Connections Magazine - March 2020 Issue

Page 22


ask for help and don’t stop speaking or asking until you find that “right person.” Learn to recognize stress and know that even That’s the amount of time we all had last just a little anxiety can grow until you can’t year: 52 weeks of 24/7, but your friend had a deal anymore. Watch for addictive behavior, 2019 that seemed to last forever. He is, in fact, including addiction to electronics. Become still struggling and you want to help but how? educated about the mythology of teen suicide, What can you say or do to get him through? know who’s at particular risk, self-assess now Start by reading “Beneath the Surface” by Kristi and then, and recognize the warning signs that Hugstad and tackle today first. scream for a professional. “I was a teenager Finally, remember: once, too! there is absolutely No doubt you’ve zero shame in acceptheard that from at ing therapy or help. least one adult in As illustrated by A Teen’s Guide to Reaching Out your lifetime and you the story of her huscan’t argue with it. When You or Your Friend is in Crisis” band’s suicide, author What you can say, Kristi Hugstad shows though, is that things how easy it is to miss are different. Being a a crisis brewing. So teen today is hard: how can we best arm with social media, our teens and make smart phones, and them equipped to inescapable peer handle such unimagpressure around, you inable things? and your friends “Beneath the Surmight encounter face” could be a good problems that are too start. overwhelming to deal Beginning with with alone and it honesty and careful might seem like words about that nobody’s listening, which can seem which is scary. That’s insurmountable, and when serious help always keeping one might be needed – finger on suicide as help from “the right the hub, Hugstad lists person” – to make possible warning things better. signs related to the First, though, know most common, most this: what’s happendangerous actions. ing isn’t anybody’s That info’s backed up fault. A depressed by short, bullet-pointperson didn’t ask to ed chapters that are be like that, someone easily browsed but who’s bulimic didn’t packed tight with look for it, nobody takeaways, which is a By Kristi Hugstad who’s addicted wants good thing for busy Reviewed by Terri Schlichenmeyer to be addicted – furteens. Another value: thermore, bad things the advice on advocan happen to anyone at any time. And if you cating for self or friends is straightforward and believe you’re depressed/addicted/bulimic unembellished. because your brain doesn’t work right, well, it’s This is one of those books you hope you a fact that areas of the human brain mature at never need. It’s good to have around in these different times. tumultuous times, though, and it’s sure to be a The second thing to know is that you are not conversation starter. For teens, families, teachalone. If bullying or cyberbullying is an issue, ers, and allies, “Beneath the Surface” could be say something! If you’re cutting, show somejust the thing this year. one. If it seems like the pain won’t ever stop,

“Beneath the Surface:


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