Senior Saints: First Union Missionary Baptist Church’s
‘Spiritual Pioneers’
First Union Turns Another Year Older!
Congratulations to the Class of 2016
Deacon Bernard Reese
Deacon Anthony Brown
Debra Smalls
Sarah Barnum
Margaret Butler Deacon Robert Barnum
Doris Scott
The First Union Missionary Baptist Church
(not pictured) Zemetrious Griffin & Deacon Mich
Kim Williams
“If it had not been for the Lord on our side, where would we be?”
Rev. Wendell Pope, Sr. Brenda Reese-Brown
h Anniversary Committee
hael Hudgins
The Anniversary Committee thanks you, you and especially you for your participation and support during the Church’s 94th Anniversary. To every Ministry…….. THANK YOU………for your unfailing love and dedication when we needed you.
Because of “ALL OF YOU” we celebrate with VICTORY another Anniversary and together we are committed to “CATCHING THE VISION”.
Table of Contents May/June 2016
MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Pastor’s Corner ........................ pg 08 Order Of Service ..................... pg 09 Responsive Reading.................. pg 10 Praise Song .............................. pg 10 Sermon Notes .......................... pg 11 Announcements ....................... pg 12 CHURCH ANNIVERSARY Congrats From Reese Family .... pg 14 Gone, But Not Forgotten ......... pg 16 Congrats From Mission ............ pg 18 Congrats From Male Chorus .... pg 19 Congrats From No. 1 Choir ..... pg 20 Spiritual Pioneers .................... pg 21 HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY To Yvonne Hudgins ................... pg 27 ARTICLES A License to SIN....................... pg 32 The Rapture Zone ..................... pg 40 MEMBERSHIP NEWS ‘The Winds Of Time - In Memory of Jacquelyn Morgan......... pg 34 Birthday Greetings.................... pg 35 New Members .......................... pg 35 Class Of 2016 ......................... pg 36 40 Days In The Word ............... pg 45 Memories ................................. pg 45
MINISTRY NEWS Anointed Sisters of Praise..... pg 38 Greeters ............................... pg 38 Special Chorus ..................... pg 38 No. 1 Choir.......................... pg 38 New Member Orientation, Education & After Care ... pg 38
PICTURE TIME Selfie Sunday ........................... pg 41 Resurrection Sunday ................. pg 42
Just Sayin’... Jessica Williams, Assistant Editor ‘All In The Family’
A mother and a father are…… someone who has a child
someone who loves you unconditionally; through good or bad, right or wrong someone who supports you in all you do The Bible tells us point blank in Ephesians, chapter 6 verse 1 that children should obey their parents in the Lord for this is right! As you all know in the month of May, we celebrate Mother’s Day and in the month of June, Father’s Day. Al-though we should be appreciative for our mothers and fathers, or any mother or father figure, each and every day, society came up with special days to recognize these special people.
someone who leads and guides you in the right direction someone who wants to see you succeed someone who believes in you when you do not believe in yourself
Some people cannot celebrate these holidays like they would want to because their parent(s) have gone on to glory, they do not know their parent(s), or their parent(s) are just not in their life. I am blessed to say that I still have both of my parents here with me on this journey, and I also have other mother and father figures in my life that have helped mold me and shape me into the young woman that I am today and for all that, I will be forever grateful to God, for putting them in my life and to them, for loving me, supporting me, and for always being there when I needed them. No man knows the day nor the hour when God will call them home, so please cherish everyone you know but especially all the important people in your life, like your parents, because it might be the last time. So with that being said, Happy Mother’s Day and Father’s Day to all mothers and fathers. A special Mother’s Day shout out goes to my mother, Connie Williams, my grandmothers, Yvonne Hudgins and Inez Williams, my aunts, Cynthia Hudgins and Dorothy Hudgins, and my cousins, Candis Hudgins, Brittany Lee, and Brinne (Shay) Hudgins. A special Father’s Day shout out goes to my father, Frankie Williams, my brother, Frank Williams, my uncles, Deacon Michael Hudgins, Sr. and Richard D. Hudgins, my cousins, Olando Ricks and Tramel Lee, and to my grand-fathers, Richard A. Hudgins and Leon F. Williams, who have left mortal and put on immortality. You may be gone but you are never forgotten. Be Blessed!
First Union Missionary Baptist Church 3707 E. Chelsea Street | Tampa, FL 33610 | 813-238-1205 (tel) | 813-237-8833 (fax) (website)
P. O. Box 1223 | Brandon, FL 33509 813-833-7160 (tel) | 813-684-0819 (fax) (email) (website) Editor/Publisher CONNIE WILLIAMS Assistant Editor JESSICA WILLIAMS Staff Writers CONNIE WILLIAMS JESSICA WILLIAMS Current Issue Contributor(s) REV. B.E. GARMON, SR. DEACON BERNARD REESE DEANDRA RILEY KIM WILLIAMS CAROLYN YOUNG Photographer CONNIE WILLIAMS (except where noted) Distribution all-in-the-family.html
Minister-New Member Orientation, Education, & After Care REV. WENDELL POPE, SR.
The ‘All In The Family’ newsletter is a BI-MONTHLY publication (distribution timeline subject to change by the editor as needed). Please send your submissions for future publications, feedback, comments and/or suggestions to All submissions for the newsletter must be received by the second Sunday in February, April, June, August, October and December. All questions should be directed to the Editor or Assistant Editor via the contact information printed. Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved. Not to be reprinted in any form without prior written permission.
ASSOCIATE MINISTERS Assistant-New Member Orientation, Education, & After Care MINISTER WILLIAM CLEMONS Minister of Music ELDER MELVIN DAVIS
Youth Department & Sunday School Minister Adviser MINISTER JAMES THOMPKINS Minister of Spiritual Growth MINISTER JEFFREY YOUNG
GENERAL CHURCH Pastor’s Assistant ZEMETRIOUS GRIFFIN Assistant Church Clerk DEANDRA RILEY Bulletin Clerk & Webmaster CONNIE WILLIAMS
For More Information or to Sign Up, Pease see: Kim Williams, Youth Department Director or Tolana Mathis, Assistant Director
Morning Worship Service PASTOR’S CORNER
Greatness! Have you ever been a part of something ‘great’? Or maybe it was a big event that had significant meaning. Some would refer to it as a once in a lifetime event! What a great feeling to be able to mentally reflect back on such events time and time again and recount just how wonderful an experience it was. What also makes such situations even more memorable is when your name is associated with the great event! As we celebrate First Union’s 94th Anniversary, I want to make sure the every ‘active’ member of First Union knows that “YOU” are currently a part of GREATNESS in the making! Yes, that is correct! There are great things taking place at First Union, things that will have an impact on this community and people’s lives for many years to come, and YOUR name will forever be associated with this greatness! Today as we review 94 years of Church history, there are many names listed that have had a significant impact in making First Union the Church that it is today. Just reading some of the names brings to mind many of the great things that these people did as they labored faithfully in the service of the Lord. The work that they did at First Union has left an impression and impact that can never be erased! By the same token, in the years to come, our children and grandchildren will be able to look back at the history of First Union and see the names of so many that are currently laboring in various ministries. And how great is it to know that as they review the anodes of time, your name will be listed in the register! First Union is a “Missionary” Baptist Church, which means that we believe in ‘reaching out’ to lost souls as commanded by our Lord and Saviour in the Great Commission (Mark 16:15). We are not a “Stationary” Church which is why we do the things that we do, in a constant effort to reach lost souls for Christ. Every song that we sing, every event that we hold, every class that we teach, every sermon that we preach; is all in an effort to reach souls for Christ. This is also the reason that as Pastor, I am constantly encouraging every member to get involved with the work that is going on at First Union. Get in involved at any level to do your part in fulling the command that God gave to us all. We may not be able to save the entire City of Tampa; we may not even be able to fill every seat in the sanctuary, but if we can just make a difference in ‘one’ person’s life… if we can just lead one lost soul to Christ… then our work at First Union will not be in vain (Luke 15:7; I Corinthians 15:58). I for one, am excited and thankful to God for the opportunity to be a part of First Union during this tremendous season; a season in which God has placed His hand upon this Church and is moving in a mighty way. But believe it or not, God will not go any further then what we will ‘allow’ Him to go! He has given your Pastor a “Great Vision” for the future of First Union; but it will only come to fruition if the Congregation at large will get in line with the vision and trust GOD to do all that He said that He would do! 94 Years is no small potatoes! It is a tremendous accomplishment, and we have God to thank for keeping us all the way! God chose you and I to be at First Union during this time to be a part of the Greatness in the making that is taking place at First Union. We are all in the process of leaving a legacy at First Union that will have an impact on this Church, this Community, and even this City, from now until Jesus returns! If you are playing an active role in your Church, then you have the right to feel great during this time, for you are part of the reason that First Union has been here for 94 years. If you are not active in your Church, then I encourage you to roll up your sleeves and get busy, for there is plenty for everyone to do! (Matthew 9:37) Start now in making an impact at First Union for the ‘next’ 94 years! I Remain In “HIS” Service.
B.E.Garmon, Sr., M.Div., - Pastor
94th Anniversary - 04.24.16
Morning Worship Service ORDER OF SERVICE
9:55am .................................................................................................................................. Praise & Worship Melodies of Praise ..................................................................................................................Special Chorus Devotion ......................................................................................................................... First Union Deacons Call To Worship ............................................... Psalm 99:9................................................................... Pulpit “Exalt the Lord our God, and worship at His holy hill; For the Lord our God is holy” Call To Praise ................................................... Psalm 150:6 ................................................................. Pulpit “Let Everything that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD” Responsive Reading ...................................James 2:14-18 ............................................................... Pulpit (next page) Praise Song ...................................................... ‘Praise God’ ................................................................. Pulpit (next page) Welcome .....................................................................................................................................Hazel Conyers Occasion .......................................................................................................................................... Sharon Ball History ................................................................................................................................ Josephine Bridges Selections (2) ............................................................................................................................Special Chorus Liturgical Dance................................................................................................. Reflections Of God's Love Scripture Reading .................................................................................................................................... Pulpit Altar Prayer ................................................................................................................................................ Pulpit Liturgical Dance................................................................................................ Anointed Sisters Of Praise Sermonic Solo ............................................................................................................................. Rhonda Gray Sermon ........................................................................................................................... Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr. Invitation to Discipleship ...................................................................................................................... Pulpit Worship In Giving .................................................................................................................... Trustee Board Delores Allen | Bernard Boone | Alyssia Echols Elaine Hayes | Dameyan Jackson | Barbara Jones Closing Remarks .................................................................................................. Deacon Anthony Brown Benediction ............................................................................................ “Its Been Good To Be Together”
Dinner Will Be Served In The C.J. Long Fellowship Hall
94th Anniversary - 04.24.16
Morning Worship Service RESPONSIVE READING James 2:14-18 (KJV) LEADER:
What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?
CONGREGATION: If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, LEADER:
And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?
CONGREGATION: Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. ALL:
Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.
PRAISE SONG Praise God from Whom, All bless-ings flow. Praise Him all crea-tures here be-low. Praise Him above, yea Hea-ven-ly host! Praise Fa-ther, Son, and Holy Ghost! A-men… A-men… A - “A” - men!!!
94th Anniversary - 04.24.16
Morning Worship Service SERMON NOTES Date: Preacher:
April 24, 2016 Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr.
Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
Points to Remember: 1.______________________________________________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________________________________________ 3.______________________________________________________________________________
What this sermon means to ME: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
94th Anniversary - 04.24.16
Morning Worship Service ANNOUNCEMENETS BUS SERVICE - RIDE LINE For transportation to and from Sunday School or Morning Worship, please call the Ride Line @ 813-237-0204 CONDOLENCES Sympathies are extended to the following First Union members in the loss of their loved ones: Sister Frances Miller, in the passing of her daughter, Ms. Queen Clayton. The Funeral Service was held on yesterday, April 16, 2016, in St. Petersburg, FL; Deacon Robert & Sarah Barnum and Family in the passing of their first cousin, Mrs. Mary Kimbrough. The Funeral was held Saturday, April 2, 2016, in Jacksonville, FL; The family of Sister Jackie Morgan, a faithful First Union member and Usher, who passed away on Friday, March 25, 2016. Sister Morgan’s Homegoing Service was held on Saturday, April 2, 2016, at First Union Missionary Baptist Church; Please remember to keep our members lifted in prayer during their time of bereavement. NEW MEMBERS First Union would like to welcome Latricia Bent, who came before the congregation on Sunday, April 10, 2016, as a Candidate for Baptism! Latricia will be baptized and receive the Right Hand of Fellowship at our 6:00p Lord’s Supper Service on Sunday, May 1, 2016. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome! PRAYER LIST
Please pray for the following members, family, and friends:
Melissa Jones, confined to the ICU at Florida Memorial Hospi tal after surgery; All Bereaved First Union Members; Jontae Johnson, son and grandson Nikki Williams and Pat Scott, who is recuperating after a car accident; Elaine Hayes, upcoming surgery; Melissa Jones, confined to Tampa General Hospital for surgery this week; Brenton Brisco, co-woker of D. Smalls, in the passing of his mother, Mrs. Subrenia Stewart; Cheroida Harris (cousin of Michelle Pope); Michael & Carol Jenkins; Otis Britt; Kotera Barnes; Drisdom Family; Rosebud Stevenson; Jenethel Dukes (mother of Jennifer Dukes); Mother-in-Law of Sharon Smalls Tolbert (sister of Debra Smalls); Queen Clayton, Frances Miller’s daughter, in care of Hospice; Betty Bell (mother of former member, Jackie Dennis); Ernestine Marshall (sister of Deacon Marshall), confined to Accentia Health & Rehabilitation Center, 1818 E. Fletcher Avenue, Room #8; Grady Smalls, Jr.; Martie Marshall (mother of Curtis Marshall’), confined to Brandon Reg; Maggie Harris, confined to Manor Rehab Center of Fletcher Ave.; Bobbie Sparks (mother of Monika Sherman), confined to St. Joe’s; Helen Scott (Pat Scott’s mother-in-law), in Tuskegee, AL; Inez Brooks (Carla Gamon’s mother), recuperating in MI after surgery;
94th Anniversary - 04.24.16
Morning Worship Service ANNOUNCEMENTS
Lucinda Hayes (mother of Elaine Hayes); Kim Bryant (niece of the Smalls Family); Judge Scott (husband of Sister Pat Scott);
SICK & SHUT-IN Please pray for and visit our sick and shut-in. Currently, members on our sick list are: Sister Annie Adams Brother Otis Britt Melissa Jones Sister Rosebud Stevenson
Sister Rose Adkins Sister Maggie Harris Sister Bobbie Sparks
SHADEZ OF HUE TEA What: 6th Annual Shadez of Hue Tea When: Saturday, May 21, 2016 9:00a-1:00p Where: Hunter's Green Golf & Country Club 18101 Longwater Run Dr., Tampa, Fl. 33647 Cost: $35.00 Attire: Cultural Attire Please see April D. Jones for tickets or more information.
94th Anniversary - 04.24.16
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Matthew 16: 18.
God Bless First Union Missionary Baptist Church On Our 94th Anniversary! There's work to do, deadlines to meet , you've got no time to spare, but as you hurry and scurry, Always say a prayer . In the midst of family chaos " quality time " is rare . Do your best; let GOD do the rest : always say a prayer . GOD knows how stressful life is ; He wants to ease our cares, and he'll respond ASAP- Always say a prayer .
Deacon Bernard Reese Sister Johnnie Reese Sister Brenda Reese-Brown
Where there is no vision, the people perish Proverbs 29:18
First Union has said ‘so long… see you soon’ to many members over the years. Last year we said farewell to three of our fallen soldiers who fought the good fight on the battlefield for Christ. This year, we said ‘farewell’ to one….Sister Jackie Morgan. Rest on and know that your labor was not in vain. Sister Dorothy Anderson
Sister Evelyn Burns
Sister Better Smith-Francois
Sister Netta Anderson
Sis. Betty Jean Callaway
Sister Priscilla Garrett
Bro. Moses Anglin
Deacon David Callaway
Brother James Glover
Mother Thelma Ashe
Brother Raiford Callaway
Brother Benjamin Gordon
Sister Allean Austin
Sister Maxine Chisholm
Mrs. Gordon
Brother James Austin
Sister Ruth ‘Jackie’ Christopher
Brother Leroy Gowins
Brother Juan Baldwin
Sister Annie Baldwin-Clark
Sister Essie Grayson
Sister Lula Baldwin
Brother Willis Clary
Deacon James Griffin
Mother Carrie Ballard
Sister Bennie Pearl Collins
Sister Jannie Griffin
Sister Evelyn Ballard
Brother Robert Cook
Brother Joe A. Griffin
Brother William Ballard
Rev. Justice Craft
Mother Lula Pearl Hall
Deacon James Barnum
Mother Pauline Craft
Deacon Willie Hall
Sister Betty Bivens
Brother A.W. Daniels
Sister Brenda Buie-Hamilton
Sister Annie Bogan
Sister Shirley Daniels
Brother Stephen Harmon
Deacon Wayne Brookins
Sister Mary Davis
Brother Johnnie Harris
Brother Abraham Brown
Brother Hershel Douglas
Sister Geraldine M. Hawkins
Sister Annie Mack Brown
Sister Elizabeth Dugger
Sister Willie Mae Holt
Sister Neaver Boone-Brown
Josil Ebanks
Brother Ken Jackson
Brother Zachery Butler
SSister Erma Echols
Sister Mary Jefferson
Sister Vernell M. Butler
Mother Annie Emziah
Mother Ollie Jenkins
‘Catch The Vision’ | GONE, BUT NOT FORGOTTEN |
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Sister Annie M. Johnson
Sister Lillie Richardson
Sister Amie Tim
Little Miss Aniyah Johnson
Deacon Robert R. Scott, Sr.
Sister Golla Tim
Sister Beatrice Jolly
Deacon Grady Smalls
Brother Joe Tim
Brother Curtis Jolly
Deaconess Mattie Smalls
Sister Lula Bell Trimble
Brother Thomas Jolly
Deacon David R. Smith
Sister Doris Varner
Mother Missouri Keaton
Brother Henry Sparks
Mother Mattie Warren
Master Demarion Wayne Laster
Rev. O.S. Stephenson
Rev. J.W. Watkins
Sister Mattie Lee
Sister Mable Stephenson
Miss Cyenna R. Watts
Elder C.J. Long
Sister Willie Mae Stroman
Rev. A.W. White
Mother Maude Long
Sister Angalia Tabor
Deacon Crawford Williams
Sister Ophelia Long
Minister T.J. Thompkins
Sister Doris Williams
Brother Anthony Marshall
Sister Mae Francis Thompkins
Sis. Priscilla Williams
Deaconess Cora Marshall
Rev. Joseph Thompson
Mother Martha McKenzie Mother Mattie McQueen
Mother Addie Bell-Miller Rev. Samuel Preston Miller Sister Stephanie “Tina” Monroe Sis. Jacquelyn Morgan Mother Ambra Mosley Mother Blanche Mosley Brother Clem Mosley Deacon Eddie Mosley Brother John Mosley Brother Paul Mosley, Jr. Deacon Paul Mosley, Sr. Mother Emma Oliver Deacon Joe Raines Brother Willie Render
‘Catch The Vision’ | GONE, BUT NOT FORGOTTEN |
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Congratulations from the Mission Ministry. We thank God for blessing First Union with 94 years. In Ezekiel 34:26, God said “I will make a covenant of peach with then, and the places all around my hill a blessing, and I will cuase showers to come down in their season, there shall be showers of blessing�. Certainly God is blessing First Union!
“O praise the LORD, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people. 2 For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the LORD endureth for ever. Praise ye the LORD.� Psalm 117:1-2
When things go wrong , as they sometimes will, when the road you're trudging seems all uphill, when the funds are low, and the debts are high, and you want to smile, but you have a sigh, when care is pressing you down a bit, rest if you must , but don't you quit. Success is failure turned inside out, the silver tint of the clouds of doubt, and you never can tell how close you are, it may be near when it seems far, so stick to the fight when you're hardest hit, it's when things seem worst that you must not quit. Deacon Bernard Reese, President Deacon Tom Marshall, Vice-President Brother Curtis Marshall, Secretary Brother Calvin Marshall, Assistant Secretary Brother Michael Davis, Treasurer
Congratulations, First Union, On Our 94th Anniversary!
We have come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord! The No. 1 Choir
Where there is no vision, the people perish Proverbs 29:18
During this, our 94th Church Anniversary, we salute our
Spiritual Pioneers of First Union Missionary Baptist Church, Our...
Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end. Proverbs 19:20
‘Catch The Vision’ | SENIOR SAINTS |
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Annie Adams
Arthur Bailey, Jr.
Deacon Robert Barnum
Josephine Bridges
Margaret Butler
Beulah Chambers
Patsy Crawley
Michael Davis
Ada Garmon
‘Catch The Vision’ | SENIOR SAINTS |
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Deacon Joseph Echols
Josephine Everett
Egertha Green
Hazel Griffin
Clarissa Gunning
Cynthia Hall
Hattie Hooks
Ruth Howard
Yvonne Hudgins
‘Catch The Vision’ | SENIOR SAINTS |
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Barbara Jackson
Ann Jenkins
Annie Johnson
Barbara Jones
Ernestine Larry
Frances Miller
Gloria Newton
Sandra Owens
Elder Earl Mosley
‘Catch The Vision’ | SENIOR SAINTS |
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Marjorie Parham
Alice Pope
Rev. Wendell Pope, Sr.
Allie Preston
Deacon Bernard Reese
Johnnie N. Reese
Brenda Reese-Brown
Varresse Rubin
Doris Scott
‘Catch The Vision’ | SENIOR SAINTS |
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Deacon Robert Scott, Jr.
Debra Smalls
Rosebud Stephenson
Bernice Tim
Deacon Willie Tim
Linda Walker Submitted Photos Josephine Bridges Hazel Griffin Barbara Jones Gloria Newton Johnnie N. Reese Deacon Robert Scott, Jr. Rosebud Stephenson James Woodall
James Woodall
Carolyn Young
‘Catch The Vision’ | SENIOR SAINTS |
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ANNUAL FATHER’S DINNER ~ Friday ~ June 17, 2016 7:00p Calvin Marshall and his DAD, Deacon Tom Marshall Deacon Wendell Pope, Jr. and his DAD, Rev. Wendell Pope, Sr.
FAT H E R ’ S DAY ~ Sunday ~ June 19, 2016
Mother’s Day ~ Sunday ~ May 8, 2016 M OT H E R ’ S D I N N E R Friday May 6, 2016 @ 7:00p Hosted by the Men of First Union
Happy Mother’s Day
Happy Mother’s Day to the very first love of my life, my mother, Sister Yvonne Hudgins. Words cannot express just what you mean to me. Through good times and bad I know , just like with Jesus, I have a friend in you. Your love is unconditional and I hope you know that mine is, too! I love you, Ma! Connie Williams, Editor - ’All In The Family’
A License To
Outdated, Archaic, Ancient, Not Current, Irrelevant – these are just some of the terms that people use to describe other people (like me) that are crazy enough to believe that God’s Word means exactly what it says, and He never changes (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8) and His Word is always relevant! (Matthew 24:35) However, this has not stopped mankind from doing His best to change, reduce, and eradicate God’s Word from every aspect of our society. Sadly, there are many learned men of the Clergy that are just as guilty of ‘ignorantly’ enabling this eradication of God’s Word! They hold what are considered to be prominent positions in the Christian society, so people listen to them and respond according to their Words; the problem is, “their” words are diametrically opposed to God’s Word! They agree with the secular humanist that say things like: “this is a different time”, or “that was back in Bible days”, or even, “Yeah the Bible does say that, but we just can’t do that anymore”…!!! All of which, to an ultra-conservative, Bible literalist (like me) is absolutely and 100% appalling! The result of such a mindset has caused man to gradually and continually turn the face of this world ‘away’ from the truths and the commands of God’s Word (Isaiah 53:3). It has even gotten to the point that actions that God blatantly, and specifically called “SIN”; man has now deemed that such actions are acceptable in our society! Actions that would have gotten the Israelites stoned to death, and now part of the legalized system of sinning in America! In fact, in America, mankind has granted mankind, “A License To Sin”. However, I would like to caution you before accepting such a license! FIRST – it is important to note that God is smart! …and He knew that these days would be coming, therefore He instructed the Apostle Paul to warn us of such in an effort to keep us from going down that path. In Romans 1:25 Paul warns that those would come who would change the truths of God’s Word into a lie; in other words, things that God says are ‘wrong’, MAN has said that it’s all right. Man’s illegitimate distortion of God’s Word does not change the fact or the truth of God’s Word, nor does it change the consequences associated with breaking God’s Word. If God called it sin, regardless of the laws that man passes, in the eyesight of God, it is STILL sin and man will have to answer for it in the Day of Judgment! (Revelation20:12-15).
God’s Word is clearly laid out in the Bible. God has commissioned men to preach and teach His Word throughout the entire world. It is then up to each individual to accept God’s Word for what it is, or reject it. And Heaven forbid that one would try to “change” any part of God’s Word (Revelation 22:18). For those that choose to reject God’s Word and accept man’s license to sin, God has clearly and plainly stated in His Word that He won’t try to stop you! Nope! He will let you go ahead and do whatever it is that YOU feel is right (Romans 1:28). In fact, He will allow you to believe your own lies, just so you will be able to experience the full strength of His wrath in the day of atonement! (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12) Before accepting the License to sin that is being freely issued by mankind, I would urge and encourage every person to examine God’s Word as it compares to the license, and then make an Eternal decision as to what your fate will be for accepting such a license. The fact of the matter is, God does not change! (Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8) And what He said in His Word 2, 3, 4 thousand years ago (and more), He still means today! That old, dusty, archaic, and outdated Bible “IS” the standard by which God will use to judge all mankind in that final day when the secrets of all hearts shall be revealed (Revelation 20:12). For those that are haply receiving such a License to Sin these days, and enjoying life completely contrary to God’s Word, I would have you know that on that dreadful and terrible day, anyone who has a received license to sin will have it permanently revoked for all of Eternity! (Revelation 14:11; Revelation 20:15) I Remain In “HIS” Service…
Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr., M.Div. – Pastor
The second critical fact that every person should know before accepting a License To Sin is the fact that God will not force you to obey His Word. The truth of May/June 2016 News From Around ‘The U’
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With the passage of time, all things are in a perpetual state of change. There is no normal, for what was yesterday is not today, and what is today will not be tomorrow. Just like the moving of wind, time is constantly moving and waits for no man. We only move through this earth for a specified period time, and when our journey is completed, time itself will claim our very existence. Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr. M.Div-Pastor First Union Missionary Baptist Church
Jacquelyn “Jackie” Ann Morgan Sunrise: June 4, 1942 Sunset: March 25, 2016 Jacquelyn Ann Morgan was born in Horence, South Carolina on June 4, 1942, to the late Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Sr. & Opelia Hunter. Jackie was a very loving and caring person who truly loved her family and always had a smile on her face. Sister Jackie was a dedicated member of First Union Missionary Baptist Church and served diligently on the Usher Board. She loved her Church, her Pastor and her Church Family. If she could not get a ride, She would walk to make sure that she made it to the House of Lord for Sunday School and Morning Worship Service. She was preceded in death by her mother, Ophelia Hunter; father, Eddie Hunter, Sr.; husband, Willie C. Morgan; and sister, Sandra Hunter. Sister Jackie leaves to cherish her loving memory her caregiver, Yvonne Sanders and family, a daughter and son-in-law, three sisters and a brother-in-law; two brothers and a sister-in-law, two granddaughters and their spouses, a grandson and his spouse, six great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews, and a host of other family and friends, including her First Union family. Sister Jackie’s Homegoing Celebration was held on Saturday, April 2, 2016, at First Union Missionary Baptist Church. Interment followed at Rest Haven Memorial Park Cemetery. Rest In Paradise, Sister Jackie. Your labor was not in vain.
BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Birthday Greetings are extended to our very own Pastor B.E. Garmon, Sr. & Deacon Michael A. Hudgins, Sr., who will both celebrate their special day on May 1st!
Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr.
NEW MEMBERS First Union would like to welcome all of the following new members who have recently come forward to be a part of the First Union Family:
Delores Allen came before the congregation on 3/20/16 as a ‘Candidate for Baptism’. Sister Allen was baptized and received the ‘Right Hand of Fellowship’ on Sunday, April 3, 2016, during the Baptism and Lord’s Supper Service.
(picture submitted)
‘Shout Out’ to First Union’s Church Clerk, Debra Smalls, who will celebrate her special day on May 27th!
Deacon Michael A. Hudgins, Sr.
Danny B. Hill came before the congregation on 3/20/16 as a ‘Candidate for Baptism’. Brother Hill was baptized and received the ‘Right Hand of Fellowship’ on Sunday, April 3, 2016, during the Baptism and Lord’s Supper Service.
James Joyner joined First Union Missionary Baptist Church and was baptized on April, 3. 2016. He also received the ‘Right Hand of Fellowship’ on that same day during the Baptism and Lord’s Supper Service.
(picture submitted)
Debra Smalls (picture submitted)
Birthday Blessings are also wished for the Assistant Editor of ‘All In The Family’, Jessica Williams, who will celebrate her 21st birthday on June 29th!
Latricia Bent came before the congregation on April 10, 16 as a ‘Candidate for Baptism’. Latricia will be baptized and will receive the ‘Right Hand of Fellowship’ on Sunday, May 1, 2016, during the 6:00p Baptism and Lord’s Supper Service. Jessica Williams (picture submitted)
May/June 2016 News From Around ‘The U’
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The Youth Department invites you to attend their annual
Youth Graduation & Recognition Banquet in honor of
Jacquez Bolden
Son of Jacqueline Reese
Shawn Calloway, Jr.
Member of YMD, Youth Ushers and the Drama Ministry. Son of Tolana Mathis & Shawn Calloway, Sr.
Rodney McCall
Son of Edna Everett and grandson of Frances Baldwin
and our
2016 Honor Roll Recipients on
Friday, June 24, 2016 @ 7:00p
On behalf of Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr., Pastor, the staff of ‘All In The Family’, and along with the Deacons, Ministers, Officers and Members of First Union Missionary Baptist Church, we extend CONGRATULATIONS to our Graduating Class of 2016! May you always put God first and seek His wisdom and guidance in all of your future endeavors. For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11
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‘All In The Family’ Volume 10-Issue 3
Mr. Shawn Calloway, Jr. along with his parents
Tolana Mathis & Shawn Calloway, Sr. invite you to join them at the
Graduation Ceremony of Spoto High School c/o 2016 on Friday, June 10, 2016 at the Florida State Fairgrounds.
Mr. Rodney McCall along with his parent
Edna Everett
invite you to join them at the
Graduation Ceremony of
Hillsborough High School c/o 2016
Mr. Jacquez Reese-Bolden along with his parent Jacqueline Reese invite you to join them at the
Graduation Ceremony of A. P. Leto High School c/o 2016 on Friday, June 9, 2016 at the Florida State Fairgrounds. May/June 2016 News From Around ‘The U’
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Anointed Sisters of Praise (top left) Greeters (top right) Special Chorus (below) No. 1 Choir (bottom)
Congratulations to the Anointed Sisters of Praise , under the leadership of Janae Thompkins, on their 2nd Anniversary which began with a Pre-Anniversary Celebration on Friday, March 11, 2016, and culminated on Sunday, March 13, 2016, during the 10:00a Morning Worship Service. The Special Chorus, under the leadership of Deacon Mark Sherman, would like to welcome Cynthia Hall and Latricia Bent to the ministry. Sister Hall has recently become a member of First Union and is currently attending our New Members Orientation, Education and After Care classes. Please take a moment (if you have not already done so) to introduce yourself to Sister Hall and welcome her to the ‘First Family’. Congratulations to No. 1 Choir, under the leadership of Deacon Tom Marshall, on celebrating their 85th Anniversary on Sunday, March 20, 2016. The celebration began on Friday, March 19, 2016 with a Pre-Anniversary Program.
Cynthia Hall
Congratulations to the Greeters Ministry, under the leadership of Margaret Butler, on celebrating their 4th Anniversary with a Pre-Anniversary Program on Friday, April 15, and which culminated during the Morning Worship Service on Sunday, April 17, 1016. Congratulations are extended to the graduates of the New Member Orientation, Education & After Care Ministry Class No. 12, which included Christopher Smalls, Octavia Smalls and Christian Smalls! New Member Orientation is under the leadership of Rev. Wendell Pope, Sr. and classes are held every 2nd and 4th Sunday immediately following the Morning Worship Service.
Latricia Bent
New Member Orientation, Education & After Care
May/June 2016 News From Around ‘The U’
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The Rapture Zone!!! Part II by Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr., M.Div.
the great day of His wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? (Revelation 6:17)
One of the most debated points of the Rapture is — Who will be raptured? The factual answer is quite simple! Only those who have trusted and accepted the Lord Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour. These and these only will be a part of the rapture. As harsh as it may seem, everyone else is doomed to hell. Jesus makes it clear that He “IS” coming back! (John 14:3) He also told us who He is coming back for (John 3:16-18; Ephesians 5:27). A person that has not accepted Jesus The Christ as their personal Saviour has no hope of being raptured! (John 3:18; John 14:6). It’s just that simple! To some that may seem overly dogmatic or harsh; but when yo8u consider the fact that God’s boundless grace is giving mankind numerous opportunities to be saved, along with the fact that God Himself does not want anyone to be lost (2 Peter 3:9); then we can see how that it is not harsh at all. It is a decision that every human being has to make for themselves. God has gone out of His way to make the way of salvation possible, it is not up to each individual to accept it or reject it. From centuries of preaching, to all of the Churches, Ministries, and Missionaries today; to the coming 144 thousand (Revelation 14:1-5), the two witnesses (Revelation 11:3); to finally the three angels flying through the air with The Everlasting Gospel (Revelation 14:6-11). God is making
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sure that in the Day of Judgment, there will be NO EXCUSE that anyone will be able to give for not accepting Jesus as the way of Salvation! (Romans 1:20) The rapture can happen at any time as there are no prophecies that must be fulfilled before the rapture. As soon as God brings in the last person by salvation into the Church the rapture will occur. After the rapture a person still may be saved in the 70th week or the 7-Year Tribulation period. In fact, God will use 144,000 Jews from the nation of Israel to win an 'innumerable' number of souls during that time. All we know is that the rapture will happen before that 70th week. In light of that how much closer are we getting to the rapture when the events of that 70th week of Daniels prophecy are right now being setup in the world! 2 Thessalonians 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and [by] our gathering together unto him, The above verse shows two things: FIRST — 'the coming of our Lord Jesus The Christ'. This will occur at the battle of Armageddon when the Lord Jesus will come back to earth to setup His 1000 year Kingdom. SECOND — 'and [by] our gathering together unto him' This is referencing the rapture when all blood bought, Spirit reborn Christians are raptured to heaven. This will occur before the antichrist comes to power and the 70th
week of Daniels prophecy begins. The Rapture is the blessed hope for the Christian! It is good news as we live in these perilous days before the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Men's hearts will be failing as they see what is happening in the earth, but the Christian has hope! (1 Thessalonians 5:8) With every passing day, the advent of the rapture is another day closer. Imagine a whole generation of Christians who will not die but rather will be taken instantly from the earth and transformed in the middle of the air! Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. 1 Corinthians 15:51-53 Maranatha!
‘All In The Family’ Volume 10-Issue 3
Brianna Hudgins Sinai Pierre-Louis Shaniya Hicks Shalanda Johnson
Tamiah Singletary Shaniah Harris Shawn Calloway
Deandre’ Riley
Helanie Gray
#SelfieSunday w/the Assistant Editor
Brianna Hudgins
Marshae Capers
Shaniya Hicks
Myriah King
May/June 2016 News From Around ‘The U’
Alina Fields
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MARCH 27, 2016
MARCH 27, 2016
MARCH 27, 2016
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MEMORIES from Kim Williams
Congratulations are extended to the following members who completed this year’s 40 Days In The Word. The Bible Study questions were handed out on Ash Wednesday and were due on Resurrection Sunday. Although many started, only a few crossed the finish line. They are (pictured left to right) Debra Smalls, Deacon Michael Hudgins,
(the late) Betty Jean Calloway
Betty Jean, you have your wings now. You are truly missed. Happy Birthday. Love You, The Family Phyllis Young, Doris Delain, Barbara Jackson, Sandra Owens, Hattie Hooks, Bernice Tim, Carla Garmon, Brenda Reese-Brown (not pictured) Deacon Robert Barnum, Sarah Barnum, Michael Davis, Alysia Echols, Cynthia Garmon and Phyllis Young.
SHE DID IT AGAIN! Congratulations, AGAIN, to our very own scholar, Miss Shaniah Harris, who made the Principal’s Honor Roll for the 3rd nine-week grading period of the 2015-2016 school year! Not only did Shaniah make the Principal’s Honor Roll, but she also had Perfect Attendance, was the Student of the Month and received a Citizenship Award. Wow! Shaniah is the daughter of Shalanda Johnson and granddaughter of Annie Johnson. She is a member of the Youth Choir and Youth Praise Dancers, ’Reflections of God’s Love. Keep up the great work, Shaniah! May/June 2016 News From Around ‘The U’
(the late) Stephanie ‘Tina’ Monroe & Angalia Whicker
Seven years ago God called you home to do His will. You are missed by all of the family.
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Submitted by Deandra Riley on behalf of the Special Chorus.
First Union Missionary Baptist Church Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr., M.Div - Pastor Deacon Anthony Brown, Chairman 3707 E. Chelsea Street Tampa, FL 33610 813.238.1205 (tel) 813.237-8833 (fax) (email) (website) Deacon Bernard Reese, Vice-Chairman Deacon Robert. L. Barnum, Jr. Deacon Joseph Echols Deacon Michael A. Hudgins, Sr. Deacon Tom D. Marshall Deacon Wendell Pope, Jr. Deacon Robert R. Scott, Jr. Deacon Mark Sherman, Sr. Deacon Willie Tim
Operation Education: “Catch The Vision”