News From Around ‘The U’
Little Miss Skyla Lee is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Tramel & Brittany Lee
Happy New Year!
Editor’s Note
Look where God has brought us from!!! By the Grace of God, we have been blessed to see another year and I’m so glad about it!
As with most new years in the past, changes are inevitable, and part of the passing from one year to the next; from the old to the new.
Sister Jessica Williams, Assistant Editor
Such is the case of the ‘All In The Family’ newsletter. Beginning with this publication, we will no longer be a ‘monthly’ publication, but instead we will be publish and distribute on a ‘quarterly’ basis; January, April, July, and October.
Distribution will be on the 1st Sunday of the aforementioned months. The staff only sees this as a win-win situation and hopefully you will too; more time for you to support the newsletter should you desire to, and more time for us to put together a quality product! Should you have any questions, comments, concerns etc. about this new timeline, please see e i t h e r o n e o f t h e n e w s l e t t e r s t a f f m e m b e r s , C o n n i e Wi l l i a m s ( or Jessica Williams ( P.S. Input to the newsletter is due by the 1st Sunday in December 2015 (email previously sent), March 2016, June 2016, and September 2016. Parents: Because of the new schedule, recognition of the youth accomplishments will not be added for the 2nd Grading Period, which ends January 15, 2016 (after the publication date). Please remember to give a copy of your child’s report card to Kim Williams, Youth Department Directress, so that your child will be recognized at the Annual Youth Awards Banquet.
Sister Jessica Williams, Assistant Editor Page -2-
Winter/Spring 2016 | Volume 10-Issue 1
Assistant Editor, Jessica Williams, takes a minute to greet and pose with First Union’s First Lady, Carla R. Garmon.
P. O. Box 1223 | Brandon, FL 33509 813-833-7160 (tel) | 813-684-0819 (fax) (email) (website)
Editor/Publisher CONNIE WILLIAMS Assistant Editor JESSICA WILLIAMS Staff Writers CONNIE WILLIAMS JESSICA WILLIAMS Current Issue Contributor(s) REV. B.E. GARMON, SR. Photographer CONNIE WILLIAMS (except where noted)
Distribution all-in-the-family.html
The ‘All In The Family’ newsletter is now a QUARTERLY publication (distribution timeline subject to change by the editor as needed). Please send your submissions for future publications, feedback, comments and/or suggestions to All submissions for the newsletter must be received by the second Sunday in March, June, September, and December. All questions should be directed to the Editor or Assistant Editor via the contact information printed. Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved. Not to be reprinted in any form without prior written permission.
First Union Missionary Baptist Church 3707 E. Chelsea Street | Tampa, FL 33610 | 813-238-1205 (tel) | 813-237-8833 (fax) (email) | (website)
Instagram (FUMBC)
Facebook (First Union Missionary Baptist Church)
REV. B.E. GARMON, SR. b.e.garmon
ANTHONY BROWN deaconbrown
CALVIN MARSHALL calvin.marshall
DEBRA SMALLS debra.smalls
Assistant-New Member Orientation, Education, & After Care MINISTER WILLIAM CLEMONS
Minister of Music ELDER MELVIN DAVIS Minister-Prayer ELDER ELIJAH HAMILTON ELDER EARL MOSLEY Minister-New Member Orientation, Education, & After Care REV. WENDELL POPE, SR. Youth Department & Sunday School Minister Adviser MINISTER JAMES THOMPKINS Minister of Spiritual Growth MINISTER JEFFREY YOUNG
Assistant Church Clerk DEANDRA RILEY Bulletin Clerk & Webmaster CONNIE WILLIAMS
Table of Contents Winter/Spring 2016
Sister Ruth Howard
Meet one of First Union’s longstanding members in this quarter’s ‘Member In The Spotlight’ page 11
Pastor’s Corner ________________________________________________ page 6 Let Go Of The Boat! Stepping out on Faith A New Beginning ______________________________________________ page 8 Church Offices & Ministries Membership News ___________________________________________ page 10 New Members Member In The Spotlight ____________________________________ page 11 Presenting/Introducing Sister Ruth Howard Featured Series by Pastor Garmon (part 1) _________________ page 12 ‘The Rapture Zone’ Ministry Impact Award ______________________________________ page 14 First Union & Pastor Garmon are Recognized Upcoming Events ____________________________________________ page 16 Meetings and Events for the 1st Quarter Business Center _____________________________________________ page 18 Member Owned Businesses School Zone _________________________________________________ page 19 HCPS Events Watch Night Service 2015 ___________________________________ page 20 Reflections WordSearch __________________________________________________ page 25 ‘The Lord’s Prayer’
‘All In The Family’ - News From Around ‘The U’
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Pastor’s Corner Let Go Of The Boat! “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1
How foolish Peter must have been to step out of a perfectly good boat! They are in the middle of a Sea (lake), and when you are in the midst of the water, unless you are a fish, the only security that you have is the boat! It’s between 3am – 6am in the morning, still very dark, the wind is blowing very hard and the water is extremely rough. Now they see an illuminated figure moving in their direction on the water (Matthew 14:24-29). How down right fearful that must have been! There is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, so they began to cry out. Once they demonstrated their fear, a voice comes from this illuminated figure encouraging them to calm down and not be afraid because it is I (Jesus). But could they know for sure? They still couldn’t tell for sure that it was Jesus. This could have been a trick from someone (or something) that meant to harm them! Peter, being the most vocal of the twelve decided to challenge to voice from the illuminated figure and said, Lord if it’s really you, let me come to you on the water! Here we see Peter’s first demonstration of faith; he believed in Jesus enough to
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know that if it really was Jesus then he too (Peter) would be able to walk on the water just like Jesus was doing. The voice from the illuminated figure responded with just one word “Come”. Peter steps over the side of the boat and stands on the water; however, he is still holding on to the side of the boat. Standing on the water is one thing, but if he is going to ‘walk’ on the water, then he will have to “let go of the boat”! Out on the water the boat is his only place of refuge. There is comfort, safety, and security in the boat. The boat is his (and all the other disciples) comfort zone. The other 11 disciples were human beings just like you and I, and we can be reasonably sure that they would be saying the exact same things that people would say today to anyone that was in a boat, on the water, and began to step over the side… “MAN, ARE YOU CRAZY”!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? GET BACK IN THIS BOAT!!! But if Peter had stayed in the boat, he never would have gotten to Jesus. Just standing on the side of the boat would not get him to Jesus either. He now has to “act” upon his faith in Jesus, let go of the boat, and begin to walk out on the water. He would have to let go of the only symbol of safety and security that he had (the boat), and put his faith to work by letting go of the boat and taking that first step. How often did Jesus talk about faith… the New Testament is littered with the Word of Jesus encouraging people to act on their faith. James goes further to say that if we only ‘talk’ faith, then it means nothing. In order for faith to be real, it must be “acted” upon. Our lives are filled with many ‘boats’ that give us a sense and a level of comfort and security. Despite the storms that are raging all around us, we don’t even fret because we are resting comfortably in our boat. But where is your boat in relation to Jesus? More than likely, it is
‘All In The Family’ - News From Around ‘The U’
your own boat that is keeping you from a closer relationship with Jesus! Christians like to ‘talk’ about faith, but how many Christians are REALLY demonstrating their faith in God? How many Christians are willing (or actually have) stepped out of their own boat, the thing(s) that make them feel safe and secure? And not only step out of the boat, but to let it go, let go of those things that you have surrounded yourself with that make you feel comfortable, but yet it is these very things that are keeping you from a closer relationship with the Lord. Many people will step out of the boat and stand on the water and proclaim to the world that this is their demonstration of their faith. But what people can’t see is the hand that they have behind them that is still holding on to the boat! Such, is no faith at all. Welcome to 2016; the year to not only step out of the boat, but to let it go and walk out; not on water, but on faith. I am going to lead the way… will you follow? Or will you be like the disciples that remained in the boat?
I Remain In “HIS” Service…
Pastor B.E. Garmon, Sr.
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CHURCH OFFICES A new year sometimes brings on a new organization. Below are the current Offices and Ministries of First Union with the latest updates as received my print time. Please use the information below to see if there is a ministry that you would like to become involved with, and if so, feel free the contact the Ministry Leader/President, etc. for meeting dates and/or rehearsals. Thank you. MINISTERIAL STAFF
Minister William Clemons Elder Melvin Davis Elder Elijah Hamilton Elder Earl Mosley Rev. Wendell Pope Sr. Minister James K. Thompkins Minister Jeffrey Young
Chairman .................... Anthony Brown Vice Chairman ............ Bernard Reese Robert Barnum Joe Echols Michael Hudgins Tom Marshall Wendell Pope Robert Scott Jr. Mark Sherman Willie Tim
Deacon ........................ Anthony Brown MinistryLeader ............ Valarie Brown Assistant................... Dorothy Hudgins Treasurer ................. Dorothy Hudgins Secretary.................. Monika Sherman Johnnie Nell Reese Sarah Barnum Michelle Pope Doris Scott Bernice Tim
TRUSTEES (cont’d)
Asst. Financial Sec’y ......... April Jones Trustee Billy Bryant Trustee Michael Davis Trustee Dunnell Haynes Trustee Richard Hudgins Trustee Curtis Marshall Trustee Herman Osby Trustee Michael Riley Trustee Perry Walker Trustee Floyd Watkins Trustee Greg Woodall
Pastor’s Asst. ....... Zemetrious Griffin Church Clerk .................. Debra Smalls Asst. Church Clerk ......Deandra Riley Bulletin Clerk............ Connie Williams Webmaster .............. Connie Williams
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Deacon .................................... Joe Echols Ministry Leader .......Dorothy Hudgins Sarah Barnum Kathy Brookins Linda Davis Egertha Green Tavisha Griffin Shalanda Johnson Tolana Mathis Brenda Reese-Brown Minnie Riggins Kim Williams Phyllis Young
Min. Leader . Rev. Wendell Pope Sr. ANOINTED SISTERS OF PRAISE Deacon ..................... Wendell Pope Jr. President ................Janae Thompkins Vice President ....................E. Whitfield Secretary ....................Alexis Wheatley Treasurer .................. Jamaris Thomas
Deacon ...................... Michael Hudgins Chairman ..................... Calvin Marshall Treasurer ..................... Calvin Marshall Asst. Treasurer ......... Anthony Brown Financial Sec’y.............Gloria Newton
Deacon ..................... Michael Hudgins Director .......................... Michael Davis Driver Michael Davis Driver Michael Riley Driver Mark Sherman
Deacon ..................... Wendell Pope, Jr. President Secretary
Deacon ........................... Mark Sherman President.......................... Tolana Mathis Vice President .............. Yvonne Clarke Secretary .............................. Linda Davis Treasurer ...........................Phyllis Young
Deacon ...................... Wendell Pope, Jr. President................................ April Jones Vice President ............. Pavonne’ Scott Secretary ......................... Deandra Riley Treasurer ...........................Phyllis Young Chaplain ................................ Linda Davis
Winter/Spring 2016 | Volume 10-Issue 1
Ministries (cont’d) GREETERS
Deacons......................... Robert Scott, Jr Willie Tim Ministry Leader.......... Margaret Butler President ........................ Sandra Owens Vice President ................. Ava Drisdom Secretary ................ Abrianna Drisdom Assistant Secretary ....... Alysia Echols Treasurer ........................Varresse Rubin Assistant Treasurer ........ Mary Wilson Chaplain .............................Annie Adams Assistant Chaplain .....Varresse Rubin
Deacon ...................... Michael Hudgins Ministry Leader....... Richard Hudgins Michael Riley Anthony Wheatley
Deacon .......................... Mark Sherman President ...................... Mark Sherman Vice President ................ Kim Williams Directress .....................Pavonne’ Scott Secretary ........................Deandra Riley Treasurer .............................. Doris Scott
Youth Minister .......................................... Min. James Thompkins Deacon .................................. Joe Echols Robert Barnum Directress ......................... Kim Williams Asst. Directress ........... Tolana Mathis Secretary .......................................... T.B.D Treasurer ........................ Phyllis Young
MALE CHORUS Deacon ......................... Bernard Reese President ...................... Bernard Reese Vice President ............... Tom Marshall Director ...................... Wendell Pope Jr. Secretary .................... Calvin Marshall Assist, Secretary ....... Curtis Marshall Treasurer ....................... Michael Davis
Deacon ........................Anthony Brown President ...................... Carolyn Young Vice President ...........Anthony Brown Secretary ..............Cookie Thompkins Assistant Secretary . Sandra Owens Treasurer ............................ Linda Davis Chaplain ................... Barbara Jackson Assistant Chaplain ............Alice Pope
Minister ....... Min. James Thompkins Superintendent. ........................................ Deacon Robert Scott Jr. Assistant Superintendent ................... Deacon Mark Sherman Secretary ........................... Linda Davis Assistant Secretary .....Phyllis Young Teachers Class 1 & 2 (0-9) ........ Carolyn Young Phyllis Young Class 3 (10-14) ............. Valarie Brown Alice Pope Class 4 (15-17) ....... FUMBC Deacons Class 5 (18-29) Class 6 (Women).......Kathy Brookins Debra Smalls Class 7 (Men) .......... FUMBC Ministers
Deacon ..................... Michael Hudgins President ......................... Tom Marshall Vice President ........ Tyana Newsome Director ........................... Pavonne Scott Secretary ..................... Carolyn Young Treasurer ............................Bernice Tim Chaplain .. Minister William Clemons
Deacons ...................... Robert Scott, Jr Willie Tim President .......................... Michael Riley Vice President ............. Minnie Riggins Chief Usher ................................................ Secretary .........................Phyllis Young Treasurer ................Twanda Woodall
Min. Leader .... Elder Elijah Hamilton
‘All In The Family’ - News From Around ‘The U’
Deacon ................... Wendell Pope, Jr. President ..................................................... Vice President ............................................ Director ........ Dea. Wendell Pope, Jr. Secretary ..................................................... Treasurer .....................................................
Please note: Please see Sister Zemetrious Griffin with any updates to this information. She can be reached at z.griffin@
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Our Newest Members
First Union would like to welcome our newest members who recently came before the congregation to become a part of the First Family! We welcome you with open arms and look forward to working and fellowshipping with you as a member of First Union and as a member of the body of Christ!
The following came before the Church on Sunday, December 27, 2015, to become members of the First Family:
Chandra Lynch and her son, Jessie Stephens, who came before the Church on Sunday, December 6, 2015, under Christian Experience, and received the Right Hand of Fellowship that same evening at our 6:00p Lord’s Supper Service;
Cynthia Hall
Christian Experience (sister of Rev. Wendell Pope, Sr.)
Anthony ‘Tony’ Gant
Zi’year Davis, who came before the Church on Sunday November 15, 2015, as a Candidate for Baptism, and was Baptized and received the Right Hand of Fellowship on Sunday, December 6, 2015, during our 6:00p Lord’s Supper Service;
Christian Experience/ Candidate for Baptism (Brother Gant was baptized as a child, but as his request, will be baptized again on Sunday, January 3, 2016)
Cynthia ‘Cindy’ Garmon Christian Experience (sister of Pastor Garmon)
Rhyanna Sanders, who came before the Church on Sunday June 14, 2015, as a Candidate for Baptism, and was Baptized and received the Right Hand of Fellowship on Sunday, December 6, 2015, during our 6:00p Lord’s Supper Service.
All of our newest members will receive the ‘Right Hand of Fellowship’ on Sunday, January 3, 2016, during our 6:00p Lord’s Supper Service.
WELCOME to all of our new members! Page -10-
Winter/Spring 2016 | Volume 10-Issue 1
Ruth Ann (Preston) Howard • • •
Member of First Union MB Church since 1966 Favorite Song is ‘Amazing Grace’ Favorite Scripture is John 3:16
avana, Florida is a town in Gadsden County and a suburb of Tallahassee. The population was 1,713 at the 2000 census, and 1,703 in 2004 as recorded by the U.S. Census Bureau. The population was increased by one on October 20, 19(LOL) when Rose & Charles Preston welcomed the newest addition to their family, a baby girl, who they named Ruth Ann. Ruth Ann joined her siblings Daniel (deceased) and Thelma. Later on, they would be joined by Alice, Charles, Jessie, Frank, and Randy. Educated in the public schools of Gadsden County, Ruth Ann migrated to Quincy where she met and married Simon Howard on December 19, 1960. Since her grandparents were already residents of Tampa, Simon and Ruth decided to move from Quincy to Tampa in 1961. To this union were born six children: Ulysses, Ricky, Juanita, Yvonne, Marvin and Linda. Sister Howard has watched her family grow to include elven (11) grandchildren and thirteen (13) grandchildren. God is truly in the blessing business! Having to work to help support her six children, Sister Howard worked for National Seat, a seafood company, for many years before they closed their doors, at which time she worked at Maas Brothers (which became Burdines and is now known as Macy’s) at their warehouse on Gandy Blvd. in the China Department. This is where she retired after several years of employment. Sister Howard brought her family to join their neighborhood Church, First Union Missionary Baptist Church, under the leadership of Rev. Joseph Thompson at that time, and has worked in several ministries during her years as a faithful servant. She has worked on the Pastor’s Aide Board, Culinary, Mission and Usher Board, where she diligently serves today. Missing the times when she was an avid traveler, which took her to places like Canada, Jamaica, New York, New Jersey, and a host of other places, Sister Howard now loves to spend her spare time with family and friends, as she did this past Thanksgiving, when ALL of her family gathered together at her home to share that bond that unites a family… driven by love and good food! She’s been thinking about those cruises she used to take and was recently asked about taking another one. But for right now, her health is her main concern, but with God all things are possible. We proudly present Sister Ruth Ann Preston Howard as our ‘Member In The Spotlight’, and we pray that God continues to strengthen her as she continues to do His work! ‘All In The Family’ - News From Around ‘The U’
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THE RAPTURE ZONE!!! by Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr., M.Div.
A very common question. What exactly is the rapture and what does the Bible say about it? Let’s start by looking at some Scripture.
First, no… you will not find the word “Rapture” in the Bible. But from the Greek of the New Testament, the word Rapture is derived from the “catching up” or “carrying away” as described in 1 Thessalonians 4:17. “But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive [and] remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17) “Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” (1 Corinthians 15:51) What is the rapture? Well it is a description of an event that will occur when God removes His Church supernaturally from the
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earth. People will literally disappear as they are called up to the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. There will be one generation that will not know physical death but will be instantly translated into the very presence of the Lord Jesus The Christ. At the same time each Christian will also be transformed and receive their resurrection body. There will be people alive when Jesus returns. (1 Thessalonians 4:15), that is good news because if you have lost loved ones through death there will be a happy reunion at the rapture. The Lord Jesus will come Himself and will give a shout (command). Notice the dead will rise first. During this first resurrection, the Saints (Christians) will given resurrection, or heavenly bodies. The dead in Christ will be the first to receive theirs first, then everyone that is alive and was Raptured. (1 Thessalonians 4:16). Those who are alive will be caught up to the clouds to meet the Lord Jesus The Christ. What does 'caught up' mean. It literally means to be caught up, to snatch out, or to seize. (1 Thessalonians 4:17), Those living at the time of the rapture will also be given their immortal, resurrected bodies. In the rapture, Jesus will not set foot on earth but will rather call us up to Himself in the clouds to meet Him in the middle of the air. This is contrasted with His second coming when He will set foot on earth at the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem at the conclusion of the battle of Armageddon. At that time everyone saved and lost will see Him return. (Matthew 24:30 Revelation 1:7) How-
ever at the rapture only blood bought Spirit reborn Christians will see the Lord Jesus Christ. We clearly have two separate events 1.) The rapture when Jesus meets the Church in the air and takes them to Heaven, and 2.) The Second Coming which occurs at the climax of the battle of Armageddon. Here The Lord Jesus comes back to earth at the mount of Olives in Jerusalem and sets up His Kingdom. (to be continued) “Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” 1 Corinthians 15:51
Winter/Spring 2016 | Volume 10-Issue 1
Son Rise Service Sunday March 27th 7:00a
‘All In The Family’ - News From Around ‘The U’
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Congratulations To First Union Missionary Baptist Church and Pastor B.E. Garmon, Sr.! Page -14-
Winter/Spring 2016 | Volume 10-Issue 1
Kenneth Bonnett, Promotions and Marketing Director for the Salem Media Group, presents Pastor Garmon with WTBN FaithTalk Radio’s
M I N I S T RY I M PAC T AWA R D on Sunday, December 6, 2015, during the Morning Worship Service.
‘All In The Family’ - News From Around ‘The U’
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Following are the events for the months of January, February & March 2016. Please listen for any announcements and/or Bulletin updates of any changes. All ministry meetings and events can be found on the 2016 Church Calendar located on the Church’s website. Copies of the calendar are also available in the Church Foyer.
New Member Orientation, Education & After Care Classes Sunday January 10th Immediately Following the Morning Worship Service Sunday January 24th Immediately Following the Morning Worship Service Sunday February 14th Immediately Following the Morning Worship Service Sunday February 28th Immediately Following the Morning Worship Service Sunday March 13th Immediately Following the Morning Worship Service Sunday March 27th Immediately Following the Morning Worship Service
Holidays Friday January 1st New Year’s Day Monday January 18th Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Wednesday February 10th Ash Wednesday Sunday February 14th Valentine’s Day Monday February 15th President’s Day Sunday March 13th Daylight Savings Time Begins Sunday March 27th Resurrection Day! (Easter Sunday)
Lord’s Supper Services Sunday January 3rd 6:00p No. 78? Sunday February 7th 4:00p No. 79? Sunday March 6th 6:00p No. 80?
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Winter/Spring 2016 | Volume 10-Issue 1
Events January 2016 Sunday January 3rd Officer Installation Monday January 18th MLK Parade Friday January 22nd 7:00p Mission Pre-Anniversary Sunday January 24th Mission Anniversary Friday January 29th 7:00p Youth Pre-Anniversary Saturday January 30th Youth Roller Skating
February 2016 Sunday, February 14th Youth Anniversary Saturday February 20th Youth Movie Time Saturday February 27th Mission Feed The Hungry Sunday February 28th African Attire Day!
March2016 Monday March 7th 7:00p Church Conference Friday March 11th Anointed Sisters of Praise Pre-Anniversary Saturday March 12th 1:00p Senior Saints Appreciation Day
Sunday March 13th Anointed Sisters of Praise Anniversary Saturday March 19th 7:00p No. 1 Choir Pre-Anniversary Sunday March 20th No. 1 Choir Anniversary Saturday March 26th 9:00a Clothes Closet Sunday March 27th 7:00a Son Rise Service Monday March 28th 6:00p Egg Hunt
‘All In The Family’ - News From Around ‘The U’
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DISCLAIMER: These listings are provided merely as information. By offering this information, First Union Missionary Baptist Church and/or its staff, in no way implies endorsement of any of the products and/or services offered.
P. O. Box 1223 Brandon, FL 33509-1223 the company for women
Connie Williams, Independent Sales Rep Phone: 813-833-7160 FAX: 813-643-0819 E-Mail: Website:
Connie Williams, Notary
'Creating Beautiful Beginnings'
Robert Scott Jr., Owner Office: 813-690-6840 Fax: 813-985-0914 3809 River Hills Drive Email: web:
From the invitations and wedding accessories to the church and reception decorations, Simply Elegant is dedicated to making your wedding day an affair to remember.
Debra Smalls Sharon Smalls-Tolbert Wedding/Design Coordinators Phone: 813-967-1315 Fax: 813-385-3301 E-Mail:
Floyd Watkins, Owner
1265 Sandlake Circle, Tampa FL 33613 813-382-3867 (tel) ď‚&#x; 813-972-2697 (fax) Specializing in All Types of Repairs, Inspections, and Re-Roofs Licensed & Insured Lic. No. CCC 1326135 Member of the BBB
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Winter/Spring 2016 | Volume 10-Issue 1
c/o 2016!
Upcoming Events Students Return to School January 4, 2016
Jacquez Bolden
End of 2nd Grading Period* January 15, 2016
Shawn Callaway, Jr.
MLK Jr. Holiday January 18, 2016
Rodney McCall
Non-Student Day January 19, 2016 Florida State Fair Day (West Hillsborough Students ONLY) February 5, 2016
End of 2nd Grading Period* January 15, 2016 Congratulations to all of our youth for their Academic, Spiritual and Community growth and achievements!
Strawberry Festival Day (East Hillsborough Students ONLY) March 7, 2016
Due to the new distribution schedule of the newsletter, there will be no names/pictures/profiles published for the 2nd Grading Period.
Spring Break March 14-18, 2016
Please be sure to provide a copy of your Report Card to Kim Williams, Youth Department Directress, so that you will be recognized during the Annual Youth Department Awards Recognition.
Students Return to School March 21, 2016
Non-Student Day March 25, 2016
Should you have any questions and/or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the newsletter staff at or see Connie Williams (Editor) or Jessica Williams (Assistant Editor). Thank you. ‘All In The Family’ - News From Around ‘The U’
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Winter/Spring 2016 | Volume 10-Issue 1
Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr., M.Div-Pastor Watch Nite Service - Friday, December 31, 2015
‘All In The Family’ - News From Around ‘The U’
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First Union Missionary Baptist Church Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr. M.Div-Pastor 3707 E. Chelsea Street | Tampa, Florida 33610