February/March 2011 connectnow magazine

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schedule february–march2011

Collectibles see page 1

your place

Quilting see page 15-16

stories you want. information you need. connections you seek.

Gross Stuff see page 8

What’s great about Topeka? The library.

“The public library is a fantastic place to find books, DVDs, lineup of events and speakers on a regular basis.” –John Ary, library superfan

checkthisout The write stuff

From writing through the tough times to reflecting on the good, a journal helps put life in perspective. It can heal, build self-esteem and connect people to their passions – whether barbequing or art. It can turn into a published memoir.

black history month

From Toni Morrison to Frederick Douglass to Topeka’s Langston Hughes, AfricanAmerican authors help form the fabric of this nation. Make time for AfricanAmerican literature during February’s Black History Month and discover common threads in the fabric of your own life. Here’s how your library can help you observe Black History Month:  Visit the book display in the atrium for staff picks penned by influential African-Americans.  You’ve heard of sit-ins. Well, join our African-American Read-In Feb. 12 at 10am. Listen to or read your favorite work by an African-American writer.  Attend one of the African-American Book Discussion Groups listed inside.  For trivia about African-American history, ask a librarian online at www. tscpl.org, text 785-274-9494, call 785580-4555 or email asktscpl@tscpl.org.  What is an Exoduster?! The story of a newly freed slave intertwines with one of a Kansas homesteader Feb. 23 at 7pm.  Picture yourself in the time of Brown v. Board and learn more about local African-Americans with a visit to the Topeka Room (second floor).

one | connectnow

We have resources for advanced writers – The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Getting Published – or for those just getting started – Making and Keeping Creative Journals. Our books cater to the creative needs of teens and adults, covering a myriad of topics from developing your voice to guides for 365 days of writing. In March, we hope writers take time to reflect on their home state during journaling workshopS in Feburary and

a treasure trove for the collector in your family

Whether you’ve inherited a collectible coin or found an old toy while cleaning out your attic, our newly created Collectibles Neighborhood can help you identify your treasures and learn more about them. The neighborhood concept acts as a magnet that draws related materials together in one location. The Collectibles Neighborhood opens in early 2011 and will be located

and music. They have an eclectic on www.topekaisgreat.com

March. In the meantime, check out these books on journaling:  Writing Begins with Breath: Embodying Your Authentic Voice by Laraine Herring  Pep Talks, Warnings and Screeds by George Singleton  Writing as a Way of Healing by Louis De Salvo  How to Become a Famous Writer Before You’re Dead by Ariel Gore

kansas reads what kansas means to me

Immerse yourself in stories of our great state on the printed page and on Twitter.

Andrew (Mack) Schroer used the library to help create his journal.

in the West Wing near our popular Health and Cooking neighborhoods. From collecting autographs to pottery, we can help you find the specific resource you need. Make an appointment to meet with our Collectible librarians Deb or Christina. Visit www.tscpl.org/research and click on Reference Appointments or call 785-580-4540.

During Kansas Reads, Jan. 29 through April 15, everyone is encouraged to read What Kansas Means to Me: TwentiethCentury Writers on the Sunflower State edited by Thomas Fox Averill. Settle down in your favorite reading spot and get wrapped up in this book of essays from 17 different notable Kansans and skilled writers. Their stories span 1910 to 1990 and expertly explain why this “patch of prairie” is so dear. Follow us on Twitter. We’ll be collecting posts about what Kansas means to you. Anyone can contribute and posts must be 140 characters or less (the word limit for Twitter). Mention @TopekaLibrary or #whatksmeanstome so your post makes it on our radar. Kansas Reads is a statewide, annual adult reading program and part of the Kansas Look for this icon sesquicentennial. for Kansas 150th programs.

connectnow | two


To register call 785-580-4606 or e-mail class@tscpl.org. ■ All classes in the Computer Training Center.

Beginning Classes

Designed for the new computer user and presented at a relaxed pace. Try taking the classes in the order listed for a good, basic understanding.

Taming Your Mouse

Learn the proper way to hold and move the mouse. Come to one of these sessions or attend a Drop-In class. Dates and times at the end of the schedule. Wed Fri Tue Fri Fri

Feb 2 Feb 11 Mar 1 Mar 11 Mar 25

9:30–11:00 am 1:00–2:30 pm 9:30–11:00 am 1:00–2:30 pm 1:00–2:30 pm

Beginning Windows

Learn about the keyboard, desktop, icons, start button, task bar, calculator and WordPad. Thu Mon Mon Wed Mon Thu Mon

Feb 3 Feb 7 Feb 14 Mar 2 Mar 14 Mar 24 Mar 28

9:30–11:00 am 7:00–8:30 pm 1:00–2:30 pm 9:30–11:00 am 1:00–2:30 pm 7:00–8:30 pm 1:00–2:30 pm

Word: Introduction to Word Processing

Learn to set margins and tabs, change fonts, spell check, select text, save and delete files. Fri Thu Tue Thu Tue Mon Tue

Feb 4 Feb 10 Feb 15 Mar 3 Mar 15 Mar 28 Mar 29

9:30–11:00 am 7:00–8:30 pm 1:00–2:30 pm 9:30–11:00 am 1:00–2:30 pm 7:00–8:30 pm 1:00–2:30 pm

Internet Introduction

Learn basic internet functions and visit some interesting sites. Tue Wed Thu Fri Wed Wed

Feb 8 Feb 16 Feb 17 Mar 4 Mar 16 Mar 30

9:30–11:00 am 1:00–2:30 pm 7:00–8:30 pm 9:30–11:00 am 1:00–2:30 pm 1:00–2:30 pm

YOU MIGHT BE ON CAMERA Programs, events and classes are photographed or videotaped for library promotional purposes. Notify library staff if you prefer not to be photographed.

three | computer classes

E-Mail With Yahoo! Mail

Learn to address, compose, reply to and forward messages. Wed Thu Tue Thu Thu

Feb 9 Feb 17 Mar 8 Mar 17 Mar 31

9:30–11:00 am 1:00–2:30pm 9:30–11:00 am 1:00–2:30 pm 1:00–2:30 pm

Beyond The Basics

Take the following classes whenever you feel ready for more challenging projects. These classes are presented at a faster pace than the beginning classes.

Google It

Google does more than find web pages. Search for pictures, videos, maps and stuff to buy on the Internet. See your home with Google Maps. Use Google Docs for word processing, spreadsheets and more. Thu Fri Wed Fri

Feb 10 Feb 18 Mar 9 Mar 18

9:30–11:00 am 1:00–2:30 pm 9:30–11:00 am 1:00–2:30 pm

Look It Up on the Internet

Learn to use the library’s online catalog and some electronic resources available from the library or from home. Fri Feb 11 Mon Mar 21

9:30–11:00 am 1:00–2:30 pm

Facebook for Beginners

Sign up for a Facebook account and learn the basics of this popular social networking site. Be sure to bring your e-mail address and password. Thu Tue Wed Fri Wed

Feb 3 Feb 15 Feb 23 Mar 11 Mar 23

7:00–8:30 pm 9:30–11:00 am 1:00–2:30 pm 9:30–11:00 am 1:00–2:30 pm

Blogs for Artists and Crafters

Whether you’d like to showcase your artwork or find other artists and see their work, this class highlights the world of art blogs. Explore what others have accomplished online and set up your own site. Be sure to bring your e-mail address and password. Thu Mar 3

7:00–8:30 pm


Using Microsoft Word, learn to select text, cut, copy and paste. Fri Mon Tue Thu

Feb 4 Feb 28 Mar 15 Mar 31

1:00–2:30 pm 1:00–2:30 pm 9:30–11:00 am 7:00–8:30 pm

Word: Graphics

Learn to draw shapes, use clip art, WordArt, text boxes and more. Mon Tue Thu Wed

Feb 7 Mar 1 Mar 10 Mar 16

1:00–2:30 pm 1:00–2:30 pm 7:00–8:30 pm 9:30–11:00 am

Editing Digital Photos

Learn to crop, rotate, resize, reduce red eye, play with color and use special effects on your digital photos using free online software. Tue Thu Fri Thu

Feb 8 Feb 24 Mar 4 Mar 17

1:00–2:30 pm 7:00–8:30 pm 1:00–2:30 pm 9:30–11:00 am


Create dynamic presentations. Learn to insert slides, add text, graphics, transitions and animations. Wed Feb 16 Wed Mar 2 Tue Mar 22

9:30–11:00 am 1:00–2:30 pm 1:00–2:30 pm

Word: Tables, Tabs & Columns

Learn to set tabs, construct tables and use columns. Thu Feb 24 Mon Mar 7 Wed Mar 23

9:30–11:00 am 1:00–2:30 pm 9:30–11:00 am

Excel: Introduction to Spreadsheets

Learn about cells, columns, rows, AutoSum, simple functions or formulas and page setup features. Wed Tue Mon Tue Fri

Feb 9 Feb 22 Feb 28 Mar 8 Mar 18

3:30–5:00 pm 9:30–11:00 am 7:00–8:30 pm 1:00–2:30 pm 9:30–11:00 am

Excel: Lists

Familiarity with basic Excel is required for this class. Learn the basics of data lists or tables. Create field names, sort lists and link worksheets. Thu Wed Mon Thu Tue

Feb 10 Feb 23 Mar 7 Mar 10 Mar 22

3:30–5:00 pm 9:30–11:00 am 7:00–8:30 pm 1:00–2:30 pm 9:30–11:00 am

Access: Introduction to Databases

Create a database from a template or from scratch, add data and use reports. This is an advanced class for those who want to learn a database program. Tue Thu Mon Fri

Feb 1 Feb 24 Mar 14 Mar 25

9:30–11:00 am 1:00–2:30 pm 7:00–8:30 pm 9:30–11:00 am

Word: Mail Merge & Mailing Labels

Create mailing labels, envelopes, personalized form letters and directories by combining a data list with Word. Fri Feb 25 Mon Mar 21

9:30–11:00 am 7:00–8:30 pm

WinWay Resumé Writing

Learn to create professional-looking resumés with WinWay Resumé, a simple-to-use program also used at the Topeka Workforce Center. Tue

Mar 29

9:30–11:00 am

Get It Now! Free Downloadable Audiobooks

Learn how to check out, download and play audiobooks and other media on your computer, mp3 player or iPod. Thu Mar 24

11:30 am–1:00 pm


Practice new computer skills, learn to use a mouse or get a little help with computer problems. This is also a good time to learn more advanced techniques or to work on job applications and resumes. Come and go anytime during the session. Tue Tue Sat Tue Sat Tue Tue Sat Tue Tue Sat Tue Tue

Feb 1 Feb 8 Feb 12 Feb 15 Feb 19 Feb 22 Mar 1 Mar 5 Mar 8 Mar 15 Mar 19 Mar 22 Mar 29



3:30–5:00 pm 3:30–5:00 pm 9:30–11:00 am 3:30–5:00 pm 9:30–11:00 am 3:30–5:00 pm 3:30–5:00 pm 9:30–11:00 am 3:30–5:00 pm 3:30–5:00 pm 9:30–11:00 am 3:30–5:00 pm 3:30–5:00 pm


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computer classes | four


Sunnyside Up Saturday

Parents and Kids Together [all ages]

Preschool Storytime [3–5 years]

Stories, songs and activities to encourage a love of reading and develop school skills at an early age. ■ Story Zone

Tue Wed Thu Tue Wed Thu

Feb 1, 8, 15, 22 10:00–10:30 am Feb 2, 9, 16, 23 10:00–10:30 am Feb 3, 10, 17, 24 10:00–10:30 am Mar 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 10:00–10:30 am Mar 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 10:00–10:30 am Mar 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 10:00–10:30 am

■ Lingo Story Room 121

Sat Feb 5

Shawnee County 4-H members entertain you with a variety of exciting crafts and projects. Tue Feb 1, 15 Tue Mar 1

4:00–5:00 pm 4:00–5:00 pm

Learn how to use music, movement and books to connect with your child and promote playful learning. Cosponsored by ERC Resource & Referral and Early Reading First. Registration required. Call ERC at 785-357-5171. Wed Feb 2

6:30–7:30 pm

Meet some of Stone Nature Center’s animal residents up close as wildlife rehabilitators help you separate animal fact from fiction. Thu Feb 3 Thu Mar 3

3:45–4:30 pm 3:45–4:30 pm

Baby Bookworms [0–18 months]

Entertaining our youngest readers with stories, songs and bounces. ■ Lingo Story Room 121

■ Story Zone

Sun Feb 6, 13, 20, 27 Sun Mar 6, 13, 20, 27

2:00–3:00 pm 2:00–3:00 pm

Bookends of the Prairie [grades 1–5]

Discover Kansas wildlife with a look at two animals sometimes known as the Bookends of the Prairie because of the way they shape our gorgeous prairie landscape. The bison couldn’t make it, but his buddy the prairie dog will be popping in. You’re really gonna dig this guy! ■ Lingo Story Room 121

Stone Nature Center Live [all ages]

■ Story Zone

Grab your favorite book and read to the Reading Education Assistance Dogs. These dogs are registered therapy animals who volunteer and are great listeners.

Amazing Animals

Sing, Move & Learn [3–5 years and their families]

■ Story Zone

10:00–11:00 am

R.E.A.D. to a Dog [all ages]

4-H in the Library [6–11 years] ■ Story Zone

Make a Valentine together. Take home stories, songs and simple kid-friendly recipes to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Share your own ideas for “I Love You” rituals. Check out picture books and parenting resources on love and respect. Children attend with a parent or caregiver.

Mon Feb 7

4:30–5:30 pm

Sunnyside Up Saturday

Storytime with Kyler [all ages]

Sleepy heads get out of bed. Grab a gooey cinnamon roll from the Millennium Café and then join Kyler for songs, stories and other creative activities. His storytimes are better than watching cartoons. ■ Story Zone

Sat Sat

Feb 12, 26 Mar 12, 26

10:00–10:30 am 10:00–10:30 am

Thu Feb 3, 10 17, 24 9:30–10:00 am 10:30–11:00 am 5:30–6:00 pm Thu Mar 3, 10 17, 24, 31 9:30–10:00 am 10:30–11:00 am 5:30–6:00 pm

Murals create stories focused on

five | youth programs

Thanks to the support of private donors, children can laugh, play and connect to books in this colorful, engaging area. You can help!

Pajama Storytime [3–5 years]

Wear your pajamas to the library! Bring along a fuzzy friend and your blanket. Stories, songs and finger plays. Registration required. Call 785-580-4565.

Preschool Storytime [3–5 years]

■ Lingo Story Room 121

■ Story Zone

Mon Feb 14 Mon Mar 14 NEW PROGRAM

Read Across America

6:30–7:00 pm 6:30–7:00 pm

Wed Mar 2

After School [grades K–3]

Endearing Earrings [grades 3–6]

When you fail to find after-school excitement, come to the library for an A+ answer. Join us right after last bell and make a pair of super-cute, shrinky-dink earrings. Wed Feb 16

Wed Mar 2

Kyler sings, plays the guitar and reads entertaining books for your family. Fri Fri

Feb 18 Mar 18

10:00–10:30 am 10:00–10:30 am

Sunnyside Up Saturday

Read Me a Story [3–8 years]

Learn Spanish. Learn English. Give your child a head start on learning languages.

Léeme Un Cuento

Aprenda español. Aprenda inglés. Regale su niño (a) un comienzo temprano en el aprendizaje de idiomas. ■ Lingo Story Room 121

Sat/sabados Feb/ febrero 19 ■ Story Zone

Sat/sabados Mar/ marzo 19

Seussical adventures can be had on this day as we celebrate that well-noted author’s birthday. Join us for an outrageous fun time full of fanciful classics with magical rhyme. ■ Story Zone

3:30–4:30 pm

Musical Storytime for Everybody [all ages] ■ Story Zone

10:00–10:45 am

Read Across America

Trendy U

■ Family Zone

Read them near a boat or on a car. Read books wherever you are! This wacky storytime honors Dr. Seuss.

10:00–10:30 am 10:00–10:30 am

4:00–4:45 pm

Read Across America

Sing, Move and Learn [3–5 year olds and their families] Learn how to use music, movement, and books to connect with your child and promote playful learning. In honor of Dr. Seuss we will focus our play to rhyming and rhythm on his birthday! Then the whole group will march off to play, walking silly through the library all the way. Cosponsored by ERC Resource & Referral. Registration required. Call ERC at 785-357-5171.

■ Story Zone Wed Mar 2

6:30–7:30 pm

Read Across America

Party [all ages]

Books and rhyme, whimsical fun and a jolly good time with Dr. Seuss.

■ Marvin Auditorium Wed Mar 2

7:00–7:30 pm

Crazy Extreme Science [grades 3–5]

Get ready to explode! We find out why volcanoes erupt. Create your own volcano and try other explosive experiments. Registration required by Thursday, February 24. Call 785-580-4565. ■ Marvin Auditorium 101A

Mon Feb 28

6:00–7:00 pm

reading, learning and exploration FEBRUARY

Call The Library Foundation at 785 580-4483.



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youth programs | six

Sneak, Peek & Read [18–24 months]

Amazing Animals

■ Lingo Story Room 121

Meet a lizard without a leg to stand on and make a Kansas-themed craft to take home. Examine our state’s different habitats and take a look at some of the amazing animals that live in them.

Bubbles and books, wiggles and songs! Early literacy exercises for toddlers and adults to enjoy together. Registration for the four-week session begins 9 am, Wednesday, February 16. Call 785-580-4565. Wed Mar 2, 9, 16, 23

9:30–10:00 am 10:30–11:00 am 6:30–7:00 pm

Sunnyside Up Saturday

Parents and Kids Together [all ages]

Read stories and sing songs about wild birds. Create your own backyard bird identification guide, and make a bird feeder with seeds to take home to feed birds in your own yard. ■ Lingo Story Room 121

Sat Mar 5

10:00–11:00 am

Kansas Animals and their Habitats [ grades 1–5]

■ Lingo Story Room 121

Mon Mar 7

4:30–5:30 pm

School Readiness Roundup [3–5 years]

Bring your preschooler and participate in fun activities that help prepare your child for kindergarten. Learn about the Kindergarten Readiness Checklist used by local schools. This program is cosponsored by Capital Area Smart Start, ERC Resource & Referral. Registration required. Call 785-580-4565. ■ Lingo Story Room 121

Thu Mar 10

6:30–7:30 pm

Easy Star Gazing [all ages]

Learn how to use your eyes and binoculars to view the night sky. Handouts will be useful for stargazing in Kansas over the next three months Fri

Mar 11

7:00–8:00 pm


movies &books


■ Lingo Story Room 121

Book Releases

A Widow’s Story by Joyce Carol Oates Bringing Adam Home: The Abduction That Changed America by Les Standiford J.D. Salinger: A Life Raised High by Kenneth Slawenski The Next Decade: Where We’ve Been...and Where We’re Going by George Friedman

seven | youth programs


Gross Stuff!

Stories to Screens

Let’s Make Snot [grades 3–6]

When the principal has you runnin’, ‘cause he didn’t like your funnin’, come to the library and make snot! Slide on in after school for an experience that just oozes gross stuff! ■ Family Zone

Wed Mar 16

3:30–4:30 pm


Easy Make & Take Crafts [all ages]

Make your own quilt projects using everyday objects. Learn activities to extend your quilting fun at home. Hear stories about famous quilts for National Quilting Month in March. Hand-crafted quilts on display. Today is all about Kansas Quilting. Sat

Mar 19

10:30–11:30 am

Crazy Extreme Science [grades 3–5]

Where food and science collide! Find out how important your sense of smell is to tasting your food. Registration required by Thursday, March 17. Call 785-580-4565. ■ Marvin Auditorium 101A

Mon Mar 21

6:00–7:00 pm

Wisecracking Greg Heffley is simply trying to survive middle school. Just his luck to have an older brother. Come to a party to celebrate his new movie, Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2: Rodrick Rules. It probably won’t be totally lame. ■ Lingo Story Room 121

Sunnyside Up Saturday

■ Lingo Story Room 121

Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2: Rodrick Rules [grades 2–5]

Mar 22

4:30–5:30 pm

Tot Time [24–36 months]

Share stories, songs and crafts with your toddler. This six-week program transitions children from lapsitting to independent storytimes. Registration begins 9 am, Tuesday, March 15. Call 785-580-4565. ■ Lingo Story Room 121

Tue Mar 29, Apr 5, 12, 19, 26, May 3 9:30–10:00 am 10:30–11:00 am 6:30–7:00 pm

Homework Center [5–11 years]

Homework coaches help with questions and assignments. ■ Homework Center 121D [closed Feb. 21]

Mon–Thu Sun

4:00–8:00 pm 2:00–6:00 pm

Movie Releases

Paranormal Activity 2 You Again


Audiobook Releases

Devil’s Food Cake Murder by Joanne Fluke Treachery in Death by J.D. Robb



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youth programs | eight

Teen Programs Valentine Cookies [11–18 years]

Bake your way into someone’s heart this Valentine’s Day. Make heart-shaped cookies out of sugar cookie dough. Decorate with sugar sprinkles or coat with pink or red frosting – or do both. You’ll have a special handmade creation to give to a family member or someone special. ■ Marvin Auditorium 101B

Tue Feb 1

3:30–4:30 pm

Laughing Matters Jr. @ the library® [all ages] An all-youth offshoot of the very popular Laughing Matters from Topeka Civic Theatre and Academy, this improvisational comedy group offers comic sketches and games based on audience suggestions. Best of all, Laughing Matters Jr.’s brand of humor appeals to kids and adults alike. Bring your whole family for a night of fun with these super-talented comedians. ■ The Edge

Wed Feb 2

6:30–7:30 pm

Anime Cosplay [11–20 years]

Dress up as your favorite anime character for the cosplay contest! Take part in Valentine’s Day-themed crafts and activities. ■ The Edge

Tue Feb 8

5:00–6:00 pm

No Couch Potatoes Needed [11–18 years]

Physical Therapist Natalie Sykes leads you in stressrelieving aerobics, martial arts or meditative exercises. Learn to make healthy snacks at each program. ■ The Edge

Thu Feb 10, 24 Thu Mar 10, 24

3:30–4:30 pm 3:30–4:30 pm

Yu-Gi-Oh [12–18 years]

Bring a deck of approved Yu-Gi-Oh cards and enjoy dueling other Yu-Gi-Oh players. ■ Lingo Story Room 121

Mon Feb 14, 28 Mon Mar 14, 28

3:15–5:15 pm 3:15–5:15 pm

Open Mic Night [12–18 years]

Move your band out of the garage and onto the stage. Tell jokes or show off your dance moves. We have a place for you, whatever your talent! Come to our casual Open Mic Night and perform if you wish. E-mail YA@tscpl.org to sign up in advance. You can also sign up at the event if there is space. ■ The Edge

Wed Feb 23 Wed Mar 30

4:00–5:30 pm 4:00–5:30 pm

Teen Writing Group [12–21 years]

Together we find inspiration for writing both poetry and prose. Sharpen your writing skills and meet other aspiring writers. ■ The Edge

Mon Feb 28 Mon Mar 14, 28

7:00–8:00 pm 7:00–8:00 pm

Teen Tech Week

Racing Robots [12–18 years]

Work as a team to build a robot using recycled materials. Watch as the robots face off in a crazy competition. The team with the fastest robot wins ultimate bragging rights. ■ The Edge

Mon Mar 7

4:00–5:30 pm

Anime Art Club [11 years–adult]

Watch an anime movie, learn about Japanese culture, and hang out with other people who love anime as much as you do! ■ Marvin Auditorium101BC


Mar 8

5:00–6:00 pm

Teen Tech Week

TechnoJewels [11–18 years]

Learn to make earrings, bracelets and keychains out of metal findings. Bring out your creativity during Teen Tech Week, March 6 to 12. ■ The Edge


Mar 8

4:00–5:00 pm

GET YOUR TUNES FOR FREE AT tscpl.org FREE you can download up to 3 songs per week for your computer or portable media device

nine | teen programs

Adult Programs

Teen Tech Week

Cyberbullying: An Ugly Reality [11–18 years and parents]

Alice C. Sabatini Gallery

The Teen Advisory Board (TAB) invites teens and parents to an open discussion about cyberbullying and other cyber offenses. Guest panelists are Dr. Peg McCarthy, Clinical Psychologist, and past president of USD 501 Topeka Public Schools Board of Education; Major Ron Brown, Campus Police Officer; and Ms. Teresa Rush, Coordinator Curriculum Technology for the Topeka Public Schools. TAB members facilitate the panel. ■ The Edge

Wed Mar 9

6:30–7:30 pm

Teen Tech Week

Internet Scavenger Hunt [11–18 years old]

Are you good at finding things on the Internet? Here’s a global challenge for you and your friends to see who is the fastest surfer. The person with the most correct answers wins. ■ The Edge

Wed Mar 9

Catch the Madness. Be part of the action when you pick a team and play NCAA Basketball on Playstation 3. Advance through the bracket for a chance at the championship title. Mar 11

Mon–Thu Sun

4:00–8:00 pm 2:00–6:00 pm

52 Videos for Kansas’ 150th

Every object has a story, and stories build history. To commemorate 150 years of Kansas’ statehood, we’re telling the stories of 52 objects selected from our permanent collection in videos on our Digital Branch. These works of art and artifacts represent our collective state history and cultural diversity. Find something new each Monday throughout the year when you visit the library’s website. International Film


This is a well-written, directed and acted film from Norway that is a gentle reminder of “getting your grove on” later in life. © Sony | Norway | 2007 | Rated PG-13 | 90 minutes ■ Marvin Auditorium Room 101BC

Feb 1

John Brown: The Legend Revisited by Merrill D. Peterson

Peterson gives us Brown in his day, yet shows how the abolitionist’s image has shed its infamy becoming a symbol of American idealism to activists along the political spectrum. Books and program provided by the Kansas Humanities Council Talk About Literature in Kansas program. Discussion moderated by Dr. Sara Tucker. Registration is required. Call 785-580-4510. ■ Menninger Room 206



6:30–8:45 pm

Before the Civil War Book Discussion

Homework coaches help with questions and assignments. ■ Homework Center 121D [closed Feb. 21]

January 29 - March 11, 2011


4:00–5:00 pm

Homework Center [12–18 years]

■ Sabatini Gallery

Through December 2011

College Basketball Video Game Tournament [12–18 years]


Kansas has been a state for 150 years. To commemorate this milestone, the library features 150 items from its permanent collection: art, historic objects and great stories from our past. Funding provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities.

■ www.tscpl.org/gallery/section/52_for_150

4:00–5:00 pm

Teen Tech Week

■ The Edge

Kansas 150/150 Exhibit


7:00–8:45 pm SAT

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teen progtams | adult programs | ten

Kansas Career Pipeline for Adults

The Pipeline delivers credible information about which type of jobs you’d be good at and what sorts of work environments would suit you. It opens doors to real jobs with employers who are waiting to discover someone exactly like you. Need education to get where you’re going? Come to this program. Registration required. 785-580-4606. ■ Computer Training Center

Thu Feb 3 Mon Mar 7

2:00–5:00 pm 9:00 am–12:00 pm

Fri Fri

Feb 4 Mar 4

5:30–8:30 pm 5:30–8:30 pm

Delightful adaptation of Shakespeare’s beloved comedy about twins who each thinks the other lost. Viola disguises herself as a boy to find a job but then falls in love with Count Orsino who is in love with Lady Olivia. 1996 | Rated PG | 134 minutes Fri

Feb 4

6:30–8:45 pm

Sunday Afternoon with Kansas Author

A workshop for city council and school board candidates. Learn about public service expectations and working with the public and constituents. Find out what makes an effective public official and how to work together to build consensus. Learn to understand ordinances and resolutions. Registration required. Call 785-233-1365. Cosponsored by Bartlett & West, Community Resources Council, Greater Topeka Chamber of Commerce and League of Women Voters. Thu Feb 3

■ Sabatini Gallery

■ Marvin Auditorium 101BC

7:00–8:30 pm

Candidate School You’ve Filed – Now What?

■ Marvin Auditorium 101BC

Commemorate the state’s sesquicentennial; drop by the Alice C. Sabatini Gallery during the First Friday’s Artwalk. Reception and refreshments provided by the Friends of Art.

Twelfth Night

Join us for a discussion of 2010’s tax law changes, including tax brackets, the standard deduction, the American Opportunity Credit for undergraduate college students and other tax laws for income tax filing. Thu Feb 3

Kansas 150/150

Helena Bonham Carter Film Series

Tax Changes

■ Menninger Room 206

First Friday Artwalk

6:00–9:00 pm

Casey Moore

Got the dating blues? Topeka author Casey Moore discusses dating from a Christian perspective in his new book Midnight Kiss. A book signing follows. ■ Topeka Room 204

Sun Feb 6

2:00–3:00 pm

Dixie Lee Jackson’s Guide to Cookin’ & Kissin’ with Deb Goodrich

The local historian, cook, personality and author introduces her new cookbook Dixie Lee Jackson’s Guide to Cookin’ & Kissin’ with a fun-filled event featuring Deb’s alter ego, Dixie Lee Jackson, Mayberry, North Carolina’s hospitality ambassador to the world. ■ Marvin Auditorium

Sun Feb 6

3:00–5:00 pm



Your library on the go. Access the latest books, DVDs, music and games; place a hold on desired items; renew your stuff; and find a bookmobile stop and book drop wherever you are.

eleven | adult programs

FREE in app stores now Search “Topeka Library”

Community Blood Drive

The Community Blood Center relies solely on volunteer blood donors to meet the community’s blood needs. You can make an appointment at www.esavealifenow.org – sponsor code is tscpl – or walk-ins are also welcome. ■ Marvin Auditorium 101BC

Tue Feb 8

9:00 am–3:00 pm

African-American Read-In [all ages]

Join more than a million readers across the nation in the 22nd National African-American Read-In. Our goal is to make the celebration of African-American literature a traditional part of Black History Month. Cosponsored by Topeka Chapter of LINKS. ■ Marvin Auditorium 101C

A Special Look


Feb 12

10:00 am–12:00 pm

Discover the fun of binding books by hand. Explore three simple sewing techniques to turn paper and thread into a book. Materials provided, just bring your creativity. Registration required. Call 785-580-4515.

Lemuel Sheppard Sings Civil War Songs and Spirituals

Beginning Bookbinding

Music for a Sunday Afternoon

■ Marvin Auditorium 101B

Acclaimed folk singer and native Kansan Lemuel Sheppard takes us back 150 years ago to the Civil War period. His songs and commentary from the 1840s through 1860s help us relive the experiences of Americans who lived during this monumental and difficult period.

Tue Feb 8

6:30–8:30 pm

Conscious Discipline

Achieve a more peaceful home environment. Gain cooperation. Learn effective and fun ways to connect with your children using Conscious Discipline techniques. Presented by staff from ERC Resource & Referral. Registration required. Call 785-580-4565. ■ Anton Room 202

Thu Feb 10

6:30–7:30 pm

Sons of the American Revolution Presents

Art During the American Revolution

Sherry Best, Sabatini Gallery Director, speaks about neo-classical art during the American Revolution and what message it sent to the newly formed nation. Presentation in partnership with the Sons of the American Revolution. ■ Menninger Room 206

Thu Feb 10

7:00–8:45 pm

Classic Film

All the King’s Men

Set during the Great Depression, this is the story of a farm boy who begins as an honest political hopeful and ends as a powerful but corrupt governor. 1949 | b&w | 110 minutes ■ Marvin Auditorium 101BC


Feb 11

■ Marvin Auditorium

Sun Feb 13

3:00–4:00 pm

Literature with Lunch

What Kansas Means to Me by Thomas Fox Averill

Explore Kansas through this year’s choice for Kansas Reads. In What Kansas Means to Me, 13 essayists and four poets explain why the Sunflower State is so dear. Read the book to discover common convictions about Kansas between you and the writers. ■ Marvin Auditorium 101C

Mon Feb 14

1:00–2:30 pm

African-American Writers Book Discussion

Go Tell It on the Mountain by James Baldwin

Join facilitator Vince Omni for a discussion of Go Tell It on the Mountain. Provide your own copy of the book. ■ Perkins Room 201

Wed Feb 16

7:00–8:45 pm

2:00–5:00 pm

Helena Bonham Carter Film Series

Howards End

In Edwardian England three families from three social classes befriend each other. Their changing relationships define how author E.M. Forster viewed new class relations in England. 1992 | Rated PG | 142 minutes ■ Marvin Auditorium 101BC


Feb 11

6:30–8:45 pm




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adult programs | twelve

Helena Bonham Carter Film Series

A Room with a View

The restrictive conventions of Edwardian culture in turn-of-the century England oppose a young woman’s love for a free-spirited young man and pressure her towards a socially suitable match. 1985 | Not Rated | 117 minutes ■ Marvin Auditorium 101BC


Feb 18

6:30–8:45 pm

Kansas 150/150

Art ‘n’ STUFF

Curator Sherry Best leads a gallery walk-through of the Kansas 150/150 exhibit, which features the coolest things we could find in our library’s art collection tied to Kansas. She may even bring more STUFF commemorating 150 years of Kansas statehood. ■ Sabatini Gallery


Feb 22

7:00–8:30 pm

Social Media for Business

Learn tools, strategies, and tips to grow your business connections and relationships (or social graph) online. Then, learn how to utilize that network to further your business goals. Presented by Jared McAferty, Dynamic Computer Solutions, and Heartland Visioning. Registration required. Call 785-580-4606. ■ Marvin Auditorium 101C

Wed Feb 23 Wed Mar 9 Mon Mar 28

3:00–4:00 pm 4:00–5:00 pm 11:00 am–12:00 pm

Steal Away: The Story of A Kansas Homesteader and Exoduster

A Kansas homesteader tells the story of her friendship with an Exoduster in 1880 Topeka. Performed by Penny Musco. ■ Marvin Auditorium

Wed Feb 23

7:00–8:00 pm

Before the Civil War Book Discussion

The Englishman in Kansas by T.H. Gladstone

Englishman and abolitionist T.H. Gladstone paints vivid pictures of “border ruffians,” frontier life, and the violence of slavery, giving the background to “Bleeding Kansas” and the contested elections that decided if Kansas would be a free or slave state. Books and program provided by the Kansas Humanities Council Talk About Literature in Kansas program. Discussion moderated by Dr. Sara Tucker. Registration required. Call 785-580-4510. ■ Menninger Room 206

Wed Feb 23

7:00–8:45 pm

Topeka Genealogy Society Presents

Cruising Kansas’ 105 Courthouses

Randy and Kayla Starkey spent their summer vacation crisscrossing Kansas to visit the 105 courthouses. Learn about their whirlwind journey across the state in 13 days. ■ Marvin Auditorium 101B

Thu Feb 24

7:00–8:45 PM

Helena Bonham Carter Film Series

Till Human Voices Wake Us

New grief raises an old pain to the surface and a mysterious beauty draws Sam into an otherworldly mystery – an eerie, evocative territory where fear, passion, desire and the unknowable meet. 2002 | Rated R | 101 minutes ■ Marvin Auditorium 101BC


Feb 25

6:30–8:45 pm

Beginning Genealogy Workshop

Get started in genealogy and learn how to use the print and online resources our library offers. Receive a pedigree chart and other helpful forms for record keeping as you research your family tree. Registration required. Limited to 10. Call 785-580-4540. ■ Anton Room 202


Feb 26

9:00 am–12:00 pm

talking books ensures all may read

Digital Talking Books keeps avid readers connected to their passion even when their ability to see fails them. For information on whether Talking Books are right for you, call Stephanie at 785-580-4546. Talking Books Week, March 1–6, is a perfect time to try out this free service.

thirteen | adult programs

Gaming @ your library®

Play some sporting games at the library. On the Xbox 360 you can play 2010 FIFA World Cup or golf on the Wii with Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10. If board games are more your speed, race around the track with Formula D. Enjoy this fun, free, social event for all adults (18 and over). ■ Marvin Auditorium 101BC

Sun Feb 27

2:00–4:00 pm

So Many Books, So Little Time Book Discussion

The Middle Place by Kelly Corrigan

Kelly’s life changes as she undergoes treatment for breast cancer. During treatment, she learns her beloved dad has late-stage cancer, and she begins to take care of the man who had always taken care of her. Books provided, registration required. Call 785-580-4540. ■ Menninger Room 206

Sun Feb 27

3:00–4:30 pm

What Kansas Means to Me Journaling Workshop

Reflect on your own thoughts and memories of the state using writing prompts and discussion inspired by the Kansas Reads 2011 selection What Kansas Means to Me. ■ Menninger Room 206

Mon Feb 28 Fri Mar 4

1:00–2:00 pm 10:00–11:00 am

Kansas Reads

What Kansas Means to Me

Visit with Thomas Fox Averill, editor of What Kansas Means to Me: Twentieth Century Writers on the Sunflower State. Averill discusses the collection of essays on the meaning and appeal of Kansas. The essays are written by Kansans including William Allen White and Milton S. Eisenhower. ■ Marvin Auditorium 101BC

Mon Feb 28

6:00–8:00 pm

International Film


An examination of the Soviet slaughter of thousands of Polish officers and citizens in the Katyn forest in 1940. © Koch Lober Films | Poland | 2007 | Unrated | 121 minutes ■ Marvin Auditorium 101C


Mar 1

6:30–8:45 pm

Job Search 101

Learn effective job searching tools, such as resumé building, cover letter writing, interviewing techniques, and tips on how to do your best in an interview. Give yourself an edge in looking for that next job. ■ Perkins Room 201

Wed Mar 2

7:00–8:30 pm

The Art of Change

Today people want to improve the quality of their lives and need support to navigate their way through change. Learn about the Four Agreements of change with certified Life Coach Shirley Bradley. ■ Marvin Auditorium 101C

Thu Mar 3

7:00–8:00 pm

Learn to Crochet Workshop

Learn the basics of chain stitch, single and double crochet. Explore library resources on crochet patterns. Discuss advanced techniques with experienced crafters. Bring a crochet hook size G, H, I, J or K. Yarn provided. Cosponsored by the Topeka Crochet Guild. ■ Marvin Auditorium 101AB

Sun Mar 6

1:30–3:30 pm

National Novel Editing Month

Editing Your Novel

You’ve written a novel, now learn how to edit your own writing. Professional writer and editor Morgan Chilson, owner of Exactly Write, offers advice and tips for editing your novel and talks about the top manuscript mistakes and steps to overcome them. ■ Marvin Auditorium 101B

Wed Mar 9



7:00–8:00 pm


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adult programs | fourteen

Sons of the American Revolution Presents

Literature with Lunch

Tom Prasch, a Washburn history professor, discusses how the American Revolution was viewed from the European perspective.

Class conflict and social injustices in Victorian England’s Industrial Revolution serve as the backdrop to the story of a brother and sister whose lives have been twisted by their father’s educational philosophy of “nothing but facts.” A brief presentation on the cultural impact of this classic is followed by discussion.

The American Revolution as Viewed from Europe

■ Menninger Room 206

Thu Mar 10

7:00–8:45 pm

A Class of Their Own: Thomas Rosenblum Topeka’s schools were part of the Brown v. Board of Education case, one of five legal cases making their way through the courts to challenge segregation. Thomas Rosenblum discusses Topeka’s schools and the landmark Supreme Court decision in 1954 that transformed the social climate of the United States. ■ Marvin Auditorium 101C


Mar 11

7:00–8:30 pm

In 17th century England, a surgeon becomes a pirate after he is arrested and condemned to slavery for treating a rebel against the king’s orders. 1935 | b&w | 119 minutes Mar 11

Mon Mar 14

2:00–5:00 pm

1:00–2:30 pm

Baking with Friends

Join Kansas authors Charlene Patton and Sharon Davis for ways to develop traditions, promote literacy, and connect to family, friends and neighbors with Baking with Friends, a new cookbook aimed at teaching children. Participants receive free www.homebaking.org resources. Registration required. Call 785-580-4540. Tue

Captain Blood


■ Marvin Auditorium 101C

■ Marvin Auditorium 101BC

Classic Film

■ Marvin Auditorium 101BC

Hard Times by Charles Dickens

Mar 15

6:30–7:30 pm

Digging New Wells for Nonprofits

Explore the extensive collection of fundraising material for nonprofit organizations at the library and on the Internet. Registration required. Call 785-580-4606. ■ Computer Training Center

Wed Mar 16

3:30–5:00 pm

Sunday Afternoon with Kansas Author

African-American Writers Book Discussion

How do you know someone is telling you the truth? Former FBI agent Mark Bouton helps you become a human lie detector by using the tips in his new book How to Spot Lies Like the FBI. A book signing follows.

Join facilitator Vince Omni for this book discussion of Glorious. Provide your own copy of the book.

Mark Bouton

■ Topeka Room 204

Sun Mar 13

Glorious by Bernice McFadden ■ Perkins Room 201

Wed Mar 16

2:00–3:00 pm

quilters’ corner

The cost of creating a quilt can add up quickly. Save your money for more fabric by checking out books on patterns and techniques instead of buying them. You could also discover compelling stories about America’s culture as told through the quilter’s craft. Kansas’ stories told through this art form will be showcased March 19, as the library recognizes National Quilting Day. The program complements the abundant quilting resources at your fingertips when you use the library. Listed here are a few we recommend. You can also schedule an appointment to discuss your quilting needs. Call 785-580-4540.

fifteen | adult programs

7:00–8:45 pm

Before the Civil War Book Discussion

Waterlily by Ella Cara Deloria

Written in the 1940s and now published for the first time, this novel presents an authoritative account of Sioux beliefs, social conventions and ceremonies through the life of a young girl named Waterlily. Deloria is a Sioux Indian and ethnologist. Books and program provided by the Kansas Humanities Council Talk About Literature in Kansas program. Discussion moderated by Dr. Sara Tucker. Registration required. Call 785-580-4510. ■ Topeka Room 204

Wed Mar 16

7:00–8:45 pm

National Quilting Day Celebrating 150 Years of Kansas Quilts

Start the morning out with presentations on Kansas quilt history by Deb Rowden and Linda Frost, quilt historians and authors. And, see demonstrations of various quilting techniques, long-arm-machine quilting and many beautiful quilt displays. Cosponsored by Bennett’s Sewing Center, members of the Kansas Capital Quilters Guild, and Kaw Valley Quilters Guild. ■ Marvin Auditorium 101BC


Mar 19

10:00 am –4:00 pm

Gaming @ your library®

Take a break from the daily grind and play some party games! Test your movie trivia knowledge with a new Scene It? or play Wii Party and Guilty Party on the Wii. For board game enthusiasts, we have Wits & Wagers as well as Say Anything. Enjoy this fun, free, social event for all adults (18 and over). ■ Marvin Auditorium 101BC

Sun Mar 20

2:00–4:00 pm


A beautiful and easy-to-grow perennial for Kansas. Learn about the variety of colors and heights that can give your garden a lasting splash of color. Presented by Shawnee County Extension Master Gardeners. ■ Marvin Auditorium 101C

Thu Mar 24

7:00–8:00 pm

Topeka Genealogy Society Presents

Kansas Sons of the Confederacy

Denver Erickson, Kansas Division Commander, describes the history and legacy of those men motivated to fight against the Union. Confederate memorabilia on display. ■ Marvin Auditorium 101B

Thu Mar 24

7:00–8:45 pm

Kansas Histories Women Who Made a Difference

Warren Taylor and Susan Marchant share stories about one of Topeka’s most famous women, Margaret Hill McCarter. McCarter (1860-1938) is best known for her novels set against a background of the Kansas prairies. Also very politically active, she became the first woman to speak at a national convention in 1920. ■ Marvin Auditorium

Sun Mar 27

1:00–2:30 pm

So Many Books, So Little Time Book Discussion

The Dead Fathers Club by Matt Haig

Eleven-year-old Philip’s problems begin when his dad appears as a ghost at his funeral and introduces Philip to the Dead Fathers Club. The story will make you laugh and might make you cry. Books provided, registration required. Call 785-580-4540. ■ Menninger Room 206

Sun Mar 27

3:00–4:30 pm


Improve your soil with kitchen and lawn scraps by making compost for use in flower and vegetable gardens. Presented by Shawnee County Extension Master Gardeners. ■ Marvin Auditorium 101C

Thu Mar 31

Quilting Videos



7:00–8:00 pm


1 2 3 4 5 Woman’s Work: Making Quilts - Creating Art 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 The Art of Quilting 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 A Century of Quilts Quilting Books 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Heirloom Machine Quilting by Marriet Hargrave 27 28 A Piece of My Soul by Cuesta Benberry Library Closed Red, Green & Beyond by Nancy Hornback and Terry Clothier Thompson Quilting a Poem by Frances Kite & Debra Rowden Quilting the Garden by Barb Adams, Alma Allen & Ricki Creamer




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adult programs | sixteen

email keeps you connected need a cue for when your library materials are due? sign up for due date email reminders at catalog.tscpl.org by providing your email address. checkoutguide Item

returnstuffhere [DROP BOX]

Limit Number of days

Late Fee Max per day Fee***

Music CDs


21 days



Entertainment VHS tapes


21 days



Entertainment DVDs


21 days



Non-fiction DVDs


21 days 21 days


Pick-up Days

Auburn Apple Market

Mon, Wed, & Fri

Barrington Village

Mon through Sat

Berryton Elementary School

Mon and Thu

Brookwood Center

Mon through Sat


California Crossing

Mon through Sat


Dillon's: 29th & Urish

Mon through Sat

Fairlawn Plaza

Mon through Sat

K-Mart North

Mon through Sat

Mike's IGA Market

Mon through Sat

North Community Center

Mon through Fri

Shawnee Heights United Methodist Church

Mon and Thu

Soldier Fire Station

Mon through Fri

Tecumseh United Methodist Church

Tue and Fri

Velma Paris Community Center

Mon, Wed, & Fri

Villa West

Mon through Sat

Fiction and non-fiction books


Audiobooks on CD & tape


Non-fiction VHS tapes


21 days





7 days



Bestseller Express books


14 days



DVD Express (children)


7 days



21 days


Return Locations



DVD Dispenser** DVD Express


3 days



Video games


14 days





3 days



Book Group in a Bag 1

42 days



Interlibrary Loan





Speciality items

varies varies




Items checked out but not returned within 6 months will be charged the replacement cost of the item.

is a bimonthly publication of the Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library. Questions regarding this publication? Call 785-580-4486. To receive connectnow by mail, join the Friends of the Library. Call 785-580-4445 to join. connectnow is available at our digital branch www.tscpl.org econnect keeps you updated on library news from the convenience of your computer or mobile device. Sign up at tscpl.org/newsletters.

*With your library card, you can check out up to 99 items. **The DVD dispenser currently limits borrowers to 2 discs which can consist of 2 video game, 2 DVDs, or 1 game and 1 DVD. Return items directly to the DVD Dispenser. ***Customers with $10 in late fees or any charge older than 60 days will lose their library privileges and have their accounts blocked.

seventeen | connectnow


M–F 9 am–9 pm | Sat 9 am–6 pm | Sun 12 pm–9 pm PHONE


785 580-4400 | www.tscpl.org

we’re in your neighborhood

bookmobile february – march 2011



1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Wal-Mart, 1301 SW 37th 1:30 pm – 7:30 pm Shawnee Heights United Methodist Church, SE 45th/Shawnee Hts 3:00 pm – 7:30 pm Fairlawn Plaza Shopping Center, SW 21st & Fairlawn Brookwood Shopping Center, SW 29th & Oakley California Crossing Shopping Center, SE 29th & California Villa West Shopping Center, SW 29th & Wanamaker Tecumseh United Methodist Church, 334 SE Tecumseh

9:45 am – 1:00 pm 9:45 am – 1:00 pm 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 3625 SW Wanamaker Hunter’s Ridge, NW 46th & Hwy 75 California Crossing Shopping Center, SE 29th & California Dillons, SW 29th & Urish

9:45 am – 1:30 pm 9:45 am – 11:00 am 11:45 am – 1:30 pm 2:30 pm – 7:30 pm 2:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Fairlawn Plaza Shopping Center, SW 21st & Fairlawn Berryton Elementary School, 2921 SE 69th Quincy Street Station, 820 SE Quincy Brookwood Shopping Center, SW 29th & Oakley K-Mart North, NW Lyman & Tyler

9:45 am – 1:00 pm 9:45 am – 12:30 pm 2:00 pm – 7:30 pm 2:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Villa West Shopping Center, SW 29th & Wanamaker Shawnee North Community Center, 300 NE 43rd Mike’s IGA, NE Sardou & Forest Velma Paris Community Center, 6715 SW Westview

2nd/4th sat 1st/3rd sat





9:45 am – 1:00 pm 9:45 am – 1:00 pm 2:15 pm – 7:30 pm 2:15 pm – 7:30 pm

9:45 am – 12:15 pm 9:45 am – 11:15 am 12:30 pm – 3:00 pm 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Apple Market, 1431 North Washington, Auburn California Crossing Shopping Center, SE 29th & California Villa West Shopping Center, SW 29th & Wanamaker Wal-Mart, 1301 SW 37th

9:45 am – 12:15 pm 9:45 am – 11:15 am 12:30 pm – 3:00 pm 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Apple Market, 1431 North Washington, Auburn Hunter’s Ridge, NW 46th & Hwy 75 Villa West Shopping Center, SW 29th & Wanamaker Wal-Mart, 1301 SW 37th

Call the Bookmobile office at 785-580-4590 for more information. Copyright © 2010 Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library

NON PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID TOPEKA, KS Permit No. 322 Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library 1515 SW 10th Avenue Topeka, Kansas 66604-1374


JAN 29–MAR 11 GALLERY PHONE 785 580-4515 | www.tscpl.org/gallery Funding provided by the National Endowment for the Humanities. See page 10 for more information.




M–F 9 am–9 pm | Sat 9 am–6 pm | Sun 12 pm–9 pm | 785 580-4400 | www.tscpl.org

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