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قامت ثالث مؤسسات تعاونية هي Chios Mastiha Growers و�Agricul في خيوس) هيالمصطكي مزارعي Association Chios Mastiha Growers (جمعيةتعاونية مؤسسات قامت ثالث Chios Mastiha Growers هي تعاونية مؤسسات ثالث قامت الزراعية) التعاونية هي (جمعية tural Cooperative of Kimi Chios Growers تعاونية مؤسسات ثالث قامت Chios Mastiha Mastiha Growers هي تعاونية مؤسسات ثالث قامت و�Agricul كيميخيوس) في المصطكي مزارعي (جمعية Association و�Agricul خيوس) في المصطكي مزارعي (جمعية Association بهدف الديناميكية ومواردها وطاقاتها جهودها بتوحيد Mediterra وS.A. Chios Mastiha Growers هي تعاونية مؤسسات ثالث قامت و�Agricul خيوس) في المصطكي مزارعي (جمعية Association الزراعية) التعاونية كيمي (جمعية tural Cooperative of Kimi و�Agricul خيوس) في المصطكي مزارعي (جمعية Association Chios Mastiha Growers هي تعاونية مؤسسات ثالث قامت الزراعية) التعاونية كيمي (جمعية tural Cooperative of Kimi Chios Mastiha الشهيرة: القيمة لمنتجاتها و�Agricul خيوس) في المصطكي مزارعي (جمعية Association Chios Mastiha Growers هي تعاونية مؤسسات ثالث قامت الزراعية) التعاونية كيمي (جمعية tural Cooperative of Kimi بهدف الديناميكية ومواردها وطاقاتها بتوحيد Mediterra وS.A. الزراعية) التعاونية كيمي جهودها(جمعية tural Cooperative الترويجof Kimi و�Agricul خيوس) في المصطكي مزارعي (جمعية Association Chios Growers هي تعاونية مؤسسات ثالث قامت I G N AMastiha TI الديناميكية E S بهدف ومواردها وطاقاتها جهودها بتوحيد Mediterra وS.A. منتجات تنتج جهودهاوهي التاريخ مدار على - Association Kimi وFigs الديناميكية D الزراعية) التعاونية كيمي (جمعية tural Cooperative of Kimi و�Agricul خيوس) في المصطكي مزارعي (جمعية Chios Mastiha الشهيرة: القيمة لمنتجاتها الترويج بهدف ومواردها وطاقاتها بتوحيد Mediterra وS.A. بهدف الديناميكية ومواردها وطاقاتها جهودها بتوحيد Mediterra وS.A. الزراعية) التعاونية كيمي (جمعية tural Cooperative of Kimi و�Agricul خيوس) في المصطكي مزارعي (جمعية Association N G I AT Chios Mastiha الشهيرة: القيمة لمنتجاتها الترويج بحب تحظى جهودهاأنها كما الذكية والنكهة الجودة بين تجمع الديناميكية E S بهدف ومواردها وطاقاتها بتوحيد Mediterra وS.A. الزراعية) التعاونية كيمي (جمعية tural Cooperative الترويجof Kimi I منتجات تنتج وهي التاريخ مدار على - Kimiof وFigs Chios Mastiha الشهيرة: القيمة لمنتجاتها Chios Mastiha الشهيرة: القيمة لمنتجاتها الترويج الديناميكيةD I بهدف ومواردها وطاقاتها جهودها بتوحيد Mediterra وS.A. الزراعية) كيمي (جمعية tural Cooperative Kimi التعاونيةG N AT ES G NN ATATI منتجات تنتج وهي التاريخ مدار على Kimi وFigs ذات تسجيل كالهما يحمل ورعايتهم. منتجيها الديناميكيةDE S ISGI Chios Mastiha الشهيرة: القيمة لمنتجاتها الترويج بهدف ومواردها وطاقاتها جهودها بتوحيد Mediterra وS.A. منتجاتبحب تحظى أنها كما الذكية والنكهة الجودة بين تجمع I I Chios منتجات تنتج التاريخ مدار على ---Kimi وFigs منتجات وهيتنتج جهودهاوهي التاريخ مدار على Kimi وFigs الديناميكية D D E Mastiha الشهيرة: القيمة لمنتجاتها الترويج بهدف ومواردها وطاقاتها بتوحيد Mediterra وS.A. I G N AT بحب تحظى أنها كما الذكية والنكهة الجودة بين تجمع األوروبي. االتحاد قبل من محمية" منشأ "تسمية ES منتجات وهي تنتج وهي التاريخ مدار على الجودة- Kimi وFigs Chios Mastiha الشهيرة: القيمة الترويج ذات تسجيل كالهما يحمل ورعايتهم. منتجيها بحب تحظى أنها الذكية والنكهة الجودة بين تجمع DE S I G N AT II منتجاتبحب تحظى كماأنها كما الذكية والنكهة بين تجمع منتجات تنتج التاريخ مدار على لمنتجاتها- Kimi وFigs Chios Mastiha الشهيرة: القيمة لمنتجاتها الترويج D IGN ذات منتجات تسجيل كالهما يحمل ورعايتهم. منتجيها ESSI G N AAT I بحب تحظى أنها كما الذكية والنكهة الجودة بين تجمع األوروبي. االتحاد قبل من محمية" منشأ "تسمية منتجات المعارضتنتج وهي التاريخ مدار على - Kimi Kimi وFigs ذات منتجات تسجيل كالهما يحمل ورعايتهم. منتجيها ذات منتجات تسجيل كالهما يحمل ورعايتهم. منتجيها يروجT DE بحب تحظى أنها كما الذكية والنكهة الجودة بين تجمع I حيث الدولية في الفريدة المنتجات هذه تقدم منتجات تنتج وهي التاريخ مدار على وFigs D األوروبي. االتحاد قبل من محمية" منشأ "تسمية ذات منتجات تسجيل كالهما يحمل ورعايتهم. منتجيها منتجاتبحب تحظى االتحاد أنها كما الذكية والنكهة الجودة بين تجمع األوروبي. قبل من منشأ "تسمية األوروبي. االتحاد قبل محمية"من محمية" منشأ "تسمية ذات تسجيل كالهما يحمل ورعايتهم. منتجيها إلى أنشطة ذات باإلضافة والمطبوعة التلفزيونية اإلعالنات خالل من لها بحب تحظى أنها كما الذكية والنكهة الجودة بين تجمع يروج حيث الدولية المعارض في الفريدة المنتجات هذه تقدم األوروبي. االتحاد الفريدةقبل من محمية" تقاممنشأ "تسمية الدولية ذات منتجات تسجيل كالهما يحمل ورعايتهم. منتجيها األوروبي. االتحاد قبل من محمية" منشأ "تسمية يروج حيث المعارض في المنتجات هذه تقدم وروسيا واإلمارات والسعودية تركيا هي: مختلفة أسواق خالل 5 في صلة ذات منتجات تسجيل كالهما يحمل ورعايتهم. منتجيها أنشطة ذات إلى باإلضافة والمطبوعة التلفزيونية اإلعالنات من لها يروج حيث الدولية المعارض في الفريدة المنتجات هذه تقدم يروج حيث الدولية المعارض في الفريدة المنتجات هذه تقدم األوروبي. االتحاد قبل محمية" من محمية" منشأ "تسمية ذات أنشطة إلى باإلضافة والمطبوعة التلفزيونية اإلعالنات خالل من لها وبيالروسيا. األوروبي. االتحاد من منشأ "تسمية يروج حيث الدولية المعارض قبلفي الفريدة المنتجات هذه تقدم وروسيا واإلمارات والسعودية تركيا هي: مختلفة أسواق خالل 5 في تقام صلة ذات إلى والمطبوعة التلفزيونية اإلعالنات من لها أنشطةذات أنشطة باإلضافةإلى باإلضافة والمطبوعة التلفزيونية اإلعالنات خالل من لها يروج حيث الدولية المعارض في الفريدة المنتجات هذه تقدم وروسيا واإلمارات والسعودية تركيا هي: مختلفة أسواق في55 في تقام صلة ذات أنشطة إلى باإلضافة والمطبوعة التلفزيونية اإلعالنات خالل من لها وبيالروسيا. يروج حيث الدولية المعارض في الفريدة المنتجات هذه تقدم وروسيا واإلمارات والسعودية تركيا هي: مختلفة أسواق 5 تقام صلة وروسيا واإلمارات والسعودية تركيا هي: مختلفة أسواق في تقام صلة إلى أنشطة ذات باإلضافة والمطبوعة التلفزيونية اإلعالنات هذه خالل لها من يروج الدولية حيث المعارض الفريدة في المنتجات تقدم وبيالروسيا. وروسيا واإلمارات والسعودية هي :تركيا هي: أسواق مختلفة أسواق في من تقام لهاصلة أنشطة ذات أنشطة باإلضافة إلى باإلضافة والمطبوعة التلفزيونية اإلعالنات خالل وبيالروسيا. وبيالروسيا. وروسيا واإلمارات والسعودية تركيا مختلفة في 55 تقام صلة ذات إلى والمطبوعة التلفزيونية اإلعالنات خالل من لها وبيالروسيا. وروسيا واإلمارات والسعودية تركيا هي: مختلفة أسواق 5 في تقام صلة وبيالروسيا. صلة تقام في 5أسواق مختلفة هي :تركيا والسعودية واإلمارات وروسيا وبيالروسيا. وبيالروسيا. 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Chios Mastiha
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Chios Mastiha المصطكي إال في خيوس ويكمن تفرده وتميزه في خصائصه ال يتم إنتاج Chios Mastiha Chios Mastiha Chios Mastiha خصائصه وتميزه في خيوسمماويكمن إال في المصطكي إنتاج ال يتم والشهرة منذ تفردهالشعبية حقق له المميزة ورائحته الفريدة العالجية Chios Mastiha Mastiha Chios خصائصه في وتميزه تفرده ويكمن خيوس في إال المصطكي إنتاج يتم منذ والشهرة الشعبية له حقق مما المميزة ورائحته الفريدة العالجية فيفيواسع. نطاق تفردهعلى الصحية بفوائده االعتراف قديمة حينما تم أزمنة خصائصه وتميزه ويكمن خيوس المصطكيإالإالفيفي إنتاج يتم خصائصه وتميزه تفرده ويكمن خيوس المصطكي إنتاج الالاليتم Chios Mastiha خصائصه نطاقفي وتميزه تفرده ويكمن خيوس إال في إال المصطكي إنتاج الال يتم منذ والشهرة الشعبية له حقق مما المميزة ورائحته الفريدة العالجية واسع. تفردهعلى الصحية بفوائده االعتراف حينما تم قديمة أزمنة Chios Mastiha خصائصه في وتميزه ويكمن خيوس في المصطكي إنتاج يتم منذ والشهرة الشعبية له حقق مما المميزة ورائحته الفريدة العالجية منذ والشهرة الشعبية له حقق مما المميزة ورائحته الفريدة العالجية ومتعمق في محفور حيث لهإنه المتعددة استخداماته الفريدةفي يكمن تفرده كما منذ والشهرة الشعبية ويكمنحقق مما المميزة ورائحته العالجية واسع. نطاق على الصحية بفوائده االعتراف حينماتمتم حينما قديمة أزمنة خصائصه في وتميزه تفرده خيوس في المصطكي إال المصطكي إنتاج الال يتم والشهرة الشعبية حقق مما المميزة ورائحته الفريدة العالجية واسع. نطاق على الصحية بفوائده االعتراف تم قديمة أزمنة المتنوعة. المحلية التين أشجار خصائصمن شجرة 25000 واسع. نطاق على الصحية بفوائده االعتراف حينما قديمة أزمنة خصائصه في وتميزه ويكمن خيوس في إال إنتاج يتم خاصة في المتنوعة المحلية التين أشجار تتطلب في ومتعمق محفور تفردهلهإنه حيث المتعددة استخداماته في شعوبتفرده يكمن كما كثيرة طريقةطبيعية هذهأعدا ًء كيمي التين في شجرة تواجه وتجفيفه .ال التين منذ إنتاج المتوسط. شرق منطقة وبخاصة مختلفة وحضارات ثقافة المتنوعة. المحلية التين أشجار من شجرة 25000 واسع. نطاق على الصحية بفوائده االعتراف تم حينما قديمة أزمنة خاصةمن إيفيا، كيمي في حصرييًا حصر إنتاجه يتم فريد منتج Kimiهو Kimi في fig ومتعمقمنذ والشهرة الشعبية حيثله حقق المميزة مما المميزة ورائحته الفريدة العالجية المتنوعة. التين أشجار من شجرة 25000 واسع. نطاق منطقةإنهعلى الصحية بفوائده االعتراف في تم حينما يكمنقديمة أزمنة كيمي ً في هذه المتنوعة المحلية التين أشجار خصائص تتطلب محفور المتعددة استخداماته تفرده كما من إيفيا، في أوًا إنتاجه يتم فريد هو fig منذ والشهرة الشعبية حقق مما ورائحته الفريدة العالجية كثيرة طبيعية كيمي المحلية في التين شجرة تواجه منتجال وتجفيفه. التين إنتاج المتوسط. شرق وبخاصة مختلفة وحضارات شعوب ثقافة طريقة ً أعدا ًء ً ال خاصة. رعاية خاصة زراعية أساليب إلى تحتاج تتطلبثم ال ومن في خاصة طريقة هذه المتنوعة المحلية التين أشجار خصائص في محفور حيثلهإنهإنه المتعددة استخداماته تفردهفيفي يكمن كما فهيفي خاصة هذه المتنوعة المحلية التين أشجار خصائص تتطلب ومتعمقفي ومتعمق محفور حيث المتعددة استخداماته تفرده يكمن كما مستخلصة راتنجية عصارة عن عبارة الطبيعي) شكله (في المصطكي طريقة ً المتنوعة. المحلية التين أشجار من شجرة 25000 واسع. نطاق على الصحية بفوائده االعتراف تم حينما قديمة أزمنة في خاصة طريقة هذه المتنوعة المحلية التين أشجار خصائص تتطلب في ومتعمق محفور إنه حيث المتعددة استخداماته في تفرده يكمن كما ً ً كثيرة طبيعية ء أعدا كيمي في التين شجرة تواجه ال وتجفيفه. التين إنتاج المتوسط. شرق منطقة وبخاصة مختلفة وحضارات شعوب ثقافة المتنوعة. المحلية التين أشجار من شجرة 25000 ال فهي خاصة. رعاية أو خاصة زراعية أساليب إلى تحتاج ال ثم ومن واسع. نطاق على الصحية بفوائده االعتراف تم حينما قديمة في خاصة طريقة هذه المتنوعة المحلية التين أشجار خصائص تتطلب ومتعمق محفور منطقة إنه حيث المتعددة استخداماته تفرده في أزمنة يكمن كما بالمخصبات إال التربة معالجة تتم شجرةال الغالب وفي الرش التينإلى تتعرض كثيرة طبيعية أعداء ًء كيمي التينفيفي شجرة تواجه وتجفيفه.الال إنتاج أعدا ً المتوسط. شرق وبخاصة مختلفة وحضارات شعوب ثقافة كثيرة طبيعية كيمي التين تواجه وتجفيفه. التين في إنتاج المتوسط. شرق منطقة وبخاصة مختلفة وحضارات شعوب ثقافة مستخلصة راتنجية عصارة عن عبارة الطبيعي) شكله (في المصطكي ووسط كبير أنواع: ثالثة في ويأتي المصطكي شجرة وفروع جذوع من G N AT I ً كثيرة طبيعية ء أعدا كيمي في التين شجرة تواجه ال وتجفيفه. التين إنتاج المتوسط. شرق منطقة وبخاصة مختلفة وحضارات شعوب ثقافة S إال ً E فهي خاصة. رعاية معالجةأو خاصة زراعية أساليب إلى تحتاج ومن بالمخصبات التربة زراعيةتتم الغالب ال وفي الرش التينإلى تفرده I فهيفي خاصة هذه المتنوعة المحلية التين أشجار خصائص تتطلب كثيرة طبيعية أعدا ًء كيمي في التين شجرة تواجه إلىال وتجفيفه. إنتاج ومتعمق في ومتعمق محفور إنه حيث المتعددة استخداماته في يكمن كما المتوسط. شرق منطقة وبخاصة مختلفة وحضارات شعوب ثقافة D العضوية. طريقة ً الال خاصة. رعاية أو خاصة أساليب تحتاج الال تتطلبثمثمثم ومن ال فهي خاصة. رعاية أو خاصة زراعية أساليب إلى تحتاج تتعرضال ووسط ومن مستخلصة راتنجية عصارة عن عبارة الطبيعي) شكله (في المصطكي في خاصة طريقة هذه المتنوعة المحلية التين أشجار خصائص راتنجيةكبير أنواع: ثالثة في ويأتي المصطكي شجرة وفروع كمامن في محفور إنه حيث استخداماته تفرده يكمن وصغير. في N شكلهI G (في AT مستخلصة عصارة عن عبارة الطبيعي) المصطكي مستخلصة راتنجية عصارة المتعددةعن عبارة الطبيعي) جذوع(في المصطكي شكله E S طبيعيةفهي خاصة. رعاية أو خاصة زراعية أساليب الالإلىتحتاج ومن I وحضارات D بالمخصبات إالإال التربة معالجة تتم الغالب وفي الرش تتعرض العضوية. الال فهي خاصة. رعاية أو خاصة زراعية أساليب إلى تحتاج تتعرضثمثم ومن كثيرة أعدا كيمي التين في التين شجرة تواجه إلىال وتجفيفه. التين مستخلصة إنتاج المتوسط. شرق منطقة وبخاصة مختلفة شعوب ثقافة مستخلصة راتنجية عصارة عن عبارة الطبيعي) شكله (في المصطكي بالمخصبات إال التربة معالجة تتم شجرةالال وفي الرش إلى تتعرض بالمخصبات التربة معالجة تتم الغالبال الغالب وفي الرش إلى ووسط كبير أنواع: ثالثة في ويأتي المصطكي شجرة وفروع جذوع من أعدا ًء ً وصغير. كثيرة طبيعية ء كيمي في تواجه ال وتجفيفه. التين إنتاج المتوسط. شرق منطقة وبخاصة مختلفة وحضارات شعوب ثقافة راتنجية عبارة شجرةالطبيعي) شكله المصطكي (في ووسط أنواع: ثالثة ويأتي المصطكي وفروع جذوع كبيرووسط كبير عصارةأنواع: عنفيفيثالثة ويأتي المصطكي شجرة وفروع منجذوع من بالمخصبات التربة إال التربة معالجة زراعيةتتم الغالب إلى وفي الرش العضوية.إلى تتعرض I G N ATChios gum منتجات أشهر وفروع E S بالمخصبات إال تتم الغالب الال وفي الرش إلى تتعرض خاصة .فهي خاصة. معالجة رعاية خاصة أو خاصة أساليب تحتاج ووسط ومن I ووسط أنواع :كبير أنواع: ثالثة ويأتي في ويأتي المصطكي شجرة جذوع من D العضوية. العضوية. وصغير. فهي الال رعاية أو زراعية أساليب إلى تحتاج الال ومن ثمثم كبير في المصطكي شجرة وفروع من مستخلصة ثالثةراتنجية عصارة عبارة عن عبارة الطبيعي) شكله جذوع(في المصطكي وصغير. وصغير. منتجات أشهر Chios gum العضوية. مستخلصة راتنجية عصارة عن الطبيعي) شكله (في المصطكي إنتاجه ويرجع المصطكي العضوية. إال بالمخصبات التربة إال معالجة التربة تتم معالجة الغالب الال تتم وفي الغالب الرش وفي إلى الرش إلى وصغير.وفروع شجرة المصطكي ويأتي في ثالثة أنواع :كبير ووسط تتعرض وصغير. بالمخصبات تتعرض جذوع من شجرةإنتاجه ويرجع المصطكي منتجات أشهر Chios gum وفروع جذوع من .1958 عام إلى منتجات أشهر Chios gum منتجات أشهر Chios gum المصطكي ويأتي في ثالثة أنواع :كبير ووسط العضوية. العضوية. وصغير. منتجات أشهر Chios gum ( Chios Mastiha Growersجمعية ثالث مؤسسات تعاونية هي Association قامت .1958 عام إلى إنتاجه ويرجع المصطكي وصغير. منتجات أشهر Chios gum إنتاجه ويرجع المصطكي إنتاجه ويرجع المصطكي Chios Mastic وأخيرً ا (جمعية Chios Mastiha Growers Association مؤسساتفيتعاونية مزارعيثالث قامت إنتاجه ويرجع المصطكي كيمي (جمعية Agricultural Cooperative خيوس)هيوof Kimi المصطكي .1958 إلى إنتاجه ويرجع المصطكي منتجات أشهر Chios gum .1958 عام إلى .1958 عام إلى وأخيرً Chios Mastic عاما منتجات أشهر Chios gum الحصول يتم الذي Oil كيمي (جمعية Agricultural Cooperative of وKimi خيوس) في المصطكي مزارعي .1958 عام إلى (جمعية ومواردهاChios Mastiha Growers تعاونية هي ثالث قامت .1958 وأخيرً اعام إلى بهدف الديناميكية وطاقاتها Associationجهودها Mediterraبتوحيد مؤسساتوS.A. الزراعية) التعاونية إنتاجه ويرجع المصطكي الحصول يتم الذي Oil Chios Mastic إنتاجه ويرجع المصطكي تقطير عملية من خالل عليه Chios Mastic وأخيرً ا Chios Mastic وأخيرً ا بهدف ومواردها جهودها بتوحيد وS.A. الديناميكيةكيمي (جمعية Agricultural Cooperative ofMediterra وKimi الزراعية) في التعاونيةالمصطكي مزارعي وأخيرً .1958 عام إلى Chios Mastic .Kimi وطاقاتهاوFigs Chios Mastiha الشهيرة: خيوس)القيمة لمنتجاتها الترويج تقطير عملية خالل من عليه الحصول يتم الذي Oil Chios Mastic وأخيرًاا .1958 عام إلى الطبيعي. المصطكى بخار الحصول يتم Oil الحصول الذي يتم الذي Oil .Kimi وFigs Chios Mastiha الشهيرة: القيمة لمنتجاتها الترويج الحصول يتم الذي Oil الديناميكية بهدف وطاقاتها Mediterraبتوحيد وS.A. التعاونية المصطكى بخار ومواردهاالذكية، الجودة والنكهة جهودهابين منتجات تجمع التاريخ وهي تنتج الزراعية)مدار الطبيعي.علىعلى تقطير عملية خالل من عليه الحصول يتم الذي Oil وأخيرً Chios Mastic يحتوي %100 طبيعي منتج تقطير عملية خالل وأخيرًامنمن عليه تقطير عملية خالل عليه Chios Mastic الذكية، الجودة Mastihaبين وهي تنتج منتجات تجمع الترويجمدار التاريخ الطبيعي .علىعلى تقطير عملية خالل عليها من عليه يحتوي %100 طبيعي منتج والنكهة.Kimi ورعايتهم.وFigs Chios القيمة المصطكى بخار تقطير عملية خالل من الشهيرة:بحب منتجيها أنها تحظى العالجيةلمنتجاتهاكما الحصول يتم الذي Oil المكونات المصطكىمن فريدة مجموعة الطبيعي. بخار الطبيعي. المصطكى بخار الحصول يتم الذي Oil الطبيعي. المصطكى بخار تحظى العالجية التاريخكما المكونات خاللفريدة مجموعة على يحتوي %100 طبيعي منتج الطبيعي. المصطكى بخار ورعايتهم.والنكهة الذكية، منتجيهابين الجودة بحب تجمع منتجات أنهاتنتج وهي على مدار منتقطير عملية من عليه والعطرية. على يحتوي %100 طبيعي منتج على يحتوي %100 طبيعي منتج تقطير عملية خالل من عليه المكوناتعلى %100يحتوي %100 طبيعي منتج والعطرية. على يحتوي طبيعي منتج العالجية المصطكى من فريدة مجموعة منالطبيعي. بخار كما أنها تحظى بحب منتجيها ورعايتهم. العالجية المكونات فريدة مجموعة العالجية المكونات فريدة مجموعة الطبيعي. بخار العالجية المكونات المصطكىمنمن فريدة مجموعة العالجية المكونات من فريدة مجموعة والعطرية. على يحتوي %100 طبيعي منتج والعطرية. والعطرية. طبيعي %100يحتوي على منتج والعطرية. والعطرية. المكونات العالجية من المكونات فريدة من فريدة مجموعة العالجية مجموعة والعطرية. والعطرية.
Kimi Figs Kimiهو منتج فريد يتم إنتاجه حصريًا في كيمي إيفيا ،من KimiFigs fig Kimi Figs Kimi Figs Kimi Figs المتنوعة.في كيمي إيفيا ،من المحليةحصريًا التين إنتاجه فريد يتم منتج هو Kimi fig 25000شجرة من أشجار Kimi Figs Kimi Figs من إيفيا، كيمي في حصر إنتاجه يتم فريد منتج هو Kimi fig المتنوعة. التين أشجار هو من شجرة 25000 من إيفيا، المتنوعةييًاًا إنتاجه فريد منتج Kimi fig خاصةمن كيمي إيفيا، في حصرًا المحليةحصري إنتاجه يتم فريد منتج هو Kimi fig في كيمي ً في طريقة هذه يتمالمحلية التين أشجار خصائص تتطلب Kimi Figs من إيفيا، كيمي في ًا ي حصر إنتاجه يتم فريد منتج هو Kimi fig المتنوعة. المحلية التين أشجار من شجرة 25000 Kimi Figs كيمي إيفيا ،من المتنوعة.في المحليةحصريًا التين إنتاجه فريد يتم Kimi fig ً منتجأشجار هو من شجرة 25000
قيمة وفريدة منتجات قيمة منتجات وفريدة منتجات قيمة وفريدة
N • • PR
الحدث ممول تمويالً مشتر ًكا من قبل اليونان واالتحاد األوروبي الحدث ممول تمويالً مشتر ًكا من قبل اليونان واالتحاد األوروبي ً ً الحدث ممول تمويالً مشتر ًكا من قبل اليونان واالتحاد األوروبي الحدث ممول تمويالً مشتر ًكا من قبل اليونان واالتحاد األوروبي الحدث ممول تمويالً مشتر ًكا من قبل اليونان واالتحاد األوروبي الحدث ممول تمويالً ً مشتر ًك ًا من قبل اليونان واالتحاد األوروبي ممولتمويالً األوروبي واالتحاداألوروبي اليونانواالتحاد مشتركامنمنقبلقبلاليونان تمويالمشتر ًكا الحدثممول الحدث الحدث ممول تمويالً مشتر ًكا من قبل اليونان واالتحاد األوروبي الحدث ممول تمويالً مشتر ًكا من قبل اليونان واالتحاد األوروبي
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o say there’s loads going on this month would probably be an understatement, it would seem the change in temperature has brought with it Dubai’s exciting event scene! From concerts, shows, operas, art exhibitions, fitness events and foodie events it is quite literally all happening this month so check it out on our Dates for your Diary pages. Speaking of opera this month, I had coffee with Christine Belbelian, founder of the Emirates Opera Project, currently the only opera group in the country. The group is made up of a collective of voices from around the world, you can see them in the upcoming Opera Delights in December. I was really interested to read our article on ‘What your face is telling you’. In the battle against bags, wrinkles and acne it’s amazing how what you put in your body can actually show on your face, and gives a whole new importance to understanding our digestive health. There’s plenty of the usual articles this month, so put your feet up and enjoy. And don’t forget to enter our great competitions on Remember, you have to be in it to win it! This month I’m loving Starskin’s Silkmud Face Sheet Masks, Dr Rita Rakus’s Sun Tinted Sun Protection and this fab coat from Jigsaw!
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Connector NOVEMBER | 11
contents REGULARS This Month
Fashion Update
Dining Out
Good Food
Home & Garden
Kids & Education
Animal Magic
Beauty & Bodycare
Health & Fitness
Classified Directory
A COFFEE WITH… Christine Belbelian DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Don’t miss out this month! THE UAE’S NEW WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS The Women-able initiative MUST-HAVE Autumn style DISCOVERING… Your interior decoration style AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES For your budding Meryl Streep or mini Picasso FURRY FRIENDS Looking for a home EDITOR’S PICKS This month’s treats WHAT’S YOUR FACE TELLING YOU? What you put in your body shows on your face FERTILITY FACTS In your 20s, 30s and 40s
18 30
34 44 46
56 58 64
THIS MONTH’S COMPETITIONS WIN... • With YaYa Vitamins ............................................................................................................................................................................. 53 • With James Read Tan ....................................................................................................................................................................... 63 Connector NOVEMBER | 13
e s i u o L o t Letters I love Connector because it is a bundle of information bound in booklet form that is so useful in your day to day life. Most of the information contained in this booklet is very powerful and most importantly it comes to your palm as free. I have been actively reading this magazine for over 20 years and can’t wait to find it in my gym shelf every beginning of the month. I always believe Connector connects many people across Dubai and UAE. Regards, Richard D Souza
Congrats!!!! I had no idea that Connector was 25 years old until I saw this month’s issue - 25 years is a long time in Dubai! Happy anniversary and here’s to the next 25! From the Ward Family.
al@co to editori rs e tt le r u you! Send yo hear from I’d love to
Wow! Some amazing prizes in the October issue. I’ve entered every competition online and hope to win something as I’m an avid reader of your lovely magazine. Fingers crossed that this is the month! From Ruby
I just picked up the October issue of Connector and wanted to congratulate the team on Connector’s 25th birthday. I’ve been reading Connector since I arrived in Dubai many years ago and picked up my first copy at my son’s school. It’s been a valuable source of information and I remember finding the family doctor and dentist from it. Just wanted to say happy birthday and please continue to keep us all connected. Thanks and best regards – Maureen.
Loved the article online about adopting a cat, and how much easier it is to adopt two together. This is exactly what we did just over a year ago and it’s been amazing. Before I had one cat and used to feel quite guilty about being at work all day. Now we have two gorgeous young kitties that play together constantly and are always cuddled up when they sleep. Two really is much easier than one. From Gail 14 | NOVEMBER Connector
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THIS month
A coffee with‌
Christine Belbelian founding member of The Emirates Opera Project
What brought you to Dubai?
I grew up in Jordan and my parents moved to Dubai when I was a teenager. I always had a natural aptitude for classical music - first piano, then singing, so I studied in various music conservatoires in Eastern Europe for many years, but eventually came back to Dubai as it always felt like home. I am now settled here with my very wonderful husband and two beautiful children.
Describe a typical day
Well being a mother means I have the usual chores of dropping off and picking up children from school and organising our family, dealing with typical parental duties. During the day I also have many private students who come for piano or singing lessons. I spend a lot of my time organising events, planning musical programmes, following up admin and organisational issues 16 | NOVEMBER Connector
with other musicians and rehearsing. On days that I perform, I spend a lot of time warming up my voice and try to have as little stress as possible throughout the day so that I am calm and composed by the time I get on stage.
What is the best thing about your job? The best thing about my job is that I get to do what I love, which is singing and performing. Music and singing have always been my passions and I am lucky as not many people have the chance to work in the field that they love. Many musicians end up having to work in different areas as it is hard to make a living from music. I also went through a time when I had to work in an office as a marketing and events manager to make ends meet, but this turned out to be useful in developing skills that are I now use for organising our concerts. Part of the reward is
also being able to bring classical music to a new audience and to spread the love of Opera, and that is perhaps something that there is more scope to do here as there has not, until recently, been an opera scene here in the culture of Dubai.
What is the worst thing about your job?
The worst thing is that as Opera is not such an established art form in this region, there is little funding and support for what we do. So while I would like to spend all my time singing, arranging concerts, planning musical programmes, etc, I end up spending a great deal of my time trying to gather support for what we do, which inevitably means seeking commercial sponsors or securing corporate gigs. We would like to see more support for the art. We hope, now that Dubai Opera has opened, that more awareness and interest in Opera will be generated, and a grass roots movement like ours, the Emirates Opera Project, will be more appreciated and will be able to work on obscure and culturally interesting projects.
What was a standout moment in your career?
There have been several amazing experiences but the one that stands out the most is the Verdi Bicentennial concert in 2013 which took place on the actual date of the 200th Anniversary of Giuseppe Verdi’s birth, on the 13th of October 2013 (Verdi was born on the same date in 1813). Giuseppe Verdi is the world’s most accomplished and loved composer of Operas, and his bicentennial was celebrated all over the world. The concert was organised by Montegrappa, the Italian pen company who had launched a Giuseppe Verdi pen for the occasion, and was supported by Rivoli as well as Dubai Culture, the Italian Consulate in Dubai as well as the Verdi foundation in Italy as part of their ‘Verdi 200’ celebrations. The concert was attended by many VIPs including a direct descendant of Giuseppe Verdi who was in Dubai for the occasion. Most notably, the entire orchestra, the conductor, and all the soloists, were Dubai or UAE residents, which was a first time that an Opera event on such a scale had been done in the UAE without
any international production or performers and this event gave birth to the Emirates Opera Project. It was a true honour to be part of this incredible occasion.
What advice would you have for any young person wanting to get into your field?
Being a classical musician can be a challenging profession and is most often not very financially rewarding. Classical music worldwide is increasingly dependent on government support and corporate sponsors as interest in the art, especially as you move away from the mainstream, is declining. Opera singers take years to perfect their voices. Orchestras are expensive and the cost of supporting an Orchestra in the current economic climate is becoming more difficult to justify. I really hope that some young people will fall in love with classical music, as I did, and want to join the fight to keep this art alive. However, it is often a passion and a calling and can be very fulfilling and rewarding to the spirit. There is nothing like standing on stage knowing you’ve just moved the audience and hearing them clap and cheer with genuine thanks and praise. It is also fun singing in fancy Opera Houses, wearing fabulous ball gowns, receiving bouquets of flowers and signing autographs. Most importantly, it is a beautiful art and we have a great responsibility to keep this art form alive for generations to come. Classical music is the foundation of all modern music and a good foundation in classical music will equip a young musician with the skills to pursue any musical career.
Your motto?
There is so much trouble in the world these days, but one thing that brings people together is the love of music. It is a powerful, peaceful and uniting force. So I guess my motto is, “The world needs more music, so that we can live, sing and dance together to one rhythm”. Christine and members of the Emirates Opera Project will be performing at Opera Delights at The Act Dubai in December. Visit Connector NOVEMBER | 17
THIS month
Dates for your diary...
Unity Run Dubai 2016
Les Miserables
Watch as the longest running play in history comes to life on stage at the Dubai Opera with Les Miserables by Victor Hugo set to capture the audience’s hearts from 10th November to 2nd December. Visit showlist/les-miserables.
Running a marathon is an amazing opportunity for tremendous personal accomplishment and it feels even better when you know your efforts will raise awareness and make a difference in the lives of people with special needs. The Dubai Unity Run is an inclusive un-timed 3km walk and 7km run of celebration. People of all abilities, all backgrounds and ages and from all walks of life are invited to participate in celebrating the wonderful diversity in the UAE. The run, which takes place on Friday 25th November, will raise money for the Al Noor Training Centre for Persons with Disabilities and raise awareness for people with special needs. Visit
Saruq Al-Hadid Museum
The story of Dubai has unfolded with the opening of Saruq Al Hadid, a new museum in Dubai’s historical district that displays a stunning range of artefacts unearthed from a new archeological dig at Saruq Al Hadid. The archeological site was discovered by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum while flying his helicopter when he noticed that some dunes were a darker colour than others. Entrance is Dhs 20 and Dhs 10 for children aged seven to 12 years. Visit
Party in the Park
This legendary party will see the city’s coolest cats soak up the action at the all-day, ground-breaking music and food festival at Dubai Media City. On the main stage you will find the Stereophonics, Razorlight, The Parlotones, and the beloved Hype clubhouse that will be resurrected once again, promising a selection of the city’s favourite DJs hitting the decks all night long. There will also be delicious food and drink spots as well as lots of cool local companies selling their wares. The event takes place on Friday 11th November at Dubai Media City Amphitheatre and Regular tickets are Dhs 350, Brunch Deck tickets (21+) are Dhs 650, and VIP tickets (21+) are Dhs 1,200. Call 04-3689977 or visit 18 | NOVEMBER Connector
Good vibrations
He is one of popular music’s most deeply revered figures, the main creative force behind some of the most cherished recordings in rock history. Indeed, it is no exaggeration to call Brian Wilson one of the most influential composers of the last century. See him live on Thursday 3rd November at Dubai Duty Free Tennis Stadium. Ticket prices are Dhs 225 and Dhs 250. Call 04-2395000 or visit brian-wilson-dubai-2016.
Italian Opera Gala
Great Italian Opera is a night of enchantment with the most beautiful arias and duets of the romantic Verdi and Puccini melodrama, performed by internationally acclaimed artists, Italian soprano Monica De Rosa McKay and the tenor Gian Luca Pasolini, and accompanied by Larisa Capatina and Vitali Mihailiuc Piano Duo. This prestigious event can be seen on Thursday 10th November at Centrepoint Theatre and tickets are priced from Dhs 180. Call 04-3414777 or visit
Flamboyant Impressions
German photographer, Andreas Denstorf, presents a photo exhibition of his new works. Denstorf is a master of photography who not only takes photographs, but also transforms each image into a pop-art style with flashy colours and inventive compositions. The exhibition can be viewed from now until 4th March 2017 at Emirates Palace, Abu Dhabi. Call 050-2251783 for further details.
Brian McFadden and Keith Duffy, part of the multi-platinum, record breaking bands Westlife and Boyzone, joined forces earlier this year to create Boyzlife. The UK wide tour sold out within hours and now they are heading to venues across the globe, with dates confirmed in the UAE, South Africa and Europe. The international tour, in partnership with Hilton Hotels & Resorts, will give fans the opportunity to hear what really went on behind the headlines during their meteoric rise to fame, with an intimate evening of stories, laughter and music at Dubai International Marine Club on Thursday 10th November. For tickets visit
Fitness Fest 2016
The 2nd Sun and Sand Sports Fitness Fest is an event aimed at bringing folks from around the city to one place to have a great time outdoors with fun and sporty activities. Dubai Fitness Fest, taking place on 4th and 5th November at Skydive Dubai, will host endurance, fitness and strength competitions (for every different ability level), shows, martial arts and boxing fights, instruction, free classes, meet and greets with famous athletes, seminars, stands and retail outlets. Visit
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THIS month
Teeing off this month
The DP World Tour Championship is a world-class golfing and social event, and the final tournament of the European Tour Race to Dubai, a season-long competition spanning 45 tournaments in 26 destinations and across all five continents on the 2016 European Tour International Schedule. Now celebrating its eighth year, the championship hosts the top 60 golfers of the European Tour on the Earth Course at Jumeirah Golf Estates, Dubai. This year’s event runs from 17th to 20th November at Jumeirah Golf Estates. Visit
Taste of Abu Dhabi
Taste of Abu Dhabi is set to sizzle once again with an amazing line-up of international celebrity chefs as the eagerly-anticipated event returns to the capital from 10th to 12th November. The culinary line-up already boasts some of Abu Dhabi’s best restaurants including Teatro, Sho Cho, Flooka, Bu Trinity!, Tamba, Punjab Grill, Catch, Original Fusion, Loca, Velocity, Melius, JW Steakhouse, Al Fanar, Bakers Kitchen and The Sportsman’s Arms. This year’s festival will feature many exciting new additions and dedicated activities for visitors to enjoy. Tickets start at Dhs 65 and are available now from
Sensation Dubai 2016
After an unparalleled run of more than 100 successful indoor Sensation shows for millions of ecstatic visitors in over 30 countries all over the world, Sensation 2016 will push the boundaries of sensorial delights in an exhilarating and inspiring spectacle. On Friday 11th November the Bab Al Shams resort will transform the desert into an epic night filled with spectacular show elements, entertainment acts, and a star studded line-up of the most talented international DJs. General Admission is Dhs 500 and Deluxe tickets are Dhs 1,500. Visit
All things equestrian
With the horses at their starting blocks, it’s time to don your finery and join in Dubai’s obsession with all things equestrian at the first of the exciting race nights that make up the Racing Calendar at Dubai Racing Club. Running from November until the big day itself, these races let you get right up to the course and feel the ground shake as the horses thunder past. Enjoy VIP hospitality with perfect views of the track when you choose stay packages that also combine cuisine and horseracing. There are a number of packages to choose from offering different experiences, so choose wisely and book your tickets well in advance. The first race night takes place on Thursday 3rd November at Meydan Racecourse and general admission is free. Call 04-3270077 or visit
Peace with Nature
Sara Nimer, an abstract expressionist artist of Palestinian Omani origin who paints exclusively under the rain in Dubai, is exhibiting 20 abstract paintings and a series of photographs at Sofitel Dubai The Palm Resort & Spa. Each one of Sara’s paintings is highly unique and requires a long gestation period for they are created in nature with the rain altering layer after layer of work and adding its own recognisable impact to Sara’s creations. The exhibition runs until 8th January 2017 and entrance is free. Visit 20 | NOVEMBER Connector
Dmitry Masleev live
The triumphant winner of XV International Tchaikovsky Competition (2015), Dmitry Masleev, took the First Prize and the international spotlight with the rare unanimous support from the audience, the jury, and the media. Since the competition, he has been delighting audiences in New York, London, Munich, Rotterdam, Stockholm, Tokyo, Beijing and all over Russia. See him on Saturday 5th November at The Palace, One&Only Royal Mirage Hotel where Gold Seating is Dhs 250, Platinum Seating is Dhs 350 and VIP Seating is Dhs 550. Call 04-3148222 or visit
Hareem Al Sultan Exhibition
Get inspired by the Ottoman era and head down to the Hareem Al Sultan Exhibition for a taste of history. Hareem al Sultan is a popular Turkish series, dubbed in Arabic, set in the Turkish Ottoman era about the Sultans Harem, this exhibition will show what is in Topkapı Palace from home decor, costumes, jewellery and more. Running until 31st December at City Walk, general admission is Dhs 112.50 and Dhs 50 for children aged seven to 14. Visit Hareem-Al-Sultan.
Abu Dhabi Classics 2016 - 2017
Returning for a third consecutive year, Abu Dhabi Classics promises a superb selection of artists and orchestras under the theme of ‘One Thousand and One Nights’ including a concert by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, currently regarded as the best and most prestigious orchestra in the world. The Abu Dhabi Classics season is brought to you by TCA Abu Dhabi and tickets for performances as well as season tickets are available on
On the ocean wave
Established in 2010, the Dubai Pre-Owned Boat Show is the only event of its kind in the region, offering absolutely everything an aspiring or current boat owner could possibly need in one convenient location. The goal of the Dubai Pre-Owned Boat Show is to make sailing more accessible to everyone, and provide visitors with the opportunity to view striking pre-owned boats for sale as well as take part in exciting activities on the waterfront, for an enjoyable nautical experience for the entire family. The event runs from 3rd to 5th November at Dubai Creek Golf & Yacht Club and entrance is free. Visit
Big Boys Toys 2016
The 7th edition of Big Boys Toys, the region’s premier luxury, innovations and technology expo, will for the first time feature Woman’s World, a platform for lifestyle brands, products and services dedicated to women. The platform will feature exhibitors ranging from fashion, jewellery, beauty, travel, interiors, lifestyle and wellness. The show will take place at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre from 23rd to 26th November. Visit Connector NOVEMBER | 21
THIS month
Open again
Global Village is the largest seasonal cultural extravaganza in the region that offers visitors an amazing array of festivals, shopping and entertainment in an open-air theme park. This entertainment and shopping destination is open from November through to April and hosts over 70 participating countries presented in over 36 pavilions, with more than 50 fun rides and 26 restaurants offering food from around the world. General admission is Dhs 15. Visit
Samsung Beach Soccer Intercontinental Cup Dubai 2016
The sixth edition of the Samsung Beach Soccer Intercontinental Cup Dubai will see top-notch national sides from around the world compete in one of the most prestigious competitions in the sporting calendar. The sporting prowess of the teams, live broadcasts to over 200 million households, as well as the state-of-the art 3,000 seat stadium at the Dubai International Marine Club all come together to make this event an absolute must-attend between 1st and 5th November. Visit
Dubai Watch Week
Dubai Watch Week is a global event dedicated to the craftsmanship and innovation in the watch industry. It offers a significant meeting point for the watch industry by creating an intimate platform for collectors, brands, watchmakers and the members of the media to interact and share knowledge. The event runs from 15th to 29th November at Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC) and The Dubai Mall. For online registration, visit
2016 Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix
Now in its eighth year, the 2016 Formula 1 Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix will be returning to the iconic Yas Marina Circuit on 25th, 26th and 27th November. Rihanna will be performing on Sunday 27th November, as the only Middle East date on her ‘Anti World Tour’, to the Yasalam After-Race crowd in Abu Dhabi. Legendary duo The Chemical Brothers are performing on Friday 25th November. The world-renowned legends of electronic music will take to the du Arena stage for fans. Tickets are available online at and through the Yas Marina Circuit Call Centre 800-927 or 02-6599800, as well as through all Etihad Shops and Virgin Megastores, Yas Central Express stand at Yas Mall, and through the YasHUB smartphone app and Facebook yasmarinacircuit.
The colour run
Think palm trees, pineapples, island style music and tropical colours as The Colour Run takes you on a 5km vacation. The Colour Run, the world’s first Colour 5km event, was founded in March 2011 as an event to promote healthiness and happiness by bringing the community together to participate in the ‘Happiest 5km on the Planet’. Now the single largest event series in the United States, The Colour Run has exploded and now hosts events in over 200 cities and 40 countries every year. This year’s event takes place at Dubai Autodrome, Motor City, Dubai on Saturday 12th November at 10am. Visit for further details. 22 | NOVEMBER Connector
Literature competition
All about fitness
FITME will take place at the Dubai World Trade Centre from 9th to 11th November, with more than 300 expected fitness professionals attending the courses and workshop sessions provided by industry trainers and speakers. A fitness exhibition will run alongside these sessions, where companies related to fitness are invited to showcase their products and services to the visitors. This exhibition is free to access for the public interested in achieving a fit and healthy lifestyle. Visit
Aspiring adult novelists in the UAE have the chance to take their first steps in becoming a published author by entering the Montegrappa Writing Prize, launched by The Emirates Airline Festival of Literature and Montegrappa. Open to all UAE residents above the age of 21, the competition gives unpublished writers the opportunity to have their work judged by top London literary agent, Luigi Bonomi, founder of Luigi Bonomi Associates (LBA). The winner of the prize wins a trip to the London Book Fair 2017, a chance to discuss their manuscript in depth with Luigi Bonomi, a Montegrappa Limited Edition Writing Instrument and a copy of the current Writers’ and Artists’ Yearbook. Entrants must submit a 400-word synopsis and the first 2,000 words of their almost completed manuscript via the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature website at competitions/montegrappa-writing-prize. The closing date for entries is 19th January 2017.
Boney M
The legendary Boney M, featuring Maizie Williams, will be performing live at the Hard Rock Cafe in Dubai Festival City on Saturday 5th November. Enjoy hits such as Rasputin, Daddy Cool, Brown girl in the ring and Rivers of Babylon to name just a few. For ticket details, visit
The Ripe Market
Ripe Organic in Zabeel Park is the best place to shop for local organic fruit and vegetables hand-picked daily from UAE farms in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Buy your organic fruit and vegetables from the Ripe Organic Shop in Dubai or place an order for next day home delivery in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. They have a full range of organic items from fruit, vegetables, dairy, eggs, pantry items, gluten free, dairy free, superfoods and more. The next market takes place on Friday 4th November. Visit
Celebrating science
SciFest Dubai in its 3rd edition in 2016 expands to a seven-day citywide festival with the theme Moonshot Thinking. The festival takes place from 1st to 7th November, mainly at the Mohammed bin Rashid Academic Medical Center in Healthcare City and Children’s City in Dubai Creek Park, in addition to several schools and other venues. Check the website and facebook page for a full list of events and the daily schedule. Visit or
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THIS month
Daman’s ActiveLife ElectricRun
Do you hate getting up just before the crack of dawn to go for a jog, or even earlier to make it to the starting line of a marathon? The World’s premier night time 5km returns to Dubai and intensifies healthy living by taking you on a connected journey through pulsating neon light and sound. Electric Run brings interactive dance party zones at every kilometre and the new themed course lands in the stunning Zabeel Park. Ticket prices are Standard Team at Dhs 170, Standard Individual at Dhs 185, Deluxe Team at Dhs 250 and Deluxe Individual at Dhs 265. Visit
Okean Elzy
One of Ukraine’s most successful rock bands, Okean Elzy, brings their world tour to Dubai on Saturday 12th November. Okean Elzy, translated as Elza’s Ocean, has been mesmerising crowds for more than 20 years and is a worldfamous rock act. See them at MusicHall Dubai where tickets are Gold (Dhs 375), Platinum (Dhs 499) and VIP (Dhs 777). Call 056-2708670 or visit events/153983801680296.
Emirates NBD Classics V feat. Bikram Ghosh
In addition to performing and recording as a soloist, Ghosh has worked with such top-ranked Indian musicians as Ravi Shankar, Aki Akbar Khan, V.M. Bhatt and Tatun Bhattacharya. Ghosh has been surrounded by music throughout his life. His mother, Sanjukta Ghosh, is a classical Indian singer, while, his father, Pandit Shankar Ghosh, was one of the first Indian musicians to perform in the United States, and has directed an all-drum orchestra since 1976. Witness his magic courtesy of the ENBD Classics 5th season on Friday 11th November at DUCTAC (Dubai Community Theatre and Arts Centre) where ticket prices are Dhs 150 for Balcony, Dhs 200 for Regular Stalls and Dhs 300 for VIP Stalls. Visit or call 04-3414777. 24 | NOVEMBER Connector
The best of Italy
The 8th edition of ICWS, the Italian Cuisine World Summit, the most influential event promoting Italian quality food, design and lifestyle outside of Italy, will take place in Dubai from 7th to 17th November. The Summit is promoted by, a network of over 2,500 chefs and restaurateurs working in over 70 countries in the world in collaboration with some of the best Italian restaurants and hotels in Dubai. The 2016 edition will bring the best Italian restaurants, food and wine producers, Michelin-starred chefs and culinary experts together under one roof, with the aim to showcase, celebrate, promote and educate consumers about the beauty of Italian cuisine, its ingredients, and leading manufacturers. Visit
Darren Whackhead Simpson
South Africa’s most successful Radio breakfast show host from 94.7 Highveld Stereo in Johannesburg, Darren Whackhead Simpson, is ready to bring his no holds barred sense of humour to Dubai. The highly acclaimed stand-up comedian will cover a wide array of topics that will leave you with six pack abs from laughing. See him on Thursday 3rd November at Centrepoint Theatre, DUCTAC. Tickets are priced at Dhs 295. Call 04-3414777.
THIS month
Beach beats
Corona SunSets Festival, the UAE’s biggest free music event returns to Barasti Beach from Thursday 24th to Saturday 26th November offering the best in acoustic beach sounds combined with upbeat melodic and deep house tunes, with international acts being flown in for the event. From Thursday to Saturday, day to night, enjoy house anthems on the sand. Local designers will also be showcasing their products through market stalls, food stalls and beach inspired activities to enhance the festival feel, so bring your tribe together, raise a toast and enjoy life’s golden moments. Visit or
‘Revealed’ by Sofitel
Sofitel Dubai Jumeirah Beach is currently hosting the international photography exhibition ‘Revealed’ by Sofitel for the first time in the Middle East and running until 26th December. This compelling photo print exhibition takes an intimate look at the world’s greatest modern artists at work as they reveal themselves to the photographer. Olivier Widmaier Picasso, grandson of Pablo Picasso and author of Picasso, Portrait Intime (Albin Michel/ Arteéditions), curated the exhibit, handselecting photographs from the collection of Paris Match. Visit for further details.
Be part of the action
The 13th edition of the Dubai International Film Festival is almost here and volunteer applications are officially open. For eight thrilling days, 7th to 14th December, the festival will welcome film fans, industry professionals, acclaimed directors, producers and actors from around the world to celebrate the very best of cinema. They are now looking for a fabulous team of dedicated volunteers to ensure the upcoming festival is an unforgettable experience for the thousands of attendees from the UAE and beyond. If you’re an enthusiastic film fan, hardworking and enjoy meeting new people then DIFF would love to have you on the team. Interested participants can apply online at and wait for confirmation to attend one of the volunteer briefing sessions being held in November.
Family fun
Yas Mall returns once again as a key component of Abu Dhabi’s legendary Yasalam festival. The capital’s biggest mall on Yas Island will host a myriad of new entertainment activities in the run up to November’s big race weekend. For the full schedule, visit 26 | NOVEMBER Connector
Women’s run
The UAE Athletics Federation is all set for the 6th Annual Dubai Women’s Run embarking and returning to Sky Dive Dubai on Friday 4th November. The race starts at 7am and will host 5km and 10km runs showcasing some of the nation’s most talented and well-known female distance runners. The entrance fee is Dhs 150 and you can register at
THIS month
By Annie Haresign
ust a short drive from the city, Al Marmoom Initiative, a non-profit organisation located on Al Qudra Road, provides recreational and vocational therapy to local special-needs children and adults. The inspiration behind the now fully functioning centre comes from the desire to allow other adults and children to experience the untold benefits of horse therapy. This is no ordinary therapy center. The compact site, nestled between two Royal Endurance yards, has outdoor sand arenas and greenhouses, as the teachers are also riding instructors, farmers and gardeners. At Al Marmoom, students can develop their skills and learn all about horse care, how to handle horses and horse riding. Lisa Kingsley, the centre’s director, is not alone on the quest to provide alternative therapy and activities for Dubai’s less abled residents. Along with the small staff, there are 28 | NOVEMBER Connector
more than 100 volunteers who have donated their time to help the students make the most of their visits. As a way of giving back, the centre has developed a ‘pay-back’ scheme, where volunteers can receive vouchers for horse-related courses. The Al Marmoom Initiative is determined to expand its success by offering its therapies to more students in the future. Currently five special schools, including more than 90 students are offered therapy sessions at Al Marmoom. With more horses due to arrive shortly and with the Greenhouse Project developing quickly, more students will be able to participate in what can only be described as ‘life changing’ opportunities at the center. All the sessions are free of charge for the students, but the facility does rely on additional support from individuals and corporate organisations. If you are interested in providing them with a helping hand, email
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THIS month
new women entrepreneurs In March 2016, grow.ME, in association with the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women, launched the Women-able: Promoting Women Entrepreneurs in the UAE programme, part of a series of initiatives by grow.ME to power women in business across the UAE. With generous funding from the JPMorgan Chase Foundation, the project supported 61 women entrepreneurs with training and mentorship throughout 2016. In June, following three months of handson support with skills development, intensive customer discovery and
continuous business refinement, the female entrepreneurs involved in the project pitched their businesses to a panel of experts for a place in the ‘final 25’ at a special event hosted by the Dubai Business Women Council at the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
We met with three of the finalists… Maya Al Gaith is one of the owners of Healthgate, who have developed a range of Anion sanitary products with positive ion technology which reduces infections. This established UAE grown business is now expanding its global footprint.
and feel light. That annoying headache has disappeared and you feel amazing! Those are the negative ions in the air produced by the rapid movement of the water. When our bodies are exposed to high concentration of negative ions natural healing occurs. Health Gate has harnessed this power of nature and created wonderful sanitary napkins, free of pollutants and chemicals that actually improve your health and wellbeing. HG Anion has a signature green strip that contains the power of negative ions, just like the waterfalls. Our range also includes natural baby products, a range of natural products for pregnant mums, beauty products for woman and supplements.
Tell us about your business Health Gate is a company dedicated to developing healthy, non-toxic, natural products for women all over the world. Our products are created to prevent health issues and promote a better life. Our idea came from the Science of the Waterfalls. Imagine standing next to a beautiful waterfall - the air smells fresh and wonderful. With every breath you take, you feel calmer, less stressed, you begin to smile
How has Women-able helped you? It is one of the best decisions I have made. I never realised how much I would learn during this process. The coaches are so inspiring and their guidance makes you want to be the best in your field. They don’t give you the answers, you have to dig deep within yourself and find what is important to you and why you are doing it. Woman-able has taught me how to communicate my passion to the world and how to turn that passion into a successful business.
30 | NOVEMBER Connector
Nazneen Shaikh and Amaan Creado are the owners of Aqua Fresh Laundry and have introduced a new wet cleaning concept to the market with eco-friendly technology and products. Tell us about your business AquaFresh is an eco-friendly laundry. Our business resolves the need for safe, efficient and environment friendly garment cleaning. We provide a unique service known as WetCleaning, which is an eco-friendly alternative to dry cleaning. In simple terms, the wet-cleaning process uses water, biodegradable detergents and a premium technology to clean all garments. At AquaFresh, we have enhanced the laundry and wet-cleaning process further by using detergents that are dermatologically tested from Germany. How has Women-able helped you? The Women-able programme has helped us stay focused and channel our strengths effectively. We have also gained confidence and clarity in all aspects of our business. ssss Nicola Beer of Pure Peace Coaching has set up a platform to address relationships, marriage break-up and recovering from infidelity issues. Tell us about your business I specialise in a proven 10 step programme to help couples increase the love, passion and happiness in their marriage in 30 days or less…guaranteed! Talking about problems and going over past pain does not help a couple move forward. Taking the right action to increase love and happiness is what transforms marriages, as well as working on letting go of resentment and changing negative patterns that over-time can lead to divorce. I work with men and women from all over the world to single-handedly transform their marriage or with couples to reconnect and become close again through three offerings: 1. One to one private sessions by Skype or in person in Dubai.
2. Relationship strengthening private weekends for couples - 5-star beach resort or home visit. 3. Online group programme - A 10 step proven system for individuals or couples to increase the love, passion and happiness in their marriage. From the comfort of their own home, totally private, they don’t have to give a name or details, and they can learn the steps and work on the marriage together. The online group programme is a new idea and the first two have been running for years. How has Women-able helped you? Grown my confidence, especially with public speaking and presenting as that used to really freak me out! The supportive community and mentors’ encouragement - helps keep you focused and motivated when facing challenges - like IT nightmares etc. Kept me calm and patient with myself and the business during changing the idea and project - Maria was very supportive in this area, always telling us that “pivoting” is natural and normal - keep going. Before I would have become frustrated at myself for wasting time, changing the business structure or idea. Or worse, I may have not changed, stuck to an idea that was not in align with what my customers want. The customer is the most important focus... Kia and Maria really helped us see that. ssss Annually, Grow.ME facilitates a funded programme and is looking for sponsorship partners for their 2017 cycle. For more information about Women-able or if you are interested in sponsoring a project that kicks real economic goals, contact The full interviews can be read online at www. Connector NOVEMBER | 31
Great getaways!
Discover Vietnam
Thai tempter
Nestled beside Bangtao Bay and adjacent to the awardwinning 18-hole Laguna Golf Phuket, Banyan Tree Phuket houses an expansive selection of pristine villas catered to couples and families seeking pure luxury, privacy and serenity. The resort’s newly-renovated Deluxe Villa now named Banyan Pool Villa encircles a beautiful saltwater lagoon. Each villa has a private pool, ensuring that every guest has a memorable experience. From now until 30th March 2017, you can indulge in unlimited tee-off ’s at the 18-hole championship Laguna Phuket Golf Club. Prices start at Dhs 3,415 per night. Call +66-76372400 or email
For a fusion of unspoiled natural beauty and contemporary-chic resort living, Angsana Lang Cô is your ideal spot in Central Vietnam. The resort’s stylish rooms and suites offer spectacular views of the East Sea and a tranquil lagoon, set amidst towering mountain landscapes. From now until 21st December 2016, you can start your day by recharging at the spa before trying out the 18-hole championship course designed by golf legend Sir Nick Faldo. Following this, you can indulge in Vietnamese and international cuisines at Angsana and Banyan Tree Lang Co, Central Vietnam’s dining outlets which include Moomba, Market Place, Rice Bowl, the Golf Café, Azura and The Water Court. The Absolute Lang Co Package is available from Dhs 899. Call +84-543695800 or email
Midweek madness
Anantara Qasr Al Sarab invites you to enjoy attractive rates when staying at the resort from Saturday to Wednesday with the Midweek Discovery offer. Unveil the wonders of the Empty Quarter and learn about the rich Emirati heritage as you take part in a desert activity, indulge in a wide array of cuisine from around the globe, or simply relax in the tranquillity of this lavish oasis. The package includes one-night accommodation in a Deluxe Room, Suite or Pool Villa, buffet breakfast for two, and one activity for two from a choice of short camel ride, desert walk or archery. Rates start from Dhs 975 and are valid until 31st December. Visit
Now open
Premier Inn International believes its seventh hotel property in the UAE will be a big hit with local residents living in Dubai as well as families, holidaymakers and business travellers. The UK’s largest and fastest-growing hotel chain opened its new Premier Inn Dubai Ibn Battuta Mall recently with an introductory room rate offer of Dhs 250 per night. Call 04-2782222 or email 32 | NOVEMBER Connector
Festive Season special
Le Gray, Beirut invites you to join them for a festive holiday that enjoys the best of the vibrant city centre, delectable dining and rooftop Moulin Rouge themed celebrations with views of the Mediterranean. Those booking one night in a Deluxe Room will stay in the spacious Executive Suite this Christmas. The package includes complimentary breakfast at Indigo on the Roof and Christmas Dinner or Christmas Lunch, plus late check out and rates are USD 420 + 10 % VAT for single occupancy and USD 520 +10% VAT for double occupancy. The offer is valid on 24th and 25th December 2016. Those booking three nights in a Deluxe Room will receive a double upgrade and a stay in the Executive Suite. The New Year package includes a minimum three-night stay, breakfast at Indigo on the Roof and an invitation to leap into the New Year with style at Indigo on the Roof. Rates are USD 560 + 10 % VAT for single occupancy per night and USD 690 +10% VAT for double occupancy per night. The package is valid from 28th to 31st December inclusive. Visit
Winter escape
Escape to Le Royal Meridien Abu Dhabi and enjoy free access to Yas Warterworld or Ferrari World or both. Prices start from Dhs 699 and rates include a double occupancy Deluxe Room, two free park tickets, in-room internet access, and free shuttle bus to and from the parks. Terms and conditions apply. Call 02-6950404 or email
Magical Oman
Situated between a long, scenic beach and freshwater lagoon, Al Baleed Resort Salalah by Anantara, Oman brings a new level of luxury to Dhofar, allowing intrepid travellers to explore the unique charms of this emerging destination. Conveniently located just 15km from the airport, the resort sits within easy reach of Salalah city centre and an abundance of cultural treasures. Prices start from Dhs 1,107 per night. Call +968 2322 8222 or email
One resort, three experiences
Anantara Sir Bani Yas Islands Resorts, Abu Dhabi offers one resort destination with three distinct experiences. Designed to resemble a coastal fortress, palatial splendour and glittering Arabian Gulf views await you at Desert Islands Resort & Spa. Live out your wildlife adventure dreams from rustic lodge luxury in the heart of the island’s vast Arabian nature park at Al Sahel Villa Resort. Admire flocks of flamingos gracing the mangrove lagoon and waves washing over pristine white sands from the shoreline barasti villas of Al Yamm Villa Resort. Rates start from Dhs 1,275 per night. Email or call 02-6561399. Connector NOVEMBER | 33
e v a h t s u M e l y t s n m autu
FASHION update
Jigsaw H&M
River Island
Tati Oasis
Dorothy Perkins
Belleamie Boutique Carpisa
34 | NOVEMBER Connector
Jigsaw Kate Spade
Kate Spade
River Island
Carpisa Warehouse
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Dining out this month Take your four-legged friend
Dubai fur-families are all too aware of the growing difficulty in finding a fabulous pooch-friendly hangout, with most restaurants and bars opposed to man’s best friend joining him for a brew or two. But with the launch of home grown hotspot Senara at Palm Jumeirah, you and your four-legged friend can chill out together. The outdoor terrace has opened in perfect time for the cooler months offering the ideal alfresco spot to sit back, enjoy those refreshing Saturday afternoon drinks, with a big bowl of water for pooch. Call 04-4516460.
Picnic under the stars
Sofitel The Palm offers the new Picnic Under The Stars every Thursday from 7pm to 11pm on the beach featuring a picnic basket, unlimited BBQ grills, desserts and unlimited soft drinks. The dedicated BBQ butler will be serving the sizzling mixed BBQ on a party grill to the sounds of the ocean lapping against the sand. This is priced at Dhs 480 for two people with soft drinks or Dhs 590 for two with a bottle of grape or sparkling. Call 04-4555656 or email
Cocktails and street food
Steigenberger Hotel Business Bay, Dubai has opened its doors to the city’s most unique new street-art inspired outdoor venue - the Backyard. Open from 5pm to 3am, the venue is home to a food truck serving a selection of street food favourites from Japan, South East Asia and further afield. The Backyard offers more than just a relaxed venue for food and drinks, it is a unique place to hang out and enjoy entertainment such as film screenings, live bands, Karaoke and DJ nights. Call 04-3690000.
A taste of Arabia
Amaseena at The Ritz-Carlton, Dubai, the authentic Arabic outdoor culinary experience, offers you the chance to dine under the stars beneath elegantly draped Bedouin tents. Enjoy Taste of the Arab World night every Wednesday and Thursday where Chef Rami chooses a special area of the region and highlights their most sought after dishes. Pay Dhs 150 for a cold and hot mezze buffet and shawarma from the live cooking station or Dhs 295 for a full buffet and an assortment of seafood. Call 04-3186150 or email
Inspired by the prohibition era
Be transported back to the prohibition era with the new Sinatra Speakeasy Night, taking place at Seafire Steakhouse every Wednesday from 8pm. Led by two of the most legendary names of the 20th century, Frank and Jack, you can indulge in a food and beverage menu inspired by special edition Jack Daniel’s, whilst listening to the resident band paying tribute to Sinatra all night long. In typical speakeasy fashion, those who register at will also be sent an exclusive password each week, which when whispered on entry, will reward them with Frank’s favourite cocktail for free on arrival. Email or call 04-4262626. 36 | NOVEMBER Connector
Keeping you busy
Vida Downtown Dubai gears up for another exciting calendar of events. The new Saturdaze, inspired by the traditional NYC brunches, is a classic city brunch available at 3in1 every Saturday for Dhs 139 inclusive of unlimited buffet, hot beverages, juice bar and one glass of brunch concoction. Alternatively, the Friday Urban Picnic at 3in1 is Dhs 295 with soft beverages and Dhs 345 with unlimited selected beverages. An additional Dhs 100 per person gets you a poolside cabana and pool access. In addition, the Chee[r]se night at Stage 2 offer gourmet cheeses and a medley of tapas every Wednesday for Dhs 135 inclusive of three glasses of premium grape beverages or a selection of refreshing concoctions; and the daily Café Gourmand at Stage 2 will satisfy those sweet tooth cravings with a selection of Café Latte, Cappuccino, Espresso, black and green tea and an assortment of three mini desserts to go with it for Dhs 35. Visit
The need for speed
Experience the thrill of the 2016 FIFA Formula One World Championship on Friday 25th November at PJ O’Reilly’s at Le Royal Méridien Abu Dhabi with PJ’s Paddock Club - Pool Picnic Brunch. This all you can eat BBQ brunch and free flowing house beverages is priced at Dhs 200. Call 02-6950515.
Enter a world that takes you to the rustic streets of an Italian marketplace. Located in the Italian quarter of DIFC’s Gate Village, Mercato’s menu carries a wide variety of dishes with a curated selection prepared fresh by the team each day. From the vast retail selection, guests can choose from the highest quality in local produce and a carefully selected variety imported from Italy. Fall sees the launch of the weekend brunch that offers a unique take on home-style Italian favourites served in a family sharing concept; along with a signature High Tea menu. Call 04-3205245.
Truffle temptation
For a limited time, Dubai’s favourite fusion fine dining restaurant Teatro, is honouring a world famous delicacy that can’t be missed truffles. This decadent and delicious delicacy known as the “diamond of the kitchen” will be featured in dishes prepared by Executive Chef Pasquale Sipone. Truffles are characterised by a subtle aroma and an earthy flavour reminiscent of a rich chocolate. With its intoxicating flavour, truffles are almost a mythical ingredient in culinary circles and are considered to be one of the most expensive food in the world. Visit Teatro from the 10th until the 26th of November. For more information or bookings call 04-3438000, visit or email
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Good food, good music, good times
Head for Ladies’ Night at Zengo Dubai, Le Royal Meridien Beach Resort and Spa and enjoy three complimentary drinks whilst watching watch the skilled bartenders concoct exotic signature cocktails. This is available every Tuesday. Call 04-3165550.
Things are starting to sizzle
Urban Bar & Kitchen - #ubkdubai at the Mövenpick Hotel Jumeirah Lakes Towers has a new daily fajita menu available from just Dhs 80. In addition, every Tuesday and Wednesday ‘Fajitas and Ritas Fiesta’ nights offer a sizzling fajita skillet with four Mexican cocktails for just Dhs 149. Call 04-4380000.
Friday favourite
Overlooking Burj Khalifa and The Palace gardens, Ewaan’s 1001 Flavours Brunch at The Palace Downtown Dubai can be enjoyed in palatial splendour with friends and family. Choose between the Detox Brunch for Dhs 325 with a range of healthy detox beverages and juices; the Premium Brunch for Dhs 480 with premium grape beverages and ports; or the Luxurious Brunch for Dhs 695 with premium grape beverages and free flowing bubbly. Call 04-4287888.
Flyboarding spectacular
Enjoy a spectacle in the heart of Dubai Marina and watch as the Hydro Water Sports team perform an exciting night show at Nautique But Nice! Covered in lights and strapped to a jet board, the team from Hydro Watersports will perform a range of stunts and the best view will be from the Aquara terrace. Join them on Tuesday 8th November at 9pm and watch as Dubai Marina lights up. Pay Dhs 150 for bubbly, house beverages, cocktails and canapés or Dhs 350 for premium bubbly, house beverages, cocktails and canapés (special promo for ladies). Call 04-3627900. 38 | NOVEMBER Connector
Marina magic
Every Monday evening at Dubai Marina Yacht Club’s Aquara you can enjoy a platter of freshly rolled sushi, washed down with three selected Asian hops for Dhs 150. Alternatively, add some je ne sais quoi to your Tuesday evenings with a naughtily nautical experience priced at Dhs 150 (includes bubbly, house beverages, cocktails and canapés and Dhs 350 (includes premium bubbly, house beverages, cocktails and canapés); or opt for a sparkling seafood soiree every Wednesday and pay Dhs 99 for one bottle of sparkling and one platter of tempura prawns. Call 04-3627900.
The ultimate weekend celebration
Located at the Sheraton Grand hotel on Sheikh Zayed Road, Novikov has built an impressive reputation for offering world-class selections of Asian inspired dishes accompanied with signature glamour and delivered with an upbeat tempo. Brunch at Novikov runs weekly on Fridays and packages include Pei Mei at Dhs 420 (includes soft drinks and NovikovDetoxers), GugoYubara at Dhs 540 (house spirits, sommelier selection of wines and beers) and O-Ren Ishii at Dhs 645 (Laurent Perrier Champagne, house spirits, sommelier selection of wines and beers). Call 04-38888744 or email
Opera bites
Enjoy an entertaining light bite with the aperitivo menu, or two and three-course Italian options at Armani/Ristorante; while a European inspired choice of pre and post-theatre set menus take centre stage at Armani/ Deli. Alternatively, enjoy award-winning dining at all five restaurants with 20% à la carte discount when presenting your opera ticket. Armani Hotel Dubai, Burj Khalifa is within walking distance to Dubai Opera. Call 04-8883666 or email restaurant.
Food comes first
The piazzastyle Meridien Village Terrace, known for its evening brunch concept of ‘all you can eat and drink’, has reopened marking the end of the hot summer months in Dubai. Saturday is Mediterranean Night, Sunday is Tour of Asia Night, Monday offers Surf and Turf Down Under, Tuesday is Market Night, Wednesday is Roast & Toast, Thursday is BBQ Night and Friday offers Latino Latino Night. Each night is priced at Dhs 229 with regular alcoholic beverages or Dhs 269 with bubbly and premium beverages. Call 04-7022455.
One of Dubai’s finest lunches, The Feast of Xahar at Pai Thai, the iconic waterfront dining destination at Jumeirah Al Qasr at Madinat Jumeirah, is now available for Dhs 195 per person every Friday and Saturday. A high-end lunch concept running from noon to 3pm, this offers diners an extensive menu of Pai Thai’s award-winning cuisine. A ‘food comes first’ alternative to the plethora of beverage-based brunches across Dubai, enjoy unlimited ordering options of Thai classics such as Tom Yum Goong soup and GaengPanangTalay curry, all freshly made to order by Pai Thai’s Head Chef. Call 04-4323232 or email
New theme nights
The height of fashion
Paying homage to Lady Astor’s vision as well as the fashion capital of the world, Paris, The St. Regis Dubai invites you to experience a truly fashionable Afternoon Tea, Tendance Parisienne. Feast on delectable pastries, gourmet sandwiches and homemade cakes, with exclusively blended teas for Dhs 195 per person. This is available at Brasserie Quartier. Call 04-4355577 or email Connector NOVEMBER | 39
Weekend winner
Katana, the sister venue to the awardwining Robata and Sushi Bar from the Sunset Strip, came to Dubai earlier this year and now offers The Red Sun Friday Brunch, a lively Japanese sharing adventure. With stunning views of the Downtown cityscape and the Burj Khalifa, brunch is based on a minimum of two sharing and is priced at Dhs 295 with soft drinks, Dhs 395 with house beverages, and Dhs 495 with bubbles. Call 04-2778808.
Beachside barbecue
Retro Feasts, the quirky British diner at The Beach opposite JBR, invites you to take advantage of the rapidly cooling temperatures to enjoy its weekend BBQ Nights every Friday and Saturday. Enjoy a beachside barbeque platter for Dhs 75 complete with a selection of iced tea, soft drinks or water. Call 052-7226462 or visit
The sport of kings
The Jewel Afternoon Tea at Desert Palm Per Aquum offers a unique afternoon experience where you can enjoy a gourmet spread, watch a live polo match and enjoy a stable tour. Starting at Dhs 145 per person, you can sip on the finest collection of teas or opt for a bubbles package at Dhs 240 with a glass of bubbly, which can be enjoyed with the drama of the polo field as your backdrop. Call 04-3238888.
Celebrate Italy
The culinary world of Italy will be celebrated at Frankie’s Italian Bar & Grill from 7th to 20th November with a host of Italy’s greatest chefs calling the city their home for the Italian Cuisine World Summit. Working alongside the culinary team at Frankie’s, led by Chef GiampaoloPintore, will be Chef Salvatore Bianco, the Executive Chef of Michelin starred Il Comandante, the flagship gourmet restaurant of the five star Romeo Hotel in Naples. The team at Frankie’s will also be taking part in the Risotto World Contest, Pasta Premiere League and Best Pizza in the UAE competitions, which are taking place during the summit, with the hopes they will follow in their success of previously winning the Pizza Championships. Call 04-3994311. 40 | NOVEMBER Connector
Pack a picnic
Make the most of Dubai’s cooler weather and head to Hawthorn Suites by Wyndham JBR to try the new Fab Family Friday Brunch. Inspired by weekend picnics, Flavours Restaurant lets you unwind with your family and enjoy a tempting array of brunch favourites with a special BBQ station, seafood bar, Japanese counter, cold cuts and cheese counter, dessert station and kids’ corner. Flavours provides options between a picnic-style brunch complete with picnic blanket and basket, or al fresco dining to simply bask in sunshine while savouring a sumptuous meal. This is priced at Dhs 125 inclusive of soft drinks and select beverages. Call 04-3999979.
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Seafood Market @ Boulevard Kitchen, Manzil Downtown Dubai
If you like seafood then you must check out Manzil Downtown’s signature restaurant, Boulevard Kitchen! Serving food from the greater Middle East region, with a focus on Levantine cuisine in a contemporary Arabesque environment, the talented team at Manzil Downtown Dubai has given a new sea-side effect to the market-style seafood night. Dive through an array of delicious flavours straight from the ocean floor.
What we ate
There’s a vast selection of local and regional seafood handpicked daily by Head Chef, Anup Pawar to indulge in. Select your fish from ice trays filled with the freshest catch of the day, let the in-house experts know how you prefer to have it cooked then sit back and relax as each dish is served with the traditional accompaniments of your choice. We had a delicious seabream, seabass, prawns and lobster, we choose mostly grilled and let the chef choose the best way to serve the prawns. Cold mezzes and salads were from the buffet and the hot mezzes were served to the table.
Everything was superb, beautifully cooked and really fresh! It was a lovely relaxed night in a great environment - one for the little black book.
Available every Thursday, from 7pm to 11pm and priced at Dhs 295 with house beverages and Dhs 205 with soft beverages. For reservation call 04-8883444 or visit -L. C.
Tes ied &
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GOOD food
NATURAL NUTRITION with Stephanie Pech
A few months ago I started experimenting more with international recipes but trying to make them a little healthier and less carb heavy. Here are 3 of my favourite healthier versions. I hope you enjoy them! Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add green onions, garlic, and ginger; sauté for 1 minute. Stir in curry paste; sauté for 30 seconds. Add carrots, chicken stock, and coconut milk, stirring well to combine; bring to a simmer, and cook for 5 minutes. Fold in kale; sprinkle with salt. Cook for 3 minutes or until kale is wilted and tender. Add the shrimps; cook for 3 minutes or until shrimps are done. Remove from heat; top with cilantro, lime rind, and juice. Serve over rice noodles.
Coconut Pumpkin Soup Thai Green Curry with Shrimp Ingredients 6 ounces dried rice noodles 2 teaspoons olive oil ⅓ cup chopped green onions 1 tablespoon chopped fresh garlic 1 tablespoon chopped fresh ginger 2 tablespoons green curry paste 1 ¼ cups carrots, matchstick-cut ½ cup unsalted chicken stock 1 can light coconut milk 6 cups chopped kale (about ½ bunch) ¼ teaspoon kosher salt 1 pound peeled and deveined medium shrimp ¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro 1 teaspoon grated lime rind 1 ½ teaspoons fresh lime juice
Ingredients 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 cups chopped onion 3 garlic cloves, chopped 4 cups (½-in.) cubed peeled fresh pumpkin or butternut squash 1 large Granny Smith apple, cut into small cubes 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon red curry paste
Directions: Prepare rice noodles according to package directions. Drain and rinse with cold water. Drain and set aside. 42 | NOVEMBER Connector
½ teaspoon ground ginger ¼ teaspoon salt 3 cups unsalted vegetable stock ¾ cup light coconut milk 1 tablespoon lime juice 2 tablespoons cilantro Lime wedges Directions: Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add onion, garlic and allow to cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add pumpkin, apples, curry paste, ginger, and salt and cook for 5 minutes, stirring often. Add stock and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer for 25 minutes or until pumpkin and apples are tender. Place half of pumpkin mixture in a high speed blender such as Vitamix and blend until smooth. Place soup in a bowl. Pour in coconut milk and lime juice, and reheat in pan if needed. Serve soup in bowl and sprinkle cilantro on top. Serve with lime wedges.
Pad Thai
Ingredients Sauce 1 tbsp fish sauce 1 tbsp tamarind paste 1 tbsp palm sugar Pad Thai 4 tbsp coconut oil 2 shallots 4 pickled mustard stem 1 bunch chives ½ cup dried shrimp 12 large fresh shrimp 2 packages of wet shirataki noodles (avail in Holland & Barrett) 2 eggs 2 heaping cups mung bean sprouts ½ cup chopped cashews Garnish Chives Cashews Red pepper flakes Fresh limes Mung bean sprouts
Directions: Soak the dried shrimp in warm water until they begin to soften, then finely dice. Mix the fish oil, tamarind paste and coconut sugar. Set aside. Drain the noodles, set aside. Thinly slice the shallots, dice the pickled mustard stem, and chop chives. In a large skillet, heat 2 tbsp of coconut oil and add the sliced shallots. Cook the shallots over high heat (make sure you keep stirring) until they begin to lose their colour but don’t burn - only a minute or so if the skillet is hot enough. Add the chopped mustard stem and diced shrimp. Stir for one minute, letting the flavours mix, then add the drained noodles. Stir and mix all your ingredients well, then push to one side to make room for the eggs. Crack the eggs on one side of the skillet, and scramble briefly before working into the rest of the skillet’s ingredients. Turn of the heat under the skillet, and add the chopped cashews, bean sprouts and chopped chives. Mix thoroughly, letting the remaining heat wilt the vegetables. Serve on a large plate and sprinkle with chives, red pepper flakes, limes, cashews and bean sprouts. Stephanie is a Holistic Nutrition and Metabolic Balance Coach. Visit or follow her on Instagram @Stephanie.Pech. Connector NOVEMBER | 43
HOME & garden
If you enjoy decorating your home as much as I do, but are uncertain of what style really expresses you, I have described some of my favourite decorating styles to share with you. I believe that you can definitely mix and match different styles to create your individual style. It is however, always good to know the basic or core decorating style you wish to have, in order to start with a good solid guideline. So let’s take a look at the different styles… Contemporary Technically contemporary interior style is whatever is currently trending “now”. This means whatever colours, styles, shapes and materials are popular at the current time, it’s contemporary. Keeping things simple is the key here and don’t 44 | NOVEMBER Connector
forget less is more. Contemporary homes are generally open planned, sleek and sophisticated and kept very clean. Straight lines are the key to creating this style, however the use of big round or geometric shapes is also used to create contrast. Finishes such as chrome, steel and glass compliment the neutral and monochromatic colour schemes that dominate this style. Modern minimal If you are into clean line designs and not too much detail, then you probably are the minimal modern kind. Modern décor has very little use of accessories and decorations around the home. The layout of furniture is usually very balanced and asymmetrical. There is very minimal use of different textures and the colours used tend to be natural and neutrals. Furniture used in the modern home is typically simple and functional.
Scandinavian White walls, clean line furniture and black and white wall art are the main essentials in creating the Scandinavian dĂŠcor style in your home. Layers are important to create warmth and interest. Think of using cowhides, throws, cushions and sheepskins to create the Scandi look and feel. Textures are a must! Use shelves to rest black and white artwork in different sizes against the wall. The use of geometric shapes and accent furniture is another staple in creating this look. Use copper pendant lighting, marble candleholders, grid print bedding and indoor plants such as a cactus. Industrial urban / rustic Creating the rustic, industrial interior style starts with an open floor plan, a lot of textures and unfinished or raw materials. Finishes such as wood, stone, concrete and metal are used to achieve this look. Another element to this style is to expose certain basic structural materials such as wiring, pipes, brick walls and beams. Use unique non-functional re purposed items as decorating features within the home to create those final touches.
Traditional classic The traditional home style is always full of detail, comfort, cosiness and grand furniture pieces. This includes lots of furniture with big rolled sofa arms, tufting and curved legs on tables. Floral and natural patterns will mimic the same shapes as the furniture and are commonly used. Decorative items such as vases or table lamps are usually placed in matching pairs. The colour pallet for the traditional home is very low-key and gentle and will usually include dark wooden floors. Eclectic Eclectic decorating suggests in mixing different styles from different time periods and trends together. A bit of this and a bit of that and you’re on your way! Moroccan and Bohemian styles are sometimes combined under the eclectic dÊcor style; this is probably because of the use of colourful accessories, collectibles and travel souvenirs. The key to create the eclectic style is not to look for things that match together, but things that go together. All items within the room must have something in common. Whether it is the colour, print, finish, shape or size. This style decorated carefully and with intent can look unique and amazing. It can also feel very chaotic and cluttered if thrown together unplanned. Style carefully! With thanks to Lydia van Hassan, Interior Decorator & Space Planner. Call 050-6523829, email or visit for more information. Follow Lydia on Instagram@creativemedxb for more inspiration.
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KIDS & education
Do you have a budding Meryl Streep or mini Picasso on your hands? Or perhaps the next Venus Williams or Jessica Ennis-Hill? With the abundance of sports and activities Dubai has on offer why not encourage that creative talent or sporting ability with some of these great after school activities. Art thejamjar have two programmes that educate the youth in artistic techniques and media. The Young Artist Programme (YAP) and Art Academy are regular courses that run throughout the academic year. The Young Artist Programme (YAP) is designed to give students, ages 9-12 ( Junior) and 13-15 (Senior), a deeper understanding of art. The after school courses are led by instructors with experience in art education allowing students to explore art movements, materials and techniques through creative work processes. Art Academy is for students 15 years and older and is in sync with the British Art Curriculum. They tutor to-be art students, guiding them to complete and present their works in a portfolio fit for art school submission. Visit
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Basketball MPAC Sports Basketball works with schools, communities, clubs and recreational facilities to enrich the educational experience of students and athletes through structured training, competitions, leagues and games. Visit or call 04-3851777. Dance The Ballet Centre is the longest established dance school in Dubai. The current premises in Jumeirah consist of two villas with seven studios. The branch in Motor City has three studios. Four highly qualified (RAD/ISTD) full-time and two part-time teachers conduct the classes and offer yearly examinations and regular recitals. The focus of the school is ballet, modern and tap dancing for children and young adults. Call 04-3449776 or visit In addition, James & Alex Dance Studios in Media City offer many dance styles for all age groups and have dedicated classes for adults and children in all forms of dance. The venue is home to several leading dance companies and
dance instructors based in Dubai, including kids’ musical theatre programme Hayley’s Comet and a host of others offering various forms of dance taught at the highest levels. Call 04-4470773 or visit Drama and performance With locations in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, Kids’ Theatre Works! run a huge range of programmes for kids of all ages. Choices include creative drama, musical theatre, and acting and performing. Visit or call 050-1585653. In addition, Centre Stage Speech and Drama offer classes for all ages. There are also accredited LAMDA Acting examinations (London Academy of Music & Dramatic Arts) for all ages and abilities at the Courtyard Playhouse theatre (off Sheikh Zayed Road). Email or call 050-5651009 for further details. There’s also StepUp Academy which offers classes to kids from 15 months old right up to teens and adults, the schedule includes all-level classes of KinderTots, KinderGym, KinderDance, RAD Ballet, Cheerleading, Lyrical Contemporary, IDTA Tap and Modern, Street Jazz, HipHop, Musical Theatre, Show Stoppers, Gymnastics, Stretch and Flex, Yograng, Karate and Rhythmic Gymnastics. Visit or call 04-4534360. Drumming Dubai Drums offer African Djembe drumming classes at DUCTAC, Mall of the Emirates every Monday. It’s a great way to de-stress and have rhythmic fun in a group and at the same time learn an amazing percussion instrument. There is also a Kids’ Drumming Circle at Urban Tribe Studio, Street 17, Al Quoz 4 every other Saturday from 11am to noon. Visit or call 056-7442129. Football Elite Football Coaching is a kids’ after-school football coaching programme with UEFA qualified coaches that will enhance the physical, mental, emotional and technical growth and development of young athletes. Available daily after school and on weekends at various locations
across Dubai. Visit, email or call 04-5545916. Fencing MK Fencing Academy UAE is based at Raffles International School, South Campus - part of Innoventures Education Group. This ancient sport encourages patience, determination, dexterity and grace and is a great way to stay fit. Children are accepted from eight years. Visit Horse riding Al Sahra Equestrian Centre has everything little riders need to learn serious horsemanship. The centre is part of Dubai hotel group - JA Resorts & Hotels and offers riders of all abilities the chance to further develop their equestrian skills. Visit or call 04-4274055. While Dubai Polo & Equestrian Club offer polo and show-jumping for all skill sets. Visit Ice Skating In a country that sees very little cold weather, there are only a handful of places where you can stay cool and have fun at the same time. One of those places is the ice rink. Located in Dubai Mall, the Dubai Ice Rink has sessions throughout Connector NOVEMBER | 47
KIDS & education
the day. They even have their own skating academy where trained coaches could teach your children all the basics they need to make the most of their time on the ice. Visit Those who are looking to put their kids into more rigorous figure skating programs should check out Al Nasr Leisureland and Hyatt Regency Ice Rink. With their help, your child will be performing jumps and spins in no time. Visit and email
Rugby Dubai Exiles provide a superb rugby environment for all ages of younger players from Under 5 through to Under 19. Regular training is held in Dubai at the 7’s Rugby Grounds on Al Ain Road. Visit or call 050-4598603. In addition, Dubai Hurricanes offer mini rugby every Friday at The Sevens Stadium featuring tag, touch and contact rugby lessons for kids aged from four to 18 years. Visit
Martial arts The Dubai Karate Centre was founded in 1983 with the aim of promoting martial arts in Dubai and the UAE. Located in Jumeirah 3, the centre has a myriad of martial arts for children aged five and up. Call 04-3447797 or visit
Running The Reebok Junior Run Club at Al Barsha Park is open to youngsters of all fitness levels aged between seven and 12 years. During the sessions, children spend around 40 minutes running, with the remaining 20 minutes spent on theory and drills. Call 055-8869158 or visit
Pottery The Dubai International Arts Centre in Jumeirah offers teen pottery classes where they can work with natural clay initially and are encouraged to play and experiment with 3D shape and form. Later work moves on to more specialist air-drying clay and works are then painted in acrylics. Email or call 04-3444398. 48 | NOVEMBER Connector
Sailing Water sports are always a thrill. There are numerous locations and clubs where you can sail along the coast of the UAE. The Jebel Ali centre at the Jebel Ali Golf Resort offer various sailing courses suitable for all ages and experience. Call 04-8876771. Watercooled Jebel Ali and Watercooled Jumeirah Beach
also offer introductory sailing classes. Sailing courses are also available at the Dubai Offshore Sailing Club. Call 04-3941669 or visit Springboard and platform diving DUDive diving complex at Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Sport Complex near Arabian Ranches offers spring and platform diving for children aged six years and up. Coached by ex- team GB diver Tom Roberts, classes focus on all aspects of the sport, building children’s coordination, flexibility, balance and strength. Call 055-6458478 or email Surfing The year-round water temperatures make Dubai an ideal location for learning to ride a surfboard. Similarly to swimming, surfing involves virtually 100% of the muscles in the body and is an excellent way of improving and maintaining cardiovascular and muscular fitness. Visit Swimming Absolute Swimming Academy provides a variety of swimming programmes for children of all ages and abilities. They work directly with the schools to provide extra curriculum classes for their students. Visit Lessons and group classes are also available at,, and
visit The Play Tennis Academy also provides junior and adult lessons. Visit Trampoline Bounce offers the After School Flight Academy programme that is a structured gymnastics coaching programme. With a maximum class size of eight students, coaches can actually focus on students and pay individual attention to each and every one. Call 04-3211400 or visit For those who live in Mirdif, head to Jump Boxx in Uptown Mirdiff for some trampoline fun. Visit Wakeboarding A combination of snowboarding, skateboarding and surfing - wakeboarders are towed behind a boat and use the wakes to do various different tricks. The boards are around 140cm long and you are secured on the board with a pair of bindings. Wakeboarding tuition is available at Bristol Marine in Dubai Marina 050-4732988. RIVA Beach Club and Ignite Surface offer Paddle Boarding (SUP) and Kayaking, from private lessons and hire through to SUP beginner classes, both mixed and girlsonly, as well as SUP yoga and wakeboarding. Visit
Synchronised swimming Synquatics is calling all underwater ballerinas to learn how to sync and swim. Synchronised swimming is a hybrid form of swimming, dance and gymnastics and is open to all newcomers, above five years of age. Call 052-1054467, email or visit Tennis Clark Francis Tennis offers classes that cover the basic fundamentals of tennis including technique, agility, coordination movement and tactics at various locations across Dubai. Call 800-836647 or
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KIDS & education
GOOD homework habits School is back in and by now, your children should be getting into the routine of school life and homework. Homework is not only an opportunity for your child to revise and learn, it is also a chance for you to become involved in your child’s learning and education. Here are ways to help your youngsters become more organised and minimise homework stress. 50 | NOVEMBER Connector
Some children are famished and need to eat something first. Determine a time slot that works for your child and stick to it. Keep track of assignments - Most teachers send home an assignment list, but if your child’s teacher does not, make your own calendar and ask the teacher to fill in assignments and due dates. Keep a homework folder and make sure all papers are in the right place each night. Study space - Provide a comfortable chair and a desk, one that is high enough for your child to write at comfortably with ample lighting. Have a selection of school supplies handy including rulers, whiteout, glue and a variety of pens, crayons and felt-tipped pens. Give praise - Look over your child’s homework and give him positive feedback about all the things he is doing right. If you do find errors, do not be harsh in your criticism. Instead, review the work together and try to pinpoint the area of difficulty. Use direct praise for doing the homework and even more so, for accomplishment, “You spelled 17 out of 20 words correctly. That’s a personal best for you! Well done!”
Talk to the teacher - Ask your child’s teacher about homework policy. How much time should your child spend on it per night? First graders for instance are rarely expected to work more than 20 or 30 minutes a night. Ask the teacher how he or she uses homework. Is its purpose to prepare for upcoming lessons or tests, to support work in class or to test a child’s ability levels? The answers will decide how much you should help with the work. Set up a schedule - Some children work well right after school, before they lose focus. Others are restless and need to work off some energy before they can sit and concentrate.
Turn off distractions - Give your child enough quiet time to finish the assignment. Your child may perform best if everyone in the family also reads or writes during homework time. Turn off the radio, television and any other distractions such as others talking loudly on the phone. Study groups - Study groups are often a good strategy. Your child may benefit from studying with one or two classmates. However, make sure they are using the time to study. Time after time, research shows that when parents become involved in their children’s schoolwork, the children do better in school. One way you can get involved is by helping your child with homework. It will benefit both your child’s education and self-esteem. Connector NOVEMBER | 51
KIDS & education
Kids’ NEWS
As Mother Nature intended
Magic Phil and The Gigantic Beanstalk
Tiddley Pom Organic Baby Spa, the organic skincare range especially for babies, is now available in the GCC. Developed by Emma Nash, an expert in organic beauty ingredients, the award-winning British brand is the first ever natural, baby spa concept that both cares for delicate skin and enhances the connection between mother and child, via touch, smell and sound, the infant’s three primary senses.The Tiddley Pom four-step spa routine includes Organic Baby Wash, Organic Massage Oil, Organic Soothing Lotion and Organic Nappy Balm. Each product can be used independently but is more effective as a complete, holistic treatment. The tender touch of massage encourages bonding between baby and mother, while aromatherapy fragrances help to soothe and relax. Made in England using carefully selected ingredients from sustainable sources, the Tiddley Pom range is organic, not tested on animals and free of parabens (preservatives), sodium lauryl sulfate and mineral oils. Tiddley Pom is now available in select Holland & Barrett and Db Babies stores across the UAE, online at,,,, and
Join Magic Phil as he takes you on another magical journey with his giant new pantomime. Magic Phil lives at The Dumpling Dairy with his mother Donna Dumpling, played by children’s actress (Emma Quintin). He dreams of becoming a famous magician but has to work on the dairy to make money so they can pay the Baron, played by British comic ( Joshua Blenkinsopp), his rent. But, all that changes when Magic Phil sells their precious pet cow for five beans and a gigantic beanstalk takes over the whole village. This traditional British-style panto runs from 17th to 19th November at Kilachand Theatre, DUCTAC and tickets are priced at Dhs 110 for opening night, Dhs 160 for other shows, and Dhs 540 for family ticket of four. Call 04-3414777.
Mother, Baby and Child Show
The Mother, Baby and Child Show (MBC), launched in Dubai in 2002, is the largest and longest running event of its kind in the region. The 2016 line-up features big names for the main stage, alongside an exciting number of live acts, play areas, creative workshops and food demos, talks and brand new feature areas never before seen. The show runs from 17th to 19th November at Dubai International Marine Club and entrance is free. Visit 52 | NOVEMBER Connector
ASK the expert: My child is struggling in Math and I don’t know how to help him?
Do not worry, your child is one of many children who find math challenging. The good news is that he does not have to struggle and neither do you. Children usually find math intimidating because they do not understand a core concept and teachers move on to other concepts before they grasp it. You must understand where your child stands with respect to grade-level material. If you are not aware of where he is and what it is that he struggles with you will not be able to help him. Proper assessment is key in defining the problem and is the first step in helping him. Talk to his teacher; understand exactly what the problem is and what he needs to work on. The teacher should be able to pin point his weakness and strengths. Once you know what his weaknesses and strengths are, plan on tackling the problem. Draw up a daily plan that covers the points that need working on. You may implement this plan by dedicating time and effort every day. Remember children must work on math even if it is as little as 10 minutes a day after school. You may find that you are unable to dedicate the time and effort and may also seek professional help. Whatever you do remember to stay positive about Math and do something about it! With thanks to Mathnasium UAE. Mathnasium Al Barsha, Jumeirah1, Knowledge Village, Motor City, Business Bay International City, Green Community and Uptown Mirdif. Now open in Abu Dhabi and Sharjah. Visit or email
Win with...
YaYa Vitamins Help keep your children healthy with daily multi mineral vitamins. Free from preservatives, gluten and artificial colouring, YaYa Multi + Minerals means mums are happy, and kids love the animal shapes and the flavour of real fruit juice too! YaYa Vitamins contains seven vitamins and nine
minerals, including: · Vitamin A essential for skeletal and soft tissue development. · Vitamin B for Red blood cells formation and nervous system development. · Vitamin C for resistance against infections and immunity increase. · Vitamin D for bone development. · Vitamin E as an antioxidant. · Folic Acid, Zinc, Selenium, Magnesium are also essential minerals for healthy tissue development. YaYa Vitamins are available from most pharmacies.
COMPETITION YaYa Vitamins are giving one Connector reader the chance to win a years’ supply of YaYa Multi + Minerals Vitamins. Simply answer the following question by 28th November 2016. Note: Prizes must be collected by 1st January 2017. To enter, visit or How many minerals do YaYa Vitamins contain? 1. 9 2. 7 3. 6
Connector NOVEMBER | 53
Your pet ANIMAL magic
TURTLE The Red Eared Slider is the world’s, and indeed Dubai’s, most popular pet turtle. Dubai clinics see a minimum of two to three of these turtles per week, frequently purchased at local pet shops and markets for as little as Dhs 20 as companions for children or busy professionals who lack the resources for a more expensive or time consuming pet. Naturally very cute as babies, they are often bought impulsively. They are inexpensive and are often assumed to be ‘low maintenance’. Sadly, Dr Joanna at 2 Feet 4 Paws highlights the myths surrounding these animals; stating “not only can these turtles grow up to 25cm, but their habitats actually need a lot of care, which can not only be time consuming, but costly. Just because you are able to pick up a turtle for Dhs 20, this doesn’t mean that this is the true cost. Turtles need close monitoring of their environments and nutrition or they will be lucky to survive a year”. Whilst these turtles have been known to live up to 70 years in the wild, the vast majority in captivity fall victim to malnutrition and poor habitats long before they reach one year. Nearly all cases seen at 2 Feet 4 Paws support the above statement with avoidable illnesses caused by poor nutrition and inappropriate housing. The clinic has developed Terrapin care handouts to help educate the public, however, by the time they 54 | NOVEMBER Connector
see them it’s often too late to save them. In many cases, inappropriate conditions at vendors can mean the Terrapins are critically ill before they even reach the owners homes. Dr Joanna advises people to remember “sliders need both a warm, dry area with basking lamp and a large pool of warm water. The water must be kept clean; rotting bits of food mixed with faeces will combine to make an unhealthy habitat and a sick turtle. Turtles are messy eaters and defecate in their water, so cleaning will be an almost daily routine and it is beneficial to consider an alternative tank for feeding. Keep in mind that if your turtle is not yet full grown (they grow as large as a dinner plate), you need to provide room in the tank (water and land) for him, to allow for future growth”. Dr Joanna also highlights that Terrapins are cold blooded creatures and as such need strict temperature controls. “Terrapin owners should always buy an aquarium thermometer and monitor the temperature regularly in any enclosure, keeping it between 75°-86°F”. With thanks to 2 Feet 4 Paws, call 04-5520213 or visit Internal or external water filter - feed Terrapin in separate small tank or bucket to reduce mess. Rest areas in cool and warm end of tank. Basking lamp UVA and UVB emitting daytime only.
Thermometers - at each end of tank (warm end and cool end monitoring).
Connector NOVEMBER | 55
ANIMAL magic
Furry friends
Looking for a home To meet any of the beautiful cats, kittens and puppies looking for their forever home, email
Trish is 2 years old, spayed, fully vaccinated and microchipped. Trish was rescued with a badly broken tail that had to be amputated. She Meet Trish has fully recovered after the surgery and has turned into a beautiful tortie bob tail cat. Trish is quite happy as an only cat, she likes to watch the world go by through the window, cuddle in bed and receive all the attention possible!
I’m Cleo I’m Cleo. I was rescued from outside my foster family’s home from the bully cats that were picking on me when I was just a tiny kitten. I’m not very big still, but I’ve got a huge personality. I’m called Cleo after Cleopatra because I have the most amazing eye markings. I play fetch and I’m excellent at football too! I’m neutered and vaccinated and just waiting for you to treat me like the Egyptian princess I know I really am! 56 | NOVEMBER Connector
Grumpy cat Lulu is a very quiet and little shy kitty. This two year old likes to just chill and watch the world Meet Lulu go by. She would be best suited in a quiet home that can offer her safety and her own space. Kids are not something that Lulu is familiar with and most likely are not something she will like. Lulu is good with other cats as long as they are not dominant.
Meet Angel Angel is an adorable young cat. He loves attention and will make sure to remind you he is around; a stroke, a cuddle or a little kiss and he’s happy! Angel is quite playful and gets along well with other cats. However, he needs to be introduced slowly to the resident cat/cats, as he takes time to trust and get over his fear and not be afraid of them. Angel is easy going and will make the perfect addition to any family.
Jamie is approximately 10 months old. He has had a rough start in life and was hurt by a human, Meet Jamie which left him with an amputated tail and broken hip. He has fully recovered and amazingly, he is still a friendly loving cat. Jamie is shy in the beginning, but who can blame him? Once you gain his trust, he is a lovely companion. He is great with older children and cat friendly, but can be quite forthright in his attitude to be friends, so introductions would need to take time for the sake of a successful existence for both cats. Apart from lacking a tail, Jamie is a very handsome boy with his different eye colours. Take time with this gorgeous boy to earn his trust and he will repay you with love in abundance.
Meet Georgie & Luba - two peas in a pod! Georgie and Luba are two of the most amazingly adorable cats one can meet. Luba was rescued as a kitten along with her siblings and mum (all of whom have been adopted long time ago). Georgie was found as a kitten wandering the streets. The pair met in their foster home and since then have been inseparable. Georgie and Luba a soul mates, they do everything together and perfectly complete each other. They have soft and gentle personalities, they like to curl up and cuddle together but also play sit on the sofa
I’m Elvis and I’m a hunk of burning love all for you! I was found outside I’m Elvis a cafe with my eye closed, but luckily, I don’t have any long term damage from my run in with a car. I lost a tooth though so my lip gets caught sometimes giving me the classic Elvis sneer. I have the softest coat and the cuddliest personality - I love to hook my paws around a hand when I’m carried. I’m neutered and vaccinated and looking for my forever home. So don’t be cruel, because I just want to be your teddy bear. Love me tender and I’ll be loving you eternally!
and watch TV next to their human. These two will make the perfect pets for: first time cat owners; an owner that works long hours; family with other cat/cats; family with older children; or elderly owners. Georgie and Luba have been waiting more than 2 years to find their FOREVER home TOGETHER, are you their happy ever after? The strong bond Georgie and Luba share will help them settle much faster into their new home and will also give the new owner a peace of mind. They promise twice the love and twice the cuddles and only ask for safe and loving forever home. Connector NOVEMBER | 57
BEAUTY & bodycare
Protect your skin with Daily Tinted Broad Spectrum Sun Protection SPF 50 from the Dr Rita Rakus Collection. This signature moisturiser is an ultra-skin nourishing and anti-ageing moisturiser, providing all day hydration. Your skin will be thoroughly hydrated whilst looking fresher, firmer and tighter trust me I’m using it! The two new unisex fragrances from Ajmal Perfumes - Qafiya 01 for day wear and Qafiya 02 for the evenings represent the new-age Emirati lifestyle yet are steeped in local traditions.
Luna play is Foreo’s smallest, innovative deep cleansing device. Its T-Sonic cleanse removes 99.5% of dirt and oil (based on clinical trials) plus make-up residue. Dead skin cells are also cleared away which helps the absorption of your skincare products and also diminishes the appearance of pores. Clean, refined, and brightened skin.
Rimmel London’s new Scandal’Eyes Reloaded Mascara gives extreme volume, extreme wear and is easy to remove. Simple! MadLashes is a range of fun lashes for lash-lovers from MadCosmetics. Products include the handmade 100% human hair range, the glamorous mink edition lashes and MadGlue, a fast drying and waterproof lash adhesive. So whether you want a natural look or a more glam effect, MadLashes has the perfect range of lashes to suit every mood and occasion. So easy to use even I look like an expert!
The Hyaluron-Filler CC Cream from Eucerin combines the anti-wrinkle effect of Hyaluron-Filler with complexion correction. This dermo-cosmetic antiageing CC cream plumps up wrinkles and fine lines while the light-reflecting colour pigments unify the complexion, helping to reduce the visible signs of ageing. I like that it doesn’t build up in the wrinkles or fine lines which always makes them more noticeable and it contains SPF 15.
Eyebrows play a major role in adding structure and successfully contouring the face. The easy to use Pro Sculpting Brow from Make Up For Ever is a compact 3-in-1 high precision tool that comes in 5 shades getting as close as possible to your natural eyebrow colour.
Lip Magnet is the new liquid lip colour from Giorgio Armani Beauty - for colour that binds with lips with a long lasting, no-migration magnet effect. Lip Magnet gives intense a colour in the finest of textures, and stays put.
The Onne Beauty Coffee Scrub is a caffeine-infused cellulite creation packed full of rich and raw natural ingredients, making this body scrub equal parts detoxifying and nourishing. It leaves skin silky smooth and with a lovely glow, and smells so delicious you’ll want to eat it!
Starskin has introduced two amazing Silkmud Liftaway Mud Face Sheet Masks which I am likely to get addicted to! Made from ultra-fine gauze, both Silkmud Pink French Clay and Silkmud Green Tea Clay are developed with their own carefully curated ingredient list, each featuring an optimised blend of different clays and fine botanicals. They’re deep cleansing, purifying, pore refining, but also mess-free, super softening and give amazing face sculpting and lifting results. Movie-star quality skin in just 20 to 30 minutes! Plus, all Starskin products are free from parabens, silicone, mineral oils, sulphates and synthetic dyes and not tested on animals.
Connector NOVEMBER | 59
BEAUTY & bodycare
The magic of colour correction By Nada Ramadan
I have never been one to delve too deeply into the latest beauty trends, but one thing I have embraced wholeheartedly is make-up colour correction. No matter how much concealer I would use to cover up my dark circles, it would always leave a grey tinge in its place, doing little in the way of “concealing”. Colour correction is the perfect solution for those of us with pigmented patches or red blotches on our face. A correction palette comes in an array of colours that are used to cancel out the different tones on your skin, creating a colour-balanced canvas for your foundation and concealer. This may add an extra step to your make-up routine and will have you looking like a clownin-training but once you apply your foundation and concealer, you will be wondering why you weren’t doing this sooner.
60 | NOVEMBER Connector
Here are three basic colours you will find on a correction palette and when you should use them. 1) Green This colour neutralises red, which means it can be used to reduce the appearance of red patches on the skin. This can also be on red acne spots. Follow this with a pigmented foundation and concealer and you should be good to go! Lighter skin tones will benefit the most when using this colour. 2) Orange This is the colour I use to hide my dark circles. However, this can also be used to counteract the appearance of other pigmented blemishes and discoloration on the skin. Be prepared to play around with how much you will need of this particular colour. Do not layer it on, expecting that the more orange you put, the more seamless your skin will look. 3) Lavender For fairer and paler-skinned individuals, having skin that looks a little swallow, dull and bland may be a common occurrence. For that facial pick-me-up, use lavender correction to brighten up your skin.
Connector NOVEMBER | 61
BEAUTY & bodycare
This month’s
Special offers
Iridium Spa
Iridium Spa at The St. Regis Saadiyat Island Resort, Abu Dhabi offers the Super Active Facial, a 90-minute treatment with Skin Radiance products that will brighten and soothe the skin, finished with a touch of Repair & Restore products to rehabilitate and enrich damaged skin. Guests will also get a Super Active Serum or Moisturiser worth Dhs 350. This is priced at Dhs 750. Alternatively, Iridium Massages include a Thai Massage, Asian Spell or a Classical Swedish Massage priced at Dhs 250 that include a complimentary luxurious bath or body oil product worth Dhs 230. These packages are available from Sunday to Wednesday and advanced booking is required. Call 02-4988996 or email
It’s all about personal choice this November at Armani/SPA. Enjoy your favourite 80-minute firming, sculpting or energising body treatment from Sunday to Thursday with A La Carte Pampering priced at Dhs 420. Alternatively, whether you prefer to pluck, shape or sculpt those brows, make the best of them courtesy of the new eyebrow threading and shaping service. Prices start from Dhs 100. Call 04-8883282 or email
62 | NOVEMBER Connector
SensAsia Urban Spa
SensAsia Urban Spa’s SensMama menu was created for Dubai mums, by Dubai mums. The Luxe Mum (Dhs 799) includes a Yummy Mummy-To-Be massage, Bliss Fabulous Facial and therapeutic Lighter Legs treatment. Alternatively, the Yummy Mummy-To-Be Massage is priced from Dhs 399; the Yummy Mummy & Daddy-To-Be Massage is Dhs 889; the Mummy Massage & More is Dhs 699; the I’m A Mummy Now massage is Dhs 399; Yummy Tummy (Dhs 85) is for your growing bump; the Temple Time head massage is Dhs 300; Scrub-A-Dub-Mum (Dhs 245) will scrub away those dead skin cells; and the Lighter Legs foot soak is Dhs 225. SensAsia Urban Spas are located at The Village in Jumeirah, Emirates Golf Club, Palm Jumeirah and Souk Al Manzil in Downtown Dubai. Visit
Online beauty booking platform Vaniday is now offering 20% cashback on all treatments, redeemable against more than 50,000 services in any of their 750 salon and spa partners, at a date and time convenient to you. Every treatment, every booking, every time you book through Vaniday 20% of the treatment value will be added to your cashback account and you can use your cashback balance to pay for your next treatment. So if you’re mad for manicures, tempted by treatments or fanatical about facials, this is a no-brainer: the more you book, the more you save! Find out more at
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d este d&T
Cup Kiss full body massage @ Tips & Toes Originally used to treat royals and superiors, Chinese cupping therapy is an ancient form of medicine which dates back thousands of years. It has an abundance of health and slimming benefits, including helping to ease pain and inflammation, encouraging blood flow and boosting relaxation. But whilst that all sounds wonderful, I’ve seen enough images of black and blue celebs to put me off! So if you’re like me and fancy the benefits without the bruising then try the Cup Kiss full body massage!
What’s involved?
The 90-minute treatment starts with a typical massage then after the therapist has warmed your muscles she uses silicon vacuum cups. The cups create suction on your skin which drains the excess fluids and toxins, the continuous movement of the cups is what avoids the bruising.
What are the results?
I was nervous at first and though some spots were a little uncomfortable it didn’t hurt. At the same time as being relaxing this treatment can also help to reduce cellulite, promote weight loss and detoxification by removing toxins and impurities. Afterwards I felt totally relaxed, less bloated and less achy. Definitely will be doing this again!
How much?
Throughout November, you can enjoy the Cup Kiss massage for Dhs 275 (usually Dhs 320), or as a 5 to 15-minute add-on to your favourite treatment from just Dhs 45. To find your nearest branch, or further information log on to or call 04-3990550. -L. C.
James Read Tan James Read is the UK’s leading self-tanning expert. A pioneer of tanning trends worldwide, James puts tan and skin-finishing techniques into the spotlight. His signature tanning style has generated a sizeable following and an unrivalled A-list clientele, such as Ellie Goulding, Rosie Huntington-Whitely, Lady Gaga and Cara Delevingne. James incorporated his experience in salons, film shoots, celebrity suites, award ceremonies and backstage to develop a unique product range, James Read Tan. James Read Tan products are infused with opulent skincare ingredients providing not just a healthy bronze glow but beautiful looking skin. All products within the range have been formulated to suit all skin tones. James Read Tan is available in four main categories. SelfTan - a golden colour lasts for days, Gradual build a subtle, sun-kissed glow all year around, Overnight - tan and treat while you sleep and Enhance - achieve your tans full potential.
COMPETITION James Read Tan are giving 10 Connector readers the chance to win James Read Gradual Tan for Body and Face. Simply answer the following question by 28th November 2016. Note: Prizes must be collected by 1st January 2017. To enter visit or Which category allows you to tan and treat while you sleep? a) Self Tan b) Gradual c) Overnight
Connector NOVEMBER | 63
HEALTH & fitness
Wine Face
What’s your face telling you?
ffecting much more than your weight and health, a growing understanding of how what you put into your body shows on your face, is expanding the importance of digestive health. In the battle against bags, wrinkles and adult acne, Health and Fitness Travel, the leading experts in tailor-made healthy holidays worldwide, takes a look at the premature ageing effects of sugar, wine, dairy and gluten, and where to make diet changes at nutrition-friendly retreats around the world. Through a method called ‘skin mapping’ naturopathic experts reveal which type of ‘face’ or ‘faces’ a person has, known as; Sugar Face, Wine Face, Dairy Face and Gluten Face. Taking a different approach to explaining how your diet plays a major role in the ageing process, this is an ancient idea which suggests that parts of the face are linked to particular organs in the body. The redness, puffiness, dark shading, sagging, lines or spots on certain parts of the face can reveal a lot about a person’s diet, and so naturopathic experts use this information to suggest the necessary supplements and diet changes to promote healthy ageing. 64 | NOVEMBER Connector
Wine Face indicates a high or excess intake of alcohol, which can be seen by a number of different symptoms. As alcohol is high in sugar, the protein collagen (which is vital for skin elasticity) is damaged, enlarging pores and causing eyelids to become droopy. Alcohol also dehydrates the skin, causing increases in the deepness of the nasolabial lines, which run from the nose to the mouth. Face-mapping suggests that the area between the eyes is associated with the liver and redness or deep lines between the brows are a sign of the liver struggling to process alcohol. Other symptoms of Wine Face include a red nose and ruddy cheeks, which are a result of inaction of the enzyme used to fight the skin-destroying, inflammatory process caused by alcohol. By cutting your alcohol intake you will soon see an improvement in the texture and colour of your skin.
Where to go for Wine Face: India - Shreyas
With a strict no alcohol policy, this spiritual retreat on the outskirts of Bangalore bases its culinary philosophy on balancing the six tastes of Ayurveda; sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent. Reap the health benefits of an alcoholfree holistic holiday that heals and strengthens the body using gourmet vegetarian meals, based on the Ayurvedic nutritional theory. Cooking classes with the communities surrounding this peaceful sanctuary teach you to recreate traditional dishes made with locally grown, freshly picked ingredients. Continue to rejuvenate your wellbeing during your stay with yoga, meditation and cleansing Ayurvedic spa therapies.
Gluten Face
Although fewer people suffer from coeliac disease, many people are sensitive to gluten, some of whom are not even aware. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye, which can cause an inflammatory response, leaving the face looking swollen, bloated or inflamed. Other symptoms of
Gluten Face include dark pigmentation patches and spots around the chin caused by a disturbance in cell production of pigmentation in the skin and a disrupted balance of reproductive hormones due to the inflammatory response. Many people that have tried to overcome these symptoms with a variety of different treatments have surprisingly found that the only way to improve their skin is through removing gluten from their diet.
Where to go for Gluten Face: The Philippines - The Farm at San Benito
Indulge in gluten free healthy cuisine in the lush tropical surroundings of The Farm at San Benito in the Philippines, specialists in raw and vegan cuisine which is both delicious and nutritious. Enjoy a five-course gluten free gourmet lunch at the multi-award-winning vegan restaurant, ALIVE! before taking part in healthy raw food demonstrations to learn easy coeliac-friendly recipes to take home with you. With a philosophy based around natural energy, continue to revive your well-being at the luxury spa, which sources natural and organic ingredients for its spa treatments.
Dairy Face
As we all know, most dairy products contain lactose, which can’t always be easily digested. Lactose intolerance is one of the most common food intolerances, as many people lose the enzymes to digest lactose effectively later in life. Although some people have very obvious bodily symptoms of their intolerance, many people’s intolerance to lactose may go unnoticed. However, with the help of face-mapping, symptoms can be revealed. Symptoms of the dairy-face, such as puffy eyelids, under-eye bags and dark circles on your face, are caused by an inflammatory process indicating intolerances or digestive issues of dairy products. Dairy products also contain a large amount of hormones which can disrupt the balance of sex hormones, triggering an overgrowth in skin cells blocking pores and trapping bacteria as a result.
Where to go for Dairy Face: Spain - SHA Wellness Clinic
With personalised macrobiotic nutrition plans
available across all of its wellness holidays, SHA Wellness Clinic in Spain is a dream retreat for a dairy free escape. Dairy, caffeine and alcohol are to be avoided if following a strict macrobiotic diet, where seasonal organic grains, vegetables and beans form the foundation. Together with informative macrobiotic cooking lectures, SHA also offers healthy detox cuisine and juice fasting, to help cleanse the system of harmful toxins. With tailored wellness programmes to help combat insomnia, stress, weight loss, smoking and more, there is a well-being solution for every individual.
Sugar Face
Symptoms of a high-sugar diet, also known as Sugar Face include blotches and horizontal lines on the forehead, which also indicate digestive issues. This occurs as sugar in the blood can damage proteins, including collagen and elastin, which keep the skin firm and supple, therefore resulting in increased wrinkling on the forehead and sagging under the eyes. Other symptoms of too much sugar include pustular spots over the face, caused by sugar creating an imbalance of bacteria in the gut, and a gaunt look to the face caused by excess sugar affecting fat distribution. A pasty white face is often due to increased levels of insulin which instructs the body to divert energy to more essential tasks, causing blood vessels around the face to constrict, washing out the skin as a result.
Where to go for Sugar Face: Thailand - Phuket Cleanse Detox & Fitness
Go sugar free at Phuket Cleanse, an inspiring healthy retreat that advocates ‘active cleansing’ which naturally detoxes your body by combining fitness with raw organic nutrition. In food demonstrations, workshops and master classes you’ll be encouraged to explore your relationship with food, listen to your body and discover true health with food that makes you feel energised, glowing and alive. Awaken your body with workouts including Muay Thai, TRX and beach boot camp classes and recover with post-workout raw and vegan recovery protein drinks. For more information, visit Connector NOVEMBER | 65
HEALTH & fitness
Fertility facts for your
20s, 30s and 40s 20s Dr Bohaira El Geyoushi, fertility expert and brand spokesperson for Clearblue, talks about the things you need to know to maximise the chances of getting pregnant, depending on your age.
hilst it is true that more couples are choosing to have a family later in life and assisted reproduction techniques are helping people delay the decision, there’s no denying that age will always play an important role. Women are born with a limited number of eggs. By the time a woman reaches her 30th birthday she has an egg reserve of around 72,000 and this gradually decreases to less than 1,000 at the menopause. As we age it is not only the quantity of eggs that can present challenges, but also the quality, making it harder for the sperm to fertilise the eggs and increasing the risk of abnormalities. 66 | NOVEMBER Connector
20s is the ideal time to get pregnant when fertility is at its peak, but that still does not mean it will happen immediately. Statistics suggest that the average woman between 20 and 24 years old has about a 20% chance of getting pregnant each month. Lifestyle habits should be the main focus at this age and the number one piece of advice is to quit smoking. Nicotine has a toxic effect on cells, which impacts both the sperm and the eggs, and the same is true of passive smoking. Being overweight or underweight can also take its toll and there is evidence to suggest that too much alcohol and caffeine may be linked with lower fertility. Stress is another big factor and anyone who is trying to get pregnant should take steps to manage their stress levels. For anyone who may be suffering from fertility problems caused by conditions such as PCOS or premature ovarian failure (early onset menopause), this is an especially important time and we would advise the patient to start trying for a baby as soon as possible.
30s It is becoming increasingly common for women to have their first child in their 30s and while fertility does decrease at this age, the change begins gradually then accelerates much more quickly as you get closer to your 40th birthday. This is the time to do everything you can to maximise your chances of conceiving naturally. It is important to get to know your body and understand your cycle as it’s estimated that nearly 50% of couples could be trying to conceive at the wrong time. There are a number of home methods for predicting ovulation, such as the calendar method, however your cycle can vary by up to seven days each month, which makes it harder to be exact. Basal Body Temperature involves taking your temperature daily as soon as you wake up, which can prove time consuming and it’s only been shown to predict the most fertile days in one third of cycles. Ovulation kits such as the Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test are proven to be much more accurate and effective. The test can predict ovulation from the first cycle of use and pinpoint your two most fertile days 12 to 24 hours in advance by analyzing the hormone levels in your urine.
The risk of abnormalities rises with age and women over 40 are considered to be at a higher risk of pregnancy complications. Even with IVF the success rate falls to less than 5% for women over 42 years of age, versus 31% for women under 35.The risk of miscarriage in a woman between 35 to 39 years of age is 24%, and doubles to 51% between 40 to 44 and the risk of conditions such as Down’s Syndrome also increases. It is best to be proactive and visit a fertility specialist immediately where they will do a variety of tests to try and establish any potential problems that may require treatment. Providing there are no obvious issues patients would be advised to try and conceive naturally for three to six months. Even if a problem is identified the answer may be something simple such as lifestyle changes or drugs to stimulate ovulation. If we believe the best course of action is assisted reproduction your doctor would advise on the next steps, which may include intrauterine insemination (IUI) or IVF. For anyone undergoing IVF in their late 30s and above we would recommend screening the embryos for any abnormalities before embryo transfer. Even if you fall pregnant naturally in your 40s you will be offered additional prenatal screening tests to assess your baby’s chance of developing more common conditions such as Down’s Syndrome.
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HEALTH & fitness
10 Tips to Living a Balanced and Happy Life
by Sophia Fromell, Ithaca Life
1. Review your current situation
3. How to get there
2. Decide where you want to be
4. Understand happiness
Take a close look at your life right now. Is this really the life you want to live? If not, what is missing, what needs changing? Review all aspects by thinking of all the different roles you play in your life (parent, partner, friend, employee, son/daughter) and the areas that are important to you: career, finances, relationships, personal growth, social life, and health. Rate each aspect on a scale from 0 10, with zero being the lowest and ten being the highest. Does the outcome look balanced or do you have a lot of bumps and jumps? Consider the ideal life you want to live. How is it compared to what you have now? Using the same areas you worked on above, plot in your ideal scores on a scale from 0 - 10. This will give you an illustration of where you are in each area and where you want to be. 68 | NOVEMBER Connector
To achieve the life you have always wanted, start off by making a plan. How do you plan to get there? Once you have identified the areas that need attention in your life, consider what steps you have to take to gain the balance you want. Are there areas in your life where you are putting more effort than you’d like? Do you tend to carry work home with you and find yourself unable to disconnect even during the weekend? Consider what it is you can stop doing or change so this area does not consume so much of your time any more. If your goal in life is to be happy, then think again. Happiness is not a goal in itself; it is a state of being. You cannot wait for the perfect moment to start being happy. Happiness is the result of your thoughts and emotions. Being aware of your thoughts and emotions
is the first step in learning to manage and eventually change your state of mind from a negative to a positive one.
5. Don’t be afraid of change
Once you have identified the changes you need to do to transform your life, you will have to set out to work towards achieving change. Change often makes one uncomfortable. Especially when challenges arise, we often give up instead of trying to pull through. Be prepared to step out of your comfort zone and see this change as an opportunity to be better.
6. Be dissatisfied
Don’t be afraid to be dissatisfied with what you have achieved so far in life. Being dissatisfied is a driving force for achieving more. It will drive you to achieve what you’ve always desired.
7. Change your thoughts
Do you ever catch yourself saying things like: “I can’t do this because…”, “That’s not possible!” or “I am never lucky”. Limiting thoughts can influence everything you do and they certainly can prevent you from seeing opportunities, pursuing your dreams and sometimes discourage you completely from trying anything new. Even though such beliefs may sound reasonable and true, try to challenge them. Acknowledge that such thoughts are not necessarily facts, look for evidence that proves the opposite.
9. It’s about the journey not the destination
Striving to achieve different goals and ambitions in life is a sign of dedication and commitment. However, you may often reach those goals only to find out that they are not as satisfying and as glorious as you initially thought. Though setting and achieving goals is important, do not forget to take a moment to look back and appreciate where you came from. Look at all the obstacles you had to overcome to get here, all the experience you gained on the way. It is the sum of these memories and experiences that make you who you are today.
10. Relationships
Relationships are often not on our to-do list as they are not urgent. However, working on them and maintaining them is important. Relationships help us satisfy a number of dependencies; these needs are companionship, affection and emotional support. Relationships whether with family, friends or a partner, help us live a more fulfilled life. Ensure you identify and prioritise the relationships that are important in your life, as they are an integral part of your happiness.
8. Understand what’s keeping you back
All people have dreams, however not everyone gets to achieve them. Fear is the main force that stops us from going after a goal, as it is a natural response to danger. We feel fear in order to protect ourselves from something that can be harmful to us. However, most fears we have in our adult lives are unfounded. As infants, we are born with only two kinds of fear: the fear of falling and fear of loud noises. Everything else is conditioned to us throughout our life.
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HEALTH & fitness
Fitness tips for mums For a busy mum, whether you are a working or stay at home mum, starting an exercise routine can sometimes seem impossible to fit to your long list of to ‘dos’ every day. The biggest challenge you may face is finding time to fit everything. Below are some tips to help make this possible for you.
Working mums
• If you are working 10 hours a day, it can sometimes be very hard to motivate yourself to get to the gym. Go during your one-hour lunch break or directly before or after work. Sometimes working out in morning is easier to do as you are fresh and the stress of work hasn’t got on top of you. • Get a support group/workout group going in work and maybe use lunch time to train together. Having support or a buddy to train
with will help keep up your motivation. • When possible cycle or walk to work and always use the stairs. These are useful ways of getting your cardio done without having to worry about the trip to the gym after.
Stay at home mums
• If you are a stay at home mum using fitness DVDs or training online with a personal trainer are both good ideas to help you keep on track with your workouts. Try to do this when the kids are asleep and get into a regular routine. • Taking the kids for long walks or playing fun activities in the park is also a good way to help both you and them to exercise. • Get the kids involved let them feel like workout is a team effort between all of you do something fun like hiking or mountain biking. • Try to exercise early because as the day goes on it gets easier to make excuses. Try as hard as you can to schedule 30 minutes for yourself before or after breakfast.
Tips for both
• Prep your food ‘if you fail to plan, you plan to fail’. Having meals ready to eat will take less time and make it easier for you to follow the correct diet, otherwise if you’re hungry you will eat what is there. Use the weekend to prep your meals this will take around one hour from your day and save you from craving and eating bad food. • Track and count everything you eat as this enable you to know the food you’re consuming and keep you within your daily macronutrient goals. Hiring a personal trainer is a good way to keep you motivated and ensure you train consistently and reach your goal. • Make use of the weekends with your family. Doing fun active activities not only benefits you but it is great for the whole family.Classes such as baby aqua classes or mums and tots are awesome classes to attend to suit both you and young kids. With thanks to Louise Sheilds, Fitness Manager at Fitness First, Dalma Mall. Visit
70 | NOVEMBER Connector
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Package includes:
Package includes: - Roundtrip transfers from the hotel to the boat. - Welcome drinks on arrival in the boat. - Two Hours of cruising along the creek witnessing the old or the heritage part of Dubai. 10% Discount Buggy Adventure Tour - International Buffeton dinner. Bring a Friend and Split the Ride - Tea/Coffee with mineral water. -Veg / Jain food can be requested without any ABC Tourism L.L.C. additional cost.
- Dubai Museum (Incld Ticket), Bastakiya, Abra (Boat) Ride, Spice and the Gold Souk, - Dubai Mall & Burj Khalifa (Dancing Fountain), Palace of the Sheikh and Mini Manhattan 10% Discount on Buggy Adventure Tour
- Ski Dubai, Emirates Mall, Islands, Jumeirah Bring a Friend andPalm Split the Ride Beach and Jumeirah Mosque ABC Tourism L.L.C. Valid untilSubject 30th April 2017 and conditions Disclaimer: to terms Tel: +971 50 9192394
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Terms and conditions: - Show printed voucher at the time of redemption.
Valid untilSubject 30th April 2017 and conditions Disclaimer: to terms Tel: +971 50 9192394
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Valid until 31st December 2016
Tel: 04 4493100
Tel: 800 FITNESS (3486377)
Terms and conditions: - Valid for one person only. - Email the code “wgb4OSbo� to and you will be contacted to avail your 20% CV Writing discount. Dhow
- Not in conjunction with any other offers and discounts. 10% discount, no limit on number of guests.
- Not convertible to cash. Standard Valid until 31stBAYT.COM December 2017 T&C's
Valid until 30th November 2016
Toll Free 800 2225, +971 50 6531503 (24 Hrs.)
club club
Terms and conditions: 1. Must be over 16 years of age. 2. Not redeemable for cash. 3. First time visitors only. 4. One voucher per person. 5. Subject to 15 mins consultation prior to use of the facility. 6. Only valid at Fitness First UAE. Restrictions may apply. Dubai City TourClubs 7. Not valid at Fitness First Community The Lakes, The Meadows and Town Centre. 25% discount, no limit on number of guests. Disclaimer: Subject to terms and conditions Valid until 31st December 2017 Toll Free 800 2225, +971 50 6531503 (24 Hrs.)
Package includes: - Roundtrip transfers from the hotel to the boat. - Welcome drinks on arrival in the boat. - Two Hours of cruising along the creek witnessing the old or the heritage part of Dubai. 10% Discount Buggy Adventure Tour - International Buffeton dinner. Bring a Friend and Split the Ride - Tea/Coffee with mineral water. -Veg / Jain food can be requested without any ABC Tourism L.L.C. additional cost.
Package includes:
Valid untilSubject 30th April 2017 and conditions Disclaimer: to terms
Valid untilSubject 30th April 2017 and conditions Disclaimer: to terms
Tel: +971 50 9192394
club club
club club
- Dubai Museum (Incld Ticket), Bastakiya, Abra (Boat) Ride, Spice and the Gold Souk, - Dubai Mall & Burj Khalifa (Dancing Fountain), Palace of the Sheikh and Mini Manhattan 10% Discount on Buggy Adventure Tour
- Ski Dubai, Emirates Mall, Islands, Jumeirah Bring a Friend andPalm Split the Ride Beach and Jumeirah Mosque ABC Tourism L.L.C.
club club
Tel: +971 50 9192394
Terms and conditions:
Terms and conditions:
- Show printed voucher at the time of redemption.
- Show printed voucher at the time of redemption.
- Advance booking is recommended.
- Advance booking is recommended.
- Voucher cannot be used in conjunction with
- Voucher cannot be used in conjunction with
any other offers or discounts.
any other offers or discounts.
- Not convertible to cash.
Buggy Adventure Tour Location: Dubai - Hatta Rd, Sharjah, UAE Visit:
72 | NOVEMBER Connector
- Not convertible to cash.
Buggy Adventure Tour Location: Dubai - Hatta Rd, Sharjah, UAE Visit:
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Birthday Parties Childcare Centres School Shows family Gatherings
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Connector NOVEMBER | 73
r u o y t s Li s u h t i w s s e n i s u b s a e l t t i l s a fr om per month
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27/10/2016 11:25:58
CULTURAL/SOCIAL/CHARITY/ENVIRONMENTAL SUPPORT GROUPS CULTURAL & SOCIAL GROUPS Abu Dhabi Falcons Ice Hockey Club............... 02 445 6732 Website: Abu Dhabi Netball League............................. 050 445 3068, Alliance Française of Dubai.............................. 04 335 8712 Oud Metha, Street 18, Dubai; Email: American Business Council (ABC).................. 04 379 1414, American Business Group................................ 02 671 1141 Abu Dhabi - Contact: Renee Nearpass, Exec. Director Email:, American Women’s Association..................... 050 725 7652 Email:, ANZA Australia/New Zealand Association Check website for more details - Art of Living Foundation................................ 050 458 9196 Sangeeta, Australian Business In the Gulf (ABIG)......... 04 367 2437 Email: Belgium Club Dubai....................................... 056 949 8570 British Business Group..................................... 04 397 0303 Email:, Carnity (Car Enthusiast's Community) - Source for GCC Car Forums, Car Classifieds, Businesses & Advice.htpp:// Christ Church, Jebel Ali........... 050 758 1469/ 04 884 5436 Services: Fri. 9:30am (w/ children’s groups) & Sun. 7:30pm Circulo Latinas Dubai -, (1st Monday of each month) Dubai Archers........................ 050 588 0951 / 050 454 3099 Dubai Autism Center........................................ 04 398 6862 Fax: 04-398 8262, PO Box 103737, Dubai Provides information, support, advice, diagnosis assessment and training to parents / professional. Dubai Caledonian Society................ Email: Dubai Chamber Orchestra............................. 050 625 2936, Dubai Concert Committee.. Dubai Drama Group....................................... 050 769 8963, Dubai Evangelical Church Centre................... 04 884 6630 Arabic & English Services, Friday 10am Dubai Flying Dragons (Boating/Water sport in UAE), Dubai Harmony - Ladies 4 part harmony chorus .................................................. 056 690 7052 / 04 394 3338 Dubai International Art Centre....................... 04 344 4398, email: Dubai International Women’s Club................. 04 344 2389 Email: Dubai Irish Society.................... Dubai Ladies Bridge Jan Irvine 050 645 4395 Dubai Manx Society.......................................... 04 394 3185 Email:,, David Sims......... 050 453 4956 Dubai Natural History Group.......................... 04 394 8871
2 | NOVEMBER Connector
GPL - NOVEMBER 2016 FINAL - eMag.indd 2
Every 1st Sunday of the month. Ctc: Valerie Chalmers Dubai Quilters’ Dubai Roadsters................................................ 04 339 4453 Every Sun./Tues. 7pm. 1-2 hrs cycling. Email: Dubai Roadsters Long Cycle............................ 04 339 4453 Every Friday, 6:30am (Oct-Apr) 6:00am (May-Sept) Dubai Rowing & Sculling Dubai St. George’s Andy Marshall.....050 6522 548 / Jan.............. 050 457 0161 Dubai Welsh Chairman: David Sec: Helen Thomas, email: Marc Corcoran........................... 04 394 0762/ 050 645 3179 Email: Dubai Wind Band........................................... 050 651 8902 Email: Dubai Women’s Football Association........ Emirates Arthritis Foundation......................... 04 348 7035 Non-profit organization offering support groups & information for people with Arthritis. Facebook: Emirates Arthritis Foundation E-mail:, Website: Emirates Baptist Church, Int’l (EBCI)........... 04 349 1596 Bible study (all ages): Friday 9:15am Worship service: Friday 10:30am Feline Friends, Dubai...................................... 050 451 0058 Abu Dhabi......02 665 5297......Al Ain............... 03 767 6492 Websites:, Fellowship of the Emirates............................. 050 397 1316 Contemporary style service: Fridays - 9am, 11am & 1pm, French Business Council, 04 335 2362 French Speaking Ladies Association.............. 050 380 3519 President of the association: Elisabeth Pierrot - Ibrahim; German Ladies Association ........................... 050 459 1885 Sabine Monthly meeting every first Sunday of the month at 10am. Holy Trinity Church, Dubai..... 04 337 0247/ 050 758 1459 Services: Sun. 8am & 7.30pm, Fri 9.30am - Family Service International Business Women’s Group in Abu Dhabi Office hours: Sat-Wed 10am-3pm. 050 327 6020 Lunch meetings every first Monday of the month., International Business Women’s Group in Dubai Monthly meetings: contact Sue-Sharyn Ward.......050 657 8445 Email:; Website: JMC Children’s Choir (8-12 y/o)...................... 04 349 2662, K9 Friends ( 04 887 8739 Email:; Facebook: K9 Friends, Dubai Kings’ Revival Church International Ministries..050 454 5902 / 050 893 6431, 19 services in a week - Al Karama Library, The Old................................... 04 341 4777 ext. 207 Email: Timings: 10am to 6pm. Except Fridays & Public Holidays. Ockenden
27/10/2016 11:25:59
CHARITY GROUPS 38smiles (email: 050 534 6741; Dubai Foundation for Women & Children..... 04 606 0300 Foresight (Fax: 364 3705).................................. 04 364 3703 Gulf for Good ( 04 368 0222 Injaz-UAE......................................................... 04 429 8763 E-mail:; Website: International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) Mr. Ahmad Al Jabi, email:, PoshPaws Animal Sanctuary.......................... 050 273 0973 SOS Children’s Villages Arab Fund............... 050 559 8591 The Palestine Children's Relief Fund (PCRF) Website:; E-mail: UNICEF..................................... 04 360 0778 / 04 368 0707 E-mail:; Website: ENVIRONMENTAL GROUP Emirates Environmental Group....................... 04 331 8100 P.O. Box 7013, Dubai................................. (fax) 04 332 8500 SUPPORT GROUPS 3B (Better Bone Belt) National Alliance of Osteoporosis... ........................................................................... 04 282 6411 Adoption............................................................ 04 365 8498 Dr Raymond H. Hamden. Fellow ACFEI, Diplomate: ABPS, ABECI. Human Relations Institute Adoption-Synergy International Adoption Service..04 348 5452
GPL - NOVEMBER 2016 FINAL - eMag.indd 3
Alcoholics Anonymous, Dubai....................... 050 687 0648 Ladies only - 050 1518132; All 4 Down’s Syndrome, Dubai....................... 050 880 9228 Allergy Support Group at Synergy Integrated Medical Centre. Call for monthly meetings.................................. 04 348 5452 Anxiety & Depression Support Group............ 04 365 8498 Autism Friends Support Group, CEIMC........ 04 423 3667 Breast Awareness Hotline................................. 04 345 4000 Dr Walid Achi, Belhoul European Hosp......... 050 632 4275 Breast Cancer Support Group.......................... 04 309 6553 Based at the American Hospital Dubai on the 1st Monday of each month at 7.30pm. Breastfeeding Q& Cancer Support Group..................................... 04 348 5452 Synergy Integrated Medical Centre, call for meetings. Crisis Prevention Program............................. 050 943 3111 (at the Indian Consulate, Dubai) Saturday, 10am-2pm. Divorce Support Groups.................................. 04 335 1200 Dubai Physiotherapy Clinic............................. 04 349 6333 Email: Dyslexia Support Group & Learning Support Services For assessments & consultations, call Anita Singhal 050 652 4325, e-mail:; Genesis International Ventures...04 335 5578/ 050 485 3160 Educational &training centre for people dealing w/ special needs. Grief Support Group........................................ 04 380 9298 Raymee Grief Center at the LightHouse Arabia Email to attend. Manzil - Educational & adaptive living skills program for students with special needs.......... 06 534 7663, 050 354 2994 Mother to Mother Toddler Gp ctc: Ilse.......... 050 452 7674 Mums and Tots Community Group............... 050 775 4579 Mothers’ Network of Asthmatic Children....... 04 282 6411 Out of the Blues (post natal depression support group)........ ............................................. Overeaters Anonymous.................................. 052 980 2158 Email:; Website: Psychology for Everyday Living: Not For Women Only Human Relations Institute................................. 04 365 8498 School Kick-Out Hotline (Monthly service).. 050 705 0324 Advocates for children with special education requirements. Special Families Support......... 04 360 5654 / 050 454 1940 call Gulshan. Fun activities for the children with special needs & families.Website: Still Birth and Neonatal Death Society (S.A.N.D.S) Please see website for further details Stop Smoking Program, Dr Taher Khalil......... 04 268 7655 Stress Workshop................................................ 04 365 8498 Dr Raymond H. Hamden, Clinical & Forensic Psychologist Survivors of Childhood Sex Abuse Support Group, Monthly meetings for ladies only. The Al-Anon Family Groups.......................... 050 697 4393 TwinsPlus, a support group for parents of twins, triplets or more. Contact Suman at 050 658 1338 or Wafi Shopping Mall Mum & Toddler Gp..... 050 656 5837 Every Sun, Mon, & Wed from 9.30am-11.30am. Workshops in Psychology................................. 04 365 8498 Human Relations Institute
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UK Registered charity exclusively supporting refugees worldwide. Parkinson's Support Dubai............................. 050 450 9224 Meetings every 1st Saturday of the month E: Playgroup at Meadows 9 Emaar Properties Jane...................... 050 466 0845/04 3682 283/ 050 657 9411 Sun-Weds 9.30-11.30am, Weds 2.30-4pm Arts & Crafts activities. Sharjah Playgroup ctc: Joni............................. 055 153 0703 Sheikh Mohammed Centre for Cultural Understanding 353 6666 Email:,, Mosque tours: Sat., Sun., Tue. & Thu.,10am at Jumeirah Mosque St. Lukes Church, Ras Al Khaimah.07 236 4007/050 560 3782 St. Mary’s Church, Dubai................................. 04 335 8504 South African Women’s Association (SAWA).......055 508 4721 Chairperson: Yvonne Callaghan; email: Tango Dubai - Paul Bradley............................ 050 645 4004 Website: The Emirates Children’s Symphony Orchestra Conductor - Mr. Riad Kudsi............................ 050 633 5270 Email: UAE Photo............................... email: Every last Sunday of the month. United Christian Church of Dubai.................. 04 884 6623 Evangelical Church Services. Members from more than 50 nationalities. Website: Women’s Guild Dubai/Sharjah Jane Henderson....... 04 394 5331/ Gil Salway....04 394 3185 Word of Life Church, Sharjah......050 457 3836 /050 735 8117 Email: English Service, Fridays - 10:30am. operated by Samaritans in UK
SERVICE DIRECTORY 24-HOUR WALK - IN CLINIC Dubai London Clinic & Speciality Hospital.... 800 352 Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) ACUPUNCTURE Royal Aesthetica Polyclinic, Jumeirah 1..... 04 344 4049 allergy & asthma Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Ahlam Ali, General Practitioner Dubai London Clinic & Speciality Hospital.... 800 352 Dr Mina Milovanovic, Specialist Internal Medicine ambulance services American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6333 Medcare Hospitals..............800MEDCARE (6332273) Medcare Orthopaedics & Spine Hospital..................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Anaesthesia American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6553 Dr Bassam Al Asad, Specialist Anaesthetist Dr Ali Ibrahim, Consultant Anaesthetist Dr Jochen Bongardt, Specialist Anaesthetist Dr Mari Aallos Ravenna, Specialist Anaesthetist Dr Rajesh Pattanayak, Consultant Anaesthetist Dr Tibor Serdult, Specialist Anaesthetist Dr Mohammad Zafar Khan, Specialist Anaesthetist Medcare Hospitals..............800MEDCARE (6332273) Ante - Natal Classes & clinics American Hospital Dubai......................... 050 558 5901 Ms. Froozandeh Afshar, Midwife Exhale Fitness Studios - JBR..................... 04 424 3777 Anti - Ageing CLINICS (Treatments) Al Rustom Skin & Laser Centre................ 04 308 4000 Dr K. Al Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Ambreen Rauf, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Aseel Abdul Razzaq, Specialist Obstetrician & Gynaecologist American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6958 Dr Syed Shah, Consultant Dermatologist Dr Roula Amer, Specialist Dermatologist
Widex Emirates Hearing Care................... 06 544 7332 Widex Medical, Dubai................................ 04 343 3950 AUTISM/A.D.D/A.D.H.D Blue Sky Management of Support Services, Business Bay................................................. 04 559 0266 Baby sitting NanniesDubai, ( 050 847 7537 Back Care Specialists American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6893 Dr Jin- Yul Lee, Consultant Neurosurgeon Dr Waseem Raja, Specialist Rheumatologist Dr Fadi Ajine, Specialist Rheumatologist Neuro Spinal Hospital......... 04 315 7711 / 04 315 7758 Dr Abdul Karim Msaddi, Neurosurgeon Dr Catalin Majer, Neurosurgeon Dr Walid Othman, Orthopedic & Spine Surgeon Dr Ayman Suliman Ahmed, Orthopedic & Spine Surgeon Dr Ahmed Bitar, Neurosurgeon Dr Dimitar Georgey Haritonoy, Neurosurgeon balloons Crash-in-Castles LLC.............................. 050 652 4769 Party Centre LLC, Garhoud.. 04 283 1353/ 04 297 9125 Party Centre LLC, Media City................... 04 453 3373 Beauty Salons Amaya Salon & Spa Downtown Burj......... 04 374 1496 Amaya Salon & Spa Silicon Oasis............... 04 320 7390 NAILS AT HOME–prepared to be pampered..04 298 0707 Queens Beauty Lounge............ 04 421 4267 / 04 427 9689 E:; JLT & Marina Branch BEHAVIOURAL THERAPY Blue Sky Management of Support Services, Business Bay................................................. 04 559 0266 birthday parties Crash-in-Castles LLC.............................. 050 652 4769
audio - Vestibular clinics American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6450 Dr. Hala Ali, Specialist Audio Vestibular Medicine Ms. Lubaina Sharafally, Audiologist
Brain Tumor & Neurovascular Unit Neuro Spinal Hospital................................ 04 315 7711 Dr Ahmed Bitar, Neurosurgeon Dr Sarmad Al Shammaa, Neurologist Dr Sarmed Al Fahad, Consultant Neurology Dr Vittorio Iantorno, Neurologist Dr Sandeep B. K, Radiologist (Vascular & Interventional Radiology) Dr Maysaa AlKayem, Anaesthetist Pallavi Malik, Speech Therapist
audiology clinic Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Riza A.V, Audiologist
BREAST SCREENING CLINIC Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Aneta Dunlop, Specialist Radiologist
art & craft classes, centres & CREATIVE WORKSHOPS Lotus Educ. Institute (Arts & Design)....... 04 391 1718
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CARDIAC HEALTH SCREENING Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Rami Neemtallah, Specialist Radiology Dr Ahlam Ali, General Practitioner
CATARACT & GLAUCOMA SURGERY Spanish Center Lasik Eye & Cosmetics, Jumeirah 2..... ..................................................................... 04 343 4634 children’s activities GymJuniorz (British Orchard Nurseries).... 04 398 3536 Tender Hearts Arena....................................................... ..................... 04 321 3138/ 050 349 3596/ 050 887 3455 Recreational Services for kids w/ Special Abilities. children’s therapy Art Therapy International Centre, Business Bay............ ..................................................................... 04 557 3242 Blue Sky Management of Support Services, Business Bay................................................. 04 559 0266 Kalimati Communication & Rehabilitation Center..... ..................................................................... 04 283 9196 Chiropody Dubai Physiotherapy & Family Medicine Clinic.......... ..................................................................... 04 349 6333 Kersten Elliott, Chiropodist / Podiatrist (UK) CHIROPRACTOR Royal Aesthetica Polyclinic, Jumeirah 1..... 04 344 4049 circumcision Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Raad Yusufani, Consultant General Surgeon Dr Suhail Kazim, Consultant General Surgeon Dr Foroozan Khezri, Specialist Urologist Dr Sadeq Yaqoub, Specialist Paediatric Surgeon
GPL - NOVEMBER 2016 FINAL - eMag.indd 5
COCHLEAR IMPLANTS American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6450 Dr Muaaz Tarabichi, Specialist Otolaryngologist Dr Carmelo Barbaccia, Specialist Otolaryngologist Dr Hala Ali, Specialist Audio Vestibular Medicine Lubaina Sharafally, Audiologist Ghada Ajamieh, Speech Therapist COLORECTAL SURGERY American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6553 Dr Nader Salti, Consultant General Surgeon Dr Aqeel Ghori, Specialist General Surgery company set up Saleh Alobeidli Advocates & Legal, Sheikh ZayedRd... ..................................................................... 04 385 8928 conveyancing Saleh Alobeidli Advocates & Legal, Sheikh ZayedRd... ..................................................................... 04 385 8928 cosmetic dentistry Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Sameh Atallah, General Dentist & Implantologist American Dental Clinic, Dubai...................................... .............................................04 344 0668 / 800 TEETH COSMETIC DERMATOLOGY (Advanced medical aesthetic treatments) Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Ambreen Rauf, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Taher Khalil Clinic, Al Safa 1................ 04 380 8000 Medcare Hospital....................................... 800 6332273 Dr Nabeela Mahmood Eid Rashed, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Nancy Labib, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Hala Aljaber, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Rana Mahfoud, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Rasha Ibrahim, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Mousumee Nanda, Specialist Dermatologist Cosmetic therapist (Rehabilitation of scar tissue, scar camouflage, permanent make-up corrections) Medcare Hospital....................................... 800 6332273 Connector NOVEMBER | 5
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“If you cant find what you’re looking for, visit”
cARDIOLOGY City Centre Clinic....................................... 04 205 2777 Dr V.J.Sebastian, Consultant Cardiologist Dr Moayad Flayih, Specialist Cardiologist Dubai London Clinic & Speciality Hospital.... 800 352 Dr Mohammed Hafez Moursi, Specialist Cardiologist Dr Haitham Al Hashimi, Consultant Cardiologist Medcare Hospital & Medical Centres........................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Samer Kaaka, Specialist Cardiologist Dr Petar Otasevic, Specialist Cardiologist Dr Magdy Eltawous, Specialist Cardiologist Neuro Spinal Hospital......... 04 315 7711 / 04 315 7758 Dr Tarek Sayed Farghaly, Specialist Cardiology
Clinics & Hospitals Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 336 7777 Dubai London Clinic (Festival City Mall)......... 800 352 Dubai Physiotherapy & Family Medicine Clinic.......... ..................................................................... 04 349 6333 Medcare Hospitals & Clinics......................................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Medcare Orthopaedics & Spine Hospital...................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Neuro Spinal Hospital.......... 04 342 0000/ 04 315 7777
Dr Aseel Abdul Razzaq, Specialist Obstetrician & Gynaecologist American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6399 Dr Nader Salti, Consultant General Surgeon Dr Aqeel Ghori, Specialist General Surgeon
DANCE LESSONS Sharmila Dance..................................050 858 1083 / 84 Hip Hop, Jazz, St.Jazz, Lyrical Contemporary & Classical Ballet Classes.; email: Dental hygienist American Dental Clinic, Dubai...................................... ...............................................04 344 0668/ 800TEETH Mrs. Roxana Tabrizian, Dental Hygienist Trained & Board Certified Canada Dental Implants Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Sameh Atallah, General Dentist & Implantologist American Dental Clinic, Dubai...................................... ...............................................04 344 0668/ 800TEETH Dr Michael R. Ziegler, General Dentist & Implantologist. Trained & Board Certified USA, Fellow of the International Congress of Oral Implantologist (ICOI, USA). Dr Mauricio Gomes Taborda, General Dentist & Implantologist (Brazil) Dubai London Clinic, Al Wasl Rd Branch..04 378 2921 Dr Geoffrey Sharpe, Periodontist Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Prem Nanda, Orthodontist & Implantologist Dr Hani Salam, Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr Jehad Al Sukhun, Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon Dentists Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Sameh Atallah, General Dentist & Implantologist American Dental Clinic, Dubai...................................... .............................................. 04 344 0668/ 800TEETH Dr Michael R. Ziegler, General Dentist & Implantologist. Board Certified USA Dr Anahita A. Salehi, Orthodontist and Dentofacial Orthopedic. DDS-MSD-CAGS Orthodontic care for Adult and Children. Dr Philippe Saleiman, Specialist Endodontics Dr Hani Abdul Salam, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr Hala Al Sakka, DDS, General Dentist Trained and Board Certified Canada & USA Dr Mauricio Gomes Taborda, General Dentist & Implantologist (Brazil) Dr Grace Miled Eid, Specialist Paediatric Dentist (Lebanon/Canada) Dr Ourania Pontikogianni, General Dentist Mrs. Roxana Tabrizian, Dental Hygienist City Centre Clinic....................................... 04 205 2777 Dr Sondos Awad, GP Dentist Dr Shallen Verma, Specialist Dentist, Specialist Implantologist & Periodontics Dubai London Clinic, Al Wasl Rd Branch..04 378 2921 Dr Evan O'Malley, G.P. (Dentist) Dr Nora Powell, G.P. (Dentist) 6 | NOVEMBER Connector
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Dr Geoffrey Sharpe, Periodontist Dr Gilda Behnam (Orthodontist) Dr Emma Caseley, G.P. (Dentist) Medcare Hospital & Medical Centres........................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Lubab Jassim Mohammed, Paedodontist Dr Hani A. Salam, Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr Marija Pavlovic, Periodontist & Oral Implantologist Dr Nadir Eltayeb, General Dentist Dr Ghada Yehia Jaber, General Dentist Dr Shahnaz Faraz, Paedodontist Dr Afifa Zarrin, Orthodontist Dr Sarika Kumar, General Dentist Dr Nelly Koshty, General Dentist Dr Yasmeen Rabah, General Dentist Dr Samer Hassoun, Orthodontist Dr Abdulrahman Ghalib Atatreh, General Dentist Dr Tarundeep Talwar, General Dentist Dr Jehad Al Sukhun, Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon Royal Aesthetica Polyclinic, Jumeirah 1..... 04 344 4049 DERmatologists Al Rustom Skin & Laser Centre................ 04 308 4000 Dr K. Al Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Ambreen Rauf, Specialist Dermatologist American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6958 Dr Syed Shah, Consultant Dermatologist Dr Roula Amer, Specialist Dermatologist City Centre Clinic....................................... 04 205 2777 Dr Samer Kudsi, Specialist Dermatology Dr Murtuza Bandukwala, Specialist Dermatologist....... ..................................................................... 04 379 8747 Dubai London Clinic & Speciality Hospital.... 800 352 Dr Umesh Nihalani, Specialist Dermatologist Minal Medical Center................................. 04 342 0990 Minal Specialised Clinic Dermatology...... 06 574 9610 Royal Aesthetica Polyclinic, Jumeirah 1..... 04 344 4049 Spanish Center Lasik Eye & Cosmetics, Jumeirah 2..... ..................................................................... 04 343 4634 DIABETES COUNSELLING Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Ahlam Ali, General Practitioner American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6876 Dr Hubert Penninckx, Sp. Int. Med. Endocrinologist Dr Donatella Casiglia, Sp. Int. Med. Endocrinologist Dr Hanaa Zidan, Specialist Pediatric Endocrinologist diagnostics Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Aneta Dunlop, Specialist Radiologist Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) dialysis American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6370 Dr Fahed Kouli, Specialist Nephrologist
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DIETIcIAN (See Weight Loss) American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6606 Mariam Saleh, Dietician May El Moghrabi, Dietician Dana Al Shaka’a, Dietician Medcare Hospital & Medical Centres........................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Mr. Mohamed El Syed El Falahgi, Dietitian Ms. Nadine Aoun, Dietitian
Dyslexia assessment & remediation Blue Sky Management of Support Services, Business Bay................................................. 04 559 0266 Lexicon Reading Center........................... 050 795 4428 Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6450 Dr Muaaz Tarabichi, Specialist Otolaryngologist Dr Carmelo Barbaccia, Specialist Otolaryngologist City Centre Clinic....................................... 04 205 2777 Dr Vikas Nehru, Specialist ENT Dubai London Clinic & Speciality Hospital.... 800 352 Dr Sasa Janjanin, ENT Specialist Dr Ayham Fallouh, Specialist ENT & Nose Reshaping Medcare Hospital & Medical Centres........................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Mohamad I. El – Naggar, Consultant ENT Dr Ghassan Younes, Specialist ENT Surgeon Dr Nikita Malhotra, Specialist ENT Surgeon Dr Mounir Hazzi, Specialist ENT Surgeon Dr Osama AlKadad, Specialist ENT Surgeon Dr Mohammed Abdulazeez hasan, Specialist ENT Surgeon Dr Kamel Sameer Dhay, Specialist ENT Dr Shinoy Ansari, Specialist ENT Dr Nisha Vijayan, Specialist ENT Dr Ahmad Mohammad Shabaneh, Specialist ENT Ear Protections Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) Mr. Riza A.V, Audiologist EMERGENCY MEDICINE American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6644 Dr Hesham El- Latif, Specialist Emergency Medicine
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endocrinology American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6893 Dr Hubert Penninckx, Sp. Int. Med. Endocrinologist Dr Donatella Casiglia, Sp. Int. Med. Endocrinologist Dr Hanaa Zidan, Specialist Pediatric Endocrinologist City Centre Clinic....................................... 04 205 2777 Dr Khalid Al Ghofaili, Specialist Endocrinologist Dr Taher Khalil Clinic, Al Safa 1................ 04 380 8000 Dubai London Clinic & Speciality Hospital.... 800 352 Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Mohamed Nabil Mahna, Specialist Endocrinologist ENTERTAINMENT & EVENT MANAGEMENT Best Selection JLT(Events Organizing).... 052 987 5797 Crash-in-Castles LLC.............................. 050 652 4769 EXECUTIVE HEALTH SCREENING Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Ahlam Ali, General Practitioner Dr Aseel Abdul Razzaq, Specialist Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) EXECUTIVE Medicals Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Ahlam Ali, General Practitioner Dubai London Clinic & Speciality Hospital.... 800 352 exercise / fitness consultation Gold Salon................................................... 04 321 1423 family general practice Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Ahlam Ali, General Practitioner Dubai London Clinic & Speciality Hospital.... 800 352 Dr N.S.Prasad, G.P. General Practitioner Dr Haris Akhtar, G.P. General Practitioner Dr Mostafa Vasigh, G.P. General Practitioner family medicine Dubai Physiotherapy & Family Medicine Clinic ......... ..................................................................... 04 349 6333 Dr Susan Norton, Family Medicine (CANADA) Connector NOVEMBER | 7
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“If you cant find what you’re looking for, visit”
DIgestive & LAPAROSCOPIc surgery (General & Laparoscopic Surgery) Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Raad Yusufani, Consultant General Surgeon Dr Suhail Kazim, Consultant General Surgeon Dr Dejan Stepic, Specialist General Surgeon Dr Abdulkader Weiss, Specialist General Surgeon
Dr Imad Fakhani, Registrar Emergency Medicine Dr Nader Hassaballa, Specialist Emergency Medicine Dr Colin Bullard, Specialist Emergency Medicine Dr Mueed Ahmad, Specialist Emergency Medicine Dr Mohan Koppuravuri, Consultant Emergency Medicine Dr Anser Mahmood, Specialist Emergency Medicine Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) Neuro Spinal Hospital................................ 04 315 7777 Dr Ahmed Moneir, General Practitioner Dr Ahmed Abdelhameed, Specialist Undersupervision Internal Medicine Dr Asem Khan, General Practitioner Dr Muhammad Noor, General Practitioner
Dr Viorica Khalili, Specialist Nephrologist Dr Mariusz Kielar, Consultant Nephrologist Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273)
fertility centre Dr Taher Khalil Clinic, Al Safa 1................ 04 380 8000 Medcare Medical Centre...800 MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Panayota Zarmakoupi, Consultant Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility Dr Zakwan Khrait, Specialist Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility
Fitness Centres & Health Clubs Eco Yoga Sanctuary, Jumeirah 1 (Ladies only)................ ............................................. 04 385 6633/ 056 771 1336 Exhale Fitness Studios - JBR...................... 04 424 3777 Fitness First Abu Dhabi Mall.......................................... 02 674 6991 Al Barsha, Dubai......................................... 04 399 4985 Al Fardan Centre, Sharjah.......................... 06 564 7226 Al Manzil..................................................... 04 437 0576 Al Seef Mall, Abu Dhabi............................. 02 641 4049 Ayla Hotel, Al Ain....................................... 03 766 4348 Bawabat Mall, Abu Dhabi........................... 02 582 8714 Beach Park Plaza......................................... 04 385 6464 Bur Juman Center....................................... 04 351 0044 Century Mall, Fujairah................................ 09 223 4788 Dalma Mall, Abu Dhabi.............................. 02 550 4330 Deira City Center........................................ 04 299 9399 Dubai Festival City..................................... 04 375 0177 Dubai International Financial Center....... 04 363 7444 Dubai Media City....................................... 04 424 3999 European Business Center - Green Community............ ..................................................................... 04 884 8833 Golden Mile................................................ 04 453 8859 Ibn Battuta.................................................. 04 366 9933 Julphar Towers, RAK.................................. 07 226 3020 Marina Mall, Abu Dhabi............................. 02 666 2116 Mirdif City Center...................................... 04 236 2288 Motor City Dubai....................................... 04 431 0919 Oasis Center Dubai.................................... 04 330 7736 Safeer Mall, Sharjah.................................... 06 531 9880 Sahara Centre, Sharjah................................ 06 525 1814 The Lakes..................................................... 04 438 0338 The Meadows............................................... 04 437 0545 Town Center................................................ 04 439 2323 Uptown Mirdif............................................ 04 288 2311 Uptown Mirdif Ladies................................. 04 288 8039 Vision Tower............................................... 04 232 8002 Wahat Hili Mall, Al Ain............................. 03 785 3365 XFIT Media City........................................ 04 513 6212 Motion Ladies Fitness Center, Umm Suqeim..04 328 2538 flexible endoscope (Gastroscopy, Colonoscopy & Proctoscopy) Medcare Hospital & Medical Centres........................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Suhail Kazim, Consultant General Surgeon Dr Emad Fayyad MD, Consultant Gastroenterologist Dr Sreekantha Reddy Yerragudi, Specialist Gastroenterologist 8 | NOVEMBER Connector
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foot & ankle surgery Medcare Orthopaedics & Spine Hospital ..................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Maan Taba, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Caterina Obrador, Podiatrist Specialist GASTROENTEROLOGY American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6893 Dr Regina Will, Specialist Gastroenterologist Dr Louis Chaptini, Consultant Gastroenterologist City Centre Clinic....................................... 04 205 2777 Dr Wagdy Emile Mikhail, Specialist Gastroenterologist Dubai London Clinic & Speciality Hospital.... 800 352 Dr J.C. Mathias, Specialist General Surgery Medcare Hospital & Medical Centres .......................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Emad Fayyad, Consultant Gastroenterologist Dr Sreekantha Reddy Yerragudi, Specialist Gastroenterologist Dr Sanae Reggoug, Specialist Gastroenterologist gastroenterology & HEPATOLOGY Abuhammour Med Center (AMC)............ 04 363 5353 Dr Adnan Abuhammour, Specialist Gastroenterologist General Practitioners (See Family/General Medicine) Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Ahlam Ali, General Practitioner City Centre Clinic....................................... 04 205 2777 Dr Marvie Hinampas, General Practitioner Dr Haritha Potu, General Practitioner City Centre Clinic, Me’aisem IMPZ.......... 04 205 2772 Dr Lamiaa Taha, General Physician Dubai Physiotherapy & Family Medicine Clinic ......... ..................................................................... 04 349 6333 Dr Kay Deeming, General Practitioner, Specialist Family Medicine (UK) Medcare Hospitals & Medical Centres......................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Ammar Hassan, General Practitioner Dr Hind Khalid Mohammed, General Practitioner Dr Atique Ur Rehman, General Practitioner Dr Ali Sabah, General Practitioner Dr Saima Khan, General Practitioner Dr Rand Mustafa Al Hayali, General Practitioner Dr Farah Siddiquie, General Practitionerr Dr Sameera Mohamed Mahfud, General Practitioner Dr Ziad Mohammed Al Saadi, General Practitioner Dr Ahmed Aziz, General Practitioner Dr Rand Mustafa Al Hayali, General Practitioner Dr Usman Ahmed, General Practitioner General Surgery American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6553 Dr Nader Salti, Consultant General Surgeon Dr Aqeel Ghori, Specialist General Surgery
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Gynaecologists & obstetrics Abuhammour Med Center (AMC)............ 04 363 5353 Dr Maria Nikolopoulou, Specialist OBS/ GYNE Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Aseel Abdul Razzak, Specialist Obstetrician & Gynaecologist American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6879 Dr Omowunmi Braithwaite, Consultant Obs/Gyn Dr Arathil Candoth Rajalakshmi, Specialist Obs/Gyn Dr Anthony Brignoni, Consultant Obstetrics & Gynecology Dr Daisy Koh, Consultant Obstetrics & Gynecology City Centre Clinic....................................... 04 205 2777 Dr Grace Jecob, Specialist Obstetrician & Gynecologist Dr Hiba U. Muhtasib, Specialist Obstetrics & Gynaecology City Centre Clinic, Me’aisem IMPZ.......... 04 205 2772 Dr Salma Ballal, Specialist Obstatrics & Gynecologist Dubai London Clinic & Speciality Hospital.... 800 352 Dr Anna Sepiolo, Specialist OBS./GYN. Dr Rajesh Devassy, Specialist OBS./GYN & Laparoscopic Surgeon Dr Urmil Verma, Consultant OBS/GYN Medcare Hospital & Medical Centres........................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Paramjit Luthra, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Dr Azza Gouda Ibrahim, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Dr Wafa B. Sulaiman, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Dr Agatha Moniz, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Dr Samah Zarif, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Dr Ivana Cmiljic, Specialist Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Dr Malak Al-Rawi, Specialist Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Dr Ghada Shati, Specialist Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Dr Suha Alhoubi, Specialist Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Dr Alaa Al Wahily, Specialist Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Dr Uzma Ambreen, Specialist Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
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Haemorrhoids American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6553 Dr Nader Salti, Consultant General Surgeon Dr Aqeel Ghori, Specialist General Surgeon Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Raad Yusufani, Consultant General Surgeon Dr Suhail Kazim, Consultant General Surgeon hair extensions Gold Salon............................04 321 1423, 050 625 0288 Great Lengths to go.............04 321 5162, 050 535 5527 hair products Great Lengths Hair Extensions.................. 04 321 5162 Great Lengths UAE.................................. 050 625 0288 Exclusive Distributors and Educators JOICO Hair Colors & Hair care................ 04 605 8516 Philip Kingsley Hair Care........................... 04 605 8516 Tanagra at Gold Salon................................ 04 321 1423 Hair Removal Medcare Hospital & Medical Centres........................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Hair transplantation Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Sajjad Haider Khan, Specialist In Hair Restoration Surgery Hairdressers Gold Salon................................................... 04 321 1423 hand surgery Burjeel Hospital for Advanced Surgery, Dubai.............. ..................................................................... 04 407 0100 hand & wrist surgery Medcare Orthopaedics & Spine Hospital..................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Jose Manuel Rojo, Hand Surgeon Specialist Dr Christiana Savvidou, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon hearing aids Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Riza A.V, Audiologist Widex Emirates Hearing Care................... 06 544 7332 Widex Medical, Abu Dhabi........................ 02 634 0670 Widex Medical, Dubai................................ 04 343 3950 heart centre of excellence American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6364 Dr Steven Griffin, Sp. Cardiothoracic Surgeon Dr Khaldoun Taha, Consultant Cardiologist Connector NOVEMBER | 9
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“If you cant find what you’re looking for, visit””
GERIATRICS (Ageing) American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6877 Dr Senthil Meenrajan, Sp. Geriatric Medicine Dr Mona Tareen, Sp. Geriatric Medicine/ Sp. Hospice & Palliative Medicine/ Sp. Internal Medicine
Dr Fahima Hamdan, Specialist Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Dr Rosalyn Karlsson, Specialist Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Dr Shalini Krishna, Specialist Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Dr Kinda Maidaa, Specialist Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Dr Avneesh Kour, Specialist Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Dr Sunita Arora, Specialist Obstetrician & Gynaecologist Royal Aesthetica Polyclinic, Jumeirah 1..... 04 344 4049
City Centre Clinic....................................... 04 205 2777 Dr Ali Ibrahim Hassan, General Surgeon Dubai London Clinic & Speciality Hospital.... 800 352 Dr J.C. Mathias, Specialist General Surgery Medcare Hospital, Dubai...800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Raad Yusufani, Consultant General Surgeon Dr Suhail Kazim, Consultant General Surgeon Dr Dejan Stepic, Specialist General Surgeon Dr Abdulkader Weiss, Specialist General Surgeon Dr Shadi Najem, Specialist General Surgeon Neuro Spinal Hospital......... 04 315 7777 / 04 315 7710 Bassam Nouh, Consultant General Surgery
Dr Omar Hallak, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist Dr Mohamed Salem, Consultant Interventional Cardiologist HERNIA American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6553 Dr Nader Salti, Consultant General Surgeon Dr Hussein Naji, Specialist Pediatric Surgeon Dr Aqeel Ghori, Specialist General Surgeon hip surgery Medcare Orthopaedics & Spine Hospital..................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Chris Whately, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Barry McKillop, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Azzam Fayyad, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon hOSPITALIST American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6877 Dr Senthil Meenrajan, Sp. Geriatrics Medicine Dr Saria Gouher, Specialist Internal Medicine Dr Elie Nehme, Specialist Internal Medicine Dr Mona Tareen, Sp. Geriatric Medicine/ Sp. Hospice & Palliative Medicine/ Sp. Internal Medicine housekeeping service MaidsDubai: Database of 2000 CVs - ........................... implantologist Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Sameh Atallah, General Dentist & Implantologist Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Prem Nanda, Orthodontist & Implantologist Dr Hani Salam, Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr Jehad Al Sukhun, Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon
Dr Salvin George, Specialist Internal Medicine Dr Ihab Mohd Ramadan, Specialist Internal Medicine Dr Rihab Mohamed Elnour, Specialist Internal Medicine Dr Amela Mahmutcehajic Besirevic, Specialist Internal Medicine Dr Yasmin Fadhil Kadhem, Specialist Internal Medicine Dr Shohdan Hussein, Specialist Internal Medicine Dr Samir Ismail Eidaros, Specialist Internal Medicine Dr Mazen Riad Naba, Specialist Internal Medicine Dr Erzebet Makk, Specialist Internal Medicine Dr Joseph Youssef, Specialist Internal Medicine Dr Anna Jacob, Specialist Internal Medicine Dr Amjed Abumuhanna, Specialist Internal Medicine Dr Zena Mousa, Specialist Internal Medicine Dr Medani Mahgoub Mohamed Salih, Specialist Internal Medicine inteRventional neuro radiology Neuro Spinal Hospital......... 04 315 7725 / 04 315 7722 Stenting, Coiling & Embolization Dr Sandeep B.K, Specialist Radiology (Vascular & Interventional Radiology) investor visas Saleh Alobeidli Advocates & Legal, Sheikh ZayedRd... ..................................................................... 04 385 8928 JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGEONS Burjeel Hospital for Advanced Surgery, Dubai.............. ..................................................................... 04 407 0100 Neuro Spinal Hospital......... 04 315 7761 / 04 315 7814 Dr Matthias Honl, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Kennels & cattery Animal Care Centre.................................. 050 646 7792
infectious disease American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6893 Dr Moeena Zain, Sp. Infectious Disease
Kinesiology KinesioCoach (ICPKP), Knowledge Village.. 04 276 1155 W:; E:
INTENSIVE CARE UNIT American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6559 Dr Balu Bhaskar, Intensivist
knee surgery Medcare Orthopaedics & Spine Hospital..................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Barry McKillop, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Azzam Fayyad, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Salman Farrukh Hameed, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Sripathi Rao, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Anwar Sadath, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon
internal medicine Dubai London Clinic (Festival City Mall)........ 800 352 Dr Dragana Sarenac, Specialist Internal Medicine Dr Rula Albadri, Consultant Family Medicine Dubai London Clinic & Speciality Hospital.... 800 352 Dr Mina Milovanovic, Specialist Internal Medicine Dr Iwona Marczak, Specialist Internal Medicine Dubai Physiotherapy & Family Medicine Clinic.......... ..................................................................... 04 349 6333 Mark Janowski, MD Specialist Internal Medicine (USA) Dr Yin Cheong Ng Rundell, Specialist Internal Medicine (UK) Medcare Hospital & Medical Centres........................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Mazen Raid Naba, Specialist Internal Medicine 10 | NOVEMBER Connector
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LANGUAGE CENTRES Dar-el-ilm school of languages................... 04 331 0221 Arabic for Kids and Foreign Languages to Adults & Kids W: ; Golden Age Institute, JLT & DSO............ 04 453 3046 050 259 5793 - – The Arabic Language Centre...................... 04 331 5600 Specialists in teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language to Adults. W:
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Laser Hair Removal Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Ambreen Rauf, Specialist Dermatology American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6958 Dr Syed Shah, Consultant Dermatologist Dr Roula Amer, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Taher Khalil Clinic, Al Safa 1............... 04 380 8000 Spanish Center Lasik Eye & Cosmetics, Jumeirah 2..... ..................................................................... 04 343 4634 LASER SKIN SURGERY Al Rustom Skin & Laser Centre................ 04 308 4000 Dr K. Al Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Ambreen Rauf, Specialist Dermatology American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6958 Dr Syed Shah, Consultant Dermatologist Dr Roula Amer, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Murtuza Bandukwala, Specialist Dermatologist....... ..................................................................... 04 379 8747 LasIK (Refractive Surgery) Spanish Center Lasik Eye & Cosmetics, Jumeirah 2..... ..................................................................... 04 343 4634 learning centres Blue Sky Management of Support Services, Business Bay................................................. 04 559 0266 learning DISABILITIES Blue Sky Management of Support Services, Business Bay................................................. 04 559 0266 LEARNING SUPPORT SYSTEM / PARAEDUCATOR Blue Sky Management of Support Services, Business Bay................................................. 04 559 0266
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lithotripsy - eswl (Removal of Kidney Stones without surgery) Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) Mammography Screening Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6642 Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) meditative arts Meditation for World Peace, Pranic Healing Center .............................................. 04 368 8067 / 04 368 8104 Email: music school Brooklyn Melodies Music Center Mirdif, Street 37........................................... 04 288 8951 Uptown Mirdif............................................. 04 251 4098 Meadows Village.......................................... 04 422 5357 Studio City................................................... 04 446 8716 JBR, Rimal 3................................................ 04 451 8809 Arabian Ranches 2, The Village.................... 04 447 1884 Jumeirah, Al Wasl Road............................... 04 388 4815 Jumeirah Park Pavilion................................. 04 551 9901 Dubai Mall, Ice Rink area.......................... 055 795 0367 E-mail: Website: Nail Studios The Nail Beautique...................................... 04 348 1888 neonatology American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6488 Dr Sridhar Kalyanasundaram, Consultant Neonatologist Dr Umair Sharih, Specialist Pediatrician nephrology (Kidney Diseases) American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6553 Dr Fahed Kouli, Specialist Nephrologist Dr Viorica Khalili, Specialist Nephrologist Dr Mariusz Kielar, Consultant Nephrologist Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) Neuro - linguistic programming (NLP) Matrix Consulting (Training)..................... 04 343 2555 NLP Certification programs, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnosis, NLP Coaching neuro - REHABILITATION Neuro Spinal Hospital......... 04 315 7711 / 04 315 7758 Dr Abdul Karim Msaddi, Neurosurgeon Dr Kaydar Al Chalabi, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Connector NOVEMBER | 11
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“If you cant find what you’re looking for, visit””
Laparoscopy Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Aseel Abdul Razzaq, Specialist Obstetrics & Gynaecology American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6879 Dr Nader Salti, Consultant General Surgeon Dr Anthony Brignoni, Specialist Obs/Gyn Surgeon Dr Aqeel Ghori, Specialist General Surgeon Dubai London Clinic & Speciality Hospital.... 800 352 Dr J.C. Mathias, Specialist General Surgery Dr Rajesh Devassy, OBS/GYN Laparoscopy Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Raad Yusufani, Consultant General Surgeon Dr Suhail Kazim, Consultant General Surgeon Dr Dejan Stepic, Specialist General Surgeon Dr Abdulkader Weiss, Specialist General Surgeon
limb lengthening & deformity Medcare Orthopaedics & Spine Hospital..................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Chris Whately, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Anand Gorva, Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon
Laparoscopic Hystorectomy Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Aseel Abdul Razzaq, Specialist Obstetrics & Gynaecology
neuro surgery (Brain and Spine Surgery) American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6629 Dr Jin- Yul Lee, Consultant Neurosurgeon Medcare Orthopaedics & Spine Hospital..................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Hassan Kadri, Consultant Neurological Surgeon Dr Nicandro de Figueiredo Neto, Specialist Neurosurgery Neuro Spinal Hospital......... 04 315 7711 / 04 315 7758 Dr Abdul Karim Msaddi, Neurosurgeon Dr Debora Garozzo, Neurosurgeon Dr Ahmed Bitar, Neurosurgeon Dr Catalin Majer, Neurosurgeon neurologist American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6629 Dr Areen Said, Consultant Neurology Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Amin Abdullah Al Shawabkeh, Specialist Neurologist Neuro Spinal Hospital......... 04 315 7877 / 04 315 7876 Dr Sarmed Al Fahad, Consultant Neurology Dr Vittorio Iantorno, Consultant Neurology Dr Sarmad Al Shammaa, Neurologist neuroPHYSIOLOGY Neuro Spinal Hospital......... 04 315 7877 / 04 315 7876 Dr Sarmed Al Fahad, Consultant Neurology Dr Vittorio Iantorno, Consultant Neurology nuclear medicine American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6643 Dr Hua Carolyn Yang, Consultant Nuclear Medicine Nursery (PRIVATE) (See Schools) Al Barsha Seashells Nursery....................... 04 341 3404 British Orchard Nurseries.............................................. .................................800-PRESCHOOL / 04 398 3536 Bur Dubai, Jumeirah, Deira, JBR, Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai Media City, Al Twar, Sharjah, Mirdiff, Abu Dhabi Children's Oasis Nursery..... 04 348 8981 / 04 379 0790 2m - 4 yrs, flexible schedule, following EYFS Emirates British Nursery, Mirdif................ 04 288 9222 Umm Sequim....04 348 9996, Motor City... 04 567 6555 First Steps Nursery Montessori.. 04 348 6301 / 04 348 6302; Safa Early Learning Centre Tel no: 04 342 9575; Email: Branch Tel no: 04 344 3878; Small Steps Nursery Mirdif........................ 04 288 3347 Email: Website: The Children's Garden, Green Community, DIP 1........ ..................................................................... 04 885 3484, Pre-school for 2 to 6 year olds 12 | NOVEMBER Connector
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The Children's Garden Barsha, Al Barsha 2.. 04 399 0160, Pre-school for 2 to 6 year olds The Children's Garden Jumeira, Jumeira 2... 04 349 2985, Pre-school for 2 to 6 year olds Nutritionists Medcare Hospital & Medical Centres .......................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Mr. Mohamed El Syed El Falahgi Dietitian Ms. Nadine Aoun, Dietitian Occupational therapy Blue Sky Management of Support Services, Business Bay................................................. 04 559 0266 Neuro Spinal Hospital................................ 04 315 7834 Anita Sanjay Bhatia, Occupational Therapist Safe Center for Autism & Asperger’s Syndrome.............. ............................................ 04 394 6411 / 050 451 6363 oncology / hematology American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6369 Dr Maroun Khoury, Consultant Oncologist Dr Faraz Khan, Specialist Oncologist Dr Nidal Mahgoub, Cons. Pediatric Onc/Hem open mri screening Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) Ophthalmologists American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6450 Dr Nadim Habash, Sp. Ophthalmologist Dr Ammar Safar, Consultant Ophthalmologist City Centre Clinic....................................... 04 205 2777 Dr Adnan Obaid JWDA Alrabeeah, Specialist Ophthalmologist Dr Chidamber Boughram Srinivas, Specialist Ophthalmologist Dr Sathish Kidiyur Rama Bhat, Specialist Ophthalmologist Dr Gurdeep Singh, Specialist Ophthalmologist Dubai London Clinic & Speciality Hospital.... 800 352 Dr Anwar Hamdan Sajwani, Consultant Ophthalmology Dr Naima Ben Moussa, Specialist Ophthalmology Medcare Eye Centre & Medical Centres....................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Prasan Rao, Specialist Ophthalmologist & Vitreoretinal Surgeon Dr Lama Toufiq Sharbek, Specialist Ophthalmologist Dr Ithar Alkheder, Specialist Ophthalmologist Dr Shahrad Hassan Shiva, Specialist Ophthalmologist Dr Payman Mohammad Salih, Specialist Ophthalmologist Dr Tarek Ibrahim Younis, Specialist Ophthalmologist Dr Mohamed EL Zawahry, Specialist Ophthalmologist Dr Ammar Majbour, Specialist Ophthalmologist Dr Nahla Shafie, Specialist Ophthalmologist Spanish Center Lasik Eye & Cosmetics, Jumeirah 2..... ..................................................................... 04 343 4634
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ORGANIC BEAUTY PRODUCTS BALMESSENCE – E- Boutique -for nature-luxe beauty (brands)...
paediatric dentistry American Dental Clinic, Dubai...................................... ...............................................04 344 0668/ 800TEETH Dr Grace Miled Eid, Specialist Paediatric Dentist (Lebanon/Canada) Medcare Paediatric Specialty Clinic.............................. .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Lubab Jassim Mohammed, Paedodontist Dr Shahnaz Faraz, Paedodontist
OrTHODONTISts American Dental Clinic, Dubai...................................... ...............................................04 344 0668/ 800TEETH Dr Anahita A. Salehi, Orthodontist and Dentofacial Orthopedic. DDS-MSD-CAGS Orthodontic care for Adult and Children. City Centre Clinic....................................... 04 205 2777 Dr Ramesh Kumar Sabhlok, Specialist Orthodontics Medcare Hospital & Medical Centres........................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Prem Nanda, Orthodontist & Implantologist Dr Samer Hassoun, Orthodontist Orthopaedists American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6553 Dr Ghazwan Maki, Sp. Orthopaedic Dr Tarek Abuzakuk, Sp. Orthopaedic Dr Thomas Nau, Consultant Orthopedic Burjeel Hospital for Advanced Surgery, Dubai.............. ..................................................................... 04 407 0100 City Centre Clinic....................................... 04 205 2777 Dr Iyad Al Souri, Specialist Orthopedics Dubai London Clinic & Speciality Hospital.... 800 352 Dr Kutaiba Salman, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Wail Ahmad, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon Medcare Orthopaedics & Spine Hospital..................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Chris Whately, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Richard Villar, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Anwar Sadath, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Barry McKillop, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Maan Taba, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Nicandro Figueiredo, Specialist Orthopaedic Spinal Surgeon Dr Salman Farrukh Hameed, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Azzam Fayyad, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Nikola Vagic, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Sripathi Rao, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Anand Gorva, Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Ahmad Shukri Issa, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Usama Hassan Saleh, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Yarob Hatem, Specialist Orthopaedic
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paediatric ONCOLOGY / HEMATOLOGY American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6369 Dr Nidal Mahgoub, Cons. Pediatric Onc/Hem paediatric Orthopaedic surgeon Burjeel Hospital for Advanced Surgery, Dubai.............. ..................................................................... 04 407 0100 Neuro Spinal Hospital......... 04 315 7761 / 04 315 7814 Dr Matthias Honl, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon paediatric surgery American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6488 Dr Hussein Naji, Specialist Pediatric Surgeon Paediatrician City Centre Clinic....................................... 04 205 2777 Dr Ayman Jabbar, Consultant Pediatrician Dr Zakieh Al Jayousi, Consultant Pediatrician City Centre Clinic, Me’aisem IMPZ.......... 04 205 2772 Dr Eltaif Elssir Mohamed Ali Ahmed, Specialist Pediatrician Dubai London Clinic & Speciality Hospital.... 800 352 Dr Osama Attar Bashi, Consultant Paediatrician Dr Mustafa Mohamed Helmi, Consultant Paediatrics Medcare Paediatric Specialty Clinic .............................. .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Shahid Gauhar, Specialist Neonatologist Dr Issam Abd Albari, Consultant Neonatologist Dr S. M Anees, Specialist Paediatrician Dr Indira Tahmiscija Bakija, Specialist Paediatrician Dr Hisham Maree Khalil, Specialist Paediatrician Dr Indira Tahmiscija Bakija, Specialist Paediatrician Dr Ahmed Mahmoud Hady, Specialist Paediatrician Dr Faiza Abd El Ghany El Bawab, Specialist Paediatrician Dr Hisham Khalil, Consultant Paediatrician Connector NOVEMBER | 13
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“If you cant find what you’re looking for, visit””
Dr Shreerang M. Joshi, Specialist Orthopaedic Dr Ahmad Al Muhammad, Specialist Orthopaedic Dr Mohamed Abdelrhman Elzaki, General Practitioner Dr Muhammad Ali Raffat, General Practitioner Dr Mohamed Ali Shafik, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon-ER Dr Usman Ahmed, General Practitioner Neuro Spinal Hospital......... 04 315 7761 / 04 315 7814 Dr Matthias Honl, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Hussam Abdul Kader, Orthopaedic Surgeon
oral & maxillofacial surgeon American Dental Clinic, Dubai...................................... ...............................................04 344 0668/ 800TEETH Dr Hani AbdulSalam, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon City Centre Clinic....................................... 04 205 2777 Dr Yarub Al Shammary, Specialist Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon/ Implantologist Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Hani Abdul Salam, Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr Jehad Al Sukhun, Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon
Dr Cinderella Clara Menezes, Specialist Paediatrician Dr Foroozan Khezri, Specialist Paediatric Urologist Dr Mayada Samir ElEraki, Specialist Paediatrician Dr Ankur Bopche, Specialist Paediatrician Dr Rania Atieh, Specialist Paediatrician Dr Sherif Ezzat Mohammed Aly, Specialist Paediatrician Dr Nasma Karawi, Specialist Paediatrician Dr Nahed Saleh, Specialist Paediatrician Dr Adel Taha Elhamamsy, Specialist Paediatrician Dr Sadeq Yaqoub, Specialist Paediatric Surgery Dr Omar Mahmoud Al Ghazzo, Specialist Paediatrician Dr Prabhakar Patil, Specialist Paediatrician paediatrics (Treatment of all childhood illness; Assessment of growth and development; Immunisation; Kidney diseases in children and bedwetting.) American Hospital Clinics, DMC............. 04 377 5500 Dr Rim Albalkhi, Specialist Pediatrician American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6488 Dr Abed Aydin, Specialist Pediatrician Dr Omer Ahmed, Consultant Pediatrician Dr Sridhar Kalyanasundaram, Consultant Neonatologist Dr Basil Nasrallah, Consultant Pediatrics Dr David Cremonesini, Consultant Pediatrics Dr Umair Sharih, Consultant Pediatrics palliative Medicine American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6877 Dr Mona Tareen, Sp. Geriatric Medicine/ Sp. Hospice & Palliative Medicine/ Sp. Internal Medicine PARTY SOLUTIONS Crash-in-Castles LLC.............................. 050 652 4769 PARTY Supplies Party Centre LLC, Garhoud.. 04 283 1353/ 04 297 9125 Party Centre LLC, Media City................... 04 453 3373 pathology & laboratory medicine American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6139 Dr Aaron Han, Consultant Clinical Pathologist Dr Kadria Syed, Specialist Anatomic Pathologist PET ACCESSORIES Sarina's Pet Clothes......... 050 841 0258 / 050 871 1087 Retail and Wholesale available.
PHYSICAL & REHABILITATION SERVICES American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 5060 Dr Nazakat Hussein, Specialist Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Physiotherapist Blue Sky Management of Support Services, Business Bay................................................. 04 559 0266 Burjeel Hospital for Advanced Surgery, Dubai.............. ..................................................................... 04 407 0100 Dubai Physiotherapy & Family Medicine Clinic.......... ..................................................................... 04 349 6333 Medcare Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Centre ........ .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Hussam Touma, Physiotherapist Dr Ahmed Mohammed Yosri Bondok, Physiotherapist Ms. Kusum Jham, Physiotherapist Ms. Abroo K Malik, Physiotherapist Ms. Omnia Mahdi El Ansary, Physiotherapist Ms. Aparna Taneja, Physiotherapist Ms. Katha Upadhyay, Physiotherapist Ms. Jane Gomintong, Physiotherapist Mr. Novica Rackovic, Physiotherapist Mr. Itziar Leticia San Martin, Physiotherapist Ms. Zahra Hamadeh, Physiotherapist Neuro Spinal Hospital................................ 04 315 7834 Binil Pillai, Physiotherapist Elisabeth Palmquist, Physiotherapist Miraline M. Castillo, Physiotherapist Maureen M. Martin, Physiotherapist Ma Julie Joy Gauiran Santos, Physiotherapist Mariam Samonte Villafores, Physiotherapist Andrzej Andrew Sulimierski, Physiotherapist Anne Katherine Gue, Physiotherapist Richie Gue, Physiotherapist Fratin Madaline, Physiotherapist Royal Aesthetica Polyclinic, Jumeirah 1..... 04 344 4049 Pilates Eco Yoga Sanctuary, Jumeirah 1 (Ladies only)................ ............................................. 04 385 6633/ 056 771 1336 Exhale Fitness Studios - JBR...................... 04 424 3777 plastic & reconstructive surgery Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Punam Jawahar Bijlani, Consultant Plastic Surgeon
Pet Grooming Pets Habitat, Barsha.................................... 04 341 8085 Pets for sale, please call us or visit Shampooch Mobile Grooming, Salon, Training, Daycare & Boutique Hotel......................... 04 340 0507, email:
plastic surgery (See Cosmetic Surgery) City Centre Clinic....................................... 04 205 2777 Dr Zoran Lekic, Specialist Plastic Surgeon Royal Aesthetica Polyclinic, Jumeirah 1..... 04 344 4049 Spanish Center Lasik Eye & Cosmetics, Jumeirah 2..... ..................................................................... 04 343 4634
pet relocation Animal Care Centre.................................. 050 646 7792
prIMARY CARE CLINICS American Hospital Clinics, DMC............. 04 377 5500 Dr Edward White, Consultant Family Medicine
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RELOCATION CONSULTANT / SERVICES Best Selection JLT(Relocation & Immigration).............. ................................................................... 052 987 5797
property law Saleh Alobeidli Advocates & Legal, Sheikh ZayedRd... ..................................................................... 04 385 8928
rheumatology American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6893 Dr Waseem Raja, Specialist Rheumatologist Dr Fadi Ajine, Consultant Rheumatologist
PSYCHIATRISTS BR Medical Suites, DHCC........................ 04 445 8585 Dr Hossein Mubarak, Specialist Psychiatrist Medcare Paediatric Specialty Clinic.............................. .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Muhammad Tahir, Specialist Paedatric Psychiatrist
Psychotherapy Art Therapy International Centre, Business Bay............ ..................................................................... 04 557 3242 pulmonologists (Respiratory Diseases) American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6893 Dr Emad Kowatli, Specialist Internal Med Dr Rashid Nadeem, Specialist Internal Medicine Dr Babith Mankidy, Consultant Internal Medicine Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Nasser Ahmad Daaboul, Consultant Respiratory Medicine Dr Assem Eid Youssef, Specialist Respiratory Medicine radiation oncology American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 336 7777 Radiology Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Aneta Dunlop, Specialist Radiologist American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6643 Dr Hua Carolyn Yang, Consultant Nuclear Medicine Dr Raouf Bessifi, Specialist Radiologist Dr Kartikeya Kantawala, Specialist Radiologist Dr Mahmoud Hamza, Specialist Radiologist Dr Sonal Arjuna, Specialist Radiologist Dr Dunia Gazi Abdelrahman, Specialist Radiologist Medcare Hospital, Dubai....800MEDCARE (6332273) Open MRI, Multi Slice CT, X Ray, Fluoroscopy, Color Doppler, Mammogram, Ultrasound etc Male & Female Radiographers & Radiologists Neuro Spinal Hospital................................ 04 315 7722 Functional MRI, Multislice C.T. Scan, Biplan Angiography, Ultrasound & X-rays
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Rhinoplasty Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Ghassan Younes, Specialist ENT & Rhinoplasty Surgeon Root Canal Treatment Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Sameh Atallah, General Dentist & Implantology American Dental Clinic, Dubai...................................... .............................................04 344 0668 / 800 TEETH Dr Philippe Saleiman, Specialist Endodontics Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) SCHOOLS Al-Mizhar American Academy, Mirdif Area, Al Mizhar 1 ..................................................................... 04 288 7250, American curriculum, Pre-KG to Grade 12 Bradenton Prep Academy, Sports City........ 04 818 3600 W: E: Dubai British Foundation, Jumeirah Islands...04 558 7308, British Curriculum, FS 1 and 2 Dubai British School Jumeirah Park, Al Warood St 1, Jumeirah Park............................................... 04 552 0247, British Curriculum, Year 1 to 13
Dubai British School, Springs 3, Emirates Hills............. ..................................................................... 04 361 9361, British Curriculum, FS 1 to Year 13 Greenfield Community School, Dubai Investments Park 1........................................................... 04 885 6600, International Baccalaureate, KG 1 to Grade 12 Horizon International School, Umm Sequim..04 348 3314 W: Jumeira Baccalaureate School, Jumeira 1... 04 344 6931, International Baccalaureate, Pre-KG to Grade 12 Raha International School, Raha Gardens, Abu Dhabi ..................................................................... 02 556 1567, International Baccalaureate, EY 1 to Grade 12 Uptown School, Tripoli Street, Mirdif......... 04 251 5001, International Baccalaureate, Pre-KG to Grade 11
Connector NOVEMBER | 15
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“If you cant find what you’re looking for, visit””
Psychologists Blue Sky Management of Support Services, Business Bay................................................. 04 559 0266 Dubai Physiotherapy & Family Medicine Clinic.......... ..................................................................... 04 349 6333 Dr Valeria Risoli, Clinical Psychologist (ITALY)
REMEDIAL EXERCISE / THERAPY Blue Sky Management of Support Services, Business Bay................................................. 04 559 0266
Dr Jaimie Lyes Abdennadher, Consultant Family Medicine American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6877 Dr Fadi Hamwi, Specialist Internal Medicine Dr Aamerah Shah, Specialist Family Medicine Dr Fazel Khalili, Specialist Internal Medicine Dr Tariq Akbar, Consultant Family Medicine
Second Hand Clothes Dubai Center for Special Needs................. 04 337 8246 Holy Trinity................................................. 04 337 0247 Rashid Paediatric Therapy Centre.............. 04 340 0005 Shoulder surgery Medcare Orthopaedics & Spine Hospital..................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Azzam Fayyad, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Barry McKillop, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Salman Farrukh Hameed, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon Skin cancer screening Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Ambreen Rauf, Specialist Dermatology Dr Murtuza Bandukwala, Specialist Dermatologist....... ..................................................................... 04 379 8747 Skin care & BEAUTY THERAPY Al Rustom Skin & Laser Centre................ 04 308 4000 Dr K. Al Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Ambreen Rauf, Specialist Dermatology Medcare Hospital & Medical Centres........................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Nabeela Mahmood Eid Rashed, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Nancy Labib, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Hala Aljaber, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Rana Mahfoud, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Rasha Ibrahim, Specialist Dermatologist Dr Mousumee Nanda, Specialist Dermatologist Skin FILLERS Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Ambreen Rauf, Specialist Dermatology Dr Murtuza Bandukwala, Specialist Dermatologist....... ..................................................................... 04 379 8747 sleeping Disorder American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6893 Dr Emad Kowatli, Specialist Internal Medicine Dr Rashid Nadeem, Specialist Internal Medicine smoking cessation American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6893 Dr Emad Kowatli, Specialist Internal Medicine spa MAVEN SPA - Oasis for Beauty, Relaxation & Wellness. Dubai..........04 288 8480; Abu Dhabi..........02 443 3700 Queens Beauty Lounge............ 04 421 4267 / 04 427 9689 E:; JLT & Marina Branch special needs centre Al Noor Training Centre for Children .with Special Needs ..................................................................... 04 340 4844 Dubai Centre for Special Needs................. 04 344 0966 Rashid Paediatric Therapy Centre.............. 04 340 0005 16 | NOVEMBER Connector
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Tender Hearts Arena (Recreational Centre).................... ..................... 04 321 3138/ 050 349 3596/ 050 887 3455 Speech and Language Therapist American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6450 Ghada Ajamieh, Speech Therapist Dr Mariam Syeda, Speech & Language Specialist Blue Sky Management of Support Services, Business Bay................................................. 04 559 0266 Dubai Physiotherapy & Family Medicine Clinic.......... ..................................................................... 04 349 6333 Viviane Cappellari, Speech Therapist (Brazil) Kalimati Communication & Rehabilitation Center..... ..................................................................... 04 283 9196 Rashid Paediatric Therapy Centre.............. 04 340 0005 Safe Center for Autism & Asperger’s Syndrome.............. ............................................ 04 394 6411 / 050 451 6363 SpINAL SURGEONS Burjeel Hospital for Advanced Surgery, Dubai.............. ..................................................................... 04 407 0100 Medcare Orthopaedics & Spine Hospital..................... .............................................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Hassan Kadri, Consultant Neurological Surgeon Dr Nikola Vagic, Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Nicandro de Figueiredo Neto, Specialist Neurosurgery Neuro Spinal Hospital......... 04 315 7711 / 04 315 7758 Dr Abdul Karim Msaddi, Neuro & Spine Surgeon Dr Catalin Majer, Neuro & Spine Surgeon Dr Walid Othman, Orthopedic & Spine Surgeon Dr Ayman Suliman Ahmed, Orthopedic & Spine Surgeon Dr Dimitar Georgey Haritonoy, Neuro & Spine Surgeon sports law Saleh Alobeidli Advocates & Legal, Sheikh ZayedRd... ..................................................................... 04 385 8928 Sports Medicine Neuro Spinal Hospital......... 04 315 7761 / 04 315 7814 Dr Matthias Honl, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon Sports orthopAedic Burjeel Hospital for Advanced Surgery, Dubai.............. ..................................................................... 04 407 0100 Std SCREENING Dr Murtuza Bandukwala, Specialist Dermatologist....... ..................................................................... 04 379 8747 STRESS MANAGEMENT Quantum Healing, Contact Geraldine..... 055 923 1370 stORAGE Storall LLC ( 04 880 3644 Self-Storage, Warehousing & Logistics –
27/10/2016 11:26:00
TAILORING La Beaute Tailoring, JBR... 04 434 2323 / 050 503 3880 Royal Fashion Men’s Tailoring & Textiles Near Burjuman Centre................................. 04 396 8282 Souk Madinat Jumeirah............................... 04 368 6192 Jumeirah Road.............................................. 04 394 4844 Jumeirah Beach Hotel.................................. 04 348 6878 JLT “C” Goldcrest Exec................................ 04 443 8766 JW Marriott Hotel....................................... 04 432 3166 Westin Hotel, Al Sufouh 2........................... 04 399 7172
TUTORING Ms. Tacla Haddad (Private Tutor)............. 050 519 5197 Private English, French & Arabic lessons for all Levels & Ages. UROLOGIST Dubai London Clinic & Speciality Hospital.... 800 352 Dr Essa Kazim, Consultant Urologist Dr Anis Haddad, Specialist Urologist Medcare Hospital................800MEDCARE (6332273) Dr Foroozan Khezri, Specialist Urologist Dr Syed Imtiyaz Ali, Specialist Urologist VARICOSE VEINS Al Rustom Skin & Laser Centre................ 04 308 4000 Dr K. Al Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Ambreen Rauf, Specialist Dermatology vascular surgery American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6626 Dr Nikolaos Zavrakidis, Consultant Vascular Surgeon Burjeel Hospital for Advanced Surgery, Dubai.............. ..................................................................... 04 407 0100 vENEREOLOGY Dr Murtuza Bandukwala, Specialist Dermatologist....... ..................................................................... 04 379 8747 Veterinary Clinics USVC - Umm Suqeim Veterinary Centre Dubai’s ONLY 24 hour Hospital – Open for consultation All night and all day Physio / Hydrotherapy, ISFM Gold Cat Clinic Drs Malcolm Rose, Monique Strange & Assoc. Easy Parking Central Location on Al Wasl road opp J3 Mall ; 04 348 3799 / 04 321 0799
GPL - NOVEMBER 2016 FINAL - eMag.indd 17
Weight Loss (see Dietician) (Obesity and Weight Control Management) American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6606 Mariam Saleh, Dietician May El Moghrabi, Dietician Dana Al Shaka’a, Dietician Dr Taher Khalil Clinic, Al Safa 1............... 04 380 8000 Weight Loss SURGERY Zulekha Hospitals, Dubai and Sharjah....... 600 52 4442 Well woman clinic Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Aseel Abdul Razzaq, Specialist Obstetrics & Gynaecology Yoga Eco Yoga Sanctuary, Jumeirah 1 (Ladies only)................ ............................................. 04 385 6633/ 056 771 1336 Exhale Fitness Studios - JBR...................... 04 424 3777
For the full Fitness Calendar, please log to our website: fitness-calendar
Connector NOVEMBER | 17
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“If you cant find what you’re looking for, visit”
thyroid clinic Allied Medical Center............... 800 ALLIED (255433) Dr Ahlam Ali, General Practitioner American Hospital Dubai........................... 04 377 6553 Dr Carmelo Barbaccia, Specialist Otolaryngologist Dr Donatella Casiglia, Sp. Int. Med. Endocrinologist Dr Hubert Penninckx, Sp. Int. Med. Endocrinologist Dr Taher Khalil Clinic, Al Safa 1................ 04 380 8000
Blue Oasis Veterinary Clinic...................... 04 884 8580 Dr Dieter, Dr Sabine, Dr Sigrun, Dr Danilo, DIP 1, open daily, House calls, 24/7 Emergency line Dubai Equine Hospital............................... 04 336 6666 Noble Veterinary Clinic....... 04 885 9800 / 04 885 4848 Green Community, DIP, Emergency 24/7: 055 201 6353 Dr Soheyl Simaei, Dr Magdalena Lisinska, Dr Damjan Pavlovski. Open 7 Days, Home Visits & Pick up drop off Petzone Veterinary Clinic, Sheikh Zayed Road.............. ..................................................................... 04 346 7870 Vetcare Veterinary Clinic............................ 04 430 9797 Diamond Business Center, Block B, Arjan, Dubailand, Next to Miracle Garden. Dr Dominik Saurek Veterinary Surgeon DVM PhD Dr Anastas Petrov Veterinary Surgeon DVM Dr Paulina, Dermatologist, DVM Dr Goran, Internal Medicine, DVM PhD Home visits & Emergency 050 550 1698, Zabeel Veterinary Hospital......................... 04 334 0011 Emergency 056 655 0942,
sun bed (Vertical Tanning Unit) Gold Salon................................................... 04 321 1423
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27/10/2016 11:26:00
AFRO - PORTUGUESE Nando’s (Peri-Peri), Arabian Center........... 04 2845678 Nando’s (Peri-Peri), Delivery Hotline.......... 600542525 Nando’s (Peri-Peri), Shk. Zayed Rd............ 04 3212000 Nando’s (Peri-Peri), The Greens.................. 04 3608080 Nando’s (Peri-Peri), Downtown Burj Khalifa.. 04 4224882
ARGENTINIAN / LATINO Asado, The Palace, Downtown Dubai.......... 04 4287971 La Parilla, Jumeirah Beach Hotel ................ 04 3480000 Malecon, Dubai Marine Beach Resort ........ 04 3461111 Pachanga, Hilton Dubai Jumeirah............... 04 3991111
AMERICAN Asado, The Palace, The Old Town Dubai.... 04 4287888 Beyond El Rancho, Marco Polo Hotel ........ 04 2720000 Boston Bar, Jumeirah Rotana Hotel ............ 04 3455888 Chilli’s.......................................................... 600 561112 Fuddruckers, Opposite India Palace ........... 04 2827771 Johnny Rockets, Marina Walk..................... 04 3682339 Johnny Rockets, Dubai Mall ....................... 04 4341526 Johnny Rockets, Mall of the Emirates......... 04 3412380 Johnny Rockets, Opp. Jumeirah Centre ...... 04 3447859 La Parilla, Jumeirah Beach Hotel ................ 04 4068999 Loca, Dubai Marine Beach Resort & Spa.... 04 3461111 Manhattan Grill, Grand Hyatt Hotel ......... 04 3171234 Ponderosa Steakhouse ................................ 04 2953527 Roadster Diner............................................. 04 4243983 Rock Bottom Café, Regent Palace Hotel..... 04 3963888
AUSTRALIAN Yalumba, Le Meridien Dubai ...................... 04 2170000
ARABIC / LEBANESE Abdulwahab & Abdulwahab, Souk al Bahar.................. ...............................................................04 4230988 / 89 Ahlan Lounge, Arabian Courtyard .............. 04 3519111 Al Diwan, Metropolitan Palace Hotel ......... 04 2270000 Al Fardous, Grand Excelsior Hotel, Deira .. 04 2688888 Al Hadheerah, Bab Al Shams ...................... 04 8096100 Al Iwan, Burj Al Arab Hotel ....................... 04 3017600 Al Nafoorah, Jumeirah Emirates Towers..... 04 3300000 Al Qasr, Dubai Marine Beach Resort........... 04 3461111 Al Sultan Brahim, DFC............................... 04 7011111 Al Tannour, Crowne Plaza .......................... 04 3311111 Al Waha Restaurant, Jood Palace Hotel...... 04 2113060 Awafi, JW Marriott Hotel, Deira.................. 04 2624444 Awtar, Grand Hyatt Hotel, Bur Dubai......... 04 3171234
BAR FOOD Barasti, Le Meridien Mina Seyahi................ 04 3993333 Belgian Beer Café, Crowne Plaza................ 04 7012222 Belgian Beer Café, TECOM....................... 04 4299999 Bussola, Le Meridien Mina Seyahi.............. 04 3993333 Carters, Wafi City........................................ 04 3240000 Cin Cin, Fairmont Hotel ............................. 04 3118316 Harry’s Place, Crowne Plaza Dubai ........... 04 2625555 Harvesters, Crown Plaza Dubai................... 04 3311111 Jambase, Souk Madinat Jumeirah................. 04 3668888 La Casa del Habano..................................... 04 3303308 Oscar’s Vine Society, Crowne Plaza Dubai.. 04 3311111 QD’s, Dubai Creek Golf & Yacht Club....... 04 2956000 The Agency, Souk Madinat Jumeirah .......... 04 3666730 The Cellar, Century Village.......................... 04 2829333
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ASIAN Blades, Al Badia Golf Club.......................... 04 7011128 Eau Zone, The One & Only Royal Mirage .04 3999999 Ginger Restaurant, Ramada Jumeirah Hotel.. 04 7027030 Hana, Asian fusion, Riviera Hotel................ 04 2222131 Hoi An, Shangri-La Hotel ........................... 04 4052703 Japengo, Mall of the Emirates...................... 04 3411671 Japengo, Palm Strip...................................... 04 3454979 Japengo, Souk Madinat Jumeirah................. 04 3686575 Noshi Noshi, Opposite Jumeirah Beach Park...04 3443377 Toshi Grand Millenium Dubai, TECOM ... 04 4299999 White Orchid, Jebel Ali Golf Resort & Spa ... 04 8836000
Connector NOVEMBER | 19
27/10/2016 11:26:01
“If you cant find what you’re looking for, visit”
AL FRESCO Barasti, Le Meridien Mina Seyahi................ 04 3993333 Beach Bar and Grill, The One & Only ........ 04 3999999 Capanna Nuova, Dubai Marine Beach Resort..04 3461111 Dhow & Anchor, Jumeirah Beach Hotel..... 04 3480000 Luciano’s, Habtoor Grand Resort & Spa .... 04 3995000 Medzo, Wafi Pyramids ................................ 04 3244100 QD’s, Dubai Creek Golf & Yacht Club....... 04 2956000 Rooftop Terrace, Movenpick Hotel ............ 04 3366000 Sho Cho’s, Dubai Marine Beach Resort....... 04 3461111 Thai Bistro, Dubai Marine Beach Resort .... 04 3461111 The Boardwalk, Dubai Creek & Yacht Club .. 04 2956000 The Irish Village, Aviation Club ................. 04 2824750 The Meat Company, Souk Madinat Jumeirah.. 04 3686040
Ayam Zaman, Royal Ascot Hotel................. 04 3558500 Bazerkhan, Capitol Hotel............................ 04 3460111 Butterfly Club, Carlton Tower Hotel .......... 04 2227111 Café Arabesque, Park Hyatt Hotel............... 04 3172222 Ewaan, The Palace, Downtown Dubai.......... 04 4287951 Hanaaya, Mina Al Salam.............................. 04 4323232 Karam Beirut, Mall of the Emirates............. 04 3412204 Khan Murjan, Wafi Mall............................. 04 3279795 Lebanese Village Restaurant, Bur Dubai..... 04 3522522 Mazaj, Century Village................................. 04 2829952 Mezza House, opp Souk Al Bahar............... 04 4205444 Na3 Na3, The Address, The Dubai Mall....... 04 4388888 Reem Al Bawadi, Jumeraih Beach Road...... 04 3947444 Wafi Gourmet, Wafi City............................ 04 3244433 Xennya, Holiday Inn ................................... 04 3234333 XVA, Bastakia Quarter, Al Fahidi ............... 04 3535383
The Terrace, Park Hyatt............................... 04 6021234 Trader Vic’s, Al Fattan Tower...................... 04 3998993 Trader Vic’s, Souk Madinat Jumeirah.......... 04 3665646 Vintage, Wafi................................................ 04 3244100 BRITISH Barzar, Souk Madinat Jumeirah................... 04 3666730 Fish & Chips Room .................................... 04 4270443 Rhodes Mezzanine, Grosvenor House Hotel..04 3998888 Rivington Grill, Souk al Bahar ................... 04 4230903 The Plaice, Century Village ......................... 04 2868233 BUFFET Bamboo Lagoon, JW Marriott Hotel .......... 04 6077977 Beachcombers, Jumeirah Beach Hotel......... 04 4068999 Cuisines, Ramada Jumeirah Hotel................ 04 7027020 Dunes Café, Shangri-La Hotel .................... 04 3438888 Dusit Delicatessen, Dusit Thani Hotel ....... 04 3433333 Flavours on Two, Towers Rotana Hotel ..... 04 3438000 Market Place, JW Marriott Hotel................ 04 2624444 Meridien Village, Le Meridien Dubai ......... 04 2824040 Spectrum on One, Fairmont Hotel ............. 04 3325555 Spice Island, Crowne Plaza Dubai .............. 04 2625555 Tahiti, Metropolitan Palace Hotel................ 04 2270000 Café Atrium Café, Ramada Jumeirah Hotel......... 04 7027020 Pastry Boutique, Ramada Hotel Dubai........ 04 5061365 CHINESE Chimes Restaurant....................................... 04 3234211 China Sea, Al Maktoum Street ................... 04 2959816 China Times, Jumeirah Plaza....................... 04 3442930 Chinese Pavillion, Jumeira Beach Centre ... 04 3444432 Chopstix, Marco Polo Hotel ........................ 04 2720000 Duck King, Beach Park Plaza Centre .......... 04 3428041 Dynasty Chinese Restaurant, Ramada Hotel Dubai...... ...................................................................... 04 5061148 Emperor, Capitol Hotel, Satwa.................... 04 3460111 Golden Dragon Restaurant, Internet City.. 04 3911480 Golden Dragon Restauran, JAFZA............ 04 8815242 Hukama, The Address Downtown............... 04 4368888 Lan Kwai-Fong, Opposite Movenpick Hotel ................ ...................................................................... 04 3353680 Mandarin Tree Restaurant.......................... 04 4475022 Mini Chinese, Al Diyafah Street ................. 04 3459976 Noodle Bowl ................................................ 04 3453381 Peacock, Sheraton Jumeirah Beach Resort .. 04 3995533 RED Lounge Terrace, Raffles Dubai........... 04 3248888 Shang Palace, Shangri-La Hotel ................. 04 3438888 Summer Place, Metropolitan Palace Hotel .04 3430000 The China Club, Radisson Blu Hotel........... 04 2057333 The Noble House, Raffles Hotel ................. 04 3149888 Zheng He’s, Madinat Jumeirah.................... 04 3668888 Zyng Asian Grill, Ibn Battuta Mall ............. 04 3669808 FILIPINO Barrio Fiesta, Bur Juman.............................. 04 3594158 Delmon......................................................... 04 3369561 Kabalen Restaurant ..................................... 04 3978839 20 | NOVEMBER Connector
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FRENCH Bistro Domino, Deira City Centre.............. 04 2925000 Bistro Madeleine, Intercontinental Hotel.... 04 7011111 Café Chic, Le Meridien Dubai .................... 04 2824040 Entrecôte Café de Paris, Al Khaleej Hotel.. 04 2231000 Le Classique, Emirates Golf Club .............. 04 3802222 Margaux, Souk Al Bahar.............................. 04 4397555 P2, Souk Madinat Jumeirah.......................... 04 3666730 Reflets Par Pierre Gagnaire......................... 04 7011111 Rive Gauche, The Address Dubai Marina.... 04 4367777 Rostang, The French Brasserie, Atlantis....... 04 4262626 Signatures, Jebel Ali Golf Resort & Spa ..... 04 8836000 St. Tropez Bistro, Century Village .............. 04 2869029 Traiteur, Park Hyatt Hotel .......................... 04 3172222 Verre, Hilton Dubai Creek .......................... 04 2127551 FRIDAY BRUNCHES Al Muna, Mina A’Salam Hotel.................... 04 3666730 Al Qasr Hotel............................................... 04 3666730 Al Samadi Café............................................. 04 4329520 Amwaj, Shangri-la Hotel.............................. 04 4052703 Anise, Intercontinental Hotel....................... 04 7011111 Aquara Restaurant & Lounge..................... 04 3627900 Bamboo Lagoon, JW Marriott Hotel .......... 04 6077977 Beachcombers, Jumeirah Beach Hotel......... 04 4068999 Belgian Beer Café, Crowne Plaza................ 04 7012222 Benjarong, Dusit Dubai .............................. 04 3433333 Bice Mare, Souk Al Bahar............................ 04 4230982 Boston Bar, Jumeirah Rotana Hotel ............ 04 3455888 Boulvar, Radisson Blu Hotel........................ 04 2227171 Brasserie, Royal Meridien Beach Resort & Spa..04 3165550 Carters, Wafi City........................................ 04 3240000 Certo, Radisson Blu Hotel ........................... 04 3669111 Choices, Al Bustan Rotana........................... 04 2820000 Cucina, Courtyard by Marriott..................... 04 8852222 Dakshin, Lotus Hotel ................................. 04 2278888 Double Decker, Al Murooj Rotana ............ 04 3211111 Esca, Qamardeen Hotel ............................... 04 4285923 Ewaan, The Palace, Old Town Dubai.......... 04 4287888 Fazaris, The Address Downtown ................ 04 4368888 Fibber Magee’s ............................................ 04 3322400 Focaccia, Hyatt Regency Hotel ................... 04 3172222 Glasshouse Brasserie, Hilton Dubai Creek ..04 2127551 Grand Grill, Habtoor Grand Resort & Spa...04 3994221 Hofbrauhaus, JW Marriott Hotel ............... 04 6077977 Icon Bar & Lounge, Radisson Blu Hotel .... 04 3669111 Latitude, Jumeirah Beach Hotel .................. 04 4323232 Legends Steakhouse, Creek Golf & Yacht Club ........... ...................................................................... 04 2956000 Mango Tree, Souk Al Bahar......................... 04 4267313 Market Place, JW Marriott Hotel................ 04 6077009 Marrakech, Shangri-La Hotel...................... 04 4052703 Mays El-Reem, JW Marriott Hotel............. 04 6077009 Momotaro, Souk Al Bahar........................... 04 4257976 More, Al Murooj Rotana.............................. 04 3433779 More, Gold & Diamond Park...................... 04 3234350 Nelson’s, Media Rotana Hotel, Tecom........ 04 4350000 Nineteen, The Address Montgomerie.......... 04 3905600 Oceana Restaurant, Hilton Dubai Jumeirah.. 04 3182540 Olive Tree, Flora Creek Hotel..................... 04 2943532
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INDIAN 25 Degrees North Restaurant...................... 04 4527779 Aangan, Dhow Palace Hotel........................ 04 3599992 Al Shindagah, Metropolitan Palace Hotel ... 04 2270000 Antique Bazaar, Four Points Sheraton ........ 04 3977444 Aryaas, Nakheel Building............................. 04 3355776 Asha’s, Wafi Pyramids.................................. 04 3244100 Ashaya (Karama)........................................... 04 3365339 Ashiana, Sheraton Dubai Creek................... 04 2071733 Barbecue Delights, Movenpick Hotel.......... 04 3490711 Bollywood Café, Regal Plaza Hotel ............. 04 3556633 Bombay By The Bay, The Walk.................... 04 4297979 Calicut Paragon............................................ 04 3358700 Casa Goa, Palm Beach Rotana Inn .............. 04 3931999 Chutney’s Movenpick Hotel ....................... 04 3104340 Coconut Grove, Rydges Plaza Hotel, ......... 04 3983800 Dakshin, Lotus Hotel .................................. 04 2278888 D’Fusion, Grandeur Hotel .......................... 04 3418777 Dhadkhan, Carlton Tower Hotel ................ 04 2227111 Dhamaal, Seashell Inn Hotel ....................... 04 3934777 Gazebo, Kuwait Street.................................. 04 3958555 Govindas, Palace Hotel ............................... 04 3960088 Handi Restaurant, Jood Palace Hotel.......... 04 2113045 Haveli, Imperial Suites Hotel ...................... 04 3515100 Indego, Grosvenor House Hotel ................ 04 3998888
INTERNATIONAL Al Dawaar, Hyatt Regency Dubai................ 04 3172222 Al Nafoorah, Coral Deira, Dubai................. 04 2248587 Al Samar Lounge, Souk Madinat Jumeirah...04 3668888 Anise, Intercontinental Hotel....................... 04 7011111 Arboretum, Souq Madinat Jumeirah............ 04 3668888 Armoury Lounge, Souq Madinat Jumeirah.. 04 3668888 Aspen Café, Kempinski Hotel, MOE ......... 04 3413600 Aspen Café, Kempinski Hotel, MOE ......... 04 4095999 Atrium, Capitol Hotel, Bur Dubai............... 04 3460111 Bab Al Yam, Burj Al Arab Hotel ................. 04 3017777 Barasti, Le Meridien Mina Seyahi ............... 04 3993333 Baywatch, Sheraton Jumeirah Hotel ............ 04 3995533 Blue Orange, Westin Hotel.......................... 04 3994141 Boulvar, Radisson Blu Hotel ....................... 04 2057333 Bussola, Le Meridien Mina Seyahi.............. 04 3993333 Cascades, The Fairmont Hotel .................... 04 3325555 Celebrities, The One & Only Royal Mirage.04 3999999 Choices, Al Bustan Rotana........................... 04 2820000 Da Gama, Century Village .......................... 04 2823636 Dar ElKamar.............................. 800 elkamar (3552627) Elements Café Restaurant, Wafi City......... 04 3244252 Ember, The Address Dubai Mall.................. 04 4388888 Epicure......................................................... 04 6029333 Evory Lounge, Kempinski Hotel, ............... 04 3413600
GERMAN Brauhaus, Jumeirah Rotana Hotel ............... 04 3455888 Der Keller, The Jumeirah Beach Hotel......... 04 3480000 Hofbrauhaus, JW Marriott Hotel ............... 04 6077977
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“If you cant find what you’re looking for, visit”
GREEK Elia, Majestic Hotel Tower........................... 04 5012692
India House, Al Hisn Street, Bur Dubai ..... 04 3526006 India Palace Restaurant, Al Garhoud ......... 04 2869600 India Palace Restaurant, Ibn Battuta Mall.. 04 3685567 Indian Pavillion, Umm Suqueim................. 04 3941483 Iz, Grand Hyatt Dubai................................. 04 3172222 Jashan, White Crown Building, Shk. Zayed..04 3320202 Kamat, Kuwait Street................................... 04 3595441 Kebab Korner, Highland City Hotel............ 04 3938538 Khazana, Al Nasr Leisureland...................... 04 3360061 Manvaar........................................................ 04 3368332 Masala Craft, Century Village...................... 04 2829626 Masala, Jumeirah Bab Al Shams .................. 04 8096100 Mint Leaf of London, DIFC....................... 04 7060900 Mithaas, Rolla Road..................................... 04 3591300 Mohanlal’s Taste Buds, Fish Market, Karama............... ...................................................................... 04 3362001 Mumtaz Mahal, Arabian Court Hotel ........ 04 3519111 Nalukettu, Grand Hotel, Al Ghusais........... 04 2632555 Nina, The One & Only Royal Mirage ......... 04 3999999 Options......................................................... 04 3293293 Paratha King, Next to Baskin Robins.......... 04 3979110 Planet Bollywood, Royal Ascot Hotel.......... 04 3558500 Qureshi’s Kebab & Kurry, Country Club Hotel.04 3988840 Rasoi, Coral Deira, Dubai............................. 04 2248587 Spice Café, Town Centre Shopping Mall.... 04 3499951 Spice Lounge, Al Ghazal Mall .................... 04 3453365 Sukh Sagar, Trade Centre Road .................. 04 3967222 Tamarind Tandoor Restaurant, Ramada.... 04 5061152 Tandoori, Ibn Battuta Mall ......................... 04 4233855 The Bombay, Marco Polo Hotel .................. 04 2720000 The Kebab Connection, Gold Swiss-Belhotel.. 04 3019888 The Rupee Room, Marina Walk.................. 04 3905755 The Spice Club, Le Meridien Fairway ......... 04 6085000 Zaika, Al Marooj Rotana ............................. 04 3211111
Palm Garden, Sheraton Jumeirah Beach Resort .04 3995533 Planet Hollywood........................................ 04 3244100 Player’s Lounge, Country Club Hotel.......... 04 3988840 Prego’s Media Rotana Hotel, Tecom.......... 04 4350000 Rock Bottom Café, Regent Palace Hotel..... 04 3963888 Saffron, Atlantis............................................ 04 4262626 Sezzam, Kempinski Hotel ........................... 04 4095999 Spectrum on One, Fairmont Hotel ............. 04 3118316 Spendido, Ritz Carlton................................. 04 3994000 Spice Island, Crowne Plaza Dubai .............. 04 2625555 Thai Chi, Wafi ............................................. 04 3244100 Thai Kitchen, Park Hyatt Hotel .................. 04 3172222 The Atrium, Grand Millennium Hotel ........ 04 4299999 The Cellar, Century Village.......................... 04 2829333 The Conservatory, Emirates Golf Club........ 04 3802222 The Med, Media One Hotel ........................ 04 4271000 The Observatory, Dubai Marriott Harbour Hotel.......... ...................................................................... 04 3194000 The Terrace, Deira Hotel ............................. 04 2688888 The Warehouse, Le Meridien Dubai ........... 04 2170000 Thyme, Oasis Beach Tower........................... 04 3154200 Traiteur, Park Hyatt Hotel .......................... 04 3172222 Waxy O’Conner’s, The Ascot Hotel ............ 04 3520900 Westin Hotel ............................................... 04 5117136 Yalumba, Le Meridien Dubai ...................... 04 2170000 Zuma ............................................................ 04 4255660
Fazaris, The Address Downtown ................. 04 4368888 Flavours on Two, Towers Rotana Hotel ..... 04 3438000 Fountain, Movenpick Hotel ........................ 04 3366000 Glasshouse Brasserie, Hilton Dubai Creek.................... ................................................ 04 2271111 / 04 2127550 Inferno Grill, Marina Walk.......................... 04 3689193 Jeema, Hatta Fort Hotel, Hatta.................... 04 8523211 K Grill, Kempinski Hotel............................. 04 4095999 Kaleidoscope, The Palm............................... 04 4262626 Khaymat Al Bahar, Souk Madinat Jumeirah... 04 3668888 La Baie, Ritz Carlton ................................... 04 3994000 La Cite, City Centre Hotel, Deira................ 04 2941222 La Fontana, Jebel Ali Golf Resort & Spa .... 04 8836000 La Marguerite, Carlton Tower Dubai ......... 04 2227111 Latitude, Jumeirah Beach Hotel .................. 04 3480000 Le Gourmand, Ibis Hotel ............................ 04 3324444 Le Rendezvous Restaurant, Jood Palace Hotel............... ...................................................................... 04 2113024 Mazina, The Address Dubai Marina............. 04 4367777 Oceana, Hilton Dubai Jumeirah .................. 04 3991111 Pisces, Souk Madinat Jumeirah.................... 04 3668888 Planet Hollywood, Wafi............................... 04 3244100 Rhodes Mezzanine, Grosvenor House Hotel................. ...................................................................... 04 3998888 Saffron, Atlantis............................................ 04 4262626 Salmontini, Mall of the Emirates................. 04 3410222 SeaBreeze, Le Royal Meridien Beach Resort.. 04 3995555 Senses, Gold Swiss - Belhotel Dubai............ 04 3019888 Shoo Fee Ma Fee, Souk Madinat Jumeirah.. 04 3668888 Spectrum on One, Fairmont Hotel ............. 04 3118316 Tang, Le Meridien Mina Seyahi ................ 04 3993333 Teatro, Towers Rotana Hotel ...................... 04 3438000 The 25th, Habtoor Grand Resort & Spa ..... 04 3995000 The Boardwalk, Dubai Creek & Yacht Club .. 04 2956000 The Explorer, Marco Polo Hotel ................. 04 2720000 The Junction, Traders Hotel......................... 04 4259889 The Kitchen, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Deira... 04 2091234 The Rotisserie, The One & Only Royal Mirage.............. ...................................................................... 04 3999999 Verre, Hilton Dubai Creek .......................... 04 2271111 Vintage, Wafi ............................................... 04 3240000 Vista Rooftop, Holiday Inn Express............. 04 4275500 Vu’s, Emirates Towers Hotel ....................... 04 3300000 Warehouse, Le Meridien Dubai .................. 04 2170000 Waves, Le Meridien Mina Seyahi .............. 04 3993333 World Trade Club, Dubai World Trade Centre ............ ...................................................................... 04 3097979 IRANIAN / PERSIAN Al Borz ......................................................... 04 3318777 Al Zumorrod, Carlton Tower Hotel ........... 04 2227111 Anar, Souk Madinat Jumeirah...................... 04 3688505 Iranian Club, Oud Metha Road................... 04 3367700 Pars Iranian Kitchen, Wilson building........ 04 3984000 Persia Persia, Wafi....................................... 04 3244100 Sarband, Century Village ............................. 04 2833891 Shabestan, Radisson Blu Hotel ................... 04 2057333 Shabestan, The InterContinental Hotel ...... 04 2227171 Shahrzad, Hyatt Regency Hotel .................. 04 2091200 Special Ostadi, Al Musalla Road ............... 04 3971933 22 | NOVEMBER Connector
GPL - NOVEMBER 2016 FINAL - eMag.indd 22
ITALIAN Al Fresco, Crowne Plaza............................... 04 3311111 Andiamo!, Grand Hyatt......... 04 3172222 / 04 3171234 Bellucci, Wafi............................................... 04 3244100 Bice Mare, Souk Al Bahar............................ 04 4230982 BiCE, Hilton Dubai Jumeirah ..................... 04 3991111 Biella, Wafi................................................... 04 3244666 Bussola, Le Meridien Mina Seyahi.............. 04 3993333 Capanna Nuova, Dubai Marine Beach Resort ............... ...................................................................... 04 3461111 Carluccois’s, Dubai Mall ............................. 04 4341320 Carnevele, Jumeirah Beach Hotel ............... 04 3480000 Casa Mia, Le Meridien Dubai ..................... 04 2824040 Cavalli Club, Fairmont Hotel ..................... 04 3329260 Centimetro, Souk Madinat Jumeirah........... 04 3666730 Certo, Radisson Blu Hotel ........................... 04 4355000 Ciro’s Pomodoro, Le Meridien Mina Seyahi.. 04 3993333 Come Prima, Al Bustan Rotana. Garhoud... 04 2820000 Cubo Pasta, Ibis Hotel ................................ 04 3324444 Cucina, Courtyard by Marriott..................... 04 8852222 Cucina, JW Marriott Hotel, Deira............... 04 2624444 Da Vinci’s, Millennium Airport Hotel ........ 04 7039123 Dante, Grand Millennium Dubai, Tecom... 04 4299999 Don Corleone, The Metropolitan Hotel ..... 04 3430000 Focaccia, Hyatt Regency Hotel ................... 04 2091234 Frankies Italian Bar & Grill ....................... 04 3994311 Gusto, The Palm........................................... 04 4309466 Il Rustico, Rydges Plaza Hotel .................... 04 3982222 La Traviata, Jebel Ali Golf Resort & Spa .... 04 8836000 La Veranda, Movenpick Hotel, Bur Dubai.. 04 3366000 La Vinga, Century Village............................ 04 2820030 Le Dune Pizzeria, Bab Al Shams ................ 04 8096100 Luciano’s, Habtoor Grand Resort & Spa..... 04 3995000 Medzo, Wafi City ........................................ 04 3240000 Ossigeno, Le Royal Meridien Beach Resort.. 04 3995555 Pax Romana, Dusit Thani Dubai ................. 04 3433333 Prego’s Media Rotana Hotel, Tecom.......... 04 4350000 Ronda Locatelli, Atlantis ............................ 04 4262626 Segreto, Madinat Jumeirah........................... 04 3666730 Spendido, Ritz Carlton................................. 04 3994000 Stefano’s, Marina Walk ............................... 04 4222632 Toscana, Madinat Jumeirah.......................... 04 3668888 Vivaldi, Sheraton Dubai Creek Hotel.......... 04 2071717 JAPANESE Benihana, Al Bustan Rotana........................ 04 2820000 Bento-Ya....................................................... 04 3430222 Café Sushi, Fairmont Hotel ........................ 04 3118316 Creekside, Sheraton Dubai Creek................................... ................................................ 04 2071750 / 04 2281111 ET Sushi, Emirates Towers Hotel............... 04 3300000 Haru, Emirates Road.................................... 04 8853897 Kiku, Le Meridien Dubai ............................ 04 2170000 Manga, Beach Park Plaza Centre................. 04 3428300 Minato, Raddison Blu Hotel.. 04 2227171 / 04 2057333 Miyabi Sushi & Bento, Sheikh Zayed......... 04 3868444 Miyako, Hyatt Regency Hotel......................................... ................................................ 04 3172222 / 04 2096717 Nobu, Atlantis.............................................. 04 4262626 Okku, Monarch Dubai................................. 04 5018777
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KOREAN Dae Jung Kum, Royal Ascot Hotel .............. 04 3558500 Mannaland Korean Restaurant, Mina Road.. 04 3451300 Miyabi Sushi & Bento, Sheikh Zayed......... 04 3868444
MEDITERRANEAN Finz, China Court, Ibn Battuta Mall ........... 04 3685620 Gozo Garden, Millennium Airport Hotel ... 04 2823464 Lafeef Restaurant......................................... 06 5067844 Majlis Al Bahar, Burj Al Arab...................... 04 3017600 Olives, The One & Only Royal Mirage ....... 04 3999999 Sketch, Metropolitan Palace Hotel .............. 04 2270000 Thyme, Oasis Beach Tower........................... 04 3154200 MEXICAN / TEX - MEX Cactus Cantina, 1st Floor Wafi Pyramids ... 04 3574441 Cactus Jacks, Millennium Airport Hotel...... 04 2823464 El Paso, Dubai Marine Beach Resort & Spa................. ...................................................................... 04 3493455 Maria Bonita’s Taco Shop........................... 04 3954454 Maya, Le Royal Meridien Beach Resort....... 04 3995555 MOROCCAN Almaz By Momo, Mall Of The Emirates..... 04 4098877 Tagine, The One&Only Royal Mirage Hotel.................. ...................................................................... 04 3999999 NOODLE BARS Noodle House, Emirates Towers Hotel ...... 04 3300000 Noodle House, Souk Madinat Jumeirah...... 04 3668888 Wagamama, Crowne Plaza Hotel ............... 04 3311111 Yum!, Radisson Blu Hotel, Deira.................. 04 2057333 PAKISTANI Karachi Darbar, Al Musalla Road................ 04 2723755 Ravi Restaurant ........................................... 04 3315353 PIZZA Pizza Express......................... 04 3945616 / 04 4370171 POLYNESIAN Trader Vics, Crowne Plaza .......................... 04 3311111
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PUB GRUB Biggles, Millennium Airport Hotel ............. 04 2823464 Boston Bar, Jumeirah Rotana Hotel ............ 04 3455888 Champions Sports Bar, JW Marriott Hotel .. 04 2624444 Chelsea Arms, Sheraton Dubai Creek, Deira.. 04 2071721 Dubliners, Le Meridien Dubai .................... 04 2824040 Fibber Magee’s............................................. 04 3322400 Fox & Hounds, Marco Polo Hotel .............. 04 2720000 Harvesters, Crown Plaza Dubai................... 04 3311111 Irish Village, Aviation Club......................... 04 2824750 Jules Bar, Le Meridien Dubai ...................... 04 2824040 Legends Bar & Grill, Chelsea Plaza Hotel.. 04 3982222 Long’s Bar, Towers Rotana Hotel, .............. 04 3438000 Lucien Belgian Café, Ramada Hotel Dubai.. 04 5061158 QD’s, Dubai Creek Golf & Yacht Club....... 04 2956000 Red Lion, The Metropolitan Hotel.............. 04 3430000 Sherlock Holmes, Arabian Courtyard ......... 04 3519111 The Docks, Ramada Jumeirah Hotel............ 04 7027000 The Pub, Radisson Blu Hotel ...................... 04 2057333 The Underground, Habtoor Grand Resort... 04 3995000 The Viceroy, Four Points Sheraton .............. 04 3977444 RUSSIAN Arbat Russian Club, Carlton Tower Hotel .04 2227111 Bolshoi, Moscow Hotel Dubai..................... 04 2288222 Nefertiti, Khalid Bin Waleed Street............. 04 3558855 Suvoroff, Jumeirah Beach Residence ........... 04 4370178 Troika, The Ascot Hotel, Bur Dubai............ 04 3520900 SEAFOOD Al Bandar, Heritage Village, Deira............... 04 3939001 Al Mahara, Burj Al Arab.............................. 04 3017600 Beach Bar and Grill, The One & Only........ 04 3999999 Beiutina Restaurant..................................... 04 2947744 Far East Seafood Market, Regent Palace Hotel.............. ...................................................................... 04 3963888 Fish Basket, Movenpick Hotel .................... 04 3367171 Fish Bazaar, Metropolitan Hotel ................. 04 3430000 Fish Market, Radisson Blu Hotel, Deira...... 04 2057333 Flooka, Dubai Marine Beach Resort & Spa... 04 3461111 La Baie, Ritz Carlton ................................... 04 3994000 Ossiano, Atlantis ......................................... 04 4262626 Peppercrab, Grand Hyatt Hotel .................. 04 3171234 Pierchic, Al Qasr Hotel ............................... 04 3668888 Sails, Crowne Plaza Hotel ........................... 04 2625555 Sammach, Beach Centre Shopping Mall ..... 04 3494140 Sea World .................................................... 04 3211500 Seafood Market, Le Meridien Dubai .......... 04 2824040 The W Grill & Cocktail Terrace................04 3244100 SOUTH - EAST ASIAN Beachcombers, Jumeirah Beach Hotel......... 04 4068999 Benihana, Al Bustan Rotana........................ 04 2820000 Benjarong, Dusit Dubai .............................. 04 3433333 Buddha Bar, Grosvenor House Dubai ........ 04 3998888 Royal Orchid, Marina Walk........................ 04 3674040 Soy, Ibn Battuta Mall ................................... 04 3685474 The Noodle Factory, Wafi ........................... 04 3244100 Connector NOVEMBER | 23
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“If you cant find what you’re looking for, visit”
LATIN AMERICAN Parhanga, Hilton Dubai Jumeirah................ 04 3182530
Trader Vics, Madinat Jumeirah ................... 04 3665646
Sakura, Crowne Plaza Hotel......................... 04 3311111 Sakura Restaurant, Jood Palace Hotel......... 04 2113050 Sho Cho’s, Dubai Marine Beach Resort....... 04 3461111 Sumibiya, Radisson Blu Hotel . 04 2227171 / 04 2057333 Sushi Sushi, Century Village ....................... 04 2829908 Sushi, Grand Hyatt Hotel ........................... 04 3172222 Sushi Times, Media City............................. 04 3910198 Teppanyaki House, Ramada Hotel ............. 04 5061150 Tokyo@ The Towers.............. 04 3198088 / 04 3300000 Toshi, Grand Millennium Hotel ................. 04 4299999 Wagamama, Al Fattan Towers..................... 04 3995900 Yakitori House, Ascot Hotel ....................... 04 3520900 Yo! Sushi, BurJuman Shopping Mall............ 04 3594579 Zuma ............................................................ 04 4255660
The Sapphire, Century Village..................... 04 2868520 White Orchid, Jebel Ali Golf Resort & Spa ... 04 8145604
VIETNAMESE Hoi An, Shangri-La Hotel ........................... 04 4052703
SPANISH Al Hambra, Souk Madinat Jumeirah............ 04 3668888 Seville’s, Wafi............................................... 04 3247300 The Agency, Tapas, Emirates Towers.......... 04 3198780 The Agency, Tapas, Souk Madinat Jumeirah................. .....................................................................04 3668888
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STEAKHOUSES AND GRILLS Butcher Shop & Grill, Mall Of The Emirates..04 3471167 Grand Grill, Habtoor Grand Resort & Spa...04 3994221 Grill Room, Sheraton Jumeirah Beach Resort.. 04 3995533 Hunters Room & Grill, Westin Hotel........ 04 3994141 JW’s Steakhouse, JW Marriott Hotel ......... 04 2624444 Legends Steakhouse, Creek Golf & Yacht Club............ ...................................................................... 04 2956000 Manhattan Grill, Grand Hyatt Hotel ......... 04 3172222 MJ’s Steakhouse, Al Qasr Hotel.................. 04 3666730 M’s, Le Meridien Dubai, Garhoud............... 04 2824040 Nezesaussi Grill, Al Manzil Hotel............... 04 4285888 Prime Rib, Le Royal Meridien Beach Resort .04 3995555 Rare, Desert Palm ........................................ 04 6029333 Rips & Rumps, Dubai Mall ........................ 04 4340468 Rodeo Grill, Al Bustan Rotana Hotel ......... 04 2820000 Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse, Monarch Hotel .. 04 5018666 Seafire, Atlantis ............................................ 04 4262626 St. Maxim, Mall of the Emirates..................................... ................................................. 04 2869029/ 04 3413415 Terra Firma, Al Badia Golf Club ................ 04 7011128 The Exchange Grill, The Fairmont Hotel ... 04 3325555 The Meat Company, Souk Madinat Jumeirah.. 04 3686040 The Rib Room, Emirates Towers Hotel....... 04 3300000 Wellington’s Steakhouse, Royal Ascot Hotel..04 3558500 Western Steakhouse, Crowne Plaza Hotel.. 04 3311111 THAI Beachcombers, Jumeirah Beach Hotel......... 04 3480000 Benjarong, Dusit Dubai ............................... 04 3433333 Blue Elephant, Al Bustan Rotana Hotel ..... 04 2820000 Fusion, Le Royal Meridien Beach Resort .... 04 3995555 Indochine, Grand Hyatt Hotel .................... 04 3172222 Lemongrass.................................................. 04 3342325 Pai Thai, Al Qasr Hotel................................ 04 3666730 Shang Thai.................................................... 04 3805408 Silk Route, Arabian Courtyard, Bur Dubai.. 04 3519111 Sukhothai, Le Meridien Dubai ................... 04 2824040 Thai Bistro, Dubai Marine Beach Resort & Spa............. ...................................................................... 04 3461111 Thai Chi, Wafi.............................................. 04 3244100 Thai Connection, Ascot Hotel..................... 04 3520900 Thai Kitchen, Park Hyatt Hotel................... 04 3172222 The Royal Buddha, Holiday Inn Hotel ....... 04 3234333 Thiptara, The Palace ..................................... 04 4287961
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TURKISH Istanbul Flowers, Underneath Safestway..... 04 3434585 Kosebasi, Jumeirah Beach Residence............ 04 4393788 Ottomans, Grosvenor House Hotel............. 04 3998888 24 | NOVEMBER Connector
GPL - NOVEMBER 2016 FINAL - eMag.indd 24
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saturday Bodytone Hatha Prana Reformer Reformer All Levels Vinyasa Flow Yoga Workout with Liris Kundalini (90 minutes) Prenatal Yoga Cross Fit Hatha Yoga Liv Dance - Level 2 (13yrs-16yrs) Abs Stretch In2Shape Belly Dance Hot Yoga Bachata Level 1 Salsa Level 1 Liv Dance - General Adult (18yrs+) Bachata Level 2 Salsa Level 2 Gong Meditation (Workshop)
Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR The Village Mall, 1st Floor Motion Ladies Fitness Center Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Motion Ladies Fitness Center The Village Mall, 1st Floor Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR BNF Dance School, Knowledge Village The Village Mall, 1st Floor Sharmila Dance - DUCTAC, MOE BNF Dance School, Knowledge Village The Village Mall, 1st Floor BNF Dance School, Knowledge Village The Village Mall, 1st Floor BNF Dance School, Knowledge Village BNF Dance School, Knowledge Village Sharmila Dance - DUCTAC, MOE BNF Dance School, Knowledge Village BNF Dance School, Knowledge Village The Village Mall, 1st Floor
9:00am Slavica 9.00am Arpana 9.30am Sandra F. 10:00am Slavica 10:00am Dina 10.00am Liris 10.30am Nancy 11:20am Dina 4.00pm Sebastian 4.00pm Hayat 5.00pm Sharmila 5.00pm Sebastian 5.15pm Lillian 6.00pm Luisa 6.30pm Alpa 7.00pm Luisa and Yeison 7.00pm Camilo and Manuela 7.30pm Sharmila 8.00pm Luisa and Yeison 8.00pm Camilo and Manuela 8.00pm Anuradha
sunday TRX Motion Ladies Fitness Center Ballet Barre Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Pilates Mat All Levels Ductac-MOE Hatha Yoga The Village Mall, 1st Floor Pilates Mat Motion Ladies Fitness Center Reformer Motion Ladies Fitness Center Pilates Reformer Beg/Int Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Vinyasa Yoga Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Barre Motion Ladies Fitness Center Reformer Motion Ladies Fitness Center Pilates The Village Mall, 1st Floor Liv Dance - Basic Adult (18yrs+) Sharmila Dance - DUCTAC, MOE Neuropilates Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Ashtanga vinyasa The Village Mall, 1st Floor Prenatal Yoga he Village Mall, 1st Floor Yang and Ying Yoga The Village Mall, 1st Floor General Ballet (Pre-teens, Teens + Adults) Sharmila Dance - DUCTAC, MOE Reformer Motion Ladies Fitness Center Zumba The Village Mall, 1st Floor Abs Stretch BNF Dance School, Knowledge Village Advanced Ballet (Teens, Adults + Professionals) Sharmila Dance - DUCTAC, MOE Slim Down Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Pilates Reformer Beg/Int Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Bootybarre Motion Ladies Fitness Center Bachata Level 1 BNF Dance School, Knowledge Village Reformer Motion Ladies Fitness Center Pilates Reformer Beginner Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Pilates Mat All Levels Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Bachata Level 2 BNF Dance School, Knowledge Village Hot Vinyasa Flow The Village Mall, 1st Floor
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8.30am Antonija 8:30am Heba 9:00am Slavica 9.00am Binita 9.00am Antonija 9.00am Sandra F. 9:30am Heba 9:30am Dina 10.00am Liris 10.00am Antonija 10.10am Jolanta 10.30am Emma 10:50am Heba 11.15am Bhama 12.30pm Dessi 4.30pm Aisha 5.00pm Sharmila 5.30pm Antonija 6.00pm Retchel 6.00pm Sebastian 6.00pm Sharmila 6:00pm Liris 6:30pm Yousra 6.30pm Antonija 7.00pm Luisa and Yeison 7.30pm Sandra F. 7:30pm Yousra 7:30pm Slavica 8.00pm Luisa and Yeison 8.00pm Alpa
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SERVICE DIRECTORY “If you cant find what you’re looking for, visit” DUBAI FITNESS CALENDAR
Dubai Fitness Calendar - November 2016
mOnday Reformer Motion Ladies Fitness Center Bootybarre Motion Ladies Fitness Center Pilates Mat All Levels Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Pilates Reformer Beg/Int Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Vinyasa Flow The Village Mall, 1st Floor Ashtanga Yoga Motion Ladies Fitness Center Reformer Motion Ladies Fitness Center Yoga for All Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Pilates Reformer Intermediate Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR TRX Motion Ladies Fitness Center Reformer Motion Ladies Fitness Center Hatha Yoga The Village Mall, 1st Floor Reformer Introduction Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Body Step The Pavilion Marina & Sports Club Yin Yoga Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Bootybarre Motion Ladies Fitness Center Teen Dance Motion Ladies Fitness Center Core Class The Village Mall, 1st Floor Liv Dance - Level 2 (13yrs-16yrs) Sharmila Dance - DUCTAC, MOE Body Jam The Pavilion Marina & Sports Club Liv Dance - Teen (16yrs-21yrs) Sharmila Dance - DUCTAC, MOE TRX Motion Ladies Fitness Center Tabata Motion Ladies Fitness Center Yin Yoga The Village Mall, 1st Floor Pilates Mat Motion Ladies Fitness Center HIIT Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Clinical Pilates Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Body Pump The Pavilion Marina & Sports Club Tango Level 1 BNF Dance School, Knowledge Village Cross Fit BNF Dance School, Knowledge Village Reformer Motion Ladies Fitness Center Kundalini The Village Mall, 1st Floor Pilates Reformer Intermediate Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Power Yoga Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Tango Level 2 BNF Dance School, Knowledge Village
8.00am Ha 8.15am Antonija 8:30pm Slavica 8:30am Heba 9.00am Hayat 9.00am Lara 9.00am Ha 9:30am Dana 9:30am Heba 10.00am Antonija 10.00am Denise 10.30am Arpana 10:30am Slavica 10.45am Maria 11:00pm Dana 12.00pm Antonija 4.30pm Liris 5.00pm Lillian 5.00pm Sharmila 5.30pm Elaine, Linley, Amber 6.00pm Sharmila 6.00pm Antonija 6.00pm Stefania 6.15pm Dessi 6.30pm Antonija 6:30pm Susanna 6:30pm Hened 6.45pm Catherine 7.00pm Brayan and Tatiana 7.00pm Sebastian 7.30pm Antonija 7.30pm Hayley 7:30pm Hened 7:30pm Karina 8.00pm Brayan and Tatiana
TUESday Reformer Pilates Reformer Beginner Pilates Release Yogalates Reformer Hatha Yoga Pilates Reformer Beg/Int Hatha Yoga Latino Cardio Reformer Prenatal Pilates Prenatal Yoga Hatha Yoga Body Pump Live Dance - Level 2 (13yrs-16yrs) Reformer Introduction TRX Bootybarre Reformer Latino Cardio Pilates Reformer All Levels
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Motion Ladies Fitness Center Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Motion Ladies Fitness Center Motion Ladies Fitness Center The Village Mall, 1st Floor Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Motion Ladies Fitness Center Motion Ladies Fitness Center The Village Mall, 1st Floor Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR The Village Mall, 1st Floor The Pavilion Marina & Sports Club Sharmila Dance - DUCTAC, MOE Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Motion Ladies Fitness Center Motion Ladies Fitness Center Motion Ladies Fitness Center Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR
8.00am Ha 8:30am Slavica 8:30am Hened 9.00am Kim 9.00am Ha 9.00am Aisha 9:30am Hened 9:30am Alpa 10.00am Liris 10.00am Denise 10.30am Jolanta 11:00am Jo 4.30pm Hayat 5.30pm Marit 5.30pm Sharmila 5:45pm Slavica 6.00pm Antonija 6.30pm Antonija 6.30pm Sandra F. 6:30pm Liris 6:30pm SLavica
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BNF Dance School, Knowledge Village BNF Dance School, Knowledge Village Motion Ladies Fitness Center Sharmila Dance - DUCTAC, MOE Sharmila Dance - DUCTAC, MOE Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR The Village Mall, 1st Floor The Village Mall, 1st Floor
7.00pm Camilo and Luisa 7.00pm Camilo and Luisa 7.30pm Nena / Ines 7.30pm Sharmila 7.30pm Sharmila 7:30pm Gabi 7:30pm Enji 9.00pm Marilyn 10.30pm Zarin
WEDNESday Reformer Motion Ladies Fitness Center Power Reformer Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Body Tone Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Hatha Yoga with Meditation Motion Ladies Fitness Center Reformer Motion Ladies Fitness Center Bootybarre Motion Ladies Fitness Center Vinyasa Flow The Village Mall, 1st Floor Pilates For Dance Ductac-MOE Pilates Reformer All Levels Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Yoga 4 All Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Body Attack The Pavilion Marina & Sports Club Reformer Motion Ladies Fitness Center Pilates Mat Motion Ladies Fitness Center Liv Dance - Basic Adult (18yrs +) Sharmila Dance - DUCTAC, MOE Hatha Yoga The Village Mall, 1st Floor Yin Yoga Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Meditation Session (30 Minutes) The Village Mall, 1st Floor Barre Motion Ladies Fitness Center Power Yoga The Village Mall, 1st Floor General Ballet (Pre-teens, Teens + Adults) Sharmila Dance - DUCTAC, MOE MS Talks Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Yin Yoga The Village Mall, 1st Floor Advanced Ballet (Teens, Adults + Professionals) Sharmila Dance - DUCTAC, MOE Body Pump The Pavilion Marina & Sports Club Dance Fusion Motion Ladies Fitness Center Circuit Training Motion Ladies Fitness Center Pilates Reformer Beg/Int Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Zumba Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Tango Level 1 BNF Dance School, Knowledge Village Aerial Silks BNF Dance School, Knowledge Village Hot Vinyasa Flow The Village Mall, 1st Floor Salsa Motion Ladies Fitness Center Reformer Motion Ladies Fitness Center Pilates Reformer Int Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Yoga For All Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Tango Level 2 BNF Dance School, Knowledge Village Cross Fit BNF Dance School, Knowledge Village RPM The Pavilion Marina & Sports Club Abs Stretch BNF Dance School, Knowledge Village
8.00am Ha 8:30am Pavlina 8:30am Slavica 8.30am Meetu 9.00am Ha 9.00am Antonija 9.00am Hayat 9:15am Hened 9:30am Pavlina 9:30am Karina 9.30am Maria 10.00am Antonija 10.00am Ha 10.30am Sharmila 10.30am Aisha 11:00am Enji 11.30am Aisha 12.00pm Liris 5.30pm Alona 5.00pm Sharmila 5:30am Slavica 6.15pm Dessi 6.00pm Sharmila 6.30pm Elaine 6.30pm Ayeshah 6.30pm Liris 6:30am Slavica 6:30pm Sussana 7.00pm Brayan and Tatiana 7.00pm Jade 7.30pm Alpa 7.30pm Stefania 7.30pm Sandra F. 7:30pm Ozlem 7:30pm Karina 8.00pm Brayan and Tatiana 8.00pm Sebastian 8.00pm Greg 9.00pm Sebastian
THURSday Reformer Pilates Reformer Beginner Yoga Stretch Flexi Bar Ashtanga Yoga Reformer
GPL - NOVEMBER 2016 FINAL - eMag.indd 27
Motion Ladies Fitness Center Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Motion Ladies Fitness Center Motion Ladies Fitness Center Motion Ladies Fitness Center
8.00am Antonija 8:30am Katy 8:30am Enji 9.00am Antonija 9.00am Lara 9.00am Denise
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Salsa Level 1 Salsa Level 2 Zumba Live Dance - General Adult (18yrs+) Liv Dance - Basic Adult (18yrs+) Pilates Reformer Beg Vinyasa Yoga Belly Dancing Power vinyasa
Hatha Yoga Pilates Reformer Intermediate Total Barre Reformer Pilates Barre Ashtanga Yoga Int/Advanced Power Yoga Hatha Yoga Body Pump Liv Dance - Teens (16yrs-21yrs) Power vinyasa Zumba
The Village Mall, 1st Floor Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Motion Ladies Fitness Center The Village Mall, 1st Floor Motion Ladies Fitness Center Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR The Village Mall, 1st Floor The Village Mall, 1st Floor The Pavilion Marina & Sports Club Sharmila Dance - DUCTAC, MOE The Village Mall, 1st Floor The Village Mall, 1st Floor
9.00am Dessi 9:30am Katy 9:30am Ha 10.00am Denise 10.10am Jolanta 10.30am Liris 11:00am Nitai 11.15am Bhama 4.30pm Sneha 5.30pm Elaine 6.00pm Sharmila 7.15pm Layla 9.00pm Retchel
Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR The Village Mall, 1st Floor Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR The Pavilion Marina & Sports Club The Village Mall, 1st Floor The Village Mall, 1st Floor The Village Mall, 1st Floor
9:00am Hened 10:00am Hened 10.00am TBA 10:30am Alpa 3.00pm Elaine 3.00pm TBA 4.30pm TBA 6.00pm TBA
FRIDAY Pilates Ref Beg/Int Pilates Ref Intermediate Kundalini (90 minutes) Hatha Flow Kick Boxing Hatha Yoga Sivananda Yoga Breathing & Meditation
Children’s Activity Classes Dubai - November 2016 Saturday Body Movement (5-7 years old) Body Movement (8-11 years old) Live Dance - Level 1A+B (7yrs-12yrs) Rhythmic Gymnastics(CG) Rhythmic Gymnastics(CG) Rhythmic Gymnastics(CG)
BNF Dance School, Knowledge Village BNF Dance School, Knowledge Village Sharmila Dance - DUCTAC, MOE Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR
2.00pm Leidy 3.00pm Leidy 4.00pm Sharmila 2:45pm Kamilla 3:30pm Kamilla 4:30pm Kamilla
Sharmila Dance - DUCTAC, MOE German International School Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Raffles World Academy Regent International School Regent International School Regent International School The Pavilion Marina & Sports Club
4.00pm Sharmila 2.00pm Silvi 4.00pm Slavica 5.00pm Slavica 2.30pm Heba 4.00pm Julia 5.00pm Julia 6.00pm Julia 3.45pm Karine
German International School German International School Raffles World Academy Regent International School Regent International School BNF Dance School, Knowledge Village
2.00pm Silvi 2.45pm Silvi 2.25pm Lauren 4.00pm Slavica 5.00pm Slavica 4.00pm Leidy
SUNDAY Basic Ballet (7yrs+) Dance Mix Karate Kid1 (Beginners) Karate Kid2 (Colored Belt) Primary Ballet - School Only Rhythmic Gymnastics (5-6 yo) Rhythmic Gymnastics (7-8 years old) Rhythmic Gymnastics (CG) Yoga for Kids
mondAY Dance Mix Dance Mix (8-10 yo) Grade 1 Ballet (School Only) Karate Kid1 (Beginners) Karate Kid2 (Colored Belt) Latin Rhytyms Level 1 (5-7 years old)
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BNF Dance School, Knowledge Village Sharmila Dance - DUCTAC, MOE
5.00pm Leidy 4.00pm Sharmila
Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Regent International School Regent International School Regent International School The Pavilion Marina & Sports Club Uptown Primary School Uptown Primary School Uptown Primary School Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR
4.30pm Slavica 4.00pm Julia 5.00pm Julia 6.00pm Julia 3.45pm Karine 3.45pm Maristela 4.30pm Maristela 5.15pm Maristela 4.30pm Monique 5.00pm Monique
Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Exhale Fitness Studio, JBR Jumeirah Music Centre
2:45pm Monique 3:30pm Monique 4:30pm Monique 4.30pm Maristela
Sharmila Dance - DUCTAC, MOE Sharmila Dance - DUCTAC, MOE
4.00pm Sharmila 5.00pm Sharmila
Latin Rhytyms Level 2 (5-7 years old) Liv Dance - Level 1A+B (7yrs-12yrs)
TUESDAY Karate Kid (MIXED) Rhythmic Gymnastics (5-6 yo) Rhythmic Gymnastics (7-8 yo) Rhythmic Gymnastics (CG) Yoga Young Musicians 2 (4-5 yrs) Young Musicians 3 (5-6 yrs) Young Musicians 4 (6-7 yrs) Zumba Kids Junior (4-7 yo) Zumba Kids (8-13 yo)
WEDNESDAY Rhythmic Gymnastics(CG) Rhythmic Gymnastics(CG) Rhythmic Gymnastics(CG) Young Musicians 4 (5-6 yrs)
THURSDAY Live Dance - Level 1A (7yrs-9yrs) Live Dance - Level 1B (10yrs-12yrs)
Timetables are subject to change. Please refer to the service directory for the contact details of the above - mentioned Dance, Yoga, Fitness Centres & Health Clubs.
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27/10/2016 11:26:03
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