A change of seasons

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A Change of Seasons


19/03/2014 12:54


CH News Bulletin

Past Issues


Wednesday 19th March 2014

Wednesday 19th March 2014 Spring comes to the UK, multicar pile ups in the US, Whole Water needs your help, New Regulations regarding Food Allergies and Members share their news.

87 Days to the CH Awards (13 June), 31 Days (One Month) to the Entry Deadline (18 April) – Sharpen that pencil, steady that cursor and enter! The Considerate Hotel of the Year 2014 Awards – See below for details of one of the Award categories. This week we trumpet the Green Champion and Green Team Awards.


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Spring in Your Step? The UK is experiencing what we hope is not a short lived bout of spring weather. After the plague and pestilence of the winter storms it is so wonderful to see the spring flowers blooming, blue sky and sunshine. A phone call from my son in Ohio however dampened my spirits somewhat telling me of a journey to Cleveland from Chicago by car (normally 6 hours – the airports being closed) that took over 14 hours due to multi-car pile ups on the freeways/turnpikes, lorries jack knifing and blocking roads, and ice and blizzards rampant across several states. While the arguments persists about climate change and global warming it appears clearly winter still has a hand to play!

World Water Day Last week we mentioned World Water Day on 22 March (this Saturday) and highlighted the millions of people who are without a clean fresh water supply, something that most of us take for granted. Today we give you the link to the Whole World Water website. CH is joining Whole World Water’s (a company with charitable intent) campaign and its goal to capture and create massive awareness of the dirty water issue. We will promote the campaign extensively on our social media, Facebook and Twitter. We want to make sure everyone knows about it, gets involved and endeavours hopefully to effect massive changes! You can spread the word easily by adding #wholeworldwater to your media channels. Visit the website for more information.

Food Allergies – New Regulations Sue Hattersley, Head of Allergy at Food Standards Agency talks about Food Information Regulations EU1169/2011 and its implications. In answer to the question, why is food service such an important sector in relation to allergens? “There has been legislation in place relating to allergenic ingredients for around 9 years for prepacked products. Evidence shows that people who have food allergies still have reactions which are happening when they eat out. Some just don’t eat out at all or are unable to go out spontaneously because of the fear of reactions when eating out. The new allergen law will be a really big change for food service because businesses will have to provide allergen ingredient information rather than the current default which is that they don’t have to be able to tell customers which allergenic ingredients are contained in their dishes” What are the Food Information Regulations in relation to allergens and when will they be implemented? “The new Food Information http://us5.campaign-archive1.com/?u=dde11f98e5ce03d93968ee089&id=79e8ffe88a&e=[UNIQID]

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Regulations bring together and update a series of existing regulations regarding nutrition and allergen ingredients information. There will be one regulation encompassing all.The law relating to pre-packed food hasn’t changed very much although the EU Top14 allergens has to be emphasised in some way within the ingredients list”. There hasn’t previously been a requirement for non-pre-packed food but from 13th December 2014 this will change and all food service companies will have to supply details of the EU Top14 allergenic ingredients used in their un-packaged products or dishes they sell.” For more information visit here.

Watch This Space! An event is being planned with our colleagues at SRA which explores the opportunities available to members of both organisations. Yes it’s about being sustainable, yes, it’s about making a profit, yes, it’s creative and yes, it will be fun, so watch this space for news of the date and venue.

News from our Members The County Hotel in Chelmsford – GM Graham McGregor tells us - I thought that you would like to know that we have now started on the process of changing all of our hot water and central heating systems over to BioMass. This will reduce our reliance on fossil fuel [GAS] by 75%! Best Western The Old Tollgate Hotel in Sussex donated their old duvets to the Dogs Trust in Shoreham (more information here). Bravo Zulu to both plus several barks of joy for The Old Tollgate from contented canines. Considerate Supplier News Vini italiani: Searching for a fresh lunch that is suitable for this warm and sunny weather? Try Mozzarella di buffala sent straight from Campania, paired with Falanghina white. Hmm, delicious! (more information here). Delphis Eco: Big loud applause for Delphis Eco for their Silver Standard Award 2013 given by London Recycling for their recycling efforts (more information here).

Ecompter’s Considerate Offer Ecompter is a global leader in sustainability as a service for hotels and is a Considerate Supplier. Ecompter has launched an online course about hotel sustainability which gives an insight into all the


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key aspects of environmental sustainability in the hotel industry. The course covers the basics of environmental sustainability as well as the implementation of sustainability initiatives, measurement of the environmental performance and the communication of the sustainability story of the hotel. There are two versions of the course: Basic - Lectures only + diploma (more information here). Premium - Lectures + final assignment incl. access to the Ecompter tool for 12 months + diploma (more information here). This is a great opportunity to easily increase sustainability know-how within your organisation, engage personnel, and make sustainability a business driver for your hotel. More info about the course from Mr. Matti Korhonen, the environmental expert of Ecompter: Considerate Hotelier members have been offered a 30% discount on the course fees.

The Considerate Hotel of the Year 2014 Awards Each week we will be featuring a category and the criteria for entry. We will also be contacting member hotels individually to encourage participation. This week we are homing in on – Considerate Green Team of the Year.
 This is THE award for the hotel or guest house which, in the opinion of the judges, has – by virtue of the work undertaken by their Green Team – made the most difference in 2012. What's more, they'll have had fun doing so and been innovative and inspiring! Green Teams come in all shapes and sizes, so the award could be won by a dedicated lean and green team of just two people or twenty two. This week it’s a double whammy of award categories – two for the price of one. Considerate Champion of the Year (sponsored by GRAM UK). Presented to the individual who by sheer dedication and determination has inspired others to raise the green standard to unprecedented heights or led the way? Nominated by a fellow hotelier, accommodation operators or people from the industry, this individual may exist in a specific hotel, guest house or within the hotel industry generally - whoever they may be, CH wants to know so their contribution to the green landscape can be properly recognised.

Your News? If you keep us informed of your news, then we can pass it on. Please also keep us informed of management changes so we can keep our data base updated. Thank you!


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Finally Keep an eye on the CH website for the latest news. Contribute and trumpet your own news – we would love to hear from you. Our aim is to make the CH website a pleasure to read for all the right reasons. That objective can be best achieved by all members contributing whatever and whenever they can. Many thanks. Aide Memoir – Add CH to press release distribution. Don’t forget to share this with your colleagues – please! John Firrell jfirrell@consideratehoteliers.com

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