Engine Thieves
The Great Locomotive Chase of the 1862 Andrews Railroad Raid

The Great Locomotive Chase of the 1862 Andrews Railroad Raid
Designed by Wes Crawford
Developed by Gregg Pittenger
Artwork by Paul Laane
Graphic Design and Layout by Paul Laane
Rules by Gregg Pittenger and Wes Crawford
Project Manager: Brittani-Pearl Eaton-Koch and Julian Thomas
Playtesters: David Barker, Dave Barr, Kevin Bertram, Philip Brown, Stanley Buck, Chuck Clark, Kevin Conway, Fred Cook III, Richard Cook, Reshma Crawford, Roger Cundiff, Frank DiNola, Pat Duffy, Daniel Farrow, Kiva Fecteau, Chris Fey, Jim Flynn, David Gruenbaum, John Haas, Bob Hager, Ryan Heilman, Chris Johnstone, Sean Johnstone, Paul Kallio, Sam Kauffman, John Leach, Dave K. and Dawn Lewis, Scott Lively, Sam Marsh, Iain Martin, Ray McCuster, Daniel McMurray, Sage McMurray, Katie Merris, Robert Murtha, Del Perry, John & Becky Pittenger, Lynd Pratt, Wayne Ratliff, Mark Ribaudo, Carl Rofsky, Lance Seman, Brad Smith, Susan Smith, Mike Stanley, Norm Stewart, David Stoy, Mickey Thompson, Sean Tyson, Wyllys Vanderhoff, Don Vreeland, John Weber, Mike Woodgerd, and Paul Zuros.
“Much thanks to Brittani-Pearl Eaton-Koch and Julian Thomas for leading this production to completion, to Gregg Pittenger for his rules editing and his historical and gameplay advice, to Paul Laane for his stunning artwork, and to Ryan Heilman for his inspiring prototype.”
- Wes Crawford
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On April 12, 1862, the charismatic Union agent James Andrews and his band of raiders stole the train powered by the locomotive, “The General,” from under the noses of about 3000 Confederate troops training at Big Shanty (Kennesaw), GA. Their risky mission was to cut telegraph wires, burn railroad bridges, and damage track between Atlanta and Chattanooga, thus severing communications, reinforcements, and supplies between the two cities. This was as Union General Mitchel advanced his forces upon Chattanooga with the aim of capturing it and splitting the Confederacy in two. The raiders needed to bluff their way through the Confederate railroad stations and even pass through Chattanooga to meet the advancing Union force in Bridgeport!
At this time, the railroad was only a single track such that the only way trains could pass each other was at stations along the route. Unknown to the raiders, the Confederates guarding Chattanooga were mostly less-experienced troops, and extra trains carrying evacuees and other goods were sent south to Atlanta. Adding to the Raiders’ problems, “The General’s” conductor William Fuller, foreman Anthony Murphy, and engineer E. Jefferson Cain together began a dogged pursuit of the “engine thieves.” They chased them on foot, by pole car, and by train! In this game, as the Raiders player you must try to succeed where the original raiders failed and meet General Mitchel in Bridgeport to let him know that all is ready to proceed with the advance upon Chattanooga.
As the solo player in charge of Andrews and the Union raiders, you must accumulate at least 25 Victory Points (see 18.0) by some combination of burning bridges, cutting telegraph wires, damaging track, bringing the stolen train to Bridgeport, and defeating Confederate units that get in your way, all while minimizing raider casualties. Reaching Bridgeport is a high priority since without that accomplishment, General Mitchel would likely call off his attack on Chattanooga. Mitchel might be otherwise unaware of the Raiders’ successes!
Victory points are summed at the end of the game and need not be tallied during the game.
In the Two-Player version of the game, as the Confederate player you must reduce the Raiders Victory Points to -11 or less by relentlessly pursuing them, inflicting casualties, minimizing the Raiders ability to carry out sabotage, and keeping them from reaching Bridgeport before the game’s end. The Raiders player needs at least 16 VPs to win.
The following abbreviations are used in these rules and game materials.
• S/B: Southbound (moving toward Big Shanty).
• N/B: Northbound (moving toward Bridgeport).
• TSS: Train Schedule Stack.
• CSA: Confederate States of America ( “Confederate” and “CSA” are used interchangeably.)
• DRM: Die Roll Modifier.
• MOH: Medal of Honor.
• D6: Six-sided game die.
• F/M/C: refers to the counter currently representing conductor Fuller, foreman Murphy and engineer Cain.
• Boxcars: Means at least two “6”s from a given roll or set of rolls.
• Transportation Mode refers to Pursuit Cards.
a. The Clock runs from 6:00am-4:00pm on the top portion of the Tracking Board. Each Turn represents 15 minutes. Alert text provides important information at certain times. 4:00PM was historically the generally accepted time by which the train chase was finished, when northern Georgia had been fully alerted to the raid. The 4:00pm game end is also the time by which the Raiders hoped to meet General Mitchel and his Union forces in Bridgeport in order to press their attack on Chattanooga.
b. The Alert Level Track on the right side of the mat keeps track of the level of alertness and awareness of the raid by the Confederates during the game.
c. The red “Raider Outcomes” boxes on the left side of the mat are where Raider counters are placed if and when individual Raiders are Captured, Killed, Hanged, or have Escaped.
At the top, each color-coded Action Card has the name of a Raider Action, a number showing how many minutes the Action lasts, a letter showing the priority the card is played, and gameplay effects. In the Solo game, do not use the two Dummy cards and the “Send Un-manned Train S/B” Action cards. These are marked at bottom right to denote that they are only used in the two-player game mode.
In this game, the Raiders start with the train “The General”, but can steal other Trains as replacements.
The front side shows a photo of each individual Raider with their rank and name.
The back side of each counter shows the Raider with the Raider’s rank and name, used only if that Raider becomes wounded in Combat or due to a Train wreck.
Some Raiders have Special Abilities designated by the word:
• Leader (James Andrews)
• Engineer (Pvt. Brown, Pvt. Knight, and Cpl. Hawkins)
Two Raiders, Pvt. Smith and Cpl. Llewellyn, were forced into the Confederate Army near Chattanooga and did not make it to the raid. They are designated with an “*” and only enter the game if so instructed to by a Marietta Card.
Two other Raiders, Cpl. Hawkins and Pvt. Porter, did not wake up in time and missed boarding “The General” with the other Raiders in Marietta. They are designated with “**” and also only enter the game if so instructed to by a Marietta card. Notice that Cpl. Hawkins is an Engineer.
Photos of the Raiders are not all from the time period of the raid.
Six Train Schedule Stack Identification counters labeled, “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” “E,” and “F.” Each counter is placed on top of a stack of facedown Train and/or Encounter counters and serve only to identify a Train Schedule Stack for movement purposes. If there are no longer any facedown counters underneath it, an Identification counter is removed from play.
These are placed on the game board as a result of successful Raider and Confederate Actions:
a. Burning Bridge: Placed on a Bridge that has been set afire by the Raiders. Only Fuller/Murphy/Cain can cross a Burning Bridge, using their “Swim” action.
b. Damaged Track: Placed on a track space when the Raiders use a “Damage Track” Action. These will temporarily stop pursuing Trains, as detailed later in the rules.
c. Cut Telegraph: Placed on the Telegraph line next to a space where the Raiders perform a “Cut Telegraph” Action. Telegraph messages cannot pass through a line that has been cut. No more than one Cut Telegraph counter may be placed between Telegraph Stations.
d. Rails and Ties: Kept just off to the right of the Raider’s Dashboard after successfully Damaging Track. Later, this counter may be spent to attempt to slow pursuers by use of the “Throw Ties And Rails On To Track” Action. If successful, it is placed on the track and a pursuing Train may only move at “Slow” speed over the space. The counter is then discarded.
e. Decoupled Boxcar: Placed on a track space as per the Raiders’ “Decouple Boxcar” Action. Details are found on this Action Card.
f. Barrier: Placed in every Telegraph Station north of the Telegraph Station that sends a warning Telegraph message. If the activated “Chattanooga Military Train” sets up a defensive position on a rail space, a Barrier is placed there, too. The Barrier may only be removed by the Raiders with a successful “Remove Barrier” Action.
Each one has “Medium” on one side and “Fast” on the other. These markers should be placed on the Raiders’ Train and on any Confederate Train that is one move away from them so that Train speeds are remembered if a collision becomes possible. Use the “Medium” side if the Train last moved at a medium speed and the “Fast” side if fast. Without a speed marker, it is assumed that a Confederate Train is moving “Slow.” Without a speed marker, the Raiders’ Train is moving “Slow” or else did not move as a result of the last Action Card played.
Sections 5.0–22.0 cover the solo mode for Engine Thieves. the two-player mode starts with Section 23.0.
1. Place the Game Board, Tracking Board, and CSA & Raider Player Dashboards on the table in front of you.
2. Place the time tracking piece on the 6AM space of the clock, and the Alert Level tracking piece on the Alert Level 1 space.
3. Shuffle the Marietta, Big Shanty, and Moon’s Station cards and place them facedown onto their respective card slots on the bottom left corner of the board, resulting in three stacks. Place the “All Clear” token near the Tracking Board. Place the four Raiders counters showing “*” (Smith and Llewellyn) and “**” (Hawkins and Porter) beneath the Marietta deck in case these Raiders end up joining the Raid via these cards.
4. On the Game Board, place the following Train counters on their corresponding boxes:
a. Place the “The General” counter in Big Shanty Station.
b. Place the dark “The Pennsylvania” counter in Marietta Station.
c. Place the dark “The Yonah” counter in Etowah Station.
d. Place the dark “The William R. Smith” counter in Kingston Station.
e. Place the dark “Chattanooga Military Train” counter in Chattanooga Station.
5. Place the 6 remaining light Train counters (“The Catoosa,” “The New York,” “The Texas,” “Freight 1,” “Freight 2,” and “Freight 3”) facedown in a loose pile in the top of the game box. Add the 18 Encounter counters to the pile, also facedown. Mix the counters thoroughly. Then, place 4 randomly selected counters facedown in a stack in each of the following locations:
a. Calhoun Station. Add the “A” ID counter on top of the Stack. This is Train Schedule Stack “A.”
b. Tilton Station. Add the “B” ID counter on top of the Stack. This is Train Schedule Stack “B.”
c. Dalton Station. Add the “C” ID counter on top of the Stack. This is Train Schedule Stack “C.”
d. Tunnel Hill Station. Add the “D” ID counter on top of the Stack. This is Train Schedule Stack “D.”
e. Catoosa Station. Add the “E” ID counter on top of the Stack. This is Train Schedule Stack “E.”
f. Chattanooga Station. Add the “F” ID counter on top of the Stack. This is Train Schedule Stack “F.”
Note- The “Chattanooga Military Train” is not a part of this Stack.
The above facedown Train/Encounter counters cannot be examined until turned face up due to Challenges, Intelligence, or meeting the Raiders Train between Stations, as described later.
6. Raider Player Dashboard Setup: Place “The General” Pursuit card on the “Raiders’ Train” space. Place the two “Engineer” counters in a stack in the Engineers box. Place the Andrews “Leader” counter in his corresponding box. Place all 20 blue Persuasion Cubes within the Andrews’ Persuasion Cubes box. Place 30 brown wood cubes in the
Wood box. Place the 17 remaining Raider counters in the Raiders box in stacks of 5 where possible to speed up later counting for combat. Place the tan Boxcar counter on the “3” space of the Raider’s box to denote the game starts with 3 boxcars.
7. CSA Dashboard Setup: Place the Fuller Ability tracking pieces next to the CSA Player Dashboard to later mark off abilities as they are used. Place the “RUN”, “POLE CAR”, and “SWIM” cards face-up in a stack on the Transportation Mode box (with “RUN” on top). Place the “POLE CAR” and “SWIM” counters, along with the gray train piece, to the side of this box for easy access.
8. Place the remaining 9 Pursuit Cards face-up underneath the other cards in the Transportation Mode box.
9. Place the “RUN” counter at Big Shanty since this is how Fuller/Murphy/Cain begin their pursuit of the Raiders.
10. Take the two CSA Units with a Strength of 20 and place one facedown at Big Shanty and the other facedown at Chattanooga. Place one CSA Unit with a Strength of 10 facedown in Kingston. Place all the remaining CSA Unit counters facedown in the game box top and mix them up. Place the following number of units in their listed locations. If a CSA unit is already present, mix up the new and old units and place them as a single stack.
• Big Shanty: Add 4 counters
• Chattanooga: Add 4 counters
• Kingston: Add 2 counters
• Place the remaining CSA units facedown in all other Stations that have CSA Unit Boxes as instructed in the box.
11. Sort and place the remaining counters within easy reach, along with the five D6 and the Player’s Aid.
12. Separate the Raiders Action Cards into face-up groups by their colored headings and make sure they are easy to reach. Important: The two “Dummy” cards and the “Send Un-manned Train S/B” card are not used in the Solo version of the game.
The raiders made an arduous trek from southern Tennessee to Marietta, GA, mostly in awful weather, walking to Chattanooga and catching a Train the rest of the way. Historically, two raiders were forced to “enlist” in a Confederate artillery unit defending Chattanooga, and two others (one being a valuable engineer!) overslept in Marietta and missed the train.
Before regular play begins, the Raider player has the option to draw Marietta cards in Marietta to gather Intelligence about the Confederate Train Schedules and to possibly gain back Raiders that historically missed the raid. This option may be ignored, in which case the player should proceed directly to the regular Sequence of Play. Note that the Marietta cards have detrimental as well as beneficial effects. If the Marietta Card option is taken, follow these steps in order:
1. Draw a Marietta card and do as it instructs. If it says that you must take any action in Big Shanty, make note of that but do NOT do so yet. If the “Henry Greene Cole” card is drawn, refer to the rules section 8.8 Intelligence.
2. Choose whether to repeat Step 1 or stop drawing cards and go to Step 3. Marietta cards may be drawn until there are no more left.
3. If a prior card instructed the player to take an action in Big Shanty, do that now. Then, proceed to the Sequence of Play.
Note- if Hawkins (“**”) joins the Raid, place him in the Engineers box, too.
After all Marietta and Big Shanty card play is finished, the Raiders have stolen “The General”!
I. Raider Player Turn:
a. Choose Action cards totaling up to 15 minutes and play them in order.
b. Resolve all Challenges and Encounters as they occur.
Note: If a Challenge resolution fails, one Confederate unit at that Station (if any) is flipped face up and immediately fires at the Raiders.
II. Confederate Turn:
a. Move F/M/C northward to pursue Raiders. If in the same space as Raiders, roll for Combat.
b. For a Station with Raiders that failed a Challenge, flip over one additional face-down Confederate Unit if one exists.
c. All face-up Confederate Units may fire at the Raiders if they are still at that Station. Face up CSA Unit(s) fire even if NO challenge failed on that turn.
d. Roll dice (one black and one white) to potentially move each face-up S/B light train, the most southern first, then progressing northerly to each train.
e. Roll dice (one black and one white) to potentially move Train Schedule Stacks (TSSs) in alphabetical order.
f. Roll to move The Pennsylvania N/B train if it has been activated.
g. Roll to move the Chattanooga Military Train if it has been activated.
III. Advance the Clock. Check for Events on the Clock and resolve them accordingly.
It is highly recommended to organize the Action Cards by color group and study these options a bit before playing.
From the Action Cards, the Raider player selects any cards (heading colors may vary) that add up to 15 minutes or less and places them face-up in their corresponding slots on the Raider Player Dashboard.
Unless abandoning the Train where it becomes “every man for himself,” Andrews and all Raiders always Move and take Actions together on the same Train and are always considered to be in the same space.
Action Cards are color-coded for ease of use:
• Blue: Movement (4 cards)
• Yellow: Challenges and Encounters (1 card)
• Pink: Mission Actions that gain Victory Points and slow down Confederate pursuit (3 cards). Each Pink card may be successfully used only once per space.
• Purple: Train Actions that may slow down Confederate pursuit but do not gain Victory Points (3 cards, 1 is not used in the Solo game).
• Red: Combat Actions that are related to Attacks (3 cards)
• Brown: Replenish the Train’s Wood supply (3 cards)
• White: Dummy (2 cards, not used in the Solo game)
• Green: Rest and Plot to gain 4 Persuasion cubes or lower the Alert Level (1 single-use card)
• Black: End of game Actions (2 cards)
The selected cards may be placed in any order, with the following options:
a. The current Action card may be immediately repeated as often as needed during a turn. If this causes the Action sequence to exceed the 15-minute limit, the final Action card (last in the sequence) cannot be executed and it is immediately returned to the Action deck.
b. The 3rd Action card in the 15-minute sequence may be voluntarily ignored. This is known as “dithering.” If a card is played when its action is invalid or inapplicable, its action is not performed, but its time is still spent.
c. The red “Combat Attack” Action card may be inserted into a slot even after Raider card play has begun. This card is the only means by which the Raiders may fire at CSA Units. The “Combat Attack” card may be repeated as long as the 15-minute limit is not exceeded, but all other placed cards that exceed the 15-minute limit may not be acted on.
Hint: You may not want the Raiders to arrive at a Station at the end of their 15 minutes if combat is anticipated at that Station. In this case, you will not be able to include the “Combat Attack” card on that same turn, allowing the CSA units to fire twice for failing a Station Challenge (once for the Raider turn, once during the subsequent Confederate Turn) before the Raiders can start to fire (on their next turn).
a. Some Actions may take a shorter amount of time if other cards are being played in the same turn. For example, if the Raiders have the Moon’s Station card called “Good Tools” during the “Damage Track” Action, this Action will take less time.
b. On Purple or Brown cards, the text “If Moving” means that a Move card must have been played immediately before this card on this turn.
c. Purple cards do not affect F/M/C “RUN” movement but may reduce “POLE CAR” movement by one space (treat as a red X Dangerous Track space).
d. If the “Decouple Boxcar” or “Break Up Boxcar For Wood” Action card is played, move the Boxcar counter to the next lowest number on the Raider Dashboard Boxcar Track. At least one Boxcar must be left attached to the Raiders’ Train to conceal the non-engine Raiders (See Optional Rule D: Riding the Tender). F/M/C on a Pursuit Train must stop or move Slow on to a space with a Decoupled Boxcar and then push it to the next Station at Slow or Medium speed.
e. The “Damage Track” card causes the placement of a square Damaged Track counter on the Raiders’ space. If the Raider player has the “Good Tools” card, place this counter with the higher numbered (“8”) side up. If the Raider has only the “Crowbar” card, instead place this counter with the lower numbered ( “7”) side up.
The movement of “The General” is accomplished through the play of “Move” Action Cards. Andrews and the Raiders can steal a different train later in the game. However, the Raiders historically operated as a single military unit, so they will never split up to use multiple trains at once. When playing a “Move” card:
1.) Choose your speed and move up to the corresponding maximum number of track spaces.
2.) Discard the designated number of Wood cubes. Movement Restrictions:
1.) The Raider train may never travel backward (southward) down the track.
2.) The Raider train may not move if all Engineers are wounded, killed, and/or captured!! In that case, you will soon probably play the “Abandon the Train!” Action card.
3.) The Raider train may intentionally move onto a non-Station rail space containing a S/B train or Train Schedule Stack but only at SLOW speed. However, the Raiders train may always move just short of that S/B Train or Stack.
There are four types of track spaces on the gameboard:
1. Normal: Have no special effect.
2. Dangerous: Represent severely hilly and/or curvy sections of track. They allow normal movement except that if moving at FAST speed, a roll must be performed to see if the Raider Train derails (See 8.5.1 DANGEROUS TRACK).
CSA Trains never move Fast over Dangerous Track.
3. Bridge: Contains a bridge that is a potential target for the Raiders to burn. Six Victory Points are gained by burning each Bridge except for the Oostanaula Bridge, which is worth 15 VP’s. A bridge can be burned by using a “Set Fire To Bridge Attempt” or “Decouple Boxcar” Action card.
a. A successfully Burning Bridge space stops all Train movement there. The Raiders are always considered to be north of a burned bridge. Subsequently arriving Trains are considered to be stopped north or south of the burned bridge, according to their direction of approach.
b. A “Damaged Track” counter may be played on a Bridge space and that Bridge space may be subsequently Burned.
c. A successfully Burning Bridge space adjacent to a Station also increases the Alert Level by 1.
d. At a Burning Bridge, F/M/C may swim across (see 12.0 PURSUIT CARDS) but any CSA Units there must immediately be placed facedown at the nearest Station on the south side of the burned bridge.
e. A Train may be left by the Raiders at a bridge space while capturing another Train there. If this bridge is then set on fire, that Train that was left will then fall into the water at the end of the following Confederate turn unless it has been reached by F/M/C for commandeering or escorting (as described later). If it falls, remove that Train counter from the gameboard and keep it for Victory Points at the game’s end.
4. Station: Any large space with a name where Challenges and Encounters often occur. Stations are the only spaces where N/B and S/B trains can pass each other. Wherever an “*” is printed next to the Station name, detailed rules for that Station are provided under 14.0 STATIONS WITH SPECIAL RULES
a. The Raiders’ Train may freely move through Stations that have no Trains, TSSs, nor Encounter counters present. Otherwise, they must stop in the Station and resolve all Challenges and Encounters before proceeding out of the Station. Place any Trains, TSSs, Challenges, and Encounters in the Challenges Box if they are not already there, as described in 8.6 CHALLENGES.
Exception: The Raiders may pass freely through Etowah if only “The Yonah” and CSA Unit(s) are there (no other Train nor TSS). Historically, this is because “The Yonah” was a private industrial engine kept on a siding.
Exception: The Raiders’ Train must always STOP in the larger Stations of Kingston and Chattanooga.
b. If the Raiders’ Train stops movement on a Station due to a “Move” Action, the Station’s Challenge must be resolved before any other Challenge(s) and before any other card is activated. This Station Challenge takes no time and does not require a “Challenges and Encounters” Action Card.
c. Stations with a log icon are the only Stations
where the “Load Tender At Wood Station” Action may be played. However, all Stations may be used successfully once for the “Emergency Wood” Action. There may be NO face-up CSA units in a Station while loading wood. If the Raiders’ Train runs completely out of wood between Stations, then the Raiders will soon need to play the “Abandon Train” card.
Hint: With reasonable Action card planning this is not likely to happen but is possible in a long stretch of rails between Stations. However, the “Break Up Boxcar for Wood” Action card may be useful in this case.
If a Train Moves “Fast” over Dangerous Track, roll 3D6 for each dangerous space traversed during that movement. Add 1 extra die if all Engineers are in the Tired Engineers box on the Raider Player Dashboard.
“Boxcars” means the Train has Derailed. At a Derailment, use the Combat Table. Roll 3D6 for casualties once for every 5 Raiders on their Train, rounded up. Ignore the “TAC” on any result. A rolled “Captured” result becomes “Wounded.”
In a Derailment, survivors immediately Abandon the Train. Roll on the Escape Table for each survivor or voluntarily have them surrender and be Captured. A Derailment gains the Raider player 4 Victory Points.
A Derailment will block the track but will usually net a VP loss due to Raider casualties.
Every Train must stop at a “Damaged Track” marker. For each such Train, on the next turn when it is attempting to move, roll 2D6 (one black and one white) versus the “Damaged Track” marker. If the result is less than the number showing on the marker, the Train does not move that turn. If that Train is F/M/C’s, on the next turn following that roll, F/M/C change to “RUN” mode and resume moving at a run.
If instead, the roll result is equal to or greater than the number on the marker, the track is partially “repaired.” That Train is moved normally according to the result on the white die, and the “Damaged Track” marker is flipped to its lower-numbered side. If the flipped counter was already on its lower-numbered side, the track is completely “repaired” and is instead removed from the gameboard. If removed, it is not scored as a Victory Point at the end of the game.
A separate Challenge to the Raiders occurs in each of the following cases:
1. When the Raiders’ Train first stops Movement in a Station, the Station presents a Challenge since Andrews needed to convince the Station workers that he was running “a special train carrying gunpowder to General Beauregard” after the battle at Shiloh.
2. The Raiders must pass a Challenge for each other Train in that Station before they can move out of the Station (except for “The Yonah” in Etowah).
3. If a S/B train or TSS moves into the same rail space as the Raiders’ train between Stations, its movement stops there. Providing no Collision occurs, a Challenge may occur on the Raiders player’s next turn. Refer to 15.0 SOUTHBOUND TRAINS OR STACKS MEETING RAIDERS’ TRAIN BETWEEN STATIONS
Each Station and all Trains have a Challenge Value denoted by a number inside a circle. A “Challenges and Encounters” Action Card MUST be played/repeated to resolve each Challenge and Encounter.
Exception: The Station Challenge takes no card and no extra time.
When the Raiders’ Train stops in a Station, perform the following steps for the counters in that Station:
1) Resolve the Station Challenge printed on the gameboard, as described below.
2) Place any dark Train(s) (excluding “The Yonah” at Etowah) present in the Station into the Challenges Box on top of any counters already there.
3) Place all face-up light S/B Trains present in the Station into the Challenges Box under any counters already there.
4) Place all TSSs in alphabetical order, from top of stack to bottom, into the Challenges Box under any counters already there. Discard TSS ID counter(s) from the game while doing this. Do not flip any of these counters face-up until they are Challenged.
5) For each “Challenges and Encounters” Action card played or repeated, flip the topmost counter in the Challenges Box face up and resolve the Train Challenge or Encounter for that counter, as described below.
To resolve a Challenge, follow these steps:
1. Roll 2D6. If the result equals or surpasses the Challenge Value, the Challenge was successful.
a. For a Station Challenge, temporarily place the green cube on the Station’s Challenge Value as a reminder that this was resolved.
b. For any Confederate Train in the Station whose Challenge was successfully resolved, place that Train counter in the Station’s box.
If the roll result is lower than the Challenge Value, proceed to Step 2. Otherwise, continue with Action Card play or end the Turn. Note that if the player wants to help ensure that their Challenge is successful on their first roll (such as to gain Intelligence at Cass Station) they may add Persuasion cubes to this roll as per Step 2 below.
2. The Raiders player must make ONE MORE 2D6 roll again with the option to spend any number of Andrews Persuasion Cubes for a +1 DRM per cube spent. Roll for the result. If the Challenge is successfully resolved, follow the procedure in Step 1 for resolved Challenges and continue Action Card play or end the Turn. If the Challenge is still not successfully resolved, go to Step 3.
3. First, raise the Alert Level by 1 on the Alert Level Track for failing the Challenge. If one or more Confederate Units reside at the Station, flip the top one face-up. All face-up
Confederate Units now attack the Raiders (see 9.0 COMBAT). Place the “Combat” marker at the Station and raise the Alert Level by +2 Levels. If this failed Challenge was a Train Challenge in a Station, leave that Train counter face-up in the Challenges box to be re-Challenged or else to be attacked using the “Attack and Capture S/B Train” card if/when there are no CSA units in the Station. 4. Continue with Action card play or end the Turn.
Example: “The General” ends movement from their first Action Card, a 5-minute Movement card, in Kingston. First, the Station Challenge must be met. This takes no extra time and does not require a “Challenges and Encounters” card. Kingston has a Challenge Value of 8. Two D6 are rolled, resulting in a 6. Since the first roll for the Challenge failed, a second roll must be attempted. The Raiders player decides Andrews needs to add a little more persuasion to the railroad workers and spends 3 Persuasion Cubes. The dice are rolled resulting in a 5, an even worse roll! But, +3 is added to the roll for the 3 spent Persuasion Cubes resulting in an 8—just enough to resolve the Station Challenge.
The “William R. Smith” train is also in the Kingston Challenges Box. In anticipation of this, the Raiders player’s next card is the “Challenges and Encounters” Action Card (5 minutes). The Challenge Value of this Train is a 6. This time the first dice roll is a 9, which easily resolves the Challenge. “The William R. Smith” is convinced to get out of the way and its counter is placed in the Successful Challenges box. If there are any more Challenges or Encounters counters in the Challenges box, the “Challenges and Encounters” Action card could be played again, completing the Raiders player’s Turn (15 minutes). If not, the next Action Card chosen could be played.
Note that it is possible that the Action Cards picked for a turn did not include a “Challenges and Encounters” action, which would delay the Raiders at a Station containing another Train until their next turn when they could then choose and play that card.
Encounters: Encounters occur when the Raiders’ Train is in the same Station space as facedown TSS counters in the Challenges Box. A single “Challenges and Encounters” card MUST be played to both turn the top TSS counter face-up and resolve it. All Encounters in a Station must be resolved this way before the Raiders can move out of that Station. If the revealed counter is a Train, follow the procedures above under 8.6 Challenges. Four types of Encounter counters start play in the Train Schedule Stacks, as described below. Discovery, resolution, and discarding of any one of these counters in a Station takes 5 minutes using the “Challenges and Encounters” Action card.
1. A hyphen graphic in a Station or through Intelligence means “No Effect” and the counter is discarded from play.
2. Red Flag: For a Red Flag discovered at a Station, add a Red Cube on the next 15minute Time slot of the Clock. Additional Red Flags at that Station mean more Red Cubes are placed on future adjacent Time slots after the first one. If the Raider’s Train leaves the Station this turn or any turn with a Red Cube still showing, the Alert Level is raised by +1 for each such cube. A Red Cube is removed from the Clock as the Alert Level is increased or if the Time Tracker piece has moved past the cube’s time. A Red Flag was historically used to show that another train was expected to arrive shortly behind a previous one or there was danger ahead.
3. Hour Glass: An Hourglass discovered in a Station means that the Raider player turn ends immediately due to unforeseen holdups. If discovered through Intelligence, discard it from play. An Hour Glass represents delays due to unexpected track work ahead, intransigent station workers, and the like.
4. Green Circle: When a Green Circle is discovered in a Station, roll a D6 to determine its meaning below and then discard this counter.
Die Roll:
1 = Aid From Station Workers: Choose to do one of the following: a.) Turn over any three facedown Encounter counters through friendly Intelligence, OR b.) Gain two Persuasion Cubes (even if Andrews is already captured/wounded/killed), OR c.) Gain back 5 minutes.
2 = All Clear!: Take and keep the corresponding “ALL CLEAR” token to use later. Play it at the start of a Raider turn to immediately place all S/B Trains and TSSs in their nearest Station (by count of spaces to the south OR north). On that Confederate turn, do not roll for nor move S/B Trains and TSSs.
3 = Depot Worker Helps: You may now discard one Persuasion Cube and gain back 5 minutes.
4 = Track Switcher Helps: You may discard one Persuasion Cube and discard all Red Cubes from the Time Track.
5 = Curious Citizens Asking Questions: Resolve a Challenge check with a Value of 6. If the Challenge rolls fail, add +1 to the Alert Level (as per normal Challenge failure). Do not turn CSA Units face-up or fire. If the Challenge rolls succeed, gain back two Persuasion Cubes.
6 = Andrews Tells a Convincing Story: Lower the Alert Level by 1. Do not gain back a Persuasion cube.
Some knowledge of TSS counters may be obtained via the
“Henry Greene Cole” Marietta card, Green Circle Encounters, or via Intelligence at Cass Station. If Encounter counters are to be turned face-up due to one of these, all such counters must be chosen before any are turned face-up. Any Hourglass or “-“ counters discovered this way are immediately removed from the game.
If a Red Flag or Green Circle is discovered between Stations, move it north to the preceding Station and place it face-down in the Challenges box under any existing stack there. Any TSS ID counter (e.g., “A,” “B,” etc.) left alone with no Train/Encounter counter stacked under it is immediately removed from play.
The Alert Level represents how aware, suspicious, and alert the Confederates are that something is amiss. Start on Alert Level 1 on the Tracking Board. Alert Level 10 is the maximum Level and Level 1 is the minimum, although Persuasion or Wood Cubes will be lost for Levels raised after 10. As indicated on the Tracking Board, for each Alert Level raised starting at Level 6, the player loses one Cube from the Andrews Persuasion Cubes box to the supply. If there are no more Persuasion Cubes left to lose, lose 2 Wood Cubes from the Tender instead. The Alert Level is raised by (+x) Levels in the following circumstances, at the time that each occurs:
1. Raiders leave Kingston early (see 14.0 STATIONS SPECIAL RULES): (+2)
2. Raiders leave a Station with a Red Cube in effect on the Time Track: (+1 for each Red Cube at that time or later).
3. Raiders Move “Fast” into or through a station: (+1).
4. Raiders Fail a Challenge/Persuasion Check on the 2nd dice roll: (+1).
5. Raiders successfully burn a bridge adjacent to a Station: (+1).
6. Raiders cut a Telegraph Wire: (+1).
7. Combat first occurs on a space: (+2) per Station OR (+1) per other space. Place a “COMBAT” marker on that space to remember that the Alert Level was raised.
8. Confederates successfully send Telegraph message to Chattanooga: Increase Alert Level to Level 10 and, for each Alert Level raised, discard Persuasion/Wood cubes as per the rules. Place a Barricade counter in Kingston, Dalton, and Chattanooga. Activate the Chattanooga Military Train with three Confederate units on board and begin moving it towards the Raiders next turn.
7:00 AM - Marietta: After “The General” was stolen, Lemuel Kendrick rode a horse down to Marietta to sound the alarm. This took about an hour. A Telegraph message is sent to all northern Stations warning of the train theft. If the Telegraph line has not been cut by then, Kingston, Dalton, and Chattanooga are warned!
Besides the 7:00 am message from Marietta, a Telegraph Message is automatically sent northward to all Telegraph Stations in the following cases:
1. If F/M/C enter a Telegraph Station, a warning message is sent immediately. Note: The Dalton Station text allows a message to be sent by F/M/C even if they don’t stop at Dalton, as long as they are not moving “FAST.”
2. If any Combat occurs in a Telegraph Station, a warning message is automatically sent northward on the first Confederate turn after the Raiders leave, but only if there are still CSA Units at that Station. Note that the Raiders have a chance to cut the telegraph line before a message is sent if they leave the Station and cut the line on the same turn.
For any Station that receives a warning Telegraph message (including the sending Station), do the following:
1. Place a Barrier counter across the track at that Station. S/B Trains and TSSs will not cross the Barrier; they will go into that Station but NO further. The Raiders may cross the Barrier if no CSA Units remain in the Station (including those on the Chattanooga Military Train) only if they use the “Remove Barrier” Action Card and roll a 10 or higher with 2D6 on the check. NO Persuasion cubes or Wood cubes may be used to modify this roll.
2. If the Telegraph Message reaches the Chattanooga Station, the Alert Level is automatically increased to 10 (with commensurate Persuasion cube losses) and The Chattanooga Military Train is activated.
The line running the route of the tracks is a Telegraph line. The four Telegraph Stations from south to north are Marietta, Kingston, Dalton, and Chattanooga, marked with a -icon. Any message sent from a Telegraph Station reaches all Telegraph Stations northward unless the line has been previously cut by a “Cut Telegraph Wire” Action north of the sending Station.
When activated, place the CMT Pursuit Card next to the CSA Dashboard. Place 3 face-down Chattanooga CSA Units on its Pursuit Card. On each following turn, roll on the N/B column of the Movement table, even though The Chattanooga Military Train travels S/B. Do this until any one of these occurs: a.) It reaches Dalton, OR b.) It reaches a space where the highest possible next movement (10 spaces, or 8 spaces over Dangerous Track) would move it to where there are no Stations between it and the Raiders’ Train; OR c.) It starts on a space where there is one or fewer Stations between it and the Raiders’ Train. It will move NO further and will set up a Barrier counter where it is. From this point onward, all CSA Units from the Military Train and in warned Telegraph Stations will be turned face-up as soon as the Raiders reach them. There should never be more than one Barrier counter in a given space. The Chattanooga Military Train may not be Attacked and Captured nor Escorted by the Raiders until all CSA Units in its space have been eliminated and any Barrier marker there has been removed.
Combat may occur under any of these five conditions:
1. If the Raider player fails a Station or Train Challenge:
a.) In A Station: If the Station Challenge or a Train Challenge in a Station is failed, flip the top Confederate Unit in the Station face-up and immediately attack the Raiders with the summed strength of all face-up Units (some Units could have been flipped face-up earlier).
b.) Outside A Station: If a S/B Train Challenge fails on a rail space outside of a Station, the Confederate Train attacks with only one roll on the Combat Table.
Note that failing a Station Challenge will allow CSA Unit(s) to fire twice at the Raiders, once during that failed Challenge and again later during the subsequent Confederate turn!
2. If the Raider player plays a red “Combat Attack” Action Card:
In this case, all Confederate Units in the space (usually a Station) are turned face-up and the Raiders make Combat rolls. Surviving Confederate Units then make any Combat roll(s) with their summed strength in return. The “Combat Attack” Action card may be repeated as long as the 15-minute card limit is not exceeded, but Confederate casualties are NOT accumulated from card to card. The ”Combat Attack” Action card may be used against pursuers in the same space as the Raiders.
3. If a pursuing Pole Car or Train with Confederate Unit(s) lands on (or is already on) the Raiders’ Train space outside of a Station during the Confederate turn:
a.) If the Raiders’ last Action Card played was a “Move” (or an Action taken while moving), the Confederates roll just once on the Combat Table. b.) If the last Action card was not a “Move” (nor an Action taken while moving), then all Confederate Units on the pursuing Pole Car or Train are flipped face-up and roll on the Combat Table according to their summed strength. Note: F/M/C do not provide any strength points and cannot attack the Raiders if alone.
4. If a pursuing Pole Car or Train with Confederate Unit(s) lands on (or is already on) the Raiders’ Train Space in a Station during the Confederate turn: All Confederate Units in the Station and on the pursuing Pole Car or Train are flipped face-up and roll on the Combat Table according to their summed Strength. F/M/C do not provide any Strength Points and cannot attack the Raiders if alone.
5. If the Raiders player plays an “Attack and Capture S/B Train” Action card when the Raider train is in the same space as a S/B train: If no CSA Units are present in this space, this card may be played against a specified Train. This S/B Train gets one Combat roll against the Raiders (increasing the Alert Level by +1 for initial Combat in that space; +2 if in a Station), then the Raiders automatically capture that Train.
Combat is not simultaneous. At the start of a Combat round, place the COMBAT counter on that space. Remove it after the Raiders have left that space.
At the start of the Combat round, determine the strength of the attack as follows:
a.) Raider Attack: Add up the number of unwounded Raiders and divide by 5 (rounding down). Roll the Black and Yellow Combat Dice (2 total) a number of times equal to this result and resolve on the table below. A minimum of one dice roll is always allowed.
b.) CSA Attack: Add up the Strength Values of all face-up CSA units and divide by 5 (rounding down). Roll the Black, Yellow, and Red Combat dice (3 total) a number of times equal to this result and resolve on the Combat Table below. A minimum one dice roll is always allowed. Fuller, Murphy, and Cain have zero Strength Value.
Hint: As a player aid, use a white die to count the number of combat rolls remaining in the round.
The Raiders player may surrender all remaining active Raiders at any time after the latest die roll has been completed. If surrendering, all Raider counters which are not already on the Raider Outcomes portion of the Tracking Board are placed in the “Captured” box of the Tracking Board, and the game ends. Proceed with tallying Victory Points.
If all F/M/C and CSA counters on a Pursuit Train are eliminated, move that Train counter to the Successful Challenges box of the last Station reached. In this case, pursuit from that Train has ended, although the game continues.
Cross-reference the black die vertically and the yellow die horizontally for each Combat result. The Hit Effects, if any, are determined by the red die.
HIT EFFECTS on the Raiders are determined by the Red Die
1: Captured
2-3: Wounded (a doubly Wounded Raider is Killed)
4-6: Killed (may convert Wounded to Killed)
#: Represents the number of Raiders or the Strength Value of CSA units that are casualties. The Raider player may choose
which Units/Raiders are affected unless otherwise specified on the Combat Table. Raider casualties are resolved according to the roll on the red die as follows:
• Wounded: Turn an unwounded Raider counter upside-down. Alternatively, a Wounded result applied to an upside-down Raider counter is Killed instead.
• Killed: Place the Raider counter in the “Killed” box on the Tracking Board. Killed results may be applied to wounded Raiders.
• Captured: Place the Raider counter in the “Captured” box on the Tracking Board.
To eliminate a CSA Unit, the casualty total for all attack rolls in this round must meet or exceed the unit’s Strength Value. Any unused casualties are lost. CSA Unit casualties are removed from the board and kept by the Raider player for calculating VPs at the end of the game.
“TAC” (Tactical Advantage) Results: For the first TAC result during a round of Combat, place the TAC ADV marker on the target (Raiders Train or CSA Units) with the “TAC ADV” side up. For the second TAC result during a round, flip this counter over to its “TAC ADVx2” side. Ignore any third and later TAC results during a round. At the end of that Combat round, the firer makes one additional Combat roll for each TAC ADV on the target. Remove the TAC ADV marker from the gameboard when done with the extra roll(s).
“E” Result: 1 Engineer. If all Engineers are Captured, Killed, or Wounded, the Raiders’ Train may no longer move. Abandoning the Train is likely to be the only recourse after damaging the track or burning a bridge in the space.
“Andrews” Result: If Andrews is Wounded, Killed, or Captured, discard all his Persuasion Cubes from the game except for 3 (adding cubes if needed to total exactly 3 cubes). Andrews historically did not appoint anyone to make decisions in case of his absence, but this allows for one of his soldiers to assume his role.
“F” Result: Fuller
“M” result: Murphy
“C” result: Cain
Note: If “E” (one Engineer), “A” (Andrews), “C” (Cain), “M” (Murphy), or “F” (Fuller) are listed and their side was targeted, these individuals must be part of the casualties incurred if present in the Combat, even if a CSA Unit is not eliminated (for F/M/C). If all CSA Units are already eliminated in a Combat while Fuller, Murphy, and/or Cain are still potential targets in that Combat, be sure to complete all subsequent Combat rolls since they could yet become casualties.
Fuller, Murphy or Cain Result: If killed, place a Black Cube over their respective picture(s) on the CSA Dashboard. Their abilities are no longer usable. If Murphy was killed, temporarily put his Black Cube on any Train counter that is to be commandeered to remind the player that it will take two complete turns to commandeer it in a Station.
9.5 Combat Example
A 10-minute “Move” card moves the Raiders into a station where the Raiders player fails a Station Challenge and where there are currently no other Trains nor Challenges/Encounters. The Alert Level is raised +1 for failing the Challenge. Then the “COMBAT” marker is placed at the Station and the Alert Level is raised +2 Levels more. One Confederate Unit is flipped face-up and its strength is 10. Since one Combat Table roll occurs for each 5 strength points, the Confederates get two rolls. The first roll is a 5 with the black die, 2 with the yellow die, and a 3 with the red die. Cross-referencing the black and yellow dice shows that something has happened to one Raider and the red die shows that he is wounded. The player chooses a Raider and flips his counter to the wounded side.
The second Confederate roll is a 4 with the black die and another 4 with the yellow die, and a 6 with the red die. This results in 4 Killed Raiders, one of which must be an Engineer (“E”), and a TAC result. The player removes any 4 Raiders from the train, including one Engineer, and places them in the Killed box on the Tracking Board. The TAC result allows an additional Confederate roll after the two original rolls, giving a 2 on the black die and 1 on the yellow die, which results in no additional Raider casualties. During the Raiders turn, they insert a “Combat Attack” card into their 15-minute card sequence to attack with now 15 raiders, giving the Raiders three dice rolls.
The first roll is a black 5 and yellow 3. Cross-referencing on the table, this results in 2 CSA casualties. The second roll is a black 4 and yellow 5 resulting in 4 more CSA casualties. The third and final roll is a black 2 and yellow 3, resulting in 1 more CSA casualty. The total CSA casualties for the round is 7, which is not enough to remove the strength 10 CSA unit. This CSA unit returns fire during the “Combat Attack” card by rolling twice on the table but inflicts no casualties. The Raiders’ 15-minute card sequence is now done, and it’s now the Confederate turn. Another Confederate Unit is turned face-up and it is a strength of 3. All face-up Units now fire at the Raiders. The Confederate Units’ strength totals to 13, still not enough to get the third roll on the Combat Table since that would take at least 15 strength points. Both dice throws result in no further casualties.
On the next Raiders’ turn, the Raiders player decides to start with the “Combat Attack” Action Card in their Action Sequence. The Raiders started out with 20 but are now reduced to 15 men after 4 were killed and 1 was wounded. There are exactly 15 Raiders left so they get three Combat Table rolls. They inflict 9 casualties with the three rolls! Still, this is not enough to eliminate the 10-strength Unit, so the 3-strength Unit is eliminated instead. The 6 unused casualties are lost since casualty counts are not accumulated from one “Combat Attack” card play to another. Still, the Raiders player will gain 3 Victory Points since one Confederate Unit was eliminated. It does not matter what the strength of the Unit is to gain the 3 Victory Points. Confederates return fire with still two rolls, as per the “Combat Attack” card. The next card in their Action sequence might have been a “Move” card for the Raiders to exit the Station and break off Combat, allowed only because there are no other Challenges or Encounters yet to be resolved there.
Follow these steps in order:
10.1 STEP 1:
Move Fuller/Murphy/Cain (F/M/C) northward to pursue the Raiders
F/M/C always move as a group northward along the track. They begin at Big Shanty. On the board, they are represented by a round RUN, POLECAR, or SWIM counter, or if on a Train by the gray train piece. The rate at which they move depends on their current mode of transportation as follows:
• Run: 1 space per 15-minute turn
• Pole Car: 3 spaces per 15-minute turn (2 spaces if traveling over Dangerous Track, Damaged Track, Ties and Rails, or Decoupled Boxcars)
• Swim: Only used to move across Burning Bridge spaces
• Trains: Move according to the Confederate Train/ Stack Movement Table (13.0 CONFEDERATE TRAIN/STACK MOVEMENT)
The Fuller, Murphy, and Cain Abilities facilitate F/M/C movement. These abilities are to be used at the earliest opportunities where they can benefit F/M/C. Only 3 of Fuller’s 4 abilities may be used, each once, by placing a black Fuller abilities tracking piece on that space of the CSA player dashboard after its use.
Note: F/M/C can never move north of the Raiders’ space and can never move southward.
F/M/C will only move onto the Raiders’ space under the following conditions:
a. If traveling via Train or Pole Car along with at least one Confederate Unit. In such a case, if the Raiders’ last Action was a Move Card, the Confederates roll only once on the Combat Table (both Trains are moving and the Confederates had rifles). If the last Action was not a Move Card, the CSA Unit(s) roll according to their summed Strength Value (the Raiders were caught while at a standstill and possibly off the Train). (See 9.0 COMBAT)
b. If entering a Station. In such a case, any and all CSA Units there and with F/M/C are automatically turned face-up and begin Combat with their summed strength. If F/M/C are in Kingston or Dalton, they immediately send a Telegraph warning message to all Telegraph Stations northward. (See 8.10 TELEGRAPH)
For a Station holding Raiders that failed a Challenge on this or a previous turn, flip over one more facedown CSA Unit.
All Face-up Confederate Units there fire at the Raiders. (See 9.0 COMBAT)
Roll and move all face-up light (NOT dark) S/B trains which are not within TSSs, the southernmost moving first, then progressing northward. Remember that dark Train counters are Special Trains that must first be activated to move.
• Do not roll for nor move any S/B Trains which are currently in the Raiders’ track space outside of a Station, or in the Challenges Box of a Station where the Raiders currently reside.
• S/B Trains must STOP upon reaching any Station. If the Raiders are there, the Train(s) are placed under any other existing Train(s) and moved into the Challenges box.
• If a S/B Train begins a turn on a space not in a Station, roll one white D6 and look on the first column of the Confederate Train/Schedule Stacks Movement table in the player aid. Move the train as designated. Notice that if a Train is 4 or fewer spaces from a Station, no roll is necessary. Just automatically move the Train to that Station.
• For each Train starting a turn in a Station, roll one black D6 and one white D6. If the black die result is 4-6, move as designated for the result of the white die on the Movement table. If the black die result is 1-3, the Train does not move this turn. In these attempted movements, include any Train(s) in all Successful Challenges boxes. Do not roll for movement for any Train in a Station if there is a S/B Train or TSS on the track just south of that Station that has not already reached the next Station to the south. Also, do not roll for movement for any Train in a Station if F/M/C are currently in that Station. Note that a Train captured by Raiders or commandeered by F/M/C is not S/B and will not stop a S/B Train or TSS from trying to move on to its track!
• Any Train must stop when it reaches a Burning Bridge (4.9, a.), Damaged Track marker (4.9, b.), F/M/C, or the Raiders’ Train (refer to 15.0 SOUTHBOUND TRAINS OR STACKS MEETING RAIDERS’ TRAIN BETWEEN STATIONS).
Roll and move Train Schedule Stacks in alphabetical order.
Following the same rules as in Step 3 above, move or attempt to move TSSs “A” thru “F” in alphabetical order. It is possible that these Stacks may become out of order as one Stack may pass another in a Station. Still, continue to attempt to move them alphabetically. Do not intermix multiple TSSs in a given station. Do not put them into the Challenges box unless the Raiders’ Train is in that Station.
If indicated as an event on the Clock, roll to activate “The Pennsylvania,” or to move it if it has already been activated.
“The Pennsylvania” starts the game in Marietta.
Historically, when Lemuel Kendrick rode a horse to Marietta to warn that “The General” had been stolen, it took several hours to decide what to do and to ready “The Pennsylvania” to give chase. It did not reach Big Shanty until around noon!
Notice on the Clock that the player rolls one D6 on each hour starting at 8:00am, with increasing probability that the “The Pennsylvania” will be activated. When it is activated, separate “The Pennsylvania” Pursuit card from its deck and place it next to the Tracking Board. Place “The Pennsylvania” counter in Big Shanty and load up three facedown CSA Units there to the card. Of course, ignore later Time Track text regarding activating it. Make sure to read “The Pennsylvania” Pursuit Card regarding its Wood requirements, etc.
Move “The Pennsylvania” using the N/B column of the Train/Schedule Stack Movement Table on the player aid following the same rules as in Step 3 above. Stop moving “The Pennsylvania” as soon as a Burning Bridge is between it and F/M/C.
“The Yonah” may have been abandoned by F/M/C at a Damaged Track before “The Pennsylvania” reaches it. In this case, “The Pennsylvania” counter will be stacked on “The Yonah” and escort it to the next northern Station, at Slow or Medium speed, after “The Pennsylvania” has made its successful roll to move past that Damaged Track.
10.6 STEP 6:
Move the Chattanooga Military Train if it has been activated by a successful Telegraph message from further south OR by any combat occurring in Chattanooga. When activated, separate the “Chattanooga Military Train” Pursuit card from its deck and place it next to the Tracking Board.
a. When activated by a Telegraph message from its south, add three facedown CSA Units from Chattanooga to the card. On the next turn, start moving it S/B but use the N/B column from the Movement Table on the board, following the same rules as in STEP 3 above. It will not stop at Stations until it reaches Dalton, or else will stop sooner if the Raiders’ Train is within two Stations of the Military Train. As a consequence of this, the “Chattanooga Military Train” may never be ambushed at Tunnel Hill. Make sure to read “The Chattanooga Military Train” Pursuit Card regarding Barriers, etc.
b. When activated by any Combat in Chattanooga, add the top CSA Unit from Chattanooga to the card. On this turn, start moving it N/B in pursuit of the Raiders, but stay in Chattanooga as long as the Raiders stay there. The Chattanooga Military Train may never enter the Bridgeport space.
Important: No more than one Confederate Train and/or TSS may normally occupy a rail space outside of Stations. If it is found that two or more Trains are together in the same TSS outside of a Station, place the Train(s) that are lower in the Stack into the previous Station to the north.
Check for Events on the Time tracker and carry them out accordingly.
Remove any Red Cube(s) that are on the Time Tracker prior to this new time slot.
a. If an event is “Tired Engineer,” move one Engineer counter from the Engineer box on the Raiders’ locomotive card to one of the “Tired Engineer” boxes.
b. The activation and/or location of some Trains may be affected by the Time. Once “The Pennsylvania” is activated, do not roll for its activation again.
c. At 7:00am, the event titled “Telegraph sent from Marietta” is an important one to be aware of before play begins. A Telegraph Message is sent to all northern Stations with full effects unless the Telegraph has been cut. (See 8.10 Telegraph)
d. When the Time marker is placed on 4:00pm, this means that this final, 4:00pm, turn is the last to be played.
Generally, keep all of the Pursuit Cards face-up in a single stack with the card for the current mode of transportation on top. As F/M/C change their mode of movement, place the card for the new mode on top. Information for each type of transportation is found on each Pursuit Card. Transportation Modes are:
A. RUN: Running is the slowest mode at only one space per 15-minute turn.
B. POLE CAR: If F/M/C reach a Station by running, they switch next turn to a Pole Car, as described here. However, F/M/C must switch to a Train instead if one is available (see D. TRAINS below). If there are no Trains but there is a CSA Unit at this Station with a strength of 3 or less, place it face-up on the Pole Car Pursuit card. In this case, look at the value of CSA Unit(s) in the Station as needed. Pole Cars travel 3 spaces each 15-minute turn, or only 2 spaces if over any Dangerous track or over a “Damaged Track,” “Ties and Rails,” or “Decoupled Boxcars” counter(s). F/M/C must always STOP when a Station is reached via Polecar. If there is no CSA Unit on the Pole Car, one may be automatically added at a Station if its CSA Unit strength is 3 or less.
C. SWIM: If F/M/C reach a Burning Bridge on any sort of transportation, it cannot be crossed normally unless an abandoned Train counter is on the bridge (See Bridge Spaces under 8.5). On the turn after reaching the Burning Bridge space, replace the current Pursuit Card with the Swim card. If F/M/C were on a Train, leave that Train counter aside next to that same burned bridge space. Then, roll the black, yellow, and red dice for Fuller, Murphy, and Cain respectively. Any result of 6 means that the pursuer corresponding to the die color has drowned. In
that case, place a Black Cube over their respective picture(s) on the CSA Player Dashboard. Their abilities are no longer usable.
When swimming, all CSA Units that accompanied F/M/C are immediately moved back to the next southerly Station. On the next turn, F/M/C begin running again unless or until a S/B Train reaches them that they may commandeer. If all three pursuers have drowned and/or are killed in Combat, their pursuit is discontinued and the F/M/C Pursuit Mode counter is removed from the gameboard.
D. TRAINS: If, while Running or on a Pole Car, F/M/C reach a Station with a Train OR meet a non-Raider Train on a rail space outside of a Station, they must commandeer that Train (see 12.1 COMMANDEERING TRAINS).
When changing modes of transportation (including from Train to Train), any CSA Units that were on the previous mode DO NOT continue on the new mode. These units are placed facedown under any other CSA units in the CSA Units box of the Station that was most recently passed through.
a. For F/M/C to commandeer a Train in a Station, take one full turn to switch modes of transportation (unless Murphy is Deceased, in which case take two full turns). This turn includes placing as many CSA Units from that Station facedown on the Train’s Pursuit card as allowed per the card. Note: If there are multiple Trains stacked in a Successful Challenges box in a Station, F/M/C must commandeer the top-most Train counter.
b. Commandeering a Train outside of a station takes no extra time (or one full turn if Murphy is Deceased).
c. Place the appropriate Train card face-up on the top of the deck in the Transportation Mode box on the CSA Dashboard. Read the Train’s Pursuit Card carefully for its unique rules. Remove the round previous Pursuit Mode counter from the board and replace with the gray train piece.
d. Commandeered Trains become N/B and use the N/B column of the Confederate Train/Stack Movement Table.
N/B Trains need not stop in Stations except in the following cases:
a. N/B Trains need to stop in a Wood Station as per their Pursuit Card and must “take on wood” for one full turn. Place the “Wood” counter on the Train to show this. S/B Trains and TSSs do not follow this rule.
b. N/B trains must stop at Kingston and Chattanooga.
c. F/M/C must also stop at a Station in order to pick up CSA unit(s) if the maximum number allowed on their Train is not yet met.
d. N/B Trains must stop in any Station with at least one Train and/or TSS present and then may continue on the next turn.
Additional N/B movement guidelines and special cases:
a. A Medium or Fast speed N/B train must stop on a “Ties and Rails SLOW” marker and on the next turn move at Slow speed (no White die roll). A Slow speed N/B Train may simply move through that space normally.
b. If a non-Raider Train is on the track between F/M/C and the next station to the north, F/M/C must stop movement if/when they move on to that Train’s space and then do the following:
• If F/M/C are currently on a N/B Train: Stack their Train counter on top of that Train counter. Beginning on the next turn, move both Trains toward the next northerly Station, where the escorted Train is then placed in the “Successful Challenges” box of that Station. During this escort, if the Movement roll is “6” (FAST), change it to “5” (MEDIUM).
• If F/M/C are currently Running or on a Pole Car: They commandeer the Train the next turn, which then becomes their N/B pursuit Train. Mark it with the gray train piece.
c. If F/M/C are between Stations and a S/B Train lands on their space, perform escorting or commandeering as above.
d. If F/M/C commandeered a Train but are now all deceased due to combat: If any CSA Unit(s) remain on that Train: That Train will continue to function as F/M/C but cannot change to any other transportation mode. If that Train stops at a Station: It picks up additional CSA Units if the the Train’s maximum has not been met.
Roll on the Confederate Train Table below to see how many track spaces a Train/TSS moves each turn.
*If the train passes over any Dangerous Track, consider the die roll to be a “5” instead. This table is also printed on the player aid for convenience.
Several Stations on the board have unique rules, each designated by a printed on the gameboard next to the Station’s name.
Marietta: Only used for pre-game card play and as a Telegraph Station where a warning message is sent at 7:00 am. “The Pennsylvania” begins the game here but starts in Big Shanty when activated.
Big Shanty: Where the Regular Sequence of Play begins as the Union Raiders steal “The General.” Before this, some Marietta cards drawn may affect what happens in Big Shanty as play begins. “Big Shanty” cards may NOT be acquired through Action card play at this Station. “The General” counter begins here.
Moon’s Station: The next Station after Big Shanty during regular play. Contains three facedown and shuffled “Moon’s Station” cards in a card slot. After a successful Station Challenge here, each card may only be acquired through play or repeat of a “Challenges and Encounters” Action Card (no dice rolls required). The “Crowbar” or “Good Tools” card must be acquired here before the “Damage Track” Action Card can be used. The third card is “No Effect” and serves only to waste Raider time. This is the only Station where cards are acquired by playing “Challenges and Encounters” Action cards.
Etowah: The Raiders may freely move through Etowah without stopping. Unless “The Yonah” has been commandeered by F/M/C, it does NOT move and does NOT create a Challenge for the Raiders. The Raiders player may attempt to ambush and eliminate Confederate Units there by using the “Combat Attack” Action card. There is an Action Card to “Destroy the Yonah Train at Etowah” so that F/M/C cannot use that Train. Don’t forget to first resolve the Station Challenge and read the special rules text on the “Destroy the Yonah Train at Etowah” Action Card. It takes a full turn for F/M/C to commandeer “The Yonah” (or two turns if Murphy is Deceased). When this happens, place “The Yonah” Pursuit card on top of the deck and place the gray wood train piece in Etowah. Next turn, it will start moving N/B in pursuit of the Raiders. Unlike other N/B trains, it does not need to stop for Wood but must end a game turn at Cass Station. It is removed from the game when it reaches Kingston. Historically, “The Yonah” was parked on a siding and was a small private company engine. The Raiders were surprised to see “The Yonah” and did not know it existed. They passed it by.
Cass Station: A Wood Station. The Raiders player should seriously consider stopping to fill up with Wood Cubes here since the next Wood Station is Tilton, about 40 miles (spaces) further. It is important to notice the text in the Station that says if the Station Challenge is resolved in the first of the two Station Challenge rolls, Intelligence is gained. Remember that Persuasion Cubes may be allocated on this first Challenge roll. If Intelligence is so gained, six Encounter counters of the player’s choice are turned face-up. All six must be
chosen before any of them are turned face-up. Any Trains discovered this way are removed from their TSS and turned face-up, as per the rules section 8.8 INTELLIGENCE. William Russel gave an updated train schedule to the raiders.
Kingston: A major Station with special rules. All Trains (including the Raiders’) and Train Schedule Stacks must STOP here. The Raiders must, as usual, resolve the Station Challenge and all Train Challenges and Encounters before leaving Kingston. If the Raiders leave before three light S/B Trains have arrived, the Alert Level is raised 2 Levels. These three Trains exclude “The William R. Smith” (which starts here) and any Trains brought north to Kingston due to control by the Raiders. Kingston is a Telegraph Station. If “The William R. Smith” is still in Kingston when the Raiders arrive there, then it creates a Challenge for the Raiders.
If “The William R. Smith” is still in Kingston at 9:45 am, unless it has been commandeered, it immediately leaves on a branch track for Rome, GA, and is discarded from the game. S/B Trains and Train Schedule Stacks never roll to try to leave Kingston until 10:15 am or later (even if so implied by an Event card in the two-player game).
Tilton: A Wood Station.
Dalton: Another major Station and a Telegraph Station. F/M/C do not have to stop in Dalton. A Telegraph message is automatically sent if they are NOT moving at Fast Train speed through the Station.
Tunnel Hill: Not a Station but a very long tunnel one space south of Tunnel Hill Station. If the Raiders player’s Train is already on this space when F/M/C arrive there, the Raiders may immediately Ambush F/M/C without playing a Combat Attack card. The Raiders attack once as soon as F/M/C move onto this space and gain one extra Combat dice roll. Surviving Confederate Units fire back as per the usual Combat rules, but then F/M/C stop there. In the Two-Player game, all subsequent card play by the Confederate player for this turn is immediately over. F/M/C may not avoid this Ambush by moving fewer spaces than listed on their Movement Action card.
Ringgold: Historically, the Raid ended about two miles north of Ringgold when “The General” ran out of wood and steam. The Raiders abandoned the train and made for Union lines, many miles away. Unfortunately for the Raiders, a CSA cavalry unit was training in the vicinity and many Raiders were quickly captured.
Boyce: The last Wood Station.
Chattanooga: The Raiders’ Train must always stop here. Chattanooga is a Telegraph Station that may receive any warning message from F/M/C sent from Marietta, Kingston, or Dalton. The “Chattanooga Military Train” starts here and only moves if activated by a received Telegraph message or from Combat in Chattanooga, but it still serves as a Challenge for the Raiders.
Bridgeport: The end space for the Raiders.
Any S/B Train or TSS must stop as soon as it moves onto the Raiders’ space. If the Raiders’ Train is moving at MEDIUM or FAST speed, it must stop before it moves onto a S/B Train or TSS space. If the Raiders’ Train is moving at SLOW speed, it must stop as soon as it moves onto a S/B Train or TSS space. When these opposing Trains/TSSs are so close that they could meet, place a “Medium” or “Fast” Train Speed marker on top of each according to its latest speed. No such marker means that a Train is moving “Slow.” If at least one Train is going Slow or not moving, a Collision will not occur.
If a TSS lands on the Raiders Train space or visa-versa, remove the TSS ID counter from the game, flip each facedown Encounter counter face-up one at a time, and:
a. If the counter is a Train: Pull it out of the TSS and place the Speed marker on it if the TSS moved at Medium or Fast speed. Then, check the Train Collision Table below to see if a Collision occurs. If one or more additional Trains are in the Stack, place each of them facedown at the bottom of the Challenges box of the last Station the stack passed through.
b. If the counter is a non-Train Encounter: Place it facedown back into the Challenges box of the last Station the stack passed through. Encounters moved to the Challenges box in the preceding Station should always be placed at the bottom of any stack already there.
If the moving N/B Raider Train and a moving S/B Confederate Train end up on the same space not at a Station, check the following Train Collision Table to see if there is a collision. Confederate trains do not collide with each other. Train Collisions never occur in Stations.
For the given situation below, roll 1 extra die if all Engineer counters are in the Tired Engineer box on the Raiders Player Dashboard:
1. At least one Train going Slow speed: NO Collision (see below).
2. Both Trains going Medium speed: Roll 3D6 once.
3. One Train going Medium speed and the other going Fast: Roll 3D6 twice.
4. Both trains going Fast speed: Roll 3D6 three times.
After each roll, set aside any “6,” excluding it from the subsequent rolls (if any). Any accumulated “Boxcars” after all rolls cause a Collision. If a Collision occurs, use the Combat Table. Roll the Black, Yellow, and Red dice for casualties once for every 5 Raiders on their Train, rounded up.
Note: “Boxcars” means at least two “6”s are accumulated over all rolls.
When rolling for casualties in a collision, ignore the “TAC” result. In a Collision, a rolled “Captured” result becomes “Killed.” Survivors immediately Abandon the Train. Roll on the Escape Table for each survivor or voluntarily have them surrender and be Captured. A Collision gains the Raiders player 8 Victory Points since the track is badly damaged.
IF THERE IS NO COLLISION, there is no Combat or immediate Challenge. If a S/B Train landed on the Raiders’ Train, then the Raider player on their next turn must either play a “Challenges and Encounters” Action card to escort the S/B Train as per (A) below or play the “Attack and Capture S/B Train” Action card as per (B) below. If instead, the Raiders’ Train landed on a S/B Train, all subsequent Action card play this turn is ignored except for “Challenges and Encounters” as per (A) below, “Attack and Capture S/B Train” as per (B) below, and/or “Abandon Train.”
(A) Escort A Train: If the Train Challenge succeeds, then the Raider player controls the movement of that Train. Both Trains must travel to the next Station to the north so that the Confederate Train can get out of the way of the Raider Train. Place the Confederate Train counter under the Raiders’ Train piece and move both together on the next Raider’s move at Slow or Medium speed toward the next Station. While escorting another Train this way, the Raiders may NOT cut wire, burn bridges, damage track, attack any other Train or initiate Combat. While escorting, it is possible that the Raiders may have to perform (A) again for another Train(s) before it reaches that next Station to the north. Place any escorted Confederate Train(s) in the Successful Challenges Station box upon arrival there. If the Train Challenge fails, perform one Combat roll against the Raiders and add +1 to the Alert Level. After that first Challenge failure, only option (B) below may be used on that Train.
(B) Capture A Train: Instead of attempting to escort a Train as above in (A), the Raiders Player may play the “Attack And Capture S/B Train” Action card, following its instructions. When this card is played, one Combat roll is made against the Raiders, applying any casualties and increasing the Alert Level by +1 for initial Combat in that space.
Then the Pursuit card corresponding to the newly captured Train replaces “The General” (or other prior Raider Train) on the Raider Player Dashboard. Start with 30 Wood Cubes (or see 29.0 Optional Rule C: Variable Wood for Captured Train) and three boxcars. Discard any “Rails and Ties” counters. The previous Raiders Train (usually “The General”) counter is simply left where it is on the gameboard. Since it has no crew at this point, it does not move on its own. A S/B Train to its north (alone or as part of a TSS) may move onto that track space, ignoring the normal rule that prevents multiple S/B trains on a section of track between Stations. This Train must stop at and stack on top of the previous Raiders Train. Next turn, this Train must push it to the next southerly Station’s Successful Challenges box at slow or medium speed. Alternately, the previous Raiders Train may be commandeered by F/M/C at any point. This Attack and Capture option by the Raiders may be a good idea if the current Raiders’ Train is very low on wood.
When the Raiders and a S/B Train are on the same space,
the Raiders may NOT play other Action cards until either a Train escort (A above) or Train Capture (B above) has successfully occurred, or else the “Abandon Train” card is played.
If the Raiders’ Train has been abandoned in an attempt to return to Union lines using an “Abandon Train” Action, OR after a Train Collision or Derailment, OR if the 4PM Turn has been completed without the Raiders’ Train having reached Bridgeport, determine the Escape result for each Raider whose counter is not yet on the Tracking Board by following these steps in order:
1. Start with the number of the current Alert Level (maximum of 10);
2. Add to this the Number of Stations from the abandoned Train location to Bridgeport;
3. Add to this the number of CSA Units that are within one Station of the abandoned Train.
4. Subtract from this the number of Persuasion Cubes still available in the Andrews Persuasion Cubes Box.
5. Use this total to find which column on the Escape Table below to use, applying any applicable column shifts.
6. On the resulting column, roll two D6 for each Raider (or Wounded and non-Wounded pairing) to obtain his/their Escape result. Place each Raider counter in the appropriate box of the Raider Outcomes area of the Tracking Board.
1 Left: If “Abandon Train” was the last Action card played, shift 1 column to the left (a potentially beneficial shift).
2 Right: Shift 2 columns to the right for each Wounded Raider.*
*Alternately, pair a Wounded Raider with a non-Wounded one and shift only 1 column to the right, but the result applies to both Raiders.
The game ends whenever one of the following occurs:
1. All Raiders are Escaped, Killed, Captured, and/or Hanged; OR
2. The 4:00pm Turn is finished; OR
3. Any number of Raiders make it to Bridgeport with a captured Train.
The game does not end when the Raiders run out of Wood, since they may potentially damage track, burn a bridge, cut wire and/or combat CSA Units there before playing the “Abandon Train” action card or else Surrendering.
Determine the Victory Points and Level of Victory (or Defeat) below.
The Raiders player adds and subtracts Points from the following to calculate their Final Total:
A. +6 Points for each Bridge Set on Fire (Oostanaula Bridge = 15 Points)
B. +3 Points for each CSA Unit eliminated (regardless of its strength)
C. +1 Point for each Damaged Track marker south of Chattanooga
D. +2 Points for each Telegraph Line cut marker (Maximum of 3)
E. +15 Points for arriving with the Raider Train in Bridgeport
F. +1 Point for each turn before 4:00pm arriving in Bridgeport with the stolen Train
G. +8 Points for a Train Collision (this definitely disrupts the rail line!)
H. +4 Points for a Train Derailment
I. +3 Points for each Train falling from a Burning Bridge
J. -1 Point for each Captured Raider*
K. -2 Points for each Killed or Hanged Raider*
L. +1 Point per 3 Medals of Honor awarded but unspent (Two-Player Game only)
M. -1 Point per 3 Event cards held by the Confederate player (Two-Player game only)
* Double these negative Victory Points for Engineers. Triple these negative VPs for Andrews.
Historically, the actual Raiders finished with -25 points!
• (-30) or fewer VPs = Massive Union Failure
• (-11) to (-29) VPs = Union Failure
• (-10) to +24 VPs = Draw
• 25 to 50 VPs = Union Victory
• 51+ VPs = Strategic Union Victory
Originally, the Raider Mission was supposed to occur a day earlier on April 11. Since Andrews saw that all the Raiders were not going to make it to the rendezvous point on time, he delayed the mission by one day. If this delay had not occurred, there are several implications to the game, per the special rules below. Note that this scenario is generally easier to win.
1. Some of the Raiders would indeed not be able to make it on time. Start with all 24 Raiders, then roll two D6. Remove the resulting number of Raiders of your choice from the game. If doubles were rolled, one of these lost Raiders must be an Engineer.
2. It was a sunny day. Fires now successfully start on bridges with a two D6 roll of 7-12. This is used instead of the normal roll of 10-12 required on the “Set Fire to Bridge Attempt” Action card.
3. Since the Confederates in Chattanooga did not yet see Union Gen. Mitchel’s advance into Alabama and movements towards Chattanooga, they have not yet panicked and so do not send Trains south to Atlanta. Gather the counters for Freight Trains 1, 2, and 3 and don’t use them in this scenario. Do the same with the three “Red Flag” counters. Now, shuffle the remaining S/B Train and Encounter counters and create Train Schedule Stacks the normal way on the board, but give each Stack A-F one less counter than normal (3 each).
4. Omit the rule, “If the Raider train leaves Kingston Station before three S/B trains have arrived, +2 to Alert Level” from Kingston Station.
5. Murphy did not happen to be riding “The General” this day. Discard him from this scenario. If there are any other Trains in a Station when F/C arrive, it will take a full turn (15 minutes) for these other Trains to get out of the way, i.e., they must spend an extra turn at the Station. Fuller/ Cain also must spend one extra turn (15 minutes) in a Station to commandeer or change Trains for their pursuit.
For those that desire to play the game under conditions that even more closely approximate the situation the Raiders initially faced, use the following rules modifications:
1. Do not use the Raiders with 1 or 2 asterisks ( “*”) on their counters- Pvt. Smith, Cpl. Llewellyn, Pvt. Porter, and Cpl. Hawkins.
2. Play only the “Henry Greene Cole Union Spy and Hotel Owner” Marietta card.
3. In Big Shanty, play only the “Damper Left Open and Train Comes to a Stop” Big Shanty card. This fulfills the requirement to draw a Big Shanty card as per the “Henry Greene Cole” Marietta card.
4. In Moon’s Station, use the “Challenges and Encounters” Action card to automatically gain the “Crowbar” card only.
5. The Raiders play may not stop in Etowah and so may not attack CSA Units there nor destroy the Yonah Train.
• “The General” begins the turn 2 spaces south of Adairsville on a Bridge space. The Raiders player chooses the following Action Cards and places them in their Action Sequence slots: 1st Action “Set Fire To Bridge Attempt” (5 minutes), 2nd Action “Move” (5 minutes), and 3rd Action “Challenges and Encounters” (5 minutes) to total 15 minutes. The player rolls 2 D6 for the “Set Fire to Bridge Attempt” and rolls a 7. A 10 or above was necessary to succeed, so the attempt was a failure. The player decides to repeat this card and attempts with another 2 D6 roll, but first discards two Wood Cubes from the tender so only a 9 or above is needed on the next roll. This time a 10 is rolled, so the attempt is successful and a Burning Bridge counter is placed on this bridge space. Six Victory Points are gained and the player knows that only F/M/C can cross this space by Swimming.
• However, use of the “Set Fire To Bridge Attempt” card twice means that 10 minutes have passed and only 5 minutes are left. The player must use the “Move” (5 minutes) card to finish their Actions and the “Challenges and Encounters” card will not be used this turn. There is a TSS in Adairsville, so the player must end movement there. The player decides to Move “Medium” speed, moves the two spaces into Adairsville, and discards three Wood Cubes. The TSS ID counter (“C,” in this case) is discarded and the facedown Encounter counters are placed in the Challenges Box. The Station Challenge is free (takes no extra time). Adairsville’s Station Challenge Value is 8. The player gets two D6 rolls to meet or surpass this value. The first roll is a 7, so it’s not successful. The player decides to spend 3 Persuasion Cubes and removes them from their Player Dashboard, so a 5 or higher succeeds. A 6 is rolled, 6+ 3 = 9, so the Challenge is successful. The player temporarily places the green cube on the Station as a reminder that the Station Challenge has succeeded.
• The Confederate Turn begins. First, F/M/C, riding in “The Yonah,” roll a 3 on the Confederate Train/ Schedule Movement Table. Looking at the N/B column, this means they will move 7 spaces. They reach Kingston in 5 spaces and must stop movement since all Trains that enter Kingston must STOP. They automatically try to send a Telegraph message to warn Dalton and Chattanooga about the Raiders, but this fails since the Raiders player had played a “Cut Telegraph Wire” card north of Kingston before this example began. As per its Pursuit Card, “The Yonah” is removed from play since it reached Kingston. Replace with the RUN Counter.
• During the NEXT Turn, F/M/C can board “The William R. Smith” along with three CSA Unit counters;
then they can pursue the Raiders on the following Turn. Of course, they will run into the Burning Bridge, where F/M/C will have to Swim across (and roll for possible drowning), before Running towards Adairsville.
• Proceeding, the southernmost Train, “The Texas,” is 5 spaces north of Adairsville. Rolling on the first (S/B) column of the Train Movement Table, a 5 means the Train moves 6 spaces, but it reaches Adairsville in 5 spaces and must stop at this Station. “The Texas” counter is placed on the bottom of the stack in the Challenges Box.
• The next southernmost Train is “Freight 2” in Tilton. The black and white D6s are rolled. The black die shows a 4, so “Freight 2” leaves Tilton (a 4-6 was needed). The white die shows a 6. That means it would be travelling “Fast” for 8 spaces. However, the Train would be traversing Dangerous Track, so the “5” die result is used instead and “Freight 2” is moved just 6 spaces. No other Trains are seen on the board, so that means they must be face-down in Train Schedule Stacks. No Trains may attempt to leave Adairsville unless they are already in the Successful Challenges box there. TSS “D” is also in Tilton. The black and white D6s are NOT rolled since a Train, “The Texas,” is ahead on the track and has not yet entered the next Station. TSS “E” is in Dalton with only one counter under the “E” counter (since the others were previously revealed through Intelligence from the “Henry Greene Cole” card from the Marietta deck before the regular sequence of play commenced). The dice are rolled and the black one shows a 1, so Stack “E” is not moved. Stack “F” is on normal rail two spaces north of Johnson, so a roll is not necessary and Stack “F” is moved into Johnson. “The Pennsylvania” was activated at the end of the preceding turn, so its Pursuit Card should be handy and in view with three facedown CSA Units from Big Shanty. A 6 is rolled with one D6 and the N/B column of the Train/Stack Movement table shows it moves 10 spaces, but it runs into a “Damaged Track” marker 1 space north of Acworth and must stop. 2 D6 are rolled once on each successive turn until an “8” or higher shows, when the Damaged Track marker is flipped to its “7” side. Then the white D6 result is used for the N/B Train/Stack Movement table and movement proceeds accordingly. The Chattanooga Military Train has not been activated via a Telegraph message, so it does not move.
• The Clock is advanced to the next time.
• Continuing this next Turn, there are 4 facedown Encounters plus a Train counter, “The Texas,” in the Challenges box in Adairsville. These all must be resolved before “The General” may leave. In this situation, the Raiders player only plays one card for the “Challenges and Encounters” Action (5 minutes for each use). First, the top Encounter in the Challenges box is flipped face-up and we see that
it is the “-“ counter. This means there is no effect, but 5 minutes were used up. The second counter is a Red Flag. Place a Red Cube on the next time mark on the Clock Time Track and, if “The General” leaves the Station this Turn (no real possibility of that) or the next, The Alert Level will rise by +1. Ten minutes have now elapsed. The third Encounter is turned face-up and it’s a Green Circle. The player rolls for this and a “1” results. The Raiders gain aid from Station workers (not realizing the Raiders are Union soldiers!). The player may choose to turn over three more facedown Encounter counters anywhere on the board in a Train Schedule Stack, or gain two Persuasion Cubes back from ones already spent, or gain back 5 minutes worth of Actions. A choice is made and the Green Circle is discarded. The player chooses to gain back the time, so now the fourth Encounter is flipped face-up and it is a Train, “The Catoosa.” A Challenge ensues and the player rolls a 10 with 2 D6, surpassing the Challenge Value of 6, so this counter is moved into the Successful Challenges box.
• On the Confederate Turn, F/M/C load up “The William R. Smith” Pursuit Card with three facedown CSA Units from Kingston. The “William R. Smith” is now a N/B Train. On the next Turn, F/M/C will begin the chase again. Now that “The Catoosa” is in the Successful Challenges box in Adairsville, it is the southernmost S/B train and the black and white dice are rolled for possible movement. The black die shows a 5 and the white die a 4, so “The Catoosa” leaves the Station and may move 6 spaces. However, it stops at the Burning Bridge space and cannot proceed after only 2 spaces. Movement rolls occur for other S/B Trains, looking northward. Movement rolls are then made for TSSs starting with “D,” then “E,” then “F.” Two D6, one black and one white, are rolled for “The Pennsylvania” to attempt to get past the Damaged Track. A 10 is rolled (a “6” and a “4” respectively). Since that is higher than the 8 required, the “4” from the white die result shows that “The Pennsylvania” moves 8 spaces from consulting the N/B column of the Confederate Train/ Schedule Stack Movement table. The Damaged Track marker is flipped so that the “7” is showing. “The Chattanooga Military Train” is still not activated and stays in Chattanooga.
What can we make of the situation at the end of the play example, above? Are the Raiders home free with the Burning Bridge behind them and no Telegraph message has alerted Stations ahead? Not really. With “The Catoosa” stopped at the Burning Bridge, it will be there when F/M/C reach the southern side of the bridge on The William R. Smith. F/M/C will take one Turn to Swim across and then commandeer
“The Catoosa” and the pursuit will again be in high gear. In Adairsville, the Raiders still face a Challenge by “The Texas.” Looking northward, there are still S/B Trains and Encounters to negotiate and, even if a Telegraph message never activates “The Chattanooga Military Train,” Chattanooga is very dangerous as the last Station since both the Station and the Train have Challenge Values of 8. Persuasion Cubes will likely be in low supply by then, too. Additionally, the Raiders player must be very careful not to run out of Wood Cubes before filling up at both Tilton and Boyce, although the “Emergency Wood” and “Break Up Boxcar For Wood” Action Cards serve as stop-gap measures. Also, don’t forget to “Cut Telegraph Wire” north of Dalton to assure F/M/C will not reach Dalton and send a warning message to Chattanooga! Finally, if we look on the board at this point, we see that the Raiders player has a total of 26 Victory Points:
• 6 for the Burning Bridge
• 1 for the Damaged Track
• 4 for two cut Telegraph Wires, and, we’ll assume
• 15 for reaching Bridgeport with “The General.”
This equals a Union Victory if nothing goes wrong. The Raiders player needs to burn more bridges to reach a Union Strategic Victory, which takes time.
It is highly recommended that a player learn and play the Solo version of the game as a Raider before attempting the Two-Player version of this game, so that they may understand the nuances of card play first.
If you are ready for the Two-Player version, use all rules in the 5.0 SET UP FOR THE SOLO GAME section, but add the following to that set up:
1. Place the Raiders Action cards face-down in one deck by the Raiders player. Make sure to include the two Dummy Raider Action Cards and the “Send Un-manned Train S/B” card in that stack.
2. Keep all of the F/M/C Action Cards face-down in one deck by the Confederate player.
3. From the Event cards, separate those eight cards that show “IMMEDIATELY give this card to the Raider player…” at the bottom of each card. Shuffle these “IMMEDIATELY…” cards face down and discard four of them unrevealed into the game box.
4. Shuffle the 18 Event cards that do NOT say “Immediately…” face down. The Confederate player draws two of these to start the game with.
5. Add the four remaining “IMMEDIATELY…” cards to the other 16 remaining Event cards. Shuffle that Event deck thoroughly and place it face-down by the Confederate player.
6. Place all 19 of the round Medal of Honor tokens to the side of the Game Board within reach of the Raider player.
7. Prior to placing the Train/Encounter counters on the game board, the Confederate player chooses and declares whether they will do a Random Train/Encounter set up or a Selected Train/Encounter set up. If Random is declared, the set up for the Train and Encounter counters is exactly as per the Solo game (as per 5.0 SET UP FOR THE SOLO GAME). If Selected is instead declared, the set up for the Train and Encounter counters is as per the Solo game, with the following additions:
a. Prior to placement, the CSA player may look at all the light Train counters and the Encounter counters
b. The CSA player may place whichever four counters they want under each ID counter to form TSSs, except that they must put exactly one Train counter in each TSS.
8. Place CSA Units as in the Solo game (as per 5.0 SET UP FOR THE SOLO GAME), except as follows:
a. First, place facedown CSA Units into the Big Shanty, Kingston, and Chattanooga Station CSA Unit boxes as per the Solo rules. Then place two facedown random CSA Units into the Etowah CSA Units box.
b. After that, the CSA player looks at and chooses which CSA Units are placed facedown into each remaining CSA Units box as per instructions in each box.
9. Perform the MISSION PREPARATION AND STEALING “THE GENERAL” as in the Solo game.
I. Raiders and F/M/C Choose and Play Action Cards:
a. The Raiders player and the Confederates player each secretly choose exactly 3 Action cards from their Action deck totaling 15 minutes or less and places them face down in the slots on their respective Player Dashboards.
b. Both players simultaneously reveal their 1st Action, take the resulting Actions in priority order by the two cards’ times and colors, and then set these cards aside. Resolve Challenges and Encounters as they occur. If a Challenge resolution fails, one CSA unit at that Station (if any) is flipped face-up and immediately fires at the Raiders.
c. Both players perform b. above for their 2nd Action.
d. Both players perform b. above for their 3rd Action.
e. Both players return played Action Cards to their Action Decks.
II. Confederate Turn:
a. For a Station with Raiders that failed a Challenge, flip over one additional face-down Confederate Unit if it exists (as per Solo game).
b. All face-up Confederate Units fire at the Raiders if they are still at that Station. Face up CSA Unit(s) fire even if NO Challenge failed on that turn (as per Solo game).
c. Roll one white D6 to move each face-up S/B light Train starting with the most southern, then progressing northerly to each Train.
d. Roll one white D6 to move each TSS that is currently between stations, in alphabetical order.
e. Select up to two S/B TSSs to be moved that did not already move this turn. Then roll one white D6 to move each of these TSSs in alphabetical order. Alternatively, remove one Train from a TSS into its space face-up in lieu of attempting to move a selected TSS.
f. Roll to move The Pennsylvania N/B Train if it has been activated (as per Solo game).
g. Roll to move the Chattanooga Military Train if it has been activated (as per Solo game).
III. Advance the Clock. Check for Events on the Time tracker and carry them out accordingly, as per the Solo game. Return all set aside Action cards to each players’ Action deck.
Each player secretly chooses exactly three Action cards (heading colors may vary) from their Action deck totaling 15 minutes or less and places them face down in their respective slots on the Player Dashboards. This is each player’s Action Sequence for this game turn.
1. Any 15-minute card must be placed in the 3rd Action slot of the Action Sequence, with two Dummy (0 minutes) cards in the preceding slots. Any 10-minute card must be placed in the 2nd or 3rd Action slot.
2. After both players have selected their Action Sequence, they simultaneously reveal their 1st Action cards.
3. The player whose revealed card has the fewest minutes takes their action first. If there is a tie in minutes between the two revealed cards, then the player whose card is a color with a higher priority takes their action first. The highest color priority is Blue, followed by Yellow, then Red, then Pink, then Purple, then Brown, then Black, then Green (Note: Letters are also presented on the cards to make this easier. A cards are higher priority than B cards, and so on). If there is still a tie by minutes and color, then the current Alert Level is used to break the tie. In this case, the Raiders player takes their Action first if the Alert Level is 5 or less, and the Confederate player takes their action first if the Alert Level is 6 or above.
4. The two Action cards are acted upon in the same manner as in the Solo game. Those cards are then set aside face up. As in the Solo game, resolve all Actions, Challenges and Encounters as they occur.
5. Steps 2 through 4 are then performed again for the 2nd Action in the Action Sequence, and then again for the 3rd Action.
6. If a card is to be repeated, the player repeating the card must declare this before the opponent’s matching card is revealed. The player repeating the card then places that repeated card face up onto their Action Sequence. That player must also immediately remove the 3rd Action card from their Action Sequence and put it back into their Action deck. The opponent then turns over their matching Action card. Remember that only the most recently played card may be repeated.
7. When a Dummy card is played immediately after a Move card, that player can choose whether they are moving or stopped during that Dummy card. That choice may be made after seeing the opponent’s matching Action card.
8. Combat occurs under the same four conditions as in the solo game (9.0 COMBAT).
a. Whenever F/M/C with accompanying CSA Unit(s) first move into the Raiders’ current space, combat is automatically initiated by the CSA player once at that time without them playing any additional Action card. The CSA player’s “F/M/C Alert CSA Units in Station” Action card is not played to initiate this combat.
b. The “F/M/C Alert CSA Units in Station” card can only be played as part of the normal play of Action Cards, and only if there is at least one face-down CSA Unit(s) in the Station. When played, the “F/M/C Alert CSA Units in Station” card allows the Confederate player to fire all CSA Units in their space at full strength.
c. The Raider player may initiate combat against any pursuers and/or CSA Units in their space by playing or inserting a “Combat Attack” Action card. Medal of Honor tokens may be used to mitigate Raider Combat results (see 27.0 MEDALS OF HONOR).
9. If the “Send Un-manned Train S/B” Action card is played, any boxcar encountered by this Train (as a result of a previously played “Decouple Boxcar” Action card) will not cause a Collision but will change any rolled “FAST” speed result to “MEDIUM” until both the Unmanned Train and boxcar are into the next Station. If this Train (not a lone Boxcar) lands on a “Damage Track” marker, roll 2 D6. If “doubles” result, a Derailment occurs causing this space to be permanently blocked for other Trains with the Raiders player gaining +4 VPs. Otherwise, the Train stops at this space and does not continue.
10. After all Action Card play is completed, played Action cards are returned to that player’s Action deck.
1. The Raiders player’s “Combat Attack” Action card may be inserted into their Action Sequence, even after Action card play has begun. However, the player must declare this before the Confederate’s matching card is revealed. Place the “Combat Attack” card face up into that slot, then immediately remove the 3rd Action card from the Action Sequence and put it back into the Action deck. The Confederate player then turns over their matching Action card.
2. For any Green Circle encounter result #1 (Aid From Station Workers) choice of “Gain back 5 minutes” or result #3 (Depot Worker Helps), the Raiders player immediately either (a) adds any unselected 5-minute card to the end of their Action Sequence, OR (b) announces that they will repeat the current “Challenges and Encounters” card vs. the next F/M/C Action card but without removing the last card from the Action Sequence. In either case, the Raiders player will perform their 4th Action card after both players have performed their 3rd Action cards. A 5th Action card may be similarly added and performed if another such Green Circle result occurs during the same Action Sequence, and possibly even a 6th...
1. F/M/C may move less than the full amount indicated by the die result or the text from their blue “Movement” cards. The one exception to this occurs when the Raiders are on the tunnel space at Tunnel Hill. In this case, if the pursuers’ Movement die roll or blue “Movement” card text would cause F/M/C to reach or go beyond the Raiders, F/M/C must move to and stop on the Raiders’ space and suffer an immediate ambush attack (see 14.0 STATIONS SPECIAL RULES).
2. F/M/C are rarely required to switch transportation modes but may do so if and when a Pole Car or Train is available at their space (see exception Horses).
3. Conductor Fuller’s Ability “A” only applies when the CSA player plays a 15-minute blue “Movement” card. All of Murphy’s abilities on the CSA Player Dashboard are ignored, since they are replaced by an F/M/C Action Card.
4. After entering a Station with the Raiders, F/M/C do not automatically cause CSA Unit(s) there to be flipped face-up (unlike in the Solo game). To do this, the Confederate player must play the red “F/M/C Alert CSA Units” card. To load CSA Units on a previously commandeered Train the player must use the purple “F/M/C Load CSA Units On Train” card.
5. F/M/C may be on a Train stopped at a Damaged Track marker (see rules for 8.5.2 DAMAGED TRACK). During their selection of Action Cards on turns after stopping, F/M/C may attempt to continue with Train movement beyond the Damaged Track or instead change to RUN movement:
a. If F/M/C attempt to continue with Train movement, the Confederate player must make one track repair roll for that Train just before the first “Pursuit Train Movement” card in the Action Sequence is executed. If they do not successfully
repair track, all “Pursuit Train Movement” cards in that Action Sequence are wasted.
b. If F/M/C change to a RUN Movement Action Card, during the CONFEDERATE TURN STEP 3 (S/B Train Movement) the Confederate player rolls movement dice for this N/B Train as they would for any Train attempting to repair track. If this N/B Train successfully repairs track and subsequently moves into F/M/C’s space, it will automatically stop and pick up F/M/C. In this case, F/M/C have regained that Pursuit Train without the play of a “F/M/C Commandeer a Confederate Train” Action card. The pursuit Train may continue movement the next turn.
6. The “F/M/C Horses” Action card cannot be played unless the “F/M/C Commandeer Horses” Event card has just been played.
7. Additional Event cards may be drawn at a Station on the turns following their arrival (See Event Cards 26.2.2). To do this, the Confederate player must play a Dummy card followed by any two other Action cards and announce upon playing that Dummy card that F/M/C are “staying in the Station to draw an Event card.” Then those two other Action cards are ignored. In this way, multiple Event cards may be drawn at a single Station over multiple turns. This can be done at any number of Stations.
26.1.3 Action Card Action Sequence Examples
Example #1:
After choosing their Action Sequence, both players turn over their 1st Action cards—a “Dummy” card for each! The 2nd Action cards are turned face-up showing a “Damage Track 10” (10 minutes because the Raiders player has the “Good Tools” card) and another “Dummy” for the CSA player. The Raiders player places a Damaged Track counter on their space. The 3rd Action cards are turned face-up showing the Raider’s “Move 5” card and the CSA player’s “F/M/C Pursuit Train Movement 15” card. Both players move accordingly, but the Raiders player moves first because their card takes less time. In this case, F/M/C moved into a Station, so the CSA player draws an Event card.
Note that the 10-minute “Damage Track” card had to be played as their 2nd or 3rd Action and the CSA player’s 15-minute Movement card had to be played as their 3rd Action.
Example #2:
After choosing their Action Sequence, both players turn over their 1st Action card—a yellow “Challenges and Encounters” card (5-minutes) for the Raiders and a blue “F/M/C Pursuit Train 5” for the Confederates. Both Actions take 5 minutes, but blue cards are higher priority than yellow, so F/M/C move first and, in this hypothetical case, move into Dalton Station with the Raiders. The Confederate player draws an Event card. The Raiders player flips over the last Encounter counter in the Challenges Box and it’s a Red Flag, so a Red Cube is placed on the Time Track over the next turn’s time. Both players flip their 2nd Action cards face-up, revealing
a blue “Move 5” for the Raiders player and a red “F/M/C Alert CSA Units 5” card for the Confederates. Again, both Actions take 5 minutes, but blue takes priority over red, so the Raiders move out of the Station 2 spaces for a cost of 3 Wood cubes. The Alert Level is raised from 5 to 6 since a Red Cube is on the Time Track. Then, the CSA Units in the Station are flipped face-up, but this is too late to do any good since the Raiders just left the Station!
Finally, the 3rd Action cards are turned face-up. The Raiders player shows their pink “Cut Telegraph Wire 5” card and the Confederate card is also a pink 5-minute “Send a Telegraph Message” card. Since the times and colors of the cards matched, the Alert Level is consulted to determine which card is enacted first. If the Alert Level had remained at 5, the Raiders would have first cut the telegraph, but since the Alert Level rose to 6, the Confederate player plays their card first and a Telegraph Message is sent to Chattanooga warning of the Raiders. The Raiders then Cut the Telegraph Line and gain two Victory Points, but this is probably too late to save them from probable capture or destruction.
The Confederate turn follows the same rules as for the Solo game (See Sections 5.0–22.0) with the following exceptions and additions:
• The Confederate Player’s use of Pursuit cards and all of F/M/C’s actions are determined by their play of F/M/C Action cards.
• Only the CSA player may examine the counters under any TSS ID counter at any time but may not rearrange them unless allowed by an Event card.
A Telegraph Warning is never automatically sent by F/M/C. For F/M/C to send a warning, the Confederate player must play the “F/M/C Send A Telegraph Message” card within their Action Sequence.
If Combat occurs in a Telegraph Station where F/M/C are not present, a warning message is not sent after the Raiders leave that Station unless the Confederate player announces that a message is sent before the Telegraph line is cut. That announcement must be made after all Action card play is completed on a given turn, and there must be at least one CSA Unit remaining in the vacated Telegraph Station. No Action card is used for this since it is not an F/M/C action.
1. Whenever F/M/C end their Action Sequence in a Station for the first time, the CSA player may draw one Event card from their deck and keep it face-down unless it is an “IMMEDIATELY give this card to the Raider player…” card. Each Event card indicates when and under what circumstance(s) the card may/must be played.
2. If the Confederate player draws an Event card that says, “IMMEDIATELY give this card to the Raider player…” in red text at the bottom of the card, they must give the card to the Raiders player. This card is kept face-up in front of the Raiders player and may be played at their discretion according to the text on the card.
3. Any CSA-held Event card(s) may be discarded prior to a dice roll for a Pursuit Train attempting to cross Damaged Track. Discarding one Event card adds +1 to that dice roll. Multiple Event cards may be discarded for additional modifiers to the dice roll.
4. Play of the “F/M/C Commandeer Horses” Event card allows F/M/C to pursue Raiders on an unprinted road/ path which parallels the rail line, although their progress is measured on the rail line. Consistent with solo rules, F/M/C on horses cannot move north of the Raiders’ space and cannot enter their space unless arriving at a Station. F/M/C on horses ignore all track obstructions (including Burned Bridges) but are affected by Dangerous Track due to hilly terrain. F/M/C must change their transportation mode upon entering the next Station but may prematurely change to a Train if one is reached before that next Station.
5. There is no limit to the number of Event cards that may be held. Event cards which are discarded or played are not reusable. If the Event deck runs out, it is not reshuffled and not reused. Every three Event cards which were not played nor discarded will score -1 Victory Point against the Raiders player’s score at the end of the game.
1. Roll one white die to move each light-gray Train, unless there is a S/B Train or TSS on the tracks to its immediate south.
2. Instead of rolling to potentially move all TSSs each turn as in the Solo game, the Confederate player instead first rolls one white die to move each TSS that is currently between stations, in alphabetical order. After that, they select up to two S/B TSSs to be moved that did not already move this turn. They then roll one white die to move each of these TSSs, in alphabetical order, unless there is a S/B Train or TSS on the tracks to its immediate south. Alternatively, in lieu of moving a selected TSS, they may remove one Train from that TSS into its space face-up. If a Train was removed, that TSS may be selected again as the second selection.
3. Whenever S/B Trains and TSSs are moved out of a Station, no black die is rolled to see if they move (unlike the Solo game). Their movement out of a Station is automatic using the Confederate Train/Stack Movement table.
Historical Note: The Andrews Raiders were the first to ever receive the Congressional Medal of Honor. Nineteen were awarded to them, some posthumously to their families.
Update: On July 3, 2024, about 160 years after all other such honors were awarded, President Biden awarded posthumous Medals of Honor to Private G.D. Wilson and Private Shadrach. Both were hanged by the Confederacy, and no one seemed to advocate for them until more recently. If you want to account for their MOHs in the game, place two spent MOH counters into the supply for possible gain if all 19 included MOH counters are awarded and spent. Or wait 160 years to do this.
1. Whenever a CSA Unit is eliminated, the Raiders player is awarded three MOH tokens.
2. Whenever a Bridge is burned, the Raiders player is awarded two MOH tokens.
3. Whenever a Telegraph Cut or Damage Track marker is placed (even if removed later via track repair), the Raiders player is awarded one MOH token.
4. When awarded, a MOH token from those available is placed with the MOH icon face-up into the Medals of Honor box on the Raider Player Dashboard
5. After a Combat result is determined for the attacking Raider player, that player may spend one MOH token to add or subtract one pip to/from the black OR yellow die (not both) before casualties are taken. A “6” pip may not be changed to a “7” pip, and a “1” pip may not be changed to a “0” pip.
6. After a Combat result is determined for the attacking Confederate player, the Raider player may spend one MOH token to add or subtract one pip to/from the black, yellow, OR red die (only one color) before casualties are taken. Again, a “6” pip may not be changed to a “7” pip, and a “1” pip may not be changed to a “0” pip.
7. Prior to rolling for a “Remove Barrier” Action card, the Raider player may spend any number of their acquired MOH tokens to add one pip to their die roll for each such token spent. To spend a MOH token, simply flip it over to its “MOH SPENT” side. Once spent, these tokens may not be spent again.
8. At the end of the game, the Raiders player gains 1 VP per 3 awarded but unspent Medal tokens.
9. MOH counters may not be spent to mitigate casualties due to Train Derailment or a Train Collision.
See 18.0 for determining end of game.
• (-30) or fewer VPs = Massive Confederate Victory
• (-11) to (-29) VPs = Confederate Victory
• (-10) to +15 VPs = Draw
• 16 to 50 VPs = Union Victory
• 51+ VPs = Strategic Union Victory
The following rules should be considered for use only after players develop familiarity with the general rules. Choose one or more of these rules prior to the start of a game for added interest and detail.
A. Individual Casualties: Only the black and yellow dice are used for Combat rolls against the Raiders. After a Combat round is completed and affected Raider counters are set aside, the red die is rolled separately for the hit effect on each designated Raider casualty. This may provide greater diversity in casualty results but takes a little longer.
B. Tools Discovery: If a natural “doubles” is rolled on the dice on the FIRST roll of a Station Challenge, and the Raider player currently has neither the “Crowbar” nor “Good Tools” card, draw one Moon’s Station card at this time. This gives the player the option of ignoring Moon’s Station on the chance that they may get a “Crowbar” or “Good Tools” later at another Station.
C. Variable Wood For Captured Train: Instead of automatically starting with 30 Wood cubes on a captured Train, determine this amount as follows: Count the number of spaces between this Captured Train and the next Wood Station (Station with log icon) to the SOUTH. Add 5 to this count and put that total number of Wood cubes onto the captured Train’s tender. The maximum number of Wood cubes on a Tender is still 45. This rule does not apply to “The General” while at Big Shanty.
D. Riding the Tender: This rule allows the Raiders player to use and lose all three Boxcars through “Decouple Boxcar” and/or “Break Up Boxcar For Wood” Actions. If the Raiders must evacuate the last remaining boxcar to ride in the Tender with the Wood, they will be quite exposed. Add the following rules if this situation occurs:
a. If all non-Engine Raiders are riding in the Tender, subtract -2 for any Station Challenge rolls (because this would take some explaining), and b. If F/M/C, in a pursuing Train, land on the Raiders’ moving Train and there are no Boxcars present, the Confederates gain one extra Combat roll per Combat round.
10. Advance the Clock, following any instruction there for the upcoming turn.
9. Roll to move the Chattanooga Military Train if it has been activated.
8. Roll to move The Pennsylvania if it has been activated.
7. Repeat Step #6 for each TSS, in alphabetical order.
b. Each S/B Train must Stop at every Station.
6. Roll the white and black dice to potentially move each faceup, light S/B Train, the most southern first, then progressing northerly to each Train. a. Do not move the Train if it causes more than one S/B Train or TSS to exist between 2 adjacent Stations.
5. If Raiders are in a Station with face-up CSA Units, turn one more CSA Unit face-up (if any) and all face-up CSA Units fire at the Raiders.
Commandeering a Train takes one inactive turn (2 if Murphy is deceased) in a Station and no extra time (1 turn if Murphy is deceased) if outside a Station.
b. If F/M/C reach a Station, upgrade to their best Transportation mode possible, from RUN to a POLE CAR or non-Raider TRAIN, or from POLE CAR to a non-Raider TRAIN.
a. If the Raiders’ space is reached, stop and roll for Combat with all CSA Units there.
4. Move F/M/C northward at the speed for their current Pursuit Mode.
3. Perform #2 again for any 2nd and 3rd Action card.
d. An Action card may be repeated, not to exceed 15 minutes during a turn. The red “Combat” Action card may be inserted into the Action sequence at any time.
c. Challenges and Encounters require play of the “Challenges and Encounters” Action card.
b. Stop movement in every Station with Encounter counters, any Train (except in Etowah), any TSS(s), or “STOP” text. Stop movement on every non-Station space with a S/B Train or TSS and check for a Collision.
a. In a Station with Raiders that failed a Challenge, turn one CSA Unit face-up in the “CSA Units” box. All face-up CSA Units in this box fire at the Raiders.
2. Take the 1st Action and then return the card to your hand.
1. Choose Action Cards totaling up to 15 minutes or less, place in the Action Sequence Slots on the Raider Player Dashboard.
10. Advance the Clock and follow any instruction there for the upcoming turn.
9. The Confederate player rolls to move The Chattanooga Military Train if it has been activated.
8. The Confederate player rolls to move The Pennsylvania N/B Train if it has been activated.
7. The Confederate player selects up to 2 TSSs that did not move and then rolls one die to move each. Alternately, in lieu of moving a selected TSS, flip a Train face-up in the space with its TSS.
6. The Confederate player rolls a die to move each TSS currently between Stations in south-to-north order.
5. The Confederate player rolls a die to move each faceup light Train in south-to-north order with no more than 1 Train or TSS allowed between adjacent Stations.
4. The Confederate player draws one Event card if F/M/C end their Action Sequence in a Station.
3. Perform #2 again for the 2nd and then again for the 3rd Actions.
d. In a Station with Raiders that failed a Challenge on this Action, turn one CSA Unit face-up in the “CSA Units” box. The Confederate player then fires all face-up CSA Units in this box.
c. If still tied, the Raiders act first if the Alert Level is 1-5, otherwise the Confederates act first (Alert Level is red).
b. If tied on time, the highest in alphabetical/color priority acts first: Blue (A), then Yellow (B), then Red (C), then Pink (D), then Purple (E), then Brown (F), then Black (G), then Green (H).
a. The shortest timed card acts first (i.e., 5-minutes before 10 or 15, 10 minutes before 15).
2. Both players simultaneously reveal their 1st Action, compare these cards, and take those card actions in the following order:
b. The red “Combat” Action card may be inserted into the Action sequence at any time.
a. A current card may be repeated but the 15-minute turn limit may not be exceeded.
1. Each player secretly chooses exactly 3 Action Cards totaling up to 15 minutes or less and places them in the Action Sequence slots on their Player Dashboards. Any 15-minute card must be the 3rd Action. Any 10-minute card must be the 2nd or 3rd Action.