All In The Family - Nov/Dec 2016

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News From Around ‘The U’


‘Farewell’ Issue

‘ALL IN THE FAMILY’ is a Publication of First Union Missionary Baptist Church.



Pastor’s Corner: Epilogue ........................................... pg 4 ‘Final Faith’ ............................................................... pg 6 In Memory Of ............................................................ pg 8 All In The ‘Taylor’ Family ........................................ pg 10 Membership News .................................................... pg 15 Ministry News .......................................................... pg 16 The Rapture Zone ..................................................... pg 18 #SelfieFootballJerseySunday .................................... pg 20 Our Youth...Our Future ........................................... pg 22 ‘Get Your Pink On’ Photos ....................................... pg 24 Wordsearch .............................................................. pg 27 Member Businesses................................................... pg 28 Upcoming Events ..................................................... pg 30


No, the newsletter staff is not leaving… we’re just hanging up our computers and putting the newsletter to rest. It’s been a ride indeed, one that has brought much joy to us and to many readers. For those of you who we have had the pleasure of ‘featuring’ in the newsletter and have shown us your love and appreciation, we thank you! WE LOVED EVERY MOMENT OF IT! The joy on your faces and your kind words will always be embedded in our minds and our hearts!

Sister Jacqueline Taylor and Familyl

This is not the end for us… oh, no! It’s just time to regroup, be still, and listen to what the Lord will have us to do next. We wish success to each and every ministry of this great Church. May God bless and keep us all, and we pray that He will never cease to ‘show up and show out’ in all of our lives, as we continue to carry the blood stained banner in His name! Your Sisters In Christ, Connie Williams, Editor Jessica Williams, Assistant Editor “ALL IN THE FAMILY’


First Union Missionary Baptist Church 3707 E. Chelsea Street | Tampa, FL 33610 | 813-238-1205 (tel) | 813-237-8833 (fax) (website)

News From Around ‘The U’

P. O. Box 1223 | Brandon, FL 33509 813-833-7160 (tel) | 813-684-0819 (fax) (email)

Editor/Publisher CONNIE WILLIAMS

Assistant Editor JESSICA WILLIAMS Staff Writers CONNIE WILLIAMS JESSICA WILLIAMS Current Issue Contributor(s) REV. B.E. GARMON, SR. Photographer CONNIE WILLIAMS (except where noted) Distribution all-in-the-family.html












Minister-New Member Orientation, Education & After Care REV. WENDELL POPE, SR.


Youth Department & Sunday School Minister Adviser MINISTER JAMES THOMPKINS ministerthompkins@

DEACON WENDELL POPE, JR. DEACON ROBERT SCOTT, JR. The ‘All In The Family’ newsletter is a BI-MONTHLY publication (distribution timeline subject to change by the editor as needed). Please send your submissions for future publications, feedback, comments and/or suggestions to All submissions for the newsletter must be received by the second Sunday in February, April, June, August, October and December. All questions should be directed to the Editor or Assistant Editor via the contact information printed. Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved. Not to be reprinted in any form without prior written permission.


ASSOCIATE MINISTERS Assistant-New Member Orientation, Education, & After Care MINISTER WILLIAM CLEMONS Minister of Music ELDER MELVIN DAVIS

GENERAL CHURCH Pastor’s Assistant ZEMETRIOUS GRIFFIN Church Clerk DEBRA SMALLS Assistant Church Clerk DEANDRA RILEY Bulletin Clerk & Webmaster CONNIE WILLIAMS

Pastor’s Corner by Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr., M.Div-Pastor

Everything on this earth has a beginning and an ending. It may take many, many years; but eventually, everything comes to an end. This is true of even the earth itself. The Bible makes it clear that this world will not always be; it too, will one day come to an end (2 Peter 3:10; Revelation 21:1). Can we better understand now why Jesus Himself asked the question, what would we profit if we were to gain the whole world (and lose our own soul) (Matthew 16:26; Mark 8:36). Once you have gained the world, once you have amassed all of the worldly possessions that your heart ever desired; you still have nothing that will make a difference for Eternity. All you have is temporary satisfaction that will soon turn to disappointment. Know then, that this world and everything in it will one-day pass away; as Christians, where should our focus be? The Bible has made it clear that one day we must all stand before God and answer for EVERYTHING that we have done in this body, whether it be good or bad; and every person must answer for him or herself (2 Corinthians 5:10). On that day, what will be truly important? (Revelation 20:12-15) God has told us in Scripture that the FIRST and Greatest Commandment is to love God with all of our hearts (Mark 12:30); this should be first and foremost in everyone’s life. Our love for God should be paramount be-

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‘All In The Family’ Volume 10-Issue 6

cause nothing else on this earth will sustain us, not only in this world, but also in the world to come. However, people are continually putting everything in this world before God, and God is being pushed further and further into the background of people’s life. But after you have amassed everything in this life that your heart desires; how will these temporal material possessions sustain your soul for Eternity? Jesus tells the story of a man who spent his life gathering worldly goods and built big barns to hold all his possessions. But as soon as the work was complete and he was ready to enjoy all the fruits of his labors, God called his soul that same night. Everything that he had laid up on this earth was now going to be enjoyed by someone else. And what about him? What is the state and condition of “his” soul now? He forsook God all his life and made no preparations for Eternity (Luke 12:1621).

Everything on this earth will one day come to an end; houses, cars, jobs, newsletters, all material possessions, and even our own lives. We all have an epilogue of life that will come one day (Hebrews 9:27), the question is, what steps are you taking ‘now’ to

prepare for that epilogue? The Bible says that we need to “redeem the time” (Ephesians 5:16), which simply means that we need to ‘make best use’ of the time that God has given us to prepare for our personal epilogue, because no one knows the day nor the hour that the Lord will require our soul to be called off this earth (Job 14:5). Therefore, the Lord Jesus has cautioned us repeatedly not to spend our time on this earth laying up worldly treasurers that will do our souls no good! But He admonished that our lives on this earth should be spent laying up Godly treasures that will last our souls for all of Eternity (Matthew 6:19-20). EPILOGUE - my final words of encouragement to all readers, remember the Words of God to put Him first in all that you think, say, or do; and do not allow the devil to take your focus off God or His Word. Nothing on this earth matters or has any significance when it comes to your soul salvation. This will become painfully obvious in the day of judgement when all souls are standing before the glory of God. But please do not wait until that day to learn this truth; because then, it will be too late!

‘Farewell Issue’ -Nov/Dec 2016 - News From Around The ‘U’

I Remain In “HIS” Service… Pastor B.E. Garmon, Sr., M.Div.

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“Final Faith” You can tell what a person believes in, by their actions. In the Greek of the New Testament, the word translated as “faith” is a verb, an action word, just like the word “love”. A person can say the word ‘love’ all day long, but it is a person’s actions that determine if they really love or not. The same is true with faith; to simply say the word faith is meaningless – James makes it clear to us that faith can only be demonstrated through ‘actions’! (James 2:18). One of the most sobering Scriptures in the Bible is Hebrews 11:6 which states that without faith we cannot please God. Imagine living a faithless life for 70, 80, 90 or even 100 years, only to find stand before God in that final and dreadful day and hear Him utter the words of Matthew 7:23 “…I never knew you…” What then? There is no tomorrow? There are no second changes? There is no reset button nor any ‘doovers’. From that point there is only eternal damnation. I don’t know about you, but the thought of such causes me to shake in my boots! All of the preaching, all of the teaching, all of the singing, all of the shouting, all of the studying, the endless hours, the late nights, the long days – only to be told to depart into everlasting punishment? Hell is too hot and Eternity is too long to take such a chance! 2 Peter 3:11 says that if we truly understand that this world and everything in it will be burned up in the end, what manner of people ought we to be? If people truly believed that this world is going to come to an end one day and everything in it will be destroyed by heavenly fire; don’t you think they would be living a life accordingly? As Christians, our lives need to reflect our position on the end of all things. It is easy to ‘say’ that this world is not our home; but when self-professed Christians are forsaking God for material possession, their actions are saying something completely different. By faith, if we truly believe that Jesus is coming back for His Church one day, then we, as Christians, must live lives that are demonstrative of that fact. God is watching, and He knows who is truly living for Him, and who is just going through the motions (Hebrews 4:12). The old preachers used to say, “There are two people that you cannot fool; yourself and God”. This is old fashioned simple wisdom, but nevertheless, it is true! Far too many people are attending Church Sunday after Sunday, but are not taking any serious steps to foster and maintain an genuine relationship with God. In the day of Judgment, the cover will be pulled off of every person. Psalm 139 has us know that we can hide absolutely nothing from God; on this day, He will make that very plain. Hebrews 12:2 lets us know that Jesus is the Author (Beginner) and the Finisher (End) of our faith. It is only faith in Christ that will see us through to the end. I have a saying; “The Lord Giveth, And The Devil Taketh Away”, because throughout the course of my more than 33 years of ministry, I’ve seen God bless Churches and people with so much. But later on down the road, people lose focus on “WHO” it was that blessed them, and they allow the devil to create situations and circumstances to cause them to quit. At that moment, they have given up what God has blessed them with, and the devil sticks another feather of victory in his cap! Let it not be so with your soul salvation; for it is only those that endure to the end that will be saved (Matthew 24:13). No one ever said that it was going to be easy; in fact, Jesus Himself tells us that it’s going to be hard, very hard! (Matthew 5:11-12; John 16:33) But He encourages us to endure hardness as a good soldier (2 Timothy 2:3), and in the end, He will give us our reward! Therefore, let us not be distracted by those whom the devil will put in our path to try and deter us. (Galatians 6:9) Keep fighting the good fight. Keep your faith all the way to the finish line, where the Lord, the Righteous Judge will be waiting with a crown of righteousness for all of those who endure to the end! (2 Timothy 4:7-8)

I Remain In “HIS” Service…

Pastor B.E. Garmon, Sr., M.Div. Page -6-

‘All In The Family’ Volume 10-Issue 6

In Memory Of

Allie Mae Preston One precious to our hearts is gone; The voice we loved is stilled. The place made vacant in our home; Can never more be filled.

Our Father in His wisdom called; The one His love had given. And so on earth the body lies; Her soul is safe in Heaven.

Allie Mae Preston

Sunrise: April 17, 1945 ď – Sunset: October 26, 2016

Derrick McDaniels

Jacqueline Taylor

Zemetrious Griffin

Antwan Jones, Jr.

Zamariah Jones

Kyndrea Taylor

Tamiah Singletary

Zunereai Singletary

Zariah McDaniel



In this, our final issue, we salute JACQUELINE TAYLOR and her family, which includes her daughters and grandchildren, as our SPOTLIGHT FAMILY. Sister Taylor was born and raised in Tampa on June 28. She and her two daughters, Zemetrious Griffin and Kyndrea Taylor, along with their children, are faithful members of First Union. Sister Taylor’s favorite song is ’Cooling Water’. Let’s find out a little something about her beautiful family...

Kyndrea, the oldest daughter of Jacqueline Taylor who attends First Union, was born on January 23rd in Tampa, FL. She herself is the mother of two daughters; 13-year-old Tamiah Singletary and 12-year-old Zunereai Singletary. Kyndrea’s favorite song is ‘Take Me To The King’ and ‘Open Up My Heart’. She doesn’t have a favorite scripture… she loves them all!



Tamiah is the granddaughter of our Matriarch. She was born on June 11th in Albany, Georgia. She is a member of the Youth Choir and Youth Praise Dancers (Reflection of God’s Love). Her favorite song is ‘Break Every Chain’ and her favorite scripture is John 3:16.

Zunareai is also the granddaughter of our Matriarch. She was born on October 8, in Moultrie, Georgia. Her favorite song is ‘Father Can You Hear Me? And just like her sister, Tamiah, her favorite scripture is John 3:16.

‘Farewell Issue’ -Nov/Dec 2016 - News From Around The ‘U’

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Zemetrious was born in Tampa, FL on August 23. She is the mother of four children; two boys and two girls; Derrick McDaniel (age 17), Zariah McDaniel (age 14), Antwan Jones, Jr. (age 11) and Zamariah Jones (age 8). She joined First Union on May 27, 2012 and serves diligently as a member of the Adult Ushers, Youth Chaperone, and as the Pastor’s Assistant. Her favorite song is ‘I Won’t Complain’, and she holds Psalm 27 close to her heart.




Zariah is another granddaughter of our Matriarch. She was born on September 15 in Tampa, FL. She is a member of the Youth Choir and Youth Praise Dancers (Reflection of God’s Love). Her favorite song is ‘I Belong To God’ and her favorite scripture is Isaiah 30:15-18.

Antwan is the only featured grandson (Zemetrious also has another son, Derrick). ’AJ’ was born on August 29 in Tampa, Florida, and is a member of the Youth Ushers.

Zamariah is the granddaughter of our Matriarch and the youngest of Zemetrious’ four children. She was born on December 21 in Tampa, FL and like her big sister, is a member of Youth Choir and Youth Praise Dancers (Reflection of God’s Love). Her favorite song is ‘Let It Shine’ and her favorite scripture is Matthew 6:6.

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‘All In The Family’ Volume 10-Issue 6

MEMBERSHIP NEWS New Members First Union would like to Welcome to the following who came before the congregation to become members of the ‘First Family’! Tyshawn Calloway came before the Church on September 11, 2016, as a Candidate for Baptism and was baptized and received the Right

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Master Tyshawn Calloway

Miss Brianna Hudgins

Hand of Fellowship on October 2, 2016. Kianna Jadzea Storm (no picture available) came before the Church on October 16, 2016, by way of Christian Experience. Kianna will receive the Right Hand of Fellowship on November 6, 2016.

Birthday Greetings Happy Birthday to all members celebrating a birthday during the months of November and December! A special ‘shout out’ to Brianna Hudgins, who will celebrate her special day when she turns 11 years old on November 21st!

Congratulations Congratulations are extended to Rev. Bruce E. & Carla R. Garmon on celebrating 8 years as the Pastor and First Lady of First Union MBC, with Pre-Anniversary Services on October 5-7, culminating with an Anniversary Service on Sunday, October 9. (pictures from ‘Family Night’ and the Anniversary Service can be found on our website at

Pastor & First Lady Garmon

‘Farewell Issue’ -Nov/Dec 2016 - News From Around The ‘U’

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...Jessica Williams (left) on completing the Orientation and Education portion of this ministry on September 11, 2016, and becoming active in the After Care portion. New Member Orientation, Education & After Care Ministry Leader - Rev. Wendell Pope, Sr. revpope@

...the Special Chorus on celebrating their anniversary on Sunday, September 25, 2016 Special Chorus Ministry Leader - Deacon Mark Sherman

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‘All In The Family’ Volume 10-Issue 6

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...the Deaconess Ministry on hosting their annual Breast Cancer Workshop, held on Saturday, October 16, 2016 (this year’s theme: ’Get Your Pink On and Fight To Win!’), and for hosting a Domestic Violence Seminar on Saturday, September 17, 2016. Deaconess Ministry Leader - Valarie Brown

...the Drama Ministry on celebrating their 19th Anniversary on Sunday, October 23, 2016. Drama Ministry Leader - Tolana Mathis

‘Farewell Issue’ -Nov/Dec 2016 - News From Around The ‘U’

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The Rapture Zone!!! Part VI by Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr., M.Div.

“For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” (Matthew 24:21)  The greatest fear that any intelligent human being should have should be missing the Rapture and being thrust into the Great Tribulation, which has been declared by Jesus Himself to be the worst time that this earth has ever seen! For those who have not yet found time to get ‘serious’ about their relationship with God, when the Rapture occurs, they will be left behind to endure the Tribulation. Here are a few things that they will have to look forward to! 1. Daniel 9:27 – The anti-christ signs a covenant for seven years. (this is the event that officially commences the Tribulation) 2. Revelation 6:1-2 – Christ opens the first of the seven seals, and the rider on the white horse (the anti-christ) appears, using diplomacy and the promise of world peace to establish his oneworld government. 3. Revelation 6:3-4 – The second seal is opened and a great world war begins (WWIII) 4. Revelation 6:5-6 – The third seal is opened and there is great suffering and famines as the result of World War III. 5. Revelation 6:7-8 – The fourth seal is opened and as another result of WWIII, one fourth (25%) of all human and animal life are

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killed on the earth (based on todays population of over 6 billion people on earth, this means that approximately 1.5 billion people will be killed in the war.) 6. Revelation 6:9-11 – The martyrdom of those who are converted under the preaching of the 144,000 Jewish witnesses. As a result of their preaching, an innumerable number of people receive Christ, but they are quickly killed by the anti-christ ruled government. 7. Revelation 6:12-17 – The sixth seal is opened and the wrath of God is poured out in the form of a mighty earthquake. 8. Revelation 8:1-6 – The seventh seal is opened and the Trumpet Judgments begin, ending the first quarter of the Tribulation. 9. Revelation 8:7 – The first trumpet judgment results in onethird of all trees and green grass being burned up by hail, fire, and blood cast upon the earth. 10. Revelation 8:8-9 – The second trumpet sees a great mountain of sulfur falling into the sea and destroying a third of the sea and all living creatures in it and a third of the shipping vessels. 11. Revelation 8:10-11 – The third trumpet cause a great star called “Wormwood” (which means ‘bitter), to fall on the fountains of water and a third of the rivers turn bitter. 12. Revelation 8:12 – The fourth trumpet results in one-third less sun, moonlight, and stars, extending the darkness of night.

13. Revelation 8:13 – A special angel flies around the earth, warning that worse judgments are yet to come. 14. Revelation 9:1-12 – The fifth trumpet introduces hideous demon-like creatures, such as scorpions and locusts, out of the bottomless pit. Not able to kill men, they torture them so badly that they will “want” to die, but won’t be able to! 15. Revelation 9:13 – The sixth trumpet introduces 200 million demon army who will kill one-third of the people on earth, this is “on top” of the 1.5 billion that have already been killed in WWIII. This brings the death toll to approximately one-half of the people on earth. 16. Revelation 11:3-14 – The two witnesses prophesy for 1,260 days. 17. Revelation 11:15 – The seventh trumpet judgment introduces the horrendous events as described in Chapters 12-18, and the most severe set of judgments have not even begun yet… the

‘All In The Family’ Volume 10-Issue 6

Vial Judgments! 18. Revelation 17:1-18 – Describes the destruction of the Babylonish false religious system – the great harlot – which will merge all the religions of the world during the first part of the Tribulation (this will be easy to do at this time because the ‘true’ Church has already been Raptured off the earth.) 19. Revelation 13:1-3 – In the process of killing the harlot, Mystery Babylon, the false religious system, the Antichrist is killed and resurrected. 20. Revelation 13:4-10 – Antichrist, now incarnated, will force the remaining people of th earth to worship him.

vial is poured out and the rivers and other sources of water turn to blood. 25. Revelation 16:8-9 – The fourth vial will intensify the sun’s heat, so hot until people begin to blaspheme the name of God. 26. Revelation 16:10-11 – The fifth vial will cause darkness to cover the throne of antichrist and his entire kingdom. The sores will continue unrelentingly, producing such agony that men will gnaw their tongues in pain and blaspheme God and refuse to repent. 27. Revelation 16:13-16 – The sixth vial is poured out and lying demon spirits come forth to the kings of the whole world to bring

21. Revelation 13:11-18 – The False Prophet will replace the slain religious system, forcing people to worship Antichrist and his image or be killed. Everyone will be required to receive the mark of the beast in their hand or forehead in order to hold a job, buy, or sell. 22. Revelation 16:1-2 – The first vial cause giant sores on those who rejected Christ and instead accepted the mark of the beast. 23. Revelation 16:3 – The second vial is poured out on the sea, turning it to blood, and all living creatures in the sea die. 24. Revelation 16:4 – The third

them down to the battle of Armageddon. 28. Revelation 16:17-21 – The seventh vial results in a judgment of the Almighty God that destroy the entire world system and judges all unsaved people severely. Even though enormous hailstones fall from the sky (about 100 pounds each); the unregenerated

‘Farewell Issue’ -Nov/Dec 2016 - News From Around The ‘U’

people still refuse to repent! 29. Revelation 18:1-24 – The complete and utter destruction of the kingdom of antichrist. 30. Revelation 19:11-21 – Christ returns from heaven with all of the redeemed saints with him. He kills any remaining people on the earth and establishes His Millennial Kingdom. This marks the end of the Great Tribulation. The Bible says the God loved the world so much that He gave us His only begotten Son so that all people might be saved. If we believe on Him, we will have salvation, but if we believe not, we are condemned already. The Great Tribulation has been prepared specifically for those who refuse to accept Christ. Acceptance of Christ doesn’t mean in word only (Matthew 15:8); but those that actually live the life (Matthew 7:21-23). It is imperative that anyone who truly plans on being saved and spending Eternity in Heaven, get it right now! When the Rapture takes place, people’s whose hearts and lives are not fully committed to God will be left behind. They will then be thrust immediately into the Tribulation to face all of the aforementioned horrors. It is at this time that they will realize that nothing on this earth is more important than their soul salvation – only, it will be too late! 

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w/the Assistant Edit


Annie Johnson

Shalanda Johnson

Candis Hudgins

Eleanor White-Wade

Yvonne Clarke

Shaniah Harris

Cynthia Hudgins

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‘All In The Family’ Volume 10-Issue 6


tor, Jessica Williams

r 11, 2016

Brianna Hudgins

Shawn Calloway

Edna Everett

Shaniya Hicks

Karma Riggins

Marquez Harris

‘Farewell Issue’ -Nov/Dec 2016 - News From Around The ‘U’

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Congratulations to all of


our young achievers on their commitment to being the best that God has called and destined them to be! PRINCIPAL’S HONOR ROLL Siah Allen Brianna Hudgins Jessie Stephens

all photos submitted

HIGH HONOR ROLL Karlei Anderson Zykeria Crawford Shaniah Harris Alexis Wheatley HONOR ROLL Lidasia Crawford Marquez Harris Sinai Pierre-Louis HONORABLE MENTIONS Vandi Anderson


“Jessie, I'm so proud of you. The sky is the limit, son. Keep up the good work.” Chandra Lynch, Mother Jessie is a member of the Young Men of Distinction





“Shout-Out to my daughter, Shaniah, for making High Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance.”

“Shout-Out to my son, Marquez. Mommy loves you.”

Shalanda Johnson, Mother Shaniah is a member of the Youth Choir. Page -22-

Shalanda Johnson, Mother

Marquez is a member of the Young Men of Distinction and Youth Ushers. ‘All In The Family’ Volume 10-Issue 6





“Congratulations are in order for Alexis Wheatley for making the High Honor Roll and being excepted for membership into Tampa Bay Tech High School Chapter of the National Honor Society. The induction ceremony will take place on December 15th at 6pm. We are sooooooo Proud of You! “

I would like to scream to my Mini Me, Brianna Hudgins, congratulations on making Principal's Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance. We are so proud of you and we love you to the moon and back!

Love, Mommy (Miranda Wheatley), Nan Nan (Margaret Butler), and Grannie (Marjorie Parham) Congratulations, Alexis! Alexis is the Youth President, a member of the Youth Choir, Greeters, and Anointed Sisters of Praise.

Love. your Mom, Dad, PaPa, and NaNa

Brianna is a member of the Youth Choir and Reflection of God’s Love.


I would like to scream to my baby, Sinai' Pierre-Louis, congratulations on making Honor Roll, Perfect Attendance, and becoming Mathematician of the Week! We are so proud of you and we love you to the moon and back! Love, your Mom, Dad, PaPa, and NaNa


‘Farewell Issue’ -Nov/Dec 2016 - News From Around The ‘U’

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Breast Cancer Workshop  Saturday, October 15, 2016  1:00 P.M.

Sister Sarah Barnum, Mistress of Ceremony The Deaconess Ministry Sister Valarie Brown, Chairperson  Sister Dorothy Hudgins, Co-Chairperson Sister Sarah Barnum  Sister Kathy Brookins  Sister Michelle Pope  Sister Johnnie Reese Sister Doris Scott  Sister Monika Sherman  Sister Bernice Tim

Musical Selection ······················································································· Sister Khayla Gay Invocation ······························································································ Sister Johnnie Reese Welcome/Occasion ················································································Sister Kathy Brookins Liturgical Dance ············································································FUMBC ‘Faith in Motion’ Introduction of Speaker ·············································································· Sister Doris Scott Musical Selection ··················································································· Da Men of FUMBC Guest Speaker ······················································································ Pedro M. Soler, M.D.

Questions and Answers Recognition of Breast Cancer Survivors ·············································· Sister Monika Sherman

Presentation & Final Remarks ································································· Sister Valarie Brown Benediction ······················································································· Deacon Anthony Brown ‘All In The Family’ Volume 10-Issue 6

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On Saturday, October 15, the Deaconess ministry hosted their annual program in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This year’s guest speaker was Dr. Pedro M. Soler, M.D., a doctor of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Sarah Barnum, Mistress of Ceremonies

Deacon Hudgins renders Devotion

Kim Williams receives a Door Prize

Khayla Gay singing ‘You Are Beautiful’

Johnnie Reese with the Invocation

Welcome by Kathy Brookins

Linda Davis receives a Door Prize

Liturgical Dance by members of ‘Faith In Motion’

‘Farewell Issue’ -Nov/Dec 2016 - News From Around The ‘U’

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Rev. Pope receives a Door Prize

Deacon Barnum receives a Door Prize

Doris Scott introduces our Guest Speaker

The Guest Speaker, Pedro M. Soler, MD-Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Remarks by Valarie Brown

Rev. Pope representing DA MEN Page -26-

‘Thank You’ to Dr. Soler

Doris Scott & Dr. Soler

Monika Chukes recognized Breast Cancer Survivors

Final Remarks by Valarie Brown ‘All In The Family’ Volume 10-Issue 6

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Are you or someone you know in need of one of these services?


Connie Williams NOTARY PUBLIC

C&J Notary Service, LLC 813-833-7160 (tel) | 813-643-0819 (fax)



Robert Scott Jr., Owner 3809 River Hills Drive Office: 813-690-6840 Fax: 813-985-0914

Email: Web:


Floyd Watkins, Owner

'Creating Beautiful Beginnings'

Debra Smalls Sharon Smalls-Tolbert

1265 Sandlake Circle, Tampa FL 33613 813-382-3867 (tel)  813-972-2697 (fax)

Wedding/Design Coordinators

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You can find the information on this page (and more) on our website at (you may link to individual business websites from ours) Page -28-

‘All In The Family’ Volume 10-Issue 6


November 6th (Sunday) 6:00p

Lord’s Supper Service - Circle No. 88

November 10th (Thursday) 7:00p

Spiritual Growth Class - Class 003

November 12th (Saturday) 9:00a

Youth Conference

November 24th (Thursday)

Thanksgiving Day


December 4th (Sunday) 6:00p

Lord’s Supper Service - Circle No. 89

December 5th (Monday) 7:00p

Church Conference

December 23rd (Friday)

Secret Angel

December 24th (Saturday)

Christmas Eve

DECEMBER 25th (SUNDAY) 10:00a


December 31st (Sunday) 8:00p

Watch Nite Service



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‘All In The Family’ Volume 10-Issue 6

‘Farewell Issue’ -Nov/Dec 2016 - News From Around The ‘U’

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First Union Missionary Baptist Church Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr., M.Div - Pastor Deacon Anthony Brown, Chairman

Deacon Bernard Reese, Vice-Chairman Deacon Robert. L. Barnum, Jr. Deacon Joseph Echols Deacon Michael A. Hudgins, Sr. Deacon Tom D. Marshall

Deacon Wendell Pope, Jr. Deacon Robert R. Scott, Jr. Deacon Mark Sherman, Sr. Deacon Willie Tim

Operation Education: “Catch The Vision”

3707 E. Chelsea Street  Tampa, FL 33610 813.238.1205 (tel)  813.237-8833 (fax) (email) (website)

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