AÂ game by Krzysztof Matusik for 2 to 4 players
1.0 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2.0 Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3.0 Set Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4.0 Sequence of Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5.0 Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6.0 The Actions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7.0 The Character Cards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8.0 Game End & Scoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1 T he Game Board & the Cardboard Playing Pieces On the left side, the game board has 5 spots for the character cards, see below. The locomotives of the players move on the main part on the right side of the board. One cardboard playing piece is placed on each round spot before the game begins, see 3.0.
Spaces for character cards
1.0 INTRODUCTION In Cargoexpress two to four players take over the roles of train entrepreneurs that accept orders and transport goods. Cargoexpress is mechanically simple, however, planning the best moves is complex. Moreover, each player has to cope with always changing conditions. Let your fellow players watch sparks fly from under the wheels of your dashing train!
Each copy of Cargoexpress contains: • 1 game board • 76 playing cards (36 planning, 18 contract, 16 locomotive, 5 character, 1 start player – plus 4 promo cards that are not used in the game) • 4 wooden locomotives (1 each in 4 player colors) • 45 cubes in 5 colors • 1 bag • cardboard playing pieces • 4 player aids (1 per players) • 2 rules booklets (English and German)
2.2 The Playing Cards
The 76 cards consist of 36 planning cards (9 per player), 16 engine cards (4 per player), 18 contract cards, 5 character cards, and 1 stationmaster (= start player) card. A
engine card
3 ➠
factory start space
planning card
contract card
character card
stationmaster card
2.3 The Bag & the Cubes During the game the cubes (45; 9 each in 5 different colors) are drawn out of the bag and are placed on industrial complex playing pieces. The cubes represent train cars.
NOTE: From now on the cubes are called cars in these rules.
3 T he 18 contract cards are shuffled; each player receives one. They look at them and put them on the table facedown. The rest of the contract cards are put into the center of the game board. 4 T he 5 character cards are placed on their spots at the side of the board face up (it does not matter in which space a card is placed). 5
2.4 A Player´s Components Each player has 9 planning cards and 4 engine cards plus 1 wooden locomotive in their color. Moreover, each player receives 1 play aid. The play aids are backprinted (one side is English, the other side is German). - play aid A round • planning phase , consisting of: • Action phase · Turn 1 · Turn 2 · Turn 3
2 B
1/2 A
g: before movin first car. Special action may attach the complex, you At an industrial order. one per turn): or more cars in Actions (only complex; one At an industrial ex of your color. • Attaching cars: compl last car at rial indust car is attached; engine: At the first available • upgrading rial complex; cars: At an indust complex. • Exchanging Check if place on last car(s). to tled back of disman train is put y of the color cars: At a factor of a contract. r ntling • disma Maximum numbe allow fulfilling cts, keep one. dismantled car(s) draw two contra act: At any space; one • Signing a contr cts: 2 of cars at any contra of unfulfilled change the order cars: At any space; of order • Changing other direction. ex. space, even in industrial compl move one extra At any space; extra space: ges • Moving an master exchan player: New station r card to next Maste n Statio token. transfer the any other empty refit token with
ow the rest of the playing pieces is shuffled and then 6 N each one is placed, randomly, on all remaining spaces on the board.
One player puts all cubes/cars into the bag and then places one car on each spot of the industrial complex pieces.
ow each player takes their individual player material: 8 N 1 play aid plus 1 locomotive, 4 engine cards and 9 planning cards in their color.
One player takes the cardboard playing pieces and separates all factories from them. The factories are shuffled and then, randomly, one each is placed in their starting spaces on the game board, face up.
The planning cards are placed in front of them on the table; the locomotive is put on the industrial complex card of the matching color.
SCoring es: A player receiv . per set of 5 colors however, colors – but only , 1 white), he scores • 1 point per cube, all 5 different green, 1 brown 2nd cube if you have red, 2 blue, 1 • 2 points per 2nd red and the has 7 cubes (2 points for the Example: A player (2 points per cube) plus 2 the set 10 points for blue cube. cts. fulfilled contra • The points for contract. per unfulfilled • Minus 2 points
The 4 engine cards are placed face up on the table – with the A on top, then B, then C, then D.
9 F inally, the players determine a random start player who receives the stationmaster card.
3.0 SET UP 1 One player places the game board on the table. 2 A nother player takes the deck of cards and separates it into five different stacks: • the 36 planning cards, • the 18 contract cards, • the 16 engine cards, • the 5 character cards, • the stationmaster card.
4.0 SEQUENCE OF PLAY Cargoexpress is played in game rounds, consisting of two phases, until one player fulfills the game end conditions, see 8.0. The player with the stationmaster card begins; the other players are following in clockwise order.
- play aid -
s: A player receive per set of 5 colors. however, colors – but only • 1 point per cube, 1 white), he scores all 5 different green, 1 brown, 2nd cube if you have red, 2 blue, 1 • 2 points per 2nd red and the has 7 cubes (2 points for the Example: A player (2 points per cube) plus 2 the set for points 10 blue cube. cts. contra fulfilled • The points for lled contract. unfulfi per • Minus 2 points
➠ +1
Setup with board and blue player components
g: before movin first car. Special action may attach the complex, you At an industrial order. one per turn): or more cars in Actions (only complex; one At an industrial x of your color. • Attaching cars: car at industrial comple attached; last engine: At the available car is • upgrading ial complex; first cars: At an industrcomplex. • Exchanging on Check if place last to dismantled car(s). train is put back of the color of cars: At a factory of a contract. number g • dismantling one. Maximum allow fulfillin contracts, keep dismantled car(s) two draw ct: At any space; • Signing a contra cts: 2 at any one contra the order of cars of unfulfilled space; change of cars: At any • Changing order x. other direction. space, even in industrial comple move one extra At any space; extra space: exchanges • Moving an New stationmaster : player r card to next Station Maste token. transfer the empty any other refit token with
• planning phase , consisting of: • Action phase · Turn 1 · Turn 2 · Turn 3
A round
Each game round is divided into a • Planning Phase and an • Action Phase
4.1 Planning Phase
➠ +1
At the start of the planning phase each player, in turn order, selects 1 character card from the board and places it in front of them.
After that each player takes a look at the position of their locomotive on the board, their planning cards, and their topmost engine card. The players have to decide how many spaces they want to move with their locomotive. Each planning card has A engine class a letter corresponding to an number of spaces 1 engine card and a single the locomotive must move number. The letter is the engine class while the number is the number of spaces the locomotive has to move. With their planning cards the players simultaneously form a stack of three facedown cards. The card to be used during the first turn of the action phase (see 4.2) is placed on top, the card to be used during the second turn below and the one to be used in the third turn is at the bottom. This is the planning stack. Normally the players may only use their cards that match their current engine card or cards that spot a letter that is before it in the alphabet. EXAMPLE: Bev has the B engine on top of her planning stack. She may use all A and B planning cards. ATTENTION: Even if the engine class of a player´s locomotive is too low, a player may put a higher class planning card in their planning stack. After all, they could upgrade the engine before the card is revealed. The D planning card is special. It has two D 1/2 numbers (“1/2”). The player may decide to either move 1 or 2 spaces on the board right before it is their turn to move.
4.2 Action Phase The action phase consists of 3 player turns of each player, conducted in clockwise order beginning with the stationmaster/start player. Each turn is played in the same way. The player whose turn it is flips over their top card of their planning stack. Then the locomotive of that player is moved a number of spaces on the board. Afterwards the player has to conduct an action (but see 5.3). The other player(s) follow in clockwise order. This is done three times per action phase.
Played cards are discarded to the pile of unused planning cards. NOTE: If a player has made a mistake and placed a card into the planning stack that they cannot use (letter is too “high”), they lose their turn and can neither move nor conduct an action. At the end of the action phase the character cards are returned to their spaces on the board. In addition, the stationmaster card is given to the player to the left of the current stationmaster. The new stationmaster has to exchange the railroad refit playing piece on the board with any other playing piece that neither has any locomotive or cars on it. Now the next game round begins!
5.0 MOVEMENT The number on each planning card determines how many spaces a locomotive on the game board has to move. Each space on the board costs 1 movement point to enter. It is not allowed to move less or more spaces (but see 5.3). Movement may be in clockwise or counterclockwise direction – but it must be made in one direction only. It is allowed to pass through other players´ locomotives or to end the movement in a space with one more different locomotives. See also 5.3 below.
5.1 Tunnels There are two tunnels in the game, each consisting of 2 playing pieces, termed “I” and “II”. The 2 “I” and the 2 “II” tunnel playing pieces/locations are “connected”. If a locomotive enters a tunnel space, the next space it enters may be the other tunnel piece with the same letter. Moving from one tunnel piece to the other costs 1 movement point. Tunnels not only may shorten your route but they allow a player to change the direction of movement after leaving it.
5.2 Railroad Refit Playing Piece The space with this piece may not be entered or crossed by any locomotive (but see 7.0). NOTE: The location of this piece will change at the end of each round.
5.3 Special Action before Movement Before starting movement, a player may take this special action. It may be only taken if the player´s locomotive is on any industrial complex piece. It lets the player attach a car to the locomotive. See also 6.1 below.
6.0 THE ACTIONS After their movement, a player may conduct one of the following actions. • Attaching Cars • Upgrading the Engine • Exchanging Cars • Uncoupling Cars • Signing a Contract • Changing the order of Cars • Moving an extra Space
6.1 Attaching Cars If a player´s locomotive ends its movement on an industrial complex space, the player may attach one or more cars of this complex to his engine. Attaching a car means that the player takes the first (leftmost) car on the industrial complex piece and puts it to the right side of his engine card. If there is already one or more cars at the engine card, the new car is placed at the very end in line. If a player takes more than one car they have to keep the order of cars when attaching them to the engine. Be careful when placing cars and changing their order!
NOTE: Each engine card shows a number of cars, between 1 (A) to 4 (D). This is the maximum number of cars each engine may have attached at any time! Afterwards the player draws, one at a time, as many cars from the bag as needed to fill all empty spots on the space – from left to right.
6.2 Upgrading the Engine If a player´s locomotive ends its movement on the industrial complex space in the player´s color, they may remove their current engine card and return it to the game box. The next engine card in sequence (A to B, B to C, C to D) is now “active”. A player may take this action only a maximum of three times during a game. An upgraded engine lets a player use more planning cards and haul additional cars.
6.3 Exchanging Cars If a player´s locomotive ends its movement on any industrial complex space, they may remove the last attached car (furthest one to the rear) and attach the first car on the complex space. The removed car is placed at the 3rd spot of the complex piece. Before, the cars in spot #2 and #3 are moved one spot to the left. A player may only exchange a single car.
6.4 Uncoupling Cars The player may take this action if their locomotive ended the movement on any factory space. In addition, the color of a player´s last car (furthest to the rear) has to match the color of the factory. If they match, the player may uncouple this car. It is possible to uncouple several cars at once in sequence from the rear, if they all match the color of the factory. Uncoupled cars are placed below a player´s engine card. Uncoupled cars may be also used to fulfill contracts, see 6.5. In addition, they will score points at the end of the game, no matter if they have been used to fulfill a contract or not.
6.5 S igning a Contract and Contract Cards in general The player may take this action if their locomotive ended the movement on any space of the board. The player then draws two cards (if possible, see below) from the top of the contract cards´ deck and looks at them. One of these cards is kept, the other is returned to the bottom of the contract cards´ deck. It is a new contract to be fulfilled.
NOTE: No player may have more than 2 unfulfilled contracts. If the contract cards´ deck is empty, this action cannot be selected anymore. If there is only a single card remaining, the player may choose to keep it or to return it.
victory points color and number of cars needed in order to fulfill the contract
Each unfulfilled contract is worth minus 2 points at the end of the game.
6.6 Changing the order of Cars The player may take this action if their locomotive ended the movement on any space of the board. The player then selects any one industrial complex space and puts the cars at that space in the order of his choosing.
7.0 THE CHARACTER CARDS Cargoexpress contains 5 different character cards. At the start of the planning phase each player, in turn order, selects 1 character card from the board and places it in front of them.
Each contract card has two pieces of information: a victory points´ value if the contract has been fulfilled and the number and color of cars that are needed to fulfill it. The player takes cars from below his engine card (see 6.4 above) and places the right number and colors on the card. The cars used to fulfill a contract stay on the card till the end of the game – they may not be used to fulfill another contract. However, all cars score again at the end of the game. REMEMBER: Cars are cubes.
The player may take this action if their locomotive ended the movement on any space of the board. The player may then move their locomotive 1 additional space – even in the opposite direction of their movement. Movement through a tunnel is possible if the player ended on a tunnel space.
6.7 Moving an extra Space
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6.8. End of Action Phase When all players have played their 3 cards and conducted their actions, this phase ends. The character cards are now returned to their spots on the board. In addition, the stationmaster card is given to the player to the left of the current stationmaster. The new stationmaster has to exchange the railroad refit playing piece on the board with any other playing piece that neither has any locomotive or cars on it.
T HE LOGISTICIAN: When selecting the attaching cars action (6.1), the player may attach any cars present at the industrial complex space and put them to his locomotive in any order. NOTE: Only the newly taken cars may be attached in any order at the end. THE ENGINEER: When selecting the uncoupling cars action (6.4), the player may uncouple any cars at his locomotive.
T HE MECHANIC: During movement the player may pass through (but not end on) the railroad refit piece. The railroad refit piece costs 1 movement point.
T HE DRIVER: Once per game round only, during movement, the player may move 1 additional space. The card should be flipped over to show that is has been used afterwards.
T HE MANAGER: When fulfilling a contract, the player may use one car of a different color than shown on the card.
All character cards are returned to the board at the end of the action phase.
8.0 GAME END & SCORING When a car has to be drawn out of the bag and the player notices the bag is empty, the game will be soon over. From now on the players should check when the total amount of cars on industrial complexes is equal to or less than the number of players. When this has happened the players are in the last game round. This last game round is completed normally. It is not necessary to return character cards or pass the stationmaster card. When this round is completed, the players score points.
EXAMPLE: Bev has 7 cars (2 red, 2 blue, 1 green, 1 brown, 1 white), she scores 10 points for the set (2 points per car) plus 2 points for the second red and the second blue car. • The points for fulfilled contracts. • Minus 2 points per unfulfilled contract. Each player adds up their points. The player with the most points is the winner! If there is a tie, among these players the one who has the most cars in front of them is the winner. If there is still a tie, there is more than one winner.
A PLAYER RECEIVES: • 1 point per car in their possession, however, • 2 points per car if they have all 5 different car colors – but only per set of 5 colors.
Design: Krzysztof Matusik Development: Uli Blennemann Graphics: Harald Lieske Layout: Filip Stránský Copyright 2018 Compass Games LLC, 1840 Silas Deane, Rocky Hill, CT 06067, USA www.compassgames.com