Special Chorus 50th Anniversary Souvenir Book

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'Singing With Graceful Hearts'

September 23, 2018

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Colossians 3:16


The history of music can be traced all the way back to ‘before’ the creation of the world. It all started with God Himself. God loved music and singing so much that he created a special being just for that purpose. His name was Lucifer which means ‘light’ (Isaiah 14:12). His job was “the anointed Cherub that covereth” (Ezekiel 28:14). He was stationed right next to the throne of God. Of all the angels, beings, and creatures that God created in Heaven, Lucifer was the most beautiful (Ezekiel 28:12-13). God also gave Lucifer something extra special; something that we don’t read that He gave to any other living being that He ever created; God put ‘music’ “IN” Lucifer! (Ezekiel 28:13). It is believed that Lucifer only needed to move his body in various ways to create various types of music, all for the pleasure of God. Even though Lucifer has fallen from this state, God’s desire and love for music has not changed. Throughout Scripture we find repeatedly that God loves music, singing, and praise! The book of Psalms is littered with instances, commands, and admonishments that we are ‘commanded’ to give God “all” the praise! We are told things like we are to praise Him at all times, and His praise should continually be in our mouth! When we come into His presence, we should do so with singing and with praises. And the book of Psalms itself ends with a command for everything breathing to give God praise! (Psalm 150:6). Something so important to God should not be taken lightly or irreverently; but it should be treated with the highest level of respect and the deepest level of reverence. Music and singing is not for the pleasure of mankind, but it is for the Glory of God. Neither are people blessed with the gifts and talents of playing and singing so they can make money for themselves or contribute to the kingdom of satan. But Scripture says that ever good and perfect gift is from God (James 1:17), and He has given such gifts to such people to be used for the promotion of the Kingdom of God! Christians, especially every choir member and every musician, need to understand that music and singing are a “Ministry”; and not just any ministry, but one of the most important ministries in



A Word From The Pastor

the Church! God Himself, did not put choirs in the Church; but through His permissive will, He allows the Church to play music and to sing to His glory. Therefore, those who have been charged with such gifts should use them wisely, unselfishly, ungrudgingly, and only for the glory of God. How many great artists have there been that got their start in the Church, by exercising their God-given gift of singing or playing music, only to take it out of the Church and turn to personal gain for filthy lucre, and thereby promoting the sinful lifestyle of the world. Never should any gift from the Lord be used for personal gain or self-aggrandization. Congratulations to First Union’s Special Chorus for 50 Years of singing to the glory of God! Over the course of 50 Years there has definitely been some down times, as well as some up times. But you can’t appreciate the ups, if you’ve never had the downs. We are admonished throughout Scripture that whatever we do for the Lord, to always bring God our ‘first’ and our ‘best’; and singing in the choir is no different. Choir members (of all choirs), should always remember that singing is a Ministry that is near and dear to the heart of God and therefore should never be done for entertainment purposes, and certainly not for personal gain. But singing should always be done with fervor, in Spirit and in truth, and always for the glory of God! God does not change (Malachi 3:6); He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Therefore, we can rest assured that God still loves music and singing today, when it is done for His edification and for His glory! We read in the book of Revelation that when all things have been accomplished, there will still be music and singing taking place before the presence of God. God will finally have for Himself, a ‘Heavenly Choir’ that will exalt, glorify, and praise His name for all of Eternity! I am looking forward to First Union’s Special Chorus being a part of THAT choir!

“Dare To Dream Big” Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr., M.Div. - Pastor



Special Chorus History In September of 1968, 50 years ago, a vision was handed down to the First Union Missionary Baptist Church, and from this vision came a new birth. This birth was heralded as the Special Chorus, named to minster to the special spiritual needs of the Church. Since the Choir’s inception, several members have served as Ministry Leaders including the late Gerri Mosley Hawkins, Sam Jones, Elder Garland Phillips, Debra Smalls, Minister Earl Thompkins, Carol Simpson, Sarah Barnum, the late Deacon David Smith, and our current Ministry Leader Mark Sherman. Through the years, musicians and directors have blessed us with their talents, gifts and vision: Debra Jenkins, Margaret Jordan, Elvira Pinder, the late Michael Bennett, the late Eldora Livingston, Mae Brewster, Joe Martin, Alec Richardson, Maurice Allen, Dwight Champagne, the late Ben Gordon under whose tutelage the choir took on a new look and a new sound, Debra McCalla, Elder Garland Phillips , Minster Frank Smith, Minister William Clemmons, and our returning and current musician, Debra McCalla. Their contributions have made the Special Chorus what is today. As with any choir, members have come and gone, yet those who have remained thru the trials and tribulations find that God is still in the blessing business. He has richly and graciously blessed our choir in spirt and membership throughout the years. The loyalty and dedication of our members are second-to-none. Because of this, we have come to share a unique relationship of love and camaraderie with one another. Therefore, the Special Chorus will remain steadfast, unmovable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord. For we know our labor is not in vain. This is our History!



Singing in the Heavenly Choir Where would we be without those who paved the way and have since transformed from members of the Special Chorus to members of the Heavenly Choir! We pay tribute to those members who made their mark on the Special Chorus to help make it what it is today, and are now resting from their labor.

Maxine Chisholm Betty Francois Ben Gordon Geraldine Hawkins Gloria Hines Cynthia Jones Melissa Jones Stephanie Calloway Monroe

Adele Robinson Deacon David Smith Angalia Whicker Tabor Priscilla Williams



The Special Chorus Thru The Years

2018 & 2017 Special Chorus

Dea. Mark Sherman Sr, Ministry Leader/Deacon Kim Williams, Vice President Jessica Williams, Secretary Doris Scott, Treasurer Pavonne' Scott, Assistant Director

Dea. Mark Sherman Sr, Ministry Leader/Deacon Kim Williams, Vice President Jessica Williams, Secretary Doris Scott, Treasurer Pavonne' Scott, Assistant Director

Annie Adams Tenesia Calloway Yvonne Cook Doris Delain Hazel Griffin Cynthia Hall Patrice Hopkins Deacon Wendell Pope, Jr. Deandra Riley Debra Smalls April Stokes Regina Whitehead Connie Williams

Annie Adams Tenesia Calloway Yvonne Cook Doris Delain Hazel Griffin Cynthia Hall Patrice Hopkins Carrol Ingram Deandra Riley Debra Smalls April Stokes Connie Williams

Debra McCalla, Musician/Director Taveon Calloway, Drummer Elder Earl Mosley, Bass Guitar Alonzo Smith, Lead Guitar

Debra McCalla, Musician/Director Taveon Calloway, Drummer Elder Earl Mosley, Bass Guitar Anthony Gant, Lead Guitar



2016 & 2015 Special Chorus

Dea. Mark Sherman Sr, Ministry Leader/Deacon Kim Williams, Vice President Deandra Riley, Secretary Annie Adams Sarah Barnum Latricia Bent Latoya Clemmons Edna Everett Rhonda Gray Hazel Griffin Cynthia Hall Juanita Howard Carrol Ingram Shalanda Johnson

Jacqueline Marshall Michelle Pope Kamaria Powell Doris Scott Pavonne’ Scott Debra Smalls April Stokes Linda Walker Miranda Wheatley Connie Williams Jessica Williams

Min. William Clemons, Musician/Director Debra McCalla, Musician/Director Taveon Calloway, Drummer Anthony Gant, Lead Guitar Minister Jeffrey Young, Bass Guitar

Deacon Mark Sherman Sr., Ministry Leader Kim Williams, Assistant Ministry Leader Deandra Riley, Secretary Doris Scott, Treasurer Pavonne` Scott, Directress/Chaplain Annie Adams Sarah Barnum Latoya Clemons Edna Everett Rhonda Gray Hazel Griffin Juanita Howard Carroll Ingram Jacqueline Marshall Tolana Mathis Shalanda Johnson Michelle Pope Debra Smalls Linda Walker Miranda Wheatley Jessica Williams

Min. William Clemons, Musician/Director Min. Jeffery Young, Bass Guitarist Tony Gant, Lead Guitarist Taveon Calloway, Drummer



2005 & 2004 Special Chorus

David Smith, Ministry Leader Gloria Hines, Assistant Ministry Leader Bonita Davis, Secretary Tina Monroe, Assistant Secretary Connie Williams, Treasurer April Stokes, Assistant Treasurer Deacon Robert Barnum, Chaplain Carol Simpson, Assistant Chaplain Sarah Barnum Tameka Bradley Michelle Dix Hazel Griffin Dorothy Hudgins Dea. Michael Hudgins LaKeitha Jackson Vicki Pratt Dana Reese Debra Smalls Lavern Smalls Adele Robinson

Doris Scott Pavonne' Scott Mark Sherman Cynthia Jones Arlena Lang Kimberly Smith Angalia Whicker Kim Williams Priscilla Williams Keith Woodall Paulette Woodall

Debra McCalla, Musician/Director

David Smith, Ministry Leader Gloria Hines, Assistant Ministry Leader Bonita Davis, Secretary Tina Monroe, Assistant Secretary Connie Williams, Treasurer April Stokes, Assistant Treasurer Deacon Robert Barnum, Chaplain Carol Simpson, Assistant Chaplain Sarah Barnum Tameka Bradley Michelle Dix Hazel Griffin Tarsha Harris-Foster Dorothy Hudgins Dea. Michael Hudgins LaKeitha Jackson Vicki Pratt Dana Reese Debra Smalls Lavern Smalls

Adele Robinson Doris Scott Pavonne' Scott Mark Sherman Cynthia Jones Arlena Lang Kimberly Smith Angalia Whicker Kim Williams Priscilla Williams Keith Woodall Paulette Woodall

Debra McCalla, Director Spencer Crowell, Minister of Music Jermaine Giddens, Guitar Charles Foster, Drummer



2003 & 2001 Special Chorus

Sarah Barnum, Ministry Leader Minister Adrian Gary, Vice President Kim Williams, Acting Secretary Tina Monroe, Acting Treasurer Deacon Robert Barnum Bonita Davis Hazel Griffin Gloria Hines Dorothy Hudgins Dea. Michael Hudgins Veronica Martin Dana Reese Adele Robinson Carol Simpson Doris Scott

Pavonne' Scott Debra Smalls Lavern Smalls David Smith Darlene Thompkins Angalia Whicker Connie Williams Priscilla Williams Keith Woodall Paulette Woodall

Debra McCalla, Musician/Director Chris Hawkins, Drummer

Sarah Barnum, Ministry Leader Anita Green, Secretary Sharon Smalls, Treasurer Maxine Chisholm, Chaplain Elder Garland Phillips, Director Shena Alford Robert Barnum Latasha Brown Relisha Butler Tina Calloway Crystal Capheart Johnnie M. Capheart Bonita Davis Janice Fitzgerald Trina Foster Adrian Gay Jeannie Glover Anthony Graham Tish Graham Hazel Griffin Dorothy Hudgins Michael Hudgins Roxie James Renae Kendrick

Luttrell Malloy Takia McClendon Latricia Nash Priscilla Nash Felicia Pittman Marcia Reynolds Pearlie Robinson Doris Scott Debra Smalls Lavern Smalls Rhonda Smalls Sharon smalls Michelle Washington Sharese Wiley Connie Williams Kim Williams Le wood Williams Priscilla Williams Trinetta Williams

Charles Foster, Drummer



2000 & 1999 Special Chorus

Sarah Barnum, Ministry Leader Sunny Turner, Secretary Anita green, Assistant Secretary Sharon Smalls, Treasurer Maxine Chisholm, Chaplain Robert Barnum Valerie Belk Amelia Brown Relisha M. Butler Tina Calloway Crystal Capheart Johnnie M. Capheart Wanda S. Carlton Bonita Davis Virginell Donaldson Jeanie Glover Anthony Graham Tish Graham Hazel Griffin Cathryn Hicks Paulette Howard Dorothy Hudgins Michael Hudgins Martha Johnson Summer Jones

Tammy Jones Linda Jones-Walker Hartley McWhite Victoria McWhite Priscilla E. Nash Felicia Pittman Doris Scott Debra Smalls Lavern Smalls Rhonda Smalls Margaret A. Standberry Darlene Thompkins Michelle Washington April Watson Arnold Watson, Jr. Connie Williams Kim Williams Lankford Williams Lenwood Williams Marcella Williams

Alec Richardson, Minister of Music James Glover, Guitarist Z'dany Chisholm, Guitarist Garland Phillips, Guitarist The Smarts, Drummer/Musician

Sarah Barnum, Ministry Leader Reshell Tyson, Assistant Ministry Leader Sunny Turner, Secretary Sharon Smalls, Treasurer Maxine Chisholm, Chaplain Robert Barnum Mary Bentley Tina Calloway Alvita Dow Michelle Flanning Tish Graham Tony Graham Tesha Green Hazel Griffin Sam Harris Gloria Hines Paulette Howard Dorothy Hudgins Michael Hudgins Annette Jenkins

April Jones Lydia Jones Sam Jones Doris Scott Carol Simpson Frances Small Debra Smalls Lavern Smalls Rhonda Smalls Darlene Thompkins Linda Walker Monique Watson Kim Williams Keith Woodall

Ben Gordon, Pianist Z'dany Chisholm, Drummer Joe Martin, Organist



The Special Chorus Deacon Robert L. Barnum, Jr.

Deacon Michael A. Hudgins, Sr.

Rhonda Smalls (the late) Maxine Chisholm

Lavern Smalls Dorothy Hudgins

Z'dany Chisholm

Debra Smalls

Millie Davis

Sarah Barnum Darlene Thompkins

Hazel Griffin

Doris Scott

(the late) Ben Gordon

Sharron Smalls

Those Who Helped To Pave The Way

"We joined the Special Chorus in the old edifice of First Union in 1988 or 1989, we’re not too sure. The Special Chorus, back then, had members who were truly blessed vocally. The musicians were outstanding as well. This ministry was persistent and had a genuine love for what they did. The Special Chorus had set a standard, not only for other choirs in surrounding areas, but also for the members who would carry on the legacy. We, as former members, are proud to say that we see that same persistence, love, and talent in today’s Special Chorus. We are so delighted and fortunate to see this ministry celebrate fifty years of uplifting our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. Happy Anniversary, Special Chorus! We pray that you all continue to keep the legacy alive!"

Deacon Michael & Dorothy Hudgins


"Congratulations Special Chorus on 50 years of singing praises to the Glory of God. May the Lord continue to Bless this choir as they continue to touch souls that have been uplifted through your songs of praise." Happy 50th (Golden) Years Special Chorus! Special Affections Pleasure Seeking Endlessly Praising Common Fulfilling Incredible Voices Always Harmonizing Loves Singing

Chorus Unity Honoring God Open Minds Remaining Faithful Upright Hearts Sweet Sounds (Music)

Love, Miranda Wheatley


"Congratulations on your Anniversary. May God continue to bless you and to lead the Choir in the direction of the Holy Spirit."

Love, Deacon Robert & Sarah Barnum


The members of the Special Chorus send Special Love to our Special Member,



A Tribute



Her warmth, love, and sweet, sweet spirit are a shining example of what a Christian should be.

We love you, Sister Scott, and look forward to continue to fellowship alongside you for as long as our God should allow!

Community Involvement/ Organization Affiliations (Past & Present)  The Charmettes (Hillsborough County Chapter) - President  National Council of Negro Women - Life Member  National Coalition (100 Black Women) - 1st and 2nd Vice President  Eastern Star (Unity Chapter 164) - Worthy Matron  Bethune Cookman University – Life Member (Graduated in 1951)  Delta Sigma Theta (Tampa Alumnae Chapter) - Golden Life Member (President)  Daughters of Isis  City of Tampa Cable Advisory Committee  Prostate Cancer Committee  First Union MBC Deaconess Ministry - Chairman Honors & Awards (Professional/Public/Civic):  Charmettes President’s Meritorious Service Award – President (1991-1995)  Hillsborough County – Charmette of the Year Award (May 17, 1991)  National Epicureans, Inc.- Leadership Excellence (1992)  First Union MBC Special Chorus – Dedicated Service Honoree (1993)  Delta Sigma Theta – 25 years of service recognition (May 1997)  Outstanding Family of the Year Award (1997)  Tampa – Hillsborough Life Membership Award (1997)  Hillsborough County School District - EDDIE (Excellence, Dedication, Devotion in Education) Award (May 21,1998)  Hillsborough County School District Perseverance Award (May 21,1998)  Ida S. Baker Distinguished Minority Award (1999)  Charmettes - Eunice W. Thompson Merit Award (May 19, 2000)  The Charmettes, Inc. - Spirit Award (May 2010)  Greatest Joy - Helping Others

Sister Doris Scott was applauded an agent of positive change because she would give of herself to persons and causes that she valued above herself. She is one who can find peace and satisfaction only in the pursuit of love and conviction. Sister Scott retired in 1999 after 37 years of dedicated service in the Hillsborough County School District. She taught second grade, received promotions such as Curriculum Specialist, and ended her career as an Elementary School Principal. She has served as the President of the Tampa Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta (DST) Sorority. She has also served as President of the Hillsborough County Chapter of the Charmettes. Both the Charmettes and Delta Sigma Theta are public organizations. SPECIAL CHORUS 50TH ANNIVERSARY


Presenting... The Special Chorus


Alonzo Smith

Regina Whitehead

Debra McCalla

Taveon Calloway

Doris Delain

Deandra Riley

Jessica Williams

The Special Chorus 2018

Annie Adams

Cynthia Hall

Debra Smalls

Deacon Mark Sherman Tenesia Calloway Elder Earl Mosley

Patrice Hopkins

Hazel Griffin

Doris Scott Yvonne Cook

Pavonne' Scott

No Photo Available: Deacon Wendell Pope, Jr.

April Reese Stokes

Connie Williams

Kim Williams

Deacon Mark Sherman, Sr., Ministry Leader/ Deacon Kim Williams, VP Jessica Williams, Secretary Doris Scott, Treasurer Pavonne' Scott, Assistant Director

Cynthia Hall ~ Doris Scott Pavonne' Scott ~ April Stokes

Annie Adams ~ Tenesia Calloway Yvonne Cook ~ Doris Delain Hazel Griffin ~ Patrice Hopkins Deandra Riley ~ Debra Smalls Regina Whitehead ~ Connie Williams Jessica Williams ~ Kim Williams

Deacon Wendell Pope, Jr. Deacon Mark Sherman, Sr.

Debra McCalla ~ Taveon Calloway Elder Earl Mosley ~ Alonzo Smith

My name is Yvonne E. Cook. I was born in Tampa, FL and am an only child. I attended the public schools in Hillsborough County and graduated from Tampa Bay Tech in 1989. I started my career at Tampa General Hospital when I was nineteen years old in Nursing. I retired from working on the Cardiac floor in 2008. I dedicated my life to the Lord when I was eighteen years old. I am a member of the Ushers, Special Chorus, Mission, Medical, and Greeters ministries at First Union. I have a very special person in my life by the name of Bernard Boone. My thought: Always put the Lord first!


I am the third of fifteen children! I love my family and enjoy spending time with them. I am married to a wonderful husband and am the mother of two children. After joining First Union, I became a member of the Special Chorus and the Missionary Society (Mission Ministry). I love Sunday School, Bible Study and being in Church. I have a passion for helping people, especially seniors. I love reading and studying the Bible. My favorite Bible verse is Psalm 34. I love the Lord and I love my church family. Peace be unto you."



My name is Cynthia Hall. I was born on July 19th and have lived in Tampa, Florida all of my life. I attended Hillsborough County Elementary and High Schools. I also attended Lexington College in South Carolina and taught at Booker T. Washington High School. I am the mother of two children; one boy and one girl, the grandmother of nine grandchildren and great-grandmother of five great-grands. I have been married to a wonderful husband, Arthur Hall, for sixteen (16) years.


I'm Patrice Hopkins and I have been a member of First Union Missionary Baptist Church since April 2017. I joined the Special Chorus in May 2017, in the name of the Lord. I'm a single mom of one son, Joshua Johnson, who turned 8 years old on May 21st. I would like to thank the Lord for bringing me and my son to this Church in the name of Jesus. Amen.



I am Debra McCalla, a native of Tampa, Florida. I am a 1982 graduate of Tampa Bay Tech. I have two children ages twenty-nine (29) and thirty-one (31), and seven (7) grandchildren. I have been married for fourteen (14) years to Min. Ernesto McCalla. I have been working for thirty-eight (38) years and will retire in 2025. My hobbies are shopping, singing, hanging with my girls on the weekends, decorating my beautiful home, and watching movies with my husband. I love to be pampered by my husband; he's always full of surprises. I own my own business, DSM Studios Inc. (located in Brandon, Florida), where I teach vocal coaching and piano lessons. I've been teaching for the past 12 years. My favorite foods are crab legs, chicken pasta, and barbecue ribs with baked beans and cole slaw. My husband, Ernesto, and I have our own Prison Ministry called Recovery in Christ Ministry. We minister at Faulkenburg Road Jail, Orient Road Jail, Polk County Correctional Institute for Men and Lowell Correctional Institute for Women. I am the musician at First Baptist of Seffner, Florida and First Union M.B. Church of Tampa, Florida where I have served both over 10 years between the two.


I am Elder Earl Mosley. I am the last child of the late Pauline Mosley Craft and Edward Mosley. I was born on April 22. My parents had 11 kids during their union. All of my siblings have gone on to Glory, I am the only one living. Two of my siblings you all may know are the late Deacon Paul Mosley and Deacon Eddie Mosley. I have been married to the beautiful Marie Mosley for over 50 years. I have a daughter, two sons, and six grandchildren: five boys and one girl. In 1958, I became a member of the gospel singing group, the ‘Spiritual Wonders’. In 1967 we became national recording artists. I was called by God to preach to His people in 1996 under the leadership of Min. Sampson. In 1999, I received my license to preach. I am currently a part of First Union’s Ministerial Staff along with being the bass guitarist for all of the choirs of The ‘U’. Some of my hobbies include playing the bass guitar, spending time with my family, and reaching my brothers and sisters in Christ by preaching God’s Word. Although I left First Union for a while, in 2016, the Lord brought me back to where it all started and I am so glad He did!



I am Deandra Riley. My family and I have been members of First Union MBC since 2008. We came seeking to learn more about Jesus Christ and his teachings so that we can work towards our soul salvation. We each followed our heart and began working in various ministries for the Lord and his people. My family began working in the adult usher ministry, the sound and music ministry, and our kids began singing in the youth choir shortly after we joined First Union MBC. I joined the Special Chorus and even worked with the youth choir in and out of the choir stand as a youth supervisor. My family and I love being a part of First Union and we always find ways to ‘Get in where we fit in’! I am an active member of Faith In Motion adult praise team, an honorary member of the drama ministry as well as the assistant church clerk to Sis. Debra Smalls. I thank God everyday for First Union MBC. I especially thank him for the great teacher that he has stationed here at First Union MBC, Pastor Bruce E. Garmon, Sr. Attending First Union MBC is quite fun and very educational. God has used each member and ministry to guide our family thru the good times and the tough times. Which is what God wanted for us in our lives so that we can truly understand the meaning of ‘family’. The members of First Union MBC are members of our extended family and we are grateful for them all and God’s sanctuary. May God continue to bless and keep me and my family as well as the members of our First Union family for many more years to come! Ephesians 3:11-21


Doris V. Ballard Scott was born on September 24, 1933 in Tampa, Florida, to the late William & Carrie (Murray) Ballard. Born and raised in the Church, Doris was baptized in the Spring of 1940 at First Union Missionary Baptist Church. She was married to the late Deacon Robert R. Scott, Sr., with whom she raised two children; Deacon Robert R. Scott, Jr (Tampa, FL), and Bridget K. Scott-Orey (Pedro; Daytona Beach, FL). She is the grandmother of nine: Michael, Jason, Pavonne’, Robert III (Scott); Dontia, Alex, Pedro, Peyton, & Palyn (Orey). Educational Background

Lomax Elementary Booker T. Washington Jr. High School Middleton Senior High School Hampton University – field of concentration: Elementary Education Bethune Cookman University - received BS degree in Elementary Education; also field of concentration University of South Florida - received Masters degree in Education; field of concentration: Administration & Supervision

Professional Information

Substitute Teacher: School District of Hillsborough County (SDHC) Second Grade Teacher: (SDHC) Potter Elementary School Curriculum Specialist: (SDHC) Carver Elementary Curriculum Specialist: (SDHC) Oak Park Elementary School Reading Specialist: (SDHC) Lomax Elementary School – 6th Grade Center Curriculum Specialist: Knights Elementary School - Located in Plant City Elementary School Principal: (SDHC) Meacham Elementary School



A star was born! PaVonné (Pa-von-nae) Scott is a child care educator, a White House representative, an activist (Mayors Neighborhood University graduate), a board member (City of Tampa Chamber of Review and Commissions), a choreographer, a singer of all genres, a trained dancer, an actress, and a choir director. She was born here in Tampa but was raised in Atlanta, Georgia. She uses her performing arts talents to great use at First Union, where she is a member and the Assistant Director of the Special Chorus Ministry, a member of the Drama Ministry, a member of Faith In Motion (Adult Dance Team), and many others ministries. Pavonné is very much involved in the community, whether it is with her sorority, Delta Sigma Theta, or whether it is in other ways. She has held many positions as a music education teacher, music education being the major she graduated from BethuneCookman University with. Go Wildcats! She is a hip-hop dance instructor, beginner in piano lessons, a vocal coach and a child care educator for 13 years. PaVonné is always looking for opportunities to perform. Her first musical play was with Mind, Body, and Soul productions, where she played Shante in the gospel play 'She is not who I thought, she is my mother.’ She was also in ‘The Christmas Post’ as the lead character, Alice. This play was performed at the Straz Center of Tampa, being funded by First Baptist Church of College Hill. She played 8 shows being Aunt Em and Glinda the Good Witch in ‘The Wiz’, with New Tampa Players. PaVonné says "There are many stars in the galaxy" and she is one that shines the brightest!


Mark Sherman, Sr., is a man of God, a family man, and monument installer. He helps make lovable and memorable moments to the people who are going through bereavement. Mark Sr. has always enjoyed singing for the Lord. In fact, by the time he was six years old he had already joined the children choir. Soon afterwards, Mark Sr. graduated high school he worked for Jacks Cookie Co. Soon after he joined the Military. After serving his country, Mark came home to pursue a truck driving career. He drove for several years. After a brief setback, Mark started working for Constantino Monument Co. Twenty-seven years later he is still with Constantino Monument Co. When he's at work he is the senior installer. He is the liaison person between the client and CEO of Constantino Monument Co. He thinks of himself as an outgoing person, although he's also been known to go over and beyond his duties to satisfy the client. Mark is a Deacon in the church, the Special Chorus President, and he is also the Deacon over the Drama Ministry right here at First Union. As a Deacon, he helps with anything that is asked of him by his peers and the Pastor. As Special Chorus President he, along with the officers of the Special Chorus, regulate the business of the choir. Mark is still doing what he love and that’s singing for the Lord. The things Mark love most in life are singing for the Lord and being a husband. He's been married for seven years, and he really loves it. Mark is the husband of Monika Sherman, the father of four beautiful children and the grandfather of ten loving grandchildren. His favorite part of having a family is fun time, cooking and making them laugh. Mark's idea of the perfect day would start with breakfast with the wife. and then he'd visit with the grandkids and finish off by watching sports. The kind of people he likes to meet are ones who are positive and full of life. That’s important to him because he believes it makes him the person that he is.



What was it like growing up in a house with 10 brothers and sisters and 2 parents………CHAOS!!!!!! Even with the chaos I wouldn’t have changed it for the world.

One of 11 children, I was born in Tampa, FL to the Late Deacon Grady and Deaconess Mattie Smalls. I attended Harlem and Potter Elementary Schools, Young Junior High School and Middleton Senior High School. At Middleton I was on the Middleton Tigers Drill Team, selected as a Senior Superlative (Best All Around) and was the Assistant Editor for our Senior Year Book. Graduating Middleton in 1971, I attended Florida A&M University from 1971-1975 and graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Business Management. I worked briefly in Advertising with the Florida Sentinel Bulletin in 1975. In 1978, I joined the Reservations Sales Team at Delta Airlines. My time there was amazing. I was selected to train Travel Agents how to book Cruises, Hotels and Car Rentals which required I travel weekly to Orlando, Ft. Myers, Daytona Beach, and other surrounding areas in Florida. I was also selected to participate in a Photo Shoot at Walt Disney World featuring Delta Airline and to represent Delta in a TV Advertising w/ WFLA. In June 2006, I retired after 28 years of Service. In 1987, I joined the elite Sorority of Delta Sigma Theta, Tampa Alumnae Chapter and in the September 11, 1996 edition of the Tampa Tribune, I, along with 4 other ladies, was featured in an article titled: Graceful Graying…….yep, it was about Gray Hair!!! In June 2006, 13 days after retiring from Delta Airlines, I joined the Team of Suncoast Credit Union as a Member Service Associate and will celebrate 12 years of Service this year. I have been a member at First Union for over 55 years. I’m an active member of the Sunday School, Bible Study and the 3rd longest standing member of the Special Chorus where I served as President and Vice President. I’m also the current Church Clerk. My favorite Scriptures: John 3:16 and Proverbs 3:6…… In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. God is truly AWESOME!!!!!! He’s been **Very Good** to me. All of these accomplishments are a direct result of His many Blessings!!!! Thank You God for EVERYTHING!!!!


My name is April Reese Stokes. I was born May 5, 1971 to Jessie Reese and Williemae Stokes. I am the ninth (9th) child of nine (9) children. I was raised in a little town called Micanopy. Yes, if you are traveling 75 south or north and you blink, you will miss it. I moved to Tampa 16 years ago, but I never removed my feet from the church. I love to sing, travel and be there for others. The Bible says train up a child in the way they should go and when they get older they shall not depart from it. God blessed me with four children; three (3) girls and one (1) boy. Their names are (in order of birth) Etashiana (Tot) , Tyler, Myriah and Rhyanna. Upon visiting my brother's Church one Sunday a young lady prophesized over my life and told me that God was going to send me two girls to watch over and He will provide everything I needed. Two weeks later He sent me Tamiah and Zunareai, and they have been a blessing to my kids and myself. You see, I have a motto: if you're going to pray then don't worry, but if you're going to worry then don't pray. So I've decided to keep praying because I know a man named Jesus and I don't have to worry. To God be the glory.



My name is Regina Whitehead and I have been a member of First Union Missionary Baptist Church since December 2017. I have been married to Obie Whitehead III since January 13, 2018. I am the mother of five (5); Asia, Trevaris, Ian, Charles and Deavon, and godmother to twenty-three (23)! I have worked for Continental Airlines and am currently employed by Frontier Communications (formerly GTE and Verizon) where I have worked for the last twenty-three (23) years. My favorite scripture is 1 Samuel 1:27: "For this child, I prayed..."


The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27 (KJV)

Born at Ft. McClellan (Anniston, AL) to SSGT Richard & Yvonne (Askew) Hudgins, I spent my early years of life on various Army Bases, including Redstone Arsenal (Huntsville, AL), Stuttgart, Germany (where I began my education as a Kindergartener), Fort Knox (Radcliff, KY), and Heilbronn, Germany. I relocated with my family to Tampa, FL once my father retired from military service, and continued my education in the Hillsborough County school system, graduating from Hillsborough High School (Go Big Red!) in 1975. Although I have yet to earn a degree in higher education, I have taken many classes and can say that I have some college under my belt. A poster child for being independent, I have worked since I was a teenager and spent the majority of my adult work life at GTE/Verizon Data Services. After the department I worked in was transferred to India, I found permanent employment at a GE company, where I have been for the last ten plus years. I am a divorcĂŠe and the proud mother of one child, Jessica, who is also a member of the Special Chorus, and stepmother to one son, Frank L. Williams. In 1988 my brother, Richard, invited family members to witness his Baptism at a little church called First Union, and the rest, as they say, is history! I became a member of First Union in 1989, and currently attend with my family. Raised by a mother who taught her children to serve the Lord and not just warm a pew, I have served and labored in several ministries in First Union such as: Sunday School (Teacher), Youth Department (Choir Director), Women of Vision (Secretary), Greeter, New Member Orientation, Education & After Care, Creator/Editor of 'All In The Family' Magazine (originally known as 'The Gospel Gazette'), Bulletin Clerk, Creator and Web Master for First Union's website (www.firstunionmbc.com), and other ministries under previous leadership. Currently, I am a member of the Special Chorus, where I sing in the Alto section. I truly love First Union and pray for us to position ourselves to receive what God has in store for this great church. To relax, I enjoy cross-stitching, crocheting (which I haven't had much time to enjoy lately), tapping into my creative side via desktop publishing, and spending time with my 'girls'! (They know who they are. â˜ş) God's Got All Power!



Jessica was born June 29, 1995. She is the only child to her mother, Connie F. HudginsWilliams, and the youngest child to her father, Frankie L. Williams, to whom she has an older brother named Frank L. Williams. She is a Tampa, FL native who enjoys music and writing. She graduated from Tampa Bay Technical High School in the year of 2013. She attended Hillsborough Community College, being a Business Administration major, and although she did not finish and receive her degree, she plans on going back


Jessica is a lifelong member of First Union Missionary Baptist Church and attends with her mother, grandmother, uncles, aunts, and some cousins. Although she began singing in the Youth Choir and actively participating in in the Youth Department at the age of five, she officially gave her life over to Christ at the age of seven on May 7, 2003. Jessica is an active member at The 'U’. She has served in numerous ministries in the Church and held leadership positions in some:     

Secretary, Sunday School (2010-2012) Youth President, Youth Department (2010-2013) Secretary, Greeters Ministry (2015-2017) Assistant Editor, ‘All in the Family’ - Church Newsletter (2012-2017) VBS Assistant Teacher (2017)

Jessica has been a member of the Special Chorus since October 2014, and currently holds the position of Secretary. She is also a 'standby' member of the Drama Ministry. Her favorite scripture is Philippians 4:13 and her favorite hymn/song is Pass Me Not. 'SINGING WITH GRACEFUL HEARTS'

My name is Kim L. Williams. My favorite scripture is Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me (KJV).” My favorite color is blue. My favorite hymn is ‘Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah.’ My favorite song is ’I Won’t Complain’ and my favorite holiday is Christmas. I am the oldest child to Deacon Robert and Sarah Barnum and I am the oldest grandchild to the late Willie and Betty Calloway. I have two sisters: the late Angalia (Angie) Whicker-Tabor and Tenesia Calloway. I am a loving aunt and great aunt. I am the godmother of 4; 3 girls and 1 boy. I participate in numerous ministries at First Union MBC. I am the Directress over the Youth Department Ministry. I am a member of the Special Chorus, where I currently hold the position as Assistant Ministry Leader. I am also a member of the Culinary Ministry, Faith In Motion (Adult Dance Team), and the Missionary Society. Past ministries I was a part of include: the ‘Women of Vision’ and the Singles Ministry. I was also a member of the Praise Team, under the leadership of Sister Annie Glover. I love to cook! Anything I create in the kitchen ends up being my favorite! I love to travel, whether it is by boat or by plane. Family time is always the best time. My family is extremely important to me because we are built on love! I am currently an office manager for a medical supply company, a company I have been with for the past four years. My favorite saying is “Only what you do for Christ will last”. An amazing woman, the late Sister Maxine Chisholm, used to always say it.



Spending T ime With Those We Love


Special chorus

Spending quality time with my mom, Connie, at 50TH KeKe's Cafe. SPECIAL CHORUS ANNIVERSARY - 42

personal Scrapbook

Me with my mom & sister, Yvonne & Phyllis Hudgins, with the other partner in crime, SPECIAL CHORUS 50TH ANNIVERSARY - 43 daughter Jessica, behind the camera.

Special chorus

Out during the holiday with my CHORUS son,50TH Joshua. SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY - 44

personal Scrapbook

All smiles with my Mom, Enid Murphy, and my Dad, Robert- 45Scott, Jr. SPECIALDeacon CHORUS 50TH ANNIVERSARY

Special chorus

Me & my wonderful family! SPECIAL CHORUS 50TH ANNIVERSARY - 46

personal Scrapbook

Mr. &Mrs. Riley out on the town. SPECIAL CHORUS 50TH ANNIVERSARY - 47

Special chorus

At the aquarium with daughter and great grandson. Blessed day. SPECIAL CHORUS 50TH ANNIVERSARY - 48

personal Scrapbook

Mom and me on mom's birthday cruise. May 2018. SPECIAL CHORUS 50TH ANNIVERSARY - 49

Special chorus

Church flow with my husband, Obie. SPECIAL CHORUS 50TH ANNIVERSARY - 50

personal Scrapbook

Out and about with my girls. SPECIAL CHORUS 50TH ANNIVERSARY - 51

Special chorus

My wife, Marie, and I attending an SPECIAL event for50TH the Church. CHORUS ANNIVERSARY - 52

personal Scrapbook

Me and my Sweetpea on the way home school. SPECIAL CHORUS 50THfrom ANNIVERSARY - 53

Special chorus

Having dinner with my fiancé, Bernard Boone. SPECIAL CHORUS 50TH ANNIVERSARY - 54


A night out with my beautiful wife, SPECIAL CHORUSMonika. 50TH ANNIVERSARY - 55


Spending time with my husband, SPECIAL CHORUS 50TH ANNIVERSARY - 56 Minister Ernesto McCalla.

personal Scrapbook

Me and the hubby, Arthur, SPECIAL up CHORUS 50THa ANNIVERSARY - 57 event. all dressed for special



personal Scrapbook




personal Scrapbook


Wordsearch FUN TIME! The names of all of our members and our supporting friends have been included in the Wordsearch on the next page. All names have been listed below and can be searched for horizontally, vertically, and diagonally. After you have found your name (now you know that's the first name you're going to look for â˜ş!), see how many of the others you can find without looking on your neighbor's page!

Happy Hunting!



11. Dorothy

20. Patrice



12. Earl

21. Pavonne



13. Hazel

22. Regina



14. Jessica

23. Robert



15. Kim

24. Sarah



16. Mark

25. Taveon



17. Michael

26. Tenesia



18. Miranda

27. Wendell



19. PastorG

28. Yvonne

10. DorisS



Special Chorus & Friends



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SPECIAL CHORUS 50TH ANNIVERSARY -64'If You Can See It, We Can Create It'



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