Wasted Opportunities? Energising Rubbish!
CH News Bulletin
12/02/2014 16:00
Tuesday 11th February 2014
Tuesday 11th February 2014 Two conferences last week highlighted opposite ends of the waste chain. Although not in conflict it is interesting to note that one end of the waste chain would almost prefer the other end wasn’t quite so successful. Elsewhere we celebrate belatedly the success of our three AA rosette establishments.
No Opportunity Wasted At a conference at the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, organised by the Sustainable Restaurant Association (SRA) and sponsored by the European Commission and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, delegates were regaled with facts, statistics, information and advice regarding the need to stop food becoming waste. A laudable line of speakers queued up to tell the assembled throng how http://us5.campaign-archive1.com/?u=dde11f98e5ce03d93968ee089&id=8aed19a0ca&e=[UNIQID]
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this can be best achieved. Tesco, Unilever, the EU, FareShare, Netherlands Nutrition Centre and the Deputy Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands gave the audience much food for thought. In the afternoon breakout sessions covered areas including policy and research, industry and consumers. Representatives from Nestle, Food & Drink Federation, Dutch Food Alliance, Sainsbury, WRAP and City University put forward views for delegates to ponder and then support, or not. Despite the tube strike, the conference was well attended and delegates were sent on their way with a lot to consider and hopefully take action to reduce food wastage. Needless to say lunch was a trifle unusual (trifle certainly wasn’t on offer!) – small portions but delicious and attractively presented, with the ability to mimic Oliver Twist and ask for more.
AD & Hospitality Conference 2014 Friday dawned and the tube strike was thankfully over. Considerate credentials had been much improved by a considerable amount of walking and catching the bus (you normally managed to get on the 4th or 5th one heading in the right direction!). Gary Lohan, Chief Engineer at One Aldwych and attending this conference took two hours to walk home on Wednesday evening! The conference on anaerobic digestion and biogas was held at the Royal Garden and was the inaugural event put on by an industry anxious to inform delegates of the advantages of sending food and other waste into a process that produced energy. The great and the good were gathered and speakers from WRAP, BHA, Craft Guild of Chefs and the AD and Biogas industry at large informed, questioned and promoted this green, nay considerate, alternative to landfill. Certainly it is a fascinating subject as clearly there is a need to stop waste in all its forms, but accepting that some waste is inevitable, is turning it into a renewable energy form the answer we are looking for?
Eye Watering Facts 50% of all food produced on the planet never reaches its intended human stomach. 40% of food waste ends up in landfill. 30% of UK vegetable crops are not harvested. Landfill produces harmful methane with global warming potential 21 times greater than CO2. UK families throw away 1.9 billion potatoes per year. Bedtime Reading – Vision 2020 (Achieving zero food waste to landfill)
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Wasted Opportunities? Energising Rubbish!
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Let’s hear it for our new 3 AA Rosette Holders Belated congratulations and a hearty Bravo Zulu to The Lovat (Loch Ness), Bingham (Richmond) and the Devonshire Arms (Yorkshire) on being awarded 3 AA Rosettes. Methinks diners won’t be wasting much food in these establishments!
News from our Members Hôtel du Cap-Eden-Roc from Oetker Collection have been awarded the title of "most beautiful beach hotel in Europe" by Geo magazine. Park Plaza Cardiff has achieved the Visit Wales Gold Award for 2014. For anyone affected by the floods The Crowne Plaza Marlow is offering complimentary tea and coffee as well as use of their Quad Club facilities, plus use of a shower (please bring your own towel if possible) - Bravo Zulu Crowne Plaza Marlow!
The Lovat – Our environmentally friendly member of the week! “At The Lovat we are continually monitoring & evaluating our ecoperformance, our carbon emissions & our impact on the environment, by driving sustainability”. The hotel hates waste so monitors utilities, food production, suppliers, packaging & recycling operations. In addition they use produce from the land through foraging, growing their own herbs, fruit & vegetables at the hotel & in David’s in a kitchen garden in Torridon. They are also sponsoring their own Berkshire pig! Despite always looking to improve, The Lovat has a keen eco-vein running through its business core, driven solely by passion for the environment. The Lovat has included in its kitchen, energy efficient equipment, changed to LED lighting, installed dusk dawn lighting with time clock and SAVAWATT installation among others. For more information about The Lovat environmental footprint and their measurements taken to reduce it, please click here.
The Considerate Hotel of the Year 2014 Awards are go! Details of which can be found on the CH website. One thing is certain: all winners this year will be CH members for this is an award programme exclusively for members. We have the sponsors, the judges are ready to judge and the splendid Langham London is the http://us5.campaign-archive1.com/?u=dde11f98e5ce03d93968ee089&id=8aed19a0ca&e=[UNIQID]
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venue where you will receive your just desserts. Hotels and accommodation providers who wish to enter and are not CH members will have to join Considerate Hoteliers to enter. We wish you every success – the awards are yours to win!
Your News? If you keep us informed of your news, then we can pass it on. Please also keep us informed of management changes so we can keep our data base updated. Thank you! May 2014 bring you business success in every form, perhaps with a generous spoonful of honey!
Finally Keep an eye on the CH website for the latest news. Contribute and trumpet your own news – we would love to hear from you. Our aim is to make the CH website a pleasure to read for all the right reasons. That objective can be best achieved by all members contributing whatever and whenever they can. Many thanks. Aide Memoir – Add CH to press release distribution. Don’t forget to share this with your colleagues – please! John Firrell jfirrell@consideratehoteliers.com
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