All In The Family - Sep/Oct 2016

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News From Around ‘The U’ SEP/OCT 2016



Gone, But Not Forgotten

Melissa Denise Jones meet the family

Happy Anniversary,

Pastor B.E. Garmon, Sr. 8 Years & Counting!



Just Sayin’ .................................................................. pg 4 ‘Faith Fall’ ................................................................. pg 6 ‘Rescue Faith’ ............................................................. pg 7 Membership News ...................................................... pg 8    

New Members Birthday Greetings Happy Birthday Congratulations, Alexis!

In Loving Memory Of Melissa Jones .......................... pg 10 All In The ‘Crawley’ Family ...................................... pg 12 First Day of School Pics ........................................... pg 18 Ministry News .......................................................... pg 21

Rev. Bruce E. Garmon, Sr. will celebrate eight years as the Pastor of First Union Missionary Baptist Church in October. Pre-Anniversary Services will be from Wednesday, October 5 thru Friday, October 7. The Celebration will culminate on Sunday, October 9, at the 10:00a Morning Worship Service. Congratulations, Pastor!   

New Member Orientation, Education and After Care Special Chorus Male Chorus

The Rapture Zone ..................................................... pg 23 Selfie Sunday ........................................................... pg 24

Wordsearch .............................................................. pg 25 Upcoming Events ..................................................... pg 26 School Events........................................................... pg 27 Business Owners ...................................................... pg 29

LAST CALL! Deadline for the Nov/Dec 2016 issue is Sunday, October 23, 2016. Email

Have any suggestions for our next newsletter? If so, please send your ideas to Birthdays, Anniversaries, Congratulations, Ministry Updates, and all other input are due by Sunday, July 31, 2015. All questions and/or concerns should be directed to Connie Williams, Editor or Jessica Williams, Assistant Editor at


First Union Missionary Baptist Church 3707 E. Chelsea Street | Tampa, FL 33610 | 813-238-1205 (tel) | 813-237-8833 (fax) (website)

News From Around ‘The U’

P. O. Box 1223 | Brandon, FL 33509 813-833-7160 (tel) | 813-684-0819 (fax) (email)

Editor/Publisher CONNIE WILLIAMS Assistant Editor JESSICA WILLIAMS Staff Writers CONNIE WILLIAMS JESSICA WILLIAMS Current Issue Contributor(s) REV. B.E. GARMON, SR. MIRANDA WHEATLEY Photographer CONNIE WILLIAMS (except where noted)









Minister-New Member Orientation, Education & After Care REV. WENDELL POPE, SR.



The ‘All In The Family’ newsletter is a BI-MONTHLY publication (distribution timeline subject to change by the editor as needed). Please send your submissions for future publications, feedback, comments and/or suggestions to All submissions for the newsletter must be received by the second Sunday in February, April, June, August, October and December. All questions should be directed to the Editor or Assistant Editor via the contact information printed. Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved. Not to be reprinted in any form without prior written permission.




Distribution all-in-the-family.html




Youth Department & Sunday School Minister Adviser MINISTER JAMES THOMPKINS ministerthompkins@ Minister of Spiritual Growth MINISTER JEFFREY YOUNG


Assistant-New Member Orientation, Education, & After Care MINISTER WILLIAM CLEMONS

Assistant Church Clerk DEANDRA RILEY

Minister of Music ELDER MELVIN DAVIS

Bulletin Clerk & Webmaster CONNIE WILLIAMS

Just Sayin’... Jessica Williams, Assistant Editor ‘All In The Family’

Use Our Talent/Happy Anniversary! Pastor Garmon tells us faithfully that we are stewards over anything that God has entrusted us with, especially, our ‘three T’s’, which is our time, our tithe, and our talent. He used the analogy in one of his sermons that God would become the ‘re-po’ man and repossess all the things that He had placed us stewards over because we are not using them to its fullest potential to praise His Holy name, to bless others, and to possibly bring lost souls to Him. Your time and your tithe are very important, but for this edition, I would like to talk about TALENT. A talent is a natural aptitude or skill. God wants us, His people, to use our talent to the best of our ability and He even gave us a parable to illustrate exactly what He wants from us, found in Matthew 25:14-31. He gave some of us the talent to preach, some the talent to teach, others the talent to dance, some a singing talent. The list goes on and on. I, myself, have been using my talent of singing since the age of five, when I joined First Union’s youth choir. Although I have transitioned from being a youth to becoming a young adult, my talent, love, and passion for singing has not changed. I tried to join other ministries to fill that void but it was still there and the only way I knew to fill that somewhat, emptiness in my heart, was to take it to the next level. And I did just that.

I joined the Special Chorus of First Union in October 2014 and finally, that void, that emptiness, began to dissipate. I found my happiness again. I have been a member of the Special Chorus for two years now, and although I have my reservations at times, I would not trade this journey for anything! So with that being said, I would like to wish the Special Chorus a truly HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I love each and every one of you! I pray that if it is His will, He will keep me on this journey with you all a little while longer so we can USE OUR GOD GIVEN TALENT!

Serenity Prayer God, grant me the

Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can, and

Wisdom to know the difference.

Faith Fall… The Hebrews Writer said that without faith it is ‘impossible’ to please God, for we must believe first of all that God is, and He is a Rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. Diligence implies that much effort is put forth, persistent in efforts to achieve a goal. Every person has something in their life that they are diligent about, most are things that are being sought to satisfy personal desires. But how much effort is put forth in satisfying the single most important attribute that is the foundation for pleasing God? Ralph is a mountain climber, but more than a mountain climber, Ralph is a Christian. In fact, Ralph often uses his mountain climbing skills to get closer to God. According to Ralph, the Lord is first and foremost on his mind the entire time that he is climbing a mountain. Ralph loves standing high atop a mountain and seeing far and wide the expanse of God’s creation. Ralph often puts his Bible in his backpack when he climbs, because when he reaches the top, he loves to pull out his Bible and read the Word of God as he enjoys the peace, serenity, and beauty of God’s creation all around him. Ralph considers himself a faithful man, and he often told people that as a mountain climber, his goal was to put into action the Words of Jesus, that a little faith would move mountains (Matthew 21:21). But this changed one Saturday when Ralph went for his typical weekend climb. He approached a new mountain, one that other Climbers recommended, but cautioned that it was a bit more difficult. Ralph went out early this winter morning when the air was still crisp and the snow and frost were fresh all around. Ralph made the difficult climb, but it took him twice as long as usual. His fellow climbers were right about how difficult this particular mountain was; but once he reached the top, the incredible view was worth the difficult climb. Ralph eventually reached into his backpack, pulled out his Bible, and began to read and pray. As Ralph viewed the beauty all around him, he also began to reflect on the beauty of his life and being thankful for his wife and children. Ralph eventually becomes completely immersed in communion with God. Eventually Ralph realized that the day was getting late, the sun had already begun to set, and he did not want to be on the side of the mountain in the dark. Ralph remembered how difficult it was to make this climb, and going down would actually be a bit slower. So Ralph hurriedly began to make his way down the mountain, but the sun was setting, and darkness would soon be upon him. In just a short period of time, Ralph could barely see his own hands before his face. He reached into his pouch for a flashlight, but remembered that he left it in his truck, not expecting to be on the mountain after dark. But now darkness had indeed caught him, and he’s on the side of the mountain, in the dark, no flashlight, in the winter, with temperatures rapidly falling. At this point Ralph can’t even see how far down he has to go, all he can do is feel his way as he attempts to climb down. After a few miss-steps and a couple of near falls, Ralph realizes just how dire the situation is; he is alone, in the darkness, hanging on the side of a mountain, cold, and afraid. He reaches down inside and musters up his faith in God and begins to pray. He asks the Lord to see him safely to the ground. In his mind, Ralph recounts all of the times that he’s told other people about praying and then trusting God in faith that

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‘All In The Family’ Volume 10-Issue 5

“Rescue Faith” The Hardy Dam was very old, it had been patched and repaired for many years and was in desperate need of replacement. The County had been working for years to raise the funds to build a new dam, but the money just wasn’t coming in fast enough. Spring time was the worse, when the snowmelt off the distant mountains would cause the river to swell to flood levels and the pressure on the dam was the greatest this time of year. The small community of Faithtown that sat down river from the dam would not stand a chance if the dam was ever to fail. It was a very hard winter with record levels of snowfall; the Spring rains were coming and forecasters were now predicting record levels of rain fall. The Engineers had just completed their annual inspection of the dam and concluded that there was no way the dam would survive the pressure of the melting snow along with the heavy rains. The Mayor made the decision to evacuate Faithtown and all residents were ordered to leave their homes. This was the season that the dam was sure to break and completely wash away everything in its path. George was a praying man, and his relationship with God was renown throughout all of Faithtown. George was the man the people went to for spiritual advice and encouragement. When George heard of the evacuation, he immediately went into prayer as was his custom to face any circumstance in life. The faith that George had was unlike anyone else in the small town. In his prayer, George asked God to save him from the impending flood, and in his firm faith he ‘knew’ that God would answer his prayer. While George was yet praying there was a knock at his door. It was a recuse worker in a Jeep. He told George that he was sent to pick up those that needed a ride to evacuate them safely from the coming flood. George declined the ride and told the rescue worker that he’s been praying and that God is going to save him. The rescue worker got in his jeep and drove away. As George was closing the door, he noticed that it was starting to rain, so George went back to praying, asking God to save him from the coming flood. While praying, George could hear the violence of the rain hitting on the roof of his house; never had he heard it rain so hard before. Then he noticed that his feet and legs were wet. George opened his eyes to see that the water was starting to enter his house! George went to the upstairs level and looked out the window, he could see the rain falling from the sky in tremendous fashion, but worse yet, he could see in the distance water overflowing the dam. It won’t be long now! George, now on the second floor of his house, falls again to his knees and prays more earnestly for God to save him from this flood! While he was yet praying, he could hear a chugging motor outside. George gets up from praying and goes back to the window to see two amazing things: First he sees that the water has now risen up to the second level of his house, the first floor is completely flooded. Next he sees a recuse worker in a motorboat, coming up to his house blasting a horn to get his attention. The rescue worker tells George that he was sent with the boat to evacuate those that were now trapped in their houses by the flood. But George leans out the window and waves the boat off. He tells the recuse worker that he’s been praying and that God is going to save him. George goes back inside but notices that the floor is now squishy with water, the second floor of his house is beginning to flood. He can no longer stay here; he’s got to get higher. George climbs out of the window and up on the roof of the house, and just in time because the flood waters have risen to encompass even the second level of his house. He’s now on the roof, rain is pouring down, and he looks in the direction of the dam to see that it is cracked and buckling! Any second now the dam is going to burst and he will certainly be killed! George falls to his knees on the roof and cries out to God in desperation! He pleads with God to save him for this certain doom! While he is yet praying, George is

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First Union would like to say Welcome to the following who came before the congregation to become members of the ‘First Family’!

Kamaria Powell came before the Church on July 17, 2016, on Christian Experience and Received the Right Hand of Fellowship on August 7, 2016.

Jessica Mosley joined First Union on July 31, 2016, as a Candidate for Baptism and was baptized and received the Right Hand of Fellowship on Sunday, August 7, 2016, during our 6:00p Lord’s Supper Service.

Doris DeLain joined First Union by way of Christian Experience on August 21, 2016 and will receive the Right Hand of Fellowship during our Lord’s Supper Service on Sunday, September 4, 2016.

Birthday Greetings Happy Birthday (October 13), Shaniya Hicks! Papa and Grams love you!!! Happy Birthday to my little sister, Phyllis Hudgins, who will celebrate her special day on October 16th! May God bless you with many, many happy and healthy birthdays to come! Love, Connie Phyllis Hudgins

Shaniya Hicks

(picture submitted)

(picture submitted)

Happy Anniversary! I would like to wish my loving parents, Deacon Robert & Sarah Barnum, a Happy 37th Anniversary on October 11! Love and blessings for many, many more! Love, Kim

LAST CALL! Deadline for the Nov/Dec 2016 issue is Sunday, October 23, 2016. Email newsletter@

Deacon & Sister Barnum (picture submitted)

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Alexis Wheatley - Summer 2016 Accomplishments By Miranda Wheatley

B.E.S.T Academy Summer Graduation- June 8, 2016

Alexis had the opportunity to participate in The Brain Expansion Scholastic Training- B.E.S.T Academy Summer Program Class of 2016. She had to fill out an application and go through an interview process. It was over 100 students that attended the orientation and interview session. Only 22 students were to be selected for the Florida Hospital-Tampa Site. As you can see, Alexis was one of the students chosen to participate for this summer program. The B.E.S.T Academy was founded by Dr. Dexter Fredrick, an internist/ pediatrician. It is a four-week intensive program offered in partnership with The Florida Hospital-Tampa, The University of Florida- AHEC and Morsani College of Medicine. It is a quite unique experience for high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors that are interested in a medical career. She had the opportunity to engage in hands-on experiences in healthcare, participated in shadowing health professionals at Florida Hospital, studied the human body by working with human cadavers and spent time observing mentors in her day-to-day work environment which included a fast past clinical and surgical settings. Some of Alexis projects and presentations included: 1) A Case Study of Diagnostic- Kawasaki Disease 2) Research Project for Alzheimer’s. During her graduation ceremony, which was held on June 8, 2016 Alexis was recognized and named Miss Congeniality in her class. She also received her very first real Dr.’s Kit, Burgundy Rope for graduating from The B.E.S.T Academy Summer Class 2016, and Community Hours. This was a great experience for Alexis and she plans to continue her studies and career as becoming a Pediatrician or Neonatologist. Another Summer Program Alexis had the opportunity to participate in was The Youth Career and College Project which is sponsored by the Suncoast Credit Union Foundation. She attended every Saturday for 8wks from 10am-2pm. This program gave her an outlook on preparation for college, how to get free scholarships, and also become an entrepreneur. She received a “Stipend” and Community Hours as well for her participation. Thank You Ms. Debra Smalls for sharing this information with our Church Family for our Youth. Alexis also dances for BSDA- Brandon School of Dance Arts which is located in Brandon. She takes Ballet, Lyrical, Jazz, and Hip Hop Classes. She tried out for their Encore Competition Team this summer and made the TEAM. Congratulations to Alexis! September/October 2016 News From Around ‘The U’

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In Loving Memory Of

Sister Melissa Denise Jones Sunrise: August 26, 1970 ď – Sunset: July 5, 2016 Homegoing: July 16, 2016

My Life...

God has wiped away every tear from my eyes and death shall be no more; there will no longer be any mourning, crying, or pain, for the former things have passed away. Revelation 21:4

Tuesday, July 5, the Angel who kept charge over Melissa’s life whispered and said, “My time is up; therefore, your time is, too. You must leave this place called Earth and travel to your new home in Heaven.” Her family tried to keep her here but couldn’t. She lay in a hospital bed on life support until July 5, until her daughter and mother said, “She is gone; we can’t hold on anymore.”

The Beginning I was born Melissa Denise Jones on Wednesday, August 26, 1970, to Joseph Jones, Jr. and Carolyn Jean Williams (Jones). Life for me was such a blast! My education began in Tampa, FL (on the West-side), and I finished school in Havana, FL, graduating from Havana Northside High School in 1988. After graduating, I traveled back to Tampa, FL and began another chapter of my life. I would spend most of my time with my beloved brother, Joseph Jones, II (JJ). We had lots of fun during our times together. One day at a very early age, I wasn’t feeling well and I was taken to the hospital. Often times I was exhausted, thirsty, and nauseous. This is when I found out I had diabetes. However, I didn’t let that stop me. I furthered my education with a couple of trades and worked a few different jobs. I found my passion as a Home Health Aide Nurse. Many of you, who know me from my childhood, know I was young and a little wild. I had a baby boy who preceded me in death during my early adult years. Later in life, I met a man named Sohn Griffin, and at that time he won my heart and we were married (in spite of everyone saying we were too young). But I wanted to be married to this man. To this union three beautiful children were born and are left to cherish my memories. They are Tavishia, Shonecia, and let’s not forget Amiracle. Now her name, Amiracle, truly describes her birth. I had a personal experience as a young adult, and it helped me to understand who my Lord and Savior is. I confessed Christ as my Lord and Savior and gave my hand in membership to Pastor B. E. Garmon, Sr. of First Union Missionary Baptist Church, but most importantly, I gave my heart to God. That proved to be the best thing that I or anyone could ever do in life.

The End After suffering for over 22 years, I developed heart failure, kidney failure, poor blood circulation which led to Cardiovascular surgeries, Neuro surgery, and Vein surgery (to keep my blood circulating properly throughout my body). During my final weeks I walked through the valley of the shadow of death, but I felt no evil, for God was with me; His rod and staff comforted me. God had shown me freedom; therefore, I can’t apologize for leaving. I tried to warn you with every opportunity I was given; I have been ready to go for such a long time. I asked God to allow me to stay here to see my oldest child graduate from High School (I didn’t physically see her graduate because I was hospitalized); however, my prayer was answered. Therefore, all of my family (children, father, mother, brother, sister-in-law, nephews, nieces, uncles, aunties, cousins, friends; and my church family), I couldn’t say this to you before I left you, but I am saying this to you now: I fought a good fight, I have finished my race, I have kept the faith. Please don’t think I’m gone, because I’m here to help you carry on. I see your face and I see your fears; just keep me close and I will clear your tears. Don’t ever think I am gone away; I’m with you each and every day. Call on one another, to talk, to comfort while I’m away. Just love each other, use my departure to grow, to become very close. Soon, someday we will all be together at the “GREAT REUNION!” Until then, love God with all your heart and busy yourselves with his bidding, and He will be to you what no other on earth can or will be. All my love to you!


Nicole Haynes

Santanna Crawley




Lauranette Haynes

Donnell Haynes

Patsy Crawley


In this issue we salute PATSY CRAWLEY and her family as our SPOTLIGHT FAMILY, which includes her daughter, son-in-law, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Sister Crawley was born and raised in Tampa (11/26), and has been a member of First Union since April 4, 1999. She joined the Ushers Ministry at that time, and now stands at Emeritus status, after serving many years in an active role. Her favorite hymn is ‘Amazing Grace’ and her favorite scripture is the entire book of Job. Sister Crawley is the mother of five; Lauranette Haynes, Rosalym Crawley, Donna Bunkley, Sheila Hopkins, and Cedric Crawley. She is also a grandmother and great-grandmother. Sister Crawley likes to spend her spare time working Seek-A-Word books and Jigsaw Puzzles. She dislikes taking pictures () and she has now joined many grandmothers and great-grandmothers who take care of their grands, as she is taking care of a great-grandchild who is now five years old! Now that you have (re)acquainted yourself with Sister Crawley, take a minute to see her family members that worship with her at First Union...


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Relationship to Matriarch: Birthday: February




4th Birthplace: Tampa, FL Spouse: Donnell Haynes Children/Ages: Charles, Age 37; Nicole, Age 33; Corey, Age 27; DeAndre’, Age 23; Brennicia, Age 20 Favorite Hymn/Song: ‘I Belong To You’ Favorite Scripture: Psalm 23 Favorite Past Time: Shopping, Watching TV, Cooking

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People Don’t Know…

“I enjoy volunteering to help feed the homeless enjoy having Sunday dinners with my family.” 

 

     

Relationship to Matriarch: Birthday: February


5th Birthplace: Tampa, FL Spouse: Lauranette Haynes Children/Ages: Tamike, Age 41; Charles,

September/October 2016 News From Around ‘The U’

Age 37; Nicole, Age 33; Corey, Age 27; DeAndre’, Age 23, Brennicia, Age 20, Deandre’, Age 20 Current Ministry(ies): Trustee Favorite Hymn/Song: ‘Nearer My God To Thee’ Favorite Scripture: John 3:16  Relationship to Matriarch: Birthday: January


20 Birthplace: Tampa, FL Children/Ages: JaKayla, Age 12; Samuel, Age 4 First Union Anniversary: April 2001 Favorite Hymn/Song: ‘15 Minutes’ by Michelle William Favorite Scripture: Galations 6:1-10 Favorite Past Time: Shopping, Watching TV, Cooking th

People Don’t Know…

“I’m shy.”

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Relationship to Matriarch:


February 15 Birthplace: Tampa, FL Former Ministry(ies): Youth Choir (1/2015-12/2015) Favorite Hymn/Song: ‘Amazing’ Favorite Scripture: Ephesians 1:13 Favorite Past Time: Sports, Music Birthday:

People Don’t Know…



“I’m not as quiet as everyone thinks.”

Relationship to Matriarch:


Former Ministry(ies): Youth




(1/2015-12/2015) Current Ministry(ies): Youth Praise Dancers (8/2016)  Relationship to Matriarch:


LAST CALL! Be sure to see our next issue to see our Family In The Spotlight! Deadline for the Nov/Dec 2016 issue is Sunday, October 23, 2016. Email Page -16-

‘All In The Family’ Volume 10-Issue 5

First Union Missionary Baptist Church Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Philippians 4:6

Thursdays | 8:30p

Conference Dial-In Number access code: 512989 (when dialing into the Prayer Line, please be mindful that prayer may be in progress)

The 2016-2017 school year began on Wednesday, August 10, 2016. Here are a few of First Union’s prior and future Academic Achievers on the first day!

Helainie Gray

Alexis Wheatley

Kindergarten Temple Terrace Elementary

Junior Tampa Bay Tech High School

Izaiah Clarke 3rd Grade

Karma and Cam'Ron Riggins Temple Terrace Elementary

Shaniya Hicks

Freshman Thomas Jefferson High School Page -18-

‘All In The Family’ Volume 10-Issue 5

Skyla Lee Brianna Hudgins Sinai Pierre-Louis

Zariah McDaniel

Zamariah Jones Antwan Jones, Jr.

September/October 2016 News From Around ‘The U’

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Flyer submitted by Valarie Brown.


New Member Orientation, Education and After Care, under the leadership of Rev. Wendell Pope, Sr. (revpope@, would like to congratulate Sister Cindy Garmon (left), and Deacon Joe Echols, on completing the Orientation and Education portion of this ministry and becoming active in the After Care portion. Congratulations!

The Special Chorus, under the leadership of Deacon Mark Sherman, would like to welcome Karmaria Powell (pictured) as the newest member of the ministry. Kamaria, who recently became a member of the ’First Family’, is the granddaughter of Sister Cynthia Hall, who is also a member of the choir. The choir would also like to ‘welcome back’ two former members; Sister April Stokes, Sister Connie Williams, and Sister Debra McCalla, who is returning as the Musician/Director of the Choir. Welcome (back) to all!

Congratulations are extended to the Male Chorus on their recent Anniversary Service, held during the Sunday Morning Worship Service on August 21, 2016. Farewell and God’s blessings are also extended to Mr. Horace Montgomery, on his retirement as the Male Chorus’ musician of 20+ years, at the Male Chorus Pre-Anniversary program, on Saturday, August 20, 2016. Ministry Leader: Deacon Bernard Reese

September/October 2016 News From Around ‘The U’

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Flyer submitted by Jessica Williams on behalf of the Special Chorus

I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live: I will sing Praise to my God while I have my being. -Psalm 104:33 We, the officers, musicians, and members of the Special Chorus cordially invite Pastor B.E. Garmon and the entire First Union family to our Pre-Anniversary program on Friday, September 23rd, at 7:00 p.m. Get ready to sing, shout, and praise the Lord! We hope to see you, you, and especially YOU to help us celebrate this special and truly joyous occasion! Page -22-

‘All In The Family’ Volume 10-Issue 5

The Rapture Zone!!! Part V by Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr., M.Div.


we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” (1 Thessalonians 4:17)  But why? Why is it necessary for the Lord to sweep away all of the Christians instantly? Is there a purpose for the Lord doing things this way? WHY MUST THE RAPTURE OCCUR? There are two basic reasons why the Rapture must occur. 1. With the Holy Spirit filled Church in the world, God has a restrainer of evil. With this restrainer of evil in place, antichrist and the forces of darkness cannot take over and completely control the world. As bad as the world may seem at times, and as bad as the world really is; as long as there are praying Saints on the earth, the devil cannot ‘fully’ enact his plan of world domination. God's Holy Spirit indwelt people are literally the 'salt' of the earth. What does salt do? It retards corruption and slows the process of decay. Yes, today there is evil in the world but the 'salt' of the Church is a restraining (holding back) influence on evil. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-7: ”Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6 And nw ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.” Verses 3 and 4 are talking about the rise of antichrist that will occur in the last days. He will enter the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem and there claim that he is God. He can’t do that now because he is currently being restrained by The Church. Evil is being restrained and antichrist cannot come to power until the restrainer is removed. The Holy Spirit is an omnipresent being so He cannot be removed from the earth. However, the Church was born on Pentecost just after the Lord Jesus returned to Heaven. God is using the Church to restrain evil through the prayers & works of Holy Spirit indwelt men and women. Only when the Church is removed from the earth can antichrist come to power. When the Church is removed from the earth the Holy Spirit will still be present. However, the restraining influence of God's Church will no longer be present so evil will go unchecked, allowing the devil to mount his attack against God and bring his antichrist to power. 2. The second ‘basic’ reason why the rapture must occur is that God still has to fulfill the 70th week of Daniel’s prophecy which was made specifically for the nation of Israel. The Church, however is a called out people between the 69th and 70th week of Daniel's prophecy.

September/October 2016 News From Around ‘The U’

In Daniel 9:24, God clearly explains what the Rapture and Tribulation are all about. “Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.” Note that the 70 weeks are 'determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city'. This is the Jewish people of Israel and Jerusalem. Daniel specifically says that the 70 weeks are for Israel and not the Church. The Church is special, due to the salvation of Jesus The Christ! Therefore, the Church is ‘called out’ (raptured) between the 69th and 70th week, and not subject to God’s wrath (1 Thessalonians 5:9). The 70th week represents the 7-year tribulation period which has been specifically designed for the Jews and not The Church. Therefore, we are commanded to “comfort one another” with these Words! (1 Thessalonians 4:18)  Maranatha!

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w/the Assistant Editor, Jessica Williams (

Ava Drisdom

Zamariah Jones

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Abriana Drisdom

Sarah Barnum

Ernestine Larry

Brianna Hudgins

Tramel Lee

Doris Scott

Ayesha Bell

Rhyanna Sanders

Deacon Mark Sherman

Cindy Garmon

‘All In The Family’ Volume 10-Issue 5

September/October 2016 News From Around ‘The U’

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September September 1st (Thursday) 8:30p Prayer Line Call-In Number: 1-857-232-0476; Passcode: 512989

September 29th (Thursday) 8:30p Prayer Line Call-In Number: 1-857-232-0476; Passcode: 512989


September 4th (Sunday) 6:00p Lord’s Supper Service - Circle No. 86

October 2nd (Sunday) 6:00p Lord’s Supper Service - Circle No. 87

September 8th (Thursday) 8:30p Prayer Line Call-In Number: 1-857-232-0476; Passcode: 512989

October 5th, 6th, 7th (Wed-Fri) 7:00p Pastor Garmon’s Pre-Anniversary Services Guest (Wed) - New Saint Matthew Guest (Thu) - Friendship Guest (Fri) - Family Night

September 11th (Sunday) 10:00a Football Jersey Day Wear the Jersey of your favorite NFL Football Team to Morning Worship Service

October 9th (Sunday) 10:00a Pastor Garmon’s 8th Anniversary Service

September 14th (Wednesday) 7:30p First Union will be going to New Macedonia MBC for their 49th Church Anniversary

October 13th (Thursday) 7:00p Spiritual Growth Class - Class 002

September 15th (Thursday) 7:00p Spiritual Growth Class - Class 001

October 13th (Thursday) 8:30p Prayer Line Call-In Number: 1-857-232-0476; Passcode: 512989

September 15th (Thursday) 8:30p Prayer Line Call-In Number: 1-857-232-0476; Passcode: 512989

October 15th (Thursday) 8:30p Breast Cancer Workshop

September 17th (Saturday) 9:00a-1:00p Domestic Violence Seminar

October 20th (Thursday) 8:30p Prayer Line Call-In Number: 1-857-232-0476; Passcode: 512989

September 22nd (Thursday) 7:00p First Union will be going to Mt. Carmel AME Church for their Pastor’s Appreciation

October 21st (Friday) 7:00p Drama Pre-Anniversary

September 23rd (Friday) 7:00p Special Chorus Pre-Anniversary Program

October 23rd (Sunday) 10:00a Drama 19th Anniversary

September (Saturday) 9:00a Sunday School Workshop

October 27th (Thursday) 8:30p Prayer Line Call-In Number: 1-857-232-0476; Passcode: 512989

September 25th (Sunday) 10:00a Special Chorus Anniversary

October 31st (Monday) Fun Nite


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‘All In The Family’ Volume 10-Issue 5

As the new school year starts, I pray that God will continually cover each one of you .

Ms. Kim Kim Williams, Youth Department Directress (picture submitted)

2016 Calendar Aug 10, 2016 (Wednesday) Students’ First Day of School

Sep 5, 2016 (Monday) Labor Day Holiday/Schools and District Offices Closed Oct 7, 2016 (Friday) End of 1st Grading Period Oct 10, 2016 (Monday) Non-Student Day Nov 11, 2016 (Friday) Veteran’s Day Holiday/Non-Student Day Nov 21, 2016 - Nov 25, 2016 (Monday-Friday) Fall Break/Schools and District Offices Closed Nov 28, 2016 (Monday) Students Return to School Dec 16, 2016 (Friday) End of 2nd Grading Period (End of 1st Semester)

2016/2017 Important Dates Student Early Release Dates Each Monday - One Hour Early Release Last Day of School - 2.5 Hours Early End of Grading Periods October 7, 2016 December 16, 2016 March 10, 2017 May 26, 2017 Report Card Distribution Dates Elementary October 24, 2016 January 13, 2017 April 3, 2017 May 26, 2017 Secondary October 28, 2016 January 23, 2017 April 7, 2017 June 10, 2017

Dec 19, 2016 - Dec 30, 2016 (Monday-Friday) Winter Break/Schools and District Offices Closed

September/October 2016 News From Around ‘The U’

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8th Anniversary Services

Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr. First Lady Carla R. Garmon Pre-Anniversary Services WEDNESDAY October 5, 2016 @ 7:00p

THURSDAY October 6, 2016 @ 7:00p

FRIDAY October 7, 2016 @ 7:00p

New Saint Matthew Missionary Baptist Church Rev. Alec Hall, Pastor

Friendship Missionary Baptist Church Rev. Frank Watson, Pastor

Family Night All Ministries Of First Union

Anniversary Service Sunday, October 9, 2016 @ 10:00a First Union Missionary Baptist Church  3707 E. Chelsea Street Tampa, FL 33610  813-238-1205 

LET’S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS! DISCLAIMER: These listings are provided merely as information. By offering this information, First Union Missionary Baptist Church and/or its staff, in no way implies endorsement of any of the products and/or services offered.


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Debra Smalls Sharon Smalls-Tolbert Wedding/Design Coordinators

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Robert Scott Jr., Owner 3809 River Hills Drive Office: 813-690-6840 Fax: 813-985-0914

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Floyd Watkins, Owner

1265 Sandlake Circle, Tampa FL 33613 813-382-3867 (tel)  813-972-2697 (fax) Specializing in All Types of Repairs, Inspections, and Re-Roofs Licensed & Insured Lic. No. CCC 1326135 Member of the BBB

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Faith Fall… continued from page -6your prayer will be answered. After remembering this and thinking about his own prayer, Ralph realizes that it is now time for him to exercise the faith that he’s told so many other people about. After praying, Ralph is feeling much better! He is confident in the presence of God with him as he continues to descend the mountain. He is feeling so good, in fact, that he actually begins to hum and sing praises! Suddenly, one miss-step, a loss of grip, and Ralph finds himself in a free fall. He is headed for the ground at lightning speed and all he can think about in those few seconds is that he will surely die upon impact with the ground. Then, there is a ‘snap’! Ralph feels needle sharp pains shoot up his back! Ralph’s safety line caught and stopped him from falling. The sudden stoppage of the rope around his waist jerked his back, but otherwise he is ok. He is hanging off the side of the mountain, in the dark, dangling from his safety rope. It is completely dark and he can see nothing. He reaches out all around him, but he can feel nothing. The temperatures have dropped even more, and frost bite is starting to set in on his fingers and toes. Not knowing what else to do, Ralph begins to pray. He remembers his earlier prayer when he had asked God to help him get off the mountain safely, and he was sure that God had heard his prayer. But now, things don’t look good at all. He is trying to garner up faith to continue and trust God, but he just doesn’t see how he’s going to get out of this one. Ralph prays for a while, and then beings to shout HELP for a while. But there is no answer. Now, his feet are completely frozen, he can barely move his hands because of the extreme cold, and he knows that he can’t take much more of the cold temperatures, or he will surely die. In one final attempt of desperation he cries out loud: “God please save me”!!! It is then that Ralph hears a voice, crystal clear say: “Cut the rope”. Ralph is puzzled. Was he starting to imagine things? Is the cold and frostbite causing his mind to play tricks on him? Just to be sure he decides to call out to God again: “God please save me”! He waits a minute, and sure enough the crystal clear voice says the same thing a second time: “Cut the rope”. Ralph is certain now that the voice is real and it just may be God speaking to him; so he pulls out his pocket knife and puts it against the rope, but then he pauses and begins to think. This rope is my safety rope. It has saved my life. It stopped me from smashing into the ground when I fell. If I cut this rope, there will be nothing left to keep me from falling the rest of the way down to my death.

earnestly to God: “Father, I need you more now than I’ve ever needed you before. Can you please give me some reassurance”. After praying, Ralph can now barely move, he is almost completely frozen from the extremely cold temperatures. Whatever is going to happen, it has to happen soon or Ralph will certainly freeze to death. For the third time, the crystal clear voice speaks to Ralph and says: “I am with you, cut the rope”. Now surely there can no longer be any doubt. Ralph remembers the passage of Scripture where God says He would never leave us nor forsake us. Using the little bit of strength that he had left, Ralph puts the blade of the knife against the rope and begins to cut. As he cuts, the rope begins to unravel and come a part. After cutting only half way, Ralph stops; he realizes again that if he continues to cut, the rope will eventually be severed, and then what? “If” this is God telling me to cut the rope, what happens next? Will I fall to my death? That is the only option – He thinks to himself! Ralph again remembers his prayer to God to get him safely down the mountain, and he can’t see how cutting the rope will do that. Cutting the rope will be certain suicide. Ralph decides to wait it out to see if the crystal clear voice would tell him something else; if not, he will try to figure another way out of this situation. Early the next morning, rescue crews show up at the side of the mountain. They were responding to a missing persons call from Ralph’s wife. As the rescue crews arrived at the place where Ralph was climbing they were immediately shocked and confused. They found Ralph, hanging from the side of the mountain, dead, frozen to death, knife in his hand, and safety rope cut only halfway. One of the rescue workers scratched his head and said, “I wonder why he didn’t just finish cutting the rope? …he’s only three feet off the ground.” As Christians, how often do we find ourselves in darkness, hanging off a mountain of despair, holding on to what ‘we’ feel is our only life line? We can’t see our way, but yet we refuse to listen to the One Who can see all. He is telling us that the rope that we are holding on to is the very thing that is holding us back. But because of our limited vision and lack of faith, we refuse to let go. Our faith in God is not based upon what ‘we’ can see; but we must learn to trust in God’s unlimited sight because God has vision that permeates any and all barriers (2 Corinthians 5:7). Ralph trusted in his own sight and as a result he died in that very position, when just a little faith in God would have shown him that salvation was only a few feet away. I Remain In “HIS” Service… Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr., M.Div. – Pastor

So, with his doubts intact, Ralph prays the more

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‘All In The Family’ Volume 10-Issue 5

“Rescue Faith” continued from page -7overcome by a great chopping noise and strong wind burst. He opens his eyes, but He doesn’t see anything. He then notices that the noise is coming from overhead. George looks up to see a rescue helicopter over his head, lowering a ladder down. The rescue worker in the helicopter shouts down to George and tells him to grab the ladder and they will pull him up. George shouts back up to the helicopter and tells them ‘No’. He says that he has been praying for God to save him and nothing is going to shake his faith in God! The helicopter raises the ladder and flies off. Just as George is watching the helicopter fly away, he hears an earth shattering and tremendous cracking and thunderous boom sound! He quickly turns around and looks behind him just in time to see the dam burst wide open! It was almost as if there was dynamite in the dam and it exploded! The last thing that George see’s is tons of concrete and water rushing at him at lightning speed! Then, there is silence. What happened? George didn’t feel a thing! But where is he now? What’s going on? George looks around and soon realizes that he is dead, and as Hebrews 9:27 says, this is now Judgment Day and he is standing before the Judgment Seat of Christ! The Lord looks at George and asks him if he has anything to say? George replies, “Yes Lord, I only would like to know one thing. I had tremendous faith in you all of my life, and in my final moments when I needed you the most, you weren’t there. I prayed to you to save me, but you never came.” To which the Lord replied; “Yes I heard your prayers, and I did answer you each time; I sent you a Jeep, a Boat, and a Helicopter!” True faith requires the dismissal of our own vision, and relying solely upon the vision of the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:7). The way God see’s things and the way man sees things are completely different. Man is looking from a finite perspective, while God is looking from an Eternal perspective. The Israelites failed to receive the inheritance of the Promised Land which was right before their eyes, because it didn’t come in the way that they expected it (Numbers 14). Had they had gone forward in faith, they would have received the long awaited promise. Unfortunately, the same is true with many Christians today who fail to receive the blessings of answered prayer because of their lack of faith! The truth of the matter is, God “wants” to bless us; He “wants” to answer our prayers and give us the desires of our heart! (Psalm 37:4). Faith, then, requires complete selfdenial, and complete Godly reliance (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Study to shew

thyself approved unto God, a workman that

needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

I Remain In “HIS” Service. Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr., M.Div. - Pastor

September/October 2016 News From Around ‘The U’

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First Union Missionary Baptist Church Rev. B.E. Garmon, Sr., M.Div - Pastor Deacon Anthony Brown, Chairman

Deacon Bernard Reese, Vice-Chairman Deacon Robert. L. Barnum, Jr. Deacon Joseph Echols Deacon Michael A. Hudgins, Sr. Deacon Tom D. Marshall

Deacon Wendell Pope, Jr. Deacon Robert R. Scott, Jr. Deacon Mark Sherman, Sr. Deacon Willie Tim

Operation Education: “Catch The Vision”

3707 E. Chelsea Street  Tampa, FL 33610 813.238.1205 (tel)  813.237-8833 (fax) (email) (website)

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