prereq for: Advanced DNA 2 ThetaHealing Class • Fri-Sun, Dec 11-13

(831) 431-0677 or 426-9453

Massage • Acupressure • Shiatsu All Services Listed Here Are Strictly Non-Sexual

H e a s l u i t n o g L k n iP Holistic Somatic TherapAiersts Comprehensive Wellness Consulting Rehabilitative Stretching Back Walking Reflexology Personalized Therapeutic Yoga

;d[h]o C[Z_Y_d[ Enter the gateway of your well-being with restorative bodywork with Shari Rose. Practiced with compassion, Shari utilizes the Rose Technique, creating a powerful Shamanic Healing Space for deep relaxation and subtle to profound shifts in the body’s energy field. For unifying body, mind & spirit, we’ll work with: U Polarity Therapy U Cranial Sacral U Massage & Breema Bodywork for greater balance & increased energy.

For more info, or to schedule an appointment, please call: (831) 246-4528.

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or write P.O. Box 2941, Santa Cruz, CA 95063 Licensed by the Council for Private PostSecondary and Vocational Education

Sound Healing

The Science behind how Sound Affects us Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually


by David Gibson he more that people understand how sound and energy healing work, the sooner we can get into the mainstream (homes and hospitals) so we can take our power back to heal ourselves and others once again.

can see a stuck emotion such as PTSD as a theta loop in the brain when looking at EEG. There are specific sounds that are proven to help break up these looping frequencies. White noise has been shown to break up these frequency loops. White noise also manifests as sounds of the ocean, rivers, streams, waterfalls, wind, shakers, rattles, Physically whispers and the breath. The science is very specific when it comes There is also a huge amount of research on to how sound affects us physically. Physics has how music affects the brain and body. Regardbeen studying the effect of sound on matter for less, the emotional effect of sound and music many years. There are specific formulas for the is the most obvious and intuitive. We all know resonant frequency of spaces (rooms, chambers, how powerful music is to affect and change our or spaces in the body), and materials (strings, emotions. There is so many CD’s currently out quartz crystals or metal in bowls, that are designed to entrain people and all the materials of the into specific emotions including body). There are even formulas our own. for how to find the resonant One of the most important frequency of something in the techniques is to use sound to quantum field (such as thought reverse negative limiting beliefs. forms and emotions). Once you have tracked down and Once you know the resoidentified a negative belief within, nant frequency of something think of the opposite of the negayou can play its frequency to it, tive belief – a positive belief. which then feeds it energy, or Then, intuitively make the sound entrains it into it’s own natural of the positive belief to bring that vibration of health. In a cell it vibration into your body. This is simply gets the cell to hum at an extremely powerful technique it’s own frequency, which then whenever feeling insecure about triggers it’s own metabolism. anything in life. David Gibson You can also find the frequency Spiritually of a so-called “bad” cell and then turn the volume There is only the science of quantum up and explode it as is done with ultrasound on mechanics that is just beginning to explain the kidney stones. vibrational nature of thoughts, emotions and The problem is that we don’t yet know spiritual entrainment. However, the science here the frequency of every part of the body. That’s is quite lacking and will continue to be until we why we have started the “GeneOM” project can prove the existence of things like chakras, (www.GeneOM) to map all the frequencies the Soul, and God. However, the overwhelmscientifically. ing number of people that report mystical, life There are many people that have devel- changing experiences while listening to sound oped an intuitive way to find the frequency of and music is undeniable. a certain part of the body. You can simply do a There are so many sounds that we can use frequency sweep up and down (kind of like a si- in sound healing and simply add the intention to ren) and intuitively listen for the frequency. Some resonate higher emotions of gratitude, compaspeople just get a “knowing.” Others get chills or sion, love and joy. One of the best antidotes for goosebumps when they find the frequency. loss of love or a loved one is to simply send love Mentally to your own heart with the soft sound. You can The science is also very specific when even do it silently. it comes to how sound affects us mentally. We One of the main keys to resonating Source can very clearly see how sound and rhythms af- energy is to tune into multiple frequencies or fect brainwaves with EEG. We can use different sounds at once. Most people report that they are rhythms to entrain the brain into delta (for sleep “all frequencies in the Universe” when One with and meditation), theta (meditation and creative God. Therefore, when you tune into more than downloads), alpha (relaxed presence and creative one thing at a time, you are opening a portal to problem solving), and beta (help with ADD and this right brain state. You can tune into multiple ADHD). Of course, the brain then affects the crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, or even a song with whole nervous system of the body, pulsing these multiple instruments. This is one of the most frequencies throughout. amazing things of listening to a symphony. The Researchers have now found a super high same thing happens when watching sparkles brainwave frequency of Gamma in people in deep on the ocean, or even a view of a landscape in meditation. However, they also see an extremely nature. low frequency of Epsilon at the same time. ThereWhen in a state of oneness, the brain is fore, you can think of higher consciousness as mostly in Theta. So your can also use the rhythms going to both a lower and higher frequency at that entrain the brain into Theta as a portal to the same time. Oneness. And the coolest thing about being One The most interesting horizon is creating with the Universe, is that everyone reports there brainwave maps with different rhythms spread is indescribable love there (particularly all the around the brain to entrain us into specific states near death survivors). See you there. of consciousness. Studies on Dalai Lama trained Globe Sound and Consciousness Institute (www. meditators show different brainwave frequencies offers Certificate and spread across the brain. Ultimately, we could en- Associate Degree Programs in Sound Healing train people into maps of gratitude, compassion, and Sound Therapy. The Institute is also putting love, joy and the ultimate – that innate connection on the 5th International Sound Healing Conferto Source that we all have in us. ence in Oakland, September 11-14 with the top Emotionally The science behind how sound affects us people in the field, exhibits, concerts and free emotionally is not so well defined since we can’t sound healing sessions – www.GlobeSoundHealmeasure emotions so definitively. However, we

Page 14 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ September 2015


Massage • Acupressure • Shiatsu All Services Listed Here Are Strictly Non-Sexual

Balance Inside-Out

If there is stability within you, it will be easier to bring stability outside you.

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Movement, Postural & Structural Body and Education


well, would you call that balance? For me, balance means—if I shut my door and sit down for four or five days, I won’t have a single thought in my mind. I am not trying not to think; if I want to think I have to think, otherwise nothing comes in my mind. I am just empty-headed, because not a single thought arises in my mind unless I think. That is not the case with everybody. They have not known a single moment of no thought in their life unless they were grabbed by something outside, isn’t it? It never happened by yourself simply because you are identified with something that you are not. The moment you are identified with something that you are not, thought is an endless process. So, if you want to get to this state, what do you have to do? Your mind has to take instructions from you, that is the most important thing. In many ways, it has been expressed—not just in India but all over the world. Even Jesus went to the extent of saying this, “If therefore thine eye be single, your body shall be filled with light.â€? That is, in your physicality, there is always you and me. If you want to balance anything, there must be two, only then balancing becomes a necessity. If your experience of life has transcended the duality of who you are right now, if you transcend the limitations of the physical, something beyond the physical becomes a living reality and now you have a single eye. You have one eye; you are looking at everything the same way. Now everything is in perfect balance. You don’t strive for balance anymore; existence is balance. It is only the physical reality, which is fluctuating. Everything else is in perfect balance. It is only the physical, which is going up and down. Isn’t it so? So, the most important thing in human life is that you transcend the limitations of the physical. You are the only creature on this planet, who has come with that capability; all the other creatures are trapped in their physicality. You are capable of rising beyond the physicality but not going against your physicality. This is not about rejecting the body; it is about going a little deeper, not remaining on the surface. This is one thing that must happen to every human being. Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, lovingly called ‘Sadhguru’, is a yogi and profound mystic,a visionary humanitarian and a prominent spiritual leader. A contemporary Guru, who is as comfortable in jeans as in a loincloth, Sadhguru works tirelessly towards the physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing of all. Would you like to explore‌ Using your mind to its full potential so that you function with clarity and calmness under stress? How to put your happiness on self-start? How to maintain your energy levels throughout the day without feeling tired and exhausted? This program is a great opportunity for any person to receive a life-transforming process directly from Sadhguru. Date and Time: October 24th from 4-8PM, October 25th from 7:30AM-8PM Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, CA. To register and for more details, visit www. Register by September 15 to take advantage of the early-bird discount. To learn more about the prerequisite to attend this course, check www.innerengineering. com for details.


by Sadhguru Life is balance. Everything that you see as life, everything that you see as yourself is beautiful only when it is in balance. Right now, if I lose my balance in body, I will fall off this chair. Sitting is balance. Standing is definitely balance. Standing on these two legs and balancing is not a simple act; you have taken it for granted. When you were an infant and tried to stand up, you know what it took? You are doing it effortlessly right now. If the body goes little out of balance, then you will see, just to stand is such a feat. Don’t take this balance for granted. Just like sitting and standing, walking is supreme balance. Just two feet! The way you are walking, do you know how much is involved just to keep you balanced when you walk? It is a big thing. If you lose balance in your thought, it is called insanity. If you lose balance in your emotion, the very juice of life, it becomes torture, both for yourself and for others. Your body, your thought, your emotion, your activity, everything is beautiful only if it is in balance. So, how to bring balance into one’s life? What is the basis of this balance? Balance is such that even if you are on the battlefield, you are still balanced. If your inner balance is absolute, you can harness the external, your body, and your mind, to the highest possible level—and that is all a human being can do. When it comes to external situations, there is no such thing as perfect balance. Within myself, I may be absolutely balanced, but in activity, it is still a constant adjustment. There is nobody on this planet who has balanced his outside activity perfectly. I may believe something is perfect, but somebody else says it is nonsense. Isn’t the same thing happening within the family? You think you got everything organised, you are hugely successful in your life, and the whole world is clapping. But your children stand up and say that you are no good. So, external situations are always going to need an adjustment—constant calibration depending upon the needs of the situations in which we are placed. Balance will come only if you are physically, mentally, and emotionally balanced within. This will naturally find expression in your activity. It is not the activity that is balanced. If you can get the physical body and the mind to function at its highest potential, whatever you could do in this world, you will do to the best of your ability, depending upon the opportunity and the situation. That is all you can do. Externally, how much activity and how we do the activity is not something you should decide. Activity should always be in line with the situation in which you exist and not be about you. But right now, most people are living here as if the activity is about them. This is simply because who you are has not been established. You are trying to establish it through your activity. You have heard them say: ‘I think, therefore I exist.’ Look at it, is your existence first or is your thought first? Because you exist you can think, isn’t it? Once you get into this mode—because you think you exist, because you act you exist—there is no question of knowing a moment of balance in your whole life. Such a thing is not possible. Outside things may be beautifully arranged, but inside is a big mess because you are going on in a completely different mode all the time, you are trying to handle life upside down. So, when we say balance, what would be your idea of balance? Today, if the day goes off


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Page 15 â–˛ Connection Magazine â–˛ â–˛ â–˛ September 2015

Martial Arts Animal Instincts


A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at. —Bruce Lee

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Head Instructor: Mark Roemke - Free Week of Training - All Ages Welcome Bujinkan Ninjutsu, Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Nei Gong, Judo or (831) 465-8236 or for more info Private instruction available. Facebook: Pathways Dojo or Santa Cruz Bujikan Dojo

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Instructors: Linda Holiday & Glen Kimoto Ages: 6-Adult Aikido The art of peace, a non-competitive Japanese martial art. Classes 7 days a week - Visitors Welcome - Special Beginners’ Classes bi-monthly s WWW !IKIDO3ANTA#RUZ ORG s -ISSION 3T 3ANTA #RUZ

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by Ted Mancuso arthage, most definitely a lover and not a fighter, nevertheless loves to fight. She will tussle with a feather long past the time my attention might exhaust. Black fur revolving around her orange chest, she rolls over and over snatching out a feline claw to snap the insubstantial feather. She is programmed that way. She will fight furiously, only to end by licking and purring. The fight, she seems to say, is not personal. She would do it with any willing participant. She explodes in this manner, tossing her catnip mouse this way and that on the deck which, moments earlier, she sprawled across motionless, pretzel-twisted, seemingly drugged into sleep. She does not need a far-off unidentifiable sound to spark her cat senses. From meatloaf to gladiator, the smallest provocation is sufficient. Roxy, whose claim to pugnacity lies solely in the first three letters of her breed—PUG—will nonetheless whip herself up to a head-dropping, butt-up, forelimbs-truncated posture of faux-aggression, often times leading to end runs and other combative maneuvers. You see, fighting is natural to animals—all animals. Fighting is as human as eating. Fighting taps into our reactive nervous system. But we must give a nod to the idea that the

‘lizard-brain’ aspect of our natures also gives us moments of perfect unity with ourselves. Normal Mailer’s first short story ends with a young man who, ALMOST caught and beaten by thugs, finds himself finally safe, while also acknowledging that this was the best day. What is missing above is that neither cat nor dog actually want to fight. They want the directness of experience without losing limbs or fur, to advance to the level of benefits without toppling into the ditch of violence. They understand the difference between shades of aggression (a natural gift) and counter-aggression or violence.

It is people who are confused.

I have been asked over and over how Buddhist monks (as in Shaolin) could possibly be interested in such things as martial arts. I first refer to the deep tradition of Chinese alchemy that would see martial arts as a refining and transforming of the aggression that may lay in practitioner’s spirits. Then I turn it around and ask people who they think I should teach martial arts to? My preference is nuns, rabbis, peacekeep-

ers, teachers and other vulnerable but brave individuals. Carthage skitters across the kitchen floor in a mad scamper to catch a piece of string. She almost crashes into the neglected $30 playhouse we bought for her; the penny string that wrapped it capturing her whole attention. The martial arts were consciously designed to at least acknowledge and deal with some of the less beneficial aspects of humanity, without losing the necessary courage and strength to support our lives. Most of the violence you see in martial movies, even Asian ones, comes from a poor imitation of what western cinema has interpreted as martial training. But real martial arts—not fighting, without principle—use posture, movement, thinking, avoidance, listening and sensing to indicate a different direction. The famous Tai Chi teacher, Cheng Man Ching, responded to a question: “Does the martial arts change people’s lives?� His reply, “The martial arts gives people the strength to change their lives.� If Carthage were awake, she’d agree. Ted Mancuso, the director of the Academy of Martial & Internal Arts, has been teaching traditional Chinese martial arts for almost 50 years. To learn more about his school, his teachings, his classes and upcoming seminars, visit

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Page 16 â–˛ Connection Magazine â–˛ â–˛ â–˛ September 2015

Fitness & Sports

Staying Balanced as a Climber

by Lyndsay Babbit, Yoga Instructor & Personal Trainer anta Cruz is a very active community, home to many enthusiastic athletes. First and foremost there are the surfers, always waking at the crack of dawn to be the first one in the water, stealing the first wave of the day just as the sun peaks above the horizon. Then we have mountain bikers, swimmers, skaters, rowers, sailors, the list goes on. Finally, hiding in the trees or at the tip top of the mountain, there they are. The rock climbers. Rock climbing might not be the first thing that crosses the mind as you enter this surf mecca, but they are everywhere. You may see them at the local farmers market grabbing some grub for their next trip, or at the Seabright Brewery wearing their puffies on a cool winter night after an evening session at Pacific Edge, dreaming of the next time they’ll get on some granite. Santa Cruz is conveniently close to some excellent climbing spots such as Castle Rock and the Pinnacles. It is very welcoming to the rugged climber type. Rock Climbers, just as surfers, want to be the best at their sport. They’re always pushing to finish their project or progress to the next grade up. What’s often overlooked is the balance that should be maintained in the body to maximize the physical ability to climb hard. Although pushing yourself is an excellent tactic to excel in the sport and strengthen the primer climbing muscles, it is equally as important to train the antagonistic or ‘opposing’ muscles in the body to maintain balance, maximize output, and prevent injury. Here we can apply Newton’s 3rd law (in anatomical form). Every muscular contraction has an equal and opposite extension. For example, as the biceps on the front of the arm shortens, the triceps on the back of the arm lengthens. It is important to keep each muscle in these actions equally strong to maximize stabili-


zation and minimize injury (I won’t even get into how many climbers I know with finger pulley ruptures and tendon tears).

shoulders, and core. Here are a few exercises to keep you pain free on the wall and in excellent climbing shape:


Fingers are undoubtedly the number one body part often injured in climbers. This is because we so aggressively workout our finger flexors that the extensor muscles become too weak to support them. placing a rubCONNECTION AD 3.75� xTry 3.75� ber band around the outside of your fingers as you touch them all together at the Three of the most common fingertips. Then extend your fingers, areas of the body that develop imbal- opening them into the rubber band 50 ances with climbing are the fingers, times after every climbing session.

Shoulders Shoulders - As you wander around the climbing gym checking out what everyone is working on one day you may begin to notice a pattern in body types. Most climbers develop the ‘hunchback’ posture as the posterior shoulder muscles and upper traps become overdeveloped and cave over the chest. Practice opening up the chest and performing 3 sets 15 flys: Lie on your back with knees bent and feet on the floor. Take one dumbbell in each hand (5-25lbs) and hold them straight up with arms straight, palms turned in, and weights touching each other. As you inhale lower the weights out to just above the floor while keeping the arms straight. On exhale press the arms back together. Keep the core engaged and low back pressing into the ground.

This will help maintain balance in the upper body.

The Core

The core is the most important part of the body when it comes to stability and balance. Keep your core strong by practicing dead bugs. Lie on your back and press your hands and feet straight up to the sky. Keep the back flat, and as you inhale lower opposite arm and leg towards the floor keeping them straight. Exhale back up and switch sides. Don’t let the hands or feet touch the ground! Aim for 3 sets of 20. Lyndsay is a personal trainer at Santa Cruz CORE Fitness + Rehab. She is also a Yoga Instructor and teaches semi-private training sessions. To learn more about Lyndsay, visit or call 831425-9500

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Page 17 â–˛ Connection Magazine â–˛ â–˛ â–˛ September 2015


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by Donna Williams-Smith In Ayurvedic medicine, roses are considered cooling and tonic for the he gifts of the rose mind. Therapeutically, the rose scent are as multi-fold as has a potent anti-depressant effect her petals. Praised and may be used via face and body by poets, revered in massage, skin care, baths or diffusers sacred books and to treat nervousness, sadness or long Medicinals, offered to kings and term stress. Two drops of rose oil may the gods, the rose is a traditional be helpful in a bath for depression, symbol of love and romance grief or insomnia. and has long been considered Donna Diluted in distilled water, rose oil an aphrodesiac. Williams-Smith may be used to soak compresses for Be it a single bloom or a bouquet, roses are tired, irritated eyes. Rosewater is also a good skinuplifting and always bring de- care remedy, and is a staple in my own regimen light. They are highly prized as well as in my skincare practice. It is softening, not only for their beauty but soothing and toning to the epidermis and great, also for their healing proper- used as a hydrator in a spray mist.---Rosewater ties, many of which apply to essence, bought in specialty food stores, may be used in the kitchen as it has been for centuries in the skin. As a cell rejuvenator, the near eastern countries, France and Victorian rose oil soothes and heals all times, for confections. Dried rose petals sprinkled complexion types and has a on a simple dessert, will give it an instant elegance. Rosehips (the fleshy, swollen seed capsules) reputation for slowing the skin´s aging process. It is also have long been valued as an important source of strongly antiseptic and fights vitamin C and are still consumed in commercial infection. It is one of the most teas, syrups and fruit drinks. Oil from the hips of Rosa Rubinosa, in addition to vitamin C, are high valuable of essential oils. Extremely expensive and in linoleic and linolenic acids and are excellent one of the most important oils for maturing skin and softening calloused areas. The gifts of the rose unfold, as her petals, in used in aromatherapy, pure rose oil has been referred to as ”the queen of es- a potpurri of nurturing abundance. Soothing and sential oils”. It takes the petals of thirty Damask healing on many levels--be it viewed, inhaled, roses to make one drop of rose otto. The buds are ingested or applied, one understands why it is gathered early in the morning and steam distil- considered a stimulant to the heart chakra and led to produce true Bulgarian rose essential oil truly, a blessing. Donna Williams-Smith is a wholistically which is used in high grade perfumes. This and the Cabbage rose (R. Centifolia), used to produce oriented Aesthetician, licensed in CA and NV. French rose oil, are often included in cosmetic Her articles have gratefully graced the Conneccreams for their refreshing and mild tonic effect tion Magazine’s Healthy Appearance pages for many years. on sensative, dry or inflammed skin.



oses alleviate anxiety, headache, asthma, depression, stress, and more: Be sure to use essential rose oil, not a synthetic fragrance. Undiluted rose oil is very costly, but even essential rose oils that have been diluted with other, less expensive oils still possess therapeutic

properties. For allergies and asthma, use 3-4 drops in a diffuser or 8-10 drops in bath water regularly. To better bear anger, depression, grief, jealousy, and resentment, use 3-4 drops in a diffuser. To alleviate anxiety and nervous tension, use 2-3 drops in a carrier oil and massage on body, or add 8-10 drops to bath water. To e a s e headache and migraine, use 3-4 drops in a hot or cold compress (whichever works best for you). Can also use 3-4 drops in a diffuser. of Essential Oils To restore libido, use 6-8 drops in a bath, or use 2-3 drops in 1 ounce of carrier oil and massage on body. For overall skin care, mix a few drops in a carrier oil and massage on body. Can also be mixed with water and applied to face; especially good for mature and/or sensitive skin. Read more: http://www.care2. com/greenliving/ the-magic-of-roses. html#ixzz3kd4lb188

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Page 18 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ September 2015



All Around the World, Craft-Making is Putting Girls Back in School

when my mother told me I by Carmel Jud could no longer study next ducating a girl year, because we do not is a far cry have enough money.” in our place. “My name is Lucy. I My name is was born a hearing child Parveen. I live in the town of Kisumu in in India. Girls are sent to north western Kenya. I school till the age of 9 or became deaf at five due to 10 years at the most. When I illness, maybe measles. I was a child, my brother and grew up in a large family. I attended school. In class 5, Carmel Jud My mother was the last of my father could not afford books for us, so he sold my text books five wives in a traditional tribal famto buy notebooks for my brother. That ily. I felt easily lost in the shuffle. My was the end of my schooling. Whenever parents used their resources for my I think of this, tears come to my eyes. brothers to attend higher education, Then I got married when I was 14. My and stopped funding my schooling life was between the four walls of our after the 8th grade.” It’s estimated that 62 million girls hut. I was very poor, and we were living

Ana Del Carmen & Mom Maria Asicona

Maria - Ana Del Carmen's mom

Limitless Horizons Ixil Weavers in Guatemala day to day. My two children were born before I was 17. In my village, women were not allowed to go out and work. We couldn’t talk in front of elders, and in no way were we allowed to voice our opinions. I was dependent on my husband for everything, and because of this, I had no voice - no power. I was constantly fearful that my little

are not in school. In many developing countries school is not free and often sending a girl to school is not a priority. Parveen, Ana Del Carmen, and Lucy are determined to change that, and they’re succeeding. Their secret to success? Craft-making. All three enrolled in craft-making programs that brought them the income needed to make the

Lucy and Fellow Sasa Designs Deaf Artisans Make girl would suffer the same fate, and the pain that brought me was unbearable.” “To study is a desire that comes from my heart. My name is Ana Del Carmen. I live in the highlands of Guatemala, in Chalpul. When they teach me, I really like my studies. I was sad

dream of an education a reality. Lucy learned to make gorgeous jewelry in Sasa Designs’ program for deaf women in Kenya. Ana Del Carmen and her mother Maria now weave beautiful scarves thanks to Limitless Horizons Ixil. Parveen convinced her husband to

send her to tailoring school. She perhaps sums it up best, “The training was excellent and I became a skilled worker. Now I am respected in my community. I am able to educate my daughter along with my son. Seeing this, the other men in the village are encouraging their wives to learn some skill which will bring income to the family. They now send their daughters to school. It is a nice feeling to see that I was able to change the future of my village.” All three of these women’s crafts, and many more, can be purchased at: www. /shop Carmel Jud is the Founder/Executive Director of Rising International.

Page 19 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ September 2015


O u tdO


A concerning new study finds that most of the breast milk samples tested contained artificial sweeteners. Why has this never been discovered until now and what are the implications to our most vulnerable populations?

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n article soon to be published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health on the presence of synthetic sweeteners in breast milk is bound to upset the apple cart when it comes to assessing the toxicological risk of these chemicals to breast-fed infants. In previous articles, we have reported extensively on the dangers of artificial sweeteners, especially aspartame and sucralose (aka Splenda), whose presence in tens of thousands of consumer products make exposure to them commonplace. Despite their present day low-risk regulatory status, we have found highly concerning research that these compounds contribute to a wide range of health conditions such as: Brain Damage Obesity and Diabetes Weight Gain/Overweight Addiction Even more concerning, when Splenda is heated at temperatures that occur in baking applications it produces dioxin, one of the most deadly chemicals known to man. This is a finding that has received almost not attention outside a few scientific studies that we reported on in an article you can familiarize yourself with here: Sucralose’s (Splenda) Harms Vastly Underestimated: Baking Releases Dioxin. (http://www. The new study titled, “Non-nutritive Sweeteners in Breast Milk”, was conducted by researchers from the National Institute for Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health , Bethesda , Maryland , USA. The study abstract is available to read ahead of the study’s full publication later this month:

Non-nutritive Sweeteners in Breast Milk.

J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2015 Aug 12:14. [Epub ahead of print] Sylvetsky AC1, Gardner AL, Bauman V, Blau JE, Martin Garraffo H, Walter PJ, Rother KI.


Non-nutritive sweeteners (NNS), including saccharin, sucralose, aspartame, and acesulfamepotassium, are commonly consumed in the general population, and all except for saccharin are considered safe for use during pregnancy and lactation. Sucralose (Splenda) currently holds the majority of the NNS market share and is often combined with acesulfame-potassium in a wide variety of foods and beverages. To date, saccharin is the only NNS reported to be found in human breast milk after maternal consumption, while there is no apparent information on the other NNS. Breast milk samples were collected from 20 lactating volunteers, irrespective of their habitual NNS intake. Saccharin, sucralose, and acesulfame-potassium were present in 65% of participants’ milk samples, whereas aspartame was not detected. These data indicate that NNS

are frequently ingested by nursing infants, and thus prospective clinical studies are necessary to determine whether early NNS exposure via breast milk may have clinical implications.

************ This ground breaking study has found for the first time that sucralose and acesulfame-potassium survive maternal metabolism and enter into breast milk in the majority of the breast milk samples tested (65%). As is the case for many chemicals released into the human food supply, adequate proof of the safety of these compounds in infants is not only not available, but unethical to perform in human subjects. This is one justification for the use of surrogate risk assessments using animals, such as the animal LD50 model, whereby a chemical is tested by determining the amount needed to kill 50% of rodents within a relatively short time frame (so-called “acute toxicity”), and then deducing from that data an “acceptable level of harm” to humans primarily by adjusting for body weight differences between rodents and humans. This system, of course, is extremely primitive, and does not account for low-dose, chronic exposures; nor does it account for the synergistic toxicities of multiple exposures occurring simultaneously in real-world situations, such as the study above. Clearly, if these artificial sweeteners are being passed directly to newborns through breast milk, and there is no assurance of their safety, an immediate halt to their use by those wishing to conceive, are pregnant, or breast-feeding should be initiated by regulators. Anything less than obeisance to the precautionary principle could be considered a violation of informed consent, and evidence o culpability shared by manufacturers and regulators to for the harm done to exposed populations. This new study will represent something of a litmus test as far as determining how effectively the media will keep this information buried or will report accurately on it once it is released. Given the high gravitas government source of the research, and the profound implications it has to the health of our most susceptible population: newborns and infants, if it goes under-reported it is our job to make sure it gets widespread exposure. Therefore, please share this information and relevant links above with relevant parties and stakeholders who should be aware of the true dangers associated with the use of artificial sweeteners. Printed with permission.

Page 20 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ September 2015



ecil (c. 2002 – 1 July 2015) was a male Southwest African lion who primarily lived in the Hwange National Park in Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe and was 13 years old when he was killed. He was a major attraction at the park and was being studied and tracked by the University of Oxford as part of a larger study. Cecil—named after Cecil Rhodes—and another lion believed to be Cecil’s brother were noticed in Hwange National Park in 2008. In 2009, Cecil and his brother encountered an established pride, which resulted in a ďŹ ght in which Cecil’s brother was killed. Cecil retreated to another part of the park where he eventually established his own pride which had up to 22 members. In 2013, Cecil was forced out from the area by two young male lions into the eastern border of the park. There, he created a coalition with another male lion named Jericho to establish two prides which consisted of Cecil, Jericho, half a dozen females and up to a dozen cubs sired by Cecil or Jericho. It is estimated there are between 25,000 and 30,000 lions alive in Africa. In 2013, 49 hunted lion carcasses were exported from Zimbabwe as trophies; the 2005-2008 Zimbabwe hunt “off-takeâ€? (licensed kills) average was 42 lions per year. DEATH In June 2015, Walter Palmer, an American dentist and recreational game hunter from Minnesota, reportedly paid US$50,000 to a professional hunter / guide, Theo Bronkhorst, to enable him to kill a lion. Cecil was allegedly lured out of the sanctuary where he was shot and wounded with an arrow. He was tracked, and approximately 40 hours later was killed with a rie. He was then skinned and his head was removed. When his headless skeleton was found by park investigators, his tracking collar was missing. The killing drew international media attention and sparked outrage among animal conser-

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vationists, politicians and celebrities, as well as a strong negative response against Palmer. Two other men are being prosecuted in relation to the hunt, and the Zimbabwean government has stated it will seek Palmer’s extradition. Zimbabwe National Parks have stated that neither Bronkhorst nor the landowner, Honest Ndlovu, on whose property Cecil was believed to have been shot, had the appropriate permit for a lion. On 31 July 2015, Agence France Presse AFP reported that the Zimbabwean hunt guide, Bronkhorst, declared: “We had obtained the permit for bow hunting, we had obtained the permit for the lion from the council.â€? The two Zimbabweans were arrested by Zimbabwe police and accused of assisting Palmer in the killing. Palmer had already returned to the United States, where he issued a statement that he had “relied on the expertise of my local professional guides to ensure a legal huntâ€? and “deeply regret that my pursuit of an activity I love and practice responsibly and legally resulted in the taking of this lionâ€?. On 28 July, The Daily Telegraph reported that “independent sourcesâ€? had “seen a copy of the relevant hunting permitâ€?. In a previous incident, in which Palmer killed a bear 40 miles (64 km) from where the bear hunting permit he held would have been valid, he had offered about $20,000 for his hunting party to lie about the circumstances. On that occasion, he was given a $2,938 ďŹ ne and a year of probation. https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Cecil_(lion) Printed with Permission

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September’s Space Weather Set to Flood Earth in WAVE X Awakening


E ARE LIVING in a most auspicious (and wonderful) time. Many of us are aware of this phase that we are in now on planet Earth/Gaia. It is building up to some transitional things to happen this month, September, with some noted time to pay attention to at the end of the month. Most important thing is to believe in “all things bright and beauty-full” taking place. Read on to find out some perspectives that people are sharing with us all. If this seems a bit ‘outthere’ to anyone, just read on, breathe and as a LifeLong Learner which you are, enjoy the new ideas, perspectives or not. However, if you are like us, you want to read, study, research this BIG adventure that we are each and all on here. Enjoy the ride or the dance?! With love & light, Pattie & Thom

The September 2015 Wave X Awakening by Dr. Kathy J. Forti


ONCE HAD a media and communications professor ask a packed auditorium of journalism students the interesting question: “What is the singular factor that affects all of humanity? A factor that can start or stop wars? That can raise up civilizations or destroy them?” Not one student could come up with the right, yet so obvious, answer: Space Weather. Almost 35+ years later, I still remember his words. When I heard Dr. Simon Atkins recently talk about the ‘”WAVE X shift of 2015? it made complete sense. Atkins is a well-known climate risk economist and planetary threat forecaster with a doctorate in Biometeoelectromagnetics. He uses the science of magnetism to bring clarity to what is presently occurring in our world. Space weather not only influences, but guides humanity. Statistics show that when there are intense solar flares from space, 82% of the time there is a downshift in the stock market 1-3 days later. These same solar flare peaks are known to cause eruptions of violence between classes (sort of like the full moon effect). It’s a natural phenomenon, but its all due to magnetic waves that ultimately affect every living organism on our planet. On a positive note, when there are coronal mass ejections from the sun (CMEs), humans are more likely to experience euphoria, calmness and ultimately peace. CMEs are explosions of electricity and energy in the form of electrons and protons, according to NASA. This magnetic energy that comes from our Sun (which is why the Ancients saw the Sun as the God Source) actually elevates consciousness levels. The Sun is the great benefactor. If you stay out of the Sun you quickly lose your connection to third eye consciousness. You also can experience depression and/or illness. I experienced this first hand many years

ago when I worked in a darkened lab doing altered states studies during daylight hours. I started not only getting oily skin and breaking out with facial eruptions (which I had never had), but I became quickly depressed. Something told me to take a few 15 minute breaks outside each day and just sit in the Sun. It was like a miracle cure. Like a plant, we need light to thrive. Without it, it will lead to dysfunction, be it emotional and/or physical. It’s a lesson I never forgot. The BIG SECRET is the Sun is also connected to our evolutionary awakening. During the last half of September 2015, there is a powerful wave of gamma light coming from the Galactic Core. This intergalactic WAVE X energy will be coming through to Earth at maximum strength and peaking on September 28th. We are already well into it and feeling its effects. It happens every 3,600 years, and is being called “The Event Horizon.” It is the next step in the evolutionary cycle of man. As reported by Time Magazine (http://, scientists know about this event, but are questioning what these mysterious intergalactic bursts are or, more importantly, what they will bring. Change, for sure. It is no coincidence that in the last 18 months worldwide earthquakes have suddenly quadrupled as this energy is beginning to be felt more and more on the planet. The earth is doing strange things. People of all countries and even the media have reported eerie sounding, and rather loud, groaning sounds coming from the earth. Expect more in August as these are signs of dimensional portals opening in the earth itself, says Atkins. Intergalactic WAVE X is getting closer. This is no Armageddon scenario as many biblical adherents are predicting, but a time when our cellular DNA is able to shift and open up our true gifts. In 1984-1985, Dr. Peter Gariaev and his team of Russian linguists were studying DNA and the ways light, sound and frequencies interact with DNA. Their research led to many groundbreaking and paradigm-shifting discoveries with one of them showing that DNA is able to absorb and emit light (photons), which spirals along the double helix in sacred geometrical form. Literally, DNA creates

magnetized wormholes in the time-space fabric. DNA acts as “tunnel connections between entirely different areas in the universe through which information can be transmitted outside of space and time. The DNA attracts these bits of information and passes them on to our consciousness.” The researchers found that with the presence of light (photons), DNA activation and thus evolution can occur. This is the great awakening that has always been promised us. This is an incredible time to be alive to witness this shift. It does not pick favorites. It does not matter what race or religion you embrace. It is here for us all. We are the Oneness. Some people believe that helpful extraterrestrials (ETs) are trying to slow down this planetary energy from being too much for us because this faster electromagnetic energy can cause some people to feel like they are going mad (it opens enhanced mind/thought patterns). Call it energy weirdness. It’s no coincidence that violence rates suddenly surged in the US during 2015, after years of showing a decline. This new energy is nothing to fear. We want this WAVE X energy. It serves to cleanse and help raise the consciousness of humanity. There are those who might disagree and are doing their best to suppress it. The CERN particle accelerator in Switzerland is ramping up to go full steam on August 15, hoping to stop this galactic energy. They’ve spent trillions of dollars for this very purpose. The dark forces behind CERN know this energy shift will spell the beginning of the end of control of the masses as it begins shifting DNA. Just imagine a world where a greater percentage of people are fully awakened than ever before. The 1% who have worked hard to enslave humanity for their own greed and benefit—well, their days are numbered. Everywhere in our world we are now seeing the awakening of humanity speed up. We are seeing massive rallies against corruption and rallies for peace spread. We are seeing tyranny, cover-ups and false flags exposed. And more importantly, we are seeing movements converging that offer solutions to these issues the world faces. People’s inner worlds of heart and mind are breaking free and we are seeing this have direct and positive impacts in our outer world.

If you talk to most people these days, they all feel like something is getting ready to happen in the next month or two. Most don’t know what it is, but they can sense it. Whether it be a global currency reset, financial collapse, civil chaos, more earthquakes, or something else—as a collective mass we are the precipice of a new world emerging. Trust that this is not the end. You may be feeling more tired than usual lately—like you just can’t get enough restorative sleep. Maybe you’ve even taken to power napping—which is good. Take care of yourself. Your cells are already feeling the energy change. No sense fighting it. It will be interesting to see what emerges for us all. Learn how WAVE X might affect you. About the author: Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God: A Psychologist’s Near-Death Experience and Journeys into the Mystical.

How WAVE X Will Affect You by Michelle Walling CHLC Staff writer,


AVE X is the term given by Dr. Simon Atkins to the big wave of electromagnetic frequency that is has been prophesized to arrive on the planet at the end of September this year. There is scientific evidence that proves that electromagnetic frequencies from the sun affect every living thing and its consciousness on the planet. How will Wave X’s electromagnetic and cosmic frequencies affect you? You are actually the best person to answer this question. Earth and its inhabitants have been receiving bursts of Source light energy in the form of solar flares and gamma rays for thousands of years now. As Earth, the solar system, and the galaxy aligned with the center of the Universe at the end of 2012, all were able to begin to receive rapidly increasing transformational energy waves from the center of the Cosmos, or Source, that are raising the vibrational frequency of everything in its path. 2012 to 2013 seemed like a period of

rest and preparation for many people. It seemed like nothing had happened and that we were stuck in a never ending time loop. The party started up again in 2014 as the chaotic world events began to reflect the inner changes in people. The end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015 brought wave after wave of transformational energies which have sent the general population into a tailspin that will most assuredly change the world forever. Look back to 2012 and review the way you have changed since then. Are you a different person? Do you have a better understanding of what has happened in humanity’s past and what is currently happening to our DNA? By looking back at the beginning of the acceleration and how you have changed, you can get a good idea of how you will be handling the energies of Wave X.

The Fast Track Souls Those that have taken a fast track awakening have literally transformed 180 degrees in the last five years. These are the people who were literally “asleep” and all of the sudden had a huge awakening that something was very wrong in their lives and there was an urgency to find out what it was. This led to dedicating most of their time into research while following thread after thread in order to find out the truth of who they are and why they are here. The fast track individuals had an especially challenging time integrating the energies through their bodies in such a short time. These people may have had major flu like ascension symptoms two or three times since then as the body was detoxified and energetically cleansed. They have had to work really hard through a few “deaths” of the ego and lower personalities in the “Dark Night of the Soul” phase. Most fast track people will integrate the Wave X energies with swiftness and grace. They are used to change and are not afraid to dedicate every second of their lives to integration and exploration. How far the fast track people will take it depends on the amount of integration what has been done in this lifetime coupled with the overall soul integration and experience.

The Pioneers Those that have been awake and integrating energies for many years and some since the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 have chosen the

route of the Pioneer. They had to set the stage for the massive amount of people to begin to awaken since 2012. The Pioneers’ work included gridwork, energy healing, psychic readings, channeling, and writing to explain to the future lightbringers what would be in store for them. The Pioneers chose a long and steady path of shifting and preparing that has prepared them for Wave X due to the experience and wisdom they have accumulated in this lifetime. Many of the Pioneers have done this type of work in other lifetimes and may have been awake and aware of who they are and what they needed to do since childhood. Just because a pioneer has been doing this their whole life does not guarantee a golden ticket through the changes that are happening on the planet at this time. Some may actually find this time extremely difficult because they are usually a few generations removed which naturally means they might be resistant to sudden change. How a Pioneer integrates the upcoming galactic wave will depend on how much they are willing to give up their well established practices as everything changes into a new co-creative and interactive stage of quickly blossoming revelations. A guaranteed method of integration of Wave for the Pioneers would include letting go and being their true authentic self. The beautiful merging of Pioneer energy with the Indigo energy will build a bridge for many of the Fast Trackers to integrate this new energy and to become prominent leaders and teachers of today.

The Star Children and Indigos The Star Children and Indigos can be grouped together because they are the game changers. Star Children are today’s children who know who they are and possibly already have three stands or more of DNA activated. Indigos include children and adults who have always known they are here to anchor the new energies and to go through this shift in consciousness with the planet. The Star Children and Indigos are already tuning into Wave X as it approaches the planet and are anchoring the energies in advance in order to help step down the galactic frequency a little at a time because the energy is too refined to assimilate all at once. Indigo adults can be fast trackers if they took a long time to awaken to who they are and why the came. Once awake, they had to hurry and catch up on their personal work in order to know what to do when the big waves of energy came. Just by being incarnated here with their light on the planet at this time, Star Children and Indigos will have completed their mission.

Twelve strand DNA means twelve dimensions and more Everyone has played an important role in preparing for the planet to receive her cleansing Wave X energies. There is no limit to what can be accomplished with these energies. A twelve strand DNA allows twelve dimensions to be accessed, and doors that have been closed for thousands of years will be open. You have to be willing to find the doors and walk through them. You will find that you can return to Source any time you wish to bask in the void of love and peace. After you have fulfilled the emptiness inside of you that always longed to go home, you will gain a whole new appreciation for Earth and the physical body experience she provides.

Advanced Metaphysical abilities Most people that have intentions to “move

into the fifth dimension” will be pleasantly surprised when they will have access to higher dimensions and places in space and time outside of the constraining matrix overlay we have been trapped in. As more people explore outside of the prison walls, the false light matrix will no longer be supported and will dissolve. Access to higher dimensions will not necessarily unfold in linear fashion. As multidimensional beings, we have always been connected to all dimensions but have forgotten how to access them. Many people who have advanced metaphysical abilities will experience an opening that will allow them to be the teachers of abilities they never dreamed possible. People who are already reaching areas past the astral are going even further. Those who are already channeling information from their higher selves will have instant access to Universal Akashic records. In the very near future, teleportation should be possible through the dematerialization and re-materialization of the physical body as our bodies transform into more of a light body than a physical dense body. Regeneration and rejuvenation of the physical body will take care of all diseases and aging. Manifesting anything you need from the background energy will provide for limitless creation coupled with creative responsibility. Those who have readied themselves for the manifestation of metaphysical abilities through healing and clearing will be able to tap into them with the introduction of Wave X. This is truly an exciting time to be alive on the planet no matter what chaos unravels around this transformation and upgraded capability. The Indigos and Star Children will invent and manufacture the technology needed to clean the planet up. Those who have proven to be negative and service to self will be split from those who operate out of love and harmony. The world will be changed forever, not just a thousand years. How much the world will change will depend upon us, and how fast we get there will depend on how quickly we can dissolve the constraints. How big are you willing to dream? Will Wave X change the world in an instant? The world has already changed in the future. Outside of time, the world is perfect. The route to merging perfection with the now in physicality and the time it will take to manifest this perfection depends upon humanity. While some people will definitely be changed immediately when the energy wave comes in September, others will struggle to know what hit them. Prepare yourselves now with the intention that you have no limits to what you can do with this energy. Editor’s note: In5d has been reporting on this energy shift for many years in preparation for this massive upcoming event. Many people have prophesized this shift at this time and have confirmed events that prove we are going through an acceleration. For more information, be sure to utilize the search button on for more information in archives articles. Michelle Walling is a Certified Holistic Life Coach, webmaster, writer, and and Radio Host on In5d radio’s The Cosmic Awakening Show. As a truth seeker, she is committed to share her experiences with the world. Michelle has joined forces with Gregg Prescott as an admin for the In5d Facebook page, as an assistant for In5d Events, and as a contributing author for In5D. All of Michelle Walling’s articles and radio appearances can be found on her database CosmicStarseeds. com. Holistic Counseling sessions can be booked through her website MichelleWalling. com. The truth about the holographic nature of the matrix and how we are going to

dissolve it can be explored on her website Printed with permission.

Science Proves the Existence of the Creator of the Universe! by Owen K. Waters


HE UNIVERSE WAS created by an infinitely large, all-encompassing intelligence. Now, science has proven it beyond any shadow of a doubt. Science is in general agreement about the existence of a Big Bang, from which the universe is said to have literally exploded into life. The problem science faces with this theory is the difficulty that such a Big Bang would face in being successful in creating life. In his book, The Life of the Cosmos, physicist Lee Smolin details the many variables which had to be exactly balanced in order for the universe to unfold into living order, rather than random chaos. The mass of the proton, the strength of gravity, the range of the weak nuclear force, and dozens of other variables determine how a universe will unfold after a Big Bang. If any of these values had been just slightly different, the universe would have become a disorganized pool of hot plasma where galaxies and solar systems were unable to form. In order to make a universe that supports life, the numbers have to be exactly right. What are the mathematical chances of an accidental Big Bang producing a universe that produces life as we know it? One chance in 10229. That’s one chance in 10 to the power 229. To spell it out, that’s exactly one chance in ... 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 0,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0 00,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0 00,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0 00,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0 00,000,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0 00,000,000,000 Basically, not much chance at all! What are the chances of an intelligent Creator getting the mix just right so that the universe can support life? Well, we’re here aren’t we? Owen K. Waters is an international spiritual teacher who has presented his insights into the New Reality to hundreds of thousands of seekers. In 1963, while growing up in a mystical part of Britain, he encountered his first spiritual awakening. The surprise of this mystical experience was such that his life became focused upon a continuous search for spiritual answers. Almost forty years of study and research followed, along with the development of his inner vision. By the year 2002, like many of the spiritual teachers who are coming forward for The Shift, his realizations began to unfold rapidly. Today he helps people find inspiration, love and creativity through heartpowered consciousness. Spiritual Dynamics Academy LLC, Delaware, USA *

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Connection Magazine V V

" Listen to Rotating Hosts Tom Quinn, Donald Davidson, David Biles & informative guests on Perspectives Radio Show every Saturday from noon to one on KSCO 1080 AM. We have extensive coverage of issues regarding holistic health and other important topics.

Spiritual/non-religious, traditional, civil, or a last minute elopement, I am up for it! I will joyfully guide you through the process of creating the wedding of your dreams. Rev. Susan Pittas, 831-359-6700, SantaCruzWeddingOfficiant. com

Join the up-Wising: the spontaneous evoLution Book is here

The boxes have arrived, and we have a bouncing, baby book! You can have your autographed copy NOW. epistore/ To read more about the book Gregg Braden has called, “the map we’ve all been waiting for,� and Deepak Chopra and Thom Hartmann have called “world-changing,� go to http:// SponEvoBook.html


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Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium, AssAge 307 Church St., S.C. Tickets:(831) 420-5260 take care oF you with a revitalizing blend of Box Office Charges Apply therapeutic massage and energy balancing. A deeply lAsses relaxing treatment to renew your spirit and strengthen your chi. call Shari Rose CMT for appointment. at (831) 427-5566.


Living From the heart W/Barry & Joyce visseLL

Barry and Joyce Vissell, a psychiatrist and nurse/therapist couple for 49 years and longtime Santa Cruz residents, are the authors of 6 books and the founders of The Shared Heart Foundation, dedicated to changing the world one heart at a time. Even a few counseling sessions with either or both of them can change your life as an individual or couple.

septemBer 25-27 autumn coupLes retreat

Would you like your relationship to reach a new level of love, healing, intimacy and commitment? Couples describe these weekends as a safe and loving place to learn and practice new skills for their relating. 800-776-0629.

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Lighten your LiFe With transFormationaL coaching.

Bring yourself present to who you are, and experience your life anew. Are you ready to grow? Group and Individual Sessions. Call Susan Pittas 831-359-6700,

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Must See! Dr. Jassy, 408395-4662. Available Sundays only. Ideal location, elegantly furnished large room, new carpet/paint, valet parking, view of oaks.

Please send in 75 words or less for your Rave Review. Email to: awaken@ Include your name & city, please. Subject Area: Rave Reviews YOUR LIFE PURPOSE; LIFE JOSE LUIS HERRERA MAP via HAND ANALYSIS with TEACHES THE SHAMAN’S Tina Burgan COSMOLOGY (presented by ‌ my Hand Analysis was extremely Patrick Gillis)

important to me. It revealed specific outlines to improve my daily life for the better. It also helped me understand where I was coming from and where I needed to be more clearly focused for my best life plan to be fulfilled. I am SELF AS BRYCE DESERT,grateful Š1977 for Melanie all theGendron useful information my analysis provided... I hold high value to all ART, etc. by Melanie Gendron this information and will as my life goes (831) 335-9064 through changes periodically... Thank you so much for giving me the Facebook/ConnectionOnline peace V June — Julyto 8, 2015 and assurance make needed changes to improve my presence in this life. mds, Los altos

LZaXdbZ CZl EgVXi^i^dcZgh ' igZVibZci gddbh VkV^aVWaZ ^c XaZVc! lZaa"ZhiVWa^h]ZY cVijgVa lZaacZhh [VX^a^in XdckZc^Zcian adXViZY ^c Ydlcidlc BdciZgZn# ;g^ZcYan! egd[Zhh^dcVa Zck^gdcbZci! bVcn VbZc^i^Zh! bVg`Zi^c\ ]Zae VkV^aVWaZ [dg i]Z g^\]i eZghdc#

Learn to get centered and blend dynamically with others! Noncompetitive, supportive practice. Adult/ Teen 5 week New Open Enrollment, T,Th 5:45pm–7pm, and Sat. 9am-10:15am. Youth classes. Aikido of Santa Cruz- nonprofit organization- 306 Mission St, SC. Call for info, (831) 423-TEAM.

Jose Luis is a master at teaching and explaining how Peruvian cosmology can help change the way we view our world. I highly recommend his classes. They will change your life! Lorraine stern, moss Landing

EAR CANDLING with Charlotte Carreira

I recently had a periodic ear candling treatment with Charlotte Carreira because I have an ear-wax build-up issue that usually leads to a temporary hearing loss and ear infection. Ear Candling applies warmth to the ear canal. This softens the ear wax and

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Page 24 â–˛ Connection Magazine â–˛ â–˛ September 2015

literally sucks it up. Just as important, Charlotte says the nerve endings in the ear canal itself are connected to the entire body so that when heat is applied, it’s a little like getting a ‘fullbody massage’ after a hot tub session. Rich Buckingham, Ben Lomond


I have carefully studied the Human Design System, and have found Elena Beebe’s Human Design reading for me to be remarkably impressive. I was very grateful for her thoughtfulness and the depth of her knowledge that was helpful for me. I highly recommend Elena for all of us who are on an important and exciting self discovery journey. Mackie Ramsay, MSW, Ph.D.


Lorraine was the light in the midst of a difficult transition I had been faced with. Through her work and kind heart, I have been able to step into my authentic self and be happier than ever. She has a rare gift to offer, and her healing work has and continues to be truly transformative for me in all aspects of my life. Raphael A., Santa Cruz


We apologize for sending in a handwritten letter to you, however, we do not use computers. First of all, we want to thank you for all of the courageous work that you are doing to get the whole truth out there to the Readers. Thank you! We would not really know what is happening or the full range of and truth of what is happening, if it weren’t for Connection Magazine. Also, we want to acknowledge 3 businesses in particular: Om Gallery, Rosie McCann’s, and Cafe Campesinos. The 2 restaurants are perfect. We have eaten there a few times in each one. And, we are so excited to recommend OM GALLERY. We have seen the Ad in the magazine for sometime, however, not had a chance to come into the store. Well, it’s a done deal with our children. They love Om Gallery and they insist on going into the store anytime we are near by. Oh, yes, my daughter is insisting that I mention that we bought a number of their beautiful and colorful lamps. We are redecorating, using lamps, etc. from Om Gallery. If you haven’t gone in to the store, please do, You’ll be glad that you did. Jerome, Nancy, Milana & Marco Wilkinson, Felton


Thank you each and all. Thanks to Connection Magazine for presenting such outstanding information telling us about so many things that are not right, yet we need to know about them. You are the only magazine that we know of that has the courage to tell the real nitty-gritty details. AND, thank you, too, for sharing SOLUTIONS with us. Your Columnists are terrific! Also, your ongoing Column for Heirloom Seeds is one of the best Columns ever, anywhere. And, now to learn about Whiskey Hill Farms—a regenerative farm that is truly organic (the real deal) is very exciting. We look forward to learning more about them, too. Thanks for everything, Connection Magazine. The Hancock Family, Moss Landing


I so appreciate The Connection Magazine for educating us, their readers, about so many important issues of the day that are not being covered adequately by the mass media. Medical Marijuana is one of the many. Because of what I learned with a medical marijuana article by Dr. Mercola, one of my hero’s, as well as other impressive articles in The Connection, I saw the information about 420 MED Evaluations on 41st Ave. in Connection Magazine, and went there in order to be

able to get a medical marijuana card. The staff and MD who were at 420 MED Evaluations were most knowledgeable and helpful. I am writing to give my deep gratitude to The Connection Magazine and 420 Med Evaluations. Mackie Ramsay MSW, Ph.D., Soquel


To put it simply, I love Adora. I have been working with Adora for almost a year now. I felt very lost, hurt, and lonely when I first met Adora. Working with Adora has assisted me in completely transforming my life. I am working on building the life of my dreams and I feel fulfilled, happy, and driven! Adora has worked with me through a variety of different healing modalities, such as: EFT, hypnosis, communicating on the ethereal plane, massage, light therapy, and inner child work. She has helped me move past very deep wounds and make peace with my past. Adora helped prepare me for the love of my life— and has helped me create a harmonious relationship with him. Adora has been as a massive supporter of mine— no matter what— and always without judgment. She is always there, with divine guidance, to help me work past any blocks so that I have an easier path— in whatever direction I choose to go. She truly has been a facilitator in seeing clarity in my life and has helped me find confidence in my life choices. She is always looking

out for my best interest! I am so thankful for her and all that she has assisted me in accomplishing. Hala, Aptos

HAND ANALYSIS with Tina Burgan

Tina, this was my first hand analysis and it was a fun, positive, and confirming process. It was important that you were someone I trusted, so that I could take to heart your analysis of my palm. You helped me to clarify some of my thoughts and paths to pursue. Your presentation was right on!! Thank you for the positive guidance. I highly recommend you to others. You’re amazing! Rosalie C, Mountain View


I am a senior citizen and I had the best help and service with “420 Med Evaluations�. They helped me get certification for my health needs and have given great direction to me. Thank you all! M.R., Aptos


We always see your Ad in Connection Magazine. A month ago, was the first time for us to go to Om Gallery. This store is so great that even my son and my husband appreciate it, too. And, we bought a number of colorful items for our home. Maya, Ben & Steve Matherson, Seaside

Support Connection Magazine and Get Healthy at the Same Time!

Dear Friends of Connection Magazine, If you love Connection Magazine and would like to be a part of keeping Connection Magazine thriving, Then, this is your opportunity to make a difference! We have checked out the products offered by Dr. Wallach and found that they meet our standards for high quality and clean nutrition. The products have been formulated without anything GMO and the colors are naturally derived from vegetable sources. We are taking these supplements and feeling very good about what we are putting into our bodies. And, we are very selective and will only eat what we feel is the best for our health!

Call us at Connection Magazine to join us & support us and get healthier at the same time! Call (831) 459-0522 or to sign up or buy product go to



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New Dimensions of Relationship

“Remembering to Say Thank You�

Complementary Health Malin Ashby ~ Certified Naturopath t /VUSJUJPO t )FSCBM 3FNFEJFT t .JOEGVMOFTT GPS 4USFTT t .BMJO$IJFG!HNBJM DPN New YOU ~ Wellness Coaching

Radiant wellness is the foundation from which we live.

Ear Candling


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ing received by anyone. I by Joyce and Barry Vissell tried to tell myself that I hen our was not doing this for the children praise, which was true. w e r e I was doing the meditalittle, tions because I sincerely I read wanted the group to get stories over and over that I these lessons on love, hoped would instill in them and I loved to do them. positive qualities. One story But still, day by day, with always stood out. It was absolutely no comment, I a little book and the title Joyce and Barry Vissell began to feel sad. Finally was, “He remembered to I asked my friend Judy say thank you.â€? In this Bible story, Jesus is walking in the countryside and who was there with her husband Pat. Judy gave comes across a group of ten lepers. I then needed me what I was needing, and yet how much better to explain to our children that a leper is someone if someone would have just spoken a word of with a disease that had no cure at that time, and gratitude or acknowledgement. Everyone needs people could catch the disease by contact. There- a word of acknowledgement. That is the very real fore the lepers were outcast and made to live far human part of all of us. This experience in Hawaii led me to thinkaway by themselves. Back to the story, the ten lepers beg Jesus to heal them. He touches their ing about our Creator. Day after day we are all heads and they are all healed. All ten of them blessed with gifts, such as a beautiful sunset, instantly run back toward their families in the Ă RZHUV LQ EORRP RXU FKLOGUHQ ZDWHU WR GULQN DQG city, yelling and screaming in joy. One leper stops the list goes on and on. Sometimes I wonder if our and realizes that he has not thanked the man that Creator also wishes that we would acknowledge healed him. He then runs back and thanks Jesus. these amazing gifts. I feel very far from perfect in remembering Jesus then says, “Ten men were healed and only one remembered to say thank you.â€? He then puts to say thank you, and yet it has become somehis hand on the man’s head and says to him, “The thing that is very important to me. I want to give others were healed in their body, but you have acknowledgement for all of the gifts, however received a greater blessing by remembering to they come and however small. In my relationship with Barry, I try to see the things that he does say thank you.â€? Of all the stories I read to our children, that and thank him. Some things are very big, like the VWRU\ VWDQGV RXW 6RPHWLPHV , Ă€QG P\VHOI UHSHDW- way he looks at me with so much love. But even ing the words in my head, “He remembered to small things, like emptying the dishwasher by say thank you.â€? Those words have become sort himself when it is something that we usually do of a mantra for me, something I say over and over together, will get a big hug and thank you from me. I want him to know that I see and am grateful again, and then I think of the meaning. As we have both written about before, Barry for all of the ways, however big or small, that he and I and our family like to go rafting, and the is helping and loving me. You might think that people know you 5RJXH 5LYHU LV D IDYRULWH SODFH WR JR 7KH Ă€UVW year we went, the ranger told us to be extra care- are grateful, so you don’t have to share it. But ful of a rapid called Blossom Bar as 12 people remember that expressing your gratitude is a had died there just in that one year. Typically a special gift for you as well. Cards, letters, phone few people die there every year. This year, as we calls, a hug in person, an email or even texts are approached that rapid, Barry and I put our heads all powerful ways to express your gratitude. The together and prayed for protection. While Barry important thing is to do it. And then there are the was guiding us through the rapid, I sat in the front many blessings that come from the unseen hand holding onto our dog, Rosie, praying the whole and Presence of Love which watches over us time. I could feel the protection like an angel’s continually. A moment of noticing and bowing wings around us. Once through the rapid, we felt your head in gratitude can bless your life in ways a wave of relief and shouted in joy. Even our dog you can hardly imagine. Here are a few opportunities to bring more gave a wiggle. One hour later, that little mantra Ă RDWHG WKURXJK P\ KHDG ´+H UHPHPEHUHG WR love and growth into your life, at the following say thank you.â€? I asked Barry, during a calm longer events led by Barry and Joyce Vissell: stretch, to put our heads together and say our Oct 14-20—Assisi Retreat, Italy; Feb 7-14, prayer of thankfulness. That prayer of gratitude 2016—Hawaii Couples Retreat; June 4-11, helped complete something in a very beautiful 2016 — Alaska “Inside Messageâ€? Cruise from way. Another blessing besides the protection had Seattle; Jul 17-22—Shared Heart Summer Retreat at Breitenbush Hot Springs, OR. come through to us. Joyce & Barry Vissell, a nurse/therapist Each year Barry and I and our musician friend Charley Thweatt lead a week long retreat and psychiatrist couple since 1964, are counselfor couples in Hawaii. We love doing this very ors near Santa Cruz, CA, who are widely regardmuch. Each morning we begin with an early ed as among the world’s top experts on conscious morning meditation. I usually share a short story relationship and personal growth. They are the and lesson on love to help people go into their authors of The Shared Heart, Models of Love, hearts more deeply. I pour my whole heart into Risk to Be Healed, The Heart’s Wisdom, Meant this teaching. There is also music by Charley. One to Be, and A Mother’s Final Gift. Call Toll-Free 1 (800) 766-0629, locally year I particularly put a lot of focus on what I was going to say. I rose when it was still dark outside (831) 684-2299, or write to the Shared Heart to prepare. It gives me a lot of joy to lead these Foundation, P.O. Box 2140, Aptos, CA 95001, meditations. Day after day, I gave from my heart for further information on counseling sessions and day after day, no one commented at all. Each by phone or in person, their books, recordings day at least two people would thank Charley for a or their schedule of talks and workshops. Visit particular song, but no one said anything to me. I their web site at for their free tried to convince myself that the lack of gratitude monthly e-heartletter, their updated schedule, was okay. However, since no one commented at and inspiring past articles on many topics about all, I began to feel that my efforts were not be- relationship and living from the heart.

26â–˛ Connection Magazine â–˛ â–˛ September 2015 Page 26 V The Connection Magazine V V Facebook/ConnectionOnline â–˛ V September 2015

PERSONAL MASTERY: Coaching for Success

Help, My Life Is Driving Me Crazy!


by Karin Leonard re you wondering how to stay normal within everyday insanity? Do you have too much to do, not enough time, and is the pace of your life too fast to even catch your breath? Well, I won’t even ask how you are doing on reaching your goals and dreams‌ at least not yet. First, let’s talk about getting you back to breathing.

Complementary Health

health, love, happiness, community are a few examples. If you would like to live what is important to you more fully, brainstorm 5 –10 of your top values. Then, write them on index cards (one per card). On the back of each card record actions that will help you to express each value in your life. At the beginning of each day or week, review your FDUGV DQG SODQ IRU IXOÀOOPHQW RQ D regular basis.

Karin Leonard )XWXUH )XOĂ€OOPHQW

Sanity Strategies

I mean it! Breathing deeply will make a difference — when you remember to do it. So how will you think of that in the middle of the weekly whirlwind? Much of staying sane in a crazy world has to do with planning, preparation and premeditation. Thinking of your typical week, how can you plan for a bit more inner peace? What would make a difference in your day? Maybe you can delegate more, organize chores or set up helpful habits. How are your diet, exercise and sleep? And you may want to give up trying to be a super-human‌

Vivacious Values

Have you ever noticed how your sense of time changes, when you do something you really love? All of a sudden, you may feel energized, and although many hours have gone by, you don’t seem tired. For myself, I experience timelessness when I’m involved in a creative project, like writing or painting. What is it for you? When we live our values, a sense of joy and motivation tends to show up, and life becomes more fun. What do you value? Success,

We only live once, at least as far as we know for sure. At the end of your life, you don’t want to wake up and realize that you have been living someone else’s story‌ Do what really matters to you. What do you want \RXU OLIH WR EH OLNH VD\ LQ RQH ÀYH RU WHQ years? We are always at choice, even if it may not seem that way in the middle of everyday i n s a n i t y. Yo u can direct your own movie; it is your privilege as Homo sapiens. You have the creative power of nature at your fingertips. Begin planning now. Create a compelling vision, maybe start a journal and write your life’s plot. Take small steps and make success easy for yourself. Before you know it, your life will no longer be driving you crazy, but will lead you to follow your bliss‌ Karin H. Leonard is known for her compassionate, leading-edge and highly effective brand called InnerEvolution™, leading to quick results in life and career, while creating greater life-balance. She has been in private practice in Santa Cruz for 25 years, integrating life coaching with hypnotherapy, NLP and a JRRG GRVH RI LQWXLWLRQ 2IÀFH ORFDWHG LQ 6DQWD Cruz, (831) 724-5400, wwwInnerEvolution. FRP.

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Page Connection Magazine V V Facebook/ConnectionOnline â–˛ V September 2015 Page 27 V The 27â–˛ Connection Magazine â–˛ â–˛ September 2015


Optimal Health—Part Two

To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. —The Buddha S AT U R D AY

S E P T. 12TH

7:30 - 10:30 PM $ 1 0 - $ 2 0 SLIDING SCALE



Deerheart &

Living Devotion Bhakti Yoga w/Bhajans & Kirtan Singing - Chanting - Dancing Musically Guided Meditaton

by Christopher Love sick at times. I pressed on, trusting aving a body is an that there was something worth all amazing experience, the work, sacrifice and abstinence do you agree? Even from chocolate. those of us who are Over the course of three years differently abled have I introduced new foods into my diet ways to take in the gift of each moone at a time. I would eat that food ment. If you have eyes that see, once a day for several days in adthere are uncountable shades of dition to my base diet. I took notes Christopher Love on how I felt, how much energy I color in our land and sky-scapes. If you have ears to hear, there is a vast had and other data, such as how cornucopia of sound to delight your ears. There my eliminations were or if I became congested. are so many more ways we can experience the It was during this process that I discovered world around us, we are truly blessed. an allergy to oats. This was such a relief to know and sad at the same time because I love oatmeal. “I believe that our bodies are intelligent However, I finally realized why I felt so sick in the and if we are willing to listen, they will mornings. Often I would eat a big bowl of oatmeal and tarry off to work or school and then feel just teach us what they need.” terrible. I never put the two together. I have found that I appreciate life and the Now the most amazing benefit that came world around me easily when I am feeling healthy. was something I had not intended and what’s When I suffer from illness my surroundings do not more, did not even know was possible. Over the seem as bright and vivid as when I am in excellent course of my three-year experiment, I became so health. At times, when my body is struggling, the sensitive that I could smell or taste something and very sound and light that normally bring me joy know if it would be good for me. Meaning, I had a can become painful to my sensitive eyes and ears. sense of what foods my body would like to avoid I have concluded that when my body is healthy I and what foods it would thrive on just by smelling take in more of my world, meaning, I more capable and/or tasting them! This was a revolution in my to be present to the majesty that is taking place personal life. all around me. This all took place in the early 1990’s. Now I I am truly inspired by the idea of living a can report that I rarely have to smell or taste a food vibrant life as much of the time as possible. In last to know if my body wants it. I just know. Seriously, months article I opened up the subject of food in I just get a feeling in my body of yes or no. When regard to optimal health. Specifically, I addressed I go with it, as I feel it, I feel good. Every time I the fact that there are as many philosophies go against the feeling I get, I end up regretting it. about eating as there are people. You can ask a Through my own personal life and my own room full of people what they eat and if you have experimentation I have come to the conclusion twenty in the room you may very well get twenty that my body is aware of what it likes and what it different answers. does not. Perhaps this is a form of intuition, a sixth There are, of course, old technologies (tradisense? I believe my body is intelligent and I feel tions) around food that can be followed as well as that it always wants to be operating at it’s optimal many new philosophies. Science is discovering level. I trust the feelings that my body sends me more each day about how our bodies work and about the food I am thinking of eating. Sometimes maintain optimal health. The body is a complex I still smell or taste it before I commit to it. organism and there are enough differences from Another fantastic benefit that has come from one body to another and neither doctor nor nutrimy food experiment is I found my optimal diet. I tionist can honestly say that there is one diet that feel healthy, full of energy and strong. I sleep well is perfect for every body. and my stamina for projects, school, work and life I believe that our bodies are intelligent and if is amazing, even to me. I eat simply, I consume we are willing to listen, they will teach us what they few supplements and my diet is not expensive. need. To come to this understanding I engaged I did not find my diet in a book or through a in the following three-year experiment. I slowly lecture. I found it because I wanted to. I found removed dairy products, meats of any kind and it by listening to my body, by experimenting with indulgences, such as caffeine and foods containfoods and through my willingness to go without ing simple sugars. I also reduced eating cooked comfort foods and indulgences for the duration of foods, making sure that around 50% of my daily the experiment. intake came from raw and living foods. FurtherI believe that anyone can embark on the more, I eliminated packaged, dry and processed journey to find out what his or her optimal diet is. foods altogether. All it takes is a desire to cultivate a close relationMy next step was to clean out my digestive ship with your body and the willingness to begin. tract. I utilized several different cleansing methods Christopher Love is an educator and mediand followed up with colon hydrotherapy. In the tation instructor who welcomes correspondence beginning of this I felt tired, sluggish and even at

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Mind • Body • Spirit

LGBT Older Adults Face Unique Challenges

by Sharon Esther Papo merica’s elder population is expanding, and so are the number of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) adults who are moving into their Sharon Esther Papo golden years. In the next several decades, the population of LGBT adults who are 60 years and older is expected to double, reaching more than 3 million by 2030. LGBT older adults grew up in a time when it was legal to be arrested for their “deviantâ€? sexual or gender identity. Coming out for many of them came at a huge cost (arrest, family rejection, getWLQJ Ă€ UHG SXEOLF VKDPLQJ HWF 7KH\ KDYH EHHQ the trailblazers of the LGBT movement and they face unique challenges as they age. In the U.S., roughly 80% of long-term care for older adults is provided by family members (spouses, children and other relatives). LGBT older adults are half as likely as their straight peers to have close family to depend on for assistance. This means that they rely more heavily on professional care providers (doctors, pharmacists, hospital and nursing home staff), who may be uncomfortable or actively neglectful or abusive towards them. Studies have shown that even when care providers are supportive, the fear of discrimination may prevent some LGBT people from getting the care they need. /*%7 HOGHUV DUH DOVR OHVV OLNHO\ WR EH Ă€ QDQ cially wealthy. Poverty rates among elder lesbian and gay couples are 9.1 percent and 4.9 percent respectively, compared with 4.6 percent among elder heterosexual couples. LGBT elders are more likely to be socially isolated than their peers. They are two times as likely to be single and live by themselves. They are more than three times as likely to be childless. LGBT older adults are also less likely to feel welcome at existing elder care services and other places where elders often connect (churches, senior centers, etc). Social isolation affects depression, delaying seeking needed care and premature death. A powerful study called “LGBT Older Adults in Long Term Care Facilitiesâ€? was recently released. The study clearly states the there is much work to be done to improve the care of LGBT elders, Poor treatment from other residents was a frequently reported problem with 23% of LGBT respondents experiencing verbal or physical harassment from other residents. Transgender elders (both those who have made a gender transition and those who have not) are especially vulnerable. The study had many heartbreaking stories including one about a woman who came to a nursing home after having a stroke and could not communicate. Her family decided that her partner RI Ă€ IW\ \HDUV VKRXOG KDYH QR ULJKWV WR WKH SURSHU

ty they shared OUTSPOKEN or to visit or make any decisions for the patient. The family sold the couple’s home and got a restraining order against the long-time partner. These women were in their 80’s. They were retired school teachers. They had never considered being out and had not put any legal protections in place. The partner would call the nursing home occasionally at night to see if a compassionate nurse would be willing to break the rules and tell her if her partner was still alive and how she was doing. LGBT elders are at higher risk of neglect. One respondent (from San Francisco) talked about being in a skilled nursing facility for 16 days before he was taken to shower by the staff (and that was only after “screaming insistence�). Staff didn’t want to touch him for “fear of contracting a disease.� Fifty-one percent of study respondents reported that staff had refused to provide such basic care. Twelve percent of elders reported direct experience or knowledge of someone who was denied medical treatment because of their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. While there is much work to be done, locally, we are fortunate that The Diversity Center’s 60Plus Senior Program is run by the talented and dedicated Jane Schwickerath in collaboration with the committed 60Plus volunteer committee. The Diversity Center’s 60Plus Senior Program offers LGBT Seniors in Santa Cruz County and the surrounding area opportunities to enhance their quality of life through social and recreation activities. We also provide LGBT Aging Cultural Sensitivity trainings to local senior service organizations to support them in improving their services to better understand and serve LGBT elders. As LGBT trailblazers are aging, it is critical that the wider community works hard to ensure that our elders receive the dignity and respect that they deserve. Sharon Esther Papo is Executive Director of The Diversity Center, which enhances lives and promotes fairness for LGBTQ people in Santa Cruz County. For more information you can go to or call (831) 425-5422. Mark your calendar for upcoming 60Plus Senior Luncheons: Sept. 12 & Nov. 14. The Diversity Center Gala is on Oct. 17. Check our website’s calendar for more information about these and other upcoming events and programs! If you would like to read the full study, go to: pdfs/NSCLC_LGBT_report.pdf.

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Feng Shui WiSdom For home & PerSonal TranSFormaTion

Wind & Water Blessings

Feng Shui

Our Relationship With the Living World: Plants, Weather & Gratitude ~ Part 2 ~


The following morning, we were awoken here would to rain, a beautiful our lives be transform your life with the wisdom of nature welcoming from the without the Weather Beings. We ble s s ings On-site or by phone Home or Business had come together of the prefor the annual spring cious life-giving rain brought Space Clearing and Blessing Ceremonies ceremonies, to welby the clouds? Do you ever Spiritual Healing with Plant Spirit Medicine come the rains return. look up at the sky and wonMegan Montero Rain had not been der—where is the rain? in the forecast, but In Chinese, the words Feng Shui mean, “wind water”. The the Weather Beings still came out to term Feng Shui refers to the balance welcome us. Weather is not merely a meteoroand flow of these two essential elements, which are necessary to main- logical event to measure and calculate. tain health and balance. The absence The weather is a living presence; livFeng Shui Classes of rain in California inspires me to ing beings to engage with and relate Color Consultations share an ancient perspective and my to like people. The Weather Beings— personal experience about our rela- Wind, Clouds, Lightning, Rain, Sun Clutter Clearing/Organizing and Ocean—all work together to bring tionship with weather. Consultations & Coaching Recently I was in the Highlands of central Mexico, in a village called Tepoztlan. Tepoztlan is nestled in a sacred valley with beautiful rock beings Tepoztlan, in the Highlands of central Mexico watching over the village. Farmers on donkeys ride the blessings of water. At one time, people had an through cobblestone streets on the awareness of how much our lives way to their fields. Bakers walk to the market with huge basket of bread depended on the weather. Through on their heads. A chorus of roosters, ceremony, the weather beings were not just a few but hundreds, echoing honored and respected for their genthrough the valley, as early as 4 AM! erosity. Ceremony was an integral The locals love fireworks, for all oc- part of life. For thousands of years, the casions, exploding them at all times of Weather Workers in my lineage have the day or night. Tepoztlan is a second been going to a Great Goddess volcahome for me. I have been going twice a year for eight years, since I was initi- no being named Iztaccihuatl. She lies ated as a Weather Worker (Granicera) next to her husband, Popocatepetl, an in the Nahuatl indigenous tradition of active volcano. On this particular journey, we were a group of 60 Weather Mexico. On my most recent visit, I ar- Workers plus children, a caravan of rived with 50 other Weather Workers. nine vehicles winding up the side of the volcano to 14,000 feet. The site for our ceremony is a beautiful, peaceful, place, with an expansive view. We can see Popocatepetl’s 17,802 ft high snowcap peak and Iztaccihuatl’s 17,342 ft high rock face, bare of snow. The sky is blue. The sun is out, Certificate of Science & Master Instructor and it’s chilly at this elevation. The ceremony begins with lots of copal smoke, prayers, and offerings of flowers, candles, fruit and bread. We “I cannot speak highly enough of Suzie and her compassion and ethics are there at the beginning of the rainy season to call Tlaloc, the Rain God, as a ThetaHealer®. As someone who was once diagnosed as return with his precious life-giving 100% fully and functionally disabled, I can say that ThetaHealing® has to waters. made me whole again, and my connection to myself and Creator and The wind picks up. The clouds roll in, and the temperature drops. All That Is is deeper and more fulfilling than ever. I've made nearly a


• • •

by Megan Montero

831-588-5424 Megan P. Montero

River Sanctuary Publishing Felton

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full recovery that would not have been possible without Suzie. Her gifts and heart fullness literally saved my life. Utterly phenomenal. Anyone with Suzie in their life is truly fortunate.” D.L. Marana, AZ

“I am so grateful for having found you and for the incredible difference you have made in my life. Thank You!!! I am a different person” - S. Radia

Rain and sleet arrives. There’s hail, then snow, thunder and lightning. We’re trying our best to hold on and not blow away. We have our feast and wait for the gods to have theirs from the offerings that we have brought for them. We’re wet and cold and it’s growing dark, but the love we feel for the Weather Beings and each other keeps us going. By the end of the ceremony, Iztaccihuatl’s rock face is completely covered in snow. Filled with joy and gratitude, we wind down the mountain in the dark, leaving the volcanoes and storm behind. But wait! The storm is following us, surrounding us with lightning, thunder and rain all the way back to the village. The people of Tepoztlan are overjoyed; the Weather Beings have arrived home with us! Over time, we have forgotten our relationship with these Divine Beings, and we no longer relate to the weather as a living presence. This is the heart of the drought. Through the absence of rain, the Weather Beings are asking us to appreciate their value and return to our relationship with them. Giving thanks to these Great Beings, acknowledging and observing their presence is the way back to balance. Visit the Ocean and express your gratitude for her gifts of life and weather. Feel the Sun on your skin and thank him for his light and warmth. Look up at the Sky; observe the presence or absence of the Clouds. Listen to the Wind, feel how the Wind shifts and changes. When it rains, step outside, hold out your hand, allow the rain to touch your skin and say, “thank you very much”. If you would like to participate in or learn more about weather ceremonies in Santa Cruz, contact Megan at granicera@windandwaterblessings. com. Megan Montero is a Feng Shui consultant, a Plant Spirit Medicine healer, and a Granicera in the Nahua weather working tradition of Mexico. She has been practicing Feng Shui in Santa Cruz since 2007 and offers consultations in the Santa Cruz and Monterey Bay areas and by phone. She practices Plant Spirit Medicine at her office in Santa Cruz. Learn more about Megan’s services at www. Stay in touch by signing up online for Megan’s Cycles of Chi newsletter. Contact Megan at (831) 588-5424 or megan@

Joanne JuSTiS, Your Chaldean deCoder ConSulTanT...Will reTurn nexT monTh

Joanne Justis

Page 30 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ September 2015

Dining Delights FERMENTATION FESTIVAL to be held at The MAH


by Steve Schnaar ubbling away on kitchen counters, under stairways, or in forsaken corners of the garage, all across the county ancient fermentation traditions live on: those curious collaborations between man and microbe that yield beer, cheese, sauerkraut, miso, and many other favorite foods. On Saturday, September 12th, the Santa Cruz Fruit Tree Project and Seven Bridges Cooperative are hosting the 3rd Annual “Counter Cultures: A Fermentation Celebration”. The event will be held at the Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History and will feature numerous fermented foods and beverages for sampling, as well as fermentation workshops, and live music. Counter Cultures is a benefit for the non-profit Fruit Tree Project, which harvests surplus fruit, develops community orchards, and hosts preservation workshops. Tickets are available on a sliding scale from $20-50. In recent years, there has been a huge upsurge of interest in fermented foods. One aspect of this is the overall growth of local food economies. Why buy mediocre mass-produced beer, many are asking themselves, when I can make better beer at home or buy it from a local brewer? Similarly, many consumers are rejecting cheeses and yogurts from factory farm operations, choosing instead to buy more flavorful products made by small local farmers and artisans, who are also kinder to their animals and gentler on the earth. Another facet of the fermentation craze is the health-promoting aspects of foods with live

cultures. Our bodies contain thousands of species of bacteria and other microbes, which are especially important in aiding our digestion. As more and more studies investigate the complexity of our internal ecosystems, a growing consensus seems to be emerging that eating a variety of live fermented foods—examples of which are yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kombucha—can aid in maintaining digestive health. Counter cultures will feature an array of foods and beverages to sample, including sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt, miso, tempeh, pickles, beer, wine, and many more. The Fruit Tree Project will bring fruit wines and vinegars, and other items made from fruit harvested by their volunteers. Event co-sponsor Seven Bridges, an organic homebrew supply store, will have beer and equipment on hand to model the brewing process, with staff available to answer any questions. Other sponsors include Farmhouse Culture, Creative Cultures, Companion Bakeshop, India Joze, Bonny Doon Vineyard, and Freedom Wineworks. For more information, or to reserve a spot visit You can also reach us at, or (831) 435-6719. Steve Schnaar is a local author, activist, and fermentation enthusiast. He is also founder and director of the Santa Cruz Fruit Tree Project, which organizes community fruit harvests of excess backyard fruit, and which recently broke ground on the Riverside Gardens Community Orchard, Santa Cruz’ first-ever orchard in a public park.

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Page 31 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ September 2015

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Presentation Followed by Discussion

P o l a l l c u i r t t ion c e l E

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“Prolific Propagators” Contribute to Habitat Festival


ince 2009, a group of hardy Watsonville Wetlands Watch volunteers have met weekly outside the Wetlands Educational Resource Center in Watsonville to propagate native plants for wetlands habitat restoration projects. The plants they propagate are also sold at the Watch’s annual “Habitat Festival and Native Plant Sale” being held on Oct 3. The self-named Prolific Propagators have earned their name, propagating ten to twenty thousand plants annually. Volunteers with this group learn many helpful hints for selecting and caring for native plants in their home gardens. Prolific Propagators’ “adventures” include: cleaning and sowing seeds; planting cuttings; separating and transplanting seedlings; dividing and transplanting larger plants; trimming & weeding; and sorting and sterilizing containers and tools. This lively group enjoys sharing stories and snacks. Each week, volunteers “choose their own adventure” from a prioritized list of tasks prepared by the Watch’s Restoration Staff. Veteran propagator Cathy Gamble oversees paperwork

and sends a detailed weekly status report which often includes a researched native plant or insect profile. Native plants are drought tolerant because they evolved with our local

climate and do not require irrigation once established, and thus consume much less water than the non-natives. Native plants can also be the foundation for a backyard habitat. Choosing the right native plants means people can attract butterflies, birds, and other fauna to their yards, attract beneficial insects to help control pests in the vegetable garden and create a dynamic and ever-changing landscape. The huge contribution of the Prolific Propagators is critical to the success of the Watch’s wetlands native habitat restoration efforts and

their annual Native Plant Sale. You too can enjoy the benefits of their labor by coming to the upcoming Habitat Festival and Native Plant Sale and buying one of the native plants carefully nurtured by their hands. The 3rd annual Backyard Habitat Festival and Native Plant Sale takes place on Saturday, October 3 at the Fitz Wetlands Educational Resource Center building, at the top of the Pajaro Valley High School in Watsonville. The Plant Sale begins at 9:00 am and the Habitat Festival opens at 10:00 am. Both events close at 4:00 pm. The community is invited to attend the event where they can buy native plants and learn how to create their own delightful drought-tolerant backyard habitats. The festival also includes presentations and workshops with expert speakers, a fun Eco Kid Zone, wildlife photography and art exhibits, live animals, birding tours, food and more. For more information and the complete program, visit www. Watsonville Wetlands Watch’s Habitat Festival and Native Plant Sale, Oct 3, Fitz Wetlands Educational Resource Center 9-4pm.

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Supporting Health with Organic Produce 4) 01


SH/OP is a non-profit organization providing organic produce for people with cancer, HIV/AIDS, and autoimmune disorders. We are staffed exclusively by volunteers and need your help for a successful second summer season. MORE INFORMATION Page 32 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ September 2015

The Heirloom Expo September 8th - 10th in Santa Rosa

Do you support right to Save Seeds? Do you want GMO food Labeled? Do you LOVE heirloom vegetables? If YES you must come to the Heirloom Expo, Sept 8-10, Santa Rosa, CA. This has been called “The World’s Fair of Pure Food!� With over 100 leading speakers from the Organic and Non-GMO movements. See thousand of varieties of heirloom crops and meet seed savers from across the planet! Please Share!

much more. Come and tour the aisles at the event dubbed “the world’s pure food fair!�,a massive assembly of pure food enthusiasts, talented home gardeners, farmers, school groups and leaders in the food industry. This is a “not-for-profit� event, all funds above cost will be donated to school gardening education and other sustainable food programs.

DgYZg Ndjg 7dd` Vi I]Z;ddY7VWZLVn#Xdb Vani Comes to California! View Websites for Actual Times and Dates

COME Celebrate a non-GMO future! With over 100 pure farm & food experts! Discover, touch and taste thousands of varieties of heirloom vegetables, fruits and flowers! At the national heirloom exposition, September 8-10, Santa Rosa California. www. Enjoy over 100 speakers and take part in many seedy activities! Please share with your Facebook friends! Come celebrate a non-GMO future! The 5th annual National Heirloom Exposition, will be held (September 8-10) at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds, Santa Rosa California. Many new and exciting elements are being added this year, and are sparking further interest from vendors, educators, chefs, and farmers! Education about organic growing, sustainability, and risks of genetically modified foods will take center stage among speakers, exhibitors, and vendors. An impressive line up of nationally and internationally recognized speakers will include Dr. Vandana Shiva, renowned author, philosopher, environmentalist, and leader of a national movement to protect the diversity and integrity of seeds. Ronnie Cummins, international director of Organic Consumers Association, is an activist and advocate of non-GMO foods. Dave Murphy, founder and director of Food Democracy Now!, is dedicated to reforming policies relating to food, agriculture, and the environment. Lisa Stokke, is co-founder and associate director of Food Democracy Now and works to connect consumers with farmers who raise and grow food sustainably. Many more renowned speakers will engage audiences on multiple platforms throughout the entire three days. The exhibit hall will be filled with displays of thousands of varieties of heirloom fruits and vegetables. Some of the most innovative minds will showcase items of interest to inspire others. Please bring yours! Everyone should make and effort to attend this sharing of information about pure foods, sustainable living, organic growing and

Speakers include: Adam Klaus, Adam Scow, Alice Doyle, Andrew Gunther, Andrew Kimbrell, Anna Peach, Arran Stephens, Ashley Koff, Betsy Goodman, Birke Baehr, Bob McFarland, Bob Quinn, Brett McLeod, Bryan Welch, Carol Grieve, Christy Wilhelmi, Dan Kittredge, Dana Perls, Darles Eaton, Dave Murphy, David King, David Oien, Deborah Koons Garcia, Diana Reeves, Dr Don Huber, Dr Robert Kremer, Erin Axelrod, Felder Rushing, Frederick Smith, Howard Viieger, Jared Zystro, Jeanette Beranger, Jeff Lowenfels, Jeffrey Smith, Jere Gettle, Jeremy Seifert, Jessica Prentice, Jim Gerritsen, John Jeavons, John Roulac, John Torgrimson, John Valenzuela, Kami McBride, Karen Brown, Katrina Blair, Ken Green, Larry Korn, Leslie Goldman, Libby O’ Connell, Linda Ly, Lisa Stokke, Liz Carlisle, Mark Squire, Mathieu Asselin, Matt Dillon, Matt Powers, Mia McNeil, Michael Mazourek, Michael Olson, Mimi Enright, Neil Thapar, Pamm Larry, Paul and Elizabeth Kaiser, Peter Ruddock, Rachel Parent, Rebecca Burgess, Richard Eckfield, Rick Williams, Robert Kourik, Ronnie Cummins, Sally Fox, Sara Patterson, Scott Chaskey, Steve Albert, Steven Drucker, Steven Spangler, Taryn Wolf, Tim Wightman, Toby Hemenway, Trei Campbell, Vandana Shiva, Vani Hari, Will Bakx, Zen Honeycutt, Wendy Krupnik, Volunteers are crucial to the success of The Expo. You can help make this an amazing event by signing up to volunteer. There are many different things to do. Check out the links to see how you can be part of the 5th annual World’s Pure Food Fair. General volunteering: oz88fzm Kid’s Day volunteering: pmxqmjv The event will again be held at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds, 1350 Bennett Valley Rd, Santa Rosa, CA 95404, September 8, 9 and 10, 2015, Open daily 11:00am - 8:00pm, Open for schools at 9:00am on Kids Day (Thursday) .



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Page 33 â–˛ Connection Magazine â–˛ â–˛ â–˛ September 2015

Heirloom Plants and Your Health by Gina Locatelli and Allen Morgan

Growing Medicinal Heirloom Herbs & Flowersand Their “External� Values to the Body (Third of a 3 Part Series)


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As we conclude this series about heirloom herbs and flowers and their medicinal values to the body – internally and externally – we pause to reflect on the miraculous healing powers that they offer mankind. We hope you have enjoyed the information we have shared and that you have taken advantage of what their natural healing powers have to offer. Please enjoy Part 3 as we discuss the “externalâ€? benefits of our select collection. As mentioned before, it is recommended that you consult a nutritionist or herbalist before preparing remedies based on this article. mustard oil and it can prove to be irArnica Pansy According to the American ritating to the skin. Therefore, it is not An infusion of pansy is useful Academy of Dermatology (AAD), the recommended if you are pregnant or for skin eruptions of most kinds, i.e., skin is your body’s largest and fastest breastfeeding. blemishes, hives, sores and varicose growing organ, and arnica is an efCilantro veins. To make an infusion, steep 1-2 fective healing agent for this organ. Cilantro, also known as cori- teaspoons of the flower in a half cup Typically used for external purposes, ander, is used externally as a therapy of boiling water and when it’s at a arnica tincture is made from the whole for skin irritations. Its natural anti- comfortable temperature apply it to the fresh plant including the root. It is histamines help to calm the immune desired area of the body. This herbal system response tea, as they call it, is made with the against allergens. entire plant including the roots and Fresh cilantro is applied topically to cure skin disblended with co- eases. The dried and powdered plant conut oil can be technique can be applied to wounds applied directly or made into a salve with honey and onto hives, sun- it, too, can promote healing of topical burn and poison skin problems. The pansy is currently ivy, as it is help- associated with the herbal treatment ful in reducing of eczema and weeping eczema. In the inflammation 1597, John Gerard wrote the book, and discomfort. Herball. He was superintendent of To get the maxi- the gardens to the advisor of Queen mum benefit from Elizabeth and was considered one of cilantro, blend the most respected plant experts of his with water and time. In his book, he refers to pansies apply to the skin and pansy compresses as a common and then drink the remedy for the treatment of scabs, rest. This double ulcers and itching. appr oach wi l l St. John’s Wort The Santa Cruz County Fair begins on give you every The fresh flowers of St. John’s Wednesday this year, which is new; therefore opportunity for Wort, when infused in oil, produce opening day will be on September 16th, relief. According a beautiful red emollient that is an continuing through Sunday, September 20th. Allen Morgan will have an exhibit in the to Organic Facts, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. This Harvest Building (near the carnival) and will https://www.or- therapeutic oil has so many functions feature the eight heirloom herbs and flowers that you can sum it up by saying, if it that we have talked about in this 3 Part health-benefits/ hurts, soothe it with St. John’s Wort Series. Come and see the plants first hand, essential-oils/ oil. This oil is effective when applied and purchase seeds from his supplier, Seed Saver Exchange. Allen will also be giving health-benefits- to wounds, burns, bruises, damaged away over 1,000 herb starter plants. You will of-coriander-es- skin, strains and varicose veins. When not want to miss his presentation! sential-oil.html, rubbed onto the belly and breasts of commonly used in the form of topical “Coriander oil is a good deodorant. a woman during pregnancy, the oil creams, gels and ointments to signifi- It reduces bad breath and eliminates help to prevent stretch marks. Topical cantly reduce bruise formation, as well mouth and body odor when used applications are effective in treating as for arthritis, burns, ulcers, eczema either internally or externally‌This hemorrhoids and aching, swollen veins and acne. Its anti-bacterial and anti-in- also helps to inhibit bacterial growth that occur during pregnancy. St. John’s flammatory qualities help reduce pain and swelling while improving wound healing. Arnica helps to “mop upâ€? inflammatory debris and lactic acid, which reduces swelling and relieves pain after injury and muscle strain. This is why arnica is used for healing black eyes, boils, muscle exhaustion from over-exertion, altitude sickness, sprains/blows/fractures, post-surgical procedures and painful joints.


Nasturtiums have a broad spectrum of external uses. The leaves, flowers and seeds blended together make a healing compress that effectively treat external fungus infections and yeast infections. It is best and most potent when prepared fresh, which might be why its healing properties are not more widely known. Additionally, nasturtiums can be used to treat muscle pain and as a remedy for hair loss. Please be aware that when used topically, the nasturtium contains a

Marcie Hughes, CMT, RCST, registered nutritional consultant/healer (left) contributed valuable information to this editorial, with Louise McCarthy (right) who has supported our column with photos and material. Our sincere thanks to both of them. in your mouth and around your sweat Wort oil is also used to calm the pain glands, thereby fighting odor. It can be of sciatica, fibromyalgia, muscle aches mixed in water, then externally applied and PMS. or used as a mouthwash to get all of Continues on Next Page these benefits.�

Page 34â–˛ Connection Magazine â–˛ â–˛ â–˛ September 2015


c Center for Integral He fi i c a alt e P A Holistic Family Practice est. 1989

History in the Making: The Story of Whiskey Hill Farms dirty, hot greenhouses—hand-clearing begin to see this soil transformed. by Michael Wachtel Today, while walking thru the acres of prickly roses by hand. It’s no The final steps are using a rotovator mazes of greenhouse filled with veg- fun, trust me. to further break up the soil into a fine Once the roses are cleared texture, at which point it is time to use etables, tractors plowing, anaerobic digesters, experimental ponds, and away to expose the bare tortured soil a bed-making set up on the Yoeman one remaining greenhouse Plow shaping the soil in full of roses, I began thinking the desired bed shape. Thru about the history of the ‘Kato this process, in 3-4 weeks Family Rose Farm’ which we are able to take a greenwe now call, Whiskey Hill house filled with overgrown Farms. The last greenhouse dormant roses and turn it remaining full of the Kato’s into a world-class organic coveted red, white, and pink vegetable operation. roses is ready to be cleared As an homage to the as I recount this story and—I Kato Family and history of felt inspired to tell you all, this amazing property that the story of the how we reinnow houses Whiskey Hill vented this historic property Farms Organic Produce FREE B12 with purchase over the last year. operation we will be potting of My first visit to 371 the last of the famous Kato Meyers Roses Cocktail - $99.00 Calabasas Rd. was in early and offering them 2014, when my partner in the Michael Wachtel, Co-founder and CEO and Jacob for sale to the community. Freepons, Director of Operations of Whiskey Hill farm first discovered this real Please come by our booth at Farms with Allen Morgan (middle), Founder of estate gem-in-the-rough. It’s the Santa Cruz County Fair Santa Cruz Heirloom Seed. hard to believe how much this to learn about what we are property has transformed since we be- that had been planted in conventional growing at Whiskey Hill Farms, and gan. Breathing new life into properties roses for the last 30 years, it’s now buy a ticket to reserve your piece of like these is an important part of grow- time to plow the soil with the use of this Pajaro Valley History in the form ing the Pajaro Valley economy of the our Yoeman Plow—specially designed of a potted rose bush. future. I am personally honored to be a to be able to thoroughly break up hard Please let us know that you read this packed soil like this. After several in Connection Magazine and how you part of this ‘history-in-the-making’. Our fourteen and a half acre passes with the plow, the loosened like our new Column in The Healthy property is home to seven greenhouses soil is ready to amend by adding tre- Planet section of the magazine, called ranging in size from .6 acre up to 1.25 mendous amounts of compost, which ‘Whiskey Hill Farms’. acres. When the farm was purchased add organic matter and fertility to the Please come and see us at the Santa from the Kato Family, all seven of soil, and gypsum and lime to improve Cruz County Fair from Sept. 16 thru these greenhouses were filled to the soil structure, break up clay, and adjust Sept. 30th. Let us know you read this. rafters with dormant, overgrown rose ‘ph’. Once these amendments have And, ask any questions when you see bushes. Our first order of business was been spread on top of the soil. we use us at our Booth. to begin clearing the greenhouses of a spader to properly incorporate these Go to: roses. This dirty work is really only amendments into the top two feet of Call: (831) 722-4455. possible to do properly by hand. You the soil. When these amendments have ~ Innovative Organically Grown Specan only imagine working in these been incorporated you can already cialty Crops ~ Continued from Previous Page

Parsley Oil

Parsley Oil is made from the seeds, roots and leaves of the parsley plant. The oil has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that can help with pimples, acne and skin infections. It can also disinfect pores. Please be aware that undiluted parsley, when topically applied, can burn the skin; that is why it is infused in oil. When parsley is infused with water, it creates a tea and that tea can be used externally to clear and heal light bruises, insect bites and skin ulcers.

Oil of Oregano

Oil of Oregano provides a myriad of cures. But it is important that you use wild oregano vulgare (origanum vulgare) as opposed to oregano marjoram (origanum majorana) in order to get the maximum health benefits. In his book, The Cure is in the Cupboard, Cass Ingram writes, “These two phenols, carvacrol and thymol, work synergistically and that is the reason that oil of oregano packs a double punch in antiseptic power

and explains why it is infinitely more powerful than commercial phenol, in microbial killing power.” All of this makes oregano oil a significant factor in healing external candida and skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. Ingram goes on to say, “The oil of oregano outright destroys all varieties of yeast and fungi regardless of where they reside.” Some of the many medical uses for oil of oregano include treatment of nail fungus, athlete’s foot, skin disorders, rashes, bee stings, insect bites, dandruff and ear aches. In its diluted form, oregano is a natural insect repellent and it has been utilized to treat acne or rosacea. When coming down with a cold, many people put the oil in boiling water and inhale the steam; and when the oil is dabbed directly on the neck or under the ear, it can help to fortify your immune system.


Marigolds, whose Latin name is calendula, have been highly valued by herbal healers for centuries. Compresses soaked in marigold tea (flower

heads boiled in water) are therapeutic in many ways. They assist in healing wounds, cuts, scrapes, lacerations, infections, animal bites, scratches and scars. Marigolds stop bleeding because they have an astringent capability, and its anti-bacterial abilities combat infection and promote healthy tissue growth. It is an anti-inflammatory that soothes and reduces swelling and irritated skin. When calendula ointment is applied to varicose veins on a regular basis, it can improve them or clear them up altogether. This ointment can also prove to be very beneficial when treating bed pressure sores – and can even assist in preventing them. It is also a safe and effective treatment for diaper rash. Marigold powder is a great replacement for baby powders, as its healing powers far out-weigh talc.

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The website HealthTap calls Randy Baker MD the: “Top Holistic Medical Practitioner in the Nation” Learn More At:

Cynthia Quattro

Physicians Assistant, Doctor of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine.

Practicing in Santa Cruz since 1994. Integrating the best of Western Medicine and Functional Nutritional Medicine with the ancient wisdom of Oriental Medicine. She specializes in gentle Japanese style acupuncture and nutritional protocols to treat chronic illness, women’s health, diabetes, cardiovascular problems and stress related conditions.

Randy S. Baker M.D. 2955 Park Ave., Soquel, CA 95073 (831) 476-1886 U

“P Ca



GMOs cannot be considered safe until there are valid, nonpropriatary, long-term studies of their effects on humans and the environment!

Where to Purchase Seeds: Allen Morgan: SantaCruzHeirloomSeed@outlook. com Seed Savers Exchange: Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds: www. Request a free catalog to Seed Saver Exchange at:

Page 35 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ September 2015

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Page 36 ▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ September 2015




Music FLow

by Janet Leonard 3rd Annual Capitola Art & Wine Festival is Sat. Sep. 12th, 10am-6pm & Sun Sep. 13 th, 10am-5pm. Admission and music are FREE! Sat. 2-3:30pm, St. Gabriel’s Celestial Brass Band, New Orleans jazz, zydeco, blues brass band and 5-7pm, Extra Large, funky and fun. Sun. 11:30am-12pm, Santa Cruz Pipes & Drums. 1-2pm, Black Sunday Roadshow, Americana, electrifying big band folk music. 3-4:30pm, The Fundamentals, red hot rockin’ soul. For more info go to Sat. Oct. 10th, 5-8pm, Beer, Brats & Blues, hosted by Chaminade Resort & Spa. There are four local breweries participating, Seabright Brewery, Santa Cruz Ale Works, Discretion Brewing and Santa Cruz Mountain Brewing. The buffet is German themed and music is by Carie & the SoulShakers all outside in the Courtyard Terrace. Reservations recommended at $40 per person all-inclusive. Get your tickets now at or call (831) 475-5600. September music scene highlights: Rio Theatre: Fri. Sep. 11th, In My Life — A Musical Theatre Tribute To The Beatles, an award-winning musical biography of the Beatles through



by Karin Leonard & Daniel Robin ach month, we select our favorite or otherwise important films to be featured on this page. We rate them, subjectively, on a scale from 1 (worthless) to 5 (awesome) in terms of their entertainment and message. We leave the plot details and storytelling to the filmmakers and instead attempt to characterize, highlight strengths and, and hint at purpose. Reach us at movies@ Enjoy!

The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

With Henry Cavill, Armie Hammer, Alicia Vikander, Elizabeth Debicki Entertainment: 3 Message: 2 ore style than substance, as you’d expect from any spy/action-thriller based on a popular television show, with humor that borders on self-mocking. Ultimately fairly silly, true to the genre and Cold War overtones in all its “retro-chic” splendor. The 60s backdrop, constant double-crossing and playful script are undeniably entertaining. Screenplay doesn’t quite add up, with all the mock violence and tidy intrigue you could ever want, but without the “reality bite” of modern-day conflict (1 hr 56 min).


Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation

With Tom Cruise, Simon Pegg, Alec Baldwin, Rebecca Ferguson, Jeremy Renner Entertainment: 3.5 Message: 2.5 ne of the best in the series—entertaining, gripping and reasonably intelligent from start to finish. Solid and sophisticated, there is more of a “Bond” (gentlemen spy) feeling to this one. Tom Cruise is still boyishly charismatic and an effective action hero, full of swagger. Will he ever age? The settings are glamorous, grand and intriguing, the women beautiful and mysterious, while the story line is reasonably engaging and interesting. So if the spy thing is your cup of tea, you will enjoy the ride. (2 hrs 11 min).


Ricki and the Flash

With Meryl Streep, Kevin Kline, Mamie Gummer, Rick Springfield Entertainment: 4 Message: 4 oes Meryl Streep automatically say “rocker chick” to you? She will after you see this. Part of what gives us all the more reason to enjoy yet another amazing Streep performance is the unlikely choice—doesn’t seem like an easy fit, but somehow she captures the spirit. As a young parent, Ricki once “went for it”—she and her band “the Flash” took a shot at rock-and-roll stardom and fame.


Page 37

the eyes of manager Brian Epstein. As Paul McCartney once said, “If anyone was the Fifth Beatle, it was Brian.” Featuring live music performed by renowned tribute band, Abbey Road, this show is widely considered to be the most unique Beatles show in decades. Kuumbwa Jazz: Wed. Sep. 12th, Heather Houston, “Prayers for the Water” CD Release Concert, an evening of heart-felt vocal beauty honoring the life-giving element of water, this CD is “an invitation to fall in love with the spirit of the water through the spirit of the music.” Heather Houston is an acclaimed local singer, recording artist, choral director, and vocal empowerment coach, known for her exquisitely soulful voice and ability to open hearts, lift spirits, and build community through music. Catalyst: Sat. Sep. 12th, Blackalicious, hip hop duo from Sacramento, known for “tongue-twisting”, multisyllabic, complex rhymes and generally known for “positive tip”; which are lyrics that are often spiritual and uplifting rather than violent or misogynous. Lifesavas, classic hip hop group with a style that employs tag-team rhymes, matter-of-fact storytelling, and a soulful production and Lateef. Fri. Sep. 25 th, John Hiatt and The Combo, John Hiatt an American rock guitarist, pianist and singer-songwriter recording since 1972 plays Americana, folk rock, country, blues and heartland rock.

He has released over 21 albums. His songs have been covered by a variety of legendary artists in multiple genres. Tue. Sep. 22nd, Live in The Atrium, an extremely intimate show with The Original Drifters, celebrating 63 years of magical moments as they take you on a trip down memory lane with such greats as “Under The Boardwalk” and “Save The Last Dance For Me”. Concerts in Retro: Here is my review of a recent show. Remember this is only my opinion. At the Santa Cruz Boardwalk Bandstand: I thoroughly enjoyed the 8:30pm show of Smash Mouth. This band is such a fun beach party band they even have a song “Pacific Coast Party”. It was incredible to see late 20s, early 30s guys yelling “Shrek song”, Smash Mouth’s remake of The Monkees famous 1966 hit, “I’m a Believer” actually written by Neil Diamond, made even more famous by the fact Eddie Murphy in character as Donkey also sings a rendition of it in the Shrek movie. These younger attendees might not even know The Monkees version but we all went crazy over Smash Mouth’s very upbeat rendition. Are you a local band that would like your CD reviewed in this publication? Send your CD to Music Connection, c/o Janet Leonard, PO Box 3916, Santa Cruz, CA 95063. Call (831) 325-4605 or email janetfaplanet@ to tell me about gigs for live reviews. Put “Music Connection” and your band’s name in the subject line.

Now she is a vulnerable, entirely human mother of her adult children, asked to be there for her daughter (played brilliantly by Streep’s real-life daughter), to help make things right. Will they let her? Will she let herself? Let the healing begin! (1 hr 41 min).

would have helped), the impactful message, passionate music, powerful acting and enticing story make it an important film rooted in the past with poignant overtones for today (2 hrs 27 min).

Shaun the Sheep Movie

With the voices of Justin Fletcher, John Sparkes, Omid Djalili Entertainment: 4 Message: 4.5 his charming and entertaining yarn is delightful stop-action animated fun for the whole family—with a big heart and two hearty thumbs up (who knew sheep had thumbs...?). Created by Aardman Studios (Wallace & Gromit, Chicken Run), and based on a British television show, there is a lot here to like: brilliant animation is unadulterated by any dialogue, special effects or violence. Instead we are treated to a beautiful metaphor of family and what really matters in life, and an elaboration on “whether the grass is really greener” somewhere else. Whimsical and sweet, every age will find something to like about this uber-goofy film (1 hr 25 min).


Straight Outta Compton

With O’Shea Jackson Jr., Corey Hawkins, Jason Mitchell, Paul Giamatti Entertainment: 3.5 M e s sage: 4.5 ased on the real life story of the 1980s rise and fall of NWA from the mean streets of LA, and the five young musicians who channeled their abusive treatment by authority, and their imperiled existence in the hood, into what became a new genre – gangsta rap/ West Coast hip hop. One of the five is “Ice Cube”, played convincingly by his reallife son. This is a powerful biopic illustrating what went on behind the scenes, the murky business dealings of music managers and shocking police brutality toward African-American men. But mostly it is about the music, the songs telling stories in explicit rage, striking a nerve. The plot gradually falls apart as egoic fame tears apart its players. While a bit disjointed and confusing at times (tighter editing



With Amy Schumer, Bill Hader, Brie Larson Entertainment: 3.5 Message: 4 omedienne and now actress Amy Schumer has a reputation for being a bit raunchy, slutty and half drunk most of the time … and those are her good qualities! She is reasonably attractive and appealing, and gets away with a lot because she somehow looks innocent, but once she begins to talk … the innocence ends. Here she performs well as a magazine writer on assignment, oppressed and under-appreciated. Some of the gags probably worked better as stand-up material. Director Judd Apatow captures poignant pop culture dilemmas, and he seems to let Schumer’s character drive the content, with half-baked results that are a bit raw – or at least it could use a clearer voice and tighter editing. But the clever and often hilarious script is edgy and fun, questioning if her “commitment-free zone” will truly serve her emerging adult self. Alcohol is supposed to help, but here it seems destined to undo any progress toward a full life. If you liked Apatow’s Bridesmaids, 40 Year Old Virgin, or This Is 40, don’t miss it! (2 hrs 2 min).


Hello Folks,


e publish this magazine to support our community and enjoy featuring leading theater, performances, and events. It is very important that you, our readers, tell all of the Arts &

Entertainment Venues, businesses and events, that you read about them in The Connection Magazine. We appreciate your much needed support in return. Thank you very much! Pattie & Thom

1011 PACIFIC AVE. SANTA CRUZ • 831-429-4135 Thursday, September 3 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+


plus Doors To Nowhere also D15 $7 Drs. only • Drs. 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m.

Wed. • Sept. 9 • 7:30pm Amy LaVere & Will Sexton Roots/Americana/Gypsy Jazz Thu. • Sept.10 • 7:30pm • $12adv/$15dr Jimmy Breaux w/ The Cajun Cotton Pickers • Dance Beausoleil Accordion Great Mon. • Sept.21 • 8pm • $10 • Dance The Crux + Caitlin Jemma & The Goodness • N.O. Brass/ Gypsy Jazz/Barn Stomp Tue. • Sept.22 • 7:30pm • $10 • Dance Sunny Knight & The Lakers Long Lost Soul/R&B Singer Thu. • Oct. 1 • 7:30pm • $20 • Dance Anson Funderburgh, Mark Hummel & Little Charlie w/ Golden State/Lone Star Revue • Blues Legends Sun. • Oct. 4 • 7pm • $15 In the Spirit of Lennon w/ Sun Kings’ Drew Harrison • John Lennon 75th Birthday Tribute

Friday, September 4 • Ages 16+



plus Sam Johnson $16/ $20 • 7 p.m./ 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 4 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+


plus Rhymesayers’ deM atlaS also Rey Resurreccion $12/ $15 • 8:30 p.m./ 9 p.m.

Saturday, September 5 • Ages 16+


plus DJ Aspect $23/ $28 • 8 p.m./ 9 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 5 • In the Atrium • Ages 18+

FELIX CARTAL $15/ $20 • 8 p.m./ 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, September 9 • Ages 16+

Funk Volume 2015 Hopsin, Dizzy Wright, Jarren Benton,


DJ Hoppa and more $25/ $27.50 • 8 p.m./ 9 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 10 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+


plus Rin Tin Tiger $10/ $12 • 8:30 p.m./ 9 p.m.

Friday, Sept. 11 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+


Members of Bad Religion, Circle Jerks, Adolescents, Dickies PLAY & YOU SING! $12 Adv./ $13 Drs. • Drs. 8 p.m./ Show 8:30 p.m.

Saturday, September 12 • Ages 16+

B la c ka l i c i o u s

plus Lateef & Lifesavas $18/ $22 • 7 p.m./ 8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 12 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+

SIN SISTERS BURLESQUE $15 Adv./ $20 Drs. • Drs. 9 p.m./ Show 9:30 p.m.

Sunday, Sept. 13 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+


plus One A Chord also DJ Sugar Bear $10 Adv./ $12 Drs. • Drs. 8 p.m./ Show 8:30 p.m.

Monday, September 14


Blackheart Burlesque

$25 General Admission/ $45 Balcony Reserved (21+) $62.50 Floor Table Reserved/ $85 GA + VIP M&G (18+) $105 Balcony Reserved + VIP M&G (21+) $122.50 Floor Reserved + VIP M&G (18+) Drs. 7 p.m., Show 8 p.m.

Celebrating Forty Years of Creativity Tuesday, September 8

7 pm


7 pm

HELEN SUNG QUARTET 1/2 Price Night for Students Monday, September 14

7 pm

Tuesday, Sept. 15 • In the Atrium • Ages 18+


and many more... $15 Adv./ $19 Drs. • 8:30 p.m./ 9 p.m.

Friday, Sept. 18 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+


plus Banda Tierra Menguerense $20 Adv./ $25 Drs. • Drs. 9 p.m./ Show 9 p.m.

Saturday, September 19 • Ages 18+



$20 Adv./ $25 Drs. • Drs. 8 p.m./ Show 9 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 19 • In the Atrium • Ages 16+

Wednesday, September 16

plus Grooms $12 Adv./ $15 Drs. • 8:30 p.m./ 9 p.m.

7 pm

NEXT GENERATION JAZZ ORCHESTRA 1/2 Price Night for Students Thursday, September 17

AARON GOLDBERG QUARTET Thursday, September 24

7 pm

7 pm

7 pm

JOEY ALEXANDER TRIO Thursday, October 1

7 pm


Sunday, Sept. 20 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+


plus Junior Boogie $18 Adv./ $22 Drs. • Drs. 8:30 p.m./ Show 9 p.m.

Tuesday, Sept. 22 • In the Atrium • Ages 21+

THE ORIGINAL DRIFTERS $33 Adv./ $59 M&G • Drs. 8 p.m./ Show 9 p.m.

JACQUI NAYLOR QUARTET Monday, September 28


6 - 9 pm

FIRST FRIDAY: r.r. jones Tuesday, October 27 • 7:30 pm at the Rio Theatre | No Comps


Advance tickets at and Logos Books & Records. All ages.

320-2 Cedar St x Santa Cruz 831.427.2227

Sep 23 O.A.R./ Gabrielle Ross (Ages 16+) Sep 24 Best Coast/ Lovely Bad Things (Ages 16+) Sep 25 John Hiatt & The Combo (Ages 21+) Sep 26 The California Honeydrops (Ages 16+) Sep 27 Parmalee/ Leaving Austin (Ages 16+) Sep 28 Richie Spice/ I-Wayne (Ages 16+) Oct 1 Cash Cash/ Tritonal (Ages 16+) Oct 2 The Underachievers (Ages 16+) Oct 3 Beth Hart (Ages 16+) Oct 4 Riff Raff (Ages 16+) Oct 8 Figure (Ages 18+) Oct 9 Xavier Rudd & The United Nations (Ages 16+) Oct 10 Santa Cruz Music Fest (Ages 16+) Oct 11 Israel Vibration/ Roots Radics (Ages 16+) Oct 15 Borgore/ Getter (Ages 18+) Oct 16 El Tri (Ages 21+) Oct 17 Gang Of Four (Ages 21+) Oct 21 Allen Stone/ JMSN (Ages 16+) Oct 22 Common Kings (Ages 16+) Oct 27 Soja/ J Boog/ Dustin Thomas (Ages 16+) Oct 30 The Brothers Comatose (Ages 16+) Oct 31 Halloween Freaker’s Ball (Ages 21+) Nov 3 of Montreal (Ages 16+) Nov 5 The Dandy Warhols (Ages 16+) Nov 8 Houndmouth (Ages 16+)

Unless otherwise noted, all shows are dance shows with limited seating.

Tickets subject to city tax & service charge by phone 877-435-9849 & online

▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline▲ September 2015

Intuitive Insights: MapS

of ConSCiouSneSS by Melanie Gendron, Creator of The Gendron Tarot

A all


onCe ...

n instant can change one’s world: an accident that leaves you disabled, debilitating illness, the loss of a loved one—and everything is different. The world takes on the hue of our responsive emotions from shock to acceptance of what is and what we can do about it. Facing intense challenge requires that we be strong, and sometimes being strong is simply crying, acknowledging the ache. Life changing moments put us face to face with our mortality. Things that seemed so important become insignificant in the light of love and appreciation for each sharing of life. Recently, I experienced one of those instances that change perception and perspective. We were at Stanford again, but this time, it was about my daughter, Cassandra. The rare blood

Melanie Gendron

condition she has endured for years escalated and now she needs a bone marrow transplant. I felt chilled when her doctor told us that without the transplant, the average lifespan is a year and a half. With it, she can

anticipate a full life. We are now entering the twilight zone... discovering what to do, getting donors, starting the process. Cassandra is a strong, resilient, talented woman. The way she is handling this challenge is admirable... and that’s not just a mother talking; it’s a soul acknowledging the light in another soul. We held each other and cried when we digested the news. Then we committed to being positive, holding the vision of her health, seeing her active and vibrant. I picture her danc-

M elanie g endron : artist • intuitive Art & Tarot Products & Services

(831) 335-9064

Wonder, ©2000 Melanie Gendron

poignant when we realize the miracle of each breath expressing the wonder and mystery of life. Blessings, Melanie Melanie Gendron is available for intuitive tarot readings, offering also art, unique gifts, tarot services and products, (831) 335-9064, email, visit www.melaniegendron. com. The personified tarot cards in This Fool’s Journey talk about themselves, (Cassandra) Sandi Triptych, © 1976 Melanie Gendron making the archetypes accessible ing again, one of the things about her that has to the reader. The line often filled me with joy to watch. I anticipate drawings of the Genher healing, see her growing old, creating her dron Tarot major arcana beautiful crystal mandalas. We will enjoy many make this book a visual more philosophical discussions on this special as well as consciously life walk. It’s another phase in the journey to whole- expansive treat. —John Gray, Author ness, a challenge that tests one’s very core and refines one’s values. Each moment shared, each of Men Are from Mars, milestone reached, each sunrise becomes truly Women Are from Venus


TogeTher We CreaTe



about studies performed by Dr. Bruce by Candace Stuart-Findlay Lipton, and research performed at the o, what’s your story? By Institute of Biomedical Research of story, I mean how do you Barcelona, Spain. define yourself? Quoting a article Do you still believe that about the research in Spain, “The study your story determines your Candace investigated the effects of a day of inidentity… that because you are tall/ Stuart-Findlay tensive mindfulness practice in a group short/heavy/thin/bald/blonde/redhead/ smart/not-so-smart, or whatever physical/3rd of experienced meditators, compared to a group dimensional descriptors you use, these things of untrained control subjects who engaged in are the sole sum of you? That they do or do not quiet non-meditative activities. After eight hours of mindfulness practice, the meditators showed determine value or lack there of? What about your parents… family… up- a range of genetic and molecular differences, including altered levels of gene-regulating mabringing experience? Do you still believe that because your up- chinery and reduced levels of pro-inflammatory bringing was loving/harsh/poor/rich/rejecting/ac- genes, which in turn correlated with faster physicepting, that those experiences actually determine cal recovery from a stressful situation.” This your true identity or ultimately have anything to study was published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology. do with who you truly are? To me this is simply substantiating that we They don’t. Nope. Nada. Non. Nein. You are, without a doubt… first and fore- are fields of electro-magnetic energy, and what we most, Divine Consciousness self-exploring focus upon can and does shift the frequency altering our 3rd dimension/physical body energy field. through a human experience. And, what is the most effective self-exploBut what about all the research program’s ration method? Contrast. How do we, as Greater unconscious transmissions we are emitting 24/7? Self, create contrast? By juxtaposing Joy/Love Dr. Lipton refers to them as subconscious, and fear/anger experiences here in the physical/3rd and states, “The major problem is that people are aware of their conscious beliefs and behaviors, dimension. Since we know that we are the Greater Self but not of subconscious beliefs and behaviors. (Quantum science is finally closing in on this Most people don’t even acknowledge that their conclusion as well.), how about we reframe our subconscious mind is at play, when the fact is perception of what the heck is going on here. that the subconscious mind is a million times Let’s start the reframing by substituting “story” more powerful than the conscious mind and that we operate 95 to 99 percent of our lives from with “research program”. What if everything you, up until now thought subconscious programs.” So, there you have it, Dr. Lipton’s term, defined you in human terms, is simply a program designed by our collective Greater Self for in- “subconscious programs” are actually our avatar’s depth self-exploration? What if the question of individual Blocking System, housed within the self-value, self-acceptance, etc. was a moot point? Universal Blocking Matrix. Food for thought, eh? I mean, you and I, and everything we see and How powerful we collectively are when we don’t see is Us! What if this “you” is not you at all, but simply an energetic avatar designed as individually shift our focus from fear to Love… the perfect vehicle to conduct specific contrast from anger to Joy! Together WE create the Shift! research as programed by the Greater Self? Candace Stuart-Findlay is an Author, Contrast is a brilliant tool that only exists Speaker, Now Thought Educator, and Transhere… for research… for self-exploration. I refer to this remarkable massive energetic formation Facilitator. If you wish to share your research program as the Universal Blocking Ma- experiences with our readers, please reach out trix. Believe me, there is much more to this topic, to me through my web site. Contact Candace and I promise to touch on it in future columns. through her website: www.empoweredwholeFor now, I’d like to share a little information

Page 38 ▲ The Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ Facebook/ConnectionOnline ▲ September 2015

A TribuTe TO Dr. WAyne Dyer MAy 10, 1940 – AuguST 29, 2015


is focus on selfh e l p shifted later toward issues of spirituality, quoted on his website as once saying: “My purpose is to help people look at themselves and begin to shift their concepts. Remember, we are not our country, our race, or religion. We are eternal spirits.” Dr. Wayne Dyer, the self-help guru whose best-seller Your Erroneous Zones was adopted by millions as a guide to better living began his next adventure, his transition on August 29th at age 75. Wayne Dyer passed Saturday night at his home in Maui, Hawaii, said Reid Tracy, chief executive of Dyer’s publisher, Hay House. The cause of death wasn’t immediately reported. He passed away in his sleep. “Wayne has left his body, passing away through the night. He always said he couldn’t wait for this next adventure to begin and had no fear of dying. Our hearts are broken, but we smile to think of how much our scurvy elephant will enjoy the other side.” We Love You Forever Dad/ Wayne, The Dyer Family Building on philosophies espoused by Krishna Rau, the Siddha Yoga founder who was known as Swami Muktananda, Dr. Dyer published Your Erroneous Zones in 1976. It cataloged the ideas he’d espoused as a counseling education professor at St. John’s University in New York, and it shot to the top of the best-seller lists, where it stayed for more than a year. Dr. Dyer became a media sensation, touring the U.S. and appearing on virtually every TV talk show and PBS broadcasts where he shared his realizations and writings. He was on PBS for 40 years. Dr. Dyer’s philosophy mixed New Thought self-actualization theory and nondenominational spirituality —which held up Jesus as an icon of self-reliance but stood away from religious institutions themselves as stifling bureaucracies. For millions of readers around the world, however, Wayne Dyer’s

ine; so present; so real. After Wayne’s presentations, people would line up to meet him personally, have their book signed by him, etc. People would be in a block long line waiting to speak with Wayne. What amazed us, is that Wayne patiently spoke with every person in line. He looked into each person’s eyes, ‘their Souls’. No one was ‘hurried’; Wayne was present with each individual—always. This was so touching, so beautiful! We have met many, many of the great contemporary Speakers/ Authors/Spiritual Inspirations. However, there are two of these folks that are truly present and there with each person they interact with; their eyes sparkle and are alive with love & life. Those two people are our b l e s s e d Wa y n e Dyer and Dr. Bruce Lipton (leader in epigenetics). After meeting Dr. Dyer numerous times throughout the years and sharing Connection Magazine with him, he told us that he gives us ‘carte blanche’ to present any of his work in our magazine. At that time, he told us that we are the only magazine to which he gives that permission. Thank you, dear and beloved friend to us all, Dr. Wayne Dyer. Sending you Blessings with Blissings on your n e w J o u r n e y, Wayne. You are loved, you are loving, you are lovable. Pattie & Thom and Connection Magazine

Dr. Wayne Dyer teachings were a key to sloughing off society’s focus on guilt and clearing the mind to enable success. Among those embracing Dr. Dyer was Oprah Winfrey, whose own network broadcast many interviews with and documentaries by him. Oprah Winfrey It was always a pleasure to talk to Wayne about life’s big questions. He always had big answers. RIP Wayne. You brought the Light. Ellen DeGeneres The world has lost an incredible man. Wayne Dyer officiated our wedding and was an inspiration to so many. Sending love. Tony Robbins Wayne Dyer has passed away today. For those of us who loved him, it’s sad, but he knew death was a transition. We send love for his next adventure. Throughout the years, Connection Magazine featured Dr. Dyer’s wisdom and love in various articles. For many, many years we would attend any and all events where Wayne would be speaking. For years, he participated in the Whole Life Expo in San Francisco and then for so many years the “I CAN DO IT!” events presented by Hay House. We attended those events in San Jose, San Francisco and Vancouver, BC. We would always go to everyone of his events because he was always so, so inspiring; so bright; so genu-

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The Music of the Spheres:


Astrological Insights by Susan Heinz

Astrology for September 2015

enus, our sisterly twin, now heralds the dawn, having made the invisible crossing from evening star to morning star. Since July 24th, we have been within the Venus retrograde cycle that takes place every 18 months. Imagine the people of old watching the evening skies, observing Venus for many months, a brilliance in the West, shepherding the fall of night, then disappearing for 9 days to return in

the predawn Eastern skies. This change from evening star to morning star takes place only when Venus is retrograde. It is known that when she first rises from her disappearance, situations are unstable, shifts in power take place, and what was moving in one direction changes into the opposite. Venus rules the arts, money, and relationships. On the 6th of September, she goes direct, initiating more forward movement. Along with this, Jupiter has squared

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Saturn. What was expansive now confronts the need for containment, structure, and connection with a more realistic reality. Likewise we see this on a global level. Political and economic situations are unstable. We reconsider what will work diplomatically, with the aim to reestablish balance in the world situation. (Watch the Iran nuclear agreement). With Venus going direct, the next several months help us to integrate what was experienced and gained since July 24th. On September 12 th , a Solar Eclipse takes place. Eclipses intensify the energies, exposing issues that were previously hidden. We can ask ourselves how can I tune into what I am experiencing emotionally, while being conscious about the choices I make in daily life? In what ways am I serving a greater vision for humanity and the Earth? With Jupiter opposing Neptune, our dreams and ideals become more predominate. The danger with this expansive combination is getting caught up in collective assumptions, without clarity and grounding in reality. Instead we can flow with its positive visionary possibilities, envisioning new realities. Mercury goes retrograde on the 17th in Libra, through Oct 9th. It is not a good time for purchasing cars, computers, or telephones. Excellent time for editing, research, and long range planning. The fall equinox takes place on September 23rd, when the Sun enters Libra. A Lunar Eclipse takes place on September 27th as the Moon rises in the East at 7:40 pm PDT, in fiery Aries. If you tend toward Aries reactiveness, impatience, and frustration, take a deep breathe and count to 10. The cosmos is singing to us of balance. TWELVE OPPORTUNITIES FOR SEPTEMBER 2015: FOR SUN AND RISING SIGNS Aries (Mar 20-Apr 19): This month focuses on slowing down and listening to your body. At the same time you feel the need for liberation It is a balancing act between structure and freedom. With Jupiter now in Virgo, it is important to pause, breathe, and drop your attention from your head to deepening your relationship with your whole body. Take time to put things in order. At the end of the month relationship issues arise to be seen and cleared. Taurus (Apr 20-May 20): September brings a release from your

usual mode of being, into something of the opposite. Notice the changes that are taking place in your life. With Venus going direct on the 6th, the next two months will help you integrate the changes that are now occurring. Jupiter entering Virgo supports your creative expression, enjoyment with children, and enjoying your life in general. Focus on keeping your balance and calm as you process new situations. Gemini (May 21-Jun 20): Group dynamics offer inspiration, stimulation, and bringing in new excitement. Drink it in, and reflect on how enlarging your perspective or possibilities can now take you into the next level of your evolution. But at the same time you must work with structure and discipline, simplifying situations. Put things in order in your home or studio. The benefits will serve you over the year. Cancer (Jun 21-Jul 21): This month, writing, communications, reaching out to make connections with others, are all highlighted. Your imagination, deep feelings, and insight are your strengths. The experience you have gathered over the last two years can be assimilated. You are refining your skills, the way you view your life, and what is possible for you. During Mercury retrograde, attend to your home and your own inner processes. Old issues in relationship surface to be reviewed and transformed. Leo (Jul 22-Aug 22): Are you on fire? Getting a lot accomplished? Breathing free of old restrains? This can be a very positive month for you, tuning into what you value, want to create and manifest. Be mindful and discerning of a larger view of your talents and resources. As you clearly see what it is you want, be patient and trust the process. Turn toward your practical skills, and take step by step, with faith toward the transformation that is now taking place. Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22): This month, shift any worry into imagining new possibilities. Now expansive, protective, and optimistic Jupiter moves into your sign during its 12-year cycle. You can feel its positive influence. You feel an expansiveness and openness. Be sure not to take on too much or imagine that you can do more than is possible. What you put in place now will need to be grounded and find its rhythm over the year. Be thoughtful now about money matters. Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22): On August 20th, Venus rose as a morning Star. During the following week, you may have found yourself breaking a pattern and approaching life, creativity, or relationship in a new way, a reversal of the direction you had been in. Now is the time to retreat and refuel, seeding a

new vision for yourself. Balance group inspiration with quiet reflection. Mercury retrograde focuses on unexpected communications with others. Take your time. Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21): Enjoyment with your friends and family is highlighted. Enjoy what you have created! Let yourself swim in the waters of love, appreciation, and optimism. Then retreat, regroup in quiet solitude. Make it a priority. You will feel its benefit immediately. Unexpected issues around work call for calm reflection on your own needs, especially during Mercury retrograde. Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 20): This month, bring attention to your work, career aims, or more generally, how you want to interface with your community. With Jupiter now in Virgo look specifically at the details and practical implementation of your aspirations. This is a time of grounding. Travel, and expanding your learning is highlighted, yet patience is required. If you are beginning a new or big project, you have the ability to be more focused and disciplined. Capricorn (Dec 21-Jan 19): Since mid August and continuing into this month, a profound change in thinking and overall perception is taking place. Learning, enlarging your point of view, performing, and teaching, are all highlighted. Dream a new dream for yourself and your standing in the community. Balance solid steps, focus, and structure, with creating space for free flowing possibilities that take you in new directions. Your thinking lays the groundwork for new realities. Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 17): Love and relationship are the themes for September! Deepening intimacy brings richness into your life. It also brings up old issues that are ready to be cleared away. The power of transformation and change is around you. Situations can move quickly. Reflection and inquiry keep you balanced for healthy grounding during this next phase. Pisces (Feb 18-Mar 19): This month focuses on enjoyment and pleasure with others. Travel is highlighted. It can feel as if you are living out a long awaited dream! You may understand relationship in a way that you hadn’t before, as unexpected situations arise. With Mercury retrograding on the 17th, be prepared for delays or sudden changes of plan. Susan Heinz is a professional astrologer in Santa Cruz for 33 years, bringing together traditional & esoteric astrology, Tarot and Qabalah. For info on her Friday monthly astrology groups, her Qabalah, astrology and or, painting classes, and for personal consultations, call (831) 479-3751, or go to

Receive an Astrological Life Reading and Gain a broader perspective on your life.

• This ancient wisdom can help you to transform and attune to the unfolding cycles in your life. • Susan offers in-depth personal readings, relationship readings, group or business readings, readings for children and newborns, weddings, special events.. • Susan hosts a monthly talk examining personal & world wide situations and unfolding cycles once a month, Friday, 9:30am to 11:30. For schedule • Astrology, Qabalah and Painting classes Susan Heinz is a professional Astrologer and teacher in Santa Cruz for 33 years, bringing together traditional & esoteric Astrology, Qabalah and Painting Classes. For more info and appointments:

(831) 479-3751 or go to

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Sept. 30, 2015 HZeiZbWZg (! '%&)

Connection Magazine

Page 42▲ Connection Magazine ▲ ▲ ▲ September 2015


by Sayer Ji, Founder

The future of medicine rests on the fundamental right we all have to use things that spring from the Earth naturally as healing agents. Why should cannabis, used for at least 10000 years by humankind to alleviate suffering, be excluded from this inexorable mandate?


he politics of cannabis are exceedingly complex, and yet the truth is simple: this freely growing plant heals the human body—not to mention provides food, fuel, clothing and shelter, if only we will let it perform its birthright. In a previous article, we investigated the strange fact that the human body is in many ways pre-designed, or as it were, pre-loaded with a receptiveness to cannabis’ active compounds —cannabinoids—thanks to its well documented endocannabinoid system. But the medical-industrial complex in the U.S. does not want you to use these freely growing compounds. They threaten its very business model and existence. Which is why it synergizes so naturally with the burgeoning privatized prison sector, which now has the dubious title of having the highest incarceration rate in the world. The statistics don’t lie: “Far surpassing any other nation. For every 100,000 Americans, 743 citizens sit behind bars. Presently, the prison population in America consists of more than six million people, a number exceeding the amount of prisoners held in the gulags of the former Soviet Union at any point in its history.” According to a recent Al-Jeezera editorial, “One explanation for the boom in the prison population is the mandatory sentencing imposed for drug offences and the “tough on crime” attitude that has prevailed since the 1980s.” Cannabis/marijuana is presently on the DEA’s Schedule 1 list. Since 1972, cannabis has been listed on the Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act, the most tightly restricted category reserved for drugs which have “no currently accepted medical use”. Opioids, stimulants, psychedelics and a few antidepressants now populate this list of substances that can put you in jail for possessing without a prescription. The notion that marijuana has no ‘medicinal benefits’ is preposterous, actually. Since time immemorial it has been used as a panacea (‘cure-all’). In fact, as far back as 2727 B.C., cannabis was recorded in the Chinese pharmacopoeia as an effective medicine, and evidence for its use as a food, textile and presumably as a healing agent stretch back even further, to 12 BC.[1] When it comes to cannabis’ medical applications, cannabis’ ‘healing

properties’ is a loaded term. In fact, it is extremely dangerous, as far as the medical industrial complex goes, who has the FDA/FTC to enforce it’s mandate: anything that prevents, diagnoses, treats or cures a disease must be an FDA approved drug by law, i.e. pharmaceutical agents which often have 75 or more adverse effects for each marketed and approved “therapeutic” effect. Indeed, the dominant, drug-based medical system does not even acknowledge the body’s healing abilities, opting for a view that looks at most bodily suffering as fatalistic, primarily genetically based, and resulting from dysfunction in the mechanical design of a highly entropic ‘bag of enzymes and proteins’ destined to suffer along the trajectory of time. And so, an at least two trillion dollar a year industry stands between you and access to the disease alleviating properties of this humble plant. As Emerson said, “a weed is an herb whose virtues have yet to be discovered,” and yet, by this definition, cannabis is not a weed, but given that is has been extensively researched and used for thousands of years for a wide range of health conditions, it should be considered and respected as a medicinal herb and food. Sadly, the fact that the whole herb is non-patentable is the main reason why it is still struggling to gain approval from the powers that be. Let’s look at the actual, vetted, published and peer-reviewed research – bullet proof, if we are to subscribe to the ‘evidence-based’ model of medicine – which includes over 100 proven therapeutic actions of this amazing plant, featuring the following: Multiple Sclerosis Tourette Syndrome Pain Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Brachial Plexus Neuropathies Insomnia Multiple Splasticity Memory Disorders Social Anxiety Disorders Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cancer Opiate Addiction Anorexia Bladder Dysfunction Bronchial Asthma Chemotherapy-induced Harm Constipation Crack Addiction Dementia Fibromyalgia Glaucoma Heroin Addiction Lymphoma

Nausea Neuropathy Obesity Phantom Limb Spinal Cord Injuries Endotoxemia Myocardia Infarction (Heart Attack) Oxidative Stress Diabetes: Cataract Tremor Cardiac Arrhythmias Fatigue Fulminant Liver Failure Low Immune Function Aging Alcohol Toxicity Allodynia Arthritis: Rheumatoid Ascites Atherosclerosis Diabetes Type 1 High Cholesterol Liver Damage Menopausal Syndrome Morphine Dependence Appetite Disorders Auditory Disease Dystonia Epstein-Barr infections Gynecomasia Hepatitis Intestinal permeability Leukemia Liver Fibrosis Migraine Disorders Oncoviruses Psoriasis Thymoma Moreover, this plant’s therapeutic properties have been subdivided into the following 40+ pharmacological actions: Analgesic (Pain Killing) Neuroprotective Antispasmodic Anxiolytic Tumor necrosis factor inhibitor Anti-inflammatory Antiproliferative Apoptotic Chempreventive Antidepressive Antiemetic

Bronchodilator Anti-metastatic Anti-neoplastic Antioxidant Cardioprotective Hepatoprotective Anti-tumor Enzyme inhibitor Immunomodulatory Anti-angiogenic Autophagy up-regulation Acetylocholinesterase inhibitor Anti-platelet Calcium channel blocker Cell cycle arrest Cylooxygenase inhibitor Glycine agents Immunomodulatory: TCell down-regulation Intracellular adhesion molecule-1 inducer Matrix mettaproteinase-1 inhibitor Neuritohgenic Platelet Aggregration Inhibito Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A inhibitor Anti-apoptotic Anti-proliferative Anti-psychotic Antiviral Caspase-3 activation Chemosensitizer Immunosupressive agent Interleukin-6 upregulation Tumor suppressor protein p53 upregulation Thanks to modern scientific investigation, it is no longer considered strictly ‘theoretical’ that cannabis has a role to play in medicine. There is a growing movement to wrench back control from the powers that be, whose primary objectives appear to be the subjection of the human body in order to control the population (political motives)—what 20th century French philosopher Michel Foucault termed biopower, and not to

awaken true healing powers intrinsic within the body of all self-possessed members of society. Even the instinct towards recreational use—think of the etymology: to re-create—should be allowed, as long as those who choose to use cannabis instead of tobacco and alcohol (and prescription drugs) do not cause harm to themselves or others. How many deaths are attributed to cannnabis each year versus these other societally approved recreational agents, not to mention prescription drugs, which are the 3rd leading cause of death in the developed world? Ultimately, the politics surrounding cannabis access and the truth about its medicinal properties are so heavily a politicized issue that it is doubtful the science itself will prevail against the distorted lens of media characterizations of it as a ‘dangerous drug,’ and certainly not the iron-clad impasse represented by federal laws against its possession and use. All we can do is to advocate for the fundamental rights we all possess as free men and women, and our inborn right towards self-possession, i.e as long as what we do does not interfere with the choices and rights of others, we should be free to use an herb/food/textile that sprouts freely and grows freely from this earth, as God/Nature as freely made available. “I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is an herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong?” —Willie Nelson “Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn’t the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit . . . unnatural?” —Bill Hicks Printed with permission.

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