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pov: you’re a young gay
Princess Waiting For Your Enemy Mermaid Girlfriend
Grace Danqing Yang ‘26
where the sky meets the sea you can’t tell what’s the sky and what’s the sea; remember what we’ll be when we rule; my parents worship the sun and detest the waves but i’ll make us one; inseparable; my tutors taught me politics so I could forge this marriage alliance between shining queens; we’ll be constant as the conch shell you pressed into my hand on the first day we met; callmewhenyouneedmeand aslongasthere’swateri’llbethere; we were children of enemy kingdoms at birth we were secret meetings under moonlight we’ll be queens that birth something new; you’re the ocean i’m watching and the rivers crossing the continent my parents reign over and the pond near my castle rippling with the sun’s tears; we are something to protect; i may be in my youth but i know how a nation runs and how the world bows to the sun; i will defend you as long as as it rises in the east and sets in the west; i am a sword and a cannon and i was taught to lead wars i was meant to destroy them; where are you; we have a horizon to light; we have a world to make together.