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pregnancy + the road: staying safe + comfortable in the car

by lena borrelli

It can be really hard to stay off the roads. When you are pregnant, the need to drive becomes even more pressing as preparations for your upcoming bundle of joy take center stage. There are doctor appointments, shopping, moving, and coordinating that must all be done within the short window of pregnancy.

However, these are unprecedented times, and coronavirus has presented new challenges for the average pregnancy that did not exist before. There is still a lot to do to prepare for a baby, but now there is the added burden of the ever-present concerns about illness. With the coronavirus vaccine rollout becoming more widespread, new mothers everywhere are beginning to breathe a collective sigh of relief. Many have begun to emerge from their homes to catch up on all that COVID has thrown to the wayside.

Of course, it is not just pregnant women who are beginning to leave their homes, and traffic is starting to return to prepandemic levels everywhere. Regardless of whether you are driving cross-country to finally visit family or just down the street to the store, there are some things that pregnant women can do to stay safe on increasingly busy roads.

Is it safe to travel while pregnant? Even before COVID, many women wonder if they can safely travel when pregnant, but it all depends. Everyone’s medical history is different, and if you have a high-risk pregnancy, your doctor may recommend that you avoid travel as much as possible. Before you hit the road, you should consult your medical professional for the best advice.

Common Concerns

There are some common health concerns to consider when traveling while pregnant.

COVID Prevention

Although the COVID infection rate has significantly decreased, the possibility of contracting or transmitting the virus is a valid concern for expecting mothers. If you’re traveling to see friends and family, ask them to take a rapid COVID test as a precautionary measure. If you’re driving to one of the (seemingly) endless doctor’s appointments, frequently disinfect your wheel, car door and other parts of your car.

Zika and Malaria

A simple mosquito bite could lead to possible hospitalization and birth defects. If you are traveling to an area with a risk of zika or malaria, you should immediately contact your doctor about your plans and ask them for tips on mitigating the risk.

Food and Water

Before you travel, be sure to pack enough food and water to tide you over for the trip. Pregnant women are typically more at risk for dehydration or food poisoning complications, so it might be better to be prepared with food and water from familiar sources.

Car safety checklist

Another easy way to help ensure the safety of you and your unborn baby while traveling pregnant is to keep your car road-ready. Whether you are a passenger or a driver, consider reviewing a car safety checklist before you hit the road. You can do some easy things to keep your car maintained and for a safe and seamless ride.

Vehicle maintenance

Maintaining your car does not have to be a complicated or expensive venture. There are several ways to keep your vehicle in top shape from home. When preparing for travel, be sure to check these items on your vehicle.

Tire pressure: Proper tire pressure not only ensures a smoother ride, but your car will also respond better to steering, and it can extend the overall life of your tires and vehicle. To check your tire pressure, all you need is a tire pressure gauge, which can be purchased at an auto store or found at your local gas station. If you do not have an air compressor to fill the tires, some gas stations offer free air.

Power steering fluid: Power steering fluid is critical to ensure easier steering by keeping the steering components fully lubricated and protected against corrosion. Consult your manufacturer’s manual to see what kind of lubrication is necessary for your specific vehicle.

Brakes: Your brakes are a critical part of everyday driving, so it is only natural for them to wear down over time. Your car manual will advise on exact maintenance schedules, but the time between maintenance depends on how much you drive and whether you live in a high-traffic or rural area. It is a good idea to take your car to a mechanic to have the brakes inspected regularly. Depending on your car, you may even be able to do a visual inspection of your brake pads at home.

Air filter: The air filter keeps the engine clean, working like a sieve to keep out dirt and harmful contaminants. Most manufacturers recommend changing your air filter every 15,000 to 30,000 miles, but it is best to consult your car’s manual.

Lights: Your car’s lights and signals are your primary form of communication with other drivers on the road, letting others know when you are turning, stopping or reversing. Your hazard lights are also important, expressing distress if you run into trouble, so regularly check your vehicle’s exterior lights to ensure all are in working order. These types of lights can easily be replaced at home on many models.

Antifreeze and/or coolant: Antifreeze, also known as coolant, helps your vehicle from overheating and also maintains proper temperatures even during extreme weather. When you change your oil, be sure to also check antifreeze and coolant levels to ensure your engine is kept in top working order.

Wheel alignment: Proper wheel alignment can save you money on gas, prevent unnecessary wear and tear and allow for a smoother, safer ride. You should get a wheel alignment every two to three years, depending on how much you drive.

When you consult your vehicle’s manual, be sure to check whether there are any additional maintenance measures that you should take before you hit the road.

"More extended travel will require a more indepth health plan. If you plan on extended travel, work with your doctor to develop a game plan that ensures your continued prenatal health while you are gone. Depending on the length of your stay, you may need to find a temporary doctor in your new locale."

Health safety checklist

Some items are essential to keep on hand during travel to help ensure the health, safety and comfort of you and your baby while away.

Nutritional snacks: Keep some easy-to-eat, non-perishable snacks that provide extra nutritional value nearby during your trip. Multi-grain crackers, trail mix and fruits like apples, pears and bananas are great for boosting vitamins and nutrients. Individual packs of nut butters or guacamole are great for dipping, and a pudding cup high in calcium is a sweet treat that can also help your baby’s developing bones.

Prenatal vitamins/medication: Prenatal vitamins are a critical component of your growing baby’s health, so you should keep your doctor’s recommended brand on hand while you travel. Be sure to pack any other prescribed medications that you are taking to prevent any unnecessary health issues.

Comfortable closed-toe shoes: If you end up outside your vehicle, you will not want to deal with sandals or flip flops. Your trip may also require some walking or standing, so comfortable shoes are a must to ensure your comfort.

Extra water: Water has countless benefits to both a pregnant mom and a growing fetus, with medical experts recommending 64 to 96 ounces of water each day for pregnant women. Travel can also contribute to dehydration, so be sure to keep enough water bottles on hand so you can stay fully hydrated at all times.

Antibacterial wipes: Coronavirus demonstrated the need to keep things sterile, so do not forget your antibacterial wipes before hitting the road. There are several EPA recommended disinfectants that you can use during stops and bathroom breaks.

Lip balm/lotion: As a pregnant mom, you can use a little help when sharing all of your nutrients with your baby. Chapped lips and dry skin are especially common, so choose lip balms and lotions with extra-moisturizing coconut oil and shea butter to help with skin irritation common during pregnancy.

Enjoying road trips while pregnant If you are planning on taking an especially long road trip, there are some additional items that can help ensure your comfort.

Tricks to staying comfortable

Even with the most comfortable vehicle, you are likely to feel the effects of the road after a few hours. When packing your travel bag, consider adding these items to help you feel more comfortable.

Bring a travel pillow. Consider a lumbar pillow, which can cradle your back and take pressure off of your spine. There are many travel versions that can be easily inflated/ deflated when you are on the go.

Plan for lots of breaks. Pregnant women typically need more breaks than the average person on the road, with one 15-minute break recommended every 1-2 hours. Not only does this ensure healthy blood flow, but you can also use the bathroom, grab a snack and stretch your legs.

Start with a full tank. The last thing any pregnant woman wants is to be stranded on the side of the road, so fill up your gas tank at the beginning of the trip. Be sure to monitor your tank throughout your trip and stop for gas far before empty, especially if you are traveling in rural areas where gas stations may be more limited.

Avoid travel to remote places. Gas is not the only thing that may be limited in a remote area. Cell phone service may be limited, and if you go into labor or experience a medical issue, there may not be adequate medical care nearby. Just be prepared in knowing the areas through which you drive.

As more Americans across the country take the coronavirus vaccine, it is incredibly likely that there will be an increase in travel. For pregnant women, that means some necessary safety measures to ensure the health of both mom and baby while you are away from home. Many of these measures are also good preparation for simply traveling more often in your local community while pregnant, too.

There are still travel advisories in place and it is a good idea to check for COVID infection rates and travel advisories, and any local risks that could impact your health and travel before heading out. Expectant moms need to be near critical resources like local medical care in case of emergency.

We all need to start moving around a bit more after the roller coaster of the pandemic. Pregnant moms just need a little more preparation before they hit the road to do so well-prepared and safely.

Lena Muhtadi Borrelli has several years of experience in writing for insurance domains such as allconnect, Healthline and Reviews.com. She previously worked for Morgan Stanley.

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