First Union MBC 95th Anniversary Souvenir Book

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First Union Missionary Baptist Church Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr., M.Div-Pastor Deacon Anthony Brown, Chairman Deacon Bernard Reese, Vice-Chairman

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) HEBREWS 10:23

first union - then

first union - now

first union - future

I absolutely ‘love’ history! Delving back into yesteryear and examining how different things were and marinating on the people of those times. Even better is actually going to historic locations and standing on the same ground where people carried out significant events that shaped the history of mankind! What a wonderful feeling it is to look, reflect, and marinade on people, places, and things or days gone by! I’ve stood on the auction blocks of the south Caribbean where slaves were sold hundreds of years ago, and could only imagine the horror they experienced while standing there. I’ve stood on the Civil War battle fields of Shiloh and Gettysburg and could mentally visualize the carnage and loss of life. I’ve stood on the decks of World War II Battleships and could see the incoming bombers and men running for their lives. I’ve looked in the depths of Pearl Harbor and seen the watery graves of men that went down with their ship. I’ve stood in the house, the home of Abraham Lincoln, the signer of the Emancipation Proclamation. I’ve stood in the home of Jessie James, the notorious gangster of the west, and viewed the very spot where he was shot in the back of the head. I’ve stood at the door of the White House where the men that have shaped this great nation have resided for nearly 200 years. The list, of course, goes on and on of the places that I’ve been and the things that I have seen. Although most of these events were just once in a lifetime opportunities, the most blessed historical occasion that I have been granted is to be able to walk on the actual ground and stand in the very spot where God has been using men to shape His people for 95 Years! Each time I peruse the list of preceding Pastors, I review them respect and admiration as God used each one of those Pastors for a certain time and a certain season in the history of First Union. First Union has indelible traits of each of those men that have aided in shaping the qualities of this Church into what we are today. On occasion, I will even walk the small area of the west parking lot, and allow my mind to go back and reflect on the little wooden building that was first built on that exact spot 95 years ago. Come on and marinade with me for a minute… the dirt roads, the lack of electricity, the wood heater, the well in the ground, the outhouse, and even the horse and buggy that people used to come to Church in that very spot! How many of those people that attended the FIRST First Union had any idea that 95 years later this Church would still be in the same spot and just as strong as ever! It is truly amazing!! As we all know, 95 years is a long time, not many of us will even live to see a 95 th birthday, neither can many businesses and other organizations can rightfully claim such longevity. Over the past 95 years, many MANY churches have come and gone, but First Union is still here in the Kingdome building business, and that is not by coincidence or luck; it is because of the mission and work of the Church which God has blessed with His loving favor! Although we may not have as many members as some other Churches, we may not have as much money as some other Churches, and although we may not have as many programs, ministries, and other amenities and material possessions of some other Churches; that has absolutely nothing to do with the strength of the Church! First Union is strong because of our solid foundation in the Word of God! If we never have as much as any other Church, as long as God sees fit for me to be your Pastor, the one thing that we will always have, is the height, depth, breath, and most of all the ‘truth’ of God’s Word! I Remain In “HIS” Service…

Pastor B.E. Garmon, Sr., M.Div. April 23, 2017  Page -2-

The Anniversary Committee


Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr. Chairman

Deacon Anthony Brown Deacon Robert Barnum

Sarah Barnum Doris DeLain Cynthia Hall

Zemetrious Griffin

Deacon Tom Marshall

Deacon Bernard Reese

Nina Hammond Lauranette Haynes Wanda Turner

Brenda Reese-Brown

Johnnie Nell Reese

Doris Scott

Debra Smalls

Connie Williams

Jessica Williams

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About Us

Church Officers & Staff First Union Church History Raising The Steeple Our Ministerial Staff Our Deacon Board Gone... But Not Forgotten Our 'Senior Saints'

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Church Officers & Staff

Deacon Anthony Brown Chairman-Deacon Board Zemetrious Griffin Secretary to Pastor Garmon Donnell Haynes Chairman-Trustee Board Deacon Bernard Reese Vice Chair-Deacon Board Deandra Riley Assistant Church Clerk

Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr.,

Debra Smalls Church Clerk


Connie Williams Bulletin Clerk & Webmaster

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First Union Church History In 1922 there were no street lights in this area or even streets (just trails). Property and land owner Mr. Alfred White, saw a need for the community to be brought together. He marked off and gave a portion of the land he owned to the Church’s first Pastor and members to build the Church. He donated what is now the west parking lot for the very first Church site. Mr. White also named the Church “First Union Missionary Baptist Church”. A one room wooden structure was built. Kerosene and gas lamps were used for lighting purposes. An iron stove was used to burn wood for heat. A wooden keg with jelly jars were used for drinking water. There were no inside facilities, a medium size out-house served individuals comforting needs. The Church had a large fell that would ring every Sunday to acknowledge the beginning of Church service. It would also toll when a Church member died.

The first Pastor, Rev. Samuel Preston Miller was called and the small wooden Church began to grow. When Rev. Miller went home to be with the Lord, Rev. “Jumping Jack” Williams was called to be the second Pastor. A young neighborhood preacher was called as the third Pastor, his name was Rev. O.S. Stephenson. He led First Union for a while, but later left first Union to Pastor in Tarpon Springs.

The one room wooden structure was eventually destroyed due to a house fire next door to the Church. So the second building was built under the leadership of the Church’s fourth Pastor, Pastor & Mrs. O.S. Stephenson Rev. John Watkins. Though short and round, he was a very bold soldier for the Lord. The Church moved forward under the leadership of Rev. J.W. Watkins; when the little wooden Church was destroyed by fire, it was under his leadership that the first concrete block Church was built. Due to his dedication and leadership ability, the congregation did not find it taxing to work hard at their various occupations during the day, and still come and work on the Church building until eleven at night. Everyone worked, even the children. The Rev. Rufus Williamson was called as the fifth Pastor of First Union. After he resigned, one of the Associate Ministers, Rev. Joseph Thompson was called as the sixth Pastor. Rev. Williamson and Rev. Thompson both led the Church for a period of 25 years. In 1984, First Union called its seventh Pastor, the Elder C.J. Long to lead the Congregation. Though he could not see physically, this man had a vision and made First Union a better place to be. He brought the sheep together, united in one fold; taught us how to love one another and stand boldly for Christ. It Pastor C.J. Long was under the leadership of Elder Long that the current edifice was erected, and later the C.J. Long Fellowship Hall. On June 25, 1989, we marched into a new edifice. Under the leadership of this great man of God, the Church made huge strides, a new van was purchased, property was purchased, and respectable membership added. For nearly 12 years Elder C.J. Long led the congregation. But because of his age and failing health, Elder Long resigned as Pastor in 1995. For three years we prayed, worked

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hard, and with the guidance and wisdom that God gave to the Finance Team, in 1998 we were able to pay off the mortgage! First Union was debt free! In February 1999 the Rev. Sylvester Robinson was called to be the eighth Pastor. On March 07, 1999 he began his tenor. This Preacher/Teacher led First Union for three years. Without exception, the pews were filled every Sunday under his leadership. On May 6, 2002, Pastor Robinson tendered his resignation. In May 2003, the Rev. Danny C. Osborne was called as First Union’s ninth Pastor. He left First Union in 2006.

On the evening of October 6, 2008, First Union called our current Pastor, Rev. Bruce E. Garmon, Sr., M.Div. Like David, he is a man after God’s own heart. God decided that First Union had been enough and He really smiled on us this time! With sleeves rolled up and jumping in with both feet, this Preacher/Teacher, and General Contractor by profession, has revived and inspired First Union in a new direction with a new God-given vision. In a very short period of time, the heartbeat of First Union was once again invigorated! Ministries have been revived, and many new Ministries have been ordained. The Church Calendar is teaming with opportunities for Worship, Fellowship, and Discipleship. Church Members that are willing to assert themselves have numerous opportunities to be a living sacrifice in the service of the Lord. Pastor Garmon’s heart for the youth continues to be a vital part of the life force of First Union. We have experienced conferences, workshops, numerous growth opportunities, as well as extracurricular activities such as bowling and roller skating! Our edifice continues to transform right before our very eyes; slowly but surely changes and upgrades are being made, in an effort to reach the goal of God’s House being the best looking house in town! In just the past year alone we have replaced all of the exterior doors, installed high level keying for door locks, installed a camera security system, and most importantly of all, purchased a new stove for the kitchen!

The physical improvements of the Church correlate with the Spiritual improvements, as God has also blessed the leadership of Pastor Garmon with a stalwart Deacon Staff and has filled the pulpit with a Ministerial Staff of men to aid and assist the Pastor. The leadership of First Union is poised and ready for the great tasks that lie ahead. It is a proven fact that a Church will take on the personality of its Pastor, and first Union is definitely the place to be if you want to learn more about the Word of God and grow Spiritually. If you want to have a great time living the life of a Christian and doing Kingdom building work, this is definitely the Pastor to have! With the coming of 2016, God commissioned and challenged the Pastor & Congregation to take a very large step towards in that journey, with the implementation of OPERATION: Education! Our mission is to add an Educational Wing on to the West side of the Church, but this venture will only be realized if the entire congregation can “Catch The Vision”! With the coming of the year 2017 and the 95th Anniversary, this vision and this mission are ever present before us. Together, we will one day realize the tremendous blessings that God has in store for the future of First Union! 95 Years and counting! April 23, 2017  Page -7-

the late Deacon Robert R Scott, Sr.

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Raising The Steeple


In Memory Of the late

Robert R. Scott, Sr. by his widow, Doris V. Scott and family, First Union MB Church raised it's very first

steeple on Sunday, December 18, 2016, in a ceremony lead by our Pastor,

Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr.

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Our Ministerial Staff

Rev. Bruce E. Garmon, Sr. Pastor

Elder Elijah Hamilton Associate Minister

Minister William Clemons

Elder Melvin Davis

Assistant-New Member Orientation, Education & After Care

Minister of Music

Elder Earl Mosley

Rev. Wendell Pope, Sr.

Associate Minister

Associate Minister


Associate Minister

Associate Minister

Minister-New Member Orientation, Education & After Care

Our Deacon Board

Minister James Thompkins

Deacon Anthony Brown

Associate Minister

Youth Dept. & Sunday School Minister Adviser

Chairman-Deacon Board April 23, 2017 ď ł Page -10-

Our Deacon Board (cont'd)

Deacon Robert L. Barnum, Jr.

Deacon Joseph Echols

Deacon Tom D. Marshall

Deacon Wendell Pope, Jr.

Deacon Bernard Reese

Deacon Robert R. Scott, Jr.

Deacon Mark Sherman, Sr.

Deacon Willie Tim

Deacon Board

Deacon Board

Deacon Board

Deacon Board

Deacon Michael A. Hudgins, Sr. Deacon Board

Deacon Board

Deacon Board

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Vice Chairman Deacon Board

Deacon Board

Gone...But Not Forgotten

First Union has said ‘so long… see you soon’ to many members over the years. Rest on and know that your labor was not in vain.

Sister Dorothy Anderson

Sister Bennie Pearl Collins

Sister Netta Anderson

Brother Robert Cook

Bro. Moses Anglin

Rev. Justice Craft

Mother Thelma Ashe

Mother Pauline Craft

Sister Allean Austin

Brother A.W. Daniels

Brother James Austin

Sister Shirley Daniels

Brother Juan Baldwin

Sister Mary Davis

Sister Lula Baldwin

Brother Hershel Douglas

Mother Carrie Ballard

Sister Elizabeth Dugger

Sister Evelyn Ballard

Brother Josil Ebanks

Brother William Ballard

Sister Erma Echols

Deacon James Barnum

Mother Annie Emziah

Mother Addie Bell-Miller

Sister Better Smith-Francois

Sister Betty Bivens

Sister Priscilla Garrett

Sister Annie Bogan

Brother James Glover

Deacon Wayne P. Brookins

Brother Benjamin Gordon

Brother Abraham Brown

Mrs. Gordon

Sister Annie Mack Brown

Brother Leroy Gowins

Sister Neaver Boone-Brown

Sister Essie Grayson

Brother Zachery Butler

Deacon James Griffin

Sister Vernell M. Butler

Sister Jannie Griffin

Sister Evelyn Burns

Brother Joe A. Griffin

Sis. Betty Jean Callaway

Mother Lula Pearl Hall

Deacon David Callaway

Deacon Willie Hall

Brother Raiford Callaway

Sister Brenda Buie-Hamilton

Sister Maxine Chisholm

Brother Stephen Harmon

Sister Ruth ‘Jackie’ Christopher

Brother Johnnie Harris

Sister Annie Baldwin-Clark

Sister Geraldine M. Hawkins

Brother Willis Clary

Sister Willie Mae Holt

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Gone...But Not Forgotten

Brother Ken Jackson

Mother Emma Oliver

Sister Mae Francis Thompkins

Sister Mary Jefferson

Sister Allie Mae Preston

Rev. Joseph Thompson

Mother Ollie Jenkins

Deacon Joe Raines

Sister Amie Tim

Sister Annie M. Johnson

Brother Willie Render

Sister Golla Tim

Little Miss Aniyah Johnson

Sister Lillie Richardson

Brother Joe Tim

Sister Beatrice Jolly

Deacon Robert R. Scott, Sr.

Sister Lula Bell Trimble

Brother Curtis Jolly

Deacon Grady Smalls

Sister Doris Varner

Brother Thomas Jolly

Deaconess Mattie Smalls

Mother Mattie Warren

Sister Mellissa Jones

Deacon David R. Smith

Rev. J.W. Watkins

Mother Missouri Keaton

Brother Henry Sparks

Miss Cyenna R. Watts

Master Demarion Wayne Laster

Rev. O.S. Stephenson

Rev. A.W. White

Sister Mattie Lee

Sister Mable Stephenson

Deacon Crawford Williams

Elder C.J. Long

Sister Willie Mae Stroman

Sister Doris Williams

Mother Maude Long

Sister Angalia Tabor

Sister Priscilla Williams

Sister Ophelia Long

Minister T.J. Thompkins

Brother Anthony Marshall Deaconess Cora Marshall Mother Martha McKenzie

Mother Mattie McQueen Rev. Samuel Preston Miller Sister Stephanie “Tina” Monroe Sister Jacquelyn Morgan Mother Ambra Mosley Mother Blanche Mosley Brother Clem Mosley

Deacon Eddie Mosley Brother John Mosley Brother Paul Mosley, Jr. Deacon Paul Mosley, Sr.

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Our 'Senior Saints'

Annie Adams

Here is the patience of the saints: here

[are] they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus .

Revelation 14:12

Arthur Bailey, Jr. April 23, 2017 ď ł Page -14-

Deacon Robert Barnum

Violet Blue

Josephine Bridges

Margaret Butler

Eunice Butts

Beulah Chambers

William Clary

Patsy Crawley

Elder Melvin Davis

Michael Davis

Deacon Joseph Echols

Josephine Everett

Unice Fraizer

Ada Garmon

Egertha Green

Hazel Griffin

Clarissa Gunning

Cynthia Hall

Maggie Harris

Hattie Hooks

Ruth Howard

Yvonne Hudgins

Barbara Jackson

Ann Jenkins

Barbara Jones

Ernestine Larry

Annie Johnson

Deacon Tom Marshall

Frances Miller

Elder Earl Mosley

Marie Mosley

Willie Nealy

Gloria Newton

Marjorie Parham

Annie Payne

Sandra Owens

Alice Pope

Johnnie Nell Reese

Doris Scott

Rev. Wendell Pope, Sr. Deacon Bernard Reese

Brenda Reese-Brown

Deacon Robert Scott, Jr.

Varresse Rubin

Debra Smalls

Laverne Smalls

Rosebud Stephenson

Bernice Tim

Deacon willie Tim

Linda Walker

Carolyn williams

Mary Wilson

Greg Woodall

James Woodall

Congratulations From Our Members Pastor G & The Garmon Family Deacon Bernard & Johnnie Nell Reese Connie & Jessica Williams / Yvonne & Phyllis Hudgins The Hudgins Family Pat Scott Ernestine Larry Varresse Rubin & Jacqueline Taylor Anthony Gant & Cindy Garmon James & Twanda Woodall Deacon Robert & Sarah Barnum & The Barnum Family Debra Smalls Rhonda Smalls The Brown Family The Davis Family Arthur & Cynthia Hall The Parham, Butler, Wheatley Clan Doris Scott & Family (2) Mr. & Mrs. Perry & Linda Walker Brenda Reese-Brown Donnell & Lauranette Haynes & The Crawley Family Ruth Howard, Yvonne Howard Clarke, Juanita Howard & Willie Clary The Smalls Family Michael 'Mike' Riley

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Congratulations!!! First Union Missionary Baptist Church 95th Anniversary


Pastor G & The Garmon Family

Happy 95 Anniversary, th

First Union Missionary Baptist Church!

Best wishes, Jessica Williams, on your quest to be Queen!

Deacon Bernard & Johnnie Nell Reese

In Loving Memory Of....

Richard Allen Hudgins Sunrise: 112233 ~ Sunset 061907 Son of ... Will Benjamin and Willie Mae (Riley) Hudgins; Brother of... Doris (d), Billy, Bernard (d), Thomas, Betty, Edith, Joyce, Carolyn and John (d); Husband of... one wife, Yvonne (Askew) Hudgins; Father of ... Michael (Dorothy), Connie, Richard (Cynthia) & Phyllis; Grandfather of ... Olando, Juan (d), Tavares, Andre', Candis, Brinnie, Brittany, Michael Jr. & Jessica Great Grandfather of ... Aunyea, Shaniya, Isaiah, Brianna, Micah, Sinai, Sophia, Rykeria, Skyla

Congratulations to First Union Missionary Baptist Church on our 95th Anniversary and Best Wishes to Jessica Williams as she vies for the title of 'Queen'. Connie & Jessica Williams

Yvonne & Phyllis Hudgins

Best wishes to Jessica Williams who is running for Queen!

Auynea & Sophia

Brittany & The Girls

Mike & Dot

Deacon Michael & Dorothy Hudgins Brittany Lee, Brianna Hudgins, Sinai Pierre-Louis &Skyla Lee Aunyea Ricks & Sophia Ricks

CONGRATUL ATIONS Rev. B.E. Garmon & Wife From Varresse Rubin & Jacqueline Taylor

Happy 95th Anniversary First Union from

Anthony Gant & Cindy Garmon

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Psalm 27:1

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Congratulations to Jessica Williams and First Union M.B. Church on your 95th Church Anniversary. James & Twanda Woodall

Congratulations, First Union on Our 95th Anniversary. But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end. HEBREWS 3:6

Deacon Robert & Sarah Barnum Kim Williams Tenesia Calloway Khadijiah Boone Sentavia Tabor Ta'veon & Ka'veon Calloway April 23, 2017 ď ł Page -27-

God has a reason for allowing things to happen. We may never understand His wisdom, but we simply have to trust His will. Psalm 37:5

In Loving Memory of Betty Jean Calloway, Cyenna Watts, Angalia Whicker Tabor & Stephanie Calloway Monroe Deacon Robert & Sarah Barnum, Kim Williams, Dijiah Boone, Sentavia Tabor, Tenesia Calloway, Ta'veon & Ka'veon Calloway, London Bradley

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Happy 95th Anniversary to

First Union Missionary Baptist Church

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First Union Missionary Baptist Church!


THE BROWN FAMILY April 23, 2017  Page -30-



First Union Missionary Baptist Church

First Union Missionary Baptist Church

95th Church Anniversary

95th Church Anniversary

From the Davis Family

Arthur & Cynthia Hall Congratulations To First Union Missionary Baptist Church on Celebrating 95 Blessed Years; From The Parham, Butler, Wheatley Clan Pictured from left to right: Margaret Butler, Marjorie Parham, Alexis Wheatley, and Miranda Wheatley

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Congratulations, First Union MB Church... In Memory Of ...

Deacon Robert R. Scott, Sr.

'Catching The Vision' of First Union and upholding his wishes, the family of the late Robert R. Scott Sr. dedicated the Steeple for First Union in his honor.

Rest on thy good and faithful servant. Doris V. Scott & Family April 23, 2017 ď ł Page -32-

...on 95 Years of Kingdom Building! In Memory Of ...

Mother Carrie Ballard

As the first musician of First Union, the late Carrie Ballard worked diligently with our youth and enriched the lives of all whom she came in contact with.

We loved you, but God loved you best. Doris V. Scott & Family April 23, 2017 ď ł Page -33-

Congratulations to

First Union Missionary Baptist Church On 95 Amazing years!

Mr. & Mrs. Perry & Linda Walker

Best wishes to Jessica Williams in the FUMBC Queen Contest.

And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment. Philippians 1:9

Congratulations and God's Blessings to First Union Missionary Baptist Church on Our 95th Church Anniversary!

Congratulations and God's Blessings to Brenda Reese-Brown and First Union M.B. Church in Celebration of Your 95th Church Anniversary!

Progress Village Dining Center 8701 W. Progress Village Blvd ď‚&#x; Tampa, FL 33619

first union missionary baptist church on 95 years!


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In Memory Of Deacon Grady Smalls August 27, 1999

Deaconess Mattie Smalls January 17, 2013

Daddy and Momma, We love and miss you very much! Your Children... Gladys Johnson, the late Willie Joe Bryant, Rosalyn Wilkerson, Debra, Lavern, Sharon, Rhonda, Grady Jr., Shonda, Velva & Lori Smalls

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Congratulations From Our Ministries Number One Choir Ministerial Staff New Member Orientation, Education & After Care Culinary Mission

Deaconess Faith In Motion Male Chorus Special Chorus Ministers Wives Sunday School

Ushers Drama Sunday School & Youth Bible Class Greeters Youth Department Deacon Board

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I love them that love me, and those that seek me early shall find me. Proverbs 8:17

Praise God as We, Celebrate First Union Missionary Baptist Church's 95th Anniversary!

(front row)

Pavonne' Scott, Linda Davis, Cynthia Hall, Brenda Reese-Brown, Ernestine Larry (second row)

Beulah Chambers, Anjetta Marshall, Hattie Hooks, Willie Nealy (third row)

Curtis Marshall, Deacon Tom Marshall, James Woodall, Elder Melvin Davis (back row)

Deacon Michael Hudgins, Elder Earl Mosley, Michael Riley, Minister William Clemons

Congratulations! First Union Missionary Baptist Church 95 Years of sowing the Word! We are trusting God for many more years to come!

Minter William Clemons – Minister James Thompkins – Rev Wendell Pope, Sr. – Elder Earl Mosley – Elder Melvin Davis Pastor B.E. Garmon, Sr.

First Union’s “Word” Ministry

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)

Congratulations, First Union Missionary Baptist Church, from New Member Orientation, Education & After Care, as we celebrate 95 years of Kingdom Building!

Rev. Wendell Pope Sr  Alice Pope  Debra Smalls  Connie Williams

Congratulations, First Union, As You Celebrate Your 95th Anniversary! The Culinary Ministry of First Union M.B. Church

Dorothy Hudgins-Ministry Leader Sarah Barnum ~ Kathy Brookins ~ Shalanda Bryant ~ Linda Davis ~ Egertha Green ~ Tavisha Griffin ~ Tolana Mathis ~ Brenda Reese-Brown ~ Minnie Riggins ~Kim Williams ~ Phyllis Young

For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.

1 Corinthians 3:9 (NIV)

Congratulations! First Union Missionary Baptist Church

95th Church Anniversary “Faithful To The Vision” Hebrews 10:23

95 Years of guiding lost souls out of the darkness and into His marvelous light!

First Union’s Missionary Ministry Pictured left to right – Front Row: Alice Pope, Hattie Hooks, Ernestine Larry, Phyllis Young Linda Davis Second Row: Doris DeLain, Gloria Newton, Barbara Jackson, Cynthia Hudgins, Josephine Everette, Brenda Reese-Brown Third Row: Pastor Garmon, Deacon Tom Marshall, Cookie Thompkins, Kim Williams, Carla Garmon, Egeartha Green Not Pictured: Deacon Anthony Brown, Maggie Harris, Fredith Marshall, Ada Garmon, Clarissa Gunning, Rosebud Stephenson, Sandra Owens, Richard Hudgins


Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: 35 For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: 36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

 Matthew 25:34-36 

First Union Missionary Baptist Church on 95 Blessed Years!

Left To Right: Kathy Brookins, Johnnie Reese (Chaplain), Doris Scott, Sarah Barnum (Benevolent), Monika Sherman (Secretary), Dorothy Hudgins (Assist Ministry Leader), Valarie Brown (Ministry Leader) Not pictured: Bernice Tim, Michelle Pope

“Deaconess Ministry" 1 Timothy 3:11 - “Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things.”

To First Union MBC on 95 Years! James 2: 17-20

'Praise God as We Celebrate Our Church 95th Anniversary!'

I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. Proverbs 8:17 OFFICERS Deacon Bernard Reese, President Deacon Tom Marshall, Vice-Pres. Abe Drisdom, Secretary Michael Davis, Treasurer HONORARY MEMBERS Deacon Willie Tim, Emeritus Rev. Bruce E. Garmon, Pastor

MEMBERS Deacon Robert Barnum Otis Brit Deacon Michael Hudgins Calvin Marshall Curtis Marshall Deacon Wendell Pope Jr. Deacon Robert Scott Jr Deacon Mark Sherman MUSICIANS Elder Melvin Davis, Min. of Music Tony Gantt, Lead Guitar Elder Earl Mosley, Bass Guitar Michael Riley, Drummer

Congratulations, First Union Missionary Baptist Church, on 95 years of worship, praise, and fellowship. We love you all and pray that God continues to bless and keep us while we’re on our Christian journey!!

Deacon Mark Sherman, Ministry Leader

Kim Williams, Assistant Ministry Leader

Debra McCalla, Piano/Director Taveon Calloway, Drummer Anthony Gant, Lead Guitar Elder Earl Mosley, Bass Guitar

Happy 95th Anniversary First Union


The Minister’s Wives

Congratulations First Union! From

Happy 95th Anniversary First Union Missionary Baptist Church


First Union’s Usher Ministry

Happy 95th Anniversary First Union!

Zamariah Jones, Vandi Anderson, Karli Anderson, Zunareia Singletary, Tamiah Singletary, Zariah McDaniel, Lonnie Clemons, Latoya Clemons (Primary Bible Class Teacher), Valarie Brown (Intermediate Sunday School and Bible Class Teacher) Not Pictured: Ayeesha Bell, Myriah King, Rhyanna Sanders

From the “Youth Sunday School and Youth Bible Class" April 23, 2017 ď ł Page -50-

Congratulations to First Union on 95 Blessed Years from the “Greeter’s Ministry".

Pictured from left to right: (Front Row)- Margaret Butler (Ministry Leader), Annie Adams (Asst. Chaplin), Chandra Lynch, Varressa Rubin, Barbara Jackson (Chaplin), Alice Pope (Treasurer), (Back Row)- AJ Drisdom, Jacqueline Taylor, Alexis Wheatley (Asst. Secretary), Josephine Everett, Ava Drisdom (Vice President), Abrianna Drisdom (Secretary), Egertha Green, Cynthia Hall, LaSonja Clemons, Sandra Owen (President), and First Lady Carla Garmon (Honorary Member) Not Pictured: Deacon (s)- Willie Tim and Robert Scott, Jr., Mary Wilson (Asst. Treasurer)

First Union Missionary Baptist Church

First Union’s Youth Department

Deacon A. Brown Chairman

Deacon R. Barnum, Jr.

Deacon B. Reese Vice Chairman

Deacon J. Echols

Deacon T. Marshall

Deacon R. Scott, Jr.

Deacon M. Hudgins, Sr.

Deacon W. Pope, Jr.

Deacon M. Sherman

Deacon W. Tim

Patrons & Supporters Thomas & Lutuece Walsh (Patrons) Elizabeth Carman (Patron) Yasmin Flowers (Patron) Adilia Giovanetti & Family (Patrons) Rev. Eddie Nunn (Patron) Annie Payne (Patron) Mt. Olive AME Church - Rev. Gregory V. Gay, Sr., Pastor Tomlinson Dental - Angella Tomlinson, D.D.S., P.A. Facetyme w/Jay - Jennifer Roberts, PFC Michael Hudgins, Jessica Cliatt CSJ Tax & Accounting Services - Joann Avery, Accountant/Enrolled Agent First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens - Rev. A.W. Greene, Pastor Love & Glory Learning Center - Myrtice Agee, Owner Affinity Insurance Agency - Ken Anthony, Agent T-N-T Productions Mobile DJ - Jay the DJ William's Pharmacy Publix Supermarkets Macedonia of Zephyrhills - Rev. Adrian Gay, Pastor Ray Williams Funeral Home Pressure Washing - Manny Shawn the Barber Unity Missionary Baptist Church - Elder Frank O. Gray, Sr., Pastor Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church - Rev. Alphonso A. Lewis, Pastor First Union Missionary Baptist Church - Rev. Melvin J. Hendricks, Pastor Smalls Transport - Keyvus & Mary Smalls, Owners/Operators

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Congratulations , Jessica Williams, on First Union MB Church celebrating 95 years!


Jennifer Roberts  Jessica Mychelle Cliatt PFC Michael A. Hudgins, Jr., April 23, 2017  Page -55-


"Best wishes to Pastor Bruce Garmon and the New First Union on your wonderful accomplishment. May God continue to shower His best blessings upon your church fellowship!" Rev. A. W. Greene, Pastor First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens April 23, 2017  Page -56-

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PUBLIX Supermarkets congratulates First Union Missionary Baptist Church on their 95th Anniversary!

April 23, 2017 ď ł Page -58-

April 23, 2017 ď ł Page -59-

Congratulations, Jessica!

Home Exteriors

Decks and Patios


Drains, Ducts and Gutters

Window Washing

Garage Doors

Men's Custom Cuts

Hot Towel Shaves


Beard Trims

Straight Razor Face Shave

Bigen Hair Enhancement 


Line Ups

Kids Cuts

Call Manny: 813-843-7245


Elder Frank O. Gray Sr., Pastor

3111 Ybor St  Tampa, FL 33605  813-248-5955 (tel)  813-248-5990 (fax) The Unity Missionary Baptist Church Family, honor and praise First Union Missionary Baptist Church for 95 years, being a light in the community.

We pray the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, be with you all, as you continue in service to our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus.

April 23, 2017 ď ł Page -61-

Linda Davis

Kim Williams

Deacon Wayne Brookins

Kathy Brookins

Deacon Bernard Reese

Doris Scott Jessica Williams

Deacon Robert Barnum

Connie Williams

Sarah Barnum

Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr.

Johnnie Reese

Michael Davis

Debra Smalls

Happy 95th Anniversary, First Union. Our God is 'still' standing by!

The 90th Anniversary Committee

SUNDAY SCHOOL Sundays @ 8:45am

WORSHIP SERVICE Sundays @ 10:00am

PRAYER/BIBLE CLASS Wednesdays @ 7:00pm

3707 E. Chelsea Street ï‚&#x; Tampa, FL 33610 813.238.1205 (tel) | 813.237.8833 (fax) (email) (website)

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