Life Event:
Selling an Asset. We take you through the following steps to help you identify what areas are affected and what you need to consider. Making it: Identify options to reduce capital gains tax We use your Income Plan to free up surplus funds to achieve your goal. Your income plan determines strategies to improve your cash flow through a combination of tax effective strategies and the efficient use of your income. The resulting surplus funds are then used to create wealth.
Growing it: Explore options for investing funds We use your Investment Plan to explore your investment options and empower you to choose what’s best for you. Your investment plan explores the different options available to you and applies the income plan and debt plan analysis to help you meet or exceed your goals.
Leveraging it: Determine whether debt reduction is your best option We use your Debt Plan to eliminate your mortgage and create wealth. Your debt plan analysis your current debt structure, determines mortgage reduction strategies and explores how debt can be used to build your wealth.
Enjoying it: Decide whether super contributions is your best option We use your Retirement Plan to help you achieve your ideal retirement. Your retirement plan identifies your income needs in retirement and the level of assets required to provide this income. We work with you to achieve and sustain the lifestyle you require.
“ The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.” — Bill Copeland