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Introduction 1.0 Glossary 2.0 Game Components
Korea Fire and Ice
10.0 Air Power
10.1 Airfields 10.2 Air Commitment 10.3 Strategic Missions 10.4 Tactical Missions
2.1 Map 2.2 Counters 2.3 Charts and Tables
11.0 Naval Power
3.0 Sequence of Play 4.0 Movement
4.1 Phasing player Activation 4.2 Non-phasing player Activation (reserve movement) 4.3 Combat 4.4 After-Combat Movement 4.5 Strategic Movement 4.6 Zones of Control
5.0 Combat
12.0 Victory and Foreign Intervention 12.1 Victory Points 12.2 Foreign Intervention
13.0 Reinforcements and Replacements 13.1 Reinforcements 13.2 Replacements
5.1 Combat Chits 5.2 Meeting Engagements 5.3 Declaring Combat 5.4 After-Combat Movement
14.0 Miscellaneous Rules
14.1 Weather 14.2 UN Task Forces 14.3 187 Regiment Combat Team 14.4 Supreme Commander 14.5 Line of Communications 14.6 Suprise Attack
6.0 Markers
6.1 Cup of SNAFU 6.2 Other Markers
7.0 Infrastructure and Supply 8.0 Support
8.1 Artillery and Tanks 8.2 Replacements 8.3 Air Suppot 8.4 Naval Bombardment and Naval Amphibious Support
9.0 HQs and Cadres
9.1 Fresh and spent units, and HQs 9.2 HQs (Headquarters) 9.3 Cadres
11.1 Moving the 7th Fleet 11.2 Bombardment 11.3 Amphibious Ability 11.4 Naval Aircraft
15.0 Credits 16.0 Invasion! Scenario 17.0 Inch’on Invasion! Scenario 18.0 The Chinese Intervention! Scenario 19.0 The Korean War Campaign Game
Welcome to the first game in the Operational Scale Series. This series will focus on theater wide battles in the radio era. First up is Korea: Fire and Ice and next up will be Vietnam: Rumor of War in the second quarter of 2018. Hopefully, we’ll also see The Doomsday Project, a game about World War Three in 1985, and a game on the Arab-Israeli Wars coming down the road. Generally, players will use their HQs to activate their combat Units to conquer and defeat their enemy. Emphasis is also placed on the air war and infrastructure to be able to adequately support their combat forces to achieve their goals. Korea, Vietnam, and the Arab Israeli wars, will also focus on the peculiarities of fighting “proxy wars”. This mission for this series in general is to fill a niche that I hope is welcome. Monstergames designed from the ground up that are still highly playable and quick to play. This game, and those that follow, should easily be finished in a quarter of the time that is most often the case in games of this size.
Game scale will vary by theater and military intensity but Korea: Fire and Ice has the following scale:
7 Miles
Hex: 7 miles across
Task Force Divisions
Time: One Week per Game Turn for all non-mud, non-winter turns. Each mud turn lasts one month and each winter turn lasts two weeks.
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Korea Fire and Ice 1.0 GLOSSARY Activate – A unit or HQ that has been selected to perform an Activation. Activation – the entire sequence of choosing an HQ, choosing which units that HQ is activing, moving those units and or the active HQ, performing combat and performing after-combat movement. Active - A fresh unit or HQ that is now moving and/or performing combat. Aircraft- A counter representing a Wing or Division of aircraft. Cadre – a UN unit that also to provides support to regiments. A cadre is a unit. China – The grayed out area in the Northern part of the map. No UN units or HQs may enter this area. In addition, Chinese Airfields are also in considered to be in China. This area may be entered by UN aircraft in certain situations in the game. Combat Chit – a chit drawn when combat is declared. Communists – A coalition of forces that consists of North Korea, China, and the Soviet Union. Cup of SNAFU – a cup of various effects that is possibly drawn when a combat chit is placed. D6 – a six sided die. D10 – a ten sided die. Fresh – A unit or HQ that is eligible to be active. HQ – A counter specifically with the letters “HQ” on it. An HQ is not a unit. Line of Communications (LoC) – a unit has a LoC if it can trace to a supply source or can trace to an HQ that can trace to a supply source. HQs trace LoC to a supply source. US units may also need to trace to an HQ to allow US units to have artillery and/or tank support. Markers – status indicators for a given unit or HQ. Non-Phasing Player – the player that is currently not the phasing player. North Korea – the area on the map north of the border (marked from hexes 0743 to 3743 inclusive) but not including China. North – A northwestern, north, northeastern direction.
Supply Source – an end point for a Line of Communication trace. These are either marked on the map or an Amphibious Invasion box that has been used in an invasion. Support – a letter on the combat chit that determines how much of a side’s support level will apply to a particular combat. Support Level – the total support ability of a side to provide to all combats (this is tracked on the Support level Table). Task Forces – small units that provide ‘speed bumps” for defending a hex. UN – A coalition of forces that consists of the United States, UN minor powers, and South Korea. Spent – Units or HQs that have performed an action this game turn and are no longer available to be active. Shown by the unit or HQ on its “spent side”. Units – counters that are not markers, or HQs UN Minor Powers – The forces of Commonwealth (CW), Turkey (Tk), and Republic of China (RoC). Zones of Control – The hexes adjacent to a unit that the unit could legally move into.
General Note:
Rolls of “0” on the D10 are considered to be “10”s.
2.0 GAME COMPONENTS Each game of Korea: Fire and Ice consists of the following components: • • • • • • • • • • •
Three (3) 22” by 34” maps Two countersheets 1 Rulebook 2 Identical Terrain Effects Charts/Rules Reminder Tables 1 UN Player Display 1 Communist Player Display 1 UN Air Display 1 Communist Air Display 2 Six sided Dice 2 Ten sided Dice The Game Box
2.1 Map
Objective Marker – a marker placed during play that can award players victory points. Phasing player – the player that is currently activating and moving HQs and units – but not performing reserve movement. Player Controlled Hex: A Player controls a hex if he was the last player to enter the hex, or, at the start of play, is on his side of the border. Reserve Movement – Non-phasing player movement. Side – either Communists or UN forces. South Korea – the area on the map south of the border marked from hexes 0643 to 3843 inclusive) on the map.
Korea: Fire and Ice comes with three maps. These are labeled A, B, and C. There are also several charts and tables needed for play on the maps.
South - southwestern, south, southeastern direction.
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Korea Fire and Ice 2.2 Counters UNITS & HQs
US: United States
(Green Background)
Divisional Stripe (all belong Nationality
to the same divison).
RoK: Republic of Korea (South Korea)
Division or Regiment ID
(Tan Background)
UN Minor Powers
UN Forces
Fresh Actual Counter Size
RoC: Republic of China (Taiwan) (Blue Background with Blue Nato Icon)
CW: Commonwealth (Blue Background with Brownish Nato Icon)
Tk: Turkish
(Blue Background with Red Nato Icon) Unit Size XX: Division III: Regiment
(All Blue Counters)
Historical Designation
Plane Type Elite Pilots
Communists Forces
UN Aircraft
PRC: People’s Republic of China NK: North Korea
SU: Soviet Union
MARKERS Cup of SNAFU Markers
Airfield Types
Air Unit Abbreviations
1Mar: 1st Marines F-I: Fighter-Interceptor F-B: Fighter Bomber F-E: Fighter-Escort F-I: Fighter-Interceptor Bomb: Bombardment Group CVG: Carrier Air Group FAR: Fighter Aviation Regiment AAR: Assault Aviation Regiment IAD: Interceptor Air Division BAD: Bomber Air Division GIAD: Guards Interceptor Air Division
Great Leader
Incompetent Leader
Great Leader
Incompetent Leader
Fuel Shortage
Fuel Out
Fuel Shortage
Fuel Out
Ammo Shortage
Ammo Out
Ammo Shortage
Ammo Out
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Korea Fire and Ice Other Status Markers Front OOC
Replacements, Infrastructure, & Supply Track Markers Back
UN Forces
Low Morale
(Out of Communications)
Low Morale
Guards Unit
Penal Unit
Eilte Unit
Poor Unit
(Out of Communications)
Victory Condition Markers Front
Bug Out
VP - Variable 1, 3, 5
Prepared Position
VP - Variable 1, 3, 5
Prepared Position
Support Level Track Markers UN Tank Support
Artillery Support
Air Support US Navy Bombardment Amphibious Marker
Miscellaneous Markers
Peng Dehuai
Atomic Strike
7th Fleet Marker
Tank Support
Artillery Support
Air Support
2.3 Charts and Tables
• 2 Identical Terrain Effects Charts/Rules Reminder Tables • 1 UN Player Display and 1 Communist Player Display • 1 UN Air Display and 1 Communist Air Display
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Korea Fire and Ice 3.0 SEQUENCE OF PLAY
4.0 MOVEMENT General Rule:
Perform the Strategic Phase when the Game Turn Marker moves into a new month
Perform the Weekly Phase and End Phase each game turn
A) Strategic Phase 1) 2) 3) 4)
Weather Check Phase Foreign Aid/Foreign Intervention Infrastructure and Supply Determination Aircraft/Airfields Reinforcement Phase (UN place first) 5) Communist Air Commitment 6) UN Air Commitment 7) Strategic Mission Resolution
B) Weekly Phase
1) Fleet Redeployment Phase 2) Conduct any Amphibious Invasions 3) Conduct any Sea Evacuations 4) Reinforcement Placement (UN place first) 5) Activations Phase a) Communist Player Turn i) Flip all eligible UN Units to their fresh sides. ii) Place OOC markers on UN Units that do not have a Line of Communications iii) Communist Strategic Movement Phase iv) Communist Activations b) UN Player Turn i) Flip all eligible Communist Units to their fresh sides ii) Place OOC markers on Communist Units that do not have a Line of Communications iii) UN Strategic Movement Phase iv) UN Activations
C) End Phase
a) The Communist player may eliminate friendly Units b) The UN player may eliminate friendly Units c) Victory Point check phase i) Place or reveal objective markers ii) If the Victory Point total is 21 for either side, the game is over, and the winner is declared. If not: d) Advance the game turn marker to the next turn. If it is a new month, perform the Strategic Phase.
Movement is allowed during both the movement segment and after the combat segment - and for both, the rules are the same. Players move their units across the board and pay Movement Points to pay the cost of terrain entered. For a unit to move, it must be fresh. Movement is completed when a player moves his units and/or HQs, performs any combat, and performs any additional movement allowed by that combat. After this is complete, the moved unit is considered spent and may not move again until it is flipped to its fresh side per the Sequence of Play (see 3.0). HQs that did not move are eligible to be flipped to their fresh sides at the cost of supply points. There is no stacking allowed in the game. Only one unit per hex is allowed and is enfored at the end of an activation. If stacking is violated at the end of an activation, the owning player must eliminate units until there is no stacked units in the hex. HQs and all markers do not count towards stacking. Generally, play will proceed like this: 1) The phasing player chooses an HQ to activate. He may generally activate 0-4 units within command range of the HQ (10 Movement Points) and the chosen units must have a Line of Communications. The number of units an HQ can activate can change with the appointment of a Theater Commander. 2) The phasing player moves his units and declares combats as he moves. If a Meeting Engagement is declared, resolve the combat immediately. If another kind of combat is declared, draw a combat chit when the combat is declared (and place the chit on the combat hex) but do not resolve the combat until all active units have completed movement. 3) After all of the phasing player’s units have moved but before combat is resolved (except for any Meeting Engagements), the non-phasing player may choose a fresh HQ and activate 0-4 fresh units – and move these non-phasing player units. 4) Resolve Combat. 5) Perform After Combat Movement. If the phasing player has additional fresh HQs, he may repeat the above procedure. If not, or if the phasing player chooses to not activate any more HQs, play proceeds to the non-phasing player becoming the phasing player and he performs the same procedure as above. When he has finished, move to the End Phase of the Game Turn. All units may always move (only – no combat may be declared) one hex even if they don’t have enough movement points to make the move. This must be into a hex the unit could legally enter and may not be from enemy Zone of Control to another enemy Zone of Control.
4.1 Phasing Player Activation The phasing player may activate his units by first Activating a fresh HQ for his side. The phasing player chooses an HQ and flips it to its spent side. That HQ may then activate up to four units that are within 10 movement points of that HQ and has a Line of Communications. Each unit that is activated flips to its spent side
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Korea Fire and Ice upon completing all movement (movement, combat, movement) in this activation. The fresh units may first spend a total of 5 movement points. Terrain costs are listed on the Terrain Effects chart. A unit may not enter a hex nor declare a combat unless it has sufficient movement remaining. Lastly, the combat result may allow additional movement after combat. After all unit movement has been completed for one activation, and if the HQ hasn’t moved during this activation, the owning player may pay Supply (see 7.0) to flip the HQ back to its fresh side and then use that same HQ to activate more fresh Friendly units in a later activation. There is no limit to the number of times an HQ can be activated (as long as you pay the supply cost and the HQ doesn’t move). If the owning player wishes, he may also move the currently active HQ a total of 10 movement points during an activation. Should he do so, that HQ may not be flipped back to its fresh side and may no longer
It’s the Communist activation phase and the Communist has activated the III KPA HQ. It has a Line of Communication. It in turn, is within 10 movement points of the 15th, 3rd, and 7th divisions-and the HQ activates all 3 divisions.
activate units this Player Turn. All units that have been activated during an activation may no longer perform Actions until fresh again (per the sequence of play). Units can only move, perform combat and move again once per game turn.
4.2 Non-Phasing Player Activation (Reserve Movement) After the phasing player has completed his initial movement with all of his units and/or HQs, and declared any combats that are not Meeting Engagements (but before the combats have been resolved and before any movement allowed after combat has been completed), the non-phasing player may activate fresh units with one fresh HQ (and only one may be used to perform reserve movement per activation) and move up to 5 movement points (following the standard rules of movement) with his units and/or HQs. Any reserve units may start not be in an enemy ZOC.
The first unit moved is the 3rd Divison. He moves one hex to 2542 and declares a Prepared Attack. This costs the 3rd a total of 3 1/2 movement points (1/2 to move along the road to hex 2542, - and 3 to place the Prepared Attack marker. The Communist player randomly draws a Prepared Attack Combat Chit from a cup and places it on the combat hex. He then brings up the 15th and 7th for support. The III KPA HQ does not move and the Communist player pays one supply point to flip it back to its Fresh side (so it may activate more Units later in the player turn).
The UN player (the non-phasing player) may now perform reserve movement. He actives the I Corps HQ and the 3rd Division. He moves the 3rd Division to support the 6th Division. Note that the 6th Division may not be moved as a reserve as it is in an enemy ZoC. The UN player does not move the I Corps HQ but chooses to not pay the supply cost to keep it fresh - it stays spent.
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Korea Fire and Ice To do this, the non-phasing player performs the same procedure. Up to 4 fresh units and the one fresh HQ may move, and both the just moved units and the HQ performing the movement are flipped to their spent side. If the HQ does not move, it may be flipped back to its fresh side (allowing future activations) after paying the supply cost to flip his HQ back to its fresh side. If the HQ also moves, it may not be flipped back to its fresh side. Units moved during the reserve movement phase may not perform any combat and may not move after the resolution of combat. Reserve moving Communist units and HQs may not move south of any currently occupied friendly unit hex. Reserve moving UN units and HQs may not move north of any currently occupied friendly unit hex.
4.3 Combat The combat rules (see 5.0) cover the actual procedure of combat but in this system, combat is a function of movement. The phasing player may, when adjacent to an enemy unit, declare a combat. He must have sufficient movement points remaining to pay the cost of the combat and pay the cost of the terrain of the defending player’s hex. If this is a Meeting Engagement, perform the combat immediately. If it is not, return to any as yet unmoved but activated units and complete their movement. After this is done, and after any reserve movement has been performed proceed to the combat and resolve it. Once combat is declared, combat must occur. The Attacker may not cancel the attack. Combat Movement Costs: To declare a Meeting Engagement costs 1 movement points To declare a Hasty Attack costs 2 movement point To declare a Prepared Attack costs 3 movement points To declare a Deliberate Attack costs all movement points (the attacker must start adjacent to the enemy unit to declare a Deliberate Attack).
Meeting Engagement = 1 Movement points Hasty Attack= 2 movement points
Prepared Attack= 3 movement points
Deliberate Attack= all movement points 4.4 After Combat Movement
combat (see the terrain effects chart). The non-phasing player does not move even if he wins the combat. Place all victorious attacking units in the defending player’s just vacated hex. The Attackers may move from this point. Stacking will be enforced at the end of the activation so care must be taken to make sure the hex will not be overstacked. After Combat movement is voluntary as is moving into the defender’s vacated hex.
4.5 Strategic Movement As per the Sequence of Play, each side may perform Strategic Movement. To do so does not require an HQ activation or supply but the unit or HQ must be fresh and have a Line of Communications to move in this way. Move the strategically moving unit or HQ up to ten movement points and flip the unit/HQ to its spent side. Limitations: A strategic moving unit may not move farther north (for the UN) or farther south (for the Communist Player) that the farthest northern or southern unit of the respective side. This is determined by hex row. For example, if the UN player wishes to Strategic move a unit and the farthest northern UN unit is in hex 2036, that strategically moving unit may not move into any hex that is in row xx37. In addition, if a strategically moving unit cannot move within 2 hexes of an enemy unit at any time during its movement and must have a Line of Communications in each hex entered. As an exception to the above, UN Minor units and US units may Strategic Move within 2 hexes of any enemy and through enemy ZoCs (paying the additional 1 movement point as normal). If they do so, place a Bug Out marker on the unit after completing this movement.
4.6 Zones of Control All units have a Zone of Control (unless limited by markers). The Zone of Control consists of the 6 hexes immediately adjacent to the unit. Additional friendly units that also have a Zone of Control on a hex give no additional benefit. Friendly units negate enemy Zones of Control in the hex they occupy for all game rules. Enemy Zones of Control cost one additional movement point to enter. In addition, they block Line of Communications and units may not generally retreat through them after combat.
At the completion of combat, the phasing player may be able to move once again. In order to prevent the game problem of units that did not have any combat at all moving less than units that actually had combat, “after-combat” movement is first performed by any active units that did not participate in any combat in this activation. This movement is before any after-combat movement is performed by any units that just were victorious in combat (and in a combat hex), and only applies to friendly units that are not in an enemy ZoC. These units may move an additional 3 movement points. This movement may not enter an enemy ZoC at any time during this movement. After this movement is completed, any victorious units that have advanced into combat hexes may move as allowed by their combat chit. The combat chit will show how many movement points may now be spent after combat. The phasing player must win the combat and the defending hex must be vacant to allow for after-combat movement. This movement is a normal movement as before the © 2018 Compass Games, LLC. Korea Rules final.indd 8
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Korea Fire and Ice adjacent to the combat hex that provided support. The attacking unit plus any active units that are adjacent may be able to move again after the combat.
5.0 COMBAT General Rule: Combat is a function of movement in this system. Friendly units will move and then, when adjacent to an enemy unit, may declare a type of combat (paying the correct movement cost to do so). The hex the defending unit is in is called the Combat Hex. To pay the cost of combat, a declaring unit must have enough remaining movement points to pay for the combat. If the combat hex cannot be entered via normal movement, combat may not be declared. There are 4 types of combat: Meeting Engagement, Hasty Attack, Prepared Attack, and Deliberate Attack. To resolve the combat, both players add up their modifiers and roll a die (either D6 or D10 depending on the situation). If they both roll the same natural number, a random event occurs. The winner of the combat is the higher modified roller. Regardless of the final spread between the two rolls, the actual number used to determine the combat results is limited to 5 (subject to some modifications). If the attacker loses, there is no additional movement allowed by either side and all attacking units are flipped to their spent side. After all combat, and follow-up movement that might be allowed, the activation is completed. The Phasing player may pay supply to keep the activated HQ (only if the HQ hasn’t moved) on its fresh side (to allow for a future activation with this same HQ), or move to another fresh HQ and use it to activate other fresh units, or he may declare he is done with his turn and follow the Sequence of Play to determine what happens next. If the attacker wins, the combat chit may allow additional movement by the attackers. Only one defending hex may be attacked per attack. Each activated unit may only place one combat chit per game turn. A roll of 0 on the D10 is considered a roll of 10.
5.1 Combat Chits Combat Chits should be placed in two mugs to allow for attackers to randomly draw a chit when needed. One mug should have Meeting Engagements/Hasty Attacks and the other should have Prepared Attacks/Deliberate Attacks. Each chit has the following information on it: In the upper left is the type and modifier to the die roll for the attacker. D6 (+1) for example would mean that the attacker will roll one six-sided die and add one to the value rolled. In the upper right will be the Random Event table used for this combat should it occur. Random events can range from drawing from the Cup of SNAFU to other effects as listed below.
Random events only occur when both players roll the same number (before any modifiers) in their combat. In the lower left will be the support the attacker may benefit from in this combat. In the lower right will be the movement points the attacker is given if he wins the combat. All winning attackers may then spend that number of movement points and move again. Winning attackers includes the actual attacking unit plus any additional units that are
The defender rolls a D10 if fresh and a D6 if spent, and defender support is always fixed based on the type of combat the attacker has declared.
5.2 Meeting Engagements Unlike all other combats, Meeting Engagements are completed before any additional active units that have not moved are moved. The attacker completes his Meeting Engagement attack and may then move with his attacker if he is victorious. If the defender is victorious, apply any loses and markers and the attacking unit is done for this activation. Additional Friendly units may move and attack after this is complete. This is different from other attacks in that all other attacks occur after all initial movement is complete. At the completion of all movement, combat, and after combat movement by the unit performing the Meeting Engagement, flip the unit to its spent side. An Attacking unit may only attack one time per activation.
5.3 Declaring Combat When a combat is declared place the combat chit on the defending hex, the attacker picks an appropriate chit from the combat chit cup. Reveals its values. If this is a Meeting Engagement, perform the combat completely before moving another active unit. If it is not a Meeting Engagement, finish moving all other active, friendly units, and after all those units have moved, proceed to combats. In all cases, after the combat has been resolved, the combat chit is always immediately available to be drawn again. 5.3.1 Random Events If in combat, both players roll the same number on their die, a random event has occurred. Apply the results of the random event immediately and any effect will apply this combat (and future combats until the marker is removed). Table A: 1
News Reporters are present – place an objective marker on the combat hex of the attacker’s color.
Anti-Tank Ambush – reduce Attacking Tank Support level by 1
Ambush – reduce the Attacker’s replacements by 1
Radio failure – the Defender may not add any support this combat.
Draw from the Cup of SNAFU (Defender places marker)
Draw from the Cup of SNAFU (Defender places marker)
Draw from the Cup of SNAFU (Defender places marker)
Draw from the Cup of SNAFU (Defender places marker)
Draw from the Cup of SNAFU (Attacker places marker)
10 Draw from the Cup of SNAFU (Attacker places marker)
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Korea Fire and Ice Table B: 1
News Reporters are present – place an objective marker on the combat hex of the attacker’s color.
News Reporters are present – place an objective marker on the combat hex of the attacker’s color.
Draw from the Cup of SNAFU (Defender places marker)
Draw from the Cup of SNAFU (Defender places marker)
Draw from the Cup of SNAFU (Defender places marker)
Draw from the Cup of SNAFU (Defender places marker)
Draw from the Cup of SNAFU (Defender places marker)
Draw from the Cup of SNAFU (Attacker places marker)
Draw from the Cup of SNAFU (Attacker places marker)
10 Draw from the Cup of SNAFU (Attacker places marker) Table C: 1 2
News Reporters are present – place an objective marker on the hex of the defender’s color. News Reporters are present – place an objective marker on the hex of the attacker’s color.
News Reporters are present – place an objective marker on the hex of the attacker’s color.
Draw from the Cup of SNAFU (Defender places marker)
Draw from the Cup of SNAFU (Defender places marker)
Draw from the Cup of SNAFU (Defender places marker)
Draw from the Cup of SNAFU (Attacker places marker)
Draw from the Cup of SNAFU (Attacker places marker)
Draw from the Cup of SNAFU (Attacker places marker)
10 Draw from the Cup of SNAFU (Attacker places marker) Attacker Modifiers in addition to the combat chit – these are determined first. Tank Support Artillery Support Bombardment Support Air Support
If there are any friendly units adjacent to the combat hex, the attacker may also add for unit support. He gets 1 modifier for the first unit adjacent, 2 for the second one adjacent, 3 for the third on adjacent, etc. If this is a Deliberate Attack, these modifiers are doubled. The owning player may choose to not add adjacent units if he so chooses. For example, if 4 units are adjacent to a combat hex (not including the one that declared the attack) and this is not a deliberate assault, the attacker would add 10 more to his roll. If it was a deliberate attack, he would add 20 (!) to his die roll.
Defender Modifiers in addition to the combat chit – these are determined after the attacker has determined his modifiers. Tank Support Artillery Support Bombardment Support Air Support
For each defending unit adjacent to the combat hex, add 2 to the defender’s die roll. Terrain Improved Positions Trenches
If either player rolls a 1 (unmodified) for their combat and there is no Elite/Guards/Poor/Penal unit marker on the owner of the die roll unit in combat, place a Poor or Penal unit marker as appropriate on the owner’s unit. Only the lead unit that placed the combat chit or the defender in the hex being attacked may have a unit quality marker placed on it. Supporting units do not count for this. If either player rolls a 10 (unmodified) if rolling a D10, or a 6 (unmodified) if rolling a D6, for their combat and there is no Elite/Guards/Poor/Penal unit marker on the owner of the die roll unit in combat, place a Guards or Elite unit marker as appropriate on the owner’s unit. appropriate on the owner’s unit. 5.3.2 Combat Support To allow Artillery and Tank support, the combat hex must trace a Line of Communications back to a friendly HQ or cadre. For any terrain modifiers for support, the unit that placed the combat chit is used to determine terrain (most notably, roads) for the attack. The hex that combat chit is in determines terrain for the defenders. There are two values to know here – the support level and the actual support. The support level is the amount of Artillery, Tanks, Air, or Bombardment on the support track. This number applies for all combats. The actual support available for this one combat is a number derived from the combat chit (for the attacker), or the type of declared combat for the defender. Subtract the support value on the combat chit from the support level to determine the actual amount of Artillery, Tanks, Air, etc. to each combat. Note that terrain may limit the actual benefit to the attacker or defender for each point spent. Players do not need to add all of the amount they are allowed and any support not added in is not at risk in the combat. If Table A: his values are Artillery 4, Tank 4, Air 4 If Table B: his values are Artillery 3, Tank 2, Air 3 If Table C: his values are Artillery 2, Tank 1, Air 1 If Table D: his values are Artillery 1, Tank 1, Air 1 The defender’s values are fixed by the type of combat Meeting Engagement: Artillery 4, Tank 4, Air 4 Hasty Attack: Artillery 3, Tank 3, Air 3 Prepared Attack: Artillery 3, Tank 3, Air 3 Deliberate Attack: Artillery 3, Tank 3, Air 3 In addition, if the UN 7th Fleet is in the combat hex sector (see 11.2) and the combat is no more than 3 hexes from an all sea hex, the UN player may add his Bombardment value (which is always 2 regardless of the type of combat). The players can add the difference from the support level and his track value to his combat modifier. For example, on the attacker’s chart, he has 6 tank support and his combat chit support value is B (2 Tank). The Attacker may add up to 4 tank points to his attack.
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Korea Fire and Ice Tanks, Artillery, Bombardment, and Air add the amount allowed by the terrain in owning player’s hex (the attacked hex if defending, the hex from which the combat declarer is attacking from for the attacker). In all cases a road Tank Support bonus will apply and supersede any defender terrain modifiers. Always round support down- so if there is only 2 artillery support available and you need 3 to get one support, no support is given. 5.3.3 Combat Resolution
After both players have rolled their dice, compare the two modified values. This total is the combat speard. This speard may be no more than 5. Once the final difference of the die rolls is computed, move to combat resolution. 5.3.4 Combat Losses The victor of the combat never takes losses. If the attacker uses the road bonus to add in Tank Support, after the combat and regardless of the result of the combat, one is deducted from his tank support level. If the modified die roll is equal, the attacker must take a “1” result. He may honor it with VPs, replacements, or his units (both the attacker and those providing support) may retreat one hex (if able).
The loser of the combat must honor the total applicable spread as losses. He may take retreats, replacement losses or victory point losses until he reaches the total spread by which he lost. Should no replacements be available and the owing player uses a replacement as a loss (or losses), one unit is eliminated for each replacement spent. If all units involved have been eliminated, ignore any excess losses. Units adjacent that added to the roll modifying the die roll above are subject to elimination from combat losses. Retreats may not be into an enemy Zone of Control (unless it is a US or UN Minor unit). Should either side retreat 1 or 2 hexes, they are disrupted. Place a Disrupted marker on the affected unit. Should either side retreat 3 or more hexes, they have routed and place a routed marker on the unit. If the retreating unit is a United States or UN Minor unit and it retreated (any distance) through an enemy ZOC, place a Bug Out marker on that unit. All units that gave support to the combat are eligible to be retreated and each hex retreated by each of these, counts as 1 towards combat losses. If a defeated unit is retreated (only) and on its fresh side, flip the unit to its spent side.
If a unit is disrupted, he must reduce his Artillery Support level by 1 (if he used any artillery in the combat) and reduce his Tank Support level by 1 (if he used any Tanks during the combat).
Combat Example Part 1
Let’s continue on with the movement example and show the combat that comes next.
We also need to see the support levels as well. They are as such for each side.
Communist Track
UN Track First off, the attacker determines his support. The Support value of the Combat Chit is Table C Artillery:2 and Tank:1 (we’ll deal with Air in the Air Section of the rules). That means the Attacker may use up to 5 artillery and 4 tanks for this combat. (7-2=5, and 5-1=4). Terrain will limit this as well. For the Artillery, the Combat Hex is in a town - so it is 1 for 1 for points. Meaning that every artillery point will count in full for this combat. The attacker adds his full value - so the artillery modifier is 5.
The Tank modifier would normally be 3 for 1 for the combat hex being in a town - meaning the total he can add (4) would only add 1 to his die. However, the unit that placed the Combat Chit had a road running from his hex to the combat hex - thus it is 1 for 1 because of the road. An additional 4 is added. But since the attacker chose to do this, after the addition, subtract one from the attacker’s tank support level on his track. His support adds a total of 9.
In addition, the attacking player has two divisions adjacent to the combat hex that did not place the combat chit. These add 3 more. The attacker will roll a d10 (subtract 1) - per the combat chit - but will also add in 12 more. This ends at a d10 plus 11.
The defender has support as well. The type of combat (Prepared Attack) gives the defender values of Artillery: 3 and Tank: 3. He then subtracts this number from his support levels giving him 1 Artillery and 2 Tanks to use. The defender also uses the terrain he is in for support limits and gets 1 for 1 for Artillery and 2 for 1 for Tanks - so he adds 1 Artillery and 1 Tank modifier to his roll. He also has one friendly unit adjacent to the combat hex - that adds another 2 - and lastly, for the town he is in, add another 1. He is fresh so he’s rolling a d10 plus 5. Let the rolling begin.
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Korea Fire and Ice If a unit is Routed or Bugs Out, he must reduce his Artillery Support level by 2 and Tank Support by 1 (if they were used – only 1 is lost if only one was used).
To use Replacements, the owning player must have a line of communication to an HQ or, if US, a cadre (see 14.5). A maximum of 2 replacements may be used to satisfy combat losses.
Combat Example Part 2
On to rolling dice...remember to watch for rolling a 1 or 10 (if rolling a D10) or a 1 or 6 (if rolling a D6). Also watch for both sides rolling the same natural number. To cover the bases, here, let’s say each side rolls a “1”. The 1 for each means one friendly Division that is either supporting the combat or initiating it, must get a Poor or Penal Unit marker. And we have a Random Event. The Communist player places his Penal Unit marker on the 7th Division - and the UN player places his on the 3rd Division. This does affect this combat. The random event is also resolved. The random event table used is marked on the combat chit - table B. If he rolled a 1 or 2, an Objective Marker would be drawn to determine the hex victory point value – which is not yet revealed. Or, if he rolled a 3 or greater, would draw from the Cup of SNAFU. Assuming he rolls a 6, a chit is drawn, and the defender may place. A Communist Ammo Shortage, Ammo Out marker is drawn - and since the defender is placing it, he chooses the Ammo Out side and places it on the Communist 3rd Division.
Now the random event is determined. The table used is marked on the combat chit - table B. If he rolled a 1 or 2, an Objective Marker would be drawn to determine the hex victory point value which he would immediately gain (as he took the hex). Or, if he rolled a 3 or greater, would draw from the Cup of SNAFU. Assauming he rolls a 6, a chit is drawn and the defender may place.
With each player rolling a 1, the total modifiedroll is determined. The Commies rolled a modified 11 (roll + 10) and the UN rolled a 6 (roll + 5). However, the Ammo Out marker prevents those 5 Artillery from being used.The spread is 0. It is a tie. The Attacker must take a “1” result. He decides to retreat one unit to satisfy the result. The advance allowed on the combat chit is “1” - so The 15th Division is retreated to hex 2441. No one movement point may be spent - but minimum move applies and the 3rd Division moves into hex disruption occurs and no artillery is removed. 2643. So ends the combat.
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Korea Fire and Ice Only a max of one VP may be used in any battle. This loss is in addition to any VPs earned or lost by a random event. Only one Victory Point is lost – do not randomly draw an objective marker.
If the appropriate cost cannot be paid, the affected unit is eliminated and placed in the replacements box. Retreat must always be in a north direction for Communist forces and in a south direction for UN forces. Retreat may never go through an enemy occupied hex or (if not a UN Minor force or US unit) through an enemy Zone of Control. Each hex retreated must be farther away from the combat hex.
5.4 After Combat Movement
In addition to the movment mentioned in 4.4, at the completion of the combat and allocation of random events, if the attacker was victorious, he may move the attacking units that participated (either the actual attacker or any active units used that are adjacent) in the battle into a vacated combat hex; ignoring stacking. He may move any friendly units in the combat hex with the allowed value on the combat chit following normal movement rules. Stacking must be honored at the end of the after-combat movement. The defending player may never move after combat.
After the after-combat movement is completed, flip the active, fresh attacking units to their spent side.
6.0 MARKERS There are a lot of markers in this system to cover the various states a unit can be in. Some are placed from the “Cup of SNAFU” as a random event in combat. Others are used in specific game situations.
6.1 The Cup of SNAFU The Cup of SNAFU is used in combat. When needed, randomly draw a marker from the cup. After drawn, the event will say which player may place the marker. Markers must be placed with units of the correct side. For example, the Communist player is attacking and must draw from the Cup of SNAFU. He draws a Communist Fuel Shortage/No Fuel marker. Since he is placing it, he chooses the Fuel Shortage side and places it on one of his attacking units. If it said the defender may choose, then the UN player would choose to place the No Fuel on the Communist player. These are the markers placed in the Cup of Snafu a) Great Leader/Incompetent Leader - Great Leader allows the rolling player in combat to re-roll his combat die. - Incompetent Leader allows the opposing player to re-roll his opponent’s combat die. This reroll is always voluntary. Only one re-roll is allowed for each Leader marker.
- No Ammo markers prevent the affected unit from using any Artillery points in combat The Ammo Shortage marker is removed if the owning player spends 1 supply point during the Infrastucture and Supply Determination Phase of the sequence of play. The No Ammo marker is removed if the owning player spends 2 supply points during the Infrastucture and Supply Determination phase of the sequence of play. Only one marker of either type may be on a unit. If a Ammo Shortage unit gains either another Ammo Shortage marker or an Ammo Out marker, replace the Ammo Shortage with an Ammo Out marker. If an Ammo Out unit gains either an Ammo Shortage or Ammo Out marker, the unit keeps the Ammo Out marker and nothing additional is done. c) Fuel Shortage/Fuel Out - Fuel Shortage requires the affected unit to spend double the number of Tank Points to achieve the same combat addition. - No Fuel markers prevent the affected unit from using any Tank points in combat The Fuel Shortage marker is removed if the owning player spends 1 supply point during the Infrastuctre and Supply Determination phase of the sequence of play. The No Fuel marker is removed if the owning player spends 2 supply points during the Infrastructure and Supply Determination phase of the sequence of play. Only one marker of either type may be on a unit. If a Fuel Shortage unit gains either another Fuel Shortage marker or a Fuel Out marker, replace the Fuel Shortage with a Fuel Out marker. If a Fuel Out unit gains either a Fuel Shortage or Fuel Out marker, the unit keeps the Fuel Out marker and nothing additional is done.
6.2 Other Markers a) VPs - VPs (Victory Points) are used to track the current victory point situation. Only one side has VPs at any one time. This is more completely explained in the Victory rules section (see 12.0) b) Prepared Positions - Prepared Positions are built in the Infrastructure and Supply Determination phase of the turn in any hex that has a friendly unit at the cost of one supply point. They are removed when there is no longer a friendly unit in the hex. c) Trenches - Trenches are built in the Infrastructure and Supply Determination phase of the turn in any hex that has a friendly unit at the cost of two supply points. They are removed when there is no longer a friendly unit in the hex.
This marker may only be removed by Foreign Intervention (see 12.2). The marker is only placed on the attacking unit that declared the combat or on the defending unit in the combat hex. If either already has a leader marker, replace it with the newly drawn marker.
d) Objective
b) Ammo Shortage/Ammo Out
e) Disrupted
- Ammo Shortage requires the affected unit to spend double the number of Artillery Points to achieve the same combat addition.
- Objective markers determine victory values for certain hexes and are explained in detail in the Victory rules section (see x.xx) -Units that retreat 2 hexes are disrupted. After the retreat has finished, the enemy player may draw once from the Cup of Snafu and, only if he wishes and it applies to the other player, he may
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Korea Fire and Ice place it on the just disrupted unit. Disruptions are removed by spending an activation from an HQ. This does not activate the unit - but does remove the marker to allow a future activation when activated. Disrupted units may not retreat in combat and no artillery or tank support may be given to them in a future combat. f ) Rout A unit that retreats 3 more more hexes has a routed marker placed in it. Routed markers are a result of combat. After the retreat is finished, the enemy player may draw two markers from the Cup of SNAFU and, only if he wishes and it applies to the other player, may place one of the two markers on the just retreated unit. The other marker drawn is returned to the Cup of SNAFU. These must be removed by using up an activation from an HQ. Removing the routed marker does not activate the unit. A unit with a routed marker may not retreat in combat. Units with a routed marker may not attack or offer any additional die modifier for being adjacent to a combat hex. No support of any type may be given a routed marker when defending. When the Routed marker is removed, place a Low Morale marker on the unit g) Bug Out -Bug Out markers are placed when a US or UN Minor Powers unit strategically moves or retreats and enters an enemy ZOC. Bug Out marked units are treated as Task Forces (see 14.2) until the marker is removed. These are removed by spending an activation from an HQ. This does not activate the unit. When the Bug Out marker is removed, place a Low Morale marker on the unit. The Communist Player gains one VP when a Bug Out marker is placed h) Elite/Guards units, Poor/Penal units Elite and Guards units reduce by one the final spread of the die roll results (that is, after the maximum of 5 or less has been determined) if they lose a combat. They increase the spread by one if they are victorious (so a 5 spread can become 6). Poor and Penal units increase by one the final spread of the die roll results (that is, after the maximum of 5 or less has been determined) if they lose a combat (so a spread of 5 can become 6). They decrease the spread by one if they are victorious (so a 5 spread can become 4). i) OOC (Out of Communications)/Low Morale
7.0 INFRASTRUCTURE & SUPPLY Infrastructure is the overall industrial ability to support combat forces for each side. It includes the state of industry in the area, bridges, and the road network. It can rise with foreign intervention and can be decreased by airstrikes. The infrastructure provides supply to the armies. Supply is spent on many things in the game – from activating HQs to repairing damaged aircraft to removing markers. For any unit or HQ to use supply, it must be able to trace a Line of Communications. During the Strategic Phase, Infrastructure and Supply Determination segment, place the supply marker on top of the infrastructure marker on the Replacements, Supply and Infrastructure Track. This is the amount of Supply that players will have to use for the entire month. Infrastructure may be reduced by Air Strikes or increased through Foreign Aid thus reducing the amount of Supply that each player has available to him the following month. General Supply Costs: 1 for the UN Player to make a spent but not moved HQ available again if the HQ is in South Korea 2 for the UN Player to make a spent but not moved HQ available again if the HQ is in North Korea
1 for the Communist Player to make a spent but not moved HQ available again if the HQ is in North Korea
2 for the Communist Player to make a used HQ available again if the HQ is in South Korea In Addition, Supply may be used to do the following:
1 to remove an Ammo Shortage or Fuel Shortage marker 2 to remove a no ammo or no fuel marker 1 to repair an airfield marker
2 to repair an improved airfield marker
1 to place an Improved Position marker 2 to place a Trench marker
Snow turns double all of the above costs for the UN player (only). The Infrastructure may never be more than 19, and never less than 2 for the Communists or 0 for the United Nations
OOC markers are placed if a unit cannot trace a Line of Communications during owning player’s flip to fresh side phase of the sequence of play (see 3.0). OOC markers prevent a spent unit from becoming fresh. OOC markers also prevent a unit from using any support of any type until removed. It is removed when the unit can trace supply in a future owning player’s flip to fresh side phase of the sequence of play (see 3.0). Low Morale – a unit so marked adds one to all its combat chit additional movement costs (and thus may not never perform a Deliberate Attack). Low Morale is only removed if the unit is victorious in any future combat.
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Korea Fire and Ice 8.0 Support
7.0 Infrastructure Example
8.0 Support Track Example
It is the Infrastructure and Supply Determination Phase of the Strategic Phase of the Game Turn. The Communist player has 1 Supply left on the track and the Infrastructure Marker is on the 12 space. When this phase in the game turn occurs, the Supply Marker is placed with the Infrastructure Marker - thus the Communist player has 12 Supply to use this month. Move the Supply Marker to the same space.
Later in the same Strategic Phase, the UN player unleases some B-29s on the North Koreans with an Infrastructure Strike. He attacked with 2 B-29s - reducing the Infrastructure value by 4 - the supply marker stays where it is. The reduced value of Infrastructure will not apply until the next month.
Throughout the month, the Communist player receives some Infrastructure additions - these end up totalling 6 points. Also, throughout the turn, the Communist player spends Supply Points and when the next Strategic Phase comes around, the table looks like this:
The Communist player again moves his Supply Marker to join his Infrastructure marker to give him the total supply he can spend this turn
The UN player is attacking a North Korean unit in Seoul and using Prepared Attack. His Combat Chit gives his support as “C” - or Artillery:2 and Tank:1. On his support level track, he has 5 Tank Support and 11 Artillery support. For this attack, the UN player has a total of 5-1=4 tanks he can add to his combat, and 11-2=9 Artillery he can use. Looking at the TEC, attacking a city hex gives the artillery reduction as 1 for 1 and all others as 3 for 1. If the 23rd Regiment is the one that placed the combat chit, the amount of tank value he could add would be 4 total but used at a 3 to 1 ratio (rounded down) – so only one additional modifier to his die roll if this unit was attacking. If however the 38th Regiment was the one that placed the combat chit, he is attacking along a road that goes into the combat hex and since this is not a river, he can use the road values instead of the city values - or 1 for 1 as well. Thus the UN player can add 13 to his roll in combat. In chosing to do this, the UN player does lose one tank support from his track at the end of the combat. Each side’s artillery, tanks, replacements, air support, naval bombardment, and naval amphibious ability are represented by tracks on the support chart. These various types of support can be used by the respective owning army in game functions subject to situational restrictions.
8.1 Artillery and Tanks The beginning level for these two support types will be listed in the scenario setup. These levels may only be increased through reinforcements and foreign aid, and the levels may decrease in combat. Any artillery committed in battle can be at risk if © 2018 Compass Games, LLC. Korea Rules final.indd 15
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Korea Fire and Ice the supported unit(s) is disrupted, routs or bugs out. If a unit is disrupted in combat and used any artillery in the combat, reduce the owning player’s artillery support by 1. If he used any tanks in the combat, reduce the tank Support by 1. If the unit is routed or Bugs Out, and used artillery in the combat, up to 2 artillery support may be lost (if the owning player used only 1 Artillery, only 1 is lost). If the attacker used the road to add tank support, he automatically loses one level of tank support after the combat is complete. This loss applies to either the attacker or defender should they lose a combat. In order to use artillery and/or tank support, the units being given support must trace a Line of Communications back to a friendly HQ or cadre.
8.2 Replacements The value is also stated in the scenario setup and can also only increase through reinforcements. In combat, this value can be used to satisfy combat loses. In addition, replacements may also be used rebuild previously lost units.
8.3 Air Support The Air support value is determined during the Air Commitment Phase of the Sequence of Play (see 10.4.3) and may also be committed in battle.
8.4 Naval Bombardment and Naval Amphibious Support Bombardment and Amphibious support is only available to the UN player and the starting levels are given in the scenario setup. These values can go up or down with United Nations reinforcements or withdrawals. Bombardment values never reduce from combat results. Amphibious values are reduced whenever they are used to perform amphibious invasions (see 11.3).
9.0 HQS AND CADRES 9.1 Fresh and Spent Units, and HQs Units and HQs may be flipped to their fresh side during the appropriate phase of the Sequence of Play. To do so, the unit or HQ must have a Line of Communications. If it does not, the HQ (and unit) are not flipped to their fresh sides and place an OOC marker on the affected unit.
9.2 HQs (Headquarters) HQs allow units to be activated for movement and combat for an activation. To do so, choose an HQ, pay a supply cost (if any) and flip it to its spent side – then chose up to 4 fresh units that belong to that HQ within 5 movement points and flip those units to their spent side – all the units (including the HQ) may now be moved. At the conclusion of the activation, if the HQ has not moved, the owning player may pay a supply cost to flip the HQ back to its available side (and allow it to be activated again this player turn – and to activate 4 more fresh units within range). The cost to do so depends on both the side the HQ belongs to as well as its geographic location. Supply cost to activate an HQ: For the Communist player: Activating any fresh HQ north of the South Korean/North Korean border: 0 supply.
Activating any fresh HQ south of the South Korean/North Korean border: 1 supply. Activating any HQ that has been used to activate Units but has not moved that is north of the South Korean/North Korean border: 2 supply. Activating any HQ that has been used to activate Units but has not moved that is south of the South Korean/North Korean border: 3 supply. For the UN player:
Activating any fresh HQ north of the South Korean/North Korean border: 2 supply.
Activating any fresh HQ south of the South Korean/North Korean border: 1 supply. Activating any HQ that has been used to activate Units but has not moved that is north of the South Korean/North Korean border: 3 supply.
Activating an HQ that has been used to activate Units but has not moved that is south of the South Korean/North Korean border: 2 supply. HQs cannot be eliminated. If an enemy unit enters a hex with an HQ, the HQ is displaced at least 3 hexes from its current position. The owning player may move it more if he chooses. This displacement must be in a north direction for the Communist player and in a south direction for the UN player. If the HQ is fresh © 2018 Compass Games, LLC. Korea Rules final.indd 16
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Korea Fire and Ice
9.0 Activating Units with HQs Example
It’s the UN player turn and the UN player is going to activate I Corps to start moving his Units. He chooses as his three Units, the 1 Cav cadre, the 29th Bde and the Capital Division. The 1 Cav Cadre, in turn, activates the 7th Regiment. He decides not to activate the 8th and 5th Regiments. when displaced, flip the HQ to its spent side after it has been placed (this HQ has moved so it may not be active again this player turn). HQs of a specific nation may only activate units of that nation. Blue (UN) HQs can activate any UN forces (regardless of nationality) and PRC HQs can activate all Communist units (regardless of nationality).
After moving the active Units, I Corps is not moved and the UN player pays the 1 supply cost to flip the I Corps HQ back to its fresh side. He then, either immediately after the previous activation, or later in his player turn, chooses to activate I Corps once again, and the 5th and 8th Regiments move. After that, the UN player could choose to again not move the HQ and pay 1 supply once again - or he can move the HQ and place it farther north so that its range will now carry farther north.
9.3 Cadres The UN player has cadres to use as units in the game. These are treated like normal units in all ways (and can be eliminated) but in addition, in order for a US unit to receive Tank or Artillery support, it must be within 3 movement points of its division cadre. Cadres also allow HQs to activate more units. If an HQ activated a cadre, all units that are from the same division and within 3 movement points of the cadre, may also be activated as well. So, if
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Korea Fire and Ice an HQ activates three cadres (as its three units), those cadres can in turn, if within range, activate all the units in their division – thus up to 12 units may be active using this method. Units and cadres that belong to a division may also be activated as individual units (following all the normal rules for activating units).
10.0 AIR POWER Players in Korea: Fire and Ice have airpower at their disposal to attempt to influence both the strategic situation and the tactical battlefield. Additional, as befits the air battles that occurred during this campaign, publicity about the air campaign can help and hurt each players victory point situation.
10.1 Airfields Airfields in the game allow planes in the available planes box to fly missions. An airfield allows tactical missions to be flown; an improved airfields allow strategic missions to be flown. Also, the placement of the airfield will determine the range at which the mission occurs. Airfields arrive via either setup or as reinforcements during the Foreign Intervention Check. Airfields may be damaged through the strategic mission Airfield Strikes. Airfields may be repaired by spending supply during the Infrastructure and Supply determination phase – place the damaged Airfield back in the airfields box in which it was prior to being damaged.
To fly missions, an available plane must use an airfield to fly. Choose an aircraft unit in Available Aircraft box and declare which airfield it is using from any airfield (regardless of location)
10.1 Airfield Example
It’s the start of a new month and UN player first rolls for his damaged air unit in the Foreign Invention Phase of the monthly turn.
The UN player rolls a D10 to move his damaged aircraft out of the damaged aircraft box and into the available aircraft box. He needs to roll a 5 or less – he rolls a 2 – the damaged aircraft is moved to the available aircraft box.
The damaged F-80 is moved into the Available Aircraft box. Next we move to the Air Commitment phase. After the Communist player has allocated his air to all of his missions, the UN player then does the same. He has a total of 10 aircraft but only 2 improved airfields so the maximum Strategic Missions he can do is 4 (all Strategic Missions must be from improved airfields. He places the 4th F-I and the 27th F-E in the MiG Alley box (the Communists have put some air in the box and he needs to counter this). He used the one improved airfield in South Korea to do this so that the planes will not be at long range. He also places the 19 Bomb into the Airfield Strike box, using an improved airfield in Japan (the B-29 is not listed in the Japanese airfields box as being at long range on missions). 22 Bomb will be placed in the Infrastructure Strike box. That uses up both improved airfields so the UN player can’t place any more aircraft on strategic missions. He also places the 8 F-B (F-80) and the 136 F-B (F-84) on top cover. These will use one of the airfield in South Korea. With one airfield left, he places the F-51 on Ground Support. The 2 remaining aircraft don’t have airfields to fly from and so remain in the Available aircraft box.
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Korea Fire and Ice on the air display. An improved airfield must be used for any strategic missions to be flown. Either an airfield or an improved airfield may be used for any tactical missions. If there are fewer airfields than aircraft, some aircraft may not be able to fly this month. The location of the airfield will determine the range at which the mission is flown. If you choose to use an airfield in Japan, for example, and the aircraft using this airfield is an F-80, F-86 or F-84, the mission flown will be at Long Range. Any mission flown from Chinese airfields will be at long range except for MiG Alley missions (this includes planes that were placed in MiG Alley but moved to the Top Cover box – they will be at long range if flown from a Chinese Airfield). Aircraft flown at Long Range have their values for all missions reduced by one.
Communist airfields and improved airfields can only allow one aircraft to fly until the Chinese intervene. After that, 2 aircraft may fly per airfield or improved airfield. If the Soviets intervene, this increases to 4 planes per airfield or improved airfield. UN aircraft may always fly 2 aircraft from each airfield or improved airfield.
10.2 Air Commitment
Each month, players will decide where they will commit their available aircraft that are able to fly. Take an air unit and place it in the appropriate box on the air display. If the mission will be at long range, place the air unit in the long range box of the chosen mission. All aircraft that a player wishes to use for the remainder of the month are placed at this time. While strategic missions are completed in the following step of the monthly phase, tactical missions are placed in their respective boxes and are available to be used throughout the rest of the weekly turns. At the start of the next month, all planes in all missions boxes are placed back in the available planes box and may be used once again in the new month. Aircraft can become damaged during missions and any of those will have been placed in the damaged planes box throughout the turn.
10.3 Strategic Missions
Strategic Missions are resolved once a month and are performed during the Strategic Air Mission Resolution Phase of the Monthly turn. They consist of the following missions: MiG Alley, Infrastructure Strike, Airfield Strike and Atomic Strike. MiG Alley is always performed first (and any additional air combat in other strategic boxes as well). After that, the UN player may determine which strategic missions are performed next. Perform one type of strategic mission before going to the next one. 10.3.1 MiG Alley
MiG Alley is air to air combat over the famed MiG Alley. Only certain types of units may be placed in this box (as noted on the Air Display). After air commitment has been performed, there will either be no aircraft of either side in the MiG Alley box, one side will have units in the box, or both sides will have units in the MiG Alley box.
If neither side has any units in the box, all other strategic missions may be performed without hindrance. Just perform the strategic mission as per below.
If only one side has units in the MiG Alley box, that player may attack any units in one strategic mission boxe or may be placed in the Top Cover box of the tactical missions section. These aircraft moved to the top cover box are treated exactly the same as any aircraft placed in the top cover box in the air commitment phase. If both sides have units in MiG Alley, an air-to-air combat will take place. 10.3.1 MiG Alley Example
All aircraft flying at long range have their rating reduced by 1. So an F-86 flying into the MiG Alley box using an improved airfield in Japan would have a rating of 4 (not 5). If the UN player used an improved airfield in South Korea instead, the F-86 would keep its full 5 value. Damaged aircraft are placed in the available planes box if they pass a repair roll as listed on their air display. This roll is made at the start of the owning player’s air commitment phase of the sequence of play. If they pass, return them to the available aircraft box. They do not flip to their full strength side if they are moved to the Available Aircraft box. If they do not, they remain in the damaged aircraft box until the next month’s Foreign Intervention phase when they may attempt to roll again. UN Aircraft must roll a 5 or less (on a D10) to return to the available units box while Communist Aircraft must roll a 3 or less (on a D10) to return to the available units box. As an exception to the above, the two Soviet elite Aircraft (324 IAD and 303 IAD - the ones with a star on them) are removed from play if they are damaged. They can never return to play.
It is the Stratigic Air Mission Resolution phase of the monthly turn and if there are opposing air unit in the MiG Alley box, this is always the first step to complete. Comparing the Air Combat values of all the planes, the Soviet Air Unit 324 IAD has a value of 6. He shoots first. He chooses to shoot at the F-86 and needs to roll a 6 or less with a D10 to place the F-86 in the damaged box. He misses. Next up, the F-86 can fire. Even though the Soviet MiG has already fired and can’t fire again this month, the UN player can get this unit out of the game if he can damage it. He rolls a 4 - under the 5 value the F-86 has - the MiG is damaged and has left the game. The next air unit that shoots is the 4 value MiG-15. He’ll fire at the as yet unused F-84 - he rolls a 2 and damages the Thunderjet.
It is placed in the UN Air Display’s Damaged Aircraft box. The MiG9 is the only remaining air unit that hasn’t fired - it shoots at the F-86 and gets a 7 - no effect. The MiG Alley Strategic mission is over. There are still Units on both sides remaining in the box - so no victory points are awarded. The UN player can now choose which Strategic Mission box to do next.
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Korea Fire and Ice Air-to-Air Combat
the damaged aircraft box. This unit is not flipped to its reduced side.
All aircraft that can be placed in the MiG Alley box have a value. This value is on the air display. For example, an F-86 has a value of 5 for the MiG Alley box (as well as for Top Cover). This is their air combat value. Air combat value is used both to determine the order in which aircraft may attack as well as the success of that attack.
10.3.3 Airfield Strike
The highest value air unit attacks first. If there are aircraft of the same value from each side, the UN player may attack first with one unit, then the Communist player attacks with one unit and then the UN player attacks with one unit – and so forth. Resolve the attack for each air unit before moving to the next air unit (combat is not simultaneous). For example there is an F-86, an F-80, a MiG-15 and a MiG-9 in the MiG Alley box. The air combat values are F-86 (5), F-80 (3), MiG-15 (4) and MiG-9 (3). The F-86 would attack and resolve its attack first. Then the MiG-15 would attack (if not damaged by the F-86) and resolve its attack. Then the F-80 would attack. It has the same air combat value as the MiG-9 but as it is a UN Aircraft, it fires and resolves before the MiG-9. Lastly, if it is still in the box when its time comes, the MiG-9 will fire and resolve its attack. To attack an enemy air unit, choose any one enemy air unit also in the MiG Alley box and roll a D10 – if you roll equal to or less than the air combat value of your attacking plane, flip the air unit to its reduced side and the enemy plane is removed from the MiG Alley box and placed in the damaged aircraft box. Reduced aircraft have a value of one less than their normal value. A plane at Long Range and reduced would have 2 taken from its mission value. Units that have their mission value reduced to 0 or less may not be placed on that mission – or are removed from that mission and placed in the available aircraft box as soon as their value is 0. If both sides committed aircraft to the MiG Alley box and at the end of all combat only one side has any aircraft remaining in the box, award the player with the remaining air unit(s) one Victory Point. If only one side has units committed to the MiG Alley box, the owning player may either place any or all of his units in the box into the Top Cover box – or he may attack any enemy units in another strategic mission box. To do so, use one air unit in the MiG Alley box and choose one enemy air unit in another strategic mission. Roll a D6 (this time) and if you roll equal to or less than the air combat value, the enemy unit on the strategic mission is placed in the damaged aircraft box and the air unit is flipped over to its reduced side. This attack is performed before any other strategic missions are performed.
Only aircraft that have a Strategic Mission value may perform an Airfield Strike. To do so, choose an airfield box to attack (Chinese, North Korean, Japanese, South Korean – Aircraft Carrier air boxes can’t be attacked). Each air unit will roll once against its strategic mission value to determine the result of the strike. Use a D6 for this. You may attack either an airfield or an improved airfield at your choice. If you roll equal to or less than the aircraft strategic mission value, an airfield is damaged and placed in the damaged airfield box of that airfield box. In addition, if there is an aircraft in either the damaged box or the available box, it is permanently removed from play (owner’s choice). If you roll a 6, the attacking aircraft is damaged (but not reduced) and placed in the damaged aircraft box. 10.3.4 Atomic Strike
Atomic Strikes are only allowed if triggered by Foreign Intervention. Only B-29s may launch such a strike. To do so, place the B-29 in the Atomic Strike box. To perform an atomic strike against an airfield box, chose an airfield box (Chinese or North Korean) and remove 2 airfields or improved airfields from the box, and remove 2 aircraft from either the available aircraft box or damaged aircraft box (owner’s choice). There is no die roll here. Place an Atomic Strike marker in the airfield box. The removed airfields cannot be repaired. Atomic Strikes can also be launched against hexes. Place an atomic strike marker in the chosen hex. The hex is no longer considered to have any roads or railroads in that hex. No unit may end its movement in this hex. A total of 5 atomic strikes may be launched in the game. 10.3 Strategic Missions Example
Continuing on from the previous examples, the UN player has put three aircraft on strategic missions. He chooses to perform the Infrastructure Strike first. He rolls one die for each air unit. The B-29 needs a 4 or less on a D6 to reduce the Communist Infrastructure value - and rolls a 1. This gets 2 hits on the Infrastructure - reduce the Communist value on his chart by 2. The B-26 needs a 3 or less but rolls a 6. This damages the unit and it is placed in the damaged aircraft box. The last B-29 is on an Airfield strike. MacArthur is in command - so strikes against the Chinese Airfields are allowed. He rolls a 3 - just making the B-26 value - one airfield is damaged. The UN player removes one of the Communist’s Improved airfields from its box and places it in the damaged box of the Chinese Airfields box.
10.3.2 Infrastructure Strike
Only aircraft that have a Strategic Mission value may perform an Infrastructure Strike. To do so, each air unit will roll once against its strategic mission value to determine the result of the strike. Use a D6 for this. If you roll equal to or less than the aircraft strategic mission value, reduce the enemy infrastructure value by one. If you roll a one on the roll, reduce the enemy’s infrastructure by 2. If you roll a six, the air unit performing the strike is damaged and placed in © 2018 Compass Games, LLC. Korea Rules final.indd 20
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Korea Fire and Ice 10.4 Tactical Missions Aircraft on Tactical Missions are placed during the owning player’s Air Commitment at the same time as aircraft placed on Strategic Missions. Unlike Strategic Missions however, aircraft on Tactical Missions don’t fly their missions at this time. Instead, these aircraft are available to be used throughout the weekly turns. Each time one of these units are used, they must pass a roll to stay on station with a D10. If they roll equal to or less than their Station number, they remain in the box and may be used again. If they fail this roll (after completing their mission), removed the air unit from the mission box and place the air unit in the Available Aircraft box.
10.4.1 Top Cover Example
10.4.1 Top Cover Top Cover works very much like MiG Alley. Top Cover is fighter protection for aircraft that are performing Tactical Missions. Only certain types of units may be placed in this box (as noted on the Air Display). After all air commitment has been performed, and if any aircraft that were alone in the MiG Alley box are placed in the Top Cover box, there will either be no aircraft of either side in the Top Cover box, one side will have units in the box, or both sides will have units in the Top Cover box. If neither side has any units in the box, all other Tactical Missions may be performed without hindrance. Just perform the Tactical Mission as per below. If one side only has units in the Top Cover box, that player may attack any units that attempt to perform Tactical Missions during the weekly turns of the game. When a Tactical Mission of any type is declared, before that mission is completed, the enemy Top Cover units may attack the enemy aircraft. Only the attacking aircraft (those on Top Cover) attack. Choose an attacking air unit and a defending air unit. Roll a D6 and compare the roll to the air-to-air value of the attacking air unit. If the roll is equal or less than the air combat value of the attacker, the defending air unit is flipped to its reduced side and placed in the damaged aircraft box. The defending air unit does not complete its mission. The attacking player then must roll to stay on station for the air unit that just attacked (regardless of result) and if he passes the roll, the air unit returns to the Top Cover box and may perform combat again against a later flying Tactical Mission (it may not attack any aircraft used in this tactical mission). If it fails the roll, place the aircraft that just attacked in the Available Aircraft box for use next month. Should both sides have aircraft in the Top Cover box, air to air combat takes place and it is performed in the same way as MiG Alley combat. Perform this combat after all other Strategic Air Missions have been resolved. The highest value air unit attacks first. If there are aircraft of the same value from each side, the UN player may attack first with one unit, then the Communist player attacks with one unit and then the UN player attacks with one unit – and so forth. Resolve the attack for each air unit before moving to the next air unit (combat is not simultaneous). For example there is an F-86, an F-80, a MiG-15 and a MiG-9 in the Top Cover box. The air combat values are F-86 (5), F-80 (3), MiG-15 (4) and MiG-9 (3). TheF86 would attack and resolve its attack first. Then the MiG-15
The Air Commitment phase has ended and all Strategic Missions have been flown. The last thing done in the monthly Strategic Air Mission Resolution is possible combat in the Top Cover box. Both players have aircraft in the Top Cover box. The players will fight it out. Combat has resolved and no aircraft were damaged in the combat. So both players have aircraft still remaining in the Top Cover box. Later in the month, during a combat, the UN player wishes to use his F-51 for Ground Support. The Communist player attempts to stop this with the 4th Air Division still in the Top Cover box. His air combat rating is normally 4 but he is flying from airfields in China and at long range - his value is reduced by 1 to 3. He rolls a D6 and rolls a 5 - missed. The MiG-15 must roll to stay on station with a 4 or less with a D10. He passes. The F-51 performs his mission and afterwards, passes his roll to stay on station. In a later attack, once again the F-51 will attempt to perform a Ground Support mission - and once again, the MiG-15 will attempt to intercept him. This time the MiG-15 rolls a 2 reducing the F-51. It is also placed in the UN Damaged Aircraft box. The MiG-15 must again roll to stay on station and this time rolls a 10 - it is removed from the Top Cover box and placed in the Available Aircraft box for use the next month. would attack (if not damaged by the F-86) and resolve its attack. Then the F-80 would attack. It has the same air combat value as the MiG-9 but as it is a UN aircraft, it fires and resolves before the MiG-9. Lastly, if it is still in the box when its time comes, the MiG-9 will fire and resolve its attack. To attack an enemy air unit, choose any one enemy air unit also in the Top Cover box and roll a D10 – if you roll equal to or less than the air combat value of your attacking plane, the enemy plane is removed from the Top Cover, flipped to its reduced side and placed in the damaged aircraft box. If both sides committed aircraft to the Top Cover box and at the end of all combat only one side has any aircraft remaining in the
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Korea Fire and Ice box, that remaining player may attack enemy aircraft attempting to perform Tactical Missions in the same way as if the enemy had never placed his aircraft in the Top Cover box. Unlike MiG Alley no VP is awarded. If both sides committed aircraft to the Top Cover box and both sides have aircraft remaining, an owning player may still attempt to attack (intercept) enemy units performing Tactical Missions, but the enemy player may use his planes still in the Top Cover box to attack the friendly intercepting aircraft. The enemy player rolls a D6 against his air combat value and if he rolls equal to or less than his air combat value, the air unit attempting to intercept the Tactical Mission is flipped to its reduced side and placed in the Damaged Aircraft box. The intercepted air unit may not fire back. If the roll misses, continue normally with the friendly unit attacking the Tactical Mission air unit.
11.0 NAVAL POWER Only the UN player has a naval force to use in the game. This force allows for four different capabilities: bombardment, aircraft launching platforms, evacuation and amphibious force projection. All of these capabilities are localized in the 7th Fleet counter.
11.1 Moving the 7th Fleet The 7th Fleet marker is placed on the map in one of the two sea zone boxes; each on separate sides of the Korean peninsula. The Fleet marker can be moved to either zone during the Fleet Redeployment phase of each turn. When the fleet is in the Yellow Sea box, it is considered provocative by the Chinese and can influence Foreign Intervention.
The air unit that just attacked must roll to stay on station after the attack.
Each zone has limits on where the force the fleet can project can reach as listed below.
10.4.2 Interdiction
11.2 Bombardment
Aircraft in the Interdiction box may prevent any enemy unit from using strategic movement. If the enemy player is moving via strategic movement, roll a D6 against the interdiction value. If the interdicting player rolls equal to or less than the aircraft’s interdiction value, the unit may not move and is flipped to its spent side. In addition, aircraft on interdiction may also attack a hex that is being used to trace a line of communication. When needed, the enemy player declares his LoC trace and the interdicting player, if he rolls equal to or less than his interdicting value, the LoC does not exist. In both cases, a 6 rolled puts the aircraft in the damaged box (but not reduced). After the mission is completed, roll to stay on station. 10.4.3 Ground Support Aircraft placed in the Ground Support mission box add up their total ground support values and mark the total on the Support Level Track with the Air Support marker. For example, if the Communist player places a reduced Tu-2 at long range (value of 1) and an Il10 at normal range and not flipped, place the Air Support marker on the 5 space. In a future combat that the owning player wishes to support with air (either attacking or defending), he must roll a D6 and roll equal to or less than the Air Support value. If he does not, nothing further happens. If he does, he may add one air unit from the Ground Support box to his attack or defense – that unit adds its ground support value to the combat for the owning player. After the combat is over, the air unit must roll to stay on station. If it rolls a 6, it is placed in the damaged aircraft box (but not flipped). If it fails the roll but doesn’t roll a 6, it is placed in the Available Aircraft box and has to wait until next month to fly. Reduce the Air Support Value by the value of the departing air unit that it contributed to the Air Support marker. Use the new value in any future combats that the owning player wishes to support.
The bombardment ability of the fleet is increased and decreased by foreign intervention and can never change as a result of combat. This value is tracked on the Support Level track. If the fleet is in the Sea of Japan sea zone, it may provide bombardment support for any UN unit (attacking or defending) within 2 hexes of a coast hex from hex 2476 to 4804. If the Fleet is in the Yellow Sea box, it may provide support for any UN unit (attacking or defending) within 2 hexes of the coast from hex 2377 to 1024. For example, if a combat occurs in hex 2562 and the 7th Fleet marker is in the Yellow Sea sea zone, it can be supported by bombardment from the coastal hex 2362. Whatever the current bombardment value, the total value is used in either attack or defense by any UN units.
11.3 Amphibious Ability 11.3.1 Invasions The UN may launch invasions during any non-winter game turn. Only one amphibious invasion may be launched per game. After the units (and an HQ have been moved, the UN player may bombard any units within 2 hexes of the associated port hex to the invasion box. Roll a D10 and if you roll equal to or less than the bombardment points, the enemy unit is placed in the replacements box. In order to move units into an Invasion box, the 7th Fleet marker must be in the connected Sea Zone. These are as follows: • If in the Yellow Sea sea zone, invasions are allowed into the Inch’on and Kunsan Invasion boxes. • If in the Sea of Japan sea zone, invasions are allowing into either the Pusan or Kangnung Invasion boxes. To launch an invasion, spend Amphibious Points for each unit in the Sea Transport box and place the invading units in the chosen Invasion box. One HQ may join the invasion without cost from the Sea Transport box. Stacking in the invasion box is unlimited and units may activate normally out of the box and into the
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Korea Fire and Ice adjoining land hex. Combat is allowed with all units in the box and all but one will be considering supporting units. Any type of combat may be chosen to attack out of the box and advance is into the adjoining land hex. All units in the Invasion box are considered to have a Line of Communications. All invasion boxes are supply sources if they either have friendly units in the box – or the adjoining land hex is friendly controlled (last entered by a friendly unit). 11.3.2 Evacuations The UN may also evacuate UN minor or US fresh units and HQs from any port hex. Up to 5 units and an unlimited number of HQs may be so moved as strategic movement per turn and enemy unit’s ZOCs do not limit the movement. A unit or HQ must start the strategic movement in the port hex. If the Port being evacuated from is in an enemy Zone of Control, place a “Bug Out” marker on the unit(s) after the evacuation move. Move any evacuated units to any other friendly controlled port. The evacuated units are flipped to their spent side.
11.4 Naval Aircraft Naval Air works almost identically to the standard air rules. Available naval aircraft are placed in the 7th Fleet Carriers box and are always considered to have an associated airfield (not an improved airfield – naval aircraft may never perform strategic missions). Damaged Naval aircraft are placed in the damaged aircraft box. All other rules apply to naval aircraft.
12.1.3 Placing/Removing/Claiming Objective Markers Objective markers can be placed as a random event or during the Place Victory Objective Markers Phase of the Sequence of Play. They are always drawn at random and neither player knows the value of the marker until it is revealed. Until it is revealed, neither player may claim the victory points on the marker. Objective markers are revealed when a friendly player first enters the hex with the marker or as an option in the Place Victory Objective Markers Phase of the game turn. They are only claimed during the Place Victory Objective Markers Phase and when claimed, they are removed, added back to the pool to be drawn again – and the victory value is awarded the claiming player. No more than one objective marker may be in a hex.
During the Place Victory Objective Markers Phase, first the Communist player and then the UN player must do one of the following things: • Claim a revealed friendly objective marker that has a friendly unit in the same hex
• Remove an enemy objective marker that has a friendly unit in the same hex • Randomly place a friendly objective marker on any hex that has an enemy unit and is in a port or city hex, or in any hex of Pyongyang or Seoul.
• Randomly place a friendly objective marker on any city, port or town hex that is occupied by an enemy unit and within 3 hexes of a friendly unit. • Reveal a friendly objective marker that is adjacent to a friendly unit.
If the player is not able to do any of these things, award the enemy player a victory point.
12.1.1 Tracking Victory Points Victory Points are zero-sum – one side only will ever have them, or, if the VP marker is at 0, neither side has any. If the side that has them gets more, increase the VP total by the amount gained. If the side that does not have them gains them, reduce the value until you reach 0. At that point, increase the total by the side that continues to gain them. Should either play have 21 or more victory points in a victory point check (per the sequence of play), that side is immediately declared the winner in the game. If neither player has achieved an automatic victory, use the scenario victory conditions to determine a winner. 12.1.2 Gaining (and losing) Victory Points VPs can be gained (or lost) in many ways in the game:
If there are no more objective markers available to be drawn, ignore the above penalty.
12.2 Foreign Aid and Intervention During the Foreign Intervention phase of the sequence of play, the side that does not currently have VPs may receive Foreign Intervention. If neither side has VPs (it is at zero), neither side may roll on the Foreign Intervention table. What is received depends on the current enemy VP total. Players may (but aren’t required to do so) ask for Foreign aid if applicable. Players must roll a die for Foreign Intervention if applicable. Rolling for Foreign Intervention does not cause a Victory Point adjustment for the roll – only the request for Foreign aid does.
• As losses in combat • As per random event • If a US Cadre is lost in combat (+1 VP) • For Victory in the MiG Alley box • For capturing objective markers • For rolling on the Foreign Intervention Table
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Korea Fire and Ice 12.2.1 Foreign Aid
VP Total is 15-20
VP total is 0-4 for the enemy:
• Add 2 infrastructure to that player’s total
• Add 2 Infrastructure to that player’s total
• Advisors– add 2 Chinese or UN as applicable replacements to that player’s total. In addition, receiving player may do one of the following:
-Remove one Poor/Penal unit marker on a unit -Add a Good/Guards unit marker on a unit
• Add 2 tank and 2 artillery support to the Support Level track for that player.
In addition, the enemy player receives a Victory Point.
VP Total is 5-9 for the enemy, the asking player automatically receives the following: • Add 2 infrastructure to that player’s total • Advisors: add 3 replacements Chinese or UN as applicable to that player’s total. In addition, receiving player may do one of the following: -Remove one Poor/Penal unit marker on a unit
• Advisors: add 4 Chinese or UN as applicable replacements to that player’s total. In addition, receiving player may do one of the following:
-Remove one Poor unit/Penal unit marker on a unit -Add a Good unit marker on a unit
• Add 2 tank and 2 artillery support to the Support Level track for that player • Three US or Communist units from the Destroyed units box may be placed in the Replacements box
• Two reduced aircraft from the either the available aircraft box or the damaged aircraft box may be flipped to its full-strength side.
If the Communist Player is eligible to ask for aid, roll for possible Chinese Intervention if the Chinese have not yet intervened (see below)
If the UN player is eligible to ask for aid, roll for possible Republic of Korea intervention. If the UN player is eligible to ask for aid, roll for possible Atomic Release.
-Add a Good/Guards unit marker on a unit Add 2 tank and 2 artillery support to the Support Level track for that player • One US or Communist unit from the Destroyed units box may be placed in the Replacements box
If the Chinese have intervened in a previous turn, roll for possible Soviet Intervention.
In addition, the requesting aid player (yes, the requesting player) receives a Victory Point.
• Two reduced aircraft from the either the available aircraft box or the damaged aircraft box may be flipped to its full-strength side. In addition, the non-requesting player receives a Victory Point. VP Total is 10-14: • Add 2 infrastructure to that player’s total
• Advisors: add 4 Chinese or UN as applicable replacements to that player’s total. In addition, receiving player may do one of the following:
-Remove one Poor/Penal unit marker on a unit -Add a Good/Guards unit marker on a unit
• Add 4 tank and 4 artillery support to the Support Level track for that player • Two US or Communist units from the Destroyed units box may be placed in the Replacements box
• Two reduced aircraft from the either the available aircraft box or the damaged aircraft box may be flipped to its full-strength side. If the Communist Player is eligible to ask for aid, roll for possible Chinese Intervention if the Chinese have not yet intervened (see below). If the UN player is eligible to ask for aid, roll for possible Republic of Korea intervention. In addition, the non-requesting player receives a Victory Point if Foreign Aid was received.
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Korea Fire and Ice 12.2.2 Foreign Intervention
The moment all associated ports are Communist controlled, the Communist player is awarded an automatic victory in the game.
Chinese Intervention Chinese intervention occurs when the Communist player rolls a modified 0 or less with a D6. Unlike all other interventions, the Communist player may choose to delay the intervention until any future foreign intervention phase in the game. Modifiers:
-1 if the UN has 10 or more VPs -1 if the UN has 14 or more VPs -1 if there are any UN Units in North Korea -1 if any Chinese airfields have been attacked by an Airfield Strike -2 if the RoC has intervened These are all cumulative modifiers.
Note that there are Chinese Units and aircraft that enter play via reinforcements as well. Placement and composition of the Chinese Army is listed on the scenario instructions. Republic of China Intervention
The Republic of China intervenes if the UN player rolls a 1 or 2 on a D6 when called for. There are no modifiers to this roll. Place the RoC Units (1, 2, and 3 divisions) on the Pusan Port hex or in the Sea Transport box immediately. If this occurs and the Communist Chinese have not intervened, they do so now. Atomic Release
Atomic Release occurs if the UN player rolls a 1 or 2 on a D6 when called for. Once this occurs, the UN player may use Atomic Strike missions. If this occurs and the Communist Chinese have not yet intervened, they do so now. Soviet Intervention
13.2 Replacements Arriving Replacements Points are placed on the Replacements display and are added to those already on the track. They can be placed there either as per the scenario setup, Foreign Aid or reinforcements. Replacements are used to satisfy combat losses and to also bring eliminated forces back into play. Eliminated units are placed in the Replacements box. To bring a formally eliminated unit (or cadre) back to play, spend one replacement point and take any other unit out of the replacements box and place it in the destroyed units box. Then the chosen unit to be returned to play may enter as a reinforcement on the next Reinforcements Placement phase. Units in the Destroyed units box can only be removed from that box via foreign aid.
14.0 Miscellaneous Rules 14.1 Weather The game turn track provides weather information. Each month, roll a D10 to see if it is rainy that month. If you roll equal to or less than the rain percentage, it is a rainy month. In addition, if it is winter month, the rain is now snow. The effects of weather are as follows:
Soviet Intervention occurs when the Communist player rolls a modified 1 on a D6 when called for.
no effect
-1 if the UN Victory total is 14 or more -1 if the UN Victory total is 16 or more -2 if Atomic Release has occurred.
UN unit Lines of Communication range is only 4 hexes to an HQ.
Placement and composition of the Soviet forces is listed on the scenario instructions.
If this occurs and the Chinese have not yet intervened, they do so now.
13.0 REINFORCEMENT & REPLACEMENTS 13.1 Reinforcements Reinforcements appear on the game turn track or are triggered by Chinese and/or Soviet intervention. UN units appear either in the Sea Transport box or in any friendly controlled invasion box in South Korea. Stacking does not apply when any reinforcements are placed. Soviet land forces and Republic of China reinforcements are triggered when either country’s intervention is triggered. Chinese forces can enter both by reinforcements and from that country’s intervention. Communist unit reinforcements enter at any Communist supply source. Stacking does not apply in these hexes. An Invasion box is UN controlled if a UN unit was the last to enter its associated port hex.
all aircraft have all of their ratings reduced by 1 for the month.
Same as winter but in addition, no aircraft can fly this month.
14.2 UN Task Forces There are three US Task Forces in the game. One arrives via the reinforcement schedule (Task Force Smith for history folks) and the other two may be created in play. To create a Task Force, during the UN activations phase, spend a replacement and place a Task Force in any adjacent hex to a US unit that isn’t occupied by an enemy unit. Only two Task Forces may be created in the game. Task Forces are units and have Zones of Control.
Task Forces only receive terrain modifiers in combat; they never recieve any support. They may not retreat, spend victory points or replacements in combat – they are eliminated (and never return) when a Communist unit is successful in combat.
14.3 187 Regiment Combat Team Once per month, the 187 RCT may airdrop onto a hex within 6 hexes of its current location. In order to do so, the unit must not be in an enemy ZOC, may not land in an enemy ZOC and the UN must have aircraft in the Top Cover mission box. The 187
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Korea Fire and Ice RCT is always considered to have a Line of Communications and is otherwise treated as a UN Task Force.
14.4 Supreme Commanders Two of the Supreme commanders (Peng Dehuai and MacArthur) arrive via the reinforcement/Intervention schedule. When they arrive, they are placed on the owning player display in the supreme commander box. Ridgeway arrives per condition. Each leader provides a different effect Peng Dehuai: This leader arrives when Chinese Intervention is triggered and remains in command of the Communist forces for the remainder of the game. While he is in command, the following effects apply: - the Communist may activate 6 units with each HQ (subject to all other rules) - Each winter month, the Communist player may draw three applicable combat chits from the cup and choose which one to use for that combat. Immediately return the not used combat chits to the cup. This is done for every combat. MacArthur: This leader arrives per the reinforcement schedule. While he is in command, the following effects apply: - The UN may bomb airfields and improved airfields in China - While the Communist Player has victory points, each point earned by the UN counts double until the moment UN player has victory points. - The UN player may not use Victory Points to satisfy combat losses. Ridgeway: Ridgeway becomes the UN commander when MacArthur is relieved. MacArthur is relieved when, while he is in command, the VP marker was blue at one time and is flipped to its red side. Ridgeway assumes command in the next month after this happens. When Ridgeway is in command, the following effects apply:
than 3 movement points.
Tracing is done as a unit moves and paying normal movement costs (remember that friendly units negate ZOCs – for movement cost) and trace from the unit or HQ to the source (not from the source to the unit).
14.6 Surprise Attack
Surprise attack is covered in all the scenarios with the special rules. This rule applies to only the campaign game. On the first turn of the game, on the UN player turn of the use of the invasion rules, and on the first turn of the Chinese Intervention, the surprise attack rules are applied. On the first player turn of the player that has achieved surprise (the Communist on the first turn of the game, The UN player on the turn of his invasion, and the Communist player on the first turn of Chinese Intervention), the following effects apply: • During the enemy flip to fresh sides phase, all enemy units and HQs are spent (any fresh units or HQs are flipped to their spent side as well as already spent units or HQs stay on their spent side.)
• The player achieving surprise may choose three combat chits in all combats and chose one that applies to the combat. The other chits are returned to the cup immediately.
• The player achieving surprise may add one movement point to all after-combat movement – either adding to the combat chit movement number or adding to the free movement for all friendly units not in an enemy Zone of Control.
15.0 Credits System and Game Design: Adam Starkweather Developer: Ross Mortell Graphic Artist: Ilya Kudriashov Rulebook Layout: Billy Thomas Playtesters: Mark Popofsky and Jeff Sandelin My personal thanks to Bill Thomas and Ken Dingley
- The UN player may activate 8 units (instead of 4) with an HQ (assuming all other rules are followed). - Each month, the UN player may place an Elite unit marker on one US unit. - The UN player may draw three combat chits and choose which one is to be used in any combat.
14.5 Lines of Communications A unit has a Line of Communications if it can trace a line no more than 5 movement points (4 in winter for the UN), to an HQ that also has a Line of Communications. An HQ has a Line of Communications if it can trace no more than 3 hexes (not movement points) to a road, railroad or city hex – and that hex can trace a line back to a supply source of unlimited length but only passes through road, railroad or city hexes. Note that for a US unit to use tank or artillery support, it must also trace a Line of Communications to its parent cadre unit no longer
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Korea Fire and Ice 16.0 INVASION SCENARIO This scenario covers the initial North Korean attack up to the invasion at Inch’on. The Communist player has to attack quickly and decisively to get an automatic victory before the UN forces can be fully brought to bear. This scenario is an excellent first scenario to learn the mechanics of the game.
Scenario length: Start the game with the Activation Phase, Step a), iii) The Communist Strategic Movement Phase of the June, Week 4, 1950 turn. The scenario ends at the completion of the End Phase of the September, Week 1, 1950 turn. Maps needed: This scenario uses Maps B and C
UN Setup (UN set up first) South Korea (all units start spent – HQs are fresh):
UN Replacements, Infrastructure & Supply Tracks
C Weather: The weather for the first turn is Clear. Determine weather normally on the monthly weather phase for July, 1950. Victory Conditions:
The scenario ends if the Communist Player achieves an Automatic Victory (either by having 21 Victory Points or by capturing all 4 Invasion box ports – hexes 2151, 2264, 4371, and 4046). Any other results, the UN is the winner. In addition to gaining Victory Points in all ways mentioned in the rules, the Communist player also gains two victory points for each city hex captured (being the last player to enter the hex) in the Pusan Perimeter.
UN: 4 RoK Replacements
5 Infrastructure and Supply 0 Artillery Support 0 Tank Support
0 Bombardment Support 0 Air Support
UN Air Display
Special Rules:
1) When a victory point is awarded in the MiG Alley box to the Communist player, roll a D6. If you roll 1-4, the 4 F-I aircraft enters play as a reinforcement and is placed in the available aircraft box on the following monthly turn.
No markers or units start on the display
2) Do not check for Foreign Intervention in this scenario. Foreign Aid may be requested. 3) On the first turn of the game, the North Korean player may draw three combat chits in every combat. He may choose which of the three he wishes to use. The other two are immediately returned to the cup. 4) The Communist player may use any road hex that goes off the northern edge of map B as a supply source.
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Korea Fire and Ice Communist Replacements, Infrastructure & Supply Tracks
Communist Setup North Korea (all units start fresh):
Communist: 8 RoK Replacements
12 Infrastructure and Supply 1943
4 Artillery Support
6 Tank Support 4 Air Support
Communist Air Display
1 airfield in the North Korean Airfield Box 1 FAR (NK Yak 9P) in the Top Cover Box 1 AAR ( NK II-10)in the Ground Support Box
Place 1 randomly chosen Communist Objective Marker on each of the following hexes: 2549, 2151, 2860, 3965, 3871, 4371.
Reinforcements/Withdrawals July 1950
Week 1
Available Aircraft Box
Week 4
Week 2
x5 Japan Either Airfields Sea Zone Box
7th Fleet Carriers Box
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Korea Fire and Ice
Available Aircraft box
Theater Commander
Week 4
Week 2
Week 1
August 1950
x1 China Airfields Box
x1 SK Aircraft Box
1 SK Airfields Box
Week 1
September 1950
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This scenario covers the Inch’on invasion to the advance into North Korea. Like before, one side is trying to win before the balance shifts against them. Here, it is the UN.
Scenario length: Start the game with the Activation Phase, Step b), iii) The UN Strategic Movement Phase of the September, Week 2, 1950 turn. The scenario ends at the completion of the End Phase of the November, Week 1-4, 1950 turn. Maps needed: This scenario uses Maps A, B and C
Weather: The weather for the first turn is Clear. Determine weather normally on the monthly weather phase for October, 1950. Victory Conditions:
The scenario ends if the UN achieves an Automatic Victory by having 21 Victory Points at any Victory Point Check Phase. If the UN doesn’t achieve this, the Communist player wins. In addition to gaining Victory Points in all ways mentioned in the rules, the UN player also gains four victory points for capturing P’yongyang.
Special Rules:
1) When a victory point is awarded in the MiG Alley box to the Communist player, roll a D6. If you roll 1-4, the 4 F-I aircraft enters play as a reinforcement and is placed in the available aircraft box on the following monthly turn. 2) Do not check for Foreign Intervention in this scenario. Foreign Aid may be requested.
3) On the first turn of the game, the UN player may draw three combat chits in every combat. He may choose which of the three he wishes to use. The other two are immediately returned to the cup.
4.) At the start of play, both players perform steps 5-8 of the Monthly turn to determine air commitment and strategic air mission resolution.
5.) After completing the air phase above, the UN Player may perform an Amphibious Invasion (normally Step 2 of the Weekly Phase). The VP marker is placed in the 14 box on the Communist (red) side (the Communists have 14 VPs at start).
19th and 27th Divisions: 20 movement points from a Communist Supply Source
Communist Setup
Communist set up first North Korea (all units start spent):
Communist Replacements, Infrastructure & Supply Tracks 3758
Communist: 10 NK Replacements
12 Infrastructure and Supply 10 Artillery Support 4559
8 Tank Support 0 Air Support
Communist Air Display 3568
151 GIAD (USSR) in the Available Aircraft box 1 Improved Airfield in the Chinese Airfields box, 1 Airfield in the North Korea Airfields box Place 1 randomly chosen Communist Objective Marker on each of the following hexes: 4060, 3871, & 4371.
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Korea Fire and Ice UN Setup
UN Replacements, Infrastructure & Supply Tracks
UN (all forces start fresh): South Korea & UN:
-2 RoK, 2 UN and 8 US Replacements -14 Infrastructure and Supply -12 Artillery Support -10 Tank Support -8 Bombardment Support -8 Amphibious Points -Air Support is to be determined -Place in the Destroyed Units box the RoK: 2nd and 5th -Divisions -MacArthur is in command -7th Fleet is placed in either Sea Zone Box
United States:
UN Air Display
1 Mar, 8 F-I, 18 F-B, 35 F-I, 3 Bomb, 19 Bomb, 22 Bomb, 92 Bomb 307 Bomb are placed in the Available Aircraft box. CVG 2, CVG 3, CVG 5 & CVG 11 is placed in the 7th Fleet Carriers box. See special rule. 1 Airfield, 1 Improved Airfield in South Korea Airfields box & 6 Improved Airfields in Japan Airfields box
Sea Transport Box US: 4 Units of the 1 Mar, 4 units of the 7th Inf. UN: X Corps HQ. Place 1 randomly chosen UN Objective Marker on each of the following hexes: 2860, 2449, 1334, & 2832. x4
Week 4
September 1950
October 1950
Available Aircraft Box
x1 SK Airfields Box
Available Aircraft Box
x1 China Airfields Box
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32 Week 1-2
Korea Fire and Ice
Week 3-4
18.0 CHINESE INTERVENTION! SCENARIO Introduction: This scenario covers the surprise attack by the Chinese that shocked the world. The tables have turned and the Chinese will now be trying to win before the UN can stabilize their lines and stalemate sets in. This scenario is an excellent scenario for those that want as close to a campaign game experience without the time investment.
Scenario Length: Start the game with the Activation Phase, Step a), iii) The Communist Strategic Movement Phase of the November, Week 1-4, 1950 turn. The scenario ends at the completion of the End Phase of the July, Week 4, 1951 turn. Do not perform an Intervention Check nor check for Foreign Aid – the Chinese have intervened and may perform their infiltration movement during this step.
Maps needed: This scenario uses Maps A, B and C Weather: The weather for the first turn is Snow. Determine weather normally on the monthly weather phase for December, 1950. Victory Conditions: If either side has 21 Victory Points at the end of any Victory Point check, they are declared the winner. If neither side has achieved this by the end of the game, the winner is the side with more Victory Points. If the VP marker is at 0, the Communist Player is the winner.
Special Rules:
1) Do not check for Foreign Intervention in this scenario. Foreign Aid may be requested.
2) On the first turn of the game, the Chinese player may draw three combat chits in every combat. He may choose which of the three he wishes to use. The other two are immediately returned to the cup.
UN Setup All UN units start spent (UN set up first) South Korea
United States
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Korea Fire and Ice
UN Air Display 3410
UN Minors
1 Airfields and 1 Improved Airfields in South Korea Airfields box 6 Improved Airfields in Japan Airfields box 1428
UN Replacements, Infrastructure & Supply Tracks UN:
6 RoK, 4 UN and 6 US Replacements 8 Artillery Support
10 Tank Support
6 Bombardment Support
Air Support is to be determined
Placed in the Destroyed Units box the RoK 5th Divisions 7th Fleet may be placed in either Sea Zone
Communist Setup
1 NK Replacements 18 PRC Replacements 10 Infrastructure 14 Supply 8 Artillery Support 6 Tank Support Air Support to be determined
Place the following North Korean Division in the Destoryed units box.
North Korea (All units Start Fresh)
Place 1 randomly chosen Communist Objective Marker on each of the following hexes: 3026, 1334, 2632, 2449.
Communist Replacements, Infrastructure & Supply Tracks
15 Infrastructure and Supply
1Mar, 4 F-I, 8 F-I, 18 F-B, 27 F-E, 35 F-I, 51 F-I, 3 Bomb, 19 Bomb, 22 Bomb, 92 Bomb 307 Bomb, 452 Bomb are placed in the Available Aircraft box. CVG 3, CVG 5, CVG 11 & CVG 19, CVG 101 is placed in the 7th Fleet Carriers box.
Place the NK 1st Division, NK 2nd Division, NK 3rd Division, NK 4th Division, NK 5th Division, NK 6th Division, NK 7th Division, NK 8th Division, NK 9th Division, NK 10th Division, NK 12th Division, NK 13th Division NK 15th Division, NK 18th Division, NK 19th Division, NK 27th Division, NK 32nd Division, NK 41st Division.
Communist Air Display 2406
4 Airfields in the Chinese Airfields box
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Korea Fire and Ice
Week 1-2
December 1950
Withdraw 5 CVG
Withdraw x2
Week 1-2
January 1951
x2 in Chinese Air Box
Week 1-4
February 1951
Withdraw 3 CVG
Week 1-4
March 1951
Withdraw CVG 11
x4 © 2018 Compass Games, LLC.
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Korea Fire and Ice Chinese Intervention
April 1951 Monthly
Chinese Intervention has been triggered
Week 1
Wave 1
CVG 19 is replaced by CVG19x & placed in Available Aircraft Box
Week 1
May 1951
Wave 2
(Theater Commander)
Week 1
June 1951
Week 1
July 1951
Wave 3
Infiltration movement performed during the Foreign Intervention Phase: Wave 1 may move 15 movement points from any Communist supply source and remain Fresh. Wave 2 may move 10 movement points from any Communist supply source and remain Fresh. Wave 3 may move 5 movement points from any Communist supply source and remain Fresh.
Communist Air Display Place the following aircraft in the Available Aircraft box:
PRC: 2 Air Division, 6 Air Division, 19 Air Division, 20 Air Division Place 1 Improved Airfield in the China Airfields box. Each airfield may fly two planes Š 2018 Compass Games, LLC. Korea Rules final.indd 35
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Korea Fire and Ice 19.0 CAMPAIGN GAME Introduction: This is the entire game. From the first initial attack by the North Koreans on the unprepared South Koreans, to the decisive counterstroke at Inch’on, to the surprise Chinese intervention, to the final trench lines. Each side will have their chance to win. Scenario length: Start the game with the Activation Phase, Step a), iii) The Communist Strategic Movement Phase of the June, Week 4, 1950 turn. The scenario ends at the completion of the End Phase of the July, Week 4, 1951 turn. Maps Needed: This scenario uses Maps A, B and C
Weather: The weather for the first turn is Clear. Determine weather normally on the monthly weather phase for July, 1950.
Victory Conditions: If either side has 21 Victory Points at the end of any Victory Point check, they are declared the winner. If neither side has achieved this by the end of the game, the winner is the side with more Victory Points. If the VP marker is at 0, the Communist Player is the winner. VP marker is on the 0 box (no one has any Victory Points at the start).
UN Setup South Korea (all units start spent – HQs are fresh):
UN Replacements, Infrastructure & Supply Tracks
UN: 4 RoK Replacements
5 Infrastructure and Supply 0 Artillery Support 0 Tank Support
0 Bombardment Support 0 Air Support
Special Rules:
1) When a victory point is awarded in the MiG Alley box to the Communist player, roll a D6. If you roll 1-4, the 4 F-I aircraft enters play as a reinforcement and is placed in the available aircraft box on the following monthly turn.
UN Air Display No markers or units start on the display
2) On the first turn of the game, the North Korean player may draw three combat chits in every combat. He may choose which of the three he wishes to use. The other two are immediately returned to the cup.
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Korea Fire and Ice Place 1 randomly chosen Communist Objective Marker on each of the following hexes: 2549, 2151, 2860, 3965, 3871, 4371.
Communist Setup North Korea (all units start fresh):
Communist Replacements, Infrastructure & Supply Tracks Communist:
8 RoK Replacements
12 Infrastructure and Supply 4 Artillery Support 3743
6 Tank Support
4 Air Support
Communist Air Display 2842
1 Airfields in the North Korea Airfields box 1 FAR (NK Yak-9P) in the Top Cover Box 1 AAR (NK II-10) in the Ground Support Box
Reinforcements/Withdrawals July 1950
Week 1
Available Aircraft Box
Week 2
x6 Japan Either Airfields Sea Zone Box
7th Fleet Carriers Box
Week 4
Week 3
x1 RoK Air Box
x3 © 2018 Compass Games, LLC.
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Korea Fire and Ice
Available Aircraft Box
x1 Japan Airfields Box
Week 4
Week 2
Week 1
August 1950
Theater Commander
x1 China Airfields Box
x1 SK Airfields Box
Week 2
Week 1
September 1950
Week 4
Week 3
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Korea Fire and Ice
Available Aircraft Box
x1 SK Airfields Box
Available Aircraft Box
Week 1-2
October 1950
Week 3-4
x2 China Airfields Box
x1 SK Airfields Box
7th Fleet Carriers Box
Week 1-4
November 1950
Week 1-2
December 1950
Withdraw 5 CVG
If Chinese have not intervene by die roll yet, they do now
Week 1-2
January 1951
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Korea Fire and Ice
Withdraw CVG 3
Week 1-4
February 1951
x2 China Air Box
Week 1-4
March 1951
Withdraw CVG 11
Week 1
April 1951
Week 1
May 1951
CVG 19 is replaced by CVG19x & placed in Available Aircraft Box
x4 © 2018 Compass Games, LLC.
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Korea Fire and Ice Wave 3
Week 1
June 1951
Infiltration movement performed during the Foreign Intervention Phase: Wave 1 may move 15 movement points from any Communist supply source and remain Fresh. Wave 2 may move 10 movement points from any Communist supply source and remain Fresh. Wave 3 may move 5 movement points from any Communist supply source and remain Fresh.
Week 1
July 1951
Communist Air Display x1
Place the following aircraft in the Available Aircraft box:
PRC: 2 Air Division, 6 Air Division, 19 Air Division, 20 Air Division Place 1 Improved Airfield in the China Airfields box.
Chinese Intervention
Each airfield may fly two planes
When Chinese Intervention is triggered
Soviet Intervention
Place the following reinforcements in any Communist suppy source during the Foreign Intervention Phase
Wave 1
Place in Chinese Airfields box:
Wave 2
(Theater Commander) Each airfield may fly four planes
Republic of China Intervention
Are placed in any UN supply source.
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Korea Fire and Ice
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Korea Fire and Ice
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Korea Fire and Ice Perform the Strategic Phase when the Game Turn Marker moves into a new month Perform the Weekly Phase and End Phase each game turn
A) Strategic Phase 1) 2) 3) 4)
Weather Check Phase Foreign Aid/Foreign Intervention Infrastructure and Supply Determination Aircraft/Airfields Reinforcement Phase (UN place first) 5) Communist Air Commitment 6) UN Air Commitment 7) Strategic Mission Resolution
B) Weekly Phase
1) Fleet Redeployment Phase 2) Conduct any Amphibious Invasions 3) Conduct any Sea Evacuations 4) Reinforcement Placement (UN place first) 5) Activations Phase a) Communist Player Turn i) Flip all eligible UN Units to their fresh sides. ii) Place OOC markers on UN Units that do not have a Line of Communications iii) Communist Strategic Movement Phase iv) Communist Activations b) UN Player Turn i) Flip all eligible Communist Units to their fresh sides ii) Place OOC markers on Communist Units that do not have a Line of Communications iii) UN Strategic Movement Phase iv) UN Activations
C) End Phase
a) The Communist player may eliminate friendly Units b) The UN player may eliminate friendly Units c) Victory Point check phase i) Place or reveal objective markers ii) If the Victory Point total is 21 for either side, the game is over, and the winner is declared. If not: d) Advance the game turn marker to the next turn. If it is a new month, perform the Strategic Phase.
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