News From Around ‘The U’
Flyer submitted by Valarie Brown on behalf of the Deaconess Ministry.
Welcome To Ash Wednesday!
We began 2016 with a journey down the path the leads to “Faith”. What is it? Where does it come from? How can we get more? One thing that we have learned already is that the Bible teaches that faith comes from the Word of God (Romans 10:17). And if we want to increase our faith, then we need to increase our relationship with the Word of God. Church tradition as initiated by the Catholic Church has deemed the period of time from Ash Wednesday to Good Friday as ‘Lent Season’. It was originally designed to commemorate Jesus’ last 40 days leading up to His crucifixion. During this time, it was traditional for people to give up one of their personal pleasures in an effort to identify with the suffering of Christ. As we continue our journey exploring all aspects of faith, and in an effort to increase our faith, attached you will find: 40 Days In The Word! -2016 Edition. (Hard Copies Available at Church. These questions can also be found on our website at In the six weeks from Ash Wednesday to Good Friday (February 10 - March 25), complete one lesson per day, Monday – Saturday (Sundays are a day off). The correct Scripture is required for each answer. Answers with no Scripture are considered INCORRECT. All Questions, Answers, and Scriptures are based on the King James Bible. Turn in your completed sheet for grading on Resurrection Sunday (March 27). So let’s get started and increase our faith!!!
Editor’s Note
the most important and oldest festival of the Christian Church, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and held (in the Western Church) between March 21 and April 25, on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the northern spring equinox.
Sister Jessica Williams, Assistant Editor
Pastor Garmon always tells us that this occasion is the most special and most important to someone who considers themselves to be a Christian. Yes, Christmas is special because that is the day that Jesus was born, but being born was not His ultimate mission on this Earth. He came down through 42 generations to teach the Word of God, perform miracles, and bring lost souls to God. His ultimate duty was to be crucified, shed his blood, die for all sins (past, present, and future), and to rise victoriously from the dead with all power in His hands and to sit next to our Father in Heaven. If the Crucifixion and Resurrection never occurred, we would not be able to have an avenue to everlasting life because we would be covered with sin and God wants his people to be without spot, wrinkle, and/or blemish and try, to the best of our ability, to be like Christ. Therefore, let’s remember that ‘Jesus is the reason for “THIS SEASON!”
... somewhere around The “U”!!! (left) The Assistant Editor poses with little Miss Gianni Graham.
(right) Jessica Williams, Assistant Editor’All In The Family’, with our very own Pastor Garmon. Melissa Jones showed Pastor Garmon her and her family’s appreciation during the Christmas Holiday when she presented him with a token of their love!
(left) Jessica Williams and Marquez Harris.
(right) Deborah Williams and her son, Richard Benjamin take time for a photo op as he visits on a break from University of Louisville.
‘All In The Family’ - News From Around ‘The U’
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‘News From Around ‘The U’
Below are just a few of our Youth who attended last year’s Youth Conference 2015 and who readily obliged when asked to pose for the camera. As you can see, they loved it!
P. O. Box 1223 | Brandon, FL 33509 813-833-7160 (tel) | 813-684-0819 (fax) (email) (website)
Editor/Publisher CONNIE WILLIAMS
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(except where noted)
Distribution all-in-the-family.html
Rhyanna Sanders
Brianna Hudgins
Sinai Pierre-Louis
LaSonja Clemons
Shaniah Harris
Amari Anderson
Destiny Smith
The ‘All In The Family’ newsletter is now a BI-MONTHLY publication (distribution timeline subject to change by the editor as needed). Please send your submissions for future publications, feedback, comments and/or suggestions to All submissions for the newsletter must be received by the second Sunday in February, April, June, August, October and December. All questions should be directed to the Editor or Assistant Editor via the contact information printed. Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved. Not to be reprinted in any form without prior written permission.
First Union Missionary Baptist Church 3707 E. Chelsea Street | Tampa, FL 33610 | 813-238-1205 (tel) | 813-237-8833 (fax) (email) | (website)
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Facebook (First Union Missionary Baptist Church)
REV. B.E. GARMON, SR. b.e.garmon
ANTHONY BROWN deaconbrown
CALVIN MARSHALL calvin.marshall
DEBRA SMALLS debra.smalls
Assistant-New Member Orientation, Education, & After Care MINISTER WILLIAM CLEMONS
Minister of Music ELDER MELVIN DAVIS Minister-Prayer ELDER ELIJAH HAMILTON ELDER EARL MOSLEY Minister-New Member Orientation, Education, & After Care REV. WENDELL POPE, SR. Youth Department & Sunday School Minister Adviser MINISTER JAMES THOMPKINS Minister of Spiritual Growth MINISTER JEFFREY YOUNG
Assistant Church Clerk DEANDRA RILEY Bulletin Clerk & Webmaster CONNIE WILLIAMS
Table of Contents MAR/APR 2016
MEMBER IN THE SPOTLIGHT! Introducing to Some and Presenting to Others…
Deacon Tom D. Marshall Editor’s Note __________________________________________________ page 4 ‘Easter’ Around ‘The U’ ________________________________________________ page 5 Random Photos Pastor’s Corner ______________________________________________ page 10 ‘Assurance of the Resurrection’ Membership News ___________________________________________ page 12 New Members, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Youth Accomplishments,, etc.
Member In The Spotlight _____________________________________ page 16 ‘Deacon Tom D. Marshall’ 94th Anniversary _____________________________________________ page 19 ‘Catch The Vision’ Featured Series by Pastor Garmon (part II) _________________ page 20 ‘The Rapture Zone’ Ministry News ________________________________________________ page 22 New Members, Mission, Minister Wives, Youth Department School Zone __________________________________________________ page 25 HCPS Events Upcoming Events ____________________________________________ page 27 Events for March & April, 2016 BHM/AFRICAN ATTIRE DAY __________________________________ page 28 ‘African Attire Fashion Show’ Business Center______________________________________________ page 32 Member Owned Businesses WordSearch __________________________________________________ page 35 ‘Sermons of Jesus 4’ Page -8-
MAR/APR 2016 | Volume 10-Issue 2
Son Rise Service Sunday March 27th 7:00a
‘All In The Family’ - News From Around ‘The U’
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Pastor’s Corner Assurance Of The Resurrection
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Yes, but the question is “when” is the most wonderful time of the year? I must say that I thoroughly enjoy being a bubble burster when I say that it certainly isn’t December! Every year people spend Billions of dollars for a day that man has commercialized for his own selfish gain. Unlearned people follow this vain tradition (Colossians 2:8) without question, and with oblivious exuberance! The excitement that this one day brings far surpasses any other single day of the year. But the hard truth of the matter is (besides the fact that Jesus was “NOT” born on December 25, or no other day in December), without the victorious resurrection of Jesus, His birth, life, and even His death would be completely meaningless! People are born every day. People die every day. But being the “first fruits from the grave”, (1 Corinthians 15:20) Jesus is the only One Who has ever rose victoriously from the grave and defeated, death, hell, sin, and satan in the process! Therefore, NO OTHER DAY in the history of mankind can be compared to Resurrection Sunday, which “IS” in fact, “THE” GREATEST day of the year!!! But how do we know? How can we be sure? For nearly 2000 years there has been the historical phenomena of Christianity. In spite of the fact that the church throughout its early years suffered intense persecution at the hands of both the Jews and the Romans, it flourished. Many of the first missionaries of the Christian faith died a martyr's death because of their belief in Jesus Christ. Why were these early Christians willing to face death for their belief in Jesus The Christ? Was it because they were convinced of the historical fact of the resurrection of Jesus? Did they know beyond the shadow of a doubt that Jesus was (is) the Son of God and the One and only Saviour of the world? To them, the resurrection was a fact and not just some philosophical ideal or idea. Therefore, for them, they were also convinced that even their own physical death was not the end! For the first century Church, the message of the resurrection was not just a theological myth; it was a message that was proclaimed immediately following the resurrection, even the same day! It was a message of incontrovertible evidence. In the Greek language of the New Testament we find ‘convincing proofs’,”tekmerion” which is related to the Greek word “tekma”, meaning “a fixed boundary, goal, end.” “Tekmerion” means “a fixed and sure sign, evidence, or proof.” The word was used of demonstrable proof and evidence in contract to mere philosophical superstition or in contrast to fallible signs. Luke chose to use these words, as he was a historical physician and was practiced in gathering evidence. He knows the value of the strongest type of legal evidence.
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MAR/APR 2016 | Volume 10-Issue 2
Dr. Luke, who lived in the time of Jesus and who had personally talked to many eye witnesses, clearly states that there were many demonstrable and incontrovertible proofs, not merely one or two, but many! Ever since the day of the resurrection, there have been those who have rejected the resurrection as a hoax, a tale, a lie or fiction. A number of theories have been advanced to try and disprove the resurrection, but all of these have been solidly discredited by one historical scholar after another. Although many people have made the false claims of the resurrection not being true; NONE of these people have ever presented one shred of solid evidence to support their claims! Then why do men make these claims? Because they have never examined the evidence, or because of their prejudice, their philosophical bias, or simple refusal to believe in the miraculous nature of God! The silence of the enemies of the cross, and their subsequent lack of historical evidence against the resurrection is almost as strong an evidence as the positive evidences in favor of the resurrection of Jesus! In an effort to keep the Disciples from supposedly ‘stealing’ the body of Jesus from the tomb, Governor Pontius Pilate ordered a great stone be set over the opening of the tomb and posted guards to stand watch for the duration. In addition, a seal was set on the stone (Matthew 27:62-66). As claimed by the Pharisees, this was requested of Pilate to guard against any kind of fraud or lies by the disciples of Jesus Christ. In doing this, however, they provided two more excellent evidences for Christ's resurrection. Unwittingly, they prepared an unanswerable refutation to their own claims in their attempt to discredit the account of the resurrection (Matthew 28:11-15). The presence of Roman soldiers at the tomb and the Roman seal over the stone door made the possibility of the theft of Jesus’ body humanly impossible. The likelihood that these timid, fearful Galilean disciples could or would steal the body of Jesus out from under the noses of a guard of highly disciplined and skilled Roman soldiers is not only ridiculous, but impossible. Even had the soldiers been asleep, think of the noise the disciples would have made trying to remove the huge stone covering the entrance to the tomb! The tombs of this day were somewhat like a cave
‘All In The Family’ - News From Around ‘The U’
hewn out of the rocky side of a mountain or hill. They consisted of a rectangular opening into a main room or central chamber with a niche carved into the side of one of the inner walls where the body was placed. At one end was a special elevated place for the head. The opening of the central chamber was covered by a large circular stone or heavy disc of rock set in a slanting groove so that when the stone was released it would roll by its own weight and cover the entrance. Because of its enormous weight (several tons) it would require the combined efforts of several men to move the stone back up the groove and block it. So “who” and “how” does the stone get moved? The enemies would not move the stone, because they wanted to make sure His body stayed in place to prove that He did ‘not’ rise! (Matthew 27:62-66) If the disciples were to move the stone, how did they do it without the guards seeing or hearing them? When they came to the tomb that morning, they too were expecting to find the body of Jesus (John 20:1-2). Of course the women were unable to move the stone (Mark 16:1-8). The Angel had no trouble moving the stone! (Matthew 28:1-4) The stone was not rolled away so Christ could get out, we know this because He later entered the room with the disciples while the doors were closed (John 20:19). In His glorified body, Jesus no longer had a need for things like doors and human means of transportation. The stone was rolled away for the reasons of divine purpose to call attention to the testimony of the empty tomb. The stone was rolled away from the opening of the tomb not to let Jesus out – but to let people in to see that Jesus had risen! Within the tomb itself lay some astounding evidence to the fact of the resurrection of Jesus; the presence of the grave cloths, and the absence of a body! The stone, the seal, the guards, the grave clothes, the absence of a body – all indisputable evidence to substantiate the resurrection. These items are merely the beginning of external biblical evidence to support the validity of the resurrection of Christ. Even those that do not espouse the teachings of the Bible have been unable to refute the overwhelming evidence of the resurrection, even to this day! Even avid Atheist that have undertaken the continued on page -33Page -11-
First Union Welcomes New Members To The Family! First Union would like to welcome our newest members who recently came before the congregation to become a part of the First Family! We welcome you with open arms and look forward to working and fellowshipping with you as a member of First Union and as a member of the body of Christ!
Willie Franklin Clary, who came before the Church on Sunday, January 10, 2016, under Christian Experience and received the Right Hand of Fellowship on Sunday, February 7, 2016; Arlana Echols, who came before the Church on Sunday, January 10, 2016, as a Candidate for Baptism a nd w a s ba ptized and received the Right Hand of Fellowship on Sunday, February 7, 2016;
Daniya Latrice Garner, who came before the Church on Sunday, January 10, 2016, under Christian Experience. At print time, she had not received the Right Hand of Fellowship; Sandra K. Hill, who came before the Church on Sunday, January 3, 2016, as a Candidate for Baptism, and was baptized and received the Right Hand of Fellowship that same evening at our 6:00p Lord’s Supper Service; Dameyan Jackson, who came before the Church on Sunday, January 31, 2016, on Christian Experience and was baptized and received the Right Hand of Fellowship Sunday, February 7, 2016;
Antwan M. Jones, Jr., who came before the Church on January 3, 2016, as a Candidate for Baptism, and was baptized and received the Right Hand of Fellowship that same evening at our 6:00p Lord’s Supper Service. Antwan is the son of Zemetrious Griffin;
Serenity Mungin, who came before the Church on Sunday, January 10, 2016, as a Candidate for Baptism. At print time, she had not been baptized nor has she received the Right Hand of Fellowship; and
Jacqueline Taylor, who came before the Church on Sunday, January 3, 2016, as a Candidate for Baptism, and was baptized and received the Right Hand of Fellowship that same evening at our 6:00p Lord’s Supper Service,
WELCOME to all of our new members! JACQUELINE TAYLOR Page -12-
MAR/APR 2016 | Volume 10-Issue 2
Wedding Anniversary
Tampa Police Department Black History Committee as the First Place Winner of the Teen Excellence Awards in the category of Academic Excellence. Applicants were selected from five categories and the top thee winners from each category will be presented with a monetary scholarship during the Committee’s Teen Excellence Awards Recognition Banquet and Dance held on February 27, 2016 Dance in recognition of their 28th Annual Black History Month Celebration .
(picture submitted)
Congratulations are extended to DEACON MICHAEL & DOROTHY HUDGINS who will celebrate 31 years of wedded bliss on Friday, March 25, 2016.
Happy Birthday
The other categories for the considered include: Good Citizenship and Behavior, Leadership, Volunteerism, and Overcoming Significant Challenges. Criteria for the nominees were that they must be a student in the Hillsborough County schools between 8th and 12th grade. Alexis, a sophomore at Tampa Bay Tech, is the daughter of Miranda Wheatley, granddaughter of Margaret Butler and great-granddaughter of Marjorie Parham. She is an active member of the Youth Department where she currently serves as the Youth President and a member of the Teen Praise Dancers.
Academic Excellence
Congratulations to DAISIA RILEY on her academic achievement of High Honor Roll and accumulating a GPA of 3.0! We are so very proud of you! Keep up the good work! Love, Your Mom & Dad, and Family
Your input to the next newsletter should be sent by the second Sunday in April. For further information, please see Connie Williams (connie.williams or Jessica Williams (jessica.wiliams
Belated Birthday greetings to ALICE POPE who celebrated her special day on Sunday, January 31st! Continued blessings, happiness and prosperity to her on her many birthdays to come.
First Place Winner Congratulations are extended to ALEXIS WHEATLEY, who was nominated and not only met the criteria, but was selected by the
(picture submitted)
BRIANNA HUDGINS (pictured submitted)
SINAI PIERRE-LOUIS (pictured submitted)
Congratulations to all of all of our young achievers on their commitment to being the best that God has called and destined them to be!
(pictured submitted)
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MAR/APR 2016 | Volume 10-Issue 2
Citizenship Perfect Attendance BRIANNA is the daughter of Tramel & Brittany Lee, grand-
daughter of Deacon Michael & Dorothy Hudgins and greatgranddaughter of Yvonne Hudgins. She is a member of the Youth Choir and Youth Praise Dancers, ‘Reflections of God’s Love’. She currently serves as a Youth Officer as the Chaplain.
High Honor Roll Citizenship Perfect Attendance SINAI is the daughter of Tramel & Brittany Lee, granddaugh-
ter of Deacon Michael & Dorothy Hudgins and greatgranddaughter of Yvonne Hudgins. She is a member of the Youth Choir and Youth Praise Dancers, ‘Reflections of God’s Love’.
High Honor Roll DAISIA is the daughter of Michael & Deandra Riley and the granddaughter of Minnie Riggins.
High Honor Roll ALEXIS is the daughter of Miranda Wheatley, granddaughter
of Margaret Butler and great-granddaughter of Marjorie Parham. She is a member of the Youth Choir and Teen Praise Dancers, ‘Anointed Sisters of Praise’. She currently serves as a Youth Officer as the President.
‘All In The Family’ - News From Around ‘The U’
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Deacon Tom David Marshall
Member of First Union MB Church since 1976 Favorite Song is ‘A Charge To Keep I Have’ Favorite Scripture is John 3:16
ittle did the late Steven & Viola Marshall know that God would bless them with who would someday be an awesome man of God when they brought into the world their firstborn, who they named Tom David. Born and raised in Decatur County, Bainbridge, GA on December 21, 1933, Tom would eventually take on the role as ‘big brother’ to his nine siblings: Horace (deceased), Howard (deceased), James, Rose, Lester (deceased), Charles, Marion (deceased), Jeanette and Ernestine.
Tom’s childhood was spent in Bainbridge where he attended the public schools of Decatur County. During his teen and early adult years, Tom worked as … get this… a tobacco farmer! He did this until the age of twenty when he decided there were other things in life that he could be doing other than working on the farm! Tom didn’t just go to school and work while in Decatur County. Thru family, Tom was introduced to the lovely Cora Gamble and on September 9, 1955 they were married. To this union were born three sons: Benjamin (deceased), Winston (who is married to Zena), and their ‘baby’, our very own Calvin (who is married to Anjetta). Calvin and Anjetta would make Tom and Cora the proud grandparents of their two grandchildren, Myles and Qunay. In 2012 God called and Cora answered, and Tom found himself bidding a fond farewell to the love of his life after 57 years of marriage. Being the Christian that he is, he knows that ‘soon and very soon’ they will be reunited. In 1968 at the age of thirty-four, Tom decided to follow family and friends, and moved with his wife and children to Tampa, FL. Needing and wanting to serve the Lord, Cora initially attended Church with other family members, but later decided to join First Union Missionary Baptist Church. Wanting to be with his family, Tom joined First Union in 1976 and was BAPTIZED by Rev. Joseph Thompson along with two of his sons; Winston, age twelve, and Calvin, age nine. To God Be The Glory!!! After joining First Union, Tom David Marshall was ordained as a Deacon in 1980 and has served in that capacity ever since. Deacon Marshall has also been a member of the Ushers, Finance (where he was the Church Treasurer), and was very active with our Youth Department as the Van Driver (betcha some of you didn’t know that and others I’m sure have forgotten!). He currently serves in our Male Chorus and the No. 1 Choir, where he is the Ministry Leader. continued on page -33-
First Union Missionary Baptist Church
Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr., M.Div-Pastor
YEARS! Where there is no vision, the people perish Proverbs 29:18
Wednesday, April 20, 2016 @ 7:00p
Rev. Ricardo Robinson Northside M.B. Church
Thursday, April 21, 2016 @ 7:00p
Rev. Willie Roberts
Piney Grove M.B. Church
Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr., M.Div-Pastor First Union Missionary Baptist Church Sunday, April 24, 2016 @ 10:00a
Friday, April 22, 2016 @ 7:00p
Rev. Tony Harris
First Prospect M.B. Church
FIRST UNION MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH OPERATION: EDUCATION 3707 E. Chelsea Street Tampa, FL 33610 813.238.1205 Page -18-
MAR/APR 2016 | Volume 10-Issue 2
First Union’s 94th Anniversary “Catch The Vision” (Proverbs 29:18)
When you really think about it, there aren’t many things that have been around for 94 years. Not many people have been around for 94 years (or will be around for 94 years); and, believe it or not, there aren’t many Churches have been around for 94 years! First Union has a “lot” to be grateful for, and a lot to thank God for, as we are truly more blessed than we realize! It is easy to take things for granted when it’s always around, always at your disposal; you tend not to think about it much. But when that object of your affection is suddenly gone, reality sets in and you realize just how good you had it, only now, it’s a bit too late! I therefore encourage every member of First Union to simply look around you and realize that God has blessed truly blessed us with much greatness, and we are stacked and ready to be even greater! Our theme this year comes from Proverbs 29:18 which states that if there is no vision, the people will perish. These words were written by King Solomon, the wisest man that ever lived. Few people realize how these words apply to our everyday life; we all need something to look forward to which keeps us motivated and keeps us going! When a person plans a vacation or big trip, they often refer to the upcoming event in their mind which gives them incentive and motivation. On a weekly basis, most people look forward to the weekend, which helps them to get through the work week. On a daily basis, people look forward to certain times of time, like lunch or quitting time, and this in itself provides motivation for that day. Or maybe it’s an event after work, or getting home and seeing family and loved ones. Or maybe it’s a simply as looking forward to getting home to sit back and relax. The fact remains, we all need something to look forward to which keeps us going!
This same principle is true when it comes to the Church, in particular, First Union. When I first came to The “U” in 2007, the Lord placed me in the shoes of Nehemiah, and I spent a year surveying the work in preparation for what was to come. During that time the Lord showed me ‘great visions’ for where He would lead us, if the people are willing to follow leadership. Thus far, God has continually upheld His part of the agreement, but the Church has got to be willing to continue to do our part in being obedient to the vision. As we celebrate 94 Years of service, I want to continually reiterate to the Congregation the necessity to
“Catch The Vision”, because unless we are all in agreement with the direction that the Lord is leading, then we
will end up divided; and Jesus Himself has made it clear that if we are divided we can go nowhere! (Mark 3:24-25) The task that we are currently undertaking is nothing new (to me); for God had shown me this all the way back in 2007, but so far, the time has not been right. But during 2015, the Lord pressed my heart that now is the time. Seven years complete, the eighth year is for ‘new beginnings’; and that is exactly what “Operation Education” is all about!
The only thing that we need bring this vision to come to fruition is “faith”! God has made it very plain to me, the same way that He has throughout the entire Bible, that if we just have faith in Him and trust Him implicitly, He “will” bring it to pass, just like He said He would. But when we follow the path of doubt, then we are destined to sink into the raging sea. In order for First Union to realize this vision, the Congregation must first “Catch” the vision. In order for the Congregation to Catch the Vision, it must first be ‘cast’; and ‘that’ is “my” job, to keep before the Congregation what the Lord has shown me for the future of First Union. Once the vision has been cast, it is then up to the Congregation to catch it, embrace it, and follow it. This will all take an enormous
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The Rapture Zone!!! Part II by Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr., M.Div.
the great day of His wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? (Revelation 6:17)
One of the most debated points of the Rapture is — Who will be raptured? The factual answer is quite simple! Only those who have trusted and accepted the Lord Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour. These and these only will be a part of the rapture. As harsh as it may seem, everyone else is doomed to hell. Jesus makes it clear that He “IS” coming back! (John 14:3) He also told us who He is coming back for (John 3:16-18; Ephesians 5:27). A person that has not accepted Jesus The Christ as their personal Saviour has no hope of being raptured! (John 3:18; John 14:6). It’s just that simple! To some that may seem overly dogmatic or harsh; but when yo8u consider the fact that God’s boundless grace is giving mankind numerous opportunities to be saved, along with the fact that God Himself does not want anyone to be lost (2 Peter 3:9); then we can see how that it is not harsh at all. It is a decision that every human being has to make for themselves. God has gone out of His way to make the way of salvation possible, it is not up to each individual to accept it or reject it. From centuries of preaching, to all of the Churches, Ministries, and Missionaries today; to the coming 144 thousand (Revelation 14:1-5), the two witnesses (Revelation 11:3); to finally the three angels flying through the air with The Everlasting Gospel Page -20-
(Revelation 14:6-11). God is making sure that in the Day of Judgment, there will be NO EXCUSE that anyone will be able to give for not accepting Jesus as the way of Salvation! (Romans 1:20)
The rapture can happen at any time as there are no prophecies that must be fulfilled before the rapture. As soon as God brings in the last person by salvation into the Church the rapture will occur. After the rapture a person still may be saved in the 70th week or the 7-Year Tribulation period. In fact, God will use 144,000 Jews from the nation of Israel to win an 'innumerable' number of souls during that time. All we know is that the rapture will happen before that 70th week. In light of that how much closer are we getting to the rapture when the events of that 70th week of Daniels prophecy are right now being setup in the world! 2 Thessalonians 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and [by] our gathering together unto him, The above verse shows two things: FIRST — 'the coming of our Lord Jesus The Christ'. This will occur at the battle of Armageddon when the Lord Jesus will come back to earth to setup His 1000 year Kingdom. SECOND — 'and [by] our gathering together unto him' This is referencing the rapture when all blood bought, Spirit reborn Christians are raptured to heaven. This will occur before the antichrist comes to power and the 70th week of Daniels prophecy begins.
The Rapture is the blessed hope for the Christian! It is good news as we live in these perilous days before the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Men's hearts will be failing as they see what is happening in the earth, but the Christian has hope! (1 Thessalonians 5:8) With every passing day, the advent of the rapture is another day closer. Imagine a whole generation of Christians who will not die but rather will be taken instantly from the earth and transformed in the middle of the air! Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 1 Corinthians 15:51-53 Maranatha!
MAR/APR 2016 | Volume 10-Issue 2
Installation 2016 - Sunday January 3, 2016
Officers, Leaders and Members alike rededicated themselves to First Union during the annual ceremony led by Pastor B.E. Garmon, Sr.-M.Div.
New Member Orientation, Education & After Care Congratulations to Sister Hazel Conyers, who completed the New Member Orientation class on . Sister Conyers is already an active member of the Ushers Ministry. Congratulations are also extended to Sister Jacqueline Reese and her son, Jacquez Bolden for completing the course. Sister Reese is also an active member of the First Union Adults Ushers Ministry.
New Members Orientation, Education and After Care Ministry, under the leadership of Rev. Wendell Pope, Sr. ( meets every 2nd & 4th Sunday immediately following the 10:00a Morning Worship Service.
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MAR/APR 2016 | Volume 10-Issue 2
Mission Anniversary - Sunday January 24, 2016
Congratulations to the Officers and Members of the Mission Ministry, under the leadership of Carolyn Young, who celebrated their anniversary on Sunday January 24, 2016.
On the program: Josephine Everett rendered the Welcome, Michael & Deandra Riley brought us the History & Occasion, the Special Chorus provided the Song Service, Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr. brought the Word, and Carolyn Young (Leader) & Deacon Anthony Brown (Assistant) gave the Closing Remarks.
‘All In The Family’ - News From Around ‘The U’
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Minister’s Wives - Friday February 5, 2016
Congratulations to the Minister’s Wives Ministry, under the leadership of Alice Pope, on their recent hosting of the ‘Women’s Only’ viewing of the powerful movie, ‘WAR ROOM’ on Friday, February 5, 2016.
Youth Anniversary - Sunday February 14, 2016
Congratulations to the Youth Department, under the leadership of Kim Williams, on celebrating their 86th Anniversary on Sunday, February 14, 2016.
Mission Ministry/Minister’s Wives - Saturday February 27, 2016 The Mission Ministry, under the leadership of Carolyn Young, spent the better part of Saturday, February 27, 2016, providing food for the homeless. One hundred and forty-five lunch bags were distributed to those who may not have had any other means of nourishment. The Mission was joined by the Minister’s Wives (under the leadership of Alice Pope) on Saturday, as they joined in to distribute toiletries to those who are less fortunate than we are. If you would like to contribute to the next scheduled outing on Saturday, May 21, 2016, please see any of the Ministry Leaders listed above or any member of the ministries. Your contributions are greatly appreciated. Page -24-
MAR/APR 2016 | Volume 10-Issue 2
Upcoming Events Strawberry Festival Day (East Hillsborough Students ONLY) March 7, 2016 Spring Break March 14-18, 2016 Students Return to School March 21, 2016 Non-Student Day March 25, 2016 End of 3rd Grading Period April 1, 2016 Memorial Day Holiday May 30, 2016 End of 4th Grading Period June 10, 2016 Last Day of School June 10, 2016
c/o 2016 Jacquez Bolden Shawn Callaway, Jr.
Rodney McCall
Youth Graduation & Recognition Friday, June 10,2016 @ 7:00p
‘All In The Family’ - News From Around ‘The U’
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Submitted by Deandra Riley on behalf of the Special Chorus.
Following are the events for the months of March & April 2016. All ministry meetings and events for 2016 can be found Church Calendar located in our Church Foyer, on our website, and via link to your electronic devices. Please be sure to check your Weekly Church Bulletins for any changes/ updates. All media (except hard-copy) is updated as changes are given.
March 2016 Monday March 7th 7:00p Church Conference Friday March 11th Anointed Sisters of Praise Pre-Anniversary Saturday March 12th 1:00p Senior Saints Appreciation Day Sunday March 13th Anointed Sisters of Praise Anniversary Friday March 18th 7:00p No. 1 Choir Pre-Anniversary Sunday March 20th No. 1 Choir Anniversary Monday March 21st 7:30p First Union goes to Piney Grove Saturday March 26th 9:00a Clothes Closet Sunday March 27th 7:00a Son Rise Service Monday March 28th 6:00p Egg Hunt
April 2016 Friday April 8th 7:00p Greeters Pre-Anniversary Sunday April 10th 10:00a Greeters Anniversary First Union 94th Anniversary Services Pre-Anniversary: Wednesday April 20th 7:00p Northside MB Church Pre-Anniversary: Thursday April 21st 7:00p Piney Grove MB Church Pre-Anniversary: Friday April 22nd 7:00p First Prospect MB Church Anniversary: Sunday April 24th 10:00a TBA
‘All In The Family’ - News From Around ‘The U’
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In Celebration of Black History Month, First Union holds an annual African Attire Day on the last Sunday in February. This year, there was a ‘surprise’ Best Dressed Contest for those members who dressed in traditional African Attire. Congratulations to all of our winners and we hope that you enjoy your prizes! LOL (Loved it, Pastor! )
~ COUPLES ~ 1st Place Winners (left): Deacon Bernard & Johnnie Nell Reese 1st Place Prize: Box of Instant Grits
2ndPlace Winners (top): Abe & Ava Drisdom 2nd Place Prize: Bag of Black-Eyed Peas 3rd Place Winners (left): Michael & Linda Davis 3rd Place Prize: 3 Packs of Kool-Aid
1st Place Winner (left): Yvonne Clarke 1st Place Prize: Can of Crisco 2nd Place Winner (lbelow): Abriana Drisdom 2nd Place Prize: Can of Green Beans
3rd Place Winner (right): Genesis 3rd Place Prize: Box of Jiffy Mix
HONORABLE MENTIONS (top row; left to right)
Pastor & Carla Garmon Ann Jenkins Twanda Woodall (bottom row; left to right)
Shaniya Hicks & Candis Hudgins Shalanda Johnson
HONORABLE MENTIONS (top row; left to right)
Anjetta Marshall & Sister Doris Scott Jessica Williams & Michelle Pope (left)
Margaret Butler, Yvonne Hudgins and Phyllis Hudgins
LET’S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS! DISCLAIMER: These listings are provided merely as information. By offering this information, First Union Missionary Baptist Church and/or its staff, in no way implies endorsement of any of the products and/or services offered.
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MAR/APR 2016 | Volume 10-Issue 2
Pastor’s Corner
First Union’s 94th Anniversary
continued from page -11-
continued from page -19-
task of discrediting the biblical accounts, have sheepishly shrugged at their inability to dispel the mountains of extra-biblical evidence of the undeniable truth of the resurrection. The victorious resurrection of Jesus can only real for our lives today if it is a real event of history. If we take away the resurrection, then Jesus of Nazareth was not even be a good human Leader. He would be merely a man that made a lot of unsubstantiated claims and performed a few of what would then be considered as magic tricks! It is the resurrection that makes the difference! Therefore, we can have complete assurance that we too, will one day be victoriously resurrected (Revelation 20:6; 1 Thessalonians 4:17) to live and reign with Him forever! I Remain In “HIS” Serivce…
Pastor B.E. Garmon, Sr.
amount of faith. Not just that Sunday morning ‘talk’ faith, but faith in action (James 2:14-26). In closing, I want to the Congregation to know that a lot of Churches have come and gone in 94 years; but yet First Union is still here with strong resolve! Although I have nothing but the highest respect for the men that came before me as Pastor, and led the Church thus far; I still must say that the livelihood of First Union has not been by the power or might of any man, but it has all been because of the divine will of God! Over the course of the past 94 years, First Union could have been shut down many times, but obviously God has the last word and He has saw fit to keep First Union alive and viable for reasons known only to Himself. It is therefore, our responsibility to cast all of our cares upon Him, and trust His leading. So far God has done a great job of keeping First Union for 94 Years and as the song writer once said: “… I don’t believe He brought us this far to leave us”!!! I Remain In “HIS” Service…
Pastor B.E. Garmon, Sr.
Member In The Spotlight continued from page -16-
Deacon Marshall can look around First Union and see members that are still active today that were active members when he joined. Some of those members are: Deacon Willie Tim, Sister Doris Scott, Sister Ernestine Larry, The Barnums and Sister Debra Smalls. He has seen many changes happening in the Church of today in comparison to the Church of yesterday and feels that the changes are good. He sees a significant jump in membership growth. He also can see in comparison how the members of yesterday did not have the resources that are available to the members today and sees this as nothing but good news for the Church. Throughout his work life, Deacon Marshall found employment to support his family. He once worked as a chef at an Italian Restaurant on the Boardwalk in Asbury Park, NJ for four years! Deacon Marshall ended his working life at Van Waters & Rogers and retired in 1999 after fifteen years. In his spare time, Deacon Marshall loves to watch TV; especially sports. His team wasn’t in Super Bowl 50, so he was pulling for the Carolina Panthers, and we all know how that turned out! Who is his favorite team you ask? Why, the BUCS, of course! Go, Bucs! We proudly present Deacon Tom David Marshall as our ‘Member In The Spotlight’, and we pray God’s continued blessings upon his life.
‘All In The Family’ - News From Around ‘The U’
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Mother’s Day ~ Sunday ~ May 8, 2016 M OT H E R ’ S D I N N E R Friday May 6, 2016 @ 7:00p Hosted by the Men of First Union Page -34-
MAR/APR 2016 | Volume 10-Issue 2
‘All In The Family’ - News From Around ‘The U’
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ANNUAL FATHER’S DINNER ~ Friday ~ June 17, 2016 7:00p Calvin Marshall and his DAD, Deacon Tom Marshall Deacon Wendell Pope, Jr. and his DAD, Rev. Wendell Pope, Sr.
FAT H E R ’ S DAY ~ Sunday ~ June 19, 2016