pregnancy + the road: staying safe + comfortable in the car by lena borrelli
It can be really hard to stay off the roads. When you are pregnant, the need to drive becomes even more pressing as preparations for your upcoming bundle of joy take center stage. There are doctor appointments, shopping, moving, and coordinating that must all be done within the short window of pregnancy. However, these are unprecedented times, and coronavirus has presented new challenges for the average pregnancy that did not exist before. There is still a lot to do to prepare for a baby, but now there is the added burden of the ever-present concerns about illness. With the coronavirus vaccine rollout becoming more widespread,
new mothers everywhere are beginning to breathe a collective sigh of relief. Many have begun to emerge from their homes to catch up on all that COVID has thrown to the wayside. Of course, it is not just pregnant women who are beginning to leave their homes, and traffic is starting to return to prepandemic levels everywhere. Regardless of whether you are driving cross-country to finally visit family or just down the street to the store, there are some things that pregnant women can do to stay safe on increasingly busy roads. Is it safe to travel while pregnant?
Even before COVID, many women
wonder if they can safely travel when pregnant, but it all depends. Everyone’s medical history is different, and if you have a highrisk pregnancy, your doctor may recommend that you avoid travel as much as possible. Before you hit the road, you should consult your medical professional for the best advice. Common Concerns
There are some common health concerns to consider when traveling while pregnant. COVID Prevention
Although the COVID infection rate has significantly decreased, the possibility of contracting or transmitting the virus is a valid concern for expecting mothers. If connexions